Planning PowerPoint

Post on 25-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Planning PowerPoint

Razor Axe

Sonic Boom

Groupie zone

Amp 11

Musik Mag Base Line

I need to decide what I want to call my magazine, the name needs to resemble the contents of the magazine slightly in my opinion so that it gives the potential buyers a slight inclination to what is inside.

From my research I have found that people like names that seem to be made up. Even though it sounds like a real work the spelling mistake at the end from the C to a K makes this a made up word and this sort of thing does appeal to my market.

This sort of style would attract peoples attention because it sounds like a musical term however the spelling of ‘base’ resembles more of a bottom line in as much as it is the bottom line and all bands guts are spilled.

This title will only be effective if people know that the alternate name for a guitar is an ‘axe’ if they don’t know this then they wont know that by saying ‘axe’ I am referring to a guitar.

There are many different formats that my front cover can follow, but with the designs that I have made I have decided that for on the front page I am going to use 1 Main photo as well as a second smaller one.

I am going to gather many different images from the internet that I could use as possible front cover image ideas.

I am going to use the website to come up with my Front cover’s title font. I am going to search through and select between 10 and 15 titles that I think would work on the front cover of my music magazine.

I am going to go through all of the standard fonts that are available from Microsoft and I am going to write a short sample text in each of the fonts so that I can compare them all and choose the font that I am going to want all throughout my newsletter.

This is a sample text that I am going to use to try and find the font that I am going to use all throughout my newsletter.

This is a sample text that I am going to use to try and find the font that I am going to use all throughout my newsletter.

This is a sample text that I am going to use to try and find the font that I am going to use all throughout my newsletter. This is a sample text that I am going to use to

try and find the font that I am going to use all throughout my newsletter.

This is a sample text that I am going to use to try and find the font that I am going to use all throughout my newsletter. This is a sample text that I am going to use to try

and find the font that I am going to use all throughout my newsletter.