Planning I- Physical Factors

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    Climate is the average weather taken, usually over a 30-year time period, for a particular region. Climate is not the

    same as weather, but rather, it is the average pattern of weather for a particular region. Weather, on the other

    hand, describes the short-term state of the atmosphere.

    Information on the local climatetemperature, insolation (solar radiation), wind, and precipitationis critically

    important for the energy design of buildings. It can also be used in planning appropriate landscape plantings on asite.

    The Climate of the Philippines is *tropical and *maritime. It is characterized by relatively high temperature, high

    humidity and abundant rainfall. It is similar in many respects to the climate of the countries of Central America.

    Temperature, humidity, and rainfall are the most important elements of the country's weather and climate.

    *tropical climateis aclimate typically found within the Tropics.

    *oceanic climate (also known as marine, west coast and maritime)is the climate typical of the west coasts at the

    middle latitudes of continents, and generally features warm (but not hot)summers and cool (but not cold)winters,

    with a relatively narrow annualtemperature range.

    Using temperature and rainfall as bases, the climate of the country can be divided into two major seasons: (1) the

    rainy season, from June to November; and (2) the dry season, from December to May. The dry season may be

    subdivided further into (a) the cool dry season, from December to February; and (b) the hot dry season, from March

    to May. Based on temperature, the seven warmest months of the year are from March to October; the

    wintermonsoon brings cooler air from November to February. May is the warmest month, and January, the coolest.

    Tacloban has atropical rainforest climate,also known as an equatorial climate and is usually (but not always) found

    along the equator. Tropical rainforest climate is a type of tropical climate in which there is no dry seasonall

    months have mean precipitation values of at least 60 millimeters (2.4 in). Tropical rainforest climates have no

    pronounced summer or winter; it is typically hot and wet throughout the year and rainfall is both heavy and

    frequent. One day in an equatorial climate can be very similar to the next, while the change in temperature between

    day and night may be larger than the average change in temperature between "summer" and "winter".


    Prevailing Winds

    The prevailing wind is the wind that blows most frequently across a particular region. Different regions on Earth

    have different prevailing wind directions which are dependent

    upon the nature of the general circulation of the atmosphere

    and the latitudinal wind zones. Prevailing winds are winds that

    blow predominantly from a single general direction over a

    particular point on theEarth's surface. The dominant winds are

    the trends in direction of wind with the highest speed over a

    certain point. These prevailing winds, as theyre often called,

    are the result of the air being moved by convection currents

    combined with the Earths rotation.In general, easterly flowoccurs at low and medium latitudes globally. In the mid-

    latitudes, westerly winds are the rule and their strength is

    largely determined by the *polar cyclone.In areas where winds

    tend to be light, thesea breeze/land breeze cycle is the most

    important to the prevailing wind; in areas which have variable

    terrain,mountain and valley breezes dominate the wind

    pattern. Highly elevated surfaces can induce a *thermal low,which then augments the environmental wind flow.

    *Polar cyclonesare large areas oflow pressure.

    *Thermal lows, or heat lows, are non-frontal low-pressure areas that occur over the continents in the subtropics

    during the warm season, as the result of intense heating when compared to their surrounding environments.
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    Wind roses are tools used to determine the direction of the prevailing wind. Knowledge of the prevailing wind

    allows the development of prevention strategies for *wind erosion of agricultural land, such as across the *Great

    Plains.Sand dunes can orient themselves, or perpendicular to, the prevailing wind regime within coastal and

    desert locations. Insects drift along with the prevailing wind, while birds are able to fly more independently of it.

    Prevailing winds in mountainous locations can lead to significantrainfall gradients within the topography, ranging

    from wet across windward-facing slopes todesert-like conditions along their lee slopes.

    *Great Plainsis the broad expanse of flat land, much of it covered inprairie,steppe andgrassland,that lies west

    of theMississippi Rivertall grass prairie states and east of theRocky Mountains in the United States and Canada

    *Wind erosionis a serious environmental problem attracting the attention of many across the globe. It is acommon phenomenon occurring mostly in flat, bare areas; dry, sandy soils; or anywhere the soil is loose, dry,

    and finely granulated.

    In general, the following prevailing winds across the Earth may

    be identified, although variations arise due to the positions and

    differential heating rates of thecontinents and oceans.

    Latitude Direction Common Name

    90-60N NE Polar Easterlies

    60-30N SW Southwest Antitrades

    30-0N NE Northeast Trades

    0-30S SE Southeast Trades

    30-60S NW Roaring Forties

    90-60S SE Polar Easterlies

    Wind generally blows from highpressure to low

    pressure, but does not take the most direct north-south route

    between the pressure belts on account of the Earth's rotation,

    which deflects airflow by means of the Coriolis force: as air

    moves away from the mid-latitudes toward the poles and

    toward the equator, it doesnt move in a straight line relative to

    the earths surface, rather, it moves in a slightly curved direction

    as a result of the Earths rotation.

    Prevailing winds in the Indian Oceans, for example, are

    northeasterly. During the summer months however, a larger

    low-pressure system develops over southern Asia due to

    continental heating.Winds in this region now reverse to form

    the SouthwestMonsoons,which bring a prolonged wet season

    to Southeast Asia and the subcontinent of India.

    B. Solar Orientation

    Sun AnglesSolar orientation influences three aspects of site planning: orientation of the building to control

    solar heat gain or heat loss, the location of outdoor spaces and activities, and the location of the

    building entries. Prior to design, the path of the sun should be located so you know its angle at

    various times of the day during the seasons. In the northern hemisphere, the suns angle is lowest

    onDecember 22 and highest on June 21. In the northern latitudes, its angle is smaller all year long

    then in the southern latitudes.

    During the cold months, the sun rises and sets south of an East-west line through the site, and,

    depending upon the site location; during the summer it rises and sets north of the same line. On the

    vernal equinox (March 21) and the autumnal equinox (September 21) it rises and sets due East and
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    West. Some representative values for solar altitude (angle above the horizon) and azimuth (angle

    north or South from an East-west line) are shown in Table 1 for various latitudes and cities.

    The orientation of a building-that is, the direction of its length faces-has a profound effect on energy

    gains and losses and on the comfort of the users. For example, for a 40-degree latitude, a southern

    exposure in the cold season receives about three times the solar energy as the East and west sides,

    while in the summer the east and west facades of a building receive about twice the energy as the

    north and south combined.

    For most northern hemisphere locations, the best overall orientation for a building is to have itsprincipal faade facing south or slightly east or west of south. An orientation about 25 degree east of

    south is considered ideal to balance the desired heat gains in the cold season months and to

    minimize the excessive heat gains on the east and west facades during the summer. Overhangs can

    be used to control the sun in the summer but let it strike the building and glass areas in the cold

    months for passive solar heating. See figure below. Deciduous trees can also be used to shield low

    building form the sun in the summer while allowing sunlight through in the cold months.

    On east and west facades, however, vertical sun baffles are more effective than overhangs because

    the sun is at a lower angle during the morning and afternoon hours in the summer. Louvers can also

    be used to shield a building and its interior form the sun. Either exterior or interior louvers or shades

    are effective, but exterior louvers are more efficient since they block the sunlight before it enters

    the space.

    TABLE 1

    Solar Angles for Representative Latitudes and Cities

    Solar altitude, noon, in degrees

    Latitude Nearest City Dec. 22 Mar/Sept. 21 June 21 Azimuth at sunrise/Sunse

    30 Houston 37 60 84 27

    34 Los Angeles/Atlanta 32 56 79 28

    40 Denver 26 50 73 30

    42 Chicago/Boston 24 48 71 32

    48 Seattle 18 42 66 34

    All angles are approximately to the nearest degree.

    *Azimuth in this table is degrees from an east-west line. They are the same for sunrise

    and sunset. For sunrise on December 21, the azimuth is South of East and for sunset it is

    the same angle only south of west.

    In addition to building position, solar orientation can also influence outdoor activities. In

    hot, humid climates it is better to locate such activities as patios, outdoor restaurants,

    and the like where they receive shade form the building or trees. In more temperature

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    climates, the same spaces are best located where they can take advantage of the

    warming effects of solar radiation in the winter, spring, and fall. In cold climates building

    entries are best placed on the South where direct sun melts ice and snow in the winter.

    In addition, the orientation of a building, and location of windows, plazas and other

    elements can either take advantage of cooling breezes in hot, humid climates during the

    summer or shield the building and occupants from cold winds in December. In most

    temperate climates prevailing wind patterns often change with the seasons so a wind

    analysis is required to determine the direction of summer and cold month winds.Shielding a building as much as possible from December winds can reduce the heat loss

    through the walls, while providing for natural ventilations can help cool the building

    during the summer. Windbreaks can be formed with vegetation, buildings or other

    manmade site elements such as screens and fences.

    Solar Shading

    1.) Shading by Structural Elements

    This influence affects the facades of buildings. They are being designed to intercept

    exteriorly the rays of the sun in summer. Of the many heat-contributing sources,

    direct solar heat gains are one of the greatest causes of discomfort to occupants.


    Powered Louvers to Diminish Heat Gain

    If a building is arranged to intercept the intense rays of the sun before they pass

    through its glass walls instead of toward, the air-conditioning heat gain load can

    often be cut in half. In approximate terms, the external shading rejects about 80% of

    the fierce attack of solar energy while the internal shading accepts and retardates

    80% of it.

    Shading inside the window using heavy drapes: shading placed outside the window.

    In this bank building, in spite of the advantages of full air-conditioning, heat-

    resistant glass and the use of fully closed inside drapes, employees move their as far

    as possible away from the hot exterior walls. Two 50-ton compressors runningcontinuously failed to keep the building comfortable. The heated drapes become an

    unwanted radiant-heating system.



    Temperature is an objective comparative measure of hot or cold.

    Annual mean temperature around the world

    Ranges of Variations

    There are different factors that will affect the temperature of a place. In different

    locations on earth are different temperature measured. In different altitude there are

    also different temperature measured. In different time of the day there are also

    different temperature measured. From the figure above it is obvious that the hottest

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    places on earth are located on or near the equator. In the time of the day, the

    temperature begins to increase during noon then, in around 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. the

    temperature will be on the hottest temperature.

    Maximum and Minimum Temperature

    The minimum temperature is the lowesttemperature recorded during a

    specifiedperiod of time while the maximum temperature is the highest temperature

    recorded during a specified period of time. Common timeperiodsis 6, 12 and 24 hours.


    HumidityTalks about how much moisture is in the air relative to the maximum amount that the air

    could hold. In buildings, humidity is an important determinant of comfort and a condition

    that needs to be considered in selecting cooling strategies and equipment. In low-humidity

    areas, for example, evaporative coolers provide a cost-effective air conditioning strategy,

    but they dont work well in humid climates. Humidity can be expressed as a percentage

    (Relative Humidity), in gram per cubic meter (Absolute Humidity), and as a ratio (Specific


    Ranges of Variations

    Same as the temperature there are also different factors that will affect the

    humidity of a place. In different locations on earth are different temperature

    measured. In different altitude there are also different temperature measured. In

    different time of the day there are also different temperature measured. The most

    humid places on earth can be found on or near the equator also. You might wonder

    why. It is because of the very hot temperature a large amount of water vapor is

    being produced, in the hottest time of the day. So, when the temperature goes

    down during afternoon to evening to early morning humidity increase in the

    presence of fog and dews. Places with very high humidity makes someone feel.

    Places with high RH (very moist air) will make people feel chilled in cold weather and

    hot and sticky in warm weather. Places with low RH (very dry air) can cause dryness

    and discomfort in the nose and make skin feel dry and itchy.

    Maximum and Minimum Humidity

    The maximum humidity is the highesttemperature recorded during a

    specifiedperiod of time while the minimum humidity is the lowest temperaturerecorded during a specified period of time. Common timeperiodsis 6, 12 and 24


    Temperature of Tacloban:


    On average, the temperatures are always high.

    2. A lot of rain (rainy season) falls in the months: January, February, March, April,

    May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.


    On average, the warmest month is August.


    On average, the coolest month is January.

    5. December is the wettest month.


    April is the driest month.



    Precipitation is defined as any kind of water that falls from clouds as a liquid or a solid.

    Rainfall is the most important climatic element in the Philippines. Rainfall distribution

    throughout the country varies from one region to another, depending upon the direction of

    the moisture-bearing winds and the location of the mountain systems.

    Along with knowing total precipitation, it is important to understand how that precipitation

    typically falls (Is it seasonal, with 90% usually falling in the winter wet season? Does it arrive

    in a few deluges interspersed by long periods of drought?) Knowing the expected quantity

    and nature of precipitation will help you decide on appropriate plantings around the
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    planned building(s) and also help you establish priorities regarding water conservation, gray

    water use for landscaping, and rainwater harvesting. In arid regions, for example,

    xeriscaping, which is landscaping and gardening that reduces or eliminates the need for

    supplemental water from irrigation, will be a higher priority than in wetter areas. Rainwater

    catchment makes sense in areas with moderate rainfalllittle enough that water is a highly

    valued resource, but enough (and spread out enough) that it can be depended on for the

    planned uses. According to some experts, rainwater harvesting makes the most sense when

    precipitation is between 15 and 30 inches (40-80 mm) per year. If storm events are severe

    but spread far apart, the landscape plan needs to address storm water management andinfiltration very carefully to avoid significant downstream impacts. Finally, in colder climates,

    expected winter snowfall needs to be considered relative to building design and plantings.

    Average precipitation, on the other hand, is the long-term average in depth (over space and

    time) of annual precipitation in the country. The mean annual rainfall of the Philippines

    varies from 965 to 4,064 millimeters annually.



    The average rainfall for the year 2015 is 2,294 millimeters (90.3 in), with the most rainfall on

    average in December with 305 millimeters (12.0 in) and the least on average in April with

    119 millimeters (4.7 in).


    Topography is a detailed map of the surface features of land. It includes the mountains, hills, creeks, and

    other bumps and lumps on a particular hunk of earth.


    Legal property description including limits of property, easement, right of way, and north indication.A legal description of property is a way to define or accurately pinpoint where a particular piece of property

    is located. Some legal descriptions are very simple and involve a Lot and a Block and a Subdivision name.

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    Example of Legal

    Property Description:


    Topographic Maps and Aerial Photos

    Topographic maps and aerial photos is a type of map characterized by large-scale detail and quantitative

    representation of relief, using contour lines but, historically, using a variety of methods.

    Contours and Spot Elevations

    Contour lines are imaginary lines in plan view that connect points of equal height above a datum

    or benchmark.

    Each contour line represents the form in which the site acquires over a specified elevation that

    is why we have surveyors and topographic surveys vs. metes and bound surveys.

    Contour lines are continuous and never intersect each other. They change in shape, but never in


    Elevation of a point on a map or

    chart, usually indicated by a dot

    accompanied by a number

    indicating the vertical distance of

    the point from the reference

    datum; spot elevations are used

    principally to indicate points

    higher than their surroundings.

    Various ground shapes as represented by contour lines and site sections

    o contour lines spaced far apart indicate a flat surface

    o contour lines spaced evenly describe a constant slope

    o contour lines spaced close together designate a steep rise/fall in elevation

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    Other examples:

    Without the elevation numbers you could not tell these forms apart

    Slopes: Percentage, Aspects and Orientation

    -Slope is the measure of steepness or the degree of inclination of a feature relative to the

    horizontal plane. Gradient, grade, incline and pitch are used interchangeably with slope. Slope is

    typically expressed as a percentage, an angle, or a ratio. The average slope of a terrain feature

    can conveniently be calculated from contour l ines on a topography map. To find the slope of a

    feature, the horizontal distance (run) as well as the vertical distance (rise) between two points

    on a line parallel to the feature needs to be determined. The slope is obtained by dividing the

    rise over run. Multiply this ratio by 100 to express slope as a percentage. The slope angle

    expressed in degrees is found by taking the arc tangent of the ratio between rise and run.


    It is a steep slope or long cliff that occurs from faulting and resulting erosion and separates two

    relatively level areas of differing elevations.

    Erosion Channels

    It is the natural process by which water, wind, waves and other natural actions wear away the

    earths surface. Vegetation clearing and livestock grazing lead to increased erosion and cause

    the soil to wash into rivers and creeks.

    Extent, location, and general configuration of rocks, ledges, outcrops, ridges, drainage lines,and other unique features

    Visual Characteristics

    Potential problem areas during construction: situation, erosion, etc.


    Analysis of physical features, including major focal and vantage points and their relationships within,

    into, and out from site.

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    D. Existing Access and Circulation

    It is the Linkage and movement pattern, Connection to activity centers, Circulation Accessibility &

    Potential of change.


    When vehicle access is required for development (i.e., for off-street parking, delivery, service,drive-through facilities, etc.), access shall be provided by one of the following methods. These

    methods are options to the developer/subdivider, unless one method is specifically required.

    Access and Circulation:

    Option 1. Access is from an existing or proposed alley or mid-block lane. If a property has access

    to an alley or lane, direct access to a public street is not permitted.

    Option 2.Access is from a private street or driveway connected to an adjoining property that

    has direct access to a public street (i.e., shared driveway). A public access easement covering

    the driveway shall be recorded in this case to assure access to the closest public street for all

    users of the private street/drive.

    Option 3.Access is from a public street adjacent to the development parcel. If practicable, theowner/developer may be required to close or consolidate an existing access point as a condition

    of approving a new access.

    Ratings for Natural, Environmental and Physical Factors

    o Evaluation (for Accessibility Network Criteria):

    1Accessed by taxis and private vehicles

    2Accessed by PUVs, taxis and private vehicles

    3Accessed by jeepney, PUVs, taxis, and private vehicles

    4Accessed by public bus, jeepney, PUVs, taxis, and private vehicles

    5Near an airport terminal and accessible through public, buses, jeepneys, PUVs, and

    private vehicles

    Street system

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    Street Capacity


    To ensure safe, direct and convenient pedestrian circulation, all developments, except single

    family detached housing (i.e., on individual lots), shall provide a continuous pedestrian and/or

    multi-use pathway system. (Pathways only provide for pedestrian circulation. Multi-use

    pathways accommodate pedestrians and bicycles.)

    Access and Circulation:

    Continuous Pathways- The pathway system shall extend throughout the development site, and

    connect to all future phases of development, adjacent trails, public parks and open space areas

    whenever possible. The developer may also be required to connect or stub pathway(s) to

    adjacent streets and private property.

    Safe, Direct, and Convenient Pathways- Pathways within developments shall provide safe,

    reasonably direct and convenient connections between primary building entrances and all

    adjacent streets

    Connections within Development- For all developments subject to Site Design Review, pathways

    shall connect all building entrances to one another. In addition, pathways shall connect allparking areas, storage areas, recreational facilities and common areas (as applicable), and

    adjacent developments to the site, as applicable.

    Street Connectivity Pathways- For pedestrians and bicycles, it shall be provided at or near

    midblock where the block length exceeds the length required by Section 3.1.200 J. Pathways

    shall also be provided where cul-de-sacs or dead-end streets are planned, to connect the ends

    of the streets together, to other streets, and/or to other developments.

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    E. Vegetation

    Good design integrates vegetation and natural features into the design. The vegetation - consist of trees

    flora and fauna present on the site. Vegetation and natural features should me marked onto the site

    plan so that it will assist during the design stage:


    Size of the trees - diameter or spread of the branches


    Location of trees


    Type of trees


    Heights of the trees

    Site surrounding: Aerial Photo

    The types and locations of plant materials affect:

    1. the sites micro-climate


    Solar radiation, wind, humidity, air temperature


    the definition or visual screening or exterior spaces


    the absorption or dispersion of sound

    Plant Material

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    Visual quality:

    o Landscape special character

    o Spatial pattern of the site


    Visual quality and character

    o Visual disturbance

    Ratings for Natural, Environmental and Physical


    Evaluation (for Existing Vegetation Criteria):

    1The site has no existing vegetation

    2The site has 10% existing vegetation

    3The site has 20% existing vegetation

    4The site has 30% existing vegetation

    5The site has 40% existing vegetation


    Existing Water Bodies

    Location, size, depth, direction of flow

    Water quality: clean, polluted, anaerobic conditions, etc.

    Use: seasonal, year-round

    Wetlands: ecological Features

    Variations: expected water levels, tides, wave action

    Coastal views


    Drainage Canals

    Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of surface andsub-surface water from an area. Many

    agricultural soils need drainage to improve production or to manage water supplies.

    Drainage canals may be important components of upland development. Their potential to shunt

    polluted storm water runoff and fresh water directly into tidal waters requires intermediate connection

    to retention ponds or wetlands. This allows natural filtration and assimilation of pollutants and

    dampening for freshwater surges prior to discharge into tidal waters. Other guidelines for housing

    developments and/or transportation projects may apply.

    Sustainable drainage

    o Drainage systems can contribute to sustainable development and improve urban design, by

    balancing the different issues that influence the development of communities. Approaches to

    manage surface water that take account of water quantity (flooding), water quality

    (pollution) and amenity issues are collectively referred to as Sustainable Drainage Systems

    (SuDS).o SuDS mimic nature and typically manage rainfall close to where it falls. SuDS can be designed to

    slow water down (attenuate) before it enters streams, rivers and other watercourses, they

    provide areas to store water in natural contours and can be used to allow water to soak

    (infiltrate) into the ground or evaporated from surface water and lost or transpired from

    vegetation (known as evapotranspiration).

    o SUDS are technically regarded a sequence of management practices, control structures and

    strategies designed to efficiently and sustainably drain surface water, while minimizing pollution

    and managing the impact on water quality of local water bodies.

    o SUDS are more sustainable than traditional drainage methods because they:
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    o Manage runoff volumes and flow rates from hard surfaces, reducing the impact of urbanization

    on flooding

    o Protect or enhance water quality (reducing pollution from runoff)


    Protect natural flow regimes in watercourses

    o Are sympathetic to the environment and the needs of the local community


    Provide an attractive habitat for wildlife in urban watercourses


    Provide opportunities for evapotranspiration from vegetation and

    surface water


    Encourage natural groundwater/aquifer recharge (whereappropriate)


    Create better places to live, work and play.

    o SUDS may also allow new development in areas where existing

    sewerage systems are close to full capacity, thereby enabling

    development within existing urban areas.

    o Sustainable drainage is moving away from the traditional thinking

    of designing only for flooding to balancing the impact of urban

    drainage on flood and water quality management and amenity.


    SUDS may also allow new development in areas where existing

    sewerage systems are close to full capacity, thereby enabling

    development within existing urban



    Sustainable drainage is moving away

    from the traditional thinking of

    designing only for flooding to

    balancing the impact of urban

    drainage on flood and water quality

    management and amenity.


    Sustainable drainage is a concept that

    includes long term environmental and

    social factors in decisions aboutdrainage. It takes account of the

    quantity and quality of runoff, and the

    amenity and aesthetic value of surface

    water in the urban environment. Many

    existing urban drainage systems can

    cause problems of flooding, pollution

    or damage to the environment and are

    not proving to be sustainable in the

    context of wider challenges from

    climate change and urbanization.

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    H. Existing Waterway Easements



    I. Surface Drainage

    Patterns on and off the site (locations of streams and washes)

    The two main types of surface drainage are random and parallel. Each includes lateral ditches

    that permit water to flow from the drainage system to a suitable outlet. The pattern you choose

    depends upon the soil type and topography of the land.a. Random-random ditch pattern is adapted to slowly permeable soils having depressional

    areas that are too large to be eliminated by land smoothing or grading. Field ditches connect the

    major low spots and remove excess surface water from them.

    b. Parallel-this pattern is suitable for flatter, poorly drained soils that have numerous shallow

    depressions. In fields that can be cultivated up and down slope; parallel ditches are installed

    across the slope to break the field into shorter units of length to make it less susceptible to


    Proximity to floodplains

    o Maximum flood levels

    The most severe flood that may be expected from a combination of the most criticalmeteorological & hydrological conditions that are reasonably possible in a drainage basin. It

    is used in designing high-risk flood protection works and sitting of structures and facilities

    that must be subjected to almost no risk of flooding.

    o Frequently flooded areas

    Local watershed areas, amount of runoff collected, and location of outfalls

    o A watershed is an area of land that drains all the streams and rainfall to a common outlet such

    as the outflow of a reservoir, mouth of a bay, or any point along a stream channel. The wordwatershed is sometimes used interchangeably with drainage basin or catchment.

    o When rain or snow falls onto the earth, it just doesn't sit there, it starts moving according to

    the laws of gravity. A portion of the precipitation seeps into the ground to replenish Earth's

    groundwater. Most of it flows downhill as runoff. Runoff is extremely important in that not

    only does it keep rivers and lakes full of water, but it also changes the landscape by the actionof erosion. Flowing water has tremendous power


    An outfall is the discharge point of a waste stream into a body of water; alternatively it may

    be the outlet of a river, drain or a sewer where it discharges into the sea, a lake or the like.

    Swampy and concave areas of land without positive drainage and other obstacles that may

    interrupt or obstruct natural surface drainage

    Potential areas for impoundments, detention/ retention ponds

    Concentrated runoff can be directed to a pond where it is stored temporarily by means of a

    limited outflow device. A permanent with a design storm detention zone is often used for this

    purpose. The pond is usually located on a drainage way and can be part of an open-space

    system. Detention ponds offer opportunities for fishing, boating, and skating, and their shores

    can become temporarily inundated after heavy rain falls. Detention ponds can function as

    habitat for wildlife, although mosquito control, eutrophication, and concerns of safety may

    require careful monitoring. Siltation of detention ponds should be minimized upstream by some


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    It is defined as the top layer of the earth's crust. It is formed by mineral particles, organic matter, water, air

    and living organisms. It is in fact an extremely complex, variable and living medium.

    Soil is the pulverized upper layer of the earth, formed by the erosion of rocks and plant remains and

    modified by living plants and organisms. Generally, the visible upper layer is topsoil, a mixture of mineral

    and organic material. The thickness of topsoil may range from just a few inches to a foot or more. Below

    this, is a layer of mostly mineral material, which is above a layer of the fractured and weathered parent

    material of the soil above. Below all of these layers is solid bedrock.

    Soil is the mixture of minerals, organic matter, gases, liquids, and the countless organisms that together

    support life on Earth. Soil is a natural body known as the pedosphere and which performs four important

    functions: it is a medium for plant growth; it is a means of water storage, supply and purification; it is a

    modifier of Earth's atmosphere; it is a habitat for organisms; all of which, in turn, modify the soil.


    Basic Surface Soil Types:

    1.) Sandis a naturally occurring granular material composed of finely divided rock

    and mineral particles. It is defined by size, being finer than gravel and coarser

    than silt. Sand can also refer to a textural class of soil or soil type; i.e. a soil

    containing more than 85% sand-sized particles (by mass).


    Clayis a fine-grained natural rock or soil material that

    combines one or more clay minerals with traces of metal

    oxides and organic matter. Clays are plastic due to their

    water content and become hard, brittle and nonplastic

    upon drying or firing. Geologic clay deposits are mostly

    composed of phyllosilicate minerals containing variable

    amounts of water trapped in the mineral structure. Depending on the content of the soil, clay can

    appear in various colours, from white to dull gray or brown to a deep orange-red.


    Siltis granular material of a size somewhere between sand and clay,whose mineral origin is quartz and feldspar. Silt may occur as a soil or

    as sediment mixed in suspension with water in a body of water such as

    a river. It may also exist as soil deposited at the bottom of a water



    Rockor stone is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of one or more

    minerals or mineraloids. The Earth's outer solid layer, the lithosphere,

    is made of rock. Three major groups of rocks are defined: igneous,

    sedimentary, and metamorphic.

    5.) Shaleis a fine-grained, clastic sedimentary rock composed of mud that

    is a mix of flakes of clay minerals and tiny fragments (silt-sized particles)

    of other minerals, especially quartz and calcite. The ratio of clay to other

    minerals is variable. Shale is characterized by breaks along thin laminae

    or parallel layering or bedding less than one centimeter in thickness,

    called fissility. Mudstones, on the other hand, are similar in composition

    but do not show the fissility.


    Gravel is composed of unconsolidated rock fragments that have a general particle size range and

    include size classes from granule- to boulder-sized fragments.

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    Types of gravel include:

    o Bank gravel:naturally deposited gravel intermixed with sand or clay

    found in and next to rivers and streams. Also known as "Bank run" or

    "River run".

    o Bench gravel:a bed of gravel located on the side of a valley above

    the present stream bottom, indicating the former location of the

    stream bed when it was at a higher level.

    o Creek rock:this is generally rounded, semi-polished stones,

    potentially of a wide range of types, that are dredged or scooped

    from river beds and creek beds. It is also often used as concrete

    aggregate and less often as a paving surface.

    o Crushed stone: rock crushed and graded by screens and then mixed

    to a blend of stones and fines. It is widely used as a surfacing for

    roads and driveways, sometimes with tar applied over it. Crushed

    stone may be made from granite, limestone, dolomite, and other

    rocks. Also known as "crusher run", DGA (Dense Grade Aggregate)QP (Quarry Process), and shoulder stone.

    o Fine gravel:gravel consisting of particles with a diameter of 2 to 4


    o Lag gravel: a surface accumulation of coarse gravel produced by the

    removal of finer particles.

    o Pay gravel: also known as "pay dirt"; a nickname for gravel with a

    high concentration of gold and other precious metals. The metals are

    recovered through gold panning.

    o Pea gravel:gravel that consists of small, rounded stones used in

    concrete surfaces. Also used for walkways, driveways and as a

    substrate in home aquariums.

    o Piedmont gravel:a coarse gravel carried down from high places by

    mountain streams and deposited on relatively flat ground, where the

    water runs more slowly.

    o Plateau gravel:a layer of gravel on a plateau or other region above

    the height at which stream-terrace gravel is usually found.

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    7.) Loamis soil composed mostly of sand, silt, and a smaller amount of clay. Its

    composition is about 40%-40%-20% concentration of sand-silt-clay,

    respectively. Loam soils generally contain more nutrients, moisture, and

    humus than sandy soils, have better drainage and infiltration of water and

    air than silty soils, and are easier to till than clay soils.


    Limestoneis a sedimentary rock composed largely of the minerals

    calcite and aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calciumcarbonate (CaCO3). Most limestone is composed of skeletal

    fragments of marine organisms such as coral, forams and mollusks.


    Origin and Characteristics of Soil Deposits

    Rock -Harder, consolidated material (Parent material for all soil)

    Soil -Unconsolidated deposits of particulate material

    Engineering Applications:

    Hard materials are considered soils if they can be excavated by conventional construction equipment.

    Rock is usually considered suitable for a foundation material and is used in rock fills for embankments.

    Soil must be evaluated to determine its in situ condition to determine if it is suitable for a foundation.


    Types of Rock


    Igneous Rock -from molten rock that has hardened during cooling


    Intrusive -formed slowly under high pressure, large crystals

    b.) Extrusive -formed rapidly or under low pressure small crystals

    2.) Sedimentary Rock -Deposits of soil particles, precipitate or organisms that are cemented together


    Sandstone -quartz or rock fragments


    Shale -composed of very fine grained material


    Limestone -crystalline calcium carbonate

    d.) Dolestone - harder types of limestone 1


    Metamorphic Rock -Igneous or sedimentary rock that is changed

    chemically by both high pressure and heat.


    Limestone to marble


    Sandstone to quartzite


    Shale to slate or schist

    d.) Coal to diamond

    Engineering Applications:


    Rock that weathers rapidly such as shale, claystone or slate may be a problem for foundations or

    rock fills.


    Weak rock can pose problems in rock cuts and tunnels.c.)

    Highly porous or highly fractured rock can cause a problem as foundations for water retention



    Some limestone is dissolved forming cavities in the subsurface.


    Decomposition of Rock to Soil


    Igneous rocks


    Intrusive rocks (acidic) - decompose to coarse grained soils, sand and gravel

    b.) Extrusive rocks (basic) -decompose to fine grained soils, clay and silt

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    2.) Sedimentary rocks

    a.) sandstone to sand and gravel


    shale to silts and clay


    limestone to silt and clay


    Metamorphic rocks - decompose to the soil that the parent rock would decompose to.


    Soil Types According to Geologic Origin

    Parent material is the underlying geological material in which soil horizons form. Soils typically inherit agreat deal of structure and minerals from their parent material, and, as such, are often classified based

    upon their contents of consolidated or unconsolidated mineral material that has undergone some degree

    of physical or chemical weathering and the mode by which the materials were most recently transported.


    Consolidated - parent materials that are predominantly composed of consolidated rock are

    termed residual parent material. The consolidated rocks consist of igneous, sedimentary, and

    metamorphic rock.

    Residual Soils -soil that originates from weathered rock and remains at its original site.

    A profile of the subsurface will consist of a preponderance of soil near the ground surface

    changing to more rock with depth until unweathered rock is encountered.


    Unconsolidated -parent material is classified by its last means of transport. Material that was

    transported to a location by glacier, and then deposited elsewhere by streams, is classified as

    stream-transported parent material, or glacial fluvial parent material.

    Transported Soils


    Gravity -material moves down sides of hills


    Wind Blown Deposits


    Sand -blown relatively short distances into dunes or ridges

    o Silts (Loess)- blown large distances (hundreds of miles) to form large accumulations

    Example - Mississippi river valley consisting of near vertical bluffs


    Glacial Deposits- soil transported either directly or indirectly by glaciers. Glaciation -large continental glaciers of up to thousands of feet thickness transported soil and

    advanced over it compressing it. During the time of glaciation the mean sea level was

    lowered by as much as 400 to 500 feet causing coastal deposits to become dried out


    1. Till- heterogeneous mixture of soil that was directly deposited by the

    glacier (moraines).


    Glacial Drift- material that was transported out as the glaciers melted

    and receded (glacial outwash). The action of the water very often sorted

    the soil particles out by size.


    River Deposits (alluvial deposits) -soils carried by flowing water Sedimentation - occurs

    as the soil settles out. Settling rate is dependent on the velocity. The particle size of the

    soil being deposited is dependent on velocity. Therefore, larger particles settle first and

    then smaller sizes after the fluid velocity decreases. This causes settling out of particles

    according to particle size, or sorting out by size.

    1. Alluvial Fans- rivers or streams will 'fan out' if there is an abrupt change

    of slope. Coarse soil particles are deposited in the fans.


    Flood Plain Deposits -as rivers flood from their banks and the flood

    waters spread out, coarse particles are first deposited out forming

    natural levees. The finer particles are deposited further from the river.


    Meanders - natural tendency is for rivers and streams to form many

    bends or meanders. As the water meanders, the velocity on the outside

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    of the bend is larger than on the inside. Therefore the meander will

    progress by erosion outward and deposition of coarse particles on the

    inside of the meander.


    Lake Deltas- velocity suddenly decreases causing deposition of coarse



    Lake Deposits - Sand and gravel deposited along edges forming beaches due to wave

    action. Fine size particles are deposited in the center. The fines are generally soft,

    compressible deposits referred to as lacustrine deposits.


    Marine Sediments -silt and clay combined with organisms to form weak deposits of clay.These occur along many coastlines.


    Beach Deposits -coarse materials deposited because of currents wave action.


    Swamp and Marsh Deposits- contain large amounts of organics and silts and clay.

    Usually black and has an odor. Will usually be soft and compressible and is not suited for

    engineering purposes.

    Engineering Applications:


    Weak or compressible soils are problem soils for foundations.


    Organic soils are problem soils for engineering purposes.

    c.) Silts are frost susceptible soils which is a problem for roadway subgrades.


    Clays soils with a high fraction of particular mineral types will undergo large changes in

    volume with change in water content.


    Soils that have a mixture of different soil sizes and rock, such as residual soils and till,

    generally are difficult to work with and may be sensitive to changes in water content.


    Other problem soils include collapsible soils, erodible soils and laterites.

    g.) Coarse soils that are well sorted are good sources for construction materials for fills and


    h.) Fine soils are used for hydraulic barriers to contain liquids.


    Climate and weathering

    Climate is generally considered the most important factor influencing physical and chemical weathering


    Physical weatheringis especially important during the early stages of soil development. Rock canbe disintegrated by changes in temperature which produces differential expansion and

    contraction. Changes in temperature can also cause water to freeze.

    Chemical weathering: the principal agent is percolating rainwater charged with carbon dioxide

    from the atmosphere. Parent material becomes hydrolyzed by the acidic solution to produce

    minerals and to release cations.


    Bearing Capacity of Soils

    Bearing capacity is the power of foundation soil to hold the forces

    from the superstructure without undergoing shear failure or

    excessive settlement. Foundation soil is that portion of ground whichis subjected to additional stresses when foundation and

    superstructure are constructed on the ground. The following are a

    few important terminologies related to bearing capacity of soil.

    Ultimate Bearing Capacity (qf) : It is the maximum pressure that a foundation soil can withstand

    without undergoing shear failure.

    Net ultimate Bearing Capacity (qn) : It is the maximum extra pressure (in addition to initial

    overburden pressure) that a foundation soil can withstand without undergoing shear failure.

    Main components of a structure including soi

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    qn = qf -qo Here, qo represents the overburden pressure at foundation level and is equal to D for

    level ground without surcharge where is the unit weight of soil and D is the depth to foundation

    bottom from Ground level.

    Safe Bearing Capacity (qs) : It is the safe extra load the foundation soil is subjected to in addition to

    initial overburden pressure. o n s q F q q = + Here. F represents the factor of safety.

    Allowable Bearing Pressure (qa) : It is the maximum pressure the foundation soil is subjected to

    considering both shear failure and settlement.

    Foundation is that part of the structure which is in direct contact with soil. Foundation transfers theforces and moments from the super

    structure to the soil below such that the

    stresses in soil are within permissible

    limits and it provides stability against

    sliding and overturning to the super

    structure. It is a transition between the

    super structure and foundation soil.

    Modes of shear failure Depending on

    the stiffness of foundation soil and

    depth of foundation, the following are

    the modes of shear failure experienced

    by the foundation soil.

    1. General shear failure (Ref Fig.


    2. Local shear failure (Ref Fig. 7.1b)

    3. Punching shear failure (Ref Fig. 7.1c)


    Factors influencing Bearing Capacity

    Bearing capacity of soil depends on many factors. The following are some important ones.

    o Type of soil


    Unit weight of soilo

    Surcharge load


    Depth of foundation

    o Mode of failure


    Size of footing

    o Shape of footing


    Depth of water tableo

    Eccentricity in footing load


    Inclination of footing load

    o Inclination of ground


    Inclination of base of foundation


    Determination of Bearing Capacity from field tests

    Field Tests are performed in the field. You have understood the advantages of field tests over laboratory

    tests for obtaining the desired property of soil. The biggest advantages are that there is no need to extrac

    soil sample and the conditions during testing are identical to the actual situation. Major advantages of

    field tests are;


    Sampling not requiredo Soil disturbance minimum Major

    disadvantages of field tests are




    Time consumingo Heavy equipment to be carried

    to field


    Short duration behavior



    In stratigraphy, bedrockis consolidated rock underlying the surface of a terrestrial planet, usually

    the Earth. Above the bedrock is usually an area of broken and weathered unconsolidated rock in the

    basal subsoil. The surface of the bedrock beneath soil cover is known as rockheadin engineering

    geology and identifying this, via excavations, drilling or geophysical methods, is an important task in

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    most civil engineering projects. Superficial deposits (also known as drift) can be extremely thick, such that

    the bedrock lies hundreds of meters below the surface.

    A solid geologic map of an area will usually show the

    distribution of differing bedrock types, i.e., rock that would

    be exposed at the surface if all soil or other superficial

    deposits were removed.

    Soil scientists use the capital letters O, A, B, C, and E toidentify the mastersoil horizons,and lowercase letters for

    distinctions of these horizons. Most soils have three major

    horizonsthe surface horizon (A), the subsoil (B), and the

    substratum (C). Some soils have an organic horizon (O) on the

    surface, but such a horizon can also be buried. The master

    horizon, E, is used for subsurface horizons that have a

    significant loss of minerals (eluviation). Hard bedrock, which

    is not soil, uses the letter R.

    Depth to Bedrock

    Depth to bedrock can be a critical parameter in

    geotechnical investigations. Bedrock influences the stability of structures built above it, particularly in

    earthquake prone areas, and its depth can strongly impact initial construction costs based on

    rippability and excavation volume. Shallow bedrock can be a benefit where solid foundation shoring

    is needed and minimal soil removal is required. Deeper bedrock can be a liability where lateral

    variations in soil characteristics are present which can cause footing and slab failures if not


    Bedrock Classification

    Classification of bedrock geology

    Because till is often derived from local bedrock, bedrock geology can often be used as a good

    indicator of till composition and texture in cases where no other information exists.

    Grouping of bedrock types used for the CWAP are shown below:



    2.) Ultramafic

    3.) Metamorphic
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    4.) Sedimentary


    Sedimentary (Mesozoic or older)


    Sedimentary (Cenozoic or younger)




    Volcanic (andesite or rhyolite)

    A dark, fine-grained, brown or grayish volcanic rock that is

    intermediate in composition between rhyolite and basalt.


    Volcanic (basalt)

    Basalt is a dark-colored, fine-grained,

    igneous rock composed mainly of

    plagioclase and pyroxene minerals. It

    most commonly forms as an extrusive

    rock, such as a lava flow, but can also

    form in small intrusive bodies, such as an

    igneous dike or a thin sill.

    8.) Volcanic

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    The rock types are grouped below according to occurrence, similarities in resistance to erosion,

    weathering, and products of weathering:

    o Rock types ingroups 1, 3and8are generally resistant to erosion. Colluvium derived from

    these rock types typically consist of large angular boulders. Soils and tills derived from these

    rock types are likely to be sandy to silty in texture, with abundant coarse fragments.


    Rock types ingroups 2and9contain minerals with high concentrations of iron andmagnesium (mafic minerals). Although they are relatively resistant to physical erosion and

    can produce large blocky boulders of colluvium, they decompose readily through oxidation to

    form soils with high clay content. Tills derived from rock types ofgroup 2and9are likely to

    be fine-textured (silt or clay).

    o Metamorphic rocks ofgroup 4(also called metasediments) are relatively erodible due to the

    presence of abundant parallel planes of weakness (foliation planes) that cut through the rock

    and to the presence of micaceous minerals (such as biotite and muscovite) which weather to

    form clay. Colluvium derived from rock types ofgroup 4is generally small and platy. Till and

    soil derived fromgroup 4rock types are likely to be fine textured (silt to clay) and micaceous.

    o Rock types ingroup 5aare relatively resistant to erosion, particularly where they are of

    Mesozoic age or older. Colluvium derived from these rock types often consists of large blocky

    boulders. Soils and tills derived from rocks ofgroup 5aare generally coarse-textured (sandy).

    Younger sedimentary rocks (group 5b) are often poorly lithified and can be highly erodible.

    Such rocks are common in most of the Tertiary coal basins of interior B.C. Soils and tills

    derived from rocks ofgroup 5bare likely to be coarse textured (sandy).

    o Limestone, dolostone, and marble (group 6) are composed primarily of calcium carbonate.

    These rock types are generally resistant to physical erosion, commonly producing large blocky

    colluvium. However, these rock types are highly susceptible to chemical weathering and

    break down to produce fine-textured (silty), calcareous soils and tills.


    Group 7rock types are characteristically fine grained and have abundant parallel planes of

    weakness (bedding planes) through them. Because of these physical characteristics, these

    rock types are generally susceptible to erosion. Colluvium produced from these rock types is

    typically small and platy. Till and soil derived from rocks ofgroup 7are typically fine textured

    (silt and clay).

    o Rock types ofgroup 10are generally fine textured, easily erodible and highly susceptible to

    weathering. Volcanic tuffs, lahars and pyroclastic rocks of Eocene and Miocene age are very

    common in the Cariboo, Prince George and Kamloops Forest Regions. These volcanic rocks, in

    particular, are often altered to clay. Soils and tills derived from these rocks are also generally



    Seismic Conditions

    Regional Physical Planning in Seismic Areas

    Regional physical planning in seismic areas is performed in the same way as for non-seismic areas.

    Regional physical planning in seismic areas is not based exclusively on seismological engineering aspects,

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    but these factors are considered together with other basic aspects of regional planning.

    Urban planning and designing in seismic areas

    One of the basic elements is the seismic urban micronizing map with its appendices.

    This set of maps gives a clear picture of:


    The detailed distribution of seismic risk in each terms of each zone and sub-zone within the

    urban area; and

    o The suitability of the terrain for construction in different zones and sub-zones of the urban area,

    i.e the bearing capacity of the ground, the water level, flood areas, unstable terrain, possibility oflandslides, seismically active faults, etc.


    Environmental Hazards

    Lead: Highly ToxicMetal

    Lead is a naturally occurring, bluish-gray, highly toxic metal found throughout the environment and

    created by human activities such as burning fossil fuel, mining, and manufacturing. It has many different

    uses, including use in the production of batteries, ammunition, metal products like solder and pipe, and

    devices to shield X-rays. Because of health concerns, lead from paints and ceramic products, caulking, and

    pipe solder has been dramatically reduced in recent years. Paint with a high concentration of lead can

    often be found in and around homes and businesses built before 1978. The primary sources of lead

    exposure to humans in the daily environment are deteriorating lead-based paint and lead-contaminated

    dust. (Lead paint in good condition is not a cause for concern unless it's loose, flaking, or forming dust.)


    Molds and mildew are simple, microscopic fungi that grow on surfaces where there is an organic food

    source. Many of the construction materials used, such aswood, carpet, glue, and cellulose-based objects

    like ceiling panels and drywall, are hosts for indoor mold growth.

    Human response to mold exposure varies widely. More than 100,000 species of mold exist, but only a

    small number are suspected of having the potential to negatively affect human health if touched, inhaled

    or ingested. Health experts agree that mold should not be allowed to continue to grow and proliferate on

    indoor surfaces, and should be remediated immediately upon visual identification.

    Complaints about mold contamination increased dramatically in the 1980s, when construction techniquesemphasized airtight buildings to promote energy efficiency. The problem was that buildings were not

    allowed to breathe, which is necessary to keep moisture in the buildings from reaching a level where

    mold can grow. The new discipline called "building science" has greatly evolved to incorporate

    environmental control systems, construction methods, and building materials that create a healthier,

    more sustainable, and more energy-efficient building environment. This has led to new approaches to

    stop moisture intrusion and ventilate structures.

    A close-up of lead-based paint

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    *Utilities can hugely impact the cost of the project and therefore the viability of the project.

    Does the site have utilities? Does the municipality have water and sewer lines going to the site -probably in the road

    right of way? Or does it not if youre in a more rural setting you might have to have wells or septic systems that are

    sort of stand-alone systems. About electricity, does their electrical power line is nearby or transformers nearby. If

    there arent and theres a great deal cost to get the electricity to the site, thats something they can make or

    possibly break a project and might not continue on with it because the feasibility just isnt logical given where the

    utilities actually are. So understanding how utilities will impact some of your design decision making. Understanding

    utilities is in fact understand site planning.

    Determine the location of existing utilities prior to beginning design. These may include, but are not limited to,

    sanitary sewer lines, storm sewers, water lines, gas, electricity, steam, telephone, and cable television. If possible,

    the building should be located to minimize the length of utility lines between the structure and the main line.

    Other utilities, such as water and electricity, do not depend on gravity so there is a little more flexibility in locating

    the building relative to these services. However, the total distance should still be minimized. In the case of electrical

    services, the location of the main electric lines may dictate the location of the transformers and service entry of the


    It is important to determine the existing availability of utilities on site in terms of adequacy and efficiency. This


    o Sanitary / sewage system


    Electric power supply

    o Water supply



    Most water system will supply domestic, industrial and fire stand-by supply from a distribution system. Storm drains

    collect surface water and conduct it to rivers, creeks, or other bodies of water.


    Potable Water

    Piped water supplies are ordinarily used for:

    Potable water for homes, schools, industries, etc.

    Fire Fighting

    Non agricultural irrigation (lawns and gardens)

    In many cases, all three uses are supplied by a single system of piping, although there are cases where all three

    are supplied by separate systems:

    Potable water is water which is fit for consumption by humans and other animals. It is also called drinking water,

    in a reference to its intended use. Water may be naturally potable, as is the case with pristine springs, or it may

    need to be treated in order to be safe. In either instance, the safety of water is assessed with tests which look

    for potentially harmful contaminants.

    Becausewater quality is important, many nations strive to protect the safety of their water and to increase

    access to potable water. Some countries have laws governing water safety, with severe penalties for polluters.

    Analyzing the site could be big part in site planning. It is understanding the site and the impact of the site on

    your design process as well as the physical details of the design. From the regulatory issues, climate issues, what

    the soils are like, where the utilities are, is it a feasible project, etc.

    Sources of Water:

    Alternative sources of potable water for any building project include (1) public water supply systems, (2) on-

    site wells of various kinds, and (3) surface reservoirs and ponds, Selection of the source depends on location

    and project size. In arid areas, public systems that draw their water from distant sources may be the only
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    alternative. In more humid regions, especially away from urbanized areas, on-site sources may be the only

    alternative. In general, public sources, where available will be the least costly and complex and their use will

    often be mandated by local officials. Selection of the type of on-site sources will depend on geologic


    Low-Yield Systems:

    For small projects requiring only a limited water supply, there are several possible sources, including wells,

    springs, cisterns and surface impoundments (or catchments). The choice of system generally depends on

    regional geohydrologic conditions, with wells (where they are feasible) usually being the most cost- effectivealternative.



    Electric power transmission is the bulk transfer ofelectrical energy,from generatingpower plants toelectrical

    substations located near demand centers. This is distinct from the local wiring between high-voltage substations

    and customers, which is typically referred to aselectric power distribution.Transmission lines, when

    interconnected with each other, become transmission networks. Most transmission lines are high-voltagethree-

    phasealternating current (AC), althoughsingle phase AC is sometimes used inrailway electrification systems.

    High-voltage direct-current (HVDC) technology is used for greater efficiency at very long distances (typically

    hundreds of miles (kilometers)), insubmarine power cables (typically longer than 30 miles (50 km)), and in the

    interchange of power between grids that are not mutually synchronized. HVDC links are also used to stabilize

    and control problems in large power distribution networks where sudden new loads or blackouts in one part of a

    network can otherwise result in synchronization problems andcascading failures.Electricity is transmitted at

    high voltages (115 kV or above) to reduce the energy losses in long-distance transmission.

    Power is usually transmitted throughoverhead power lines.Underground power transmission has a significantly

    higher cost and greater operational limitations but is sometimes used in urban areas or sensitive locations.

    Electric power can also be transmitted byunderground power cables instead of overhead power lines.

    Underground cables take up less right-of-way than overhead lines, have lower visibility, and are less affected by

    bad weather. However, costs of insulated cable and excavation are much higher than overhead construction.

    Faults in buried transmission lines take longer to locate and repair. Underground lines are strictly limited by theirthermal capacity, which permits less overload or re-rating than overhead lines. Long underground AC cables

    have significantcapacitance,which may reduce their ability to provide useful power to loads beyond 50 mi (80

    km). Long underground DC cables have no such issue and can run for thousands of miles.



    Most filling stations are built in a similar manner, with most of the fueling installation underground,pump

    machines in theforecourt and apoint of service inside a building. Single or multiplefuel tanks are usually

    deployed underground. Local regulations and environmental concerns may require a different method, with

    some stations storing their fuel in container tanks, entrenched surface tanks or unprotected fuel tanks deployed

    on the surface. Fuel is usually offloaded from atanker truck into the tanks through a separate valve, located on

    the filling station's perimeter. Fuel from the tanks travels to the dispenser pumps through underground pipes.For every fuel tank, direct access must be available at all times. Most tanks can be accessed through a service

    canal directly from the forecourt.

    Older stations tend to use a separate pipe for every kind of available fuel and for every dispenser. Newer

    stations may employ a single pipe for every dispenser. This pipe houses a number of smaller pipes for the

    individual fuel types. Fuel tanks, dispenser and nozzles used to fill car tanks employvapor recovery systems,

    which prevents releases of vapor into the atmosphere with a system of pipes. The exhausts are placed as high as

    possible. A vapor recovery system may be employed at the exhaust pipe. This system collects the vapors,

    liquefies them and releases them back into the lowest grade fuel tank available.
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    The forecourt is the part of a filling station where vehicles are refueled. Fuel dispensers are placed on concrete

    plinths, as a precautionary measure. Additional elements may be employed, including metal barriers. The area

    around the fuel dispensers must have a drainage system. Since fuel sometimes spills on the ground, as little of it

    as possible should penetrate the soil. Any liquids present on the forecourt wil l flow into achannel drain before it

    enters apetrol interceptor which is designed to capture anyhydrocarbonpollutants and filter these from

    rainwater which may then proceed to afoul sewer, stormwater drain or to ground.



    A telephone line or telephone circuit (or just line or circuit within the industry) is a single-user circuit on atelephone communication system. This is the physical wire or other signaling medium connecting the user's

    telephone apparatus to the telecommunications network, and usually also implies a single telephone number

    for billing purposes reserved for that user.

    Telephone lines are used to deliver landline telephone service and Digital subscriber line (DSL) phone cable

    service to the premises. Telephone overhead lines are connected to the public switched telephone network.

    These wires were typicallycopper,althoughaluminum has also been used, and were carried inbalanced pairs

    separated by about 25 cm (10") onpoles above the ground, and later astwisted pair cables.

    Modern lines may run underground, and may carry analog or digital signals to the exchange, or may havea

    device that converts theanalog signal to digital fortransmission on acarrier system.Older houses often have 4-

    conductor telephone station cable in the walls color coded with Bell System colors: red, green, yellow, black as

    2-pairs of 22 AWG (0.33 mm) solid copper; "line 1" uses the red/green pair and "line 2" uses the yellow/black

    pair. Inside the walls of the housebetween the house's outside junction box and the interiorwall jacksthe

    most common telephone cable in new houses isCategory 5 cable4 pairs of 24 AWG (0.205 mm) solid copper.


    Cable Television

    Cable television is a system of deliveringtelevision programming to paying subscribers viaradio frequency (RF)

    signals transmitted throughcoaxial cables or light pulses throughfiber-optic cables.This contrasts with

    broadcast television,in which the television signal is transmitted over the air byradio waves and received by a

    television antenna attached to the television.FM radio programming,high-speed Internet,telephone service,

    and similar non-television services may also be provided through these cables.

    A cable channel (sometimes known as a cable network) is a television network available via cable television.

    When available through satellite television, including direct broadcast satellite providers such as DirecTV, Dish

    Network and BSkyB, as well as via IPTV, it is referred to as a satellite channel. Alternative terms include non-

    broadcast channel or programming service, the latter being mainly used in legal contexts.

    The abbreviation CATV is often used for cable television. It originally stood for Community Access Television or

    Community Antenna Television, from cable television's origins in 1948: in areas where over-the-air reception

    was limited by distance from transmitters or mountainous terrain, large "community antennas" were

    constructed, and cable was run from them to individual homes.

    DistributionIn order to receive cable television at a given location, cable distribution lines must be available on the local

    utility poles or underground utility lines.Coaxial cable brings the signal to the customer's building through a

    service drop,an overhead or underground cable. If the subscriber's building does not have a cable service

    drop, the cable company will install one. The standard cable used in the U.S. isRG-6,which has a 75 ohm

    impedance, and connects with a typeF connector.

    The cable company's portion of the wiring usually ends at a distribution box on the building exterior, and

    built-in cable wiring in the walls usually distributes the signal to jacks in different rooms to which televisions

    are connected. Multiple cables to different rooms are split off the incoming cable with a small device called

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    There are two standards for cable television; olderanalog cable,and newerdigital cable which can carry

    data signals used bydigital television receivers such asHDTV equipment.


    Sewage System

    Sewage is awater-carriedwaste,insolution orsuspension,that is intended to be removed from a community.

    Also known as domestic or municipalwastewater,it is more than 99% water and is characterized byvolume or

    rate of flow,physical condition, chemical and toxic constituents, and itsbacteriologic status. It consists mostly of

    greywater ,blackwater;soaps and detergents. Whether it also containssurface runoff depends on the design ofsewer system.

    The minimum slope of the building sewer is 0.5 to 2.0 percent depending on the size of the pipe; a greater slope

    is required for smaller pipes. In some cases, the run of the building sewer will have to be longer than the

    shortest distance between the building and the main line simply to intercept the main line at a point low enough

    to allow for proper slope.

    Sanitary sewers and storm sewers usually take precedence in planning because they depend on gravity flow.

    The invert or lowest elevations of the existing public sewer line should be established, since the effluent must

    flow from the lowest point where the sewer system outside the building is known as the building sewer. The

    actual connection of the building sewer to the main line must occur above the invert of the main line at any

    given point in order not to interfere with the free flow.

    Effective sewage disposal includes physical disposal of the sewage into the environment without adverse health,

    odor, aesthetic, or nutrient (fertilization) effects.

    All currently permissible sewage disposal system include some method of for separation of solids from

    wastewater, for oxidation of putrescible substances dissolve in the wastewater, for destruction of pathogens,

    and ultimately for discharge of the resulting effluent to the ground, to a waterbody, or to the atmosphere.

    Alternative methods of sewage disposal on a tract of land include: (1) discharge to a municipal sewer system and

    (2) various kind of on-site disposal systems. Selection of method depends on location, geohydrologic conditions,

    and density of development.

    G. Storm Drainage
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