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Transcript of PLANNING COMMITTEE 5th March 2020


References: P/2019/2948 01254/316/P7



316 Hanworth Road, Hounslow, TW3 1XA

Hounslow Heath

Proposal: Erection of two storey side extension and conversion of property to three one-bedroom flats and two two-bedroom flats with associated car parking, bin and bike store

This application is being taken to Planning Committee as a minor application with objections.


1.1 This application proposes to build a two storey side extension, rear staircase and conversion of the unit to provide three one bedroom flats and two two bedroom flats.

1.2 This application is identical to the previously approved application reference 01254/316/P5 except the removal of the basement parking with surface car parking.

1.3 It is considered the proposal would not harm the character of St Stephen’s Road Conservation Area, cause harm to residential amenity or lead to an increase in noise and disturbance.

1.4 Planning approval is therefore recommended subject to conditions.


2.1 The property is a detached building that occupies a prominent corner plot and has its main entrance facing on Parkfield Road, with the side elevation facing Hanworth Road. The property is located within St Stephens Conservation Area.

2.2 The house appears to be in use as a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO). A HMO license has been submitted for the period February 2014 – 2019 and a renewal license application. The HMO licence authorised 8 households/ 13 occupants. The mode of occupation is bedsit/shared house use.

2.3 The application property has a Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) rating of 3 (moderate) and has a vehicular access point to its rear (south side). The site is within a 60dB Heathrow Noise Contour.


3.1 01254/316/P6 - Erection of two storey side and rear extensions and conversion of existing house into nine self-contained flats

Refused: 12/03/2018

Appeal dismissed: 24 October 2018


Proposal development would have harmful effect on the housing mix. It would conflict with the development plan, and in particular with Policy SC6 of the LP.

The proposed development would have a harmful effect on the character and appearance of the host property and would fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of St Stephens Conservation Area. It would cause less than substantial harm to the significance of the CA as a heritage asset. This harm is not outweighed by any public benefits, including the social benefits of providing new homes. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies in the Framework which seek to conserve and enhance the historic environment. In addition, it would conflict with Policies CC1, CC2 and CC4 of the LP which seek, amongst other things, to conserve the significance of the Borough’s heritage assets and ensure that new development maintains the character of the area.

The proposed development would not provide for acceptable living conditions for future residents, having particular regard to external amenity space. It would conflict with the development plan, and in particular with Policy SC5 of the LP and with paragraph 127 of the Framework.

3.2 01254/316/P5 - Erection of two storey side extension and conversion of house into three one bedroom and two two-bedroom flats with associated basement car parking. Approved 10 June 2013

3.3 01254/316/P4 - Erection of two storey side extension and conversion of house into two one bedroom and three two bedroom flats with associated basement car parking

Refused 23rd September 2011 for the following reasons:

Scale, design and bulk of the proposed extensions would appear out of character with the existing property and the surrounding street scene and would therefore fail to preserve or enhance the character of St. Stephen's Conservation Area

Cramped and excessive development upon the site, providing poor quality accommodation for future occupiers

Dismissed at appeal on grounds of unacceptably poor living conditions to future residents of two of the proposed flats due to the proposed internal layout

3.4 01254/316/P3 - Erection of two storey side extension and conversion of house into two one bedroom and three two bedroom flats with associated basement car parking

Refused 27th August 2010 for the following reasons:

Design out of character with the existing property and the street scene. Would remove many the specialist architectural features of the original.

Harm to neighbours’ living condition.

Poor quality of accommodation for future occupiers.

Fails to demonstrate adequately accessible parking layout

Appeal Dismissed 5th April 2011

3.5 01254/316/P2 - The erection of a 3 storey block of 10 residential units comprising of 2x3 bed flats, 4x1 bed flats and 4x2 bed flats following the demolition of the existing residential unit within the St Stephens Conservation Area.

Refused 30th March 2007 for the following reason:

Inappropriate bulk, scale and position would harm the Conservation Area

Harmful for the surrounding residents

Substandard accommodation

Inadequate car parking.

Enforcement History

3.6 Two Enforcement Notices relate to the site, both issued on 15th March

2010 (Ref: 359862)

3.7 S215/2018/00140 - Section 215 Untidy Land Notice served 12th June 2018 requiring the removal of rubbish, tidying of the garden at the property and restoration of a boundary wall. Although the owners/occupiers have not restored the brick wall on the junction of Parkside Road, a temporary fence has been installed to secure the site and the purpose of the notice has significantly improved the condition and appearance of the site. Updated on 20/02/2020.


4.1 This proposal seeks to erect a two storey side extension, a rear staircase and conversion of the unit to two two-bedroom flats and three one-bedroom flats.

4.2 The proposal would provide a total of 5 units, made up of the following:

Unit 1 – Kitchen/lounge, bedroom and bathroom with a gross internal area of 49m2.

Unit 2 – Kitchen/lounge, 2 bedrooms and bathroom at ground floor with a gross internal area of 60m2

Unit 3 – Kitchen/lounge, 2 bedrooms and bathroom at first floor and in the roofspace with a gross internal area of 75m2.

Unit 4 – Kitchen/lounge at first floor and a bedroom and bathroom in the roofspace with a gross internal area of 56m2.

Unit 5 – Kitchen/lounge and bathroom at first floor and a bedroom in the roofspace with a gross internal area of 56m2.

4.3 The two storey side extension would measure 4.65m width. It would measure 9.28m in depth incorporating the access to the basement parking at ground floor. It would measure a maximum of 9.6m to the ridge, and 6m to the eaves.

4.4 The existing roof to the rear of the building would be increased in height with a ridge height to a maximum of 9.6m.

4.5 An external staircase would be erected to the rear (south east) elevation to first floor level.

4.6 The current application is identical to the previously approved application reference 01254/316/P5 except for the replacement of the basement car parking with surface car parking and therefore that approval gives weight to the acceptability of this application, the main assessment is therefore whether there have been any material changes in circumstances in policy terms or on site that would justify coming to a different conclusion in this instance.


5.1 Thirty-two neighbouring residents including St Stephens Residents Association were notified on 20/11/2019 following receipt of amended plans. A site notice was posted on 04/09/2019. A press notice was posted on 13/09/2019.

5.2 Two responses were received including a petition with 40 signatories commenting as follows:

Comment Response

Loss of architectural and historic merit

See sections 7.13-7.17

Loss of outlook and privacy See sections 7.18-7.22

Unacceptable visual impact and loss of open space

See sections 7.13-7.17

Number of flats should be reduced/over development of site

See section 7.2 to 7.12

Unauthorized use of pavement as crossover

This application would regularize the crossover on Parkside Road.

Increase noise and disturbance See section 7.18 to 7.22

Impact to natural daylight entering neighbouring property

See sections 7.13-7.17

5.3 The application was placed on the Pending Decisions List dated 24th to 31st January 2020 (week 4) recommending approval with objections and there was no request for the application to be considered by committee.


Determining applications for full or outline planning permission

6.1 The determination must be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Local finance considerations must also be assessed.

The National Planning Policy Framework

6.2 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was revised on 19 February 2019. The April 2014 National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) is an online guidance resource that supports the NPPF. Where pertinent, the NPPF and NPPG are material considerations that will be taken into account in decision-making.

The Development Plan

6.3 The Development Plan for the Borough comprises the Council's Local Plan (adopted by the Council on 15 September 2015), the West London Waste Plan and the London Plan Consolidated with Alterations since 2011.

6.4 The draft New London Plan has been through Examination in Public, but has not yet been adopted. The weight given to it remains a matter for the decision maker at this stage.

6.5 The Council are currently undertaking two Local Plan Reviews; the West of Borough Local Plan review and the Great West Corridor Local Plan review.

6.6 The adopted Local Plan and emerging Local Plan Review documents can be viewed on the Planning Policy pages of the Hounslow website.

6.7 London Plan Policies

3.3 Increasing Housing Supply

3.4 Optimising Housing Potential

3.5 Quality and Design of Housing Developments

5.1 Climate Change Mitigation

5.2 Minimising Carbon Dioxide Emissions

5.3 Sustainable Design and Construction

5.12 Flood Risk Management

5.15 Water Use and Supplies

6.9 Cycling

6.13 Parking

7.4 Local Character

7.6 Architecture

6.8 Draft London Plan Policies

GG2 Making the Best Use of Land

GG4 Delivering the Homes Londoners Need

D2 Delivering Good Design

D4 Housing Quality and Standards

D6 Optimising Housing Density

D13 Noise

H1 Increasing Housing Supply

H2 Small Sites

SI2 Minimising Greenhouse Gas Emissions

SI7 Reducing Waste and Supporting the Circular Economy

T4 Assessing and Mitigating Transport Impacts

T5 Cycling

T6 Car Parking

6.9 Relevant Local Plan Policies

CC1 Context and Character

CC2 Urban Design and Architecture

SC1 Housing Growth

SC3 Meeting the Need for a Mix of Housing Size and Type

SC4 Scale and Density of New Housing Development

SC5 Ensuring suitable internal and external space

SC7 Residential Extensions and Alterations

GB7 Biodiversity 105

EQ1 Energy and Carbon Reduction

EQ2 Sustainable Design and Construction

EQ4 Air Quality

EQ5 Noise

EQ7 Sustainable Waste Management

EC2 Developing a Sustainable Local Transport Network

IMP1 Sustainable Development


7.1 The planning issues to consider are:

Acceptability in principle

Design and Appearance and impact on the Heritage Assets

Impact on adjoining occupiers

Highways Issues Acceptability in principle

7.2 The London Plan encourages high quality schemes for housing that make more efficient use of land. It states that good design should contribute positively to making places better for people. Design which is inappropriate in its context, or fails to take opportunities for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions, should not be accepted.

7.3 London Plan (“LP”) Policy 3.3 recognises the need for more homes in

7.4 London to promote opportunity and provide a real choice for all Londoners. For Hounslow, it sets a housing delivery target of a minimum of 822 new homes per year, with the Mayor of London recently announcing that this figure is proposed to increase to 2,182 per year. It recognises the need to intensify density at appropriate locations to optimise housing provision. This optimisation must however give particular attention to ensuring good design and taking into account public transport capacity and local context and character. Other relevant factors include access to social infrastructure, open space and play provision. This balanced approach is supported by the LP design policies and housing standards in Policy 3.5.

7.5 Policy SC6 deals with building conversions, requiring the following:

An original floor area of 130 square metres

Provision of at least one family sized unit at ground floor level

Have regard to internal and external space standards

Provide a good standard of living conditions

Be of high quality design

Ensure no undue loss of amenities to neighbours

7.6 Given the property no longer appears to have a lawful use as a single family dwelling, the provision of one family sized unit on the ground floor is not necessary in this instance.

7.7 The original floor area of the property would appear to exceed 130 square metres and so is considered suitable for a conversion in principle, subject to the detailed considerations discussed below.

Standards of accommodation

Internal space standards

7.8 Table 3.3 sets minimum space standards for dwellings of different sizes. This is based on the minimum gross internal floor area (GIA) required for new homes relative to the number of occupants, whilst also taking account of commonly required furniture and spaces needed for different activities and moving around. These standards are reflected in Local Plan Policy SC5 which requires development proposals to demonstrate compliance with the Nationally Described Space Standards.

7.9 The units would meet the internal space standards set by the London Plan and appear to be suitably arranged, each having a dual aspect.

External Amenity

7.10 The provision of good quality, useable amenity space and children’s play areas is fundamental to good planning. Particular emphasis on the quality and quantity of the amenity space in developments of this size is needed to ensure adequate provision and accessibility for all residents. Such spaces should be private and secure with safe and convenient access. For flatted developments, communal areas are generally acceptable, although areas immediately adjoining flats should have private gardens/terraces for sole use of those flats.

7.11 The London Plan Housing SPG advises that a minimum of 5sqm of private amenity space should be provided for one-two person dwellings, with an extra 1sqm provided for each additional occupant. The minimum depth and width of all balconies and other private external spaces should be 1.5m.

7.12 Local Plan Policy SC5 (Ensuring Suitable Internal and External Space) reflects the standards contained in the London Plan Housing SPG in respect of provision of private amenity space for flatted developments,

but factors in a requirement to provide communal external amenity space for such developments, with the following benchmarks: 25sqm per flat with up to 3 habitable rooms; 30sqm per flat with 4 habitable rooms; and 40sqm per flat with over 5 habitable rooms (less a reduction for the area of private space provided for each flat).

7.13 Unit 2 (2 bedroom 3 person) would exceed this provision by providing 45sqm of private amenity space.

7.14 Unit 1 on the ground floor and the remaining units would not have any private amenity space. The remaining area measuring 132sqm would provide a communal outdoor amenity space which would be conveniently located to the rear of the site. Local Plan policy SC5 (e) states that the exact area and character of external amenity space will vary according to the size and use of the dwelling unit. (f)The arrangement of external amenity space across a site should also be carefully considered to ensure an appropriate balance of public, communal and private space. (g) For flatted developments provision of a minimum 5 sqm of private outdoor space for all 1 to 2 person dwellings, with an additional 1 sqm for each additional occupant.

7.15 Although clearly falling short of the numerical standard prescribed by the SPG, this deficit would not be significant given that it would provide a good level of communal external amenity space for occupants; in terms of aspect, quality and useability.

7.16 Appropriate landscaping and screening will be secured by condition to ensure the private and communal amenity areas are well landscaped and maintained, protect privacy and personal security and are not be readily overlooked or accessible by non-residents. Design and impact on the Conservation Area

7.17 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires that development should achieve good design, respond to local character and history, and reflect the identity of local surroundings, including materials, and prevent harm or loss to designated heritage assets, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation.

7.18 Policy CC1 of the Hounslow Local Plan seeks to ensure that all new

development preserves conserves and enhances their special qualities and heritage. Policy CC2 of the Hounslow Local Plan seeks to retain, promote and support high quality urban design and architecture to create attractive, distinctive, and liveable places.

7.19 The proposal would involve significant alterations to the building and the site as a whole. This is particularly important as the building is located on a prominent corner site, which with the Church opposite, acts as the entrance to St. Stephen’ s Conservation Area. The property is an excellent example of Victorian architecture, which typifies the

character of the conservation area with its Victorian and Edwardian origins. The two storey side extension would be a considerable addition to the property, especially when viewed from the prominent viewpoint of Hanworth Road.

7.20 The application site has since become locally listed and notwithstanding, the proposed two storey side extension remains unchanged from the previously consented scheme 01254/316/P5 except for the replacement of the basement car parking with surface car parking. This relied on the Inspectors comments provided for application 01254/316/P4. The inspector on the previous appeal stated that the “resulting building would now form a more pleasing and coherent whole” and “the proposed frontage to Hanworth Road would appropriately increase the presence and stature of the building.” Concluding that, “I therefore find no objection to the scale or external appearance of the proposed building.”

7.21 Overall, the previous planning consent (01254/316/P5) is a material

consideration and afforded great weight in the planning balance. The proposed extension remains identical to the consented scheme and is considered to be acceptable in this context. Details of boundary treatment will be secured by condition. Impact on adjoining occupiers Light, Outlook, Visual Intrusion and Privacy

7.22 Policy CC2 of the adopted Local Plan seeks to protect existing

residents’ amenity.

7.23 In relation to the two storey side extension, as it is located to the side of the property within the large area of existing garden. The distance left to the adjacent No.318 would mean that there would be little chance of any loss of daylight or sunlight to this property. There is a proposed window in the side wall of the roof space but the siting of this is not considered to result in a loss of privacy.

7.24 The proposed amenity space would also be located on the boundary with No. 318. As this area is currently dedicated to open space, it is not considered that activity in this area would result in any significant additional harmful effects on the amenity of the residents of No. 318.

7.25 In relation to the properties at No. 6 Parkside Road, it is not considered that the development would result in loss of daylight or sunlight to this property, nor would there be a loss of privacy.

7.26 No balconies are proposed as part of the development, as such no overlooking or overshadowing to neighbouring properties and the future occupants of the development is envisaged.

7.27 Overall, it is considered that the proposal would not result in demonstrable harm to neighbours’ living conditions, in terms of loss of daylight, sunlight and overshadowing.

Highways and transport issues

7.28 Policy 6.3 of the London Plan states that developments should ensure that impacts on the transport capacity and the transport network are fully assessed.

7.29 Policy EC2 of the adopted Local Plan seeks to secure a more sustainable local travel network that maximises opportunities for walking, cycling and using public transport.

7.30 The census data identifies that the site generates demand for approximately three parking spaces. Amended plans were received reducing the car parking spaces to three spaces, including one disabled space, thereby compliant with policy requirements.

7.31 The proposed development generates a requirement of eight cycle parking spaces. Suitable cycle storage and provision will be secured by condition.

7.32 Details of waste and recycling facilities will be secured by condition.


7.33 Sustainability underpins many London Plan and Local Plan policies. These require development to minimise waste, include energy efficiency measures, promote use of renewable energy, and not significantly increase requirements for water supply or surface water drainage.

7.34 As a significant redevelopment of the site, this proposal can make a substantial contribution to sustainable development in the Borough and it is important that it recognises and adopts sustainable development principles.

7.35 London Plan Policy 5.2 (Minimising carbon dioxide emissions) requires developments to make the fullest practicable contribution to minimising CO2 emissions following this energy hierarchy:

Be Lean: use less energy

Be Clean: supply energy efficiently

Be Green: use renewable energy

7.36 In addition, London Plan Policy 5.3 requires development to demonstrate that sustainable design standards are integral to the proposal. Furthermore, London Plan Policy 5.15 requires development to minimise the use of mains water by incorporating water saving measures and equipment, as well as designing residential

development to ensure mains water consumption is 105 litres or less, per person, per day.

7.37 In addition, the Mayor aims to ensure that major developments reduce carbon dioxide emissions from buildings, by reaching higher than the Target Emission Rate (TER) outlined in the national Buildings Regulations. Local Plan Policy EQ1 supports these objectives.

7.38 The submitted energy statement confirms Approved Document Part L of current Building Regulations (2013) addresses the conservation of fuel and power. Part L is divided into four separate documents. Part L1B sets out the minimum energy efficiency requirements for existing dwellings and is based on the SAP methodology.

7.39 The following measures have been proposed to make improvements to the dwellings over the Building Regulations Part L1B and SAP 2012 standards:

Thermal bridging – to ensure the continuity of insulation and therefore apply a significant improvement factor on the energy performance;

Ventilation – An air test is not required under Part L1B, however good air leakage sealing of the building will provide a reduction in energy demand;

Heating and Controls – a highly efficient 89% efficient combi-boiler with a delayed start and time and temperature control zones;

Lighting – the design of the dwelling allows for natural daylight which will reduce the energy use from internal lighting;

Fabric elements to ensure food levels of insulation exceeding Part L1B requirements.

7.40 The renewable technology review indicates that the most feasible solution to achieve the 35% reduction in CO2 emissions from the dwelling (when compared to the baseline scenario) would be solar Photo Voltaic (PV) cells. This results in a 35.1% reduction in CO2 emissions kg/year.

7.41 Current requirement for schemes to be carbon neutral are acknowledged, but given the proposal is for a conversion not new build the above standard is considered acceptable.


8.1 The public sector equality duty applies to all council decisions.

8.2 A public authority or any person who exercises public functions must, in the exercise of those functions, have due regard to the need to:

(a) eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by or under the Act;

(b) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;

(c) foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

8.3 Having due regard to the need to advance equality of opportunity, this involves having due regard, in particular, to the need to:

(a) remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by persons who share a relevant protected characteristic that are connected to that characteristic;

(b) take steps to meet the needs of persons who share a relevant protected characteristic that are different from the needs of persons who do not share it;

(c) encourage persons who share a relevant protected characteristic to participate in public life or in any other activity in which participation by such persons is disproportionately low.

8.4 This shall include, in particular, but is not limited to steps to take account of disabled persons' disabilities.

8.5 The exercise of public functions must have due regard to the need to foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not, in particular, to the need to:

(a) tackle prejudice; and

(b) promote understanding.

8.6 Compliance with these duties may involve treating some persons more favourably than others. This is not to be taken as permitting conduct that would otherwise be prohibited by or under the Act.

8.7 The relevant protected characteristics are: age; disability; gender reassignment; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; marriage and civil partnership; and sexual orientation.

8.8 Due regard needs to be demonstrated in the decision making process and requires an analysis of the material with the specific statutory considerations in mind. It does not follow that the considerations raised

will be decisive in a particular case the weight given to them will be for the decision maker. The equalities duty is not a duty to achieve a particular result. Some equalities considerations are covered under other legislation such as building control matters. Officers have in considering this application and preparing this report had regard to the public sector equality duty and have concluded that due regard has been given to the Council’s duty in respect of its equalities duties and that if approving or refusing this proposal the Council will be acting in compliance with its duties.


9.1 Section 70(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as

amended) provides that a local planning authority must have regard to a local finance consideration as far as it is material. A local finance consideration means: a) a grant or other financial assistance that has been, or will or could be, provided to a relevant authority by a Minister of the Crown; or

b) sums that a relevant authority has received, or will or could receive, in payment of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

9.2 The weight to be attached to a local finance consideration remains a matter for the decision maker. The Mayor of London's CIL and Hounslow CIL are therefore material considerations.

9.3 Most new development which creates net additional floor space of 100 square metres or more, or creates a new dwelling, is potentially liable to pay the CIL to Hounslow and the Mayor of London.

Floor space



lawful floor



floor space

CIL liable

floor space

0 0 212

9.4 This proposal would be liable to pay the CIL, given the net floor area is greater than 100m2.


That planning permission is granted subject to the following conditions:


1 Commencement

The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To accord with the provisions of Section 92 (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. Approved Plans

The proposed development shall be carried out in all respects in accordance with the proposals contained in the application and the plans submitted (WallPod:EV specification, BasicCharge EV pedestal specification, A120, A101, A102, , A100, A111; received 15/10/2019, Energy Statement prepared by Base Energy dated 22/10/2019; received 22/10/2019; A110 i4, A112 i4, A131 01, A130 01, A102 i4; received 25/02/2020; 690/RDP/FIG1, 690A/RDP/P01 received 13/08/2019) therewith and approved by the Local Planning Authority, or as shall have been otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the building is used.

Reason: To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the planning permission.

3 Materials to be specified

No development shall take place until samples and product specifications of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the hereby permitted building have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: In order that the Council may be satisfied as to the details of the development in the interests of the visual amenity of the area and to satisfy the requirements of policies CC1, CC2 and CC4 of the adopted Local Plan.

4 Hard and Soft landscaping

Prior to the occupation of development, full details of both hard and soft landscape works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority and these works shall be carried out as approved. These details shall

include; proposed finished levels or contours; means of enclosure; pedestrian and vehicular access; hard surfacing material; minor artefacts and structures (eg. furniture, play equipment, refuse or other storage units, signs, lighting etc); proposed and existing functional services above and below ground (eg drainage power, communications cables, pipelines etc. indicating lines, manholes, supports etc); retained historic landscape features and proposals for restoration, where relevant).

Soft landscape works shall include; details of additional tree planting and replacement trees for those scheduled to be removed (a minimum of three additional); planting plans; written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment); schedules of plants, noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities where appropriate; implementation programme)

Reason. In the interest of biodiversity, sustainability, and to ensure that a satisfactory standard of visual amenity is provided and maintained in accordance with policy CC1, CC2 (New Development) of the adopted Local Plan.

5 No additional windows

Other than as specified, no additional windows or other glazed openings shall be formed in the walls of the extension hereby approved without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect neighbours' living conditions and to ensure that the accommodation provided is appropriate and respects the character and appearance of the area in accordance with Policy SC7 Residential extensions and alterations of the adopted Local Plan.

6 Obscure Glazing

The windows proposed on the plans to be obscure glazed shall be constructed from obscure glazing and shall not be repaired or replaced otherwise than with obscured glazing.

Reason: To prevent overlooking of the nearby premises in accordance with policy SC7 Residential extensions and alterations of the adopted Local Plan.

7 Hours of construction No demolition or construction work shall take place on the site except between the hours of 8:00am to 6:00pm on Mondays to

Friday and 9:00am to 1:00pm on Saturdays and none shall take place on Sundays and Public Holidays without the prior agreement of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the proposed development does not prejudice the amenities of the locality in accordance with policies CC1, CC2 (New Development) and EQ5 (Noise pollution) of the adopted Local Plan.

8 Contaminated land

Before the development hereby permitted commences:

a. A contaminated land Phase 1 desk study report shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Should the Phase 1 report recommend that a Phase 2 site investigation is required, then this shall be carried out and submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The site shall be investigated by a competent person to identify the extent and nature of contamination. The report should include a tiered risk assessment of the contamination based on the proposed end use of the site. Additional investigation may be required where it is deemed necessary.

b. If required, a scheme for decontamination of the site shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority, for written approval. The scheme shall account for any comments made by the Local Planning Authority before the development hereby permitted is first occupied.

During the course of the development:

c. The Local Planning Authority shall be notified immediately if additional contamination is discovered during the course of the development. A competent person shall assess the additional contamination, and shall submit appropriate amendments to the scheme for decontamination in writing to the Local Planning Authority for approval before any work on that aspect of development continues.

Before the development is first brought into use:

d. The agreed scheme for decontamination referred to in clauses b) and c) above, including amendments, shall be fully implemented and a written validation (closure) report submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval.

Reason: Contamination is known or suspected on the site due to a former land use. The Local Planning Authority (LPA) therefore wishes to ensure that the development can be implemented and occupied with adequate regard for public

and environmental safety in accordance with policy EQ8 Contamination of the adopted Local Plan.

Supporting notes:

a. An initial phase 1 desk study must be submitted with the original application and will include the aims and objectives, data collection, site reconnaissance (walk over survey), and development of the initial Conceptual Model (CM), which identifies all potential pollutant linkages on the site. The report should also make recommendations for the further gathering of information and or intrusive investigation. The full site investigation must include intrusive testing for soil and groundwater contamination, soil gasses, and leachate. The investigation shall be carried out at such points and at such depths as the LPA may stipulate. Risk assessments must adhere to current UK guidance and best practice.

b. The scheme for decontamination shall provide details of how each potential pollutant linkage, as identified in the conceptual model, will be made safe.

c. In some instances the LPA may require work on site to be ceased whilst the nature of additional contamination is investigated fully.

d. The validation report shall revisit the site conceptual model, and provide evidence that each aspect of the decontamination scheme was carried out correctly and successfully. This report shall prove that the development is suitable for its new use.

e. We request that site investigation reports or site plans be sent electronically to or by post on a cd or dvd wherever possible

9 Refuse Storage (Details to be submitted)

The use hereby permitted shall not be begun until details of the arrangements for storing of waste and recycled materials have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The arrangements for storing waste and recycled materials shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with any approval given and shall be completed before any part of the accommodation hereby permitted is occupied.

Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the area and in accordance with policies CC1 Context and character, CC2 Urban design and architecture, EQ7 Sustainable waste management and WLWP (Recycling Facilities in New

Developments) of the adopted Local Plan.

10 Cycle Storage Before the development is first occupied, details of cycle storage and facilities shall be provided and thereafter retained for use at all times without obstruction. Reason: To ensure adequate cycle parking is available on site and to promote sustainable modes of transport in accordance with the London Plan policy 6.9.

11 Energy Strategy A) The development hereby permitted shall not commence until a finalised Energy Strategy (demonstrating how the target 35% for carbon dioxide emissions reduction are to be met in line with the Mayor’s energy and cooling hierarchies) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local planning Authority. B) The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved Energy Strategy and shall not commence above ground until full Design Stage calculations under the Standard Assessment Procedure/National Calculation Method have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local planning Authority to show that the development will be constructed in accordance with the approved Energy Strategy, and any subsequent approved revisions, and achieved a 35% reduction in emissions. c) Prior to first occupation of the building(s) evidence (e.g. photographs, installation contracts and As-Built certificates under the Standard Assessment Procedure/National Calculation Method) should be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing to show that the development has been constructed in accordance with the approved Energy Strategy, and any subsequent approved revisions, and achieved a 35% reduction in emissions. Reason: To ensure that the development makes the fullest contribution to minimising carbon dioxide emissions in accordance with London Plan Policy 5.2 and the London Borough of Hounslow Local Plan Policy EQ1.

12 Water Consumption The development shall not be occupied until evidence (schedule of fittings and manufactures literature) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority demonstrating that the development has been constructed to achieve an internal water consumption of the development not exceeding 105 litres per day in line with The Water Efficiency Calculator for new dwellings from the Department of Communities and Local Government. Reason: In order to protect and conserve water supplies and resources in accordance with London Plan Policy 5.15 and

the London Borough of Hounslow Local Plan Policy EQ2. 13 Sustainable materials

The development shall not be occupied until evidence (e.g. photographs and copies of installation contracts) has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing to demonstrate that the development has been carried out in accordance with the approved materials details meeting the following standards: - At least three of the key elements of the building envelope (external walls, windows roof, upper floor slabs, internal walls, floor finishes/coverings) are to achieve a rating of A+ to D in the Building Research Establishment (BRE) The Green Guide of specification. - At least 50% of timber and timber products are to be sourced from accredited Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or Programme for the Endorsement of Forestry Certification (PEFC) scheme. - No construction or insulation materials are to be used which will release toxins into the internal and external environment, including those that deplete stratospheric ozone. Reason: In order to ensure the sustainable sourcing of materials in accordance with the London Plan Policy 5.3 and the Mayor of London’s Sustainable Design and Construction supplementary planning guidance.

14 Details of fencing No development shall take place until full details of boundary treatment have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. Reason: In order to ensure satisfactory balance of privacy outlook to the occupiers of the ground floor flats in accordance with Local Plan policies CC1 and CC2.


1) To assist applicants, the London Borough of Hounslow has produced planning policies and written guidance, which are available on the Council's website. The Council also offers a pre-application advice service. In this case, the Council's suggested improvements were adopted by the applicant.

2) Some new developments granted planning permission on or after 1st April 2012 will be liable to pay Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to the Mayor of London with respect to the funding of Crossrail. This is at the rate of 60 pounds per sq.m of new floor space. CIL is also payable to L B Hounslow and relevant rates are available on the Council's web site. This development is liable for CIL. A Liability Notice will follow shortly. For further information please contact the CIL team on 020 8583 4898/4895 or view our web page: or the planning portal web page: This development is liable for CIL. A Liability Notice will follow shortly. For further information please contact the CIL team on 020 8583 4898/4895 or view our web page: or the planning portal web page:

3) Dear Applicant, as soon as the planning application is granted for

newly built or conversion of the property that requires address creation or update, please visit the Council's website by following the link: