Post on 16-Aug-2020

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IMMcriptloB Price $100 per Year


ftaMlent Advertisements 26 cents per loch for firat Insertion and ten cents w r Inch lor each eubsw-ouent lnaertion Local notices 5 cents per line for wcfa tnalaquorUon Special-rates for regular advertiseshyments by (he year or quarter ^ ^

Busmpoundss cmns Q O I L C U K I S T r mdash ^ ^ _



itoualrinB-dona on short notice Keeps a full bulltolTlaquot Dianiond Black Leather OH constantly on hand PINCKNEY MICHIGAN




THK sting of a reproach is the truth of it

DEVEREAUX BROS1 bull Dyalets in

mdashFRESH AND CURED MEATS MONITOH HOUSE B I ^ H K PTMCKNEY-Will keep first class stock and sell at ruasouatUe

Jiricaa A share oi the public patronage is uolic-ted - -



Also dealer in Cigars and Confectionery

Second door eastolPostofflce PINCKNEY^


DRY GOODS FANCY-GGGDS_ Family Groceries Boots and Shoes Hata and Caga

The-Brick7torlaquo oa-tacorner

f ff lXKLE amp CADwELL

Dealers In





BOOKSELLER amp STATIONERS Dealers in Tobacco and Cl)raquoar8 Musical and Optical Goods Clocks Jewelry Toys^NovtiltleB Etc Etc Confectionery a specialty v

Cor Main And Mill Sts PINCKNEY





In Detroit Monday evening Sept 3rd 18frac34 Mrs Luuy E Still (mother of Mrs J Winchell oj Plnckm-y)-att)d 7 yeara-

TT We will pay the highest market price for wheat

suitable for milling

POPLAR WOOD mdash S5amp3rsvs a tansd our PuIpMin7ari(l a renowpre^ pared to buy Poplar Wood in large or email quanr titiemdashcut or standing Call and see us- mdash-mdash

BIRKETT MMFG CO Birkett t Aug 28 1883

Desirahle lots for sale _ A few desirable business lots for sale at reason

Die prices Enquire of CHRISTIAN B R O W N

at the Blacksmith shop


MONEY TO LOAN at easy rates in sums of $1000 and upwards on real estate security Inshyquire of J AS T EAMAN

H E who hates another man for not being a Christian is not himself a Christian

A good horse for sale cfceap for cash Inquire of DEVERAEAUX BUOS

A GRAND safeguard for doing right is to hate all that is wrong

Barton amp Campbell have just received a large and beautiful stock of 18-47 Rogers Bros plated ware Give them a call bull

TKUE liberty-consists in the privilshyege of enjoying our own rights- -not

Dont forget the hop at the Monitor House hall Saturday eve

The watermelon season has passed ita zeinth and fancy prices no longer prevail v

Eighty feet of the new railroad grade went through the surface a short distance east of town Tuesday

^ Tmclcne^Vfallroadwill be an acshy

complished fact in the near future and then look out for a marvelous growth

School commences nextTYJonday for a-term ofthree months will then blt obliged to- flt and marbles

- Tilt urchin rsake his tops

iTH^trltr-dcrtructralaquogtof the bullrigrrts-ol others

Ail kinds of school stationery school globes etc at WincheLVs Drug Store


Mrs Still waa one of the pioneers of AUeuan county -havin^remuved from Rochester NYio that county in 1H33 Her remains TlaquoTe taken to Plainwell where on Wednesday afternoon she was placed by the side of tbe companion whose loss she has mourned for the past six years They lie atreBt in the beautiful cemetery -adjoining the old homestead where for nearly half a century they had lived in quiet enjoyment of tne^socishyety of fBelrfamily and a largo circle of friends who had shared with them thir^prlvations of early dftys ftd the prosperity which followed

_ MARRfED gt At Cflelaea Monday September 3-^88frac14 by Se v Fr Buhig Mr Jno Ttfnniey and Miss Aggie Do Ian both otPincknVy bull i bull

In Pinckney Wednesday September 5th 1883 by Rev K II Crane Mr L W Colby of Detroit and Mrs I L ^ D a r r o w of Pinckney

JSfTliOse receiving their papers with a-red X over this paragraph will please notice that their-subscription expires with next number A blue X signlnes that the time has expired and that in acshycordance with our rules the paper will be disconshytinued untLTBTrtracription is renewed


L E Richards 15 Verv Ml

This month is spelled with atf-oyster

^ h e DisPATCH-s flcbscription list eon tinues to boorn bull

Detroit is enjoying an artloan exhishybition angtJ fruijitiy tenoi-of the Deshytroit papers the exhibition is not too well patronized

Our Live merchants are filling their stores with lull stocks of dry goods boots shoes anclelothing and trade is unusually lively

- Ye editor and wife were~Saddenly called to Detroit this week to attend the -budaUdii-of Mrgt Wimillaquojlis mlaquother r

whose death occured Monday evening

The season for shooting wild ducks and geese will soon be upon us and the Nimrod is cleaning Hs gun In anshyticipation of the coming sport

Regular correspondents will confer a favor by informing us by postafwhen they are not able to send a communishycation Much annoyance would thus be avoided v

If you have planned any pleasure exarrsion_ibrsummer- days you had-better be at it now rofthis weather is but a respite before Winter sets-in in dead earnest mdash

Jas Markey Esq started yesterday for Sandusky Ohio on a business trip

MissJulia Barnard of this villai is visiting at Fowlerville for a few days

The season for operas is upon us and amusements by the score may now be anticipated

Mr Daniel Webb bought of Levi Parlfs of J)airaquovilla BJ head of vear-lings weighing 77 hundred pounds

A social hop was enjoyed at jthe JJat-latch hall last Saturday evenshying A party will he given at the Monshyitor House next Saturday^evening

Detroit anticipates a population of 150000 at the census of lh90 It is a ruoidly growing city and rms every ia-cility for improvement so far as rail-roatts and Waterxinaid i j r

We have received some very fine specimens of poplar wood paper pulp from the Birkett Manufacturing Comshypany of Hudson Mills It is equal to thebest we evec saw ^

Detroit of all the lafge cities in this countryis notably the city of Homes There are mofeTiouses fbr^heir people than in any -other city of its size and -as much larger proportion of the dwellings are owned by thoso who occupy them bull

A number of our citizens attended the Grange Picnic at Whitmore Lake Saturday ldst The picnic was not a great success if a_large crowd was the thing to he desired Farmers genshyerally are too bus^ to do any picnickshying nowadays

At the annual scliooL meeting Monshyday evening Thompson Grimes Esq wasr i-elected Moderator I t wasvote^

Michigan farmers are more fortunate


to make the school a graded one addshying one more department and-a meet

thajrUhejr Ohia^rethpoundpoundnmthe matter bull ing^wiU be hold -Monday evening next

of the wheat erop Wheat did not average above one-thirdof a crop intlgte Buckeye StaTeT

During the absence of Mr WincheU we beg the indulgence of the readers of the DiaPATcii and p r o m t s that hp

for the purpose of selecting trustees-in accordajice with the law- A vote was taken to ascertain the vTews of tbe peo -pleregarding the prospect of bulletin^ a new school houseand the result was almost V unanimous vote in favor

will make- amends for the dearth of news in this issue -mdashbullmdashbull bull

The vStockbridge Sentinel man-was afflicted withjisentiniental temperance streak last week-artel deplores the le


The nhi6npicnic 6f the M E and arid Congregational Susday^chools-at Dr Hazes - grove Friday last was a very pleasant one howithatUnding the

bull-i tin fact that a very busy time with the

farmers prevented tne a t tendanceof rrjany from outside- ther village The schoblS metat the churches and- were escorted to tlie grove rJythe^Prhckney Cornet Band Svving^ad^^n^put up in the grme and with other amuseshyments seemed to7 gratify the childrens jle^iieliLirajlay of spoiHi At half past LW IVH The delicious eatablevmdashso

bonntifully provided by the ladies were spread on tablets ready tbbe dealt out to tjie hungry Music by-the band brief and appropriate remarks by Rev K iHZjOfan^Ta^hlessJn^ Pearcemdasharui then the victuals began to disappear as if by magje After dinshyner-tne--children had a romp and tlveohier onesa good ysifall returnshying home toward eWhirigV ready to certify that they had had a good

bulltime laquo bull

HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTLNG Kadsomining and Paper-hanging



A special meeting of the le^al voters of school district No 2 of the township of Putnam called on the written request of five leual voters will be held at the school house on September 10th 1883 at 7oclock P M for the purpose of raising money to build a school hqrise in said district

J J TKKIIK Director -Dated at Putnam September -1th 188a

Mr C E Hollister is moving into his new store this- week-

laquobull Mr Eugene Markey returned from

E A MANN Dealer in

DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES - ClothiHg and General Merchandise

Nextto-pbst Offlclaquo ^ ^ PINCKNEY




FARMING LAKDS FOR SALE One hundred and sixty acres offarming land

the townsXip ltraquof Oenoain two lots I proved4 miles from Howell and 9 mi] Pinckney Address Elizabeth Crowlev

Box 118 V Howell Mich

In iuij_


RESIDENCE FOR SALE The residence of Mrs ACollier in the eastern partof the village of -PlfMftnev-will ua-gold on reasorjahle terma KOP fnrtlu-f informatlonr ap-ply to



Ogemaw county Saturday -

Tle camp at Cordley Lake will probably be broken this week _

Mr J A Cadwell and family reshyturned from the west Monday

Mr McCuvdy of Lansing- spent last Sunday with Pinqkney iriefuls J_^__

Farmers lire getting their fall wheat in tlie ground as rapidly as possible

The United States contain more Irishmen thai the Emerald Is le itself


A REPAIR SHOP - ltn ^ n r n v t l n n with

done GivemracaII7 West of hotel

our storej repairing neatly Cas^^rnlorPF^rrdpeitamdash



A NEW VORK lady says the latest thing-out ismdashher husbana bull mdash-Darn -Net -all widths at Lajah_amp4 Sykes mdashAmdashLITTLB

J- 11 Barton is camping with -a--

graded morals oftttat onue~temperate town It is ever thus - y

~ Mr Isaac Davis of Unadil-la t6wn-ship called Tuesday and reports the_ grade onthe new railroad nearly coin-

leted throAigh that section^ Track aying will soon be commenced (

Read the ad v^rtiseiiu^ntof D D -3ralTory -amp Craquox of Detroi^WKole^ale dealersfln oysters an-c^ Ydreign fruits These gentlemen do a laige bullbus in ess throughout the North Central States-

- Mr Eu^ne---Markey on Tuesday-Wentto hishomiem Pinckney He was a successful teacher at Ogemaw Springs and will likely take another school in the county this winter^-Ogemaw County Herald bull bull

girl bull beiirg dust was replied that it

-asked what was mud

ATTORNEY amp COCNSELOltTtTLAW-^ith-tTie juice squeezed

party from Unadilla at Portage Lake

bullv-Themdashpoe-t- sings dhys have come yeaKv

MrVred Hecov formerly of Pinck

mdash mdashand Justice of the Peace Office In the Brick Block PINCKNEY


AN exchange Ranting to compliment a Jivestock journal says it is edited by a man whose head is chuck full of live stockmdashDoubtful eomplimen^mdash-


RESIDENCE FOR SALE The residence of Mrs A Collier in the eastern

p a n offhft vnin^eol mnckney will tie aold on

FlavoringTIxtracts fresh and re-liable Vanilla LelnoriT^Rose Straw

b e r r y f ^ i n e i i p p ^ DrUg^torev -

THE enterprising individual who is orgarii7ing ft_lirjapound5_il^d__o_f twjeiity

ney was^in town a few days the past week N^ _

TKe-Huron B^ninsula is infested by Mghwaymenc---^^ thieves _-_t

Attention isjjrected -to the call in m another column fora special meeting

September 10 for the purpose of- raisshying tunds for the erectionof a new g-rinnl huilding PatroiLs-of district

the saddest of the

reaaonable terms ply to

For further Information ap-



^ W E t R yen

women says that if they learn half as-many a i rs as they put on the expershyiment cannot fail of being a success

Kermotts Blackberry Cordial at Wincheirs Drug Store -^Nowrmy little boys amLgiIlsv-^-said a teacher l wantyou to be vevy still =jsq^tiLLthntyou cni hear a pin drop In a minute all was silent gt when a

Miss Nellie Bennett is visiting friends andr-j-^iatives - ik Fowlerville this week

vMr L H Beebe and family of F o w lervilte^ are the- g u e s b j f Pinckney

x friendsthrs-w^lir-

Miss Maggbe Mercer of Hartland was the guest of her sister Mrs Craae Saturday and SuiidaV last

Quite a number of Pinckney young fitiksaiocrrmping at Cordley l1ke in Hamburg township and of course are having a good time

No 5 will do well to bullbullgiveattention to this matter which is so closely connect- ed with thamp welfaie of their children

| Tlie Brighton Citizen conres to us enlarge^ ltni| iimproved fornl It

merits a muck-better patronage- than its advertising columns show The business of Brighton evidently does not appreciate one of the greatest helps to local trade ainy towirinnr bave--a live localmdashnewspaper- We hope Brb Elti mwood may- meet with bull mor sub-

bull Adviprttsed Letters i bull bull s ^

The following letters remained un- called for in tlie Pinckney poatoincfl^-September 1st 1Samp3 r -

SjMa Ua^s Miss Nellie Head Mr Jtlsue Stevens Wm Mulgrovel

SPTOUNOPgtI bull raquo bull - bull



We are now1 prepared to furnish thepeoplo of -bullPinckney and surrounding country with the best

inadrnple silver plated ware at bottom pricesmdash lso a fine assortment of 3 ewelry

Vest Chains and Guard Chains NecklacesJMkvts Charms

Solid Gold Band and Sot Rings Gold Silver and MickleWafches

Latest designs in

Eight-day and Thirty-hour Clocks

littleToy shrieked out Lether drop All family medicine chests should

contain at least one 25 cent bottle of HatclTVUTiiw^rsal^Cbugh Syriip tbr sudden molds croup and other lung difficulties 31-14 bull

PoprLAit GLOHY is a perfect coquette her lovers must toil feel every mqui-etndeVindnlgtv every caprice and pcr-_hup-^t -last -berfikeil for their pains^

Good winter Rye which yielded 30 bushels^tojiie acre can be_hadfoxseed or feed oh the farm of G W Cooke

3 3 raquo

Gunsvcdsc And Sporting Goods Generally

JURI0JLamp CAMPBELL WeraquotMidiv Street -Piwampnej Michigan

at a reasonable price FALSE happiness is like false money tt -patneii for a- time bull as well as thay

true andrrsery^sbdquo Auiiuo ordinary

The Teachers Institute at Howell last wek was one ofthe nfosti^terest-ingthatrrhas ever been helcl in the county The attendanger was very large -

The latest traveling fraud is the silverware polish^ He takes your silver spoons and forks to ^shine em upmdashand theyshine for you neVer

more1 y ____ bdquo__ ^Sunday last a number of couples

from tJHo-village visited the campers at Cordleys liakq The camp is in W ^ spirits in spitejof the ccslcf nights

lots of fun American trntting horses heat Uif

ltslantIapericouragenient in future

Knoer date of September 3 the De-troi l Evening Journal contains the bullfollowing dlaquopatch- concerning the tlexter mmder The dead body my s-teriouslv foH nd near Marshall has been identifteoSas that of John Sixf He was about ^O^years ampld and a Gerri man A picture fotind upon the dead manvs person proves o be the likeness ofthe daughter of John H^aad a prom- inent farmer living abjoutfour miles north of Dexter The murdered man had worked for Mr Haad threV sum-rmers He lelt there on August iVhad $50 paid him and said lie was j^oingHo Ypsilanti to see an uncle and get some more uon^y from-himraquo- He was^seen+ in Ann Arbof a few days later and the supposition is that h^ went from there to Ypsilanti to attend the tire-mens tournament and that he was murdered at that time The sheriff of Marshall TSirt Dexter investigating

Whlaquo Parisians Bine Tfpom Par^4 is no longer the gaatronofoW

^paradise that ftwas of old T i n Parisians dine on the architepture of ifet diampheraquo on damask linen on thlaquo brilliancy of the glassware on ihm flowers that4 Tire on thetefete on to White cfaVatft fif the w^Rers bi On butter1 amptt 36 centsa pound and on ordiharv wine from the wine ahopn^--round the corner on fish with thebon painted in bjstre on the fillers by one of

Tfese nTyeterfons and ingenious artitte bullbull whose laquospecialty it is^to do kitcheti painting Tfce inventor of t hk iraquoraquo

dpstry was one nameti Chapellier whomdash iovehted the trade of- pednter o i turkeys feet He had noticed Uti the poulterers lost largely pa slain Btock The ei gn by which the BtaUne of a turkey for instance ia be tn jMin-^ the Increasing paleness of tbe Uga w d feet jChApellier invented vwrniB^ln- tone up the color Hiraquolaquoneoessoys h a m invented many other tricks vhich ar the providence of second-ches gsmc

some apparently brilliant Parisian households is aVfnl to think of I I

bull gt

the casions butwhen it is brought to the touch we hnd the lightness andalloy and feel the loss

British t-tock- ^4gty-A-lar^e-and while the sturdy Englishmen can beat our boys at cricket they are noshywhere on ba^e ball __

think perhaps the painter Ziems tat4n is thraquo moal iphenomenai Zinia hires half the dishes by the hont and inn

^ guests ate pt course not allowed W a t t igtr r~]p ipoundE dessert is generally ftt

doubt about his identity He was mdash~~ i -bullmdash- ---^-^ - - v _ 1mdash


probably followed from yenpsilanti and murdere4for his money

wax exoept one plate of cheap applnf and a dish of n n U pound t e T y o a s t e e |

gt H i raquo P i I 1 ^ -

^ ^


Lizrij-rrf 4 1 -


bullffliTMimdashrig bull amp $ ~

-f-_ ^

~t rrplusmn

ginchneg sectmic J E R O M E W I t f C H E L L E D I T O R

Enterod ut the Poatofflce as 2lt1 class matter

bull i


T h e e x r

per i raen t wjll p r o b a b l y be m a d e d u r i n g

~ mdash m e T I r a t - w e e k in ^epteniber bu t t h e

exac t da t e has n o t y e t been fixed

F R O M t he compara t i ve s u m m a r y of V t h e P resby te r i an - Church in t h e Uni ted

States j u s t issued u n d e r the a u t h o r i t y oi

bull the to ta l n u m b e r of c o m m u n i c a n t s in v 1883 is 600715 a n d increase of 8597 as

compared wi th 1882 a n d the to ta l n u m shyber of c h u r c h e s 5860 J a n d inc rease of 116gt-comispared w i t h 1S83J s i n c e the l i s r s l f m l ^ r T w a X I s s u e d 10397 adults a n d 17728 infan ts have been bap t ized The to t a l n u m b e r of min i s t e r s is 5218 not i n c l u d i n g l i cen t i a t e s of t h e p a s t

y e a r ^ i laquobull nqtrade1hlalfgtraquo-a7amp T h e

sum of con t r i bu t i ons for all purposes

d u r i n g t h e c h u r c h y e a r ws 896614U1-



L O R D Chief J u s t i c e Coler idge of E n g shy

land w h o is now in thjs -country is t he

^highest n i n c t i b n a r y h o h a s ever left

E n g l a n d to v i ^ r A m e n c a T _ ^ e x t

roya l ty i t s e l f^ the re

t o Amer ica is onlyoi ie h ighe r

t e r m s of t h e Br i t i sh law h e c a n only leave Ills fU)Bl by p u t t i n g ttrrjr


Grea t Seal in to commiss ion a p roceedshying which would cost him abou t sect7000

_Iraquoord Cole r idge s visit is an overit of the deepest i n t e re s t to the lega l f r a t e rn i ty

0f ^ t ^ a ^ m i r en t i r e_ J _e^a l m a shy

chinery a n d s t a tu t e s a re based pr inci shy

pa l ly on those o l _ E _ n g l a n d - t h w g h - ^ e have codified them a n d a d a p t e d t h e m to the necessi t ies of the p rac t i ca l pro-gresssive sp i r i t of-the Amer i can people


T h e M a c o n Te leg rap l i c o m m e n d s t h e scheme to send the neg ro back to Africa It t h inks t h a t a t least some of the b e t -

j^ te r class of colored-people w h o have p r o p e r t y a n d a r e educated m i g h t be induced to- g o t o Africa as an exper i shymen t But_it-fails to tell w h o shal l d a the induc ing a n d wha t a r g u m e n t s

- ^ h a l l be p s e d to persuade edkea ted


bullo lored to go to a ba rba rous c o u n t r y in

which t h e y can have no l iving in teres

T h e - t r o t b o f t A e ^ a t t e r ^ l W w n p t e s a T e

t r a n s p o r t a t i o n of the colored r a c e to the is absurd-and-


l and ot thftir^ ances tors vis ionary I t is in te res t ing as a bit of p re t ty sen t imen t bu t has no mQrc_p_racgt t ical va lue t h a n the scheme-fcttransport the J e w s back to Pa les t ine W h e t h e r for good o r ill the n e g r o is^befe

T H E Buffale Cour ie r lifts u p i ts voice

to p r o t e s t aga ins t over s tudy T h e

gt I

edaca t ion of c h i l d r e n - U n s a y s -is a

p r e t t y b a d l y bo tched affair a t best

bu t when p a r e n t s and t eachers consp i re

a g a i n s t t he hea l th a n d life of a b r i g h t

child w h o needs musc l e and s t a m i n a


l^efore iamp a ne ighbor ing ap a ry T h e pwner at^d his family of course cou ld jaot witness the- l ight bu t t h e y h a d tjhe p leasure of seeirig the w o r k i n g b^es b r ing tho lifeless bodies of t he i r adve r shysaries to the ex i t and bundle t h e m p u t by the h u n d r e d E x a m i n a t i o n of the slain showed tha t they had been severeshyly hand led -Many wera-headlotw o t h shyers had lost legs o r wiugs o r both a n d all were in a s h o c k i n g condi t ion Of the bees on ly a b o n t fifty had fallen in the fray wtyich l a s ted all day a n d ceas shyed only witjh the u t t e r ann i l a t i on of the drones T h e s l a u g h t e r of t h e d r o n e s t akes p l ace yea r ly a t t he a p p r o a c h of w i n t e j i _

S E V E R A L m o n t h s a g o 1300) copies of a l i t t le r ead ing-book inc lud ing a l so lesshysons in a r i t hme t i c were sent iirdm L o n shydon to Ba rce lona for use in P r o t e s t a n t


schools T h e exercises in r e a d i n g w e r e the Gospels w i thou t no te or c o m m e n t At the Cus tom House in B a r c e l o n a a n exorb i tan t d u t y w a s _ 4 e m a n d e d of t h e

t o pay i t I t w a s



T H E s t o r y of the T e x a s cow boys and the p r e s i d e n t is exceedingly funny a n d as h igh ly improbab l e If t h e cow boys were after Mr A r t h u r they would no t be foolish enough to t a k e a n e w s p a p e r m a n into the i r confidence

P E R S O N S who have neve r ceased t o r eg re t t h a t they fai led to see the M a i d c U h e Mist ru sh t h r o u g h the Whi r l poo l Rap ids a n d the Whi r lppo l of N i a g a r a will p robab ly be able to enjoy a s imi lar spec tac le in the n e a r fu ture I t ja r e p o r t e d t h a t e ight ci t izens of Susshypension Br idge have p u r c h a s e d a double -decked scow buil t of s t r o n g oak

t imber Which tpgyHJ leud to rc-fa3hion i U W i rer _ aimuncret awraquo are u in to t h e s ty le of a smal l ^s teamboat and then proposed to sell t he books Vit t l i e l i n ^ e ^ ^ g S ^ ^ ^ a i T ^ u ^ r y ^

send th rough the r ap ids wi th lashed author i t ies dec ided t h a t a r e l ig ious appears that tho) object to paying^het

r u d d e r a n d nolbodv on board quest ion was involvedmdashand t h a t t h e y

cou ld n o t be sold w i t h o u t v io la t ing t h e

supreme l a w of t h e l and T h e Engl i sh

Consul in t e rposed wi th an offer to p a y bdquon bdquobdquobdquokh bdquobdquo i ltu~ fkn Krtniro ^laquonL f~ tWTrle fast train near Albion the other i all costs a n d sh ip the bodies b a c k to s [ gt b a s t l n father-in-law and the horses London b u t W a ^ t b l t f r ^ ^ l T i s p ropos i shyt ion c a m e too l a te a n d t h a t the books ^ a a i s J ^ b e 4 raquo a ^ a e ^ ^ A ^ 4 pa^btiory bHTTred7 they were in B a r c e l o n a on J u l y 25 A local pape r the Pi ib l ic idad m a k e s this c o m m e n t o n the affair W e a r e such b a r b a r i a n s here t h a t we b u r n the Holy -Gospelii m e r e l y because they m i g h t b e r ead by P r o t e s t a n t s As S p a n i a r d s we blush with s h a m e as Liberals we a r e enraged a s f reemen of th is n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y - w e t h r n - - f o r eonsolatktH togtaa a p p r o a c h i n g fu ture bull

Times When W^aory Gcosi to Sbep Alnviit throe v^nrs ago 1 came to Haft-

r lson square iii th j vars bull and moun ted my hcjrse for lwmi After ga l lop ing abou t a mi le I sinUlowly foittnl o r ini-asrined that I bad bullbullrohe wroug5 I XouId not recal l the s tn roundings^ I tu rned u$y iioie^nh(7rfr~lgtaek~auTTwehT near to my s ta r t ing place atraio_tiirned au d r^ide -homo- o y e r -Xhi^-suiiie--iamiliar road that I had so-often travel led The lo^s of mind or iden t i ty of -W-vHtv did

An engine and tender pulliag a freight train on tlicopy D^tFoU--Gnm4~Havlaquon amp M4lwlaquottklaquolaquo Railway were thrown into the rlyenlaquor at Ferrv-burg the othir morning The bridge-tender was sleepy and gave the signal for thetraiu to proceed while the bridge was swung up It was so dark and fogey that the engineer could not see the opeu bridge The engine lieu to thirty feet of water Travel over the bridge la not interrupted No livelaquo were lost

NetUphnison and Oeo (ioodnow to well-knowLaad highly respected citizens of Hudson died euddeuly a few daya alaquo0 Mr Goodnow waa prospering in Dakota at the time of his d^ath iUa renialnes were brought to Hudson for interment

Henry G Wagner an old raau of 74 years was a recent arrival at the Jaqk6on prison whither he was sent for atealllng a cow He was an inmate of the institution nine years ago but was Incarcerated under the name of Henry G Clark and for an offense Btrattarto that just specified He is from Monroe and explained^tUat he did the thelvine to Becure a home in the penitentiary^ as othorwlaehe would be compelled to go to the poor-house He is a cheerful ol i fellow and performs whatshyever is requlredof him without grumbling

The apple crop cf Calhoun couuty Is unpre-cedently light

- tiuioke stacks afy the State prison are all furshynished witli smoke consumers which operate satisfactorily and do work wei

G ii Holllster of Pleasant Valley Mich has a pocket-knife which he believes belonged to the late President Garfield when the latter was a canal driver In Ohio

Mioistefs tbrdttghoat toe State are negleefeftrt Uerk It

paying the twenty-five cent fee which County Clerks exaetjor regshyistration The next Legislature will be asked to abolish the fee

Buchanan wants a chair factory Charles Sebastiatj-attdhtsfather-in-law-farm-

erai of the Town of Sheridan were run over niaht

were Instantly killed and Sebastian was horribly mangled and will probably jlic bull-bull

A body of a man was found near Marshall 4he ot ter 3aTrlaquoo Badly ^ beyond recognition A revolver was found near and two bullet holes in the tack of the head indicate suicide gt bull

Last spring the Michigan amp Ohio Railroad Company finding their work dragging rnlaquothe hands of contractors compelled a large numshyber to withdraw One of th^6eold contractors has nowserved an injunction oubdquoa section o l the work In Hillsdale Countyfor^darhages anlt$ work has been abandoned for the present

Hamoiid DougUty aged 23 was drowned while bathing atBerrien Springs- -

- The Introduction of Mie electric flight into TJios S Tews mill at Big Rapids has jwaken-ca considerably interest and ttL is very probable that the light will eoon be in general uae many buines8 men favoring the formation of a company - Fifteen have pledg-ea themselves to take ai least one lamp each Col iLB Sniith of Smitli amp Toby bankers

of Adrian died in that city a few days age of paralysis of the brain t h e Colonel receiyed

Battle Creek kas WUgbt laquo)uH tgalnsjt Hecry Willis for the po8eeLsioii ofbroperty that they claim as a street and Whiisfclaima as prtvamptt propwty

The store of E J Oide of i f XIwncns waa entered Uy burglars a few Tiighth ago They bullentered throughthe celar broke oplaquon the saro indsecured aboutJl25 in mofJi y but did hot-disturb any private papers They tlvgtnveut to Oldes barn took his horse and wagoh^Jinded it with all ihe silks and satins ther were(n be store and departed Mr Oliie estimates lite Enshytire JOB at HtKJtrt $ 1000 It was- eyldentty the work of persons experienced m the business and who were well acquainted with the sltua tion of everything in the store No clue baa yet been found to the perpetrators

rampu diyd in Allegan a few days ago Dr Geo R Thomas of Detroit Secretary of

the Uoard of Dental Examiners wishes 6b aay to the dentists throughout the Statu that the law regulating the practice-of deutlstry takes

effect thfi 9th aay7gtrSffptenTber at which time the board will organize and at once send ctrcu-larr givlngaU needed inforfnatldh to every dentist In the State whose name can be aacefv tained bull

Twenty persona have died in- Van Btiren county the last sixteen years ho weie over 90 years of age

Schoolcraft cbirnty aslti fora heir cohrT house bull

If you should mee t i l hah whb is 2^ years old blushea very easily la six feet twouichea high and newly married that man is the mayshyor of Marquette

Ciawson la the principal variety qf wheat

PINClNEV-bullbull bullbull ftfllaquofifl6i CUSTOM imts

wish tii makiJfiiowti tn-thcif Old ajid nlaquow ci^tQiu ors f hraquot puiy-art imw igtrejiijrHl to do bettor wojrk of all kiidn in their liiu of hiiHiimtts than ever befdire Tiieir juillt lgta int lnnit tliuriui^til^ rtAtted iuwldc-mdash ruptdred niu inrirovud outside making it eoiivea-kutfur thMir funtumm-a Liuod phudw fuc UMUB iiicouneitloii with the MIlTs-They havo now on hauii ovuf fijtXXJ bwHliebsof tiry ttouad red and vhiUgt^litat from which they make their beat grade of flour WAHiuNTEi) Thty j r iraquod no iyovn o t musty wheat ejrcebfr for eustynieramdashand then t la -K^oiind on separate stone ami tgtolted through sepashyrate bolts Those buying flour bf them will Klaquot no grovVn or musty flour Those bringing gr 181laquo good dry sound wheat get good flour and thope bringing grown or musty wheajt nuibtexpect floor from the same They also have separate bolts for buckwheat Cornsliefted-with one of Hutchhu sons new improved lhiutless Iron Corn 8heiflaquotf witlilaquout extra charge Ttlaquogtv yay cash for all kiatia -of grain All peraonaiiavlngunaottkd accouuto-with them at the mill are requested to call and

-~jgtay theeainB lt ^ bull--


grown la Livldgt0 eetmty The thteaaeTf||^wltm4arjlaquomi diacaaetwatfaf^d or woandee-

SOLDIKKS amp SAILOliS who Worddisabled bv wounds disease accident

brotherwieti thoioss of a toe piles varicose veiQB chronic dlarrha-a rtipturtiloHrf-tif eight or (par-ally so) loss of-hearlng falling back of nieajjl rheliniatism anv disability no matter how slight giveu you raquojuiisio^ ampwt and ILonoraWeJPia-chargoa OGIftined Widows children motfesr l and fathflra ot soldiers cljihg^n the service or f

report that this variety yields better than any other v lt bull

K B Boone of Allegan had $3300- worth of property burned the other day

Bvthe death of an l tunt iu Vrance the wife of Rev E H Leall of Charlotte ha fallen heir to a large estate - - Fishermen who have been on the Au Sable this year report that lumber1 operations aud_-sportsmen are rapidly depleting the grayling in that stream About three tons of celery are shipped daily

from Kalamazoo and some times as much a four tons are shipped in a d a y r KaTajTiazoo celery is making the town-famous

Arrangements have been completed for the ex tension ol the St Joseph Valley narrow guuge railroad from Buchanan Mich southtoSouth Bend Iudbdquo and from Berrien Springs north to St Joseph on Lake Michigan Work is to bv inaugurated in 30 days

The logs that ran away from Grand Rapids a few days aeoduring the Grand river flood carshyrying off the railway bridge are to be htdsted out ut Grand Haven and whipped back by rail

A-JieJt4mnipJmsJjelaquon^ac^Iia44laquo^Oakla4id-engtne houseat St Clair eapabltf ofthrowing five one-iWh streams 100 leet An imuieuse

^ankwithaclaquowcity-ot^^0o^r^^ to he erected in the rear oft the hotel at a IiVtjht of 50 feet

Tlie wheat crop of Kalamazoo not yield 12 bushels to the acre

The Dotrolt L^gsTPg^g-^oythern folks

iptved whlleTI i the serviceare untitled to pen-raquoioji Kejected and abandoK^d claims a specialty BOUNTY BACK PAY AND HOSSE CIAIMS OOL L E C T E D lt bull - bullraquo-

v I N C R E A S E - y f r U l U E N S T 0 j f A ueiHdou can he increased at any time when

the djiiaHiUty warrants it AH you gfpw older thj3 Around has ^adnallynndermitTPdtiiPcdiiBtitij^dri the disease-hasmatle yoil more Iielplese la some manner the disability- has incre^ged -^olaquoa])ply for airrn^rrjiRP at unei1 V bull ~rjmdash-

LAND AND PATENT CLAIMS JJoyciTij) My ex])(H-ienc(gt and beinghero at bgtadcniarters

-enable oieto iiWrud prdinfytly tg ail claimsagainst tlieCovernincJvt LUivnttrr^fr^d Addi eHS with raquogtump - bull J

bull M Y l T f a R N E Y lt 4


aa ugly wound while in the army a ball penc tratinghis jaw and nearly severing his tongue and for a long time ihe hvr at the very pertals of death He is a pTo1rjinentrcitizer3and has^ been since the war County Treasurer and

Sheriff of Lenawee Countyho)ding each office picnic held at Devils Lake north Of Hudson four years For the pasETour of liveyearshe ^ ~ ~~ ~

not Inst more t l i i t a t w e h t y miiuites Oh Vcprovious occa-ioii I took bullfhe-l^qat for Niihant at iVoclock duied with a friend and slept at tiiL-iwusi otiTrotlier f r i emi bullIlii next moni lug 1 1 we-ui home tjuite vPL Awakei i iu^i ioxt m o n i i u g my wifiv a l luded to my visit to Nivhaut the day before of which I - h a d ^ t v b n her a full account on m y re tn rh 1 answered tha t 1 had not been to Nahanf and s tuck t o it The whole tlulijj had left my meshymory Being alarmetL -my wife sen t for the doctor who came and found m e as leep Iawoko andfoutul him feel ing my pulse and 1 asked him-why he had come and my wife stated tho fact of my- having denied the visit to K a h a n t I replied Y o u have been d r eaming I am very well a n d d o not r equ i re the doclor The whole cletaihiof^fliy visit to Nahant were ffesh in my but the fact of mv hav ing - luetnury

denied all knowledge of them-had become comshypletely blotted out Many yea r s ago when nav iga t ing a ship J^ l-^LScaiJgtiiiLnight abou t 12 o clock we

h they artL-Tp tjS-se( | c 0se to two little islands cal led the Brothers I went below to ge t a

and told the otlicer of the deck to oall iutgt-ampt 2 a m^ wiren i 4rrtcnde d to change the course to clear a shoal of iiomewhat doubtful locality I awoke

soon after three Q oiockr- wholly uncon

has been engaged in DanKing sally esteemed oa a eltiaen and buoineeo man

The-fall terrri of Adrian college opens Sepshytember 12 Instead degf the 5tbas neretofore anshynounced bullbull -

Webster Gilbert^ Flufthinp1man has-4^ r-yenled an aparatus that it is claimed wilPrev-

blutionize the telephone business and increase tfe fitness of the Atlantlc^cable

A little daughter of James E Little near East Saginaw wandered into a field near a burning stump Ilfr clothing caughtflre and before tbcrnoTher could reach her the little one was burned to death I

t the salt works at Marine City are successshyfully three Other salt blocks will be built at once -

^fhe editor of the Presque Islfe Advance figshyures up Yhatccaar lands inbull that county are worth$30 an acre tboughsoldusaally at $5 t6 $10 per acre He giveB iipoundures tha^ show upshywards of $36 an acre has been realized _ as tumpa^e--frQmee(hjrlands Awq miles disshytant from the lake shore V -

The sca-serpenthas arrived in CedarLake Qjatlot county The extension of the Toledo Ann Arbor amp

Grand Trtfnk north from AnrX Arbor through jQ-Wosso St Louis and the great pine belts to a point on the lakes is no longer a doubt All

t h rough- tho | that now keeps thc-pro^c4 in^check Is the$25-000 subscription or purchase of bonds which is the necessary amount assigned St Louis to raise to guarantee t t c road to that point Twelve $nd a half thousands one-haif-of- this subscription has been raised and the securing oftheotheThslf Is- guaranteed7soitliat the~re stands Tratrght to doubt^but t-hat-th road -will soon bcuhder construction Ithaca and Alma -have blankly rpfiiaed tn raise a dnllnr tnwilrd

arranging fur a big excursion to PetdSkcy Sept l i gathering up the people at ail the stations on the line From -Petoskey side tripshave beenarranged from the Traverse bay regi jn ALicliLnjLCi^arjue_tte_etc

Twelve thousand people aTtehdedthe farhlers7

Sheep-killing dogs are doing great damage to flecks around Dexter

Michitaro Tsuda of Tokio Japan isa-stndeut at the Agricultural College

W S flopklnj of St Clair is putt ing in a reservoir to hold aaQO-barrela-of watrrratr-ttre rear of tbe Oakiaml House and offers to tujiply tire hydrants in the-clty at $11 each per annum

M L Sweet of Grand Rapids has Hast re- turned from the Netherlands with To head of Holsteln cattle

Miss Jennie While Miss Jennie rratfitcad bull andT_isiiermh Hurd of Clio Genesee County were rt route (o tliePioneer Picnic at Long Lake Hurd begau running hie horse or horses with other parties uuon_the road aud as a result Miss llalsttad was thrown from the carriage pustainlng injur ieafrom which shedied soon after rr~r

A little girl named Coleman living with an uncle jn Marion township Osceola couuy was instantly killed-by a tree -falling ou her She was with her uncle in The tirftber when he was fellifrgtrees Her liucle harHold her that when the tree began to fall she was to run- She was mtetaken aa to the direction in which the tre wouldfall and ran directly under it ftH~-gtrftM


^ 5 -

- T t t r a M A G N E T I C B E t T I S

rhlttlfflMEirT^^ it limit rrntlininm tgtwlw tw ^ lu ibat l i hgttraquoraquoraquo 1raquoraquo

itinbti M r IIIK ilrMlitylumbugo goneruldebil ity rfaeuiuutllaquoni purulyHldneurulclii mlutlcraquo dJielaquoraquo-e io l ihe i-lduvraquoraquoplnul dlraquocufcelaquo torptd liver sou t bull emloal cmlraquoxloiiraquo linnotenc) acthrao heltirt ltJIlaquo-eitao djppepiraquo corilaquotlplaquotloti rrjrktpcln lnltllce-bulltmrmdashlterni or rupture laquout4rrli pUrlaquo cpll dr in ib U K I K lttlt

When any flolillty Of the OEXEK ATIVEOIM5 AXS-or--nrs loot vitality lav k of ovr vi torco and vigor iwinir wcukiiciuic and all tbouc dlm-nraquo^raquo of uper-bullonul nutMro rom whatever cause tUo continuous KtreAm of MaKTietlsm pen^eatUg througli tho pnfrt mtiRt rcatore them io u healthy actluu TUtro l^no iiiistalio ubont Hils aigtpllaraquoelaquo N bullbull



encouraging the road to touch these points- -bulliherefor-etbe^Hi^st-be^eft-out-lfl-the-^ordT-^he citizens of Ithaca do not think neither can they be made tobelieve that the roadwill be built to St Louis without touching the county seat^but eueh tningsrwhfch often occnrvoccashysion the removal of a county seat and after It is to late the citizens mourn the loss

The bath hoube-coanected with the Aver tered two poin t s W h e n u t sea r fa t g 0 ^ ^MKOlemens wastotahy deatroyedJ)y

scions of luiving been called antt w e n t on deck and scoldedt lm ollicers for no t c-tllipgr me a t 2 o clockmdashrfemdashnnswered tha t he had ca l led jne and- iuformcdj i io of the st^te of the wind and the wea ther as in duty bound and tha t I apparently-wide awake had ordered the course a l -

charge of a ship I had a hab i t of-wuk-incr - up at a lmos t any hour a n d t h e end of a watch a t night general ly found me wide awake and p repa r ing to g o o n deck to see t h a t all was go ing on rightmdashCapf R B Forbes in Boston Traveller


+ Th9bdquo Result of Ambition -Gornpctiticwi is t he soul of t rade A

case like the following which happened

m o r e t h a n m e n t a l cu l tu re t h e r e can be

bu t one r e su l t F o r those de l ica te chil-

^ d x e n K)XQ need physica l strength aqdLjgjixi obsct i rraquo viUagoTn W e amp t p h a l i a ^ - - T h e r e y e on the statute^ooks of Michigan serves to be men t ioned for i ts or-isrinahi


^ i bull

wirq have m o r e brain t han body to susshytainMt^we-woirM invoke t h e a id of k ind pa ren t s $mamp thought fu l t eachers a n d a system of educa t ion t h a t wi l l a l low t h e m a chance l lo r t he i r l ives O u g h t no t every m u n i c i p a l i t y to h a v e i ts skil led phys ic ian or boardof phys i c i ans whose d u t y i t should be tx) enforce t h e s imple laws of h e a l t h in thd schoo l s a n d to rel ieve from the sever i t ies v o | school discipl ine al l who have no t the bodi ly

s t r eng th ^o_wi ths^and t h e m _

mdash A JiBiiAiucABLE-iillaquo9tBfttioa-of^-the feshy

roc i ty o i t h e l i t t le ^ u s y bee u n d e r cershy

t a in c i r cums tances was la te ly afforded

l f r f f ie~anWaTe^

HoTtjctr t totai araquod- Co t t ago G a r d e n So-

cie ty tiampar Exlaquoie r E n g l a n d Aaareng^

I5eexnlt^fs waa~a~glasscasecontainihg

severa l t h o u s a n d d e a d d rones t he r e -

bulln i t of a l a n g u i n a r ^ ba t t l e - Uw dayraquo

ty s t r ik ingly illustrative^ of the above axiom I h e se lectmen of sard vil lage proposed to givo to the ioW-est b idder the privilege of c lean ing the school-house and m a k i n g the fires in the same for one ca lendar year a pr ivi lege for which the incumben t had hi therrb been g ran t ed the r o u n d sum of 12 marks-pe r a n n u m This year a compet i tor

y came forward and after repea ted uiK derbiddings finally offered U ^ d o t f i c work free gra t i s for nothing Unwill-r iraquog -to b copyute4r4rre~ partjr -HrvyolHoe^ thereupon ac tua l ly agreed t o pay X m a r t into the vi l lage trnffsurymdash nay wen t up to 2 m a r k s b u t ^ r t s in the cud overbid by tlie pers iseot ofFiec-secker who offered to pay ^TOarks 60pfennrgs foj_tiie incalculable privileire of clean fag and housemdash Amc Register

T4gtlaquo-mlaquost miserab le crtjattrre-cu eart-h tho^ - ltoltogo bull gradi^ateT

m o n t h s after he tookhis i t e g r e e a n d abou t

a g r e e t he c o u u i r r r

cnished to a jelly The fatal Texas cattle fever has broken out

in -Detroit and several milkmenhave lost a numhpr of vftlnahlc mws

From the first report of Bishop- Richter of the Roman Catholic diogeraquoe ofGrand Rapids l i is learned that there are- in the diocese JS prie^Js In actuaj service with a Catholic popushylation of 64000 and 17parochlal schools atan annual espnse (^11549805

The cornerstone of the new CatholfCCiburch atirrllsdale was laid with apprcipTls^ ceremoshynies the other afternoon Rt RevBishop Bor-gesB of-Detroit ofllclatlbg AJb address apshypropriate to the occasion was delivered by Rev DT Reilly of Uetroft P r in t s were present from Hudson Adrian Monroe Jackson Mt Pleasant (Jrand Rapids Marshal and several from Deirolt Avery largehumber of- peopl were present and witnessed the ceremonies The cburch whenxiompleted will be one of the finest in Hillsdale bullbull

e theother day The fire broke out n the engltrp roonr Its exact cause is uotknown The hotel itself had a narrow escape and nothshying but the most strenuous exertioae 01 the part of the Fire Department and eltij-ens savshyed it from total destruction The loss of the-Batb Company is estlnAted at $25000 partly covereu by Insurance They at once flttecj up the billiard ha)l with the establishment as a bafh house and are able to eive sixty orgtsevcnty bathes a day These arrangement and the capacity of Meda bathing establishment will furnish bathing facilities for alL -applicants as as usual J~ Jf

laws against swearing gambling and for the destruction of Canada thistles but a case is not known where either of these laws has been cofprced

er Kidneym Weak Anile or fyi

aa nrlaquor JilienniBtlam

Neuralgia Nerroa iTraquopcp8iavar-with D l i e a i e i o f t h e L l T lluuauviiQ or Cold Feet Swollen or or Swollen Feet an Abdominal Belt

and ApnimfXinffTiftHr Von ft Batteries hivo no superior In the ruiof andpnro of Ml theraquolaquo complaints They carry a powerful magnetio force to tho seat of tbe dlseajo -- bull __ _

Fot Lraquomlaquo Daek Weakness of t h e Opine Fraquol l ink of tho womb Leueorrhoea Chronic Inflummo tlon and t-lcerutlon of the Womb Incidental Hem-orrh^re or Flooding Painful BapprcMed and Irgt rejratar Menlaquotralaquotlon Harrenne a i d rhance of Lift thla la the Heat Appliance and Curative A s e n t Jaaown laquo

FOP all forms-of Female Dtffienltloa It is nnnjr-paaaedby anvthintf betot-eInvented bvth aaaei u e b t and as a source 6 f power and vltailratlon Price of cither Belt with Mag-netieFootBattertea 110

Sent by express CO Dand examination allowed or by tnatt on receipt or price In orderlnK send meaaure of walgtandHiMofBhoe Itemltttncectta be made ui cur-rency sent Inlottorat onrriJk

The Magneton Qarments are adapted to al apefl are worn over tho urwlaiflrtthliiy fiinf m r t tlaquo rfh

ee baTEs on the Kedflcld farm east of Alsiont frere destroyed by fire a few days ago Aboutr$000 bushels of wheat bull were-destroyed together with a number of farm Implements At the same time two barns on the Brab farm near Armada Macomb county were burned

Jtothjt trf jgrations were paused by sparks from steam threshers ~~ ~ mdash- - bull The report that MisJennie-Halsted of Clio Genesse County vrampamp~ktlled by being thrown from a buggy was not true She was badly iHjured and wss insensible for a number of hours but hopeB afe entertained of- her reshycovery

The apple crop of Michigan wfll~be almost a failure -

The legislative excursionists whohaVe been doing the upper peninsula have an returned and are well pleaseu with their visit

- Senator Palmer sailed for New York Septem-It is reportedthat one of our citizens Inter-1 bef 1

a n T a l e d 0 ^ W Conklin a Coldwater farmer has a t o l h e h S S S 0WfhTulVwlS WTh IyTernor i ^ i f f X ^ 1 ^ 7 ^ 3 4 IS saldxto hare renllwl Offlciallv T hatrel Pounds while C L Luee of tillead Branch 2 5 frac34 frac34 ) s a v I U f f t e l y S T h S W n l l f f i ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^ o f 3-yerolcUi thaV weighs 1500 ItmnlTl would have taken a hand In itgt-~ Pdeg deg a 8 -ihebovgan Trtbunfi^^ bdquo^^=^- -1^ I Richard Kmmorm of Olenwood lost his saw-

Brohson Is having a building boom VVithln six months there have been built two stores and live dwellings anda bank and two cigar factories have been sta-ted- Lesliehis aTadles band and is happyi

Battle Creek is fast assuming city airs The names of the streets are uowput Oniftestreet corners the houses are being nhmbered land a new city directory is being priaUd bull

One of the men arrested at Sheridan on a charge of making counterfeit coin was a conshystable of Sidney township and had held claim ^befogAgriTr immrnt d r twt iv r mdash -~ -

One hundred men have gone to work oh the extension of the Bay Cltvamp Alpena railroad and it ta-propofled to make a connection with the Michigan Central before snow file

Wm Beatty who has been-iomlnated by the democrats rfToledo for the Ohio lagUlatnre was formerly1 i^Piistex ltt the eayloy of the

mill valued at $8r30 by fire the other day

A Good S h o w i n g -Lumbal

are as follows Dmrlng the monthof July the lakeshipineutstrom East Saglftavrwere 32-028000 feet of lumber 1140000 ideces of rath 7YT21000 shingles in August^ioa^OOO feet of lumber 3892000 pleces^if lath and9831000 shingles bull _^_

Bay City shipped In^uly and AugUfct 171101-421 feet of lumbery6858000 pieces of lath and 32315000 shlnflej

Total sUiptpents from Saginaw River from opening ofVavigation to September 17 404671-Oto feeyoT^rtrnibcr laquo693000 shingles and 28127000 pieces of lath Last year to date the

body Ube the Many Galvanic and Floctrle Ham baBa advertlitrdaa extcnnUilv) and ehoold bej taken off at nlghfa They hold thelrpowworttwraJBd Arewornatallseason^of theyear f

BjBiioVlaquotlaquomrj for thn New I)OPRI turoln Medical Treat tnent wi thout Medicine wlta UiousandM of (eaUrnlaquo

j f e H K H J L A O N K T O N A P P r ^ I A N C E C O laquo 218 S t a f c St CKfcaffo 11L

- T h e Magpet i jc appl i i a t W i n e h e i l s D r u g Mich

tffesru ay he seen S to re ^Ptcknev^

PILLS CURE Sick-Headache Dyspepsia Liver Complaint Indigestion Constipation

~^and PUMY-n NOTICE^mdashWithout particle of doubt Ker^

motts Pills araths waegt popular of any on the-rcm-tet Having besn belbre the public for raquo quarlcrof a cents ry and having aiwiya parfofnn4 more than was promised for them they merit the success that thajLh are attained- P r i c e a j C p e r fMMKlaquolaquor

For wsle by all druggists ^

T- gt

TJZ^] _raquo---bull


To write or not to write that U the question Whether it ta nobler in the mlud toautler The toptrtatkm of bwlug asked by bull ~bdquo A youylaquo UlaquoJy Hgt writetti her autograph album Atrit Lav lug keptjfa boot two yearmore or

lose Vr-Aud then apt write bi itmdash

()r take the Reu against adiofit of doubts aud f -^4TK bull_bullbull

Au-by ouee w r l t i ^ e n d - t h c o i r - T o btart mdashto write bull

Towrltemdashpt-rehauce to make a blotmdashAy thewj H the rub bull -

For in tlrai d^tksonic- hlot-wbat eellugs _X-

Ber tha was ill d r w w d i a r t h e p icn ic the next inovnngt fafi lpoU i S t l u -t r ae t iug ly J oak

J0rawlraquorlt A h rom^mber

Y e I dlaquoe _bull

ltraquo _laquobull

_ dlaquotks()bdquo_ t bowja ortli ^nyu-aii-jg iftgtjuat at s_L_

And many others S Not ft- When one iswritiilg to his girl for then If he make a blot he cttSWa line

Round it and says - i I t was IntinUoual and meant to mark A pUcelaquowhere bedid kiss And ___

v Uellcvee the yam aud kllaquo8Qd it audlgtbin)s ThaAjrtie la happy ^ bull bull

i v bull__ JWrraquo n Globe



T h r o u g h t h e i l l u s i v e g l i t t e r ot the w a r m g o l d e n Jul - moon li glut the^l i jat ITlaquoi)ressu)tiJliuv Be rjjia P_niorcsff ~re- wived was tinil of a talf g racefu l fijF tire vanishm t h rough thecliisky gloom bullwhile iiis good-night words p leasant ly -withlier

bull Ueinumber Bert hayif vou

l ingered

a re -not ttty-th-t picnic tu-morrow I sl inll not care vtig for the wlvolu affair D o n t forget tha t voudiave promised me I n at- you wiU4gtethe____ bull_ ]

_ a m uot in love with him- Ber tha said to hfirself as re turn ing to t h V p a r -lor she sat down in the bull t ender dusk

4 xHilyf t_i blow de can bullampraquobull w h e n Mrs

iiptoLihe- cooni bulljWCe Hertha but

J | s h igrass J) id vou wish to

igrawford- Ylaquospound CoitVg to the picnic1

-Jtitf Ber tha returnedwbnderingly gt l a p p o s e Mr Gerome is to b e

thercf laquolaquoImdashX believe s o raquoraquoThen ilbot MOU pound o mdash mdash bullgtWhv uoji B e r t h a asked a r r a n g shy

ing t u c h y a c i n t h bells in a r ich b lue c lus te r for the wais t of he r dress

Mrs Crawford closely w a t c h e d t h e [ s lowly-er in-soningcheeks

P e o p l e say he I s svept on you Ber r

t h a bull bull bull bull bull bullWell then p e o p i g h a d bet ter m ind

thei r own b u s f n o s s ^ B e r W a ~ T l p raquo t n laquo r back i J

ijerthiv Den io res t Mrs Crawford w e n t on - I have cotne ^to w a r n you B e w a r e pj t h a t m a n mdash b e w a r e of h i m

W h a t da you m e a n -bull-bullbullgt 4 u s t t l u s - r M r Gerotuegtis a m a r r i e d

m a n bull bull bull bullbull - bull W h a t u t te r nonsense Bertha cried

a n g r i l y and irieredulously ^ I t is uoi nonsense a n d I know i t

Mr^feuror uwfbyend saitL - 1 have s w n a l e t t e r from his wifemdashdo y o u ^ i e a r tha t Ber t h a l ) e tuorest ^ f r o m l i iaJi |g^wr t w i t c f l i f i g bullbullbull X v 4 bull


j l y n s h e a r t t o t m T y b u n ^ l a d y at my side I wtr show you the letter Bershyt h a - bull bull bull B u t I wVmld not rtjad i t she said lifting her adoriti^ blue uVes to hisfaclaquo3 I doi^tbulldttservfis to yead it How could1

I be so wicked as to bejtuve a syllabJo aj^arnst youV gt

bull A s for you Mrs C r a w f o r d Ge-rpme went iuu Lean only reeomtnttamptLj to you to follow onj j hcueaftijr what milaquo)it liave Ijeen-called ilie Diamond Rule 1mdashmind your own bus iness bullbull

After all Ber tha went to the picnic and in Mr ( Je rome s bultjrjv behind his bay t ro t te r and best ot aa far and away as his be t ro thed wife

TelJ-Tale Lines and Shapes T h e pnne i | aV lines of ^ the h a n d a re

easilv remenbered T h e life line which - i -uns a round the base o i t i i e t h u m b the line of the head which be-t ius a lo tv^ tde of thnltnft otlift (gofintf-

raquo ^


kr _biej3de ha i t a n d heavenly blue eyes and


Mtv-Frank G e r o i n c t h f l h a n d s o h i e y b u n g engineer who had come to Westva le t a atXcind ^Qjnittir^- in the ruaehinety i n

tiie jrreat ii^b^k o t m i l l s recci i t ly erectshyed thoughtHer the love)iet c r ea tu re J )laquo

bull h^deyerseen N i n | i i -raquo lifcy^and paArtiu- larly this evenifrgt as h e went iKome~ w 141frac34]to the picturiasque old fajpmfchoos^

~ u l ie re he waa tcmpb^ftr i ly j i v i n --


Dld i)5 show jit to ygttt - bull bull bull bull - Slijirhtlv discomiited Mis tettrnfr-thc cwrls trrtntp O M ofVe _lcudeF - - ^ ^ - y g t n o f t o be - r o t r w d r ^ - n hand t h a t s appor t ed her head as she [ - l ( N o j l f v t ter about tha t It iaenouffh

TiiuseU and dreamed - t f^^feourse^- I -aEa-not in-love Witii liim ^ sne- thought feeling t l ^ w a r m bloodflush to he r very bullfcmpleslat the word -I lgtave only known h ima moot$h I w o n d e r -if h i reallycujrcs so m u c h w h e t h e r or not I g o t o the p i c n i c -

She was a fa i r^ i i t le gir i with br ight

B e r t h a said Good lt m o o i n g Mrs Cpawfortl You wil l have to e x c u s e m e 1 a m r a t h e r in a hur ry bull

A n d when Mjs Crawford was gone she locked her door and sat down and cried unt i l hep^sveet-faQQ Rooked like a d r e n c h e d flpwer bull __

bullAnd _thoulaquofht^he was soTrue fco

a n d

rs Cornel ia bull whosej^Barjordomo waX -~^ Crawford ^mdash^LL^or-Bel^vt^Fftvvtor4Xnil I J^ r tha D e m -

orest were-both gtvjymen_ b u t t h e r e all ~- anatomy ceasampd^BerthaAvas s ^ c n t e e n

bulljtfs forty^ Ber tha wa^Jresh-aidraquonV-=riJuvne_ia^fadetli_rid

evigt11in_ Mr Geroine1

laa a n d a widow

LLAvrTeliirlUfu A^^C raw ford gaily said-as lie came u p

bullCIlV ste])^ ______ )bull Hssetitct

g r a n i L ^ o good sbe- sob bed i l 0 h n o ^ c o u l d hemdashhow^could he deceive wpoundso w i c k e d l y ^ ^ bull

bull_ M i s s ^ e m o r e ^ t was not at thV picnic t h a t daV and F r a n k Gerome -searched abjOuttluj grounds unt i l it AVUS qui te too i n t c for any possitnlity of h e r bullarr iya-r a n d theri went tosee w h a t h a d e h a n g e d her resolut ion of the iriylit before and j fo^irtd her f a k i n g very Cold and vvliite a n d loveJy as ^hQ^sat^ftlbne- on the ter-ijacev _ ___j

^ Be r tha he exclafmed eproadhful- ley you^ promised me -faithfully y o u w o u l d b e a t t h e picnic -and I J indv-you

t imes jo in ing I t ) and cn)laquosing the TOid-dle of the palm and the line of t he hear t w h i c h goes from one side of the h a n d to t h e o ther at t he base of tiie l ingers If the lin^s of l ife is of a rudtLy^ color bull l bng and unbrokea extet idlng nearly- or qui te down t o t h e wrist line it foretells-good heal th and long life if

j j t be b r o k e n in any poin t it denotes selt-verebdquo s ickness if short e a r l y dea th if | double H shows r e m a r k a b l e s t r eng th and vital i ty The linens eacircl ing the wristi numbertlie^earlfOf i i fe -oue line m a r k i n g th i r ty-years - bullbullipound--__laquoliai^aci^

the l ine of life it denotes loss-of-an eye--or b l i ndnes s anj each cross or knot means sorne-misfortune or tiifiicuTty g r e a t or smalL__acc_)rding to the^ i^e of| the aiiark TIK little l ines a re the lesser cares and t roubles W a v y l i n e s in the ends of the lingertrade or elscwherje fore- tel l dea th by drbwuiug A crejjcejjtf shaped m a r k below the little f inger and below the line of the heart denotes-in-

^si 141 ty AMvell (hlined-s-hort 1 ine j0in-i cg the life line indicatesmaVrkigL- If no such line a p p e a r s Jhe person will re iya in s ingle un l e s s there be a s h o r t l ine 0frac34lines on the side of the hand be-low^inie bull l i t t l e iingeiv as these al^gt de--tf_^5tt^-num-ber~or tiinus niarrLHd-rThe hues ex tend ing thgtwn-betwieti the-third orrThs^ihiger and -tlie jhvttle-linger toljie l ine of the heart number the loves ofgta iifatip-iH If but a winirle line is visible

The Squatter s Daughter -raquo^__(rin a n t H o o k n t y e r s a d d l e said

the s q u a t t e r s daughter as a m a n stopshyped at tlie fence T h e man who had been several weeks in ilie neighborhood and w h o bad become so well acquain t shyed with the girl tha t her handsome iaCi was ever before hiru advanced to where-she wvs si t t ing and H n g c i n g r y shook tiie hand which she extended him - raquo

H o w are you E m i l y F u s t r a te never felt better nor had

l e s s - Wheies a l H 4 i e - M k s

Sca t t e r ed D a d s goee to tho still-house m a i n s gone to a quj l t in Bob s lyiu r o u n l o o s e somewhar and Dick s d runk I speckT

Kmil said the visitor seat ing himself in the doorway d o n t ydeg_ k n o w tha t dressed in any th ing l ike a stylish way you would be one of the hundsurnest g i r i s i ever aaw

pmui OOD-DmB OT_ mada from Miectad UJ en iA0 raquolaquo-raquohore toy CASWELL HAZAKD 4 Co t York It la -baolately pure and iweet PaUeqU w _laquovlaquo once taken It prefer It to all othera Phyildana bare-aeoldetf it tuperlor to any of the other onsto aiw_copyU v L

OHAFPin HANIgt8KAC PjMPL_eKanltJ roughHktn cared by ullraquoi_ JUMPEK TAH SOAP made by CA8-wml MAZXtiD A (Vl New York

= mdash lt - i -lt Tyi-rry-iaM

bull laquo


^ -


W a l l Lor I h a d n t thought about it

you like to wear fine W o u l d n t d r e s se s -

f - - vow youreshmttingtbull A n d have r good e d u c a t i o n I dontl^ere so rtiuch about the bull ed-

dycat ion cause lira sor ter spiciouij J bout Iwwk senseJ Keal old hossect sense is the kjnd to havlt an ef it pe r son s g o t the boss sense he dojTt need the book la rb in an^ ef he h a i n f ^o t tl^e boss sense he can t t ake book l a rn in Jo


FOR PAIN lii-vus and cure)


Sciatica Lumbago n u u t i H E



gt P laquo | X raquo I _ Soreness Cuts Bruises


And allotlior igto_llj_c_e_ and |gtnhis

FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE wold by a DniKglto arvl

I^iilcn lJlrlaquoctiltgttraquofi lu 11

The Charles A Vo^eler Co (SucfMcun 10 _ VIKJKU-It kCQ)

lUUlautrt laquoiiC _ A

lt_KK a raquoelaquok in your own townT^Terma and I-outfit Q deg free AddreM^HallettaCoPortlaadMata _ _ - _ bull WAJVTJBlt-Or to Beat and Fraquolaquotelaquot |ae lnng Pictorial Books and Bible Pi reduced 33 tgtr claquont NA PtTBLxaHiwa Co_ Philadelphia Pgt

he re Wiry did youmdash - - - - M y n a m e is Mis D e m o res tJ

f-said haught i ly bullbull bull GeTomoiJTtrhhlim

Miss D e m o r e s V


a tting ilaquod ihat is d e e p and clear tife person

arid wapmlv^

A n d t l i e n Mrgt Crawford edged iier-Silf a little t(K one s ide

Woii uyou -it down atul enjoy the TtToti 1 ig 11a-4ti44u- wl_uj_pound___ampi_e a sked

peVsyasively ---^- ^ T h a u L s 1)L^IH1 I atn L i a h u r -

IV - M

Anri HatiuV dis^ntisiivil wi th tho J i -v-- tlifftMgtfHt~^U4^~___) j gtiL__Uiltif^t_at^_so-

e i abU iy M rgt Cra w f 1 lt urned IpT att- ^ J i e r n t iHMsboanlc-to wj gt -wns s i t t i n g

inside the w indow -T =^ bull j 1 suiraquopns(hfri)wKM-s a ci_ar i n n i 5

- -TTrn nTTTrrrrtorthebull^weietSuf ludieSy^ -he-remavUfd - bull lt - bull

But m a v b e l i e isin a- hur ry to oo pp =ltbulllt- ttpiihii Deui0rest T h e v s a y he is makin i j up to h e r bull- t

_4ertha Demores t -echoed_gtjlrs Crawford scornfully gt^VTiy _he4s

m e r e child with eHow hai r arid g r e a t big blue eyes Nobody could see anyshyt h i n g in he r to a d m i r e s bull

___-iWell you kuDWthere ltrifo aucoutit-ing for tas te W h a t I say is only what-

TTieard a n d I liave h e a r d t they a re

better- it it- bleases y5if

lie ci_id-vith 11haft smile at whargt4ie believed ugt be a display of cirl tshMi^nitv wlfv did YOU deceive5

me so 3 V

V h V l i V e i deee ived-you Ber-

-1fP laquo N me

will lov- faithfully arid wapmlyr A Ion2 and wei l -d^ t ined lino of- the head-promises lutci-hc iral igtowltr but it-may lw too longest ifitextehd ltjuite to the edge of thq haint iti-adicatt s too much calculat ion cr j fu nleanness I t should eud inurer lire -tliird tinker o r - t h e r e shya b o u t If itigt forked or do 11frac34e lowyd

_tlua_-_l_d-iJ derri (bull gtt itpeeptiTrrr^int iimt4tie-- dealwig thou^ii- ill

good ii ix_av ihtan

sense any rfreat s h a k e s bull

bullbullYou bullafce--m-istaken Iwtlucation -taie_ complishes wonders and without our g r e a t colleges a n d schools r_thi_ -entity vounjry would soori be worse than^- It wiis when h rs t d iscovered bull -

4raquoI--know jes wha t I m e r ta lk in about^ she replied an t ha r a in t no u s e n t r y i n ter t a lk book la rn in ajgin me case I se got the Aggers A mighty eddycated feller come to see me fur a long-time- art folks lowed wed mar -bullry an I r e c z i n wC would ef it h a d n t e r beenlgthat n i s eddyca t ion proved to be a fai lure One day at a log ro l l i n Tony Diver the t u n t of the ne ighbor-hbo(lvrter-iieiritf my eddycated m a d blow-a pbwerfuKcbance wen t up to M r o ^ t r ^ n i t k - ^ ^ ^Look - a hear- e ap b i ^-Cfuve been- tarkin bou t your e d d y c a - ] tion for some timeV now I w a n t to _how

i y o u t h a t it don t amoun t to n o t i n h ^ a V tellih1 the smar t mftnto cut his yeapers Tony grabbed him T h e raquo scuffled

pound 5 in C 9 0 Ugt day a Umnie bauple worth |5 free 3 W _U Addreaa Btlnaon 4 Co PortJandMaipa YOIIMR MPMl^rc TBLXGHHPY here and we will bull uu r sH t rraquo_iTH TouMltnatlon circulars free

Is TAI_ErTtXl-1 $7frac34 raquo week 1_ a day at honaeeaatly made Coatly bull ontfltfree Addreaa TrneAgtCoAmru-taMatne

CANCER A P p a U l Y e C o r e ICo jKnlW X o P l i M t e r N o P a i n Or WC Payne Marraquoh_llto-_ Iowa

PLACE to secure a Business Edshyucation or Spencerian Penmanshyship Is-at the SPBveKl t tAN BUSINESS roULBOE Oetrelt Mich Circulars free

Or LpFlkuS FftyUMMQUampUiCHC VIGOR Growl _ fcgt_u_ oatbe laquomoot_rlaquol f_oj in 10dayor money rafaoded Merer f-IU Sebtea receipt of 50e bullU-Dplaquo orillycr S praquoct_jlaquo_ for|l Beirut of cheap lmluUioni _c_laquo other g_minlaquo Blaquond foreArcnlar Addma 1 W SAXKbox laquo W_r_iwX_d P 8 A

F ALt-^A-mjScitct tor of PatentWaihlngton D C f i r S e n d for Circular__B

upon vaawB Bgt

IXJ joirwjaft to obtain good and falid PattMQts then wTtte to or call I upon T B U 8 S S F B A a i K amp

S O N 37 WeetCon-1 _ eae St Detroit Mich Atiorney

Patent Causes Established i years Send for pamphlet

a i o n

auu - ex

KM WlsC nMiiereti-

ceHC^ ltlaquo bull fvltrv slrort bullbullff o d - i m i ^ s

iiyU-gt md faint

Wlliu i l l s - l ine is-

if tlw iitu-ltltt laquobull1 l ie-heai bullloji_

engaged or next door to i t Ht-of bull iti-^-Mt-a--mdash I don t believe a-word

Crawford said encrgetically T h a t i- as y o u please B u t -whether o r not Mrs Crawford be-

l ieved- the rumor the t i d ings aqnpyed mdashJ bull - bull S - T i bull bull W mdash l mdash J mdash bull _ he r and-when Mr G e r o m e liao___gone

o u t l a t e r she wen t ups ta i rs ostensibly in gthor c h a r a c t e r ~of boarding-Unu_io keeper to see tha t Mr Gerome was

I d o n t miders iaml wj ja tyoun iea f i 1 mi ark ably

diSicnIt of cq-tiipielirnsibn Howcyer

ly as possible--bull M r e r 6 u i e why have you n ever spoken to nie about Your

w i f e - bull - bull bull - bull - -

-^ -^ -^or - J^Y^JXS 0 0 ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ ^ w o u l d n t be a p t to r speak ubon t w h a t I h a v e n t gqt - v

bull ^ Younro tqlhtig me vdeliber-Ue false-T hood3flaquoiiv are a -marr ied m a n a n d you

have bttcn-playing a tr__ich_xoi_s_pa__t l this whileT

gt- A mar r i ed man he said his voicq thrilliikef with incredukiusnes s bull yoivi-a re t a l k i n g in c o n u n d r u m s I am not a m a r i e d man and I have been play-ing-QQ t r eache rous partmdashto you least- of all Ber tha m y l i t t le go lden-ha i red d a r l i n g

And thoTi wlmt did B e r t h a d o b u t begin to c r y in the ~mp_r l iudtghi t led fashion - - -

bull T h e n wha t did M r s r ^ ^ a w f o r d l m e a n she d e m a n d e d - bull

- mdash G e r o m e set his lipo t igh t ly toge ther

-exii4id- ilteiovrthe first and

wj IroVn tl7ltbull eltLe 01- the i iaut l iu le l inger lib iiei-een tiie fluidinl trn_tis it iddil-ale- r i^adect ion-ae dgtpo- i t ion t and iwjso prouisjlaquo^ weU

aroun aWhiIe and tin_ill ony ilxmg Hrm Tony don t know ^ l e t t e r in the book an when it was diskivered t h a t the fellows eddycaj ibn d idn t a m o u n t to-anythin pap)hd_comc home an sez Emi ly thatsnuVrt man - o yourn was flungdown j e s now bv Tony Diver Ef yer m arrgtdtim I l l d rive ye r from u n-tleF myy roof aTiT y o crgtfvp1 r T^ome bitclr

Pap s l no m6-Urtr^TOYself- twav

T a in t a goinbdquoter

ior tiie happnesgtof bulltfu-pa- bullisnr If it head 7JTTTTs~dlfwT] gthot liKyiArra the

Hue it shows t1iU atV--W^ii uiu-t be iiumled upon _tc^_ei_L_ mdasht H if_i_l_u gtni-U lnu- _fo -^rliwartl loyts bull ]gtis-iioli WitJ-fVi -Une^ot l i i gt hl oUrl l i d r i i p U But- judgment must not

_ I t uippily vitli me Look a here ff Gabc Jqhwspn knowshy

ed J__t_yer was er talking to me tha t Kr wuy he dvlia w yer hiuin^T

What are you engaged to him I t hits me tha t e r way-

bull- Ibullbullbullnrnrst- say that I J don t h e s mdash


- --Emtlv dlti vou thiniv tha t YOU bullCOUld l-l slloltfS S t U p i d i t y j T j ^ u_- j 0

DBvALLDfeAIJER^Tiwi9uoHo_TTr_r_WORLD ___ 1 mdash~-__aa7a]

auv one ^-1 raquoeara-Ki-laquoor lm as - t l i e r ireiTii


e mlt je a

heat f ituiiisistency ie fornietl from

of t-ive hand tiit)_-- l o iraquoe consid-

thinX ____________bdquo ^ v

Hole on rigiit thar DlTtnt l i c^vul j r the p reacher at Dry Fork totlgter day a n iii i ln t IHL 1 bullcounty judge Yer can t j_et liere an t a l k abou t a m a n with stfeh compl ish ments Get on that boss- an m o s e y mdashArkunsirnT-^Trtrster 1-


Wx should oo_to tlie eft and eiviet-bulllv fY)i- ouosrieiu1- loyes vnd misfor-tVnes iiui-l in -iiie r ight for whatever pertaii ts - to heaitu ai^i ienirtlaquoiiot days All lines gteuee---ot

i f tne


- Monpy^Withput Iiirt^lhc The niprtil power moiievwields apar t

from cht_raeter l iberality intelliirencel and the other qualities esent i r r tb t ruc

imi ieii-wiuL ltivgtn _oat(h6od is of but relatiye value and mil ui iU - j^ 4^H i^W 4sUii4ignil ica i i t except wiien t rue worth

and h igh t ra i t s of c i i a rac te r aceompany i t W e have instances of this f ac t i n our o w n time which show tha t almost uncoh_cioirsly the popula r opinion measures a m a n by some higher and -rrrore durab le s t anda rd than the money

a i tvU)utdt_ thar l

w e l l supnlfe_mt__towels and M i l l vrr Ht-


ter bu t really_tapiOApect abou t a tie

She never looked^flt)r the g^pd for

M t u n e tha t befell her Sha hati ^ thought it jus t possible t l iat Mr Geromc migh t h a v e wr i t t en or received A love-letter and possltrhjr-laid the to rn 7ragmonti conven ien t ly in his was te -baske t -

B u t i t w a s no t sc rapsmdashit w a s an open le t te rmdashyes ac tua l ly an open let ter on t h e table the envelope addressed to Mr F r a n k Gerome a n d tho shee t beginning M v dea r F r a n k mdash r a y deares t hus-


A h Mrs Crawford has hpounden ta lk ing h a s she W h a t did she s a y - T h a t you-wefr-e-inarried

B h P Ul-Kt lmV l l t V T 7 y h n t w p q n _raquo-_- _ _ _ _ _

- gt _ i __ bull

As if every musc le in her body wits suddenly clrimged to i ron Mrs Craws-ford became straightTTrad r ig id in an inshys tan t

4 0 h m y sluj__jja^spcd D o n t let rnSJTTdge my fcllo-w-creatnresjtoo r a sh - -lymdashtret i_re-4ook a t t h e s i g n a t u t o mdash 0 h d e a r l oh ity ^___eiouaL_iiJt ac tua l ly i s n t Y o u r own loving wife Ju l i e Oh h o w faint it m a k e s m e T o t h i n k - - t o th ink -ho is a mar r i ed m a n

^~_A_nmvlh1ftri1-fnl-lram I UCTCT encotrr-a g e d his sinful a t t en t ions Well Bershyt h a Demores t will have her own boldshyness to t h a n k for this I a lways knew

- t h a t girl would come to h a r m with he r mou th a lways on a b road laugh for n o t h i n g in t he world b u t f b ~ show her tee th jjist because they h a p p e n to bo white and regularmdashfalse teeth like as not

- _ _tY__jj__J_L_j_n^ _poundIVJL r-^-my painful du ty but Cornel ia ( s raw-ford nevit yet-siu-wTklroni d u t y

^ Ah it pltKir liiile Bcrtjia Diunorest s sk in had been less l ike a rose-neUtl her eyes less lovely blue bull Mr Crawtord ce r t a in ly would not hiiyc t aken such f c rwt iv -p fe i s t t ve _iu ]gterfo4iuiag - heir pakrful d u t y

raquopTteaiid i l l -na tu re r i Ge rome exc la im cd ang r i l y I shall not a l low her tongue to w a g after this fashion Be r tha will

)ou walk down there witii m e As a consequence of this invi ta t ion

Mrs Crawford yas cons iderab ly star t-l ed by the a p p e a r a n c e of Mr G e r o m e

qua l i t y - yen

line-mdashm--mdashtiie existence of tiie upn^Ue-tpiality For ins tance a pfwe wjjieline ot the heart indica tes co ldness or even eruidty W i i v n the lines of the left hand -a re clearest and tuddiest its pos- stsor resembles his mother Int-Umen

traquorrYaml phy^ieallymdash^mdashbull- r In the prac t ice of the ar t of pahli i t ry

edge (-Iphysiognomy uraquo oi ge t - indeed t h e lwo sci-

land ju hand one supple-TOinrting the other This is why ihe

Beat In the W o r l d G e t the i cena lne I T ery p a c k a g e haa o a r T r a d e - m a r k and is

Hi - i rked _____tgta ISOLD KVEKYWHjhn^C _KTt _ -0_ _Mi511T l l

i-yintf Straeoa _LSgtNKSS Xjjnyassir^mdash--

_etroit is the plutst largcati-

r os- qioroughand practical has he _n__t able and experienced teachers finest rooms aud better acilitn ever -ay than any tMher ubinesa coll-pe in Michigan Ask r graduates and thebusineistrenol

etroitj-aiiit our School Call or send for Circulars S_ert__-K_ bf bullgt Pr-Ctlc-lR-iJurtrr-

and Miss Demorest as she sat d a r n i n g inen in the d in ing room

a n d secretly bewai l ing t h a t n o one had m v i t e d h e r to the picnic

M r s C rawfo rd G e r o m e said ab-Btiptly as he en te red the room w h a t is this s tory y o u have been te l l ing Miss

T)embTesTlaquobmit m e I told Miss Demores t no s tory I

to ld her only the t r u t h bull W h a t is the t r u t h then Suppose

youtell me X-_a_-y__ire a m a r r i e d man a vil-

shrewd for tune toiler scans the face alshymost more closely than the hand of the pat fon A lew set rules in regard to the feat o r e s - a n d cITaracteri^ics ot~the humih face may well be added in this-connection

And first ofalT t i r c sou l dwells in the

h e m a y possess or may have accumu gated This is the case where the repu t a t i o n ^ f ^ ^ laquo who arc held Hn high es



bull01 - CorQ-rT-af l^^ P - ^ - ^ 3 te

A l e t t e r d i rec ted to m e A le t te r addrtwsed to M i F r a n k Ge-

t r o m e gt _nd then Mr G e r o m e l a u g h e d hear t -

ilv4iile his lip cu r l ed wi th a imeeTi expression1

Exactly But there a rc morp F r a n k Gcron ies than one in the wor ld for in-s ianee vjv tin bro ther F rankfor t to wJiouKthat le t ter was written by his trwrr vgtffrrrmdashr-r - bullbullmdash

1os^Hdy it you had inken ihetroub--lo to r ead t he whole ins tead of -X p a r t rrf whi t was not in tended lor your eyes Aou would Itave seetvlhat the lettef^vas

to vcad solely because

eye anil tiie ability to miders la i id i l a n g u a g e -is inborn- in most-people withshyo u t h a v i n g to study it but t few word i n r e g a r d to it m a y not be amiss Very qu-iet eyes that impress and embar rass one with their g rea t repose signify self-

c o m m a n d but also great complacency Eves that rove hither and

bullWtherX-hilV 11 eir possessor s p e a k s U - 4 ^ raquo ^ 1 - ^ ^ v 0 ^ n j ^ ^ 11 d v i o - n i n g m i n d Eve f m e n t i o n e ^ Thei r acts iind opinions laquo note a deceitful in whicht l ie white has aye l lowish t inge anltl is s t reaked with- reddish veins deshy

l-note s t r ong passions T e r v b l u e eyes - bull i bull i

toeiu is also based- upon we^ilth The -ma-- ___ i n w l i i e h J i is gained tire use tp -whicii-it isput1 s tamp- tiiemselves upon the publ ic j udgmen t and mak^ an im-prDSsionjtvhicS cannot Well be oblitershyated T a k e for instance such men as Gould and Vanderb i l t in comparison with George Peabodv or Pe te r Cooper bullijr-rcat wealth and the useto whfch they pu t i t have given them their fame ~Th-tel lectual ly no one of themwould ever bull-ravemdashbeeu kupwa outside of his own immedia te sphere The first two far surpass the o t h e r s i n wealth and the power they can exer t m the business opera t ions of t^he-wprld Thcv can make o r r u ih the fortunes of thousands of lel-low-men by the caprices of specula t ion But how much mora l power -do they

l a s t are

WO_-~i-53XT TOUTfGt OB Ol_0


_H6V_D t-f6STl_SpgtjJT lf SOLD raquoT ___ Da-ocjir

mdash Te-tlmo-l_iraquo fnrnii-ed Oar P_mphlrt on

Diseases of Women and CMl^ren -laquolt-sr_fraquo VTrer wonuui -MT 15 y^raHsrafMP-6--ly 1 MoUier __o_id re it A_t_-_a ^ bull -

JT PENQELLYA-CO-vKalamaae^ Mich j-T All Wtter- m-rklaquo_ vritat _ro read fey Dr P_-_-_3 ltgtlaquoraquoraquo

sen t on for me -nr -

posit ion Of t h e nosemdashA R o m a n nose denotes

a n en te rpr i s ing business-l ike cha rac te r a long^nose is a sign of g^ood sense a perfect ly s t r a igh t pose indicates a pure arid -noble souUUtdess the eyes cont rashydic t i t a mz fttrcntsse signifies a spir i t of niischicfcwit and dash a l a rgo nose gene ra l l y i n d i c a t e s a g o o i ^ - m i u d and hea r t avery smal l nose good n a t u r e but a l ack of energy ^

mdash7 t he seaside H e r e waiter^

keeper says cheerful ly as he si economica l guest I g i a - s s we l l have to gUe-this l ient lemau tha t n ice room

hotcl-up the

of no mora l force in the ciTml_iTmlty The i r wealth cont r ibutes no th ing to the fund of t rue gyeatriess No t so with wea l th used as in the case of t h e othet examples quoted The t r ue fame thusj a t t a ined is more las t ing and more enshyviable To the ambi t ious -who seek

p wea l th and fame a i d toil to have tlumij name- l ive after t hem the lessons of the] t r u e power of weal th should hot be unshyheeded mdashBoston Courier

A Polish for Pine Carved Work 1 Half-pint l inseed oil half-pint of o ld ale t h e white of auegg 1 oz spTiTtsofi wine 1 v spiri ts of sal ts ywvll shake licfojEC using A little to be appl ied to

t h e faceof a soft l i nen pad and tightly r_l__]___Lfi+_IiJ_iiili_4_X U-_o _ (Tiver the ar t ic le to 4K- -restoiTd wliieTi AittsFater

mdash bull bull - i bullgt vS ward be polislied otl with tin O l 41k handkerchiVfl iiis will keep any Ungth of t ime if -iti^i-^ork-Hl Tiiis iVii^h is useful for iTeTIcTite cabinet Work i t r s

m a t he Mit on for me to yoad solely oecause ui g-raquobullbullnun ^_inraquo--i_raquo - mdash bdquo ----u - s i s t c i - i u law Julio_ a l lude play- -in ih ivamicx __lraquoigtYbdquohraquoUto 7-^ on the i |alj^_iccoi)M)K ttidcd tor iyper llv iuits pa_w^4^rihc los-iof--TUauk-tifih___kOA b a c k _ work bull ^ bull ]TT bull-


Positive Telief^nd immuni- -ty lVom complexional blemshyishes maybe found in Hasans Magnolia Balm - A delicate and harmless article Solpound by dmggists ever5^vhere

It imparte the most brilshyliant and life-like tints and the closest scrntin^ cannot detect its nse JLlfunsightly

IDJscolorations -Ernptions Mfamp Marksnnder the eyes S^wness Kedness Roiigh

amps and the flush of fatl_jno an d excitementare at once oilje-ie^ hy the Magnoliamdash raquofm bull vi_

It Js the one incomparable Cosmetic ____ -^ -


-_- -i-x


- i

Y i

A gtj

iampjmmu+mdashraquoigt- raquos-v bullbull -MTWili ilaquotraquoW gti mdash hi j raquo M raquo fv -(- -q4 JUlaquo V

laquo bull

-r bullr-Vr

f^- tf

f T PtWilVMW 1 raquobullraquo


i t





Sherman is strongly talked of as the n e x t R e p u b l i c a n candidate for flic

- JUrwwd^y W T has the ability to conduct a campaign i

The papers conhiin reports of a new conspiracy of American ami Irish ltiy nam iters Tle British authorit ies a re nervous J notwithstanding tht4r vaunted courage

ltraquoov Begolc is busied just now with explanations a- to his di^-posit-km-of his sons estate and pays little a t tent ion to politics All the same he _will keep posted agtrto tlie date of the next con-vention

A man-ea t ing shark 12 feet long was caught iri New Yftrk Hay recentshyly and the enterprising angler now hrs the monster on exhibition Its a cold

I gtraquogt T-Jvi

- h bull r

clay when TJicTankee canT~Hnd a new dodge to make money



Ben Butler will probably be the next Democratic candidate for Governor in Massachusetts Bens otlicial salary bullcoupled with his exhorhitant law fees will soon enable him to retire and ive some bodv el]lte n chance

1 Detroit s nyw- evening paper the J o u r n a l appeared last Saturday It is a bright new$y sheet independent

in-|gtolit4c-s-antl will no doubt crer te a n e w field in evening journal ism in J)etroit I t claims 20000 circulation


The postoffice departmentTfasTeeent-ly made a new orde that registered -letters must contiiin in Their address the name of t h e county as well as the c i t v a n d State to which they go The new rate of postage begins Ocshytober 1

ThePreTftrinitial party are enjoying bull themselves as only well-fed and conshy

tented officials know how The Pres-bull_ i d e n t l s said- to be tanned and -enf irely

tised up by the exposUie^ Ife will probably appreciate the cushions ia t t ie White Honss chair when next h e

Although Hon John C New assistshyan t secretary of the treasury will neishyther affirm n o r deny the report that he will resign on Secretary Fulgers return it is believed lie will do so at an early Mnienn order to better look after hisnewspaper and otneY ^private tiv-Icresfs He will a t least re turn to Indianapolis tor a time after Secretary folder re turns to Washington He is very popular and there is no t ru th in the rumor that unpleasant relations exist between him and the secretary

Some eastern merchants and stock operators who were not pleased with flic wayin whuih-ilu Wttorn Inion Company transacted its business durshyi n g the late strike brought suit for damage- against the W I Company before bull lodge Lawrence and won the suit and the New York- World ridicules the Judge s decision that a teleshygraph company is a common carrier and that i ts rates inay therefore he regulated b^y--congress The -Woftd pointedly retmirks tha t the Western-Inion is jnorv likely to regulate Con-gress than Congress is to regula te the Western tTuon If lav O o u h t l v o r o still editor of the World this might be regarded as a senii-atlicial announce-lUCNt -

The knigts templer are ^returning from SanFraut isco hut alas no laurels bring theyhome to Detroit- who e r4 -whiie performed deeds oibull might and eidut^irms (it higli import at the Cleve-landvfmclave The De Molay com- mandery of-Louisville has w o n t h e prizein the great cake walk a t the Golden Gafce and are nniking a slow j but t r iuninpant progress homewarb-j prouder than all the paladin aiid much more gorgeously ha-dited Where Ue now tlie- invincible heroesof the Mich-igan eonfm-a-mlmv-By our hal ldom

and by the beard of Godfrey de Bouil-ion odds hodikins and marry come up and by all the pretty oaths which sipiir-1 or kuiglit couM j- w-frt-f-r we shouliTlTaVTuther accounts Snpreme

UJbis tines

thoritios and8unda^ -raquo+tfkta postal was received s ta t ing that a man answering to- Hamptons description had been captured not in Lapeer as a Detroit eveningpaperaverred hut in Flint Sheriff Vallace and landlord Stone imniediattdy went on to Fliiit HUtb ttirtrtitinl t i t f t r -pr i^ t t r r H e i s now luld lor trial

Mrs Th7VTITn M l ^ ^ l n l v ^ i I t v iisenue aged H yctrgt died of a conshygestive chill at In r home Saturday niglu The fureral talicspiace to-day from Hu house Mrs Hill was an old settler and has livedtor many years on the banks of the II uron

F O X 1 IE i V11A At _r

I-rom tin IU fiw t _

Mr Fred Ives and family departed for Marshal on Monday where they Vjill take their future residence

Mr (k L iMsherJiiis-reiited the enshytire ground floor of the lt hicra Hougte b|()ckand will till it in the near future wijh a largestock of furniture The lartition between the two stories will partit ion nerween rne two

be removed and throwtfti

sees them

bullbullbull Toledo 0 is a citv of over 50() bullgtgt-loons notwithstanding the t a x - o T ^ W

vacli ini|gtosed uplaquo^lri^fekraquo^ planr by theScott laweniir-ted at the histlegisshylature Under this law the sahxns ot Ol^o are taxed upward of S2000000 w4)u-tt is qi-ti-terf relief to t he taxpav rs ofthat State

mdash De Lesseps Panama canal seems to have been forgot ten in the n e w s of t l |e

rday The people of to-day are over ready to forget-ojtie tli^me and take up with another Xo sooner is public a t shytent ion attached to one subject than if is directed in another channel bv tin1

hrsfninprobahle thing-t hat is mention-ed -

Knuuent Grajid WlTatyuucallem Sii i-lugliXbiCurdyLto llie rescue _ Om blagtt from your riant and eloquent lraquou-gle aud-ffhe WiiiR=gr wTttiigai-n-^priiig

jind flash their swnrds-to their foatliej in air till the 1-ight thereof shall dazie -p+^+Hty out of countehahce-News

lTtrroniMVHyrn g iving i)iie of-tin largest and rooms in Livigston county

Geo(Tastem has obtained a patent upon a set light durable and strong whifftetrees trhd evenerTbeing made eutirelv ljL~wrought iron rods He sohf-n ha i fwt^ res t in thesamjctoH H iMifee a n d thetirm are ge t t ing ready to push the sale of the same

I)FXTIR From tlngt Ligtul(T

Coniiely it iix of Adrian are putshyting ip a maguifieent lnonimunt in the Catholic Cemetery for a Mr Shan-ahan of the town id Lypndon This tlW4 small head and toot stone and handsome galvanized iron fence cost the nice sum of pound700 -

raquo s bull

The carpenter work on Win Glenns new house a t North Lake is completshyed and doe Keese is now engaged ill pu t t ing oil the finishing touches - -The house is a nice otic and reflects credit on its builder ITii^vTiiTIogg copy

Doi^ got among James Lucas sheep last Sunday night ami raised the dickem Tltey killed and inainuvl a-hnttt thirty-five Mf -Lucas wit obliged t-0 kill some -of-the wounded-ones and they together with those the bulllog killiMl made 20 deul sheep tor one night s work e nhder-staiid two of tlu7 diigs were caught and kllled~-ahd that their owners propose tomake the inss good peimdashreqircst-of- Mr hn^is 1C Heeve also had 10 sheep killed









fast 1 nda night by-dogs-

poundpound9 HOTCL


bullpoundpoundlaquoM SIlilHSlWHfflSIS

Sis|laquoS fraquoS|fe|jlaquoil ||ilaquoiWlls||amp|iMi



Cor CongresB and Bate^ts

DETROIT MICH ttraquotltgt8 $1 to $1 25 per day Single

nit-Hi^ W cttfts Lod^in^raquo Mgt to S)c ^^ imiklaquo h Bptciulty of dinner and

iti alwaysfeadyatil ocloclcshariJ Come early utid he served proT lv raquo ^ ^ ^

ra i l road ilt iicing t ion as rajiidlv a

T h e ( I r a n d T rui ik I^nckney -s-new pushed to coiuple-cireunistavices will

permit A sink-bole was (U^eount red ^wraquoTiifa wliiili walt lto hyvge thal^ lU-u

ut all the leent to tHf

gradeis were obliged t(gt timber for several rods ai thebreach W i t h such obstacles m tlie way-of construction is it any w^oii-

(iTFis hot heing_nearid


S O T T I I ^ L Y O X From tin Pii kit mdash - mdash - - mdash -^---7-

A round-house whieh~Trill inrnmn-dat(gt twoamgines has been built bv the ( I near


The turn tal

NVeatherhead has one buildshying up and enclosed on 14^ lots near the dtpol and the iouudation laid for anorher ~~~ bull

der that compTetl as rapidly as was wl

anlicipated Those oare impatient to see the-work of


England continues to -ship large bulliiiimb6rs of her pauper victims of tr e t rade to this country ami the authorshyities at OasAle Garden either connot or

--mlKii(raquot Tdfr-anvt-hiHg more rigHmFFF than simply to remonstrate against f lc outrageous procmxling 15ritaiiis_boa-t t ha t t-ke sun-4ie-er ^ets rn her mttjesv-gt-domain and still wire has no room or

^1 v

inelination t o take care of her own paupers -

Oscar Wilde hot satisfied with beshying the Original o f the geni dude ami

^ inaugura t ing the c raze fopound_i4in-flowers as buttonhole bouijuets has writ ten a p lay ca l led Vjera which bullmetwith as cold a reception- as did Oscar himself The New York papers at its first production commented unshyfavorably rpon it and thus prejudiced otherjaeople against it and poor Os-ltcar-was obliged to cancel the dates jand wi thdraw the play f rom-the s tage

construction completed will ponder on the amount of capital necessary to reach-

do Well to abor find this end

oti must not expectto laquo-ee t rains run--nitijg over the line as soda as track-layiug is finished or you will be sadly disappointid It takes time to build and equip railroads and the G T will lie in operation in due time

The Grand Trunk company nas purshychased a s t r ip of land of Monroe-bun-lap on the east side of the railroad eight rodswideand running the whole length of his farm and containing eight acres paying therefor ^1laquogt00-

Geo Hudson the boy wild fornTTrtv c l eaned t he L A A S G T cars nt this placewas run over by a train at Ann Arbor Saturday and had a leg smashedmdasha-Wv-e the knee The sur-

OUR NEIGHBORS S T 0 C K T 4 R H 4 lt ^ E ^ - -

Prom the SoutjiieU

Alex Tfcyier is hack from the far w-est-- looking d-(cide+ healthy and h a p p y r

(bullontractor lirooks was here Tuesday and says the cars shall run by the first of Nov or sooner

_ Oliver Ayraul-t was kicked in his side by his horse Wednesday fracturshying one of his shorter ribs

lgtenj u r a h a m s little boy aged about three years fell from a fence yesterdayand injured (ben t ) h i s arm

-nar rowly escaping a break

bullL - bullbull

Ht^-- bull

9 bull -bulllaquo)bullbull


Gen Crook tlie would-be g rea t Inshydian fighter who was instrumental in vanquishing five or six bucks and fifty -orjixty squaws and papooses is now

behrg lionized in theeast whither he j s t ak ing a tour ostensibly for recrea-t ion hnt in feality to be petted suiltI

- made much of If he had encountered the band which annihilated CustHT it probabljjynurld have been as well for the country at large and more espee-

xaFy the~taxpayerg Tle~is~reiTeiving t-oo ranch reward for his gtaltrv plun-

A few days ago Ar thur Freeman and BertieKollis each about seven years ohi were wn^stling when the latter fell upon liis r ight arm breaking it between the el bowman d wristf He was immediately taken toJ)r Brown at the post-office who set the fimb the l i t t le fellow showing lots of grit and now he is get t ing iilQitgfinely bull -- j

A N N A R B O R f rom the Ke^istor

John Moore has bought the stock and good will of C Holmes d r u g store on Huron street He took posshysession-last Wednesday

The pcaeh-04Aa-r4 Opound4-T4) M l w m of this town yealded (ifJ00 bushels last-season but not one this He appears to peach-eerful about it howeveV

All efforts of the officers to trace Wm H a m p t o n - t h e nimble-fingered n ight clerk of the St James t a r the t than Holly proved u-riavailing As a last ho~]iehowever descriptions of the thief were sent out- to various-city atf-

ifior^f preparltlt to amjmtiite the leg bur it_is now thought it can be ^aved

Maggie Munn had a sudden and serious attack Tuesday evening in Carpeiitei A Savers store I)r Hrown was called and soon broiightJieqj_uiLxf-wTTat bull - -was callnl a tit ])ivmounced its cause

The Doctor the extreme

amount of green stuff she hiid eaten

_ imrcaiTON From tho ritizon

1 FredStiffTiTHighlandwas thrown from his horse the other day and had his arm brokem -

FARMERS AN^FHRESHERSr S fresh new stockmdashof th^-following goods j-ast-receded a l l of which ^re-

guaran tee to-he tlm purest and best qualitymade in tbo world- u

N K Fairbanks Ex Winter-strained Lard Oil No I U r d OH-

Best Quality LardeHfte3mdash^ A No I Golden Engine Oil Zero Black Oil Old-Process Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil TURPENTINE OILBMER

VARNISH NXX CASTOR OIL Gasoline 7 4 deg and Xap tha Wate i^Whi te and Legal Test Kerosene OiL P u r e White Ldeg^d ( o loreiLPaints by t h e - ^ ^ U o n - a a 4 - 4 n - p a i ^ f w T n r T T r ^ - ^ T ^ ^

A post of G A K Thursday afternoon nemiirvs _

was established of 15 consisting

bull-^J A Dibble has a new bouse jus t coni])leted on his placcin Oceola

N(dfle King died Tuesday after a short illness in the 80th year jofhs age His femftinraquo-were-fjikeii to Fleniiifg y(isterday for burial

Prof Karbts thinks a lyWde cmt-door recreation dll- go well mixed uu with hisschool duties and has bougnt the fine little side-wheel boat which was plied on Island Lake dur ing the enshycampment lt

While TJanieT Curdy of Oceola wafi on his way to t h e pioneer picnic he drove mto a creek to water his tea^ii and as he came out the back seat of his buggy broke loose and spilled his wife and mother into the water They were not much injured

Tlie high wind which passed over this country last Wednesday afterno did considerable diimage a t Hoyvell Wright s grist mill lost a smoke-stack and the windmill-e-wned bv Hie liail-roadrwas bloVn down and Jbtujly brok-ell A builinngown^dLy^V C Briggs one inile nortlijiffownlt^was so badly racked tha t it fell to^fhc ground someT-time du r ing Wed^esiiay night

pails AVe are making Gils Pa in t s and Painters Materials a specialty and will q u o t e L O W E R PRICES than any other dealers in Livingston Countymdash Give us a call and see bull bull bull

TEEPLE amp-e^WETJL Firs t door East of W S Mann Estate Brick Store


In connection with our large and varied stock of

bull -

AND FINE CHEMICALS We make a specialty of X u f s e r y and Sick-Room Supplies T r u s s e d J l k a t i c

Jia^ndages Shoulder Braces and all articles kept in a first class D r u g Store Our Stock of mdash

PATENT MEDICINES fs full ancTcomplete embracing all the s tandard and reliable remedieswhich we will sell as low oij-any reliable house in the county W e keep a fnlr stock of all Botanic and Eclectic Re-medies and Pa rke Davis k Cos New Remedies enabling us to till any prescription or familyreccjins We shall keep everyshyt h i n g per ta in ing to our t rade In onrtrp6ery iWpartment we have none b u t ireiih-and well selected goods and-will sell a t dottom prices To accommo-^ t o o u r patrofis we will t ake m exchWgcopy But te r and Eggs and wil l pay t h e highest market price bull Respectfully bull bull laquo bull

H 3EK copy I Q laquo a B raquo amp BORO


bull bull-

L raquoilaquo mdashill


WAV Mi | mdash bull ll III I I I I J - mrmidm

laquo M V I raquo 4


mdash ^


A LITTLE boy proud of Lis new Jacket informed his Bister that he ua a Biz-button kid

BARRELS of gin have taken to explod-fng There tnust bo terrible Hclmapps ben they gogtoff

GROCERS seldom establish themselves bulln the seashore probably from feartlLit the sand may get in their weigh - mdash

MASSACHUSETTS has more letters in it than Mississippi but the latter ia the JonLgeryQrdmdasha miss JUL as good^aa a xnilfet lt deg

COUNT DORSAY who possessed amp f a n n i n g wit in remarkingvQn a beauty

jv Ipeok on the oheek of Lady^euthamp-ypound fcgt3 compared it to a gem on a roso-

feftf The compliment is far-fetched observed her Ladyship llow can that bel remarked the Count when

vjt is made on the spot THlaquo proprietor of the Hotd Ma il

whois aakillful musician asls What is home wilfrfl pla^qT^l^rCoToSeIT

from experience we Would remark that bullbull i t is then a placn where the wicked cease

irom drummingand the air takes a rest ^J)o we strike the right key 7mdashNew York Commercial Advertiser ATa Country house whero I was visitshy

ing a feXv- years since a ntntoly ijmjor-dopobearingthe name of ItfacMahon reigned over the cellar Are you a reshy

l a t i o n of the Marshals jokingly said a1 friend who was wit me No sir v u the grave replybull_the French Presshyident is of our Younger house ^re are the MacMahonof Ciare Tableau mdash

London WoHtT FATHER you are-an- awful brave man

vaaid a-Detroit-youth as lie smoothed down the old mans gray locks How-do you know that Willie V bh I heard some men down at th-e store say that you killed thousands of soldiers during the war Me- TOly I was

f a beef contractor for the army Yes thats what they said explained young innocence as he slid for the kitch6n---JMroitFree -FrenZ -

HERHUNBAXDls A P O S T R O P H E Oh woman iu your liourof ease bull Uncertain coy and hard tu-^kraquolaquoJraquomdash - --Wheneer you 0 to buy ibumiet Youre harder yet to plea^ep dogrgonoifc

LfiAVING TOWN (_ He straightened his back and wirjed the sweat

From hisJjrow so tjery ijud I would rathertjnyel with Jumbo dear

bull I Than travel With you liefcfud She darted an angry ulaice and cried

bdquo I Why Walter y(laquoiihuft he druiik Im sober enuuyh he suid5to kno^

That JuinbolaquomijtiU Itis own trunk- ^ 0 raquo the oeeasiou tgtf-Snrah Bernhardts

return to London the Times said she looked worse and even thinner than -before This reminds us o f the Ger-man cornposer-^riioyas condnctuigone

~ of his overture^ A^tlie horns played too loud he told theni repeatedly to play softer aud softer they played each tirnts- A tithe-fourth repetitionwith a knowing wink at each other they put their instruments to their lips but did not blow at all The conductor -nodded

=~spprov ing t rT ^Yery-goed indeed Now one shade softer and youll have i t - --mdash- bull _ _

~^~ THEY were sitting Tn the shadow of _ the huneyauckluH tliroHflfh yMch~EEo~

sinking sun was peeping at them with a face as red as if it had just enlaquoFged from a brick-kiln bull And you will take

me to Europe on our wedding day darshyling she said toying fondly with-one

Of hismdashsuspender buttons that had broken loose and fallen intoher lap A very serious look stole over his counteshynance and for some momenta^he was silent Finally he choked back a rising sigh-and said No deary we will stick to the dry land I never could hold a basin under a bullbullwomans chin foia

mdash4eampH3aysand love her afterward A rouNCi farmer who had been^ead-

ing a book which stated that woman is the Sunday of man thought he vraquoould compliment ahoating^ you are my Sunday I Ipusyglared at him as though she imampgined he was daft and then quietly Said Ban I may be your Sunday buy Im not going to give you any rest until you buy me a bonnet thats fiVto wear to church Dan now keepX his quotations to him-bullatampbnt wasCompelled to get the head-

bullNew York Commercial Adver-

ESMITH was ejected violently doctors office on Austin avenue

complained that he feltvery much ilitated You should eat oat meal bfampaklastr I eaJ~baTmeai and feel

as stout as a jackass said the doctor The oat meal cant have anything to do with your feeling like ajackass reshymarked Qua I l l kick you out of thai pffloe roared the exasperated doctor bullIf you do doctor Ill not kick back m do like that other fellow who WM kicked by a jackass Ill consider the flource After that Gus stalked o u l

S - ^ h e affair is much to be regretted at both parties are respectably connoettcL mdash-Teeras Hiftings _ J

aid ad-

The extent of the utisernmenc frabsidy to the Union Pacific rail exceeds that ever extended by any Government to any undertaking Conshygress authorized aland donaUcn of 13-sect75200 acres to be located in alternate sections on both sidescf the line and subsequently guaranteed the stock of the company to the^xtent of $16000 per mile between the Missouri river and the eastern base of the Rocky mountshyains $48000 perrhile for 150 mUes across the RooKy mountains $32000 per mile betweeyihe Rocky mountains and the eastenr baae of the SierraNevada momntaSsTand WS000_igtermgtlo for 166 tt^^over the Sierras TJieso grants

^sufficient to much mtgtre than pa ^OSt Or ^Oll

Genlaquo Alex Ogles Use of L When Gen A4ex Ogle-served Somershy

sets frosty Hons of thunder in the Pennsylvania Legislature it fell toliinv to write in behalf of the Democratic members a letter to (Jen Jackson then stepping across the Presiurntial thresh-hold Such work of the scribe was a

4ahor of love andjn submitting to the caucus what he had written Gen Ogle sajd Gentlemen and members of the Democratic party I hold in my hand a letter addressed by Gen Alex Ogle to Gen Andrew Jackson and I have no hesitation in Haying that i t is a -mdash- ablo paper The members gathshyered around agreed thajfc the letter was just the thing to mako Old Hickorys heart thump with satisfaction and exshycept one a dapper little Philadelphian spoke words of praise- The dandy of the House-fixingliia glasses and scanshyning the page with the critics smirk ventured to remark Pardon me General I do not wish to assume to

-makea suggestion to so distinguished a gentleman as yourself but I cannot re-fraiampirojm saying it is customary in the East and I may say in almost all the civilized countries of Europe to write with the capital I instead of the little uia in using the personal pronoun in epistolary correspondence Gen -Ogle drew down hipound heavy brows piercing the dandys narrow with ^he fierce shaft of scorn that shot from his 6ye Sir he said beginning with a hiss and ending with a roar when^X write

i^xji^jsriisrGr 1883 1-



fill two Sheets of foolscap so help me God

To T H E FARMERS OF LIVINGSTON ANDAIgtJOJNINP COUNTIES -Xf you want to purchase a Reaper this year examine the Hero look it over carefully and youjwOLsee iHlaquo up

to the time- 1st Itis simply constructed 2nd I t has no side draft 3d I t is not liable to get out of order 4th I t has no weightiupon the horses necks 5th I t is a very light draft reaper 6th I t is easily managed 7th 1frac34 is just the machine you want I t can be had of our agents on trial and is warranted to give satisfaction

^ ^ t I refer you to the following named farmers wh$ have purchased and are using the Hero v eaper some of whom for to suchTgreat auch-a towferinman as I the pa^ t JWjea rg j and they can testifyJo its merits Gen Andrew JacMori Democratic i mdash President of the United States I abase myself sir I use as small an T as I can put on paper but sir if I should ever get to such a low-down pitch as to have to write to such a little snipe as you Id use an I sir that wp_uld_

Jesse W Sheets Unadilla Bernard MCloskey Putoam David Donovan Northfleld Ang Balden George W Iteaaon Unadilla Arthur Montague E J Wakeman Tyrone Cxeo R Wilcox W hite Oak WtaedonTojrk Roscommon

- -A-HHTamp Gray TOBCO

Jamas Spears Putnam Owen Goodspeed Hamburg William Cullen Danuville P Mc Cann Bunker Hill Wm Perry- Owen Mc Cann jr M

John B Mc Creery Henrv Ward- Fred Maycock Iosco

bull=ETmerChipman h

George Bauer Brighton S K Haiise Putnam A Force litockbridge Perry Barrett Tt

George PhlpsWhite Oak Henry B Gardner Putnam Daniel F Wefit Lewis Love u

John AmdashWard Llaquo^ilej Mrs J Love and Sops Marion

JMartin Melvin jr Hambnrg W Nelson WJiitmofe Lake Warren Mnnson White Oak Frank Aldrich Henrietta John Fleming Philo Durfee Antrlmr

-bullH--CT- Marttir- mdash-- mdash Seymour Brown onway O CrSawdy IOBCO ~~ bull bull

the Hero can be seen and is for sale at Piuekney by JApound MARKET General Agent for Mlehigaa

Burial of a Greek Patriarch

We - found the deceased patriarch clothed in the robes of his office silk gold richly embroidered seated upon a throne facing the altar iri the^Constan-tine church of the Greek Gonveni^Al-though he was only cent3 years of age he looked very venerable with hisT long flowing gray beard-^eirad a golden crown upon his head with enashymeled settings on four sides represhysenting _the Virgin the nativity the insurrection and asrension and ur-ihounted by an elegant diamond cro^s His breast was-wavered with golden -classes and precious stones He had a crozier or sceptre of gold and silver leaning against the throne-while in his right 1 tartd was nrTretarrrpnt and irrfris left a ]U(^re7-orHhe VirgiTfTnid chiidr Behind the throne wasstandinga priest reading continuously in^CrreSkjappro priate passages for thedead Andfrpm caily hioiTiinff till 0 oldotLL^iuihe eve-ning a perfect stream of people were passing back and fourtli_who- would kneel kiss the patriarchs napounddThen theTestament which ho held in it andT afterward cross themselves and pase out The patriarch- was buriedOhe name dav he die-d ltTugtt Ijn-ifoitf the f-Cr-

a l m o s t evertvnn ered oigt ^Icirt- yiim

neral a motley cro^d qf-Tifks- Xrabs Uedouins Nubbins Te s a n d T i ^ e -sentative^s if aiinnstik^ery nation in

rtgina-bu4 eostunie gath First in the piftgt-

-cesHioncjnnw a--bahd of elarionotsr^h^H a band X)f brass inrttrirments phiying what IwoultV ronsidvf a lively air and notthe feast novel-was an enormous brrtss drum Iollowing tlie band were tjuitea ninnbr of ^tanh^nts- with veryV

^long hair priraquojviving irrt)je priesthood then cani^+h^TfrHfriiitd5 priests then tlie hishop dr Allexcept flit carried c-tvlt cra)0 Aiu t iTaniss^vits of

esstV iji eftvgailt cloaks hu]diesvrJo followed s (bAxjcd with black bullthe sohlhis camethe allhe ltni ls- and of

diiIarraquoMlt ivMixt^tt^-JH- w-ba^sStiliiert wildVofrf nines soinolliing

like our American Jjulians Then came bishopsbearing a kind of lanterns and crosses of silvVV imi gold An old iiian in a veiy govp^r^asTirtss wh6-as I Mas informed v-icopy nextto the pfttrinreli himself was biwristg the deceas patriarchs silver nnLJ gold sceutie Then came the Vgtodv iii-full dreisas I had seen it in tlie m-orTiing---wit)i the ercopywii_gjihisJ4Ciid and seated bull on higt throne as if he were alive The proshycession made a Strang im^yessinn upon my nvind as I wittthed toward the Zion gale the weird clianting oVtho was buried in a sitting posture along frith about two btfsheis ltlt inceuao and myrrh

slowly move d I list MI cd to

priests He




-Mr-MANNrEast Main St PinckneV bull mdash mdash bull - - bull - -

e jus t added to our stoek a general assortment of-




DrugsandGrQcerlampr And would invite the attention of far- raers-who wish to4ay-in a stock of gromdash ceries to last them through harvest we have everything you need Sugars Teas Coffees Spices Pork Hams

i Dried Beef Cheese and CannedJSoo4a -oi all kind^ ii you dont tceljust like-

going intoJhe harvest field come in and get a bottle of Browns Iron Bit-bullter Hop Bitters- Shilohs Vitalizer some one or the thousand and one rem-edles Wekeep that will do you goodmdash Dont forget to come and stock up at once The place is at the -____ L



N Jl-^-IIijjdiHst cagh rn paidfor Butter and Eggs

i3 Tatui


BI^AC|CSMITH ATTlynds of ens torn work and general

repairing including


Study OTITJ thToT

The nibre we study tlanilet tTte VCT cpnvhaeed-^ve become that be Mas ia sane He hated tlie idea of having a stepfather as most children do and trooded over it until his brain lostits

balance Some children accuse theii stepfather of stealing thlt afrrctinrrs-n their mother but-Hamlet went frac34 stej farther and doolared that- he lnvLpttt-his father out of the wayv -A+ l all beshycause he had partaken too heartily of the funeral-baked meats that he had warmed over into halaquoh for the mar-riage supper This gave him the nightshymare in which he thought he saw his fathers gheat though it was probably nothing more than a portion of tlie family washing flapping-in the moonl light Hamlet had been a gay yontli up to that time as Ophelia could testK fy but after that he dressed entirely 171 black covering -fehnself with an inky cloak toenhance tlie prevailing gloom of his appearancemdashCincinnati Satur-

toy fogM_mdash~ r ^ mdash

Call and examine our stock whether you wish to e or not




WILLIAM D0-LAN amp CO Have just received a new and complete stock of ~

DRY GOODS BOOTS amp SHOES CROCKERY GROCERIES Tobacco Canned Gtyods Etc No remnants or shelf-worn stock We m business and will guarantee bottom prices The public are invi t^- tcfca l l and see for themselves W E S T M A I N ST T I ^ K N J S ^ f f M I C H

Shop back of Manns Block PIXCK^KT

plusmn eNPMMPT0N


FHR4IXME bullbullbullbull Picture Framing Repairing Up hols te ring Ste

wl S T X A I S eTBisr



BEST|d-APA^ -TKATlaquor^B7

JAPANTEA 4ampcts ~

mdash -mdashGROUND TgA 20 c^T


Roast Cofiee

GREEN Cg^yenigE i2 ic t

and 23 cte

BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE Tugwr fur Bale 1frac34 lota fronting on Main

east of Howell Street and 6ttt on Howell of Main tor boainew purpoieronly Theee Stfzltt feet In aize are very desirably lc-the center of the village and wiU be 1

Street Soutl

CITY LAUNDR bull Finest Laund and delivered lion to


ryta the Weet G Pricfi Uftt Jnrnjah

called for on applka-

)S A CP y^M^oy- M^)(rt jgti i

tus ^ s Bird Seed 10 da

Mc-tfobacco at 40 cts bullgt J

60c Tobacco at 50 cts

^al Baking Powder Parents Bakshying Powder Spices of all kinds raquo

Bakers 0hocolatraquo ^^eeT bull Chocolate v -

Canned Corn Canned Beef -DuUMd Salmon Canned Tomatoea

mdash amp A WHEELER -




bull -

pound_ -^-~S



bullbulliiifelaquoriMiiltlflt bulla aw4raquo~vovw

^ ^ ^ s ^ l i i S laquobullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullfi^jgjyi bulllt wk tUgiu I ^ j ^ y ^ ^ j ^ I - r - V 1 raquov

B- f

-^ v-mdash4--T

raquoraquo- -^4

v ^ i raquo n 1 1 PfowvnwaaMM


i tx

mdash-T bullH rlaquoP bullEH SHH


F r

f -1


M bull l

- pound L



HUNTING FOlt BTILL8 The Commissioner of Internal Revenuehas

issued instructions to Revcumf Alaquoeut Powell of Raleigh N C to Inveetliatu tbe report that several revmue officers bathe upper part of South Carolina U4T1 been- systematically swindling the government for some time It is charged that the officers in question lure pershysons to pui up old stills iu remote pieces and then capture the material in th night time and obtain the government reward of |50 for each seizure Tbe eamc material U theu put u p In another part of the^State and seized again It is alleeed that only a few stills captured in the mountains of South Carolina have been used for illicit distilling bull

ti n Cinoks latest communication li$s lust been received by the War Department In the report Crook giVt-s his idea of- the future polishycy to be pursued by the government^ follows bullI believe tlrralv that exact acquiescence by ouj- government in the terms upon wfhlch these Indians understood they are to be allowed toydren live upon the San Carlos Reservation appears theonly passible means of protecting the lives and interests of the people of Sonora^and Chi huabuay as well as our owncountry and am as firmly convinced that if the present prisoners are treated with good faith not only will the renesradf6 now in the mountains return but also that Neither country will heresfWr huve ^ r

any reason to complain of depredations or aatraquo pects accurate and is vouched fpr

bull) i


A NEW yj^vvt Plans arc completed for thlaquo proposed new silshy

ver vault under the cagth room-of the Treasury Department1 The storage capacity of the vault will be ^33009000 In Kilter dullais Until the return of Secretary Folder the Assistant S^c- retary will act aa Secretary

THa-aA^eiMO) HOSPITAL^ A statement has recently been published to

the effect that the plan of establishing a Garfie4 memorial hospital inWashisgton had been aband

lior want of adequate support and thatlhe mopey thus far contributed for that purpose would be turned over to the Garfield monument fund Thos Fisher of the (iarfleld Hospital Board said in reply t s inquiries that the report of the abandonment- of_thpound_hQspital scheme was entirelv Without foundation


A pension office official says that there is no reasons le donbt that more money has been fraudulently abstracted from the treasury in one year- on false pension claims than was ob-tainedby the star-route ring in the same time and about which the country has heard so much $100000000 in a single year formed a temptshying prize to the pension agent ring and out of

4t4bis ring m u i t have got upwartLLQJLt 10000- 000 their particular portion being in fees and expenses Claims by the hundreds and by the

thousand a r e made up in Washington and sent ready-made to the ex-soldlers forvsisrna-ture and oath Many nith are found^too honshyest to perjure themselves thusJyit the temp tation offered by the arrears act which offered several thousand dollars In a lump If the case went fhrough is too great in -most cases traquo be reSlsted The more squeamish are Urged bv

near St Louis Mo between Iouis Phillips and Jacob Roseuhrdok both residents of Bowling Green Township iri which the latter wa killedinstantly and the former wounded so badly that he died in a few hour after The affair had its origin in a grudge long standing crowing out of disrespectful remarks by Philshylips concerning Rosenbrobks sister Each time they met thev quarreled and they decided to settle the matter In a duel with pistol They ctiosc as their seconds Mark Swark and Jack Wren who wereMcent and witnessed the shooting RoscnBrook fired tbe first shot the ball entering Phillips mouth1 Phillips stag-cered but before tailing discharged bis wea-ponthe ball taking effect on the side of Rosen-brooks mouth raogtng upward through the head Both duelists weie young men Phillips being about 83 year of agj and a school teacher


bull Mrjfidward Kniyiit of P i beru bereft of his eix children In a remarkashyble waymdashby such a succession of tragedies as makes truth indeed seem 6tranger than ficshytion I Three children died with diptheria in qulcW succession The day after the death of the last of these two of tuampremaining chilshydren were playing in the yardtbe raotlifeir being inside with the youngest child A scream outshyside caused her to rush out to find that a ratshytlesnake-had bitten both children Soon thev were in the agonies of death The crowning horror then came upon the distracted mother when she discovered thai a large pot of boiling soap had fallenfrom the fire and scalded the baby past recovery The aecouafrls in All res-

CAUOHT AT LAST Sylvester F Fuller cashier and Henry L

St John assistant cashier of the Second nashytional bank of Jefferson Ashtabula county Ohio are in the United Statess marshalls hands In Cleveland on charge ltgti embeazllng $50000 of the banks funds The Irregularity occurred Dec 18 I88i wheu the bank closed Fuller skipped to Canada but returned last May St John Jtdnot leave The misfortune was caused by stock speculations After losshying his own money Fuller took $14000 and St J6hn $30000 from the bank funds He says they will peach oh other bank officiate Before United States Commissioner White Jhe presishydent of the defunct bank refused to testify unshytil he could consult a Uwyer Noah Hoekius director and holder of $1000 worth of stock swore out the warrant The depositors all got their money the loss falllug on the stockbold-ers

missing with some $12000 of borrowed money and leaving behind some $30000 In forged notes

After September 1 tourists to the Yellowshystone national park can abaudoa stages and make the louruiiy by rail the branch of the Northern Pacitla from Livingstone south to Cinnabar 51 mifeshavlng been completed

There are about tMX) Chinamen iu Helena


Milwaukee is agitateltrTJver an alleged case of Asiatle cholera A man named Wotcbky was was taken sick and became torpid andZelowski who has had experience in a Turkish hospital bullpronounced the diseawcfcolers Dr Richards Assistant Health Commissioner agrees with Zelowskl but other physicians call it cholera morbus


Snpt Thompson of the railroad mail service^ has ordered the establishment of a newline of postal cars on the Pennsylvania Railroad be-tweetL New York Plttlaquobufgh Indianapolis and St Louis The cars commenced running Satshyurday September 1 leaving New York at (5 pm The postal car will arrive at 8t Louis on the morning of t h | second day apound 30 oclock


debris and broken pieces of machlneay 50 people lost their lives some being blown In to eternity whilei others were drowned by be-

5 1 1 frac34 8 a n ^ L e t t C I ^ ^ K bdquo ^ d K traderTi ipk lng vessel Thort who wVre floating about in the river were rescued by tug-boats anil takshyen to New York Reports as to the number killed are conflicting Varying all the way from 10 to 50

Ttie engineer Edward^Tallmatrrwho cseaped-with a few slight bruised said he couldnot tx-

TfHUrrthe-cau^e-trf the at-eldent by- anv theory

forward One of these circulars dated April 3(3 1853 add-ess-

^ed^FjilGnd-^Hd-cllent says it is some time since the claim was made up and ur^es that it be signed sworn to and returned immediately Millions of money it saye liavc been ap-proprial^d+undgtYji^n_^eyo_ur_cLalm and si-

7t= -^ure toyou tho btnelliBuf the tveeut euac ment Auather-e4fcular says the cases of those whopay their fees iu advance will igt made special by the department Every t-f-forfe is made to get hold of that fee This sys

bull lllll uf ^huliBHle pti jui v Is billeyni lotOhuvi been carried on to a greater extent thaaf has jever yet been statedi-


The family of William Luriers of Win6ted Miuu consisting of nine persons were poison -_ eQ^Tewidsy^irgoVanu hvehnve dretlapd to more aro Dotexpected^tolive The supposition Is tb at some poison wasmlxed with th^ famil lunch buffhe name oftEe fiend an^ the mo-tlve for the torrlhleerimearc unknowii


B u r s t i n g of


B o U e r o n a H u d s o n RIvlaquo c r S t e a m e r



The steamer Riverdale on the North -Rl^r burst her boiler and sunk at Twenty-second street New York In about five minutes the boat capsized There were over 100 passen-geis on board-at the time of theWccident 8ome of them were hurled into the air and then feU-back-lBto the-water and others wsere comshypelled to jump into the rivlaquor to eecape-the scalding steam The air was filled with firing

complete recognition of-a-French protectorate over Anam andTonquln the definitive annex-

nation of Dlnthum to Cochin China the pershymanent military occupation-^ French of tht forts on the Tlmuan and Vingchua line lmfne-diate recall of the Anamlte troops from Ton-quln andjhje_garri3Qn8 thert ta be _placed-on-


The British Parliament Was prorouged on the Afternoon of August 25 The queens speenh was read bv the Royal Commissioner at tbe close of the session In her address the queeu reviews in a lucid manner the government ar-fairs She expressed great satisfaction at the j work done by parliament and at the harmouy existing between England and all other powshyers The manner In widen her majesty-handled all questions submitted tomdashher- -explodes the s_tatv ments so ottea made concerningher ineu-tal weakuess

A ERENCn VICTORY A telegram was received In Paris a few days tracts on the uAltiantage8

Montana With the exception of Fargo Helena i the

largest and most Important town on tbe line between St Paul and Portland Oregon

O^Doanell the murderer of Carey is on his way to England where he will be tried The South Africa authorities protested against his removal

Ex-Collector Murphy of New York has been arrested on a charge of swindling his benefacshytor Uncle Sam

T4ta--4vuoahw ^ poatotfioaa in tho Uuked- n cnicY laquottrl ve ryof ton thin clcm^ooaa o$ States number 48049

Parnell declares that the objects of the land eague are being accomplished -----

Tbe United States consul at Constantinople has written raquo letter to the State department in regard lothe horrible sanitary condition of that city-1 He says the cholera in Egypt was caused solely by the filthy conditiou of the towns infected

Dnring the last fiscal year 91000 applications for Denslons were disposed of by the Pension Bulau __bdquobdquo )

A crank called at the White House tbe oliher day and left for the President a bundlelof

ago by the Minister of Marine from Saigon anshynouncing ihat the French had boinbardedaud captured the forts andbatteries at the mouth of the Hue River after a brilliant land attack Tbesoperatious occurred on t^e 18th 19th and 30th Seven hundred Anaiuites were killed during the engagement The only casualties suffered by the FrenSh were several men SllghUv wounded The gunboats Viper a and Lynx entered theThuman passage The French admiral granted a truce A blockade has been declared ~ -

KINO t o p i s PHOIPPI II Great excitement prevails in Paris over

placards posted in every sectiorrofthe cltr dg-claring the Count de Paris king of France The police began to tear them down as soon as they weVe discovered but were greatly hinshydered in their pfforts bv the excited people The Count de Paris Is the eldest soo of Ferdishynand Duke of Orleans Louis Philippls eldest son and is legally the bead oflaquothe Orleans-family He ts about 45 years of ase and a gi eat favorite He has traveled very extensive-lv and during the war of ^thenrebelllon in the United States he served on the staff of Qen McClellan and participated in the campaign against Richmond in the siege of Yorktown the battled ot Williamsburg and Fair Oaks and in his m r e a t on the James river He left the service in 1863 and WMred -U) England where he remained during the war of 1870^71 When the Frenefrreptjblic arose from the ruins of the empire the Count de Paris was advised to renounce all ambitious projects whteh might tend toTepiace1 the house of Orleans on the throne of France ~ His private life after his return from America was singularly happy

of Bible Study tomdashrlaquoa4tb whleli

moment of his return Atlantic City N J baa been damaged $75-

000 worth by an unusually high Mood At a meeting of the lake seamens union at

Buffalo the rate of wuges was raised from $3tn $2 50 per dav

The offerice for which the naval cadets at Anshynapolis are to be court-martialed consisted in hazing fourth class men by turning them out of their hammocks at night and compelling them to stand on their heads and eat soap Lieutenant Commander Thomas and Lleuts Wood and Meigs are the court to_try__the AC



A treaty of Peace between France and Anshynan has been signed which nrwideB-for-the --destroyed the townsin Java

a peace footing and the return of the mandar-ins to their posts France undertakes to expel the Black Flags from Tonquln and thus Insure safety to trade Tbe treaty furshyther -- mdash -

cused Lieut Goodwin is Judge Advocate Michigan Sadets are among the accused

Miss Catharine Connollv has been arrested In Dublin onsuspicion of being connected with the murder conspiracy in Ireland bdquo President Arthur has been apprised of the

plan to kidnap him but as he has about 12U0 men at his commard he thinks there Is no doubt about his safety

A meeting of crowned heads is in session at Copenhagen

The monster engine of theKeeley motor company of New York Is finished-at last and will be run for the benefit of the stockholders about tblaquo_mldd_leof-lktpteiaber ^-mdash --

A witness before the Senate sub-coinmlttee on labor andeducation predicts a bloody revoshylution unless monopoly is checked^ - - - -

A loose switch on the Philadelphia amp Atlanshytic City (narrow gauge) raLlroadcaused serious injury to 30 persons A

Earthquake waves have been observed for several days on the -Pacfficmdashiaaat^JCbey were probably caused by the same earthquake that

TtlsjumoreiLtbai iix the-lnvestigation^wl)ieh will be made shortly in the interest of the govshyernment therewill be sonii startling and sen-satiqnal dfvelopments as Ur how thejpordlet ID

An Anti^Duoliat bull The re is a man ih Ne r (IrleanS who

niiikos a ltootl living1 as1 ii oompromisor of (jiiarrcls 11(frac34 isu sluirp luwyer Vi tu lt0i(iliat(jry limpef ami an oily tongue VYhilu oi l ier myu aro Blirriujr i ip gttnfo ho is tu rn ing away wrtitli-mdashlor a con-s]ij(M[ati(Mi Il( inutld a bullbulljrroat deal ol inuney in t-1iGjrornt old tlays so fast re-ceilinj when a-iluol beftrro broakfaat was as imlisjiunsable to the happiness of the Crescent City us fish OD Fr iday H o t with wiue two y o u n g bloods would qua r re l The lie would pass and then a cha l lenge Now you see th ings iuova clear ly through the cool g r a y m o r n i n g a i r than th rough the c igare t te sraoko of

responded the

vision eoriies while you look t h roug jp the qu iver ing blue a tmosphe re a t t i l l s p u r k l i n g s tars of t h e m i d n i g h t skf Hence it vas that our friend the peaoB-t t i ake f wtis never out of a job His title was second 1 usual ly b u t his business w a s to sfn th i i rnn iifwnssity a rose J d r his services as such One case rs a gootl saiwple A young society m a n had cal led anothvr society m a n a coward wi th the avowed purpose of m a k i n g him light a duel Of course both were well b r andmd when the insul t was givshyen A cha l l enge passed a t once but-by the t ime it hadbeelaquo received Mr Ii-su i t e r had grown cool a n d e a u l i o i i s ^ -H e asked Mr Compromise to act-as hn second

Now 1 1 said the la t ter t o cOme to a poin t at once do you wan t t o t igh t 1

B e t w e e n ou r se lves younf mau I don t 1 1

o you wan t to go on the field At 1 a sked the second because it will you more to ge t ou t of going on

the field than to get o u t of the duel afshyter y o u r once face to f ace

I d o n t wan t t o ^ o on the field a t a l l said the-pr inc ipa l a n d I d o n t care w h a t it costs to keep off

V e r y we l l s a id the secxpid n o w sit down and write ju s t such an accept-ance as I tell you to w r i t e 7 A c c e p t a n c e

Y e s cer ta inly Le t me m a n a g e this affair said the second in m y OWJI way ^ o w wr i te out a n a c c e p t ance iu the usual form and pu t in for weapons rifles a n d for dis tance two paces 1 -

bullWhy t h a t s muzzle to b reas t mur -de r oji frightV e x c 1 a mied the p r i n c i p a t

W r i t e wha t I tell y o u sa id thesec-opd _ _ _

~ Wtieni irwas vMitttvi the seconoTcar -

bull J


the Star Keute trial ivas seduced A trial of reapers and mowerB was- recentl

grade in ItatVTSrjdfine result cTiTaxty_ phngf

Htiitd- i-f-himraquoe4f t-o^liu-sccouiLof the chalshylenger

vWhy this is -butchery sanl th6 la t te r second bu te l i e iy in cold WiToTt- - ^61t1ltfTr^in3ol^ v i v e _ - bdquo_ _

llien tio I nnilii-stiimi tluit yon xeiiti whatever Tle boilers were-new four years ago wheH the boat was entirely rebuilt and reshyfitted He was about to enter the engine room to obey the pilots signal to slacken epeed wheu Joe was suddenly hurled through the door ahd the ncxT moment Hi found hlmmlf havo

stipulates__ihjkLmdash thoj aboeimte control


bulltrr 7 ~

f-ing on the roof uf tht cgtibiudlrectly under jhe tbafti The explosion occurrd ho paid withoutJlic slightest warning atuKwas appkr-ently the resnltof some hidden defcht A mo-ment previous he had looked at thesteatn-guage and Tounil TTTfTTegisU - twenty-three

Jouuds When the boat was Inspected last mie-her allowance jna-rhced - i t fifty pountls

tp the square Inch

io- E F F E CTS O F V O I C A M C E R 1 P T I O N

BAXblTTl AFXElt XllTULK A story thatreads like a dime novel tale

comes all the way from Idaho and Is furnished to the worldby-theJVood RiVer TlmeB The

JFtur-CQmdashTownw PfgtHlroycd--Tltraquorrlh1fl

story is to ttie effect that-a party of Texascow IwyXbavestartcd for Yellowstone Park to~klcF

nap Frlaquo^ident Arthur and hlst-ntlre party and to spirit them away into the mountains-where they will be kept prisoners while members of

^ the^arty act as pickets to prevent being 6ur-prised and captured while negotiations for a

mdashransom are being conducted The captain or leader of the party has an idea that a heavy

Loan o r Li re A dispatch f~om Batavia Java bays the towns of Anjier Tjirlngin and Telokbeleng were destroyed by tidal waves causedmdashby-lhe

France of the Anamlte

finances-and customs aud thatthe French shall recogniae Hiephema as new King of Auam The stipulation for a permanent military occu-panon by the French of the forts on the Thu-aan and Ylugchua line implies that a blockade of Tourone and Hue will be replacedby a mishynute inspection of all foreign arrivals

~ mdash - A TEKRTFIC TrVLF gt The fleet of United States ilshing vessel^

which arrived at St Johns N 13 a few nights ago report a Violent storm on the Great Banks The gale rose from the eastward at 8 raquo m- wheu hunureds of dories were away from the

the superiority of theAmerican machine Great preperatiorie are being made In Louis

vllle Ky for the dedication of the monument erected to the memory^qf Zachary Taylor twelfth president ol the United States

The HOP Alexander Mackenzie scouts the idea of Canada ever being separated from Eng j


bull to-negotiate asked the o ther in his blandest tone bull ^

Wse cer ta inly dltV said the ehallen M-orx secondmdash umdash

Anti-Jewish outbreaks in AU8ttnrare-o~rrttre Increase despites the establishment of martial law ^ ---

Rpportarfrom London are not so favorable 1 o theTjEftedStates e^flbTfloii as had been hoped

The False Prophet has again massed his

bullbullVery wigt]i ve-ry well- Ti l see about i t said Uie ch-alleiiged- p a r t y s si^MML_ __ _ j _ _ _ -i ~ jWeoTrrsertTiU duel -neve came oft mdash Philadelphia Heard

volcanic eruptions All the lighthouses in Sunda Straits have disappeared and where the

vessels overhauling the trauls Capt Hlller reports tbat seores-ofmdashdorteTftere turned upshyside down ainl Wreckage strewn invery direcshytion Along^ his-track conrin-g-^westward~X)he French bfraquonker4ott-fourdoflfgts and all their crews It is competed from all sources of in-

troops and great uneasiaess Is felt in Alexanshydria

Fifty miles squaie of fertile country dlsap beared in the seas by thePvoIcanlc eruption in Java bull__ v bull

Tbe net dccreasejntha nnllppf ions of internal revenue for the months of J-uly and August in 1882 and 18S3 amounted to 16094000

ransom will be offered by tbe United States and nersonal friends of the president after search for tht lieioreldent6par-ty shall- be given up and that 1500000 or more ^an thus _be extorted from Thxlt-ccreTXervTce~iHinQrand divided

moiiintam of KraiMifiaJiiTiseny s t sMjM M nqgtv flows The aspect of Sunda Straits is much changed and navigation dangerous TheTtdal wave completely destroyed Anjier Many persons wdrekilled The loss of life among both Europeans aod natives at North Bantam is enormous The quarries at Merak disappeared and alt tire people-of the place perished -rThe floating doclc at an island near

among the Italian In the ganlaquog some of whom were guerrillas In

Batavia Is adrift and_badly_dfmagpri


the late war A grand council was held just before startlng-out on the expedition wnen every manswpre by his daggermdashto do blffduty


~ A HORKIBLE SIGHT ~ ~ Samuel Wturrick aged raquo5 cut fils throat in

fittouster county New Jersev and then walked -te-hls barn holding his half-severed head in one hand He met his wife and she fainted The husband lived 10 hours

bull- THE 8CNCOOK MILL CA3E In the reply of the state department just sent

to the 8weQish delegation on the SuncookiN H) mill casethe secretaryas was anticipated takes the ground that he can do nothing for tbe-ensIavedSwedes The report of the New Hampshire authorities is to the effect that the owners of the mill have a right to prevent the departure of the Swedes from the state under the statute and that the men who have tried

to_jnaka_their s ay to Massachusetts to accept offers of better employment and higher wages are actually in debt to the-storekeepers one of whomis wwnilUs bookkeeper It is believed at the Swedish legation and actually asserted that the arrest ot thfe three men was-for the purpose of intimidating the other Swedes and

Ereverting their departure from the state Mr gte Bilot the Swedish charge daffairs will reshy

ply to the communication of the state departshyment He agrees tbat the United States can do nothing in the matter because the mill peo-

mdashThe Democratic State Convention at Omaha nominated Hon J WSavage for Justice of the Supreme Court rand for Regents of^the State University Dr D Daniel G W John-

formatiim that 100-dorles andeighty unrn were lost In the storm Most of the dories were swept by the waves from the schooner decks and the remainder collapsed in the sea


Tisza Presdent of the Hungarian Council In order to put a stop to outrages upon ijie Jews has decided upon severe measures which are to he-put inc^erjiMojLffheMV^r-antWvwisb Tlots occur The measures provide that any-ose who shall be condemned to death by martlafrlaw shall be executed within thee

r the sentence is imposed The president has asked the govern ratraquont to Pthor

The-Panama canalwlll be completed in about

put a stop to the outbreak against the Jews or to accept his resignation ~

avthive mon ths week And----a s-4sr-

1 le are acting in accordance with the laws of


TheTennsylyanra state greenback convenshytion in session a t Wllllamsport nominated T P Rynder of Altoona for auultor general and A F Marsh of Erie for state - treasurei The platform adopted sets forth that the tory of the trade dollar proves that money is solely a creation of law without regard to the material used that the $400000000 paid by the government to the national bank was so much money stolen from taxpayers and the continued payment of $10000000 annually to the banks is a crime against labor that moshynopolies ought to be restricted by state or nashytional legislation and all government land held for actual settlers The resolution also favor a protective tariff a national bureau of lkhfirr-and ahort Hussions Of congress and state 1 gislaturesrmdash~~ - mdash


Henry Hertel and wife Gcrmanslopkeepers of Savannah 6a were found murdered in their store Customers went to the store in the morning and fpund inclosed Peeping

B i r t O P N E W H Mrs Caroline i i ITavls a Wealthy lady of

Albany a 1 has been arrested for swindling

ew Hampshire but he will pojnt out that tn this case the law permits the company to hold his countrymen as slaves and he will Insist that the statute has been abused

JtDQg LTXCH IX UTAH -^ ~ Agta late hour the other night aWniDcr of

masked m-n stopiKrd Engineer Thomas Road-master Hughes and a Art man in the employ of the Utah Eastern Railway compelledlbem to return to the shop and taking an engme and caboose run aljout thirty masked men to a coal village about twenty miles distant Leaving a number of men In charge of the truln thS-Vlgilants prrxjeed to the county jail Brlnglui guns to bear on the officers they obtained eon trol of the-jall oiul taklntr a man named Jaek Murphy from his cell relumed to the_trainajad

ordered an immediate return to~Tark CJfty UpoO arriving thevigilantes took Murphy and hung htm to a telegraph pole- near the station t he body belug viewed by a number of passenshygers on the early trains Murphy was arrestshyed on suspicion-of having jmot a man named Brcnpan and confined in jail awaiting trial

TWO FOOLS KILLED fatal encounter occur red at Taudon City

through the blinds they saw Hertel on the floor in a pool of blood Tbe door was burst In and the man found lying in the middleof the-room with a handkercliiel tied over his eyes and skull crushed in His wife was found in a calico wrapper tying on a sofa in the parlor wltlTherTrlroat cut ancTdne arm nearly sever ed An immense crown collected and the police were notified Hertel was bupposed to have a large sum of money Hertel and wife

^bullere middle-aged and highly respected (er-raans

SENSATIONAL MURDER AND iUICIDpound mdashA sensational tragidy waa LliaiilUd at tlm -NotHrjg House Elgin IlL recently Edward

Mcpreevy amp Co 01 that city bv^a forged order The internal revenue collector of the 4th

districtof Texashas sent to the revenue bureau claims for rebattton tobacco -etc amounting to $^0000

Pension payments for August amounted to $28000000

Count de Chambord was King of France jus t 13 days

Thirty people Who attended a church social In Marietta Uhio were-poiaeaed by eating can-ned_plckles gt mdash ~ - --bull mdash bullbull--^

The senatorial committee met the Sioux In-dians-atStanding Rock Agency the other day Among the bravea -present-was SittingmdashBulk who accused the committee of getting drunk He was forced to apologize

WmTamTport Pa had a $500000 fire the other day

Oscar Wildes new play Vera Is a grand aesthetic failure raquo

Reported again that the Queen of Madages--car ts dead

y-IblehL Tfjw^b tithrp^kfi are of almost daily occurrence in nearly all of the Russian towns

ODonnells plea is that he killed Carev in acrt-deftnsemdash mdash mdash-mdash-

voy-Mo-e one tii^lit tliis _ his cus tom siwpriseil

t l s -ifa a i n t i t u l e ftrnTilv tVy leltlTlg -h+rBs-eft^ttr -t-bmiTgh-trtt^rrrwrrrreTrtof his hoose^wft^ n lfttou keyr_ T t w hour was ten of the rHffht and the~Tutsiement w^ dark Unfort-^naterr-alst) as ivpleasant bulltreat for liis -

T JosU-n a citizen of good standing shot and killed Etta Buckingham a young woman of

Twenty-threeBpereons were drowned)n the English channel a few days ago by the collidshying of the steamers St Germain and Woodburn The vVoodburn sunk in a few -minutes after the collision

Four persons were smothered lo death and ono hilled by jumping tire in a Boston tenement house

Ex-President Hayes glyes tiLOM to - a new Fremonf church

rive years About 10000 men are now employ ed on the ditch

The vicar at Stratford-on-Avon has given his consent to have the remains of Shakespeare ex-humeeh -

The treaty between Frande and Ann am has been declared invalid

So-rm of th Otti-l-wytu QiJiiiris Addit ion imiiiiidi^Miiim uud division P rob lem rnvolviiKu mult ipl icat ion adshy

dition and division of rh(einais 7

Oiu-tittli of a-jiarrel of Ihmr contain-itiL^-iy-^ jnuUxIs was lost J wadltriven away if of r ema inde r sold lor- $750 Whut did it living pe r pound 7~

Cierti in-oHico lias his salary raised-2-0 per cent hut in a shor t t ime is raised DO per cent which lixes his sa lary a t 8G48 W h a t was the or ig ina l sa la ry

A m a n holding a note of pound950 has it cashed for pound800 W h a t r a t e per cen t d iscount rttdiio pay

Nrvii-Uion in S t r mi^ Seas ^ A wt41--k-rt+MV t t^npta t tr ==of=Tr=shTp re -

sidin1 in San -FiMiicison o-ot higtniM from

Reduce pound808 17s 7d to Uni ted Sta tes xmrr-eaey pourftt^tpoundrirgg~be1ng $478565

Dic ta t ion of sect ion 11 from civil ser-vice ac tmgtllaquo-and regu la t ions to wr i te

and punc tua t e G o p y i n g section-o^of^amfi - mdash

mdash N a m e t w o sentcnoc^of-not^ terTwords the first to conta in a t rans i -t4ve^the o ther -an- in t rons i t ivoTerb v

Wr i t e le t ter to g o v e r n o r o f y o u r a t a t e ^ i n f o r m i n g him- of- y o u r educattofn and -a b o u t the town in w r i t e h y a u veafde

N a m e fifteen s ta tes and fiftefth cities

x t tri igt ins rjGtteT=haif~ ~tgtutti n g p bullprengtrrttr n p n e o t s

which were set t o c o o l down stfijrs on the top of some bt^xes By a sh ip s ch ronomete r it took j h s t th i r teen sec-Qftds for tat u n h a p p y bnptain t o M s k

of the Uni ted-Sta tes ~ N a m e fifteen p r inc ipa l r ivers and t h i ^

^Namo tliree p r inc ipa l r a n g e s

aga ins t the boxes a n d g e t seventeen ga l lons of w a r m ap r i co t s in syrwp all oyer__hijL_siraquoirt front vest pants and clown the back of his neck im he rushed d r ipp ing upstair d a n c i n g x o n the new carpe ts a n d was m e t by h(s wife at t he head of t h e stairs with 0 J o e my dar l ing back aga in home safe and sound H e g a v o one yell t ha t fcould have been hea rd by a man reefing the lop-ga l lan t sails of a full-rigged ab ip in a s torm arid be l lowed iS tand off w o m a n s tand off I have fallen over a fruit c a n n e r y in the hlarsted

mouniAins and pr inc ipa l s t a t e s and r i for ies on which they lie

Name sU priucipjvl^rriexkiaa^gjBrietL r a l s in revo lu t ionary war and as m a n y p o p u l a r s t a t e smen at t h a t t ime

W h a t pres idents have been genora ls in t ime of war and in wha t war s were they engaged

W h a t cloes^ confederat ion mean and w h a t s ta tes cons t i tu ted it +

W h e n was the const i tut ion of t h e UdrfSTaTea sisrned ~ lt

bjisemaut I m all t reac le molasses bad j a m and warn s y r u p Unbend m y new sails a n d let m e get a hot bath and lie m a d e a-wilddivudrh-trrtho ba th-

w e par t iculars of terri tory addad) f bull to t h United S ta tes since the revolu - t i ona r Nva r gtji

By WhoW arej i^pvdsentat ives e lected gt Also senate

tJluaaliiH audi gfgtbull Jusjj u had btau pwjluy at mdashThe oueen R n n w ^ u hraquo Mhimmit v^i tcqtioimto Miss Buckingham tbe past rear ^ - frac34 frac34 ^ ^ frac34 o S S he ^ VlaquoamplaquoIF^^ bull W t o a S m i n S o x the m a r r i S 1 deg f t h C-and npound has latterly displayed evidences of fierce jeaiousv He attempted to enter her room one mornintr- and beirz dented admission forced Itis way into the apartment There was a scuttle two revolver shots and theyoung woman fell dead Joslyn Immediately Comshymitted suicide with the same Weapon

pope toainralment of the marriage The Dominion ffcverrrment has appolnteda

police commission with inrlsdlctlon over the tPrTiToryTit Rat Portage tn dfcptrter betwwn Ontario and Manitoba J bull John J Hall of New Brunalaquorick-N

_ contractor for the Fennsylvampnla railr Is

r o o m mdash S a n Francisco XewSLcttcr mdash mdash mdash mdash bull bull bull raquo

H H re lates the fo l lowing in the A u g u s t Centuryof t ho r e m n a n t of the Mission Ind i ans oi Sao poundasqua l i nQa l - -4tornia D u r i n g t l i e a f t e r n o o n t h e Ind ians were con t inua l ly coming and go ing at the shop e o n n e c l e d y w i t h -the inn where we had s t o p p e d iffbrafr t o u r mi tes from the val ley I W i t e e p c r of t h e s h o p Vvnil i n n gtud^ h^nwwVt Tvnltu

t hem Tiiey wergt- good pay1 Give

In w h a t m a n n e r are tho supremo court j u d g e s chosen

A m a n p u r c b a s W S625 goods1 g iving his^note on Dee 29S1882mdashinterest 7 per

-cent mdashpayable in tiftefen days -paiiLthLeL^ s a m e on second day o g r a c o laquo Vliat --ftpiount did lie pay and ohVvhat day

Some fuefTare so a n x lotrs^ovileTiver t h e r 4 m p r o m p t u reinarks^ilpubiic_diai_ rrers that thev coninien^Ii l a ik ing before the eUingi)egins Jx is a mistake sA tftble s p e c c h ^ h o ^ d not be made u n t h

~ 1 tho -hearers u i ^ u i a condit ion io ^ n T laquo i S - bull VTTI i i - bull i s

- ^ - 1 - 1 - - ^ s

t h e m t ieir j ime and they J l a lways ]gtay and ifjthr^y d ie the r rtdsitions wiil pay t1itraquo-fast cent some of t hem lie would

J v j rp t rus t anv t ime as high- as twenty dol^ llllN

every th iurgtf i id is -both witty- and mdashxV Oydioiyunc bull bull

^-In on^ re spec i t (j HUP l i e


11e THraquoOthlaek TCSBMI-

can t shine wheu lL


m laquomdash bull i~



bull J

r-l ~r--bull$bullgt-mdash ^ _^---f-v bullltWIpWi

ll i

bull bull I I 1 ll laquo i n iilaquoHragt



F a c t a f o r F a r m e r e

E v e r y d a y an a n i m a l is kep t a f te r be in p r imC t h e r e is J o s s exchreive of

m a n u r e bull Y o u n g ch icks s h o u l d be fed as often-

a s four t imes a d a y u n t i l they a i e abou t t h r e e w e e k s old - -

O n e of t h e mos t e n c o u r a g i n g hopes for o u r c o u n t r y is t h e p rospec t ive imshyp r o v e m e n t of its l ive stock

A dyingScotcLTsqui re sa id to his son Be ayes t i ck in 1 in a t r ee Jockmdashthey l l - be growin^whi l f t y p u V e s leepin V

t h b ^ e laquo f r Xork T r ibune

- - ^ - 1 - - - - ^

whi te of e g g a n d suga r lay it t o p a n d sides a n d set into t h e oven a

on t h e


f ives th is good aid vice in t w o words ow to c u r e an e g g e a t i n g h e n mdash e a t

h e r - V - mdash i j A t a sal^iof J e r s e y ca t t l e in N e w

Y o r k recent ly King of A s h a n t e e w a s sold to C fiasthope of Njles 0 for $5600

C o r n a lone is no t a sufficient food for fowls whea t b r a n in t h e form of a

- Ih i ck m u s h and some vege tab les should Jbe g iven

- P r o CoQk says I v e e x p e r i m e n t shye d w i th sa l t upon t h e c u t w o r m to k n o w t h a t you c a n kil l y o u r p l a n t s beshyfore y o u c a a k i l U U a yo rnaa - raquo i -WH- mdasht W -frac34

In t e l l i gen t b reede r s c o n t e n d t h a t cross bred aijimalfi w h e t h e r ca t t l e horses or sheep m a t u r e ea r l i e r a n d a r e be t t e r feeders t h a n anv c o m m o n stock-

T h e sick a n i m a l is usual ly da in ty a b o u t his feed a n d should be a l l o w e d on ly l ight easi ly d i g e s t e d food t r y i n g va r ious k inds a n d a l l owing as a rule w h a t he l ikes best bdquo Ga l l s a n d bruises a r e m o r e read i ly p r e v e n t e d by p r o p e r l y adjust ing- t h e h a r n e s s t h a n t h e r a r e c u r e d by t h e bes t r e m e d i e s besides t h e loss of t h e ani -

m a j s w o r k a t a busy season A n I n d i a n a f a r m e r r id s h is sheep of t i cks by feed ing a hal f p o u n d of s u l p h u r to eyery fifty sheep m i x i n g it wi th the sa i t wh ich is fed T w o or t h r e e doses a w e e k a p a r t a r e e nough

Cal i forn ia -wheatds-so d r y wh+m-har vftftted_that w h e n t a k e n to the d a m p e r a i r ltopound the sejjcoast ic g a i n s seven p e r c e n t or moire in we igh t T i e ga in is sufficient to pay for t r a n s p o r t a t i o n

mdashPota toes a r e ^ m a d e s cabby by wire v o r m g ~ T h e best p reven t ive is to g r o w the - c rop on~fa41ow g r o u n d wi thou t m a n u r e s or wi th fert i l izers T h e Worms a r e e n c o u r a g e d or b r o u g h t - in by t h e m a n u r e

P l u m s p i g s a n d ppu l t ry seem a t r io w h i c h th r ive in c o m p a n y P l u m t rees

4 a ^ p o u T b p y H r t - p H 6 ^ ^ ^ bear _ _ a b u n d a n t l y w b ^ a - ^ r e e raquo - i n o t h e r loGa-

t inns shfd thei r fruit w h i c h bea r s t he t r a d e m a r k of the l i t t l e T u r k

Clean l iness and careful bedd ing of a n i m a l s so as to keep t h e s ta l ls d ry and

Jfcamph of ton pro ventB g r a v e d i s o r d e r a o f


the g e n e r a l sys tem a n d a lso the frrita t i n g efleets of the a m m o n i a on the eyes c a u s i n g i n r l a m m a t i o n r r - o f - a b e m and b l indness -

N Hi t ter a successful s t r a w b e r y cul-turiHt of Syracuse s ays in lhp N e w

few minu tes to b r o w n s i g h t l y Serve wi th c r e a m

bullbull P e a c h Cake mdashLine a deep dish ivitli pa s t ry p lace upo r i th is halves of peaches c lose toge ther sp r ink l e plentifully with s u g a r a n d a l i t t le c i n n a m o n p u t in t h e o v e n a n d bake unt i l cooked ea t wi th c r e a m

Delicious L a y e r C a k e - M a k e whi te c a k e as for s t r a w b e r r y cake bu t omi t t he r ed s u g a r a n d a d d one c u p of des-sujated coeoanu t a n d use n o flavoring M a k e ic ing a n d in to one-haif p u t b lanched and s h o p p e d sweet a l m o n d s

Porttroitrst anttsdiond layers together with the a l m o n d i c ing on t h e n e t s p r e a d p la in icin^ a n d lay on t h a t a l a y e r of ha lved fags t h e n a n o t h e r coa t o t i e i n g for t h e nex t use a l m o n d s a n d so on F r o s t the t o p of t h e cake a n d bull t i ck a l m o n d s over it

Rais in C a k e mdash T h r e e - q u a r t e r s of a c u p of bu t te r one-half c u p of sweet mi lk one a n d t h r e e - c h a r t e r cups of flour yo lks of e igh t eggs one a n d one-half teaspoont nls of b a k i n g powder B a k e in je l ly t in s T o p u t toge the r s p r e a d a t h i n c o a t o f f ros t ing on each l aye r t h e n one 6i c h o p p e d ra is ins seededgt a n d a n o t h e r of f rost ing raquo

Hickory-oir Waltint-layc1CaKoTmdashQriS c u p of bu t te r two cups of s u g a r five eggs one cup of mi lk f o u r c u p s of flour two teaspoonfuls of b a k i n g powder P u t l aye r s t o g e t h e r wi th ic ing miamped wi th finely chopped h ickory o r walnuj tmqats Use p l a in ic ing for top arid lay on it) unshyb r o k e n m e a t s i

Artificial Oysters mdash T a k e yoUng g r e e n corn g r a t e it in a d i sh to one p i n t of th i s add one egg wel l bea ten a gmali teaelip of flour half c i ip of bu t t e r some sa l t a n d p e p p e r a n d m i x al l well toge th shyer A tablespoonful of the b a t t e r will make t h e size of an Oyster F r y t h e m a lijjht b r o w n a n d bull w h e n d o n e b u t t e r t h e u i c r e a m if it c a n be p r o c u r e d is betshyt e r t h a n bu t t e r

To Bot t l e F ru i t s mdashBurn a m a t c h in a b o t t l e to exhaus t a l i a i r t h e n p lace fri -the^froit=to b e p r e s e r v e d qui te d r y a n d w i t h o u t blemish sp r ink le suga r be tween each l ayer cork arid t i e a b l a d d e r over s e t t i n g bot t les cork d o w n w a r d s in a l a r g e vessel of cold waiter wi th hay beshyt w e e n to p r e v e n t b r e a k i n g W h e n t h 3 s a i n is ju s t c r a c k i n g t a k e t h e n out imshym e r s e th in p a p e r in g u m w a t e r a n d vhn wn^t f f las it n v p r m i d a r o u n d the

In Mexico nea r ly every one is a smoker T h e school childre rn who havo (tone well in the i r s tud ies a r e r e w a r d e d by being a l lowed to s m o k e a cigar as they s tand or sit a t t he i r lessons T h e schoo lmas te r is se ldom w i t h o u t a c i g a r in his mouth bull I n the l aw cour t s alJ persons cornnibnjy enjoy the i r t obacco freely a n d even the accused in a cr imshyinal t r ia l is not d e n i e d ^ M s indu lgence b u t is allowed i | his c i g a r e t t e goes oui i n the hea t of an a r g u m e n t to l ight it a g a i n by bor rowing t h a t of the officer who s t ands a t h i s s ide to g u a r d hi ip

Si r H e n r y T h o m p s o n t he London su rgeon recoernizess in fisli a cpmbina-t i u u o f al l the e lements^ 1 uf J u b d thti

The Rev NewmanHall ha abandoned couteuiplated trip to the United States


top of the bot t le as i t dr ies it will be-cisme~quitefirm irad t igh t ltbull

S w e e t P e a r P ick les mdash T o ^ g v o _ q u a r t s of^goud v i n e g a r t a k e l o u r p o u n d s o b r o w n suga r a q u a r t e r of a p o u n d o c i n n a m o n st ick a n d j y j u a r t e r p o u n d of cloves T ie the spices u p ih~smai rbags

the h u m a n body r equ i r e s in a lmos t evshyery phase of life m o r e especial ly by those who follow s e d e n t a r y employshym e n t T o w o m e n he cons iders fish t o be a n inva luab le a r t i c le of diet bu t he scouts as a comple t e fa l lacy t h e not ldn t h a t fish ea t i ng inc reases the bra in powshyer T h e only ac t ion fish h a d on t h e b r a i n w a s to put- a m a n s bod in to p r o p e r ^relations wit lTfne w o r k he h a d to do 1 1 bull

Tlie Meadows of Mary]and mdash

S P R I N G F I E L D P K I X C E G E O R G E S C O M D Mr Chas G Addison of t h e above p lace s t a t e s I s p r a i n e d my

I m p o r t a n t When you ViRlt or leave NeW York City save

Baggage ExpteeAacre axitf Carriage Hire and stop at the w a n d Uniou -Motel oppobite ltirand Central Depot

Elegant riKiim rttfr-dnp at rrmt (tf nn(- mil-lion aoftar6 red eed to | 1 and -upwards per day European P-lau Elevator jtveataurant bullraquoupp^U wiU^rtUe-hest I^orse cars etageaand bulllevatea railroad to all depot ^amiliea can laquoIve be t t ^ for i^se money at-thc brand Union

THotel th^n at any other first-cka hotel inj the i c i t y - bull bull bull - - - bullbullbullbullbull

WJe pever deceive or a good purpose Knavshye r y add raajice to falsehoodmdashBruy e r e

That) bad breath comes from ^Itrffttto eSamarifan Nervine I t etope the cause

laquo150 _ L_ _ - - KOH ijyHFicSiir lNJJlGaaTiQN xjlaquoprearaquoton of Spirit andQeneral Debility In tbelr Torloui form alaoasa pre+enUcopy agalnat Pever and Alaquone and other Intermittent Feveri the ^KXHHO-PHOMPHO-aampTKp KLIXIH or CALUraquo4TA made by Caswell aaiard t Co Njw Yarampand told by all lgtnjwtraquota lathe best tonic and for patterns recoTertnlaquorrom ^ever or other aickness it nMjio equaL BUCHU-pAIBAl Qntck obmpiete cure all annoTlng gldney and Urinary Disease bull

H A T Ffivia I have been a Hay-Fever auf- ferer for three years have often head Elyrf Cream Balm spoken of in the highest terras I used It and with the most wonuerful succese mdashT S QgjtBSyracuse N Y bull FLlE8rofce ants tec^urs ru laioe ctowi chlpmunts cleared ont by Roogb on Hats lsectt

rigbt^knee c a u s i n g - in tense bull suffering a n d the use o f - c r u t c h e s for severa l weeks I found n o relief in o the r r e m r

edies a n d finally t r i ed t h e m i r a c l e of cu re St J a c o b s Oil I n a sho r t t ime I coul tTbend m y kneemdash vlaquohiohihaii been stiff a s an i ron r o d mdash l a y i n g aside my c ru t ches a n d was ab le to w a l k as well

r rmdash mdash bull mdash as ever-

G e r m a n y is exporting shawl s to Scotshyl and J t_ bullbullbull

A g e n t l e m a n in a n e i g h b o r i n g tdwn who had suffered t^vo years -wi th c h r o n ic diarrhoea and vgtas so r educed t h a t he couid no t walicr^vas c u r laquo d and res tore to sound hea l t h b y Johnsons Anodyn4 Liniment Th i s L i n i m e n t is wor th I t s we igh t in gold r -

C e d a r Key h a s c o m m e n c e d shipping-tu r t l e s N o r t h - ^ -

bull bull - - L U bullbull bull - bull mdash - bull

T h e b l i gh t i ng Effectsof JTSplTfe blg-crtl a r e sad to behold in those we mee t^day by day This o u g h t no t and need not be so ^arsons Purgative Pills n lakes weKJrich blood takpn one-a n igh t fof twe lve weeks wil l c h a n g e the blood ia t h e en t i r e h o u s e a

Mr JnoR Hatterson- of Evanavme says Sdmaritan Nervine cured my-wile oi female weakness Your drusgists keep it^

HOUGH ON HATS Clear out rats mice flielaquo roaches bed-busts ante vermin chlumunks 15c

Hvy FJIVEK 1 eaa recommend Eigts Qream faim to all Hay-Fever frufferers It is in m orjinion a sure cur - I was a|Ricted for-36 years and never before found permanent re-Ik-f-W HflAsXrxs Marshfieid Vt t

What is defeatmdashNotiilinj-ttrretrtrcaTIotrr nothing buttlle first step to something better mdashWendell Phillips

WOODBERKY Mi)mdashRev W J Johnson ^ays UI have used Brovrus Iron BitUTB in my family and tbev have proswn a^-tplendid health inyJgoratar

rr is becoming is honest and whatshyever is lionest must always be becomingmdash Cicshyero

MibiAWAKi I|id Dec 1 18^2 DK PEJJOBLLI mdash

Ikar SirmdashOverwoi k has donefor me what it does for many peeiring to benefit suflertDK women I add my testimony to the value oi Zoa-Phora For five years I suffered gTeatly with Prolapsus being obligtd to use a supportshyer daring all- these painful wean years but ihfcjuks ID your medicine I raquo t a r it mi tnore X^ laid it opound after using one and a half Jjotpoundka-_X Am not well but I work all the tme aDd am better than I ever expected to be You may use my letter and if any one wished to write me for more information give them mv full addres^ Miss CG JtoHlaquoB S W A N S WORM Sracp v or reTerishness rwBUas8_esraquo worms osastlpaUon Tasteless 2to

Over 85 per cent of New Ylaquork City people live in rented houacs

bullaWSSJBSJSIISSJSJWMB-MSSa^aWSSS-SSMSMSmdash Hosteiters Stymraquo

ach Bitters by inshycreasing YltaT power and renderuui the physical functions remilar and active keeps the pys em In

food working order and p B o t e l c t s i t against disease For coneUpstlon dyspep sia and liver c o m -

pialni nervousness Sidney and rheushymatic ailments It Is invaluable snd It

afford sasored efenoa tealrfct malarial fe -bull e r s besides removshying al 11 races o f such disease from the system

For sale by all Di uggtsteStnd IXsalraquo


ers general y


Cream Balm when applied by t h e finger Into the nostrils laquo111 be absorbed ef-fettnaliytcleansicsthe htad of catarrhal Lr us causing healthy seshycretions Itra^laysln-flamstlon protects the membrane of th nasshyal pasag s from addishytion alcolds complete- -l y h e a i s t h e sores and res ores taste and smel A^fcw appll-c tions relieve Amdash trorongh treatment wil positively cure Agreeable to u s e Smxd- for circular Price 50cents by mall or ampgt drugglstilt






Y o r k T r i b u n e t ha t fie cons ide r s s t r a w worpoundh $8 pe r t o n for use on bis s i r aw-oefry p a t c h H e uses it as a pro tec t ion to t h e beds in win te r as a mufehr-aftd-says it keeps the f rui t -c lean He uses a b o u t one ton to the a c r e


-mdashPt j t - a - t ea spoonfu l - of -gnlpbrar fn the1

nest as soon as hens o r t u r k e y s a re set T h e h e a t of the fowls cause s the fumes of t he^su rphu r t o p e n e t r a t e e v e r y p a r r of t h e i r bodies eve ry louse is ki l led a n d as ni ts a re ha t ched within ten days w h e n the m o t h e r l eaves the nes t wi th h e r brood she is per fec t ly free from nits o r l i c e mdash mdash mdash mdash ~ mdash -

R e p o r t s from Cal i forn ia s t a t e t h a t a s e v e r e d i s t emper has been p r e v a i l i n g a m o n g the horse s tock of t h a t sec t ion d u r i n g the pas t win te r which has-prov-

-ed fa ta l in m a n y cases a n d left m a n y of those which surv ive inbdquoverv b a d con-di t ion T h e no ted filly Wi ld l lower was a m o n g t h a sufferers a n d is n o w covered w i t h - s e a r s r e su l t ing f rom ug ly sores w i t h vehieh s h e has been fttfiietedv

T h e o ld fash ioned p e a r t rees t h a t w to the size of o a k s a n d b o r e fruit

fit for preserving h a v e been su-e d by a g r e a t l y improved- l r u i t t

es~ djozirot^assess t h e ha rd i-laquof~lafe~ o ld sort T h e forc ing the 11raquo l raquo p i d g r o w t h is p robab ly t h e

aUlf m o r e t h a n anv th ino e l s e ^ ^ j k a r

a n d boi l w i t h the s u g a r ttinl i l legal tm-til a g o o d syrup is fo rmed P u t in the B a r t l e t t or S i c k l e p e a r s p lace on t he b a c k of t h e stove c o v e r closely and cook verv-blu wly unt i l t hey can bo piorood wi th a s t r aw ^

G r a p e C a t s u p mdash F i v e cupfuls of p u l p o f j u i ce OHO cupful o f b r o w n s u g a r t m laquo euoful of v ihegar ohe- teaspoonful each of b l ack peppe r clove c i n n a m o n a n d sa l t bull Boil half away

- J^ngl ishmen i i l jUi l th i i -mut tonof i i lack-faced sheep

The glocy of man is his strength If vou are weakened down through excessive studv or b_v early ind^cretims Allens Brain Foodwill TC-8tore alt lostuvigpr $1 G for 15mdashAt druggists ora^Iten^iPharrnacv STfT Tsraquo ^ ^ - V Y

GaT Lyuuslatent ULuuy_iuuuiju^jjllcdttcr new ijoots-or tihoes before you mn tbenj over

Kmory titorrs of (Jbicago now at Saratoga is said to have 300 neckties bull $ -

mdash Wvppripnfn thAJ^rraquoraquo^ T^achltr

P r i n c e riBismark has become suspi-aious ai idfcrabbed in his disposi t ion to a d e g r e e t h ^ m a f c e s it impossible for UU pub l i c official but the mos t obsequious to se rve u n d e r h im I t is said t h a t t he C f b l v n T r i n c e o f G e r m a n y whi le ap-p r e c i a t i n g fully the g r e a t work which B i s m a r k has done for his c o u n t r y has ve ry l i t t le s y m p a t h y i o r his d o m e s t i c pol icy and hetico u p o n his accession to the th rone will h a v e no sc rup les in d i savowing t hem

- No matteEtthat yourmdashatttw-irt H-Browns Tron Bitters will surely benefit yoii i

Striped stockings according to London Tiuth make the legs look thin


bHgfctras t h e d i s e a s e w a s qpfte Tin-k n o w n to the old s l ow g r o w i n g t r ees

T h e Massachuse t t s A g r i c u l t u r a l So-^ i e t y conc ludes t h a t s a l t ayen^amanufe h a s the p r o p e r t y of hasj tehing t h e mashyt u r i n g of al l g r a in crojpis t h a t w h e a t on sa l t ed l a n d will r i p e n s i x T o T e l T d a y s e a r l i e r t h a n on unsa l t ed l and all o the r fjmdashiffittens be ing e q u a l t h a t i t - increase

bull i e l d from 25 t o 50 p e r cen t tha t - i i n s t h e s t r a w a n d p r e v e n t s r u s t a n d

bullBltt t t h a l l t - c h e c k s if it does no t en-t o w y p reven t t h e r a v a g e s of the ch inch b u g

W o o l is h igh ly hyg roscop i c mate r ia l t h a t is ic h a a t h e p o w e r of abso rb ing m o i s t u r e f r o m U h e air W h e n in pi les o r b ins i t absorbs m u c h w a t e r a n d be-

jQfimesJheavietmdashWhen taken- t o m a r k e t in a wagon however t h u s b e i n g t r e e l y e x p o s e a t o d r y i n g c u r r e n t s of a i r ^ t speedi ly loses we igh t a n d the pfian w h o b a r t e r r a t o n t im~day~foT~TJi^i icP c r e a s e of a cent o r t w o a pound will uffually lose^more t h a n that a m o u n t in we igh t bull -

T h e O o o k ^ B o o k - mdash

I c e d A p p l e s mdash P a r ^ a n d core one dozshyen l a r g e a p p l e s -fill with s u g a r mixed wi th a l i t t l e b u t t e r a n d c i n n a m o n b ke t i l l noa r ly done - e o o i a n d if possible w i t h o u t b r eak ing p u t t h e a p p l e e on a n o t h e r d i sh if n o t poss ib le p o u r off I h j Jatoei h a v e raquo o m e f e i p g ^ r e p a r e ^ f ^ ^ - f ^ y F ^ ^ trade raquo f


Rheumatism Neuralgia

Thouand6 yos milUoos of battles ofCar-boline have been sold alid tbe laquoale still goes on If there were nomerit in this great natshyural hair renewer do you suppose tha4-the-peo=v pH W(iuld still buy and^buv as they continue to-do Assuredly not and the groatlauirber of testimonials prove that it u nniMf the grandest of natures remedies

^ Miss Ottilic daughter of Senator Ma Virginia 1laquo much admired at Saratoica


A F a c t W o r t h R e m e m b e r i n g A severe eold or cough can be soonest cured

hy taking accordinrr^ to directions Allens Lung Balsam It caube pvoeured at any drug store It is harmless to the mostdelicate pershyson 4 bull

Miss Kmlly Faithful will sail for the United States on the 18th of September to make a lecshyturing tour of sir months in this country

BUCKINGHAM W VAmdash Drs5fewlbn-ifcBTaiF repprtr^hat Browns Iron BiIters are giving general satisfaction

Poor people in New Yoffc~pavfITe corner STO-cerstorcOHl by tbe pailfu at the rate of famp) a ton -

And will eonapietely change- th blood in tin ent i re syatem^tt threc months Any pe r Hon who will ake 1 PU1 each n ight from 1 to 13 weeks may be restored t o sountf health i snch a th ing be pogsible F o r cnringFemale ComplainU theae r u i a hvlaquo n o bull nuat Iliysicians nse them-In thei r practice Sold everywhere or sectent by mail fo vlbM letterfrtampa Send for cifcnlar I S JOHNSON ft COi BOSTON MASS ^ i i- mdash ~ a gt gt ^ ~ _ I

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITiS^ J O H N S O N S A N O D Y N E L I N I M E N T wjll-irrftin-neouraquo]y relieve these terrible diseases an i will positivelr van nine cases out of ten InformsQbn thst will ^ave many lives sent free by mail lxgtnt delay a moment Pretention U-bstter-than-ewrftrbullbull- --bullbull-


- A

hoopmg Cough eases of ths


An English Velcrinarv Surpeon aridChemist row traveling in this country savsthst most

bull of tha Hnrgto raquor(l r araquoia fowders raquoMd hers MAKE HENSm are-wonliless trih He say^ that Slierfdans I Con4itlon Iowilors are absoluteh- ptire and immensely valuable Js-nthtinr-on evrh will make i -is lay like -Shefldans Condition Pow-dons l)ltlaquo t te3D-B

Ja to 1 pint tnotl Sold everywhere or sent by mail for 6 lettigtr-stamps-3t-S^JoraquolaquoaoK io HlaquomH Miss-


0 ^ t S ^ S O V - fP of j n N U M ^ T A L



^ 7 ^ - S o m e tgtIood i s b a d b e c a o s c it i s poup^nfl^s^^r^Soliaerampiiadtiecalise it c o n t a i n irnpurit ies S o m e m e n l i a v e s u c h b a d b l o o d t h a t t h e w o n d e r is i t d o e s n o t pcrison the m o s q u i t o e s w h o c o m e l d b i t e t h e m 7 ~~ ~ bullbull

-Tfiericfc Ted c o l o r o t g o o r i b l o o d is o w i n g t o t h e i r o n w h i c h i s p ^ e s e a t B i p o d w h i c h h a s n o t e n o u g h i ron in it is a l w a y s u n j a t i s ^ r t d r ^ s = l ^ i e p c r --son in w h o s p v e i n s it c i r cu la t e s c a n n o t b e s a i d t o e n j o y g o o d h e a l t h ^ - -

T h e efforts of ex p e r t c h e m ists t o p r b d u c e _ a _ p r e p a r a t k m laquo o f t r e n ^ v h i c h c a n - b e a s s imi l a t ed vi th_ihe_Uoodraquo4iare-re -sul ted7in t h a t p e r f e c t p r e p a r a t i o n

-w-hieh- i s - n i m p o r t a n t p a r t of b r o w n s I ronBi t ters I t is t h e o n l y o n e w h i c h freely e n t e r s in to t h e b l o o d r gt I t is t h e o n l y one w h i c h a c c o m p l i s h e s t h e d e s i r e d g o o d gt bullbull- -trade

^ W e a k p o o r - t h i n b l o o d m a y b e m a d e rich a n d s t r o n g a n d i m p u r e b l o o d m a y b e pur i f i ed b y t h e u s e - o f t h a t p r e a t I r o n M e d i c i n e Bro-Jnis

Iron Bitters - - 3

bull - gtbull-bull 7 ilaquoSf iM^ r - V - -bull

ThjsOffer Good Till TbaatsgivingDay Only Read Tliese Testimonials The proprietors-of the FARM Ft f iLD AMI F I R E S I D E bcirg desirous of havlac thlralrealt1y well

[ mown aadpqpnlar AgrlenJturcl andTamlly paper more widely circulated and introduced Into houltiex where IM IS W already known have determined to throw off alt proflt thjn Tlaquoar and In addition uea portion of taslr capital for the sole purpose or increasing their circulation to fOQiOOO eooiw- ltlaquo circulatfonla now 18iQ0Q Only 3ffQQQ ipo bullrfwi hofnra tha rtiirrihnr^^raquo-Jc placer i t ter de5dlnlaquo to^nwre extlaquoa

bull - - f ore the following plan has baltn adopted Lyus= --

will enter yonyname on odr subscription book and moll the FA y to you for Six Ifonths and immedia

MDErefrn-tit to^kneof 1

Cholera Diarrhcea

i rr^m bull laquo i i i i f i i

^ - _^ -AyfC181-0AND FIRESIDE ately fend a WriBled i t a W m l Urrc lpt ^raquohich wMenUtta thlaquo ptstobs

bull bull


Lf I bull Sprains


il B QOTanmentBonds of 1000 a Greenbacks of two

1laquo U S Greenbacks of ilOO 1 Xatched pair of Trotting- Horses 1 Grand Square Piano- 1 Grand Cabinet Organ ^

l Thrmdash-seat Rockaway J H H t a i a i Taiwan i n 4 a ^ laquo ^ 4 ^ a ^ 5 Top Buggies

80 XL 8 Greenbacks of $M each 1000 Photograph Albums t each

raquo Viilage Carts rT Pony Phaeton

of Presents to Be Given Away


tsooo 00

10raquo o

1000 SO

laquo00 00 bullCO 00

sooco looo oo9

1000 00 9000 00 araquooo too 00

1000 Pocket SUrer Frolt Knlres 1000 Gsots Pooket KnlTea 1000 US Greenbacks of i l eaeh

10 Genu Gold Watches Ecgtiah Movement 1laquo ladles Gold Watches English atnvemt ) Boys Silver Watches American Hove i I Solitaire Diamond Finger Rlncs a T l w a T l i a i TtgL^rs bullbullraquobullbull 1 Normandv Work Horse--

2800 Elegant Oleograph Picture 6 Raw Silk Parlor Suit Furniture

1440 Gold Finger Rings Ladies Bream Pint Scarf r - - - - - - - - bull mdash bull

$1000 03 1000 00 1J0O00 raquo00 40 laquo00 00 100 00 400 00 icoo jraquo 500 00 2SO00 1000 00

w - fmdash fcCMAOeurofcVAlaquosgtlaquoUAlaquolaquo _bullpound_]raquolaquoraquobull n i r n i s h e d tha p a p e r tav tklaquo I pound^JrVf J S P ^ 4 ^ _ F I J R f raquo f l S ] amp r i S V ^ noiinLS a n d h m w a T ^ raquo y raquo rlttnndjjta Frwsgtrlaraquoraquo I

C H I C A G O P A F E 8 CO __ _ C11ICAGO A n g raquo 1 1S9laquoL

^ 1 K P i V J kraquoTe Ptd sae Mweral ta ftSMd d o l l a r f o r ttreaa-work o n t h e i r pstpcr

GentsS Pins LocketFans and Chains

entraquo Al

d B88S5 offlor presents rained from 25 cents to $100 which makes a grand aggregation of IM t thus guaranteeing a premdashnt to aacli and avary n e w subscriber who sends uraquo bO CtS a-111 of the abovepreaenU will b awarded in a fair and impartial manner by comrnittclaquoccolaquolaquoat 1


Burns Bruises

to attend the Fest as manv will be pr for Six Months

I roiir fOrurv itixgtnalaquo^ YOTrRSTJBBOT thijri) Send us

- A J T D -

d mdash T c a l d s Toothaehe


P ATNTrvTT LhRuuwweiMnsi l i iad ust r A l l X - rwl l^LvL- l^^ t r t e n ( l o f Bl wbo want bullore and afe medtdne which can be froely used Inshyternally or emally without fear of harm and with certainty of relief its price brings It within theraufe of ninnnrrt wflTwmosJty uiftmwsTVmm m em tin aowoV onu p n a raquo w ai dwuk iBa i perboHle Drleetlonaaoooinpsmy e4h bottle -


RnfTTONTRSS Get firs of your f r ^ s t o J p l n yoear catUwrthivoutAadahowlngit to T bdquo T86 and wFwTll seadyou the FARM F J t L O A N D FIRESIDE for laquoU mouthV and a numberedreceipt for each of your subacribersanJ onlaquo eitra for yonr tronhlp ^ ^ ^ P i T fcraquoSCRiraquoraquo raquoraquoVti aadwawlllsend j a s u b s c r i p t s and twelve nTmbered receipra

We shall limit the nvaber of new subscriptions to 100000 so we would advise all our friends to forward gtub-| ecriptions early bull bdquo

FHE FARM FIELD AND FIRESIDE onc-pf the oldest and ablest edited Family and Agricultural pipers It contains t w e n l r lai

stoty Columns) lnchullngelegant cover bound stitched and cut And now has a circulation offlL es ond we are-sure to reach the 1 0 0 0 0 0 laquo^ the tiuie set-and the djsrribution of presents Will take

t^ace on that date it contatnrsrdrieg flketohes Poetry Farm Cardan Household and Agrtcultu ral Departmonts by the best Contributors of the day as weu as an Hluetfated fashion Department Needle and Embroidery Work Iliustrationjof difltorent parts of the frac34 ^ 1 frac34 8 4 3 ^ J L f n f iog^PioaJ Skstchec of Sminant U e a and Women In short it conuins that which will interest instruct uiul ajuuse the whote fainiiy mdash ~ bull HzZZ_rz ^ T M v P J O P ^ J ^ X 0 are men of mean who always hare done as lhlaquoy agree and onr paper is loar ^ S - S a a ^ a a ^ V ^ f i ^ T A 1 ^ SJSi^SSfS^^ lt tradeampW to the letier any offer we m ^ n u k e T ^ iJampJPQ^iXXXSlPy10 1 frac34 frac34 1 ^ frac34 bull H E F E S T I V A L we will send a printedLiraquotof the

ONLY 50 CENTS S^SampSSSl^fSSf^S $poundampamppoundampamp su^cription price ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ laquobull jraquor tgt+n Kraquo bull ltt ltt laquo bdquo t ltbdquo amp rraquovJgtltri Ckit ^^ ^

lui i S 3 LifJ m o ^fV 0 lt o I w n l ^ r b o S n t n ordinary ItnVr at onr risk larger sums should ba ssnt far f Registered Letter P O i^onry order or Express flSenttoa Thia Papergt laquo w u laquo OS SSSJS oy

I aawe a l w a y s O^sftalMtToiu

l a x o r s a a t t o a e o n r e r w l a g PosHtrV maul aw I astrnt a l o a e t s w o r t h flTet|saelaquoamplaquo prlimSt] T O D r p a p e r aawtast n o t h l a g a b o u t the w a l a a -bto Fssrsa l i ^ o ^ a a U o a M I I n t e r v a t t n a bull ^ s amp ^ U m _ W - K - W M P a O y ^ 1

bull U J P V P Sfargam Co A l a B S A T D W O O D 111 A o g 1 1 1 6 8 3

I a s i v e r y a a e h p l e a s e d w i t h y e a r pskper E v e r y n u m b e r seesas to ase t o blaquoeosBlaquo^asere A t t r a c t i v e siad prof l taate I s a v e t k o w a t t l dei iahtcdwithi t k r raquo j rEAUTET

W A r S F X M f t Oi Araquoc J^jasas s A^ A S raquo P I R S a i D K aoshe d a y a a V a a d ^ m g aay t h a t bull w s raquo w laquo U f l e a o e d w i t h 11 I fladti L

w b o m I sua o a e W i t h s a c k sua a g r t e s t t e r m l r o a n j a l e v e r y O s r - e r - - frac34 ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ I

I h e r e w i t h send w o n t o o _

F L R C ^ I D E w h i c h I AJTDl

^SESSJL^J^^F^A^^ bulllt

RKa utthhtouti iraquonand


I t Is c e r t A i a i y thebValaquoplaquoper I e Jkeat p l a t a Uoatrssted

l a s t r a c t i v e besuatl ful ly

h a v e l a t e l w b e e a a subacaHbev t o y e a r t a s t y a n d s t r e l l a b l e p a p e r a a d snaac a m sstotHp fama p l e a a e c l w t t V It I bull u b i e r l p t J ^ a V l a the Brat plssee saoa a e h a a e f o r o a e laquo r t h e s a a a y ssrea f o r a q y t h l n c e o o t a l a e d l a t h e ^ a a bull laquo d h o p a p e r la w u s t h t h r e e er iR t h e s a e a e y b e a l d e a i l prcooata

S bull W Flt

l J H ^ pound f 1 frac34 4 CSampraquo^Hpwvraquo bull K laquo h t assd ^ e d J E y r H e n d a a d a a raquo a laquo r l 6 laquo r a


d e - l a r e aarpr taod a p e r e o a tasU a a a I t t o h e t h e b e s t seertfcetJJ sraquoer

itastso _ i eeea the paper i_ paper pruted

r bull

^e iraquo-a3tV-


iiCjmdashnift ua m^frf^wss^y^wr W T E ~ V - ^ J I ^ f f f T ^ w y r y wfatnysty bull bull bull

U raquo11

bull - J



16 I y


bullHOWELL bull- -jProxnour Correspondent bull

Miss Mary Mountain a ron^kahly bright and promising young girl died

suddenly August 2gtHh of a congestive chill

Mifis Rose Bush went Saturday to lttake charge of the primary dqiartnimt pi one of Lansings wardschools

The schools opened Monday wilh a school house overflowing will] schilars jMiss BfooksVof(jfeemllte t s prerop-tress in place ot Miss Thayer of last year

J M White received a fine new OIL bus ljst Friday He has placed it in the hands of Bashford i Stearns who will run it in part in the interest of bullthe Commercial Hotel

Mlt A Dowling Vrfooby peWew nnm--f as instructor and leader has brought bullthe HoweU band into an excellentconshydition without asking any regular poundomraquofcnsation was presented with an excellent new bell-front tenor horn by appreciative friends outride of the band

Chester -Newman started tor Jiutler Indiana Monday hoping to purchase the only photograph gallery there

mdash-Themdashball game betweeYr^the Ply- mouth and Howell nines resulted disshyastrously for the home nine Score

11 to 4 I One of Walter S Rolmisoifs-leading

men went off on a spree before reachshyingHowell His place was iilhd by the property man and as Sunliglit of the Sierrasbull wasnt nnu-h of a piav a poor entertainment vltU given before an audience so small as to indicate inshysufficient advertising

mdashgt ~mdashOne of the most successtnlTonchops

Institutes ever held in the county has jus t closed Friday higTif all were inshyvited to go boating on Thompsons Lake ay Messrs Frank Briggs and A poundgtiley Crittenden who had~ kindh-si^ cured all the boats on the lake forthe occasion and so ended a meeting that

v alb present-seemgd-fco-profit by and enshyjoy - - 4

The races advertised by the Horse Association were-declaredorl Owing lo the lack of entries The Association must be making a very poor name




among horsemeii ttiis being the sccTTlut flat failure in two years _

Jewish congregations worship with Jheir heads covered so do the Quakers- though St Pauls injunctionswtifB inatter are clearly condemnatory of the practice The Puritans-- of the Com jaoawealtk-wouldmdashseeia- ialaquo have kept their hats on whether preadhing or be-

since 3 jpxc pys iiottm


Eg preached to7 _hearing a simple clergyman Jpxeiaiming

against men wearing their hats in the church and _a year after CrtitVi)

^wtTtes To the French cliurcltin tho flavoy and these they have 4the Coin-paOn prayer-bQok read in French and which I never Baw before the minister

jlo preach witty his hat ofpound I suppose in further conformity with our^chnwli William III ratheryscnrjikrlized hid phurch-going subjgots- by following Dutch _jaisieaipoundlaffltI keeping his head

mdashcovered in chur^hvancl when it did bullplease him toft off his ponderoushat during the s^fricehe invariably donned it as the preacher mounted tlve juil-f^stain| When -Bossuett at the ago pf 14treated the gay- singers of the HoteXde Eambouillefc to a midnight ser-taori Voltaire sat it out with his hat on

bdt uncovering when the boypreacher had finished bowed 4ow before him saying Sir I never heard a man

^preach at once sb-garly and HO late-gi pound11 the Year Hound -~-

Farms for Sale 120 Acresmdash100 under pood cultivat-ion hirirc

barns sheds ^ood house two ^oodwellt of widei]


Hats at cost A Large and Elegant line of Neckwear at less tlran cost



AVe have an enormous stock in paper aiidjincu Prices too object


We lead all competitors t best

WHITE raquo

Kver sdiown i the town nt p r u ^ bullWau-K) to 25 per cent less than other deal ers are se lling the same identical goods we have withotttmdashtkttrbt- bullthe best unlaundried^hirt inthe market


whioh we will sell at doyui price-




OTTIR 2 s pound O T T O



D D MALLORY amp C Wtiol^ualo Dealertt In


r_ Manufacturers of itermetlcally Sealed i ~ Tlcklftt PnBcltrve8 etc

[S3 5SAND 57 JEFFERSON M L gt si Detroit Mich

Use TBAlaquoknuvv and you will find

Wampshall continvie to be

Your Tigttlli becoiii na pearls Twill fragrant make tho breath of all

lioyy wuiut-u uiiU au l glrlB i




tber Uial we will save you mt every dollars worth of goods

bought of us - mdash



^ - LAKWamp

tn town Kcvtionz riovoltics and

_At-vraquour-own prices Clocks Clocks

pycharri quinces poucbof) and othor fruitmdash -This farm has no wa^tu land and in- within Vgt ^ninnt08 drive from tho raili-oad station luill-_ami gt0Qlaquoly Oftoh inarki

200 Acn8mdashAraquoout ISO undoT cultivation liU-g1

house barns eheds and outbuildings nearlyall mdashfiew^-two-orcliarda fonr frood- wills oni wind-

mill land tile drained This farm is yithin a^outl-J minutos drive from the railroad station millo murkfetTN--mdash-


326AcresmdashAbout vWt) under ciiltivation land first quality tile drainwl orchard two yood ui-lls

OlTrater aboutJO-jniniitea drive from dojjot and


Goiiigicgardlgss of mkt


market - ltmdash mdash - -The-above 646 acres are Joined together and

can be Bold as one farm or divided as above or to j take more or leas aa wanted A l s o -

-49 ActeemdashAll improved within 20 minntea drive from station v^ -

80 AcresmdashAbout 60 under Rood cultivation large txyo-atogy-hojiBfl now barn and stables ^

This farm ia tile-drained has two orchards and-JB within about 10 minutes drive from depot

lt millsandmarkot alio large houtje carriage house and outbuildings with 33 acres land in corpora-tioti nfthe ttnyn vUtlilu twu IIIIUIUHS VMtlk ut the station This propflfly cost sect1-5(KH) in 1872 -The above farms are kiHgtwn as the Hayes Farms at Orand Ledltbull Eaton county 97 miles from Detroit 12 miles from Lansing _The grtte for the above propertv ull de|gtend upon how muchlhhd is take]rancitlHttrins

Part of the purchase monev niav remain unpaid fop a terrn 1 yea^9 or uped fcjaidgnomr


property in Detroit Avilfbe taken for a part Apply to --



^DDJTIONA4_ NOTICE^ If a sultable petson with moansto ltarry- on

the businose of stock raising dairy or srain faiin tnjrtfeBlTO8 to RENT or work the646 acres on ehare for a-term of years negotiations may bo Miade t bullbull h



^he oianufaiturers have yet to hear of a single case of Dyspepsia or Diliou^nesB whoa ZOPKBA

was used-as directed in which it was hot-mora than satisfactory Many write that it is a wonder-ftij remedy We can show where as high as for t j pounds were gained by its rise in breaking up-chronic Uiliousnes and Dyspepsia Its friendain-crease very fast^afed all who use as directed are surprised and gratified - 3144


Personally HppeTu-edTiefore me Peter Phillips who Tieini K W I W aci-ofdin^ to law1 deposes and says That he has been affected with rhenmatiim more or less forthe past four or five years That bust winter he had a very severe attack arid that

about in his own room by taking hold of some thinu for support Uhin the disease was in i ts

za^ojtt^irtrtt flt+HiiT4laquouldlu^4iaiu almost unhi^rable he took-a dove-of W ilf oils Ii--htnin^ Remedy

bull| whlrh-nmHPTt- inTm^rttaTe-rr-nef arid tfte SPCOTig (Lisa taken tve hours after made a perfect and permanent- cure und that since takinp the two doses lie hasbeen free from the disease or any symptomsthe reof bull I K T VAX PIU L LI PS-

Swoni+inil subscribed tObefore me this 9th day of July A 1) 1SS) IM) ONkiir Notary Public

FARRAND W4-LLIAMS amp CO AGENTS Dytroit Michigan 31-t4


PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Wy are now receiving our first shipment of trll j0-ods anil oiler greater 111-

fhiceinents than ever No pains havo been spared to have cvery-pairof our boots and shoes the very best in

- DmiTTinnillATERIAL AND WCRKMAflSHlL OUR PRICES will always be found as low as goods of thesame quality can

- - bull t iU 1)0 sTgtld foTiirthi orany other marlret - in prGs-Trmtrnrrottr fall st-^eVr^v^eanlt dently expect to increase and extend our business and every etlortwilbbe made to give out- friends and patrons the most careful and polite attention Every body invited to inspect the-goods and get our priced



Clyde (li-hgtIFor e(+ Percheron NohnanHorses bull - EnLlisli Draft Horses __

Coac-hers Shetland Pontes llol-tein and Devon Cattle ^ -

Our customerH have the advantage of our many years exjieiiieuce in hn-ediriirand importinc large colloctfigtns^_oiipmuuiitv- Lpound coiuparin^ different i_ 111 s tent oMmsincBB breeds1 hiw price iieeuuse ot ex Andhgtwfates of transportation Catalogulaquoa | ree Correspyndence solicited

-^- - POWELL BROS bullr SPIUN( K(UO Crawford C01 PENN


FRESH amp FRUITFUL FIELDS - mdash mdash OF FINE ART-mdash^~^ bull (The Detroit Art Loan Kecord eKifttjauhlishLid daily during the BopteiTiher aild Ot1 tuner a-J numh SOT volume of 420 pa^es index and title Bcriptioa-priceFivo Dollars Ten Thousand Questions Answefei -bull hlar Dictionarrof Fine Art 125 large pagBB bound Seventy -five cents Address laetur Ford Atraquo hoanbtitlding Detgoit Mie8

J raquo

At down prices

GROCERIES Largerime at prices below par at the



Pinckney Mictiigan

West Main St Opposite Globe Hotel

J^jfuUJiiie_of_ MICH


Fiiie Oonfectionery 1 Smoking Tobacco Stationery^ tc


LUMBER LATH amp SHING bull Yard on HoweU Street north

Brick Store OFFICE AT


FARM FOR SALE plowed land) five

thtiNlaquogtjraquoIIea from Eighty nrre farinVsivty neves

miles west of PinMiiiey and thtfpp^ bdquo Ilmdjljii ltjn the riiiekhey and Milan road raquobo on Titie nf ( T Hiijlroad tJood house and Darn Fine Orchard niid bull spring of cwld-watermdashA1laquoJ bull several in res of timber Call now and see farm while the urops are laquo[)win^ will bgt sold on earaquoy terms Rrw-4laquo-a Very desirahlo hone oply on premises

JAMES PANGBOftNmdash - - r - - - _

AN -OKDlNAXtK to Supjiress Saloons for tttO -pale of-SpiritiiotTH nrtd fntoxicatifig Liquore

Goods are all fresh and new Prices are always reasonable We hope to merit a 1 beral share of the public patronage Call and see us

- i _ _ _ ^ j jtL

The tAimlHon Conm-H of tho Village of Plnck- ney ordain Hud it raquohall not be lawful --any petHott or pttsons to keep a saloon -for sale of splutunis and intoxicating Honors wit the corpora^ limits of said villaeo -Adopto^Atigtiat 47th 1883

bullffliTMimdashrig bull amp $ ~

-f-_ ^

~t rrplusmn

ginchneg sectmic J E R O M E W I t f C H E L L E D I T O R

Enterod ut the Poatofflce as 2lt1 class matter

bull i


T h e e x r

per i raen t wjll p r o b a b l y be m a d e d u r i n g

~ mdash m e T I r a t - w e e k in ^epteniber bu t t h e

exac t da t e has n o t y e t been fixed

F R O M t he compara t i ve s u m m a r y of V t h e P resby te r i an - Church in t h e Uni ted

States j u s t issued u n d e r the a u t h o r i t y oi

bull the to ta l n u m b e r of c o m m u n i c a n t s in v 1883 is 600715 a n d increase of 8597 as

compared wi th 1882 a n d the to ta l n u m shyber of c h u r c h e s 5860 J a n d inc rease of 116gt-comispared w i t h 1S83J s i n c e the l i s r s l f m l ^ r T w a X I s s u e d 10397 adults a n d 17728 infan ts have been bap t ized The to t a l n u m b e r of min i s t e r s is 5218 not i n c l u d i n g l i cen t i a t e s of t h e p a s t

y e a r ^ i laquobull nqtrade1hlalfgtraquo-a7amp T h e

sum of con t r i bu t i ons for all purposes

d u r i n g t h e c h u r c h y e a r ws 896614U1-



L O R D Chief J u s t i c e Coler idge of E n g shy

land w h o is now in thjs -country is t he

^highest n i n c t i b n a r y h o h a s ever left

E n g l a n d to v i ^ r A m e n c a T _ ^ e x t

roya l ty i t s e l f^ the re

t o Amer ica is onlyoi ie h ighe r

t e r m s of t h e Br i t i sh law h e c a n only leave Ills fU)Bl by p u t t i n g ttrrjr


Grea t Seal in to commiss ion a p roceedshying which would cost him abou t sect7000

_Iraquoord Cole r idge s visit is an overit of the deepest i n t e re s t to the lega l f r a t e rn i ty

0f ^ t ^ a ^ m i r en t i r e_ J _e^a l m a shy

chinery a n d s t a tu t e s a re based pr inci shy

pa l ly on those o l _ E _ n g l a n d - t h w g h - ^ e have codified them a n d a d a p t e d t h e m to the necessi t ies of the p rac t i ca l pro-gresssive sp i r i t of-the Amer i can people


T h e M a c o n Te leg rap l i c o m m e n d s t h e scheme to send the neg ro back to Africa It t h inks t h a t a t least some of the b e t -

j^ te r class of colored-people w h o have p r o p e r t y a n d a r e educated m i g h t be induced to- g o t o Africa as an exper i shymen t But_it-fails to tell w h o shal l d a the induc ing a n d wha t a r g u m e n t s

- ^ h a l l be p s e d to persuade edkea ted


bullo lored to go to a ba rba rous c o u n t r y in

which t h e y can have no l iving in teres

T h e - t r o t b o f t A e ^ a t t e r ^ l W w n p t e s a T e

t r a n s p o r t a t i o n of the colored r a c e to the is absurd-and-


l and ot thftir^ ances tors vis ionary I t is in te res t ing as a bit of p re t ty sen t imen t bu t has no mQrc_p_racgt t ical va lue t h a n the scheme-fcttransport the J e w s back to Pa les t ine W h e t h e r for good o r ill the n e g r o is^befe

T H E Buffale Cour ie r lifts u p i ts voice

to p r o t e s t aga ins t over s tudy T h e

gt I

edaca t ion of c h i l d r e n - U n s a y s -is a

p r e t t y b a d l y bo tched affair a t best

bu t when p a r e n t s and t eachers consp i re

a g a i n s t t he hea l th a n d life of a b r i g h t

child w h o needs musc l e and s t a m i n a


l^efore iamp a ne ighbor ing ap a ry T h e pwner at^d his family of course cou ld jaot witness the- l ight bu t t h e y h a d tjhe p leasure of seeirig the w o r k i n g b^es b r ing tho lifeless bodies of t he i r adve r shysaries to the ex i t and bundle t h e m p u t by the h u n d r e d E x a m i n a t i o n of the slain showed tha t they had been severeshyly hand led -Many wera-headlotw o t h shyers had lost legs o r wiugs o r both a n d all were in a s h o c k i n g condi t ion Of the bees on ly a b o n t fifty had fallen in the fray wtyich l a s ted all day a n d ceas shyed only witjh the u t t e r ann i l a t i on of the drones T h e s l a u g h t e r of t h e d r o n e s t akes p l ace yea r ly a t t he a p p r o a c h of w i n t e j i _

S E V E R A L m o n t h s a g o 1300) copies of a l i t t le r ead ing-book inc lud ing a l so lesshysons in a r i t hme t i c were sent iirdm L o n shydon to Ba rce lona for use in P r o t e s t a n t


schools T h e exercises in r e a d i n g w e r e the Gospels w i thou t no te or c o m m e n t At the Cus tom House in B a r c e l o n a a n exorb i tan t d u t y w a s _ 4 e m a n d e d of t h e

t o pay i t I t w a s



T H E s t o r y of the T e x a s cow boys and the p r e s i d e n t is exceedingly funny a n d as h igh ly improbab l e If t h e cow boys were after Mr A r t h u r they would no t be foolish enough to t a k e a n e w s p a p e r m a n into the i r confidence

P E R S O N S who have neve r ceased t o r eg re t t h a t they fai led to see the M a i d c U h e Mist ru sh t h r o u g h the Whi r l poo l Rap ids a n d the Whi r lppo l of N i a g a r a will p robab ly be able to enjoy a s imi lar spec tac le in the n e a r fu ture I t ja r e p o r t e d t h a t e ight ci t izens of Susshypension Br idge have p u r c h a s e d a double -decked scow buil t of s t r o n g oak

t imber Which tpgyHJ leud to rc-fa3hion i U W i rer _ aimuncret awraquo are u in to t h e s ty le of a smal l ^s teamboat and then proposed to sell t he books Vit t l i e l i n ^ e ^ ^ g S ^ ^ ^ a i T ^ u ^ r y ^

send th rough the r ap ids wi th lashed author i t ies dec ided t h a t a r e l ig ious appears that tho) object to paying^het

r u d d e r a n d nolbodv on board quest ion was involvedmdashand t h a t t h e y

cou ld n o t be sold w i t h o u t v io la t ing t h e

supreme l a w of t h e l and T h e Engl i sh

Consul in t e rposed wi th an offer to p a y bdquon bdquobdquobdquokh bdquobdquo i ltu~ fkn Krtniro ^laquonL f~ tWTrle fast train near Albion the other i all costs a n d sh ip the bodies b a c k to s [ gt b a s t l n father-in-law and the horses London b u t W a ^ t b l t f r ^ ^ l T i s p ropos i shyt ion c a m e too l a te a n d t h a t the books ^ a a i s J ^ b e 4 raquo a ^ a e ^ ^ A ^ 4 pa^btiory bHTTred7 they were in B a r c e l o n a on J u l y 25 A local pape r the Pi ib l ic idad m a k e s this c o m m e n t o n the affair W e a r e such b a r b a r i a n s here t h a t we b u r n the Holy -Gospelii m e r e l y because they m i g h t b e r ead by P r o t e s t a n t s As S p a n i a r d s we blush with s h a m e as Liberals we a r e enraged a s f reemen of th is n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y - w e t h r n - - f o r eonsolatktH togtaa a p p r o a c h i n g fu ture bull

Times When W^aory Gcosi to Sbep Alnviit throe v^nrs ago 1 came to Haft-

r lson square iii th j vars bull and moun ted my hcjrse for lwmi After ga l lop ing abou t a mi le I sinUlowly foittnl o r ini-asrined that I bad bullbullrohe wroug5 I XouId not recal l the s tn roundings^ I tu rned u$y iioie^nh(7rfr~lgtaek~auTTwehT near to my s ta r t ing place atraio_tiirned au d r^ide -homo- o y e r -Xhi^-suiiie--iamiliar road that I had so-often travel led The lo^s of mind or iden t i ty of -W-vHtv did

An engine and tender pulliag a freight train on tlicopy D^tFoU--Gnm4~Havlaquon amp M4lwlaquottklaquolaquo Railway were thrown into the rlyenlaquor at Ferrv-burg the othir morning The bridge-tender was sleepy and gave the signal for thetraiu to proceed while the bridge was swung up It was so dark and fogey that the engineer could not see the opeu bridge The engine lieu to thirty feet of water Travel over the bridge la not interrupted No livelaquo were lost

NetUphnison and Oeo (ioodnow to well-knowLaad highly respected citizens of Hudson died euddeuly a few daya alaquo0 Mr Goodnow waa prospering in Dakota at the time of his d^ath iUa renialnes were brought to Hudson for interment

Henry G Wagner an old raau of 74 years was a recent arrival at the Jaqk6on prison whither he was sent for atealllng a cow He was an inmate of the institution nine years ago but was Incarcerated under the name of Henry G Clark and for an offense Btrattarto that just specified He is from Monroe and explained^tUat he did the thelvine to Becure a home in the penitentiary^ as othorwlaehe would be compelled to go to the poor-house He is a cheerful ol i fellow and performs whatshyever is requlredof him without grumbling

The apple crop cf Calhoun couuty Is unpre-cedently light

- tiuioke stacks afy the State prison are all furshynished witli smoke consumers which operate satisfactorily and do work wei

G ii Holllster of Pleasant Valley Mich has a pocket-knife which he believes belonged to the late President Garfield when the latter was a canal driver In Ohio

Mioistefs tbrdttghoat toe State are negleefeftrt Uerk It

paying the twenty-five cent fee which County Clerks exaetjor regshyistration The next Legislature will be asked to abolish the fee

Buchanan wants a chair factory Charles Sebastiatj-attdhtsfather-in-law-farm-

erai of the Town of Sheridan were run over niaht

were Instantly killed and Sebastian was horribly mangled and will probably jlic bull-bull

A body of a man was found near Marshall 4he ot ter 3aTrlaquoo Badly ^ beyond recognition A revolver was found near and two bullet holes in the tack of the head indicate suicide gt bull

Last spring the Michigan amp Ohio Railroad Company finding their work dragging rnlaquothe hands of contractors compelled a large numshyber to withdraw One of th^6eold contractors has nowserved an injunction oubdquoa section o l the work In Hillsdale Countyfor^darhages anlt$ work has been abandoned for the present

Hamoiid DougUty aged 23 was drowned while bathing atBerrien Springs- -

- The Introduction of Mie electric flight into TJios S Tews mill at Big Rapids has jwaken-ca considerably interest and ttL is very probable that the light will eoon be in general uae many buines8 men favoring the formation of a company - Fifteen have pledg-ea themselves to take ai least one lamp each Col iLB Sniith of Smitli amp Toby bankers

of Adrian died in that city a few days age of paralysis of the brain t h e Colonel receiyed

Battle Creek kas WUgbt laquo)uH tgalnsjt Hecry Willis for the po8eeLsioii ofbroperty that they claim as a street and Whiisfclaima as prtvamptt propwty

The store of E J Oide of i f XIwncns waa entered Uy burglars a few Tiighth ago They bullentered throughthe celar broke oplaquon the saro indsecured aboutJl25 in mofJi y but did hot-disturb any private papers They tlvgtnveut to Oldes barn took his horse and wagoh^Jinded it with all ihe silks and satins ther were(n be store and departed Mr Oliie estimates lite Enshytire JOB at HtKJtrt $ 1000 It was- eyldentty the work of persons experienced m the business and who were well acquainted with the sltua tion of everything in the store No clue baa yet been found to the perpetrators

rampu diyd in Allegan a few days ago Dr Geo R Thomas of Detroit Secretary of

the Uoard of Dental Examiners wishes 6b aay to the dentists throughout the Statu that the law regulating the practice-of deutlstry takes

effect thfi 9th aay7gtrSffptenTber at which time the board will organize and at once send ctrcu-larr givlngaU needed inforfnatldh to every dentist In the State whose name can be aacefv tained bull

Twenty persona have died in- Van Btiren county the last sixteen years ho weie over 90 years of age

Schoolcraft cbirnty aslti fora heir cohrT house bull

If you should mee t i l hah whb is 2^ years old blushea very easily la six feet twouichea high and newly married that man is the mayshyor of Marquette

Ciawson la the principal variety qf wheat

PINClNEV-bullbull bullbull ftfllaquofifl6i CUSTOM imts

wish tii makiJfiiowti tn-thcif Old ajid nlaquow ci^tQiu ors f hraquot puiy-art imw igtrejiijrHl to do bettor wojrk of all kiidn in their liiu of hiiHiimtts than ever befdire Tiieir juillt lgta int lnnit tliuriui^til^ rtAtted iuwldc-mdash ruptdred niu inrirovud outside making it eoiivea-kutfur thMir funtumm-a Liuod phudw fuc UMUB iiicouneitloii with the MIlTs-They havo now on hauii ovuf fijtXXJ bwHliebsof tiry ttouad red and vhiUgt^litat from which they make their beat grade of flour WAHiuNTEi) Thty j r iraquod no iyovn o t musty wheat ejrcebfr for eustynieramdashand then t la -K^oiind on separate stone ami tgtolted through sepashyrate bolts Those buying flour bf them will Klaquot no grovVn or musty flour Those bringing gr 181laquo good dry sound wheat get good flour and thope bringing grown or musty wheajt nuibtexpect floor from the same They also have separate bolts for buckwheat Cornsliefted-with one of Hutchhu sons new improved lhiutless Iron Corn 8heiflaquotf witlilaquout extra charge Ttlaquogtv yay cash for all kiatia -of grain All peraonaiiavlngunaottkd accouuto-with them at the mill are requested to call and

-~jgtay theeainB lt ^ bull--


grown la Livldgt0 eetmty The thteaaeTf||^wltm4arjlaquomi diacaaetwatfaf^d or woandee-

SOLDIKKS amp SAILOliS who Worddisabled bv wounds disease accident

brotherwieti thoioss of a toe piles varicose veiQB chronic dlarrha-a rtipturtiloHrf-tif eight or (par-ally so) loss of-hearlng falling back of nieajjl rheliniatism anv disability no matter how slight giveu you raquojuiisio^ ampwt and ILonoraWeJPia-chargoa OGIftined Widows children motfesr l and fathflra ot soldiers cljihg^n the service or f

report that this variety yields better than any other v lt bull

K B Boone of Allegan had $3300- worth of property burned the other day

Bvthe death of an l tunt iu Vrance the wife of Rev E H Leall of Charlotte ha fallen heir to a large estate - - Fishermen who have been on the Au Sable this year report that lumber1 operations aud_-sportsmen are rapidly depleting the grayling in that stream About three tons of celery are shipped daily

from Kalamazoo and some times as much a four tons are shipped in a d a y r KaTajTiazoo celery is making the town-famous

Arrangements have been completed for the ex tension ol the St Joseph Valley narrow guuge railroad from Buchanan Mich southtoSouth Bend Iudbdquo and from Berrien Springs north to St Joseph on Lake Michigan Work is to bv inaugurated in 30 days

The logs that ran away from Grand Rapids a few days aeoduring the Grand river flood carshyrying off the railway bridge are to be htdsted out ut Grand Haven and whipped back by rail

A-JieJt4mnipJmsJjelaquon^ac^Iia44laquo^Oakla4id-engtne houseat St Clair eapabltf ofthrowing five one-iWh streams 100 leet An imuieuse

^ankwithaclaquowcity-ot^^0o^r^^ to he erected in the rear oft the hotel at a IiVtjht of 50 feet

Tlie wheat crop of Kalamazoo not yield 12 bushels to the acre

The Dotrolt L^gsTPg^g-^oythern folks

iptved whlleTI i the serviceare untitled to pen-raquoioji Kejected and abandoK^d claims a specialty BOUNTY BACK PAY AND HOSSE CIAIMS OOL L E C T E D lt bull - bullraquo-

v I N C R E A S E - y f r U l U E N S T 0 j f A ueiHdou can he increased at any time when

the djiiaHiUty warrants it AH you gfpw older thj3 Around has ^adnallynndermitTPdtiiPcdiiBtitij^dri the disease-hasmatle yoil more Iielplese la some manner the disability- has incre^ged -^olaquoa])ply for airrn^rrjiRP at unei1 V bull ~rjmdash-

LAND AND PATENT CLAIMS JJoyciTij) My ex])(H-ienc(gt and beinghero at bgtadcniarters

-enable oieto iiWrud prdinfytly tg ail claimsagainst tlieCovernincJvt LUivnttrr^fr^d Addi eHS with raquogtump - bull J

bull M Y l T f a R N E Y lt 4


aa ugly wound while in the army a ball penc tratinghis jaw and nearly severing his tongue and for a long time ihe hvr at the very pertals of death He is a pTo1rjinentrcitizer3and has^ been since the war County Treasurer and

Sheriff of Lenawee Countyho)ding each office picnic held at Devils Lake north Of Hudson four years For the pasETour of liveyearshe ^ ~ ~~ ~

not Inst more t l i i t a t w e h t y miiuites Oh Vcprovious occa-ioii I took bullfhe-l^qat for Niihant at iVoclock duied with a friend and slept at tiiL-iwusi otiTrotlier f r i emi bullIlii next moni lug 1 1 we-ui home tjuite vPL Awakei i iu^i ioxt m o n i i u g my wifiv a l luded to my visit to Nivhaut the day before of which I - h a d ^ t v b n her a full account on m y re tn rh 1 answered tha t 1 had not been to Nahanf and s tuck t o it The whole tlulijj had left my meshymory Being alarmetL -my wife sen t for the doctor who came and found m e as leep Iawoko andfoutul him feel ing my pulse and 1 asked him-why he had come and my wife stated tho fact of my- having denied the visit to K a h a n t I replied Y o u have been d r eaming I am very well a n d d o not r equ i re the doclor The whole cletaihiof^fliy visit to Nahant were ffesh in my but the fact of mv hav ing - luetnury

denied all knowledge of them-had become comshypletely blotted out Many yea r s ago when nav iga t ing a ship J^ l-^LScaiJgtiiiLnight abou t 12 o clock we

h they artL-Tp tjS-se( | c 0se to two little islands cal led the Brothers I went below to ge t a

and told the otlicer of the deck to oall iutgt-ampt 2 a m^ wiren i 4rrtcnde d to change the course to clear a shoal of iiomewhat doubtful locality I awoke

soon after three Q oiockr- wholly uncon

has been engaged in DanKing sally esteemed oa a eltiaen and buoineeo man

The-fall terrri of Adrian college opens Sepshytember 12 Instead degf the 5tbas neretofore anshynounced bullbull -

Webster Gilbert^ Flufthinp1man has-4^ r-yenled an aparatus that it is claimed wilPrev-

blutionize the telephone business and increase tfe fitness of the Atlantlc^cable

A little daughter of James E Little near East Saginaw wandered into a field near a burning stump Ilfr clothing caughtflre and before tbcrnoTher could reach her the little one was burned to death I

t the salt works at Marine City are successshyfully three Other salt blocks will be built at once -

^fhe editor of the Presque Islfe Advance figshyures up Yhatccaar lands inbull that county are worth$30 an acre tboughsoldusaally at $5 t6 $10 per acre He giveB iipoundures tha^ show upshywards of $36 an acre has been realized _ as tumpa^e--frQmee(hjrlands Awq miles disshytant from the lake shore V -

The sca-serpenthas arrived in CedarLake Qjatlot county The extension of the Toledo Ann Arbor amp

Grand Trtfnk north from AnrX Arbor through jQ-Wosso St Louis and the great pine belts to a point on the lakes is no longer a doubt All

t h rough- tho | that now keeps thc-pro^c4 in^check Is the$25-000 subscription or purchase of bonds which is the necessary amount assigned St Louis to raise to guarantee t t c road to that point Twelve $nd a half thousands one-haif-of- this subscription has been raised and the securing oftheotheThslf Is- guaranteed7soitliat the~re stands Tratrght to doubt^but t-hat-th road -will soon bcuhder construction Ithaca and Alma -have blankly rpfiiaed tn raise a dnllnr tnwilrd

arranging fur a big excursion to PetdSkcy Sept l i gathering up the people at ail the stations on the line From -Petoskey side tripshave beenarranged from the Traverse bay regi jn ALicliLnjLCi^arjue_tte_etc

Twelve thousand people aTtehdedthe farhlers7

Sheep-killing dogs are doing great damage to flecks around Dexter

Michitaro Tsuda of Tokio Japan isa-stndeut at the Agricultural College

W S flopklnj of St Clair is putt ing in a reservoir to hold aaQO-barrela-of watrrratr-ttre rear of tbe Oakiaml House and offers to tujiply tire hydrants in the-clty at $11 each per annum

M L Sweet of Grand Rapids has Hast re- turned from the Netherlands with To head of Holsteln cattle

Miss Jennie While Miss Jennie rratfitcad bull andT_isiiermh Hurd of Clio Genesee County were rt route (o tliePioneer Picnic at Long Lake Hurd begau running hie horse or horses with other parties uuon_the road aud as a result Miss llalsttad was thrown from the carriage pustainlng injur ieafrom which shedied soon after rr~r

A little girl named Coleman living with an uncle jn Marion township Osceola couuy was instantly killed-by a tree -falling ou her She was with her uncle in The tirftber when he was fellifrgtrees Her liucle harHold her that when the tree began to fall she was to run- She was mtetaken aa to the direction in which the tre wouldfall and ran directly under it ftH~-gtrftM


^ 5 -

- T t t r a M A G N E T I C B E t T I S

rhlttlfflMEirT^^ it limit rrntlininm tgtwlw tw ^ lu ibat l i hgttraquoraquoraquo 1raquoraquo

itinbti M r IIIK ilrMlitylumbugo goneruldebil ity rfaeuiuutllaquoni purulyHldneurulclii mlutlcraquo dJielaquoraquo-e io l ihe i-lduvraquoraquoplnul dlraquocufcelaquo torptd liver sou t bull emloal cmlraquoxloiiraquo linnotenc) acthrao heltirt ltJIlaquo-eitao djppepiraquo corilaquotlplaquotloti rrjrktpcln lnltllce-bulltmrmdashlterni or rupture laquout4rrli pUrlaquo cpll dr in ib U K I K lttlt

When any flolillty Of the OEXEK ATIVEOIM5 AXS-or--nrs loot vitality lav k of ovr vi torco and vigor iwinir wcukiiciuic and all tbouc dlm-nraquo^raquo of uper-bullonul nutMro rom whatever cause tUo continuous KtreAm of MaKTietlsm pen^eatUg througli tho pnfrt mtiRt rcatore them io u healthy actluu TUtro l^no iiiistalio ubont Hils aigtpllaraquoelaquo N bullbull



encouraging the road to touch these points- -bulliherefor-etbe^Hi^st-be^eft-out-lfl-the-^ordT-^he citizens of Ithaca do not think neither can they be made tobelieve that the roadwill be built to St Louis without touching the county seat^but eueh tningsrwhfch often occnrvoccashysion the removal of a county seat and after It is to late the citizens mourn the loss

The bath hoube-coanected with the Aver tered two poin t s W h e n u t sea r fa t g 0 ^ ^MKOlemens wastotahy deatroyedJ)y

scions of luiving been called antt w e n t on deck and scoldedt lm ollicers for no t c-tllipgr me a t 2 o clockmdashrfemdashnnswered tha t he had ca l led jne and- iuformcdj i io of the st^te of the wind and the wea ther as in duty bound and tha t I apparently-wide awake had ordered the course a l -

charge of a ship I had a hab i t of-wuk-incr - up at a lmos t any hour a n d t h e end of a watch a t night general ly found me wide awake and p repa r ing to g o o n deck to see t h a t all was go ing on rightmdashCapf R B Forbes in Boston Traveller


+ Th9bdquo Result of Ambition -Gornpctiticwi is t he soul of t rade A

case like the following which happened

m o r e t h a n m e n t a l cu l tu re t h e r e can be

bu t one r e su l t F o r those de l ica te chil-

^ d x e n K)XQ need physica l strength aqdLjgjixi obsct i rraquo viUagoTn W e amp t p h a l i a ^ - - T h e r e y e on the statute^ooks of Michigan serves to be men t ioned for i ts or-isrinahi


^ i bull

wirq have m o r e brain t han body to susshytainMt^we-woirM invoke t h e a id of k ind pa ren t s $mamp thought fu l t eachers a n d a system of educa t ion t h a t wi l l a l low t h e m a chance l lo r t he i r l ives O u g h t no t every m u n i c i p a l i t y to h a v e i ts skil led phys ic ian or boardof phys i c i ans whose d u t y i t should be tx) enforce t h e s imple laws of h e a l t h in thd schoo l s a n d to rel ieve from the sever i t ies v o | school discipl ine al l who have no t the bodi ly

s t r eng th ^o_wi ths^and t h e m _

mdash A JiBiiAiucABLE-iillaquo9tBfttioa-of^-the feshy

roc i ty o i t h e l i t t le ^ u s y bee u n d e r cershy

t a in c i r cums tances was la te ly afforded

l f r f f ie~anWaTe^

HoTtjctr t totai araquod- Co t t ago G a r d e n So-

cie ty tiampar Exlaquoie r E n g l a n d Aaareng^

I5eexnlt^fs waa~a~glasscasecontainihg

severa l t h o u s a n d d e a d d rones t he r e -

bulln i t of a l a n g u i n a r ^ ba t t l e - Uw dayraquo

ty s t r ik ingly illustrative^ of the above axiom I h e se lectmen of sard vil lage proposed to givo to the ioW-est b idder the privilege of c lean ing the school-house and m a k i n g the fires in the same for one ca lendar year a pr ivi lege for which the incumben t had hi therrb been g ran t ed the r o u n d sum of 12 marks-pe r a n n u m This year a compet i tor

y came forward and after repea ted uiK derbiddings finally offered U ^ d o t f i c work free gra t i s for nothing Unwill-r iraquog -to b copyute4r4rre~ partjr -HrvyolHoe^ thereupon ac tua l ly agreed t o pay X m a r t into the vi l lage trnffsurymdash nay wen t up to 2 m a r k s b u t ^ r t s in the cud overbid by tlie pers iseot ofFiec-secker who offered to pay ^TOarks 60pfennrgs foj_tiie incalculable privileire of clean fag and housemdash Amc Register

T4gtlaquo-mlaquost miserab le crtjattrre-cu eart-h tho^ - ltoltogo bull gradi^ateT

m o n t h s after he tookhis i t e g r e e a n d abou t

a g r e e t he c o u u i r r r

cnished to a jelly The fatal Texas cattle fever has broken out

in -Detroit and several milkmenhave lost a numhpr of vftlnahlc mws

From the first report of Bishop- Richter of the Roman Catholic diogeraquoe ofGrand Rapids l i is learned that there are- in the diocese JS prie^Js In actuaj service with a Catholic popushylation of 64000 and 17parochlal schools atan annual espnse (^11549805

The cornerstone of the new CatholfCCiburch atirrllsdale was laid with apprcipTls^ ceremoshynies the other afternoon Rt RevBishop Bor-gesB of-Detroit ofllclatlbg AJb address apshypropriate to the occasion was delivered by Rev DT Reilly of Uetroft P r in t s were present from Hudson Adrian Monroe Jackson Mt Pleasant (Jrand Rapids Marshal and several from Deirolt Avery largehumber of- peopl were present and witnessed the ceremonies The cburch whenxiompleted will be one of the finest in Hillsdale bullbull

e theother day The fire broke out n the engltrp roonr Its exact cause is uotknown The hotel itself had a narrow escape and nothshying but the most strenuous exertioae 01 the part of the Fire Department and eltij-ens savshyed it from total destruction The loss of the-Batb Company is estlnAted at $25000 partly covereu by Insurance They at once flttecj up the billiard ha)l with the establishment as a bafh house and are able to eive sixty orgtsevcnty bathes a day These arrangement and the capacity of Meda bathing establishment will furnish bathing facilities for alL -applicants as as usual J~ Jf

laws against swearing gambling and for the destruction of Canada thistles but a case is not known where either of these laws has been cofprced

er Kidneym Weak Anile or fyi

aa nrlaquor JilienniBtlam

Neuralgia Nerroa iTraquopcp8iavar-with D l i e a i e i o f t h e L l T lluuauviiQ or Cold Feet Swollen or or Swollen Feet an Abdominal Belt

and ApnimfXinffTiftHr Von ft Batteries hivo no superior In the ruiof andpnro of Ml theraquolaquo complaints They carry a powerful magnetio force to tho seat of tbe dlseajo -- bull __ _

Fot Lraquomlaquo Daek Weakness of t h e Opine Fraquol l ink of tho womb Leueorrhoea Chronic Inflummo tlon and t-lcerutlon of the Womb Incidental Hem-orrh^re or Flooding Painful BapprcMed and Irgt rejratar Menlaquotralaquotlon Harrenne a i d rhance of Lift thla la the Heat Appliance and Curative A s e n t Jaaown laquo

FOP all forms-of Female Dtffienltloa It is nnnjr-paaaedby anvthintf betot-eInvented bvth aaaei u e b t and as a source 6 f power and vltailratlon Price of cither Belt with Mag-netieFootBattertea 110

Sent by express CO Dand examination allowed or by tnatt on receipt or price In orderlnK send meaaure of walgtandHiMofBhoe Itemltttncectta be made ui cur-rency sent Inlottorat onrriJk

The Magneton Qarments are adapted to al apefl are worn over tho urwlaiflrtthliiy fiinf m r t tlaquo rfh

ee baTEs on the Kedflcld farm east of Alsiont frere destroyed by fire a few days ago Aboutr$000 bushels of wheat bull were-destroyed together with a number of farm Implements At the same time two barns on the Brab farm near Armada Macomb county were burned

Jtothjt trf jgrations were paused by sparks from steam threshers ~~ ~ mdash- - bull The report that MisJennie-Halsted of Clio Genesse County vrampamp~ktlled by being thrown from a buggy was not true She was badly iHjured and wss insensible for a number of hours but hopeB afe entertained of- her reshycovery

The apple crop of Michigan wfll~be almost a failure -

The legislative excursionists whohaVe been doing the upper peninsula have an returned and are well pleaseu with their visit

- Senator Palmer sailed for New York Septem-It is reportedthat one of our citizens Inter-1 bef 1

a n T a l e d 0 ^ W Conklin a Coldwater farmer has a t o l h e h S S S 0WfhTulVwlS WTh IyTernor i ^ i f f X ^ 1 ^ 7 ^ 3 4 IS saldxto hare renllwl Offlciallv T hatrel Pounds while C L Luee of tillead Branch 2 5 frac34 frac34 ) s a v I U f f t e l y S T h S W n l l f f i ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^ o f 3-yerolcUi thaV weighs 1500 ItmnlTl would have taken a hand In itgt-~ Pdeg deg a 8 -ihebovgan Trtbunfi^^ bdquo^^=^- -1^ I Richard Kmmorm of Olenwood lost his saw-

Brohson Is having a building boom VVithln six months there have been built two stores and live dwellings anda bank and two cigar factories have been sta-ted- Lesliehis aTadles band and is happyi

Battle Creek is fast assuming city airs The names of the streets are uowput Oniftestreet corners the houses are being nhmbered land a new city directory is being priaUd bull

One of the men arrested at Sheridan on a charge of making counterfeit coin was a conshystable of Sidney township and had held claim ^befogAgriTr immrnt d r twt iv r mdash -~ -

One hundred men have gone to work oh the extension of the Bay Cltvamp Alpena railroad and it ta-propofled to make a connection with the Michigan Central before snow file

Wm Beatty who has been-iomlnated by the democrats rfToledo for the Ohio lagUlatnre was formerly1 i^Piistex ltt the eayloy of the

mill valued at $8r30 by fire the other day

A Good S h o w i n g -Lumbal

are as follows Dmrlng the monthof July the lakeshipineutstrom East Saglftavrwere 32-028000 feet of lumber 1140000 ideces of rath 7YT21000 shingles in August^ioa^OOO feet of lumber 3892000 pleces^if lath and9831000 shingles bull _^_

Bay City shipped In^uly and AugUfct 171101-421 feet of lumbery6858000 pieces of lath and 32315000 shlnflej

Total sUiptpents from Saginaw River from opening ofVavigation to September 17 404671-Oto feeyoT^rtrnibcr laquo693000 shingles and 28127000 pieces of lath Last year to date the

body Ube the Many Galvanic and Floctrle Ham baBa advertlitrdaa extcnnUilv) and ehoold bej taken off at nlghfa They hold thelrpowworttwraJBd Arewornatallseason^of theyear f

BjBiioVlaquotlaquomrj for thn New I)OPRI turoln Medical Treat tnent wi thout Medicine wlta UiousandM of (eaUrnlaquo

j f e H K H J L A O N K T O N A P P r ^ I A N C E C O laquo 218 S t a f c St CKfcaffo 11L

- T h e Magpet i jc appl i i a t W i n e h e i l s D r u g Mich

tffesru ay he seen S to re ^Ptcknev^

PILLS CURE Sick-Headache Dyspepsia Liver Complaint Indigestion Constipation

~^and PUMY-n NOTICE^mdashWithout particle of doubt Ker^

motts Pills araths waegt popular of any on the-rcm-tet Having besn belbre the public for raquo quarlcrof a cents ry and having aiwiya parfofnn4 more than was promised for them they merit the success that thajLh are attained- P r i c e a j C p e r fMMKlaquolaquor

For wsle by all druggists ^

T- gt

TJZ^] _raquo---bull


To write or not to write that U the question Whether it ta nobler in the mlud toautler The toptrtatkm of bwlug asked by bull ~bdquo A youylaquo UlaquoJy Hgt writetti her autograph album Atrit Lav lug keptjfa boot two yearmore or

lose Vr-Aud then apt write bi itmdash

()r take the Reu against adiofit of doubts aud f -^4TK bull_bullbull

Au-by ouee w r l t i ^ e n d - t h c o i r - T o btart mdashto write bull

Towrltemdashpt-rehauce to make a blotmdashAy thewj H the rub bull -

For in tlrai d^tksonic- hlot-wbat eellugs _X-

Ber tha was ill d r w w d i a r t h e p icn ic the next inovnngt fafi lpoU i S t l u -t r ae t iug ly J oak

J0rawlraquorlt A h rom^mber

Y e I dlaquoe _bull

ltraquo _laquobull

_ dlaquotks()bdquo_ t bowja ortli ^nyu-aii-jg iftgtjuat at s_L_

And many others S Not ft- When one iswritiilg to his girl for then If he make a blot he cttSWa line

Round it and says - i I t was IntinUoual and meant to mark A pUcelaquowhere bedid kiss And ___

v Uellcvee the yam aud kllaquo8Qd it audlgtbin)s ThaAjrtie la happy ^ bull bull

i v bull__ JWrraquo n Globe



T h r o u g h t h e i l l u s i v e g l i t t e r ot the w a r m g o l d e n Jul - moon li glut the^l i jat ITlaquoi)ressu)tiJliuv Be rjjia P_niorcsff ~re- wived was tinil of a talf g racefu l fijF tire vanishm t h rough thecliisky gloom bullwhile iiis good-night words p leasant ly -withlier

bull Ueinumber Bert hayif vou

l ingered

a re -not ttty-th-t picnic tu-morrow I sl inll not care vtig for the wlvolu affair D o n t forget tha t voudiave promised me I n at- you wiU4gtethe____ bull_ ]

_ a m uot in love with him- Ber tha said to hfirself as re turn ing to t h V p a r -lor she sat down in the bull t ender dusk

4 xHilyf t_i blow de can bullampraquobull w h e n Mrs

iiptoLihe- cooni bulljWCe Hertha but

J | s h igrass J) id vou wish to

igrawford- Ylaquospound CoitVg to the picnic1

-Jtitf Ber tha returnedwbnderingly gt l a p p o s e Mr Gerome is to b e

thercf laquolaquoImdashX believe s o raquoraquoThen ilbot MOU pound o mdash mdash bullgtWhv uoji B e r t h a asked a r r a n g shy

ing t u c h y a c i n t h bells in a r ich b lue c lus te r for the wais t of he r dress

Mrs Crawford closely w a t c h e d t h e [ s lowly-er in-soningcheeks

P e o p l e say he I s svept on you Ber r

t h a bull bull bull bull bull bullWell then p e o p i g h a d bet ter m ind

thei r own b u s f n o s s ^ B e r W a ~ T l p raquo t n laquo r back i J

ijerthiv Den io res t Mrs Crawford w e n t on - I have cotne ^to w a r n you B e w a r e pj t h a t m a n mdash b e w a r e of h i m

W h a t da you m e a n -bull-bullbullgt 4 u s t t l u s - r M r Gerotuegtis a m a r r i e d

m a n bull bull bull bullbull - bull W h a t u t te r nonsense Bertha cried

a n g r i l y and irieredulously ^ I t is uoi nonsense a n d I know i t

Mr^feuror uwfbyend saitL - 1 have s w n a l e t t e r from his wifemdashdo y o u ^ i e a r tha t Ber t h a l ) e tuorest ^ f r o m l i iaJi |g^wr t w i t c f l i f i g bullbullbull X v 4 bull


j l y n s h e a r t t o t m T y b u n ^ l a d y at my side I wtr show you the letter Bershyt h a - bull bull bull B u t I wVmld not rtjad i t she said lifting her adoriti^ blue uVes to hisfaclaquo3 I doi^tbulldttservfis to yead it How could1

I be so wicked as to bejtuve a syllabJo aj^arnst youV gt

bull A s for you Mrs C r a w f o r d Ge-rpme went iuu Lean only reeomtnttamptLj to you to follow onj j hcueaftijr what milaquo)it liave Ijeen-called ilie Diamond Rule 1mdashmind your own bus iness bullbull

After all Ber tha went to the picnic and in Mr ( Je rome s bultjrjv behind his bay t ro t te r and best ot aa far and away as his be t ro thed wife

TelJ-Tale Lines and Shapes T h e pnne i | aV lines of ^ the h a n d a re

easilv remenbered T h e life line which - i -uns a round the base o i t i i e t h u m b the line of the head which be-t ius a lo tv^ tde of thnltnft otlift (gofintf-

raquo ^


kr _biej3de ha i t a n d heavenly blue eyes and


Mtv-Frank G e r o i n c t h f l h a n d s o h i e y b u n g engineer who had come to Westva le t a atXcind ^Qjnittir^- in the ruaehinety i n

tiie jrreat ii^b^k o t m i l l s recci i t ly erectshyed thoughtHer the love)iet c r ea tu re J )laquo

bull h^deyerseen N i n | i i -raquo lifcy^and paArtiu- larly this evenifrgt as h e went iKome~ w 141frac34]to the picturiasque old fajpmfchoos^

~ u l ie re he waa tcmpb^ftr i ly j i v i n --


Dld i)5 show jit to ygttt - bull bull bull bull - Slijirhtlv discomiited Mis tettrnfr-thc cwrls trrtntp O M ofVe _lcudeF - - ^ ^ - y g t n o f t o be - r o t r w d r ^ - n hand t h a t s appor t ed her head as she [ - l ( N o j l f v t ter about tha t It iaenouffh

TiiuseU and dreamed - t f^^feourse^- I -aEa-not in-love Witii liim ^ sne- thought feeling t l ^ w a r m bloodflush to he r very bullfcmpleslat the word -I lgtave only known h ima moot$h I w o n d e r -if h i reallycujrcs so m u c h w h e t h e r or not I g o t o the p i c n i c -

She was a fa i r^ i i t le gir i with br ight

B e r t h a said Good lt m o o i n g Mrs Cpawfortl You wil l have to e x c u s e m e 1 a m r a t h e r in a hur ry bull

A n d when Mjs Crawford was gone she locked her door and sat down and cried unt i l hep^sveet-faQQ Rooked like a d r e n c h e d flpwer bull __

bullAnd _thoulaquofht^he was soTrue fco

a n d

rs Cornel ia bull whosej^Barjordomo waX -~^ Crawford ^mdash^LL^or-Bel^vt^Fftvvtor4Xnil I J^ r tha D e m -

orest were-both gtvjymen_ b u t t h e r e all ~- anatomy ceasampd^BerthaAvas s ^ c n t e e n

bulljtfs forty^ Ber tha wa^Jresh-aidraquonV-=riJuvne_ia^fadetli_rid

evigt11in_ Mr Geroine1

laa a n d a widow

LLAvrTeliirlUfu A^^C raw ford gaily said-as lie came u p

bullCIlV ste])^ ______ )bull Hssetitct

g r a n i L ^ o good sbe- sob bed i l 0 h n o ^ c o u l d hemdashhow^could he deceive wpoundso w i c k e d l y ^ ^ bull

bull_ M i s s ^ e m o r e ^ t was not at thV picnic t h a t daV and F r a n k Gerome -searched abjOuttluj grounds unt i l it AVUS qui te too i n t c for any possitnlity of h e r bullarr iya-r a n d theri went tosee w h a t h a d e h a n g e d her resolut ion of the iriylit before and j fo^irtd her f a k i n g very Cold and vvliite a n d loveJy as ^hQ^sat^ftlbne- on the ter-ijacev _ ___j

^ Be r tha he exclafmed eproadhful- ley you^ promised me -faithfully y o u w o u l d b e a t t h e picnic -and I J indv-you

t imes jo in ing I t ) and cn)laquosing the TOid-dle of the palm and the line of t he hear t w h i c h goes from one side of the h a n d to t h e o ther at t he base of tiie l ingers If the lin^s of l ife is of a rudtLy^ color bull l bng and unbrokea extet idlng nearly- or qui te down t o t h e wrist line it foretells-good heal th and long life if

j j t be b r o k e n in any poin t it denotes selt-verebdquo s ickness if short e a r l y dea th if | double H shows r e m a r k a b l e s t r eng th and vital i ty The linens eacircl ing the wristi numbertlie^earlfOf i i fe -oue line m a r k i n g th i r ty-years - bullbullipound--__laquoliai^aci^

the l ine of life it denotes loss-of-an eye--or b l i ndnes s anj each cross or knot means sorne-misfortune or tiifiicuTty g r e a t or smalL__acc_)rding to the^ i^e of| the aiiark TIK little l ines a re the lesser cares and t roubles W a v y l i n e s in the ends of the lingertrade or elscwherje fore- tel l dea th by drbwuiug A crejjcejjtf shaped m a r k below the little f inger and below the line of the heart denotes-in-

^si 141 ty AMvell (hlined-s-hort 1 ine j0in-i cg the life line indicatesmaVrkigL- If no such line a p p e a r s Jhe person will re iya in s ingle un l e s s there be a s h o r t l ine 0frac34lines on the side of the hand be-low^inie bull l i t t l e iingeiv as these al^gt de--tf_^5tt^-num-ber~or tiinus niarrLHd-rThe hues ex tend ing thgtwn-betwieti the-third orrThs^ihiger and -tlie jhvttle-linger toljie l ine of the heart number the loves ofgta iifatip-iH If but a winirle line is visible

The Squatter s Daughter -raquo^__(rin a n t H o o k n t y e r s a d d l e said

the s q u a t t e r s daughter as a m a n stopshyped at tlie fence T h e man who had been several weeks in ilie neighborhood and w h o bad become so well acquain t shyed with the girl tha t her handsome iaCi was ever before hiru advanced to where-she wvs si t t ing and H n g c i n g r y shook tiie hand which she extended him - raquo

H o w are you E m i l y F u s t r a te never felt better nor had

l e s s - Wheies a l H 4 i e - M k s

Sca t t e r ed D a d s goee to tho still-house m a i n s gone to a quj l t in Bob s lyiu r o u n l o o s e somewhar and Dick s d runk I speckT

Kmil said the visitor seat ing himself in the doorway d o n t ydeg_ k n o w tha t dressed in any th ing l ike a stylish way you would be one of the hundsurnest g i r i s i ever aaw

pmui OOD-DmB OT_ mada from Miectad UJ en iA0 raquolaquo-raquohore toy CASWELL HAZAKD 4 Co t York It la -baolately pure and iweet PaUeqU w _laquovlaquo once taken It prefer It to all othera Phyildana bare-aeoldetf it tuperlor to any of the other onsto aiw_copyU v L

OHAFPin HANIgt8KAC PjMPL_eKanltJ roughHktn cared by ullraquoi_ JUMPEK TAH SOAP made by CA8-wml MAZXtiD A (Vl New York

= mdash lt - i -lt Tyi-rry-iaM

bull laquo


^ -


W a l l Lor I h a d n t thought about it

you like to wear fine W o u l d n t d r e s se s -

f - - vow youreshmttingtbull A n d have r good e d u c a t i o n I dontl^ere so rtiuch about the bull ed-

dycat ion cause lira sor ter spiciouij J bout Iwwk senseJ Keal old hossect sense is the kjnd to havlt an ef it pe r son s g o t the boss sense he dojTt need the book la rb in an^ ef he h a i n f ^o t tl^e boss sense he can t t ake book l a rn in Jo


FOR PAIN lii-vus and cure)


Sciatica Lumbago n u u t i H E



gt P laquo | X raquo I _ Soreness Cuts Bruises


And allotlior igto_llj_c_e_ and |gtnhis

FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE wold by a DniKglto arvl

I^iilcn lJlrlaquoctiltgttraquofi lu 11

The Charles A Vo^eler Co (SucfMcun 10 _ VIKJKU-It kCQ)

lUUlautrt laquoiiC _ A

lt_KK a raquoelaquok in your own townT^Terma and I-outfit Q deg free AddreM^HallettaCoPortlaadMata _ _ - _ bull WAJVTJBlt-Or to Beat and Fraquolaquotelaquot |ae lnng Pictorial Books and Bible Pi reduced 33 tgtr claquont NA PtTBLxaHiwa Co_ Philadelphia Pgt

he re Wiry did youmdash - - - - M y n a m e is Mis D e m o res tJ

f-said haught i ly bullbull bull GeTomoiJTtrhhlim

Miss D e m o r e s V


a tting ilaquod ihat is d e e p and clear tife person

arid wapmlv^

A n d t l i e n Mrgt Crawford edged iier-Silf a little t(K one s ide

Woii uyou -it down atul enjoy the TtToti 1 ig 11a-4ti44u- wl_uj_pound___ampi_e a sked

peVsyasively ---^- ^ T h a u L s 1)L^IH1 I atn L i a h u r -

IV - M

Anri HatiuV dis^ntisiivil wi th tho J i -v-- tlifftMgtfHt~^U4^~___) j gtiL__Uiltif^t_at^_so-

e i abU iy M rgt Cra w f 1 lt urned IpT att- ^ J i e r n t iHMsboanlc-to wj gt -wns s i t t i n g

inside the w indow -T =^ bull j 1 suiraquopns(hfri)wKM-s a ci_ar i n n i 5

- -TTrn nTTTrrrrtorthebull^weietSuf ludieSy^ -he-remavUfd - bull lt - bull

But m a v b e l i e isin a- hur ry to oo pp =ltbulllt- ttpiihii Deui0rest T h e v s a y he is makin i j up to h e r bull- t

_4ertha Demores t -echoed_gtjlrs Crawford scornfully gt^VTiy _he4s

m e r e child with eHow hai r arid g r e a t big blue eyes Nobody could see anyshyt h i n g in he r to a d m i r e s bull

___-iWell you kuDWthere ltrifo aucoutit-ing for tas te W h a t I say is only what-

TTieard a n d I liave h e a r d t they a re

better- it it- bleases y5if

lie ci_id-vith 11haft smile at whargt4ie believed ugt be a display of cirl tshMi^nitv wlfv did YOU deceive5

me so 3 V

V h V l i V e i deee ived-you Ber-

-1fP laquo N me

will lov- faithfully arid wapmlyr A Ion2 and wei l -d^ t ined lino of- the head-promises lutci-hc iral igtowltr but it-may lw too longest ifitextehd ltjuite to the edge of thq haint iti-adicatt s too much calculat ion cr j fu nleanness I t should eud inurer lire -tliird tinker o r - t h e r e shya b o u t If itigt forked or do 11frac34e lowyd

_tlua_-_l_d-iJ derri (bull gtt itpeeptiTrrr^int iimt4tie-- dealwig thou^ii- ill

good ii ix_av ihtan

sense any rfreat s h a k e s bull

bullbullYou bullafce--m-istaken Iwtlucation -taie_ complishes wonders and without our g r e a t colleges a n d schools r_thi_ -entity vounjry would soori be worse than^- It wiis when h rs t d iscovered bull -

4raquoI--know jes wha t I m e r ta lk in about^ she replied an t ha r a in t no u s e n t r y i n ter t a lk book la rn in ajgin me case I se got the Aggers A mighty eddycated feller come to see me fur a long-time- art folks lowed wed mar -bullry an I r e c z i n wC would ef it h a d n t e r beenlgthat n i s eddyca t ion proved to be a fai lure One day at a log ro l l i n Tony Diver the t u n t of the ne ighbor-hbo(lvrter-iieiritf my eddycated m a d blow-a pbwerfuKcbance wen t up to M r o ^ t r ^ n i t k - ^ ^ ^Look - a hear- e ap b i ^-Cfuve been- tarkin bou t your e d d y c a - ] tion for some timeV now I w a n t to _how

i y o u t h a t it don t amoun t to n o t i n h ^ a V tellih1 the smar t mftnto cut his yeapers Tony grabbed him T h e raquo scuffled

pound 5 in C 9 0 Ugt day a Umnie bauple worth |5 free 3 W _U Addreaa Btlnaon 4 Co PortJandMaipa YOIIMR MPMl^rc TBLXGHHPY here and we will bull uu r sH t rraquo_iTH TouMltnatlon circulars free

Is TAI_ErTtXl-1 $7frac34 raquo week 1_ a day at honaeeaatly made Coatly bull ontfltfree Addreaa TrneAgtCoAmru-taMatne

CANCER A P p a U l Y e C o r e ICo jKnlW X o P l i M t e r N o P a i n Or WC Payne Marraquoh_llto-_ Iowa

PLACE to secure a Business Edshyucation or Spencerian Penmanshyship Is-at the SPBveKl t tAN BUSINESS roULBOE Oetrelt Mich Circulars free

Or LpFlkuS FftyUMMQUampUiCHC VIGOR Growl _ fcgt_u_ oatbe laquomoot_rlaquol f_oj in 10dayor money rafaoded Merer f-IU Sebtea receipt of 50e bullU-Dplaquo orillycr S praquoct_jlaquo_ for|l Beirut of cheap lmluUioni _c_laquo other g_minlaquo Blaquond foreArcnlar Addma 1 W SAXKbox laquo W_r_iwX_d P 8 A

F ALt-^A-mjScitct tor of PatentWaihlngton D C f i r S e n d for Circular__B

upon vaawB Bgt

IXJ joirwjaft to obtain good and falid PattMQts then wTtte to or call I upon T B U 8 S S F B A a i K amp

S O N 37 WeetCon-1 _ eae St Detroit Mich Atiorney

Patent Causes Established i years Send for pamphlet

a i o n

auu - ex

KM WlsC nMiiereti-

ceHC^ ltlaquo bull fvltrv slrort bullbullff o d - i m i ^ s

iiyU-gt md faint

Wlliu i l l s - l ine is-

if tlw iitu-ltltt laquobull1 l ie-heai bullloji_

engaged or next door to i t Ht-of bull iti-^-Mt-a--mdash I don t believe a-word

Crawford said encrgetically T h a t i- as y o u please B u t -whether o r not Mrs Crawford be-

l ieved- the rumor the t i d ings aqnpyed mdashJ bull - bull S - T i bull bull W mdash l mdash J mdash bull _ he r and-when Mr G e r o m e liao___gone

o u t l a t e r she wen t ups ta i rs ostensibly in gthor c h a r a c t e r ~of boarding-Unu_io keeper to see tha t Mr Gerome was

I d o n t miders iaml wj ja tyoun iea f i 1 mi ark ably

diSicnIt of cq-tiipielirnsibn Howcyer

ly as possible--bull M r e r 6 u i e why have you n ever spoken to nie about Your

w i f e - bull - bull bull - bull - -

-^ -^ -^or - J^Y^JXS 0 0 ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ ^ w o u l d n t be a p t to r speak ubon t w h a t I h a v e n t gqt - v

bull ^ Younro tqlhtig me vdeliber-Ue false-T hood3flaquoiiv are a -marr ied m a n a n d you

have bttcn-playing a tr__ich_xoi_s_pa__t l this whileT

gt- A mar r i ed man he said his voicq thrilliikef with incredukiusnes s bull yoivi-a re t a l k i n g in c o n u n d r u m s I am not a m a r i e d man and I have been play-ing-QQ t r eache rous partmdashto you least- of all Ber tha m y l i t t le go lden-ha i red d a r l i n g

And thoTi wlmt did B e r t h a d o b u t begin to c r y in the ~mp_r l iudtghi t led fashion - - -

bull T h e n wha t did M r s r ^ ^ a w f o r d l m e a n she d e m a n d e d - bull

- mdash G e r o m e set his lipo t igh t ly toge ther

-exii4id- ilteiovrthe first and

wj IroVn tl7ltbull eltLe 01- the i iaut l iu le l inger lib iiei-een tiie fluidinl trn_tis it iddil-ale- r i^adect ion-ae dgtpo- i t ion t and iwjso prouisjlaquo^ weU

aroun aWhiIe and tin_ill ony ilxmg Hrm Tony don t know ^ l e t t e r in the book an when it was diskivered t h a t the fellows eddycaj ibn d idn t a m o u n t to-anythin pap)hd_comc home an sez Emi ly thatsnuVrt man - o yourn was flungdown j e s now bv Tony Diver Ef yer m arrgtdtim I l l d rive ye r from u n-tleF myy roof aTiT y o crgtfvp1 r T^ome bitclr

Pap s l no m6-Urtr^TOYself- twav

T a in t a goinbdquoter

ior tiie happnesgtof bulltfu-pa- bullisnr If it head 7JTTTTs~dlfwT] gthot liKyiArra the

Hue it shows t1iU atV--W^ii uiu-t be iiumled upon _tc^_ei_L_ mdasht H if_i_l_u gtni-U lnu- _fo -^rliwartl loyts bull ]gtis-iioli WitJ-fVi -Une^ot l i i gt hl oUrl l i d r i i p U But- judgment must not

_ I t uippily vitli me Look a here ff Gabc Jqhwspn knowshy

ed J__t_yer was er talking to me tha t Kr wuy he dvlia w yer hiuin^T

What are you engaged to him I t hits me tha t e r way-

bull- Ibullbullbullnrnrst- say that I J don t h e s mdash


- --Emtlv dlti vou thiniv tha t YOU bullCOUld l-l slloltfS S t U p i d i t y j T j ^ u_- j 0

DBvALLDfeAIJER^Tiwi9uoHo_TTr_r_WORLD ___ 1 mdash~-__aa7a]

auv one ^-1 raquoeara-Ki-laquoor lm as - t l i e r ireiTii


e mlt je a

heat f ituiiisistency ie fornietl from

of t-ive hand tiit)_-- l o iraquoe consid-

thinX ____________bdquo ^ v

Hole on rigiit thar DlTtnt l i c^vul j r the p reacher at Dry Fork totlgter day a n iii i ln t IHL 1 bullcounty judge Yer can t j_et liere an t a l k abou t a m a n with stfeh compl ish ments Get on that boss- an m o s e y mdashArkunsirnT-^Trtrster 1-


Wx should oo_to tlie eft and eiviet-bulllv fY)i- ouosrieiu1- loyes vnd misfor-tVnes iiui-l in -iiie r ight for whatever pertaii ts - to heaitu ai^i ienirtlaquoiiot days All lines gteuee---ot

i f tne


- Monpy^Withput Iiirt^lhc The niprtil power moiievwields apar t

from cht_raeter l iberality intelliirencel and the other qualities esent i r r tb t ruc

imi ieii-wiuL ltivgtn _oat(h6od is of but relatiye value and mil ui iU - j^ 4^H i^W 4sUii4ignil ica i i t except wiien t rue worth

and h igh t ra i t s of c i i a rac te r aceompany i t W e have instances of this f ac t i n our o w n time which show tha t almost uncoh_cioirsly the popula r opinion measures a m a n by some higher and -rrrore durab le s t anda rd than the money

a i tvU)utdt_ thar l

w e l l supnlfe_mt__towels and M i l l vrr Ht-


ter bu t really_tapiOApect abou t a tie

She never looked^flt)r the g^pd for

M t u n e tha t befell her Sha hati ^ thought it jus t possible t l iat Mr Geromc migh t h a v e wr i t t en or received A love-letter and possltrhjr-laid the to rn 7ragmonti conven ien t ly in his was te -baske t -

B u t i t w a s no t sc rapsmdashit w a s an open le t te rmdashyes ac tua l ly an open let ter on t h e table the envelope addressed to Mr F r a n k Gerome a n d tho shee t beginning M v dea r F r a n k mdash r a y deares t hus-


A h Mrs Crawford has hpounden ta lk ing h a s she W h a t did she s a y - T h a t you-wefr-e-inarried

B h P Ul-Kt lmV l l t V T 7 y h n t w p q n _raquo-_- _ _ _ _ _

- gt _ i __ bull

As if every musc le in her body wits suddenly clrimged to i ron Mrs Craws-ford became straightTTrad r ig id in an inshys tan t

4 0 h m y sluj__jja^spcd D o n t let rnSJTTdge my fcllo-w-creatnresjtoo r a sh - -lymdashtret i_re-4ook a t t h e s i g n a t u t o mdash 0 h d e a r l oh ity ^___eiouaL_iiJt ac tua l ly i s n t Y o u r own loving wife Ju l i e Oh h o w faint it m a k e s m e T o t h i n k - - t o th ink -ho is a mar r i ed m a n

^~_A_nmvlh1ftri1-fnl-lram I UCTCT encotrr-a g e d his sinful a t t en t ions Well Bershyt h a Demores t will have her own boldshyness to t h a n k for this I a lways knew

- t h a t girl would come to h a r m with he r mou th a lways on a b road laugh for n o t h i n g in t he world b u t f b ~ show her tee th jjist because they h a p p e n to bo white and regularmdashfalse teeth like as not

- _ _tY__jj__J_L_j_n^ _poundIVJL r-^-my painful du ty but Cornel ia ( s raw-ford nevit yet-siu-wTklroni d u t y

^ Ah it pltKir liiile Bcrtjia Diunorest s sk in had been less l ike a rose-neUtl her eyes less lovely blue bull Mr Crawtord ce r t a in ly would not hiiyc t aken such f c rwt iv -p fe i s t t ve _iu ]gterfo4iuiag - heir pakrful d u t y

raquopTteaiid i l l -na tu re r i Ge rome exc la im cd ang r i l y I shall not a l low her tongue to w a g after this fashion Be r tha will

)ou walk down there witii m e As a consequence of this invi ta t ion

Mrs Crawford yas cons iderab ly star t-l ed by the a p p e a r a n c e of Mr G e r o m e

qua l i t y - yen

line-mdashm--mdashtiie existence of tiie upn^Ue-tpiality For ins tance a pfwe wjjieline ot the heart indica tes co ldness or even eruidty W i i v n the lines of the left hand -a re clearest and tuddiest its pos- stsor resembles his mother Int-Umen

traquorrYaml phy^ieallymdash^mdashbull- r In the prac t ice of the ar t of pahli i t ry

edge (-Iphysiognomy uraquo oi ge t - indeed t h e lwo sci-

land ju hand one supple-TOinrting the other This is why ihe

Beat In the W o r l d G e t the i cena lne I T ery p a c k a g e haa o a r T r a d e - m a r k and is

Hi - i rked _____tgta ISOLD KVEKYWHjhn^C _KTt _ -0_ _Mi511T l l

i-yintf Straeoa _LSgtNKSS Xjjnyassir^mdash--

_etroit is the plutst largcati-

r os- qioroughand practical has he _n__t able and experienced teachers finest rooms aud better acilitn ever -ay than any tMher ubinesa coll-pe in Michigan Ask r graduates and thebusineistrenol

etroitj-aiiit our School Call or send for Circulars S_ert__-K_ bf bullgt Pr-Ctlc-lR-iJurtrr-

and Miss Demorest as she sat d a r n i n g inen in the d in ing room

a n d secretly bewai l ing t h a t n o one had m v i t e d h e r to the picnic

M r s C rawfo rd G e r o m e said ab-Btiptly as he en te red the room w h a t is this s tory y o u have been te l l ing Miss

T)embTesTlaquobmit m e I told Miss Demores t no s tory I

to ld her only the t r u t h bull W h a t is the t r u t h then Suppose

youtell me X-_a_-y__ire a m a r r i e d man a vil-

shrewd for tune toiler scans the face alshymost more closely than the hand of the pat fon A lew set rules in regard to the feat o r e s - a n d cITaracteri^ics ot~the humih face may well be added in this-connection

And first ofalT t i r c sou l dwells in the

h e m a y possess or may have accumu gated This is the case where the repu t a t i o n ^ f ^ ^ laquo who arc held Hn high es



bull01 - CorQ-rT-af l^^ P - ^ - ^ 3 te

A l e t t e r d i rec ted to m e A le t te r addrtwsed to M i F r a n k Ge-

t r o m e gt _nd then Mr G e r o m e l a u g h e d hear t -

ilv4iile his lip cu r l ed wi th a imeeTi expression1

Exactly But there a rc morp F r a n k Gcron ies than one in the wor ld for in-s ianee vjv tin bro ther F rankfor t to wJiouKthat le t ter was written by his trwrr vgtffrrrmdashr-r - bullbullmdash

1os^Hdy it you had inken ihetroub--lo to r ead t he whole ins tead of -X p a r t rrf whi t was not in tended lor your eyes Aou would Itave seetvlhat the lettef^vas

to vcad solely because

eye anil tiie ability to miders la i id i l a n g u a g e -is inborn- in most-people withshyo u t h a v i n g to study it but t few word i n r e g a r d to it m a y not be amiss Very qu-iet eyes that impress and embar rass one with their g rea t repose signify self-

c o m m a n d but also great complacency Eves that rove hither and

bullWtherX-hilV 11 eir possessor s p e a k s U - 4 ^ raquo ^ 1 - ^ ^ v 0 ^ n j ^ ^ 11 d v i o - n i n g m i n d Eve f m e n t i o n e ^ Thei r acts iind opinions laquo note a deceitful in whicht l ie white has aye l lowish t inge anltl is s t reaked with- reddish veins deshy

l-note s t r ong passions T e r v b l u e eyes - bull i bull i

toeiu is also based- upon we^ilth The -ma-- ___ i n w l i i e h J i is gained tire use tp -whicii-it isput1 s tamp- tiiemselves upon the publ ic j udgmen t and mak^ an im-prDSsionjtvhicS cannot Well be oblitershyated T a k e for instance such men as Gould and Vanderb i l t in comparison with George Peabodv or Pe te r Cooper bullijr-rcat wealth and the useto whfch they pu t i t have given them their fame ~Th-tel lectual ly no one of themwould ever bull-ravemdashbeeu kupwa outside of his own immedia te sphere The first two far surpass the o t h e r s i n wealth and the power they can exer t m the business opera t ions of t^he-wprld Thcv can make o r r u ih the fortunes of thousands of lel-low-men by the caprices of specula t ion But how much mora l power -do they

l a s t are

WO_-~i-53XT TOUTfGt OB Ol_0


_H6V_D t-f6STl_SpgtjJT lf SOLD raquoT ___ Da-ocjir

mdash Te-tlmo-l_iraquo fnrnii-ed Oar P_mphlrt on

Diseases of Women and CMl^ren -laquolt-sr_fraquo VTrer wonuui -MT 15 y^raHsrafMP-6--ly 1 MoUier __o_id re it A_t_-_a ^ bull -

JT PENQELLYA-CO-vKalamaae^ Mich j-T All Wtter- m-rklaquo_ vritat _ro read fey Dr P_-_-_3 ltgtlaquoraquoraquo

sen t on for me -nr -

posit ion Of t h e nosemdashA R o m a n nose denotes

a n en te rpr i s ing business-l ike cha rac te r a long^nose is a sign of g^ood sense a perfect ly s t r a igh t pose indicates a pure arid -noble souUUtdess the eyes cont rashydic t i t a mz fttrcntsse signifies a spir i t of niischicfcwit and dash a l a rgo nose gene ra l l y i n d i c a t e s a g o o i ^ - m i u d and hea r t avery smal l nose good n a t u r e but a l ack of energy ^

mdash7 t he seaside H e r e waiter^

keeper says cheerful ly as he si economica l guest I g i a - s s we l l have to gUe-this l ient lemau tha t n ice room

hotcl-up the

of no mora l force in the ciTml_iTmlty The i r wealth cont r ibutes no th ing to the fund of t rue gyeatriess No t so with wea l th used as in the case of t h e othet examples quoted The t r ue fame thusj a t t a ined is more las t ing and more enshyviable To the ambi t ious -who seek

p wea l th and fame a i d toil to have tlumij name- l ive after t hem the lessons of the] t r u e power of weal th should hot be unshyheeded mdashBoston Courier

A Polish for Pine Carved Work 1 Half-pint l inseed oil half-pint of o ld ale t h e white of auegg 1 oz spTiTtsofi wine 1 v spiri ts of sal ts ywvll shake licfojEC using A little to be appl ied to

t h e faceof a soft l i nen pad and tightly r_l__]___Lfi+_IiJ_iiili_4_X U-_o _ (Tiver the ar t ic le to 4K- -restoiTd wliieTi AittsFater

mdash bull bull - i bullgt vS ward be polislied otl with tin O l 41k handkerchiVfl iiis will keep any Ungth of t ime if -iti^i-^ork-Hl Tiiis iVii^h is useful for iTeTIcTite cabinet Work i t r s

m a t he Mit on for me to yoad solely oecause ui g-raquobullbullnun ^_inraquo--i_raquo - mdash bdquo ----u - s i s t c i - i u law Julio_ a l lude play- -in ih ivamicx __lraquoigtYbdquohraquoUto 7-^ on the i |alj^_iccoi)M)K ttidcd tor iyper llv iuits pa_w^4^rihc los-iof--TUauk-tifih___kOA b a c k _ work bull ^ bull ]TT bull-


Positive Telief^nd immuni- -ty lVom complexional blemshyishes maybe found in Hasans Magnolia Balm - A delicate and harmless article Solpound by dmggists ever5^vhere

It imparte the most brilshyliant and life-like tints and the closest scrntin^ cannot detect its nse JLlfunsightly

IDJscolorations -Ernptions Mfamp Marksnnder the eyes S^wness Kedness Roiigh

amps and the flush of fatl_jno an d excitementare at once oilje-ie^ hy the Magnoliamdash raquofm bull vi_

It Js the one incomparable Cosmetic ____ -^ -


-_- -i-x


- i

Y i

A gtj

iampjmmu+mdashraquoigt- raquos-v bullbull -MTWili ilaquotraquoW gti mdash hi j raquo M raquo fv -(- -q4 JUlaquo V

laquo bull

-r bullr-Vr

f^- tf

f T PtWilVMW 1 raquobullraquo


i t





Sherman is strongly talked of as the n e x t R e p u b l i c a n candidate for flic

- JUrwwd^y W T has the ability to conduct a campaign i

The papers conhiin reports of a new conspiracy of American ami Irish ltiy nam iters Tle British authorit ies a re nervous J notwithstanding tht4r vaunted courage

ltraquoov Begolc is busied just now with explanations a- to his di^-posit-km-of his sons estate and pays little a t tent ion to politics All the same he _will keep posted agtrto tlie date of the next con-vention

A man-ea t ing shark 12 feet long was caught iri New Yftrk Hay recentshyly and the enterprising angler now hrs the monster on exhibition Its a cold

I gtraquogt T-Jvi

- h bull r

clay when TJicTankee canT~Hnd a new dodge to make money



Ben Butler will probably be the next Democratic candidate for Governor in Massachusetts Bens otlicial salary bullcoupled with his exhorhitant law fees will soon enable him to retire and ive some bodv el]lte n chance

1 Detroit s nyw- evening paper the J o u r n a l appeared last Saturday It is a bright new$y sheet independent

in-|gtolit4c-s-antl will no doubt crer te a n e w field in evening journal ism in J)etroit I t claims 20000 circulation


The postoffice departmentTfasTeeent-ly made a new orde that registered -letters must contiiin in Their address the name of t h e county as well as the c i t v a n d State to which they go The new rate of postage begins Ocshytober 1

ThePreTftrinitial party are enjoying bull themselves as only well-fed and conshy

tented officials know how The Pres-bull_ i d e n t l s said- to be tanned and -enf irely

tised up by the exposUie^ Ife will probably appreciate the cushions ia t t ie White Honss chair when next h e

Although Hon John C New assistshyan t secretary of the treasury will neishyther affirm n o r deny the report that he will resign on Secretary Fulgers return it is believed lie will do so at an early Mnienn order to better look after hisnewspaper and otneY ^private tiv-Icresfs He will a t least re turn to Indianapolis tor a time after Secretary folder re turns to Washington He is very popular and there is no t ru th in the rumor that unpleasant relations exist between him and the secretary

Some eastern merchants and stock operators who were not pleased with flic wayin whuih-ilu Wttorn Inion Company transacted its business durshyi n g the late strike brought suit for damage- against the W I Company before bull lodge Lawrence and won the suit and the New York- World ridicules the Judge s decision that a teleshygraph company is a common carrier and that i ts rates inay therefore he regulated b^y--congress The -Woftd pointedly retmirks tha t the Western-Inion is jnorv likely to regulate Con-gress than Congress is to regula te the Western tTuon If lav O o u h t l v o r o still editor of the World this might be regarded as a senii-atlicial announce-lUCNt -

The knigts templer are ^returning from SanFraut isco hut alas no laurels bring theyhome to Detroit- who e r4 -whiie performed deeds oibull might and eidut^irms (it higli import at the Cleve-landvfmclave The De Molay com- mandery of-Louisville has w o n t h e prizein the great cake walk a t the Golden Gafce and are nniking a slow j but t r iuninpant progress homewarb-j prouder than all the paladin aiid much more gorgeously ha-dited Where Ue now tlie- invincible heroesof the Mich-igan eonfm-a-mlmv-By our hal ldom

and by the beard of Godfrey de Bouil-ion odds hodikins and marry come up and by all the pretty oaths which sipiir-1 or kuiglit couM j- w-frt-f-r we shouliTlTaVTuther accounts Snpreme

UJbis tines

thoritios and8unda^ -raquo+tfkta postal was received s ta t ing that a man answering to- Hamptons description had been captured not in Lapeer as a Detroit eveningpaperaverred hut in Flint Sheriff Vallace and landlord Stone imniediattdy went on to Fliiit HUtb ttirtrtitinl t i t f t r -pr i^ t t r r H e i s now luld lor trial

Mrs Th7VTITn M l ^ ^ l n l v ^ i I t v iisenue aged H yctrgt died of a conshygestive chill at In r home Saturday niglu The fureral talicspiace to-day from Hu house Mrs Hill was an old settler and has livedtor many years on the banks of the II uron

F O X 1 IE i V11A At _r

I-rom tin IU fiw t _

Mr Fred Ives and family departed for Marshal on Monday where they Vjill take their future residence

Mr (k L iMsherJiiis-reiited the enshytire ground floor of the lt hicra Hougte b|()ckand will till it in the near future wijh a largestock of furniture The lartition between the two stories will partit ion nerween rne two

be removed and throwtfti

sees them

bullbullbull Toledo 0 is a citv of over 50() bullgtgt-loons notwithstanding the t a x - o T ^ W

vacli ini|gtosed uplaquo^lri^fekraquo^ planr by theScott laweniir-ted at the histlegisshylature Under this law the sahxns ot Ol^o are taxed upward of S2000000 w4)u-tt is qi-ti-terf relief to t he taxpav rs ofthat State

mdash De Lesseps Panama canal seems to have been forgot ten in the n e w s of t l |e

rday The people of to-day are over ready to forget-ojtie tli^me and take up with another Xo sooner is public a t shytent ion attached to one subject than if is directed in another channel bv tin1

hrsfninprobahle thing-t hat is mention-ed -

Knuuent Grajid WlTatyuucallem Sii i-lugliXbiCurdyLto llie rescue _ Om blagtt from your riant and eloquent lraquou-gle aud-ffhe WiiiR=gr wTttiigai-n-^priiig

jind flash their swnrds-to their foatliej in air till the 1-ight thereof shall dazie -p+^+Hty out of countehahce-News

lTtrroniMVHyrn g iving i)iie of-tin largest and rooms in Livigston county

Geo(Tastem has obtained a patent upon a set light durable and strong whifftetrees trhd evenerTbeing made eutirelv ljL~wrought iron rods He sohf-n ha i fwt^ res t in thesamjctoH H iMifee a n d thetirm are ge t t ing ready to push the sale of the same

I)FXTIR From tlngt Ligtul(T

Coniiely it iix of Adrian are putshyting ip a maguifieent lnonimunt in the Catholic Cemetery for a Mr Shan-ahan of the town id Lypndon This tlW4 small head and toot stone and handsome galvanized iron fence cost the nice sum of pound700 -

raquo s bull

The carpenter work on Win Glenns new house a t North Lake is completshyed and doe Keese is now engaged ill pu t t ing oil the finishing touches - -The house is a nice otic and reflects credit on its builder ITii^vTiiTIogg copy

Doi^ got among James Lucas sheep last Sunday night ami raised the dickem Tltey killed and inainuvl a-hnttt thirty-five Mf -Lucas wit obliged t-0 kill some -of-the wounded-ones and they together with those the bulllog killiMl made 20 deul sheep tor one night s work e nhder-staiid two of tlu7 diigs were caught and kllled~-ahd that their owners propose tomake the inss good peimdashreqircst-of- Mr hn^is 1C Heeve also had 10 sheep killed









fast 1 nda night by-dogs-

poundpound9 HOTCL


bullpoundpoundlaquoM SIlilHSlWHfflSIS

Sis|laquoS fraquoS|fe|jlaquoil ||ilaquoiWlls||amp|iMi



Cor CongresB and Bate^ts

DETROIT MICH ttraquotltgt8 $1 to $1 25 per day Single

nit-Hi^ W cttfts Lod^in^raquo Mgt to S)c ^^ imiklaquo h Bptciulty of dinner and

iti alwaysfeadyatil ocloclcshariJ Come early utid he served proT lv raquo ^ ^ ^

ra i l road ilt iicing t ion as rajiidlv a

T h e ( I r a n d T rui ik I^nckney -s-new pushed to coiuple-cireunistavices will

permit A sink-bole was (U^eount red ^wraquoTiifa wliiili walt lto hyvge thal^ lU-u

ut all the leent to tHf

gradeis were obliged t(gt timber for several rods ai thebreach W i t h such obstacles m tlie way-of construction is it any w^oii-

(iTFis hot heing_nearid


S O T T I I ^ L Y O X From tin Pii kit mdash - mdash - - mdash -^---7-

A round-house whieh~Trill inrnmn-dat(gt twoamgines has been built bv the ( I near


The turn tal

NVeatherhead has one buildshying up and enclosed on 14^ lots near the dtpol and the iouudation laid for anorher ~~~ bull

der that compTetl as rapidly as was wl

anlicipated Those oare impatient to see the-work of


England continues to -ship large bulliiiimb6rs of her pauper victims of tr e t rade to this country ami the authorshyities at OasAle Garden either connot or

--mlKii(raquot Tdfr-anvt-hiHg more rigHmFFF than simply to remonstrate against f lc outrageous procmxling 15ritaiiis_boa-t t ha t t-ke sun-4ie-er ^ets rn her mttjesv-gt-domain and still wire has no room or

^1 v

inelination t o take care of her own paupers -

Oscar Wilde hot satisfied with beshying the Original o f the geni dude ami

^ inaugura t ing the c raze fopound_i4in-flowers as buttonhole bouijuets has writ ten a p lay ca l led Vjera which bullmetwith as cold a reception- as did Oscar himself The New York papers at its first production commented unshyfavorably rpon it and thus prejudiced otherjaeople against it and poor Os-ltcar-was obliged to cancel the dates jand wi thdraw the play f rom-the s tage

construction completed will ponder on the amount of capital necessary to reach-

do Well to abor find this end

oti must not expectto laquo-ee t rains run--nitijg over the line as soda as track-layiug is finished or you will be sadly disappointid It takes time to build and equip railroads and the G T will lie in operation in due time

The Grand Trunk company nas purshychased a s t r ip of land of Monroe-bun-lap on the east side of the railroad eight rodswideand running the whole length of his farm and containing eight acres paying therefor ^1laquogt00-

Geo Hudson the boy wild fornTTrtv c l eaned t he L A A S G T cars nt this placewas run over by a train at Ann Arbor Saturday and had a leg smashedmdasha-Wv-e the knee The sur-

OUR NEIGHBORS S T 0 C K T 4 R H 4 lt ^ E ^ - -

Prom the SoutjiieU

Alex Tfcyier is hack from the far w-est-- looking d-(cide+ healthy and h a p p y r

(bullontractor lirooks was here Tuesday and says the cars shall run by the first of Nov or sooner

_ Oliver Ayraul-t was kicked in his side by his horse Wednesday fracturshying one of his shorter ribs

lgtenj u r a h a m s little boy aged about three years fell from a fence yesterdayand injured (ben t ) h i s arm

-nar rowly escaping a break

bullL - bullbull

Ht^-- bull

9 bull -bulllaquo)bullbull


Gen Crook tlie would-be g rea t Inshydian fighter who was instrumental in vanquishing five or six bucks and fifty -orjixty squaws and papooses is now

behrg lionized in theeast whither he j s t ak ing a tour ostensibly for recrea-t ion hnt in feality to be petted suiltI

- made much of If he had encountered the band which annihilated CustHT it probabljjynurld have been as well for the country at large and more espee-

xaFy the~taxpayerg Tle~is~reiTeiving t-oo ranch reward for his gtaltrv plun-

A few days ago Ar thur Freeman and BertieKollis each about seven years ohi were wn^stling when the latter fell upon liis r ight arm breaking it between the el bowman d wristf He was immediately taken toJ)r Brown at the post-office who set the fimb the l i t t le fellow showing lots of grit and now he is get t ing iilQitgfinely bull -- j

A N N A R B O R f rom the Ke^istor

John Moore has bought the stock and good will of C Holmes d r u g store on Huron street He took posshysession-last Wednesday

The pcaeh-04Aa-r4 Opound4-T4) M l w m of this town yealded (ifJ00 bushels last-season but not one this He appears to peach-eerful about it howeveV

All efforts of the officers to trace Wm H a m p t o n - t h e nimble-fingered n ight clerk of the St James t a r the t than Holly proved u-riavailing As a last ho~]iehowever descriptions of the thief were sent out- to various-city atf-

ifior^f preparltlt to amjmtiite the leg bur it_is now thought it can be ^aved

Maggie Munn had a sudden and serious attack Tuesday evening in Carpeiitei A Savers store I)r Hrown was called and soon broiightJieqj_uiLxf-wTTat bull - -was callnl a tit ])ivmounced its cause

The Doctor the extreme

amount of green stuff she hiid eaten

_ imrcaiTON From tho ritizon

1 FredStiffTiTHighlandwas thrown from his horse the other day and had his arm brokem -

FARMERS AN^FHRESHERSr S fresh new stockmdashof th^-following goods j-ast-receded a l l of which ^re-

guaran tee to-he tlm purest and best qualitymade in tbo world- u

N K Fairbanks Ex Winter-strained Lard Oil No I U r d OH-

Best Quality LardeHfte3mdash^ A No I Golden Engine Oil Zero Black Oil Old-Process Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil TURPENTINE OILBMER

VARNISH NXX CASTOR OIL Gasoline 7 4 deg and Xap tha Wate i^Whi te and Legal Test Kerosene OiL P u r e White Ldeg^d ( o loreiLPaints by t h e - ^ ^ U o n - a a 4 - 4 n - p a i ^ f w T n r T T r ^ - ^ T ^ ^

A post of G A K Thursday afternoon nemiirvs _

was established of 15 consisting

bull-^J A Dibble has a new bouse jus t coni])leted on his placcin Oceola

N(dfle King died Tuesday after a short illness in the 80th year jofhs age His femftinraquo-were-fjikeii to Fleniiifg y(isterday for burial

Prof Karbts thinks a lyWde cmt-door recreation dll- go well mixed uu with hisschool duties and has bougnt the fine little side-wheel boat which was plied on Island Lake dur ing the enshycampment lt

While TJanieT Curdy of Oceola wafi on his way to t h e pioneer picnic he drove mto a creek to water his tea^ii and as he came out the back seat of his buggy broke loose and spilled his wife and mother into the water They were not much injured

Tlie high wind which passed over this country last Wednesday afterno did considerable diimage a t Hoyvell Wright s grist mill lost a smoke-stack and the windmill-e-wned bv Hie liail-roadrwas bloVn down and Jbtujly brok-ell A builinngown^dLy^V C Briggs one inile nortlijiffownlt^was so badly racked tha t it fell to^fhc ground someT-time du r ing Wed^esiiay night

pails AVe are making Gils Pa in t s and Painters Materials a specialty and will q u o t e L O W E R PRICES than any other dealers in Livingston Countymdash Give us a call and see bull bull bull

TEEPLE amp-e^WETJL Firs t door East of W S Mann Estate Brick Store


In connection with our large and varied stock of

bull -

AND FINE CHEMICALS We make a specialty of X u f s e r y and Sick-Room Supplies T r u s s e d J l k a t i c

Jia^ndages Shoulder Braces and all articles kept in a first class D r u g Store Our Stock of mdash

PATENT MEDICINES fs full ancTcomplete embracing all the s tandard and reliable remedieswhich we will sell as low oij-any reliable house in the county W e keep a fnlr stock of all Botanic and Eclectic Re-medies and Pa rke Davis k Cos New Remedies enabling us to till any prescription or familyreccjins We shall keep everyshyt h i n g per ta in ing to our t rade In onrtrp6ery iWpartment we have none b u t ireiih-and well selected goods and-will sell a t dottom prices To accommo-^ t o o u r patrofis we will t ake m exchWgcopy But te r and Eggs and wil l pay t h e highest market price bull Respectfully bull bull laquo bull

H 3EK copy I Q laquo a B raquo amp BORO


bull bull-

L raquoilaquo mdashill


WAV Mi | mdash bull ll III I I I I J - mrmidm

laquo M V I raquo 4


mdash ^


A LITTLE boy proud of Lis new Jacket informed his Bister that he ua a Biz-button kid

BARRELS of gin have taken to explod-fng There tnust bo terrible Hclmapps ben they gogtoff

GROCERS seldom establish themselves bulln the seashore probably from feartlLit the sand may get in their weigh - mdash

MASSACHUSETTS has more letters in it than Mississippi but the latter ia the JonLgeryQrdmdasha miss JUL as good^aa a xnilfet lt deg

COUNT DORSAY who possessed amp f a n n i n g wit in remarkingvQn a beauty

jv Ipeok on the oheek of Lady^euthamp-ypound fcgt3 compared it to a gem on a roso-

feftf The compliment is far-fetched observed her Ladyship llow can that bel remarked the Count when

vjt is made on the spot THlaquo proprietor of the Hotd Ma il

whois aakillful musician asls What is home wilfrfl pla^qT^l^rCoToSeIT

from experience we Would remark that bullbull i t is then a placn where the wicked cease

irom drummingand the air takes a rest ^J)o we strike the right key 7mdashNew York Commercial Advertiser ATa Country house whero I was visitshy

ing a feXv- years since a ntntoly ijmjor-dopobearingthe name of ItfacMahon reigned over the cellar Are you a reshy

l a t i o n of the Marshals jokingly said a1 friend who was wit me No sir v u the grave replybull_the French Presshyident is of our Younger house ^re are the MacMahonof Ciare Tableau mdash

London WoHtT FATHER you are-an- awful brave man

vaaid a-Detroit-youth as lie smoothed down the old mans gray locks How-do you know that Willie V bh I heard some men down at th-e store say that you killed thousands of soldiers during the war Me- TOly I was

f a beef contractor for the army Yes thats what they said explained young innocence as he slid for the kitch6n---JMroitFree -FrenZ -

HERHUNBAXDls A P O S T R O P H E Oh woman iu your liourof ease bull Uncertain coy and hard tu-^kraquolaquoJraquomdash - --Wheneer you 0 to buy ibumiet Youre harder yet to plea^ep dogrgonoifc

LfiAVING TOWN (_ He straightened his back and wirjed the sweat

From hisJjrow so tjery ijud I would rathertjnyel with Jumbo dear

bull I Than travel With you liefcfud She darted an angry ulaice and cried

bdquo I Why Walter y(laquoiihuft he druiik Im sober enuuyh he suid5to kno^

That JuinbolaquomijtiU Itis own trunk- ^ 0 raquo the oeeasiou tgtf-Snrah Bernhardts

return to London the Times said she looked worse and even thinner than -before This reminds us o f the Ger-man cornposer-^riioyas condnctuigone

~ of his overture^ A^tlie horns played too loud he told theni repeatedly to play softer aud softer they played each tirnts- A tithe-fourth repetitionwith a knowing wink at each other they put their instruments to their lips but did not blow at all The conductor -nodded

=~spprov ing t rT ^Yery-goed indeed Now one shade softer and youll have i t - --mdash- bull _ _

~^~ THEY were sitting Tn the shadow of _ the huneyauckluH tliroHflfh yMch~EEo~

sinking sun was peeping at them with a face as red as if it had just enlaquoFged from a brick-kiln bull And you will take

me to Europe on our wedding day darshyling she said toying fondly with-one

Of hismdashsuspender buttons that had broken loose and fallen intoher lap A very serious look stole over his counteshynance and for some momenta^he was silent Finally he choked back a rising sigh-and said No deary we will stick to the dry land I never could hold a basin under a bullbullwomans chin foia

mdash4eampH3aysand love her afterward A rouNCi farmer who had been^ead-

ing a book which stated that woman is the Sunday of man thought he vraquoould compliment ahoating^ you are my Sunday I Ipusyglared at him as though she imampgined he was daft and then quietly Said Ban I may be your Sunday buy Im not going to give you any rest until you buy me a bonnet thats fiVto wear to church Dan now keepX his quotations to him-bullatampbnt wasCompelled to get the head-

bullNew York Commercial Adver-

ESMITH was ejected violently doctors office on Austin avenue

complained that he feltvery much ilitated You should eat oat meal bfampaklastr I eaJ~baTmeai and feel

as stout as a jackass said the doctor The oat meal cant have anything to do with your feeling like ajackass reshymarked Qua I l l kick you out of thai pffloe roared the exasperated doctor bullIf you do doctor Ill not kick back m do like that other fellow who WM kicked by a jackass Ill consider the flource After that Gus stalked o u l

S - ^ h e affair is much to be regretted at both parties are respectably connoettcL mdash-Teeras Hiftings _ J

aid ad-

The extent of the utisernmenc frabsidy to the Union Pacific rail exceeds that ever extended by any Government to any undertaking Conshygress authorized aland donaUcn of 13-sect75200 acres to be located in alternate sections on both sidescf the line and subsequently guaranteed the stock of the company to the^xtent of $16000 per mile between the Missouri river and the eastern base of the Rocky mountshyains $48000 perrhile for 150 mUes across the RooKy mountains $32000 per mile betweeyihe Rocky mountains and the eastenr baae of the SierraNevada momntaSsTand WS000_igtermgtlo for 166 tt^^over the Sierras TJieso grants

^sufficient to much mtgtre than pa ^OSt Or ^Oll

Genlaquo Alex Ogles Use of L When Gen A4ex Ogle-served Somershy

sets frosty Hons of thunder in the Pennsylvania Legislature it fell toliinv to write in behalf of the Democratic members a letter to (Jen Jackson then stepping across the Presiurntial thresh-hold Such work of the scribe was a

4ahor of love andjn submitting to the caucus what he had written Gen Ogle sajd Gentlemen and members of the Democratic party I hold in my hand a letter addressed by Gen Alex Ogle to Gen Andrew Jackson and I have no hesitation in Haying that i t is a -mdash- ablo paper The members gathshyered around agreed thajfc the letter was just the thing to mako Old Hickorys heart thump with satisfaction and exshycept one a dapper little Philadelphian spoke words of praise- The dandy of the House-fixingliia glasses and scanshyning the page with the critics smirk ventured to remark Pardon me General I do not wish to assume to

-makea suggestion to so distinguished a gentleman as yourself but I cannot re-fraiampirojm saying it is customary in the East and I may say in almost all the civilized countries of Europe to write with the capital I instead of the little uia in using the personal pronoun in epistolary correspondence Gen -Ogle drew down hipound heavy brows piercing the dandys narrow with ^he fierce shaft of scorn that shot from his 6ye Sir he said beginning with a hiss and ending with a roar when^X write

i^xji^jsriisrGr 1883 1-



fill two Sheets of foolscap so help me God

To T H E FARMERS OF LIVINGSTON ANDAIgtJOJNINP COUNTIES -Xf you want to purchase a Reaper this year examine the Hero look it over carefully and youjwOLsee iHlaquo up

to the time- 1st Itis simply constructed 2nd I t has no side draft 3d I t is not liable to get out of order 4th I t has no weightiupon the horses necks 5th I t is a very light draft reaper 6th I t is easily managed 7th 1frac34 is just the machine you want I t can be had of our agents on trial and is warranted to give satisfaction

^ ^ t I refer you to the following named farmers wh$ have purchased and are using the Hero v eaper some of whom for to suchTgreat auch-a towferinman as I the pa^ t JWjea rg j and they can testifyJo its merits Gen Andrew JacMori Democratic i mdash President of the United States I abase myself sir I use as small an T as I can put on paper but sir if I should ever get to such a low-down pitch as to have to write to such a little snipe as you Id use an I sir that wp_uld_

Jesse W Sheets Unadilla Bernard MCloskey Putoam David Donovan Northfleld Ang Balden George W Iteaaon Unadilla Arthur Montague E J Wakeman Tyrone Cxeo R Wilcox W hite Oak WtaedonTojrk Roscommon

- -A-HHTamp Gray TOBCO

Jamas Spears Putnam Owen Goodspeed Hamburg William Cullen Danuville P Mc Cann Bunker Hill Wm Perry- Owen Mc Cann jr M

John B Mc Creery Henrv Ward- Fred Maycock Iosco

bull=ETmerChipman h

George Bauer Brighton S K Haiise Putnam A Force litockbridge Perry Barrett Tt

George PhlpsWhite Oak Henry B Gardner Putnam Daniel F Wefit Lewis Love u

John AmdashWard Llaquo^ilej Mrs J Love and Sops Marion

JMartin Melvin jr Hambnrg W Nelson WJiitmofe Lake Warren Mnnson White Oak Frank Aldrich Henrietta John Fleming Philo Durfee Antrlmr

-bullH--CT- Marttir- mdash-- mdash Seymour Brown onway O CrSawdy IOBCO ~~ bull bull

the Hero can be seen and is for sale at Piuekney by JApound MARKET General Agent for Mlehigaa

Burial of a Greek Patriarch

We - found the deceased patriarch clothed in the robes of his office silk gold richly embroidered seated upon a throne facing the altar iri the^Constan-tine church of the Greek Gonveni^Al-though he was only cent3 years of age he looked very venerable with hisT long flowing gray beard-^eirad a golden crown upon his head with enashymeled settings on four sides represhysenting _the Virgin the nativity the insurrection and asrension and ur-ihounted by an elegant diamond cro^s His breast was-wavered with golden -classes and precious stones He had a crozier or sceptre of gold and silver leaning against the throne-while in his right 1 tartd was nrTretarrrpnt and irrfris left a ]U(^re7-orHhe VirgiTfTnid chiidr Behind the throne wasstandinga priest reading continuously in^CrreSkjappro priate passages for thedead Andfrpm caily hioiTiinff till 0 oldotLL^iuihe eve-ning a perfect stream of people were passing back and fourtli_who- would kneel kiss the patriarchs napounddThen theTestament which ho held in it andT afterward cross themselves and pase out The patriarch- was buriedOhe name dav he die-d ltTugtt Ijn-ifoitf the f-Cr-

a l m o s t evertvnn ered oigt ^Icirt- yiim

neral a motley cro^d qf-Tifks- Xrabs Uedouins Nubbins Te s a n d T i ^ e -sentative^s if aiinnstik^ery nation in

rtgina-bu4 eostunie gath First in the piftgt-

-cesHioncjnnw a--bahd of elarionotsr^h^H a band X)f brass inrttrirments phiying what IwoultV ronsidvf a lively air and notthe feast novel-was an enormous brrtss drum Iollowing tlie band were tjuitea ninnbr of ^tanh^nts- with veryV

^long hair priraquojviving irrt)je priesthood then cani^+h^TfrHfriiitd5 priests then tlie hishop dr Allexcept flit carried c-tvlt cra)0 Aiu t iTaniss^vits of

esstV iji eftvgailt cloaks hu]diesvrJo followed s (bAxjcd with black bullthe sohlhis camethe allhe ltni ls- and of

diiIarraquoMlt ivMixt^tt^-JH- w-ba^sStiliiert wildVofrf nines soinolliing

like our American Jjulians Then came bishopsbearing a kind of lanterns and crosses of silvVV imi gold An old iiian in a veiy govp^r^asTirtss wh6-as I Mas informed v-icopy nextto the pfttrinreli himself was biwristg the deceas patriarchs silver nnLJ gold sceutie Then came the Vgtodv iii-full dreisas I had seen it in tlie m-orTiing---wit)i the ercopywii_gjihisJ4Ciid and seated bull on higt throne as if he were alive The proshycession made a Strang im^yessinn upon my nvind as I wittthed toward the Zion gale the weird clianting oVtho was buried in a sitting posture along frith about two btfsheis ltlt inceuao and myrrh

slowly move d I list MI cd to

priests He




-Mr-MANNrEast Main St PinckneV bull mdash mdash bull - - bull - -

e jus t added to our stoek a general assortment of-




DrugsandGrQcerlampr And would invite the attention of far- raers-who wish to4ay-in a stock of gromdash ceries to last them through harvest we have everything you need Sugars Teas Coffees Spices Pork Hams

i Dried Beef Cheese and CannedJSoo4a -oi all kind^ ii you dont tceljust like-

going intoJhe harvest field come in and get a bottle of Browns Iron Bit-bullter Hop Bitters- Shilohs Vitalizer some one or the thousand and one rem-edles Wekeep that will do you goodmdash Dont forget to come and stock up at once The place is at the -____ L



N Jl-^-IIijjdiHst cagh rn paidfor Butter and Eggs

i3 Tatui


BI^AC|CSMITH ATTlynds of ens torn work and general

repairing including


Study OTITJ thToT

The nibre we study tlanilet tTte VCT cpnvhaeed-^ve become that be Mas ia sane He hated tlie idea of having a stepfather as most children do and trooded over it until his brain lostits

balance Some children accuse theii stepfather of stealing thlt afrrctinrrs-n their mother but-Hamlet went frac34 stej farther and doolared that- he lnvLpttt-his father out of the wayv -A+ l all beshycause he had partaken too heartily of the funeral-baked meats that he had warmed over into halaquoh for the mar-riage supper This gave him the nightshymare in which he thought he saw his fathers gheat though it was probably nothing more than a portion of tlie family washing flapping-in the moonl light Hamlet had been a gay yontli up to that time as Ophelia could testK fy but after that he dressed entirely 171 black covering -fehnself with an inky cloak toenhance tlie prevailing gloom of his appearancemdashCincinnati Satur-

toy fogM_mdash~ r ^ mdash

Call and examine our stock whether you wish to e or not




WILLIAM D0-LAN amp CO Have just received a new and complete stock of ~

DRY GOODS BOOTS amp SHOES CROCKERY GROCERIES Tobacco Canned Gtyods Etc No remnants or shelf-worn stock We m business and will guarantee bottom prices The public are invi t^- tcfca l l and see for themselves W E S T M A I N ST T I ^ K N J S ^ f f M I C H

Shop back of Manns Block PIXCK^KT

plusmn eNPMMPT0N


FHR4IXME bullbullbullbull Picture Framing Repairing Up hols te ring Ste

wl S T X A I S eTBisr



BEST|d-APA^ -TKATlaquor^B7

JAPANTEA 4ampcts ~

mdash -mdashGROUND TgA 20 c^T


Roast Cofiee

GREEN Cg^yenigE i2 ic t

and 23 cte

BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE Tugwr fur Bale 1frac34 lota fronting on Main

east of Howell Street and 6ttt on Howell of Main tor boainew purpoieronly Theee Stfzltt feet In aize are very desirably lc-the center of the village and wiU be 1

Street Soutl

CITY LAUNDR bull Finest Laund and delivered lion to


ryta the Weet G Pricfi Uftt Jnrnjah

called for on applka-

)S A CP y^M^oy- M^)(rt jgti i

tus ^ s Bird Seed 10 da

Mc-tfobacco at 40 cts bullgt J

60c Tobacco at 50 cts

^al Baking Powder Parents Bakshying Powder Spices of all kinds raquo

Bakers 0hocolatraquo ^^eeT bull Chocolate v -

Canned Corn Canned Beef -DuUMd Salmon Canned Tomatoea

mdash amp A WHEELER -




bull -

pound_ -^-~S



bullbulliiifelaquoriMiiltlflt bulla aw4raquo~vovw

^ ^ ^ s ^ l i i S laquobullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullfi^jgjyi bulllt wk tUgiu I ^ j ^ y ^ ^ j ^ I - r - V 1 raquov

B- f

-^ v-mdash4--T

raquoraquo- -^4

v ^ i raquo n 1 1 PfowvnwaaMM


i tx

mdash-T bullH rlaquoP bullEH SHH


F r

f -1


M bull l

- pound L



HUNTING FOlt BTILL8 The Commissioner of Internal Revenuehas

issued instructions to Revcumf Alaquoeut Powell of Raleigh N C to Inveetliatu tbe report that several revmue officers bathe upper part of South Carolina U4T1 been- systematically swindling the government for some time It is charged that the officers in question lure pershysons to pui up old stills iu remote pieces and then capture the material in th night time and obtain the government reward of |50 for each seizure Tbe eamc material U theu put u p In another part of the^State and seized again It is alleeed that only a few stills captured in the mountains of South Carolina have been used for illicit distilling bull

ti n Cinoks latest communication li$s lust been received by the War Department In the report Crook giVt-s his idea of- the future polishycy to be pursued by the government^ follows bullI believe tlrralv that exact acquiescence by ouj- government in the terms upon wfhlch these Indians understood they are to be allowed toydren live upon the San Carlos Reservation appears theonly passible means of protecting the lives and interests of the people of Sonora^and Chi huabuay as well as our owncountry and am as firmly convinced that if the present prisoners are treated with good faith not only will the renesradf6 now in the mountains return but also that Neither country will heresfWr huve ^ r

any reason to complain of depredations or aatraquo pects accurate and is vouched fpr

bull) i


A NEW yj^vvt Plans arc completed for thlaquo proposed new silshy

ver vault under the cagth room-of the Treasury Department1 The storage capacity of the vault will be ^33009000 In Kilter dullais Until the return of Secretary Folder the Assistant S^c- retary will act aa Secretary

THa-aA^eiMO) HOSPITAL^ A statement has recently been published to

the effect that the plan of establishing a Garfie4 memorial hospital inWashisgton had been aband

lior want of adequate support and thatlhe mopey thus far contributed for that purpose would be turned over to the Garfield monument fund Thos Fisher of the (iarfleld Hospital Board said in reply t s inquiries that the report of the abandonment- of_thpound_hQspital scheme was entirelv Without foundation


A pension office official says that there is no reasons le donbt that more money has been fraudulently abstracted from the treasury in one year- on false pension claims than was ob-tainedby the star-route ring in the same time and about which the country has heard so much $100000000 in a single year formed a temptshying prize to the pension agent ring and out of

4t4bis ring m u i t have got upwartLLQJLt 10000- 000 their particular portion being in fees and expenses Claims by the hundreds and by the

thousand a r e made up in Washington and sent ready-made to the ex-soldlers forvsisrna-ture and oath Many nith are found^too honshyest to perjure themselves thusJyit the temp tation offered by the arrears act which offered several thousand dollars In a lump If the case went fhrough is too great in -most cases traquo be reSlsted The more squeamish are Urged bv

near St Louis Mo between Iouis Phillips and Jacob Roseuhrdok both residents of Bowling Green Township iri which the latter wa killedinstantly and the former wounded so badly that he died in a few hour after The affair had its origin in a grudge long standing crowing out of disrespectful remarks by Philshylips concerning Rosenbrobks sister Each time they met thev quarreled and they decided to settle the matter In a duel with pistol They ctiosc as their seconds Mark Swark and Jack Wren who wereMcent and witnessed the shooting RoscnBrook fired tbe first shot the ball entering Phillips mouth1 Phillips stag-cered but before tailing discharged bis wea-ponthe ball taking effect on the side of Rosen-brooks mouth raogtng upward through the head Both duelists weie young men Phillips being about 83 year of agj and a school teacher


bull Mrjfidward Kniyiit of P i beru bereft of his eix children In a remarkashyble waymdashby such a succession of tragedies as makes truth indeed seem 6tranger than ficshytion I Three children died with diptheria in qulcW succession The day after the death of the last of these two of tuampremaining chilshydren were playing in the yardtbe raotlifeir being inside with the youngest child A scream outshyside caused her to rush out to find that a ratshytlesnake-had bitten both children Soon thev were in the agonies of death The crowning horror then came upon the distracted mother when she discovered thai a large pot of boiling soap had fallenfrom the fire and scalded the baby past recovery The aecouafrls in All res-

CAUOHT AT LAST Sylvester F Fuller cashier and Henry L

St John assistant cashier of the Second nashytional bank of Jefferson Ashtabula county Ohio are in the United Statess marshalls hands In Cleveland on charge ltgti embeazllng $50000 of the banks funds The Irregularity occurred Dec 18 I88i wheu the bank closed Fuller skipped to Canada but returned last May St John Jtdnot leave The misfortune was caused by stock speculations After losshying his own money Fuller took $14000 and St J6hn $30000 from the bank funds He says they will peach oh other bank officiate Before United States Commissioner White Jhe presishydent of the defunct bank refused to testify unshytil he could consult a Uwyer Noah Hoekius director and holder of $1000 worth of stock swore out the warrant The depositors all got their money the loss falllug on the stockbold-ers

missing with some $12000 of borrowed money and leaving behind some $30000 In forged notes

After September 1 tourists to the Yellowshystone national park can abaudoa stages and make the louruiiy by rail the branch of the Northern Pacitla from Livingstone south to Cinnabar 51 mifeshavlng been completed

There are about tMX) Chinamen iu Helena


Milwaukee is agitateltrTJver an alleged case of Asiatle cholera A man named Wotcbky was was taken sick and became torpid andZelowski who has had experience in a Turkish hospital bullpronounced the diseawcfcolers Dr Richards Assistant Health Commissioner agrees with Zelowskl but other physicians call it cholera morbus


Snpt Thompson of the railroad mail service^ has ordered the establishment of a newline of postal cars on the Pennsylvania Railroad be-tweetL New York Plttlaquobufgh Indianapolis and St Louis The cars commenced running Satshyurday September 1 leaving New York at (5 pm The postal car will arrive at 8t Louis on the morning of t h | second day apound 30 oclock


debris and broken pieces of machlneay 50 people lost their lives some being blown In to eternity whilei others were drowned by be-

5 1 1 frac34 8 a n ^ L e t t C I ^ ^ K bdquo ^ d K traderTi ipk lng vessel Thort who wVre floating about in the river were rescued by tug-boats anil takshyen to New York Reports as to the number killed are conflicting Varying all the way from 10 to 50

Ttie engineer Edward^Tallmatrrwho cseaped-with a few slight bruised said he couldnot tx-

TfHUrrthe-cau^e-trf the at-eldent by- anv theory

forward One of these circulars dated April 3(3 1853 add-ess-

^ed^FjilGnd-^Hd-cllent says it is some time since the claim was made up and ur^es that it be signed sworn to and returned immediately Millions of money it saye liavc been ap-proprial^d+undgtYji^n_^eyo_ur_cLalm and si-

7t= -^ure toyou tho btnelliBuf the tveeut euac ment Auather-e4fcular says the cases of those whopay their fees iu advance will igt made special by the department Every t-f-forfe is made to get hold of that fee This sys

bull lllll uf ^huliBHle pti jui v Is billeyni lotOhuvi been carried on to a greater extent thaaf has jever yet been statedi-


The family of William Luriers of Win6ted Miuu consisting of nine persons were poison -_ eQ^Tewidsy^irgoVanu hvehnve dretlapd to more aro Dotexpected^tolive The supposition Is tb at some poison wasmlxed with th^ famil lunch buffhe name oftEe fiend an^ the mo-tlve for the torrlhleerimearc unknowii


B u r s t i n g of


B o U e r o n a H u d s o n RIvlaquo c r S t e a m e r



The steamer Riverdale on the North -Rl^r burst her boiler and sunk at Twenty-second street New York In about five minutes the boat capsized There were over 100 passen-geis on board-at the time of theWccident 8ome of them were hurled into the air and then feU-back-lBto the-water and others wsere comshypelled to jump into the rivlaquor to eecape-the scalding steam The air was filled with firing

complete recognition of-a-French protectorate over Anam andTonquln the definitive annex-

nation of Dlnthum to Cochin China the pershymanent military occupation-^ French of tht forts on the Tlmuan and Vingchua line lmfne-diate recall of the Anamlte troops from Ton-quln andjhje_garri3Qn8 thert ta be _placed-on-


The British Parliament Was prorouged on the Afternoon of August 25 The queens speenh was read bv the Royal Commissioner at tbe close of the session In her address the queeu reviews in a lucid manner the government ar-fairs She expressed great satisfaction at the j work done by parliament and at the harmouy existing between England and all other powshyers The manner In widen her majesty-handled all questions submitted tomdashher- -explodes the s_tatv ments so ottea made concerningher ineu-tal weakuess

A ERENCn VICTORY A telegram was received In Paris a few days tracts on the uAltiantage8

Montana With the exception of Fargo Helena i the

largest and most Important town on tbe line between St Paul and Portland Oregon

O^Doanell the murderer of Carey is on his way to England where he will be tried The South Africa authorities protested against his removal

Ex-Collector Murphy of New York has been arrested on a charge of swindling his benefacshytor Uncle Sam

T4ta--4vuoahw ^ poatotfioaa in tho Uuked- n cnicY laquottrl ve ryof ton thin clcm^ooaa o$ States number 48049

Parnell declares that the objects of the land eague are being accomplished -----

Tbe United States consul at Constantinople has written raquo letter to the State department in regard lothe horrible sanitary condition of that city-1 He says the cholera in Egypt was caused solely by the filthy conditiou of the towns infected

Dnring the last fiscal year 91000 applications for Denslons were disposed of by the Pension Bulau __bdquobdquo )

A crank called at the White House tbe oliher day and left for the President a bundlelof

ago by the Minister of Marine from Saigon anshynouncing ihat the French had boinbardedaud captured the forts andbatteries at the mouth of the Hue River after a brilliant land attack Tbesoperatious occurred on t^e 18th 19th and 30th Seven hundred Anaiuites were killed during the engagement The only casualties suffered by the FrenSh were several men SllghUv wounded The gunboats Viper a and Lynx entered theThuman passage The French admiral granted a truce A blockade has been declared ~ -

KINO t o p i s PHOIPPI II Great excitement prevails in Paris over

placards posted in every sectiorrofthe cltr dg-claring the Count de Paris king of France The police began to tear them down as soon as they weVe discovered but were greatly hinshydered in their pfforts bv the excited people The Count de Paris Is the eldest soo of Ferdishynand Duke of Orleans Louis Philippls eldest son and is legally the bead oflaquothe Orleans-family He ts about 45 years of ase and a gi eat favorite He has traveled very extensive-lv and during the war of ^thenrebelllon in the United States he served on the staff of Qen McClellan and participated in the campaign against Richmond in the siege of Yorktown the battled ot Williamsburg and Fair Oaks and in his m r e a t on the James river He left the service in 1863 and WMred -U) England where he remained during the war of 1870^71 When the Frenefrreptjblic arose from the ruins of the empire the Count de Paris was advised to renounce all ambitious projects whteh might tend toTepiace1 the house of Orleans on the throne of France ~ His private life after his return from America was singularly happy

of Bible Study tomdashrlaquoa4tb whleli

moment of his return Atlantic City N J baa been damaged $75-

000 worth by an unusually high Mood At a meeting of the lake seamens union at

Buffalo the rate of wuges was raised from $3tn $2 50 per dav

The offerice for which the naval cadets at Anshynapolis are to be court-martialed consisted in hazing fourth class men by turning them out of their hammocks at night and compelling them to stand on their heads and eat soap Lieutenant Commander Thomas and Lleuts Wood and Meigs are the court to_try__the AC



A treaty of Peace between France and Anshynan has been signed which nrwideB-for-the --destroyed the townsin Java

a peace footing and the return of the mandar-ins to their posts France undertakes to expel the Black Flags from Tonquln and thus Insure safety to trade Tbe treaty furshyther -- mdash -

cused Lieut Goodwin is Judge Advocate Michigan Sadets are among the accused

Miss Catharine Connollv has been arrested In Dublin onsuspicion of being connected with the murder conspiracy in Ireland bdquo President Arthur has been apprised of the

plan to kidnap him but as he has about 12U0 men at his commard he thinks there Is no doubt about his safety

A meeting of crowned heads is in session at Copenhagen

The monster engine of theKeeley motor company of New York Is finished-at last and will be run for the benefit of the stockholders about tblaquo_mldd_leof-lktpteiaber ^-mdash --

A witness before the Senate sub-coinmlttee on labor andeducation predicts a bloody revoshylution unless monopoly is checked^ - - - -

A loose switch on the Philadelphia amp Atlanshytic City (narrow gauge) raLlroadcaused serious injury to 30 persons A

Earthquake waves have been observed for several days on the -Pacfficmdashiaaat^JCbey were probably caused by the same earthquake that

TtlsjumoreiLtbai iix the-lnvestigation^wl)ieh will be made shortly in the interest of the govshyernment therewill be sonii startling and sen-satiqnal dfvelopments as Ur how thejpordlet ID

An Anti^Duoliat bull The re is a man ih Ne r (IrleanS who

niiikos a ltootl living1 as1 ii oompromisor of (jiiarrcls 11(frac34 isu sluirp luwyer Vi tu lt0i(iliat(jry limpef ami an oily tongue VYhilu oi l ier myu aro Blirriujr i ip gttnfo ho is tu rn ing away wrtitli-mdashlor a con-s]ij(M[ati(Mi Il( inutld a bullbulljrroat deal ol inuney in t-1iGjrornt old tlays so fast re-ceilinj when a-iluol beftrro broakfaat was as imlisjiunsable to the happiness of the Crescent City us fish OD Fr iday H o t with wiue two y o u n g bloods would qua r re l The lie would pass and then a cha l lenge Now you see th ings iuova clear ly through the cool g r a y m o r n i n g a i r than th rough the c igare t te sraoko of

responded the

vision eoriies while you look t h roug jp the qu iver ing blue a tmosphe re a t t i l l s p u r k l i n g s tars of t h e m i d n i g h t skf Hence it vas that our friend the peaoB-t t i ake f wtis never out of a job His title was second 1 usual ly b u t his business w a s to sfn th i i rnn iifwnssity a rose J d r his services as such One case rs a gootl saiwple A young society m a n had cal led anothvr society m a n a coward wi th the avowed purpose of m a k i n g him light a duel Of course both were well b r andmd when the insul t was givshyen A cha l l enge passed a t once but-by the t ime it hadbeelaquo received Mr Ii-su i t e r had grown cool a n d e a u l i o i i s ^ -H e asked Mr Compromise to act-as hn second

Now 1 1 said the la t ter t o cOme to a poin t at once do you wan t t o t igh t 1

B e t w e e n ou r se lves younf mau I don t 1 1

o you wan t to go on the field At 1 a sked the second because it will you more to ge t ou t of going on

the field than to get o u t of the duel afshyter y o u r once face to f ace

I d o n t wan t t o ^ o on the field a t a l l said the-pr inc ipa l a n d I d o n t care w h a t it costs to keep off

V e r y we l l s a id the secxpid n o w sit down and write ju s t such an accept-ance as I tell you to w r i t e 7 A c c e p t a n c e

Y e s cer ta inly Le t me m a n a g e this affair said the second in m y OWJI way ^ o w wr i te out a n a c c e p t ance iu the usual form and pu t in for weapons rifles a n d for dis tance two paces 1 -

bullWhy t h a t s muzzle to b reas t mur -de r oji frightV e x c 1 a mied the p r i n c i p a t

W r i t e wha t I tell y o u sa id thesec-opd _ _ _

~ Wtieni irwas vMitttvi the seconoTcar -

bull J


the Star Keute trial ivas seduced A trial of reapers and mowerB was- recentl

grade in ItatVTSrjdfine result cTiTaxty_ phngf

Htiitd- i-f-himraquoe4f t-o^liu-sccouiLof the chalshylenger

vWhy this is -butchery sanl th6 la t te r second bu te l i e iy in cold WiToTt- - ^61t1ltfTr^in3ol^ v i v e _ - bdquo_ _

llien tio I nnilii-stiimi tluit yon xeiiti whatever Tle boilers were-new four years ago wheH the boat was entirely rebuilt and reshyfitted He was about to enter the engine room to obey the pilots signal to slacken epeed wheu Joe was suddenly hurled through the door ahd the ncxT moment Hi found hlmmlf havo

stipulates__ihjkLmdash thoj aboeimte control


bulltrr 7 ~

f-ing on the roof uf tht cgtibiudlrectly under jhe tbafti The explosion occurrd ho paid withoutJlic slightest warning atuKwas appkr-ently the resnltof some hidden defcht A mo-ment previous he had looked at thesteatn-guage and Tounil TTTfTTegisU - twenty-three

Jouuds When the boat was Inspected last mie-her allowance jna-rhced - i t fifty pountls

tp the square Inch

io- E F F E CTS O F V O I C A M C E R 1 P T I O N

BAXblTTl AFXElt XllTULK A story thatreads like a dime novel tale

comes all the way from Idaho and Is furnished to the worldby-theJVood RiVer TlmeB The

JFtur-CQmdashTownw PfgtHlroycd--Tltraquorrlh1fl

story is to ttie effect that-a party of Texascow IwyXbavestartcd for Yellowstone Park to~klcF

nap Frlaquo^ident Arthur and hlst-ntlre party and to spirit them away into the mountains-where they will be kept prisoners while members of

^ the^arty act as pickets to prevent being 6ur-prised and captured while negotiations for a

mdashransom are being conducted The captain or leader of the party has an idea that a heavy

Loan o r Li re A dispatch f~om Batavia Java bays the towns of Anjier Tjirlngin and Telokbeleng were destroyed by tidal waves causedmdashby-lhe

France of the Anamlte

finances-and customs aud thatthe French shall recogniae Hiephema as new King of Auam The stipulation for a permanent military occu-panon by the French of the forts on the Thu-aan and Ylugchua line implies that a blockade of Tourone and Hue will be replacedby a mishynute inspection of all foreign arrivals

~ mdash - A TEKRTFIC TrVLF gt The fleet of United States ilshing vessel^

which arrived at St Johns N 13 a few nights ago report a Violent storm on the Great Banks The gale rose from the eastward at 8 raquo m- wheu hunureds of dories were away from the

the superiority of theAmerican machine Great preperatiorie are being made In Louis

vllle Ky for the dedication of the monument erected to the memory^qf Zachary Taylor twelfth president ol the United States

The HOP Alexander Mackenzie scouts the idea of Canada ever being separated from Eng j


bull to-negotiate asked the o ther in his blandest tone bull ^

Wse cer ta inly dltV said the ehallen M-orx secondmdash umdash

Anti-Jewish outbreaks in AU8ttnrare-o~rrttre Increase despites the establishment of martial law ^ ---

Rpportarfrom London are not so favorable 1 o theTjEftedStates e^flbTfloii as had been hoped

The False Prophet has again massed his

bullbullVery wigt]i ve-ry well- Ti l see about i t said Uie ch-alleiiged- p a r t y s si^MML_ __ _ j _ _ _ -i ~ jWeoTrrsertTiU duel -neve came oft mdash Philadelphia Heard

volcanic eruptions All the lighthouses in Sunda Straits have disappeared and where the

vessels overhauling the trauls Capt Hlller reports tbat seores-ofmdashdorteTftere turned upshyside down ainl Wreckage strewn invery direcshytion Along^ his-track conrin-g-^westward~X)he French bfraquonker4ott-fourdoflfgts and all their crews It is competed from all sources of in-

troops and great uneasiaess Is felt in Alexanshydria

Fifty miles squaie of fertile country dlsap beared in the seas by thePvoIcanlc eruption in Java bull__ v bull

Tbe net dccreasejntha nnllppf ions of internal revenue for the months of J-uly and August in 1882 and 18S3 amounted to 16094000

ransom will be offered by tbe United States and nersonal friends of the president after search for tht lieioreldent6par-ty shall- be given up and that 1500000 or more ^an thus _be extorted from Thxlt-ccreTXervTce~iHinQrand divided

moiiintam of KraiMifiaJiiTiseny s t sMjM M nqgtv flows The aspect of Sunda Straits is much changed and navigation dangerous TheTtdal wave completely destroyed Anjier Many persons wdrekilled The loss of life among both Europeans aod natives at North Bantam is enormous The quarries at Merak disappeared and alt tire people-of the place perished -rThe floating doclc at an island near

among the Italian In the ganlaquog some of whom were guerrillas In

Batavia Is adrift and_badly_dfmagpri


the late war A grand council was held just before startlng-out on the expedition wnen every manswpre by his daggermdashto do blffduty


~ A HORKIBLE SIGHT ~ ~ Samuel Wturrick aged raquo5 cut fils throat in

fittouster county New Jersev and then walked -te-hls barn holding his half-severed head in one hand He met his wife and she fainted The husband lived 10 hours

bull- THE 8CNCOOK MILL CA3E In the reply of the state department just sent

to the 8weQish delegation on the SuncookiN H) mill casethe secretaryas was anticipated takes the ground that he can do nothing for tbe-ensIavedSwedes The report of the New Hampshire authorities is to the effect that the owners of the mill have a right to prevent the departure of the Swedes from the state under the statute and that the men who have tried

to_jnaka_their s ay to Massachusetts to accept offers of better employment and higher wages are actually in debt to the-storekeepers one of whomis wwnilUs bookkeeper It is believed at the Swedish legation and actually asserted that the arrest ot thfe three men was-for the purpose of intimidating the other Swedes and

Ereverting their departure from the state Mr gte Bilot the Swedish charge daffairs will reshy

ply to the communication of the state departshyment He agrees tbat the United States can do nothing in the matter because the mill peo-

mdashThe Democratic State Convention at Omaha nominated Hon J WSavage for Justice of the Supreme Court rand for Regents of^the State University Dr D Daniel G W John-

formatiim that 100-dorles andeighty unrn were lost In the storm Most of the dories were swept by the waves from the schooner decks and the remainder collapsed in the sea


Tisza Presdent of the Hungarian Council In order to put a stop to outrages upon ijie Jews has decided upon severe measures which are to he-put inc^erjiMojLffheMV^r-antWvwisb Tlots occur The measures provide that any-ose who shall be condemned to death by martlafrlaw shall be executed within thee

r the sentence is imposed The president has asked the govern ratraquont to Pthor

The-Panama canalwlll be completed in about

put a stop to the outbreak against the Jews or to accept his resignation ~

avthive mon ths week And----a s-4sr-

1 le are acting in accordance with the laws of


TheTennsylyanra state greenback convenshytion in session a t Wllllamsport nominated T P Rynder of Altoona for auultor general and A F Marsh of Erie for state - treasurei The platform adopted sets forth that the tory of the trade dollar proves that money is solely a creation of law without regard to the material used that the $400000000 paid by the government to the national bank was so much money stolen from taxpayers and the continued payment of $10000000 annually to the banks is a crime against labor that moshynopolies ought to be restricted by state or nashytional legislation and all government land held for actual settlers The resolution also favor a protective tariff a national bureau of lkhfirr-and ahort Hussions Of congress and state 1 gislaturesrmdash~~ - mdash


Henry Hertel and wife Gcrmanslopkeepers of Savannah 6a were found murdered in their store Customers went to the store in the morning and fpund inclosed Peeping

B i r t O P N E W H Mrs Caroline i i ITavls a Wealthy lady of

Albany a 1 has been arrested for swindling

ew Hampshire but he will pojnt out that tn this case the law permits the company to hold his countrymen as slaves and he will Insist that the statute has been abused

JtDQg LTXCH IX UTAH -^ ~ Agta late hour the other night aWniDcr of

masked m-n stopiKrd Engineer Thomas Road-master Hughes and a Art man in the employ of the Utah Eastern Railway compelledlbem to return to the shop and taking an engme and caboose run aljout thirty masked men to a coal village about twenty miles distant Leaving a number of men In charge of the truln thS-Vlgilants prrxjeed to the county jail Brlnglui guns to bear on the officers they obtained eon trol of the-jall oiul taklntr a man named Jaek Murphy from his cell relumed to the_trainajad

ordered an immediate return to~Tark CJfty UpoO arriving thevigilantes took Murphy and hung htm to a telegraph pole- near the station t he body belug viewed by a number of passenshygers on the early trains Murphy was arrestshyed on suspicion-of having jmot a man named Brcnpan and confined in jail awaiting trial

TWO FOOLS KILLED fatal encounter occur red at Taudon City

through the blinds they saw Hertel on the floor in a pool of blood Tbe door was burst In and the man found lying in the middleof the-room with a handkercliiel tied over his eyes and skull crushed in His wife was found in a calico wrapper tying on a sofa in the parlor wltlTherTrlroat cut ancTdne arm nearly sever ed An immense crown collected and the police were notified Hertel was bupposed to have a large sum of money Hertel and wife

^bullere middle-aged and highly respected (er-raans

SENSATIONAL MURDER AND iUICIDpound mdashA sensational tragidy waa LliaiilUd at tlm -NotHrjg House Elgin IlL recently Edward

Mcpreevy amp Co 01 that city bv^a forged order The internal revenue collector of the 4th

districtof Texashas sent to the revenue bureau claims for rebattton tobacco -etc amounting to $^0000

Pension payments for August amounted to $28000000

Count de Chambord was King of France jus t 13 days

Thirty people Who attended a church social In Marietta Uhio were-poiaeaed by eating can-ned_plckles gt mdash ~ - --bull mdash bullbull--^

The senatorial committee met the Sioux In-dians-atStanding Rock Agency the other day Among the bravea -present-was SittingmdashBulk who accused the committee of getting drunk He was forced to apologize

WmTamTport Pa had a $500000 fire the other day

Oscar Wildes new play Vera Is a grand aesthetic failure raquo

Reported again that the Queen of Madages--car ts dead

y-IblehL Tfjw^b tithrp^kfi are of almost daily occurrence in nearly all of the Russian towns

ODonnells plea is that he killed Carev in acrt-deftnsemdash mdash mdash-mdash-

voy-Mo-e one tii^lit tliis _ his cus tom siwpriseil

t l s -ifa a i n t i t u l e ftrnTilv tVy leltlTlg -h+rBs-eft^ttr -t-bmiTgh-trtt^rrrwrrrreTrtof his hoose^wft^ n lfttou keyr_ T t w hour was ten of the rHffht and the~Tutsiement w^ dark Unfort-^naterr-alst) as ivpleasant bulltreat for liis -

T JosU-n a citizen of good standing shot and killed Etta Buckingham a young woman of

Twenty-threeBpereons were drowned)n the English channel a few days ago by the collidshying of the steamers St Germain and Woodburn The vVoodburn sunk in a few -minutes after the collision

Four persons were smothered lo death and ono hilled by jumping tire in a Boston tenement house

Ex-President Hayes glyes tiLOM to - a new Fremonf church

rive years About 10000 men are now employ ed on the ditch

The vicar at Stratford-on-Avon has given his consent to have the remains of Shakespeare ex-humeeh -

The treaty between Frande and Ann am has been declared invalid

So-rm of th Otti-l-wytu QiJiiiris Addit ion imiiiiidi^Miiim uud division P rob lem rnvolviiKu mult ipl icat ion adshy

dition and division of rh(einais 7

Oiu-tittli of a-jiarrel of Ihmr contain-itiL^-iy-^ jnuUxIs was lost J wadltriven away if of r ema inde r sold lor- $750 Whut did it living pe r pound 7~

Cierti in-oHico lias his salary raised-2-0 per cent hut in a shor t t ime is raised DO per cent which lixes his sa lary a t 8G48 W h a t was the or ig ina l sa la ry

A m a n holding a note of pound950 has it cashed for pound800 W h a t r a t e per cen t d iscount rttdiio pay

Nrvii-Uion in S t r mi^ Seas ^ A wt41--k-rt+MV t t^npta t tr ==of=Tr=shTp re -

sidin1 in San -FiMiicison o-ot higtniM from

Reduce pound808 17s 7d to Uni ted Sta tes xmrr-eaey pourftt^tpoundrirgg~be1ng $478565

Dic ta t ion of sect ion 11 from civil ser-vice ac tmgtllaquo-and regu la t ions to wr i te

and punc tua t e G o p y i n g section-o^of^amfi - mdash

mdash N a m e t w o sentcnoc^of-not^ terTwords the first to conta in a t rans i -t4ve^the o ther -an- in t rons i t ivoTerb v

Wr i t e le t ter to g o v e r n o r o f y o u r a t a t e ^ i n f o r m i n g him- of- y o u r educattofn and -a b o u t the town in w r i t e h y a u veafde

N a m e fifteen s ta tes and fiftefth cities

x t tri igt ins rjGtteT=haif~ ~tgtutti n g p bullprengtrrttr n p n e o t s

which were set t o c o o l down stfijrs on the top of some bt^xes By a sh ip s ch ronomete r it took j h s t th i r teen sec-Qftds for tat u n h a p p y bnptain t o M s k

of the Uni ted-Sta tes ~ N a m e fifteen p r inc ipa l r ivers and t h i ^

^Namo tliree p r inc ipa l r a n g e s

aga ins t the boxes a n d g e t seventeen ga l lons of w a r m ap r i co t s in syrwp all oyer__hijL_siraquoirt front vest pants and clown the back of his neck im he rushed d r ipp ing upstair d a n c i n g x o n the new carpe ts a n d was m e t by h(s wife at t he head of t h e stairs with 0 J o e my dar l ing back aga in home safe and sound H e g a v o one yell t ha t fcould have been hea rd by a man reefing the lop-ga l lan t sails of a full-rigged ab ip in a s torm arid be l lowed iS tand off w o m a n s tand off I have fallen over a fruit c a n n e r y in the hlarsted

mouniAins and pr inc ipa l s t a t e s and r i for ies on which they lie

Name sU priucipjvl^rriexkiaa^gjBrietL r a l s in revo lu t ionary war and as m a n y p o p u l a r s t a t e smen at t h a t t ime

W h a t pres idents have been genora ls in t ime of war and in wha t war s were they engaged

W h a t cloes^ confederat ion mean and w h a t s ta tes cons t i tu ted it +

W h e n was the const i tut ion of t h e UdrfSTaTea sisrned ~ lt

bjisemaut I m all t reac le molasses bad j a m and warn s y r u p Unbend m y new sails a n d let m e get a hot bath and lie m a d e a-wilddivudrh-trrtho ba th-

w e par t iculars of terri tory addad) f bull to t h United S ta tes since the revolu - t i ona r Nva r gtji

By WhoW arej i^pvdsentat ives e lected gt Also senate

tJluaaliiH audi gfgtbull Jusjj u had btau pwjluy at mdashThe oueen R n n w ^ u hraquo Mhimmit v^i tcqtioimto Miss Buckingham tbe past rear ^ - frac34 frac34 ^ ^ frac34 o S S he ^ VlaquoamplaquoIF^^ bull W t o a S m i n S o x the m a r r i S 1 deg f t h C-and npound has latterly displayed evidences of fierce jeaiousv He attempted to enter her room one mornintr- and beirz dented admission forced Itis way into the apartment There was a scuttle two revolver shots and theyoung woman fell dead Joslyn Immediately Comshymitted suicide with the same Weapon

pope toainralment of the marriage The Dominion ffcverrrment has appolnteda

police commission with inrlsdlctlon over the tPrTiToryTit Rat Portage tn dfcptrter betwwn Ontario and Manitoba J bull John J Hall of New Brunalaquorick-N

_ contractor for the Fennsylvampnla railr Is

r o o m mdash S a n Francisco XewSLcttcr mdash mdash mdash mdash bull bull bull raquo

H H re lates the fo l lowing in the A u g u s t Centuryof t ho r e m n a n t of the Mission Ind i ans oi Sao poundasqua l i nQa l - -4tornia D u r i n g t l i e a f t e r n o o n t h e Ind ians were con t inua l ly coming and go ing at the shop e o n n e c l e d y w i t h -the inn where we had s t o p p e d iffbrafr t o u r mi tes from the val ley I W i t e e p c r of t h e s h o p Vvnil i n n gtud^ h^nwwVt Tvnltu

t hem Tiiey wergt- good pay1 Give

In w h a t m a n n e r are tho supremo court j u d g e s chosen

A m a n p u r c b a s W S625 goods1 g iving his^note on Dee 29S1882mdashinterest 7 per

-cent mdashpayable in tiftefen days -paiiLthLeL^ s a m e on second day o g r a c o laquo Vliat --ftpiount did lie pay and ohVvhat day

Some fuefTare so a n x lotrs^ovileTiver t h e r 4 m p r o m p t u reinarks^ilpubiic_diai_ rrers that thev coninien^Ii l a ik ing before the eUingi)egins Jx is a mistake sA tftble s p e c c h ^ h o ^ d not be made u n t h

~ 1 tho -hearers u i ^ u i a condit ion io ^ n T laquo i S - bull VTTI i i - bull i s

- ^ - 1 - 1 - - ^ s

t h e m t ieir j ime and they J l a lways ]gtay and ifjthr^y d ie the r rtdsitions wiil pay t1itraquo-fast cent some of t hem lie would

J v j rp t rus t anv t ime as high- as twenty dol^ llllN

every th iurgtf i id is -both witty- and mdashxV Oydioiyunc bull bull

^-In on^ re spec i t (j HUP l i e


11e THraquoOthlaek TCSBMI-

can t shine wheu lL


m laquomdash bull i~



bull J

r-l ~r--bull$bullgt-mdash ^ _^---f-v bullltWIpWi

ll i

bull bull I I 1 ll laquo i n iilaquoHragt



F a c t a f o r F a r m e r e

E v e r y d a y an a n i m a l is kep t a f te r be in p r imC t h e r e is J o s s exchreive of

m a n u r e bull Y o u n g ch icks s h o u l d be fed as often-

a s four t imes a d a y u n t i l they a i e abou t t h r e e w e e k s old - -

O n e of t h e mos t e n c o u r a g i n g hopes for o u r c o u n t r y is t h e p rospec t ive imshyp r o v e m e n t of its l ive stock

A dyingScotcLTsqui re sa id to his son Be ayes t i ck in 1 in a t r ee Jockmdashthey l l - be growin^whi l f t y p u V e s leepin V

t h b ^ e laquo f r Xork T r ibune

- - ^ - 1 - - - - ^

whi te of e g g a n d suga r lay it t o p a n d sides a n d set into t h e oven a

on t h e


f ives th is good aid vice in t w o words ow to c u r e an e g g e a t i n g h e n mdash e a t

h e r - V - mdash i j A t a sal^iof J e r s e y ca t t l e in N e w

Y o r k recent ly King of A s h a n t e e w a s sold to C fiasthope of Njles 0 for $5600

C o r n a lone is no t a sufficient food for fowls whea t b r a n in t h e form of a

- Ih i ck m u s h and some vege tab les should Jbe g iven

- P r o CoQk says I v e e x p e r i m e n t shye d w i th sa l t upon t h e c u t w o r m to k n o w t h a t you c a n kil l y o u r p l a n t s beshyfore y o u c a a k i l U U a yo rnaa - raquo i -WH- mdasht W -frac34

In t e l l i gen t b reede r s c o n t e n d t h a t cross bred aijimalfi w h e t h e r ca t t l e horses or sheep m a t u r e ea r l i e r a n d a r e be t t e r feeders t h a n anv c o m m o n stock-

T h e sick a n i m a l is usual ly da in ty a b o u t his feed a n d should be a l l o w e d on ly l ight easi ly d i g e s t e d food t r y i n g va r ious k inds a n d a l l owing as a rule w h a t he l ikes best bdquo Ga l l s a n d bruises a r e m o r e read i ly p r e v e n t e d by p r o p e r l y adjust ing- t h e h a r n e s s t h a n t h e r a r e c u r e d by t h e bes t r e m e d i e s besides t h e loss of t h e ani -

m a j s w o r k a t a busy season A n I n d i a n a f a r m e r r id s h is sheep of t i cks by feed ing a hal f p o u n d of s u l p h u r to eyery fifty sheep m i x i n g it wi th the sa i t wh ich is fed T w o or t h r e e doses a w e e k a p a r t a r e e nough

Cal i forn ia -wheatds-so d r y wh+m-har vftftted_that w h e n t a k e n to the d a m p e r a i r ltopound the sejjcoast ic g a i n s seven p e r c e n t or moire in we igh t T i e ga in is sufficient to pay for t r a n s p o r t a t i o n

mdashPota toes a r e ^ m a d e s cabby by wire v o r m g ~ T h e best p reven t ive is to g r o w the - c rop on~fa41ow g r o u n d wi thou t m a n u r e s or wi th fert i l izers T h e Worms a r e e n c o u r a g e d or b r o u g h t - in by t h e m a n u r e

P l u m s p i g s a n d ppu l t ry seem a t r io w h i c h th r ive in c o m p a n y P l u m t rees

4 a ^ p o u T b p y H r t - p H 6 ^ ^ ^ bear _ _ a b u n d a n t l y w b ^ a - ^ r e e raquo - i n o t h e r loGa-

t inns shfd thei r fruit w h i c h bea r s t he t r a d e m a r k of the l i t t l e T u r k

Clean l iness and careful bedd ing of a n i m a l s so as to keep t h e s ta l ls d ry and

Jfcamph of ton pro ventB g r a v e d i s o r d e r a o f


the g e n e r a l sys tem a n d a lso the frrita t i n g efleets of the a m m o n i a on the eyes c a u s i n g i n r l a m m a t i o n r r - o f - a b e m and b l indness -

N Hi t ter a successful s t r a w b e r y cul-turiHt of Syracuse s ays in lhp N e w

few minu tes to b r o w n s i g h t l y Serve wi th c r e a m

bullbull P e a c h Cake mdashLine a deep dish ivitli pa s t ry p lace upo r i th is halves of peaches c lose toge ther sp r ink l e plentifully with s u g a r a n d a l i t t le c i n n a m o n p u t in t h e o v e n a n d bake unt i l cooked ea t wi th c r e a m

Delicious L a y e r C a k e - M a k e whi te c a k e as for s t r a w b e r r y cake bu t omi t t he r ed s u g a r a n d a d d one c u p of des-sujated coeoanu t a n d use n o flavoring M a k e ic ing a n d in to one-haif p u t b lanched and s h o p p e d sweet a l m o n d s

Porttroitrst anttsdiond layers together with the a l m o n d i c ing on t h e n e t s p r e a d p la in icin^ a n d lay on t h a t a l a y e r of ha lved fags t h e n a n o t h e r coa t o t i e i n g for t h e nex t use a l m o n d s a n d so on F r o s t the t o p of t h e cake a n d bull t i ck a l m o n d s over it

Rais in C a k e mdash T h r e e - q u a r t e r s of a c u p of bu t te r one-half c u p of sweet mi lk one a n d t h r e e - c h a r t e r cups of flour yo lks of e igh t eggs one a n d one-half teaspoont nls of b a k i n g powder B a k e in je l ly t in s T o p u t toge the r s p r e a d a t h i n c o a t o f f ros t ing on each l aye r t h e n one 6i c h o p p e d ra is ins seededgt a n d a n o t h e r of f rost ing raquo

Hickory-oir Waltint-layc1CaKoTmdashQriS c u p of bu t te r two cups of s u g a r five eggs one cup of mi lk f o u r c u p s of flour two teaspoonfuls of b a k i n g powder P u t l aye r s t o g e t h e r wi th ic ing miamped wi th finely chopped h ickory o r walnuj tmqats Use p l a in ic ing for top arid lay on it) unshyb r o k e n m e a t s i

Artificial Oysters mdash T a k e yoUng g r e e n corn g r a t e it in a d i sh to one p i n t of th i s add one egg wel l bea ten a gmali teaelip of flour half c i ip of bu t t e r some sa l t a n d p e p p e r a n d m i x al l well toge th shyer A tablespoonful of the b a t t e r will make t h e size of an Oyster F r y t h e m a lijjht b r o w n a n d bull w h e n d o n e b u t t e r t h e u i c r e a m if it c a n be p r o c u r e d is betshyt e r t h a n bu t t e r

To Bot t l e F ru i t s mdashBurn a m a t c h in a b o t t l e to exhaus t a l i a i r t h e n p lace fri -the^froit=to b e p r e s e r v e d qui te d r y a n d w i t h o u t blemish sp r ink le suga r be tween each l ayer cork arid t i e a b l a d d e r over s e t t i n g bot t les cork d o w n w a r d s in a l a r g e vessel of cold waiter wi th hay beshyt w e e n to p r e v e n t b r e a k i n g W h e n t h 3 s a i n is ju s t c r a c k i n g t a k e t h e n out imshym e r s e th in p a p e r in g u m w a t e r a n d vhn wn^t f f las it n v p r m i d a r o u n d the

In Mexico nea r ly every one is a smoker T h e school childre rn who havo (tone well in the i r s tud ies a r e r e w a r d e d by being a l lowed to s m o k e a cigar as they s tand or sit a t t he i r lessons T h e schoo lmas te r is se ldom w i t h o u t a c i g a r in his mouth bull I n the l aw cour t s alJ persons cornnibnjy enjoy the i r t obacco freely a n d even the accused in a cr imshyinal t r ia l is not d e n i e d ^ M s indu lgence b u t is allowed i | his c i g a r e t t e goes oui i n the hea t of an a r g u m e n t to l ight it a g a i n by bor rowing t h a t of the officer who s t ands a t h i s s ide to g u a r d hi ip

Si r H e n r y T h o m p s o n t he London su rgeon recoernizess in fisli a cpmbina-t i u u o f al l the e lements^ 1 uf J u b d thti

The Rev NewmanHall ha abandoned couteuiplated trip to the United States


top of the bot t le as i t dr ies it will be-cisme~quitefirm irad t igh t ltbull

S w e e t P e a r P ick les mdash T o ^ g v o _ q u a r t s of^goud v i n e g a r t a k e l o u r p o u n d s o b r o w n suga r a q u a r t e r of a p o u n d o c i n n a m o n st ick a n d j y j u a r t e r p o u n d of cloves T ie the spices u p ih~smai rbags

the h u m a n body r equ i r e s in a lmos t evshyery phase of life m o r e especial ly by those who follow s e d e n t a r y employshym e n t T o w o m e n he cons iders fish t o be a n inva luab le a r t i c le of diet bu t he scouts as a comple t e fa l lacy t h e not ldn t h a t fish ea t i ng inc reases the bra in powshyer T h e only ac t ion fish h a d on t h e b r a i n w a s to put- a m a n s bod in to p r o p e r ^relations wit lTfne w o r k he h a d to do 1 1 bull

Tlie Meadows of Mary]and mdash

S P R I N G F I E L D P K I X C E G E O R G E S C O M D Mr Chas G Addison of t h e above p lace s t a t e s I s p r a i n e d my

I m p o r t a n t When you ViRlt or leave NeW York City save

Baggage ExpteeAacre axitf Carriage Hire and stop at the w a n d Uniou -Motel oppobite ltirand Central Depot

Elegant riKiim rttfr-dnp at rrmt (tf nn(- mil-lion aoftar6 red eed to | 1 and -upwards per day European P-lau Elevator jtveataurant bullraquoupp^U wiU^rtUe-hest I^orse cars etageaand bulllevatea railroad to all depot ^amiliea can laquoIve be t t ^ for i^se money at-thc brand Union

THotel th^n at any other first-cka hotel inj the i c i t y - bull bull bull - - - bullbullbullbullbull

WJe pever deceive or a good purpose Knavshye r y add raajice to falsehoodmdashBruy e r e

That) bad breath comes from ^Itrffttto eSamarifan Nervine I t etope the cause

laquo150 _ L_ _ - - KOH ijyHFicSiir lNJJlGaaTiQN xjlaquoprearaquoton of Spirit andQeneral Debility In tbelr Torloui form alaoasa pre+enUcopy agalnat Pever and Alaquone and other Intermittent Feveri the ^KXHHO-PHOMPHO-aampTKp KLIXIH or CALUraquo4TA made by Caswell aaiard t Co Njw Yarampand told by all lgtnjwtraquota lathe best tonic and for patterns recoTertnlaquorrom ^ever or other aickness it nMjio equaL BUCHU-pAIBAl Qntck obmpiete cure all annoTlng gldney and Urinary Disease bull

H A T Ffivia I have been a Hay-Fever auf- ferer for three years have often head Elyrf Cream Balm spoken of in the highest terras I used It and with the most wonuerful succese mdashT S QgjtBSyracuse N Y bull FLlE8rofce ants tec^urs ru laioe ctowi chlpmunts cleared ont by Roogb on Hats lsectt

rigbt^knee c a u s i n g - in tense bull suffering a n d the use o f - c r u t c h e s for severa l weeks I found n o relief in o the r r e m r

edies a n d finally t r i ed t h e m i r a c l e of cu re St J a c o b s Oil I n a sho r t t ime I coul tTbend m y kneemdash vlaquohiohihaii been stiff a s an i ron r o d mdash l a y i n g aside my c ru t ches a n d was ab le to w a l k as well

r rmdash mdash bull mdash as ever-

G e r m a n y is exporting shawl s to Scotshyl and J t_ bullbullbull

A g e n t l e m a n in a n e i g h b o r i n g tdwn who had suffered t^vo years -wi th c h r o n ic diarrhoea and vgtas so r educed t h a t he couid no t walicr^vas c u r laquo d and res tore to sound hea l t h b y Johnsons Anodyn4 Liniment Th i s L i n i m e n t is wor th I t s we igh t in gold r -

C e d a r Key h a s c o m m e n c e d shipping-tu r t l e s N o r t h - ^ -

bull bull - - L U bullbull bull - bull mdash - bull

T h e b l i gh t i ng Effectsof JTSplTfe blg-crtl a r e sad to behold in those we mee t^day by day This o u g h t no t and need not be so ^arsons Purgative Pills n lakes weKJrich blood takpn one-a n igh t fof twe lve weeks wil l c h a n g e the blood ia t h e en t i r e h o u s e a

Mr JnoR Hatterson- of Evanavme says Sdmaritan Nervine cured my-wile oi female weakness Your drusgists keep it^

HOUGH ON HATS Clear out rats mice flielaquo roaches bed-busts ante vermin chlumunks 15c

Hvy FJIVEK 1 eaa recommend Eigts Qream faim to all Hay-Fever frufferers It is in m orjinion a sure cur - I was a|Ricted for-36 years and never before found permanent re-Ik-f-W HflAsXrxs Marshfieid Vt t

What is defeatmdashNotiilinj-ttrretrtrcaTIotrr nothing buttlle first step to something better mdashWendell Phillips

WOODBERKY Mi)mdashRev W J Johnson ^ays UI have used Brovrus Iron BitUTB in my family and tbev have proswn a^-tplendid health inyJgoratar

rr is becoming is honest and whatshyever is lionest must always be becomingmdash Cicshyero

MibiAWAKi I|id Dec 1 18^2 DK PEJJOBLLI mdash

Ikar SirmdashOverwoi k has donefor me what it does for many peeiring to benefit suflertDK women I add my testimony to the value oi Zoa-Phora For five years I suffered gTeatly with Prolapsus being obligtd to use a supportshyer daring all- these painful wean years but ihfcjuks ID your medicine I raquo t a r it mi tnore X^ laid it opound after using one and a half Jjotpoundka-_X Am not well but I work all the tme aDd am better than I ever expected to be You may use my letter and if any one wished to write me for more information give them mv full addres^ Miss CG JtoHlaquoB S W A N S WORM Sracp v or reTerishness rwBUas8_esraquo worms osastlpaUon Tasteless 2to

Over 85 per cent of New Ylaquork City people live in rented houacs

bullaWSSJBSJSIISSJSJWMB-MSSa^aWSSS-SSMSMSmdash Hosteiters Stymraquo

ach Bitters by inshycreasing YltaT power and renderuui the physical functions remilar and active keeps the pys em In

food working order and p B o t e l c t s i t against disease For coneUpstlon dyspep sia and liver c o m -

pialni nervousness Sidney and rheushymatic ailments It Is invaluable snd It

afford sasored efenoa tealrfct malarial fe -bull e r s besides removshying al 11 races o f such disease from the system

For sale by all Di uggtsteStnd IXsalraquo


ers general y


Cream Balm when applied by t h e finger Into the nostrils laquo111 be absorbed ef-fettnaliytcleansicsthe htad of catarrhal Lr us causing healthy seshycretions Itra^laysln-flamstlon protects the membrane of th nasshyal pasag s from addishytion alcolds complete- -l y h e a i s t h e sores and res ores taste and smel A^fcw appll-c tions relieve Amdash trorongh treatment wil positively cure Agreeable to u s e Smxd- for circular Price 50cents by mall or ampgt drugglstilt






Y o r k T r i b u n e t ha t fie cons ide r s s t r a w worpoundh $8 pe r t o n for use on bis s i r aw-oefry p a t c h H e uses it as a pro tec t ion to t h e beds in win te r as a mufehr-aftd-says it keeps the f rui t -c lean He uses a b o u t one ton to the a c r e


-mdashPt j t - a - t ea spoonfu l - of -gnlpbrar fn the1

nest as soon as hens o r t u r k e y s a re set T h e h e a t of the fowls cause s the fumes of t he^su rphu r t o p e n e t r a t e e v e r y p a r r of t h e i r bodies eve ry louse is ki l led a n d as ni ts a re ha t ched within ten days w h e n the m o t h e r l eaves the nes t wi th h e r brood she is per fec t ly free from nits o r l i c e mdash mdash mdash mdash ~ mdash -

R e p o r t s from Cal i forn ia s t a t e t h a t a s e v e r e d i s t emper has been p r e v a i l i n g a m o n g the horse s tock of t h a t sec t ion d u r i n g the pas t win te r which has-prov-

-ed fa ta l in m a n y cases a n d left m a n y of those which surv ive inbdquoverv b a d con-di t ion T h e no ted filly Wi ld l lower was a m o n g t h a sufferers a n d is n o w covered w i t h - s e a r s r e su l t ing f rom ug ly sores w i t h vehieh s h e has been fttfiietedv

T h e o ld fash ioned p e a r t rees t h a t w to the size of o a k s a n d b o r e fruit

fit for preserving h a v e been su-e d by a g r e a t l y improved- l r u i t t

es~ djozirot^assess t h e ha rd i-laquof~lafe~ o ld sort T h e forc ing the 11raquo l raquo p i d g r o w t h is p robab ly t h e

aUlf m o r e t h a n anv th ino e l s e ^ ^ j k a r

a n d boi l w i t h the s u g a r ttinl i l legal tm-til a g o o d syrup is fo rmed P u t in the B a r t l e t t or S i c k l e p e a r s p lace on t he b a c k of t h e stove c o v e r closely and cook verv-blu wly unt i l t hey can bo piorood wi th a s t r aw ^

G r a p e C a t s u p mdash F i v e cupfuls of p u l p o f j u i ce OHO cupful o f b r o w n s u g a r t m laquo euoful of v ihegar ohe- teaspoonful each of b l ack peppe r clove c i n n a m o n a n d sa l t bull Boil half away

- J^ngl ishmen i i l jUi l th i i -mut tonof i i lack-faced sheep

The glocy of man is his strength If vou are weakened down through excessive studv or b_v early ind^cretims Allens Brain Foodwill TC-8tore alt lostuvigpr $1 G for 15mdashAt druggists ora^Iten^iPharrnacv STfT Tsraquo ^ ^ - V Y

GaT Lyuuslatent ULuuy_iuuuiju^jjllcdttcr new ijoots-or tihoes before you mn tbenj over

Kmory titorrs of (Jbicago now at Saratoga is said to have 300 neckties bull $ -

mdash Wvppripnfn thAJ^rraquoraquo^ T^achltr

P r i n c e riBismark has become suspi-aious ai idfcrabbed in his disposi t ion to a d e g r e e t h ^ m a f c e s it impossible for UU pub l i c official but the mos t obsequious to se rve u n d e r h im I t is said t h a t t he C f b l v n T r i n c e o f G e r m a n y whi le ap-p r e c i a t i n g fully the g r e a t work which B i s m a r k has done for his c o u n t r y has ve ry l i t t le s y m p a t h y i o r his d o m e s t i c pol icy and hetico u p o n his accession to the th rone will h a v e no sc rup les in d i savowing t hem

- No matteEtthat yourmdashatttw-irt H-Browns Tron Bitters will surely benefit yoii i

Striped stockings according to London Tiuth make the legs look thin


bHgfctras t h e d i s e a s e w a s qpfte Tin-k n o w n to the old s l ow g r o w i n g t r ees

T h e Massachuse t t s A g r i c u l t u r a l So-^ i e t y conc ludes t h a t s a l t ayen^amanufe h a s the p r o p e r t y of hasj tehing t h e mashyt u r i n g of al l g r a in crojpis t h a t w h e a t on sa l t ed l a n d will r i p e n s i x T o T e l T d a y s e a r l i e r t h a n on unsa l t ed l and all o the r fjmdashiffittens be ing e q u a l t h a t i t - increase

bull i e l d from 25 t o 50 p e r cen t tha t - i i n s t h e s t r a w a n d p r e v e n t s r u s t a n d

bullBltt t t h a l l t - c h e c k s if it does no t en-t o w y p reven t t h e r a v a g e s of the ch inch b u g

W o o l is h igh ly hyg roscop i c mate r ia l t h a t is ic h a a t h e p o w e r of abso rb ing m o i s t u r e f r o m U h e air W h e n in pi les o r b ins i t absorbs m u c h w a t e r a n d be-

jQfimesJheavietmdashWhen taken- t o m a r k e t in a wagon however t h u s b e i n g t r e e l y e x p o s e a t o d r y i n g c u r r e n t s of a i r ^ t speedi ly loses we igh t a n d the pfian w h o b a r t e r r a t o n t im~day~foT~TJi^i icP c r e a s e of a cent o r t w o a pound will uffually lose^more t h a n that a m o u n t in we igh t bull -

T h e O o o k ^ B o o k - mdash

I c e d A p p l e s mdash P a r ^ a n d core one dozshyen l a r g e a p p l e s -fill with s u g a r mixed wi th a l i t t l e b u t t e r a n d c i n n a m o n b ke t i l l noa r ly done - e o o i a n d if possible w i t h o u t b r eak ing p u t t h e a p p l e e on a n o t h e r d i sh if n o t poss ib le p o u r off I h j Jatoei h a v e raquo o m e f e i p g ^ r e p a r e ^ f ^ ^ - f ^ y F ^ ^ trade raquo f


Rheumatism Neuralgia

Thouand6 yos milUoos of battles ofCar-boline have been sold alid tbe laquoale still goes on If there were nomerit in this great natshyural hair renewer do you suppose tha4-the-peo=v pH W(iuld still buy and^buv as they continue to-do Assuredly not and the groatlauirber of testimonials prove that it u nniMf the grandest of natures remedies

^ Miss Ottilic daughter of Senator Ma Virginia 1laquo much admired at Saratoica


A F a c t W o r t h R e m e m b e r i n g A severe eold or cough can be soonest cured

hy taking accordinrr^ to directions Allens Lung Balsam It caube pvoeured at any drug store It is harmless to the mostdelicate pershyson 4 bull

Miss Kmlly Faithful will sail for the United States on the 18th of September to make a lecshyturing tour of sir months in this country

BUCKINGHAM W VAmdash Drs5fewlbn-ifcBTaiF repprtr^hat Browns Iron BiIters are giving general satisfaction

Poor people in New Yoffc~pavfITe corner STO-cerstorcOHl by tbe pailfu at the rate of famp) a ton -

And will eonapietely change- th blood in tin ent i re syatem^tt threc months Any pe r Hon who will ake 1 PU1 each n ight from 1 to 13 weeks may be restored t o sountf health i snch a th ing be pogsible F o r cnringFemale ComplainU theae r u i a hvlaquo n o bull nuat Iliysicians nse them-In thei r practice Sold everywhere or sectent by mail fo vlbM letterfrtampa Send for cifcnlar I S JOHNSON ft COi BOSTON MASS ^ i i- mdash ~ a gt gt ^ ~ _ I

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITiS^ J O H N S O N S A N O D Y N E L I N I M E N T wjll-irrftin-neouraquo]y relieve these terrible diseases an i will positivelr van nine cases out of ten InformsQbn thst will ^ave many lives sent free by mail lxgtnt delay a moment Pretention U-bstter-than-ewrftrbullbull- --bullbull-


- A

hoopmg Cough eases of ths


An English Velcrinarv Surpeon aridChemist row traveling in this country savsthst most

bull of tha Hnrgto raquor(l r araquoia fowders raquoMd hers MAKE HENSm are-wonliless trih He say^ that Slierfdans I Con4itlon Iowilors are absoluteh- ptire and immensely valuable Js-nthtinr-on evrh will make i -is lay like -Shefldans Condition Pow-dons l)ltlaquo t te3D-B

Ja to 1 pint tnotl Sold everywhere or sent by mail for 6 lettigtr-stamps-3t-S^JoraquolaquoaoK io HlaquomH Miss-


0 ^ t S ^ S O V - fP of j n N U M ^ T A L



^ 7 ^ - S o m e tgtIood i s b a d b e c a o s c it i s poup^nfl^s^^r^Soliaerampiiadtiecalise it c o n t a i n irnpurit ies S o m e m e n l i a v e s u c h b a d b l o o d t h a t t h e w o n d e r is i t d o e s n o t pcrison the m o s q u i t o e s w h o c o m e l d b i t e t h e m 7 ~~ ~ bullbull

-Tfiericfc Ted c o l o r o t g o o r i b l o o d is o w i n g t o t h e i r o n w h i c h i s p ^ e s e a t B i p o d w h i c h h a s n o t e n o u g h i ron in it is a l w a y s u n j a t i s ^ r t d r ^ s = l ^ i e p c r --son in w h o s p v e i n s it c i r cu la t e s c a n n o t b e s a i d t o e n j o y g o o d h e a l t h ^ - -

T h e efforts of ex p e r t c h e m ists t o p r b d u c e _ a _ p r e p a r a t k m laquo o f t r e n ^ v h i c h c a n - b e a s s imi l a t ed vi th_ihe_Uoodraquo4iare-re -sul ted7in t h a t p e r f e c t p r e p a r a t i o n

-w-hieh- i s - n i m p o r t a n t p a r t of b r o w n s I ronBi t ters I t is t h e o n l y o n e w h i c h freely e n t e r s in to t h e b l o o d r gt I t is t h e o n l y one w h i c h a c c o m p l i s h e s t h e d e s i r e d g o o d gt bullbull- -trade

^ W e a k p o o r - t h i n b l o o d m a y b e m a d e rich a n d s t r o n g a n d i m p u r e b l o o d m a y b e pur i f i ed b y t h e u s e - o f t h a t p r e a t I r o n M e d i c i n e Bro-Jnis

Iron Bitters - - 3

bull - gtbull-bull 7 ilaquoSf iM^ r - V - -bull

ThjsOffer Good Till TbaatsgivingDay Only Read Tliese Testimonials The proprietors-of the FARM Ft f iLD AMI F I R E S I D E bcirg desirous of havlac thlralrealt1y well

[ mown aadpqpnlar AgrlenJturcl andTamlly paper more widely circulated and introduced Into houltiex where IM IS W already known have determined to throw off alt proflt thjn Tlaquoar and In addition uea portion of taslr capital for the sole purpose or increasing their circulation to fOQiOOO eooiw- ltlaquo circulatfonla now 18iQ0Q Only 3ffQQQ ipo bullrfwi hofnra tha rtiirrihnr^^raquo-Jc placer i t ter de5dlnlaquo to^nwre extlaquoa

bull - - f ore the following plan has baltn adopted Lyus= --

will enter yonyname on odr subscription book and moll the FA y to you for Six Ifonths and immedia

MDErefrn-tit to^kneof 1

Cholera Diarrhcea

i rr^m bull laquo i i i i f i i

^ - _^ -AyfC181-0AND FIRESIDE ately fend a WriBled i t a W m l Urrc lpt ^raquohich wMenUtta thlaquo ptstobs

bull bull


Lf I bull Sprains


il B QOTanmentBonds of 1000 a Greenbacks of two

1laquo U S Greenbacks of ilOO 1 Xatched pair of Trotting- Horses 1 Grand Square Piano- 1 Grand Cabinet Organ ^

l Thrmdash-seat Rockaway J H H t a i a i Taiwan i n 4 a ^ laquo ^ 4 ^ a ^ 5 Top Buggies

80 XL 8 Greenbacks of $M each 1000 Photograph Albums t each

raquo Viilage Carts rT Pony Phaeton

of Presents to Be Given Away


tsooo 00

10raquo o

1000 SO

laquo00 00 bullCO 00

sooco looo oo9

1000 00 9000 00 araquooo too 00

1000 Pocket SUrer Frolt Knlres 1000 Gsots Pooket KnlTea 1000 US Greenbacks of i l eaeh

10 Genu Gold Watches Ecgtiah Movement 1laquo ladles Gold Watches English atnvemt ) Boys Silver Watches American Hove i I Solitaire Diamond Finger Rlncs a T l w a T l i a i TtgL^rs bullbullraquobullbull 1 Normandv Work Horse--

2800 Elegant Oleograph Picture 6 Raw Silk Parlor Suit Furniture

1440 Gold Finger Rings Ladies Bream Pint Scarf r - - - - - - - - bull mdash bull

$1000 03 1000 00 1J0O00 raquo00 40 laquo00 00 100 00 400 00 icoo jraquo 500 00 2SO00 1000 00

w - fmdash fcCMAOeurofcVAlaquosgtlaquoUAlaquolaquo _bullpound_]raquolaquoraquobull n i r n i s h e d tha p a p e r tav tklaquo I pound^JrVf J S P ^ 4 ^ _ F I J R f raquo f l S ] amp r i S V ^ noiinLS a n d h m w a T ^ raquo y raquo rlttnndjjta Frwsgtrlaraquoraquo I

C H I C A G O P A F E 8 CO __ _ C11ICAGO A n g raquo 1 1S9laquoL

^ 1 K P i V J kraquoTe Ptd sae Mweral ta ftSMd d o l l a r f o r ttreaa-work o n t h e i r pstpcr

GentsS Pins LocketFans and Chains

entraquo Al

d B88S5 offlor presents rained from 25 cents to $100 which makes a grand aggregation of IM t thus guaranteeing a premdashnt to aacli and avary n e w subscriber who sends uraquo bO CtS a-111 of the abovepreaenU will b awarded in a fair and impartial manner by comrnittclaquoccolaquolaquoat 1


Burns Bruises

to attend the Fest as manv will be pr for Six Months

I roiir fOrurv itixgtnalaquo^ YOTrRSTJBBOT thijri) Send us

- A J T D -

d mdash T c a l d s Toothaehe


P ATNTrvTT LhRuuwweiMnsi l i iad ust r A l l X - rwl l^LvL- l^^ t r t e n ( l o f Bl wbo want bullore and afe medtdne which can be froely used Inshyternally or emally without fear of harm and with certainty of relief its price brings It within theraufe of ninnnrrt wflTwmosJty uiftmwsTVmm m em tin aowoV onu p n a raquo w ai dwuk iBa i perboHle Drleetlonaaoooinpsmy e4h bottle -


RnfTTONTRSS Get firs of your f r ^ s t o J p l n yoear catUwrthivoutAadahowlngit to T bdquo T86 and wFwTll seadyou the FARM F J t L O A N D FIRESIDE for laquoU mouthV and a numberedreceipt for each of your subacribersanJ onlaquo eitra for yonr tronhlp ^ ^ ^ P i T fcraquoSCRiraquoraquo raquoraquoVti aadwawlllsend j a s u b s c r i p t s and twelve nTmbered receipra

We shall limit the nvaber of new subscriptions to 100000 so we would advise all our friends to forward gtub-| ecriptions early bull bdquo

FHE FARM FIELD AND FIRESIDE onc-pf the oldest and ablest edited Family and Agricultural pipers It contains t w e n l r lai

stoty Columns) lnchullngelegant cover bound stitched and cut And now has a circulation offlL es ond we are-sure to reach the 1 0 0 0 0 0 laquo^ the tiuie set-and the djsrribution of presents Will take

t^ace on that date it contatnrsrdrieg flketohes Poetry Farm Cardan Household and Agrtcultu ral Departmonts by the best Contributors of the day as weu as an Hluetfated fashion Department Needle and Embroidery Work Iliustrationjof difltorent parts of the frac34 ^ 1 frac34 8 4 3 ^ J L f n f iog^PioaJ Skstchec of Sminant U e a and Women In short it conuins that which will interest instruct uiul ajuuse the whote fainiiy mdash ~ bull HzZZ_rz ^ T M v P J O P ^ J ^ X 0 are men of mean who always hare done as lhlaquoy agree and onr paper is loar ^ S - S a a ^ a a ^ V ^ f i ^ T A 1 ^ SJSi^SSfS^^ lt tradeampW to the letier any offer we m ^ n u k e T ^ iJampJPQ^iXXXSlPy10 1 frac34 frac34 1 ^ frac34 bull H E F E S T I V A L we will send a printedLiraquotof the

ONLY 50 CENTS S^SampSSSl^fSSf^S $poundampamppoundampamp su^cription price ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ laquobull jraquor tgt+n Kraquo bull ltt ltt laquo bdquo t ltbdquo amp rraquovJgtltri Ckit ^^ ^

lui i S 3 LifJ m o ^fV 0 lt o I w n l ^ r b o S n t n ordinary ItnVr at onr risk larger sums should ba ssnt far f Registered Letter P O i^onry order or Express flSenttoa Thia Papergt laquo w u laquo OS SSSJS oy

I aawe a l w a y s O^sftalMtToiu

l a x o r s a a t t o a e o n r e r w l a g PosHtrV maul aw I astrnt a l o a e t s w o r t h flTet|saelaquoamplaquo prlimSt] T O D r p a p e r aawtast n o t h l a g a b o u t the w a l a a -bto Fssrsa l i ^ o ^ a a U o a M I I n t e r v a t t n a bull ^ s amp ^ U m _ W - K - W M P a O y ^ 1

bull U J P V P Sfargam Co A l a B S A T D W O O D 111 A o g 1 1 1 6 8 3

I a s i v e r y a a e h p l e a s e d w i t h y e a r pskper E v e r y n u m b e r seesas to ase t o blaquoeosBlaquo^asere A t t r a c t i v e siad prof l taate I s a v e t k o w a t t l dei iahtcdwithi t k r raquo j rEAUTET

W A r S F X M f t Oi Araquoc J^jasas s A^ A S raquo P I R S a i D K aoshe d a y a a V a a d ^ m g aay t h a t bull w s raquo w laquo U f l e a o e d w i t h 11 I fladti L

w b o m I sua o a e W i t h s a c k sua a g r t e s t t e r m l r o a n j a l e v e r y O s r - e r - - frac34 ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ I

I h e r e w i t h send w o n t o o _

F L R C ^ I D E w h i c h I AJTDl

^SESSJL^J^^F^A^^ bulllt

RKa utthhtouti iraquonand


I t Is c e r t A i a i y thebValaquoplaquoper I e Jkeat p l a t a Uoatrssted

l a s t r a c t i v e besuatl ful ly

h a v e l a t e l w b e e a a subacaHbev t o y e a r t a s t y a n d s t r e l l a b l e p a p e r a a d snaac a m sstotHp fama p l e a a e c l w t t V It I bull u b i e r l p t J ^ a V l a the Brat plssee saoa a e h a a e f o r o a e laquo r t h e s a a a y ssrea f o r a q y t h l n c e o o t a l a e d l a t h e ^ a a bull laquo d h o p a p e r la w u s t h t h r e e er iR t h e s a e a e y b e a l d e a i l prcooata

S bull W Flt

l J H ^ pound f 1 frac34 4 CSampraquo^Hpwvraquo bull K laquo h t assd ^ e d J E y r H e n d a a d a a raquo a laquo r l 6 laquo r a


d e - l a r e aarpr taod a p e r e o a tasU a a a I t t o h e t h e b e s t seertfcetJJ sraquoer

itastso _ i eeea the paper i_ paper pruted

r bull

^e iraquo-a3tV-


iiCjmdashnift ua m^frf^wss^y^wr W T E ~ V - ^ J I ^ f f f T ^ w y r y wfatnysty bull bull bull

U raquo11

bull - J



16 I y


bullHOWELL bull- -jProxnour Correspondent bull

Miss Mary Mountain a ron^kahly bright and promising young girl died

suddenly August 2gtHh of a congestive chill

Mifis Rose Bush went Saturday to lttake charge of the primary dqiartnimt pi one of Lansings wardschools

The schools opened Monday wilh a school house overflowing will] schilars jMiss BfooksVof(jfeemllte t s prerop-tress in place ot Miss Thayer of last year

J M White received a fine new OIL bus ljst Friday He has placed it in the hands of Bashford i Stearns who will run it in part in the interest of bullthe Commercial Hotel

Mlt A Dowling Vrfooby peWew nnm--f as instructor and leader has brought bullthe HoweU band into an excellentconshydition without asking any regular poundomraquofcnsation was presented with an excellent new bell-front tenor horn by appreciative friends outride of the band

Chester -Newman started tor Jiutler Indiana Monday hoping to purchase the only photograph gallery there

mdash-Themdashball game betweeYr^the Ply- mouth and Howell nines resulted disshyastrously for the home nine Score

11 to 4 I One of Walter S Rolmisoifs-leading

men went off on a spree before reachshyingHowell His place was iilhd by the property man and as Sunliglit of the Sierrasbull wasnt nnu-h of a piav a poor entertainment vltU given before an audience so small as to indicate inshysufficient advertising

mdashgt ~mdashOne of the most successtnlTonchops

Institutes ever held in the county has jus t closed Friday higTif all were inshyvited to go boating on Thompsons Lake ay Messrs Frank Briggs and A poundgtiley Crittenden who had~ kindh-si^ cured all the boats on the lake forthe occasion and so ended a meeting that

v alb present-seemgd-fco-profit by and enshyjoy - - 4

The races advertised by the Horse Association were-declaredorl Owing lo the lack of entries The Association must be making a very poor name




among horsemeii ttiis being the sccTTlut flat failure in two years _

Jewish congregations worship with Jheir heads covered so do the Quakers- though St Pauls injunctionswtifB inatter are clearly condemnatory of the practice The Puritans-- of the Com jaoawealtk-wouldmdashseeia- ialaquo have kept their hats on whether preadhing or be-

since 3 jpxc pys iiottm


Eg preached to7 _hearing a simple clergyman Jpxeiaiming

against men wearing their hats in the church and _a year after CrtitVi)

^wtTtes To the French cliurcltin tho flavoy and these they have 4the Coin-paOn prayer-bQok read in French and which I never Baw before the minister

jlo preach witty his hat ofpound I suppose in further conformity with our^chnwli William III ratheryscnrjikrlized hid phurch-going subjgots- by following Dutch _jaisieaipoundlaffltI keeping his head

mdashcovered in chur^hvancl when it did bullplease him toft off his ponderoushat during the s^fricehe invariably donned it as the preacher mounted tlve juil-f^stain| When -Bossuett at the ago pf 14treated the gay- singers of the HoteXde Eambouillefc to a midnight ser-taori Voltaire sat it out with his hat on

bdt uncovering when the boypreacher had finished bowed 4ow before him saying Sir I never heard a man

^preach at once sb-garly and HO late-gi pound11 the Year Hound -~-

Farms for Sale 120 Acresmdash100 under pood cultivat-ion hirirc

barns sheds ^ood house two ^oodwellt of widei]


Hats at cost A Large and Elegant line of Neckwear at less tlran cost



AVe have an enormous stock in paper aiidjincu Prices too object


We lead all competitors t best

WHITE raquo

Kver sdiown i the town nt p r u ^ bullWau-K) to 25 per cent less than other deal ers are se lling the same identical goods we have withotttmdashtkttrbt- bullthe best unlaundried^hirt inthe market


whioh we will sell at doyui price-




OTTIR 2 s pound O T T O



D D MALLORY amp C Wtiol^ualo Dealertt In


r_ Manufacturers of itermetlcally Sealed i ~ Tlcklftt PnBcltrve8 etc

[S3 5SAND 57 JEFFERSON M L gt si Detroit Mich

Use TBAlaquoknuvv and you will find

Wampshall continvie to be

Your Tigttlli becoiii na pearls Twill fragrant make tho breath of all

lioyy wuiut-u uiiU au l glrlB i




tber Uial we will save you mt every dollars worth of goods

bought of us - mdash



^ - LAKWamp

tn town Kcvtionz riovoltics and

_At-vraquour-own prices Clocks Clocks

pycharri quinces poucbof) and othor fruitmdash -This farm has no wa^tu land and in- within Vgt ^ninnt08 drive from tho raili-oad station luill-_ami gt0Qlaquoly Oftoh inarki

200 Acn8mdashAraquoout ISO undoT cultivation liU-g1

house barns eheds and outbuildings nearlyall mdashfiew^-two-orcliarda fonr frood- wills oni wind-

mill land tile drained This farm is yithin a^outl-J minutos drive from the railroad station millo murkfetTN--mdash-


326AcresmdashAbout vWt) under ciiltivation land first quality tile drainwl orchard two yood ui-lls

OlTrater aboutJO-jniniitea drive from dojjot and


Goiiigicgardlgss of mkt


market - ltmdash mdash - -The-above 646 acres are Joined together and

can be Bold as one farm or divided as above or to j take more or leas aa wanted A l s o -

-49 ActeemdashAll improved within 20 minntea drive from station v^ -

80 AcresmdashAbout 60 under Rood cultivation large txyo-atogy-hojiBfl now barn and stables ^

This farm ia tile-drained has two orchards and-JB within about 10 minutes drive from depot

lt millsandmarkot alio large houtje carriage house and outbuildings with 33 acres land in corpora-tioti nfthe ttnyn vUtlilu twu IIIIUIUHS VMtlk ut the station This propflfly cost sect1-5(KH) in 1872 -The above farms are kiHgtwn as the Hayes Farms at Orand Ledltbull Eaton county 97 miles from Detroit 12 miles from Lansing _The grtte for the above propertv ull de|gtend upon how muchlhhd is take]rancitlHttrins

Part of the purchase monev niav remain unpaid fop a terrn 1 yea^9 or uped fcjaidgnomr


property in Detroit Avilfbe taken for a part Apply to --



^DDJTIONA4_ NOTICE^ If a sultable petson with moansto ltarry- on

the businose of stock raising dairy or srain faiin tnjrtfeBlTO8 to RENT or work the646 acres on ehare for a-term of years negotiations may bo Miade t bullbull h



^he oianufaiturers have yet to hear of a single case of Dyspepsia or Diliou^nesB whoa ZOPKBA

was used-as directed in which it was hot-mora than satisfactory Many write that it is a wonder-ftij remedy We can show where as high as for t j pounds were gained by its rise in breaking up-chronic Uiliousnes and Dyspepsia Its friendain-crease very fast^afed all who use as directed are surprised and gratified - 3144


Personally HppeTu-edTiefore me Peter Phillips who Tieini K W I W aci-ofdin^ to law1 deposes and says That he has been affected with rhenmatiim more or less forthe past four or five years That bust winter he had a very severe attack arid that

about in his own room by taking hold of some thinu for support Uhin the disease was in i ts

za^ojtt^irtrtt flt+HiiT4laquouldlu^4iaiu almost unhi^rable he took-a dove-of W ilf oils Ii--htnin^ Remedy

bull| whlrh-nmHPTt- inTm^rttaTe-rr-nef arid tfte SPCOTig (Lisa taken tve hours after made a perfect and permanent- cure und that since takinp the two doses lie hasbeen free from the disease or any symptomsthe reof bull I K T VAX PIU L LI PS-

Swoni+inil subscribed tObefore me this 9th day of July A 1) 1SS) IM) ONkiir Notary Public

FARRAND W4-LLIAMS amp CO AGENTS Dytroit Michigan 31-t4


PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Wy are now receiving our first shipment of trll j0-ods anil oiler greater 111-

fhiceinents than ever No pains havo been spared to have cvery-pairof our boots and shoes the very best in

- DmiTTinnillATERIAL AND WCRKMAflSHlL OUR PRICES will always be found as low as goods of thesame quality can

- - bull t iU 1)0 sTgtld foTiirthi orany other marlret - in prGs-Trmtrnrrottr fall st-^eVr^v^eanlt dently expect to increase and extend our business and every etlortwilbbe made to give out- friends and patrons the most careful and polite attention Every body invited to inspect the-goods and get our priced



Clyde (li-hgtIFor e(+ Percheron NohnanHorses bull - EnLlisli Draft Horses __

Coac-hers Shetland Pontes llol-tein and Devon Cattle ^ -

Our customerH have the advantage of our many years exjieiiieuce in hn-ediriirand importinc large colloctfigtns^_oiipmuuiitv- Lpound coiuparin^ different i_ 111 s tent oMmsincBB breeds1 hiw price iieeuuse ot ex Andhgtwfates of transportation Catalogulaquoa | ree Correspyndence solicited

-^- - POWELL BROS bullr SPIUN( K(UO Crawford C01 PENN


FRESH amp FRUITFUL FIELDS - mdash mdash OF FINE ART-mdash^~^ bull (The Detroit Art Loan Kecord eKifttjauhlishLid daily during the BopteiTiher aild Ot1 tuner a-J numh SOT volume of 420 pa^es index and title Bcriptioa-priceFivo Dollars Ten Thousand Questions Answefei -bull hlar Dictionarrof Fine Art 125 large pagBB bound Seventy -five cents Address laetur Ford Atraquo hoanbtitlding Detgoit Mie8

J raquo

At down prices

GROCERIES Largerime at prices below par at the



Pinckney Mictiigan

West Main St Opposite Globe Hotel

J^jfuUJiiie_of_ MICH


Fiiie Oonfectionery 1 Smoking Tobacco Stationery^ tc


LUMBER LATH amp SHING bull Yard on HoweU Street north

Brick Store OFFICE AT


FARM FOR SALE plowed land) five

thtiNlaquogtjraquoIIea from Eighty nrre farinVsivty neves

miles west of PinMiiiey and thtfpp^ bdquo Ilmdjljii ltjn the riiiekhey and Milan road raquobo on Titie nf ( T Hiijlroad tJood house and Darn Fine Orchard niid bull spring of cwld-watermdashA1laquoJ bull several in res of timber Call now and see farm while the urops are laquo[)win^ will bgt sold on earaquoy terms Rrw-4laquo-a Very desirahlo hone oply on premises

JAMES PANGBOftNmdash - - r - - - _

AN -OKDlNAXtK to Supjiress Saloons for tttO -pale of-SpiritiiotTH nrtd fntoxicatifig Liquore

Goods are all fresh and new Prices are always reasonable We hope to merit a 1 beral share of the public patronage Call and see us

- i _ _ _ ^ j jtL

The tAimlHon Conm-H of tho Village of Plnck- ney ordain Hud it raquohall not be lawful --any petHott or pttsons to keep a saloon -for sale of splutunis and intoxicating Honors wit the corpora^ limits of said villaeo -Adopto^Atigtiat 47th 1883

TJZ^] _raquo---bull


To write or not to write that U the question Whether it ta nobler in the mlud toautler The toptrtatkm of bwlug asked by bull ~bdquo A youylaquo UlaquoJy Hgt writetti her autograph album Atrit Lav lug keptjfa boot two yearmore or

lose Vr-Aud then apt write bi itmdash

()r take the Reu against adiofit of doubts aud f -^4TK bull_bullbull

Au-by ouee w r l t i ^ e n d - t h c o i r - T o btart mdashto write bull

Towrltemdashpt-rehauce to make a blotmdashAy thewj H the rub bull -

For in tlrai d^tksonic- hlot-wbat eellugs _X-

Ber tha was ill d r w w d i a r t h e p icn ic the next inovnngt fafi lpoU i S t l u -t r ae t iug ly J oak

J0rawlraquorlt A h rom^mber

Y e I dlaquoe _bull

ltraquo _laquobull

_ dlaquotks()bdquo_ t bowja ortli ^nyu-aii-jg iftgtjuat at s_L_

And many others S Not ft- When one iswritiilg to his girl for then If he make a blot he cttSWa line

Round it and says - i I t was IntinUoual and meant to mark A pUcelaquowhere bedid kiss And ___

v Uellcvee the yam aud kllaquo8Qd it audlgtbin)s ThaAjrtie la happy ^ bull bull

i v bull__ JWrraquo n Globe



T h r o u g h t h e i l l u s i v e g l i t t e r ot the w a r m g o l d e n Jul - moon li glut the^l i jat ITlaquoi)ressu)tiJliuv Be rjjia P_niorcsff ~re- wived was tinil of a talf g racefu l fijF tire vanishm t h rough thecliisky gloom bullwhile iiis good-night words p leasant ly -withlier

bull Ueinumber Bert hayif vou

l ingered

a re -not ttty-th-t picnic tu-morrow I sl inll not care vtig for the wlvolu affair D o n t forget tha t voudiave promised me I n at- you wiU4gtethe____ bull_ ]

_ a m uot in love with him- Ber tha said to hfirself as re turn ing to t h V p a r -lor she sat down in the bull t ender dusk

4 xHilyf t_i blow de can bullampraquobull w h e n Mrs

iiptoLihe- cooni bulljWCe Hertha but

J | s h igrass J) id vou wish to

igrawford- Ylaquospound CoitVg to the picnic1

-Jtitf Ber tha returnedwbnderingly gt l a p p o s e Mr Gerome is to b e

thercf laquolaquoImdashX believe s o raquoraquoThen ilbot MOU pound o mdash mdash bullgtWhv uoji B e r t h a asked a r r a n g shy

ing t u c h y a c i n t h bells in a r ich b lue c lus te r for the wais t of he r dress

Mrs Crawford closely w a t c h e d t h e [ s lowly-er in-soningcheeks

P e o p l e say he I s svept on you Ber r

t h a bull bull bull bull bull bullWell then p e o p i g h a d bet ter m ind

thei r own b u s f n o s s ^ B e r W a ~ T l p raquo t n laquo r back i J

ijerthiv Den io res t Mrs Crawford w e n t on - I have cotne ^to w a r n you B e w a r e pj t h a t m a n mdash b e w a r e of h i m

W h a t da you m e a n -bull-bullbullgt 4 u s t t l u s - r M r Gerotuegtis a m a r r i e d

m a n bull bull bull bullbull - bull W h a t u t te r nonsense Bertha cried

a n g r i l y and irieredulously ^ I t is uoi nonsense a n d I know i t

Mr^feuror uwfbyend saitL - 1 have s w n a l e t t e r from his wifemdashdo y o u ^ i e a r tha t Ber t h a l ) e tuorest ^ f r o m l i iaJi |g^wr t w i t c f l i f i g bullbullbull X v 4 bull


j l y n s h e a r t t o t m T y b u n ^ l a d y at my side I wtr show you the letter Bershyt h a - bull bull bull B u t I wVmld not rtjad i t she said lifting her adoriti^ blue uVes to hisfaclaquo3 I doi^tbulldttservfis to yead it How could1

I be so wicked as to bejtuve a syllabJo aj^arnst youV gt

bull A s for you Mrs C r a w f o r d Ge-rpme went iuu Lean only reeomtnttamptLj to you to follow onj j hcueaftijr what milaquo)it liave Ijeen-called ilie Diamond Rule 1mdashmind your own bus iness bullbull

After all Ber tha went to the picnic and in Mr ( Je rome s bultjrjv behind his bay t ro t te r and best ot aa far and away as his be t ro thed wife

TelJ-Tale Lines and Shapes T h e pnne i | aV lines of ^ the h a n d a re

easilv remenbered T h e life line which - i -uns a round the base o i t i i e t h u m b the line of the head which be-t ius a lo tv^ tde of thnltnft otlift (gofintf-

raquo ^


kr _biej3de ha i t a n d heavenly blue eyes and


Mtv-Frank G e r o i n c t h f l h a n d s o h i e y b u n g engineer who had come to Westva le t a atXcind ^Qjnittir^- in the ruaehinety i n

tiie jrreat ii^b^k o t m i l l s recci i t ly erectshyed thoughtHer the love)iet c r ea tu re J )laquo

bull h^deyerseen N i n | i i -raquo lifcy^and paArtiu- larly this evenifrgt as h e went iKome~ w 141frac34]to the picturiasque old fajpmfchoos^

~ u l ie re he waa tcmpb^ftr i ly j i v i n --


Dld i)5 show jit to ygttt - bull bull bull bull - Slijirhtlv discomiited Mis tettrnfr-thc cwrls trrtntp O M ofVe _lcudeF - - ^ ^ - y g t n o f t o be - r o t r w d r ^ - n hand t h a t s appor t ed her head as she [ - l ( N o j l f v t ter about tha t It iaenouffh

TiiuseU and dreamed - t f^^feourse^- I -aEa-not in-love Witii liim ^ sne- thought feeling t l ^ w a r m bloodflush to he r very bullfcmpleslat the word -I lgtave only known h ima moot$h I w o n d e r -if h i reallycujrcs so m u c h w h e t h e r or not I g o t o the p i c n i c -

She was a fa i r^ i i t le gir i with br ight

B e r t h a said Good lt m o o i n g Mrs Cpawfortl You wil l have to e x c u s e m e 1 a m r a t h e r in a hur ry bull

A n d when Mjs Crawford was gone she locked her door and sat down and cried unt i l hep^sveet-faQQ Rooked like a d r e n c h e d flpwer bull __

bullAnd _thoulaquofht^he was soTrue fco

a n d

rs Cornel ia bull whosej^Barjordomo waX -~^ Crawford ^mdash^LL^or-Bel^vt^Fftvvtor4Xnil I J^ r tha D e m -

orest were-both gtvjymen_ b u t t h e r e all ~- anatomy ceasampd^BerthaAvas s ^ c n t e e n

bulljtfs forty^ Ber tha wa^Jresh-aidraquonV-=riJuvne_ia^fadetli_rid

evigt11in_ Mr Geroine1

laa a n d a widow

LLAvrTeliirlUfu A^^C raw ford gaily said-as lie came u p

bullCIlV ste])^ ______ )bull Hssetitct

g r a n i L ^ o good sbe- sob bed i l 0 h n o ^ c o u l d hemdashhow^could he deceive wpoundso w i c k e d l y ^ ^ bull

bull_ M i s s ^ e m o r e ^ t was not at thV picnic t h a t daV and F r a n k Gerome -searched abjOuttluj grounds unt i l it AVUS qui te too i n t c for any possitnlity of h e r bullarr iya-r a n d theri went tosee w h a t h a d e h a n g e d her resolut ion of the iriylit before and j fo^irtd her f a k i n g very Cold and vvliite a n d loveJy as ^hQ^sat^ftlbne- on the ter-ijacev _ ___j

^ Be r tha he exclafmed eproadhful- ley you^ promised me -faithfully y o u w o u l d b e a t t h e picnic -and I J indv-you

t imes jo in ing I t ) and cn)laquosing the TOid-dle of the palm and the line of t he hear t w h i c h goes from one side of the h a n d to t h e o ther at t he base of tiie l ingers If the lin^s of l ife is of a rudtLy^ color bull l bng and unbrokea extet idlng nearly- or qui te down t o t h e wrist line it foretells-good heal th and long life if

j j t be b r o k e n in any poin t it denotes selt-verebdquo s ickness if short e a r l y dea th if | double H shows r e m a r k a b l e s t r eng th and vital i ty The linens eacircl ing the wristi numbertlie^earlfOf i i fe -oue line m a r k i n g th i r ty-years - bullbullipound--__laquoliai^aci^

the l ine of life it denotes loss-of-an eye--or b l i ndnes s anj each cross or knot means sorne-misfortune or tiifiicuTty g r e a t or smalL__acc_)rding to the^ i^e of| the aiiark TIK little l ines a re the lesser cares and t roubles W a v y l i n e s in the ends of the lingertrade or elscwherje fore- tel l dea th by drbwuiug A crejjcejjtf shaped m a r k below the little f inger and below the line of the heart denotes-in-

^si 141 ty AMvell (hlined-s-hort 1 ine j0in-i cg the life line indicatesmaVrkigL- If no such line a p p e a r s Jhe person will re iya in s ingle un l e s s there be a s h o r t l ine 0frac34lines on the side of the hand be-low^inie bull l i t t l e iingeiv as these al^gt de--tf_^5tt^-num-ber~or tiinus niarrLHd-rThe hues ex tend ing thgtwn-betwieti the-third orrThs^ihiger and -tlie jhvttle-linger toljie l ine of the heart number the loves ofgta iifatip-iH If but a winirle line is visible

The Squatter s Daughter -raquo^__(rin a n t H o o k n t y e r s a d d l e said

the s q u a t t e r s daughter as a m a n stopshyped at tlie fence T h e man who had been several weeks in ilie neighborhood and w h o bad become so well acquain t shyed with the girl tha t her handsome iaCi was ever before hiru advanced to where-she wvs si t t ing and H n g c i n g r y shook tiie hand which she extended him - raquo

H o w are you E m i l y F u s t r a te never felt better nor had

l e s s - Wheies a l H 4 i e - M k s

Sca t t e r ed D a d s goee to tho still-house m a i n s gone to a quj l t in Bob s lyiu r o u n l o o s e somewhar and Dick s d runk I speckT

Kmil said the visitor seat ing himself in the doorway d o n t ydeg_ k n o w tha t dressed in any th ing l ike a stylish way you would be one of the hundsurnest g i r i s i ever aaw

pmui OOD-DmB OT_ mada from Miectad UJ en iA0 raquolaquo-raquohore toy CASWELL HAZAKD 4 Co t York It la -baolately pure and iweet PaUeqU w _laquovlaquo once taken It prefer It to all othera Phyildana bare-aeoldetf it tuperlor to any of the other onsto aiw_copyU v L

OHAFPin HANIgt8KAC PjMPL_eKanltJ roughHktn cared by ullraquoi_ JUMPEK TAH SOAP made by CA8-wml MAZXtiD A (Vl New York

= mdash lt - i -lt Tyi-rry-iaM

bull laquo


^ -


W a l l Lor I h a d n t thought about it

you like to wear fine W o u l d n t d r e s se s -

f - - vow youreshmttingtbull A n d have r good e d u c a t i o n I dontl^ere so rtiuch about the bull ed-

dycat ion cause lira sor ter spiciouij J bout Iwwk senseJ Keal old hossect sense is the kjnd to havlt an ef it pe r son s g o t the boss sense he dojTt need the book la rb in an^ ef he h a i n f ^o t tl^e boss sense he can t t ake book l a rn in Jo


FOR PAIN lii-vus and cure)


Sciatica Lumbago n u u t i H E



gt P laquo | X raquo I _ Soreness Cuts Bruises


And allotlior igto_llj_c_e_ and |gtnhis

FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE wold by a DniKglto arvl

I^iilcn lJlrlaquoctiltgttraquofi lu 11

The Charles A Vo^eler Co (SucfMcun 10 _ VIKJKU-It kCQ)

lUUlautrt laquoiiC _ A

lt_KK a raquoelaquok in your own townT^Terma and I-outfit Q deg free AddreM^HallettaCoPortlaadMata _ _ - _ bull WAJVTJBlt-Or to Beat and Fraquolaquotelaquot |ae lnng Pictorial Books and Bible Pi reduced 33 tgtr claquont NA PtTBLxaHiwa Co_ Philadelphia Pgt

he re Wiry did youmdash - - - - M y n a m e is Mis D e m o res tJ

f-said haught i ly bullbull bull GeTomoiJTtrhhlim

Miss D e m o r e s V


a tting ilaquod ihat is d e e p and clear tife person

arid wapmlv^

A n d t l i e n Mrgt Crawford edged iier-Silf a little t(K one s ide

Woii uyou -it down atul enjoy the TtToti 1 ig 11a-4ti44u- wl_uj_pound___ampi_e a sked

peVsyasively ---^- ^ T h a u L s 1)L^IH1 I atn L i a h u r -

IV - M

Anri HatiuV dis^ntisiivil wi th tho J i -v-- tlifftMgtfHt~^U4^~___) j gtiL__Uiltif^t_at^_so-

e i abU iy M rgt Cra w f 1 lt urned IpT att- ^ J i e r n t iHMsboanlc-to wj gt -wns s i t t i n g

inside the w indow -T =^ bull j 1 suiraquopns(hfri)wKM-s a ci_ar i n n i 5

- -TTrn nTTTrrrrtorthebull^weietSuf ludieSy^ -he-remavUfd - bull lt - bull

But m a v b e l i e isin a- hur ry to oo pp =ltbulllt- ttpiihii Deui0rest T h e v s a y he is makin i j up to h e r bull- t

_4ertha Demores t -echoed_gtjlrs Crawford scornfully gt^VTiy _he4s

m e r e child with eHow hai r arid g r e a t big blue eyes Nobody could see anyshyt h i n g in he r to a d m i r e s bull

___-iWell you kuDWthere ltrifo aucoutit-ing for tas te W h a t I say is only what-

TTieard a n d I liave h e a r d t they a re

better- it it- bleases y5if

lie ci_id-vith 11haft smile at whargt4ie believed ugt be a display of cirl tshMi^nitv wlfv did YOU deceive5

me so 3 V

V h V l i V e i deee ived-you Ber-

-1fP laquo N me

will lov- faithfully arid wapmlyr A Ion2 and wei l -d^ t ined lino of- the head-promises lutci-hc iral igtowltr but it-may lw too longest ifitextehd ltjuite to the edge of thq haint iti-adicatt s too much calculat ion cr j fu nleanness I t should eud inurer lire -tliird tinker o r - t h e r e shya b o u t If itigt forked or do 11frac34e lowyd

_tlua_-_l_d-iJ derri (bull gtt itpeeptiTrrr^int iimt4tie-- dealwig thou^ii- ill

good ii ix_av ihtan

sense any rfreat s h a k e s bull

bullbullYou bullafce--m-istaken Iwtlucation -taie_ complishes wonders and without our g r e a t colleges a n d schools r_thi_ -entity vounjry would soori be worse than^- It wiis when h rs t d iscovered bull -

4raquoI--know jes wha t I m e r ta lk in about^ she replied an t ha r a in t no u s e n t r y i n ter t a lk book la rn in ajgin me case I se got the Aggers A mighty eddycated feller come to see me fur a long-time- art folks lowed wed mar -bullry an I r e c z i n wC would ef it h a d n t e r beenlgthat n i s eddyca t ion proved to be a fai lure One day at a log ro l l i n Tony Diver the t u n t of the ne ighbor-hbo(lvrter-iieiritf my eddycated m a d blow-a pbwerfuKcbance wen t up to M r o ^ t r ^ n i t k - ^ ^ ^Look - a hear- e ap b i ^-Cfuve been- tarkin bou t your e d d y c a - ] tion for some timeV now I w a n t to _how

i y o u t h a t it don t amoun t to n o t i n h ^ a V tellih1 the smar t mftnto cut his yeapers Tony grabbed him T h e raquo scuffled

pound 5 in C 9 0 Ugt day a Umnie bauple worth |5 free 3 W _U Addreaa Btlnaon 4 Co PortJandMaipa YOIIMR MPMl^rc TBLXGHHPY here and we will bull uu r sH t rraquo_iTH TouMltnatlon circulars free

Is TAI_ErTtXl-1 $7frac34 raquo week 1_ a day at honaeeaatly made Coatly bull ontfltfree Addreaa TrneAgtCoAmru-taMatne

CANCER A P p a U l Y e C o r e ICo jKnlW X o P l i M t e r N o P a i n Or WC Payne Marraquoh_llto-_ Iowa

PLACE to secure a Business Edshyucation or Spencerian Penmanshyship Is-at the SPBveKl t tAN BUSINESS roULBOE Oetrelt Mich Circulars free

Or LpFlkuS FftyUMMQUampUiCHC VIGOR Growl _ fcgt_u_ oatbe laquomoot_rlaquol f_oj in 10dayor money rafaoded Merer f-IU Sebtea receipt of 50e bullU-Dplaquo orillycr S praquoct_jlaquo_ for|l Beirut of cheap lmluUioni _c_laquo other g_minlaquo Blaquond foreArcnlar Addma 1 W SAXKbox laquo W_r_iwX_d P 8 A

F ALt-^A-mjScitct tor of PatentWaihlngton D C f i r S e n d for Circular__B

upon vaawB Bgt

IXJ joirwjaft to obtain good and falid PattMQts then wTtte to or call I upon T B U 8 S S F B A a i K amp

S O N 37 WeetCon-1 _ eae St Detroit Mich Atiorney

Patent Causes Established i years Send for pamphlet

a i o n

auu - ex

KM WlsC nMiiereti-

ceHC^ ltlaquo bull fvltrv slrort bullbullff o d - i m i ^ s

iiyU-gt md faint

Wlliu i l l s - l ine is-

if tlw iitu-ltltt laquobull1 l ie-heai bullloji_

engaged or next door to i t Ht-of bull iti-^-Mt-a--mdash I don t believe a-word

Crawford said encrgetically T h a t i- as y o u please B u t -whether o r not Mrs Crawford be-

l ieved- the rumor the t i d ings aqnpyed mdashJ bull - bull S - T i bull bull W mdash l mdash J mdash bull _ he r and-when Mr G e r o m e liao___gone

o u t l a t e r she wen t ups ta i rs ostensibly in gthor c h a r a c t e r ~of boarding-Unu_io keeper to see tha t Mr Gerome was

I d o n t miders iaml wj ja tyoun iea f i 1 mi ark ably

diSicnIt of cq-tiipielirnsibn Howcyer

ly as possible--bull M r e r 6 u i e why have you n ever spoken to nie about Your

w i f e - bull - bull bull - bull - -

-^ -^ -^or - J^Y^JXS 0 0 ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ ^ w o u l d n t be a p t to r speak ubon t w h a t I h a v e n t gqt - v

bull ^ Younro tqlhtig me vdeliber-Ue false-T hood3flaquoiiv are a -marr ied m a n a n d you

have bttcn-playing a tr__ich_xoi_s_pa__t l this whileT

gt- A mar r i ed man he said his voicq thrilliikef with incredukiusnes s bull yoivi-a re t a l k i n g in c o n u n d r u m s I am not a m a r i e d man and I have been play-ing-QQ t r eache rous partmdashto you least- of all Ber tha m y l i t t le go lden-ha i red d a r l i n g

And thoTi wlmt did B e r t h a d o b u t begin to c r y in the ~mp_r l iudtghi t led fashion - - -

bull T h e n wha t did M r s r ^ ^ a w f o r d l m e a n she d e m a n d e d - bull

- mdash G e r o m e set his lipo t igh t ly toge ther

-exii4id- ilteiovrthe first and

wj IroVn tl7ltbull eltLe 01- the i iaut l iu le l inger lib iiei-een tiie fluidinl trn_tis it iddil-ale- r i^adect ion-ae dgtpo- i t ion t and iwjso prouisjlaquo^ weU

aroun aWhiIe and tin_ill ony ilxmg Hrm Tony don t know ^ l e t t e r in the book an when it was diskivered t h a t the fellows eddycaj ibn d idn t a m o u n t to-anythin pap)hd_comc home an sez Emi ly thatsnuVrt man - o yourn was flungdown j e s now bv Tony Diver Ef yer m arrgtdtim I l l d rive ye r from u n-tleF myy roof aTiT y o crgtfvp1 r T^ome bitclr

Pap s l no m6-Urtr^TOYself- twav

T a in t a goinbdquoter

ior tiie happnesgtof bulltfu-pa- bullisnr If it head 7JTTTTs~dlfwT] gthot liKyiArra the

Hue it shows t1iU atV--W^ii uiu-t be iiumled upon _tc^_ei_L_ mdasht H if_i_l_u gtni-U lnu- _fo -^rliwartl loyts bull ]gtis-iioli WitJ-fVi -Une^ot l i i gt hl oUrl l i d r i i p U But- judgment must not

_ I t uippily vitli me Look a here ff Gabc Jqhwspn knowshy

ed J__t_yer was er talking to me tha t Kr wuy he dvlia w yer hiuin^T

What are you engaged to him I t hits me tha t e r way-

bull- Ibullbullbullnrnrst- say that I J don t h e s mdash


- --Emtlv dlti vou thiniv tha t YOU bullCOUld l-l slloltfS S t U p i d i t y j T j ^ u_- j 0

DBvALLDfeAIJER^Tiwi9uoHo_TTr_r_WORLD ___ 1 mdash~-__aa7a]

auv one ^-1 raquoeara-Ki-laquoor lm as - t l i e r ireiTii


e mlt je a

heat f ituiiisistency ie fornietl from

of t-ive hand tiit)_-- l o iraquoe consid-

thinX ____________bdquo ^ v

Hole on rigiit thar DlTtnt l i c^vul j r the p reacher at Dry Fork totlgter day a n iii i ln t IHL 1 bullcounty judge Yer can t j_et liere an t a l k abou t a m a n with stfeh compl ish ments Get on that boss- an m o s e y mdashArkunsirnT-^Trtrster 1-


Wx should oo_to tlie eft and eiviet-bulllv fY)i- ouosrieiu1- loyes vnd misfor-tVnes iiui-l in -iiie r ight for whatever pertaii ts - to heaitu ai^i ienirtlaquoiiot days All lines gteuee---ot

i f tne


- Monpy^Withput Iiirt^lhc The niprtil power moiievwields apar t

from cht_raeter l iberality intelliirencel and the other qualities esent i r r tb t ruc

imi ieii-wiuL ltivgtn _oat(h6od is of but relatiye value and mil ui iU - j^ 4^H i^W 4sUii4ignil ica i i t except wiien t rue worth

and h igh t ra i t s of c i i a rac te r aceompany i t W e have instances of this f ac t i n our o w n time which show tha t almost uncoh_cioirsly the popula r opinion measures a m a n by some higher and -rrrore durab le s t anda rd than the money

a i tvU)utdt_ thar l

w e l l supnlfe_mt__towels and M i l l vrr Ht-


ter bu t really_tapiOApect abou t a tie

She never looked^flt)r the g^pd for

M t u n e tha t befell her Sha hati ^ thought it jus t possible t l iat Mr Geromc migh t h a v e wr i t t en or received A love-letter and possltrhjr-laid the to rn 7ragmonti conven ien t ly in his was te -baske t -

B u t i t w a s no t sc rapsmdashit w a s an open le t te rmdashyes ac tua l ly an open let ter on t h e table the envelope addressed to Mr F r a n k Gerome a n d tho shee t beginning M v dea r F r a n k mdash r a y deares t hus-


A h Mrs Crawford has hpounden ta lk ing h a s she W h a t did she s a y - T h a t you-wefr-e-inarried

B h P Ul-Kt lmV l l t V T 7 y h n t w p q n _raquo-_- _ _ _ _ _

- gt _ i __ bull

As if every musc le in her body wits suddenly clrimged to i ron Mrs Craws-ford became straightTTrad r ig id in an inshys tan t

4 0 h m y sluj__jja^spcd D o n t let rnSJTTdge my fcllo-w-creatnresjtoo r a sh - -lymdashtret i_re-4ook a t t h e s i g n a t u t o mdash 0 h d e a r l oh ity ^___eiouaL_iiJt ac tua l ly i s n t Y o u r own loving wife Ju l i e Oh h o w faint it m a k e s m e T o t h i n k - - t o th ink -ho is a mar r i ed m a n

^~_A_nmvlh1ftri1-fnl-lram I UCTCT encotrr-a g e d his sinful a t t en t ions Well Bershyt h a Demores t will have her own boldshyness to t h a n k for this I a lways knew

- t h a t girl would come to h a r m with he r mou th a lways on a b road laugh for n o t h i n g in t he world b u t f b ~ show her tee th jjist because they h a p p e n to bo white and regularmdashfalse teeth like as not

- _ _tY__jj__J_L_j_n^ _poundIVJL r-^-my painful du ty but Cornel ia ( s raw-ford nevit yet-siu-wTklroni d u t y

^ Ah it pltKir liiile Bcrtjia Diunorest s sk in had been less l ike a rose-neUtl her eyes less lovely blue bull Mr Crawtord ce r t a in ly would not hiiyc t aken such f c rwt iv -p fe i s t t ve _iu ]gterfo4iuiag - heir pakrful d u t y

raquopTteaiid i l l -na tu re r i Ge rome exc la im cd ang r i l y I shall not a l low her tongue to w a g after this fashion Be r tha will

)ou walk down there witii m e As a consequence of this invi ta t ion

Mrs Crawford yas cons iderab ly star t-l ed by the a p p e a r a n c e of Mr G e r o m e

qua l i t y - yen

line-mdashm--mdashtiie existence of tiie upn^Ue-tpiality For ins tance a pfwe wjjieline ot the heart indica tes co ldness or even eruidty W i i v n the lines of the left hand -a re clearest and tuddiest its pos- stsor resembles his mother Int-Umen

traquorrYaml phy^ieallymdash^mdashbull- r In the prac t ice of the ar t of pahli i t ry

edge (-Iphysiognomy uraquo oi ge t - indeed t h e lwo sci-

land ju hand one supple-TOinrting the other This is why ihe

Beat In the W o r l d G e t the i cena lne I T ery p a c k a g e haa o a r T r a d e - m a r k and is

Hi - i rked _____tgta ISOLD KVEKYWHjhn^C _KTt _ -0_ _Mi511T l l

i-yintf Straeoa _LSgtNKSS Xjjnyassir^mdash--

_etroit is the plutst largcati-

r os- qioroughand practical has he _n__t able and experienced teachers finest rooms aud better acilitn ever -ay than any tMher ubinesa coll-pe in Michigan Ask r graduates and thebusineistrenol

etroitj-aiiit our School Call or send for Circulars S_ert__-K_ bf bullgt Pr-Ctlc-lR-iJurtrr-

and Miss Demorest as she sat d a r n i n g inen in the d in ing room

a n d secretly bewai l ing t h a t n o one had m v i t e d h e r to the picnic

M r s C rawfo rd G e r o m e said ab-Btiptly as he en te red the room w h a t is this s tory y o u have been te l l ing Miss

T)embTesTlaquobmit m e I told Miss Demores t no s tory I

to ld her only the t r u t h bull W h a t is the t r u t h then Suppose

youtell me X-_a_-y__ire a m a r r i e d man a vil-

shrewd for tune toiler scans the face alshymost more closely than the hand of the pat fon A lew set rules in regard to the feat o r e s - a n d cITaracteri^ics ot~the humih face may well be added in this-connection

And first ofalT t i r c sou l dwells in the

h e m a y possess or may have accumu gated This is the case where the repu t a t i o n ^ f ^ ^ laquo who arc held Hn high es



bull01 - CorQ-rT-af l^^ P - ^ - ^ 3 te

A l e t t e r d i rec ted to m e A le t te r addrtwsed to M i F r a n k Ge-

t r o m e gt _nd then Mr G e r o m e l a u g h e d hear t -

ilv4iile his lip cu r l ed wi th a imeeTi expression1

Exactly But there a rc morp F r a n k Gcron ies than one in the wor ld for in-s ianee vjv tin bro ther F rankfor t to wJiouKthat le t ter was written by his trwrr vgtffrrrmdashr-r - bullbullmdash

1os^Hdy it you had inken ihetroub--lo to r ead t he whole ins tead of -X p a r t rrf whi t was not in tended lor your eyes Aou would Itave seetvlhat the lettef^vas

to vcad solely because

eye anil tiie ability to miders la i id i l a n g u a g e -is inborn- in most-people withshyo u t h a v i n g to study it but t few word i n r e g a r d to it m a y not be amiss Very qu-iet eyes that impress and embar rass one with their g rea t repose signify self-

c o m m a n d but also great complacency Eves that rove hither and

bullWtherX-hilV 11 eir possessor s p e a k s U - 4 ^ raquo ^ 1 - ^ ^ v 0 ^ n j ^ ^ 11 d v i o - n i n g m i n d Eve f m e n t i o n e ^ Thei r acts iind opinions laquo note a deceitful in whicht l ie white has aye l lowish t inge anltl is s t reaked with- reddish veins deshy

l-note s t r ong passions T e r v b l u e eyes - bull i bull i

toeiu is also based- upon we^ilth The -ma-- ___ i n w l i i e h J i is gained tire use tp -whicii-it isput1 s tamp- tiiemselves upon the publ ic j udgmen t and mak^ an im-prDSsionjtvhicS cannot Well be oblitershyated T a k e for instance such men as Gould and Vanderb i l t in comparison with George Peabodv or Pe te r Cooper bullijr-rcat wealth and the useto whfch they pu t i t have given them their fame ~Th-tel lectual ly no one of themwould ever bull-ravemdashbeeu kupwa outside of his own immedia te sphere The first two far surpass the o t h e r s i n wealth and the power they can exer t m the business opera t ions of t^he-wprld Thcv can make o r r u ih the fortunes of thousands of lel-low-men by the caprices of specula t ion But how much mora l power -do they

l a s t are

WO_-~i-53XT TOUTfGt OB Ol_0


_H6V_D t-f6STl_SpgtjJT lf SOLD raquoT ___ Da-ocjir

mdash Te-tlmo-l_iraquo fnrnii-ed Oar P_mphlrt on

Diseases of Women and CMl^ren -laquolt-sr_fraquo VTrer wonuui -MT 15 y^raHsrafMP-6--ly 1 MoUier __o_id re it A_t_-_a ^ bull -

JT PENQELLYA-CO-vKalamaae^ Mich j-T All Wtter- m-rklaquo_ vritat _ro read fey Dr P_-_-_3 ltgtlaquoraquoraquo

sen t on for me -nr -

posit ion Of t h e nosemdashA R o m a n nose denotes

a n en te rpr i s ing business-l ike cha rac te r a long^nose is a sign of g^ood sense a perfect ly s t r a igh t pose indicates a pure arid -noble souUUtdess the eyes cont rashydic t i t a mz fttrcntsse signifies a spir i t of niischicfcwit and dash a l a rgo nose gene ra l l y i n d i c a t e s a g o o i ^ - m i u d and hea r t avery smal l nose good n a t u r e but a l ack of energy ^

mdash7 t he seaside H e r e waiter^

keeper says cheerful ly as he si economica l guest I g i a - s s we l l have to gUe-this l ient lemau tha t n ice room

hotcl-up the

of no mora l force in the ciTml_iTmlty The i r wealth cont r ibutes no th ing to the fund of t rue gyeatriess No t so with wea l th used as in the case of t h e othet examples quoted The t r ue fame thusj a t t a ined is more las t ing and more enshyviable To the ambi t ious -who seek

p wea l th and fame a i d toil to have tlumij name- l ive after t hem the lessons of the] t r u e power of weal th should hot be unshyheeded mdashBoston Courier

A Polish for Pine Carved Work 1 Half-pint l inseed oil half-pint of o ld ale t h e white of auegg 1 oz spTiTtsofi wine 1 v spiri ts of sal ts ywvll shake licfojEC using A little to be appl ied to

t h e faceof a soft l i nen pad and tightly r_l__]___Lfi+_IiJ_iiili_4_X U-_o _ (Tiver the ar t ic le to 4K- -restoiTd wliieTi AittsFater

mdash bull bull - i bullgt vS ward be polislied otl with tin O l 41k handkerchiVfl iiis will keep any Ungth of t ime if -iti^i-^ork-Hl Tiiis iVii^h is useful for iTeTIcTite cabinet Work i t r s

m a t he Mit on for me to yoad solely oecause ui g-raquobullbullnun ^_inraquo--i_raquo - mdash bdquo ----u - s i s t c i - i u law Julio_ a l lude play- -in ih ivamicx __lraquoigtYbdquohraquoUto 7-^ on the i |alj^_iccoi)M)K ttidcd tor iyper llv iuits pa_w^4^rihc los-iof--TUauk-tifih___kOA b a c k _ work bull ^ bull ]TT bull-


Positive Telief^nd immuni- -ty lVom complexional blemshyishes maybe found in Hasans Magnolia Balm - A delicate and harmless article Solpound by dmggists ever5^vhere

It imparte the most brilshyliant and life-like tints and the closest scrntin^ cannot detect its nse JLlfunsightly

IDJscolorations -Ernptions Mfamp Marksnnder the eyes S^wness Kedness Roiigh

amps and the flush of fatl_jno an d excitementare at once oilje-ie^ hy the Magnoliamdash raquofm bull vi_

It Js the one incomparable Cosmetic ____ -^ -


-_- -i-x


- i

Y i

A gtj

iampjmmu+mdashraquoigt- raquos-v bullbull -MTWili ilaquotraquoW gti mdash hi j raquo M raquo fv -(- -q4 JUlaquo V

laquo bull

-r bullr-Vr

f^- tf

f T PtWilVMW 1 raquobullraquo


i t





Sherman is strongly talked of as the n e x t R e p u b l i c a n candidate for flic

- JUrwwd^y W T has the ability to conduct a campaign i

The papers conhiin reports of a new conspiracy of American ami Irish ltiy nam iters Tle British authorit ies a re nervous J notwithstanding tht4r vaunted courage

ltraquoov Begolc is busied just now with explanations a- to his di^-posit-km-of his sons estate and pays little a t tent ion to politics All the same he _will keep posted agtrto tlie date of the next con-vention

A man-ea t ing shark 12 feet long was caught iri New Yftrk Hay recentshyly and the enterprising angler now hrs the monster on exhibition Its a cold

I gtraquogt T-Jvi

- h bull r

clay when TJicTankee canT~Hnd a new dodge to make money



Ben Butler will probably be the next Democratic candidate for Governor in Massachusetts Bens otlicial salary bullcoupled with his exhorhitant law fees will soon enable him to retire and ive some bodv el]lte n chance

1 Detroit s nyw- evening paper the J o u r n a l appeared last Saturday It is a bright new$y sheet independent

in-|gtolit4c-s-antl will no doubt crer te a n e w field in evening journal ism in J)etroit I t claims 20000 circulation


The postoffice departmentTfasTeeent-ly made a new orde that registered -letters must contiiin in Their address the name of t h e county as well as the c i t v a n d State to which they go The new rate of postage begins Ocshytober 1

ThePreTftrinitial party are enjoying bull themselves as only well-fed and conshy

tented officials know how The Pres-bull_ i d e n t l s said- to be tanned and -enf irely

tised up by the exposUie^ Ife will probably appreciate the cushions ia t t ie White Honss chair when next h e

Although Hon John C New assistshyan t secretary of the treasury will neishyther affirm n o r deny the report that he will resign on Secretary Fulgers return it is believed lie will do so at an early Mnienn order to better look after hisnewspaper and otneY ^private tiv-Icresfs He will a t least re turn to Indianapolis tor a time after Secretary folder re turns to Washington He is very popular and there is no t ru th in the rumor that unpleasant relations exist between him and the secretary

Some eastern merchants and stock operators who were not pleased with flic wayin whuih-ilu Wttorn Inion Company transacted its business durshyi n g the late strike brought suit for damage- against the W I Company before bull lodge Lawrence and won the suit and the New York- World ridicules the Judge s decision that a teleshygraph company is a common carrier and that i ts rates inay therefore he regulated b^y--congress The -Woftd pointedly retmirks tha t the Western-Inion is jnorv likely to regulate Con-gress than Congress is to regula te the Western tTuon If lav O o u h t l v o r o still editor of the World this might be regarded as a senii-atlicial announce-lUCNt -

The knigts templer are ^returning from SanFraut isco hut alas no laurels bring theyhome to Detroit- who e r4 -whiie performed deeds oibull might and eidut^irms (it higli import at the Cleve-landvfmclave The De Molay com- mandery of-Louisville has w o n t h e prizein the great cake walk a t the Golden Gafce and are nniking a slow j but t r iuninpant progress homewarb-j prouder than all the paladin aiid much more gorgeously ha-dited Where Ue now tlie- invincible heroesof the Mich-igan eonfm-a-mlmv-By our hal ldom

and by the beard of Godfrey de Bouil-ion odds hodikins and marry come up and by all the pretty oaths which sipiir-1 or kuiglit couM j- w-frt-f-r we shouliTlTaVTuther accounts Snpreme

UJbis tines

thoritios and8unda^ -raquo+tfkta postal was received s ta t ing that a man answering to- Hamptons description had been captured not in Lapeer as a Detroit eveningpaperaverred hut in Flint Sheriff Vallace and landlord Stone imniediattdy went on to Fliiit HUtb ttirtrtitinl t i t f t r -pr i^ t t r r H e i s now luld lor trial

Mrs Th7VTITn M l ^ ^ l n l v ^ i I t v iisenue aged H yctrgt died of a conshygestive chill at In r home Saturday niglu The fureral talicspiace to-day from Hu house Mrs Hill was an old settler and has livedtor many years on the banks of the II uron

F O X 1 IE i V11A At _r

I-rom tin IU fiw t _

Mr Fred Ives and family departed for Marshal on Monday where they Vjill take their future residence

Mr (k L iMsherJiiis-reiited the enshytire ground floor of the lt hicra Hougte b|()ckand will till it in the near future wijh a largestock of furniture The lartition between the two stories will partit ion nerween rne two

be removed and throwtfti

sees them

bullbullbull Toledo 0 is a citv of over 50() bullgtgt-loons notwithstanding the t a x - o T ^ W

vacli ini|gtosed uplaquo^lri^fekraquo^ planr by theScott laweniir-ted at the histlegisshylature Under this law the sahxns ot Ol^o are taxed upward of S2000000 w4)u-tt is qi-ti-terf relief to t he taxpav rs ofthat State

mdash De Lesseps Panama canal seems to have been forgot ten in the n e w s of t l |e

rday The people of to-day are over ready to forget-ojtie tli^me and take up with another Xo sooner is public a t shytent ion attached to one subject than if is directed in another channel bv tin1

hrsfninprobahle thing-t hat is mention-ed -

Knuuent Grajid WlTatyuucallem Sii i-lugliXbiCurdyLto llie rescue _ Om blagtt from your riant and eloquent lraquou-gle aud-ffhe WiiiR=gr wTttiigai-n-^priiig

jind flash their swnrds-to their foatliej in air till the 1-ight thereof shall dazie -p+^+Hty out of countehahce-News

lTtrroniMVHyrn g iving i)iie of-tin largest and rooms in Livigston county

Geo(Tastem has obtained a patent upon a set light durable and strong whifftetrees trhd evenerTbeing made eutirelv ljL~wrought iron rods He sohf-n ha i fwt^ res t in thesamjctoH H iMifee a n d thetirm are ge t t ing ready to push the sale of the same

I)FXTIR From tlngt Ligtul(T

Coniiely it iix of Adrian are putshyting ip a maguifieent lnonimunt in the Catholic Cemetery for a Mr Shan-ahan of the town id Lypndon This tlW4 small head and toot stone and handsome galvanized iron fence cost the nice sum of pound700 -

raquo s bull

The carpenter work on Win Glenns new house a t North Lake is completshyed and doe Keese is now engaged ill pu t t ing oil the finishing touches - -The house is a nice otic and reflects credit on its builder ITii^vTiiTIogg copy

Doi^ got among James Lucas sheep last Sunday night ami raised the dickem Tltey killed and inainuvl a-hnttt thirty-five Mf -Lucas wit obliged t-0 kill some -of-the wounded-ones and they together with those the bulllog killiMl made 20 deul sheep tor one night s work e nhder-staiid two of tlu7 diigs were caught and kllled~-ahd that their owners propose tomake the inss good peimdashreqircst-of- Mr hn^is 1C Heeve also had 10 sheep killed









fast 1 nda night by-dogs-

poundpound9 HOTCL


bullpoundpoundlaquoM SIlilHSlWHfflSIS

Sis|laquoS fraquoS|fe|jlaquoil ||ilaquoiWlls||amp|iMi



Cor CongresB and Bate^ts

DETROIT MICH ttraquotltgt8 $1 to $1 25 per day Single

nit-Hi^ W cttfts Lod^in^raquo Mgt to S)c ^^ imiklaquo h Bptciulty of dinner and

iti alwaysfeadyatil ocloclcshariJ Come early utid he served proT lv raquo ^ ^ ^

ra i l road ilt iicing t ion as rajiidlv a

T h e ( I r a n d T rui ik I^nckney -s-new pushed to coiuple-cireunistavices will

permit A sink-bole was (U^eount red ^wraquoTiifa wliiili walt lto hyvge thal^ lU-u

ut all the leent to tHf

gradeis were obliged t(gt timber for several rods ai thebreach W i t h such obstacles m tlie way-of construction is it any w^oii-

(iTFis hot heing_nearid


S O T T I I ^ L Y O X From tin Pii kit mdash - mdash - - mdash -^---7-

A round-house whieh~Trill inrnmn-dat(gt twoamgines has been built bv the ( I near


The turn tal

NVeatherhead has one buildshying up and enclosed on 14^ lots near the dtpol and the iouudation laid for anorher ~~~ bull

der that compTetl as rapidly as was wl

anlicipated Those oare impatient to see the-work of


England continues to -ship large bulliiiimb6rs of her pauper victims of tr e t rade to this country ami the authorshyities at OasAle Garden either connot or

--mlKii(raquot Tdfr-anvt-hiHg more rigHmFFF than simply to remonstrate against f lc outrageous procmxling 15ritaiiis_boa-t t ha t t-ke sun-4ie-er ^ets rn her mttjesv-gt-domain and still wire has no room or

^1 v

inelination t o take care of her own paupers -

Oscar Wilde hot satisfied with beshying the Original o f the geni dude ami

^ inaugura t ing the c raze fopound_i4in-flowers as buttonhole bouijuets has writ ten a p lay ca l led Vjera which bullmetwith as cold a reception- as did Oscar himself The New York papers at its first production commented unshyfavorably rpon it and thus prejudiced otherjaeople against it and poor Os-ltcar-was obliged to cancel the dates jand wi thdraw the play f rom-the s tage

construction completed will ponder on the amount of capital necessary to reach-

do Well to abor find this end

oti must not expectto laquo-ee t rains run--nitijg over the line as soda as track-layiug is finished or you will be sadly disappointid It takes time to build and equip railroads and the G T will lie in operation in due time

The Grand Trunk company nas purshychased a s t r ip of land of Monroe-bun-lap on the east side of the railroad eight rodswideand running the whole length of his farm and containing eight acres paying therefor ^1laquogt00-

Geo Hudson the boy wild fornTTrtv c l eaned t he L A A S G T cars nt this placewas run over by a train at Ann Arbor Saturday and had a leg smashedmdasha-Wv-e the knee The sur-

OUR NEIGHBORS S T 0 C K T 4 R H 4 lt ^ E ^ - -

Prom the SoutjiieU

Alex Tfcyier is hack from the far w-est-- looking d-(cide+ healthy and h a p p y r

(bullontractor lirooks was here Tuesday and says the cars shall run by the first of Nov or sooner

_ Oliver Ayraul-t was kicked in his side by his horse Wednesday fracturshying one of his shorter ribs

lgtenj u r a h a m s little boy aged about three years fell from a fence yesterdayand injured (ben t ) h i s arm

-nar rowly escaping a break

bullL - bullbull

Ht^-- bull

9 bull -bulllaquo)bullbull


Gen Crook tlie would-be g rea t Inshydian fighter who was instrumental in vanquishing five or six bucks and fifty -orjixty squaws and papooses is now

behrg lionized in theeast whither he j s t ak ing a tour ostensibly for recrea-t ion hnt in feality to be petted suiltI

- made much of If he had encountered the band which annihilated CustHT it probabljjynurld have been as well for the country at large and more espee-

xaFy the~taxpayerg Tle~is~reiTeiving t-oo ranch reward for his gtaltrv plun-

A few days ago Ar thur Freeman and BertieKollis each about seven years ohi were wn^stling when the latter fell upon liis r ight arm breaking it between the el bowman d wristf He was immediately taken toJ)r Brown at the post-office who set the fimb the l i t t le fellow showing lots of grit and now he is get t ing iilQitgfinely bull -- j

A N N A R B O R f rom the Ke^istor

John Moore has bought the stock and good will of C Holmes d r u g store on Huron street He took posshysession-last Wednesday

The pcaeh-04Aa-r4 Opound4-T4) M l w m of this town yealded (ifJ00 bushels last-season but not one this He appears to peach-eerful about it howeveV

All efforts of the officers to trace Wm H a m p t o n - t h e nimble-fingered n ight clerk of the St James t a r the t than Holly proved u-riavailing As a last ho~]iehowever descriptions of the thief were sent out- to various-city atf-

ifior^f preparltlt to amjmtiite the leg bur it_is now thought it can be ^aved

Maggie Munn had a sudden and serious attack Tuesday evening in Carpeiitei A Savers store I)r Hrown was called and soon broiightJieqj_uiLxf-wTTat bull - -was callnl a tit ])ivmounced its cause

The Doctor the extreme

amount of green stuff she hiid eaten

_ imrcaiTON From tho ritizon

1 FredStiffTiTHighlandwas thrown from his horse the other day and had his arm brokem -

FARMERS AN^FHRESHERSr S fresh new stockmdashof th^-following goods j-ast-receded a l l of which ^re-

guaran tee to-he tlm purest and best qualitymade in tbo world- u

N K Fairbanks Ex Winter-strained Lard Oil No I U r d OH-

Best Quality LardeHfte3mdash^ A No I Golden Engine Oil Zero Black Oil Old-Process Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil TURPENTINE OILBMER

VARNISH NXX CASTOR OIL Gasoline 7 4 deg and Xap tha Wate i^Whi te and Legal Test Kerosene OiL P u r e White Ldeg^d ( o loreiLPaints by t h e - ^ ^ U o n - a a 4 - 4 n - p a i ^ f w T n r T T r ^ - ^ T ^ ^

A post of G A K Thursday afternoon nemiirvs _

was established of 15 consisting

bull-^J A Dibble has a new bouse jus t coni])leted on his placcin Oceola

N(dfle King died Tuesday after a short illness in the 80th year jofhs age His femftinraquo-were-fjikeii to Fleniiifg y(isterday for burial

Prof Karbts thinks a lyWde cmt-door recreation dll- go well mixed uu with hisschool duties and has bougnt the fine little side-wheel boat which was plied on Island Lake dur ing the enshycampment lt

While TJanieT Curdy of Oceola wafi on his way to t h e pioneer picnic he drove mto a creek to water his tea^ii and as he came out the back seat of his buggy broke loose and spilled his wife and mother into the water They were not much injured

Tlie high wind which passed over this country last Wednesday afterno did considerable diimage a t Hoyvell Wright s grist mill lost a smoke-stack and the windmill-e-wned bv Hie liail-roadrwas bloVn down and Jbtujly brok-ell A builinngown^dLy^V C Briggs one inile nortlijiffownlt^was so badly racked tha t it fell to^fhc ground someT-time du r ing Wed^esiiay night

pails AVe are making Gils Pa in t s and Painters Materials a specialty and will q u o t e L O W E R PRICES than any other dealers in Livingston Countymdash Give us a call and see bull bull bull

TEEPLE amp-e^WETJL Firs t door East of W S Mann Estate Brick Store


In connection with our large and varied stock of

bull -

AND FINE CHEMICALS We make a specialty of X u f s e r y and Sick-Room Supplies T r u s s e d J l k a t i c

Jia^ndages Shoulder Braces and all articles kept in a first class D r u g Store Our Stock of mdash

PATENT MEDICINES fs full ancTcomplete embracing all the s tandard and reliable remedieswhich we will sell as low oij-any reliable house in the county W e keep a fnlr stock of all Botanic and Eclectic Re-medies and Pa rke Davis k Cos New Remedies enabling us to till any prescription or familyreccjins We shall keep everyshyt h i n g per ta in ing to our t rade In onrtrp6ery iWpartment we have none b u t ireiih-and well selected goods and-will sell a t dottom prices To accommo-^ t o o u r patrofis we will t ake m exchWgcopy But te r and Eggs and wil l pay t h e highest market price bull Respectfully bull bull laquo bull

H 3EK copy I Q laquo a B raquo amp BORO


bull bull-

L raquoilaquo mdashill


WAV Mi | mdash bull ll III I I I I J - mrmidm

laquo M V I raquo 4


mdash ^


A LITTLE boy proud of Lis new Jacket informed his Bister that he ua a Biz-button kid

BARRELS of gin have taken to explod-fng There tnust bo terrible Hclmapps ben they gogtoff

GROCERS seldom establish themselves bulln the seashore probably from feartlLit the sand may get in their weigh - mdash

MASSACHUSETTS has more letters in it than Mississippi but the latter ia the JonLgeryQrdmdasha miss JUL as good^aa a xnilfet lt deg

COUNT DORSAY who possessed amp f a n n i n g wit in remarkingvQn a beauty

jv Ipeok on the oheek of Lady^euthamp-ypound fcgt3 compared it to a gem on a roso-

feftf The compliment is far-fetched observed her Ladyship llow can that bel remarked the Count when

vjt is made on the spot THlaquo proprietor of the Hotd Ma il

whois aakillful musician asls What is home wilfrfl pla^qT^l^rCoToSeIT

from experience we Would remark that bullbull i t is then a placn where the wicked cease

irom drummingand the air takes a rest ^J)o we strike the right key 7mdashNew York Commercial Advertiser ATa Country house whero I was visitshy

ing a feXv- years since a ntntoly ijmjor-dopobearingthe name of ItfacMahon reigned over the cellar Are you a reshy

l a t i o n of the Marshals jokingly said a1 friend who was wit me No sir v u the grave replybull_the French Presshyident is of our Younger house ^re are the MacMahonof Ciare Tableau mdash

London WoHtT FATHER you are-an- awful brave man

vaaid a-Detroit-youth as lie smoothed down the old mans gray locks How-do you know that Willie V bh I heard some men down at th-e store say that you killed thousands of soldiers during the war Me- TOly I was

f a beef contractor for the army Yes thats what they said explained young innocence as he slid for the kitch6n---JMroitFree -FrenZ -

HERHUNBAXDls A P O S T R O P H E Oh woman iu your liourof ease bull Uncertain coy and hard tu-^kraquolaquoJraquomdash - --Wheneer you 0 to buy ibumiet Youre harder yet to plea^ep dogrgonoifc

LfiAVING TOWN (_ He straightened his back and wirjed the sweat

From hisJjrow so tjery ijud I would rathertjnyel with Jumbo dear

bull I Than travel With you liefcfud She darted an angry ulaice and cried

bdquo I Why Walter y(laquoiihuft he druiik Im sober enuuyh he suid5to kno^

That JuinbolaquomijtiU Itis own trunk- ^ 0 raquo the oeeasiou tgtf-Snrah Bernhardts

return to London the Times said she looked worse and even thinner than -before This reminds us o f the Ger-man cornposer-^riioyas condnctuigone

~ of his overture^ A^tlie horns played too loud he told theni repeatedly to play softer aud softer they played each tirnts- A tithe-fourth repetitionwith a knowing wink at each other they put their instruments to their lips but did not blow at all The conductor -nodded

=~spprov ing t rT ^Yery-goed indeed Now one shade softer and youll have i t - --mdash- bull _ _

~^~ THEY were sitting Tn the shadow of _ the huneyauckluH tliroHflfh yMch~EEo~

sinking sun was peeping at them with a face as red as if it had just enlaquoFged from a brick-kiln bull And you will take

me to Europe on our wedding day darshyling she said toying fondly with-one

Of hismdashsuspender buttons that had broken loose and fallen intoher lap A very serious look stole over his counteshynance and for some momenta^he was silent Finally he choked back a rising sigh-and said No deary we will stick to the dry land I never could hold a basin under a bullbullwomans chin foia

mdash4eampH3aysand love her afterward A rouNCi farmer who had been^ead-

ing a book which stated that woman is the Sunday of man thought he vraquoould compliment ahoating^ you are my Sunday I Ipusyglared at him as though she imampgined he was daft and then quietly Said Ban I may be your Sunday buy Im not going to give you any rest until you buy me a bonnet thats fiVto wear to church Dan now keepX his quotations to him-bullatampbnt wasCompelled to get the head-

bullNew York Commercial Adver-

ESMITH was ejected violently doctors office on Austin avenue

complained that he feltvery much ilitated You should eat oat meal bfampaklastr I eaJ~baTmeai and feel

as stout as a jackass said the doctor The oat meal cant have anything to do with your feeling like ajackass reshymarked Qua I l l kick you out of thai pffloe roared the exasperated doctor bullIf you do doctor Ill not kick back m do like that other fellow who WM kicked by a jackass Ill consider the flource After that Gus stalked o u l

S - ^ h e affair is much to be regretted at both parties are respectably connoettcL mdash-Teeras Hiftings _ J

aid ad-

The extent of the utisernmenc frabsidy to the Union Pacific rail exceeds that ever extended by any Government to any undertaking Conshygress authorized aland donaUcn of 13-sect75200 acres to be located in alternate sections on both sidescf the line and subsequently guaranteed the stock of the company to the^xtent of $16000 per mile between the Missouri river and the eastern base of the Rocky mountshyains $48000 perrhile for 150 mUes across the RooKy mountains $32000 per mile betweeyihe Rocky mountains and the eastenr baae of the SierraNevada momntaSsTand WS000_igtermgtlo for 166 tt^^over the Sierras TJieso grants

^sufficient to much mtgtre than pa ^OSt Or ^Oll

Genlaquo Alex Ogles Use of L When Gen A4ex Ogle-served Somershy

sets frosty Hons of thunder in the Pennsylvania Legislature it fell toliinv to write in behalf of the Democratic members a letter to (Jen Jackson then stepping across the Presiurntial thresh-hold Such work of the scribe was a

4ahor of love andjn submitting to the caucus what he had written Gen Ogle sajd Gentlemen and members of the Democratic party I hold in my hand a letter addressed by Gen Alex Ogle to Gen Andrew Jackson and I have no hesitation in Haying that i t is a -mdash- ablo paper The members gathshyered around agreed thajfc the letter was just the thing to mako Old Hickorys heart thump with satisfaction and exshycept one a dapper little Philadelphian spoke words of praise- The dandy of the House-fixingliia glasses and scanshyning the page with the critics smirk ventured to remark Pardon me General I do not wish to assume to

-makea suggestion to so distinguished a gentleman as yourself but I cannot re-fraiampirojm saying it is customary in the East and I may say in almost all the civilized countries of Europe to write with the capital I instead of the little uia in using the personal pronoun in epistolary correspondence Gen -Ogle drew down hipound heavy brows piercing the dandys narrow with ^he fierce shaft of scorn that shot from his 6ye Sir he said beginning with a hiss and ending with a roar when^X write

i^xji^jsriisrGr 1883 1-



fill two Sheets of foolscap so help me God

To T H E FARMERS OF LIVINGSTON ANDAIgtJOJNINP COUNTIES -Xf you want to purchase a Reaper this year examine the Hero look it over carefully and youjwOLsee iHlaquo up

to the time- 1st Itis simply constructed 2nd I t has no side draft 3d I t is not liable to get out of order 4th I t has no weightiupon the horses necks 5th I t is a very light draft reaper 6th I t is easily managed 7th 1frac34 is just the machine you want I t can be had of our agents on trial and is warranted to give satisfaction

^ ^ t I refer you to the following named farmers wh$ have purchased and are using the Hero v eaper some of whom for to suchTgreat auch-a towferinman as I the pa^ t JWjea rg j and they can testifyJo its merits Gen Andrew JacMori Democratic i mdash President of the United States I abase myself sir I use as small an T as I can put on paper but sir if I should ever get to such a low-down pitch as to have to write to such a little snipe as you Id use an I sir that wp_uld_

Jesse W Sheets Unadilla Bernard MCloskey Putoam David Donovan Northfleld Ang Balden George W Iteaaon Unadilla Arthur Montague E J Wakeman Tyrone Cxeo R Wilcox W hite Oak WtaedonTojrk Roscommon

- -A-HHTamp Gray TOBCO

Jamas Spears Putnam Owen Goodspeed Hamburg William Cullen Danuville P Mc Cann Bunker Hill Wm Perry- Owen Mc Cann jr M

John B Mc Creery Henrv Ward- Fred Maycock Iosco

bull=ETmerChipman h

George Bauer Brighton S K Haiise Putnam A Force litockbridge Perry Barrett Tt

George PhlpsWhite Oak Henry B Gardner Putnam Daniel F Wefit Lewis Love u

John AmdashWard Llaquo^ilej Mrs J Love and Sops Marion

JMartin Melvin jr Hambnrg W Nelson WJiitmofe Lake Warren Mnnson White Oak Frank Aldrich Henrietta John Fleming Philo Durfee Antrlmr

-bullH--CT- Marttir- mdash-- mdash Seymour Brown onway O CrSawdy IOBCO ~~ bull bull

the Hero can be seen and is for sale at Piuekney by JApound MARKET General Agent for Mlehigaa

Burial of a Greek Patriarch

We - found the deceased patriarch clothed in the robes of his office silk gold richly embroidered seated upon a throne facing the altar iri the^Constan-tine church of the Greek Gonveni^Al-though he was only cent3 years of age he looked very venerable with hisT long flowing gray beard-^eirad a golden crown upon his head with enashymeled settings on four sides represhysenting _the Virgin the nativity the insurrection and asrension and ur-ihounted by an elegant diamond cro^s His breast was-wavered with golden -classes and precious stones He had a crozier or sceptre of gold and silver leaning against the throne-while in his right 1 tartd was nrTretarrrpnt and irrfris left a ]U(^re7-orHhe VirgiTfTnid chiidr Behind the throne wasstandinga priest reading continuously in^CrreSkjappro priate passages for thedead Andfrpm caily hioiTiinff till 0 oldotLL^iuihe eve-ning a perfect stream of people were passing back and fourtli_who- would kneel kiss the patriarchs napounddThen theTestament which ho held in it andT afterward cross themselves and pase out The patriarch- was buriedOhe name dav he die-d ltTugtt Ijn-ifoitf the f-Cr-

a l m o s t evertvnn ered oigt ^Icirt- yiim

neral a motley cro^d qf-Tifks- Xrabs Uedouins Nubbins Te s a n d T i ^ e -sentative^s if aiinnstik^ery nation in

rtgina-bu4 eostunie gath First in the piftgt-

-cesHioncjnnw a--bahd of elarionotsr^h^H a band X)f brass inrttrirments phiying what IwoultV ronsidvf a lively air and notthe feast novel-was an enormous brrtss drum Iollowing tlie band were tjuitea ninnbr of ^tanh^nts- with veryV

^long hair priraquojviving irrt)je priesthood then cani^+h^TfrHfriiitd5 priests then tlie hishop dr Allexcept flit carried c-tvlt cra)0 Aiu t iTaniss^vits of

esstV iji eftvgailt cloaks hu]diesvrJo followed s (bAxjcd with black bullthe sohlhis camethe allhe ltni ls- and of

diiIarraquoMlt ivMixt^tt^-JH- w-ba^sStiliiert wildVofrf nines soinolliing

like our American Jjulians Then came bishopsbearing a kind of lanterns and crosses of silvVV imi gold An old iiian in a veiy govp^r^asTirtss wh6-as I Mas informed v-icopy nextto the pfttrinreli himself was biwristg the deceas patriarchs silver nnLJ gold sceutie Then came the Vgtodv iii-full dreisas I had seen it in tlie m-orTiing---wit)i the ercopywii_gjihisJ4Ciid and seated bull on higt throne as if he were alive The proshycession made a Strang im^yessinn upon my nvind as I wittthed toward the Zion gale the weird clianting oVtho was buried in a sitting posture along frith about two btfsheis ltlt inceuao and myrrh

slowly move d I list MI cd to

priests He




-Mr-MANNrEast Main St PinckneV bull mdash mdash bull - - bull - -

e jus t added to our stoek a general assortment of-




DrugsandGrQcerlampr And would invite the attention of far- raers-who wish to4ay-in a stock of gromdash ceries to last them through harvest we have everything you need Sugars Teas Coffees Spices Pork Hams

i Dried Beef Cheese and CannedJSoo4a -oi all kind^ ii you dont tceljust like-

going intoJhe harvest field come in and get a bottle of Browns Iron Bit-bullter Hop Bitters- Shilohs Vitalizer some one or the thousand and one rem-edles Wekeep that will do you goodmdash Dont forget to come and stock up at once The place is at the -____ L



N Jl-^-IIijjdiHst cagh rn paidfor Butter and Eggs

i3 Tatui


BI^AC|CSMITH ATTlynds of ens torn work and general

repairing including


Study OTITJ thToT

The nibre we study tlanilet tTte VCT cpnvhaeed-^ve become that be Mas ia sane He hated tlie idea of having a stepfather as most children do and trooded over it until his brain lostits

balance Some children accuse theii stepfather of stealing thlt afrrctinrrs-n their mother but-Hamlet went frac34 stej farther and doolared that- he lnvLpttt-his father out of the wayv -A+ l all beshycause he had partaken too heartily of the funeral-baked meats that he had warmed over into halaquoh for the mar-riage supper This gave him the nightshymare in which he thought he saw his fathers gheat though it was probably nothing more than a portion of tlie family washing flapping-in the moonl light Hamlet had been a gay yontli up to that time as Ophelia could testK fy but after that he dressed entirely 171 black covering -fehnself with an inky cloak toenhance tlie prevailing gloom of his appearancemdashCincinnati Satur-

toy fogM_mdash~ r ^ mdash

Call and examine our stock whether you wish to e or not




WILLIAM D0-LAN amp CO Have just received a new and complete stock of ~

DRY GOODS BOOTS amp SHOES CROCKERY GROCERIES Tobacco Canned Gtyods Etc No remnants or shelf-worn stock We m business and will guarantee bottom prices The public are invi t^- tcfca l l and see for themselves W E S T M A I N ST T I ^ K N J S ^ f f M I C H

Shop back of Manns Block PIXCK^KT

plusmn eNPMMPT0N


FHR4IXME bullbullbullbull Picture Framing Repairing Up hols te ring Ste

wl S T X A I S eTBisr



BEST|d-APA^ -TKATlaquor^B7

JAPANTEA 4ampcts ~

mdash -mdashGROUND TgA 20 c^T


Roast Cofiee

GREEN Cg^yenigE i2 ic t

and 23 cte

BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE Tugwr fur Bale 1frac34 lota fronting on Main

east of Howell Street and 6ttt on Howell of Main tor boainew purpoieronly Theee Stfzltt feet In aize are very desirably lc-the center of the village and wiU be 1

Street Soutl

CITY LAUNDR bull Finest Laund and delivered lion to


ryta the Weet G Pricfi Uftt Jnrnjah

called for on applka-

)S A CP y^M^oy- M^)(rt jgti i

tus ^ s Bird Seed 10 da

Mc-tfobacco at 40 cts bullgt J

60c Tobacco at 50 cts

^al Baking Powder Parents Bakshying Powder Spices of all kinds raquo

Bakers 0hocolatraquo ^^eeT bull Chocolate v -

Canned Corn Canned Beef -DuUMd Salmon Canned Tomatoea

mdash amp A WHEELER -




bull -

pound_ -^-~S



bullbulliiifelaquoriMiiltlflt bulla aw4raquo~vovw

^ ^ ^ s ^ l i i S laquobullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullfi^jgjyi bulllt wk tUgiu I ^ j ^ y ^ ^ j ^ I - r - V 1 raquov

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v ^ i raquo n 1 1 PfowvnwaaMM


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mdash-T bullH rlaquoP bullEH SHH


F r

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M bull l

- pound L



HUNTING FOlt BTILL8 The Commissioner of Internal Revenuehas

issued instructions to Revcumf Alaquoeut Powell of Raleigh N C to Inveetliatu tbe report that several revmue officers bathe upper part of South Carolina U4T1 been- systematically swindling the government for some time It is charged that the officers in question lure pershysons to pui up old stills iu remote pieces and then capture the material in th night time and obtain the government reward of |50 for each seizure Tbe eamc material U theu put u p In another part of the^State and seized again It is alleeed that only a few stills captured in the mountains of South Carolina have been used for illicit distilling bull

ti n Cinoks latest communication li$s lust been received by the War Department In the report Crook giVt-s his idea of- the future polishycy to be pursued by the government^ follows bullI believe tlrralv that exact acquiescence by ouj- government in the terms upon wfhlch these Indians understood they are to be allowed toydren live upon the San Carlos Reservation appears theonly passible means of protecting the lives and interests of the people of Sonora^and Chi huabuay as well as our owncountry and am as firmly convinced that if the present prisoners are treated with good faith not only will the renesradf6 now in the mountains return but also that Neither country will heresfWr huve ^ r

any reason to complain of depredations or aatraquo pects accurate and is vouched fpr

bull) i


A NEW yj^vvt Plans arc completed for thlaquo proposed new silshy

ver vault under the cagth room-of the Treasury Department1 The storage capacity of the vault will be ^33009000 In Kilter dullais Until the return of Secretary Folder the Assistant S^c- retary will act aa Secretary

THa-aA^eiMO) HOSPITAL^ A statement has recently been published to

the effect that the plan of establishing a Garfie4 memorial hospital inWashisgton had been aband

lior want of adequate support and thatlhe mopey thus far contributed for that purpose would be turned over to the Garfield monument fund Thos Fisher of the (iarfleld Hospital Board said in reply t s inquiries that the report of the abandonment- of_thpound_hQspital scheme was entirelv Without foundation


A pension office official says that there is no reasons le donbt that more money has been fraudulently abstracted from the treasury in one year- on false pension claims than was ob-tainedby the star-route ring in the same time and about which the country has heard so much $100000000 in a single year formed a temptshying prize to the pension agent ring and out of

4t4bis ring m u i t have got upwartLLQJLt 10000- 000 their particular portion being in fees and expenses Claims by the hundreds and by the

thousand a r e made up in Washington and sent ready-made to the ex-soldlers forvsisrna-ture and oath Many nith are found^too honshyest to perjure themselves thusJyit the temp tation offered by the arrears act which offered several thousand dollars In a lump If the case went fhrough is too great in -most cases traquo be reSlsted The more squeamish are Urged bv

near St Louis Mo between Iouis Phillips and Jacob Roseuhrdok both residents of Bowling Green Township iri which the latter wa killedinstantly and the former wounded so badly that he died in a few hour after The affair had its origin in a grudge long standing crowing out of disrespectful remarks by Philshylips concerning Rosenbrobks sister Each time they met thev quarreled and they decided to settle the matter In a duel with pistol They ctiosc as their seconds Mark Swark and Jack Wren who wereMcent and witnessed the shooting RoscnBrook fired tbe first shot the ball entering Phillips mouth1 Phillips stag-cered but before tailing discharged bis wea-ponthe ball taking effect on the side of Rosen-brooks mouth raogtng upward through the head Both duelists weie young men Phillips being about 83 year of agj and a school teacher


bull Mrjfidward Kniyiit of P i beru bereft of his eix children In a remarkashyble waymdashby such a succession of tragedies as makes truth indeed seem 6tranger than ficshytion I Three children died with diptheria in qulcW succession The day after the death of the last of these two of tuampremaining chilshydren were playing in the yardtbe raotlifeir being inside with the youngest child A scream outshyside caused her to rush out to find that a ratshytlesnake-had bitten both children Soon thev were in the agonies of death The crowning horror then came upon the distracted mother when she discovered thai a large pot of boiling soap had fallenfrom the fire and scalded the baby past recovery The aecouafrls in All res-

CAUOHT AT LAST Sylvester F Fuller cashier and Henry L

St John assistant cashier of the Second nashytional bank of Jefferson Ashtabula county Ohio are in the United Statess marshalls hands In Cleveland on charge ltgti embeazllng $50000 of the banks funds The Irregularity occurred Dec 18 I88i wheu the bank closed Fuller skipped to Canada but returned last May St John Jtdnot leave The misfortune was caused by stock speculations After losshying his own money Fuller took $14000 and St J6hn $30000 from the bank funds He says they will peach oh other bank officiate Before United States Commissioner White Jhe presishydent of the defunct bank refused to testify unshytil he could consult a Uwyer Noah Hoekius director and holder of $1000 worth of stock swore out the warrant The depositors all got their money the loss falllug on the stockbold-ers

missing with some $12000 of borrowed money and leaving behind some $30000 In forged notes

After September 1 tourists to the Yellowshystone national park can abaudoa stages and make the louruiiy by rail the branch of the Northern Pacitla from Livingstone south to Cinnabar 51 mifeshavlng been completed

There are about tMX) Chinamen iu Helena


Milwaukee is agitateltrTJver an alleged case of Asiatle cholera A man named Wotcbky was was taken sick and became torpid andZelowski who has had experience in a Turkish hospital bullpronounced the diseawcfcolers Dr Richards Assistant Health Commissioner agrees with Zelowskl but other physicians call it cholera morbus


Snpt Thompson of the railroad mail service^ has ordered the establishment of a newline of postal cars on the Pennsylvania Railroad be-tweetL New York Plttlaquobufgh Indianapolis and St Louis The cars commenced running Satshyurday September 1 leaving New York at (5 pm The postal car will arrive at 8t Louis on the morning of t h | second day apound 30 oclock


debris and broken pieces of machlneay 50 people lost their lives some being blown In to eternity whilei others were drowned by be-

5 1 1 frac34 8 a n ^ L e t t C I ^ ^ K bdquo ^ d K traderTi ipk lng vessel Thort who wVre floating about in the river were rescued by tug-boats anil takshyen to New York Reports as to the number killed are conflicting Varying all the way from 10 to 50

Ttie engineer Edward^Tallmatrrwho cseaped-with a few slight bruised said he couldnot tx-

TfHUrrthe-cau^e-trf the at-eldent by- anv theory

forward One of these circulars dated April 3(3 1853 add-ess-

^ed^FjilGnd-^Hd-cllent says it is some time since the claim was made up and ur^es that it be signed sworn to and returned immediately Millions of money it saye liavc been ap-proprial^d+undgtYji^n_^eyo_ur_cLalm and si-

7t= -^ure toyou tho btnelliBuf the tveeut euac ment Auather-e4fcular says the cases of those whopay their fees iu advance will igt made special by the department Every t-f-forfe is made to get hold of that fee This sys

bull lllll uf ^huliBHle pti jui v Is billeyni lotOhuvi been carried on to a greater extent thaaf has jever yet been statedi-


The family of William Luriers of Win6ted Miuu consisting of nine persons were poison -_ eQ^Tewidsy^irgoVanu hvehnve dretlapd to more aro Dotexpected^tolive The supposition Is tb at some poison wasmlxed with th^ famil lunch buffhe name oftEe fiend an^ the mo-tlve for the torrlhleerimearc unknowii


B u r s t i n g of


B o U e r o n a H u d s o n RIvlaquo c r S t e a m e r



The steamer Riverdale on the North -Rl^r burst her boiler and sunk at Twenty-second street New York In about five minutes the boat capsized There were over 100 passen-geis on board-at the time of theWccident 8ome of them were hurled into the air and then feU-back-lBto the-water and others wsere comshypelled to jump into the rivlaquor to eecape-the scalding steam The air was filled with firing

complete recognition of-a-French protectorate over Anam andTonquln the definitive annex-

nation of Dlnthum to Cochin China the pershymanent military occupation-^ French of tht forts on the Tlmuan and Vingchua line lmfne-diate recall of the Anamlte troops from Ton-quln andjhje_garri3Qn8 thert ta be _placed-on-


The British Parliament Was prorouged on the Afternoon of August 25 The queens speenh was read bv the Royal Commissioner at tbe close of the session In her address the queeu reviews in a lucid manner the government ar-fairs She expressed great satisfaction at the j work done by parliament and at the harmouy existing between England and all other powshyers The manner In widen her majesty-handled all questions submitted tomdashher- -explodes the s_tatv ments so ottea made concerningher ineu-tal weakuess

A ERENCn VICTORY A telegram was received In Paris a few days tracts on the uAltiantage8

Montana With the exception of Fargo Helena i the

largest and most Important town on tbe line between St Paul and Portland Oregon

O^Doanell the murderer of Carey is on his way to England where he will be tried The South Africa authorities protested against his removal

Ex-Collector Murphy of New York has been arrested on a charge of swindling his benefacshytor Uncle Sam

T4ta--4vuoahw ^ poatotfioaa in tho Uuked- n cnicY laquottrl ve ryof ton thin clcm^ooaa o$ States number 48049

Parnell declares that the objects of the land eague are being accomplished -----

Tbe United States consul at Constantinople has written raquo letter to the State department in regard lothe horrible sanitary condition of that city-1 He says the cholera in Egypt was caused solely by the filthy conditiou of the towns infected

Dnring the last fiscal year 91000 applications for Denslons were disposed of by the Pension Bulau __bdquobdquo )

A crank called at the White House tbe oliher day and left for the President a bundlelof

ago by the Minister of Marine from Saigon anshynouncing ihat the French had boinbardedaud captured the forts andbatteries at the mouth of the Hue River after a brilliant land attack Tbesoperatious occurred on t^e 18th 19th and 30th Seven hundred Anaiuites were killed during the engagement The only casualties suffered by the FrenSh were several men SllghUv wounded The gunboats Viper a and Lynx entered theThuman passage The French admiral granted a truce A blockade has been declared ~ -

KINO t o p i s PHOIPPI II Great excitement prevails in Paris over

placards posted in every sectiorrofthe cltr dg-claring the Count de Paris king of France The police began to tear them down as soon as they weVe discovered but were greatly hinshydered in their pfforts bv the excited people The Count de Paris Is the eldest soo of Ferdishynand Duke of Orleans Louis Philippls eldest son and is legally the bead oflaquothe Orleans-family He ts about 45 years of ase and a gi eat favorite He has traveled very extensive-lv and during the war of ^thenrebelllon in the United States he served on the staff of Qen McClellan and participated in the campaign against Richmond in the siege of Yorktown the battled ot Williamsburg and Fair Oaks and in his m r e a t on the James river He left the service in 1863 and WMred -U) England where he remained during the war of 1870^71 When the Frenefrreptjblic arose from the ruins of the empire the Count de Paris was advised to renounce all ambitious projects whteh might tend toTepiace1 the house of Orleans on the throne of France ~ His private life after his return from America was singularly happy

of Bible Study tomdashrlaquoa4tb whleli

moment of his return Atlantic City N J baa been damaged $75-

000 worth by an unusually high Mood At a meeting of the lake seamens union at

Buffalo the rate of wuges was raised from $3tn $2 50 per dav

The offerice for which the naval cadets at Anshynapolis are to be court-martialed consisted in hazing fourth class men by turning them out of their hammocks at night and compelling them to stand on their heads and eat soap Lieutenant Commander Thomas and Lleuts Wood and Meigs are the court to_try__the AC



A treaty of Peace between France and Anshynan has been signed which nrwideB-for-the --destroyed the townsin Java

a peace footing and the return of the mandar-ins to their posts France undertakes to expel the Black Flags from Tonquln and thus Insure safety to trade Tbe treaty furshyther -- mdash -

cused Lieut Goodwin is Judge Advocate Michigan Sadets are among the accused

Miss Catharine Connollv has been arrested In Dublin onsuspicion of being connected with the murder conspiracy in Ireland bdquo President Arthur has been apprised of the

plan to kidnap him but as he has about 12U0 men at his commard he thinks there Is no doubt about his safety

A meeting of crowned heads is in session at Copenhagen

The monster engine of theKeeley motor company of New York Is finished-at last and will be run for the benefit of the stockholders about tblaquo_mldd_leof-lktpteiaber ^-mdash --

A witness before the Senate sub-coinmlttee on labor andeducation predicts a bloody revoshylution unless monopoly is checked^ - - - -

A loose switch on the Philadelphia amp Atlanshytic City (narrow gauge) raLlroadcaused serious injury to 30 persons A

Earthquake waves have been observed for several days on the -Pacfficmdashiaaat^JCbey were probably caused by the same earthquake that

TtlsjumoreiLtbai iix the-lnvestigation^wl)ieh will be made shortly in the interest of the govshyernment therewill be sonii startling and sen-satiqnal dfvelopments as Ur how thejpordlet ID

An Anti^Duoliat bull The re is a man ih Ne r (IrleanS who

niiikos a ltootl living1 as1 ii oompromisor of (jiiarrcls 11(frac34 isu sluirp luwyer Vi tu lt0i(iliat(jry limpef ami an oily tongue VYhilu oi l ier myu aro Blirriujr i ip gttnfo ho is tu rn ing away wrtitli-mdashlor a con-s]ij(M[ati(Mi Il( inutld a bullbulljrroat deal ol inuney in t-1iGjrornt old tlays so fast re-ceilinj when a-iluol beftrro broakfaat was as imlisjiunsable to the happiness of the Crescent City us fish OD Fr iday H o t with wiue two y o u n g bloods would qua r re l The lie would pass and then a cha l lenge Now you see th ings iuova clear ly through the cool g r a y m o r n i n g a i r than th rough the c igare t te sraoko of

responded the

vision eoriies while you look t h roug jp the qu iver ing blue a tmosphe re a t t i l l s p u r k l i n g s tars of t h e m i d n i g h t skf Hence it vas that our friend the peaoB-t t i ake f wtis never out of a job His title was second 1 usual ly b u t his business w a s to sfn th i i rnn iifwnssity a rose J d r his services as such One case rs a gootl saiwple A young society m a n had cal led anothvr society m a n a coward wi th the avowed purpose of m a k i n g him light a duel Of course both were well b r andmd when the insul t was givshyen A cha l l enge passed a t once but-by the t ime it hadbeelaquo received Mr Ii-su i t e r had grown cool a n d e a u l i o i i s ^ -H e asked Mr Compromise to act-as hn second

Now 1 1 said the la t ter t o cOme to a poin t at once do you wan t t o t igh t 1

B e t w e e n ou r se lves younf mau I don t 1 1

o you wan t to go on the field At 1 a sked the second because it will you more to ge t ou t of going on

the field than to get o u t of the duel afshyter y o u r once face to f ace

I d o n t wan t t o ^ o on the field a t a l l said the-pr inc ipa l a n d I d o n t care w h a t it costs to keep off

V e r y we l l s a id the secxpid n o w sit down and write ju s t such an accept-ance as I tell you to w r i t e 7 A c c e p t a n c e

Y e s cer ta inly Le t me m a n a g e this affair said the second in m y OWJI way ^ o w wr i te out a n a c c e p t ance iu the usual form and pu t in for weapons rifles a n d for dis tance two paces 1 -

bullWhy t h a t s muzzle to b reas t mur -de r oji frightV e x c 1 a mied the p r i n c i p a t

W r i t e wha t I tell y o u sa id thesec-opd _ _ _

~ Wtieni irwas vMitttvi the seconoTcar -

bull J


the Star Keute trial ivas seduced A trial of reapers and mowerB was- recentl

grade in ItatVTSrjdfine result cTiTaxty_ phngf

Htiitd- i-f-himraquoe4f t-o^liu-sccouiLof the chalshylenger

vWhy this is -butchery sanl th6 la t te r second bu te l i e iy in cold WiToTt- - ^61t1ltfTr^in3ol^ v i v e _ - bdquo_ _

llien tio I nnilii-stiimi tluit yon xeiiti whatever Tle boilers were-new four years ago wheH the boat was entirely rebuilt and reshyfitted He was about to enter the engine room to obey the pilots signal to slacken epeed wheu Joe was suddenly hurled through the door ahd the ncxT moment Hi found hlmmlf havo

stipulates__ihjkLmdash thoj aboeimte control


bulltrr 7 ~

f-ing on the roof uf tht cgtibiudlrectly under jhe tbafti The explosion occurrd ho paid withoutJlic slightest warning atuKwas appkr-ently the resnltof some hidden defcht A mo-ment previous he had looked at thesteatn-guage and Tounil TTTfTTegisU - twenty-three

Jouuds When the boat was Inspected last mie-her allowance jna-rhced - i t fifty pountls

tp the square Inch

io- E F F E CTS O F V O I C A M C E R 1 P T I O N

BAXblTTl AFXElt XllTULK A story thatreads like a dime novel tale

comes all the way from Idaho and Is furnished to the worldby-theJVood RiVer TlmeB The

JFtur-CQmdashTownw PfgtHlroycd--Tltraquorrlh1fl

story is to ttie effect that-a party of Texascow IwyXbavestartcd for Yellowstone Park to~klcF

nap Frlaquo^ident Arthur and hlst-ntlre party and to spirit them away into the mountains-where they will be kept prisoners while members of

^ the^arty act as pickets to prevent being 6ur-prised and captured while negotiations for a

mdashransom are being conducted The captain or leader of the party has an idea that a heavy

Loan o r Li re A dispatch f~om Batavia Java bays the towns of Anjier Tjirlngin and Telokbeleng were destroyed by tidal waves causedmdashby-lhe

France of the Anamlte

finances-and customs aud thatthe French shall recogniae Hiephema as new King of Auam The stipulation for a permanent military occu-panon by the French of the forts on the Thu-aan and Ylugchua line implies that a blockade of Tourone and Hue will be replacedby a mishynute inspection of all foreign arrivals

~ mdash - A TEKRTFIC TrVLF gt The fleet of United States ilshing vessel^

which arrived at St Johns N 13 a few nights ago report a Violent storm on the Great Banks The gale rose from the eastward at 8 raquo m- wheu hunureds of dories were away from the

the superiority of theAmerican machine Great preperatiorie are being made In Louis

vllle Ky for the dedication of the monument erected to the memory^qf Zachary Taylor twelfth president ol the United States

The HOP Alexander Mackenzie scouts the idea of Canada ever being separated from Eng j


bull to-negotiate asked the o ther in his blandest tone bull ^

Wse cer ta inly dltV said the ehallen M-orx secondmdash umdash

Anti-Jewish outbreaks in AU8ttnrare-o~rrttre Increase despites the establishment of martial law ^ ---

Rpportarfrom London are not so favorable 1 o theTjEftedStates e^flbTfloii as had been hoped

The False Prophet has again massed his

bullbullVery wigt]i ve-ry well- Ti l see about i t said Uie ch-alleiiged- p a r t y s si^MML_ __ _ j _ _ _ -i ~ jWeoTrrsertTiU duel -neve came oft mdash Philadelphia Heard

volcanic eruptions All the lighthouses in Sunda Straits have disappeared and where the

vessels overhauling the trauls Capt Hlller reports tbat seores-ofmdashdorteTftere turned upshyside down ainl Wreckage strewn invery direcshytion Along^ his-track conrin-g-^westward~X)he French bfraquonker4ott-fourdoflfgts and all their crews It is competed from all sources of in-

troops and great uneasiaess Is felt in Alexanshydria

Fifty miles squaie of fertile country dlsap beared in the seas by thePvoIcanlc eruption in Java bull__ v bull

Tbe net dccreasejntha nnllppf ions of internal revenue for the months of J-uly and August in 1882 and 18S3 amounted to 16094000

ransom will be offered by tbe United States and nersonal friends of the president after search for tht lieioreldent6par-ty shall- be given up and that 1500000 or more ^an thus _be extorted from Thxlt-ccreTXervTce~iHinQrand divided

moiiintam of KraiMifiaJiiTiseny s t sMjM M nqgtv flows The aspect of Sunda Straits is much changed and navigation dangerous TheTtdal wave completely destroyed Anjier Many persons wdrekilled The loss of life among both Europeans aod natives at North Bantam is enormous The quarries at Merak disappeared and alt tire people-of the place perished -rThe floating doclc at an island near

among the Italian In the ganlaquog some of whom were guerrillas In

Batavia Is adrift and_badly_dfmagpri


the late war A grand council was held just before startlng-out on the expedition wnen every manswpre by his daggermdashto do blffduty


~ A HORKIBLE SIGHT ~ ~ Samuel Wturrick aged raquo5 cut fils throat in

fittouster county New Jersev and then walked -te-hls barn holding his half-severed head in one hand He met his wife and she fainted The husband lived 10 hours

bull- THE 8CNCOOK MILL CA3E In the reply of the state department just sent

to the 8weQish delegation on the SuncookiN H) mill casethe secretaryas was anticipated takes the ground that he can do nothing for tbe-ensIavedSwedes The report of the New Hampshire authorities is to the effect that the owners of the mill have a right to prevent the departure of the Swedes from the state under the statute and that the men who have tried

to_jnaka_their s ay to Massachusetts to accept offers of better employment and higher wages are actually in debt to the-storekeepers one of whomis wwnilUs bookkeeper It is believed at the Swedish legation and actually asserted that the arrest ot thfe three men was-for the purpose of intimidating the other Swedes and

Ereverting their departure from the state Mr gte Bilot the Swedish charge daffairs will reshy

ply to the communication of the state departshyment He agrees tbat the United States can do nothing in the matter because the mill peo-

mdashThe Democratic State Convention at Omaha nominated Hon J WSavage for Justice of the Supreme Court rand for Regents of^the State University Dr D Daniel G W John-

formatiim that 100-dorles andeighty unrn were lost In the storm Most of the dories were swept by the waves from the schooner decks and the remainder collapsed in the sea


Tisza Presdent of the Hungarian Council In order to put a stop to outrages upon ijie Jews has decided upon severe measures which are to he-put inc^erjiMojLffheMV^r-antWvwisb Tlots occur The measures provide that any-ose who shall be condemned to death by martlafrlaw shall be executed within thee

r the sentence is imposed The president has asked the govern ratraquont to Pthor

The-Panama canalwlll be completed in about

put a stop to the outbreak against the Jews or to accept his resignation ~

avthive mon ths week And----a s-4sr-

1 le are acting in accordance with the laws of


TheTennsylyanra state greenback convenshytion in session a t Wllllamsport nominated T P Rynder of Altoona for auultor general and A F Marsh of Erie for state - treasurei The platform adopted sets forth that the tory of the trade dollar proves that money is solely a creation of law without regard to the material used that the $400000000 paid by the government to the national bank was so much money stolen from taxpayers and the continued payment of $10000000 annually to the banks is a crime against labor that moshynopolies ought to be restricted by state or nashytional legislation and all government land held for actual settlers The resolution also favor a protective tariff a national bureau of lkhfirr-and ahort Hussions Of congress and state 1 gislaturesrmdash~~ - mdash


Henry Hertel and wife Gcrmanslopkeepers of Savannah 6a were found murdered in their store Customers went to the store in the morning and fpund inclosed Peeping

B i r t O P N E W H Mrs Caroline i i ITavls a Wealthy lady of

Albany a 1 has been arrested for swindling

ew Hampshire but he will pojnt out that tn this case the law permits the company to hold his countrymen as slaves and he will Insist that the statute has been abused

JtDQg LTXCH IX UTAH -^ ~ Agta late hour the other night aWniDcr of

masked m-n stopiKrd Engineer Thomas Road-master Hughes and a Art man in the employ of the Utah Eastern Railway compelledlbem to return to the shop and taking an engme and caboose run aljout thirty masked men to a coal village about twenty miles distant Leaving a number of men In charge of the truln thS-Vlgilants prrxjeed to the county jail Brlnglui guns to bear on the officers they obtained eon trol of the-jall oiul taklntr a man named Jaek Murphy from his cell relumed to the_trainajad

ordered an immediate return to~Tark CJfty UpoO arriving thevigilantes took Murphy and hung htm to a telegraph pole- near the station t he body belug viewed by a number of passenshygers on the early trains Murphy was arrestshyed on suspicion-of having jmot a man named Brcnpan and confined in jail awaiting trial

TWO FOOLS KILLED fatal encounter occur red at Taudon City

through the blinds they saw Hertel on the floor in a pool of blood Tbe door was burst In and the man found lying in the middleof the-room with a handkercliiel tied over his eyes and skull crushed in His wife was found in a calico wrapper tying on a sofa in the parlor wltlTherTrlroat cut ancTdne arm nearly sever ed An immense crown collected and the police were notified Hertel was bupposed to have a large sum of money Hertel and wife

^bullere middle-aged and highly respected (er-raans

SENSATIONAL MURDER AND iUICIDpound mdashA sensational tragidy waa LliaiilUd at tlm -NotHrjg House Elgin IlL recently Edward

Mcpreevy amp Co 01 that city bv^a forged order The internal revenue collector of the 4th

districtof Texashas sent to the revenue bureau claims for rebattton tobacco -etc amounting to $^0000

Pension payments for August amounted to $28000000

Count de Chambord was King of France jus t 13 days

Thirty people Who attended a church social In Marietta Uhio were-poiaeaed by eating can-ned_plckles gt mdash ~ - --bull mdash bullbull--^

The senatorial committee met the Sioux In-dians-atStanding Rock Agency the other day Among the bravea -present-was SittingmdashBulk who accused the committee of getting drunk He was forced to apologize

WmTamTport Pa had a $500000 fire the other day

Oscar Wildes new play Vera Is a grand aesthetic failure raquo

Reported again that the Queen of Madages--car ts dead

y-IblehL Tfjw^b tithrp^kfi are of almost daily occurrence in nearly all of the Russian towns

ODonnells plea is that he killed Carev in acrt-deftnsemdash mdash mdash-mdash-

voy-Mo-e one tii^lit tliis _ his cus tom siwpriseil

t l s -ifa a i n t i t u l e ftrnTilv tVy leltlTlg -h+rBs-eft^ttr -t-bmiTgh-trtt^rrrwrrrreTrtof his hoose^wft^ n lfttou keyr_ T t w hour was ten of the rHffht and the~Tutsiement w^ dark Unfort-^naterr-alst) as ivpleasant bulltreat for liis -

T JosU-n a citizen of good standing shot and killed Etta Buckingham a young woman of

Twenty-threeBpereons were drowned)n the English channel a few days ago by the collidshying of the steamers St Germain and Woodburn The vVoodburn sunk in a few -minutes after the collision

Four persons were smothered lo death and ono hilled by jumping tire in a Boston tenement house

Ex-President Hayes glyes tiLOM to - a new Fremonf church

rive years About 10000 men are now employ ed on the ditch

The vicar at Stratford-on-Avon has given his consent to have the remains of Shakespeare ex-humeeh -

The treaty between Frande and Ann am has been declared invalid

So-rm of th Otti-l-wytu QiJiiiris Addit ion imiiiiidi^Miiim uud division P rob lem rnvolviiKu mult ipl icat ion adshy

dition and division of rh(einais 7

Oiu-tittli of a-jiarrel of Ihmr contain-itiL^-iy-^ jnuUxIs was lost J wadltriven away if of r ema inde r sold lor- $750 Whut did it living pe r pound 7~

Cierti in-oHico lias his salary raised-2-0 per cent hut in a shor t t ime is raised DO per cent which lixes his sa lary a t 8G48 W h a t was the or ig ina l sa la ry

A m a n holding a note of pound950 has it cashed for pound800 W h a t r a t e per cen t d iscount rttdiio pay

Nrvii-Uion in S t r mi^ Seas ^ A wt41--k-rt+MV t t^npta t tr ==of=Tr=shTp re -

sidin1 in San -FiMiicison o-ot higtniM from

Reduce pound808 17s 7d to Uni ted Sta tes xmrr-eaey pourftt^tpoundrirgg~be1ng $478565

Dic ta t ion of sect ion 11 from civil ser-vice ac tmgtllaquo-and regu la t ions to wr i te

and punc tua t e G o p y i n g section-o^of^amfi - mdash

mdash N a m e t w o sentcnoc^of-not^ terTwords the first to conta in a t rans i -t4ve^the o ther -an- in t rons i t ivoTerb v

Wr i t e le t ter to g o v e r n o r o f y o u r a t a t e ^ i n f o r m i n g him- of- y o u r educattofn and -a b o u t the town in w r i t e h y a u veafde

N a m e fifteen s ta tes and fiftefth cities

x t tri igt ins rjGtteT=haif~ ~tgtutti n g p bullprengtrrttr n p n e o t s

which were set t o c o o l down stfijrs on the top of some bt^xes By a sh ip s ch ronomete r it took j h s t th i r teen sec-Qftds for tat u n h a p p y bnptain t o M s k

of the Uni ted-Sta tes ~ N a m e fifteen p r inc ipa l r ivers and t h i ^

^Namo tliree p r inc ipa l r a n g e s

aga ins t the boxes a n d g e t seventeen ga l lons of w a r m ap r i co t s in syrwp all oyer__hijL_siraquoirt front vest pants and clown the back of his neck im he rushed d r ipp ing upstair d a n c i n g x o n the new carpe ts a n d was m e t by h(s wife at t he head of t h e stairs with 0 J o e my dar l ing back aga in home safe and sound H e g a v o one yell t ha t fcould have been hea rd by a man reefing the lop-ga l lan t sails of a full-rigged ab ip in a s torm arid be l lowed iS tand off w o m a n s tand off I have fallen over a fruit c a n n e r y in the hlarsted

mouniAins and pr inc ipa l s t a t e s and r i for ies on which they lie

Name sU priucipjvl^rriexkiaa^gjBrietL r a l s in revo lu t ionary war and as m a n y p o p u l a r s t a t e smen at t h a t t ime

W h a t pres idents have been genora ls in t ime of war and in wha t war s were they engaged

W h a t cloes^ confederat ion mean and w h a t s ta tes cons t i tu ted it +

W h e n was the const i tut ion of t h e UdrfSTaTea sisrned ~ lt

bjisemaut I m all t reac le molasses bad j a m and warn s y r u p Unbend m y new sails a n d let m e get a hot bath and lie m a d e a-wilddivudrh-trrtho ba th-

w e par t iculars of terri tory addad) f bull to t h United S ta tes since the revolu - t i ona r Nva r gtji

By WhoW arej i^pvdsentat ives e lected gt Also senate

tJluaaliiH audi gfgtbull Jusjj u had btau pwjluy at mdashThe oueen R n n w ^ u hraquo Mhimmit v^i tcqtioimto Miss Buckingham tbe past rear ^ - frac34 frac34 ^ ^ frac34 o S S he ^ VlaquoamplaquoIF^^ bull W t o a S m i n S o x the m a r r i S 1 deg f t h C-and npound has latterly displayed evidences of fierce jeaiousv He attempted to enter her room one mornintr- and beirz dented admission forced Itis way into the apartment There was a scuttle two revolver shots and theyoung woman fell dead Joslyn Immediately Comshymitted suicide with the same Weapon

pope toainralment of the marriage The Dominion ffcverrrment has appolnteda

police commission with inrlsdlctlon over the tPrTiToryTit Rat Portage tn dfcptrter betwwn Ontario and Manitoba J bull John J Hall of New Brunalaquorick-N

_ contractor for the Fennsylvampnla railr Is

r o o m mdash S a n Francisco XewSLcttcr mdash mdash mdash mdash bull bull bull raquo

H H re lates the fo l lowing in the A u g u s t Centuryof t ho r e m n a n t of the Mission Ind i ans oi Sao poundasqua l i nQa l - -4tornia D u r i n g t l i e a f t e r n o o n t h e Ind ians were con t inua l ly coming and go ing at the shop e o n n e c l e d y w i t h -the inn where we had s t o p p e d iffbrafr t o u r mi tes from the val ley I W i t e e p c r of t h e s h o p Vvnil i n n gtud^ h^nwwVt Tvnltu

t hem Tiiey wergt- good pay1 Give

In w h a t m a n n e r are tho supremo court j u d g e s chosen

A m a n p u r c b a s W S625 goods1 g iving his^note on Dee 29S1882mdashinterest 7 per

-cent mdashpayable in tiftefen days -paiiLthLeL^ s a m e on second day o g r a c o laquo Vliat --ftpiount did lie pay and ohVvhat day

Some fuefTare so a n x lotrs^ovileTiver t h e r 4 m p r o m p t u reinarks^ilpubiic_diai_ rrers that thev coninien^Ii l a ik ing before the eUingi)egins Jx is a mistake sA tftble s p e c c h ^ h o ^ d not be made u n t h

~ 1 tho -hearers u i ^ u i a condit ion io ^ n T laquo i S - bull VTTI i i - bull i s

- ^ - 1 - 1 - - ^ s

t h e m t ieir j ime and they J l a lways ]gtay and ifjthr^y d ie the r rtdsitions wiil pay t1itraquo-fast cent some of t hem lie would

J v j rp t rus t anv t ime as high- as twenty dol^ llllN

every th iurgtf i id is -both witty- and mdashxV Oydioiyunc bull bull

^-In on^ re spec i t (j HUP l i e


11e THraquoOthlaek TCSBMI-

can t shine wheu lL


m laquomdash bull i~



bull J

r-l ~r--bull$bullgt-mdash ^ _^---f-v bullltWIpWi

ll i

bull bull I I 1 ll laquo i n iilaquoHragt



F a c t a f o r F a r m e r e

E v e r y d a y an a n i m a l is kep t a f te r be in p r imC t h e r e is J o s s exchreive of

m a n u r e bull Y o u n g ch icks s h o u l d be fed as often-

a s four t imes a d a y u n t i l they a i e abou t t h r e e w e e k s old - -

O n e of t h e mos t e n c o u r a g i n g hopes for o u r c o u n t r y is t h e p rospec t ive imshyp r o v e m e n t of its l ive stock

A dyingScotcLTsqui re sa id to his son Be ayes t i ck in 1 in a t r ee Jockmdashthey l l - be growin^whi l f t y p u V e s leepin V

t h b ^ e laquo f r Xork T r ibune

- - ^ - 1 - - - - ^

whi te of e g g a n d suga r lay it t o p a n d sides a n d set into t h e oven a

on t h e


f ives th is good aid vice in t w o words ow to c u r e an e g g e a t i n g h e n mdash e a t

h e r - V - mdash i j A t a sal^iof J e r s e y ca t t l e in N e w

Y o r k recent ly King of A s h a n t e e w a s sold to C fiasthope of Njles 0 for $5600

C o r n a lone is no t a sufficient food for fowls whea t b r a n in t h e form of a

- Ih i ck m u s h and some vege tab les should Jbe g iven

- P r o CoQk says I v e e x p e r i m e n t shye d w i th sa l t upon t h e c u t w o r m to k n o w t h a t you c a n kil l y o u r p l a n t s beshyfore y o u c a a k i l U U a yo rnaa - raquo i -WH- mdasht W -frac34

In t e l l i gen t b reede r s c o n t e n d t h a t cross bred aijimalfi w h e t h e r ca t t l e horses or sheep m a t u r e ea r l i e r a n d a r e be t t e r feeders t h a n anv c o m m o n stock-

T h e sick a n i m a l is usual ly da in ty a b o u t his feed a n d should be a l l o w e d on ly l ight easi ly d i g e s t e d food t r y i n g va r ious k inds a n d a l l owing as a rule w h a t he l ikes best bdquo Ga l l s a n d bruises a r e m o r e read i ly p r e v e n t e d by p r o p e r l y adjust ing- t h e h a r n e s s t h a n t h e r a r e c u r e d by t h e bes t r e m e d i e s besides t h e loss of t h e ani -

m a j s w o r k a t a busy season A n I n d i a n a f a r m e r r id s h is sheep of t i cks by feed ing a hal f p o u n d of s u l p h u r to eyery fifty sheep m i x i n g it wi th the sa i t wh ich is fed T w o or t h r e e doses a w e e k a p a r t a r e e nough

Cal i forn ia -wheatds-so d r y wh+m-har vftftted_that w h e n t a k e n to the d a m p e r a i r ltopound the sejjcoast ic g a i n s seven p e r c e n t or moire in we igh t T i e ga in is sufficient to pay for t r a n s p o r t a t i o n

mdashPota toes a r e ^ m a d e s cabby by wire v o r m g ~ T h e best p reven t ive is to g r o w the - c rop on~fa41ow g r o u n d wi thou t m a n u r e s or wi th fert i l izers T h e Worms a r e e n c o u r a g e d or b r o u g h t - in by t h e m a n u r e

P l u m s p i g s a n d ppu l t ry seem a t r io w h i c h th r ive in c o m p a n y P l u m t rees

4 a ^ p o u T b p y H r t - p H 6 ^ ^ ^ bear _ _ a b u n d a n t l y w b ^ a - ^ r e e raquo - i n o t h e r loGa-

t inns shfd thei r fruit w h i c h bea r s t he t r a d e m a r k of the l i t t l e T u r k

Clean l iness and careful bedd ing of a n i m a l s so as to keep t h e s ta l ls d ry and

Jfcamph of ton pro ventB g r a v e d i s o r d e r a o f


the g e n e r a l sys tem a n d a lso the frrita t i n g efleets of the a m m o n i a on the eyes c a u s i n g i n r l a m m a t i o n r r - o f - a b e m and b l indness -

N Hi t ter a successful s t r a w b e r y cul-turiHt of Syracuse s ays in lhp N e w

few minu tes to b r o w n s i g h t l y Serve wi th c r e a m

bullbull P e a c h Cake mdashLine a deep dish ivitli pa s t ry p lace upo r i th is halves of peaches c lose toge ther sp r ink l e plentifully with s u g a r a n d a l i t t le c i n n a m o n p u t in t h e o v e n a n d bake unt i l cooked ea t wi th c r e a m

Delicious L a y e r C a k e - M a k e whi te c a k e as for s t r a w b e r r y cake bu t omi t t he r ed s u g a r a n d a d d one c u p of des-sujated coeoanu t a n d use n o flavoring M a k e ic ing a n d in to one-haif p u t b lanched and s h o p p e d sweet a l m o n d s

Porttroitrst anttsdiond layers together with the a l m o n d i c ing on t h e n e t s p r e a d p la in icin^ a n d lay on t h a t a l a y e r of ha lved fags t h e n a n o t h e r coa t o t i e i n g for t h e nex t use a l m o n d s a n d so on F r o s t the t o p of t h e cake a n d bull t i ck a l m o n d s over it

Rais in C a k e mdash T h r e e - q u a r t e r s of a c u p of bu t te r one-half c u p of sweet mi lk one a n d t h r e e - c h a r t e r cups of flour yo lks of e igh t eggs one a n d one-half teaspoont nls of b a k i n g powder B a k e in je l ly t in s T o p u t toge the r s p r e a d a t h i n c o a t o f f ros t ing on each l aye r t h e n one 6i c h o p p e d ra is ins seededgt a n d a n o t h e r of f rost ing raquo

Hickory-oir Waltint-layc1CaKoTmdashQriS c u p of bu t te r two cups of s u g a r five eggs one cup of mi lk f o u r c u p s of flour two teaspoonfuls of b a k i n g powder P u t l aye r s t o g e t h e r wi th ic ing miamped wi th finely chopped h ickory o r walnuj tmqats Use p l a in ic ing for top arid lay on it) unshyb r o k e n m e a t s i

Artificial Oysters mdash T a k e yoUng g r e e n corn g r a t e it in a d i sh to one p i n t of th i s add one egg wel l bea ten a gmali teaelip of flour half c i ip of bu t t e r some sa l t a n d p e p p e r a n d m i x al l well toge th shyer A tablespoonful of the b a t t e r will make t h e size of an Oyster F r y t h e m a lijjht b r o w n a n d bull w h e n d o n e b u t t e r t h e u i c r e a m if it c a n be p r o c u r e d is betshyt e r t h a n bu t t e r

To Bot t l e F ru i t s mdashBurn a m a t c h in a b o t t l e to exhaus t a l i a i r t h e n p lace fri -the^froit=to b e p r e s e r v e d qui te d r y a n d w i t h o u t blemish sp r ink le suga r be tween each l ayer cork arid t i e a b l a d d e r over s e t t i n g bot t les cork d o w n w a r d s in a l a r g e vessel of cold waiter wi th hay beshyt w e e n to p r e v e n t b r e a k i n g W h e n t h 3 s a i n is ju s t c r a c k i n g t a k e t h e n out imshym e r s e th in p a p e r in g u m w a t e r a n d vhn wn^t f f las it n v p r m i d a r o u n d the

In Mexico nea r ly every one is a smoker T h e school childre rn who havo (tone well in the i r s tud ies a r e r e w a r d e d by being a l lowed to s m o k e a cigar as they s tand or sit a t t he i r lessons T h e schoo lmas te r is se ldom w i t h o u t a c i g a r in his mouth bull I n the l aw cour t s alJ persons cornnibnjy enjoy the i r t obacco freely a n d even the accused in a cr imshyinal t r ia l is not d e n i e d ^ M s indu lgence b u t is allowed i | his c i g a r e t t e goes oui i n the hea t of an a r g u m e n t to l ight it a g a i n by bor rowing t h a t of the officer who s t ands a t h i s s ide to g u a r d hi ip

Si r H e n r y T h o m p s o n t he London su rgeon recoernizess in fisli a cpmbina-t i u u o f al l the e lements^ 1 uf J u b d thti

The Rev NewmanHall ha abandoned couteuiplated trip to the United States


top of the bot t le as i t dr ies it will be-cisme~quitefirm irad t igh t ltbull

S w e e t P e a r P ick les mdash T o ^ g v o _ q u a r t s of^goud v i n e g a r t a k e l o u r p o u n d s o b r o w n suga r a q u a r t e r of a p o u n d o c i n n a m o n st ick a n d j y j u a r t e r p o u n d of cloves T ie the spices u p ih~smai rbags

the h u m a n body r equ i r e s in a lmos t evshyery phase of life m o r e especial ly by those who follow s e d e n t a r y employshym e n t T o w o m e n he cons iders fish t o be a n inva luab le a r t i c le of diet bu t he scouts as a comple t e fa l lacy t h e not ldn t h a t fish ea t i ng inc reases the bra in powshyer T h e only ac t ion fish h a d on t h e b r a i n w a s to put- a m a n s bod in to p r o p e r ^relations wit lTfne w o r k he h a d to do 1 1 bull

Tlie Meadows of Mary]and mdash

S P R I N G F I E L D P K I X C E G E O R G E S C O M D Mr Chas G Addison of t h e above p lace s t a t e s I s p r a i n e d my

I m p o r t a n t When you ViRlt or leave NeW York City save

Baggage ExpteeAacre axitf Carriage Hire and stop at the w a n d Uniou -Motel oppobite ltirand Central Depot

Elegant riKiim rttfr-dnp at rrmt (tf nn(- mil-lion aoftar6 red eed to | 1 and -upwards per day European P-lau Elevator jtveataurant bullraquoupp^U wiU^rtUe-hest I^orse cars etageaand bulllevatea railroad to all depot ^amiliea can laquoIve be t t ^ for i^se money at-thc brand Union

THotel th^n at any other first-cka hotel inj the i c i t y - bull bull bull - - - bullbullbullbullbull

WJe pever deceive or a good purpose Knavshye r y add raajice to falsehoodmdashBruy e r e

That) bad breath comes from ^Itrffttto eSamarifan Nervine I t etope the cause

laquo150 _ L_ _ - - KOH ijyHFicSiir lNJJlGaaTiQN xjlaquoprearaquoton of Spirit andQeneral Debility In tbelr Torloui form alaoasa pre+enUcopy agalnat Pever and Alaquone and other Intermittent Feveri the ^KXHHO-PHOMPHO-aampTKp KLIXIH or CALUraquo4TA made by Caswell aaiard t Co Njw Yarampand told by all lgtnjwtraquota lathe best tonic and for patterns recoTertnlaquorrom ^ever or other aickness it nMjio equaL BUCHU-pAIBAl Qntck obmpiete cure all annoTlng gldney and Urinary Disease bull

H A T Ffivia I have been a Hay-Fever auf- ferer for three years have often head Elyrf Cream Balm spoken of in the highest terras I used It and with the most wonuerful succese mdashT S QgjtBSyracuse N Y bull FLlE8rofce ants tec^urs ru laioe ctowi chlpmunts cleared ont by Roogb on Hats lsectt

rigbt^knee c a u s i n g - in tense bull suffering a n d the use o f - c r u t c h e s for severa l weeks I found n o relief in o the r r e m r

edies a n d finally t r i ed t h e m i r a c l e of cu re St J a c o b s Oil I n a sho r t t ime I coul tTbend m y kneemdash vlaquohiohihaii been stiff a s an i ron r o d mdash l a y i n g aside my c ru t ches a n d was ab le to w a l k as well

r rmdash mdash bull mdash as ever-

G e r m a n y is exporting shawl s to Scotshyl and J t_ bullbullbull

A g e n t l e m a n in a n e i g h b o r i n g tdwn who had suffered t^vo years -wi th c h r o n ic diarrhoea and vgtas so r educed t h a t he couid no t walicr^vas c u r laquo d and res tore to sound hea l t h b y Johnsons Anodyn4 Liniment Th i s L i n i m e n t is wor th I t s we igh t in gold r -

C e d a r Key h a s c o m m e n c e d shipping-tu r t l e s N o r t h - ^ -

bull bull - - L U bullbull bull - bull mdash - bull

T h e b l i gh t i ng Effectsof JTSplTfe blg-crtl a r e sad to behold in those we mee t^day by day This o u g h t no t and need not be so ^arsons Purgative Pills n lakes weKJrich blood takpn one-a n igh t fof twe lve weeks wil l c h a n g e the blood ia t h e en t i r e h o u s e a

Mr JnoR Hatterson- of Evanavme says Sdmaritan Nervine cured my-wile oi female weakness Your drusgists keep it^

HOUGH ON HATS Clear out rats mice flielaquo roaches bed-busts ante vermin chlumunks 15c

Hvy FJIVEK 1 eaa recommend Eigts Qream faim to all Hay-Fever frufferers It is in m orjinion a sure cur - I was a|Ricted for-36 years and never before found permanent re-Ik-f-W HflAsXrxs Marshfieid Vt t

What is defeatmdashNotiilinj-ttrretrtrcaTIotrr nothing buttlle first step to something better mdashWendell Phillips

WOODBERKY Mi)mdashRev W J Johnson ^ays UI have used Brovrus Iron BitUTB in my family and tbev have proswn a^-tplendid health inyJgoratar

rr is becoming is honest and whatshyever is lionest must always be becomingmdash Cicshyero

MibiAWAKi I|id Dec 1 18^2 DK PEJJOBLLI mdash

Ikar SirmdashOverwoi k has donefor me what it does for many peeiring to benefit suflertDK women I add my testimony to the value oi Zoa-Phora For five years I suffered gTeatly with Prolapsus being obligtd to use a supportshyer daring all- these painful wean years but ihfcjuks ID your medicine I raquo t a r it mi tnore X^ laid it opound after using one and a half Jjotpoundka-_X Am not well but I work all the tme aDd am better than I ever expected to be You may use my letter and if any one wished to write me for more information give them mv full addres^ Miss CG JtoHlaquoB S W A N S WORM Sracp v or reTerishness rwBUas8_esraquo worms osastlpaUon Tasteless 2to

Over 85 per cent of New Ylaquork City people live in rented houacs

bullaWSSJBSJSIISSJSJWMB-MSSa^aWSSS-SSMSMSmdash Hosteiters Stymraquo

ach Bitters by inshycreasing YltaT power and renderuui the physical functions remilar and active keeps the pys em In

food working order and p B o t e l c t s i t against disease For coneUpstlon dyspep sia and liver c o m -

pialni nervousness Sidney and rheushymatic ailments It Is invaluable snd It

afford sasored efenoa tealrfct malarial fe -bull e r s besides removshying al 11 races o f such disease from the system

For sale by all Di uggtsteStnd IXsalraquo


ers general y


Cream Balm when applied by t h e finger Into the nostrils laquo111 be absorbed ef-fettnaliytcleansicsthe htad of catarrhal Lr us causing healthy seshycretions Itra^laysln-flamstlon protects the membrane of th nasshyal pasag s from addishytion alcolds complete- -l y h e a i s t h e sores and res ores taste and smel A^fcw appll-c tions relieve Amdash trorongh treatment wil positively cure Agreeable to u s e Smxd- for circular Price 50cents by mall or ampgt drugglstilt






Y o r k T r i b u n e t ha t fie cons ide r s s t r a w worpoundh $8 pe r t o n for use on bis s i r aw-oefry p a t c h H e uses it as a pro tec t ion to t h e beds in win te r as a mufehr-aftd-says it keeps the f rui t -c lean He uses a b o u t one ton to the a c r e


-mdashPt j t - a - t ea spoonfu l - of -gnlpbrar fn the1

nest as soon as hens o r t u r k e y s a re set T h e h e a t of the fowls cause s the fumes of t he^su rphu r t o p e n e t r a t e e v e r y p a r r of t h e i r bodies eve ry louse is ki l led a n d as ni ts a re ha t ched within ten days w h e n the m o t h e r l eaves the nes t wi th h e r brood she is per fec t ly free from nits o r l i c e mdash mdash mdash mdash ~ mdash -

R e p o r t s from Cal i forn ia s t a t e t h a t a s e v e r e d i s t emper has been p r e v a i l i n g a m o n g the horse s tock of t h a t sec t ion d u r i n g the pas t win te r which has-prov-

-ed fa ta l in m a n y cases a n d left m a n y of those which surv ive inbdquoverv b a d con-di t ion T h e no ted filly Wi ld l lower was a m o n g t h a sufferers a n d is n o w covered w i t h - s e a r s r e su l t ing f rom ug ly sores w i t h vehieh s h e has been fttfiietedv

T h e o ld fash ioned p e a r t rees t h a t w to the size of o a k s a n d b o r e fruit

fit for preserving h a v e been su-e d by a g r e a t l y improved- l r u i t t

es~ djozirot^assess t h e ha rd i-laquof~lafe~ o ld sort T h e forc ing the 11raquo l raquo p i d g r o w t h is p robab ly t h e

aUlf m o r e t h a n anv th ino e l s e ^ ^ j k a r

a n d boi l w i t h the s u g a r ttinl i l legal tm-til a g o o d syrup is fo rmed P u t in the B a r t l e t t or S i c k l e p e a r s p lace on t he b a c k of t h e stove c o v e r closely and cook verv-blu wly unt i l t hey can bo piorood wi th a s t r aw ^

G r a p e C a t s u p mdash F i v e cupfuls of p u l p o f j u i ce OHO cupful o f b r o w n s u g a r t m laquo euoful of v ihegar ohe- teaspoonful each of b l ack peppe r clove c i n n a m o n a n d sa l t bull Boil half away

- J^ngl ishmen i i l jUi l th i i -mut tonof i i lack-faced sheep

The glocy of man is his strength If vou are weakened down through excessive studv or b_v early ind^cretims Allens Brain Foodwill TC-8tore alt lostuvigpr $1 G for 15mdashAt druggists ora^Iten^iPharrnacv STfT Tsraquo ^ ^ - V Y

GaT Lyuuslatent ULuuy_iuuuiju^jjllcdttcr new ijoots-or tihoes before you mn tbenj over

Kmory titorrs of (Jbicago now at Saratoga is said to have 300 neckties bull $ -

mdash Wvppripnfn thAJ^rraquoraquo^ T^achltr

P r i n c e riBismark has become suspi-aious ai idfcrabbed in his disposi t ion to a d e g r e e t h ^ m a f c e s it impossible for UU pub l i c official but the mos t obsequious to se rve u n d e r h im I t is said t h a t t he C f b l v n T r i n c e o f G e r m a n y whi le ap-p r e c i a t i n g fully the g r e a t work which B i s m a r k has done for his c o u n t r y has ve ry l i t t le s y m p a t h y i o r his d o m e s t i c pol icy and hetico u p o n his accession to the th rone will h a v e no sc rup les in d i savowing t hem

- No matteEtthat yourmdashatttw-irt H-Browns Tron Bitters will surely benefit yoii i

Striped stockings according to London Tiuth make the legs look thin


bHgfctras t h e d i s e a s e w a s qpfte Tin-k n o w n to the old s l ow g r o w i n g t r ees

T h e Massachuse t t s A g r i c u l t u r a l So-^ i e t y conc ludes t h a t s a l t ayen^amanufe h a s the p r o p e r t y of hasj tehing t h e mashyt u r i n g of al l g r a in crojpis t h a t w h e a t on sa l t ed l a n d will r i p e n s i x T o T e l T d a y s e a r l i e r t h a n on unsa l t ed l and all o the r fjmdashiffittens be ing e q u a l t h a t i t - increase

bull i e l d from 25 t o 50 p e r cen t tha t - i i n s t h e s t r a w a n d p r e v e n t s r u s t a n d

bullBltt t t h a l l t - c h e c k s if it does no t en-t o w y p reven t t h e r a v a g e s of the ch inch b u g

W o o l is h igh ly hyg roscop i c mate r ia l t h a t is ic h a a t h e p o w e r of abso rb ing m o i s t u r e f r o m U h e air W h e n in pi les o r b ins i t absorbs m u c h w a t e r a n d be-

jQfimesJheavietmdashWhen taken- t o m a r k e t in a wagon however t h u s b e i n g t r e e l y e x p o s e a t o d r y i n g c u r r e n t s of a i r ^ t speedi ly loses we igh t a n d the pfian w h o b a r t e r r a t o n t im~day~foT~TJi^i icP c r e a s e of a cent o r t w o a pound will uffually lose^more t h a n that a m o u n t in we igh t bull -

T h e O o o k ^ B o o k - mdash

I c e d A p p l e s mdash P a r ^ a n d core one dozshyen l a r g e a p p l e s -fill with s u g a r mixed wi th a l i t t l e b u t t e r a n d c i n n a m o n b ke t i l l noa r ly done - e o o i a n d if possible w i t h o u t b r eak ing p u t t h e a p p l e e on a n o t h e r d i sh if n o t poss ib le p o u r off I h j Jatoei h a v e raquo o m e f e i p g ^ r e p a r e ^ f ^ ^ - f ^ y F ^ ^ trade raquo f


Rheumatism Neuralgia

Thouand6 yos milUoos of battles ofCar-boline have been sold alid tbe laquoale still goes on If there were nomerit in this great natshyural hair renewer do you suppose tha4-the-peo=v pH W(iuld still buy and^buv as they continue to-do Assuredly not and the groatlauirber of testimonials prove that it u nniMf the grandest of natures remedies

^ Miss Ottilic daughter of Senator Ma Virginia 1laquo much admired at Saratoica


A F a c t W o r t h R e m e m b e r i n g A severe eold or cough can be soonest cured

hy taking accordinrr^ to directions Allens Lung Balsam It caube pvoeured at any drug store It is harmless to the mostdelicate pershyson 4 bull

Miss Kmlly Faithful will sail for the United States on the 18th of September to make a lecshyturing tour of sir months in this country

BUCKINGHAM W VAmdash Drs5fewlbn-ifcBTaiF repprtr^hat Browns Iron BiIters are giving general satisfaction

Poor people in New Yoffc~pavfITe corner STO-cerstorcOHl by tbe pailfu at the rate of famp) a ton -

And will eonapietely change- th blood in tin ent i re syatem^tt threc months Any pe r Hon who will ake 1 PU1 each n ight from 1 to 13 weeks may be restored t o sountf health i snch a th ing be pogsible F o r cnringFemale ComplainU theae r u i a hvlaquo n o bull nuat Iliysicians nse them-In thei r practice Sold everywhere or sectent by mail fo vlbM letterfrtampa Send for cifcnlar I S JOHNSON ft COi BOSTON MASS ^ i i- mdash ~ a gt gt ^ ~ _ I

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITiS^ J O H N S O N S A N O D Y N E L I N I M E N T wjll-irrftin-neouraquo]y relieve these terrible diseases an i will positivelr van nine cases out of ten InformsQbn thst will ^ave many lives sent free by mail lxgtnt delay a moment Pretention U-bstter-than-ewrftrbullbull- --bullbull-


- A

hoopmg Cough eases of ths


An English Velcrinarv Surpeon aridChemist row traveling in this country savsthst most

bull of tha Hnrgto raquor(l r araquoia fowders raquoMd hers MAKE HENSm are-wonliless trih He say^ that Slierfdans I Con4itlon Iowilors are absoluteh- ptire and immensely valuable Js-nthtinr-on evrh will make i -is lay like -Shefldans Condition Pow-dons l)ltlaquo t te3D-B

Ja to 1 pint tnotl Sold everywhere or sent by mail for 6 lettigtr-stamps-3t-S^JoraquolaquoaoK io HlaquomH Miss-


0 ^ t S ^ S O V - fP of j n N U M ^ T A L



^ 7 ^ - S o m e tgtIood i s b a d b e c a o s c it i s poup^nfl^s^^r^Soliaerampiiadtiecalise it c o n t a i n irnpurit ies S o m e m e n l i a v e s u c h b a d b l o o d t h a t t h e w o n d e r is i t d o e s n o t pcrison the m o s q u i t o e s w h o c o m e l d b i t e t h e m 7 ~~ ~ bullbull

-Tfiericfc Ted c o l o r o t g o o r i b l o o d is o w i n g t o t h e i r o n w h i c h i s p ^ e s e a t B i p o d w h i c h h a s n o t e n o u g h i ron in it is a l w a y s u n j a t i s ^ r t d r ^ s = l ^ i e p c r --son in w h o s p v e i n s it c i r cu la t e s c a n n o t b e s a i d t o e n j o y g o o d h e a l t h ^ - -

T h e efforts of ex p e r t c h e m ists t o p r b d u c e _ a _ p r e p a r a t k m laquo o f t r e n ^ v h i c h c a n - b e a s s imi l a t ed vi th_ihe_Uoodraquo4iare-re -sul ted7in t h a t p e r f e c t p r e p a r a t i o n

-w-hieh- i s - n i m p o r t a n t p a r t of b r o w n s I ronBi t ters I t is t h e o n l y o n e w h i c h freely e n t e r s in to t h e b l o o d r gt I t is t h e o n l y one w h i c h a c c o m p l i s h e s t h e d e s i r e d g o o d gt bullbull- -trade

^ W e a k p o o r - t h i n b l o o d m a y b e m a d e rich a n d s t r o n g a n d i m p u r e b l o o d m a y b e pur i f i ed b y t h e u s e - o f t h a t p r e a t I r o n M e d i c i n e Bro-Jnis

Iron Bitters - - 3

bull - gtbull-bull 7 ilaquoSf iM^ r - V - -bull

ThjsOffer Good Till TbaatsgivingDay Only Read Tliese Testimonials The proprietors-of the FARM Ft f iLD AMI F I R E S I D E bcirg desirous of havlac thlralrealt1y well

[ mown aadpqpnlar AgrlenJturcl andTamlly paper more widely circulated and introduced Into houltiex where IM IS W already known have determined to throw off alt proflt thjn Tlaquoar and In addition uea portion of taslr capital for the sole purpose or increasing their circulation to fOQiOOO eooiw- ltlaquo circulatfonla now 18iQ0Q Only 3ffQQQ ipo bullrfwi hofnra tha rtiirrihnr^^raquo-Jc placer i t ter de5dlnlaquo to^nwre extlaquoa

bull - - f ore the following plan has baltn adopted Lyus= --

will enter yonyname on odr subscription book and moll the FA y to you for Six Ifonths and immedia

MDErefrn-tit to^kneof 1

Cholera Diarrhcea

i rr^m bull laquo i i i i f i i

^ - _^ -AyfC181-0AND FIRESIDE ately fend a WriBled i t a W m l Urrc lpt ^raquohich wMenUtta thlaquo ptstobs

bull bull


Lf I bull Sprains


il B QOTanmentBonds of 1000 a Greenbacks of two

1laquo U S Greenbacks of ilOO 1 Xatched pair of Trotting- Horses 1 Grand Square Piano- 1 Grand Cabinet Organ ^

l Thrmdash-seat Rockaway J H H t a i a i Taiwan i n 4 a ^ laquo ^ 4 ^ a ^ 5 Top Buggies

80 XL 8 Greenbacks of $M each 1000 Photograph Albums t each

raquo Viilage Carts rT Pony Phaeton

of Presents to Be Given Away


tsooo 00

10raquo o

1000 SO

laquo00 00 bullCO 00

sooco looo oo9

1000 00 9000 00 araquooo too 00

1000 Pocket SUrer Frolt Knlres 1000 Gsots Pooket KnlTea 1000 US Greenbacks of i l eaeh

10 Genu Gold Watches Ecgtiah Movement 1laquo ladles Gold Watches English atnvemt ) Boys Silver Watches American Hove i I Solitaire Diamond Finger Rlncs a T l w a T l i a i TtgL^rs bullbullraquobullbull 1 Normandv Work Horse--

2800 Elegant Oleograph Picture 6 Raw Silk Parlor Suit Furniture

1440 Gold Finger Rings Ladies Bream Pint Scarf r - - - - - - - - bull mdash bull

$1000 03 1000 00 1J0O00 raquo00 40 laquo00 00 100 00 400 00 icoo jraquo 500 00 2SO00 1000 00

w - fmdash fcCMAOeurofcVAlaquosgtlaquoUAlaquolaquo _bullpound_]raquolaquoraquobull n i r n i s h e d tha p a p e r tav tklaquo I pound^JrVf J S P ^ 4 ^ _ F I J R f raquo f l S ] amp r i S V ^ noiinLS a n d h m w a T ^ raquo y raquo rlttnndjjta Frwsgtrlaraquoraquo I

C H I C A G O P A F E 8 CO __ _ C11ICAGO A n g raquo 1 1S9laquoL

^ 1 K P i V J kraquoTe Ptd sae Mweral ta ftSMd d o l l a r f o r ttreaa-work o n t h e i r pstpcr

GentsS Pins LocketFans and Chains

entraquo Al

d B88S5 offlor presents rained from 25 cents to $100 which makes a grand aggregation of IM t thus guaranteeing a premdashnt to aacli and avary n e w subscriber who sends uraquo bO CtS a-111 of the abovepreaenU will b awarded in a fair and impartial manner by comrnittclaquoccolaquolaquoat 1


Burns Bruises

to attend the Fest as manv will be pr for Six Months

I roiir fOrurv itixgtnalaquo^ YOTrRSTJBBOT thijri) Send us

- A J T D -

d mdash T c a l d s Toothaehe


P ATNTrvTT LhRuuwweiMnsi l i iad ust r A l l X - rwl l^LvL- l^^ t r t e n ( l o f Bl wbo want bullore and afe medtdne which can be froely used Inshyternally or emally without fear of harm and with certainty of relief its price brings It within theraufe of ninnnrrt wflTwmosJty uiftmwsTVmm m em tin aowoV onu p n a raquo w ai dwuk iBa i perboHle Drleetlonaaoooinpsmy e4h bottle -


RnfTTONTRSS Get firs of your f r ^ s t o J p l n yoear catUwrthivoutAadahowlngit to T bdquo T86 and wFwTll seadyou the FARM F J t L O A N D FIRESIDE for laquoU mouthV and a numberedreceipt for each of your subacribersanJ onlaquo eitra for yonr tronhlp ^ ^ ^ P i T fcraquoSCRiraquoraquo raquoraquoVti aadwawlllsend j a s u b s c r i p t s and twelve nTmbered receipra

We shall limit the nvaber of new subscriptions to 100000 so we would advise all our friends to forward gtub-| ecriptions early bull bdquo

FHE FARM FIELD AND FIRESIDE onc-pf the oldest and ablest edited Family and Agricultural pipers It contains t w e n l r lai

stoty Columns) lnchullngelegant cover bound stitched and cut And now has a circulation offlL es ond we are-sure to reach the 1 0 0 0 0 0 laquo^ the tiuie set-and the djsrribution of presents Will take

t^ace on that date it contatnrsrdrieg flketohes Poetry Farm Cardan Household and Agrtcultu ral Departmonts by the best Contributors of the day as weu as an Hluetfated fashion Department Needle and Embroidery Work Iliustrationjof difltorent parts of the frac34 ^ 1 frac34 8 4 3 ^ J L f n f iog^PioaJ Skstchec of Sminant U e a and Women In short it conuins that which will interest instruct uiul ajuuse the whote fainiiy mdash ~ bull HzZZ_rz ^ T M v P J O P ^ J ^ X 0 are men of mean who always hare done as lhlaquoy agree and onr paper is loar ^ S - S a a ^ a a ^ V ^ f i ^ T A 1 ^ SJSi^SSfS^^ lt tradeampW to the letier any offer we m ^ n u k e T ^ iJampJPQ^iXXXSlPy10 1 frac34 frac34 1 ^ frac34 bull H E F E S T I V A L we will send a printedLiraquotof the

ONLY 50 CENTS S^SampSSSl^fSSf^S $poundampamppoundampamp su^cription price ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ laquobull jraquor tgt+n Kraquo bull ltt ltt laquo bdquo t ltbdquo amp rraquovJgtltri Ckit ^^ ^

lui i S 3 LifJ m o ^fV 0 lt o I w n l ^ r b o S n t n ordinary ItnVr at onr risk larger sums should ba ssnt far f Registered Letter P O i^onry order or Express flSenttoa Thia Papergt laquo w u laquo OS SSSJS oy

I aawe a l w a y s O^sftalMtToiu

l a x o r s a a t t o a e o n r e r w l a g PosHtrV maul aw I astrnt a l o a e t s w o r t h flTet|saelaquoamplaquo prlimSt] T O D r p a p e r aawtast n o t h l a g a b o u t the w a l a a -bto Fssrsa l i ^ o ^ a a U o a M I I n t e r v a t t n a bull ^ s amp ^ U m _ W - K - W M P a O y ^ 1

bull U J P V P Sfargam Co A l a B S A T D W O O D 111 A o g 1 1 1 6 8 3

I a s i v e r y a a e h p l e a s e d w i t h y e a r pskper E v e r y n u m b e r seesas to ase t o blaquoeosBlaquo^asere A t t r a c t i v e siad prof l taate I s a v e t k o w a t t l dei iahtcdwithi t k r raquo j rEAUTET

W A r S F X M f t Oi Araquoc J^jasas s A^ A S raquo P I R S a i D K aoshe d a y a a V a a d ^ m g aay t h a t bull w s raquo w laquo U f l e a o e d w i t h 11 I fladti L

w b o m I sua o a e W i t h s a c k sua a g r t e s t t e r m l r o a n j a l e v e r y O s r - e r - - frac34 ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ I

I h e r e w i t h send w o n t o o _

F L R C ^ I D E w h i c h I AJTDl

^SESSJL^J^^F^A^^ bulllt

RKa utthhtouti iraquonand


I t Is c e r t A i a i y thebValaquoplaquoper I e Jkeat p l a t a Uoatrssted

l a s t r a c t i v e besuatl ful ly

h a v e l a t e l w b e e a a subacaHbev t o y e a r t a s t y a n d s t r e l l a b l e p a p e r a a d snaac a m sstotHp fama p l e a a e c l w t t V It I bull u b i e r l p t J ^ a V l a the Brat plssee saoa a e h a a e f o r o a e laquo r t h e s a a a y ssrea f o r a q y t h l n c e o o t a l a e d l a t h e ^ a a bull laquo d h o p a p e r la w u s t h t h r e e er iR t h e s a e a e y b e a l d e a i l prcooata

S bull W Flt

l J H ^ pound f 1 frac34 4 CSampraquo^Hpwvraquo bull K laquo h t assd ^ e d J E y r H e n d a a d a a raquo a laquo r l 6 laquo r a


d e - l a r e aarpr taod a p e r e o a tasU a a a I t t o h e t h e b e s t seertfcetJJ sraquoer

itastso _ i eeea the paper i_ paper pruted

r bull

^e iraquo-a3tV-


iiCjmdashnift ua m^frf^wss^y^wr W T E ~ V - ^ J I ^ f f f T ^ w y r y wfatnysty bull bull bull

U raquo11

bull - J



16 I y


bullHOWELL bull- -jProxnour Correspondent bull

Miss Mary Mountain a ron^kahly bright and promising young girl died

suddenly August 2gtHh of a congestive chill

Mifis Rose Bush went Saturday to lttake charge of the primary dqiartnimt pi one of Lansings wardschools

The schools opened Monday wilh a school house overflowing will] schilars jMiss BfooksVof(jfeemllte t s prerop-tress in place ot Miss Thayer of last year

J M White received a fine new OIL bus ljst Friday He has placed it in the hands of Bashford i Stearns who will run it in part in the interest of bullthe Commercial Hotel

Mlt A Dowling Vrfooby peWew nnm--f as instructor and leader has brought bullthe HoweU band into an excellentconshydition without asking any regular poundomraquofcnsation was presented with an excellent new bell-front tenor horn by appreciative friends outride of the band

Chester -Newman started tor Jiutler Indiana Monday hoping to purchase the only photograph gallery there

mdash-Themdashball game betweeYr^the Ply- mouth and Howell nines resulted disshyastrously for the home nine Score

11 to 4 I One of Walter S Rolmisoifs-leading

men went off on a spree before reachshyingHowell His place was iilhd by the property man and as Sunliglit of the Sierrasbull wasnt nnu-h of a piav a poor entertainment vltU given before an audience so small as to indicate inshysufficient advertising

mdashgt ~mdashOne of the most successtnlTonchops

Institutes ever held in the county has jus t closed Friday higTif all were inshyvited to go boating on Thompsons Lake ay Messrs Frank Briggs and A poundgtiley Crittenden who had~ kindh-si^ cured all the boats on the lake forthe occasion and so ended a meeting that

v alb present-seemgd-fco-profit by and enshyjoy - - 4

The races advertised by the Horse Association were-declaredorl Owing lo the lack of entries The Association must be making a very poor name




among horsemeii ttiis being the sccTTlut flat failure in two years _

Jewish congregations worship with Jheir heads covered so do the Quakers- though St Pauls injunctionswtifB inatter are clearly condemnatory of the practice The Puritans-- of the Com jaoawealtk-wouldmdashseeia- ialaquo have kept their hats on whether preadhing or be-

since 3 jpxc pys iiottm


Eg preached to7 _hearing a simple clergyman Jpxeiaiming

against men wearing their hats in the church and _a year after CrtitVi)

^wtTtes To the French cliurcltin tho flavoy and these they have 4the Coin-paOn prayer-bQok read in French and which I never Baw before the minister

jlo preach witty his hat ofpound I suppose in further conformity with our^chnwli William III ratheryscnrjikrlized hid phurch-going subjgots- by following Dutch _jaisieaipoundlaffltI keeping his head

mdashcovered in chur^hvancl when it did bullplease him toft off his ponderoushat during the s^fricehe invariably donned it as the preacher mounted tlve juil-f^stain| When -Bossuett at the ago pf 14treated the gay- singers of the HoteXde Eambouillefc to a midnight ser-taori Voltaire sat it out with his hat on

bdt uncovering when the boypreacher had finished bowed 4ow before him saying Sir I never heard a man

^preach at once sb-garly and HO late-gi pound11 the Year Hound -~-

Farms for Sale 120 Acresmdash100 under pood cultivat-ion hirirc

barns sheds ^ood house two ^oodwellt of widei]


Hats at cost A Large and Elegant line of Neckwear at less tlran cost



AVe have an enormous stock in paper aiidjincu Prices too object


We lead all competitors t best

WHITE raquo

Kver sdiown i the town nt p r u ^ bullWau-K) to 25 per cent less than other deal ers are se lling the same identical goods we have withotttmdashtkttrbt- bullthe best unlaundried^hirt inthe market


whioh we will sell at doyui price-




OTTIR 2 s pound O T T O



D D MALLORY amp C Wtiol^ualo Dealertt In


r_ Manufacturers of itermetlcally Sealed i ~ Tlcklftt PnBcltrve8 etc

[S3 5SAND 57 JEFFERSON M L gt si Detroit Mich

Use TBAlaquoknuvv and you will find

Wampshall continvie to be

Your Tigttlli becoiii na pearls Twill fragrant make tho breath of all

lioyy wuiut-u uiiU au l glrlB i




tber Uial we will save you mt every dollars worth of goods

bought of us - mdash



^ - LAKWamp

tn town Kcvtionz riovoltics and

_At-vraquour-own prices Clocks Clocks

pycharri quinces poucbof) and othor fruitmdash -This farm has no wa^tu land and in- within Vgt ^ninnt08 drive from tho raili-oad station luill-_ami gt0Qlaquoly Oftoh inarki

200 Acn8mdashAraquoout ISO undoT cultivation liU-g1

house barns eheds and outbuildings nearlyall mdashfiew^-two-orcliarda fonr frood- wills oni wind-

mill land tile drained This farm is yithin a^outl-J minutos drive from the railroad station millo murkfetTN--mdash-


326AcresmdashAbout vWt) under ciiltivation land first quality tile drainwl orchard two yood ui-lls

OlTrater aboutJO-jniniitea drive from dojjot and


Goiiigicgardlgss of mkt


market - ltmdash mdash - -The-above 646 acres are Joined together and

can be Bold as one farm or divided as above or to j take more or leas aa wanted A l s o -

-49 ActeemdashAll improved within 20 minntea drive from station v^ -

80 AcresmdashAbout 60 under Rood cultivation large txyo-atogy-hojiBfl now barn and stables ^

This farm ia tile-drained has two orchards and-JB within about 10 minutes drive from depot

lt millsandmarkot alio large houtje carriage house and outbuildings with 33 acres land in corpora-tioti nfthe ttnyn vUtlilu twu IIIIUIUHS VMtlk ut the station This propflfly cost sect1-5(KH) in 1872 -The above farms are kiHgtwn as the Hayes Farms at Orand Ledltbull Eaton county 97 miles from Detroit 12 miles from Lansing _The grtte for the above propertv ull de|gtend upon how muchlhhd is take]rancitlHttrins

Part of the purchase monev niav remain unpaid fop a terrn 1 yea^9 or uped fcjaidgnomr


property in Detroit Avilfbe taken for a part Apply to --



^DDJTIONA4_ NOTICE^ If a sultable petson with moansto ltarry- on

the businose of stock raising dairy or srain faiin tnjrtfeBlTO8 to RENT or work the646 acres on ehare for a-term of years negotiations may bo Miade t bullbull h



^he oianufaiturers have yet to hear of a single case of Dyspepsia or Diliou^nesB whoa ZOPKBA

was used-as directed in which it was hot-mora than satisfactory Many write that it is a wonder-ftij remedy We can show where as high as for t j pounds were gained by its rise in breaking up-chronic Uiliousnes and Dyspepsia Its friendain-crease very fast^afed all who use as directed are surprised and gratified - 3144


Personally HppeTu-edTiefore me Peter Phillips who Tieini K W I W aci-ofdin^ to law1 deposes and says That he has been affected with rhenmatiim more or less forthe past four or five years That bust winter he had a very severe attack arid that

about in his own room by taking hold of some thinu for support Uhin the disease was in i ts

za^ojtt^irtrtt flt+HiiT4laquouldlu^4iaiu almost unhi^rable he took-a dove-of W ilf oils Ii--htnin^ Remedy

bull| whlrh-nmHPTt- inTm^rttaTe-rr-nef arid tfte SPCOTig (Lisa taken tve hours after made a perfect and permanent- cure und that since takinp the two doses lie hasbeen free from the disease or any symptomsthe reof bull I K T VAX PIU L LI PS-

Swoni+inil subscribed tObefore me this 9th day of July A 1) 1SS) IM) ONkiir Notary Public

FARRAND W4-LLIAMS amp CO AGENTS Dytroit Michigan 31-t4


PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Wy are now receiving our first shipment of trll j0-ods anil oiler greater 111-

fhiceinents than ever No pains havo been spared to have cvery-pairof our boots and shoes the very best in

- DmiTTinnillATERIAL AND WCRKMAflSHlL OUR PRICES will always be found as low as goods of thesame quality can

- - bull t iU 1)0 sTgtld foTiirthi orany other marlret - in prGs-Trmtrnrrottr fall st-^eVr^v^eanlt dently expect to increase and extend our business and every etlortwilbbe made to give out- friends and patrons the most careful and polite attention Every body invited to inspect the-goods and get our priced



Clyde (li-hgtIFor e(+ Percheron NohnanHorses bull - EnLlisli Draft Horses __

Coac-hers Shetland Pontes llol-tein and Devon Cattle ^ -

Our customerH have the advantage of our many years exjieiiieuce in hn-ediriirand importinc large colloctfigtns^_oiipmuuiitv- Lpound coiuparin^ different i_ 111 s tent oMmsincBB breeds1 hiw price iieeuuse ot ex Andhgtwfates of transportation Catalogulaquoa | ree Correspyndence solicited

-^- - POWELL BROS bullr SPIUN( K(UO Crawford C01 PENN


FRESH amp FRUITFUL FIELDS - mdash mdash OF FINE ART-mdash^~^ bull (The Detroit Art Loan Kecord eKifttjauhlishLid daily during the BopteiTiher aild Ot1 tuner a-J numh SOT volume of 420 pa^es index and title Bcriptioa-priceFivo Dollars Ten Thousand Questions Answefei -bull hlar Dictionarrof Fine Art 125 large pagBB bound Seventy -five cents Address laetur Ford Atraquo hoanbtitlding Detgoit Mie8

J raquo

At down prices

GROCERIES Largerime at prices below par at the



Pinckney Mictiigan

West Main St Opposite Globe Hotel

J^jfuUJiiie_of_ MICH


Fiiie Oonfectionery 1 Smoking Tobacco Stationery^ tc


LUMBER LATH amp SHING bull Yard on HoweU Street north

Brick Store OFFICE AT


FARM FOR SALE plowed land) five

thtiNlaquogtjraquoIIea from Eighty nrre farinVsivty neves

miles west of PinMiiiey and thtfpp^ bdquo Ilmdjljii ltjn the riiiekhey and Milan road raquobo on Titie nf ( T Hiijlroad tJood house and Darn Fine Orchard niid bull spring of cwld-watermdashA1laquoJ bull several in res of timber Call now and see farm while the urops are laquo[)win^ will bgt sold on earaquoy terms Rrw-4laquo-a Very desirahlo hone oply on premises

JAMES PANGBOftNmdash - - r - - - _

AN -OKDlNAXtK to Supjiress Saloons for tttO -pale of-SpiritiiotTH nrtd fntoxicatifig Liquore

Goods are all fresh and new Prices are always reasonable We hope to merit a 1 beral share of the public patronage Call and see us

- i _ _ _ ^ j jtL

The tAimlHon Conm-H of tho Village of Plnck- ney ordain Hud it raquohall not be lawful --any petHott or pttsons to keep a saloon -for sale of splutunis and intoxicating Honors wit the corpora^ limits of said villaeo -Adopto^Atigtiat 47th 1883

iampjmmu+mdashraquoigt- raquos-v bullbull -MTWili ilaquotraquoW gti mdash hi j raquo M raquo fv -(- -q4 JUlaquo V

laquo bull

-r bullr-Vr

f^- tf

f T PtWilVMW 1 raquobullraquo


i t





Sherman is strongly talked of as the n e x t R e p u b l i c a n candidate for flic

- JUrwwd^y W T has the ability to conduct a campaign i

The papers conhiin reports of a new conspiracy of American ami Irish ltiy nam iters Tle British authorit ies a re nervous J notwithstanding tht4r vaunted courage

ltraquoov Begolc is busied just now with explanations a- to his di^-posit-km-of his sons estate and pays little a t tent ion to politics All the same he _will keep posted agtrto tlie date of the next con-vention

A man-ea t ing shark 12 feet long was caught iri New Yftrk Hay recentshyly and the enterprising angler now hrs the monster on exhibition Its a cold

I gtraquogt T-Jvi

- h bull r

clay when TJicTankee canT~Hnd a new dodge to make money



Ben Butler will probably be the next Democratic candidate for Governor in Massachusetts Bens otlicial salary bullcoupled with his exhorhitant law fees will soon enable him to retire and ive some bodv el]lte n chance

1 Detroit s nyw- evening paper the J o u r n a l appeared last Saturday It is a bright new$y sheet independent

in-|gtolit4c-s-antl will no doubt crer te a n e w field in evening journal ism in J)etroit I t claims 20000 circulation


The postoffice departmentTfasTeeent-ly made a new orde that registered -letters must contiiin in Their address the name of t h e county as well as the c i t v a n d State to which they go The new rate of postage begins Ocshytober 1

ThePreTftrinitial party are enjoying bull themselves as only well-fed and conshy

tented officials know how The Pres-bull_ i d e n t l s said- to be tanned and -enf irely

tised up by the exposUie^ Ife will probably appreciate the cushions ia t t ie White Honss chair when next h e

Although Hon John C New assistshyan t secretary of the treasury will neishyther affirm n o r deny the report that he will resign on Secretary Fulgers return it is believed lie will do so at an early Mnienn order to better look after hisnewspaper and otneY ^private tiv-Icresfs He will a t least re turn to Indianapolis tor a time after Secretary folder re turns to Washington He is very popular and there is no t ru th in the rumor that unpleasant relations exist between him and the secretary

Some eastern merchants and stock operators who were not pleased with flic wayin whuih-ilu Wttorn Inion Company transacted its business durshyi n g the late strike brought suit for damage- against the W I Company before bull lodge Lawrence and won the suit and the New York- World ridicules the Judge s decision that a teleshygraph company is a common carrier and that i ts rates inay therefore he regulated b^y--congress The -Woftd pointedly retmirks tha t the Western-Inion is jnorv likely to regulate Con-gress than Congress is to regula te the Western tTuon If lav O o u h t l v o r o still editor of the World this might be regarded as a senii-atlicial announce-lUCNt -

The knigts templer are ^returning from SanFraut isco hut alas no laurels bring theyhome to Detroit- who e r4 -whiie performed deeds oibull might and eidut^irms (it higli import at the Cleve-landvfmclave The De Molay com- mandery of-Louisville has w o n t h e prizein the great cake walk a t the Golden Gafce and are nniking a slow j but t r iuninpant progress homewarb-j prouder than all the paladin aiid much more gorgeously ha-dited Where Ue now tlie- invincible heroesof the Mich-igan eonfm-a-mlmv-By our hal ldom

and by the beard of Godfrey de Bouil-ion odds hodikins and marry come up and by all the pretty oaths which sipiir-1 or kuiglit couM j- w-frt-f-r we shouliTlTaVTuther accounts Snpreme

UJbis tines

thoritios and8unda^ -raquo+tfkta postal was received s ta t ing that a man answering to- Hamptons description had been captured not in Lapeer as a Detroit eveningpaperaverred hut in Flint Sheriff Vallace and landlord Stone imniediattdy went on to Fliiit HUtb ttirtrtitinl t i t f t r -pr i^ t t r r H e i s now luld lor trial

Mrs Th7VTITn M l ^ ^ l n l v ^ i I t v iisenue aged H yctrgt died of a conshygestive chill at In r home Saturday niglu The fureral talicspiace to-day from Hu house Mrs Hill was an old settler and has livedtor many years on the banks of the II uron

F O X 1 IE i V11A At _r

I-rom tin IU fiw t _

Mr Fred Ives and family departed for Marshal on Monday where they Vjill take their future residence

Mr (k L iMsherJiiis-reiited the enshytire ground floor of the lt hicra Hougte b|()ckand will till it in the near future wijh a largestock of furniture The lartition between the two stories will partit ion nerween rne two

be removed and throwtfti

sees them

bullbullbull Toledo 0 is a citv of over 50() bullgtgt-loons notwithstanding the t a x - o T ^ W

vacli ini|gtosed uplaquo^lri^fekraquo^ planr by theScott laweniir-ted at the histlegisshylature Under this law the sahxns ot Ol^o are taxed upward of S2000000 w4)u-tt is qi-ti-terf relief to t he taxpav rs ofthat State

mdash De Lesseps Panama canal seems to have been forgot ten in the n e w s of t l |e

rday The people of to-day are over ready to forget-ojtie tli^me and take up with another Xo sooner is public a t shytent ion attached to one subject than if is directed in another channel bv tin1

hrsfninprobahle thing-t hat is mention-ed -

Knuuent Grajid WlTatyuucallem Sii i-lugliXbiCurdyLto llie rescue _ Om blagtt from your riant and eloquent lraquou-gle aud-ffhe WiiiR=gr wTttiigai-n-^priiig

jind flash their swnrds-to their foatliej in air till the 1-ight thereof shall dazie -p+^+Hty out of countehahce-News

lTtrroniMVHyrn g iving i)iie of-tin largest and rooms in Livigston county

Geo(Tastem has obtained a patent upon a set light durable and strong whifftetrees trhd evenerTbeing made eutirelv ljL~wrought iron rods He sohf-n ha i fwt^ res t in thesamjctoH H iMifee a n d thetirm are ge t t ing ready to push the sale of the same

I)FXTIR From tlngt Ligtul(T

Coniiely it iix of Adrian are putshyting ip a maguifieent lnonimunt in the Catholic Cemetery for a Mr Shan-ahan of the town id Lypndon This tlW4 small head and toot stone and handsome galvanized iron fence cost the nice sum of pound700 -

raquo s bull

The carpenter work on Win Glenns new house a t North Lake is completshyed and doe Keese is now engaged ill pu t t ing oil the finishing touches - -The house is a nice otic and reflects credit on its builder ITii^vTiiTIogg copy

Doi^ got among James Lucas sheep last Sunday night ami raised the dickem Tltey killed and inainuvl a-hnttt thirty-five Mf -Lucas wit obliged t-0 kill some -of-the wounded-ones and they together with those the bulllog killiMl made 20 deul sheep tor one night s work e nhder-staiid two of tlu7 diigs were caught and kllled~-ahd that their owners propose tomake the inss good peimdashreqircst-of- Mr hn^is 1C Heeve also had 10 sheep killed









fast 1 nda night by-dogs-

poundpound9 HOTCL


bullpoundpoundlaquoM SIlilHSlWHfflSIS

Sis|laquoS fraquoS|fe|jlaquoil ||ilaquoiWlls||amp|iMi



Cor CongresB and Bate^ts

DETROIT MICH ttraquotltgt8 $1 to $1 25 per day Single

nit-Hi^ W cttfts Lod^in^raquo Mgt to S)c ^^ imiklaquo h Bptciulty of dinner and

iti alwaysfeadyatil ocloclcshariJ Come early utid he served proT lv raquo ^ ^ ^

ra i l road ilt iicing t ion as rajiidlv a

T h e ( I r a n d T rui ik I^nckney -s-new pushed to coiuple-cireunistavices will

permit A sink-bole was (U^eount red ^wraquoTiifa wliiili walt lto hyvge thal^ lU-u

ut all the leent to tHf

gradeis were obliged t(gt timber for several rods ai thebreach W i t h such obstacles m tlie way-of construction is it any w^oii-

(iTFis hot heing_nearid


S O T T I I ^ L Y O X From tin Pii kit mdash - mdash - - mdash -^---7-

A round-house whieh~Trill inrnmn-dat(gt twoamgines has been built bv the ( I near


The turn tal

NVeatherhead has one buildshying up and enclosed on 14^ lots near the dtpol and the iouudation laid for anorher ~~~ bull

der that compTetl as rapidly as was wl

anlicipated Those oare impatient to see the-work of


England continues to -ship large bulliiiimb6rs of her pauper victims of tr e t rade to this country ami the authorshyities at OasAle Garden either connot or

--mlKii(raquot Tdfr-anvt-hiHg more rigHmFFF than simply to remonstrate against f lc outrageous procmxling 15ritaiiis_boa-t t ha t t-ke sun-4ie-er ^ets rn her mttjesv-gt-domain and still wire has no room or

^1 v

inelination t o take care of her own paupers -

Oscar Wilde hot satisfied with beshying the Original o f the geni dude ami

^ inaugura t ing the c raze fopound_i4in-flowers as buttonhole bouijuets has writ ten a p lay ca l led Vjera which bullmetwith as cold a reception- as did Oscar himself The New York papers at its first production commented unshyfavorably rpon it and thus prejudiced otherjaeople against it and poor Os-ltcar-was obliged to cancel the dates jand wi thdraw the play f rom-the s tage

construction completed will ponder on the amount of capital necessary to reach-

do Well to abor find this end

oti must not expectto laquo-ee t rains run--nitijg over the line as soda as track-layiug is finished or you will be sadly disappointid It takes time to build and equip railroads and the G T will lie in operation in due time

The Grand Trunk company nas purshychased a s t r ip of land of Monroe-bun-lap on the east side of the railroad eight rodswideand running the whole length of his farm and containing eight acres paying therefor ^1laquogt00-

Geo Hudson the boy wild fornTTrtv c l eaned t he L A A S G T cars nt this placewas run over by a train at Ann Arbor Saturday and had a leg smashedmdasha-Wv-e the knee The sur-

OUR NEIGHBORS S T 0 C K T 4 R H 4 lt ^ E ^ - -

Prom the SoutjiieU

Alex Tfcyier is hack from the far w-est-- looking d-(cide+ healthy and h a p p y r

(bullontractor lirooks was here Tuesday and says the cars shall run by the first of Nov or sooner

_ Oliver Ayraul-t was kicked in his side by his horse Wednesday fracturshying one of his shorter ribs

lgtenj u r a h a m s little boy aged about three years fell from a fence yesterdayand injured (ben t ) h i s arm

-nar rowly escaping a break

bullL - bullbull

Ht^-- bull

9 bull -bulllaquo)bullbull


Gen Crook tlie would-be g rea t Inshydian fighter who was instrumental in vanquishing five or six bucks and fifty -orjixty squaws and papooses is now

behrg lionized in theeast whither he j s t ak ing a tour ostensibly for recrea-t ion hnt in feality to be petted suiltI

- made much of If he had encountered the band which annihilated CustHT it probabljjynurld have been as well for the country at large and more espee-

xaFy the~taxpayerg Tle~is~reiTeiving t-oo ranch reward for his gtaltrv plun-

A few days ago Ar thur Freeman and BertieKollis each about seven years ohi were wn^stling when the latter fell upon liis r ight arm breaking it between the el bowman d wristf He was immediately taken toJ)r Brown at the post-office who set the fimb the l i t t le fellow showing lots of grit and now he is get t ing iilQitgfinely bull -- j

A N N A R B O R f rom the Ke^istor

John Moore has bought the stock and good will of C Holmes d r u g store on Huron street He took posshysession-last Wednesday

The pcaeh-04Aa-r4 Opound4-T4) M l w m of this town yealded (ifJ00 bushels last-season but not one this He appears to peach-eerful about it howeveV

All efforts of the officers to trace Wm H a m p t o n - t h e nimble-fingered n ight clerk of the St James t a r the t than Holly proved u-riavailing As a last ho~]iehowever descriptions of the thief were sent out- to various-city atf-

ifior^f preparltlt to amjmtiite the leg bur it_is now thought it can be ^aved

Maggie Munn had a sudden and serious attack Tuesday evening in Carpeiitei A Savers store I)r Hrown was called and soon broiightJieqj_uiLxf-wTTat bull - -was callnl a tit ])ivmounced its cause

The Doctor the extreme

amount of green stuff she hiid eaten

_ imrcaiTON From tho ritizon

1 FredStiffTiTHighlandwas thrown from his horse the other day and had his arm brokem -

FARMERS AN^FHRESHERSr S fresh new stockmdashof th^-following goods j-ast-receded a l l of which ^re-

guaran tee to-he tlm purest and best qualitymade in tbo world- u

N K Fairbanks Ex Winter-strained Lard Oil No I U r d OH-

Best Quality LardeHfte3mdash^ A No I Golden Engine Oil Zero Black Oil Old-Process Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil TURPENTINE OILBMER

VARNISH NXX CASTOR OIL Gasoline 7 4 deg and Xap tha Wate i^Whi te and Legal Test Kerosene OiL P u r e White Ldeg^d ( o loreiLPaints by t h e - ^ ^ U o n - a a 4 - 4 n - p a i ^ f w T n r T T r ^ - ^ T ^ ^

A post of G A K Thursday afternoon nemiirvs _

was established of 15 consisting

bull-^J A Dibble has a new bouse jus t coni])leted on his placcin Oceola

N(dfle King died Tuesday after a short illness in the 80th year jofhs age His femftinraquo-were-fjikeii to Fleniiifg y(isterday for burial

Prof Karbts thinks a lyWde cmt-door recreation dll- go well mixed uu with hisschool duties and has bougnt the fine little side-wheel boat which was plied on Island Lake dur ing the enshycampment lt

While TJanieT Curdy of Oceola wafi on his way to t h e pioneer picnic he drove mto a creek to water his tea^ii and as he came out the back seat of his buggy broke loose and spilled his wife and mother into the water They were not much injured

Tlie high wind which passed over this country last Wednesday afterno did considerable diimage a t Hoyvell Wright s grist mill lost a smoke-stack and the windmill-e-wned bv Hie liail-roadrwas bloVn down and Jbtujly brok-ell A builinngown^dLy^V C Briggs one inile nortlijiffownlt^was so badly racked tha t it fell to^fhc ground someT-time du r ing Wed^esiiay night

pails AVe are making Gils Pa in t s and Painters Materials a specialty and will q u o t e L O W E R PRICES than any other dealers in Livingston Countymdash Give us a call and see bull bull bull

TEEPLE amp-e^WETJL Firs t door East of W S Mann Estate Brick Store


In connection with our large and varied stock of

bull -

AND FINE CHEMICALS We make a specialty of X u f s e r y and Sick-Room Supplies T r u s s e d J l k a t i c

Jia^ndages Shoulder Braces and all articles kept in a first class D r u g Store Our Stock of mdash

PATENT MEDICINES fs full ancTcomplete embracing all the s tandard and reliable remedieswhich we will sell as low oij-any reliable house in the county W e keep a fnlr stock of all Botanic and Eclectic Re-medies and Pa rke Davis k Cos New Remedies enabling us to till any prescription or familyreccjins We shall keep everyshyt h i n g per ta in ing to our t rade In onrtrp6ery iWpartment we have none b u t ireiih-and well selected goods and-will sell a t dottom prices To accommo-^ t o o u r patrofis we will t ake m exchWgcopy But te r and Eggs and wil l pay t h e highest market price bull Respectfully bull bull laquo bull

H 3EK copy I Q laquo a B raquo amp BORO


bull bull-

L raquoilaquo mdashill


WAV Mi | mdash bull ll III I I I I J - mrmidm

laquo M V I raquo 4


mdash ^


A LITTLE boy proud of Lis new Jacket informed his Bister that he ua a Biz-button kid

BARRELS of gin have taken to explod-fng There tnust bo terrible Hclmapps ben they gogtoff

GROCERS seldom establish themselves bulln the seashore probably from feartlLit the sand may get in their weigh - mdash

MASSACHUSETTS has more letters in it than Mississippi but the latter ia the JonLgeryQrdmdasha miss JUL as good^aa a xnilfet lt deg

COUNT DORSAY who possessed amp f a n n i n g wit in remarkingvQn a beauty

jv Ipeok on the oheek of Lady^euthamp-ypound fcgt3 compared it to a gem on a roso-

feftf The compliment is far-fetched observed her Ladyship llow can that bel remarked the Count when

vjt is made on the spot THlaquo proprietor of the Hotd Ma il

whois aakillful musician asls What is home wilfrfl pla^qT^l^rCoToSeIT

from experience we Would remark that bullbull i t is then a placn where the wicked cease

irom drummingand the air takes a rest ^J)o we strike the right key 7mdashNew York Commercial Advertiser ATa Country house whero I was visitshy

ing a feXv- years since a ntntoly ijmjor-dopobearingthe name of ItfacMahon reigned over the cellar Are you a reshy

l a t i o n of the Marshals jokingly said a1 friend who was wit me No sir v u the grave replybull_the French Presshyident is of our Younger house ^re are the MacMahonof Ciare Tableau mdash

London WoHtT FATHER you are-an- awful brave man

vaaid a-Detroit-youth as lie smoothed down the old mans gray locks How-do you know that Willie V bh I heard some men down at th-e store say that you killed thousands of soldiers during the war Me- TOly I was

f a beef contractor for the army Yes thats what they said explained young innocence as he slid for the kitch6n---JMroitFree -FrenZ -

HERHUNBAXDls A P O S T R O P H E Oh woman iu your liourof ease bull Uncertain coy and hard tu-^kraquolaquoJraquomdash - --Wheneer you 0 to buy ibumiet Youre harder yet to plea^ep dogrgonoifc

LfiAVING TOWN (_ He straightened his back and wirjed the sweat

From hisJjrow so tjery ijud I would rathertjnyel with Jumbo dear

bull I Than travel With you liefcfud She darted an angry ulaice and cried

bdquo I Why Walter y(laquoiihuft he druiik Im sober enuuyh he suid5to kno^

That JuinbolaquomijtiU Itis own trunk- ^ 0 raquo the oeeasiou tgtf-Snrah Bernhardts

return to London the Times said she looked worse and even thinner than -before This reminds us o f the Ger-man cornposer-^riioyas condnctuigone

~ of his overture^ A^tlie horns played too loud he told theni repeatedly to play softer aud softer they played each tirnts- A tithe-fourth repetitionwith a knowing wink at each other they put their instruments to their lips but did not blow at all The conductor -nodded

=~spprov ing t rT ^Yery-goed indeed Now one shade softer and youll have i t - --mdash- bull _ _

~^~ THEY were sitting Tn the shadow of _ the huneyauckluH tliroHflfh yMch~EEo~

sinking sun was peeping at them with a face as red as if it had just enlaquoFged from a brick-kiln bull And you will take

me to Europe on our wedding day darshyling she said toying fondly with-one

Of hismdashsuspender buttons that had broken loose and fallen intoher lap A very serious look stole over his counteshynance and for some momenta^he was silent Finally he choked back a rising sigh-and said No deary we will stick to the dry land I never could hold a basin under a bullbullwomans chin foia

mdash4eampH3aysand love her afterward A rouNCi farmer who had been^ead-

ing a book which stated that woman is the Sunday of man thought he vraquoould compliment ahoating^ you are my Sunday I Ipusyglared at him as though she imampgined he was daft and then quietly Said Ban I may be your Sunday buy Im not going to give you any rest until you buy me a bonnet thats fiVto wear to church Dan now keepX his quotations to him-bullatampbnt wasCompelled to get the head-

bullNew York Commercial Adver-

ESMITH was ejected violently doctors office on Austin avenue

complained that he feltvery much ilitated You should eat oat meal bfampaklastr I eaJ~baTmeai and feel

as stout as a jackass said the doctor The oat meal cant have anything to do with your feeling like ajackass reshymarked Qua I l l kick you out of thai pffloe roared the exasperated doctor bullIf you do doctor Ill not kick back m do like that other fellow who WM kicked by a jackass Ill consider the flource After that Gus stalked o u l

S - ^ h e affair is much to be regretted at both parties are respectably connoettcL mdash-Teeras Hiftings _ J

aid ad-

The extent of the utisernmenc frabsidy to the Union Pacific rail exceeds that ever extended by any Government to any undertaking Conshygress authorized aland donaUcn of 13-sect75200 acres to be located in alternate sections on both sidescf the line and subsequently guaranteed the stock of the company to the^xtent of $16000 per mile between the Missouri river and the eastern base of the Rocky mountshyains $48000 perrhile for 150 mUes across the RooKy mountains $32000 per mile betweeyihe Rocky mountains and the eastenr baae of the SierraNevada momntaSsTand WS000_igtermgtlo for 166 tt^^over the Sierras TJieso grants

^sufficient to much mtgtre than pa ^OSt Or ^Oll

Genlaquo Alex Ogles Use of L When Gen A4ex Ogle-served Somershy

sets frosty Hons of thunder in the Pennsylvania Legislature it fell toliinv to write in behalf of the Democratic members a letter to (Jen Jackson then stepping across the Presiurntial thresh-hold Such work of the scribe was a

4ahor of love andjn submitting to the caucus what he had written Gen Ogle sajd Gentlemen and members of the Democratic party I hold in my hand a letter addressed by Gen Alex Ogle to Gen Andrew Jackson and I have no hesitation in Haying that i t is a -mdash- ablo paper The members gathshyered around agreed thajfc the letter was just the thing to mako Old Hickorys heart thump with satisfaction and exshycept one a dapper little Philadelphian spoke words of praise- The dandy of the House-fixingliia glasses and scanshyning the page with the critics smirk ventured to remark Pardon me General I do not wish to assume to

-makea suggestion to so distinguished a gentleman as yourself but I cannot re-fraiampirojm saying it is customary in the East and I may say in almost all the civilized countries of Europe to write with the capital I instead of the little uia in using the personal pronoun in epistolary correspondence Gen -Ogle drew down hipound heavy brows piercing the dandys narrow with ^he fierce shaft of scorn that shot from his 6ye Sir he said beginning with a hiss and ending with a roar when^X write

i^xji^jsriisrGr 1883 1-



fill two Sheets of foolscap so help me God

To T H E FARMERS OF LIVINGSTON ANDAIgtJOJNINP COUNTIES -Xf you want to purchase a Reaper this year examine the Hero look it over carefully and youjwOLsee iHlaquo up

to the time- 1st Itis simply constructed 2nd I t has no side draft 3d I t is not liable to get out of order 4th I t has no weightiupon the horses necks 5th I t is a very light draft reaper 6th I t is easily managed 7th 1frac34 is just the machine you want I t can be had of our agents on trial and is warranted to give satisfaction

^ ^ t I refer you to the following named farmers wh$ have purchased and are using the Hero v eaper some of whom for to suchTgreat auch-a towferinman as I the pa^ t JWjea rg j and they can testifyJo its merits Gen Andrew JacMori Democratic i mdash President of the United States I abase myself sir I use as small an T as I can put on paper but sir if I should ever get to such a low-down pitch as to have to write to such a little snipe as you Id use an I sir that wp_uld_

Jesse W Sheets Unadilla Bernard MCloskey Putoam David Donovan Northfleld Ang Balden George W Iteaaon Unadilla Arthur Montague E J Wakeman Tyrone Cxeo R Wilcox W hite Oak WtaedonTojrk Roscommon

- -A-HHTamp Gray TOBCO

Jamas Spears Putnam Owen Goodspeed Hamburg William Cullen Danuville P Mc Cann Bunker Hill Wm Perry- Owen Mc Cann jr M

John B Mc Creery Henrv Ward- Fred Maycock Iosco

bull=ETmerChipman h

George Bauer Brighton S K Haiise Putnam A Force litockbridge Perry Barrett Tt

George PhlpsWhite Oak Henry B Gardner Putnam Daniel F Wefit Lewis Love u

John AmdashWard Llaquo^ilej Mrs J Love and Sops Marion

JMartin Melvin jr Hambnrg W Nelson WJiitmofe Lake Warren Mnnson White Oak Frank Aldrich Henrietta John Fleming Philo Durfee Antrlmr

-bullH--CT- Marttir- mdash-- mdash Seymour Brown onway O CrSawdy IOBCO ~~ bull bull

the Hero can be seen and is for sale at Piuekney by JApound MARKET General Agent for Mlehigaa

Burial of a Greek Patriarch

We - found the deceased patriarch clothed in the robes of his office silk gold richly embroidered seated upon a throne facing the altar iri the^Constan-tine church of the Greek Gonveni^Al-though he was only cent3 years of age he looked very venerable with hisT long flowing gray beard-^eirad a golden crown upon his head with enashymeled settings on four sides represhysenting _the Virgin the nativity the insurrection and asrension and ur-ihounted by an elegant diamond cro^s His breast was-wavered with golden -classes and precious stones He had a crozier or sceptre of gold and silver leaning against the throne-while in his right 1 tartd was nrTretarrrpnt and irrfris left a ]U(^re7-orHhe VirgiTfTnid chiidr Behind the throne wasstandinga priest reading continuously in^CrreSkjappro priate passages for thedead Andfrpm caily hioiTiinff till 0 oldotLL^iuihe eve-ning a perfect stream of people were passing back and fourtli_who- would kneel kiss the patriarchs napounddThen theTestament which ho held in it andT afterward cross themselves and pase out The patriarch- was buriedOhe name dav he die-d ltTugtt Ijn-ifoitf the f-Cr-

a l m o s t evertvnn ered oigt ^Icirt- yiim

neral a motley cro^d qf-Tifks- Xrabs Uedouins Nubbins Te s a n d T i ^ e -sentative^s if aiinnstik^ery nation in

rtgina-bu4 eostunie gath First in the piftgt-

-cesHioncjnnw a--bahd of elarionotsr^h^H a band X)f brass inrttrirments phiying what IwoultV ronsidvf a lively air and notthe feast novel-was an enormous brrtss drum Iollowing tlie band were tjuitea ninnbr of ^tanh^nts- with veryV

^long hair priraquojviving irrt)je priesthood then cani^+h^TfrHfriiitd5 priests then tlie hishop dr Allexcept flit carried c-tvlt cra)0 Aiu t iTaniss^vits of

esstV iji eftvgailt cloaks hu]diesvrJo followed s (bAxjcd with black bullthe sohlhis camethe allhe ltni ls- and of

diiIarraquoMlt ivMixt^tt^-JH- w-ba^sStiliiert wildVofrf nines soinolliing

like our American Jjulians Then came bishopsbearing a kind of lanterns and crosses of silvVV imi gold An old iiian in a veiy govp^r^asTirtss wh6-as I Mas informed v-icopy nextto the pfttrinreli himself was biwristg the deceas patriarchs silver nnLJ gold sceutie Then came the Vgtodv iii-full dreisas I had seen it in tlie m-orTiing---wit)i the ercopywii_gjihisJ4Ciid and seated bull on higt throne as if he were alive The proshycession made a Strang im^yessinn upon my nvind as I wittthed toward the Zion gale the weird clianting oVtho was buried in a sitting posture along frith about two btfsheis ltlt inceuao and myrrh

slowly move d I list MI cd to

priests He




-Mr-MANNrEast Main St PinckneV bull mdash mdash bull - - bull - -

e jus t added to our stoek a general assortment of-




DrugsandGrQcerlampr And would invite the attention of far- raers-who wish to4ay-in a stock of gromdash ceries to last them through harvest we have everything you need Sugars Teas Coffees Spices Pork Hams

i Dried Beef Cheese and CannedJSoo4a -oi all kind^ ii you dont tceljust like-

going intoJhe harvest field come in and get a bottle of Browns Iron Bit-bullter Hop Bitters- Shilohs Vitalizer some one or the thousand and one rem-edles Wekeep that will do you goodmdash Dont forget to come and stock up at once The place is at the -____ L



N Jl-^-IIijjdiHst cagh rn paidfor Butter and Eggs

i3 Tatui


BI^AC|CSMITH ATTlynds of ens torn work and general

repairing including


Study OTITJ thToT

The nibre we study tlanilet tTte VCT cpnvhaeed-^ve become that be Mas ia sane He hated tlie idea of having a stepfather as most children do and trooded over it until his brain lostits

balance Some children accuse theii stepfather of stealing thlt afrrctinrrs-n their mother but-Hamlet went frac34 stej farther and doolared that- he lnvLpttt-his father out of the wayv -A+ l all beshycause he had partaken too heartily of the funeral-baked meats that he had warmed over into halaquoh for the mar-riage supper This gave him the nightshymare in which he thought he saw his fathers gheat though it was probably nothing more than a portion of tlie family washing flapping-in the moonl light Hamlet had been a gay yontli up to that time as Ophelia could testK fy but after that he dressed entirely 171 black covering -fehnself with an inky cloak toenhance tlie prevailing gloom of his appearancemdashCincinnati Satur-

toy fogM_mdash~ r ^ mdash

Call and examine our stock whether you wish to e or not




WILLIAM D0-LAN amp CO Have just received a new and complete stock of ~

DRY GOODS BOOTS amp SHOES CROCKERY GROCERIES Tobacco Canned Gtyods Etc No remnants or shelf-worn stock We m business and will guarantee bottom prices The public are invi t^- tcfca l l and see for themselves W E S T M A I N ST T I ^ K N J S ^ f f M I C H

Shop back of Manns Block PIXCK^KT

plusmn eNPMMPT0N


FHR4IXME bullbullbullbull Picture Framing Repairing Up hols te ring Ste

wl S T X A I S eTBisr



BEST|d-APA^ -TKATlaquor^B7

JAPANTEA 4ampcts ~

mdash -mdashGROUND TgA 20 c^T


Roast Cofiee

GREEN Cg^yenigE i2 ic t

and 23 cte

BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE Tugwr fur Bale 1frac34 lota fronting on Main

east of Howell Street and 6ttt on Howell of Main tor boainew purpoieronly Theee Stfzltt feet In aize are very desirably lc-the center of the village and wiU be 1

Street Soutl

CITY LAUNDR bull Finest Laund and delivered lion to


ryta the Weet G Pricfi Uftt Jnrnjah

called for on applka-

)S A CP y^M^oy- M^)(rt jgti i

tus ^ s Bird Seed 10 da

Mc-tfobacco at 40 cts bullgt J

60c Tobacco at 50 cts

^al Baking Powder Parents Bakshying Powder Spices of all kinds raquo

Bakers 0hocolatraquo ^^eeT bull Chocolate v -

Canned Corn Canned Beef -DuUMd Salmon Canned Tomatoea

mdash amp A WHEELER -




bull -

pound_ -^-~S



bullbulliiifelaquoriMiiltlflt bulla aw4raquo~vovw

^ ^ ^ s ^ l i i S laquobullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullfi^jgjyi bulllt wk tUgiu I ^ j ^ y ^ ^ j ^ I - r - V 1 raquov

B- f

-^ v-mdash4--T

raquoraquo- -^4

v ^ i raquo n 1 1 PfowvnwaaMM


i tx

mdash-T bullH rlaquoP bullEH SHH


F r

f -1


M bull l

- pound L



HUNTING FOlt BTILL8 The Commissioner of Internal Revenuehas

issued instructions to Revcumf Alaquoeut Powell of Raleigh N C to Inveetliatu tbe report that several revmue officers bathe upper part of South Carolina U4T1 been- systematically swindling the government for some time It is charged that the officers in question lure pershysons to pui up old stills iu remote pieces and then capture the material in th night time and obtain the government reward of |50 for each seizure Tbe eamc material U theu put u p In another part of the^State and seized again It is alleeed that only a few stills captured in the mountains of South Carolina have been used for illicit distilling bull

ti n Cinoks latest communication li$s lust been received by the War Department In the report Crook giVt-s his idea of- the future polishycy to be pursued by the government^ follows bullI believe tlrralv that exact acquiescence by ouj- government in the terms upon wfhlch these Indians understood they are to be allowed toydren live upon the San Carlos Reservation appears theonly passible means of protecting the lives and interests of the people of Sonora^and Chi huabuay as well as our owncountry and am as firmly convinced that if the present prisoners are treated with good faith not only will the renesradf6 now in the mountains return but also that Neither country will heresfWr huve ^ r

any reason to complain of depredations or aatraquo pects accurate and is vouched fpr

bull) i


A NEW yj^vvt Plans arc completed for thlaquo proposed new silshy

ver vault under the cagth room-of the Treasury Department1 The storage capacity of the vault will be ^33009000 In Kilter dullais Until the return of Secretary Folder the Assistant S^c- retary will act aa Secretary

THa-aA^eiMO) HOSPITAL^ A statement has recently been published to

the effect that the plan of establishing a Garfie4 memorial hospital inWashisgton had been aband

lior want of adequate support and thatlhe mopey thus far contributed for that purpose would be turned over to the Garfield monument fund Thos Fisher of the (iarfleld Hospital Board said in reply t s inquiries that the report of the abandonment- of_thpound_hQspital scheme was entirelv Without foundation


A pension office official says that there is no reasons le donbt that more money has been fraudulently abstracted from the treasury in one year- on false pension claims than was ob-tainedby the star-route ring in the same time and about which the country has heard so much $100000000 in a single year formed a temptshying prize to the pension agent ring and out of

4t4bis ring m u i t have got upwartLLQJLt 10000- 000 their particular portion being in fees and expenses Claims by the hundreds and by the

thousand a r e made up in Washington and sent ready-made to the ex-soldlers forvsisrna-ture and oath Many nith are found^too honshyest to perjure themselves thusJyit the temp tation offered by the arrears act which offered several thousand dollars In a lump If the case went fhrough is too great in -most cases traquo be reSlsted The more squeamish are Urged bv

near St Louis Mo between Iouis Phillips and Jacob Roseuhrdok both residents of Bowling Green Township iri which the latter wa killedinstantly and the former wounded so badly that he died in a few hour after The affair had its origin in a grudge long standing crowing out of disrespectful remarks by Philshylips concerning Rosenbrobks sister Each time they met thev quarreled and they decided to settle the matter In a duel with pistol They ctiosc as their seconds Mark Swark and Jack Wren who wereMcent and witnessed the shooting RoscnBrook fired tbe first shot the ball entering Phillips mouth1 Phillips stag-cered but before tailing discharged bis wea-ponthe ball taking effect on the side of Rosen-brooks mouth raogtng upward through the head Both duelists weie young men Phillips being about 83 year of agj and a school teacher


bull Mrjfidward Kniyiit of P i beru bereft of his eix children In a remarkashyble waymdashby such a succession of tragedies as makes truth indeed seem 6tranger than ficshytion I Three children died with diptheria in qulcW succession The day after the death of the last of these two of tuampremaining chilshydren were playing in the yardtbe raotlifeir being inside with the youngest child A scream outshyside caused her to rush out to find that a ratshytlesnake-had bitten both children Soon thev were in the agonies of death The crowning horror then came upon the distracted mother when she discovered thai a large pot of boiling soap had fallenfrom the fire and scalded the baby past recovery The aecouafrls in All res-

CAUOHT AT LAST Sylvester F Fuller cashier and Henry L

St John assistant cashier of the Second nashytional bank of Jefferson Ashtabula county Ohio are in the United Statess marshalls hands In Cleveland on charge ltgti embeazllng $50000 of the banks funds The Irregularity occurred Dec 18 I88i wheu the bank closed Fuller skipped to Canada but returned last May St John Jtdnot leave The misfortune was caused by stock speculations After losshying his own money Fuller took $14000 and St J6hn $30000 from the bank funds He says they will peach oh other bank officiate Before United States Commissioner White Jhe presishydent of the defunct bank refused to testify unshytil he could consult a Uwyer Noah Hoekius director and holder of $1000 worth of stock swore out the warrant The depositors all got their money the loss falllug on the stockbold-ers

missing with some $12000 of borrowed money and leaving behind some $30000 In forged notes

After September 1 tourists to the Yellowshystone national park can abaudoa stages and make the louruiiy by rail the branch of the Northern Pacitla from Livingstone south to Cinnabar 51 mifeshavlng been completed

There are about tMX) Chinamen iu Helena


Milwaukee is agitateltrTJver an alleged case of Asiatle cholera A man named Wotcbky was was taken sick and became torpid andZelowski who has had experience in a Turkish hospital bullpronounced the diseawcfcolers Dr Richards Assistant Health Commissioner agrees with Zelowskl but other physicians call it cholera morbus


Snpt Thompson of the railroad mail service^ has ordered the establishment of a newline of postal cars on the Pennsylvania Railroad be-tweetL New York Plttlaquobufgh Indianapolis and St Louis The cars commenced running Satshyurday September 1 leaving New York at (5 pm The postal car will arrive at 8t Louis on the morning of t h | second day apound 30 oclock


debris and broken pieces of machlneay 50 people lost their lives some being blown In to eternity whilei others were drowned by be-

5 1 1 frac34 8 a n ^ L e t t C I ^ ^ K bdquo ^ d K traderTi ipk lng vessel Thort who wVre floating about in the river were rescued by tug-boats anil takshyen to New York Reports as to the number killed are conflicting Varying all the way from 10 to 50

Ttie engineer Edward^Tallmatrrwho cseaped-with a few slight bruised said he couldnot tx-

TfHUrrthe-cau^e-trf the at-eldent by- anv theory

forward One of these circulars dated April 3(3 1853 add-ess-

^ed^FjilGnd-^Hd-cllent says it is some time since the claim was made up and ur^es that it be signed sworn to and returned immediately Millions of money it saye liavc been ap-proprial^d+undgtYji^n_^eyo_ur_cLalm and si-

7t= -^ure toyou tho btnelliBuf the tveeut euac ment Auather-e4fcular says the cases of those whopay their fees iu advance will igt made special by the department Every t-f-forfe is made to get hold of that fee This sys

bull lllll uf ^huliBHle pti jui v Is billeyni lotOhuvi been carried on to a greater extent thaaf has jever yet been statedi-


The family of William Luriers of Win6ted Miuu consisting of nine persons were poison -_ eQ^Tewidsy^irgoVanu hvehnve dretlapd to more aro Dotexpected^tolive The supposition Is tb at some poison wasmlxed with th^ famil lunch buffhe name oftEe fiend an^ the mo-tlve for the torrlhleerimearc unknowii


B u r s t i n g of


B o U e r o n a H u d s o n RIvlaquo c r S t e a m e r



The steamer Riverdale on the North -Rl^r burst her boiler and sunk at Twenty-second street New York In about five minutes the boat capsized There were over 100 passen-geis on board-at the time of theWccident 8ome of them were hurled into the air and then feU-back-lBto the-water and others wsere comshypelled to jump into the rivlaquor to eecape-the scalding steam The air was filled with firing

complete recognition of-a-French protectorate over Anam andTonquln the definitive annex-

nation of Dlnthum to Cochin China the pershymanent military occupation-^ French of tht forts on the Tlmuan and Vingchua line lmfne-diate recall of the Anamlte troops from Ton-quln andjhje_garri3Qn8 thert ta be _placed-on-


The British Parliament Was prorouged on the Afternoon of August 25 The queens speenh was read bv the Royal Commissioner at tbe close of the session In her address the queeu reviews in a lucid manner the government ar-fairs She expressed great satisfaction at the j work done by parliament and at the harmouy existing between England and all other powshyers The manner In widen her majesty-handled all questions submitted tomdashher- -explodes the s_tatv ments so ottea made concerningher ineu-tal weakuess

A ERENCn VICTORY A telegram was received In Paris a few days tracts on the uAltiantage8

Montana With the exception of Fargo Helena i the

largest and most Important town on tbe line between St Paul and Portland Oregon

O^Doanell the murderer of Carey is on his way to England where he will be tried The South Africa authorities protested against his removal

Ex-Collector Murphy of New York has been arrested on a charge of swindling his benefacshytor Uncle Sam

T4ta--4vuoahw ^ poatotfioaa in tho Uuked- n cnicY laquottrl ve ryof ton thin clcm^ooaa o$ States number 48049

Parnell declares that the objects of the land eague are being accomplished -----

Tbe United States consul at Constantinople has written raquo letter to the State department in regard lothe horrible sanitary condition of that city-1 He says the cholera in Egypt was caused solely by the filthy conditiou of the towns infected

Dnring the last fiscal year 91000 applications for Denslons were disposed of by the Pension Bulau __bdquobdquo )

A crank called at the White House tbe oliher day and left for the President a bundlelof

ago by the Minister of Marine from Saigon anshynouncing ihat the French had boinbardedaud captured the forts andbatteries at the mouth of the Hue River after a brilliant land attack Tbesoperatious occurred on t^e 18th 19th and 30th Seven hundred Anaiuites were killed during the engagement The only casualties suffered by the FrenSh were several men SllghUv wounded The gunboats Viper a and Lynx entered theThuman passage The French admiral granted a truce A blockade has been declared ~ -

KINO t o p i s PHOIPPI II Great excitement prevails in Paris over

placards posted in every sectiorrofthe cltr dg-claring the Count de Paris king of France The police began to tear them down as soon as they weVe discovered but were greatly hinshydered in their pfforts bv the excited people The Count de Paris Is the eldest soo of Ferdishynand Duke of Orleans Louis Philippls eldest son and is legally the bead oflaquothe Orleans-family He ts about 45 years of ase and a gi eat favorite He has traveled very extensive-lv and during the war of ^thenrebelllon in the United States he served on the staff of Qen McClellan and participated in the campaign against Richmond in the siege of Yorktown the battled ot Williamsburg and Fair Oaks and in his m r e a t on the James river He left the service in 1863 and WMred -U) England where he remained during the war of 1870^71 When the Frenefrreptjblic arose from the ruins of the empire the Count de Paris was advised to renounce all ambitious projects whteh might tend toTepiace1 the house of Orleans on the throne of France ~ His private life after his return from America was singularly happy

of Bible Study tomdashrlaquoa4tb whleli

moment of his return Atlantic City N J baa been damaged $75-

000 worth by an unusually high Mood At a meeting of the lake seamens union at

Buffalo the rate of wuges was raised from $3tn $2 50 per dav

The offerice for which the naval cadets at Anshynapolis are to be court-martialed consisted in hazing fourth class men by turning them out of their hammocks at night and compelling them to stand on their heads and eat soap Lieutenant Commander Thomas and Lleuts Wood and Meigs are the court to_try__the AC



A treaty of Peace between France and Anshynan has been signed which nrwideB-for-the --destroyed the townsin Java

a peace footing and the return of the mandar-ins to their posts France undertakes to expel the Black Flags from Tonquln and thus Insure safety to trade Tbe treaty furshyther -- mdash -

cused Lieut Goodwin is Judge Advocate Michigan Sadets are among the accused

Miss Catharine Connollv has been arrested In Dublin onsuspicion of being connected with the murder conspiracy in Ireland bdquo President Arthur has been apprised of the

plan to kidnap him but as he has about 12U0 men at his commard he thinks there Is no doubt about his safety

A meeting of crowned heads is in session at Copenhagen

The monster engine of theKeeley motor company of New York Is finished-at last and will be run for the benefit of the stockholders about tblaquo_mldd_leof-lktpteiaber ^-mdash --

A witness before the Senate sub-coinmlttee on labor andeducation predicts a bloody revoshylution unless monopoly is checked^ - - - -

A loose switch on the Philadelphia amp Atlanshytic City (narrow gauge) raLlroadcaused serious injury to 30 persons A

Earthquake waves have been observed for several days on the -Pacfficmdashiaaat^JCbey were probably caused by the same earthquake that

TtlsjumoreiLtbai iix the-lnvestigation^wl)ieh will be made shortly in the interest of the govshyernment therewill be sonii startling and sen-satiqnal dfvelopments as Ur how thejpordlet ID

An Anti^Duoliat bull The re is a man ih Ne r (IrleanS who

niiikos a ltootl living1 as1 ii oompromisor of (jiiarrcls 11(frac34 isu sluirp luwyer Vi tu lt0i(iliat(jry limpef ami an oily tongue VYhilu oi l ier myu aro Blirriujr i ip gttnfo ho is tu rn ing away wrtitli-mdashlor a con-s]ij(M[ati(Mi Il( inutld a bullbulljrroat deal ol inuney in t-1iGjrornt old tlays so fast re-ceilinj when a-iluol beftrro broakfaat was as imlisjiunsable to the happiness of the Crescent City us fish OD Fr iday H o t with wiue two y o u n g bloods would qua r re l The lie would pass and then a cha l lenge Now you see th ings iuova clear ly through the cool g r a y m o r n i n g a i r than th rough the c igare t te sraoko of

responded the

vision eoriies while you look t h roug jp the qu iver ing blue a tmosphe re a t t i l l s p u r k l i n g s tars of t h e m i d n i g h t skf Hence it vas that our friend the peaoB-t t i ake f wtis never out of a job His title was second 1 usual ly b u t his business w a s to sfn th i i rnn iifwnssity a rose J d r his services as such One case rs a gootl saiwple A young society m a n had cal led anothvr society m a n a coward wi th the avowed purpose of m a k i n g him light a duel Of course both were well b r andmd when the insul t was givshyen A cha l l enge passed a t once but-by the t ime it hadbeelaquo received Mr Ii-su i t e r had grown cool a n d e a u l i o i i s ^ -H e asked Mr Compromise to act-as hn second

Now 1 1 said the la t ter t o cOme to a poin t at once do you wan t t o t igh t 1

B e t w e e n ou r se lves younf mau I don t 1 1

o you wan t to go on the field At 1 a sked the second because it will you more to ge t ou t of going on

the field than to get o u t of the duel afshyter y o u r once face to f ace

I d o n t wan t t o ^ o on the field a t a l l said the-pr inc ipa l a n d I d o n t care w h a t it costs to keep off

V e r y we l l s a id the secxpid n o w sit down and write ju s t such an accept-ance as I tell you to w r i t e 7 A c c e p t a n c e

Y e s cer ta inly Le t me m a n a g e this affair said the second in m y OWJI way ^ o w wr i te out a n a c c e p t ance iu the usual form and pu t in for weapons rifles a n d for dis tance two paces 1 -

bullWhy t h a t s muzzle to b reas t mur -de r oji frightV e x c 1 a mied the p r i n c i p a t

W r i t e wha t I tell y o u sa id thesec-opd _ _ _

~ Wtieni irwas vMitttvi the seconoTcar -

bull J


the Star Keute trial ivas seduced A trial of reapers and mowerB was- recentl

grade in ItatVTSrjdfine result cTiTaxty_ phngf

Htiitd- i-f-himraquoe4f t-o^liu-sccouiLof the chalshylenger

vWhy this is -butchery sanl th6 la t te r second bu te l i e iy in cold WiToTt- - ^61t1ltfTr^in3ol^ v i v e _ - bdquo_ _

llien tio I nnilii-stiimi tluit yon xeiiti whatever Tle boilers were-new four years ago wheH the boat was entirely rebuilt and reshyfitted He was about to enter the engine room to obey the pilots signal to slacken epeed wheu Joe was suddenly hurled through the door ahd the ncxT moment Hi found hlmmlf havo

stipulates__ihjkLmdash thoj aboeimte control


bulltrr 7 ~

f-ing on the roof uf tht cgtibiudlrectly under jhe tbafti The explosion occurrd ho paid withoutJlic slightest warning atuKwas appkr-ently the resnltof some hidden defcht A mo-ment previous he had looked at thesteatn-guage and Tounil TTTfTTegisU - twenty-three

Jouuds When the boat was Inspected last mie-her allowance jna-rhced - i t fifty pountls

tp the square Inch

io- E F F E CTS O F V O I C A M C E R 1 P T I O N

BAXblTTl AFXElt XllTULK A story thatreads like a dime novel tale

comes all the way from Idaho and Is furnished to the worldby-theJVood RiVer TlmeB The

JFtur-CQmdashTownw PfgtHlroycd--Tltraquorrlh1fl

story is to ttie effect that-a party of Texascow IwyXbavestartcd for Yellowstone Park to~klcF

nap Frlaquo^ident Arthur and hlst-ntlre party and to spirit them away into the mountains-where they will be kept prisoners while members of

^ the^arty act as pickets to prevent being 6ur-prised and captured while negotiations for a

mdashransom are being conducted The captain or leader of the party has an idea that a heavy

Loan o r Li re A dispatch f~om Batavia Java bays the towns of Anjier Tjirlngin and Telokbeleng were destroyed by tidal waves causedmdashby-lhe

France of the Anamlte

finances-and customs aud thatthe French shall recogniae Hiephema as new King of Auam The stipulation for a permanent military occu-panon by the French of the forts on the Thu-aan and Ylugchua line implies that a blockade of Tourone and Hue will be replacedby a mishynute inspection of all foreign arrivals

~ mdash - A TEKRTFIC TrVLF gt The fleet of United States ilshing vessel^

which arrived at St Johns N 13 a few nights ago report a Violent storm on the Great Banks The gale rose from the eastward at 8 raquo m- wheu hunureds of dories were away from the

the superiority of theAmerican machine Great preperatiorie are being made In Louis

vllle Ky for the dedication of the monument erected to the memory^qf Zachary Taylor twelfth president ol the United States

The HOP Alexander Mackenzie scouts the idea of Canada ever being separated from Eng j


bull to-negotiate asked the o ther in his blandest tone bull ^

Wse cer ta inly dltV said the ehallen M-orx secondmdash umdash

Anti-Jewish outbreaks in AU8ttnrare-o~rrttre Increase despites the establishment of martial law ^ ---

Rpportarfrom London are not so favorable 1 o theTjEftedStates e^flbTfloii as had been hoped

The False Prophet has again massed his

bullbullVery wigt]i ve-ry well- Ti l see about i t said Uie ch-alleiiged- p a r t y s si^MML_ __ _ j _ _ _ -i ~ jWeoTrrsertTiU duel -neve came oft mdash Philadelphia Heard

volcanic eruptions All the lighthouses in Sunda Straits have disappeared and where the

vessels overhauling the trauls Capt Hlller reports tbat seores-ofmdashdorteTftere turned upshyside down ainl Wreckage strewn invery direcshytion Along^ his-track conrin-g-^westward~X)he French bfraquonker4ott-fourdoflfgts and all their crews It is competed from all sources of in-

troops and great uneasiaess Is felt in Alexanshydria

Fifty miles squaie of fertile country dlsap beared in the seas by thePvoIcanlc eruption in Java bull__ v bull

Tbe net dccreasejntha nnllppf ions of internal revenue for the months of J-uly and August in 1882 and 18S3 amounted to 16094000

ransom will be offered by tbe United States and nersonal friends of the president after search for tht lieioreldent6par-ty shall- be given up and that 1500000 or more ^an thus _be extorted from Thxlt-ccreTXervTce~iHinQrand divided

moiiintam of KraiMifiaJiiTiseny s t sMjM M nqgtv flows The aspect of Sunda Straits is much changed and navigation dangerous TheTtdal wave completely destroyed Anjier Many persons wdrekilled The loss of life among both Europeans aod natives at North Bantam is enormous The quarries at Merak disappeared and alt tire people-of the place perished -rThe floating doclc at an island near

among the Italian In the ganlaquog some of whom were guerrillas In

Batavia Is adrift and_badly_dfmagpri


the late war A grand council was held just before startlng-out on the expedition wnen every manswpre by his daggermdashto do blffduty


~ A HORKIBLE SIGHT ~ ~ Samuel Wturrick aged raquo5 cut fils throat in

fittouster county New Jersev and then walked -te-hls barn holding his half-severed head in one hand He met his wife and she fainted The husband lived 10 hours

bull- THE 8CNCOOK MILL CA3E In the reply of the state department just sent

to the 8weQish delegation on the SuncookiN H) mill casethe secretaryas was anticipated takes the ground that he can do nothing for tbe-ensIavedSwedes The report of the New Hampshire authorities is to the effect that the owners of the mill have a right to prevent the departure of the Swedes from the state under the statute and that the men who have tried

to_jnaka_their s ay to Massachusetts to accept offers of better employment and higher wages are actually in debt to the-storekeepers one of whomis wwnilUs bookkeeper It is believed at the Swedish legation and actually asserted that the arrest ot thfe three men was-for the purpose of intimidating the other Swedes and

Ereverting their departure from the state Mr gte Bilot the Swedish charge daffairs will reshy

ply to the communication of the state departshyment He agrees tbat the United States can do nothing in the matter because the mill peo-

mdashThe Democratic State Convention at Omaha nominated Hon J WSavage for Justice of the Supreme Court rand for Regents of^the State University Dr D Daniel G W John-

formatiim that 100-dorles andeighty unrn were lost In the storm Most of the dories were swept by the waves from the schooner decks and the remainder collapsed in the sea


Tisza Presdent of the Hungarian Council In order to put a stop to outrages upon ijie Jews has decided upon severe measures which are to he-put inc^erjiMojLffheMV^r-antWvwisb Tlots occur The measures provide that any-ose who shall be condemned to death by martlafrlaw shall be executed within thee

r the sentence is imposed The president has asked the govern ratraquont to Pthor

The-Panama canalwlll be completed in about

put a stop to the outbreak against the Jews or to accept his resignation ~

avthive mon ths week And----a s-4sr-

1 le are acting in accordance with the laws of


TheTennsylyanra state greenback convenshytion in session a t Wllllamsport nominated T P Rynder of Altoona for auultor general and A F Marsh of Erie for state - treasurei The platform adopted sets forth that the tory of the trade dollar proves that money is solely a creation of law without regard to the material used that the $400000000 paid by the government to the national bank was so much money stolen from taxpayers and the continued payment of $10000000 annually to the banks is a crime against labor that moshynopolies ought to be restricted by state or nashytional legislation and all government land held for actual settlers The resolution also favor a protective tariff a national bureau of lkhfirr-and ahort Hussions Of congress and state 1 gislaturesrmdash~~ - mdash


Henry Hertel and wife Gcrmanslopkeepers of Savannah 6a were found murdered in their store Customers went to the store in the morning and fpund inclosed Peeping

B i r t O P N E W H Mrs Caroline i i ITavls a Wealthy lady of

Albany a 1 has been arrested for swindling

ew Hampshire but he will pojnt out that tn this case the law permits the company to hold his countrymen as slaves and he will Insist that the statute has been abused

JtDQg LTXCH IX UTAH -^ ~ Agta late hour the other night aWniDcr of

masked m-n stopiKrd Engineer Thomas Road-master Hughes and a Art man in the employ of the Utah Eastern Railway compelledlbem to return to the shop and taking an engme and caboose run aljout thirty masked men to a coal village about twenty miles distant Leaving a number of men In charge of the truln thS-Vlgilants prrxjeed to the county jail Brlnglui guns to bear on the officers they obtained eon trol of the-jall oiul taklntr a man named Jaek Murphy from his cell relumed to the_trainajad

ordered an immediate return to~Tark CJfty UpoO arriving thevigilantes took Murphy and hung htm to a telegraph pole- near the station t he body belug viewed by a number of passenshygers on the early trains Murphy was arrestshyed on suspicion-of having jmot a man named Brcnpan and confined in jail awaiting trial

TWO FOOLS KILLED fatal encounter occur red at Taudon City

through the blinds they saw Hertel on the floor in a pool of blood Tbe door was burst In and the man found lying in the middleof the-room with a handkercliiel tied over his eyes and skull crushed in His wife was found in a calico wrapper tying on a sofa in the parlor wltlTherTrlroat cut ancTdne arm nearly sever ed An immense crown collected and the police were notified Hertel was bupposed to have a large sum of money Hertel and wife

^bullere middle-aged and highly respected (er-raans

SENSATIONAL MURDER AND iUICIDpound mdashA sensational tragidy waa LliaiilUd at tlm -NotHrjg House Elgin IlL recently Edward

Mcpreevy amp Co 01 that city bv^a forged order The internal revenue collector of the 4th

districtof Texashas sent to the revenue bureau claims for rebattton tobacco -etc amounting to $^0000

Pension payments for August amounted to $28000000

Count de Chambord was King of France jus t 13 days

Thirty people Who attended a church social In Marietta Uhio were-poiaeaed by eating can-ned_plckles gt mdash ~ - --bull mdash bullbull--^

The senatorial committee met the Sioux In-dians-atStanding Rock Agency the other day Among the bravea -present-was SittingmdashBulk who accused the committee of getting drunk He was forced to apologize

WmTamTport Pa had a $500000 fire the other day

Oscar Wildes new play Vera Is a grand aesthetic failure raquo

Reported again that the Queen of Madages--car ts dead

y-IblehL Tfjw^b tithrp^kfi are of almost daily occurrence in nearly all of the Russian towns

ODonnells plea is that he killed Carev in acrt-deftnsemdash mdash mdash-mdash-

voy-Mo-e one tii^lit tliis _ his cus tom siwpriseil

t l s -ifa a i n t i t u l e ftrnTilv tVy leltlTlg -h+rBs-eft^ttr -t-bmiTgh-trtt^rrrwrrrreTrtof his hoose^wft^ n lfttou keyr_ T t w hour was ten of the rHffht and the~Tutsiement w^ dark Unfort-^naterr-alst) as ivpleasant bulltreat for liis -

T JosU-n a citizen of good standing shot and killed Etta Buckingham a young woman of

Twenty-threeBpereons were drowned)n the English channel a few days ago by the collidshying of the steamers St Germain and Woodburn The vVoodburn sunk in a few -minutes after the collision

Four persons were smothered lo death and ono hilled by jumping tire in a Boston tenement house

Ex-President Hayes glyes tiLOM to - a new Fremonf church

rive years About 10000 men are now employ ed on the ditch

The vicar at Stratford-on-Avon has given his consent to have the remains of Shakespeare ex-humeeh -

The treaty between Frande and Ann am has been declared invalid

So-rm of th Otti-l-wytu QiJiiiris Addit ion imiiiiidi^Miiim uud division P rob lem rnvolviiKu mult ipl icat ion adshy

dition and division of rh(einais 7

Oiu-tittli of a-jiarrel of Ihmr contain-itiL^-iy-^ jnuUxIs was lost J wadltriven away if of r ema inde r sold lor- $750 Whut did it living pe r pound 7~

Cierti in-oHico lias his salary raised-2-0 per cent hut in a shor t t ime is raised DO per cent which lixes his sa lary a t 8G48 W h a t was the or ig ina l sa la ry

A m a n holding a note of pound950 has it cashed for pound800 W h a t r a t e per cen t d iscount rttdiio pay

Nrvii-Uion in S t r mi^ Seas ^ A wt41--k-rt+MV t t^npta t tr ==of=Tr=shTp re -

sidin1 in San -FiMiicison o-ot higtniM from

Reduce pound808 17s 7d to Uni ted Sta tes xmrr-eaey pourftt^tpoundrirgg~be1ng $478565

Dic ta t ion of sect ion 11 from civil ser-vice ac tmgtllaquo-and regu la t ions to wr i te

and punc tua t e G o p y i n g section-o^of^amfi - mdash

mdash N a m e t w o sentcnoc^of-not^ terTwords the first to conta in a t rans i -t4ve^the o ther -an- in t rons i t ivoTerb v

Wr i t e le t ter to g o v e r n o r o f y o u r a t a t e ^ i n f o r m i n g him- of- y o u r educattofn and -a b o u t the town in w r i t e h y a u veafde

N a m e fifteen s ta tes and fiftefth cities

x t tri igt ins rjGtteT=haif~ ~tgtutti n g p bullprengtrrttr n p n e o t s

which were set t o c o o l down stfijrs on the top of some bt^xes By a sh ip s ch ronomete r it took j h s t th i r teen sec-Qftds for tat u n h a p p y bnptain t o M s k

of the Uni ted-Sta tes ~ N a m e fifteen p r inc ipa l r ivers and t h i ^

^Namo tliree p r inc ipa l r a n g e s

aga ins t the boxes a n d g e t seventeen ga l lons of w a r m ap r i co t s in syrwp all oyer__hijL_siraquoirt front vest pants and clown the back of his neck im he rushed d r ipp ing upstair d a n c i n g x o n the new carpe ts a n d was m e t by h(s wife at t he head of t h e stairs with 0 J o e my dar l ing back aga in home safe and sound H e g a v o one yell t ha t fcould have been hea rd by a man reefing the lop-ga l lan t sails of a full-rigged ab ip in a s torm arid be l lowed iS tand off w o m a n s tand off I have fallen over a fruit c a n n e r y in the hlarsted

mouniAins and pr inc ipa l s t a t e s and r i for ies on which they lie

Name sU priucipjvl^rriexkiaa^gjBrietL r a l s in revo lu t ionary war and as m a n y p o p u l a r s t a t e smen at t h a t t ime

W h a t pres idents have been genora ls in t ime of war and in wha t war s were they engaged

W h a t cloes^ confederat ion mean and w h a t s ta tes cons t i tu ted it +

W h e n was the const i tut ion of t h e UdrfSTaTea sisrned ~ lt

bjisemaut I m all t reac le molasses bad j a m and warn s y r u p Unbend m y new sails a n d let m e get a hot bath and lie m a d e a-wilddivudrh-trrtho ba th-

w e par t iculars of terri tory addad) f bull to t h United S ta tes since the revolu - t i ona r Nva r gtji

By WhoW arej i^pvdsentat ives e lected gt Also senate

tJluaaliiH audi gfgtbull Jusjj u had btau pwjluy at mdashThe oueen R n n w ^ u hraquo Mhimmit v^i tcqtioimto Miss Buckingham tbe past rear ^ - frac34 frac34 ^ ^ frac34 o S S he ^ VlaquoamplaquoIF^^ bull W t o a S m i n S o x the m a r r i S 1 deg f t h C-and npound has latterly displayed evidences of fierce jeaiousv He attempted to enter her room one mornintr- and beirz dented admission forced Itis way into the apartment There was a scuttle two revolver shots and theyoung woman fell dead Joslyn Immediately Comshymitted suicide with the same Weapon

pope toainralment of the marriage The Dominion ffcverrrment has appolnteda

police commission with inrlsdlctlon over the tPrTiToryTit Rat Portage tn dfcptrter betwwn Ontario and Manitoba J bull John J Hall of New Brunalaquorick-N

_ contractor for the Fennsylvampnla railr Is

r o o m mdash S a n Francisco XewSLcttcr mdash mdash mdash mdash bull bull bull raquo

H H re lates the fo l lowing in the A u g u s t Centuryof t ho r e m n a n t of the Mission Ind i ans oi Sao poundasqua l i nQa l - -4tornia D u r i n g t l i e a f t e r n o o n t h e Ind ians were con t inua l ly coming and go ing at the shop e o n n e c l e d y w i t h -the inn where we had s t o p p e d iffbrafr t o u r mi tes from the val ley I W i t e e p c r of t h e s h o p Vvnil i n n gtud^ h^nwwVt Tvnltu

t hem Tiiey wergt- good pay1 Give

In w h a t m a n n e r are tho supremo court j u d g e s chosen

A m a n p u r c b a s W S625 goods1 g iving his^note on Dee 29S1882mdashinterest 7 per

-cent mdashpayable in tiftefen days -paiiLthLeL^ s a m e on second day o g r a c o laquo Vliat --ftpiount did lie pay and ohVvhat day

Some fuefTare so a n x lotrs^ovileTiver t h e r 4 m p r o m p t u reinarks^ilpubiic_diai_ rrers that thev coninien^Ii l a ik ing before the eUingi)egins Jx is a mistake sA tftble s p e c c h ^ h o ^ d not be made u n t h

~ 1 tho -hearers u i ^ u i a condit ion io ^ n T laquo i S - bull VTTI i i - bull i s

- ^ - 1 - 1 - - ^ s

t h e m t ieir j ime and they J l a lways ]gtay and ifjthr^y d ie the r rtdsitions wiil pay t1itraquo-fast cent some of t hem lie would

J v j rp t rus t anv t ime as high- as twenty dol^ llllN

every th iurgtf i id is -both witty- and mdashxV Oydioiyunc bull bull

^-In on^ re spec i t (j HUP l i e


11e THraquoOthlaek TCSBMI-

can t shine wheu lL


m laquomdash bull i~



bull J

r-l ~r--bull$bullgt-mdash ^ _^---f-v bullltWIpWi

ll i

bull bull I I 1 ll laquo i n iilaquoHragt



F a c t a f o r F a r m e r e

E v e r y d a y an a n i m a l is kep t a f te r be in p r imC t h e r e is J o s s exchreive of

m a n u r e bull Y o u n g ch icks s h o u l d be fed as often-

a s four t imes a d a y u n t i l they a i e abou t t h r e e w e e k s old - -

O n e of t h e mos t e n c o u r a g i n g hopes for o u r c o u n t r y is t h e p rospec t ive imshyp r o v e m e n t of its l ive stock

A dyingScotcLTsqui re sa id to his son Be ayes t i ck in 1 in a t r ee Jockmdashthey l l - be growin^whi l f t y p u V e s leepin V

t h b ^ e laquo f r Xork T r ibune

- - ^ - 1 - - - - ^

whi te of e g g a n d suga r lay it t o p a n d sides a n d set into t h e oven a

on t h e


f ives th is good aid vice in t w o words ow to c u r e an e g g e a t i n g h e n mdash e a t

h e r - V - mdash i j A t a sal^iof J e r s e y ca t t l e in N e w

Y o r k recent ly King of A s h a n t e e w a s sold to C fiasthope of Njles 0 for $5600

C o r n a lone is no t a sufficient food for fowls whea t b r a n in t h e form of a

- Ih i ck m u s h and some vege tab les should Jbe g iven

- P r o CoQk says I v e e x p e r i m e n t shye d w i th sa l t upon t h e c u t w o r m to k n o w t h a t you c a n kil l y o u r p l a n t s beshyfore y o u c a a k i l U U a yo rnaa - raquo i -WH- mdasht W -frac34

In t e l l i gen t b reede r s c o n t e n d t h a t cross bred aijimalfi w h e t h e r ca t t l e horses or sheep m a t u r e ea r l i e r a n d a r e be t t e r feeders t h a n anv c o m m o n stock-

T h e sick a n i m a l is usual ly da in ty a b o u t his feed a n d should be a l l o w e d on ly l ight easi ly d i g e s t e d food t r y i n g va r ious k inds a n d a l l owing as a rule w h a t he l ikes best bdquo Ga l l s a n d bruises a r e m o r e read i ly p r e v e n t e d by p r o p e r l y adjust ing- t h e h a r n e s s t h a n t h e r a r e c u r e d by t h e bes t r e m e d i e s besides t h e loss of t h e ani -

m a j s w o r k a t a busy season A n I n d i a n a f a r m e r r id s h is sheep of t i cks by feed ing a hal f p o u n d of s u l p h u r to eyery fifty sheep m i x i n g it wi th the sa i t wh ich is fed T w o or t h r e e doses a w e e k a p a r t a r e e nough

Cal i forn ia -wheatds-so d r y wh+m-har vftftted_that w h e n t a k e n to the d a m p e r a i r ltopound the sejjcoast ic g a i n s seven p e r c e n t or moire in we igh t T i e ga in is sufficient to pay for t r a n s p o r t a t i o n

mdashPota toes a r e ^ m a d e s cabby by wire v o r m g ~ T h e best p reven t ive is to g r o w the - c rop on~fa41ow g r o u n d wi thou t m a n u r e s or wi th fert i l izers T h e Worms a r e e n c o u r a g e d or b r o u g h t - in by t h e m a n u r e

P l u m s p i g s a n d ppu l t ry seem a t r io w h i c h th r ive in c o m p a n y P l u m t rees

4 a ^ p o u T b p y H r t - p H 6 ^ ^ ^ bear _ _ a b u n d a n t l y w b ^ a - ^ r e e raquo - i n o t h e r loGa-

t inns shfd thei r fruit w h i c h bea r s t he t r a d e m a r k of the l i t t l e T u r k

Clean l iness and careful bedd ing of a n i m a l s so as to keep t h e s ta l ls d ry and

Jfcamph of ton pro ventB g r a v e d i s o r d e r a o f


the g e n e r a l sys tem a n d a lso the frrita t i n g efleets of the a m m o n i a on the eyes c a u s i n g i n r l a m m a t i o n r r - o f - a b e m and b l indness -

N Hi t ter a successful s t r a w b e r y cul-turiHt of Syracuse s ays in lhp N e w

few minu tes to b r o w n s i g h t l y Serve wi th c r e a m

bullbull P e a c h Cake mdashLine a deep dish ivitli pa s t ry p lace upo r i th is halves of peaches c lose toge ther sp r ink l e plentifully with s u g a r a n d a l i t t le c i n n a m o n p u t in t h e o v e n a n d bake unt i l cooked ea t wi th c r e a m

Delicious L a y e r C a k e - M a k e whi te c a k e as for s t r a w b e r r y cake bu t omi t t he r ed s u g a r a n d a d d one c u p of des-sujated coeoanu t a n d use n o flavoring M a k e ic ing a n d in to one-haif p u t b lanched and s h o p p e d sweet a l m o n d s

Porttroitrst anttsdiond layers together with the a l m o n d i c ing on t h e n e t s p r e a d p la in icin^ a n d lay on t h a t a l a y e r of ha lved fags t h e n a n o t h e r coa t o t i e i n g for t h e nex t use a l m o n d s a n d so on F r o s t the t o p of t h e cake a n d bull t i ck a l m o n d s over it

Rais in C a k e mdash T h r e e - q u a r t e r s of a c u p of bu t te r one-half c u p of sweet mi lk one a n d t h r e e - c h a r t e r cups of flour yo lks of e igh t eggs one a n d one-half teaspoont nls of b a k i n g powder B a k e in je l ly t in s T o p u t toge the r s p r e a d a t h i n c o a t o f f ros t ing on each l aye r t h e n one 6i c h o p p e d ra is ins seededgt a n d a n o t h e r of f rost ing raquo

Hickory-oir Waltint-layc1CaKoTmdashQriS c u p of bu t te r two cups of s u g a r five eggs one cup of mi lk f o u r c u p s of flour two teaspoonfuls of b a k i n g powder P u t l aye r s t o g e t h e r wi th ic ing miamped wi th finely chopped h ickory o r walnuj tmqats Use p l a in ic ing for top arid lay on it) unshyb r o k e n m e a t s i

Artificial Oysters mdash T a k e yoUng g r e e n corn g r a t e it in a d i sh to one p i n t of th i s add one egg wel l bea ten a gmali teaelip of flour half c i ip of bu t t e r some sa l t a n d p e p p e r a n d m i x al l well toge th shyer A tablespoonful of the b a t t e r will make t h e size of an Oyster F r y t h e m a lijjht b r o w n a n d bull w h e n d o n e b u t t e r t h e u i c r e a m if it c a n be p r o c u r e d is betshyt e r t h a n bu t t e r

To Bot t l e F ru i t s mdashBurn a m a t c h in a b o t t l e to exhaus t a l i a i r t h e n p lace fri -the^froit=to b e p r e s e r v e d qui te d r y a n d w i t h o u t blemish sp r ink le suga r be tween each l ayer cork arid t i e a b l a d d e r over s e t t i n g bot t les cork d o w n w a r d s in a l a r g e vessel of cold waiter wi th hay beshyt w e e n to p r e v e n t b r e a k i n g W h e n t h 3 s a i n is ju s t c r a c k i n g t a k e t h e n out imshym e r s e th in p a p e r in g u m w a t e r a n d vhn wn^t f f las it n v p r m i d a r o u n d the

In Mexico nea r ly every one is a smoker T h e school childre rn who havo (tone well in the i r s tud ies a r e r e w a r d e d by being a l lowed to s m o k e a cigar as they s tand or sit a t t he i r lessons T h e schoo lmas te r is se ldom w i t h o u t a c i g a r in his mouth bull I n the l aw cour t s alJ persons cornnibnjy enjoy the i r t obacco freely a n d even the accused in a cr imshyinal t r ia l is not d e n i e d ^ M s indu lgence b u t is allowed i | his c i g a r e t t e goes oui i n the hea t of an a r g u m e n t to l ight it a g a i n by bor rowing t h a t of the officer who s t ands a t h i s s ide to g u a r d hi ip

Si r H e n r y T h o m p s o n t he London su rgeon recoernizess in fisli a cpmbina-t i u u o f al l the e lements^ 1 uf J u b d thti

The Rev NewmanHall ha abandoned couteuiplated trip to the United States


top of the bot t le as i t dr ies it will be-cisme~quitefirm irad t igh t ltbull

S w e e t P e a r P ick les mdash T o ^ g v o _ q u a r t s of^goud v i n e g a r t a k e l o u r p o u n d s o b r o w n suga r a q u a r t e r of a p o u n d o c i n n a m o n st ick a n d j y j u a r t e r p o u n d of cloves T ie the spices u p ih~smai rbags

the h u m a n body r equ i r e s in a lmos t evshyery phase of life m o r e especial ly by those who follow s e d e n t a r y employshym e n t T o w o m e n he cons iders fish t o be a n inva luab le a r t i c le of diet bu t he scouts as a comple t e fa l lacy t h e not ldn t h a t fish ea t i ng inc reases the bra in powshyer T h e only ac t ion fish h a d on t h e b r a i n w a s to put- a m a n s bod in to p r o p e r ^relations wit lTfne w o r k he h a d to do 1 1 bull

Tlie Meadows of Mary]and mdash

S P R I N G F I E L D P K I X C E G E O R G E S C O M D Mr Chas G Addison of t h e above p lace s t a t e s I s p r a i n e d my

I m p o r t a n t When you ViRlt or leave NeW York City save

Baggage ExpteeAacre axitf Carriage Hire and stop at the w a n d Uniou -Motel oppobite ltirand Central Depot

Elegant riKiim rttfr-dnp at rrmt (tf nn(- mil-lion aoftar6 red eed to | 1 and -upwards per day European P-lau Elevator jtveataurant bullraquoupp^U wiU^rtUe-hest I^orse cars etageaand bulllevatea railroad to all depot ^amiliea can laquoIve be t t ^ for i^se money at-thc brand Union

THotel th^n at any other first-cka hotel inj the i c i t y - bull bull bull - - - bullbullbullbullbull

WJe pever deceive or a good purpose Knavshye r y add raajice to falsehoodmdashBruy e r e

That) bad breath comes from ^Itrffttto eSamarifan Nervine I t etope the cause

laquo150 _ L_ _ - - KOH ijyHFicSiir lNJJlGaaTiQN xjlaquoprearaquoton of Spirit andQeneral Debility In tbelr Torloui form alaoasa pre+enUcopy agalnat Pever and Alaquone and other Intermittent Feveri the ^KXHHO-PHOMPHO-aampTKp KLIXIH or CALUraquo4TA made by Caswell aaiard t Co Njw Yarampand told by all lgtnjwtraquota lathe best tonic and for patterns recoTertnlaquorrom ^ever or other aickness it nMjio equaL BUCHU-pAIBAl Qntck obmpiete cure all annoTlng gldney and Urinary Disease bull

H A T Ffivia I have been a Hay-Fever auf- ferer for three years have often head Elyrf Cream Balm spoken of in the highest terras I used It and with the most wonuerful succese mdashT S QgjtBSyracuse N Y bull FLlE8rofce ants tec^urs ru laioe ctowi chlpmunts cleared ont by Roogb on Hats lsectt

rigbt^knee c a u s i n g - in tense bull suffering a n d the use o f - c r u t c h e s for severa l weeks I found n o relief in o the r r e m r

edies a n d finally t r i ed t h e m i r a c l e of cu re St J a c o b s Oil I n a sho r t t ime I coul tTbend m y kneemdash vlaquohiohihaii been stiff a s an i ron r o d mdash l a y i n g aside my c ru t ches a n d was ab le to w a l k as well

r rmdash mdash bull mdash as ever-

G e r m a n y is exporting shawl s to Scotshyl and J t_ bullbullbull

A g e n t l e m a n in a n e i g h b o r i n g tdwn who had suffered t^vo years -wi th c h r o n ic diarrhoea and vgtas so r educed t h a t he couid no t walicr^vas c u r laquo d and res tore to sound hea l t h b y Johnsons Anodyn4 Liniment Th i s L i n i m e n t is wor th I t s we igh t in gold r -

C e d a r Key h a s c o m m e n c e d shipping-tu r t l e s N o r t h - ^ -

bull bull - - L U bullbull bull - bull mdash - bull

T h e b l i gh t i ng Effectsof JTSplTfe blg-crtl a r e sad to behold in those we mee t^day by day This o u g h t no t and need not be so ^arsons Purgative Pills n lakes weKJrich blood takpn one-a n igh t fof twe lve weeks wil l c h a n g e the blood ia t h e en t i r e h o u s e a

Mr JnoR Hatterson- of Evanavme says Sdmaritan Nervine cured my-wile oi female weakness Your drusgists keep it^

HOUGH ON HATS Clear out rats mice flielaquo roaches bed-busts ante vermin chlumunks 15c

Hvy FJIVEK 1 eaa recommend Eigts Qream faim to all Hay-Fever frufferers It is in m orjinion a sure cur - I was a|Ricted for-36 years and never before found permanent re-Ik-f-W HflAsXrxs Marshfieid Vt t

What is defeatmdashNotiilinj-ttrretrtrcaTIotrr nothing buttlle first step to something better mdashWendell Phillips

WOODBERKY Mi)mdashRev W J Johnson ^ays UI have used Brovrus Iron BitUTB in my family and tbev have proswn a^-tplendid health inyJgoratar

rr is becoming is honest and whatshyever is lionest must always be becomingmdash Cicshyero

MibiAWAKi I|id Dec 1 18^2 DK PEJJOBLLI mdash

Ikar SirmdashOverwoi k has donefor me what it does for many peeiring to benefit suflertDK women I add my testimony to the value oi Zoa-Phora For five years I suffered gTeatly with Prolapsus being obligtd to use a supportshyer daring all- these painful wean years but ihfcjuks ID your medicine I raquo t a r it mi tnore X^ laid it opound after using one and a half Jjotpoundka-_X Am not well but I work all the tme aDd am better than I ever expected to be You may use my letter and if any one wished to write me for more information give them mv full addres^ Miss CG JtoHlaquoB S W A N S WORM Sracp v or reTerishness rwBUas8_esraquo worms osastlpaUon Tasteless 2to

Over 85 per cent of New Ylaquork City people live in rented houacs

bullaWSSJBSJSIISSJSJWMB-MSSa^aWSSS-SSMSMSmdash Hosteiters Stymraquo

ach Bitters by inshycreasing YltaT power and renderuui the physical functions remilar and active keeps the pys em In

food working order and p B o t e l c t s i t against disease For coneUpstlon dyspep sia and liver c o m -

pialni nervousness Sidney and rheushymatic ailments It Is invaluable snd It

afford sasored efenoa tealrfct malarial fe -bull e r s besides removshying al 11 races o f such disease from the system

For sale by all Di uggtsteStnd IXsalraquo


ers general y


Cream Balm when applied by t h e finger Into the nostrils laquo111 be absorbed ef-fettnaliytcleansicsthe htad of catarrhal Lr us causing healthy seshycretions Itra^laysln-flamstlon protects the membrane of th nasshyal pasag s from addishytion alcolds complete- -l y h e a i s t h e sores and res ores taste and smel A^fcw appll-c tions relieve Amdash trorongh treatment wil positively cure Agreeable to u s e Smxd- for circular Price 50cents by mall or ampgt drugglstilt






Y o r k T r i b u n e t ha t fie cons ide r s s t r a w worpoundh $8 pe r t o n for use on bis s i r aw-oefry p a t c h H e uses it as a pro tec t ion to t h e beds in win te r as a mufehr-aftd-says it keeps the f rui t -c lean He uses a b o u t one ton to the a c r e


-mdashPt j t - a - t ea spoonfu l - of -gnlpbrar fn the1

nest as soon as hens o r t u r k e y s a re set T h e h e a t of the fowls cause s the fumes of t he^su rphu r t o p e n e t r a t e e v e r y p a r r of t h e i r bodies eve ry louse is ki l led a n d as ni ts a re ha t ched within ten days w h e n the m o t h e r l eaves the nes t wi th h e r brood she is per fec t ly free from nits o r l i c e mdash mdash mdash mdash ~ mdash -

R e p o r t s from Cal i forn ia s t a t e t h a t a s e v e r e d i s t emper has been p r e v a i l i n g a m o n g the horse s tock of t h a t sec t ion d u r i n g the pas t win te r which has-prov-

-ed fa ta l in m a n y cases a n d left m a n y of those which surv ive inbdquoverv b a d con-di t ion T h e no ted filly Wi ld l lower was a m o n g t h a sufferers a n d is n o w covered w i t h - s e a r s r e su l t ing f rom ug ly sores w i t h vehieh s h e has been fttfiietedv

T h e o ld fash ioned p e a r t rees t h a t w to the size of o a k s a n d b o r e fruit

fit for preserving h a v e been su-e d by a g r e a t l y improved- l r u i t t

es~ djozirot^assess t h e ha rd i-laquof~lafe~ o ld sort T h e forc ing the 11raquo l raquo p i d g r o w t h is p robab ly t h e

aUlf m o r e t h a n anv th ino e l s e ^ ^ j k a r

a n d boi l w i t h the s u g a r ttinl i l legal tm-til a g o o d syrup is fo rmed P u t in the B a r t l e t t or S i c k l e p e a r s p lace on t he b a c k of t h e stove c o v e r closely and cook verv-blu wly unt i l t hey can bo piorood wi th a s t r aw ^

G r a p e C a t s u p mdash F i v e cupfuls of p u l p o f j u i ce OHO cupful o f b r o w n s u g a r t m laquo euoful of v ihegar ohe- teaspoonful each of b l ack peppe r clove c i n n a m o n a n d sa l t bull Boil half away

- J^ngl ishmen i i l jUi l th i i -mut tonof i i lack-faced sheep

The glocy of man is his strength If vou are weakened down through excessive studv or b_v early ind^cretims Allens Brain Foodwill TC-8tore alt lostuvigpr $1 G for 15mdashAt druggists ora^Iten^iPharrnacv STfT Tsraquo ^ ^ - V Y

GaT Lyuuslatent ULuuy_iuuuiju^jjllcdttcr new ijoots-or tihoes before you mn tbenj over

Kmory titorrs of (Jbicago now at Saratoga is said to have 300 neckties bull $ -

mdash Wvppripnfn thAJ^rraquoraquo^ T^achltr

P r i n c e riBismark has become suspi-aious ai idfcrabbed in his disposi t ion to a d e g r e e t h ^ m a f c e s it impossible for UU pub l i c official but the mos t obsequious to se rve u n d e r h im I t is said t h a t t he C f b l v n T r i n c e o f G e r m a n y whi le ap-p r e c i a t i n g fully the g r e a t work which B i s m a r k has done for his c o u n t r y has ve ry l i t t le s y m p a t h y i o r his d o m e s t i c pol icy and hetico u p o n his accession to the th rone will h a v e no sc rup les in d i savowing t hem

- No matteEtthat yourmdashatttw-irt H-Browns Tron Bitters will surely benefit yoii i

Striped stockings according to London Tiuth make the legs look thin


bHgfctras t h e d i s e a s e w a s qpfte Tin-k n o w n to the old s l ow g r o w i n g t r ees

T h e Massachuse t t s A g r i c u l t u r a l So-^ i e t y conc ludes t h a t s a l t ayen^amanufe h a s the p r o p e r t y of hasj tehing t h e mashyt u r i n g of al l g r a in crojpis t h a t w h e a t on sa l t ed l a n d will r i p e n s i x T o T e l T d a y s e a r l i e r t h a n on unsa l t ed l and all o the r fjmdashiffittens be ing e q u a l t h a t i t - increase

bull i e l d from 25 t o 50 p e r cen t tha t - i i n s t h e s t r a w a n d p r e v e n t s r u s t a n d

bullBltt t t h a l l t - c h e c k s if it does no t en-t o w y p reven t t h e r a v a g e s of the ch inch b u g

W o o l is h igh ly hyg roscop i c mate r ia l t h a t is ic h a a t h e p o w e r of abso rb ing m o i s t u r e f r o m U h e air W h e n in pi les o r b ins i t absorbs m u c h w a t e r a n d be-

jQfimesJheavietmdashWhen taken- t o m a r k e t in a wagon however t h u s b e i n g t r e e l y e x p o s e a t o d r y i n g c u r r e n t s of a i r ^ t speedi ly loses we igh t a n d the pfian w h o b a r t e r r a t o n t im~day~foT~TJi^i icP c r e a s e of a cent o r t w o a pound will uffually lose^more t h a n that a m o u n t in we igh t bull -

T h e O o o k ^ B o o k - mdash

I c e d A p p l e s mdash P a r ^ a n d core one dozshyen l a r g e a p p l e s -fill with s u g a r mixed wi th a l i t t l e b u t t e r a n d c i n n a m o n b ke t i l l noa r ly done - e o o i a n d if possible w i t h o u t b r eak ing p u t t h e a p p l e e on a n o t h e r d i sh if n o t poss ib le p o u r off I h j Jatoei h a v e raquo o m e f e i p g ^ r e p a r e ^ f ^ ^ - f ^ y F ^ ^ trade raquo f


Rheumatism Neuralgia

Thouand6 yos milUoos of battles ofCar-boline have been sold alid tbe laquoale still goes on If there were nomerit in this great natshyural hair renewer do you suppose tha4-the-peo=v pH W(iuld still buy and^buv as they continue to-do Assuredly not and the groatlauirber of testimonials prove that it u nniMf the grandest of natures remedies

^ Miss Ottilic daughter of Senator Ma Virginia 1laquo much admired at Saratoica


A F a c t W o r t h R e m e m b e r i n g A severe eold or cough can be soonest cured

hy taking accordinrr^ to directions Allens Lung Balsam It caube pvoeured at any drug store It is harmless to the mostdelicate pershyson 4 bull

Miss Kmlly Faithful will sail for the United States on the 18th of September to make a lecshyturing tour of sir months in this country

BUCKINGHAM W VAmdash Drs5fewlbn-ifcBTaiF repprtr^hat Browns Iron BiIters are giving general satisfaction

Poor people in New Yoffc~pavfITe corner STO-cerstorcOHl by tbe pailfu at the rate of famp) a ton -

And will eonapietely change- th blood in tin ent i re syatem^tt threc months Any pe r Hon who will ake 1 PU1 each n ight from 1 to 13 weeks may be restored t o sountf health i snch a th ing be pogsible F o r cnringFemale ComplainU theae r u i a hvlaquo n o bull nuat Iliysicians nse them-In thei r practice Sold everywhere or sectent by mail fo vlbM letterfrtampa Send for cifcnlar I S JOHNSON ft COi BOSTON MASS ^ i i- mdash ~ a gt gt ^ ~ _ I

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITiS^ J O H N S O N S A N O D Y N E L I N I M E N T wjll-irrftin-neouraquo]y relieve these terrible diseases an i will positivelr van nine cases out of ten InformsQbn thst will ^ave many lives sent free by mail lxgtnt delay a moment Pretention U-bstter-than-ewrftrbullbull- --bullbull-


- A

hoopmg Cough eases of ths


An English Velcrinarv Surpeon aridChemist row traveling in this country savsthst most

bull of tha Hnrgto raquor(l r araquoia fowders raquoMd hers MAKE HENSm are-wonliless trih He say^ that Slierfdans I Con4itlon Iowilors are absoluteh- ptire and immensely valuable Js-nthtinr-on evrh will make i -is lay like -Shefldans Condition Pow-dons l)ltlaquo t te3D-B

Ja to 1 pint tnotl Sold everywhere or sent by mail for 6 lettigtr-stamps-3t-S^JoraquolaquoaoK io HlaquomH Miss-


0 ^ t S ^ S O V - fP of j n N U M ^ T A L



^ 7 ^ - S o m e tgtIood i s b a d b e c a o s c it i s poup^nfl^s^^r^Soliaerampiiadtiecalise it c o n t a i n irnpurit ies S o m e m e n l i a v e s u c h b a d b l o o d t h a t t h e w o n d e r is i t d o e s n o t pcrison the m o s q u i t o e s w h o c o m e l d b i t e t h e m 7 ~~ ~ bullbull

-Tfiericfc Ted c o l o r o t g o o r i b l o o d is o w i n g t o t h e i r o n w h i c h i s p ^ e s e a t B i p o d w h i c h h a s n o t e n o u g h i ron in it is a l w a y s u n j a t i s ^ r t d r ^ s = l ^ i e p c r --son in w h o s p v e i n s it c i r cu la t e s c a n n o t b e s a i d t o e n j o y g o o d h e a l t h ^ - -

T h e efforts of ex p e r t c h e m ists t o p r b d u c e _ a _ p r e p a r a t k m laquo o f t r e n ^ v h i c h c a n - b e a s s imi l a t ed vi th_ihe_Uoodraquo4iare-re -sul ted7in t h a t p e r f e c t p r e p a r a t i o n

-w-hieh- i s - n i m p o r t a n t p a r t of b r o w n s I ronBi t ters I t is t h e o n l y o n e w h i c h freely e n t e r s in to t h e b l o o d r gt I t is t h e o n l y one w h i c h a c c o m p l i s h e s t h e d e s i r e d g o o d gt bullbull- -trade

^ W e a k p o o r - t h i n b l o o d m a y b e m a d e rich a n d s t r o n g a n d i m p u r e b l o o d m a y b e pur i f i ed b y t h e u s e - o f t h a t p r e a t I r o n M e d i c i n e Bro-Jnis

Iron Bitters - - 3

bull - gtbull-bull 7 ilaquoSf iM^ r - V - -bull

ThjsOffer Good Till TbaatsgivingDay Only Read Tliese Testimonials The proprietors-of the FARM Ft f iLD AMI F I R E S I D E bcirg desirous of havlac thlralrealt1y well

[ mown aadpqpnlar AgrlenJturcl andTamlly paper more widely circulated and introduced Into houltiex where IM IS W already known have determined to throw off alt proflt thjn Tlaquoar and In addition uea portion of taslr capital for the sole purpose or increasing their circulation to fOQiOOO eooiw- ltlaquo circulatfonla now 18iQ0Q Only 3ffQQQ ipo bullrfwi hofnra tha rtiirrihnr^^raquo-Jc placer i t ter de5dlnlaquo to^nwre extlaquoa

bull - - f ore the following plan has baltn adopted Lyus= --

will enter yonyname on odr subscription book and moll the FA y to you for Six Ifonths and immedia

MDErefrn-tit to^kneof 1

Cholera Diarrhcea

i rr^m bull laquo i i i i f i i

^ - _^ -AyfC181-0AND FIRESIDE ately fend a WriBled i t a W m l Urrc lpt ^raquohich wMenUtta thlaquo ptstobs

bull bull


Lf I bull Sprains


il B QOTanmentBonds of 1000 a Greenbacks of two

1laquo U S Greenbacks of ilOO 1 Xatched pair of Trotting- Horses 1 Grand Square Piano- 1 Grand Cabinet Organ ^

l Thrmdash-seat Rockaway J H H t a i a i Taiwan i n 4 a ^ laquo ^ 4 ^ a ^ 5 Top Buggies

80 XL 8 Greenbacks of $M each 1000 Photograph Albums t each

raquo Viilage Carts rT Pony Phaeton

of Presents to Be Given Away


tsooo 00

10raquo o

1000 SO

laquo00 00 bullCO 00

sooco looo oo9

1000 00 9000 00 araquooo too 00

1000 Pocket SUrer Frolt Knlres 1000 Gsots Pooket KnlTea 1000 US Greenbacks of i l eaeh

10 Genu Gold Watches Ecgtiah Movement 1laquo ladles Gold Watches English atnvemt ) Boys Silver Watches American Hove i I Solitaire Diamond Finger Rlncs a T l w a T l i a i TtgL^rs bullbullraquobullbull 1 Normandv Work Horse--

2800 Elegant Oleograph Picture 6 Raw Silk Parlor Suit Furniture

1440 Gold Finger Rings Ladies Bream Pint Scarf r - - - - - - - - bull mdash bull

$1000 03 1000 00 1J0O00 raquo00 40 laquo00 00 100 00 400 00 icoo jraquo 500 00 2SO00 1000 00

w - fmdash fcCMAOeurofcVAlaquosgtlaquoUAlaquolaquo _bullpound_]raquolaquoraquobull n i r n i s h e d tha p a p e r tav tklaquo I pound^JrVf J S P ^ 4 ^ _ F I J R f raquo f l S ] amp r i S V ^ noiinLS a n d h m w a T ^ raquo y raquo rlttnndjjta Frwsgtrlaraquoraquo I

C H I C A G O P A F E 8 CO __ _ C11ICAGO A n g raquo 1 1S9laquoL

^ 1 K P i V J kraquoTe Ptd sae Mweral ta ftSMd d o l l a r f o r ttreaa-work o n t h e i r pstpcr

GentsS Pins LocketFans and Chains

entraquo Al

d B88S5 offlor presents rained from 25 cents to $100 which makes a grand aggregation of IM t thus guaranteeing a premdashnt to aacli and avary n e w subscriber who sends uraquo bO CtS a-111 of the abovepreaenU will b awarded in a fair and impartial manner by comrnittclaquoccolaquolaquoat 1


Burns Bruises

to attend the Fest as manv will be pr for Six Months

I roiir fOrurv itixgtnalaquo^ YOTrRSTJBBOT thijri) Send us

- A J T D -

d mdash T c a l d s Toothaehe


P ATNTrvTT LhRuuwweiMnsi l i iad ust r A l l X - rwl l^LvL- l^^ t r t e n ( l o f Bl wbo want bullore and afe medtdne which can be froely used Inshyternally or emally without fear of harm and with certainty of relief its price brings It within theraufe of ninnnrrt wflTwmosJty uiftmwsTVmm m em tin aowoV onu p n a raquo w ai dwuk iBa i perboHle Drleetlonaaoooinpsmy e4h bottle -


RnfTTONTRSS Get firs of your f r ^ s t o J p l n yoear catUwrthivoutAadahowlngit to T bdquo T86 and wFwTll seadyou the FARM F J t L O A N D FIRESIDE for laquoU mouthV and a numberedreceipt for each of your subacribersanJ onlaquo eitra for yonr tronhlp ^ ^ ^ P i T fcraquoSCRiraquoraquo raquoraquoVti aadwawlllsend j a s u b s c r i p t s and twelve nTmbered receipra

We shall limit the nvaber of new subscriptions to 100000 so we would advise all our friends to forward gtub-| ecriptions early bull bdquo

FHE FARM FIELD AND FIRESIDE onc-pf the oldest and ablest edited Family and Agricultural pipers It contains t w e n l r lai

stoty Columns) lnchullngelegant cover bound stitched and cut And now has a circulation offlL es ond we are-sure to reach the 1 0 0 0 0 0 laquo^ the tiuie set-and the djsrribution of presents Will take

t^ace on that date it contatnrsrdrieg flketohes Poetry Farm Cardan Household and Agrtcultu ral Departmonts by the best Contributors of the day as weu as an Hluetfated fashion Department Needle and Embroidery Work Iliustrationjof difltorent parts of the frac34 ^ 1 frac34 8 4 3 ^ J L f n f iog^PioaJ Skstchec of Sminant U e a and Women In short it conuins that which will interest instruct uiul ajuuse the whote fainiiy mdash ~ bull HzZZ_rz ^ T M v P J O P ^ J ^ X 0 are men of mean who always hare done as lhlaquoy agree and onr paper is loar ^ S - S a a ^ a a ^ V ^ f i ^ T A 1 ^ SJSi^SSfS^^ lt tradeampW to the letier any offer we m ^ n u k e T ^ iJampJPQ^iXXXSlPy10 1 frac34 frac34 1 ^ frac34 bull H E F E S T I V A L we will send a printedLiraquotof the

ONLY 50 CENTS S^SampSSSl^fSSf^S $poundampamppoundampamp su^cription price ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ laquobull jraquor tgt+n Kraquo bull ltt ltt laquo bdquo t ltbdquo amp rraquovJgtltri Ckit ^^ ^

lui i S 3 LifJ m o ^fV 0 lt o I w n l ^ r b o S n t n ordinary ItnVr at onr risk larger sums should ba ssnt far f Registered Letter P O i^onry order or Express flSenttoa Thia Papergt laquo w u laquo OS SSSJS oy

I aawe a l w a y s O^sftalMtToiu

l a x o r s a a t t o a e o n r e r w l a g PosHtrV maul aw I astrnt a l o a e t s w o r t h flTet|saelaquoamplaquo prlimSt] T O D r p a p e r aawtast n o t h l a g a b o u t the w a l a a -bto Fssrsa l i ^ o ^ a a U o a M I I n t e r v a t t n a bull ^ s amp ^ U m _ W - K - W M P a O y ^ 1

bull U J P V P Sfargam Co A l a B S A T D W O O D 111 A o g 1 1 1 6 8 3

I a s i v e r y a a e h p l e a s e d w i t h y e a r pskper E v e r y n u m b e r seesas to ase t o blaquoeosBlaquo^asere A t t r a c t i v e siad prof l taate I s a v e t k o w a t t l dei iahtcdwithi t k r raquo j rEAUTET

W A r S F X M f t Oi Araquoc J^jasas s A^ A S raquo P I R S a i D K aoshe d a y a a V a a d ^ m g aay t h a t bull w s raquo w laquo U f l e a o e d w i t h 11 I fladti L

w b o m I sua o a e W i t h s a c k sua a g r t e s t t e r m l r o a n j a l e v e r y O s r - e r - - frac34 ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ I

I h e r e w i t h send w o n t o o _

F L R C ^ I D E w h i c h I AJTDl

^SESSJL^J^^F^A^^ bulllt

RKa utthhtouti iraquonand


I t Is c e r t A i a i y thebValaquoplaquoper I e Jkeat p l a t a Uoatrssted

l a s t r a c t i v e besuatl ful ly

h a v e l a t e l w b e e a a subacaHbev t o y e a r t a s t y a n d s t r e l l a b l e p a p e r a a d snaac a m sstotHp fama p l e a a e c l w t t V It I bull u b i e r l p t J ^ a V l a the Brat plssee saoa a e h a a e f o r o a e laquo r t h e s a a a y ssrea f o r a q y t h l n c e o o t a l a e d l a t h e ^ a a bull laquo d h o p a p e r la w u s t h t h r e e er iR t h e s a e a e y b e a l d e a i l prcooata

S bull W Flt

l J H ^ pound f 1 frac34 4 CSampraquo^Hpwvraquo bull K laquo h t assd ^ e d J E y r H e n d a a d a a raquo a laquo r l 6 laquo r a


d e - l a r e aarpr taod a p e r e o a tasU a a a I t t o h e t h e b e s t seertfcetJJ sraquoer

itastso _ i eeea the paper i_ paper pruted

r bull

^e iraquo-a3tV-


iiCjmdashnift ua m^frf^wss^y^wr W T E ~ V - ^ J I ^ f f f T ^ w y r y wfatnysty bull bull bull

U raquo11

bull - J



16 I y


bullHOWELL bull- -jProxnour Correspondent bull

Miss Mary Mountain a ron^kahly bright and promising young girl died

suddenly August 2gtHh of a congestive chill

Mifis Rose Bush went Saturday to lttake charge of the primary dqiartnimt pi one of Lansings wardschools

The schools opened Monday wilh a school house overflowing will] schilars jMiss BfooksVof(jfeemllte t s prerop-tress in place ot Miss Thayer of last year

J M White received a fine new OIL bus ljst Friday He has placed it in the hands of Bashford i Stearns who will run it in part in the interest of bullthe Commercial Hotel

Mlt A Dowling Vrfooby peWew nnm--f as instructor and leader has brought bullthe HoweU band into an excellentconshydition without asking any regular poundomraquofcnsation was presented with an excellent new bell-front tenor horn by appreciative friends outride of the band

Chester -Newman started tor Jiutler Indiana Monday hoping to purchase the only photograph gallery there

mdash-Themdashball game betweeYr^the Ply- mouth and Howell nines resulted disshyastrously for the home nine Score

11 to 4 I One of Walter S Rolmisoifs-leading

men went off on a spree before reachshyingHowell His place was iilhd by the property man and as Sunliglit of the Sierrasbull wasnt nnu-h of a piav a poor entertainment vltU given before an audience so small as to indicate inshysufficient advertising

mdashgt ~mdashOne of the most successtnlTonchops

Institutes ever held in the county has jus t closed Friday higTif all were inshyvited to go boating on Thompsons Lake ay Messrs Frank Briggs and A poundgtiley Crittenden who had~ kindh-si^ cured all the boats on the lake forthe occasion and so ended a meeting that

v alb present-seemgd-fco-profit by and enshyjoy - - 4

The races advertised by the Horse Association were-declaredorl Owing lo the lack of entries The Association must be making a very poor name




among horsemeii ttiis being the sccTTlut flat failure in two years _

Jewish congregations worship with Jheir heads covered so do the Quakers- though St Pauls injunctionswtifB inatter are clearly condemnatory of the practice The Puritans-- of the Com jaoawealtk-wouldmdashseeia- ialaquo have kept their hats on whether preadhing or be-

since 3 jpxc pys iiottm


Eg preached to7 _hearing a simple clergyman Jpxeiaiming

against men wearing their hats in the church and _a year after CrtitVi)

^wtTtes To the French cliurcltin tho flavoy and these they have 4the Coin-paOn prayer-bQok read in French and which I never Baw before the minister

jlo preach witty his hat ofpound I suppose in further conformity with our^chnwli William III ratheryscnrjikrlized hid phurch-going subjgots- by following Dutch _jaisieaipoundlaffltI keeping his head

mdashcovered in chur^hvancl when it did bullplease him toft off his ponderoushat during the s^fricehe invariably donned it as the preacher mounted tlve juil-f^stain| When -Bossuett at the ago pf 14treated the gay- singers of the HoteXde Eambouillefc to a midnight ser-taori Voltaire sat it out with his hat on

bdt uncovering when the boypreacher had finished bowed 4ow before him saying Sir I never heard a man

^preach at once sb-garly and HO late-gi pound11 the Year Hound -~-

Farms for Sale 120 Acresmdash100 under pood cultivat-ion hirirc

barns sheds ^ood house two ^oodwellt of widei]


Hats at cost A Large and Elegant line of Neckwear at less tlran cost



AVe have an enormous stock in paper aiidjincu Prices too object


We lead all competitors t best

WHITE raquo

Kver sdiown i the town nt p r u ^ bullWau-K) to 25 per cent less than other deal ers are se lling the same identical goods we have withotttmdashtkttrbt- bullthe best unlaundried^hirt inthe market


whioh we will sell at doyui price-




OTTIR 2 s pound O T T O



D D MALLORY amp C Wtiol^ualo Dealertt In


r_ Manufacturers of itermetlcally Sealed i ~ Tlcklftt PnBcltrve8 etc

[S3 5SAND 57 JEFFERSON M L gt si Detroit Mich

Use TBAlaquoknuvv and you will find

Wampshall continvie to be

Your Tigttlli becoiii na pearls Twill fragrant make tho breath of all

lioyy wuiut-u uiiU au l glrlB i




tber Uial we will save you mt every dollars worth of goods

bought of us - mdash



^ - LAKWamp

tn town Kcvtionz riovoltics and

_At-vraquour-own prices Clocks Clocks

pycharri quinces poucbof) and othor fruitmdash -This farm has no wa^tu land and in- within Vgt ^ninnt08 drive from tho raili-oad station luill-_ami gt0Qlaquoly Oftoh inarki

200 Acn8mdashAraquoout ISO undoT cultivation liU-g1

house barns eheds and outbuildings nearlyall mdashfiew^-two-orcliarda fonr frood- wills oni wind-

mill land tile drained This farm is yithin a^outl-J minutos drive from the railroad station millo murkfetTN--mdash-


326AcresmdashAbout vWt) under ciiltivation land first quality tile drainwl orchard two yood ui-lls

OlTrater aboutJO-jniniitea drive from dojjot and


Goiiigicgardlgss of mkt


market - ltmdash mdash - -The-above 646 acres are Joined together and

can be Bold as one farm or divided as above or to j take more or leas aa wanted A l s o -

-49 ActeemdashAll improved within 20 minntea drive from station v^ -

80 AcresmdashAbout 60 under Rood cultivation large txyo-atogy-hojiBfl now barn and stables ^

This farm ia tile-drained has two orchards and-JB within about 10 minutes drive from depot

lt millsandmarkot alio large houtje carriage house and outbuildings with 33 acres land in corpora-tioti nfthe ttnyn vUtlilu twu IIIIUIUHS VMtlk ut the station This propflfly cost sect1-5(KH) in 1872 -The above farms are kiHgtwn as the Hayes Farms at Orand Ledltbull Eaton county 97 miles from Detroit 12 miles from Lansing _The grtte for the above propertv ull de|gtend upon how muchlhhd is take]rancitlHttrins

Part of the purchase monev niav remain unpaid fop a terrn 1 yea^9 or uped fcjaidgnomr


property in Detroit Avilfbe taken for a part Apply to --



^DDJTIONA4_ NOTICE^ If a sultable petson with moansto ltarry- on

the businose of stock raising dairy or srain faiin tnjrtfeBlTO8 to RENT or work the646 acres on ehare for a-term of years negotiations may bo Miade t bullbull h



^he oianufaiturers have yet to hear of a single case of Dyspepsia or Diliou^nesB whoa ZOPKBA

was used-as directed in which it was hot-mora than satisfactory Many write that it is a wonder-ftij remedy We can show where as high as for t j pounds were gained by its rise in breaking up-chronic Uiliousnes and Dyspepsia Its friendain-crease very fast^afed all who use as directed are surprised and gratified - 3144


Personally HppeTu-edTiefore me Peter Phillips who Tieini K W I W aci-ofdin^ to law1 deposes and says That he has been affected with rhenmatiim more or less forthe past four or five years That bust winter he had a very severe attack arid that

about in his own room by taking hold of some thinu for support Uhin the disease was in i ts

za^ojtt^irtrtt flt+HiiT4laquouldlu^4iaiu almost unhi^rable he took-a dove-of W ilf oils Ii--htnin^ Remedy

bull| whlrh-nmHPTt- inTm^rttaTe-rr-nef arid tfte SPCOTig (Lisa taken tve hours after made a perfect and permanent- cure und that since takinp the two doses lie hasbeen free from the disease or any symptomsthe reof bull I K T VAX PIU L LI PS-

Swoni+inil subscribed tObefore me this 9th day of July A 1) 1SS) IM) ONkiir Notary Public

FARRAND W4-LLIAMS amp CO AGENTS Dytroit Michigan 31-t4


PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Wy are now receiving our first shipment of trll j0-ods anil oiler greater 111-

fhiceinents than ever No pains havo been spared to have cvery-pairof our boots and shoes the very best in

- DmiTTinnillATERIAL AND WCRKMAflSHlL OUR PRICES will always be found as low as goods of thesame quality can

- - bull t iU 1)0 sTgtld foTiirthi orany other marlret - in prGs-Trmtrnrrottr fall st-^eVr^v^eanlt dently expect to increase and extend our business and every etlortwilbbe made to give out- friends and patrons the most careful and polite attention Every body invited to inspect the-goods and get our priced



Clyde (li-hgtIFor e(+ Percheron NohnanHorses bull - EnLlisli Draft Horses __

Coac-hers Shetland Pontes llol-tein and Devon Cattle ^ -

Our customerH have the advantage of our many years exjieiiieuce in hn-ediriirand importinc large colloctfigtns^_oiipmuuiitv- Lpound coiuparin^ different i_ 111 s tent oMmsincBB breeds1 hiw price iieeuuse ot ex Andhgtwfates of transportation Catalogulaquoa | ree Correspyndence solicited

-^- - POWELL BROS bullr SPIUN( K(UO Crawford C01 PENN


FRESH amp FRUITFUL FIELDS - mdash mdash OF FINE ART-mdash^~^ bull (The Detroit Art Loan Kecord eKifttjauhlishLid daily during the BopteiTiher aild Ot1 tuner a-J numh SOT volume of 420 pa^es index and title Bcriptioa-priceFivo Dollars Ten Thousand Questions Answefei -bull hlar Dictionarrof Fine Art 125 large pagBB bound Seventy -five cents Address laetur Ford Atraquo hoanbtitlding Detgoit Mie8

J raquo

At down prices

GROCERIES Largerime at prices below par at the



Pinckney Mictiigan

West Main St Opposite Globe Hotel

J^jfuUJiiie_of_ MICH


Fiiie Oonfectionery 1 Smoking Tobacco Stationery^ tc


LUMBER LATH amp SHING bull Yard on HoweU Street north

Brick Store OFFICE AT


FARM FOR SALE plowed land) five

thtiNlaquogtjraquoIIea from Eighty nrre farinVsivty neves

miles west of PinMiiiey and thtfpp^ bdquo Ilmdjljii ltjn the riiiekhey and Milan road raquobo on Titie nf ( T Hiijlroad tJood house and Darn Fine Orchard niid bull spring of cwld-watermdashA1laquoJ bull several in res of timber Call now and see farm while the urops are laquo[)win^ will bgt sold on earaquoy terms Rrw-4laquo-a Very desirahlo hone oply on premises

JAMES PANGBOftNmdash - - r - - - _

AN -OKDlNAXtK to Supjiress Saloons for tttO -pale of-SpiritiiotTH nrtd fntoxicatifig Liquore

Goods are all fresh and new Prices are always reasonable We hope to merit a 1 beral share of the public patronage Call and see us

- i _ _ _ ^ j jtL

The tAimlHon Conm-H of tho Village of Plnck- ney ordain Hud it raquohall not be lawful --any petHott or pttsons to keep a saloon -for sale of splutunis and intoxicating Honors wit the corpora^ limits of said villaeo -Adopto^Atigtiat 47th 1883

WAV Mi | mdash bull ll III I I I I J - mrmidm

laquo M V I raquo 4


mdash ^


A LITTLE boy proud of Lis new Jacket informed his Bister that he ua a Biz-button kid

BARRELS of gin have taken to explod-fng There tnust bo terrible Hclmapps ben they gogtoff

GROCERS seldom establish themselves bulln the seashore probably from feartlLit the sand may get in their weigh - mdash

MASSACHUSETTS has more letters in it than Mississippi but the latter ia the JonLgeryQrdmdasha miss JUL as good^aa a xnilfet lt deg

COUNT DORSAY who possessed amp f a n n i n g wit in remarkingvQn a beauty

jv Ipeok on the oheek of Lady^euthamp-ypound fcgt3 compared it to a gem on a roso-

feftf The compliment is far-fetched observed her Ladyship llow can that bel remarked the Count when

vjt is made on the spot THlaquo proprietor of the Hotd Ma il

whois aakillful musician asls What is home wilfrfl pla^qT^l^rCoToSeIT

from experience we Would remark that bullbull i t is then a placn where the wicked cease

irom drummingand the air takes a rest ^J)o we strike the right key 7mdashNew York Commercial Advertiser ATa Country house whero I was visitshy

ing a feXv- years since a ntntoly ijmjor-dopobearingthe name of ItfacMahon reigned over the cellar Are you a reshy

l a t i o n of the Marshals jokingly said a1 friend who was wit me No sir v u the grave replybull_the French Presshyident is of our Younger house ^re are the MacMahonof Ciare Tableau mdash

London WoHtT FATHER you are-an- awful brave man

vaaid a-Detroit-youth as lie smoothed down the old mans gray locks How-do you know that Willie V bh I heard some men down at th-e store say that you killed thousands of soldiers during the war Me- TOly I was

f a beef contractor for the army Yes thats what they said explained young innocence as he slid for the kitch6n---JMroitFree -FrenZ -

HERHUNBAXDls A P O S T R O P H E Oh woman iu your liourof ease bull Uncertain coy and hard tu-^kraquolaquoJraquomdash - --Wheneer you 0 to buy ibumiet Youre harder yet to plea^ep dogrgonoifc

LfiAVING TOWN (_ He straightened his back and wirjed the sweat

From hisJjrow so tjery ijud I would rathertjnyel with Jumbo dear

bull I Than travel With you liefcfud She darted an angry ulaice and cried

bdquo I Why Walter y(laquoiihuft he druiik Im sober enuuyh he suid5to kno^

That JuinbolaquomijtiU Itis own trunk- ^ 0 raquo the oeeasiou tgtf-Snrah Bernhardts

return to London the Times said she looked worse and even thinner than -before This reminds us o f the Ger-man cornposer-^riioyas condnctuigone

~ of his overture^ A^tlie horns played too loud he told theni repeatedly to play softer aud softer they played each tirnts- A tithe-fourth repetitionwith a knowing wink at each other they put their instruments to their lips but did not blow at all The conductor -nodded

=~spprov ing t rT ^Yery-goed indeed Now one shade softer and youll have i t - --mdash- bull _ _

~^~ THEY were sitting Tn the shadow of _ the huneyauckluH tliroHflfh yMch~EEo~

sinking sun was peeping at them with a face as red as if it had just enlaquoFged from a brick-kiln bull And you will take

me to Europe on our wedding day darshyling she said toying fondly with-one

Of hismdashsuspender buttons that had broken loose and fallen intoher lap A very serious look stole over his counteshynance and for some momenta^he was silent Finally he choked back a rising sigh-and said No deary we will stick to the dry land I never could hold a basin under a bullbullwomans chin foia

mdash4eampH3aysand love her afterward A rouNCi farmer who had been^ead-

ing a book which stated that woman is the Sunday of man thought he vraquoould compliment ahoating^ you are my Sunday I Ipusyglared at him as though she imampgined he was daft and then quietly Said Ban I may be your Sunday buy Im not going to give you any rest until you buy me a bonnet thats fiVto wear to church Dan now keepX his quotations to him-bullatampbnt wasCompelled to get the head-

bullNew York Commercial Adver-

ESMITH was ejected violently doctors office on Austin avenue

complained that he feltvery much ilitated You should eat oat meal bfampaklastr I eaJ~baTmeai and feel

as stout as a jackass said the doctor The oat meal cant have anything to do with your feeling like ajackass reshymarked Qua I l l kick you out of thai pffloe roared the exasperated doctor bullIf you do doctor Ill not kick back m do like that other fellow who WM kicked by a jackass Ill consider the flource After that Gus stalked o u l

S - ^ h e affair is much to be regretted at both parties are respectably connoettcL mdash-Teeras Hiftings _ J

aid ad-

The extent of the utisernmenc frabsidy to the Union Pacific rail exceeds that ever extended by any Government to any undertaking Conshygress authorized aland donaUcn of 13-sect75200 acres to be located in alternate sections on both sidescf the line and subsequently guaranteed the stock of the company to the^xtent of $16000 per mile between the Missouri river and the eastern base of the Rocky mountshyains $48000 perrhile for 150 mUes across the RooKy mountains $32000 per mile betweeyihe Rocky mountains and the eastenr baae of the SierraNevada momntaSsTand WS000_igtermgtlo for 166 tt^^over the Sierras TJieso grants

^sufficient to much mtgtre than pa ^OSt Or ^Oll

Genlaquo Alex Ogles Use of L When Gen A4ex Ogle-served Somershy

sets frosty Hons of thunder in the Pennsylvania Legislature it fell toliinv to write in behalf of the Democratic members a letter to (Jen Jackson then stepping across the Presiurntial thresh-hold Such work of the scribe was a

4ahor of love andjn submitting to the caucus what he had written Gen Ogle sajd Gentlemen and members of the Democratic party I hold in my hand a letter addressed by Gen Alex Ogle to Gen Andrew Jackson and I have no hesitation in Haying that i t is a -mdash- ablo paper The members gathshyered around agreed thajfc the letter was just the thing to mako Old Hickorys heart thump with satisfaction and exshycept one a dapper little Philadelphian spoke words of praise- The dandy of the House-fixingliia glasses and scanshyning the page with the critics smirk ventured to remark Pardon me General I do not wish to assume to

-makea suggestion to so distinguished a gentleman as yourself but I cannot re-fraiampirojm saying it is customary in the East and I may say in almost all the civilized countries of Europe to write with the capital I instead of the little uia in using the personal pronoun in epistolary correspondence Gen -Ogle drew down hipound heavy brows piercing the dandys narrow with ^he fierce shaft of scorn that shot from his 6ye Sir he said beginning with a hiss and ending with a roar when^X write

i^xji^jsriisrGr 1883 1-



fill two Sheets of foolscap so help me God

To T H E FARMERS OF LIVINGSTON ANDAIgtJOJNINP COUNTIES -Xf you want to purchase a Reaper this year examine the Hero look it over carefully and youjwOLsee iHlaquo up

to the time- 1st Itis simply constructed 2nd I t has no side draft 3d I t is not liable to get out of order 4th I t has no weightiupon the horses necks 5th I t is a very light draft reaper 6th I t is easily managed 7th 1frac34 is just the machine you want I t can be had of our agents on trial and is warranted to give satisfaction

^ ^ t I refer you to the following named farmers wh$ have purchased and are using the Hero v eaper some of whom for to suchTgreat auch-a towferinman as I the pa^ t JWjea rg j and they can testifyJo its merits Gen Andrew JacMori Democratic i mdash President of the United States I abase myself sir I use as small an T as I can put on paper but sir if I should ever get to such a low-down pitch as to have to write to such a little snipe as you Id use an I sir that wp_uld_

Jesse W Sheets Unadilla Bernard MCloskey Putoam David Donovan Northfleld Ang Balden George W Iteaaon Unadilla Arthur Montague E J Wakeman Tyrone Cxeo R Wilcox W hite Oak WtaedonTojrk Roscommon

- -A-HHTamp Gray TOBCO

Jamas Spears Putnam Owen Goodspeed Hamburg William Cullen Danuville P Mc Cann Bunker Hill Wm Perry- Owen Mc Cann jr M

John B Mc Creery Henrv Ward- Fred Maycock Iosco

bull=ETmerChipman h

George Bauer Brighton S K Haiise Putnam A Force litockbridge Perry Barrett Tt

George PhlpsWhite Oak Henry B Gardner Putnam Daniel F Wefit Lewis Love u

John AmdashWard Llaquo^ilej Mrs J Love and Sops Marion

JMartin Melvin jr Hambnrg W Nelson WJiitmofe Lake Warren Mnnson White Oak Frank Aldrich Henrietta John Fleming Philo Durfee Antrlmr

-bullH--CT- Marttir- mdash-- mdash Seymour Brown onway O CrSawdy IOBCO ~~ bull bull

the Hero can be seen and is for sale at Piuekney by JApound MARKET General Agent for Mlehigaa

Burial of a Greek Patriarch

We - found the deceased patriarch clothed in the robes of his office silk gold richly embroidered seated upon a throne facing the altar iri the^Constan-tine church of the Greek Gonveni^Al-though he was only cent3 years of age he looked very venerable with hisT long flowing gray beard-^eirad a golden crown upon his head with enashymeled settings on four sides represhysenting _the Virgin the nativity the insurrection and asrension and ur-ihounted by an elegant diamond cro^s His breast was-wavered with golden -classes and precious stones He had a crozier or sceptre of gold and silver leaning against the throne-while in his right 1 tartd was nrTretarrrpnt and irrfris left a ]U(^re7-orHhe VirgiTfTnid chiidr Behind the throne wasstandinga priest reading continuously in^CrreSkjappro priate passages for thedead Andfrpm caily hioiTiinff till 0 oldotLL^iuihe eve-ning a perfect stream of people were passing back and fourtli_who- would kneel kiss the patriarchs napounddThen theTestament which ho held in it andT afterward cross themselves and pase out The patriarch- was buriedOhe name dav he die-d ltTugtt Ijn-ifoitf the f-Cr-

a l m o s t evertvnn ered oigt ^Icirt- yiim

neral a motley cro^d qf-Tifks- Xrabs Uedouins Nubbins Te s a n d T i ^ e -sentative^s if aiinnstik^ery nation in

rtgina-bu4 eostunie gath First in the piftgt-

-cesHioncjnnw a--bahd of elarionotsr^h^H a band X)f brass inrttrirments phiying what IwoultV ronsidvf a lively air and notthe feast novel-was an enormous brrtss drum Iollowing tlie band were tjuitea ninnbr of ^tanh^nts- with veryV

^long hair priraquojviving irrt)je priesthood then cani^+h^TfrHfriiitd5 priests then tlie hishop dr Allexcept flit carried c-tvlt cra)0 Aiu t iTaniss^vits of

esstV iji eftvgailt cloaks hu]diesvrJo followed s (bAxjcd with black bullthe sohlhis camethe allhe ltni ls- and of

diiIarraquoMlt ivMixt^tt^-JH- w-ba^sStiliiert wildVofrf nines soinolliing

like our American Jjulians Then came bishopsbearing a kind of lanterns and crosses of silvVV imi gold An old iiian in a veiy govp^r^asTirtss wh6-as I Mas informed v-icopy nextto the pfttrinreli himself was biwristg the deceas patriarchs silver nnLJ gold sceutie Then came the Vgtodv iii-full dreisas I had seen it in tlie m-orTiing---wit)i the ercopywii_gjihisJ4Ciid and seated bull on higt throne as if he were alive The proshycession made a Strang im^yessinn upon my nvind as I wittthed toward the Zion gale the weird clianting oVtho was buried in a sitting posture along frith about two btfsheis ltlt inceuao and myrrh

slowly move d I list MI cd to

priests He




-Mr-MANNrEast Main St PinckneV bull mdash mdash bull - - bull - -

e jus t added to our stoek a general assortment of-




DrugsandGrQcerlampr And would invite the attention of far- raers-who wish to4ay-in a stock of gromdash ceries to last them through harvest we have everything you need Sugars Teas Coffees Spices Pork Hams

i Dried Beef Cheese and CannedJSoo4a -oi all kind^ ii you dont tceljust like-

going intoJhe harvest field come in and get a bottle of Browns Iron Bit-bullter Hop Bitters- Shilohs Vitalizer some one or the thousand and one rem-edles Wekeep that will do you goodmdash Dont forget to come and stock up at once The place is at the -____ L



N Jl-^-IIijjdiHst cagh rn paidfor Butter and Eggs

i3 Tatui


BI^AC|CSMITH ATTlynds of ens torn work and general

repairing including


Study OTITJ thToT

The nibre we study tlanilet tTte VCT cpnvhaeed-^ve become that be Mas ia sane He hated tlie idea of having a stepfather as most children do and trooded over it until his brain lostits

balance Some children accuse theii stepfather of stealing thlt afrrctinrrs-n their mother but-Hamlet went frac34 stej farther and doolared that- he lnvLpttt-his father out of the wayv -A+ l all beshycause he had partaken too heartily of the funeral-baked meats that he had warmed over into halaquoh for the mar-riage supper This gave him the nightshymare in which he thought he saw his fathers gheat though it was probably nothing more than a portion of tlie family washing flapping-in the moonl light Hamlet had been a gay yontli up to that time as Ophelia could testK fy but after that he dressed entirely 171 black covering -fehnself with an inky cloak toenhance tlie prevailing gloom of his appearancemdashCincinnati Satur-

toy fogM_mdash~ r ^ mdash

Call and examine our stock whether you wish to e or not




WILLIAM D0-LAN amp CO Have just received a new and complete stock of ~

DRY GOODS BOOTS amp SHOES CROCKERY GROCERIES Tobacco Canned Gtyods Etc No remnants or shelf-worn stock We m business and will guarantee bottom prices The public are invi t^- tcfca l l and see for themselves W E S T M A I N ST T I ^ K N J S ^ f f M I C H

Shop back of Manns Block PIXCK^KT

plusmn eNPMMPT0N


FHR4IXME bullbullbullbull Picture Framing Repairing Up hols te ring Ste

wl S T X A I S eTBisr



BEST|d-APA^ -TKATlaquor^B7

JAPANTEA 4ampcts ~

mdash -mdashGROUND TgA 20 c^T


Roast Cofiee

GREEN Cg^yenigE i2 ic t

and 23 cte

BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE Tugwr fur Bale 1frac34 lota fronting on Main

east of Howell Street and 6ttt on Howell of Main tor boainew purpoieronly Theee Stfzltt feet In aize are very desirably lc-the center of the village and wiU be 1

Street Soutl

CITY LAUNDR bull Finest Laund and delivered lion to


ryta the Weet G Pricfi Uftt Jnrnjah

called for on applka-

)S A CP y^M^oy- M^)(rt jgti i

tus ^ s Bird Seed 10 da

Mc-tfobacco at 40 cts bullgt J

60c Tobacco at 50 cts

^al Baking Powder Parents Bakshying Powder Spices of all kinds raquo

Bakers 0hocolatraquo ^^eeT bull Chocolate v -

Canned Corn Canned Beef -DuUMd Salmon Canned Tomatoea

mdash amp A WHEELER -




bull -

pound_ -^-~S



bullbulliiifelaquoriMiiltlflt bulla aw4raquo~vovw

^ ^ ^ s ^ l i i S laquobullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullfi^jgjyi bulllt wk tUgiu I ^ j ^ y ^ ^ j ^ I - r - V 1 raquov

B- f

-^ v-mdash4--T

raquoraquo- -^4

v ^ i raquo n 1 1 PfowvnwaaMM


i tx

mdash-T bullH rlaquoP bullEH SHH


F r

f -1


M bull l

- pound L



HUNTING FOlt BTILL8 The Commissioner of Internal Revenuehas

issued instructions to Revcumf Alaquoeut Powell of Raleigh N C to Inveetliatu tbe report that several revmue officers bathe upper part of South Carolina U4T1 been- systematically swindling the government for some time It is charged that the officers in question lure pershysons to pui up old stills iu remote pieces and then capture the material in th night time and obtain the government reward of |50 for each seizure Tbe eamc material U theu put u p In another part of the^State and seized again It is alleeed that only a few stills captured in the mountains of South Carolina have been used for illicit distilling bull

ti n Cinoks latest communication li$s lust been received by the War Department In the report Crook giVt-s his idea of- the future polishycy to be pursued by the government^ follows bullI believe tlrralv that exact acquiescence by ouj- government in the terms upon wfhlch these Indians understood they are to be allowed toydren live upon the San Carlos Reservation appears theonly passible means of protecting the lives and interests of the people of Sonora^and Chi huabuay as well as our owncountry and am as firmly convinced that if the present prisoners are treated with good faith not only will the renesradf6 now in the mountains return but also that Neither country will heresfWr huve ^ r

any reason to complain of depredations or aatraquo pects accurate and is vouched fpr

bull) i


A NEW yj^vvt Plans arc completed for thlaquo proposed new silshy

ver vault under the cagth room-of the Treasury Department1 The storage capacity of the vault will be ^33009000 In Kilter dullais Until the return of Secretary Folder the Assistant S^c- retary will act aa Secretary

THa-aA^eiMO) HOSPITAL^ A statement has recently been published to

the effect that the plan of establishing a Garfie4 memorial hospital inWashisgton had been aband

lior want of adequate support and thatlhe mopey thus far contributed for that purpose would be turned over to the Garfield monument fund Thos Fisher of the (iarfleld Hospital Board said in reply t s inquiries that the report of the abandonment- of_thpound_hQspital scheme was entirelv Without foundation


A pension office official says that there is no reasons le donbt that more money has been fraudulently abstracted from the treasury in one year- on false pension claims than was ob-tainedby the star-route ring in the same time and about which the country has heard so much $100000000 in a single year formed a temptshying prize to the pension agent ring and out of

4t4bis ring m u i t have got upwartLLQJLt 10000- 000 their particular portion being in fees and expenses Claims by the hundreds and by the

thousand a r e made up in Washington and sent ready-made to the ex-soldlers forvsisrna-ture and oath Many nith are found^too honshyest to perjure themselves thusJyit the temp tation offered by the arrears act which offered several thousand dollars In a lump If the case went fhrough is too great in -most cases traquo be reSlsted The more squeamish are Urged bv

near St Louis Mo between Iouis Phillips and Jacob Roseuhrdok both residents of Bowling Green Township iri which the latter wa killedinstantly and the former wounded so badly that he died in a few hour after The affair had its origin in a grudge long standing crowing out of disrespectful remarks by Philshylips concerning Rosenbrobks sister Each time they met thev quarreled and they decided to settle the matter In a duel with pistol They ctiosc as their seconds Mark Swark and Jack Wren who wereMcent and witnessed the shooting RoscnBrook fired tbe first shot the ball entering Phillips mouth1 Phillips stag-cered but before tailing discharged bis wea-ponthe ball taking effect on the side of Rosen-brooks mouth raogtng upward through the head Both duelists weie young men Phillips being about 83 year of agj and a school teacher


bull Mrjfidward Kniyiit of P i beru bereft of his eix children In a remarkashyble waymdashby such a succession of tragedies as makes truth indeed seem 6tranger than ficshytion I Three children died with diptheria in qulcW succession The day after the death of the last of these two of tuampremaining chilshydren were playing in the yardtbe raotlifeir being inside with the youngest child A scream outshyside caused her to rush out to find that a ratshytlesnake-had bitten both children Soon thev were in the agonies of death The crowning horror then came upon the distracted mother when she discovered thai a large pot of boiling soap had fallenfrom the fire and scalded the baby past recovery The aecouafrls in All res-

CAUOHT AT LAST Sylvester F Fuller cashier and Henry L

St John assistant cashier of the Second nashytional bank of Jefferson Ashtabula county Ohio are in the United Statess marshalls hands In Cleveland on charge ltgti embeazllng $50000 of the banks funds The Irregularity occurred Dec 18 I88i wheu the bank closed Fuller skipped to Canada but returned last May St John Jtdnot leave The misfortune was caused by stock speculations After losshying his own money Fuller took $14000 and St J6hn $30000 from the bank funds He says they will peach oh other bank officiate Before United States Commissioner White Jhe presishydent of the defunct bank refused to testify unshytil he could consult a Uwyer Noah Hoekius director and holder of $1000 worth of stock swore out the warrant The depositors all got their money the loss falllug on the stockbold-ers

missing with some $12000 of borrowed money and leaving behind some $30000 In forged notes

After September 1 tourists to the Yellowshystone national park can abaudoa stages and make the louruiiy by rail the branch of the Northern Pacitla from Livingstone south to Cinnabar 51 mifeshavlng been completed

There are about tMX) Chinamen iu Helena


Milwaukee is agitateltrTJver an alleged case of Asiatle cholera A man named Wotcbky was was taken sick and became torpid andZelowski who has had experience in a Turkish hospital bullpronounced the diseawcfcolers Dr Richards Assistant Health Commissioner agrees with Zelowskl but other physicians call it cholera morbus


Snpt Thompson of the railroad mail service^ has ordered the establishment of a newline of postal cars on the Pennsylvania Railroad be-tweetL New York Plttlaquobufgh Indianapolis and St Louis The cars commenced running Satshyurday September 1 leaving New York at (5 pm The postal car will arrive at 8t Louis on the morning of t h | second day apound 30 oclock


debris and broken pieces of machlneay 50 people lost their lives some being blown In to eternity whilei others were drowned by be-

5 1 1 frac34 8 a n ^ L e t t C I ^ ^ K bdquo ^ d K traderTi ipk lng vessel Thort who wVre floating about in the river were rescued by tug-boats anil takshyen to New York Reports as to the number killed are conflicting Varying all the way from 10 to 50

Ttie engineer Edward^Tallmatrrwho cseaped-with a few slight bruised said he couldnot tx-

TfHUrrthe-cau^e-trf the at-eldent by- anv theory

forward One of these circulars dated April 3(3 1853 add-ess-

^ed^FjilGnd-^Hd-cllent says it is some time since the claim was made up and ur^es that it be signed sworn to and returned immediately Millions of money it saye liavc been ap-proprial^d+undgtYji^n_^eyo_ur_cLalm and si-

7t= -^ure toyou tho btnelliBuf the tveeut euac ment Auather-e4fcular says the cases of those whopay their fees iu advance will igt made special by the department Every t-f-forfe is made to get hold of that fee This sys

bull lllll uf ^huliBHle pti jui v Is billeyni lotOhuvi been carried on to a greater extent thaaf has jever yet been statedi-


The family of William Luriers of Win6ted Miuu consisting of nine persons were poison -_ eQ^Tewidsy^irgoVanu hvehnve dretlapd to more aro Dotexpected^tolive The supposition Is tb at some poison wasmlxed with th^ famil lunch buffhe name oftEe fiend an^ the mo-tlve for the torrlhleerimearc unknowii


B u r s t i n g of


B o U e r o n a H u d s o n RIvlaquo c r S t e a m e r



The steamer Riverdale on the North -Rl^r burst her boiler and sunk at Twenty-second street New York In about five minutes the boat capsized There were over 100 passen-geis on board-at the time of theWccident 8ome of them were hurled into the air and then feU-back-lBto the-water and others wsere comshypelled to jump into the rivlaquor to eecape-the scalding steam The air was filled with firing

complete recognition of-a-French protectorate over Anam andTonquln the definitive annex-

nation of Dlnthum to Cochin China the pershymanent military occupation-^ French of tht forts on the Tlmuan and Vingchua line lmfne-diate recall of the Anamlte troops from Ton-quln andjhje_garri3Qn8 thert ta be _placed-on-


The British Parliament Was prorouged on the Afternoon of August 25 The queens speenh was read bv the Royal Commissioner at tbe close of the session In her address the queeu reviews in a lucid manner the government ar-fairs She expressed great satisfaction at the j work done by parliament and at the harmouy existing between England and all other powshyers The manner In widen her majesty-handled all questions submitted tomdashher- -explodes the s_tatv ments so ottea made concerningher ineu-tal weakuess

A ERENCn VICTORY A telegram was received In Paris a few days tracts on the uAltiantage8

Montana With the exception of Fargo Helena i the

largest and most Important town on tbe line between St Paul and Portland Oregon

O^Doanell the murderer of Carey is on his way to England where he will be tried The South Africa authorities protested against his removal

Ex-Collector Murphy of New York has been arrested on a charge of swindling his benefacshytor Uncle Sam

T4ta--4vuoahw ^ poatotfioaa in tho Uuked- n cnicY laquottrl ve ryof ton thin clcm^ooaa o$ States number 48049

Parnell declares that the objects of the land eague are being accomplished -----

Tbe United States consul at Constantinople has written raquo letter to the State department in regard lothe horrible sanitary condition of that city-1 He says the cholera in Egypt was caused solely by the filthy conditiou of the towns infected

Dnring the last fiscal year 91000 applications for Denslons were disposed of by the Pension Bulau __bdquobdquo )

A crank called at the White House tbe oliher day and left for the President a bundlelof

ago by the Minister of Marine from Saigon anshynouncing ihat the French had boinbardedaud captured the forts andbatteries at the mouth of the Hue River after a brilliant land attack Tbesoperatious occurred on t^e 18th 19th and 30th Seven hundred Anaiuites were killed during the engagement The only casualties suffered by the FrenSh were several men SllghUv wounded The gunboats Viper a and Lynx entered theThuman passage The French admiral granted a truce A blockade has been declared ~ -

KINO t o p i s PHOIPPI II Great excitement prevails in Paris over

placards posted in every sectiorrofthe cltr dg-claring the Count de Paris king of France The police began to tear them down as soon as they weVe discovered but were greatly hinshydered in their pfforts bv the excited people The Count de Paris Is the eldest soo of Ferdishynand Duke of Orleans Louis Philippls eldest son and is legally the bead oflaquothe Orleans-family He ts about 45 years of ase and a gi eat favorite He has traveled very extensive-lv and during the war of ^thenrebelllon in the United States he served on the staff of Qen McClellan and participated in the campaign against Richmond in the siege of Yorktown the battled ot Williamsburg and Fair Oaks and in his m r e a t on the James river He left the service in 1863 and WMred -U) England where he remained during the war of 1870^71 When the Frenefrreptjblic arose from the ruins of the empire the Count de Paris was advised to renounce all ambitious projects whteh might tend toTepiace1 the house of Orleans on the throne of France ~ His private life after his return from America was singularly happy

of Bible Study tomdashrlaquoa4tb whleli

moment of his return Atlantic City N J baa been damaged $75-

000 worth by an unusually high Mood At a meeting of the lake seamens union at

Buffalo the rate of wuges was raised from $3tn $2 50 per dav

The offerice for which the naval cadets at Anshynapolis are to be court-martialed consisted in hazing fourth class men by turning them out of their hammocks at night and compelling them to stand on their heads and eat soap Lieutenant Commander Thomas and Lleuts Wood and Meigs are the court to_try__the AC



A treaty of Peace between France and Anshynan has been signed which nrwideB-for-the --destroyed the townsin Java

a peace footing and the return of the mandar-ins to their posts France undertakes to expel the Black Flags from Tonquln and thus Insure safety to trade Tbe treaty furshyther -- mdash -

cused Lieut Goodwin is Judge Advocate Michigan Sadets are among the accused

Miss Catharine Connollv has been arrested In Dublin onsuspicion of being connected with the murder conspiracy in Ireland bdquo President Arthur has been apprised of the

plan to kidnap him but as he has about 12U0 men at his commard he thinks there Is no doubt about his safety

A meeting of crowned heads is in session at Copenhagen

The monster engine of theKeeley motor company of New York Is finished-at last and will be run for the benefit of the stockholders about tblaquo_mldd_leof-lktpteiaber ^-mdash --

A witness before the Senate sub-coinmlttee on labor andeducation predicts a bloody revoshylution unless monopoly is checked^ - - - -

A loose switch on the Philadelphia amp Atlanshytic City (narrow gauge) raLlroadcaused serious injury to 30 persons A

Earthquake waves have been observed for several days on the -Pacfficmdashiaaat^JCbey were probably caused by the same earthquake that

TtlsjumoreiLtbai iix the-lnvestigation^wl)ieh will be made shortly in the interest of the govshyernment therewill be sonii startling and sen-satiqnal dfvelopments as Ur how thejpordlet ID

An Anti^Duoliat bull The re is a man ih Ne r (IrleanS who

niiikos a ltootl living1 as1 ii oompromisor of (jiiarrcls 11(frac34 isu sluirp luwyer Vi tu lt0i(iliat(jry limpef ami an oily tongue VYhilu oi l ier myu aro Blirriujr i ip gttnfo ho is tu rn ing away wrtitli-mdashlor a con-s]ij(M[ati(Mi Il( inutld a bullbulljrroat deal ol inuney in t-1iGjrornt old tlays so fast re-ceilinj when a-iluol beftrro broakfaat was as imlisjiunsable to the happiness of the Crescent City us fish OD Fr iday H o t with wiue two y o u n g bloods would qua r re l The lie would pass and then a cha l lenge Now you see th ings iuova clear ly through the cool g r a y m o r n i n g a i r than th rough the c igare t te sraoko of

responded the

vision eoriies while you look t h roug jp the qu iver ing blue a tmosphe re a t t i l l s p u r k l i n g s tars of t h e m i d n i g h t skf Hence it vas that our friend the peaoB-t t i ake f wtis never out of a job His title was second 1 usual ly b u t his business w a s to sfn th i i rnn iifwnssity a rose J d r his services as such One case rs a gootl saiwple A young society m a n had cal led anothvr society m a n a coward wi th the avowed purpose of m a k i n g him light a duel Of course both were well b r andmd when the insul t was givshyen A cha l l enge passed a t once but-by the t ime it hadbeelaquo received Mr Ii-su i t e r had grown cool a n d e a u l i o i i s ^ -H e asked Mr Compromise to act-as hn second

Now 1 1 said the la t ter t o cOme to a poin t at once do you wan t t o t igh t 1

B e t w e e n ou r se lves younf mau I don t 1 1

o you wan t to go on the field At 1 a sked the second because it will you more to ge t ou t of going on

the field than to get o u t of the duel afshyter y o u r once face to f ace

I d o n t wan t t o ^ o on the field a t a l l said the-pr inc ipa l a n d I d o n t care w h a t it costs to keep off

V e r y we l l s a id the secxpid n o w sit down and write ju s t such an accept-ance as I tell you to w r i t e 7 A c c e p t a n c e

Y e s cer ta inly Le t me m a n a g e this affair said the second in m y OWJI way ^ o w wr i te out a n a c c e p t ance iu the usual form and pu t in for weapons rifles a n d for dis tance two paces 1 -

bullWhy t h a t s muzzle to b reas t mur -de r oji frightV e x c 1 a mied the p r i n c i p a t

W r i t e wha t I tell y o u sa id thesec-opd _ _ _

~ Wtieni irwas vMitttvi the seconoTcar -

bull J


the Star Keute trial ivas seduced A trial of reapers and mowerB was- recentl

grade in ItatVTSrjdfine result cTiTaxty_ phngf

Htiitd- i-f-himraquoe4f t-o^liu-sccouiLof the chalshylenger

vWhy this is -butchery sanl th6 la t te r second bu te l i e iy in cold WiToTt- - ^61t1ltfTr^in3ol^ v i v e _ - bdquo_ _

llien tio I nnilii-stiimi tluit yon xeiiti whatever Tle boilers were-new four years ago wheH the boat was entirely rebuilt and reshyfitted He was about to enter the engine room to obey the pilots signal to slacken epeed wheu Joe was suddenly hurled through the door ahd the ncxT moment Hi found hlmmlf havo

stipulates__ihjkLmdash thoj aboeimte control


bulltrr 7 ~

f-ing on the roof uf tht cgtibiudlrectly under jhe tbafti The explosion occurrd ho paid withoutJlic slightest warning atuKwas appkr-ently the resnltof some hidden defcht A mo-ment previous he had looked at thesteatn-guage and Tounil TTTfTTegisU - twenty-three

Jouuds When the boat was Inspected last mie-her allowance jna-rhced - i t fifty pountls

tp the square Inch

io- E F F E CTS O F V O I C A M C E R 1 P T I O N

BAXblTTl AFXElt XllTULK A story thatreads like a dime novel tale

comes all the way from Idaho and Is furnished to the worldby-theJVood RiVer TlmeB The

JFtur-CQmdashTownw PfgtHlroycd--Tltraquorrlh1fl

story is to ttie effect that-a party of Texascow IwyXbavestartcd for Yellowstone Park to~klcF

nap Frlaquo^ident Arthur and hlst-ntlre party and to spirit them away into the mountains-where they will be kept prisoners while members of

^ the^arty act as pickets to prevent being 6ur-prised and captured while negotiations for a

mdashransom are being conducted The captain or leader of the party has an idea that a heavy

Loan o r Li re A dispatch f~om Batavia Java bays the towns of Anjier Tjirlngin and Telokbeleng were destroyed by tidal waves causedmdashby-lhe

France of the Anamlte

finances-and customs aud thatthe French shall recogniae Hiephema as new King of Auam The stipulation for a permanent military occu-panon by the French of the forts on the Thu-aan and Ylugchua line implies that a blockade of Tourone and Hue will be replacedby a mishynute inspection of all foreign arrivals

~ mdash - A TEKRTFIC TrVLF gt The fleet of United States ilshing vessel^

which arrived at St Johns N 13 a few nights ago report a Violent storm on the Great Banks The gale rose from the eastward at 8 raquo m- wheu hunureds of dories were away from the

the superiority of theAmerican machine Great preperatiorie are being made In Louis

vllle Ky for the dedication of the monument erected to the memory^qf Zachary Taylor twelfth president ol the United States

The HOP Alexander Mackenzie scouts the idea of Canada ever being separated from Eng j


bull to-negotiate asked the o ther in his blandest tone bull ^

Wse cer ta inly dltV said the ehallen M-orx secondmdash umdash

Anti-Jewish outbreaks in AU8ttnrare-o~rrttre Increase despites the establishment of martial law ^ ---

Rpportarfrom London are not so favorable 1 o theTjEftedStates e^flbTfloii as had been hoped

The False Prophet has again massed his

bullbullVery wigt]i ve-ry well- Ti l see about i t said Uie ch-alleiiged- p a r t y s si^MML_ __ _ j _ _ _ -i ~ jWeoTrrsertTiU duel -neve came oft mdash Philadelphia Heard

volcanic eruptions All the lighthouses in Sunda Straits have disappeared and where the

vessels overhauling the trauls Capt Hlller reports tbat seores-ofmdashdorteTftere turned upshyside down ainl Wreckage strewn invery direcshytion Along^ his-track conrin-g-^westward~X)he French bfraquonker4ott-fourdoflfgts and all their crews It is competed from all sources of in-

troops and great uneasiaess Is felt in Alexanshydria

Fifty miles squaie of fertile country dlsap beared in the seas by thePvoIcanlc eruption in Java bull__ v bull

Tbe net dccreasejntha nnllppf ions of internal revenue for the months of J-uly and August in 1882 and 18S3 amounted to 16094000

ransom will be offered by tbe United States and nersonal friends of the president after search for tht lieioreldent6par-ty shall- be given up and that 1500000 or more ^an thus _be extorted from Thxlt-ccreTXervTce~iHinQrand divided

moiiintam of KraiMifiaJiiTiseny s t sMjM M nqgtv flows The aspect of Sunda Straits is much changed and navigation dangerous TheTtdal wave completely destroyed Anjier Many persons wdrekilled The loss of life among both Europeans aod natives at North Bantam is enormous The quarries at Merak disappeared and alt tire people-of the place perished -rThe floating doclc at an island near

among the Italian In the ganlaquog some of whom were guerrillas In

Batavia Is adrift and_badly_dfmagpri


the late war A grand council was held just before startlng-out on the expedition wnen every manswpre by his daggermdashto do blffduty


~ A HORKIBLE SIGHT ~ ~ Samuel Wturrick aged raquo5 cut fils throat in

fittouster county New Jersev and then walked -te-hls barn holding his half-severed head in one hand He met his wife and she fainted The husband lived 10 hours

bull- THE 8CNCOOK MILL CA3E In the reply of the state department just sent

to the 8weQish delegation on the SuncookiN H) mill casethe secretaryas was anticipated takes the ground that he can do nothing for tbe-ensIavedSwedes The report of the New Hampshire authorities is to the effect that the owners of the mill have a right to prevent the departure of the Swedes from the state under the statute and that the men who have tried

to_jnaka_their s ay to Massachusetts to accept offers of better employment and higher wages are actually in debt to the-storekeepers one of whomis wwnilUs bookkeeper It is believed at the Swedish legation and actually asserted that the arrest ot thfe three men was-for the purpose of intimidating the other Swedes and

Ereverting their departure from the state Mr gte Bilot the Swedish charge daffairs will reshy

ply to the communication of the state departshyment He agrees tbat the United States can do nothing in the matter because the mill peo-

mdashThe Democratic State Convention at Omaha nominated Hon J WSavage for Justice of the Supreme Court rand for Regents of^the State University Dr D Daniel G W John-

formatiim that 100-dorles andeighty unrn were lost In the storm Most of the dories were swept by the waves from the schooner decks and the remainder collapsed in the sea


Tisza Presdent of the Hungarian Council In order to put a stop to outrages upon ijie Jews has decided upon severe measures which are to he-put inc^erjiMojLffheMV^r-antWvwisb Tlots occur The measures provide that any-ose who shall be condemned to death by martlafrlaw shall be executed within thee

r the sentence is imposed The president has asked the govern ratraquont to Pthor

The-Panama canalwlll be completed in about

put a stop to the outbreak against the Jews or to accept his resignation ~

avthive mon ths week And----a s-4sr-

1 le are acting in accordance with the laws of


TheTennsylyanra state greenback convenshytion in session a t Wllllamsport nominated T P Rynder of Altoona for auultor general and A F Marsh of Erie for state - treasurei The platform adopted sets forth that the tory of the trade dollar proves that money is solely a creation of law without regard to the material used that the $400000000 paid by the government to the national bank was so much money stolen from taxpayers and the continued payment of $10000000 annually to the banks is a crime against labor that moshynopolies ought to be restricted by state or nashytional legislation and all government land held for actual settlers The resolution also favor a protective tariff a national bureau of lkhfirr-and ahort Hussions Of congress and state 1 gislaturesrmdash~~ - mdash


Henry Hertel and wife Gcrmanslopkeepers of Savannah 6a were found murdered in their store Customers went to the store in the morning and fpund inclosed Peeping

B i r t O P N E W H Mrs Caroline i i ITavls a Wealthy lady of

Albany a 1 has been arrested for swindling

ew Hampshire but he will pojnt out that tn this case the law permits the company to hold his countrymen as slaves and he will Insist that the statute has been abused

JtDQg LTXCH IX UTAH -^ ~ Agta late hour the other night aWniDcr of

masked m-n stopiKrd Engineer Thomas Road-master Hughes and a Art man in the employ of the Utah Eastern Railway compelledlbem to return to the shop and taking an engme and caboose run aljout thirty masked men to a coal village about twenty miles distant Leaving a number of men In charge of the truln thS-Vlgilants prrxjeed to the county jail Brlnglui guns to bear on the officers they obtained eon trol of the-jall oiul taklntr a man named Jaek Murphy from his cell relumed to the_trainajad

ordered an immediate return to~Tark CJfty UpoO arriving thevigilantes took Murphy and hung htm to a telegraph pole- near the station t he body belug viewed by a number of passenshygers on the early trains Murphy was arrestshyed on suspicion-of having jmot a man named Brcnpan and confined in jail awaiting trial

TWO FOOLS KILLED fatal encounter occur red at Taudon City

through the blinds they saw Hertel on the floor in a pool of blood Tbe door was burst In and the man found lying in the middleof the-room with a handkercliiel tied over his eyes and skull crushed in His wife was found in a calico wrapper tying on a sofa in the parlor wltlTherTrlroat cut ancTdne arm nearly sever ed An immense crown collected and the police were notified Hertel was bupposed to have a large sum of money Hertel and wife

^bullere middle-aged and highly respected (er-raans

SENSATIONAL MURDER AND iUICIDpound mdashA sensational tragidy waa LliaiilUd at tlm -NotHrjg House Elgin IlL recently Edward

Mcpreevy amp Co 01 that city bv^a forged order The internal revenue collector of the 4th

districtof Texashas sent to the revenue bureau claims for rebattton tobacco -etc amounting to $^0000

Pension payments for August amounted to $28000000

Count de Chambord was King of France jus t 13 days

Thirty people Who attended a church social In Marietta Uhio were-poiaeaed by eating can-ned_plckles gt mdash ~ - --bull mdash bullbull--^

The senatorial committee met the Sioux In-dians-atStanding Rock Agency the other day Among the bravea -present-was SittingmdashBulk who accused the committee of getting drunk He was forced to apologize

WmTamTport Pa had a $500000 fire the other day

Oscar Wildes new play Vera Is a grand aesthetic failure raquo

Reported again that the Queen of Madages--car ts dead

y-IblehL Tfjw^b tithrp^kfi are of almost daily occurrence in nearly all of the Russian towns

ODonnells plea is that he killed Carev in acrt-deftnsemdash mdash mdash-mdash-

voy-Mo-e one tii^lit tliis _ his cus tom siwpriseil

t l s -ifa a i n t i t u l e ftrnTilv tVy leltlTlg -h+rBs-eft^ttr -t-bmiTgh-trtt^rrrwrrrreTrtof his hoose^wft^ n lfttou keyr_ T t w hour was ten of the rHffht and the~Tutsiement w^ dark Unfort-^naterr-alst) as ivpleasant bulltreat for liis -

T JosU-n a citizen of good standing shot and killed Etta Buckingham a young woman of

Twenty-threeBpereons were drowned)n the English channel a few days ago by the collidshying of the steamers St Germain and Woodburn The vVoodburn sunk in a few -minutes after the collision

Four persons were smothered lo death and ono hilled by jumping tire in a Boston tenement house

Ex-President Hayes glyes tiLOM to - a new Fremonf church

rive years About 10000 men are now employ ed on the ditch

The vicar at Stratford-on-Avon has given his consent to have the remains of Shakespeare ex-humeeh -

The treaty between Frande and Ann am has been declared invalid

So-rm of th Otti-l-wytu QiJiiiris Addit ion imiiiiidi^Miiim uud division P rob lem rnvolviiKu mult ipl icat ion adshy

dition and division of rh(einais 7

Oiu-tittli of a-jiarrel of Ihmr contain-itiL^-iy-^ jnuUxIs was lost J wadltriven away if of r ema inde r sold lor- $750 Whut did it living pe r pound 7~

Cierti in-oHico lias his salary raised-2-0 per cent hut in a shor t t ime is raised DO per cent which lixes his sa lary a t 8G48 W h a t was the or ig ina l sa la ry

A m a n holding a note of pound950 has it cashed for pound800 W h a t r a t e per cen t d iscount rttdiio pay

Nrvii-Uion in S t r mi^ Seas ^ A wt41--k-rt+MV t t^npta t tr ==of=Tr=shTp re -

sidin1 in San -FiMiicison o-ot higtniM from

Reduce pound808 17s 7d to Uni ted Sta tes xmrr-eaey pourftt^tpoundrirgg~be1ng $478565

Dic ta t ion of sect ion 11 from civil ser-vice ac tmgtllaquo-and regu la t ions to wr i te

and punc tua t e G o p y i n g section-o^of^amfi - mdash

mdash N a m e t w o sentcnoc^of-not^ terTwords the first to conta in a t rans i -t4ve^the o ther -an- in t rons i t ivoTerb v

Wr i t e le t ter to g o v e r n o r o f y o u r a t a t e ^ i n f o r m i n g him- of- y o u r educattofn and -a b o u t the town in w r i t e h y a u veafde

N a m e fifteen s ta tes and fiftefth cities

x t tri igt ins rjGtteT=haif~ ~tgtutti n g p bullprengtrrttr n p n e o t s

which were set t o c o o l down stfijrs on the top of some bt^xes By a sh ip s ch ronomete r it took j h s t th i r teen sec-Qftds for tat u n h a p p y bnptain t o M s k

of the Uni ted-Sta tes ~ N a m e fifteen p r inc ipa l r ivers and t h i ^

^Namo tliree p r inc ipa l r a n g e s

aga ins t the boxes a n d g e t seventeen ga l lons of w a r m ap r i co t s in syrwp all oyer__hijL_siraquoirt front vest pants and clown the back of his neck im he rushed d r ipp ing upstair d a n c i n g x o n the new carpe ts a n d was m e t by h(s wife at t he head of t h e stairs with 0 J o e my dar l ing back aga in home safe and sound H e g a v o one yell t ha t fcould have been hea rd by a man reefing the lop-ga l lan t sails of a full-rigged ab ip in a s torm arid be l lowed iS tand off w o m a n s tand off I have fallen over a fruit c a n n e r y in the hlarsted

mouniAins and pr inc ipa l s t a t e s and r i for ies on which they lie

Name sU priucipjvl^rriexkiaa^gjBrietL r a l s in revo lu t ionary war and as m a n y p o p u l a r s t a t e smen at t h a t t ime

W h a t pres idents have been genora ls in t ime of war and in wha t war s were they engaged

W h a t cloes^ confederat ion mean and w h a t s ta tes cons t i tu ted it +

W h e n was the const i tut ion of t h e UdrfSTaTea sisrned ~ lt

bjisemaut I m all t reac le molasses bad j a m and warn s y r u p Unbend m y new sails a n d let m e get a hot bath and lie m a d e a-wilddivudrh-trrtho ba th-

w e par t iculars of terri tory addad) f bull to t h United S ta tes since the revolu - t i ona r Nva r gtji

By WhoW arej i^pvdsentat ives e lected gt Also senate

tJluaaliiH audi gfgtbull Jusjj u had btau pwjluy at mdashThe oueen R n n w ^ u hraquo Mhimmit v^i tcqtioimto Miss Buckingham tbe past rear ^ - frac34 frac34 ^ ^ frac34 o S S he ^ VlaquoamplaquoIF^^ bull W t o a S m i n S o x the m a r r i S 1 deg f t h C-and npound has latterly displayed evidences of fierce jeaiousv He attempted to enter her room one mornintr- and beirz dented admission forced Itis way into the apartment There was a scuttle two revolver shots and theyoung woman fell dead Joslyn Immediately Comshymitted suicide with the same Weapon

pope toainralment of the marriage The Dominion ffcverrrment has appolnteda

police commission with inrlsdlctlon over the tPrTiToryTit Rat Portage tn dfcptrter betwwn Ontario and Manitoba J bull John J Hall of New Brunalaquorick-N

_ contractor for the Fennsylvampnla railr Is

r o o m mdash S a n Francisco XewSLcttcr mdash mdash mdash mdash bull bull bull raquo

H H re lates the fo l lowing in the A u g u s t Centuryof t ho r e m n a n t of the Mission Ind i ans oi Sao poundasqua l i nQa l - -4tornia D u r i n g t l i e a f t e r n o o n t h e Ind ians were con t inua l ly coming and go ing at the shop e o n n e c l e d y w i t h -the inn where we had s t o p p e d iffbrafr t o u r mi tes from the val ley I W i t e e p c r of t h e s h o p Vvnil i n n gtud^ h^nwwVt Tvnltu

t hem Tiiey wergt- good pay1 Give

In w h a t m a n n e r are tho supremo court j u d g e s chosen

A m a n p u r c b a s W S625 goods1 g iving his^note on Dee 29S1882mdashinterest 7 per

-cent mdashpayable in tiftefen days -paiiLthLeL^ s a m e on second day o g r a c o laquo Vliat --ftpiount did lie pay and ohVvhat day

Some fuefTare so a n x lotrs^ovileTiver t h e r 4 m p r o m p t u reinarks^ilpubiic_diai_ rrers that thev coninien^Ii l a ik ing before the eUingi)egins Jx is a mistake sA tftble s p e c c h ^ h o ^ d not be made u n t h

~ 1 tho -hearers u i ^ u i a condit ion io ^ n T laquo i S - bull VTTI i i - bull i s

- ^ - 1 - 1 - - ^ s

t h e m t ieir j ime and they J l a lways ]gtay and ifjthr^y d ie the r rtdsitions wiil pay t1itraquo-fast cent some of t hem lie would

J v j rp t rus t anv t ime as high- as twenty dol^ llllN

every th iurgtf i id is -both witty- and mdashxV Oydioiyunc bull bull

^-In on^ re spec i t (j HUP l i e


11e THraquoOthlaek TCSBMI-

can t shine wheu lL


m laquomdash bull i~



bull J

r-l ~r--bull$bullgt-mdash ^ _^---f-v bullltWIpWi

ll i

bull bull I I 1 ll laquo i n iilaquoHragt



F a c t a f o r F a r m e r e

E v e r y d a y an a n i m a l is kep t a f te r be in p r imC t h e r e is J o s s exchreive of

m a n u r e bull Y o u n g ch icks s h o u l d be fed as often-

a s four t imes a d a y u n t i l they a i e abou t t h r e e w e e k s old - -

O n e of t h e mos t e n c o u r a g i n g hopes for o u r c o u n t r y is t h e p rospec t ive imshyp r o v e m e n t of its l ive stock

A dyingScotcLTsqui re sa id to his son Be ayes t i ck in 1 in a t r ee Jockmdashthey l l - be growin^whi l f t y p u V e s leepin V

t h b ^ e laquo f r Xork T r ibune

- - ^ - 1 - - - - ^

whi te of e g g a n d suga r lay it t o p a n d sides a n d set into t h e oven a

on t h e


f ives th is good aid vice in t w o words ow to c u r e an e g g e a t i n g h e n mdash e a t

h e r - V - mdash i j A t a sal^iof J e r s e y ca t t l e in N e w

Y o r k recent ly King of A s h a n t e e w a s sold to C fiasthope of Njles 0 for $5600

C o r n a lone is no t a sufficient food for fowls whea t b r a n in t h e form of a

- Ih i ck m u s h and some vege tab les should Jbe g iven

- P r o CoQk says I v e e x p e r i m e n t shye d w i th sa l t upon t h e c u t w o r m to k n o w t h a t you c a n kil l y o u r p l a n t s beshyfore y o u c a a k i l U U a yo rnaa - raquo i -WH- mdasht W -frac34

In t e l l i gen t b reede r s c o n t e n d t h a t cross bred aijimalfi w h e t h e r ca t t l e horses or sheep m a t u r e ea r l i e r a n d a r e be t t e r feeders t h a n anv c o m m o n stock-

T h e sick a n i m a l is usual ly da in ty a b o u t his feed a n d should be a l l o w e d on ly l ight easi ly d i g e s t e d food t r y i n g va r ious k inds a n d a l l owing as a rule w h a t he l ikes best bdquo Ga l l s a n d bruises a r e m o r e read i ly p r e v e n t e d by p r o p e r l y adjust ing- t h e h a r n e s s t h a n t h e r a r e c u r e d by t h e bes t r e m e d i e s besides t h e loss of t h e ani -

m a j s w o r k a t a busy season A n I n d i a n a f a r m e r r id s h is sheep of t i cks by feed ing a hal f p o u n d of s u l p h u r to eyery fifty sheep m i x i n g it wi th the sa i t wh ich is fed T w o or t h r e e doses a w e e k a p a r t a r e e nough

Cal i forn ia -wheatds-so d r y wh+m-har vftftted_that w h e n t a k e n to the d a m p e r a i r ltopound the sejjcoast ic g a i n s seven p e r c e n t or moire in we igh t T i e ga in is sufficient to pay for t r a n s p o r t a t i o n

mdashPota toes a r e ^ m a d e s cabby by wire v o r m g ~ T h e best p reven t ive is to g r o w the - c rop on~fa41ow g r o u n d wi thou t m a n u r e s or wi th fert i l izers T h e Worms a r e e n c o u r a g e d or b r o u g h t - in by t h e m a n u r e

P l u m s p i g s a n d ppu l t ry seem a t r io w h i c h th r ive in c o m p a n y P l u m t rees

4 a ^ p o u T b p y H r t - p H 6 ^ ^ ^ bear _ _ a b u n d a n t l y w b ^ a - ^ r e e raquo - i n o t h e r loGa-

t inns shfd thei r fruit w h i c h bea r s t he t r a d e m a r k of the l i t t l e T u r k

Clean l iness and careful bedd ing of a n i m a l s so as to keep t h e s ta l ls d ry and

Jfcamph of ton pro ventB g r a v e d i s o r d e r a o f


the g e n e r a l sys tem a n d a lso the frrita t i n g efleets of the a m m o n i a on the eyes c a u s i n g i n r l a m m a t i o n r r - o f - a b e m and b l indness -

N Hi t ter a successful s t r a w b e r y cul-turiHt of Syracuse s ays in lhp N e w

few minu tes to b r o w n s i g h t l y Serve wi th c r e a m

bullbull P e a c h Cake mdashLine a deep dish ivitli pa s t ry p lace upo r i th is halves of peaches c lose toge ther sp r ink l e plentifully with s u g a r a n d a l i t t le c i n n a m o n p u t in t h e o v e n a n d bake unt i l cooked ea t wi th c r e a m

Delicious L a y e r C a k e - M a k e whi te c a k e as for s t r a w b e r r y cake bu t omi t t he r ed s u g a r a n d a d d one c u p of des-sujated coeoanu t a n d use n o flavoring M a k e ic ing a n d in to one-haif p u t b lanched and s h o p p e d sweet a l m o n d s

Porttroitrst anttsdiond layers together with the a l m o n d i c ing on t h e n e t s p r e a d p la in icin^ a n d lay on t h a t a l a y e r of ha lved fags t h e n a n o t h e r coa t o t i e i n g for t h e nex t use a l m o n d s a n d so on F r o s t the t o p of t h e cake a n d bull t i ck a l m o n d s over it

Rais in C a k e mdash T h r e e - q u a r t e r s of a c u p of bu t te r one-half c u p of sweet mi lk one a n d t h r e e - c h a r t e r cups of flour yo lks of e igh t eggs one a n d one-half teaspoont nls of b a k i n g powder B a k e in je l ly t in s T o p u t toge the r s p r e a d a t h i n c o a t o f f ros t ing on each l aye r t h e n one 6i c h o p p e d ra is ins seededgt a n d a n o t h e r of f rost ing raquo

Hickory-oir Waltint-layc1CaKoTmdashQriS c u p of bu t te r two cups of s u g a r five eggs one cup of mi lk f o u r c u p s of flour two teaspoonfuls of b a k i n g powder P u t l aye r s t o g e t h e r wi th ic ing miamped wi th finely chopped h ickory o r walnuj tmqats Use p l a in ic ing for top arid lay on it) unshyb r o k e n m e a t s i

Artificial Oysters mdash T a k e yoUng g r e e n corn g r a t e it in a d i sh to one p i n t of th i s add one egg wel l bea ten a gmali teaelip of flour half c i ip of bu t t e r some sa l t a n d p e p p e r a n d m i x al l well toge th shyer A tablespoonful of the b a t t e r will make t h e size of an Oyster F r y t h e m a lijjht b r o w n a n d bull w h e n d o n e b u t t e r t h e u i c r e a m if it c a n be p r o c u r e d is betshyt e r t h a n bu t t e r

To Bot t l e F ru i t s mdashBurn a m a t c h in a b o t t l e to exhaus t a l i a i r t h e n p lace fri -the^froit=to b e p r e s e r v e d qui te d r y a n d w i t h o u t blemish sp r ink le suga r be tween each l ayer cork arid t i e a b l a d d e r over s e t t i n g bot t les cork d o w n w a r d s in a l a r g e vessel of cold waiter wi th hay beshyt w e e n to p r e v e n t b r e a k i n g W h e n t h 3 s a i n is ju s t c r a c k i n g t a k e t h e n out imshym e r s e th in p a p e r in g u m w a t e r a n d vhn wn^t f f las it n v p r m i d a r o u n d the

In Mexico nea r ly every one is a smoker T h e school childre rn who havo (tone well in the i r s tud ies a r e r e w a r d e d by being a l lowed to s m o k e a cigar as they s tand or sit a t t he i r lessons T h e schoo lmas te r is se ldom w i t h o u t a c i g a r in his mouth bull I n the l aw cour t s alJ persons cornnibnjy enjoy the i r t obacco freely a n d even the accused in a cr imshyinal t r ia l is not d e n i e d ^ M s indu lgence b u t is allowed i | his c i g a r e t t e goes oui i n the hea t of an a r g u m e n t to l ight it a g a i n by bor rowing t h a t of the officer who s t ands a t h i s s ide to g u a r d hi ip

Si r H e n r y T h o m p s o n t he London su rgeon recoernizess in fisli a cpmbina-t i u u o f al l the e lements^ 1 uf J u b d thti

The Rev NewmanHall ha abandoned couteuiplated trip to the United States


top of the bot t le as i t dr ies it will be-cisme~quitefirm irad t igh t ltbull

S w e e t P e a r P ick les mdash T o ^ g v o _ q u a r t s of^goud v i n e g a r t a k e l o u r p o u n d s o b r o w n suga r a q u a r t e r of a p o u n d o c i n n a m o n st ick a n d j y j u a r t e r p o u n d of cloves T ie the spices u p ih~smai rbags

the h u m a n body r equ i r e s in a lmos t evshyery phase of life m o r e especial ly by those who follow s e d e n t a r y employshym e n t T o w o m e n he cons iders fish t o be a n inva luab le a r t i c le of diet bu t he scouts as a comple t e fa l lacy t h e not ldn t h a t fish ea t i ng inc reases the bra in powshyer T h e only ac t ion fish h a d on t h e b r a i n w a s to put- a m a n s bod in to p r o p e r ^relations wit lTfne w o r k he h a d to do 1 1 bull

Tlie Meadows of Mary]and mdash

S P R I N G F I E L D P K I X C E G E O R G E S C O M D Mr Chas G Addison of t h e above p lace s t a t e s I s p r a i n e d my

I m p o r t a n t When you ViRlt or leave NeW York City save

Baggage ExpteeAacre axitf Carriage Hire and stop at the w a n d Uniou -Motel oppobite ltirand Central Depot

Elegant riKiim rttfr-dnp at rrmt (tf nn(- mil-lion aoftar6 red eed to | 1 and -upwards per day European P-lau Elevator jtveataurant bullraquoupp^U wiU^rtUe-hest I^orse cars etageaand bulllevatea railroad to all depot ^amiliea can laquoIve be t t ^ for i^se money at-thc brand Union

THotel th^n at any other first-cka hotel inj the i c i t y - bull bull bull - - - bullbullbullbullbull

WJe pever deceive or a good purpose Knavshye r y add raajice to falsehoodmdashBruy e r e

That) bad breath comes from ^Itrffttto eSamarifan Nervine I t etope the cause

laquo150 _ L_ _ - - KOH ijyHFicSiir lNJJlGaaTiQN xjlaquoprearaquoton of Spirit andQeneral Debility In tbelr Torloui form alaoasa pre+enUcopy agalnat Pever and Alaquone and other Intermittent Feveri the ^KXHHO-PHOMPHO-aampTKp KLIXIH or CALUraquo4TA made by Caswell aaiard t Co Njw Yarampand told by all lgtnjwtraquota lathe best tonic and for patterns recoTertnlaquorrom ^ever or other aickness it nMjio equaL BUCHU-pAIBAl Qntck obmpiete cure all annoTlng gldney and Urinary Disease bull

H A T Ffivia I have been a Hay-Fever auf- ferer for three years have often head Elyrf Cream Balm spoken of in the highest terras I used It and with the most wonuerful succese mdashT S QgjtBSyracuse N Y bull FLlE8rofce ants tec^urs ru laioe ctowi chlpmunts cleared ont by Roogb on Hats lsectt

rigbt^knee c a u s i n g - in tense bull suffering a n d the use o f - c r u t c h e s for severa l weeks I found n o relief in o the r r e m r

edies a n d finally t r i ed t h e m i r a c l e of cu re St J a c o b s Oil I n a sho r t t ime I coul tTbend m y kneemdash vlaquohiohihaii been stiff a s an i ron r o d mdash l a y i n g aside my c ru t ches a n d was ab le to w a l k as well

r rmdash mdash bull mdash as ever-

G e r m a n y is exporting shawl s to Scotshyl and J t_ bullbullbull

A g e n t l e m a n in a n e i g h b o r i n g tdwn who had suffered t^vo years -wi th c h r o n ic diarrhoea and vgtas so r educed t h a t he couid no t walicr^vas c u r laquo d and res tore to sound hea l t h b y Johnsons Anodyn4 Liniment Th i s L i n i m e n t is wor th I t s we igh t in gold r -

C e d a r Key h a s c o m m e n c e d shipping-tu r t l e s N o r t h - ^ -

bull bull - - L U bullbull bull - bull mdash - bull

T h e b l i gh t i ng Effectsof JTSplTfe blg-crtl a r e sad to behold in those we mee t^day by day This o u g h t no t and need not be so ^arsons Purgative Pills n lakes weKJrich blood takpn one-a n igh t fof twe lve weeks wil l c h a n g e the blood ia t h e en t i r e h o u s e a

Mr JnoR Hatterson- of Evanavme says Sdmaritan Nervine cured my-wile oi female weakness Your drusgists keep it^

HOUGH ON HATS Clear out rats mice flielaquo roaches bed-busts ante vermin chlumunks 15c

Hvy FJIVEK 1 eaa recommend Eigts Qream faim to all Hay-Fever frufferers It is in m orjinion a sure cur - I was a|Ricted for-36 years and never before found permanent re-Ik-f-W HflAsXrxs Marshfieid Vt t

What is defeatmdashNotiilinj-ttrretrtrcaTIotrr nothing buttlle first step to something better mdashWendell Phillips

WOODBERKY Mi)mdashRev W J Johnson ^ays UI have used Brovrus Iron BitUTB in my family and tbev have proswn a^-tplendid health inyJgoratar

rr is becoming is honest and whatshyever is lionest must always be becomingmdash Cicshyero

MibiAWAKi I|id Dec 1 18^2 DK PEJJOBLLI mdash

Ikar SirmdashOverwoi k has donefor me what it does for many peeiring to benefit suflertDK women I add my testimony to the value oi Zoa-Phora For five years I suffered gTeatly with Prolapsus being obligtd to use a supportshyer daring all- these painful wean years but ihfcjuks ID your medicine I raquo t a r it mi tnore X^ laid it opound after using one and a half Jjotpoundka-_X Am not well but I work all the tme aDd am better than I ever expected to be You may use my letter and if any one wished to write me for more information give them mv full addres^ Miss CG JtoHlaquoB S W A N S WORM Sracp v or reTerishness rwBUas8_esraquo worms osastlpaUon Tasteless 2to

Over 85 per cent of New Ylaquork City people live in rented houacs

bullaWSSJBSJSIISSJSJWMB-MSSa^aWSSS-SSMSMSmdash Hosteiters Stymraquo

ach Bitters by inshycreasing YltaT power and renderuui the physical functions remilar and active keeps the pys em In

food working order and p B o t e l c t s i t against disease For coneUpstlon dyspep sia and liver c o m -

pialni nervousness Sidney and rheushymatic ailments It Is invaluable snd It

afford sasored efenoa tealrfct malarial fe -bull e r s besides removshying al 11 races o f such disease from the system

For sale by all Di uggtsteStnd IXsalraquo


ers general y


Cream Balm when applied by t h e finger Into the nostrils laquo111 be absorbed ef-fettnaliytcleansicsthe htad of catarrhal Lr us causing healthy seshycretions Itra^laysln-flamstlon protects the membrane of th nasshyal pasag s from addishytion alcolds complete- -l y h e a i s t h e sores and res ores taste and smel A^fcw appll-c tions relieve Amdash trorongh treatment wil positively cure Agreeable to u s e Smxd- for circular Price 50cents by mall or ampgt drugglstilt






Y o r k T r i b u n e t ha t fie cons ide r s s t r a w worpoundh $8 pe r t o n for use on bis s i r aw-oefry p a t c h H e uses it as a pro tec t ion to t h e beds in win te r as a mufehr-aftd-says it keeps the f rui t -c lean He uses a b o u t one ton to the a c r e


-mdashPt j t - a - t ea spoonfu l - of -gnlpbrar fn the1

nest as soon as hens o r t u r k e y s a re set T h e h e a t of the fowls cause s the fumes of t he^su rphu r t o p e n e t r a t e e v e r y p a r r of t h e i r bodies eve ry louse is ki l led a n d as ni ts a re ha t ched within ten days w h e n the m o t h e r l eaves the nes t wi th h e r brood she is per fec t ly free from nits o r l i c e mdash mdash mdash mdash ~ mdash -

R e p o r t s from Cal i forn ia s t a t e t h a t a s e v e r e d i s t emper has been p r e v a i l i n g a m o n g the horse s tock of t h a t sec t ion d u r i n g the pas t win te r which has-prov-

-ed fa ta l in m a n y cases a n d left m a n y of those which surv ive inbdquoverv b a d con-di t ion T h e no ted filly Wi ld l lower was a m o n g t h a sufferers a n d is n o w covered w i t h - s e a r s r e su l t ing f rom ug ly sores w i t h vehieh s h e has been fttfiietedv

T h e o ld fash ioned p e a r t rees t h a t w to the size of o a k s a n d b o r e fruit

fit for preserving h a v e been su-e d by a g r e a t l y improved- l r u i t t

es~ djozirot^assess t h e ha rd i-laquof~lafe~ o ld sort T h e forc ing the 11raquo l raquo p i d g r o w t h is p robab ly t h e

aUlf m o r e t h a n anv th ino e l s e ^ ^ j k a r

a n d boi l w i t h the s u g a r ttinl i l legal tm-til a g o o d syrup is fo rmed P u t in the B a r t l e t t or S i c k l e p e a r s p lace on t he b a c k of t h e stove c o v e r closely and cook verv-blu wly unt i l t hey can bo piorood wi th a s t r aw ^

G r a p e C a t s u p mdash F i v e cupfuls of p u l p o f j u i ce OHO cupful o f b r o w n s u g a r t m laquo euoful of v ihegar ohe- teaspoonful each of b l ack peppe r clove c i n n a m o n a n d sa l t bull Boil half away

- J^ngl ishmen i i l jUi l th i i -mut tonof i i lack-faced sheep

The glocy of man is his strength If vou are weakened down through excessive studv or b_v early ind^cretims Allens Brain Foodwill TC-8tore alt lostuvigpr $1 G for 15mdashAt druggists ora^Iten^iPharrnacv STfT Tsraquo ^ ^ - V Y

GaT Lyuuslatent ULuuy_iuuuiju^jjllcdttcr new ijoots-or tihoes before you mn tbenj over

Kmory titorrs of (Jbicago now at Saratoga is said to have 300 neckties bull $ -

mdash Wvppripnfn thAJ^rraquoraquo^ T^achltr

P r i n c e riBismark has become suspi-aious ai idfcrabbed in his disposi t ion to a d e g r e e t h ^ m a f c e s it impossible for UU pub l i c official but the mos t obsequious to se rve u n d e r h im I t is said t h a t t he C f b l v n T r i n c e o f G e r m a n y whi le ap-p r e c i a t i n g fully the g r e a t work which B i s m a r k has done for his c o u n t r y has ve ry l i t t le s y m p a t h y i o r his d o m e s t i c pol icy and hetico u p o n his accession to the th rone will h a v e no sc rup les in d i savowing t hem

- No matteEtthat yourmdashatttw-irt H-Browns Tron Bitters will surely benefit yoii i

Striped stockings according to London Tiuth make the legs look thin


bHgfctras t h e d i s e a s e w a s qpfte Tin-k n o w n to the old s l ow g r o w i n g t r ees

T h e Massachuse t t s A g r i c u l t u r a l So-^ i e t y conc ludes t h a t s a l t ayen^amanufe h a s the p r o p e r t y of hasj tehing t h e mashyt u r i n g of al l g r a in crojpis t h a t w h e a t on sa l t ed l a n d will r i p e n s i x T o T e l T d a y s e a r l i e r t h a n on unsa l t ed l and all o the r fjmdashiffittens be ing e q u a l t h a t i t - increase

bull i e l d from 25 t o 50 p e r cen t tha t - i i n s t h e s t r a w a n d p r e v e n t s r u s t a n d

bullBltt t t h a l l t - c h e c k s if it does no t en-t o w y p reven t t h e r a v a g e s of the ch inch b u g

W o o l is h igh ly hyg roscop i c mate r ia l t h a t is ic h a a t h e p o w e r of abso rb ing m o i s t u r e f r o m U h e air W h e n in pi les o r b ins i t absorbs m u c h w a t e r a n d be-

jQfimesJheavietmdashWhen taken- t o m a r k e t in a wagon however t h u s b e i n g t r e e l y e x p o s e a t o d r y i n g c u r r e n t s of a i r ^ t speedi ly loses we igh t a n d the pfian w h o b a r t e r r a t o n t im~day~foT~TJi^i icP c r e a s e of a cent o r t w o a pound will uffually lose^more t h a n that a m o u n t in we igh t bull -

T h e O o o k ^ B o o k - mdash

I c e d A p p l e s mdash P a r ^ a n d core one dozshyen l a r g e a p p l e s -fill with s u g a r mixed wi th a l i t t l e b u t t e r a n d c i n n a m o n b ke t i l l noa r ly done - e o o i a n d if possible w i t h o u t b r eak ing p u t t h e a p p l e e on a n o t h e r d i sh if n o t poss ib le p o u r off I h j Jatoei h a v e raquo o m e f e i p g ^ r e p a r e ^ f ^ ^ - f ^ y F ^ ^ trade raquo f


Rheumatism Neuralgia

Thouand6 yos milUoos of battles ofCar-boline have been sold alid tbe laquoale still goes on If there were nomerit in this great natshyural hair renewer do you suppose tha4-the-peo=v pH W(iuld still buy and^buv as they continue to-do Assuredly not and the groatlauirber of testimonials prove that it u nniMf the grandest of natures remedies

^ Miss Ottilic daughter of Senator Ma Virginia 1laquo much admired at Saratoica


A F a c t W o r t h R e m e m b e r i n g A severe eold or cough can be soonest cured

hy taking accordinrr^ to directions Allens Lung Balsam It caube pvoeured at any drug store It is harmless to the mostdelicate pershyson 4 bull

Miss Kmlly Faithful will sail for the United States on the 18th of September to make a lecshyturing tour of sir months in this country

BUCKINGHAM W VAmdash Drs5fewlbn-ifcBTaiF repprtr^hat Browns Iron BiIters are giving general satisfaction

Poor people in New Yoffc~pavfITe corner STO-cerstorcOHl by tbe pailfu at the rate of famp) a ton -

And will eonapietely change- th blood in tin ent i re syatem^tt threc months Any pe r Hon who will ake 1 PU1 each n ight from 1 to 13 weeks may be restored t o sountf health i snch a th ing be pogsible F o r cnringFemale ComplainU theae r u i a hvlaquo n o bull nuat Iliysicians nse them-In thei r practice Sold everywhere or sectent by mail fo vlbM letterfrtampa Send for cifcnlar I S JOHNSON ft COi BOSTON MASS ^ i i- mdash ~ a gt gt ^ ~ _ I

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITiS^ J O H N S O N S A N O D Y N E L I N I M E N T wjll-irrftin-neouraquo]y relieve these terrible diseases an i will positivelr van nine cases out of ten InformsQbn thst will ^ave many lives sent free by mail lxgtnt delay a moment Pretention U-bstter-than-ewrftrbullbull- --bullbull-


- A

hoopmg Cough eases of ths


An English Velcrinarv Surpeon aridChemist row traveling in this country savsthst most

bull of tha Hnrgto raquor(l r araquoia fowders raquoMd hers MAKE HENSm are-wonliless trih He say^ that Slierfdans I Con4itlon Iowilors are absoluteh- ptire and immensely valuable Js-nthtinr-on evrh will make i -is lay like -Shefldans Condition Pow-dons l)ltlaquo t te3D-B

Ja to 1 pint tnotl Sold everywhere or sent by mail for 6 lettigtr-stamps-3t-S^JoraquolaquoaoK io HlaquomH Miss-


0 ^ t S ^ S O V - fP of j n N U M ^ T A L



^ 7 ^ - S o m e tgtIood i s b a d b e c a o s c it i s poup^nfl^s^^r^Soliaerampiiadtiecalise it c o n t a i n irnpurit ies S o m e m e n l i a v e s u c h b a d b l o o d t h a t t h e w o n d e r is i t d o e s n o t pcrison the m o s q u i t o e s w h o c o m e l d b i t e t h e m 7 ~~ ~ bullbull

-Tfiericfc Ted c o l o r o t g o o r i b l o o d is o w i n g t o t h e i r o n w h i c h i s p ^ e s e a t B i p o d w h i c h h a s n o t e n o u g h i ron in it is a l w a y s u n j a t i s ^ r t d r ^ s = l ^ i e p c r --son in w h o s p v e i n s it c i r cu la t e s c a n n o t b e s a i d t o e n j o y g o o d h e a l t h ^ - -

T h e efforts of ex p e r t c h e m ists t o p r b d u c e _ a _ p r e p a r a t k m laquo o f t r e n ^ v h i c h c a n - b e a s s imi l a t ed vi th_ihe_Uoodraquo4iare-re -sul ted7in t h a t p e r f e c t p r e p a r a t i o n

-w-hieh- i s - n i m p o r t a n t p a r t of b r o w n s I ronBi t ters I t is t h e o n l y o n e w h i c h freely e n t e r s in to t h e b l o o d r gt I t is t h e o n l y one w h i c h a c c o m p l i s h e s t h e d e s i r e d g o o d gt bullbull- -trade

^ W e a k p o o r - t h i n b l o o d m a y b e m a d e rich a n d s t r o n g a n d i m p u r e b l o o d m a y b e pur i f i ed b y t h e u s e - o f t h a t p r e a t I r o n M e d i c i n e Bro-Jnis

Iron Bitters - - 3

bull - gtbull-bull 7 ilaquoSf iM^ r - V - -bull

ThjsOffer Good Till TbaatsgivingDay Only Read Tliese Testimonials The proprietors-of the FARM Ft f iLD AMI F I R E S I D E bcirg desirous of havlac thlralrealt1y well

[ mown aadpqpnlar AgrlenJturcl andTamlly paper more widely circulated and introduced Into houltiex where IM IS W already known have determined to throw off alt proflt thjn Tlaquoar and In addition uea portion of taslr capital for the sole purpose or increasing their circulation to fOQiOOO eooiw- ltlaquo circulatfonla now 18iQ0Q Only 3ffQQQ ipo bullrfwi hofnra tha rtiirrihnr^^raquo-Jc placer i t ter de5dlnlaquo to^nwre extlaquoa

bull - - f ore the following plan has baltn adopted Lyus= --

will enter yonyname on odr subscription book and moll the FA y to you for Six Ifonths and immedia

MDErefrn-tit to^kneof 1

Cholera Diarrhcea

i rr^m bull laquo i i i i f i i

^ - _^ -AyfC181-0AND FIRESIDE ately fend a WriBled i t a W m l Urrc lpt ^raquohich wMenUtta thlaquo ptstobs

bull bull


Lf I bull Sprains


il B QOTanmentBonds of 1000 a Greenbacks of two

1laquo U S Greenbacks of ilOO 1 Xatched pair of Trotting- Horses 1 Grand Square Piano- 1 Grand Cabinet Organ ^

l Thrmdash-seat Rockaway J H H t a i a i Taiwan i n 4 a ^ laquo ^ 4 ^ a ^ 5 Top Buggies

80 XL 8 Greenbacks of $M each 1000 Photograph Albums t each

raquo Viilage Carts rT Pony Phaeton

of Presents to Be Given Away


tsooo 00

10raquo o

1000 SO

laquo00 00 bullCO 00

sooco looo oo9

1000 00 9000 00 araquooo too 00

1000 Pocket SUrer Frolt Knlres 1000 Gsots Pooket KnlTea 1000 US Greenbacks of i l eaeh

10 Genu Gold Watches Ecgtiah Movement 1laquo ladles Gold Watches English atnvemt ) Boys Silver Watches American Hove i I Solitaire Diamond Finger Rlncs a T l w a T l i a i TtgL^rs bullbullraquobullbull 1 Normandv Work Horse--

2800 Elegant Oleograph Picture 6 Raw Silk Parlor Suit Furniture

1440 Gold Finger Rings Ladies Bream Pint Scarf r - - - - - - - - bull mdash bull

$1000 03 1000 00 1J0O00 raquo00 40 laquo00 00 100 00 400 00 icoo jraquo 500 00 2SO00 1000 00

w - fmdash fcCMAOeurofcVAlaquosgtlaquoUAlaquolaquo _bullpound_]raquolaquoraquobull n i r n i s h e d tha p a p e r tav tklaquo I pound^JrVf J S P ^ 4 ^ _ F I J R f raquo f l S ] amp r i S V ^ noiinLS a n d h m w a T ^ raquo y raquo rlttnndjjta Frwsgtrlaraquoraquo I

C H I C A G O P A F E 8 CO __ _ C11ICAGO A n g raquo 1 1S9laquoL

^ 1 K P i V J kraquoTe Ptd sae Mweral ta ftSMd d o l l a r f o r ttreaa-work o n t h e i r pstpcr

GentsS Pins LocketFans and Chains

entraquo Al

d B88S5 offlor presents rained from 25 cents to $100 which makes a grand aggregation of IM t thus guaranteeing a premdashnt to aacli and avary n e w subscriber who sends uraquo bO CtS a-111 of the abovepreaenU will b awarded in a fair and impartial manner by comrnittclaquoccolaquolaquoat 1


Burns Bruises

to attend the Fest as manv will be pr for Six Months

I roiir fOrurv itixgtnalaquo^ YOTrRSTJBBOT thijri) Send us

- A J T D -

d mdash T c a l d s Toothaehe


P ATNTrvTT LhRuuwweiMnsi l i iad ust r A l l X - rwl l^LvL- l^^ t r t e n ( l o f Bl wbo want bullore and afe medtdne which can be froely used Inshyternally or emally without fear of harm and with certainty of relief its price brings It within theraufe of ninnnrrt wflTwmosJty uiftmwsTVmm m em tin aowoV onu p n a raquo w ai dwuk iBa i perboHle Drleetlonaaoooinpsmy e4h bottle -


RnfTTONTRSS Get firs of your f r ^ s t o J p l n yoear catUwrthivoutAadahowlngit to T bdquo T86 and wFwTll seadyou the FARM F J t L O A N D FIRESIDE for laquoU mouthV and a numberedreceipt for each of your subacribersanJ onlaquo eitra for yonr tronhlp ^ ^ ^ P i T fcraquoSCRiraquoraquo raquoraquoVti aadwawlllsend j a s u b s c r i p t s and twelve nTmbered receipra

We shall limit the nvaber of new subscriptions to 100000 so we would advise all our friends to forward gtub-| ecriptions early bull bdquo

FHE FARM FIELD AND FIRESIDE onc-pf the oldest and ablest edited Family and Agricultural pipers It contains t w e n l r lai

stoty Columns) lnchullngelegant cover bound stitched and cut And now has a circulation offlL es ond we are-sure to reach the 1 0 0 0 0 0 laquo^ the tiuie set-and the djsrribution of presents Will take

t^ace on that date it contatnrsrdrieg flketohes Poetry Farm Cardan Household and Agrtcultu ral Departmonts by the best Contributors of the day as weu as an Hluetfated fashion Department Needle and Embroidery Work Iliustrationjof difltorent parts of the frac34 ^ 1 frac34 8 4 3 ^ J L f n f iog^PioaJ Skstchec of Sminant U e a and Women In short it conuins that which will interest instruct uiul ajuuse the whote fainiiy mdash ~ bull HzZZ_rz ^ T M v P J O P ^ J ^ X 0 are men of mean who always hare done as lhlaquoy agree and onr paper is loar ^ S - S a a ^ a a ^ V ^ f i ^ T A 1 ^ SJSi^SSfS^^ lt tradeampW to the letier any offer we m ^ n u k e T ^ iJampJPQ^iXXXSlPy10 1 frac34 frac34 1 ^ frac34 bull H E F E S T I V A L we will send a printedLiraquotof the

ONLY 50 CENTS S^SampSSSl^fSSf^S $poundampamppoundampamp su^cription price ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ laquobull jraquor tgt+n Kraquo bull ltt ltt laquo bdquo t ltbdquo amp rraquovJgtltri Ckit ^^ ^

lui i S 3 LifJ m o ^fV 0 lt o I w n l ^ r b o S n t n ordinary ItnVr at onr risk larger sums should ba ssnt far f Registered Letter P O i^onry order or Express flSenttoa Thia Papergt laquo w u laquo OS SSSJS oy

I aawe a l w a y s O^sftalMtToiu

l a x o r s a a t t o a e o n r e r w l a g PosHtrV maul aw I astrnt a l o a e t s w o r t h flTet|saelaquoamplaquo prlimSt] T O D r p a p e r aawtast n o t h l a g a b o u t the w a l a a -bto Fssrsa l i ^ o ^ a a U o a M I I n t e r v a t t n a bull ^ s amp ^ U m _ W - K - W M P a O y ^ 1

bull U J P V P Sfargam Co A l a B S A T D W O O D 111 A o g 1 1 1 6 8 3

I a s i v e r y a a e h p l e a s e d w i t h y e a r pskper E v e r y n u m b e r seesas to ase t o blaquoeosBlaquo^asere A t t r a c t i v e siad prof l taate I s a v e t k o w a t t l dei iahtcdwithi t k r raquo j rEAUTET

W A r S F X M f t Oi Araquoc J^jasas s A^ A S raquo P I R S a i D K aoshe d a y a a V a a d ^ m g aay t h a t bull w s raquo w laquo U f l e a o e d w i t h 11 I fladti L

w b o m I sua o a e W i t h s a c k sua a g r t e s t t e r m l r o a n j a l e v e r y O s r - e r - - frac34 ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ I

I h e r e w i t h send w o n t o o _

F L R C ^ I D E w h i c h I AJTDl

^SESSJL^J^^F^A^^ bulllt

RKa utthhtouti iraquonand


I t Is c e r t A i a i y thebValaquoplaquoper I e Jkeat p l a t a Uoatrssted

l a s t r a c t i v e besuatl ful ly

h a v e l a t e l w b e e a a subacaHbev t o y e a r t a s t y a n d s t r e l l a b l e p a p e r a a d snaac a m sstotHp fama p l e a a e c l w t t V It I bull u b i e r l p t J ^ a V l a the Brat plssee saoa a e h a a e f o r o a e laquo r t h e s a a a y ssrea f o r a q y t h l n c e o o t a l a e d l a t h e ^ a a bull laquo d h o p a p e r la w u s t h t h r e e er iR t h e s a e a e y b e a l d e a i l prcooata

S bull W Flt

l J H ^ pound f 1 frac34 4 CSampraquo^Hpwvraquo bull K laquo h t assd ^ e d J E y r H e n d a a d a a raquo a laquo r l 6 laquo r a


d e - l a r e aarpr taod a p e r e o a tasU a a a I t t o h e t h e b e s t seertfcetJJ sraquoer

itastso _ i eeea the paper i_ paper pruted

r bull

^e iraquo-a3tV-


iiCjmdashnift ua m^frf^wss^y^wr W T E ~ V - ^ J I ^ f f f T ^ w y r y wfatnysty bull bull bull

U raquo11

bull - J



16 I y


bullHOWELL bull- -jProxnour Correspondent bull

Miss Mary Mountain a ron^kahly bright and promising young girl died

suddenly August 2gtHh of a congestive chill

Mifis Rose Bush went Saturday to lttake charge of the primary dqiartnimt pi one of Lansings wardschools

The schools opened Monday wilh a school house overflowing will] schilars jMiss BfooksVof(jfeemllte t s prerop-tress in place ot Miss Thayer of last year

J M White received a fine new OIL bus ljst Friday He has placed it in the hands of Bashford i Stearns who will run it in part in the interest of bullthe Commercial Hotel

Mlt A Dowling Vrfooby peWew nnm--f as instructor and leader has brought bullthe HoweU band into an excellentconshydition without asking any regular poundomraquofcnsation was presented with an excellent new bell-front tenor horn by appreciative friends outride of the band

Chester -Newman started tor Jiutler Indiana Monday hoping to purchase the only photograph gallery there

mdash-Themdashball game betweeYr^the Ply- mouth and Howell nines resulted disshyastrously for the home nine Score

11 to 4 I One of Walter S Rolmisoifs-leading

men went off on a spree before reachshyingHowell His place was iilhd by the property man and as Sunliglit of the Sierrasbull wasnt nnu-h of a piav a poor entertainment vltU given before an audience so small as to indicate inshysufficient advertising

mdashgt ~mdashOne of the most successtnlTonchops

Institutes ever held in the county has jus t closed Friday higTif all were inshyvited to go boating on Thompsons Lake ay Messrs Frank Briggs and A poundgtiley Crittenden who had~ kindh-si^ cured all the boats on the lake forthe occasion and so ended a meeting that

v alb present-seemgd-fco-profit by and enshyjoy - - 4

The races advertised by the Horse Association were-declaredorl Owing lo the lack of entries The Association must be making a very poor name




among horsemeii ttiis being the sccTTlut flat failure in two years _

Jewish congregations worship with Jheir heads covered so do the Quakers- though St Pauls injunctionswtifB inatter are clearly condemnatory of the practice The Puritans-- of the Com jaoawealtk-wouldmdashseeia- ialaquo have kept their hats on whether preadhing or be-

since 3 jpxc pys iiottm


Eg preached to7 _hearing a simple clergyman Jpxeiaiming

against men wearing their hats in the church and _a year after CrtitVi)

^wtTtes To the French cliurcltin tho flavoy and these they have 4the Coin-paOn prayer-bQok read in French and which I never Baw before the minister

jlo preach witty his hat ofpound I suppose in further conformity with our^chnwli William III ratheryscnrjikrlized hid phurch-going subjgots- by following Dutch _jaisieaipoundlaffltI keeping his head

mdashcovered in chur^hvancl when it did bullplease him toft off his ponderoushat during the s^fricehe invariably donned it as the preacher mounted tlve juil-f^stain| When -Bossuett at the ago pf 14treated the gay- singers of the HoteXde Eambouillefc to a midnight ser-taori Voltaire sat it out with his hat on

bdt uncovering when the boypreacher had finished bowed 4ow before him saying Sir I never heard a man

^preach at once sb-garly and HO late-gi pound11 the Year Hound -~-

Farms for Sale 120 Acresmdash100 under pood cultivat-ion hirirc

barns sheds ^ood house two ^oodwellt of widei]


Hats at cost A Large and Elegant line of Neckwear at less tlran cost



AVe have an enormous stock in paper aiidjincu Prices too object


We lead all competitors t best

WHITE raquo

Kver sdiown i the town nt p r u ^ bullWau-K) to 25 per cent less than other deal ers are se lling the same identical goods we have withotttmdashtkttrbt- bullthe best unlaundried^hirt inthe market


whioh we will sell at doyui price-




OTTIR 2 s pound O T T O



D D MALLORY amp C Wtiol^ualo Dealertt In


r_ Manufacturers of itermetlcally Sealed i ~ Tlcklftt PnBcltrve8 etc

[S3 5SAND 57 JEFFERSON M L gt si Detroit Mich

Use TBAlaquoknuvv and you will find

Wampshall continvie to be

Your Tigttlli becoiii na pearls Twill fragrant make tho breath of all

lioyy wuiut-u uiiU au l glrlB i




tber Uial we will save you mt every dollars worth of goods

bought of us - mdash



^ - LAKWamp

tn town Kcvtionz riovoltics and

_At-vraquour-own prices Clocks Clocks

pycharri quinces poucbof) and othor fruitmdash -This farm has no wa^tu land and in- within Vgt ^ninnt08 drive from tho raili-oad station luill-_ami gt0Qlaquoly Oftoh inarki

200 Acn8mdashAraquoout ISO undoT cultivation liU-g1

house barns eheds and outbuildings nearlyall mdashfiew^-two-orcliarda fonr frood- wills oni wind-

mill land tile drained This farm is yithin a^outl-J minutos drive from the railroad station millo murkfetTN--mdash-


326AcresmdashAbout vWt) under ciiltivation land first quality tile drainwl orchard two yood ui-lls

OlTrater aboutJO-jniniitea drive from dojjot and


Goiiigicgardlgss of mkt


market - ltmdash mdash - -The-above 646 acres are Joined together and

can be Bold as one farm or divided as above or to j take more or leas aa wanted A l s o -

-49 ActeemdashAll improved within 20 minntea drive from station v^ -

80 AcresmdashAbout 60 under Rood cultivation large txyo-atogy-hojiBfl now barn and stables ^

This farm ia tile-drained has two orchards and-JB within about 10 minutes drive from depot

lt millsandmarkot alio large houtje carriage house and outbuildings with 33 acres land in corpora-tioti nfthe ttnyn vUtlilu twu IIIIUIUHS VMtlk ut the station This propflfly cost sect1-5(KH) in 1872 -The above farms are kiHgtwn as the Hayes Farms at Orand Ledltbull Eaton county 97 miles from Detroit 12 miles from Lansing _The grtte for the above propertv ull de|gtend upon how muchlhhd is take]rancitlHttrins

Part of the purchase monev niav remain unpaid fop a terrn 1 yea^9 or uped fcjaidgnomr


property in Detroit Avilfbe taken for a part Apply to --



^DDJTIONA4_ NOTICE^ If a sultable petson with moansto ltarry- on

the businose of stock raising dairy or srain faiin tnjrtfeBlTO8 to RENT or work the646 acres on ehare for a-term of years negotiations may bo Miade t bullbull h



^he oianufaiturers have yet to hear of a single case of Dyspepsia or Diliou^nesB whoa ZOPKBA

was used-as directed in which it was hot-mora than satisfactory Many write that it is a wonder-ftij remedy We can show where as high as for t j pounds were gained by its rise in breaking up-chronic Uiliousnes and Dyspepsia Its friendain-crease very fast^afed all who use as directed are surprised and gratified - 3144


Personally HppeTu-edTiefore me Peter Phillips who Tieini K W I W aci-ofdin^ to law1 deposes and says That he has been affected with rhenmatiim more or less forthe past four or five years That bust winter he had a very severe attack arid that

about in his own room by taking hold of some thinu for support Uhin the disease was in i ts

za^ojtt^irtrtt flt+HiiT4laquouldlu^4iaiu almost unhi^rable he took-a dove-of W ilf oils Ii--htnin^ Remedy

bull| whlrh-nmHPTt- inTm^rttaTe-rr-nef arid tfte SPCOTig (Lisa taken tve hours after made a perfect and permanent- cure und that since takinp the two doses lie hasbeen free from the disease or any symptomsthe reof bull I K T VAX PIU L LI PS-

Swoni+inil subscribed tObefore me this 9th day of July A 1) 1SS) IM) ONkiir Notary Public

FARRAND W4-LLIAMS amp CO AGENTS Dytroit Michigan 31-t4


PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Wy are now receiving our first shipment of trll j0-ods anil oiler greater 111-

fhiceinents than ever No pains havo been spared to have cvery-pairof our boots and shoes the very best in

- DmiTTinnillATERIAL AND WCRKMAflSHlL OUR PRICES will always be found as low as goods of thesame quality can

- - bull t iU 1)0 sTgtld foTiirthi orany other marlret - in prGs-Trmtrnrrottr fall st-^eVr^v^eanlt dently expect to increase and extend our business and every etlortwilbbe made to give out- friends and patrons the most careful and polite attention Every body invited to inspect the-goods and get our priced



Clyde (li-hgtIFor e(+ Percheron NohnanHorses bull - EnLlisli Draft Horses __

Coac-hers Shetland Pontes llol-tein and Devon Cattle ^ -

Our customerH have the advantage of our many years exjieiiieuce in hn-ediriirand importinc large colloctfigtns^_oiipmuuiitv- Lpound coiuparin^ different i_ 111 s tent oMmsincBB breeds1 hiw price iieeuuse ot ex Andhgtwfates of transportation Catalogulaquoa | ree Correspyndence solicited

-^- - POWELL BROS bullr SPIUN( K(UO Crawford C01 PENN


FRESH amp FRUITFUL FIELDS - mdash mdash OF FINE ART-mdash^~^ bull (The Detroit Art Loan Kecord eKifttjauhlishLid daily during the BopteiTiher aild Ot1 tuner a-J numh SOT volume of 420 pa^es index and title Bcriptioa-priceFivo Dollars Ten Thousand Questions Answefei -bull hlar Dictionarrof Fine Art 125 large pagBB bound Seventy -five cents Address laetur Ford Atraquo hoanbtitlding Detgoit Mie8

J raquo

At down prices

GROCERIES Largerime at prices below par at the



Pinckney Mictiigan

West Main St Opposite Globe Hotel

J^jfuUJiiie_of_ MICH


Fiiie Oonfectionery 1 Smoking Tobacco Stationery^ tc


LUMBER LATH amp SHING bull Yard on HoweU Street north

Brick Store OFFICE AT


FARM FOR SALE plowed land) five

thtiNlaquogtjraquoIIea from Eighty nrre farinVsivty neves

miles west of PinMiiiey and thtfpp^ bdquo Ilmdjljii ltjn the riiiekhey and Milan road raquobo on Titie nf ( T Hiijlroad tJood house and Darn Fine Orchard niid bull spring of cwld-watermdashA1laquoJ bull several in res of timber Call now and see farm while the urops are laquo[)win^ will bgt sold on earaquoy terms Rrw-4laquo-a Very desirahlo hone oply on premises

JAMES PANGBOftNmdash - - r - - - _

AN -OKDlNAXtK to Supjiress Saloons for tttO -pale of-SpiritiiotTH nrtd fntoxicatifig Liquore

Goods are all fresh and new Prices are always reasonable We hope to merit a 1 beral share of the public patronage Call and see us

- i _ _ _ ^ j jtL

The tAimlHon Conm-H of tho Village of Plnck- ney ordain Hud it raquohall not be lawful --any petHott or pttsons to keep a saloon -for sale of splutunis and intoxicating Honors wit the corpora^ limits of said villaeo -Adopto^Atigtiat 47th 1883

bullbulliiifelaquoriMiiltlflt bulla aw4raquo~vovw

^ ^ ^ s ^ l i i S laquobullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullfi^jgjyi bulllt wk tUgiu I ^ j ^ y ^ ^ j ^ I - r - V 1 raquov

B- f

-^ v-mdash4--T

raquoraquo- -^4

v ^ i raquo n 1 1 PfowvnwaaMM


i tx

mdash-T bullH rlaquoP bullEH SHH


F r

f -1


M bull l

- pound L



HUNTING FOlt BTILL8 The Commissioner of Internal Revenuehas

issued instructions to Revcumf Alaquoeut Powell of Raleigh N C to Inveetliatu tbe report that several revmue officers bathe upper part of South Carolina U4T1 been- systematically swindling the government for some time It is charged that the officers in question lure pershysons to pui up old stills iu remote pieces and then capture the material in th night time and obtain the government reward of |50 for each seizure Tbe eamc material U theu put u p In another part of the^State and seized again It is alleeed that only a few stills captured in the mountains of South Carolina have been used for illicit distilling bull

ti n Cinoks latest communication li$s lust been received by the War Department In the report Crook giVt-s his idea of- the future polishycy to be pursued by the government^ follows bullI believe tlrralv that exact acquiescence by ouj- government in the terms upon wfhlch these Indians understood they are to be allowed toydren live upon the San Carlos Reservation appears theonly passible means of protecting the lives and interests of the people of Sonora^and Chi huabuay as well as our owncountry and am as firmly convinced that if the present prisoners are treated with good faith not only will the renesradf6 now in the mountains return but also that Neither country will heresfWr huve ^ r

any reason to complain of depredations or aatraquo pects accurate and is vouched fpr

bull) i


A NEW yj^vvt Plans arc completed for thlaquo proposed new silshy

ver vault under the cagth room-of the Treasury Department1 The storage capacity of the vault will be ^33009000 In Kilter dullais Until the return of Secretary Folder the Assistant S^c- retary will act aa Secretary

THa-aA^eiMO) HOSPITAL^ A statement has recently been published to

the effect that the plan of establishing a Garfie4 memorial hospital inWashisgton had been aband

lior want of adequate support and thatlhe mopey thus far contributed for that purpose would be turned over to the Garfield monument fund Thos Fisher of the (iarfleld Hospital Board said in reply t s inquiries that the report of the abandonment- of_thpound_hQspital scheme was entirelv Without foundation


A pension office official says that there is no reasons le donbt that more money has been fraudulently abstracted from the treasury in one year- on false pension claims than was ob-tainedby the star-route ring in the same time and about which the country has heard so much $100000000 in a single year formed a temptshying prize to the pension agent ring and out of

4t4bis ring m u i t have got upwartLLQJLt 10000- 000 their particular portion being in fees and expenses Claims by the hundreds and by the

thousand a r e made up in Washington and sent ready-made to the ex-soldlers forvsisrna-ture and oath Many nith are found^too honshyest to perjure themselves thusJyit the temp tation offered by the arrears act which offered several thousand dollars In a lump If the case went fhrough is too great in -most cases traquo be reSlsted The more squeamish are Urged bv

near St Louis Mo between Iouis Phillips and Jacob Roseuhrdok both residents of Bowling Green Township iri which the latter wa killedinstantly and the former wounded so badly that he died in a few hour after The affair had its origin in a grudge long standing crowing out of disrespectful remarks by Philshylips concerning Rosenbrobks sister Each time they met thev quarreled and they decided to settle the matter In a duel with pistol They ctiosc as their seconds Mark Swark and Jack Wren who wereMcent and witnessed the shooting RoscnBrook fired tbe first shot the ball entering Phillips mouth1 Phillips stag-cered but before tailing discharged bis wea-ponthe ball taking effect on the side of Rosen-brooks mouth raogtng upward through the head Both duelists weie young men Phillips being about 83 year of agj and a school teacher


bull Mrjfidward Kniyiit of P i beru bereft of his eix children In a remarkashyble waymdashby such a succession of tragedies as makes truth indeed seem 6tranger than ficshytion I Three children died with diptheria in qulcW succession The day after the death of the last of these two of tuampremaining chilshydren were playing in the yardtbe raotlifeir being inside with the youngest child A scream outshyside caused her to rush out to find that a ratshytlesnake-had bitten both children Soon thev were in the agonies of death The crowning horror then came upon the distracted mother when she discovered thai a large pot of boiling soap had fallenfrom the fire and scalded the baby past recovery The aecouafrls in All res-

CAUOHT AT LAST Sylvester F Fuller cashier and Henry L

St John assistant cashier of the Second nashytional bank of Jefferson Ashtabula county Ohio are in the United Statess marshalls hands In Cleveland on charge ltgti embeazllng $50000 of the banks funds The Irregularity occurred Dec 18 I88i wheu the bank closed Fuller skipped to Canada but returned last May St John Jtdnot leave The misfortune was caused by stock speculations After losshying his own money Fuller took $14000 and St J6hn $30000 from the bank funds He says they will peach oh other bank officiate Before United States Commissioner White Jhe presishydent of the defunct bank refused to testify unshytil he could consult a Uwyer Noah Hoekius director and holder of $1000 worth of stock swore out the warrant The depositors all got their money the loss falllug on the stockbold-ers

missing with some $12000 of borrowed money and leaving behind some $30000 In forged notes

After September 1 tourists to the Yellowshystone national park can abaudoa stages and make the louruiiy by rail the branch of the Northern Pacitla from Livingstone south to Cinnabar 51 mifeshavlng been completed

There are about tMX) Chinamen iu Helena


Milwaukee is agitateltrTJver an alleged case of Asiatle cholera A man named Wotcbky was was taken sick and became torpid andZelowski who has had experience in a Turkish hospital bullpronounced the diseawcfcolers Dr Richards Assistant Health Commissioner agrees with Zelowskl but other physicians call it cholera morbus


Snpt Thompson of the railroad mail service^ has ordered the establishment of a newline of postal cars on the Pennsylvania Railroad be-tweetL New York Plttlaquobufgh Indianapolis and St Louis The cars commenced running Satshyurday September 1 leaving New York at (5 pm The postal car will arrive at 8t Louis on the morning of t h | second day apound 30 oclock


debris and broken pieces of machlneay 50 people lost their lives some being blown In to eternity whilei others were drowned by be-

5 1 1 frac34 8 a n ^ L e t t C I ^ ^ K bdquo ^ d K traderTi ipk lng vessel Thort who wVre floating about in the river were rescued by tug-boats anil takshyen to New York Reports as to the number killed are conflicting Varying all the way from 10 to 50

Ttie engineer Edward^Tallmatrrwho cseaped-with a few slight bruised said he couldnot tx-

TfHUrrthe-cau^e-trf the at-eldent by- anv theory

forward One of these circulars dated April 3(3 1853 add-ess-

^ed^FjilGnd-^Hd-cllent says it is some time since the claim was made up and ur^es that it be signed sworn to and returned immediately Millions of money it saye liavc been ap-proprial^d+undgtYji^n_^eyo_ur_cLalm and si-

7t= -^ure toyou tho btnelliBuf the tveeut euac ment Auather-e4fcular says the cases of those whopay their fees iu advance will igt made special by the department Every t-f-forfe is made to get hold of that fee This sys

bull lllll uf ^huliBHle pti jui v Is billeyni lotOhuvi been carried on to a greater extent thaaf has jever yet been statedi-


The family of William Luriers of Win6ted Miuu consisting of nine persons were poison -_ eQ^Tewidsy^irgoVanu hvehnve dretlapd to more aro Dotexpected^tolive The supposition Is tb at some poison wasmlxed with th^ famil lunch buffhe name oftEe fiend an^ the mo-tlve for the torrlhleerimearc unknowii


B u r s t i n g of


B o U e r o n a H u d s o n RIvlaquo c r S t e a m e r



The steamer Riverdale on the North -Rl^r burst her boiler and sunk at Twenty-second street New York In about five minutes the boat capsized There were over 100 passen-geis on board-at the time of theWccident 8ome of them were hurled into the air and then feU-back-lBto the-water and others wsere comshypelled to jump into the rivlaquor to eecape-the scalding steam The air was filled with firing

complete recognition of-a-French protectorate over Anam andTonquln the definitive annex-

nation of Dlnthum to Cochin China the pershymanent military occupation-^ French of tht forts on the Tlmuan and Vingchua line lmfne-diate recall of the Anamlte troops from Ton-quln andjhje_garri3Qn8 thert ta be _placed-on-


The British Parliament Was prorouged on the Afternoon of August 25 The queens speenh was read bv the Royal Commissioner at tbe close of the session In her address the queeu reviews in a lucid manner the government ar-fairs She expressed great satisfaction at the j work done by parliament and at the harmouy existing between England and all other powshyers The manner In widen her majesty-handled all questions submitted tomdashher- -explodes the s_tatv ments so ottea made concerningher ineu-tal weakuess

A ERENCn VICTORY A telegram was received In Paris a few days tracts on the uAltiantage8

Montana With the exception of Fargo Helena i the

largest and most Important town on tbe line between St Paul and Portland Oregon

O^Doanell the murderer of Carey is on his way to England where he will be tried The South Africa authorities protested against his removal

Ex-Collector Murphy of New York has been arrested on a charge of swindling his benefacshytor Uncle Sam

T4ta--4vuoahw ^ poatotfioaa in tho Uuked- n cnicY laquottrl ve ryof ton thin clcm^ooaa o$ States number 48049

Parnell declares that the objects of the land eague are being accomplished -----

Tbe United States consul at Constantinople has written raquo letter to the State department in regard lothe horrible sanitary condition of that city-1 He says the cholera in Egypt was caused solely by the filthy conditiou of the towns infected

Dnring the last fiscal year 91000 applications for Denslons were disposed of by the Pension Bulau __bdquobdquo )

A crank called at the White House tbe oliher day and left for the President a bundlelof

ago by the Minister of Marine from Saigon anshynouncing ihat the French had boinbardedaud captured the forts andbatteries at the mouth of the Hue River after a brilliant land attack Tbesoperatious occurred on t^e 18th 19th and 30th Seven hundred Anaiuites were killed during the engagement The only casualties suffered by the FrenSh were several men SllghUv wounded The gunboats Viper a and Lynx entered theThuman passage The French admiral granted a truce A blockade has been declared ~ -

KINO t o p i s PHOIPPI II Great excitement prevails in Paris over

placards posted in every sectiorrofthe cltr dg-claring the Count de Paris king of France The police began to tear them down as soon as they weVe discovered but were greatly hinshydered in their pfforts bv the excited people The Count de Paris Is the eldest soo of Ferdishynand Duke of Orleans Louis Philippls eldest son and is legally the bead oflaquothe Orleans-family He ts about 45 years of ase and a gi eat favorite He has traveled very extensive-lv and during the war of ^thenrebelllon in the United States he served on the staff of Qen McClellan and participated in the campaign against Richmond in the siege of Yorktown the battled ot Williamsburg and Fair Oaks and in his m r e a t on the James river He left the service in 1863 and WMred -U) England where he remained during the war of 1870^71 When the Frenefrreptjblic arose from the ruins of the empire the Count de Paris was advised to renounce all ambitious projects whteh might tend toTepiace1 the house of Orleans on the throne of France ~ His private life after his return from America was singularly happy

of Bible Study tomdashrlaquoa4tb whleli

moment of his return Atlantic City N J baa been damaged $75-

000 worth by an unusually high Mood At a meeting of the lake seamens union at

Buffalo the rate of wuges was raised from $3tn $2 50 per dav

The offerice for which the naval cadets at Anshynapolis are to be court-martialed consisted in hazing fourth class men by turning them out of their hammocks at night and compelling them to stand on their heads and eat soap Lieutenant Commander Thomas and Lleuts Wood and Meigs are the court to_try__the AC



A treaty of Peace between France and Anshynan has been signed which nrwideB-for-the --destroyed the townsin Java

a peace footing and the return of the mandar-ins to their posts France undertakes to expel the Black Flags from Tonquln and thus Insure safety to trade Tbe treaty furshyther -- mdash -

cused Lieut Goodwin is Judge Advocate Michigan Sadets are among the accused

Miss Catharine Connollv has been arrested In Dublin onsuspicion of being connected with the murder conspiracy in Ireland bdquo President Arthur has been apprised of the

plan to kidnap him but as he has about 12U0 men at his commard he thinks there Is no doubt about his safety

A meeting of crowned heads is in session at Copenhagen

The monster engine of theKeeley motor company of New York Is finished-at last and will be run for the benefit of the stockholders about tblaquo_mldd_leof-lktpteiaber ^-mdash --

A witness before the Senate sub-coinmlttee on labor andeducation predicts a bloody revoshylution unless monopoly is checked^ - - - -

A loose switch on the Philadelphia amp Atlanshytic City (narrow gauge) raLlroadcaused serious injury to 30 persons A

Earthquake waves have been observed for several days on the -Pacfficmdashiaaat^JCbey were probably caused by the same earthquake that

TtlsjumoreiLtbai iix the-lnvestigation^wl)ieh will be made shortly in the interest of the govshyernment therewill be sonii startling and sen-satiqnal dfvelopments as Ur how thejpordlet ID

An Anti^Duoliat bull The re is a man ih Ne r (IrleanS who

niiikos a ltootl living1 as1 ii oompromisor of (jiiarrcls 11(frac34 isu sluirp luwyer Vi tu lt0i(iliat(jry limpef ami an oily tongue VYhilu oi l ier myu aro Blirriujr i ip gttnfo ho is tu rn ing away wrtitli-mdashlor a con-s]ij(M[ati(Mi Il( inutld a bullbulljrroat deal ol inuney in t-1iGjrornt old tlays so fast re-ceilinj when a-iluol beftrro broakfaat was as imlisjiunsable to the happiness of the Crescent City us fish OD Fr iday H o t with wiue two y o u n g bloods would qua r re l The lie would pass and then a cha l lenge Now you see th ings iuova clear ly through the cool g r a y m o r n i n g a i r than th rough the c igare t te sraoko of

responded the

vision eoriies while you look t h roug jp the qu iver ing blue a tmosphe re a t t i l l s p u r k l i n g s tars of t h e m i d n i g h t skf Hence it vas that our friend the peaoB-t t i ake f wtis never out of a job His title was second 1 usual ly b u t his business w a s to sfn th i i rnn iifwnssity a rose J d r his services as such One case rs a gootl saiwple A young society m a n had cal led anothvr society m a n a coward wi th the avowed purpose of m a k i n g him light a duel Of course both were well b r andmd when the insul t was givshyen A cha l l enge passed a t once but-by the t ime it hadbeelaquo received Mr Ii-su i t e r had grown cool a n d e a u l i o i i s ^ -H e asked Mr Compromise to act-as hn second

Now 1 1 said the la t ter t o cOme to a poin t at once do you wan t t o t igh t 1

B e t w e e n ou r se lves younf mau I don t 1 1

o you wan t to go on the field At 1 a sked the second because it will you more to ge t ou t of going on

the field than to get o u t of the duel afshyter y o u r once face to f ace

I d o n t wan t t o ^ o on the field a t a l l said the-pr inc ipa l a n d I d o n t care w h a t it costs to keep off

V e r y we l l s a id the secxpid n o w sit down and write ju s t such an accept-ance as I tell you to w r i t e 7 A c c e p t a n c e

Y e s cer ta inly Le t me m a n a g e this affair said the second in m y OWJI way ^ o w wr i te out a n a c c e p t ance iu the usual form and pu t in for weapons rifles a n d for dis tance two paces 1 -

bullWhy t h a t s muzzle to b reas t mur -de r oji frightV e x c 1 a mied the p r i n c i p a t

W r i t e wha t I tell y o u sa id thesec-opd _ _ _

~ Wtieni irwas vMitttvi the seconoTcar -

bull J


the Star Keute trial ivas seduced A trial of reapers and mowerB was- recentl

grade in ItatVTSrjdfine result cTiTaxty_ phngf

Htiitd- i-f-himraquoe4f t-o^liu-sccouiLof the chalshylenger

vWhy this is -butchery sanl th6 la t te r second bu te l i e iy in cold WiToTt- - ^61t1ltfTr^in3ol^ v i v e _ - bdquo_ _

llien tio I nnilii-stiimi tluit yon xeiiti whatever Tle boilers were-new four years ago wheH the boat was entirely rebuilt and reshyfitted He was about to enter the engine room to obey the pilots signal to slacken epeed wheu Joe was suddenly hurled through the door ahd the ncxT moment Hi found hlmmlf havo

stipulates__ihjkLmdash thoj aboeimte control


bulltrr 7 ~

f-ing on the roof uf tht cgtibiudlrectly under jhe tbafti The explosion occurrd ho paid withoutJlic slightest warning atuKwas appkr-ently the resnltof some hidden defcht A mo-ment previous he had looked at thesteatn-guage and Tounil TTTfTTegisU - twenty-three

Jouuds When the boat was Inspected last mie-her allowance jna-rhced - i t fifty pountls

tp the square Inch

io- E F F E CTS O F V O I C A M C E R 1 P T I O N

BAXblTTl AFXElt XllTULK A story thatreads like a dime novel tale

comes all the way from Idaho and Is furnished to the worldby-theJVood RiVer TlmeB The

JFtur-CQmdashTownw PfgtHlroycd--Tltraquorrlh1fl

story is to ttie effect that-a party of Texascow IwyXbavestartcd for Yellowstone Park to~klcF

nap Frlaquo^ident Arthur and hlst-ntlre party and to spirit them away into the mountains-where they will be kept prisoners while members of

^ the^arty act as pickets to prevent being 6ur-prised and captured while negotiations for a

mdashransom are being conducted The captain or leader of the party has an idea that a heavy

Loan o r Li re A dispatch f~om Batavia Java bays the towns of Anjier Tjirlngin and Telokbeleng were destroyed by tidal waves causedmdashby-lhe

France of the Anamlte

finances-and customs aud thatthe French shall recogniae Hiephema as new King of Auam The stipulation for a permanent military occu-panon by the French of the forts on the Thu-aan and Ylugchua line implies that a blockade of Tourone and Hue will be replacedby a mishynute inspection of all foreign arrivals

~ mdash - A TEKRTFIC TrVLF gt The fleet of United States ilshing vessel^

which arrived at St Johns N 13 a few nights ago report a Violent storm on the Great Banks The gale rose from the eastward at 8 raquo m- wheu hunureds of dories were away from the

the superiority of theAmerican machine Great preperatiorie are being made In Louis

vllle Ky for the dedication of the monument erected to the memory^qf Zachary Taylor twelfth president ol the United States

The HOP Alexander Mackenzie scouts the idea of Canada ever being separated from Eng j


bull to-negotiate asked the o ther in his blandest tone bull ^

Wse cer ta inly dltV said the ehallen M-orx secondmdash umdash

Anti-Jewish outbreaks in AU8ttnrare-o~rrttre Increase despites the establishment of martial law ^ ---

Rpportarfrom London are not so favorable 1 o theTjEftedStates e^flbTfloii as had been hoped

The False Prophet has again massed his

bullbullVery wigt]i ve-ry well- Ti l see about i t said Uie ch-alleiiged- p a r t y s si^MML_ __ _ j _ _ _ -i ~ jWeoTrrsertTiU duel -neve came oft mdash Philadelphia Heard

volcanic eruptions All the lighthouses in Sunda Straits have disappeared and where the

vessels overhauling the trauls Capt Hlller reports tbat seores-ofmdashdorteTftere turned upshyside down ainl Wreckage strewn invery direcshytion Along^ his-track conrin-g-^westward~X)he French bfraquonker4ott-fourdoflfgts and all their crews It is competed from all sources of in-

troops and great uneasiaess Is felt in Alexanshydria

Fifty miles squaie of fertile country dlsap beared in the seas by thePvoIcanlc eruption in Java bull__ v bull

Tbe net dccreasejntha nnllppf ions of internal revenue for the months of J-uly and August in 1882 and 18S3 amounted to 16094000

ransom will be offered by tbe United States and nersonal friends of the president after search for tht lieioreldent6par-ty shall- be given up and that 1500000 or more ^an thus _be extorted from Thxlt-ccreTXervTce~iHinQrand divided

moiiintam of KraiMifiaJiiTiseny s t sMjM M nqgtv flows The aspect of Sunda Straits is much changed and navigation dangerous TheTtdal wave completely destroyed Anjier Many persons wdrekilled The loss of life among both Europeans aod natives at North Bantam is enormous The quarries at Merak disappeared and alt tire people-of the place perished -rThe floating doclc at an island near

among the Italian In the ganlaquog some of whom were guerrillas In

Batavia Is adrift and_badly_dfmagpri


the late war A grand council was held just before startlng-out on the expedition wnen every manswpre by his daggermdashto do blffduty


~ A HORKIBLE SIGHT ~ ~ Samuel Wturrick aged raquo5 cut fils throat in

fittouster county New Jersev and then walked -te-hls barn holding his half-severed head in one hand He met his wife and she fainted The husband lived 10 hours

bull- THE 8CNCOOK MILL CA3E In the reply of the state department just sent

to the 8weQish delegation on the SuncookiN H) mill casethe secretaryas was anticipated takes the ground that he can do nothing for tbe-ensIavedSwedes The report of the New Hampshire authorities is to the effect that the owners of the mill have a right to prevent the departure of the Swedes from the state under the statute and that the men who have tried

to_jnaka_their s ay to Massachusetts to accept offers of better employment and higher wages are actually in debt to the-storekeepers one of whomis wwnilUs bookkeeper It is believed at the Swedish legation and actually asserted that the arrest ot thfe three men was-for the purpose of intimidating the other Swedes and

Ereverting their departure from the state Mr gte Bilot the Swedish charge daffairs will reshy

ply to the communication of the state departshyment He agrees tbat the United States can do nothing in the matter because the mill peo-

mdashThe Democratic State Convention at Omaha nominated Hon J WSavage for Justice of the Supreme Court rand for Regents of^the State University Dr D Daniel G W John-

formatiim that 100-dorles andeighty unrn were lost In the storm Most of the dories were swept by the waves from the schooner decks and the remainder collapsed in the sea


Tisza Presdent of the Hungarian Council In order to put a stop to outrages upon ijie Jews has decided upon severe measures which are to he-put inc^erjiMojLffheMV^r-antWvwisb Tlots occur The measures provide that any-ose who shall be condemned to death by martlafrlaw shall be executed within thee

r the sentence is imposed The president has asked the govern ratraquont to Pthor

The-Panama canalwlll be completed in about

put a stop to the outbreak against the Jews or to accept his resignation ~

avthive mon ths week And----a s-4sr-

1 le are acting in accordance with the laws of


TheTennsylyanra state greenback convenshytion in session a t Wllllamsport nominated T P Rynder of Altoona for auultor general and A F Marsh of Erie for state - treasurei The platform adopted sets forth that the tory of the trade dollar proves that money is solely a creation of law without regard to the material used that the $400000000 paid by the government to the national bank was so much money stolen from taxpayers and the continued payment of $10000000 annually to the banks is a crime against labor that moshynopolies ought to be restricted by state or nashytional legislation and all government land held for actual settlers The resolution also favor a protective tariff a national bureau of lkhfirr-and ahort Hussions Of congress and state 1 gislaturesrmdash~~ - mdash


Henry Hertel and wife Gcrmanslopkeepers of Savannah 6a were found murdered in their store Customers went to the store in the morning and fpund inclosed Peeping

B i r t O P N E W H Mrs Caroline i i ITavls a Wealthy lady of

Albany a 1 has been arrested for swindling

ew Hampshire but he will pojnt out that tn this case the law permits the company to hold his countrymen as slaves and he will Insist that the statute has been abused

JtDQg LTXCH IX UTAH -^ ~ Agta late hour the other night aWniDcr of

masked m-n stopiKrd Engineer Thomas Road-master Hughes and a Art man in the employ of the Utah Eastern Railway compelledlbem to return to the shop and taking an engme and caboose run aljout thirty masked men to a coal village about twenty miles distant Leaving a number of men In charge of the truln thS-Vlgilants prrxjeed to the county jail Brlnglui guns to bear on the officers they obtained eon trol of the-jall oiul taklntr a man named Jaek Murphy from his cell relumed to the_trainajad

ordered an immediate return to~Tark CJfty UpoO arriving thevigilantes took Murphy and hung htm to a telegraph pole- near the station t he body belug viewed by a number of passenshygers on the early trains Murphy was arrestshyed on suspicion-of having jmot a man named Brcnpan and confined in jail awaiting trial

TWO FOOLS KILLED fatal encounter occur red at Taudon City

through the blinds they saw Hertel on the floor in a pool of blood Tbe door was burst In and the man found lying in the middleof the-room with a handkercliiel tied over his eyes and skull crushed in His wife was found in a calico wrapper tying on a sofa in the parlor wltlTherTrlroat cut ancTdne arm nearly sever ed An immense crown collected and the police were notified Hertel was bupposed to have a large sum of money Hertel and wife

^bullere middle-aged and highly respected (er-raans

SENSATIONAL MURDER AND iUICIDpound mdashA sensational tragidy waa LliaiilUd at tlm -NotHrjg House Elgin IlL recently Edward

Mcpreevy amp Co 01 that city bv^a forged order The internal revenue collector of the 4th

districtof Texashas sent to the revenue bureau claims for rebattton tobacco -etc amounting to $^0000

Pension payments for August amounted to $28000000

Count de Chambord was King of France jus t 13 days

Thirty people Who attended a church social In Marietta Uhio were-poiaeaed by eating can-ned_plckles gt mdash ~ - --bull mdash bullbull--^

The senatorial committee met the Sioux In-dians-atStanding Rock Agency the other day Among the bravea -present-was SittingmdashBulk who accused the committee of getting drunk He was forced to apologize

WmTamTport Pa had a $500000 fire the other day

Oscar Wildes new play Vera Is a grand aesthetic failure raquo

Reported again that the Queen of Madages--car ts dead

y-IblehL Tfjw^b tithrp^kfi are of almost daily occurrence in nearly all of the Russian towns

ODonnells plea is that he killed Carev in acrt-deftnsemdash mdash mdash-mdash-

voy-Mo-e one tii^lit tliis _ his cus tom siwpriseil

t l s -ifa a i n t i t u l e ftrnTilv tVy leltlTlg -h+rBs-eft^ttr -t-bmiTgh-trtt^rrrwrrrreTrtof his hoose^wft^ n lfttou keyr_ T t w hour was ten of the rHffht and the~Tutsiement w^ dark Unfort-^naterr-alst) as ivpleasant bulltreat for liis -

T JosU-n a citizen of good standing shot and killed Etta Buckingham a young woman of

Twenty-threeBpereons were drowned)n the English channel a few days ago by the collidshying of the steamers St Germain and Woodburn The vVoodburn sunk in a few -minutes after the collision

Four persons were smothered lo death and ono hilled by jumping tire in a Boston tenement house

Ex-President Hayes glyes tiLOM to - a new Fremonf church

rive years About 10000 men are now employ ed on the ditch

The vicar at Stratford-on-Avon has given his consent to have the remains of Shakespeare ex-humeeh -

The treaty between Frande and Ann am has been declared invalid

So-rm of th Otti-l-wytu QiJiiiris Addit ion imiiiiidi^Miiim uud division P rob lem rnvolviiKu mult ipl icat ion adshy

dition and division of rh(einais 7

Oiu-tittli of a-jiarrel of Ihmr contain-itiL^-iy-^ jnuUxIs was lost J wadltriven away if of r ema inde r sold lor- $750 Whut did it living pe r pound 7~

Cierti in-oHico lias his salary raised-2-0 per cent hut in a shor t t ime is raised DO per cent which lixes his sa lary a t 8G48 W h a t was the or ig ina l sa la ry

A m a n holding a note of pound950 has it cashed for pound800 W h a t r a t e per cen t d iscount rttdiio pay

Nrvii-Uion in S t r mi^ Seas ^ A wt41--k-rt+MV t t^npta t tr ==of=Tr=shTp re -

sidin1 in San -FiMiicison o-ot higtniM from

Reduce pound808 17s 7d to Uni ted Sta tes xmrr-eaey pourftt^tpoundrirgg~be1ng $478565

Dic ta t ion of sect ion 11 from civil ser-vice ac tmgtllaquo-and regu la t ions to wr i te

and punc tua t e G o p y i n g section-o^of^amfi - mdash

mdash N a m e t w o sentcnoc^of-not^ terTwords the first to conta in a t rans i -t4ve^the o ther -an- in t rons i t ivoTerb v

Wr i t e le t ter to g o v e r n o r o f y o u r a t a t e ^ i n f o r m i n g him- of- y o u r educattofn and -a b o u t the town in w r i t e h y a u veafde

N a m e fifteen s ta tes and fiftefth cities

x t tri igt ins rjGtteT=haif~ ~tgtutti n g p bullprengtrrttr n p n e o t s

which were set t o c o o l down stfijrs on the top of some bt^xes By a sh ip s ch ronomete r it took j h s t th i r teen sec-Qftds for tat u n h a p p y bnptain t o M s k

of the Uni ted-Sta tes ~ N a m e fifteen p r inc ipa l r ivers and t h i ^

^Namo tliree p r inc ipa l r a n g e s

aga ins t the boxes a n d g e t seventeen ga l lons of w a r m ap r i co t s in syrwp all oyer__hijL_siraquoirt front vest pants and clown the back of his neck im he rushed d r ipp ing upstair d a n c i n g x o n the new carpe ts a n d was m e t by h(s wife at t he head of t h e stairs with 0 J o e my dar l ing back aga in home safe and sound H e g a v o one yell t ha t fcould have been hea rd by a man reefing the lop-ga l lan t sails of a full-rigged ab ip in a s torm arid be l lowed iS tand off w o m a n s tand off I have fallen over a fruit c a n n e r y in the hlarsted

mouniAins and pr inc ipa l s t a t e s and r i for ies on which they lie

Name sU priucipjvl^rriexkiaa^gjBrietL r a l s in revo lu t ionary war and as m a n y p o p u l a r s t a t e smen at t h a t t ime

W h a t pres idents have been genora ls in t ime of war and in wha t war s were they engaged

W h a t cloes^ confederat ion mean and w h a t s ta tes cons t i tu ted it +

W h e n was the const i tut ion of t h e UdrfSTaTea sisrned ~ lt

bjisemaut I m all t reac le molasses bad j a m and warn s y r u p Unbend m y new sails a n d let m e get a hot bath and lie m a d e a-wilddivudrh-trrtho ba th-

w e par t iculars of terri tory addad) f bull to t h United S ta tes since the revolu - t i ona r Nva r gtji

By WhoW arej i^pvdsentat ives e lected gt Also senate

tJluaaliiH audi gfgtbull Jusjj u had btau pwjluy at mdashThe oueen R n n w ^ u hraquo Mhimmit v^i tcqtioimto Miss Buckingham tbe past rear ^ - frac34 frac34 ^ ^ frac34 o S S he ^ VlaquoamplaquoIF^^ bull W t o a S m i n S o x the m a r r i S 1 deg f t h C-and npound has latterly displayed evidences of fierce jeaiousv He attempted to enter her room one mornintr- and beirz dented admission forced Itis way into the apartment There was a scuttle two revolver shots and theyoung woman fell dead Joslyn Immediately Comshymitted suicide with the same Weapon

pope toainralment of the marriage The Dominion ffcverrrment has appolnteda

police commission with inrlsdlctlon over the tPrTiToryTit Rat Portage tn dfcptrter betwwn Ontario and Manitoba J bull John J Hall of New Brunalaquorick-N

_ contractor for the Fennsylvampnla railr Is

r o o m mdash S a n Francisco XewSLcttcr mdash mdash mdash mdash bull bull bull raquo

H H re lates the fo l lowing in the A u g u s t Centuryof t ho r e m n a n t of the Mission Ind i ans oi Sao poundasqua l i nQa l - -4tornia D u r i n g t l i e a f t e r n o o n t h e Ind ians were con t inua l ly coming and go ing at the shop e o n n e c l e d y w i t h -the inn where we had s t o p p e d iffbrafr t o u r mi tes from the val ley I W i t e e p c r of t h e s h o p Vvnil i n n gtud^ h^nwwVt Tvnltu

t hem Tiiey wergt- good pay1 Give

In w h a t m a n n e r are tho supremo court j u d g e s chosen

A m a n p u r c b a s W S625 goods1 g iving his^note on Dee 29S1882mdashinterest 7 per

-cent mdashpayable in tiftefen days -paiiLthLeL^ s a m e on second day o g r a c o laquo Vliat --ftpiount did lie pay and ohVvhat day

Some fuefTare so a n x lotrs^ovileTiver t h e r 4 m p r o m p t u reinarks^ilpubiic_diai_ rrers that thev coninien^Ii l a ik ing before the eUingi)egins Jx is a mistake sA tftble s p e c c h ^ h o ^ d not be made u n t h

~ 1 tho -hearers u i ^ u i a condit ion io ^ n T laquo i S - bull VTTI i i - bull i s

- ^ - 1 - 1 - - ^ s

t h e m t ieir j ime and they J l a lways ]gtay and ifjthr^y d ie the r rtdsitions wiil pay t1itraquo-fast cent some of t hem lie would

J v j rp t rus t anv t ime as high- as twenty dol^ llllN

every th iurgtf i id is -both witty- and mdashxV Oydioiyunc bull bull

^-In on^ re spec i t (j HUP l i e


11e THraquoOthlaek TCSBMI-

can t shine wheu lL


m laquomdash bull i~



bull J

r-l ~r--bull$bullgt-mdash ^ _^---f-v bullltWIpWi

ll i

bull bull I I 1 ll laquo i n iilaquoHragt



F a c t a f o r F a r m e r e

E v e r y d a y an a n i m a l is kep t a f te r be in p r imC t h e r e is J o s s exchreive of

m a n u r e bull Y o u n g ch icks s h o u l d be fed as often-

a s four t imes a d a y u n t i l they a i e abou t t h r e e w e e k s old - -

O n e of t h e mos t e n c o u r a g i n g hopes for o u r c o u n t r y is t h e p rospec t ive imshyp r o v e m e n t of its l ive stock

A dyingScotcLTsqui re sa id to his son Be ayes t i ck in 1 in a t r ee Jockmdashthey l l - be growin^whi l f t y p u V e s leepin V

t h b ^ e laquo f r Xork T r ibune

- - ^ - 1 - - - - ^

whi te of e g g a n d suga r lay it t o p a n d sides a n d set into t h e oven a

on t h e


f ives th is good aid vice in t w o words ow to c u r e an e g g e a t i n g h e n mdash e a t

h e r - V - mdash i j A t a sal^iof J e r s e y ca t t l e in N e w

Y o r k recent ly King of A s h a n t e e w a s sold to C fiasthope of Njles 0 for $5600

C o r n a lone is no t a sufficient food for fowls whea t b r a n in t h e form of a

- Ih i ck m u s h and some vege tab les should Jbe g iven

- P r o CoQk says I v e e x p e r i m e n t shye d w i th sa l t upon t h e c u t w o r m to k n o w t h a t you c a n kil l y o u r p l a n t s beshyfore y o u c a a k i l U U a yo rnaa - raquo i -WH- mdasht W -frac34

In t e l l i gen t b reede r s c o n t e n d t h a t cross bred aijimalfi w h e t h e r ca t t l e horses or sheep m a t u r e ea r l i e r a n d a r e be t t e r feeders t h a n anv c o m m o n stock-

T h e sick a n i m a l is usual ly da in ty a b o u t his feed a n d should be a l l o w e d on ly l ight easi ly d i g e s t e d food t r y i n g va r ious k inds a n d a l l owing as a rule w h a t he l ikes best bdquo Ga l l s a n d bruises a r e m o r e read i ly p r e v e n t e d by p r o p e r l y adjust ing- t h e h a r n e s s t h a n t h e r a r e c u r e d by t h e bes t r e m e d i e s besides t h e loss of t h e ani -

m a j s w o r k a t a busy season A n I n d i a n a f a r m e r r id s h is sheep of t i cks by feed ing a hal f p o u n d of s u l p h u r to eyery fifty sheep m i x i n g it wi th the sa i t wh ich is fed T w o or t h r e e doses a w e e k a p a r t a r e e nough

Cal i forn ia -wheatds-so d r y wh+m-har vftftted_that w h e n t a k e n to the d a m p e r a i r ltopound the sejjcoast ic g a i n s seven p e r c e n t or moire in we igh t T i e ga in is sufficient to pay for t r a n s p o r t a t i o n

mdashPota toes a r e ^ m a d e s cabby by wire v o r m g ~ T h e best p reven t ive is to g r o w the - c rop on~fa41ow g r o u n d wi thou t m a n u r e s or wi th fert i l izers T h e Worms a r e e n c o u r a g e d or b r o u g h t - in by t h e m a n u r e

P l u m s p i g s a n d ppu l t ry seem a t r io w h i c h th r ive in c o m p a n y P l u m t rees

4 a ^ p o u T b p y H r t - p H 6 ^ ^ ^ bear _ _ a b u n d a n t l y w b ^ a - ^ r e e raquo - i n o t h e r loGa-

t inns shfd thei r fruit w h i c h bea r s t he t r a d e m a r k of the l i t t l e T u r k

Clean l iness and careful bedd ing of a n i m a l s so as to keep t h e s ta l ls d ry and

Jfcamph of ton pro ventB g r a v e d i s o r d e r a o f


the g e n e r a l sys tem a n d a lso the frrita t i n g efleets of the a m m o n i a on the eyes c a u s i n g i n r l a m m a t i o n r r - o f - a b e m and b l indness -

N Hi t ter a successful s t r a w b e r y cul-turiHt of Syracuse s ays in lhp N e w

few minu tes to b r o w n s i g h t l y Serve wi th c r e a m

bullbull P e a c h Cake mdashLine a deep dish ivitli pa s t ry p lace upo r i th is halves of peaches c lose toge ther sp r ink l e plentifully with s u g a r a n d a l i t t le c i n n a m o n p u t in t h e o v e n a n d bake unt i l cooked ea t wi th c r e a m

Delicious L a y e r C a k e - M a k e whi te c a k e as for s t r a w b e r r y cake bu t omi t t he r ed s u g a r a n d a d d one c u p of des-sujated coeoanu t a n d use n o flavoring M a k e ic ing a n d in to one-haif p u t b lanched and s h o p p e d sweet a l m o n d s

Porttroitrst anttsdiond layers together with the a l m o n d i c ing on t h e n e t s p r e a d p la in icin^ a n d lay on t h a t a l a y e r of ha lved fags t h e n a n o t h e r coa t o t i e i n g for t h e nex t use a l m o n d s a n d so on F r o s t the t o p of t h e cake a n d bull t i ck a l m o n d s over it

Rais in C a k e mdash T h r e e - q u a r t e r s of a c u p of bu t te r one-half c u p of sweet mi lk one a n d t h r e e - c h a r t e r cups of flour yo lks of e igh t eggs one a n d one-half teaspoont nls of b a k i n g powder B a k e in je l ly t in s T o p u t toge the r s p r e a d a t h i n c o a t o f f ros t ing on each l aye r t h e n one 6i c h o p p e d ra is ins seededgt a n d a n o t h e r of f rost ing raquo

Hickory-oir Waltint-layc1CaKoTmdashQriS c u p of bu t te r two cups of s u g a r five eggs one cup of mi lk f o u r c u p s of flour two teaspoonfuls of b a k i n g powder P u t l aye r s t o g e t h e r wi th ic ing miamped wi th finely chopped h ickory o r walnuj tmqats Use p l a in ic ing for top arid lay on it) unshyb r o k e n m e a t s i

Artificial Oysters mdash T a k e yoUng g r e e n corn g r a t e it in a d i sh to one p i n t of th i s add one egg wel l bea ten a gmali teaelip of flour half c i ip of bu t t e r some sa l t a n d p e p p e r a n d m i x al l well toge th shyer A tablespoonful of the b a t t e r will make t h e size of an Oyster F r y t h e m a lijjht b r o w n a n d bull w h e n d o n e b u t t e r t h e u i c r e a m if it c a n be p r o c u r e d is betshyt e r t h a n bu t t e r

To Bot t l e F ru i t s mdashBurn a m a t c h in a b o t t l e to exhaus t a l i a i r t h e n p lace fri -the^froit=to b e p r e s e r v e d qui te d r y a n d w i t h o u t blemish sp r ink le suga r be tween each l ayer cork arid t i e a b l a d d e r over s e t t i n g bot t les cork d o w n w a r d s in a l a r g e vessel of cold waiter wi th hay beshyt w e e n to p r e v e n t b r e a k i n g W h e n t h 3 s a i n is ju s t c r a c k i n g t a k e t h e n out imshym e r s e th in p a p e r in g u m w a t e r a n d vhn wn^t f f las it n v p r m i d a r o u n d the

In Mexico nea r ly every one is a smoker T h e school childre rn who havo (tone well in the i r s tud ies a r e r e w a r d e d by being a l lowed to s m o k e a cigar as they s tand or sit a t t he i r lessons T h e schoo lmas te r is se ldom w i t h o u t a c i g a r in his mouth bull I n the l aw cour t s alJ persons cornnibnjy enjoy the i r t obacco freely a n d even the accused in a cr imshyinal t r ia l is not d e n i e d ^ M s indu lgence b u t is allowed i | his c i g a r e t t e goes oui i n the hea t of an a r g u m e n t to l ight it a g a i n by bor rowing t h a t of the officer who s t ands a t h i s s ide to g u a r d hi ip

Si r H e n r y T h o m p s o n t he London su rgeon recoernizess in fisli a cpmbina-t i u u o f al l the e lements^ 1 uf J u b d thti

The Rev NewmanHall ha abandoned couteuiplated trip to the United States


top of the bot t le as i t dr ies it will be-cisme~quitefirm irad t igh t ltbull

S w e e t P e a r P ick les mdash T o ^ g v o _ q u a r t s of^goud v i n e g a r t a k e l o u r p o u n d s o b r o w n suga r a q u a r t e r of a p o u n d o c i n n a m o n st ick a n d j y j u a r t e r p o u n d of cloves T ie the spices u p ih~smai rbags

the h u m a n body r equ i r e s in a lmos t evshyery phase of life m o r e especial ly by those who follow s e d e n t a r y employshym e n t T o w o m e n he cons iders fish t o be a n inva luab le a r t i c le of diet bu t he scouts as a comple t e fa l lacy t h e not ldn t h a t fish ea t i ng inc reases the bra in powshyer T h e only ac t ion fish h a d on t h e b r a i n w a s to put- a m a n s bod in to p r o p e r ^relations wit lTfne w o r k he h a d to do 1 1 bull

Tlie Meadows of Mary]and mdash

S P R I N G F I E L D P K I X C E G E O R G E S C O M D Mr Chas G Addison of t h e above p lace s t a t e s I s p r a i n e d my

I m p o r t a n t When you ViRlt or leave NeW York City save

Baggage ExpteeAacre axitf Carriage Hire and stop at the w a n d Uniou -Motel oppobite ltirand Central Depot

Elegant riKiim rttfr-dnp at rrmt (tf nn(- mil-lion aoftar6 red eed to | 1 and -upwards per day European P-lau Elevator jtveataurant bullraquoupp^U wiU^rtUe-hest I^orse cars etageaand bulllevatea railroad to all depot ^amiliea can laquoIve be t t ^ for i^se money at-thc brand Union

THotel th^n at any other first-cka hotel inj the i c i t y - bull bull bull - - - bullbullbullbullbull

WJe pever deceive or a good purpose Knavshye r y add raajice to falsehoodmdashBruy e r e

That) bad breath comes from ^Itrffttto eSamarifan Nervine I t etope the cause

laquo150 _ L_ _ - - KOH ijyHFicSiir lNJJlGaaTiQN xjlaquoprearaquoton of Spirit andQeneral Debility In tbelr Torloui form alaoasa pre+enUcopy agalnat Pever and Alaquone and other Intermittent Feveri the ^KXHHO-PHOMPHO-aampTKp KLIXIH or CALUraquo4TA made by Caswell aaiard t Co Njw Yarampand told by all lgtnjwtraquota lathe best tonic and for patterns recoTertnlaquorrom ^ever or other aickness it nMjio equaL BUCHU-pAIBAl Qntck obmpiete cure all annoTlng gldney and Urinary Disease bull

H A T Ffivia I have been a Hay-Fever auf- ferer for three years have often head Elyrf Cream Balm spoken of in the highest terras I used It and with the most wonuerful succese mdashT S QgjtBSyracuse N Y bull FLlE8rofce ants tec^urs ru laioe ctowi chlpmunts cleared ont by Roogb on Hats lsectt

rigbt^knee c a u s i n g - in tense bull suffering a n d the use o f - c r u t c h e s for severa l weeks I found n o relief in o the r r e m r

edies a n d finally t r i ed t h e m i r a c l e of cu re St J a c o b s Oil I n a sho r t t ime I coul tTbend m y kneemdash vlaquohiohihaii been stiff a s an i ron r o d mdash l a y i n g aside my c ru t ches a n d was ab le to w a l k as well

r rmdash mdash bull mdash as ever-

G e r m a n y is exporting shawl s to Scotshyl and J t_ bullbullbull

A g e n t l e m a n in a n e i g h b o r i n g tdwn who had suffered t^vo years -wi th c h r o n ic diarrhoea and vgtas so r educed t h a t he couid no t walicr^vas c u r laquo d and res tore to sound hea l t h b y Johnsons Anodyn4 Liniment Th i s L i n i m e n t is wor th I t s we igh t in gold r -

C e d a r Key h a s c o m m e n c e d shipping-tu r t l e s N o r t h - ^ -

bull bull - - L U bullbull bull - bull mdash - bull

T h e b l i gh t i ng Effectsof JTSplTfe blg-crtl a r e sad to behold in those we mee t^day by day This o u g h t no t and need not be so ^arsons Purgative Pills n lakes weKJrich blood takpn one-a n igh t fof twe lve weeks wil l c h a n g e the blood ia t h e en t i r e h o u s e a

Mr JnoR Hatterson- of Evanavme says Sdmaritan Nervine cured my-wile oi female weakness Your drusgists keep it^

HOUGH ON HATS Clear out rats mice flielaquo roaches bed-busts ante vermin chlumunks 15c

Hvy FJIVEK 1 eaa recommend Eigts Qream faim to all Hay-Fever frufferers It is in m orjinion a sure cur - I was a|Ricted for-36 years and never before found permanent re-Ik-f-W HflAsXrxs Marshfieid Vt t

What is defeatmdashNotiilinj-ttrretrtrcaTIotrr nothing buttlle first step to something better mdashWendell Phillips

WOODBERKY Mi)mdashRev W J Johnson ^ays UI have used Brovrus Iron BitUTB in my family and tbev have proswn a^-tplendid health inyJgoratar

rr is becoming is honest and whatshyever is lionest must always be becomingmdash Cicshyero

MibiAWAKi I|id Dec 1 18^2 DK PEJJOBLLI mdash

Ikar SirmdashOverwoi k has donefor me what it does for many peeiring to benefit suflertDK women I add my testimony to the value oi Zoa-Phora For five years I suffered gTeatly with Prolapsus being obligtd to use a supportshyer daring all- these painful wean years but ihfcjuks ID your medicine I raquo t a r it mi tnore X^ laid it opound after using one and a half Jjotpoundka-_X Am not well but I work all the tme aDd am better than I ever expected to be You may use my letter and if any one wished to write me for more information give them mv full addres^ Miss CG JtoHlaquoB S W A N S WORM Sracp v or reTerishness rwBUas8_esraquo worms osastlpaUon Tasteless 2to

Over 85 per cent of New Ylaquork City people live in rented houacs

bullaWSSJBSJSIISSJSJWMB-MSSa^aWSSS-SSMSMSmdash Hosteiters Stymraquo

ach Bitters by inshycreasing YltaT power and renderuui the physical functions remilar and active keeps the pys em In

food working order and p B o t e l c t s i t against disease For coneUpstlon dyspep sia and liver c o m -

pialni nervousness Sidney and rheushymatic ailments It Is invaluable snd It

afford sasored efenoa tealrfct malarial fe -bull e r s besides removshying al 11 races o f such disease from the system

For sale by all Di uggtsteStnd IXsalraquo


ers general y


Cream Balm when applied by t h e finger Into the nostrils laquo111 be absorbed ef-fettnaliytcleansicsthe htad of catarrhal Lr us causing healthy seshycretions Itra^laysln-flamstlon protects the membrane of th nasshyal pasag s from addishytion alcolds complete- -l y h e a i s t h e sores and res ores taste and smel A^fcw appll-c tions relieve Amdash trorongh treatment wil positively cure Agreeable to u s e Smxd- for circular Price 50cents by mall or ampgt drugglstilt






Y o r k T r i b u n e t ha t fie cons ide r s s t r a w worpoundh $8 pe r t o n for use on bis s i r aw-oefry p a t c h H e uses it as a pro tec t ion to t h e beds in win te r as a mufehr-aftd-says it keeps the f rui t -c lean He uses a b o u t one ton to the a c r e


-mdashPt j t - a - t ea spoonfu l - of -gnlpbrar fn the1

nest as soon as hens o r t u r k e y s a re set T h e h e a t of the fowls cause s the fumes of t he^su rphu r t o p e n e t r a t e e v e r y p a r r of t h e i r bodies eve ry louse is ki l led a n d as ni ts a re ha t ched within ten days w h e n the m o t h e r l eaves the nes t wi th h e r brood she is per fec t ly free from nits o r l i c e mdash mdash mdash mdash ~ mdash -

R e p o r t s from Cal i forn ia s t a t e t h a t a s e v e r e d i s t emper has been p r e v a i l i n g a m o n g the horse s tock of t h a t sec t ion d u r i n g the pas t win te r which has-prov-

-ed fa ta l in m a n y cases a n d left m a n y of those which surv ive inbdquoverv b a d con-di t ion T h e no ted filly Wi ld l lower was a m o n g t h a sufferers a n d is n o w covered w i t h - s e a r s r e su l t ing f rom ug ly sores w i t h vehieh s h e has been fttfiietedv

T h e o ld fash ioned p e a r t rees t h a t w to the size of o a k s a n d b o r e fruit

fit for preserving h a v e been su-e d by a g r e a t l y improved- l r u i t t

es~ djozirot^assess t h e ha rd i-laquof~lafe~ o ld sort T h e forc ing the 11raquo l raquo p i d g r o w t h is p robab ly t h e

aUlf m o r e t h a n anv th ino e l s e ^ ^ j k a r

a n d boi l w i t h the s u g a r ttinl i l legal tm-til a g o o d syrup is fo rmed P u t in the B a r t l e t t or S i c k l e p e a r s p lace on t he b a c k of t h e stove c o v e r closely and cook verv-blu wly unt i l t hey can bo piorood wi th a s t r aw ^

G r a p e C a t s u p mdash F i v e cupfuls of p u l p o f j u i ce OHO cupful o f b r o w n s u g a r t m laquo euoful of v ihegar ohe- teaspoonful each of b l ack peppe r clove c i n n a m o n a n d sa l t bull Boil half away

- J^ngl ishmen i i l jUi l th i i -mut tonof i i lack-faced sheep

The glocy of man is his strength If vou are weakened down through excessive studv or b_v early ind^cretims Allens Brain Foodwill TC-8tore alt lostuvigpr $1 G for 15mdashAt druggists ora^Iten^iPharrnacv STfT Tsraquo ^ ^ - V Y

GaT Lyuuslatent ULuuy_iuuuiju^jjllcdttcr new ijoots-or tihoes before you mn tbenj over

Kmory titorrs of (Jbicago now at Saratoga is said to have 300 neckties bull $ -

mdash Wvppripnfn thAJ^rraquoraquo^ T^achltr

P r i n c e riBismark has become suspi-aious ai idfcrabbed in his disposi t ion to a d e g r e e t h ^ m a f c e s it impossible for UU pub l i c official but the mos t obsequious to se rve u n d e r h im I t is said t h a t t he C f b l v n T r i n c e o f G e r m a n y whi le ap-p r e c i a t i n g fully the g r e a t work which B i s m a r k has done for his c o u n t r y has ve ry l i t t le s y m p a t h y i o r his d o m e s t i c pol icy and hetico u p o n his accession to the th rone will h a v e no sc rup les in d i savowing t hem

- No matteEtthat yourmdashatttw-irt H-Browns Tron Bitters will surely benefit yoii i

Striped stockings according to London Tiuth make the legs look thin


bHgfctras t h e d i s e a s e w a s qpfte Tin-k n o w n to the old s l ow g r o w i n g t r ees

T h e Massachuse t t s A g r i c u l t u r a l So-^ i e t y conc ludes t h a t s a l t ayen^amanufe h a s the p r o p e r t y of hasj tehing t h e mashyt u r i n g of al l g r a in crojpis t h a t w h e a t on sa l t ed l a n d will r i p e n s i x T o T e l T d a y s e a r l i e r t h a n on unsa l t ed l and all o the r fjmdashiffittens be ing e q u a l t h a t i t - increase

bull i e l d from 25 t o 50 p e r cen t tha t - i i n s t h e s t r a w a n d p r e v e n t s r u s t a n d

bullBltt t t h a l l t - c h e c k s if it does no t en-t o w y p reven t t h e r a v a g e s of the ch inch b u g

W o o l is h igh ly hyg roscop i c mate r ia l t h a t is ic h a a t h e p o w e r of abso rb ing m o i s t u r e f r o m U h e air W h e n in pi les o r b ins i t absorbs m u c h w a t e r a n d be-

jQfimesJheavietmdashWhen taken- t o m a r k e t in a wagon however t h u s b e i n g t r e e l y e x p o s e a t o d r y i n g c u r r e n t s of a i r ^ t speedi ly loses we igh t a n d the pfian w h o b a r t e r r a t o n t im~day~foT~TJi^i icP c r e a s e of a cent o r t w o a pound will uffually lose^more t h a n that a m o u n t in we igh t bull -

T h e O o o k ^ B o o k - mdash

I c e d A p p l e s mdash P a r ^ a n d core one dozshyen l a r g e a p p l e s -fill with s u g a r mixed wi th a l i t t l e b u t t e r a n d c i n n a m o n b ke t i l l noa r ly done - e o o i a n d if possible w i t h o u t b r eak ing p u t t h e a p p l e e on a n o t h e r d i sh if n o t poss ib le p o u r off I h j Jatoei h a v e raquo o m e f e i p g ^ r e p a r e ^ f ^ ^ - f ^ y F ^ ^ trade raquo f


Rheumatism Neuralgia

Thouand6 yos milUoos of battles ofCar-boline have been sold alid tbe laquoale still goes on If there were nomerit in this great natshyural hair renewer do you suppose tha4-the-peo=v pH W(iuld still buy and^buv as they continue to-do Assuredly not and the groatlauirber of testimonials prove that it u nniMf the grandest of natures remedies

^ Miss Ottilic daughter of Senator Ma Virginia 1laquo much admired at Saratoica


A F a c t W o r t h R e m e m b e r i n g A severe eold or cough can be soonest cured

hy taking accordinrr^ to directions Allens Lung Balsam It caube pvoeured at any drug store It is harmless to the mostdelicate pershyson 4 bull

Miss Kmlly Faithful will sail for the United States on the 18th of September to make a lecshyturing tour of sir months in this country

BUCKINGHAM W VAmdash Drs5fewlbn-ifcBTaiF repprtr^hat Browns Iron BiIters are giving general satisfaction

Poor people in New Yoffc~pavfITe corner STO-cerstorcOHl by tbe pailfu at the rate of famp) a ton -

And will eonapietely change- th blood in tin ent i re syatem^tt threc months Any pe r Hon who will ake 1 PU1 each n ight from 1 to 13 weeks may be restored t o sountf health i snch a th ing be pogsible F o r cnringFemale ComplainU theae r u i a hvlaquo n o bull nuat Iliysicians nse them-In thei r practice Sold everywhere or sectent by mail fo vlbM letterfrtampa Send for cifcnlar I S JOHNSON ft COi BOSTON MASS ^ i i- mdash ~ a gt gt ^ ~ _ I

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITiS^ J O H N S O N S A N O D Y N E L I N I M E N T wjll-irrftin-neouraquo]y relieve these terrible diseases an i will positivelr van nine cases out of ten InformsQbn thst will ^ave many lives sent free by mail lxgtnt delay a moment Pretention U-bstter-than-ewrftrbullbull- --bullbull-


- A

hoopmg Cough eases of ths


An English Velcrinarv Surpeon aridChemist row traveling in this country savsthst most

bull of tha Hnrgto raquor(l r araquoia fowders raquoMd hers MAKE HENSm are-wonliless trih He say^ that Slierfdans I Con4itlon Iowilors are absoluteh- ptire and immensely valuable Js-nthtinr-on evrh will make i -is lay like -Shefldans Condition Pow-dons l)ltlaquo t te3D-B

Ja to 1 pint tnotl Sold everywhere or sent by mail for 6 lettigtr-stamps-3t-S^JoraquolaquoaoK io HlaquomH Miss-


0 ^ t S ^ S O V - fP of j n N U M ^ T A L



^ 7 ^ - S o m e tgtIood i s b a d b e c a o s c it i s poup^nfl^s^^r^Soliaerampiiadtiecalise it c o n t a i n irnpurit ies S o m e m e n l i a v e s u c h b a d b l o o d t h a t t h e w o n d e r is i t d o e s n o t pcrison the m o s q u i t o e s w h o c o m e l d b i t e t h e m 7 ~~ ~ bullbull

-Tfiericfc Ted c o l o r o t g o o r i b l o o d is o w i n g t o t h e i r o n w h i c h i s p ^ e s e a t B i p o d w h i c h h a s n o t e n o u g h i ron in it is a l w a y s u n j a t i s ^ r t d r ^ s = l ^ i e p c r --son in w h o s p v e i n s it c i r cu la t e s c a n n o t b e s a i d t o e n j o y g o o d h e a l t h ^ - -

T h e efforts of ex p e r t c h e m ists t o p r b d u c e _ a _ p r e p a r a t k m laquo o f t r e n ^ v h i c h c a n - b e a s s imi l a t ed vi th_ihe_Uoodraquo4iare-re -sul ted7in t h a t p e r f e c t p r e p a r a t i o n

-w-hieh- i s - n i m p o r t a n t p a r t of b r o w n s I ronBi t ters I t is t h e o n l y o n e w h i c h freely e n t e r s in to t h e b l o o d r gt I t is t h e o n l y one w h i c h a c c o m p l i s h e s t h e d e s i r e d g o o d gt bullbull- -trade

^ W e a k p o o r - t h i n b l o o d m a y b e m a d e rich a n d s t r o n g a n d i m p u r e b l o o d m a y b e pur i f i ed b y t h e u s e - o f t h a t p r e a t I r o n M e d i c i n e Bro-Jnis

Iron Bitters - - 3

bull - gtbull-bull 7 ilaquoSf iM^ r - V - -bull

ThjsOffer Good Till TbaatsgivingDay Only Read Tliese Testimonials The proprietors-of the FARM Ft f iLD AMI F I R E S I D E bcirg desirous of havlac thlralrealt1y well

[ mown aadpqpnlar AgrlenJturcl andTamlly paper more widely circulated and introduced Into houltiex where IM IS W already known have determined to throw off alt proflt thjn Tlaquoar and In addition uea portion of taslr capital for the sole purpose or increasing their circulation to fOQiOOO eooiw- ltlaquo circulatfonla now 18iQ0Q Only 3ffQQQ ipo bullrfwi hofnra tha rtiirrihnr^^raquo-Jc placer i t ter de5dlnlaquo to^nwre extlaquoa

bull - - f ore the following plan has baltn adopted Lyus= --

will enter yonyname on odr subscription book and moll the FA y to you for Six Ifonths and immedia

MDErefrn-tit to^kneof 1

Cholera Diarrhcea

i rr^m bull laquo i i i i f i i

^ - _^ -AyfC181-0AND FIRESIDE ately fend a WriBled i t a W m l Urrc lpt ^raquohich wMenUtta thlaquo ptstobs

bull bull


Lf I bull Sprains


il B QOTanmentBonds of 1000 a Greenbacks of two

1laquo U S Greenbacks of ilOO 1 Xatched pair of Trotting- Horses 1 Grand Square Piano- 1 Grand Cabinet Organ ^

l Thrmdash-seat Rockaway J H H t a i a i Taiwan i n 4 a ^ laquo ^ 4 ^ a ^ 5 Top Buggies

80 XL 8 Greenbacks of $M each 1000 Photograph Albums t each

raquo Viilage Carts rT Pony Phaeton

of Presents to Be Given Away


tsooo 00

10raquo o

1000 SO

laquo00 00 bullCO 00

sooco looo oo9

1000 00 9000 00 araquooo too 00

1000 Pocket SUrer Frolt Knlres 1000 Gsots Pooket KnlTea 1000 US Greenbacks of i l eaeh

10 Genu Gold Watches Ecgtiah Movement 1laquo ladles Gold Watches English atnvemt ) Boys Silver Watches American Hove i I Solitaire Diamond Finger Rlncs a T l w a T l i a i TtgL^rs bullbullraquobullbull 1 Normandv Work Horse--

2800 Elegant Oleograph Picture 6 Raw Silk Parlor Suit Furniture

1440 Gold Finger Rings Ladies Bream Pint Scarf r - - - - - - - - bull mdash bull

$1000 03 1000 00 1J0O00 raquo00 40 laquo00 00 100 00 400 00 icoo jraquo 500 00 2SO00 1000 00

w - fmdash fcCMAOeurofcVAlaquosgtlaquoUAlaquolaquo _bullpound_]raquolaquoraquobull n i r n i s h e d tha p a p e r tav tklaquo I pound^JrVf J S P ^ 4 ^ _ F I J R f raquo f l S ] amp r i S V ^ noiinLS a n d h m w a T ^ raquo y raquo rlttnndjjta Frwsgtrlaraquoraquo I

C H I C A G O P A F E 8 CO __ _ C11ICAGO A n g raquo 1 1S9laquoL

^ 1 K P i V J kraquoTe Ptd sae Mweral ta ftSMd d o l l a r f o r ttreaa-work o n t h e i r pstpcr

GentsS Pins LocketFans and Chains

entraquo Al

d B88S5 offlor presents rained from 25 cents to $100 which makes a grand aggregation of IM t thus guaranteeing a premdashnt to aacli and avary n e w subscriber who sends uraquo bO CtS a-111 of the abovepreaenU will b awarded in a fair and impartial manner by comrnittclaquoccolaquolaquoat 1


Burns Bruises

to attend the Fest as manv will be pr for Six Months

I roiir fOrurv itixgtnalaquo^ YOTrRSTJBBOT thijri) Send us

- A J T D -

d mdash T c a l d s Toothaehe


P ATNTrvTT LhRuuwweiMnsi l i iad ust r A l l X - rwl l^LvL- l^^ t r t e n ( l o f Bl wbo want bullore and afe medtdne which can be froely used Inshyternally or emally without fear of harm and with certainty of relief its price brings It within theraufe of ninnnrrt wflTwmosJty uiftmwsTVmm m em tin aowoV onu p n a raquo w ai dwuk iBa i perboHle Drleetlonaaoooinpsmy e4h bottle -


RnfTTONTRSS Get firs of your f r ^ s t o J p l n yoear catUwrthivoutAadahowlngit to T bdquo T86 and wFwTll seadyou the FARM F J t L O A N D FIRESIDE for laquoU mouthV and a numberedreceipt for each of your subacribersanJ onlaquo eitra for yonr tronhlp ^ ^ ^ P i T fcraquoSCRiraquoraquo raquoraquoVti aadwawlllsend j a s u b s c r i p t s and twelve nTmbered receipra

We shall limit the nvaber of new subscriptions to 100000 so we would advise all our friends to forward gtub-| ecriptions early bull bdquo

FHE FARM FIELD AND FIRESIDE onc-pf the oldest and ablest edited Family and Agricultural pipers It contains t w e n l r lai

stoty Columns) lnchullngelegant cover bound stitched and cut And now has a circulation offlL es ond we are-sure to reach the 1 0 0 0 0 0 laquo^ the tiuie set-and the djsrribution of presents Will take

t^ace on that date it contatnrsrdrieg flketohes Poetry Farm Cardan Household and Agrtcultu ral Departmonts by the best Contributors of the day as weu as an Hluetfated fashion Department Needle and Embroidery Work Iliustrationjof difltorent parts of the frac34 ^ 1 frac34 8 4 3 ^ J L f n f iog^PioaJ Skstchec of Sminant U e a and Women In short it conuins that which will interest instruct uiul ajuuse the whote fainiiy mdash ~ bull HzZZ_rz ^ T M v P J O P ^ J ^ X 0 are men of mean who always hare done as lhlaquoy agree and onr paper is loar ^ S - S a a ^ a a ^ V ^ f i ^ T A 1 ^ SJSi^SSfS^^ lt tradeampW to the letier any offer we m ^ n u k e T ^ iJampJPQ^iXXXSlPy10 1 frac34 frac34 1 ^ frac34 bull H E F E S T I V A L we will send a printedLiraquotof the

ONLY 50 CENTS S^SampSSSl^fSSf^S $poundampamppoundampamp su^cription price ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ laquobull jraquor tgt+n Kraquo bull ltt ltt laquo bdquo t ltbdquo amp rraquovJgtltri Ckit ^^ ^

lui i S 3 LifJ m o ^fV 0 lt o I w n l ^ r b o S n t n ordinary ItnVr at onr risk larger sums should ba ssnt far f Registered Letter P O i^onry order or Express flSenttoa Thia Papergt laquo w u laquo OS SSSJS oy

I aawe a l w a y s O^sftalMtToiu

l a x o r s a a t t o a e o n r e r w l a g PosHtrV maul aw I astrnt a l o a e t s w o r t h flTet|saelaquoamplaquo prlimSt] T O D r p a p e r aawtast n o t h l a g a b o u t the w a l a a -bto Fssrsa l i ^ o ^ a a U o a M I I n t e r v a t t n a bull ^ s amp ^ U m _ W - K - W M P a O y ^ 1

bull U J P V P Sfargam Co A l a B S A T D W O O D 111 A o g 1 1 1 6 8 3

I a s i v e r y a a e h p l e a s e d w i t h y e a r pskper E v e r y n u m b e r seesas to ase t o blaquoeosBlaquo^asere A t t r a c t i v e siad prof l taate I s a v e t k o w a t t l dei iahtcdwithi t k r raquo j rEAUTET

W A r S F X M f t Oi Araquoc J^jasas s A^ A S raquo P I R S a i D K aoshe d a y a a V a a d ^ m g aay t h a t bull w s raquo w laquo U f l e a o e d w i t h 11 I fladti L

w b o m I sua o a e W i t h s a c k sua a g r t e s t t e r m l r o a n j a l e v e r y O s r - e r - - frac34 ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ I

I h e r e w i t h send w o n t o o _

F L R C ^ I D E w h i c h I AJTDl

^SESSJL^J^^F^A^^ bulllt

RKa utthhtouti iraquonand


I t Is c e r t A i a i y thebValaquoplaquoper I e Jkeat p l a t a Uoatrssted

l a s t r a c t i v e besuatl ful ly

h a v e l a t e l w b e e a a subacaHbev t o y e a r t a s t y a n d s t r e l l a b l e p a p e r a a d snaac a m sstotHp fama p l e a a e c l w t t V It I bull u b i e r l p t J ^ a V l a the Brat plssee saoa a e h a a e f o r o a e laquo r t h e s a a a y ssrea f o r a q y t h l n c e o o t a l a e d l a t h e ^ a a bull laquo d h o p a p e r la w u s t h t h r e e er iR t h e s a e a e y b e a l d e a i l prcooata

S bull W Flt

l J H ^ pound f 1 frac34 4 CSampraquo^Hpwvraquo bull K laquo h t assd ^ e d J E y r H e n d a a d a a raquo a laquo r l 6 laquo r a


d e - l a r e aarpr taod a p e r e o a tasU a a a I t t o h e t h e b e s t seertfcetJJ sraquoer

itastso _ i eeea the paper i_ paper pruted

r bull

^e iraquo-a3tV-


iiCjmdashnift ua m^frf^wss^y^wr W T E ~ V - ^ J I ^ f f f T ^ w y r y wfatnysty bull bull bull

U raquo11

bull - J



16 I y


bullHOWELL bull- -jProxnour Correspondent bull

Miss Mary Mountain a ron^kahly bright and promising young girl died

suddenly August 2gtHh of a congestive chill

Mifis Rose Bush went Saturday to lttake charge of the primary dqiartnimt pi one of Lansings wardschools

The schools opened Monday wilh a school house overflowing will] schilars jMiss BfooksVof(jfeemllte t s prerop-tress in place ot Miss Thayer of last year

J M White received a fine new OIL bus ljst Friday He has placed it in the hands of Bashford i Stearns who will run it in part in the interest of bullthe Commercial Hotel

Mlt A Dowling Vrfooby peWew nnm--f as instructor and leader has brought bullthe HoweU band into an excellentconshydition without asking any regular poundomraquofcnsation was presented with an excellent new bell-front tenor horn by appreciative friends outride of the band

Chester -Newman started tor Jiutler Indiana Monday hoping to purchase the only photograph gallery there

mdash-Themdashball game betweeYr^the Ply- mouth and Howell nines resulted disshyastrously for the home nine Score

11 to 4 I One of Walter S Rolmisoifs-leading

men went off on a spree before reachshyingHowell His place was iilhd by the property man and as Sunliglit of the Sierrasbull wasnt nnu-h of a piav a poor entertainment vltU given before an audience so small as to indicate inshysufficient advertising

mdashgt ~mdashOne of the most successtnlTonchops

Institutes ever held in the county has jus t closed Friday higTif all were inshyvited to go boating on Thompsons Lake ay Messrs Frank Briggs and A poundgtiley Crittenden who had~ kindh-si^ cured all the boats on the lake forthe occasion and so ended a meeting that

v alb present-seemgd-fco-profit by and enshyjoy - - 4

The races advertised by the Horse Association were-declaredorl Owing lo the lack of entries The Association must be making a very poor name




among horsemeii ttiis being the sccTTlut flat failure in two years _

Jewish congregations worship with Jheir heads covered so do the Quakers- though St Pauls injunctionswtifB inatter are clearly condemnatory of the practice The Puritans-- of the Com jaoawealtk-wouldmdashseeia- ialaquo have kept their hats on whether preadhing or be-

since 3 jpxc pys iiottm


Eg preached to7 _hearing a simple clergyman Jpxeiaiming

against men wearing their hats in the church and _a year after CrtitVi)

^wtTtes To the French cliurcltin tho flavoy and these they have 4the Coin-paOn prayer-bQok read in French and which I never Baw before the minister

jlo preach witty his hat ofpound I suppose in further conformity with our^chnwli William III ratheryscnrjikrlized hid phurch-going subjgots- by following Dutch _jaisieaipoundlaffltI keeping his head

mdashcovered in chur^hvancl when it did bullplease him toft off his ponderoushat during the s^fricehe invariably donned it as the preacher mounted tlve juil-f^stain| When -Bossuett at the ago pf 14treated the gay- singers of the HoteXde Eambouillefc to a midnight ser-taori Voltaire sat it out with his hat on

bdt uncovering when the boypreacher had finished bowed 4ow before him saying Sir I never heard a man

^preach at once sb-garly and HO late-gi pound11 the Year Hound -~-

Farms for Sale 120 Acresmdash100 under pood cultivat-ion hirirc

barns sheds ^ood house two ^oodwellt of widei]


Hats at cost A Large and Elegant line of Neckwear at less tlran cost



AVe have an enormous stock in paper aiidjincu Prices too object


We lead all competitors t best

WHITE raquo

Kver sdiown i the town nt p r u ^ bullWau-K) to 25 per cent less than other deal ers are se lling the same identical goods we have withotttmdashtkttrbt- bullthe best unlaundried^hirt inthe market


whioh we will sell at doyui price-




OTTIR 2 s pound O T T O



D D MALLORY amp C Wtiol^ualo Dealertt In


r_ Manufacturers of itermetlcally Sealed i ~ Tlcklftt PnBcltrve8 etc

[S3 5SAND 57 JEFFERSON M L gt si Detroit Mich

Use TBAlaquoknuvv and you will find

Wampshall continvie to be

Your Tigttlli becoiii na pearls Twill fragrant make tho breath of all

lioyy wuiut-u uiiU au l glrlB i




tber Uial we will save you mt every dollars worth of goods

bought of us - mdash



^ - LAKWamp

tn town Kcvtionz riovoltics and

_At-vraquour-own prices Clocks Clocks

pycharri quinces poucbof) and othor fruitmdash -This farm has no wa^tu land and in- within Vgt ^ninnt08 drive from tho raili-oad station luill-_ami gt0Qlaquoly Oftoh inarki

200 Acn8mdashAraquoout ISO undoT cultivation liU-g1

house barns eheds and outbuildings nearlyall mdashfiew^-two-orcliarda fonr frood- wills oni wind-

mill land tile drained This farm is yithin a^outl-J minutos drive from the railroad station millo murkfetTN--mdash-


326AcresmdashAbout vWt) under ciiltivation land first quality tile drainwl orchard two yood ui-lls

OlTrater aboutJO-jniniitea drive from dojjot and


Goiiigicgardlgss of mkt


market - ltmdash mdash - -The-above 646 acres are Joined together and

can be Bold as one farm or divided as above or to j take more or leas aa wanted A l s o -

-49 ActeemdashAll improved within 20 minntea drive from station v^ -

80 AcresmdashAbout 60 under Rood cultivation large txyo-atogy-hojiBfl now barn and stables ^

This farm ia tile-drained has two orchards and-JB within about 10 minutes drive from depot

lt millsandmarkot alio large houtje carriage house and outbuildings with 33 acres land in corpora-tioti nfthe ttnyn vUtlilu twu IIIIUIUHS VMtlk ut the station This propflfly cost sect1-5(KH) in 1872 -The above farms are kiHgtwn as the Hayes Farms at Orand Ledltbull Eaton county 97 miles from Detroit 12 miles from Lansing _The grtte for the above propertv ull de|gtend upon how muchlhhd is take]rancitlHttrins

Part of the purchase monev niav remain unpaid fop a terrn 1 yea^9 or uped fcjaidgnomr


property in Detroit Avilfbe taken for a part Apply to --



^DDJTIONA4_ NOTICE^ If a sultable petson with moansto ltarry- on

the businose of stock raising dairy or srain faiin tnjrtfeBlTO8 to RENT or work the646 acres on ehare for a-term of years negotiations may bo Miade t bullbull h



^he oianufaiturers have yet to hear of a single case of Dyspepsia or Diliou^nesB whoa ZOPKBA

was used-as directed in which it was hot-mora than satisfactory Many write that it is a wonder-ftij remedy We can show where as high as for t j pounds were gained by its rise in breaking up-chronic Uiliousnes and Dyspepsia Its friendain-crease very fast^afed all who use as directed are surprised and gratified - 3144


Personally HppeTu-edTiefore me Peter Phillips who Tieini K W I W aci-ofdin^ to law1 deposes and says That he has been affected with rhenmatiim more or less forthe past four or five years That bust winter he had a very severe attack arid that

about in his own room by taking hold of some thinu for support Uhin the disease was in i ts

za^ojtt^irtrtt flt+HiiT4laquouldlu^4iaiu almost unhi^rable he took-a dove-of W ilf oils Ii--htnin^ Remedy

bull| whlrh-nmHPTt- inTm^rttaTe-rr-nef arid tfte SPCOTig (Lisa taken tve hours after made a perfect and permanent- cure und that since takinp the two doses lie hasbeen free from the disease or any symptomsthe reof bull I K T VAX PIU L LI PS-

Swoni+inil subscribed tObefore me this 9th day of July A 1) 1SS) IM) ONkiir Notary Public

FARRAND W4-LLIAMS amp CO AGENTS Dytroit Michigan 31-t4


PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Wy are now receiving our first shipment of trll j0-ods anil oiler greater 111-

fhiceinents than ever No pains havo been spared to have cvery-pairof our boots and shoes the very best in

- DmiTTinnillATERIAL AND WCRKMAflSHlL OUR PRICES will always be found as low as goods of thesame quality can

- - bull t iU 1)0 sTgtld foTiirthi orany other marlret - in prGs-Trmtrnrrottr fall st-^eVr^v^eanlt dently expect to increase and extend our business and every etlortwilbbe made to give out- friends and patrons the most careful and polite attention Every body invited to inspect the-goods and get our priced



Clyde (li-hgtIFor e(+ Percheron NohnanHorses bull - EnLlisli Draft Horses __

Coac-hers Shetland Pontes llol-tein and Devon Cattle ^ -

Our customerH have the advantage of our many years exjieiiieuce in hn-ediriirand importinc large colloctfigtns^_oiipmuuiitv- Lpound coiuparin^ different i_ 111 s tent oMmsincBB breeds1 hiw price iieeuuse ot ex Andhgtwfates of transportation Catalogulaquoa | ree Correspyndence solicited

-^- - POWELL BROS bullr SPIUN( K(UO Crawford C01 PENN


FRESH amp FRUITFUL FIELDS - mdash mdash OF FINE ART-mdash^~^ bull (The Detroit Art Loan Kecord eKifttjauhlishLid daily during the BopteiTiher aild Ot1 tuner a-J numh SOT volume of 420 pa^es index and title Bcriptioa-priceFivo Dollars Ten Thousand Questions Answefei -bull hlar Dictionarrof Fine Art 125 large pagBB bound Seventy -five cents Address laetur Ford Atraquo hoanbtitlding Detgoit Mie8

J raquo

At down prices

GROCERIES Largerime at prices below par at the



Pinckney Mictiigan

West Main St Opposite Globe Hotel

J^jfuUJiiie_of_ MICH


Fiiie Oonfectionery 1 Smoking Tobacco Stationery^ tc


LUMBER LATH amp SHING bull Yard on HoweU Street north

Brick Store OFFICE AT


FARM FOR SALE plowed land) five

thtiNlaquogtjraquoIIea from Eighty nrre farinVsivty neves

miles west of PinMiiiey and thtfpp^ bdquo Ilmdjljii ltjn the riiiekhey and Milan road raquobo on Titie nf ( T Hiijlroad tJood house and Darn Fine Orchard niid bull spring of cwld-watermdashA1laquoJ bull several in res of timber Call now and see farm while the urops are laquo[)win^ will bgt sold on earaquoy terms Rrw-4laquo-a Very desirahlo hone oply on premises

JAMES PANGBOftNmdash - - r - - - _

AN -OKDlNAXtK to Supjiress Saloons for tttO -pale of-SpiritiiotTH nrtd fntoxicatifig Liquore

Goods are all fresh and new Prices are always reasonable We hope to merit a 1 beral share of the public patronage Call and see us

- i _ _ _ ^ j jtL

The tAimlHon Conm-H of tho Village of Plnck- ney ordain Hud it raquohall not be lawful --any petHott or pttsons to keep a saloon -for sale of splutunis and intoxicating Honors wit the corpora^ limits of said villaeo -Adopto^Atigtiat 47th 1883


m laquomdash bull i~



bull J

r-l ~r--bull$bullgt-mdash ^ _^---f-v bullltWIpWi

ll i

bull bull I I 1 ll laquo i n iilaquoHragt



F a c t a f o r F a r m e r e

E v e r y d a y an a n i m a l is kep t a f te r be in p r imC t h e r e is J o s s exchreive of

m a n u r e bull Y o u n g ch icks s h o u l d be fed as often-

a s four t imes a d a y u n t i l they a i e abou t t h r e e w e e k s old - -

O n e of t h e mos t e n c o u r a g i n g hopes for o u r c o u n t r y is t h e p rospec t ive imshyp r o v e m e n t of its l ive stock

A dyingScotcLTsqui re sa id to his son Be ayes t i ck in 1 in a t r ee Jockmdashthey l l - be growin^whi l f t y p u V e s leepin V

t h b ^ e laquo f r Xork T r ibune

- - ^ - 1 - - - - ^

whi te of e g g a n d suga r lay it t o p a n d sides a n d set into t h e oven a

on t h e


f ives th is good aid vice in t w o words ow to c u r e an e g g e a t i n g h e n mdash e a t

h e r - V - mdash i j A t a sal^iof J e r s e y ca t t l e in N e w

Y o r k recent ly King of A s h a n t e e w a s sold to C fiasthope of Njles 0 for $5600

C o r n a lone is no t a sufficient food for fowls whea t b r a n in t h e form of a

- Ih i ck m u s h and some vege tab les should Jbe g iven

- P r o CoQk says I v e e x p e r i m e n t shye d w i th sa l t upon t h e c u t w o r m to k n o w t h a t you c a n kil l y o u r p l a n t s beshyfore y o u c a a k i l U U a yo rnaa - raquo i -WH- mdasht W -frac34

In t e l l i gen t b reede r s c o n t e n d t h a t cross bred aijimalfi w h e t h e r ca t t l e horses or sheep m a t u r e ea r l i e r a n d a r e be t t e r feeders t h a n anv c o m m o n stock-

T h e sick a n i m a l is usual ly da in ty a b o u t his feed a n d should be a l l o w e d on ly l ight easi ly d i g e s t e d food t r y i n g va r ious k inds a n d a l l owing as a rule w h a t he l ikes best bdquo Ga l l s a n d bruises a r e m o r e read i ly p r e v e n t e d by p r o p e r l y adjust ing- t h e h a r n e s s t h a n t h e r a r e c u r e d by t h e bes t r e m e d i e s besides t h e loss of t h e ani -

m a j s w o r k a t a busy season A n I n d i a n a f a r m e r r id s h is sheep of t i cks by feed ing a hal f p o u n d of s u l p h u r to eyery fifty sheep m i x i n g it wi th the sa i t wh ich is fed T w o or t h r e e doses a w e e k a p a r t a r e e nough

Cal i forn ia -wheatds-so d r y wh+m-har vftftted_that w h e n t a k e n to the d a m p e r a i r ltopound the sejjcoast ic g a i n s seven p e r c e n t or moire in we igh t T i e ga in is sufficient to pay for t r a n s p o r t a t i o n

mdashPota toes a r e ^ m a d e s cabby by wire v o r m g ~ T h e best p reven t ive is to g r o w the - c rop on~fa41ow g r o u n d wi thou t m a n u r e s or wi th fert i l izers T h e Worms a r e e n c o u r a g e d or b r o u g h t - in by t h e m a n u r e

P l u m s p i g s a n d ppu l t ry seem a t r io w h i c h th r ive in c o m p a n y P l u m t rees

4 a ^ p o u T b p y H r t - p H 6 ^ ^ ^ bear _ _ a b u n d a n t l y w b ^ a - ^ r e e raquo - i n o t h e r loGa-

t inns shfd thei r fruit w h i c h bea r s t he t r a d e m a r k of the l i t t l e T u r k

Clean l iness and careful bedd ing of a n i m a l s so as to keep t h e s ta l ls d ry and

Jfcamph of ton pro ventB g r a v e d i s o r d e r a o f


the g e n e r a l sys tem a n d a lso the frrita t i n g efleets of the a m m o n i a on the eyes c a u s i n g i n r l a m m a t i o n r r - o f - a b e m and b l indness -

N Hi t ter a successful s t r a w b e r y cul-turiHt of Syracuse s ays in lhp N e w

few minu tes to b r o w n s i g h t l y Serve wi th c r e a m

bullbull P e a c h Cake mdashLine a deep dish ivitli pa s t ry p lace upo r i th is halves of peaches c lose toge ther sp r ink l e plentifully with s u g a r a n d a l i t t le c i n n a m o n p u t in t h e o v e n a n d bake unt i l cooked ea t wi th c r e a m

Delicious L a y e r C a k e - M a k e whi te c a k e as for s t r a w b e r r y cake bu t omi t t he r ed s u g a r a n d a d d one c u p of des-sujated coeoanu t a n d use n o flavoring M a k e ic ing a n d in to one-haif p u t b lanched and s h o p p e d sweet a l m o n d s

Porttroitrst anttsdiond layers together with the a l m o n d i c ing on t h e n e t s p r e a d p la in icin^ a n d lay on t h a t a l a y e r of ha lved fags t h e n a n o t h e r coa t o t i e i n g for t h e nex t use a l m o n d s a n d so on F r o s t the t o p of t h e cake a n d bull t i ck a l m o n d s over it

Rais in C a k e mdash T h r e e - q u a r t e r s of a c u p of bu t te r one-half c u p of sweet mi lk one a n d t h r e e - c h a r t e r cups of flour yo lks of e igh t eggs one a n d one-half teaspoont nls of b a k i n g powder B a k e in je l ly t in s T o p u t toge the r s p r e a d a t h i n c o a t o f f ros t ing on each l aye r t h e n one 6i c h o p p e d ra is ins seededgt a n d a n o t h e r of f rost ing raquo

Hickory-oir Waltint-layc1CaKoTmdashQriS c u p of bu t te r two cups of s u g a r five eggs one cup of mi lk f o u r c u p s of flour two teaspoonfuls of b a k i n g powder P u t l aye r s t o g e t h e r wi th ic ing miamped wi th finely chopped h ickory o r walnuj tmqats Use p l a in ic ing for top arid lay on it) unshyb r o k e n m e a t s i

Artificial Oysters mdash T a k e yoUng g r e e n corn g r a t e it in a d i sh to one p i n t of th i s add one egg wel l bea ten a gmali teaelip of flour half c i ip of bu t t e r some sa l t a n d p e p p e r a n d m i x al l well toge th shyer A tablespoonful of the b a t t e r will make t h e size of an Oyster F r y t h e m a lijjht b r o w n a n d bull w h e n d o n e b u t t e r t h e u i c r e a m if it c a n be p r o c u r e d is betshyt e r t h a n bu t t e r

To Bot t l e F ru i t s mdashBurn a m a t c h in a b o t t l e to exhaus t a l i a i r t h e n p lace fri -the^froit=to b e p r e s e r v e d qui te d r y a n d w i t h o u t blemish sp r ink le suga r be tween each l ayer cork arid t i e a b l a d d e r over s e t t i n g bot t les cork d o w n w a r d s in a l a r g e vessel of cold waiter wi th hay beshyt w e e n to p r e v e n t b r e a k i n g W h e n t h 3 s a i n is ju s t c r a c k i n g t a k e t h e n out imshym e r s e th in p a p e r in g u m w a t e r a n d vhn wn^t f f las it n v p r m i d a r o u n d the

In Mexico nea r ly every one is a smoker T h e school childre rn who havo (tone well in the i r s tud ies a r e r e w a r d e d by being a l lowed to s m o k e a cigar as they s tand or sit a t t he i r lessons T h e schoo lmas te r is se ldom w i t h o u t a c i g a r in his mouth bull I n the l aw cour t s alJ persons cornnibnjy enjoy the i r t obacco freely a n d even the accused in a cr imshyinal t r ia l is not d e n i e d ^ M s indu lgence b u t is allowed i | his c i g a r e t t e goes oui i n the hea t of an a r g u m e n t to l ight it a g a i n by bor rowing t h a t of the officer who s t ands a t h i s s ide to g u a r d hi ip

Si r H e n r y T h o m p s o n t he London su rgeon recoernizess in fisli a cpmbina-t i u u o f al l the e lements^ 1 uf J u b d thti

The Rev NewmanHall ha abandoned couteuiplated trip to the United States


top of the bot t le as i t dr ies it will be-cisme~quitefirm irad t igh t ltbull

S w e e t P e a r P ick les mdash T o ^ g v o _ q u a r t s of^goud v i n e g a r t a k e l o u r p o u n d s o b r o w n suga r a q u a r t e r of a p o u n d o c i n n a m o n st ick a n d j y j u a r t e r p o u n d of cloves T ie the spices u p ih~smai rbags

the h u m a n body r equ i r e s in a lmos t evshyery phase of life m o r e especial ly by those who follow s e d e n t a r y employshym e n t T o w o m e n he cons iders fish t o be a n inva luab le a r t i c le of diet bu t he scouts as a comple t e fa l lacy t h e not ldn t h a t fish ea t i ng inc reases the bra in powshyer T h e only ac t ion fish h a d on t h e b r a i n w a s to put- a m a n s bod in to p r o p e r ^relations wit lTfne w o r k he h a d to do 1 1 bull

Tlie Meadows of Mary]and mdash

S P R I N G F I E L D P K I X C E G E O R G E S C O M D Mr Chas G Addison of t h e above p lace s t a t e s I s p r a i n e d my

I m p o r t a n t When you ViRlt or leave NeW York City save

Baggage ExpteeAacre axitf Carriage Hire and stop at the w a n d Uniou -Motel oppobite ltirand Central Depot

Elegant riKiim rttfr-dnp at rrmt (tf nn(- mil-lion aoftar6 red eed to | 1 and -upwards per day European P-lau Elevator jtveataurant bullraquoupp^U wiU^rtUe-hest I^orse cars etageaand bulllevatea railroad to all depot ^amiliea can laquoIve be t t ^ for i^se money at-thc brand Union

THotel th^n at any other first-cka hotel inj the i c i t y - bull bull bull - - - bullbullbullbullbull

WJe pever deceive or a good purpose Knavshye r y add raajice to falsehoodmdashBruy e r e

That) bad breath comes from ^Itrffttto eSamarifan Nervine I t etope the cause

laquo150 _ L_ _ - - KOH ijyHFicSiir lNJJlGaaTiQN xjlaquoprearaquoton of Spirit andQeneral Debility In tbelr Torloui form alaoasa pre+enUcopy agalnat Pever and Alaquone and other Intermittent Feveri the ^KXHHO-PHOMPHO-aampTKp KLIXIH or CALUraquo4TA made by Caswell aaiard t Co Njw Yarampand told by all lgtnjwtraquota lathe best tonic and for patterns recoTertnlaquorrom ^ever or other aickness it nMjio equaL BUCHU-pAIBAl Qntck obmpiete cure all annoTlng gldney and Urinary Disease bull

H A T Ffivia I have been a Hay-Fever auf- ferer for three years have often head Elyrf Cream Balm spoken of in the highest terras I used It and with the most wonuerful succese mdashT S QgjtBSyracuse N Y bull FLlE8rofce ants tec^urs ru laioe ctowi chlpmunts cleared ont by Roogb on Hats lsectt

rigbt^knee c a u s i n g - in tense bull suffering a n d the use o f - c r u t c h e s for severa l weeks I found n o relief in o the r r e m r

edies a n d finally t r i ed t h e m i r a c l e of cu re St J a c o b s Oil I n a sho r t t ime I coul tTbend m y kneemdash vlaquohiohihaii been stiff a s an i ron r o d mdash l a y i n g aside my c ru t ches a n d was ab le to w a l k as well

r rmdash mdash bull mdash as ever-

G e r m a n y is exporting shawl s to Scotshyl and J t_ bullbullbull

A g e n t l e m a n in a n e i g h b o r i n g tdwn who had suffered t^vo years -wi th c h r o n ic diarrhoea and vgtas so r educed t h a t he couid no t walicr^vas c u r laquo d and res tore to sound hea l t h b y Johnsons Anodyn4 Liniment Th i s L i n i m e n t is wor th I t s we igh t in gold r -

C e d a r Key h a s c o m m e n c e d shipping-tu r t l e s N o r t h - ^ -

bull bull - - L U bullbull bull - bull mdash - bull

T h e b l i gh t i ng Effectsof JTSplTfe blg-crtl a r e sad to behold in those we mee t^day by day This o u g h t no t and need not be so ^arsons Purgative Pills n lakes weKJrich blood takpn one-a n igh t fof twe lve weeks wil l c h a n g e the blood ia t h e en t i r e h o u s e a

Mr JnoR Hatterson- of Evanavme says Sdmaritan Nervine cured my-wile oi female weakness Your drusgists keep it^

HOUGH ON HATS Clear out rats mice flielaquo roaches bed-busts ante vermin chlumunks 15c

Hvy FJIVEK 1 eaa recommend Eigts Qream faim to all Hay-Fever frufferers It is in m orjinion a sure cur - I was a|Ricted for-36 years and never before found permanent re-Ik-f-W HflAsXrxs Marshfieid Vt t

What is defeatmdashNotiilinj-ttrretrtrcaTIotrr nothing buttlle first step to something better mdashWendell Phillips

WOODBERKY Mi)mdashRev W J Johnson ^ays UI have used Brovrus Iron BitUTB in my family and tbev have proswn a^-tplendid health inyJgoratar

rr is becoming is honest and whatshyever is lionest must always be becomingmdash Cicshyero

MibiAWAKi I|id Dec 1 18^2 DK PEJJOBLLI mdash

Ikar SirmdashOverwoi k has donefor me what it does for many peeiring to benefit suflertDK women I add my testimony to the value oi Zoa-Phora For five years I suffered gTeatly with Prolapsus being obligtd to use a supportshyer daring all- these painful wean years but ihfcjuks ID your medicine I raquo t a r it mi tnore X^ laid it opound after using one and a half Jjotpoundka-_X Am not well but I work all the tme aDd am better than I ever expected to be You may use my letter and if any one wished to write me for more information give them mv full addres^ Miss CG JtoHlaquoB S W A N S WORM Sracp v or reTerishness rwBUas8_esraquo worms osastlpaUon Tasteless 2to

Over 85 per cent of New Ylaquork City people live in rented houacs

bullaWSSJBSJSIISSJSJWMB-MSSa^aWSSS-SSMSMSmdash Hosteiters Stymraquo

ach Bitters by inshycreasing YltaT power and renderuui the physical functions remilar and active keeps the pys em In

food working order and p B o t e l c t s i t against disease For coneUpstlon dyspep sia and liver c o m -

pialni nervousness Sidney and rheushymatic ailments It Is invaluable snd It

afford sasored efenoa tealrfct malarial fe -bull e r s besides removshying al 11 races o f such disease from the system

For sale by all Di uggtsteStnd IXsalraquo


ers general y


Cream Balm when applied by t h e finger Into the nostrils laquo111 be absorbed ef-fettnaliytcleansicsthe htad of catarrhal Lr us causing healthy seshycretions Itra^laysln-flamstlon protects the membrane of th nasshyal pasag s from addishytion alcolds complete- -l y h e a i s t h e sores and res ores taste and smel A^fcw appll-c tions relieve Amdash trorongh treatment wil positively cure Agreeable to u s e Smxd- for circular Price 50cents by mall or ampgt drugglstilt






Y o r k T r i b u n e t ha t fie cons ide r s s t r a w worpoundh $8 pe r t o n for use on bis s i r aw-oefry p a t c h H e uses it as a pro tec t ion to t h e beds in win te r as a mufehr-aftd-says it keeps the f rui t -c lean He uses a b o u t one ton to the a c r e


-mdashPt j t - a - t ea spoonfu l - of -gnlpbrar fn the1

nest as soon as hens o r t u r k e y s a re set T h e h e a t of the fowls cause s the fumes of t he^su rphu r t o p e n e t r a t e e v e r y p a r r of t h e i r bodies eve ry louse is ki l led a n d as ni ts a re ha t ched within ten days w h e n the m o t h e r l eaves the nes t wi th h e r brood she is per fec t ly free from nits o r l i c e mdash mdash mdash mdash ~ mdash -

R e p o r t s from Cal i forn ia s t a t e t h a t a s e v e r e d i s t emper has been p r e v a i l i n g a m o n g the horse s tock of t h a t sec t ion d u r i n g the pas t win te r which has-prov-

-ed fa ta l in m a n y cases a n d left m a n y of those which surv ive inbdquoverv b a d con-di t ion T h e no ted filly Wi ld l lower was a m o n g t h a sufferers a n d is n o w covered w i t h - s e a r s r e su l t ing f rom ug ly sores w i t h vehieh s h e has been fttfiietedv

T h e o ld fash ioned p e a r t rees t h a t w to the size of o a k s a n d b o r e fruit

fit for preserving h a v e been su-e d by a g r e a t l y improved- l r u i t t

es~ djozirot^assess t h e ha rd i-laquof~lafe~ o ld sort T h e forc ing the 11raquo l raquo p i d g r o w t h is p robab ly t h e

aUlf m o r e t h a n anv th ino e l s e ^ ^ j k a r

a n d boi l w i t h the s u g a r ttinl i l legal tm-til a g o o d syrup is fo rmed P u t in the B a r t l e t t or S i c k l e p e a r s p lace on t he b a c k of t h e stove c o v e r closely and cook verv-blu wly unt i l t hey can bo piorood wi th a s t r aw ^

G r a p e C a t s u p mdash F i v e cupfuls of p u l p o f j u i ce OHO cupful o f b r o w n s u g a r t m laquo euoful of v ihegar ohe- teaspoonful each of b l ack peppe r clove c i n n a m o n a n d sa l t bull Boil half away

- J^ngl ishmen i i l jUi l th i i -mut tonof i i lack-faced sheep

The glocy of man is his strength If vou are weakened down through excessive studv or b_v early ind^cretims Allens Brain Foodwill TC-8tore alt lostuvigpr $1 G for 15mdashAt druggists ora^Iten^iPharrnacv STfT Tsraquo ^ ^ - V Y

GaT Lyuuslatent ULuuy_iuuuiju^jjllcdttcr new ijoots-or tihoes before you mn tbenj over

Kmory titorrs of (Jbicago now at Saratoga is said to have 300 neckties bull $ -

mdash Wvppripnfn thAJ^rraquoraquo^ T^achltr

P r i n c e riBismark has become suspi-aious ai idfcrabbed in his disposi t ion to a d e g r e e t h ^ m a f c e s it impossible for UU pub l i c official but the mos t obsequious to se rve u n d e r h im I t is said t h a t t he C f b l v n T r i n c e o f G e r m a n y whi le ap-p r e c i a t i n g fully the g r e a t work which B i s m a r k has done for his c o u n t r y has ve ry l i t t le s y m p a t h y i o r his d o m e s t i c pol icy and hetico u p o n his accession to the th rone will h a v e no sc rup les in d i savowing t hem

- No matteEtthat yourmdashatttw-irt H-Browns Tron Bitters will surely benefit yoii i

Striped stockings according to London Tiuth make the legs look thin


bHgfctras t h e d i s e a s e w a s qpfte Tin-k n o w n to the old s l ow g r o w i n g t r ees

T h e Massachuse t t s A g r i c u l t u r a l So-^ i e t y conc ludes t h a t s a l t ayen^amanufe h a s the p r o p e r t y of hasj tehing t h e mashyt u r i n g of al l g r a in crojpis t h a t w h e a t on sa l t ed l a n d will r i p e n s i x T o T e l T d a y s e a r l i e r t h a n on unsa l t ed l and all o the r fjmdashiffittens be ing e q u a l t h a t i t - increase

bull i e l d from 25 t o 50 p e r cen t tha t - i i n s t h e s t r a w a n d p r e v e n t s r u s t a n d

bullBltt t t h a l l t - c h e c k s if it does no t en-t o w y p reven t t h e r a v a g e s of the ch inch b u g

W o o l is h igh ly hyg roscop i c mate r ia l t h a t is ic h a a t h e p o w e r of abso rb ing m o i s t u r e f r o m U h e air W h e n in pi les o r b ins i t absorbs m u c h w a t e r a n d be-

jQfimesJheavietmdashWhen taken- t o m a r k e t in a wagon however t h u s b e i n g t r e e l y e x p o s e a t o d r y i n g c u r r e n t s of a i r ^ t speedi ly loses we igh t a n d the pfian w h o b a r t e r r a t o n t im~day~foT~TJi^i icP c r e a s e of a cent o r t w o a pound will uffually lose^more t h a n that a m o u n t in we igh t bull -

T h e O o o k ^ B o o k - mdash

I c e d A p p l e s mdash P a r ^ a n d core one dozshyen l a r g e a p p l e s -fill with s u g a r mixed wi th a l i t t l e b u t t e r a n d c i n n a m o n b ke t i l l noa r ly done - e o o i a n d if possible w i t h o u t b r eak ing p u t t h e a p p l e e on a n o t h e r d i sh if n o t poss ib le p o u r off I h j Jatoei h a v e raquo o m e f e i p g ^ r e p a r e ^ f ^ ^ - f ^ y F ^ ^ trade raquo f


Rheumatism Neuralgia

Thouand6 yos milUoos of battles ofCar-boline have been sold alid tbe laquoale still goes on If there were nomerit in this great natshyural hair renewer do you suppose tha4-the-peo=v pH W(iuld still buy and^buv as they continue to-do Assuredly not and the groatlauirber of testimonials prove that it u nniMf the grandest of natures remedies

^ Miss Ottilic daughter of Senator Ma Virginia 1laquo much admired at Saratoica


A F a c t W o r t h R e m e m b e r i n g A severe eold or cough can be soonest cured

hy taking accordinrr^ to directions Allens Lung Balsam It caube pvoeured at any drug store It is harmless to the mostdelicate pershyson 4 bull

Miss Kmlly Faithful will sail for the United States on the 18th of September to make a lecshyturing tour of sir months in this country

BUCKINGHAM W VAmdash Drs5fewlbn-ifcBTaiF repprtr^hat Browns Iron BiIters are giving general satisfaction

Poor people in New Yoffc~pavfITe corner STO-cerstorcOHl by tbe pailfu at the rate of famp) a ton -

And will eonapietely change- th blood in tin ent i re syatem^tt threc months Any pe r Hon who will ake 1 PU1 each n ight from 1 to 13 weeks may be restored t o sountf health i snch a th ing be pogsible F o r cnringFemale ComplainU theae r u i a hvlaquo n o bull nuat Iliysicians nse them-In thei r practice Sold everywhere or sectent by mail fo vlbM letterfrtampa Send for cifcnlar I S JOHNSON ft COi BOSTON MASS ^ i i- mdash ~ a gt gt ^ ~ _ I

CROUP ASTHMA BRONCHITiS^ J O H N S O N S A N O D Y N E L I N I M E N T wjll-irrftin-neouraquo]y relieve these terrible diseases an i will positivelr van nine cases out of ten InformsQbn thst will ^ave many lives sent free by mail lxgtnt delay a moment Pretention U-bstter-than-ewrftrbullbull- --bullbull-


- A

hoopmg Cough eases of ths


An English Velcrinarv Surpeon aridChemist row traveling in this country savsthst most

bull of tha Hnrgto raquor(l r araquoia fowders raquoMd hers MAKE HENSm are-wonliless trih He say^ that Slierfdans I Con4itlon Iowilors are absoluteh- ptire and immensely valuable Js-nthtinr-on evrh will make i -is lay like -Shefldans Condition Pow-dons l)ltlaquo t te3D-B

Ja to 1 pint tnotl Sold everywhere or sent by mail for 6 lettigtr-stamps-3t-S^JoraquolaquoaoK io HlaquomH Miss-


0 ^ t S ^ S O V - fP of j n N U M ^ T A L



^ 7 ^ - S o m e tgtIood i s b a d b e c a o s c it i s poup^nfl^s^^r^Soliaerampiiadtiecalise it c o n t a i n irnpurit ies S o m e m e n l i a v e s u c h b a d b l o o d t h a t t h e w o n d e r is i t d o e s n o t pcrison the m o s q u i t o e s w h o c o m e l d b i t e t h e m 7 ~~ ~ bullbull

-Tfiericfc Ted c o l o r o t g o o r i b l o o d is o w i n g t o t h e i r o n w h i c h i s p ^ e s e a t B i p o d w h i c h h a s n o t e n o u g h i ron in it is a l w a y s u n j a t i s ^ r t d r ^ s = l ^ i e p c r --son in w h o s p v e i n s it c i r cu la t e s c a n n o t b e s a i d t o e n j o y g o o d h e a l t h ^ - -

T h e efforts of ex p e r t c h e m ists t o p r b d u c e _ a _ p r e p a r a t k m laquo o f t r e n ^ v h i c h c a n - b e a s s imi l a t ed vi th_ihe_Uoodraquo4iare-re -sul ted7in t h a t p e r f e c t p r e p a r a t i o n

-w-hieh- i s - n i m p o r t a n t p a r t of b r o w n s I ronBi t ters I t is t h e o n l y o n e w h i c h freely e n t e r s in to t h e b l o o d r gt I t is t h e o n l y one w h i c h a c c o m p l i s h e s t h e d e s i r e d g o o d gt bullbull- -trade

^ W e a k p o o r - t h i n b l o o d m a y b e m a d e rich a n d s t r o n g a n d i m p u r e b l o o d m a y b e pur i f i ed b y t h e u s e - o f t h a t p r e a t I r o n M e d i c i n e Bro-Jnis

Iron Bitters - - 3

bull - gtbull-bull 7 ilaquoSf iM^ r - V - -bull

ThjsOffer Good Till TbaatsgivingDay Only Read Tliese Testimonials The proprietors-of the FARM Ft f iLD AMI F I R E S I D E bcirg desirous of havlac thlralrealt1y well

[ mown aadpqpnlar AgrlenJturcl andTamlly paper more widely circulated and introduced Into houltiex where IM IS W already known have determined to throw off alt proflt thjn Tlaquoar and In addition uea portion of taslr capital for the sole purpose or increasing their circulation to fOQiOOO eooiw- ltlaquo circulatfonla now 18iQ0Q Only 3ffQQQ ipo bullrfwi hofnra tha rtiirrihnr^^raquo-Jc placer i t ter de5dlnlaquo to^nwre extlaquoa

bull - - f ore the following plan has baltn adopted Lyus= --

will enter yonyname on odr subscription book and moll the FA y to you for Six Ifonths and immedia

MDErefrn-tit to^kneof 1

Cholera Diarrhcea

i rr^m bull laquo i i i i f i i

^ - _^ -AyfC181-0AND FIRESIDE ately fend a WriBled i t a W m l Urrc lpt ^raquohich wMenUtta thlaquo ptstobs

bull bull


Lf I bull Sprains


il B QOTanmentBonds of 1000 a Greenbacks of two

1laquo U S Greenbacks of ilOO 1 Xatched pair of Trotting- Horses 1 Grand Square Piano- 1 Grand Cabinet Organ ^

l Thrmdash-seat Rockaway J H H t a i a i Taiwan i n 4 a ^ laquo ^ 4 ^ a ^ 5 Top Buggies

80 XL 8 Greenbacks of $M each 1000 Photograph Albums t each

raquo Viilage Carts rT Pony Phaeton

of Presents to Be Given Away


tsooo 00

10raquo o

1000 SO

laquo00 00 bullCO 00

sooco looo oo9

1000 00 9000 00 araquooo too 00

1000 Pocket SUrer Frolt Knlres 1000 Gsots Pooket KnlTea 1000 US Greenbacks of i l eaeh

10 Genu Gold Watches Ecgtiah Movement 1laquo ladles Gold Watches English atnvemt ) Boys Silver Watches American Hove i I Solitaire Diamond Finger Rlncs a T l w a T l i a i TtgL^rs bullbullraquobullbull 1 Normandv Work Horse--

2800 Elegant Oleograph Picture 6 Raw Silk Parlor Suit Furniture

1440 Gold Finger Rings Ladies Bream Pint Scarf r - - - - - - - - bull mdash bull

$1000 03 1000 00 1J0O00 raquo00 40 laquo00 00 100 00 400 00 icoo jraquo 500 00 2SO00 1000 00

w - fmdash fcCMAOeurofcVAlaquosgtlaquoUAlaquolaquo _bullpound_]raquolaquoraquobull n i r n i s h e d tha p a p e r tav tklaquo I pound^JrVf J S P ^ 4 ^ _ F I J R f raquo f l S ] amp r i S V ^ noiinLS a n d h m w a T ^ raquo y raquo rlttnndjjta Frwsgtrlaraquoraquo I

C H I C A G O P A F E 8 CO __ _ C11ICAGO A n g raquo 1 1S9laquoL

^ 1 K P i V J kraquoTe Ptd sae Mweral ta ftSMd d o l l a r f o r ttreaa-work o n t h e i r pstpcr

GentsS Pins LocketFans and Chains

entraquo Al

d B88S5 offlor presents rained from 25 cents to $100 which makes a grand aggregation of IM t thus guaranteeing a premdashnt to aacli and avary n e w subscriber who sends uraquo bO CtS a-111 of the abovepreaenU will b awarded in a fair and impartial manner by comrnittclaquoccolaquolaquoat 1


Burns Bruises

to attend the Fest as manv will be pr for Six Months

I roiir fOrurv itixgtnalaquo^ YOTrRSTJBBOT thijri) Send us

- A J T D -

d mdash T c a l d s Toothaehe


P ATNTrvTT LhRuuwweiMnsi l i iad ust r A l l X - rwl l^LvL- l^^ t r t e n ( l o f Bl wbo want bullore and afe medtdne which can be froely used Inshyternally or emally without fear of harm and with certainty of relief its price brings It within theraufe of ninnnrrt wflTwmosJty uiftmwsTVmm m em tin aowoV onu p n a raquo w ai dwuk iBa i perboHle Drleetlonaaoooinpsmy e4h bottle -


RnfTTONTRSS Get firs of your f r ^ s t o J p l n yoear catUwrthivoutAadahowlngit to T bdquo T86 and wFwTll seadyou the FARM F J t L O A N D FIRESIDE for laquoU mouthV and a numberedreceipt for each of your subacribersanJ onlaquo eitra for yonr tronhlp ^ ^ ^ P i T fcraquoSCRiraquoraquo raquoraquoVti aadwawlllsend j a s u b s c r i p t s and twelve nTmbered receipra

We shall limit the nvaber of new subscriptions to 100000 so we would advise all our friends to forward gtub-| ecriptions early bull bdquo

FHE FARM FIELD AND FIRESIDE onc-pf the oldest and ablest edited Family and Agricultural pipers It contains t w e n l r lai

stoty Columns) lnchullngelegant cover bound stitched and cut And now has a circulation offlL es ond we are-sure to reach the 1 0 0 0 0 0 laquo^ the tiuie set-and the djsrribution of presents Will take

t^ace on that date it contatnrsrdrieg flketohes Poetry Farm Cardan Household and Agrtcultu ral Departmonts by the best Contributors of the day as weu as an Hluetfated fashion Department Needle and Embroidery Work Iliustrationjof difltorent parts of the frac34 ^ 1 frac34 8 4 3 ^ J L f n f iog^PioaJ Skstchec of Sminant U e a and Women In short it conuins that which will interest instruct uiul ajuuse the whote fainiiy mdash ~ bull HzZZ_rz ^ T M v P J O P ^ J ^ X 0 are men of mean who always hare done as lhlaquoy agree and onr paper is loar ^ S - S a a ^ a a ^ V ^ f i ^ T A 1 ^ SJSi^SSfS^^ lt tradeampW to the letier any offer we m ^ n u k e T ^ iJampJPQ^iXXXSlPy10 1 frac34 frac34 1 ^ frac34 bull H E F E S T I V A L we will send a printedLiraquotof the

ONLY 50 CENTS S^SampSSSl^fSSf^S $poundampamppoundampamp su^cription price ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ laquobull jraquor tgt+n Kraquo bull ltt ltt laquo bdquo t ltbdquo amp rraquovJgtltri Ckit ^^ ^

lui i S 3 LifJ m o ^fV 0 lt o I w n l ^ r b o S n t n ordinary ItnVr at onr risk larger sums should ba ssnt far f Registered Letter P O i^onry order or Express flSenttoa Thia Papergt laquo w u laquo OS SSSJS oy

I aawe a l w a y s O^sftalMtToiu

l a x o r s a a t t o a e o n r e r w l a g PosHtrV maul aw I astrnt a l o a e t s w o r t h flTet|saelaquoamplaquo prlimSt] T O D r p a p e r aawtast n o t h l a g a b o u t the w a l a a -bto Fssrsa l i ^ o ^ a a U o a M I I n t e r v a t t n a bull ^ s amp ^ U m _ W - K - W M P a O y ^ 1

bull U J P V P Sfargam Co A l a B S A T D W O O D 111 A o g 1 1 1 6 8 3

I a s i v e r y a a e h p l e a s e d w i t h y e a r pskper E v e r y n u m b e r seesas to ase t o blaquoeosBlaquo^asere A t t r a c t i v e siad prof l taate I s a v e t k o w a t t l dei iahtcdwithi t k r raquo j rEAUTET

W A r S F X M f t Oi Araquoc J^jasas s A^ A S raquo P I R S a i D K aoshe d a y a a V a a d ^ m g aay t h a t bull w s raquo w laquo U f l e a o e d w i t h 11 I fladti L

w b o m I sua o a e W i t h s a c k sua a g r t e s t t e r m l r o a n j a l e v e r y O s r - e r - - frac34 ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ I

I h e r e w i t h send w o n t o o _

F L R C ^ I D E w h i c h I AJTDl

^SESSJL^J^^F^A^^ bulllt

RKa utthhtouti iraquonand


I t Is c e r t A i a i y thebValaquoplaquoper I e Jkeat p l a t a Uoatrssted

l a s t r a c t i v e besuatl ful ly

h a v e l a t e l w b e e a a subacaHbev t o y e a r t a s t y a n d s t r e l l a b l e p a p e r a a d snaac a m sstotHp fama p l e a a e c l w t t V It I bull u b i e r l p t J ^ a V l a the Brat plssee saoa a e h a a e f o r o a e laquo r t h e s a a a y ssrea f o r a q y t h l n c e o o t a l a e d l a t h e ^ a a bull laquo d h o p a p e r la w u s t h t h r e e er iR t h e s a e a e y b e a l d e a i l prcooata

S bull W Flt

l J H ^ pound f 1 frac34 4 CSampraquo^Hpwvraquo bull K laquo h t assd ^ e d J E y r H e n d a a d a a raquo a laquo r l 6 laquo r a


d e - l a r e aarpr taod a p e r e o a tasU a a a I t t o h e t h e b e s t seertfcetJJ sraquoer

itastso _ i eeea the paper i_ paper pruted

r bull

^e iraquo-a3tV-


iiCjmdashnift ua m^frf^wss^y^wr W T E ~ V - ^ J I ^ f f f T ^ w y r y wfatnysty bull bull bull

U raquo11

bull - J



16 I y


bullHOWELL bull- -jProxnour Correspondent bull

Miss Mary Mountain a ron^kahly bright and promising young girl died

suddenly August 2gtHh of a congestive chill

Mifis Rose Bush went Saturday to lttake charge of the primary dqiartnimt pi one of Lansings wardschools

The schools opened Monday wilh a school house overflowing will] schilars jMiss BfooksVof(jfeemllte t s prerop-tress in place ot Miss Thayer of last year

J M White received a fine new OIL bus ljst Friday He has placed it in the hands of Bashford i Stearns who will run it in part in the interest of bullthe Commercial Hotel

Mlt A Dowling Vrfooby peWew nnm--f as instructor and leader has brought bullthe HoweU band into an excellentconshydition without asking any regular poundomraquofcnsation was presented with an excellent new bell-front tenor horn by appreciative friends outride of the band

Chester -Newman started tor Jiutler Indiana Monday hoping to purchase the only photograph gallery there

mdash-Themdashball game betweeYr^the Ply- mouth and Howell nines resulted disshyastrously for the home nine Score

11 to 4 I One of Walter S Rolmisoifs-leading

men went off on a spree before reachshyingHowell His place was iilhd by the property man and as Sunliglit of the Sierrasbull wasnt nnu-h of a piav a poor entertainment vltU given before an audience so small as to indicate inshysufficient advertising

mdashgt ~mdashOne of the most successtnlTonchops

Institutes ever held in the county has jus t closed Friday higTif all were inshyvited to go boating on Thompsons Lake ay Messrs Frank Briggs and A poundgtiley Crittenden who had~ kindh-si^ cured all the boats on the lake forthe occasion and so ended a meeting that

v alb present-seemgd-fco-profit by and enshyjoy - - 4

The races advertised by the Horse Association were-declaredorl Owing lo the lack of entries The Association must be making a very poor name




among horsemeii ttiis being the sccTTlut flat failure in two years _

Jewish congregations worship with Jheir heads covered so do the Quakers- though St Pauls injunctionswtifB inatter are clearly condemnatory of the practice The Puritans-- of the Com jaoawealtk-wouldmdashseeia- ialaquo have kept their hats on whether preadhing or be-

since 3 jpxc pys iiottm


Eg preached to7 _hearing a simple clergyman Jpxeiaiming

against men wearing their hats in the church and _a year after CrtitVi)

^wtTtes To the French cliurcltin tho flavoy and these they have 4the Coin-paOn prayer-bQok read in French and which I never Baw before the minister

jlo preach witty his hat ofpound I suppose in further conformity with our^chnwli William III ratheryscnrjikrlized hid phurch-going subjgots- by following Dutch _jaisieaipoundlaffltI keeping his head

mdashcovered in chur^hvancl when it did bullplease him toft off his ponderoushat during the s^fricehe invariably donned it as the preacher mounted tlve juil-f^stain| When -Bossuett at the ago pf 14treated the gay- singers of the HoteXde Eambouillefc to a midnight ser-taori Voltaire sat it out with his hat on

bdt uncovering when the boypreacher had finished bowed 4ow before him saying Sir I never heard a man

^preach at once sb-garly and HO late-gi pound11 the Year Hound -~-

Farms for Sale 120 Acresmdash100 under pood cultivat-ion hirirc

barns sheds ^ood house two ^oodwellt of widei]


Hats at cost A Large and Elegant line of Neckwear at less tlran cost



AVe have an enormous stock in paper aiidjincu Prices too object


We lead all competitors t best

WHITE raquo

Kver sdiown i the town nt p r u ^ bullWau-K) to 25 per cent less than other deal ers are se lling the same identical goods we have withotttmdashtkttrbt- bullthe best unlaundried^hirt inthe market


whioh we will sell at doyui price-




OTTIR 2 s pound O T T O



D D MALLORY amp C Wtiol^ualo Dealertt In


r_ Manufacturers of itermetlcally Sealed i ~ Tlcklftt PnBcltrve8 etc

[S3 5SAND 57 JEFFERSON M L gt si Detroit Mich

Use TBAlaquoknuvv and you will find

Wampshall continvie to be

Your Tigttlli becoiii na pearls Twill fragrant make tho breath of all

lioyy wuiut-u uiiU au l glrlB i




tber Uial we will save you mt every dollars worth of goods

bought of us - mdash



^ - LAKWamp

tn town Kcvtionz riovoltics and

_At-vraquour-own prices Clocks Clocks

pycharri quinces poucbof) and othor fruitmdash -This farm has no wa^tu land and in- within Vgt ^ninnt08 drive from tho raili-oad station luill-_ami gt0Qlaquoly Oftoh inarki

200 Acn8mdashAraquoout ISO undoT cultivation liU-g1

house barns eheds and outbuildings nearlyall mdashfiew^-two-orcliarda fonr frood- wills oni wind-

mill land tile drained This farm is yithin a^outl-J minutos drive from the railroad station millo murkfetTN--mdash-


326AcresmdashAbout vWt) under ciiltivation land first quality tile drainwl orchard two yood ui-lls

OlTrater aboutJO-jniniitea drive from dojjot and


Goiiigicgardlgss of mkt


market - ltmdash mdash - -The-above 646 acres are Joined together and

can be Bold as one farm or divided as above or to j take more or leas aa wanted A l s o -

-49 ActeemdashAll improved within 20 minntea drive from station v^ -

80 AcresmdashAbout 60 under Rood cultivation large txyo-atogy-hojiBfl now barn and stables ^

This farm ia tile-drained has two orchards and-JB within about 10 minutes drive from depot

lt millsandmarkot alio large houtje carriage house and outbuildings with 33 acres land in corpora-tioti nfthe ttnyn vUtlilu twu IIIIUIUHS VMtlk ut the station This propflfly cost sect1-5(KH) in 1872 -The above farms are kiHgtwn as the Hayes Farms at Orand Ledltbull Eaton county 97 miles from Detroit 12 miles from Lansing _The grtte for the above propertv ull de|gtend upon how muchlhhd is take]rancitlHttrins

Part of the purchase monev niav remain unpaid fop a terrn 1 yea^9 or uped fcjaidgnomr


property in Detroit Avilfbe taken for a part Apply to --



^DDJTIONA4_ NOTICE^ If a sultable petson with moansto ltarry- on

the businose of stock raising dairy or srain faiin tnjrtfeBlTO8 to RENT or work the646 acres on ehare for a-term of years negotiations may bo Miade t bullbull h



^he oianufaiturers have yet to hear of a single case of Dyspepsia or Diliou^nesB whoa ZOPKBA

was used-as directed in which it was hot-mora than satisfactory Many write that it is a wonder-ftij remedy We can show where as high as for t j pounds were gained by its rise in breaking up-chronic Uiliousnes and Dyspepsia Its friendain-crease very fast^afed all who use as directed are surprised and gratified - 3144


Personally HppeTu-edTiefore me Peter Phillips who Tieini K W I W aci-ofdin^ to law1 deposes and says That he has been affected with rhenmatiim more or less forthe past four or five years That bust winter he had a very severe attack arid that

about in his own room by taking hold of some thinu for support Uhin the disease was in i ts

za^ojtt^irtrtt flt+HiiT4laquouldlu^4iaiu almost unhi^rable he took-a dove-of W ilf oils Ii--htnin^ Remedy

bull| whlrh-nmHPTt- inTm^rttaTe-rr-nef arid tfte SPCOTig (Lisa taken tve hours after made a perfect and permanent- cure und that since takinp the two doses lie hasbeen free from the disease or any symptomsthe reof bull I K T VAX PIU L LI PS-

Swoni+inil subscribed tObefore me this 9th day of July A 1) 1SS) IM) ONkiir Notary Public

FARRAND W4-LLIAMS amp CO AGENTS Dytroit Michigan 31-t4


PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Wy are now receiving our first shipment of trll j0-ods anil oiler greater 111-

fhiceinents than ever No pains havo been spared to have cvery-pairof our boots and shoes the very best in

- DmiTTinnillATERIAL AND WCRKMAflSHlL OUR PRICES will always be found as low as goods of thesame quality can

- - bull t iU 1)0 sTgtld foTiirthi orany other marlret - in prGs-Trmtrnrrottr fall st-^eVr^v^eanlt dently expect to increase and extend our business and every etlortwilbbe made to give out- friends and patrons the most careful and polite attention Every body invited to inspect the-goods and get our priced



Clyde (li-hgtIFor e(+ Percheron NohnanHorses bull - EnLlisli Draft Horses __

Coac-hers Shetland Pontes llol-tein and Devon Cattle ^ -

Our customerH have the advantage of our many years exjieiiieuce in hn-ediriirand importinc large colloctfigtns^_oiipmuuiitv- Lpound coiuparin^ different i_ 111 s tent oMmsincBB breeds1 hiw price iieeuuse ot ex Andhgtwfates of transportation Catalogulaquoa | ree Correspyndence solicited

-^- - POWELL BROS bullr SPIUN( K(UO Crawford C01 PENN


FRESH amp FRUITFUL FIELDS - mdash mdash OF FINE ART-mdash^~^ bull (The Detroit Art Loan Kecord eKifttjauhlishLid daily during the BopteiTiher aild Ot1 tuner a-J numh SOT volume of 420 pa^es index and title Bcriptioa-priceFivo Dollars Ten Thousand Questions Answefei -bull hlar Dictionarrof Fine Art 125 large pagBB bound Seventy -five cents Address laetur Ford Atraquo hoanbtitlding Detgoit Mie8

J raquo

At down prices

GROCERIES Largerime at prices below par at the



Pinckney Mictiigan

West Main St Opposite Globe Hotel

J^jfuUJiiie_of_ MICH


Fiiie Oonfectionery 1 Smoking Tobacco Stationery^ tc


LUMBER LATH amp SHING bull Yard on HoweU Street north

Brick Store OFFICE AT


FARM FOR SALE plowed land) five

thtiNlaquogtjraquoIIea from Eighty nrre farinVsivty neves

miles west of PinMiiiey and thtfpp^ bdquo Ilmdjljii ltjn the riiiekhey and Milan road raquobo on Titie nf ( T Hiijlroad tJood house and Darn Fine Orchard niid bull spring of cwld-watermdashA1laquoJ bull several in res of timber Call now and see farm while the urops are laquo[)win^ will bgt sold on earaquoy terms Rrw-4laquo-a Very desirahlo hone oply on premises

JAMES PANGBOftNmdash - - r - - - _

AN -OKDlNAXtK to Supjiress Saloons for tttO -pale of-SpiritiiotTH nrtd fntoxicatifig Liquore

Goods are all fresh and new Prices are always reasonable We hope to merit a 1 beral share of the public patronage Call and see us

- i _ _ _ ^ j jtL

The tAimlHon Conm-H of tho Village of Plnck- ney ordain Hud it raquohall not be lawful --any petHott or pttsons to keep a saloon -for sale of splutunis and intoxicating Honors wit the corpora^ limits of said villaeo -Adopto^Atigtiat 47th 1883

iiCjmdashnift ua m^frf^wss^y^wr W T E ~ V - ^ J I ^ f f f T ^ w y r y wfatnysty bull bull bull

U raquo11

bull - J



16 I y


bullHOWELL bull- -jProxnour Correspondent bull

Miss Mary Mountain a ron^kahly bright and promising young girl died

suddenly August 2gtHh of a congestive chill

Mifis Rose Bush went Saturday to lttake charge of the primary dqiartnimt pi one of Lansings wardschools

The schools opened Monday wilh a school house overflowing will] schilars jMiss BfooksVof(jfeemllte t s prerop-tress in place ot Miss Thayer of last year

J M White received a fine new OIL bus ljst Friday He has placed it in the hands of Bashford i Stearns who will run it in part in the interest of bullthe Commercial Hotel

Mlt A Dowling Vrfooby peWew nnm--f as instructor and leader has brought bullthe HoweU band into an excellentconshydition without asking any regular poundomraquofcnsation was presented with an excellent new bell-front tenor horn by appreciative friends outride of the band

Chester -Newman started tor Jiutler Indiana Monday hoping to purchase the only photograph gallery there

mdash-Themdashball game betweeYr^the Ply- mouth and Howell nines resulted disshyastrously for the home nine Score

11 to 4 I One of Walter S Rolmisoifs-leading

men went off on a spree before reachshyingHowell His place was iilhd by the property man and as Sunliglit of the Sierrasbull wasnt nnu-h of a piav a poor entertainment vltU given before an audience so small as to indicate inshysufficient advertising

mdashgt ~mdashOne of the most successtnlTonchops

Institutes ever held in the county has jus t closed Friday higTif all were inshyvited to go boating on Thompsons Lake ay Messrs Frank Briggs and A poundgtiley Crittenden who had~ kindh-si^ cured all the boats on the lake forthe occasion and so ended a meeting that

v alb present-seemgd-fco-profit by and enshyjoy - - 4

The races advertised by the Horse Association were-declaredorl Owing lo the lack of entries The Association must be making a very poor name




among horsemeii ttiis being the sccTTlut flat failure in two years _

Jewish congregations worship with Jheir heads covered so do the Quakers- though St Pauls injunctionswtifB inatter are clearly condemnatory of the practice The Puritans-- of the Com jaoawealtk-wouldmdashseeia- ialaquo have kept their hats on whether preadhing or be-

since 3 jpxc pys iiottm


Eg preached to7 _hearing a simple clergyman Jpxeiaiming

against men wearing their hats in the church and _a year after CrtitVi)

^wtTtes To the French cliurcltin tho flavoy and these they have 4the Coin-paOn prayer-bQok read in French and which I never Baw before the minister

jlo preach witty his hat ofpound I suppose in further conformity with our^chnwli William III ratheryscnrjikrlized hid phurch-going subjgots- by following Dutch _jaisieaipoundlaffltI keeping his head

mdashcovered in chur^hvancl when it did bullplease him toft off his ponderoushat during the s^fricehe invariably donned it as the preacher mounted tlve juil-f^stain| When -Bossuett at the ago pf 14treated the gay- singers of the HoteXde Eambouillefc to a midnight ser-taori Voltaire sat it out with his hat on

bdt uncovering when the boypreacher had finished bowed 4ow before him saying Sir I never heard a man

^preach at once sb-garly and HO late-gi pound11 the Year Hound -~-

Farms for Sale 120 Acresmdash100 under pood cultivat-ion hirirc

barns sheds ^ood house two ^oodwellt of widei]


Hats at cost A Large and Elegant line of Neckwear at less tlran cost



AVe have an enormous stock in paper aiidjincu Prices too object


We lead all competitors t best

WHITE raquo

Kver sdiown i the town nt p r u ^ bullWau-K) to 25 per cent less than other deal ers are se lling the same identical goods we have withotttmdashtkttrbt- bullthe best unlaundried^hirt inthe market


whioh we will sell at doyui price-




OTTIR 2 s pound O T T O



D D MALLORY amp C Wtiol^ualo Dealertt In


r_ Manufacturers of itermetlcally Sealed i ~ Tlcklftt PnBcltrve8 etc

[S3 5SAND 57 JEFFERSON M L gt si Detroit Mich

Use TBAlaquoknuvv and you will find

Wampshall continvie to be

Your Tigttlli becoiii na pearls Twill fragrant make tho breath of all

lioyy wuiut-u uiiU au l glrlB i




tber Uial we will save you mt every dollars worth of goods

bought of us - mdash



^ - LAKWamp

tn town Kcvtionz riovoltics and

_At-vraquour-own prices Clocks Clocks

pycharri quinces poucbof) and othor fruitmdash -This farm has no wa^tu land and in- within Vgt ^ninnt08 drive from tho raili-oad station luill-_ami gt0Qlaquoly Oftoh inarki

200 Acn8mdashAraquoout ISO undoT cultivation liU-g1

house barns eheds and outbuildings nearlyall mdashfiew^-two-orcliarda fonr frood- wills oni wind-

mill land tile drained This farm is yithin a^outl-J minutos drive from the railroad station millo murkfetTN--mdash-


326AcresmdashAbout vWt) under ciiltivation land first quality tile drainwl orchard two yood ui-lls

OlTrater aboutJO-jniniitea drive from dojjot and


Goiiigicgardlgss of mkt


market - ltmdash mdash - -The-above 646 acres are Joined together and

can be Bold as one farm or divided as above or to j take more or leas aa wanted A l s o -

-49 ActeemdashAll improved within 20 minntea drive from station v^ -

80 AcresmdashAbout 60 under Rood cultivation large txyo-atogy-hojiBfl now barn and stables ^

This farm ia tile-drained has two orchards and-JB within about 10 minutes drive from depot

lt millsandmarkot alio large houtje carriage house and outbuildings with 33 acres land in corpora-tioti nfthe ttnyn vUtlilu twu IIIIUIUHS VMtlk ut the station This propflfly cost sect1-5(KH) in 1872 -The above farms are kiHgtwn as the Hayes Farms at Orand Ledltbull Eaton county 97 miles from Detroit 12 miles from Lansing _The grtte for the above propertv ull de|gtend upon how muchlhhd is take]rancitlHttrins

Part of the purchase monev niav remain unpaid fop a terrn 1 yea^9 or uped fcjaidgnomr


property in Detroit Avilfbe taken for a part Apply to --



^DDJTIONA4_ NOTICE^ If a sultable petson with moansto ltarry- on

the businose of stock raising dairy or srain faiin tnjrtfeBlTO8 to RENT or work the646 acres on ehare for a-term of years negotiations may bo Miade t bullbull h



^he oianufaiturers have yet to hear of a single case of Dyspepsia or Diliou^nesB whoa ZOPKBA

was used-as directed in which it was hot-mora than satisfactory Many write that it is a wonder-ftij remedy We can show where as high as for t j pounds were gained by its rise in breaking up-chronic Uiliousnes and Dyspepsia Its friendain-crease very fast^afed all who use as directed are surprised and gratified - 3144


Personally HppeTu-edTiefore me Peter Phillips who Tieini K W I W aci-ofdin^ to law1 deposes and says That he has been affected with rhenmatiim more or less forthe past four or five years That bust winter he had a very severe attack arid that

about in his own room by taking hold of some thinu for support Uhin the disease was in i ts

za^ojtt^irtrtt flt+HiiT4laquouldlu^4iaiu almost unhi^rable he took-a dove-of W ilf oils Ii--htnin^ Remedy

bull| whlrh-nmHPTt- inTm^rttaTe-rr-nef arid tfte SPCOTig (Lisa taken tve hours after made a perfect and permanent- cure und that since takinp the two doses lie hasbeen free from the disease or any symptomsthe reof bull I K T VAX PIU L LI PS-

Swoni+inil subscribed tObefore me this 9th day of July A 1) 1SS) IM) ONkiir Notary Public

FARRAND W4-LLIAMS amp CO AGENTS Dytroit Michigan 31-t4


PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Wy are now receiving our first shipment of trll j0-ods anil oiler greater 111-

fhiceinents than ever No pains havo been spared to have cvery-pairof our boots and shoes the very best in

- DmiTTinnillATERIAL AND WCRKMAflSHlL OUR PRICES will always be found as low as goods of thesame quality can

- - bull t iU 1)0 sTgtld foTiirthi orany other marlret - in prGs-Trmtrnrrottr fall st-^eVr^v^eanlt dently expect to increase and extend our business and every etlortwilbbe made to give out- friends and patrons the most careful and polite attention Every body invited to inspect the-goods and get our priced



Clyde (li-hgtIFor e(+ Percheron NohnanHorses bull - EnLlisli Draft Horses __

Coac-hers Shetland Pontes llol-tein and Devon Cattle ^ -

Our customerH have the advantage of our many years exjieiiieuce in hn-ediriirand importinc large colloctfigtns^_oiipmuuiitv- Lpound coiuparin^ different i_ 111 s tent oMmsincBB breeds1 hiw price iieeuuse ot ex Andhgtwfates of transportation Catalogulaquoa | ree Correspyndence solicited

-^- - POWELL BROS bullr SPIUN( K(UO Crawford C01 PENN


FRESH amp FRUITFUL FIELDS - mdash mdash OF FINE ART-mdash^~^ bull (The Detroit Art Loan Kecord eKifttjauhlishLid daily during the BopteiTiher aild Ot1 tuner a-J numh SOT volume of 420 pa^es index and title Bcriptioa-priceFivo Dollars Ten Thousand Questions Answefei -bull hlar Dictionarrof Fine Art 125 large pagBB bound Seventy -five cents Address laetur Ford Atraquo hoanbtitlding Detgoit Mie8

J raquo

At down prices

GROCERIES Largerime at prices below par at the



Pinckney Mictiigan

West Main St Opposite Globe Hotel

J^jfuUJiiie_of_ MICH


Fiiie Oonfectionery 1 Smoking Tobacco Stationery^ tc


LUMBER LATH amp SHING bull Yard on HoweU Street north

Brick Store OFFICE AT


FARM FOR SALE plowed land) five

thtiNlaquogtjraquoIIea from Eighty nrre farinVsivty neves

miles west of PinMiiiey and thtfpp^ bdquo Ilmdjljii ltjn the riiiekhey and Milan road raquobo on Titie nf ( T Hiijlroad tJood house and Darn Fine Orchard niid bull spring of cwld-watermdashA1laquoJ bull several in res of timber Call now and see farm while the urops are laquo[)win^ will bgt sold on earaquoy terms Rrw-4laquo-a Very desirahlo hone oply on premises

JAMES PANGBOftNmdash - - r - - - _

AN -OKDlNAXtK to Supjiress Saloons for tttO -pale of-SpiritiiotTH nrtd fntoxicatifig Liquore

Goods are all fresh and new Prices are always reasonable We hope to merit a 1 beral share of the public patronage Call and see us

- i _ _ _ ^ j jtL

The tAimlHon Conm-H of tho Village of Plnck- ney ordain Hud it raquohall not be lawful --any petHott or pttsons to keep a saloon -for sale of splutunis and intoxicating Honors wit the corpora^ limits of said villaeo -Adopto^Atigtiat 47th 1883