About Mkfaigan News Not* SCHOOL NEW AS WE HEARD...

vounffcn THE PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wednesday, November 5, 1958 No. 4$ %•.»•- About Mkfaigan News School districts without prosperous industries to tax and pupils without prosperous parents both face a crises in Michigan. The schools who have borrowed heavily against next years aid expect problems this winter. The school problems are mostly lack of money. More than 400 Michigan school dis tricts have borrowed more than $31, 000,000 against next years state aid for collalerial. They had to pay 4% interest so when they get their money next year it will already haye been spent. Another phase is that the state is no longer able to pay the schools $190 per pupil they pledged to them. Instead they will fall short about $8,000,000 this year. The schools are also crowded for space as they got 70,000 new pupils this year. In many places the voters have turned down bond proposals for new buildings. The Democrats want industry and the federal government to pay th bills. The Republicans are waiting for the legislative tax study, not due until next year. The college students are getting a few breaks. Banks are arranging for student loans directly to colleges for which students may pay on a budget basis. Dr. John Russell, director of 2 years study for the legislature recom mends that universities get no bigger. He referred to University of Mich igan 28,000 and Mich. States 20,000. He would start smaller ones at Flint and Dearborn. Not* Mrs Frank Gray has been instaLed , worthy matron of Dexter Chap >r 302 OES. Four parking meter were I SCHOOL NEW ,o AS WE HEARD IT While Pinckney showed imropve, luZ conlr ^ of b oth houses and t Whit b bi ji On defense tackling they ft om Brighton streets one night last had n o offense to speak of and week lenalties assessed against Stockbiid/je 6 children wee hospitalized at Brish 20 to 0 Friday. They have n 0 man ton last week Monday when the wh o can run successfully with uie school bus they w e re in hit a tre % tall. They were aided by McNulty t 24, the driver was * enalties sssessed against Cail McNulty t 2, e r^e suspended and*ticketed by the poliece they w e re inside the Stockbridfe _!0 lor ignoring the basic speed law, y* rd Ji twice but each tim e t*Sy let The Brighton Gasket Company is i J iasses dribble through their hjmris.2 ^ f th 3 i * rniving to Detroit. They employ 140 ; of the 3 seniors Don Clark l,r o pl© The quarters they r e nt from r J ed Be «*y were back and did the Evans Product Company are to] ° L tackling. Stockbridge used small ! SeCOnd team P^ of the Vandals broke into the Salem and a lot their time nad no g*eat variety o f Walker Cemetery near South Lyon F]a y s . The y 5t'ore*»all touchdowns on last week and did 52000 worth of *' a s ses > Cornish running 40 yards rj damage Some of the monuments de stroyed were 100 ye::rs old, 22S5 telephone directoies were re quired at South Lyon last month 200 more than last year G Residents opposed to the location cation have closed the Chelsea Vill. age dump by court injunction hTe Brighton OES held their in stsNation Nov, 8 f The Howell Greenhousee operated b> Mr, and Mrs, .August Schmidt lor 33 years has been s old to James Spare Livonia Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eujcr of have returned from a 2 weeks trip to Tennessee. 225 people attended the recent How. ell OES installation. 13.129 acres of land in this rountty have been put in the soil land hank. of WHITE LOIXiE NEWS 50 attended the hobo party at While Lodge Saturday night, Mrs, and Mrs, R, Raetz entertained their daughter and family t the C t J. Raymonds of Detroit last week^ C, J. Raetz and wife attended a birthday party for their son in law i» Deroit Sunday. The A.Larsons have gone to FloncU ior th» winter, .A. Rogeers and wif e closed their cottag« for the winter. Mrs, Henry Gates "had a Halloween party for her grandson, Danny Wili iams. The George Bruntons of Rush LiKe the Randy Raeztes Tuesday, put in the soil landbank. at Washington by big majorities. \n 2 lich'igan Gov, Williams won an un_ jrt'ecedentted Sixth term by 14IHJ.G majority. Phil Hart topped him by about 200,000 for U. S. Senator.Thc^ 2 earn led the entire Democrat stale ticket into office with them. The eon sMtutinal convention proposal lost. I'.. cJid not get a majority of the c h lorate. Too many did not vote on it. Congressman Chamberlain was r 1 elected. He had 4000 majority at las: reports. In the county all Republican office holder.s won by around 3000 majority Pr 0 s o Erwin 7265, Lavan 3D88; Slier Gen ringer 7625, Snyder 37" Drs. Clark and Wiikinso n w Fletcher and Yelland court Elementary Lchool Kindergarten Mildred Parka Joan Gardner I.i'ky Noi>S;ei' i.s a. baby y to ihc Ann Went to aunt visitfcd I. a fii'e ed the i>aw a deJr Jie^ " h tr's caii fljt^i. Tilt by Penny Pu trds iu.s a lire . •**. MRS. MARGIERITE MoPHERSON S^f was born in Topeka, Kansas an.! rv i c«ntly celebrated their 50th werlri ing anniversary .The funeral was a) the Howell Presbyterian Church W o i n«sday with burial i n Fairview Cev.i FOOTBALL SCORES ,. St. Mary's 33, How e ll 6;An,n Ar bor 27 ? ypsilani 0; Dexter 7, Man cheater 6; Boysville 13, Hartland 0; Brightton 46, Clarence ville 6; Univer si> "34, Saline 12; Lincoln 39, Flat Rock 14; Milan 46, Dundee 6; Chelsea 26, Roosevelt 13; Haslett 14, FOWJOJ ville 6; Linden 19, Swarzt Creek 12; Northville 47, Clarkstn 12; Webber ville 6 f Byron 6, CARD O^ THAN!C« W« wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kind expression of sympathy during our recent ber bcavement. Also Dr. Wood worth and the staff of McPherson Health Center Mrs, Lloyd Wellman, soloist, M rs . Floyse Campbell, accompanist. Rev. Sanders and the Swarthout Funeral Hom#, , Ctcil, Laura and Bessie Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pa r ki n 4 B HANDICRAFf NOTICE 4H Enrollment 102 the wint»r wiU bt Thursday, November 6 in the base PINCKNEY OES INSTALLATION Pinckney Chapter 145 installed their new officers at th? o'omentaiy school . Saturday night. The room and whp mums with a large purple >ign in thr e; u"Walk i n tho Light" the worthy m a t r <^'s n m U o ! '»r <At> >oar. The installing officers wore Kloyse Campbell Z! nd Dorothy Wilsons .";arshal>, Alberta Clo. e; ci»apli n Mev win Campbell; organist, Virginia Var.Norman; soloist, Mae Bryan. Fo , the au\i!"v "ficors: installing oft'ir i'V C'aiiie G; Until; marshal!;, The ceremony was opened by ttho retiring worthy matron and patron, ftnb^rta Ambut'gey and James Boyd, Kiorence Baughn wag introduced in the East. Als 0 Grand Lodge Rep, Francis Rathbun. W. M. and W, P. Mary and Haz© Merow of Howell and and W. M. f Loretta Waters of Fowler ville. Then the county officers, Haz e! Poulson, pres; Bonnie Henry, ?,ee, leas; Lillian Comernuse, Carrie Fran c ;sco and Margaret McNamara The W % M., Eva Engquist wa s es corted to the east by her granddaugh crs f Susan and Joanne Craig earned purple candles and Bible verses. "Walk y e in the Light". A n honor line was formed by 8 wom en from the White Shrine, Raintnw f County Ass'n. the San,, and Past Mat rons. The W. P. George Engquist was ftl so escorted t 0 the east by his grand, d^ughetrs who sang 'This little light" A. M, Geneviev© Henry was escort ed to the west by h e r daughter, Beck> ^ the A.P. Gilbert Carol Gerycz U'r catching a pass for the last one. The Stockbridge Marching Bund payed at the half and went through their formations. They were good. The Queon crowning took place a > the half. The four queens arrivod ih four conveitables, Carol Geyz, senior was chosen. queen > Her escwt \\as Norman Bock and driver .$$№&&: |i First Crude, '•' '' iuooko has banty chicks, his (iatrs new pla:te tu Te\as # K;*;ei with pink vi»:.cU her grand el 1 went to How. .Terry liuv.sr.i' has a Jauis Dean visited her grand thy children J ; ^d lun on tucking and treating First Cii'udo, Wo had u ni' 'e and thank tliu rooni Thayer party popcorn balls. We hud 8 Laura Whiilcy had ronipany Belty VanBlarif'uni had a birthday Sunday,'Jack jo lieil went iish'n.','. JeanoLte Lliu.'s aunl. I'i'i s a new bai.y. Jerry Culoiic's gra]idr.:iiicr is in the hospital. Su.sun i ^ov. l^.s Jia ; a huia hoop. Keith .Swarlhout lias a In other .Dana J. oveils went to l\>y parade in D t j\Iaiy mothers. Mrs. Anderson cast 672 votes, heavy for an oil U Tessiner junior 's escort was lion Cram. driver f Dick Kennedy; Jean Edward's sophmore escort was Pennis Morgan driver t Jim Doyle; Freshman queen had Tommy Reaii lor escort and Duane Haines for her driver, Myrna Livingston last years queen crowned the queen. Friday Pinckney plays South Lyon here Friday night .This team has won the league championship, who r.nd Skinner , ibert Skinner oy his son and daughter. Others install ed were Sec Mildd Mil gter ed were Sec., Mildred Milller ,Treas, Amanda DeBarr; Cond,, Harv'ett Rah rig; Assoc. t Cond. f Edna Chap. Doris Skinner. Mar,, Hammell ; Org M Ward; , Mahfc Eloyse Campbell; R Albetine of the town hall. All new mem b»» must have one parents with «t tfai* meeting. The Fair Prem will bt given out at this Marshall Meabon Leader APPLES CLEAN HAND GRADED FfcUir FOR WINTER KEEPERS CRANE ORCHARD West M<£6, Pinckney Phtttt UPtown ^9756 OPEN HOUSE RItrtEXT SCHOOL Th« Rickett School for Retarfad Children will hold open house Oct, 19 from f t » 5 n . - . The public is in. FINCKHEY UNO'S DAUGHTERS Th* Pinrlmuf Circle meets with Ron Baat Thursday. Nov. 6 at Adah, Sally Carter; R uth Vanned ; Es the r , Eleanor' W0U|rft . Mftrtha; Emma Boyd; a i ^ ^f^ ti el C ^ T 3 ^ CaSSie T Sen rir.ei, Clifford Miller Auxiliary off icer s * were Mar ,M a , ory W ^ ;Wart0r ^ ^ . lead ; pa ge> Luelia K etcham;I nS tr: Sadi c h r Moran; Prompter, Roberto Amburgey; Flag Bearers: Ameriean f Vola Massey; Christian, Ann Mass. ey." O.E.S. Marie Murray; Honor Joints: Adah, Nora Sprout; Rutl), Htrnlce Baker; Esther Susie Beeman; Martha^ Marion Scott; Electa, Pearl Madsen; Choir:Mary Boyd, Mae Bry an; Barbara Cluckey, Virginia Van_ Norman, Esther Hall, Jim Moraa^ James Boyd, Herbert Bryan, Roberta Amburgey was presented vith her past matrons jewel by the past matrns in an imnrefliirv cere mony. TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETING Regular meeting of the Putnam Township Board, held at the town hall Tuesday, October 14, 1958 at 8 P. M. All board members present: Hendee, Wylie, White, Reynolds and Kennedy. Meeting called to order by Super- visor Hendee. Minutes of the meeting of Sep- tember 9, 1958 read and approved. Passed unanimously by the board to levy two (2) mills on the 1958 county tax. One (1) mill to be spread for town- ship tax, and the other one (1) mill to be used for welfare on county as- sessed. The regular meeting for next month will be held Wednesday, November 12, 1958 at 8 p. m. instead of Tues- day, November 11th, as the 11th is i legal holiday. Botion by Wylie supported by Kennedy to buy the fire dept. six (6) fireman rain coats. Motion carried. Motion by Kennedy supported by Reynolds to pay the following bills as read. The 1957-1958 welfare cost to Put- nam Township was $2794.62. Michigan Bell Telephone Co $ 42.50 Max Russell — Treasurer \ Pinckney Com. Schools Williams 3-la J Gov.^ Swansbn 350, Brown State, Hare 3Gl f Plank 2'Jl; Gen., Actttms 3ij2;~iionigan 3ul, , Brown 358, Weathcrwax i! ( A>; Auditor, Szymanski 352 f Clements 2 ( JD; Cong., Hayworth 355 f Chamber. JuJ, 301;l-tegi.sU j r f :.iurp,,y lu.s lain 321; State Senate, Younger 3o.s Legislature Kurka 34J # Tei'bus Fresecutor, Lavan 345, L'rwin iSnyder 346, Gehringer 3UJ; Gherkia 34D # Ilagmau X,;, Koch J47, ocy | Hack 2X5; Drain 350, Mun&ell 304; Coroners, Bail a 260, Rice 352, Clark 240, Wilkin 3 > a l.j; burvoyoi. Win. Miller 352J.J-U jy atu! Snar->/i I'otlor had a bi/iliday (Ku'iy •>uii'iay, 7'hcy j^ot dylls and di.sin.s. Gary 1 v^tnt (nit stiuirrrel liu'iUn^' with cad His dad shot and misled lim^rari f>u of shclis. I'iilly L < \vyl,c's dad ha* a new t''u''k. iJcH'id llciiy. went to a WccJdjng. San'ia J^'Jl vrnl i o ;j:<; biiow, Goi'dDi) ivins; saw Clnici'^y 'i'hompsoJi U'i'M'n ii^ 1 \wis out /1Ji irk'k DI tt'oal. Jtirky Leinni w&il V> hi* grandmotht.rs , Second Graf]-., Mrg. ^. 'us(,n T '.in \Vyi',i\s jicl Ja;i.|; (JM'i:. I- 1 " - .'i proposal iyst 253 to Righ to Work proposals lost in 4 out uf 6 states , The new jail proposition carried in VVahsenaw county The Republicans oit'ice holders were re©leclod. ) Arthur iiladrs and M k<: Sheldon hnv© w|iii>r jackets. l;avu! /., U'.;!'\*n \'. Mf i j • ' / ;, > ' ,- v •••,_, v t . u n ; i y _ I MI \ iu '.', i k, ,.•:,. , ing With his Uatt .Shirlcty .](;s< ;on w e n t t u H u w e J l t o vi.->.t hvv gj Janes li< "ti v/ent ';» <-oo. .tu p huii i'<j;apaay J'l'om Denny Swart limit's f: 11 tht Del. taxes 1338.18 Charles R. Ward — Treasurer Howell Public Schools Phi! Gentile, bal. on acct. P. W. Curlett — Sept. board ESTIIEK E. KOBEIiTS ci 1 K, iioborl s, 73, died at Mcx hy*-aon HoaJih Cemifr Ucw 2O.She v>as daughter William Lucy Roberts and and was in Alden, i \ Y,,March 6,1885. Sh« lived on the larm on the Howell Road for 30 years. Suviviag are a brother Cecil, 2 sas_ I-aura a a d Bessie at homo. Mrs .Eunic© Parkin of Gro^e Points and a brother Gorton oi Pompano Beach, Florida, The funeal w a s at Ui© Swarthout Funeral Home Saturday at 2;0u p. »', Rev, Brooks Sanders officiatiag. Burial was in Pinckney Cemetery, SCaOOL ELECTION VOTE Pinckney high school held their election Monday. It was strongly Dem ocratic. Cong. Chamberlain and Sher- iff Gehringer wer e the only 2 Rep. ubllcans to get majorities. T^e vote waj: Governor: Williams i32 t Bagwell 95 Senator;Hart 119. Potter 111 '• ur i 13 cat iy than Third Grade. .June T -^ ( Wt; thank our room motiier Whitley for helping witii oif A''o the Parent's Club :<>>• \i.> [>i:FAl I.-,' .'"••It a : . ' ' l:.;0 in > ' Curret Commtnt By the time this reach* ym election will b« ovtr and the ing and tempcri stirred up have subsided. We ihink o n lew points was the srttmck OB •A here his | Iiart, wife of Phil Hart k candidate for U. S. Senator opponent Senator Potter. One We itdrn- contest iaf jovcrnor in New York juci ^av- i^ betweea- Av«riU Harriman and Nelson Rockefeller . The lattsn gruncMather, }he late John D. could nmr have "been elected dog ynt^htr. His grandson, Nelson is given a chance to win on acount of bis lavish expenditure of money. He is said to huv©-spent $2,000,000 on his cam- paign. Besides he has been lavish in his gifts of money from the fortune umassetf by the late John D. He built ihc United Nations Building, Metro- politan opera bouse, gave to Fordham University, the Balet ^heatic, and $1, 500,000 to ihe Catl Jic Charities of Turytown, the Jewish Theological Seminary, for a housing project for the garment workers and $51,000 to negro education and big sums to the NAACP. He even gave $40,000 to the Truman library A Independ- ence, Mo. On acount of all these handouu he was rated a strong candi- date. The Catholic church in Milwaukee prohibited the children in their par- 1 silos from taking part in the drive for me relief of destitute children of the countries oijuhe United Nations. This was on the Basis of a report issued by tiie American Legion, that the UNI- CLF as this body was called was com* munikt affiliated. The directors of th* organization ddny the charge. Un- doubtedly a number of countries who would benefit liy.^he money picked up on Halloween eve by toil organi- zation are Communist but that it sot a suoag enough reason to condtmn it'. We fail to understand all this heHa- beJow kicked up over betting on foot- ball yames at the University of Mich- UMM. S;iiil bc!i ; r"> pools have existed c\ci- since we knew anything about tho g:»mc We have even bet occt- ^ :).!'•« ourselves. We have worked i:> a pumber of places where they used to com* around every morning ; nd ask it you wanted to get in a pool. Some times it was football, soffit iii.v-> i; , \ ' f.- . The cost was MI! *. .K' ,•• Jo'lar. We won otca- >!onally. We were even in one that cost 25c. You may laugh but there were so many in it the prize amounted to considerable. At Michigan two regulars oa ihe foot ball team were suspended for selling football pool c A , c ,s. I hose who pled * f ..! SI00 and costs. The : J ' -t s pled not guilty and i . ai. We suppose the two , e at the university c kchojurships and sold tho tickets to eke out their meager in* h t jr;"i -jnd 10 Mrs that we will We w e nt trick *?:.<! Party. All but 2 «•> Monday, W© h a \ o addition and Mi 1'ortu.T has a nf-w i'\\ Pa.ri l'.'sd company SunUay,Linda Zv •>aw the movie "Big Coutiiry.i .. hitloys cousin, Judy McGuire Grand Rapidr, visited h O r laat w I t K. of tnout Funeral Hom# and OEi, meeting, reg. notices Van's Motor Sales -^jepain on fire truck f i .; 122.78 Salaries of board members 2041.00 Arthur W. Rentz — sefeiburse- Jiaent 11.15 WiTlJam Haack — Register of Deeds 10.75 Mich. Twp. Ass'n. — Ass*n. membership dues 31.00 Motion carried to jiay the n s qve. bills. Motjon by Wnrtc supported by Wylie that meeting be adjourned. Mo- tion carried. Murry J. Kennedy Twp. deck 97.66 fc f«t« Senator :Wes Reader 140 Paul ll.56| Y °unger 139. I Prosecutor: Lava n 114, Erwin 113 Re»I«terr:Murphy \28 t Hack 95 Coroner B.arton 128, Nils Clark 112 Wiggins 107, Munsell 107. 10.10 Mrs. Rene MiU«r thank Mrs. June Hendee our room m ©tto« fr coming to our par. W« g«vt her a chrysatnemum cor M J VanNorman, Le« and came and had cup and dder. We wrote tununartoi **• » t0 «*>* *n o u r reading boolc. winner were Elaine Darrow, Lynd» •felrey, Third Grade ,Mrs, We had a nice liaJiiowe©n party and the mothers Mesdames , VanNonnan and Read for , Also the mothers who made cup cakes. W e also went trick treating. James Petulas dad caught a 9 lb. pike, Deanna Haines went to the show, WUU Meyer 8 visited his grand mother. Fourth Grade, Mrs. CampbelT*^ W e had a ale. party and served cup cakes and dder.We think the mothers who broughtt cupcakei and Mrs S|>rout for the cider, She,Mr t , Qot^h a«d Mrs. fiaugh* cam©. Our speUng tree a 22 pumpkin on it for those who were pertecct in mastery ust K We finiihed 9 weeks for our Urtt report ctrd, 16 wer e hew every day I -- Wegener who' was 8i ck U, t * Gyde brought us a spioV Dion but is back . tm 4th «nd 5tb We enjoyed our Halloween pexty We had dougnnuta and elder Mrs' Borovsky and Mrs, Melby helped' here were games and a parade i t*a Nash w e t h U) and hottest fight is ift •re Senator Knowlaod J Gov. Knight out hit tin for a second term for •. 1 running oa a "Right to i . i his would outlaw the x.'.op. lhat is a person work- .1 i.iciory would not have to univin even if a majority of the s ihere voted to unionize. Of the unions are fighting it as it me;.n their death knell. Sena- tor Knight, who won the Republican nomination for senator has con^OUt against this law and says he win not support Knowland. President Eisen- hower made a flying trip to Califor- nia last week to make peace between the two but was not successful. course s u m Grade, Mrs, TMCB We had a nice party in the desk de. corating contest Lynda Parker won tot the girls ana Larry Bowles tor ile boys, Mrs, Meyers room vistted us a&d we read our charts for them. We played a football g^me aid loit» Mrs. Meyer's room, 6th and 7th At our party in the costume otoo. teat. Richard Blades and Retoert Dftf. ow won first. They drewud at and his wife. Honorable a t r f o a fftt. to Del FriU t George Hay Kelle&bexgec. Susa B tfta Nash w«nt hone with •nd went trick sj»d ± dames Tasch «nd H—ton. oer b u t new hora# . Jim Book suage gun. Richard Bt^t* f i ng. We furnish the bol|Hl» tb*haU

Transcript of About Mkfaigan News Not* SCHOOL NEW AS WE HEARD...

Page 1: About Mkfaigan News Not* SCHOOL NEW AS WE HEARD ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1958-11-05.pdf · mends that universities get no bigger. He referred to University of Mich-igan

vounffcn THE PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wednesday, November 5, 1958 No. 4$ • %•.»•-

About Mkfaigan NewsSchool districts without prosperous

industries to tax and pupils withoutprosperous parents both face a crisesin Michigan. The schools who haveborrowed heavily against next yearsaid expect problems this winter. Theschool problems are mostly lack ofmoney.

More than 400 Michigan school dis-tricts have borrowed more than $31,-000,000 against next years state aidfor collalerial. They had to pay4% interest so when they get theirmoney next year it will already hayebeen spent.

Another phase is that the stateis no longer able to pay the schools$190 per pupil they pledged to them.Instead they will fall short about$8,000,000 this year.

The schools are also crowded forspace as they got 70,000 new pupilsthis year. In many places the votershave turned down bond proposals fornew buildings.

The Democrats want industry andthe federal government to pay thbills. The Republicans are waitingfor the legislative tax study, not dueuntil next year.

The college students are getting afew breaks. Banks are arranging forstudent loans directly to colleges forwhich students may pay on a budgetbasis.

Dr. John Russell, director of 2years study for the legislature recom-mends that universities get no bigger.

He referred to University of Mich-igan 28,000 and Mich. States 20,000.He would start smaller ones at Flintand Dearborn.

Not*Mrs Frank Gray has been instaLed

, worthy matron of Dexter Chap>r 302 OES.

Four parking meter were



While Pinckney showed imropve, luZ c o n l r ^ o f both houses andt W h i t b bi j iOn defense tackling they

ft-om Brighton streets one night last had n o offense to speak of andw e e k lenalties assessed against Stockbiid/je

6 children wee hospitalized at Brish 20 to 0 Friday. They have n 0 manton last week Monday when the w h o can run successfully with uieschool bus they were in hit a t r e % tall. They were aided by

McNultyt 24, the driver was * enalties sssessed againstCail McNultyt 2 , e r ^ esuspended and*ticketed by the poliece they w ere inside the Stockbridfe _!0lor ignoring the basic speed law, y* r d Jin© twice but each time t*Sy let

The Brighton Gasket Company is i J- i a s s e s dribble through their hjmris.2^ f th 3 i *rniving to Detroit. They employ 140 ; o f the 3 seniors Don Clark

l,ropl© The quarters they r e nt from r J e d Be«*y were back and didthe Evans Product Company are to] °L tackling. Stockbridge usedsmall ! S e C O n d t e a m P ^ of the

Vandals broke into the Salem -

anda lottheirtime

n a d n o g*eat variety ofWalker Cemetery near South Lyon F ] a y s . T h e y 5t'ore*»all touchdowns onlast week and did 52000 worth of *'asses> Cornish running 40 yards rjdamage Some of the monuments de-stroyed were 100 ye::rs old,

22S5 telephone directoies were re-quired at South Lyon last month 200more than last year G

Residents opposed to the locationcation have closed the Chelsea Vill.age dump by court injunction

hTe Brighton OES held their instsNation Nov, 8f

The Howell Greenhousee operatedb> Mr, and Mrs, .August Schmidt lor33 years has been sold to James Spare

LivoniaMr. and Mrs. Bruce Eujcr of

have returned from a 2 weekstrip to Tennessee.

225 people attended the recent How.ell OES installation.

13.129 acres of land in this rounttyhave been put in the soil land hank.


WHITE LOIXiE NEWS50 attended the hobo party at While

Lodge Saturday night,Mrs, and Mrs, R, Raetz entertained

their daughter and familyt the CtJ.Raymonds of Detroit last week^

C, J. Raetz and wife attended abirthday party for their son-in-law i»Deroit Sunday.

The A.Larsons have gone to FloncUior th» winter,

.A. Rogeers and wife closed theircottag« for the winter.

Mrs, Henry Gates "had a Halloweenparty for her grandson, Danny Wiliiams.

The George Bruntons of Rush LiKethe Randy Raeztes Tuesday,

put in the soil landbank.

at Washington by big majorities. \n2-lich'igan Gov, Williams won an un_jrt'ecedentted Sixth term by 14IHJ.G

majority. Phil Hart topped him byabout 200,000 for U. S. Senator.Thc^2 earn led the entire Democrat staleticket into office with them. The eonsMtutinal convention proposal lost.I'.. cJid not get a majority of the c h -lorate. Too many did not vote on it.

Congressman Chamberlain was r-1

elected. He had 4000 majority at las:reports.

In the county all Republican officeholder.s won by around 3000 majorityP r 0 s o Erwin 7265, Lavan 3D88; SlierGen ringer 7625, Snyder 37"Drs. Clark and Wiikinson wFletcher and Yelland court

Elementary LchoolKindergarten Mildred Parka

Joan GardnerI . i ' k y Noi>S;ei' i.s

a. baby

y to ihc


Went to

aunt visitfcd I.a fii'eed thei>aw a deJr Jie^-" htr 's caii fljt i. Tilt-by Penny Pu-trds

iu.s a



MRS. MARGIERITE MoPHERSONS f was born in Topeka, Kansas an.!rvic«ntly celebrated their 50th werlriing anniversary .The funeral was a)the Howell Presbyterian Church Woin«sday with burial in Fairview Cev.i

FOOTBALL SCORES,. St. Mary's 33, Howell 6;An,n Ar

bor 27? ypsilani 0; Dexter 7, Mancheater 6; Boysville 13, Hartland 0;Brightton 46, Clarence ville 6; Universi> "34, Saline 12; Lincoln 39, FlatRock 14; Milan 46, Dundee 6; Chelsea26, Roosevelt 13; Haslett 14, FOWJOJ-

ville 6; Linden 19, Swarzt Creek 12;Northville 47, Clarkstn 12; Webberville 6f Byron 6,

CARD O^ THAN!C«W« wish to thank our friends and

neighbors for their kind expressionof sympathy during our recent berbcavement. Also Dr. Wood worth andthe staff of McPherson Health CenterMrs, Lloyd Wellman, soloist, M r s .Floyse Campbell, accompanist. Rev.Sanders and the Swarthout FuneralHom#, ,

Ctcil, Laura and Bessie RobertsMr. and Mrs. Herbert Pa r ki n

4-B HANDICRAFf NOTICE4-H Enrollment 102 the wint»r wiU

bt Thursday, November 6 in the base


Pinckney Chapter 145 installedtheir new officers a t th? o 'omenta iyschool . Sa turday night. The roomand whp mums with a- large purple>ign in thr e; u"Walk i n tho Light"the worthy m a t r < 's nmUo !'»r <At>

>oar. The installing officers woreKloyse Campbell Z !nd Dorothy Wilsons.";arshal>, Alberta Clo.-e; ci»aplin Mevwin Campbell; organist, VirginiaVar.Norman; soloist, Mae Bryan. Fo-,-the a u \ i ! " v " f i c o r s : installing oft'iri'V C'ai i ie G; U n t i l ; m a r s h a l ! ; ,

The ceremony was opened by tthoretiring worthy matron and patron,ftnb^rta Ambut'gey and James Boyd,Kiorence Baughn wag introduced inthe East. Als0 Grand Lodge Rep,Francis Rathbun. W. M. and W, P.Mary and Haz© Merow of Howell andand W. M.f Loretta Waters of Fowlerville. Then the county officers, Haz-e! Poulson, pres; Bonnie Henry, ?-,ee,-leas; Lillian Comernuse, Carrie Franc ;sco and Margaret McNamara

The W% M., Eva Engquist was es-corted to the east by her granddaughcrsf Susan and Joanne Craigearned purple candles andBible verses. "Walk y e in the Light".An honor line was formed by 8 wom-en from the White Shrine, Raintnwf

County Ass'n. the San,, and Past Matrons.

The W. P. George Engquist was ftlso escorted t 0 the east by his grand,d^ughetrs who sang 'This little light"

A. M, Geneviev© Henry was escorted to the west by h e r daughter, Beck>^ the A.P. Gilbert

Carol Gerycz

U'r catching a pass for the last one.The Stockbridge Marching Bund

payed at the half and went throughtheir formations. They were good.

The Queon crowning took placea > the half. The four queens arrivodih four conveitables, Carol Geyz,senior was chosen. queen> Her escwt\\as Norman Bock and driver



First Crude, -'•' '-' -iuooko

has banty chicks,

his (iatrs new pla:te

tu Te\as # K;*;ei

with pink

vi»:.cU her grand

el1 went to How.

.Terry liuv.sr.i' has a

Jauis Dean visited her grand

thy children J;^d lun on

t u c k i n g and treating

First Cii'udo,

• Wo had u ni'-'e

and thank tliu rooni



popcorn balls. We hud 8Laura Whiilcy had ronipanyBelty VanBlarif'uni had a birthdaySunday,'Jack jo lieil went iish'n.','.JeanoLte Lliu.'s aunl. I'i'i-s a new bai.y.Jerry Culoiic's gra]idr.:iiicr is in thehospital. Su.sun i- ov. l .s Jia-; a huiahoop. Keith .Swarlhout lias aIn other .Dana J.-oveils went tol\>y parade in D t



Mrs. Anderson

cast 672 votes, heavy for ano i l

U -

Tessiner junior 's escort waslion Cram. driverf Dick Kennedy;Jean Edward's sophmore escort wasPennis Morgan drivert Jim Doyle;Freshman queen had Tommy Reaiilor escort and Duane Haines for herdriver, Myrna Livingston last yearsqueen crowned the queen.

Friday Pinckney plays South Lyonhere Friday night .This team haswon the league championship,


r.ndSkinner, ibert Skinner oy

his son and daughter. Others installed were Sec M i l d d Mil

g t e red were Sec., Mildred Milller ,Treas,Amanda DeBarr; Cond,, Harv'ettRah rig; Assoc.t Cond.f EdnaChap. Doris Skinner. Mar,,Hammell ; OrgM

Ward;, Mahfc

Eloyse Campbell;R Albetine

of the town hall. All new memb»» must have one parents with«t tfai* meeting. The Fair Prem

will bt given out at thisMarshall Meabon Leader



CRANE ORCHARDWest M<£6, Pinckney


Th« Rickett School for RetarfadChildren will hold open house Oct, 19from f t » 5 n . - . The public is in.

FINCKHEY UNO'S DAUGHTERSTh* Pinrlmuf Circle meets with

Ron Baat Thursday. Nov. 6 at

Adah, Sally Carter; Ru t h

Vanned ;E s the r , Eleanor' W 0 U | r f t .Mftrtha;Emma Boyd; a i ^ ^ f ^

ti el C ^ T 3 ^ CaSSie T ™ Senrir.ei, Clifford MillerAuxiliary off icers * were Mar ,Ma,

ory W ^ ; W a r t 0 r ^ ^ .

lead ;page> L u e l i a Ketcham;InStr:Sadi c h r

Moran; Prompter, RobertoAmburgey; Flag Bearers: AmerieanfVola Massey; Christian, Ann Mass.ey." O.E.S. Marie Murray; HonorJoints: Adah, Nora Sprout; Rutl),Htrnlce Baker; Esther Susie Beeman;Martha^ Marion Scott; Electa, PearlMadsen; Choir:Mary Boyd, Mae Bryan; Barbara Cluckey, Virginia Van_Norman, Esther Hall, Jim Moraa^James Boyd, Herbert Bryan,

Roberta Amburgey was presentedvith her past matrons jewel by thepast matrns in an imnrefliirv ceremony.


Regular meeting of the PutnamTownship Board, held at the townhall Tuesday, October 14, 1958 at 8P. M. All board members present:Hendee, Wylie, White, Reynolds andKennedy.

Meeting called to order by Super-visor Hendee.

Minutes of the meeting of Sep-tember 9, 1958 read and approved.

Passed unanimously by the boardto levy two (2) mills on the 1958county tax.

One (1) mill to be spread for town-ship tax, and the other one (1) millto be used for welfare on county as-sessed.

The regular meeting for next monthwill be held Wednesday, November12, 1958 at 8 p. m. instead of Tues-day, November 11th, as the 11th isi legal holiday.

Botion by Wylie supported byKennedy to buy the fire dept. six (6)fireman rain coats. Motion carried.

Motion by Kennedy supported byReynolds to pay the following bills asread.

The 1957-1958 welfare cost to Put-nam Township was $2794.62.Michigan Bell Telephone Co $ 42.50Max Russell — Treasurer \

Pinckney Com. Schools

Williams 3-laJ

Gov. Swansbn 350, BrownState, Hare 3Glf Plank 2'Jl;

Gen., Actttms 3ij2;~iionigan 3ul,, Brown 358, Weathcrwax i!(A>;

Auditor, Szymanski 352f Clements2(JD; Cong., Hayworth 355f Chamber.


301;l-tegi.sUjrf :.iurp,,y


lain 321; State Senate, Younger 3o.sLegislature Kurka 34J# Tei'busFresecutor, Lavan 345, L'rwin

iSnyder 346, Gehringer 3UJ;Gherkia 34D# Ilagmau X,;,

Koch J47,ocy| Hack 2X5; Drain350, Mun&ell 304; Coroners, Bail a260, Rice 352, Clark 240, Wilkin3> al . j ; burvoyoi. Win. Miller 352J .J-U

j y a t u ! Snar->/i

I ' o t l o r h a d a b i / i l i d a y (Ku'iy •>uii ' iay,

7 ' h c y j^ot dy l l s a n d di.sin.s. G a r y 1

v^tn t (nit s t i u i r r r e l l i u ' iUn^ ' w i t h

c a d H i s d a d shot a n d m i s l e d l im^rar i

f>u of s h c l i s . I'iilly L< \ v y l , c ' s d a d ha*

a n e w t ' ' u ' ' k . iJcH'id llciiy. w e n t to a

WccJd jng . S a n ' i a J^'Jl vrnl io ;j:<;

bi iow, Goi'dDi) ivins; s a w Clnici '^y

' i ' hompsoJ i U'i'M'n ii^1 \wis o u t /1Ji i r k ' k

DI t t ' o a l . J t i r k y L e i n n i w&il V> h i *

g r a n d m o t h t . r s ,

S e c o n d Graf]-. , M r g . ^. 'us( ,n

T '.in \Vyi',i\s jicl Ja ; i . | ; (JM'i:. I-1 " - . ' i

proposal iyst 253 to

Righ to Work proposals lost in 4out uf 6 states ,

The new jail proposition carried inVVahsenaw county The Republicansoit'ice holders were re©leclod.

) Arthur i i ladrs and M k<:Sheldon hnv© w|iii>r jackets. l;avu!/ . , U ' . ; ! ' \ * n \'. M f i j • ' / ;, > ' ,- v •••,_,

v t . u n ; i y _ I M I \ i u '.', i k , ,.•:,. ,

i n g Wi th h i s Uatt . S h i r l c t y .](;s<

; o n w e n t tu H u w e J l t o vi.->.t hvv gj

J a n e s li< "ti v /ent ';»

<-oo..tup huii i '<j ;apaay J'l'om

Denny Swar t limit's f:11

t h t

Del. taxes 1338.18Charles R. Ward — Treasurer

Howell Public SchoolsPhi! Gentile, bal. on acct.P. W. Curlett — Sept. board

ESTIIEK E. KOBEIiTSci1 K, iioborl s, 73, died at

Mcx hy*-aon HoaJih Cemifr Ucw2O.She v>as daughter o£ WilliamLucy Roberts and and wasin Alden, i \ Y,,March 6,1885. Sh«lived on the larm on theHowell Road for 30 years.

Suviviag are a brother Cecil, 2 sas_I-aura aad Bessie at homo.

Mrs .Eunic© Parkin of Gro^ePoints and a brother Gortonoi Pompano Beach, Florida,

The funeal was at Ui© SwarthoutFuneral Home Saturday at 2;0u p.»', Rev, Brooks Sanders officiatiag.Burial was in Pinckney Cemetery,

SCaOOL ELECTION VOTEPinckney high school held their

election Monday. It was strongly Democratic. Cong. Chamberlain and Sher-iff Gehringer were the only 2 Rep.ubllcans to get majorities. T^e votewaj:

Governor: Williams i32t Bagwell 95Senator;Hart 119. Potter 111

'• ur i13 ca t

iy than

T h i r d Grade . .June T -^

(Wt; t h a n k o u r room mot i i e rWhi t l ey for he lp ing witii o i fA ' ' o t h e P a r e n t ' s Club :<>>• \i.>

[>i:FAl I . - , '

. ' " • • I t a : . ' '

l:.;0 in >

' Curret CommtntBy the time this reach* ym

election will b« ovtr and theing and tempcri stirred uphave subsided. We ihink o nlew points was the srttmck OB

•A here his | Iiart, wife of Phil Hartkcandidate for U. S. Senatoropponent Senator Potter. One

We itdrn- contest iaf jovcrnor in New Yorkjuci ^av- i betweea- Av«riU Harriman and

Nelson Rockefeller . The lattsngruncMather, }he late John D. couldnmr have "been elected dog ynt^htr.His grandson, Nelson is given achance to win on acount of bis lavishexpenditure of money. He is saidto huv©-spent $2,000,000 on his cam-paign. Besides he has been lavishin his gifts of money from the fortuneumassetf by the late John D. He builtihc United Nations Building, Metro-politan opera bouse, gave to FordhamUniversity, the Balet ^heatic, and $1,500,000 to ihe Catl Jic Charities ofTurytown, the Jewish TheologicalSeminary, for a housing project forthe garment workers and $51,000 tonegro education and big sums tothe NAACP. He even gave $40,000to the Truman library A Independ-ence, Mo. On acount of all thesehandouu he was rated a strong candi-date.

The Catholic church in Milwaukeeprohibited the children in their par-1 silos from taking part in the drive forme relief of destitute children of thecountries oijuhe United Nations. Thiswas on the Basis of a report issued bytiie American Legion, that the UNI-CLF as this body was called was com*munikt affiliated. The directors of th*organization ddny the charge. Un-doubtedly a number of countries whowould benefit liy.^he money pickedup on Halloween eve by toil organi-zation are Communist but that it sota suoag enough reason to condtmnit'.

We fail to understand all this heHa-beJow kicked up over betting on foot-ball yames at the University of Mich-UMM. S;iiil bc!i;r"> pools have existedc\ci- since we knew anything abouttho g:»mc We have even bet occt-^ :).!'•« ourselves. We have workedi:> a pumber of places where theyused to com* around every morning; nd ask it you wanted to get in apool. Some times it was football, soffitiii.v-> i; , \ ' f.- . The cost was

MI! *. .K' ,•• Jo'lar. We won otca->!onally. We were even in one thatcost 25c. You may laugh but therewere so many in it the prize amountedto considerable. At Michigan tworegulars oa ihe foot ball team weresuspended for selling football poolc A , c ,s. I hose who pled

* f ..! SI00 and costs. The :J ' -t s pled not guilty and

i . ai. We suppose the two, e at the university

c kchojurships and sold thotickets to eke out their meager in*


t jr;"i



that we willWe went trick *?:.<!Party. All but 2 «•>Monday, W© ha\oaddition and Mi

1'ortu.T has a nf-w i'\\ Pa.ril'.'sd company SunUay,Linda Zv•>aw the movie "Big Coutiiry.i.. hitloys cousin, Judy McGuireGrand Rapidr, visited hOr laat w

I t

K .


tnout Funeral Hom# andOEi,

meeting, reg. noticesVan's Motor Sales -^ jepa in

on fire truck fi .; 122.78Salaries of board members 2041.00Arthur W. Rentz — sefeiburse-

Jiaent 11.15WiTlJam Haack — Register

of Deeds 10.75Mich. Twp. Ass'n. — Ass*n.

membership dues 31.00Motion carried to jiay the nsqve.

bills.Motjon by Wnrtc supported by

Wylie that meeting be adjourned. Mo-tion carried.

Murry J. KennedyTwp. deck

97.66 fcf«t« Senator :Wes Reader 140 Paull l .56|Y°unger 139.

I Prosecutor: Lavan 114, Erwin 113Re»I«terr:Murphy \28t Hack 95Coroner B.arton 128, Nils Clark 112

Wiggins 107, Munsell 107.


Mrs. Rene MiU«rthank Mrs. June Hendee our

r o o m m©tto« fr coming to our par.W« g«vt her a chrysatnemum cor

M J VanNorman, Le« andcame and had cup

and dder. We wrote tununartoi**• »t0«*>* *n our reading boolc.

winner wereElaine Darrow, Lynd»


Third Grade ,Mrs,We had a nice liaJiiowe©n party and

the mothers Mesdames, VanNonnan and Read for, Also the mothers who made cup

cakes. We also went trick treating.James Petulas dad caught a 9 lb.pike, Deanna Haines went to theshow, WUU Meyer8 visited his grandmother.

Fourth Grade, Mrs. CampbelT*^We had a ale. party and served cup

cakes and dder.We think the motherswho broughtt cupcakei and MrsS|>rout for the cider, She,Mrt, Qot^ha«d Mrs. fiaugh* cam©. Our speUngtree a 22 pumpkin on it for thosewho were pertecct in mastery us tK We finiihed 9 weeks for o u r Urttreport ctrd, 16 were hew every dayI - - Wegener who' was 8ick U,t*

Gyde brought us a spioV Dionbut is back .

tm 4th «nd 5tbWe enjoyed our Halloween pexty

We had dougnnuta and elder Mrs'Borovsky and Mrs, Melby helped'here were games and a parade it*a Nash w e t h


and hottest fight is ift•re Senator Knowlaod

J Gov. Knight out hittin for a second term for

•. 1 running oa a "Right toi . i his would outlaw thex.'.op. lhat is a person work-.1 i.iciory would not have to

univin even if a majority of thes ihere voted to unionize. Ofthe unions are fighting it as itme;.n their death knell. Sena-

tor Knight, who won the Republicannomination for senator has con^OUtagainst this law and says he win notsupport Knowland. President Eisen-hower made a flying trip to Califor-nia last week to make peace betweenthe two but was not successful.


sum Grade, Mrs, TMCBWe had a nice party in the desk de.

corating contest Lynda Parker wontot the girls ana Larry Bowles torile boys, Mrs, Meyers room visttedus a&d we read our charts for them.We played a football g^me aid loit»

Mrs. Meyer's room, 6th and 7thAt our party in the costume otoo.

teat. Richard Blades and Retoert Dftf.ow won first. They drewud atand his wife. Honorable a tr foa fftt.to Del FriUt GeorgeHay Kelle&bexgec.

SusaB tfta Nash w«nt hone with•nd went trick sj»d


dames Tasch «nd H—ton.oer b u t new hora# . Jim Booksuage gun. Richard Bt^t* fi ng. We furnish the bol|Hl»tb*haU

Page 2: About Mkfaigan News Not* SCHOOL NEW AS WE HEARD ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1958-11-05.pdf · mends that universities get no bigger. He referred to University of Mich-igan

•••»;; 1

• . - I ' - '

imw«fcTW*»\^w«u^k lmwm^mwmwasfc'wi I»V№.UWKR^V1£V

there's always plenty of hot water

neweGET IT H O T . . . GET A LOT every time. A new electric water heaterprovides plenty of hot, hot water for showers and all the family's needs.Detroit Edison has a new Super Supply Plan which makes heaters evenmore efficient and economical /

Here's the convenient, modern way to GET IT HOT . . . GET A LOTfor an operating cost as low as $3.88 per month.

Only electric water heaters gfve you aft these Important advantages:

Efficient—the heat goes into thewater

[x] Install anywhere-need not benear a chimney

[x] Long life-meet Edison's rigidstandards

[x) Automatic-all the time

[x ] Fast-new, more efficient heatingunits

[x] Outer shell—coo! to the touch allover

[ x ] Edison maintains electrical partswithout charge

|x ] Safe-clean-quiet—modern

See your plumber or appliance dealer D E T R O I T E D I S O NSOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN




Now OpenJL- Nearly 400 people are receiving their checks from our 1958 Christmas Club this

week, totaling $30,000.00.

^ These people have financed their Christmases this year, as well as vacations, ap-

pliances and many other things.

<£ You, too, will be amazed at what a regular savings program can do for you.

Christmas Club provides the means to this end.

+ Make next Christmas a happy one. Look over the following classes and pick the

one which fits your budget. Open your Christmas Club account at either our Howell

or Pinckney Office tomorrow.


Week/y Saving


CnedTYou Receive

$ 25.00






McPherson State BankBowtl — Pinckney

2%m f#ort eV 8af* Bmnktnm

Book Aeemmti


sponsored by


Wednesday, November 12th7:30 P. M. - No Admission Charge

Featuring Plastics, Toys, Hobby Kits, Housewcres, Glftware, Novelties, Baby Itemsand many other items


Free Door Prizes Given AwayAs You Enter





Beautiful Glass Tumbler SetShampoo and WaveHair Styling

Pine Cone Christmas WreathLubrication Job

Prize Winning Blue Hubbard SquashGift



• •

Free Favors For EveryoneAs You Enter







* *

Notes of 48 Tears AtoThe election is over.

350 votes were castOnly aboutin Putnam.

Chase Osborn was elected governor! over Lawton T. Hemans. Sam Smithto congress over Alva Cummins,

i Leonard Freeman, state senator,I Edwin Farmer to the legislature,William Robb, prosecutor, Willla nStcddard, sheriff, Clark Miner, clerk,Charles Judson, treas., A, D, Thomp-son, register, Arthur Cole, circuit

I court commissioner, Farmer, Robb,J Stoddard and Cole are Democrats.,i Adam Francis, 69, d*ed a* h i s

east of town ,Nov .4.

RJSydney Spruot gave a reclttat atthe Congi. church Sunday, His ren-dition of organ end vocallion musicwas fine. P. H. Swartout and Lulu

m sang duet and Lola Morana solo.

Mrs, Elmer Glean was Injured last! Wednesday when her horse ranaway. H»r daughter .Lillian who was

j with her escaped injury .

; Glenn Gardner has sold his elec-tric light plant to Albert Jackson,It will be known as the Jackson Lightleg Company with F. aG Jackson, mgr,Mr. Gardner and John Cadwell areputting in a plant at Stockbrldge.

W» are receipt of a letter fromClyde Darrow who has been in LosAngeles, Calif, for over a year.

Ben Campbell, a convict from Pon.tiac, escaped Tuesday by jumping offthe Grand Trunk train at Gregory,He was caught next day at Gregbry,

I John Dlakell and wife are now liv' Ing in the Mrs, Estell* Graham hoase» oaMUlSt,

Richard Henry of Hamburg goti 1800 bbuahel of potatoes from 7 acras.; Miga Kittle Boff, local telephonei operator was given a shower of 265

post cardi Friday on her birthday,George Randall of Tacoma, \Va.,n (

Notes of 25 Yeai* AgoPinckney high school lost to Fen

ton there Friday 25 t 6. Fenton wasmuch heavier and they had a slurHarold Huff called Powder Puff 'A'huP.i ckney had trouble stopping,Ja™Djiloway could but had to lea'-'o hi afeet to do so. He got Pinckuey's umdown after catching a pass.

The OES give a masquerade ball onNov. 17 ,

Mack's Anawa Medicino Show isat the community hall 2 weeks start-ing Monday .

W. Edward Farnam, pioneer bbusiness man died at his home here on"Nov. 2 .

Charles Monroe, receiver for thePinckney Bank has been appointedreceiver for the Commercial Ba:v<of Fowlerville.

DaXter Masons won the 2nd eucn.e contest here Wednesday niffht • 50to 40. . _ _

500 attendee the t^ncake supperat the community hall Thursday nitoThursday night, The Pillsbury FloarCo, furnished the flour and coffee,theSimmons Grocery the syrup andcoffee. Topping Dairy the milk andcream. The Gir] S c o u t s and JuniorKfngs Daughters waited on table.Afterwards there was dancing withJake, Floyd and Marjory Hainea playing and Percy Fish calling.

About 50 deer hunters from hereare going noth.

The Pinckney Independents beat1he Broadway Leaders of Ann Arbjr37 to 13 here Sunday. Murray Konnrdy got 3 touchdowns, Stanley Dink.el, Walt Graves and Rollie Shehaneach one, Fenton cancelled but Ha it-lend has been secured for nextt Sun-day .

Thur. Fri.( Sat. Nov. 6, 7, 8"THE BLOB"

in Colorwith

Stephen McQueen, Anita CoMCirtand


ultkTom Tyron and Gloria Talbott

tn Technicolor

lay, Monday, Xovember 9, 10Greaest Hunters .Deadliest of TigersSiewartt Granger^ B a bar a Rush and

Anthony Steel


Color Cartoon

Tues., Wed., Thurs. Nov. 11, 12, 13in Vlstavision


Shirley Booth and Anthony PerkinsShirley MacLaine Pand au Ford

A Paramout PictureNovelty Color Cartoon Lat* Ni»\vs

wevr^v (Muuwit ui i a w i u a , w«oa f > p^f Djlllon find his family of ahas bee* visiting his brother, Axie'. {wife and

Carl Bow^n a&d family hav© movedon th* Ffid Wjrlit farm .

Leigh QsTtnll who was married inToledo and wift are visiting his par-ents £ • wQl liv* in Toledo whereh« 1 s t

4 chi]dren have gone nor*h ' |



to hunt deer, They took a tont an^ asupply of food including 14 dressedchickens They may st»v all winder


Mnl. WQUam McPaerson in, wifeof the president of McPherson Sute

died suddenly Sunday. Sheher husband and 3 sons, WtIL

iftin. Alexander and fidward.Wlnsto* Baagfaa and Gene Edgar

wmt to the Mich. State-Wlscoruiagnat at Bast Lansing Saturday,

The Jerry Henrys of Deu-oit ....idKeith Bradbury* of Dexter were Sunday guests of the L, J. Henrys..

Mrs. Theresa Coyle is visiting theClarence Stapishes at Chelsea.

The Francis Shehan family visitcithe Bob Gannnons in Redford Suday

can*t resist aewjhacin. I t ' s vacuum- .

-...-u-licd fxeshl Contains po- |;:--nt n^w cnem;crl for sure .results. S.-.-.J to r.'P—saay I

t drujj, '-—A


The Gannons are moving to Kokomo. I rN SElF-FES3:s CAMS IIndiana Ju,U.uy "DIE-FAS-IN J

^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ SBBS1SBM BBlBBBBBl SBBBBSW flSSW 4 s V ^ ^

Page 3: About Mkfaigan News Not* SCHOOL NEW AS WE HEARD ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1958-11-05.pdf · mends that universities get no bigger. He referred to University of Mich-igan

, November 5,1958

The Peoples*.


Ncrman Miller and and familywent to Lovells Saturday lor a lewdays.

Mrs. Pearl Doyle of Wayne calledat the Carlett home last week. Shehas just returned Xrom a trip to Ariz->naa She also visited the Major Turnv*oung family at Fort Sill. Oklahoma.


Junior D*yl«th* Michigan, - Iowa loottaUat Jmn A-bop Saturday .




KENNEDY GENERAL STOREiiinnimi«miimmmuiiuuiiinimHmi]mHiuii(iiiiiiiiiiimm»iiuDiiiiii

Mr*. Julia Drudge oi fiedlodMrs. W.H. McCulIough of Detroitcrllled on the Fietl Wylies last Wed.ncsuay

. M r s Murta Bosuict Phelps ofDetroit ca^ed at .the Dispatch oil-ice Tuesday £h« taught school atDexter many years ago and has asummer hoci© at Base Lake.

Clifford Chaxubei'S is a patient atMcjfhe-rson Health Center, Howell.

liorn to the Jack PatongCrait )at McPher»on hospital Oct.a uattgatex.


Xhe Probate Court U* tfce County

Frank Ziegler,Win Baughu^ OJL-awrejicedijtuict


attended ameeung at

Aroor last Wednesday night.




LONG AGO IN MICHIGAN therelived an Indian who had quite areputation as a weather prophet.One fall, he predicted a long, coldwinter. When somebody askedhim how he knew this, he pointed

down the road to his neighbor's house. "Palefaceput in two extra tons of coal/' he said.

UNLESS YOU HAVE AN INDIANhandy you'll just have to wait andsee how hard a winter this one willhe. But you can be sure of onething. You won't be able to visitfriends and relatives as much asyou'd like. And there'll be ..anydays when getting to the store willbe difficult, if not impossible. Butcheer up, there is one thing thatlaughs at rain and cold—your tele*phone. Use it often to keep intouch, to order supplies. Sincethe invention of the telephone, winters are naver as badas they were. When snow piles up, just go by phone.


). where the benefits of tele-

^ » J phone research will turnJ % t up next. Bell Telephone

Laboratories have justbeen awarded a Nav)C riificate of Merit for!• ii work on guided rail-.-iie control systems. Amifrom Nebraska U comesword that a cow is givingcaUitf researchers valuableinformation on rumenpressui? by means of asmall radio in its stomach.What made the tiny radiopossible is the transistor—a Bell Laboratories inven*

lion first used in Long Distance circuits. The cattle people•ay the information they get from the radio will help themimprove the quality of beef and dairy cattle.

Th# only reel way to celebrate Thanksgiving is to sect thewhole family around the dining table and fill them withturkey. But if some of the family can't get home, remember thenext best thing: have your family party by Long Distance.Call your loved ones on The Day. They'll enjoy ft. So'M yeul

Even Shopping Days Go Faster in this jet age. Sohere*s a great idea: Extension phones make lastinglyi's-fal f/.; •.-<',-;:cs §//f«—and pretty ones, too. Call our

In tiie Matter of the Estate ofGENLVIEVE LOUISE RALPH, alsoknown as Louis© Ralph, also knownfs Louisa Ralph.

At a session of said Court held onNovember 3, 1958.

Fi-'-'^nt, Honorable Hiraw .„ 3n»ith#|Judb o of Probate.

e is Hereby Glwa That A.Uors oi said deceasea are requir.

ed to present their olauna in writing«nd under oatn, to aaui (JOUII, wad ioserve a copy thereof upon JjnraJulius HaJph of Gregoryt Michigannrtuciary oi aa*a state, ana tnat ttucfttiaims will be heard and the heirs at.law determined by said Cour*a*, the Probate Office on January 13f

1WOL> at ten A. M.

ti is Ordereo, 4'JMU Notice tnereofbe ^iven by puDiicatioa %t a copyot tor three w«t«k« coa*ectivaiytou* to said aay of hearing in thefir.ckney Dispatch and that tneilduclary ccu'se a copy ox uus nouce tobe Ft* 'cd upon eacn known party minterim fct ilia iaat known addresst\\ registered or cwruuea aaeii returnitceipi demanded at least fourteen(14; oays pnor to sucn Heating orby pei»onal service at least five (5;clays prior to such order.

Hiram H. Smith, Juage oi ProbateA true ceff:Barbara MarrA rue copy


Amanda Elliott, 5 months, daugh,icr of th» Jewell Elliotts of Sloc^-bridge was killed Sunday when thedoor of the car she was riding in withher mother came open, she fell outand was run over .

Walter Clark called on Bert Rocneat Lansing last Friday.

Jack Clark has received a ParkeDavis scholarship at Ferris Insttute.

Waiter Clark and wife called onih% Westly Declares at ManchesterSunday.

I** «Mt WttfKMfttl

Mrs. Ethel Sprout was a luncheonThursday Mrs. Ethel Sprout fliei

to Chicago to visit Mrs. Ethel Loss-ing.

Tommy Read went to the Mich-Iowa football fame at Ann Arbor

Ma. Mary Men Bead attended thefuneral of an aunt, Mat Mina Wur-st*r n Ann Arbor S

PWMT FMM FWTMfvm mmfitttm m fMMa,

m^^m ^^tf.iM A^M^B ^^^BtA ^^UkT iw mm*m n w liW^a sjsjav

Eva and Qeoofe Kngquat held openhome Su**y ftt ^ ^ * o a w *<* t n 4

T«O4 _

m TOU.

Gna CampbeU and wiXe attendedliod Fiannei celebration and parade jat Cedar Springs last wee*. J

Mrs.Erma Lewis and sons,Beryl andWarren f Mr. and Mis. OtLo Poulson,Henry Johnsoa and Kenneth uear-hart and wife attended the weddingoi Patricia HoUia and James Grossat St. Stephen's Church, Hambarg£>atuduy night .m

The Tom Ciarks f Ann Axjbor call-ed n the Mrs, Margaret Clark familySunday.

The Robert iN'eXis of Ann Arborwere buiurday guests of the RobeitAckleys .

Mrs. i-^aaor Ledwidge spent lastw&fck in i i^y^ 0 ^ •

Mrs. RoUw-rut Ainburgey and Ji*niesJBoyd entertained injs yeais OESciiicers ai dinner at th© Masonic tympie iast Wednesday .

The Earl Kimblers spent Sundayin Detroit Sunday.

rim James VVhitleys entertaiaodSunday the Fred Reads, Bob Heads uii-inckney and the John McGuires oX

Rapids .Vince LaRosas and Junior

Loylcs attended the Halloween par-ty yatuday night at the Jackhome..

Mesdames Madeline Shehan andBeulah Baughn caliled on Mrs. Mav.ion Pearson in Howell Thursday. Sheis in a wheel chair.

Leonard Devereaux and son, James,of Utica and Mrs. Bess Devereaux olBrighton called on the Ben White*Saturday night,

Mesdaaies M^Uae Shehan a.idAlice West of Ann Arbor called OHon Willliam Shehan Sunday.

Robert Pike and wife were inCcrruna and Owosso Friday,

Len Kitchen of Patterson Ldkewffe is attending U. of D. in Detroithad his hand badly injured Halllow-een night wnen a firecracker explod-ed in it.

Ht*h Doolittle of Pinckney.Dex.tc road suffered a heart attack. Hisson, James and family of Texas visited him last week .

Eddie Kaiser and wife of Oakleyvisited the Henry Haucks Thursday.

David Schoenfeldt and Charles Radmacher of Roseville called at the Cur-lctt home last Tuesday. Schoenfeldtis a former army buddy of NonnanMiller aad served with him In NewGuinia and Australia.

Ted Adseh of Detroit and AndrewGonta of Sault St. Marie visited theLloyd Hendees last week.Gontas is anarmy buddy of Lloyds .

The Albert Dinkeis were in LansingFriday. They had the Gene Dink*1*

The Floyd Morgans of Detroit wereSunday guests of the Ray -Langu-ways.

The John McGuhvs of Grand Rap.i were week end guest* of the

Fred Reads and attended the Mich.Iowa footeall game in Ann Arbor.

Bitty Shaw and wife, CharlesRice and wife, Mrs, Iola Comalinj,Carl Drapean. of Detroit were Sundayguests of the Lester McAfees.

The Letter McAfees went to theHolHs-Groes wedding at St. Stephenschurch, Hamburg Saturday night,

Mrs, Edith Carrr with Vern Smithof Eaton Rapids ted Mrs. MabieOlson of Lansing spent Sunday withMrs. Mae Middleton of Detroit.

Julius Aschenbrenaer sr.is in StJoe


Wagoners Grocery«M6 PWCKNEY ROAD

Quality MerchandiseLOW PRICES

Beer and Wm ToTaktOet





HAMILTON 6-8119. DEXTER -D. E. W h i & SONS


four Health

WHY FEEL OLD?Dr. H, N. Bundesen

Yeu may be old—but you don'thave to feel old. Replenish the supplies your body needs and unfitprobably be able to keep up wuhpersons a lot younger than you,

I'm 73 years old. Yet I boundaround my oil ice quicker in.inmany empjoyes 40 years >oungti.Supervising operations ol theBoard of Health in a big city likeChicago is a very' taxing job. Butit doesn't wear me out. I'm freshwhen I get to work in the mom-ing and Tin fresh when 1 leave forhome in the evening.

I'm not neini; immodest, hut afew persons believe thai I am asold as I really am. Actually J Imdit difficult to believe it myself. 1think 1 am living prooi that youdon't have to sit back and watchthe world go by when you get upin \ears.

I he seereN^jrthis&iU life for theeldeny is simplfT'ttfi right diet andth# right supplements to the diet.

Ihe olilcr you get the mqre im-portant 11 i> that you «at the properamounts. Your diet should be highin proteins and low io fat. The pro-teins are important because theyhelp burn up the carbohydrate* andkeep )our weight down. Fats, ofcourse, lead toward exces* pound-age, something you oldsters shouldbe especially careful about.

But even witii a careful diet, Ibelieve, you cannot got enoughVitamins, minerals and highly es-sential umino acids without puttingon too much weight. What can youdo.' lhal's easy. Do what 1 do.

For years now I've beee takingviutinin and mineral food supple-ments. I'm Inmly COU«UKCU thatthis has not only added y«ar§ to jbyhie. but life to n.y ysars as ^ l J



318 S. H

JOHN R. HANNETTPhone UPtowD 8-3171

MICHIGAN/ Will Be Glad ;o Call and ExrJain


From V/Iirre I sit... A-> J o e Marsh

Pas-! j ihe Buck'*?

e* My porch the•ttier night, Baek Hanson toldabout a nifty new warninglight for hit tractor. It giveshim protection on the highwayat night—cost, '< 1 75 cents.

Buck ma doth nghtfromanold windshield wiper motorwith a taillifiht attached inplace of the wiper blade. Heclamped the motor on to therear of the tractor.

When the motor is hooked toa hot wire and grounded, thelight moves back and forth andsure attracts attention. (The

wires work off a battety» •headlight—anything "hot*)

From w here I sit, it's ation in America forto get together and ex«ideas. We're a betterfor it. Tell yon what—dropon the next session eaporch, have a glass ofjoin in. If you'd rather have *glass of milk—fine! Bespeettagpeople's preferences—that** asAmerican tradition toe.

Copyright, 1958, United States *~~*er$ Foundation







Ana Arbor. Mrs. Ethel Sprout entertained Sun Mrs Albert Postp e « y Jaiiowaki is seriously **? Mesdames Esther Barton teachers of the Elementary

m m st. Joe hospital, Ann Arbor JennaU Makinder, Sadie, Boftan ftt n e P hom a t strawberry Lake Hitjruest of MW. Fred Cuonigham' of *n d A1**111* Bums of Stockbsidgo, W e € k ^ h o B o r

j Dexter Wednesday,^ e Edwin Sprouts entertained Robert Tasch and wife and John Daie Perkins ©f Hkchey Raai

Erneet Qunyis Sunday B h c o r ^ a t t e n < w **• Mlehifan footfcaU went surgery at Ualvaissly «f


Page 4: About Mkfaigan News Not* SCHOOL NEW AS WE HEARD ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1958-11-05.pdf · mends that universities get no bigger. He referred to University of Mich-igan

A> :

h' ' , . • • • • , " " • • " ' • • • . . * / * * . V . ; " " • . . » • " ' • , : " • • ' • . '


^ " ' ' ' ' • • • • • ' ' " ^ : ' '



-$2.W A BUSHEL OR 3 FOB -5.00..



Mrs. Francis Robinson was in Detrolt today.

The Junior Robiasn family of YpsLenti were Sunday guasts of the O\in






FREEOregon Chain, Guide Bars and Sprockets available for most Chain9aWs. Complete Oregon T. F. S. Service for Regrooving Bars. MachineWing of Chain, also other Chainsaw Maintenance.

Lorenz Service Co.1605 E. Kalamazoo St., Lansing, Michigan

Phone IV. 4-1361

The Jack Youngs entertained 15couple at th^ir home Satud&y night ata Halloween party .

Sunday was Jackie Youngs birthday.His parents entertained Ray Burnsand wifef the Don Burns, Jim Buna,Ken Fry, Bob Darrowj D. Conklln3ob Young families

The Ona Campbells called on Mrs.Marion Pearson and Bruce Sweetat Howell Thursday .

Norman Miller and family are atDouglas Lake until Thursday .

Jimmie Lavey is attending Cleai-yEusinesss ColUege ,Ypsilanti.

The WiUam Murdocks of HallcisComers called on the Robert PikesSunday,

Mrs, F{orence AtLee entertainedher bridge Club Tuesday .

school 8 p. m.Nov. 12: Plastic party at Maeonic

hall 7:30 p. m.Nov. 21: Special initiation.Dec. 5: Regular meeting .Grand

Chapter Woman to b# present.Dec. 16: School of Instruction at

7:30 p. m. jjMidge Miller, Sec I

GOilNEIl y taJMUnuin

Roy M. fttiffy, M. 3 .Fiorkacy Michiga*

!l:<r A. M. to 2.-00 F. M.

., Tue*. Fri, Set.1:00 to <*:00 P M.

Ritter T. V. : Service& TELM, VISION SBftHCB

''r<)n(ut aiv* i <>url*<ju»UP 8 5541 V.lo Webster St.


Don C. SwarttwBDirector

Modern EquipmentAmbulance S*rvio#v P s-mr

Fren G. lieicWieff, 5120 VVe.st (jrand Rivtr

FOR RENT:LowerBass Lake Phone UWANTED:Respon«lhle party to *O MY FIHENDS A K O I - N D ' P I X C K -

take over low monthly payment* on w&*' Ais'iJ liOVv'EJLi.,-.-a spiimet piano. Can be seen local } A " Now SnUs liepresentative forly. Write Credit Manager P. O, Box.

, Shelbyvilie, T


BUSINESS OPPORTUNITYBe in Business for yourself. Bo a dis-tributor for Edith Phenborg Cosmetics, Build your own Agency for retirin^ent income. No Investment.Write % Pinckney Dispatch

and i'se-.J C a n , l,;r the

CLOSK CHEVUOl^X SALESIon Mich.[ii'fifully


ITii a 54 7


nct Phone A:.' 7-4952

FOR RENT-Completly modernon river, Beauiful location, auble rent# Mrs, Oscar Beck UP8-3434

Of.fi -t814


ii CarrI 4 2 MILL- ST.

Wnckaey, Mich. Phone UP 8 Slfcl



FOR SALE-Large wood or coal burn,ing Kalamazoo brown enamel heating stove Cheap, Kittens to give awayMrs, George, Long 3205 Tiplady RoadPinckney# Mich,






ATTRACTIVE ANNOUCEMENTJD: Attractive new home on The Junor class of Pinckney high

_ , . lot. restricted area, scerr'c school solicits ,youi patronage In the•f Ik lake priviliges. Owner on purchase of stationary to finance

•very Saturday and Sunday the senior trip in 1960. Class members^ w » or for information apply will ca}l a your home. If not contactAfttterson Lake Road at rearcalll UP 8.3494.

JflMlram. — ,

White ami cUrk uvcor of thegarden-music loinf?e was in-spired by the chcr". organ, prin-cipal fnraiture piece of the roqmas it ' "grows" through the sev-eral phases of family expansionand development. ^

A garden-music lounge that canchange as the family grows andchanges, is a new-concept roomincluded in the split-level versionof what is termed a "living core"house design.

Shown here in the music-relax-ation room stage—after the chil-dren cifc grown — the gardenlounge was designed to bercmetHr. rnor;t versatile room in w,ehouse It can serve, successivelyas playroom for young children.h«ndy for supervision from thekitchen; then family room andre:: e;ilion-music room far 'teenparties; and finally as music-sit-tinp room.

Al the same time, tlie gardenlounge is the Lnk between theh<<i.r.se interior and the outdoorhviiig space, filos.L' sliding doorsund i!oor-to-cci).ing windows com-bine with an indoor-outdoor poolto rno'-ire ii'.tcvior vitli exterior.Wi*h sliding ghis.s doors op.encdu]), the garden lounge becomesan integral pn^-t of lawn party fa-cili'ies, providing a shelter for.'.jerving refreshments, and in theroom pictured, a shelter for thechord urj,an that supplies musicfor teenage flings and more se-date nduli parties. •

A tiled floor and hardwood-pan-eled walls make it possible forthe roam to withstand roughhousetactics of youngsters and yetprovide:, the semi-r rniniiiy need-ed for adult entertaining. Tilingand paneling are included fromthe outset to minimize refur-nishing as children grow.

FOR SALE: 17" Motor'ol!TTe£vis\' ion. Excellent condjtion> $50.00.

Henry Hauck, UP S 3208

FOR SALE: 1954 Chevrolet % ton 'truck^ , 28000 miles. 6 ply tires>$62:5Phone UP 8-3452



T/st Yoyr Property) wita


IDr. H R Hoiffiquist

Broker - -- 09 North Pe«riFR0NE UP 8--3166


AH Kinds of Real Rotate ListingS Wanted

1! tc 9 aid 5 to 7by Appointment

AC 7-2931West Grand "Rfvw


TOR SALE: 1958 Imperial Convertable JWill make good deal. Call daytime7:00 to 3:30 UP 8-3468, Pinckney. J

FOR RENT:Four rooms and bath, ^unfurnished house, partial basement,oil furnace. Phone UPtown 8-3260or call at 5015 Patterson Lake Rd. ^ ^ W v p r b a n k Hi-l*ndMrs. Mike Harnack «

Office HA C-8V88 at 7421 Po»tage J_ake Road, near N. Tarritorto-1 3 2 WEST MAIN ST., PINCKNEYHenry Krahn, Salesman UPS-3J3O

•fs Sav/FifimUAWN MOWER S

Wiltse Electrical ServiceELECTRICAL CONTRACTINGGO000 West M--36, Pinckney

Phone V 8-55*8 .

LOST: Herefod Wnile Facedon Farley Road. James ChabonneauUP 8 - 6603

FOR SALE: Trailer i24x5(, staUesides spare wheel( in Al l ccondition

5565, Also 32 Winchester Repeater *40Ceorgc Brunton 8522 Rushview DrivePhone UP 8-6629


FOR RENT5- room apartmet withbath. Marvin Shircy, 127 P ea r ] St F 0 R S A L E " Butternut .Phone UPtown 8--6621 ' Marshal1 ^©abon U8 3304

FOR SALE-One Automatic 19f3l F O R SAL?::Large Space Oil BurneiBendlx washer 40, in good condition. Hea!er, 5 gallon tank attached $20,00Ca.U Normandy 9.6.324 Kevin Ledwidgo Phone UP t-9910

j FOR SALE.Genftral Electricc por:_dish washer Phone UP 8^3147

I OR SALE"!949 schooTTZZTFor in ,formation contact Supt. Reader

' WANTED-Eabv Sittine own trana- "y anunj? own wmu- < F O h SALE-1946 Plymouth as It $40gportatin. Washings done reasonable.

| Pet Monkey lost $5.00 reward, 1950Euick car


JL Murf CaibolleRev,

Sumnaeti. 6.30, 8;00,9:OOfXO:00>U:30 A. HI V/intei Matfes 8:00, 10:00 A. M.j Weekday 8:00 A. MLI Friday:

Sorrowful Mother Noveaa 7;30 y.tn.



i riaay after NovennaSaturday 430 to 5:30 P.

8:30 to 9:00 P. M.

The PeoplesUndenominational

M-38 Wett between UnadiUa

2 good snow tires 6x16 $7,50, eachHair C]ipper3 $3.50. J. W Winger

Mrs. VanSkiver UP 8-9908 l 3 1 ' ? n a ? i i l l a S t ' P i n c k H e y

F n n CAT IT. -T* c.i *"J" ^ I ? 0 F i R E N T : ThroQ room home withrOR SALE: Two Storm Sash 3-rx J5 t , . - ^ . A ,. . „

one studio couch westom F 0 R SALE: Picture frames, C0fxe9^eorse Holt , a n d e n d t a b I e s C U s t o m m a d e H a r i y

WAWTEDrPa in t i ng - 'Sn^ l* . de. ' 1 0 " - M a i n St. .Pinckneycorating. 25 ycars experience. Will 3 L i n c s N t . , , , a n d A u a r e s t

i t i ' l i S ' s s r i v • n • stamp 4cc each Fast Accurat^ s«*«»n u r , Lakeview Drive EERGERS RUBBER STAMP WOKICSRush Lake, Phone UP 8 5570 j UMt >viajIAN DR. MNCKNEVFOR 8 rtato of Ail 1-nds./


Rev. Broeoka Sander* PastorSunday School 9:45 A.M.Morning Werahjp 10:50 A. M.Youth Grcup 7;0t P. M.

9:00 P. M.. 1—, 7:00 P. M. j

Wanted.3alt*aan for Genld lUaao*


William Davis




[5565 E. Gd. River, Howeil, Mid••• Phone Ho^ill 717 . . _ , ,

*ioungEvening Senfae

Water VvT«jib and Pumps'T Makes of Pumps Ferviced

Dexter-Pinckney Road


t Guaranteed Convenient Ttrmf«Brin.D FOR THE FXTTtTRE'*

l "THE MONUMENT MAN", 31 Isbel] St. HowdU. Mfohigaa

Phone HoweJ! 411Wj for Younker Memorial Inc.

Lansin?, Michigan




* « . •

f" J

t. Adult Prayer ¥«eting 8:00 p.zu. 11Thur., Youth Prayer Group—7:00 j^jax. 5 J

; COOL Cengl. Quirtii . j, Rwr. I. W. Wlsgw, Pa»tor :^

Mtsnlng Worship ———10:45 a. m.;8ttti«y Schooll - , ... .. 9U3O a.o*. ^Wad. C h o b P n c t e 7:30 p.


Mennonite Ckurdh-J

* Bva Beachy, Pastor

WorthipWalter Each


Community Soinmmer