picurl - photo tagging reinvented

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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picurl helps you managing your distributed photo collections and also tries to solve common problems associated with photo tagging. This introductory presentation explains the idea behind picurl and was held at the Linuxwochen Linz in June 2008.

Transcript of picurl - photo tagging reinvented

"Flickr.com looks great! Let's upload the photos from the trip to Argentina“

How it beganHow it began

"Wow! Your Argentine picson flickr.com are gorgeous!But do you have this one

                in better resolution?

"How do I find thehi­res version?"

How it began

dilemma #1: one photo, many versions

● share: 1024x768 px JPEG on flickr.com

● edit: hi-res PSD/TIFF on your harddisk

● backup: the same on a DVD

● distribute: modified TIFF for your client on

your FTP

but why this mess?how do we keep track of all versions?

photo stores and their usage

reach global local+ local local+

transfer rate ~120 kbit – ~512 kbit ~200 Mbit 1.5 Gbit ~500 Mbit

saving 100 HiRes ~1 – 3 hours 3 min 5 sek 15 sekphotos takes

capacity 1 – 50 GB - 10 GB - 500GB - 64 GB

*estimated data volume: 200 MB

photo stores and their usage

editing --- --- --- --- +++ ---

archiving --- --- + ++ +++ +

sharing +++ ++ + --- --- ---

distribution + + +++ +++ --- ---

dilemma #1: one photo, many versions

● there is no „all purpose photo store“

● reach vs. transfer rate vs. capacity

● your photo collection is distributed across multiple

stores, but there is no tool to manage it

– Adobe Lightroom/Apple Aperture/... Adobe Lightroom/Apple Aperture/... »» limited to local HDD limited to local HDD

– flickr/picasa.com flickr/picasa.com »» limited to photos on flickr/picasa.com limited to photos on flickr/picasa.com

– photo collections on DVD? Removeable HDDs?photo collections on DVD? Removeable HDDs?

solution #1: picurl photo versions

● picurl scans all your photo stores and efficiently

extracts the „visual essence“ (thumbnail +


● picurl will automatically recognize multiple versions

of your image and merge them to one dataset

(coming soon)

● picurl provides an overview of all your photo stores.

How it works

metadata extraction

„I edited all captionsof my flickr.com photos. Now you can use them for your photo dvd.“

the next problem arises...

2 days later

„grrr.... I had to download each of the 99 files manually and the captions were also missing!!!“

dilemma #2: missing metadata

aperture, flash,cameramodel,...

creation timelocation (GPS) copyright hints


photosharing services don't offer metadata export forend­users (only programmatic)

• show me all night shots

• show me all portraits without flash

• show me all photos taken last summer

• show me all photos taken at Vienna

• show me all photos taken by my OLYMPUS e410 with at least 3 megapixelresolution 

metadata search possibilities

solution#2: metadata backporting

picurl converts proprietary metadatato standardised EXIF/IPTC entries

Hi John,

we could use one of the following pics for the cover of the company magazine:


a meaningful e-mail

  "the cover is perfect... but from where did we download this photo again?"

some days later...

solution#3: visual bookmarks

picurl started 10/2007

written in Python, shell tool, later w GUI


0.0.3 released the next days

challenges: technical project setup, quality of metadata

libraries, coding conventions

picurl factbook

•Tom Kraetschmerpress & marketing

• Thomas Perldevelopment

• Franz Buchinger – think tank & development


the team