Physical Therapy · 2020. 6. 15. · 100. 100 100. 100 100. 100 200. 300 400. 500 200. 300 400. 500...

Post on 05-Sep-2020

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Transcript of Physical Therapy · 2020. 6. 15. · 100. 100 100. 100 100. 100 200. 300 400. 500 200. 300 400. 500...

  • Physical Therapy

  • Balance Arm Strength

    Leg Strength Core Strength

    Coordination Mystery

    100 100 100 100 100 100

























    When you complete a full column or row you get a 2-minute break… when you earn 4,500 points you get a 5-minute break!

  • Balance 100 Maintain tall kneeling Practice raising one arm toward the ceiling at time, 5 times each arm Draw a picture on a piece of paper taped to the wall You could try performing the YMCA 5 times

  • Balance 200 Half kneel Play catch with yourself bouncing a ball against the wall for 30 second– perform on each leg

  • Balance 300 Stand with one foot in front of the other for 15 seconds– perform on each side Walk around the room with your toes touching your heels – like on balance beam

  • Balance 400 Stand with one foot on a step/cushion for 20 seconds Try including the while doing the Macarena– perform on each foot

  • Balance 500 Stand with one foot in the air and arms on hips for 10 seconds– perform on each foot Make yourself look like an airplane for an added challenge

  • Arm Strength 100 Hold arms in a T position and slowly move them in small circles for 15 seconds

  • Arm Strength 200 Lie on your stomach and press up while keeping your hips on the ground– perform 10x

  • Arm Strength 300

    Perform 10 air punches on each arm

  • Arm Strength 400 Achieve the crab position For added challenge Tap your bottom to the ground to perform 10 “dips” Or perform the crab walk around the room

  • Arm Strength 500

    Perform 5 knee/full push ups to the best of your ability You can also perform them against the wall

  • Leg Strength 100

    10 leg kicks on each leg in standing

  • Leg Strength 200

    10 lunges on each leg

  • Leg Strength 300 15 squats

  • Leg Strength 400

    10 side steps to each side while maintaining a squat position

  • Leg Strength 500 10 jump squats

  • Core Strength 100 15 bridges

  • Core Strength 200

    20 second plank

  • Core Strength 300

    10 sit ups Or 10 second rock pose

  • Core Strength 400

    Quadruped position for 30 seconds Add a challenge by moving arms overhead Try to add in opposite leg with opposite arm

  • Core Strength 500 Hold the boat pose for 15 seconds

  • Coordination 100

    Arms in T position and touch your nose 20 times

  • Coordination 200

    Jump side to side 10x

  • Coordination 300 10 Jumping Jacks

  • Coordination 400

    Cha Cha Slide Click Here

  • Coordination 500

    10 Ski Jumps (stride jumps)

  • Mystery 100 10 bicycle kicks

  • Mystery 200

    Marching for 30 seconds

  • Mystery 300

    Jump as far as you can 5 times (with two foot take off and landing)

  • Mystery 400

    Walk backwards for 30 seconds– be careful and be sure to turn your head to see what’s behind you!

  • Mystery 500

    You pick a yoga pose

    Slide Number 1Slide Number 2Balance 100Balance 200Balance 300Balance 400Balance 500Arm Strength 100Arm Strength 200Arm Strength 300Arm Strength 400Arm Strength 500Leg Strength 100Leg Strength 200Leg Strength 300Leg Strength 400Leg Strength 500Core Strength 100Core Strength 200Core Strength 300Core Strength 400Core Strength 500Coordination 100Coordination 200Coordination 300Coordination 400Coordination 500Mystery 100Mystery 200Mystery 300Mystery 400Mystery 500