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PHYSICAL SCIENCE FCAT PRACTICE Properties of Matter: SC.5.P.8.1:

1) Janice found two sea shells when she went to the beach. They appear to be almost the same size, but they have different shapes. How could she figure out if their volume is the same?

A. Weigh each one on a scale to see which is heaviest.

B. Fill each one with water to see which will hold the most.

C. Drop each one in a beaker of water to see which raises the water level the most.

D. Measure the length of each one with a measuring tape to see which is longest.

2) The two objects shown are the same size. However, one object is made of wood, and the other object is made of plastic. Which of the following properties of the objects will be the same?

A. mass

B. texture

C. volume

D. weight

3) Susan blew up a balloon until it was completely full and as big as a soccer ball. Which of the following correctly describes the air inside the balloon?

A. The air is a gas that cannot be compressed by any means.

B. The air is a gas that always forms a round shape when compressed.

C. The air is a gas that expands to evenly fill the space inside the balloon.

D. The air is a gas that will flow evenly and steadily from inside the balloon if punctured.

4) Dan brought some chocolate chips in a plastic container with his lunch one day. He decided to save them and eat them while he waited for the bus after school. All afternoon his lunch bag sat on the warm windowsill in his classroom. When he finally took the container out after school, the chocolate chips had turned into a hard chunk of chocolate shaped like the bottom of the container. What happened to his chocolate chips?

A. They started as a solid, melted, and then became solid again.

B. They changed from a solid to a gas before becoming solid once again.

C. They were a cool solid to start, then became a warm solid before cooling again.

D. They went from being a hard solid to a gas, a liquid, and then to a hard solid again.

5) Jacob found a piece of a broken glass bottle. He picked it up and made these observations about it: 1. No color (clear) 2. Makes scratches on wood 3. Has a bumpy surface 4. Broke when I dropped it He thinks the glass is a solid and most of his observations could only apply to a solid. Which one of his observations could possibly apply to a solid, a liquid or a gas?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

6) Lorenzo wants to mail a breakable birthday present to his friend. He has some crumpled newspaper and some crumpled tissue paper that he could use as packing material. Either one of them would protect his present from breaking. He needs to figure out which type of packing material will weigh less, since the amount of postage he has to pay is based on how much his package weighs. What would be the BEST way for him to figure out which one to use?

A. Weigh a newspaper, weigh a package of tissue paper, and see which weighs more.

B. Weigh a crumpled piece of newspaper, weigh a crumpled piece of tissue paper, and see which weighs more.

C. Put ten pieces of crumpled newspaper in the box and weigh it, repeat with ten pieces of crumpled tissue paper, and see which weighs more.

D. Pack the box with crumpled newspaper and weigh it, then pack it with crumpled tissue paper, and see which weighs more.

7) If two objects balance like the ones shown below, what must be true?

A. Object A has more mass than object B.

B. Both objects have the same mass.

C. Object A has more volume than object B.

D. Both objects have the same volume.

8) Nathan went swimming at the lake over the weekend. While he was playing on the shore, he found a small chunk of cement and a stick, which appeared to be the same size. What would be the best way for Nathan to compare the volume of the stick and of the chunk of cement?

A. Throw them in the lake and see which one will sink.

B. Use a ruler to measure the length of each of the objects.

C. Place them each on a scale and see which one weighs more.

D. Place them in a bucket of water and see which one raises the water level the most.

9) Maria and Lucy are making peanut butter sandwiches. They learned at school that a substance may be a solid, a liquid or a gas. Maria thinks the peanut butter is a solid, but Lucy thinks it is a liquid. What would be the best way to test it to see if it is a liquid?

A. Try to pour it out of the jar.

B. Heat it to see if it gets softer.

C. See if its volume increases in the freezer.

D. Press it to try to make it take up less space.

10) Both cookies and gelatin desserts are solids although their textures are very different. What do they have in common that makes them solids?

A. They both may be eaten.

B. They both keep their own shape.

C. They both can move around in a container.

D. They both are made of solids such as sugar.

Properties of Matter: SC.5.P.8.3

1) George's science teacher has a mixture of table salt and iron filings. Which of the following would be the best way to separate the salt and the iron filings?

A. use a magnet to pull the iron filings from the salt

B. add food coloring to the mixture to make the salt change color

C. pour them into a beaker of water and see if the iron filings float

D. heat up the mixture to see if the salt or the iron filings will burn away

2) Carrie has a container that contains thousands of mixed glass beads and iron beads of different shapes and sizes. Which of the following is the best way to separate them?

A. The glass beads will float, so she could add water to the container and the glass will float to the top.

B. The iron beads are magnetic, so she could separate the glass from the iron with a strong magnet.

C. The iron beads might be heavier, so she could shake the container until the iron beads settle to the bottom.

D. The iron beads are smaller, so she could pour the beads through a strainer and the glass beads will separate.

3) Imagine you have a bucket of saltwater. Which of the following would be the best way to remove the water so that you're left with only salt?

A. Stir the saltwater for a long time. The salt will form a crystal.

B. Leave the saltwater to sit for a long time. The salt will settle to the bottom.

C. Boil the saltwater. The water will evaporate and only the salt will remain.

D. Freeze the saltwater. The water will sink to the bottom and the salt will rise to the top.

4) Abdul uses sugar cubes to sweeten his tea. He wonders whether stirring his tea will make the sugar cube dissolve faster or slower. If Abdul stirs his tea, what effect does it have on the rate at which the sugar cube dissolves?

A. The rate that the sugar cube dissolves will speed up.

B. The rate that the sugar cube dissolves will slow down.

C. The rate that the sugar cube dissolves will remain the same.

D. The rate that the sugar cube dissolves will slow down and then stop.

5) Which of the following solids will not dissolve in boiling water?

A. baking soda

B. sand

C. sugar

D. table salt

6) Imagine that you have four buckets full of dark, muddy water. One bucket is frozen, one bucket is boiled, one bucket is shaken up, and one bucket is passed through a paper filter. Which bucket is most likely to become lighter in color?

A. The frozen bucket, because the mud separates from the water.

B. The shaken bucket, because shaking causes the mud to dissolve.

C. The boiled bucket, because the dirt in the muddy water evaporates.

D. The filtered bucket, because larger particles of dirt were strained out.

7) Jason has a mixed container of iron pellets, foam pellets, glass pellets, and salt pellets. He needs to do the following things to separate these solids: A. Add water to the container and stir to dissolve the salt. B. Heat the water until it evaporates and leaves the salt. C. Remove the iron pellets with a magnet. D. Collect the floating foam pellets and the glass ones that have stuck to the bottom. Which answer choice puts these steps in the correct order?

A. A, C, B, D

B. C, A, D, B

C. D, A, B, C

D. B, D, C, A

8) Imagine a thick ten-kilogram block of soap and a thin ten-kilogram sheet of soap. Which answer correctly explains which will dissolve first when they are both placed underwater?

A. The sheet will dissolve first because it has more surface area.

B. The sheet will dissolve first because it has less mass than the block.

C. The block will dissolve first because it is less spread out than the sheet.

D. The sheet and the block weigh the same, so they will take the same amount of time to dissolve.

9) Kayla wants to know if a sugar cube in a bowl of water will dissolve more quickly if it is stirred with a spoon than if it is left alone. Which answer explains the effect that stirring will have?

A. Stirring makes the sugar move around, and it dissolves more slowly because it is not staying still.

B. The sugar will dissolve more slowly because the movement of the water makes it stick together.

C. The sugar dissolves more quickly because the motion of the spoon creates heat, which melts the sugar.

D. When the sugar is stirred, more surface area will come into contact with the water, so the sugar dissolves more quickly.

10) Sam drops a sugar cube weighing one gram in a cup of cold water and lets it sit until the sugar cube dissolves. Malcolm adds one gram of powdered sugar to a cup of hot water and stirs it with a spoon. Rosa adds a one-gram packet of sugar granules to a cup of cold water and stirs it with a spoon. Angela adds a sugar crystal weighing one gram to a cup of hot water and does not stir it. Whose sugar is most likely to dissolve the fastest, and whose is slowest?

A. Malcolm's sugar dissolves fastest, and Sam's dissolves slowest.

B. Rosa's sugar dissolves fastest, and Malcolm's dissolves slowest.

C. Sam's sugar dissolves fastest, and Angela's dissolves slowest.

D. Angela's sugar dissolves fastest, and Rosa's dissolves slowest.

Changes in Matter: SC.5.P.9.1 1) On a sunny day, Elena is cutting branches from a tree in her yard. At midday, she takes a break, leaving a pile of branches and leaves on the ground. When she returns and gathers the branches, she notices the leaves are wilted and crisp. Which of the following correctly describes what happened to the leaves?

A. The trees had not received water for a long time before being cut.

B. The warm temperature caused moisture to evaporate from the leaves.

C. The nutrients cannot reach the leaves if the tree's branches are not upright.

D. The leaves had been covered in frost the week before, but had not wilted until now.

2) Imagine that you fill a bucket to the top with water and then place the bucket outside in freezing weather. Which of the following describes what will happen when the water in the bucket freezes?

A. The level of the water and the bucket itself will not be changed by becoming frozen.

B. The level of the water will be lower once it is frozen and the molecules are more compact.

C. The sides of the bucket will be pushed out and the level of the water will be above the rim of the bucket.

D. The level of the water will be uneven once it is frozen because some of the water will remain as a liquid in the bucket.

3) Which of the following describes an example of a material undergoing a chemical change to become another material with different characteristics?

A. Iron turns to rust when it is exposed to oxygen.

B. When water boils, it turns into vapor, which is a gas.

C. Oxygen can become liquid at a very low temperature.

D. Gold can be spread out very thin to cover a large area.

4) Which answer describes a way that a liquid can be turned into a gas?

A. Apply enough heat to cause evaporation.

B. Apply freezing temperatures to cause condensation.

C. Lower the temperature of the container to allow vaporization.

D. Maintain a constant temperature over a long enough time to cause freezing.

5) Nadal is helping prepare a large meal for a family gathering. After cooking for several hours, he notices the windows inside the kitchen are covered in moisture. Which answer best explains how this happened?

A. Evaporated moisture is condensing on the windows.

B. Heating up the house will make moisture evaporate from the windows.

C. It is raining outside and hot and dry inside, so water condenses inside the windows.

D. Having many people in a house causes water to form condensation on the windows.

6) Mayra leaves a basket of flowers she has just picked outside in the hot sun for several hours. What will Mayra find in her basket when she returns?

A. The flowers will be wilted and possibly brown.

B. The flowers will have dropped off of their stems.

C. Because they were just picked, the flowers will not have changed.

D. Because they still have living cells, the flowers will not have changed

7) Miguel is learning to cook. Following a recipe, he combines meat, vegetables, herbs and spices, and water in a pan and heats them until the mixture is hot and simmering. Which of the following will happen as the mixture simmers?

A. The heat will cause some of the water to turn to vapor.

B. The heat will cause some of the water to form a solid in the pan.

C. The vegetables will turn to liquid form when combined with heat.

D. The herbs and spices will keep the water from boiling in the pan.

8) Which of the following best explains what will happen if you fill a container to the top with liquid and then tightly secure the lid and place it in a freezer?

A. As it freezes, the liquid will maintain its shape and volume as it slowly turns into a solid.

B. As it freezes, the liquid will take up more space and push out on the container until it bursts.

C. As it freezes, part of the liquid will become gas, which will push out on the container until it bursts.

D. As it freezes, the liquid will take up less space because it will be a mixture of solid, liquid, and gas.

9) Iron becomes rust when it reacts with oxygen. Which of the following is another example of a material undergoing a chemical change to become another material with different characteristics?

A. melting ice

B. burning wood

C. freezing water

D. shattering glass

10) A compost pile is made up of vegetable scraps, grass clippings, and other yard waste. With the help of bacteria that break down matter, the plant material slowly becomes smaller particles that help the soil. What would slow down this process of breaking down the plant material in a compost pile?

A. lowering the surrounding temperature

B. compacting the material into a smaller space

C. turning the pile over to introduce more oxygen

D. introducing worms or other creatures to the pile

Forms of Energy: SC.5.P.10.1

1) During a storm, the power goes out at Randall's house. His mother strikes a match to light a candle. As the match burns, it gives off light energy. What other form of energy does the burning match give off?

A. chemical

B. electrical

C. mechanical

D. thermal

Vincent's father is preparing noodles for dinner. He puts a pot of water on the electric stove to cook the noodles in. When the water starts to boil, he adds the noodles to the pot. 2) What form of energy causes the noodles to cook on the range?

A. chemical

B. heat

C. light

D. mechanical

3) Katie and her family are watching a fireworks display at an outdoor Fourth of July celebration. The fireworks store chemical energy, and when they are set off, they give off two forms of energy: light and which of the following?

A. electrical

B. mechanical

C. solar

D. sound

4) Solar power is a technology that relies on a renewable energy resource. Solar power changes energy from the Sun into a form of energy that can be used to heat our homes and run household appliances. What form of energy must solar energy be changed into in order to run household appliances?

A. chemical

B. electrical

C. light

D. thermal

5) In many electrical factories, fossil fuels are burned to boil water and generate steam. This steam is then used to help generate electricity. What type of energy is given off by the fossil fuels and used to boil the water?

A. chemical energy

B. heat energy

C. light energy

D. sound energy

6) Fireworks are popular during celebrations. They light up the night sky and sometimes shake the ground with their explosions. The explosion noises are an example of what type of energy?

A. electrical energy

B. light energy

C. mechanical energy

D. sound energy

7) Bobbie is playing with his radio-controlled car by using a handheld remote box. What type of energy is being used to power Bobbie's car?

A. chemical energy

B. electrical energy

C. heat energy

D. mechanical energy

8) Miguel is rolling a ball down a hill. This is an example of which form of energy?

A. chemical energy

B. electrical energy

C. mechanical energy

D. thermal energy

9) Latisha notices that when she rubs her hands together, they feel warm. Which of the following is the best explanation for why this happens?

A. energy is reflected into her hands

B. heat energy is produced by the friction

C. light energy of the Sun heats her hands

D. energy is absorbed from the air molecules by her hands

10) Amber visits a theme park that has a roller coaster that travels upside down. Which of the following is the best explanation for why the roller coaster car stays in contact with the track when it travels upside down?

A. The track and car are held together by a series of strong magnets.

B. The car has large amounts of thermal energy that binds it to the track.

C. The car has chemical energy that resists the effect of gravity when it is upside down.

D. The car has mechanical energy and is fast enough that gravity cannot pull the car down.

Forms of Energy: SC.5.P.10.2:

1) While playing at the park, Erica and her sister take turns going down the slide and playing on the swings. Which of the following is an example of change that is caused by applying energy?

A. Erica continues to swing back and forth without trying.

B. When Erica pushes her sister, her sister slides down the slide.

C. Erica sits at the top of the slide and waits for her sister to finish her turn.

D. When Erica stops pushing her sister on the swings, the swing eventually comes to a stop.

2) Alex threw a stick in a river and watched as the river carried it away. He scooped a pail of water from the river and noticed that a leaf was floating in the pail without moving on the surface of the water. Why did the stick move in the river and the leaf stay still in the pail if it was all the same water?

A. The river water cooled off and lost energy when Alex scooped it up into the pail.

B. There is more water in the river than in the pail so the river could move the stick.

C. The water in the river has enough energy to move the stick since it is flowing downhill.

D. Wind could push the stick on the river but could not get to the leaf protected in the pail.

3) When people want to use water to create electricity they generally build a dam to hold the water back, creating a large lake behind the dam. Why is it necessary to hold the water back with a dam in order to produce electricity?

A. It increases the amount of water available.

B. It increases the force with which the water flows.

C. It forces the water to flow in the desired direction.

D. It makes the water still enough to create electricity.

4) If Maria wants to have the best chance of blowing out all of the birthday candles on her birthday cake, she should bend down close to the candles, take a deep breath, make a small opening with her lips and then push her breath out. Why does doing it this way work the best?

A. It keeps the air she breathed in cool enough to put out the candle flames.

B. It makes the air come out with enough force to blow out the candle flames.

C. The air forms a blanket over the candles and pushes the candle flames down.

D. The air spins around when it comes out and hits all the candle flames this way.

5) Todd can throw a baseball from the outfield all the way back to home plate. Why does he have to move his arm in order to make the ball fly all that way?

A. He has to get the ball high enough in the air so the air can support it.

B. The ball's energy can only be released if he lets it go above the ground.

C. Moving his arm makes the ball's own energy take it in the right direction.

D. He has to transfer some of his muscle's energy to the ball to make it move.

6) It is possible to power a small light bulb using a simple battery. Which of the following explains what is happening in the picture below?

A. Light energy in the bulb is changed to electrical energy in the battery.

B. Electrical energy from the battery is changed to light and heat energy.

C. Heat energy from the light bulb is changed to mechanical energy in the battery.

D. Electrical energy in the battery is changed to mechanical energy in the light bulb.

7) Jennifer is getting ready for school on a cold day in February. She wants to make sure her hair is completely dry before she leaves her house. She plugs her hair dryer into the wall outlet and turns it on. Which of the following describes one of the steps involved in using energy to dry Jennifer's hair?

A. Thermal energy is changed into mechanical energy, which makes the motor in the hair dryer move.

B. Electrical energy is changed into heat energy, which makes the motor in the hair dryer move.

C. Mechanical energy is changed into heat energy, which makes the motor in the hair dryer move.

D. Electrical energy is changed into mechanical energy, which makes the motor in the hair dryer move.

8) Shondra was trying to water the flowers with the hose, but even with the water turned up to full force she could not get it to reach the farthest flowers. Her sister told her to cover part of the end of the hose mouth with her thumb. When she did this, the water shot out farther. Why did putting her thumb over the end of the hose make a difference?

A. The thinner stream of water could travel farther because it was lighter.

B. Shondra added more energy to the water by making it swirl inside the hose.

C. The same amount of energy in the water was forced through a smaller space.

D. The warmth of Shondra's thumb increased the amount of energy in the water.

9) Eric had papers spread all over his table while he was working on a project. When the air conditioner came on several of the papers slid off the table and fell to the floor. What is the most likely explanation of why the papers moved when the air conditioner came on, and not before?

A. The cooler air sank and took the papers along with it.

B. The fan added enough energy to the air to push the papers.

C. The air conditioner motor made the floor and the table shake.

D. As dampness in the papers dried, they could slide more easily.

10) Amy has new rollerskates. She knows that if she stands very still on a flat part of the road with her rollerskates on, she will not move. She has to give a push with her foot in order to start moving. What else would cause her rollerskates to start rolling?

A. getting pushed by a strong gust of wind

B. setting the rollerskates in the Sun to warm

C. standing on one foot on the flat part of the road

D. smoothing the surfaces of the rollerskate wheels

Forms of Energy: SC.5.P.10.4:

1) Heat flows in which direction?

A. from solid objects to liquids

B. from larger objects to smaller objects

C. from warmer objects to cooler objects

D. from more dense objects to less dense objects

2) Which of the following materials would be a poor conductor of electricity?

A. aluminum

B. copper

C. rubber

D. steel

3) Fireworks convert chemical energy into which of the following kinds of energy?

A. solar energy and sound energy

B. thermal energy and light energy

C. electrical energy and light energy

D. nuclear energy and kinetic energy

4) Megan wants to determine if an electrical circuit has electricity flowing through it. Which of the following evidence is proof that the circuit has an electrical current?

A. The circuit is a closed loop.

B. A light bulb is lit in the circuit.

C. The circuit's switch is in the closed position.

D. Wires in the circuit are made of conducting material.

5) Which of the following lists the forms of energy that electricity can be transformed into?

A. heat, kinetic, light, and sound energy

B. chemical, heat, light, and solar energy

C. heat, kinetic, nuclear, and sound energy

D. gravitational, kinetic, solar, and sound energy

6) Which of the following statements about heat energy is true?

A. Heat usually flows from colder to warmer objects.

B. Heat is attracted to solid objects more than gases.

C. Heat is attracted to liquids less often than solids.

D. Heat flow can cause materials to change temperature.

7) Which of these materials would be the best insulator?

A. aluminum

B. glass

C. gold

D. silver

8) When Derrick plugs in his bedroom lamp he notices that the wire is covered with plastic. Why does the wire have a plastic covering?

A. The plastic converts the electricity to thermal energy.

B. The plastic helps conduct the electricity to light the lamp.

C. The plastic is an insulator to protect people from the electricity.

D. The plastic is used to protect the copper wire underneath, which is very expensive.

9) When a radio is turned on, what energy transformation occurs?

A. Heat energy is changed to light energy.

B. Kinetic energy is changed to sound energy.

C. Electrical energy is changed to sound energy.

D. Chemical energy is changed to mechanical energy.

10) What purpose do batteries have in an electrical circuit?

A. They absorb the thermal energy.

B. They store light energy for later use.

C. They convert chemical energy to electrical energy.

D. They convert solar energy to usable kinetic energy.

Forces and Changes in Motion: SC.5.P.13.1:

1) Brian and Emily are testing different paper airplane designs to see which will allow a plane to go the farthest. Emily folds her plane and attaches a paperclip to the front of it. After she throws the plane, it travels about fifty feet and then starts to fall to the ground. Why does the plane eventually fall to the ground?

A. The force of air resistance stops acting on the plane.

B. The plane was not designed to carry a load like the paperclip.

C. The force of gravity is greater than the forces keeping the plane in the air.

D. The paperclip creates a magnetic force that attracts the plane to the ground.

2) Aaron is playing with a soccer ball at the top of a hill. Aaron kicks the ball and it rolls down the hill. Which of the following best describes what happens as the ball rolls?

A. The force of gravity pulls the ball downhill.

B. The force of friction causes the ball to roll faster down the hill.

C. The force of gravity is balanced by air resistance acting on the ball.

D. The force of friction is greater than the force of gravity acting on the ball.

3) Because the force of gravity is so strong, it appears to attract all objects equally, regardless of mass. Which of the following is illustrated by this idea?

A. Earth orbits the Sun in the same amount of time it takes the Moon to orbit Earth.

B. A rubber ball will bounce much higher than a wooden ball, even if they weigh the same.

C. Magnets can both repel and attract each other, depending on how they come into contact.

D. A bowling ball and a peanut will fall to the ground at the same rate when someone drops them.

4) While Carmen is at the park with her family, she walks up to a wishing well. She throws a penny down the well, and she hears a splash at the bottom. Which of the following best describes what happens as the penny falls?

A. The force of gravity is equal to the air resistance acting on the penny.

B. The magnetic force of the well attracts the penny and causes it to fall even faster.

C. The force of friction acts against air resistance, causing the penny to fall even faster.

D. The force of air resistance acts against gravity, but it is not enough to overcome gravity.

5) Which of the following explains why a parachute makes a person falling from a great height fall more slowly?

A. The parachute reduces the friction in the air.

B. The parachute pulls upward, so the fall is slower.

C. The parachute causes air resistance, which slows the fall.

D. The parachute decreases the pull of gravity on the person wearing it.

6) Gravity gets weaker as you travel farther from the surface of Earth. Which of the following examples correctly illustrates this idea?

A. Satellites that orbit Earth will always fall back to Earth eventually.

B. Astronauts can float because Earth's gravity is not as strong in orbit.

C. Airplanes can fly because there is much less gravity high in the sky.

D. There is no gravity on the Moon because it is too far away from Earth.

7) Magnets have a negative and positive pole. What happens if you try to touch the positive ends of two magnets together?

A. The positive poles will repel each other.

B. The positive poles will be attracted to each other.

C. The positive poles will neither attract nor repel each other.

D. The positive poles will create gravity and attract other objects.

8) A toy car rolling along different surfaces will experience different amounts of friction. The toy car would encounter the most friction when rolling on which of the following surfaces?

A. a sandy beach

B. a sheet of glass

C. a smooth wooden board

D. a piece of construction paper

9) Which of the following best explains why a person standing on the Moon can jump higher than a person standing on Earth?

A. There is no gravity on the Moon.

B. Everything has less mass on the Moon.

C. Earth's gravity is very weak on the Moon.

D. The Moon's gravitational pull is less than Earth's.

10) Magnets have a negative and positive pole. What happens if you try to touch the positive pole of one magnet to the negative pole of another magnet?

A. The negative and positive poles will repel each other.

B. The negative and positive poles will cancel each other out.

C. The negative and positive poles will be attracted to each other.

D. The negative and positive poles will neither attract nor repel each other.

Forces and Changes in Motion: SC.5.P.13.2:

1) David and Peter were moving a bookshelf across the carpet in their classroom. Even though they pushed as hard as they could, the bookshelf would only move a few inches at a time. Which of the following best explains what happened as they tried to push the bookshelf?

A. The force of gravity opposed the motion of the bookshelf.

B. The force of friction opposed the motion of the bookshelf.

C. When they tried to push the bookshelf, air resistance acted against them.

D. When they pushed the bookshelf, the bookshelf pushed back with an equal and opposite force.

2) Philip is playing tug of war with Nancy. They both understand that to win the game of tug of war, one player must pull the flag over their opponent's line, but during this particular game, the flag tied to the center of the rope is not moving. What is happening to the rope in this example?

A. Philip is applying more force in one direction.

B. Nancy is applying more force in one direction.

C. Philip and Nancy are applying equal forces in the same direction.

D. Philip and Nancy are applying equal forces in opposite directions.

3) While on a camping trip, Shane and Katie are traveling in a boat on a river. On their trip, the river's current carries them down the river at a speed of 5 meters per second (m/s). They don't need to row because the current is carrying them in the direction they need to go. If no other forces are acting on the boat, which of these statements describes the motion of the boat as it travels downstream?

A. It speeds up.

B. It slows down.

C. It stays the same.

D. It changes direction.

4) Will and Tammy are moving a dresser. They are arguing about which direction to move it. Will is pushing the dresser with a force of 5 newtons towards Tammy. Tammy is pushing the dresser towards Will with a force of 10 newtons. What happens to the dresser?

A. The dresser does not move.

B. The dresser moves towards Will.

C. The dresser moves towards Tammy.

D. The dresser moves towards Tammy, then back towards Will.

5) Maria pushes with equal force on two objects. Object 1 has twice as much mass as Object 2. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Both objects will remain still.

B. Object 1 will accelerate faster than object 2.

C. Object 2 will accelerate faster than object 1.

D. Both objects will accelerate at the same rate.

6) Candice is rearranging the furniture in her room. She has two different dressers that are the same size. When she pushes on each dresser, she finds that it is harder to move Dresser A than it is to move Dresser B. Why does Candice have to push with more force on Dresser A than on Dresser B?

A. Dresser A weighs less than Dresser B.

B. Dresser A is larger in size than Dresser B.

C. Dresser A has more mass than Dresser B.

D. Dresser A has less volume than Dresser B.

7) Julian rides in her mother's car sometimes and in her father's car other times. If it takes her less time to travel the same distance in her mother's car than in her father's car, which of the following is true?

A. Her father's car is traveling at a greater speed than her mother's car.

B. Her mother's car is traveling at a greater speed than her father's car.

C. Both cars are traveling at the same speed since they travel the same distance.

D. Both cars accelerate at the same rate, but her mother's car has a greater mass.

8) Jonathan pushes a box on the floor and is unable to make it move. Which of the following is the best explanation for why the box does not move?

A. The box has a very small mass.

B. Jonathan is pushing in the wrong direction.

C. The mass of the box requires a greater force to move it.

D. Friction occurs in the same direction that Jonathan is pushing.

9) If all the forces acting upon an object at rest are balanced, what will the object do?

A. The object will stay still.

B. The object will slow down.

C. The object will accelerate.

D. The object will change position.

10) Darryl pushes on two different boxes. Box 1 has a greater mass than Box 2. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Equal force is needed to move the boxes.

B. Both boxes will accelerate at the same rate.

C. Less force is required to move Box 1 than Box 2.

D. Less force is required to move Box 2 than Box 1.