Photoshop Construction Evidence

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Photoshop Construction Evidence

Photoshop Construction Evidence

Esere Simei-Akajagbo

Cropping an image

Rectangle Marquee Tool

Dragged the rectangle from the right hand corner to form a box around the bride and groom

Crop Tool

Dragged the rectangle from the right hand corner to form a box around the bride and groom

Adding Greyscale

Click Image, Mode and Greyscale

Changes the colour of the image

Image, Adjustments and Brightness & Contrast

Changing the contrast to make the picture look crisp


Click Image, Adjustments then brightness

Making the picture crisp

Click exposure, then offset

Makes the picture more crisp

Red Eye Tool

Hold down and click to get the Red Eye Tool

Puts your eye colour back to normal

Spot Healing Tool

Hold down and click to get the Spot Healing Tool

Removes Spots

Hold down and click to get the Healing Brush ToolClick Alt and select the area you want to replicateMakes it look realistic

Selective Colour

Selective Tool

Changing the blue to green using the cyans

Selective Colour

Selective Tool

Changing the red to make half the roses hot pink.

Lasso Tool & Quick Selection Tool

Lasso Tool- to select the bottom half of the dress

Quick Selection Tool- Much quicker to select

Replace Colour Tool

Replace Colour Tool- Eye drop the colour, adjust the fuzinessAdjust the hue, then saturation then the lightness

This makes it look realistic

Making Model Look Tanned

Selective Colour- Adjust reds and yellows. Then black to make it seem more dark and dramatic

Replace Colour Tool- Makes it look more realistic rather than artifical

Image Size

Image- Image size

Adjusting the size of the picture

Polygonal Lasso Tool

Polygonal Lasso Tool

Whilst removing, zoom in which makes it more accurate

Move Tool

Move Tool

Allows you to move the objects

Highlights & Shadows

Image, Adjustments- Shadows/ Highlights

Adjusting the shadows and highlights makes the picture look realistic

Flatten Image

Layer, Flatten Image

Puts both layers together making it one

Making Model Look Pale

Replace Colour

The more the fuzziness the more the colour is drained- the paler the model looks

Polygonal Lasso Tool- Alt

Polygonal Lasso Tool

Press Alt and it minuses the part that you don’t to be selected


Paintbrush Tool

Changing the opacity and the size of the brush makes it look dramatic

Dodge Tool

Dodge Tool

To go around the eye making it look more dramatic

Making Lips & Nails Red

Polygonal Lasso Tool, Paintbrush

Select the area you want, and you the paintbrush colour in the lips and nails. Lower the opacity and build up the colour

Black Background

Black background

Makes the vampire look even more dramatic

Making Shadows


Reduce the opacity to make shadows

Making Eyebrows Darker

Burn Tool

Makes the eyebrows darker