Philly New Technology Meetup #22 - February 2016 - Content is King

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Transcript of Philly New Technology Meetup #22 - February 2016 - Content is King

1. Keyword Research – making sure keywords were plentiful

2. Link Building – get ALL the links

3. Crawlability – make sure Googlebot could get through the site

In 1998, SEO Focused On:



In 2016, SEO Focuses On:


400+ Updates To The Algorithm Each Year

Hummingbird Update — August 20, 2013



Graphic from SearchMetrics

Contextual search is a form of optimizing web-based search results based on context provided by the user and the computer being used to enter the query. Contextual search services differ from current search engines based on traditional information retrieval that return lists of documents based on their relevance to the query. Rather, contextual search attempts to increase the precision of results based on how valuable they are to individual users.

Conversational search is a new kind of philosophy for human/computer interaction. The principle behind conversational search is that a user can speak a sentence into a device, and that device can respond with a full sentence. This principle is also applied to searches: where traditional searches mostly analyzed individual keywords, a conversational search looks at the whole string of words, to return human-like responses.

Semantic search seeks to improve search accuracy by understanding the searcher's intent and the contextual meaning of terms as they appear in the searchable dataspace, whether on the Web or within a closed system, to generate more relevant results.


Greenlane Search Marketing, LLC

Bill Sebald