Pests of cocoa ( Theobroma cacao)

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Pests of cocoa ( Theobroma cacao)


Pests of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao)



Sap Feeders

S.No. Common Name Scientific Name Family Order

1. Tea Mosquito Bug Helopeltis antonii Miridae Hemiptera

2. Mango Hopper Idioscopus clypealis Cicadellidae Hemiptera

3. Mango Mealy Bug Drosicha mangiferae Margarodidae Hemiptera

4. Cocoa Mealy Bug Planococcus lilacinus Pseudococcidae Hemiptera

5. Citrus Mealy Bug Planococcus citri Pseudococcidae Hemiptera

6. West African Mealy Bug Planococcoides Jalensis Pseudococcidae Hemiptera

7. Papaya Mealy Bug Paracoccus marginatus Pseudococcidae Hemiptera

Leaf Feeders

8. Brown Looper Hyposidra talaca Geometridae Lepidoptera

9. Hairy Caterpillar Pericallia ricini Arctiidae Lepidoptera

10. Bihar Hairy Caterpillar Spilosoma obliqua Arctiidae Lepidoptera

11. Hairy Caterpillar Metanastria hyrtaca Lasiocampidae Lepidoptera

12. Slug Caterpillar Parasa Lepida Limacodidae Lepidoptera

13. Ash weevils Myllocerus viridanus Curculionidae Coleoptera

14. Myllocerus maculosus Curculionidae Coleoptera

15. Leaf feeding Caterpillars Lymantria spp Lymantriidae Lepidoptera

16. Euproctis spp. Lymantriidae Lepidoptera


17. Red Borer Zeuzera coffeae Cossidae Lepidoptera

18. Castor Capsule Borer Conogethus Punctiferalis Pyraustidae Lepidoptera

Vertebrate Pests

19. Black Rat Rattus rattus Muridae Rodentia

20. Bandicoot Rat Bandicota spp. Muridae Rodentia

21. Western Ghats Squirrel Funambulus tristriatus Sciuridae Rodentia

22. Striped Squirrel Funambulus palmarum Sciuridae Rodentia

23. Jungle Cat Felis chaus Felidae Carnivora

24. Jackal Canis aureus Canidae Carnivora

25. Monkey Macaca radiata Cercopithicidae Primates

26. The Gaur/Indian Bison Bibos gaurus Bovidae Artiodactyla

27. Stag Cervus canis Cervidae Artiodactyla

Tea Mosquito Bug Helopeltis antonii

• Feeding puncture - circular water soaked spots - turn pitch black in color - multiple feeding injuries-Deformation of pods.

• Neem Oil 3%

• spraying - Imidacloprid (0.6 ml/lit) , Thiamethoxam (0.6g/litre), Profenophos (2 ml/litre)

Mealy BugsParacoccus marginatus, Planococcoides sp. , Planococcus lilacinus, P. citri

• Damage : - Shoot tip

- Buds

- Flower cushions

- Cherelles

• Summer – Spindle leaves, spathes & bunches

• Symptoms – Yellowing - Dry up : Retarded growth, excessive branching at undesired

height - Abortion – Wilting of cherelles

• Neem Oil 3% or FORS 25g/litre

• Dimethoate (2 ml/litre) , Profenophos (2 ml/litre), Chlorpyriphos (5 ml/litre), Buprofezin

(2 ml/litre), Imidacloprid (0.6 ml/lit), Thiamethoxam (0.6g/litre)

Flattid Plant Hoppers

• Desapping - tender shoots and pods - honey dew - sooty mould fungus on the leaves and pods.

• Management: Foliar application of Thiacloprid @ 2 ml/litre twice at 5 days interval

AphidsToxoptera aurantii and Aphis gossypii

• colonize - underside of tender leaves, succulent stem, flower buds and small cherelles. 

• Heavy infestation - during hot summer and after rainy season - brings premature shedding of flowers and curling of leaves.

• Management : Spraying of dimethoate @ 2 ml per litre

Ash weevilsMyllocerus viridanus , M. maculosus

• Feed on the older leaves – underside- interveinal tissues – skeletonized – growth retardation.

• Peak in July-September , more severe in coconut-cocoa system.

• Fenitrothion 0.05%, Quinalphos 0.025% or Fenthion 0.05%.

Hairy caterpillars (Lymantriya sp., Euproctis sp., Dasychira sp.,)

• serious leaf damage on seedlings and young trees.

• Management: Foliar spray of acephate @ 2g/litre.

Stem GirdlerSthenias grisator

• Female beetle - girdles the branches and inserts whitish spindle shaped eggs singly into the tissue in a slanting manner.

• branches above the girdle wither and dry.

• Swab Coal tar + Kerosene @ 1:2

• Injection of dichlorvas + monocrotophos solution into bore holes - Clay

Stem BorerZeuzera coffeae

• Caterpillars – Bore the young branches – unramfied hollow tunnels inside

• Round hole on the stem – drying up – excreta, frass strewn out on the ground.

• Prune and destroy

• Smear the affected portion with Carbaryl 0.1 %

RatsRattus rattus, Bandicota spp.

• Ripe pods - gnaw the bronzing pods near the stalk portion and mucilaginous pulp is eaten.

• Inhabit the coconut palm crowns

• 10 g bromadiolone (0.005%) wax cakes / ripe banana stuffed with carbofuran - branches - twice @ an interval of 10-12 days./ Frond of the coconut

• Set up bamboo traps with bow attachment on the crown of palms.

The Funambulist

Striped SquirrelsFunambulus tristriatus , Funambulus palmarum

• Gnaw the pod- oval hole at the center or terminal portion

• trapping with wooden or wire mesh single catch ‘live’ trap with ripe coconut kernel as the bait.

• Right time harvest – bronzing

• Mechanical protection - covering with punched polybags (150 gauge) smeared with bitumen-kerosene mixture.

Palm CivetParadoxurus hermaphroditus

• Bite & Break @ terminal half / One side of the pod – Beans swollen as such.

• “Civet Cocoa”

• Trapping

• Poison bait – O.5 g of Carbofuran granules using ripe banana - 2/ trunk @ 5-6 trees/ha.

Management of vertebrate pests

• Jungle cat – 20% ;All vertebrates – 35 %

• Poison bait – carbofuran 3G – Banana fruit/ Jaggery

• Timely harvest, Clean cultivation, Trapping