Personal Learning Networks

Post on 10-May-2015

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Transcript of Personal Learning Networks

Ty YostWilkes University ED 591

What is a PLN ? Prespectives –

Picture from

Presentation Notes
PLN’s are not new

Synchronous or Asynchronous Learning

Presentation Notes
There are basically two types of e-learning: synchronous training and asynchronous training. Synchronous, which literally means "at the same time," involves interacting with an instructor via the Web in real time. Asynchronous, which means "not at the same time," allows the student to complete the WBT on his own time and schedule, without live interaction with the instructor.

Enter Web 2.0 The read/write web changes relationships

Alec Couros, PhD Thesis illustration, the Networked Teacher -

Before we start Getting Started Steven Covey Habit #2

Begin with the end in mind- what do you want your PLN to do for you

Planting the seeds

Component 1 Weblogs If it exists – someone is blogging it 2 ¼ Million Hits on Google Blog Search for

Educational Technology

Component 2 Social Networks

Key to Success Visit often Subscribe to information you are interested in Match your needs with the groups you join Create groups for students, staff, and other

professional organizations you are a member

Component 3 Podcasts

Keys to Success Limit the podcasts you subscribe to Pick a time to review podcasts

Keys to success Pick a service that integrates into your browser

Install the tools on all your Pc’s Pick common tags Subscribe to other groups to see what they are


Bookmark Groups

Component 5 Microblogging

Keys to Success Twitter Clients like tweetdeck, twhirl, twitteriffic all

make twitter much more useable. Follow and Unfollow people as you see fit Keep it manageable, the power is participating in


Tweetdeck view of Twitter today at 11 Am

The Harvest A PLN will give you every thing to get started, but your

participation is the single biggest determiner of success

When we talk 21st Century what do you think? Connections Relevance


ResourcesCouros, A. (2006, December 21). EXAMINING THE OPEN MOVEMENT:.Retrieved 3 12, 2009, from

Kruse, K. (2004). Beginner Basics -What are "Synchronous" and "Asynchronous" Training? Retrieved April 20, 2009, from

Warlick, D. (2009). Growing Your Personal Learning Network. Learning and Leading with Technology , 12-16.