Periodical of the class 4 B The Fourth B Post · Periodical of the class 4THB The Fourth B Post ......

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Transcript of Periodical of the class 4 B The Fourth B Post · Periodical of the class 4THB The Fourth B Post ......

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Periodical of the class 4THB

The Fourth B Post

Villafranca, 11th

December- Last week fifty-two “mafiosi”, who had been

in a “mafia clan” based in Taranto and in Verona as well, ended up in jail.

The operation was coordinated by the Lecce DDA; ten of the criminals

were arrested by the police of Verona.

This criminal

conspiracy had the

primary objective to

collect a huge amount

of money coming


drug trafficking.

After last week’s ten

arrests only one of the

mafiosi in the area of

Verona was missing.

However the research

of the police did not

give him a chance and after days of investigations, even the last wanted

person was caught. R.F.,a forty-year-old man from Bari and residing in

Villafranca of Verona, surrendered to the police.

The man is accused of possessing 858 grams of marijuana and at the

moment he is being detained in Montorio. (Written by Adami E., Dolci G., Olioso N.,

Rizzon G.).

Year I - Number 1 December 2014







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ISIS: a danger for the West What is Isis? What does it do? Why?

Villafranca, 12th

December- ISIS is an acronym for the Islamic State of

Iraq and Syria. It is a jihadist group active in the Middle-East and its leader

is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Lately this organization, which was founded in 1999 and self-proclaimed

as a State on 29th

June 2014, has become a serious danger for the West and

has been causing concerns and worries among European an American


The reasons of this fear are many, but the main is its continuous expansion

in Syria and Iraq together with the acts of violence against the citizens of

these states. According to a report of the UN office in Baghdad only in the

month of August 2014 1265 people were killed, 1198 people have been

injured and 600000 have become asylum-seekers. Moreover, nowadays,



continue to


The reason

of this


is the

attempt to

spread their

religion all

over the



objectives, however, are pursued through the “Holy war“ and the killing of

opposing voices. Their final aim is the foundation of an ideal state, a

teocratic Caliphate, where all people must practice Islamism and life

regulated by the Shari'a, which is the supreme law of the Quran.

These militant aggressive extremists have originated a terrible fear, which

began with the fallen of the Twin Towers, but still perceived nowadays. In

particular terrorist aggressions such as kamikaze or bombs are a real

danger together with increase of the jihadist supporters in our continent,

that could generate movements pro-Isis.

In conclusion, this dangerous situation in the Middle-East must not be

underestimated and Western countries have to oppose against the violence

committed by Isis. (Written by Giarola M., Lucaci S., Marchiori R., Persi S.).

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A Reachable Target

Villafranca, 15th December- Recently a group of about sixty students of Liceo

Medi and their teachers have visited the renowned research centre CERN in


In order to know more about this experience we have interviewed our physics

teacher, Mrs Alessandra Adami, who organized the visit.

She said enthusiastically “ Visiting Cern in Geneva has been an unforgettable

experience! All researchers were very helpful and able to explain to our students

difficult concepts in simple words. That’s not easy at all!” Mrs Adami added: “

The atmosphere is not competitive, there is complete collaboration among

scientists. They all share opinions, knowledge and discoveries.”

One of the aspects she liked most is the multi-ethnic factor: “...people from all

over the world work and study together...”. For example, she noticed in the

canteen of the centre there was a wide range of different kinds of food, from

Chinese to American one; also in these small details you could feel a sort of

international atmosphere.

Besides she was surprised by the hugeness of the laboratory. She went on

explaining, “ If you want to analyze microscopic phenomena you have to work

with a huge scientific machines”. When we asked her about her students’ feedback

she answered: “Their enthusiasm has never been so high towards a didactic

proposal”. Without a doubt, the experience needed a great tenacity to be realised,

nevertheless she said “I hope I’ll be able to repeat it in the future! Thanks to this

trip, students could gain new perspectives for their possible career. It is not as

impossible as we think!” (Written by Amadori G., Degrassi A., Morandini A., Tratta E.).

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Two High Schools. One Headmaster! Difficulties and satisfactions of the double role

Villafranca, 11th December- This year our Headmaster, Mr. Mario Bonini, got the

regency of both Liceo Medi of Villafranca and Liceo Maffei of Verona.

We are interested in knowing more about that, so we have interviewed Mr. Bonini.

Here is the complete interview

I : What is school life at Maffei like?

H : I’m very busy at the moment because Liceo Maffei is a demanding school.

But, you know, school problems are the same anywhere.

I : When did you get this role?

H : At the end of August. It is the second time in my career I have been given this

opportunity. Last time, six years ago, I had two other schools of the

province. This assignment will last a year. When I got it I felt, at first,

conflicting feelings: satisfaction, confidence, but also worries because of the

great responsibility this job implies.

I : Have you found it difficult to get on well with teachers of Liceo Maffei?

H : It is a different situation. With no doubts, I trust teachers of Liceo Medi more

because I have been spending seven years in this school and I am used to their

way of working. So I do not worry when I have to go to the other school! Now

I’m trying to establish good relationships with the teachers of Liceo Maffei.

I: What kind of responsibilities does the role involve?

H: I’m supposed to

have great organization

abilities and

competence. I must

have an up-to-date

agenda and keep high


I: What projects of

one school would you

like to integrate with the other


H: In Liceo Maffei I’d like to start a formation course for the students who

represent classes and secondly, to extend the one week’s journey to an English

speaking country to all classes of the school not only for the language courses.

In Medi I wish I could include the English theatre project of Maffei High


I: What is the biggest satisfaction you have been given so far?

H: The relationship with all my students of both schools, of course, mainly

when they explain to me their problems openly and they ask me some advice.

We thank Mr Bonini for this interview. We are aware of the responsibility the double

role needs but we trust our headmaster will succeed in it. Good Luck! (Written by

Amadori G., Degrassi A., Morandini A., Tratta E.).

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SOCIAL DAY: solidarity project

Have you ever heard about “Social Day”? Some teachers of our school

have proposed this international citizenship project.

In order to understand more about that we have interviewed the English

teacher, Ms Bertolaso and she told us a lot about it.

The Social Day gives students the opportunity to take part in the world of

work actively and be helpful to society.

This project has been realized in North Europe , mainly in Germany and

Denmark, since 1970s. During this day all Italian and European students

will work in different fields in order to increase awareness towards


First of all, teachers in charge of this project organize meeting with

witnesses from MLAL, the association that organizes the Social Day

together with some students from Peru.

Secondly an “Action Team” composed of the most interested students of

the fourth-year of Liceo Medi will carry out the initiative in our area.

This event will be held on 18th April 2015 and the earning will be donated

to a solidarity association chosen by students.

We hope the project will be successful and many students will join it in

order to have a general idea about the world of work and the possibility to

help other people offering their time and competence. (Written by Amadori G.,

Degrassi A., Morandini A., Tratta E.).

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Villafranca, 13


December- 2014 will be

remembered as a special

year for sports: three

world championships of

three different sports

have taken place in this


Let's start with the

football one. It was held

in Brazil in the month of

June. Unfortunately

Italy was beaten during

the first round. It was

surprising to watch German football team defeat Brazil, one of the favourite

teams, winning seven-one in the semifinal! The same team won the competition

against Argentina in the final minutes of the match.

Secondly in September Men's Volleyball World Championship took place in

Poland. In this competition Italy lost in the second round, when, unfortunately,

one of the best players of the team sprained his ankle. In this competition the

winner was the host team which was able to defeat Brazil in the final match.

Finally from the beginning of August to the end of September Italy hosted

Women's Volleyball World Championship. The Italian team took part in the

semifinal against China but in the end the Italian volleyball players were

defeated by their Chinese colleagues. The cup was won for the first time by the

USA, which succeeded in beating China.

Italy played the final

volleyball match for the third

position with Brazil but ,

unluckily, we lost and

classified fourth.

Italy has been really unlucky

so far. We hope 2015 will be

better! We deserve it because

we have been working hard!

(Written by Kostandini S.,

Margonari A., Salaorni V.,

Zoccatelli F.).

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Movie review: Frozen (2014)

Villafranca, 10

th December- Frozen is an animation film created by Walt Disney

Animation Studios. The movie is directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee and

interpreted by Kristen Bell ( Anna ), Indina Menzel (Elsa ), Jonathan Groff ( Kristoff

) and Josh Gad ( Daf ) and it was shown for the first time on 28th

November 2013.

The film has earned since 15th January 2014 $ 712 million and has won many

awards. The most important are the Golden Globe as the best animated film and the

nomination as best original song. It also has had two nominations for the Oscar Prize.

The creation of this movie took years because it is full of special effects. The main

difficulty was to create the snowman Olaf, because it is decomposable, it took weeks

to create scenes lasting only three seconds.

The story is about two sisters, Elsa and Anna, who are the Queen and the Princess of

the kingdom of Arendelle. Elsa has magic powers , but she is not able to control

them, so she escapes . Her sister Anna is courageous and starts an epic journey with

Kristoff, a mountain man, and his reindeer, Sven, in order to look for Elisa, whose ice

powers have trapped Arendelle in an endless winter.

The real hero is Olaf, the funny snowman that helps Anna and Kristoff in their

journey and fights with them against the elements of nature to save the kingdom.

This cartoon has loads of merits: it is very funny and surprising, full of twists,

especially in the end and some songs have become very popular. Moreover the best

creation is Olaf’s character :“he” is the “ clown “ of the story and the one that makes

everyone laugh, from children to adults.

The only downside is that there are too many songs in the first part of the movie, but

the rest is perfect!

We highly recommend this film because it is entertaining and the characters are

engaging and it is for people of all the ages. (Written by Amato A., Mistai M., Rizzardi L.,

Zoccatelli V.).

Some characters of the movie

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Youtubers Phenomenon Villafranca, 11

th December- The power is shifting and old media are dying. Your name on a

magazine cover does not matter anymore. Nowadays common opinion is being affected

much by the Internet and in particular by “youtubers” who speculate nearly about


Youtubers are people who upload videos on Youtube regularly thus taking the whole

responsibility about the contents; they usually specialize

on one topic, such as makeup, society, reviews, humor

and many others. They are telegenic, tech-savvy, adored

and obsessed over by teenagers, mainly girls.

As we move into an Internet generation, most viewers

find their entertainment on YouTube, also known as new

media. Like any other platform, YouTube had its popular

creators and that is how YouTubers emerged. Most

“YouTubers” have built their own “fans” on the

Internet based on consistent web-shows they have

created for their audience members.

Ever since Google bought YouTube, the Google system

has allowed users to have ads on their videos to make a

percentage of the revenue. If their videos are popular

enough, YouTube will be able to become a full-time job

and they will make a living from their videos.

YouTubers derive their incomes primarily through the

YouTube Partnership. The program serves up targeted

ads on their videos and gives them part of the revenue.

The number of people who have subscribed to their

channels range from 2.9 million to 14 million; the view

counts on their video libraries range from 156 million to

1.6 billion.

2015 Horoscope Aries

In the first half of 2015 your family

life will be successful. Were you

struggling to go abroad, time seems

to be favorable. The second half is

fabulous for love and marriage.

Businessmen will expand their

activities. There will be beautiful

chances of making good money.

You may not be able to be relaxed

from your family and health front.


You will accomplish tasks properly,

and will receive the honor and

respect along with appreciation.

Isn't that cool? Tough times come

before the good times to make you

realize the worth of happiness. You

may face lack of compatibility in

your personal life. If we talk about

your love life, truthfulness and

loyalty are important in love. As

regards students, you will have

unexpected results.


2015 is bringing you a magic box

of blessings. Looks like an amazing

time! If you are planning to do

something special for your beloved,

your efforts will come out with

flying colors. You have strong

changes of getting, fame, wealth

and everything one desires. Health

will also be fine. Don't miss any

new opportunity, just grab it!

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Types of Youtubers There are many types of youtubers that talk about


topics in their blogs or video. The one that seems to

gain more

recognition from the public are:

~ The Comedic

~ The Beauty Queen

~ The Cheeky One

~ The Fashion Lover

We have searched for the most popular ones and

they seems to


~ Jenna Marbles

~ Zoella

~ Tyler Oakley

~ Troye Sivan

~ Miranda Sings

~ Niomi Smart

Go subscribe to their channel and enjoy watching!


2015 might be mind-blowing for

you. Wedding bells will ring around

you, for you or for somebody in

your family. In matters of love, be a

little patient and act very carefully.

Even for work the year looks quite

brilliant, your finances seems in

better health, yet investing

blindfold won’t be a good idea.

Your health might have ups and

downs. 90% of the year seems to be



2015 has got mixed results for you.

You may get upset due to the

behavior of some of your loved

ones. The second half of the year

looks better, troubles will gradually

vanish. With your organizational

ability you will get a good hold

over difficult situations.


In the first half of the year you may

get some benefits, especially in

love. Stay alert and focused on your

friend’s health, but without

worrying. In this period also work,

business and education are good. In

second half you might have to be

little more alert, be patient at work.


2015 looks good for you. About

familial life, misunderstandings are

possible, but harmony at home

won't be disturbed. This is the high

time you took a firm decision! Be

prepared to ride of a love wave.

You are going to do something

special in your work this year. In

the second part of the year you

need to be a little stingy. Students

will get

positive results.


This year will be quite amazing for

you. Harmony will prevail in family

and 2015 is quite positive for affairs

of the heart. There might be some

troubles for married couples.

Sometimes it is good to crave for

love for a little while. This may

give you some health problems.

Time is also beneficial for work,

students will get positive results.

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Recipe Ingredients

4 table spoons flour

4 tablespoons sugar

2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa

1 egg

3 tablespoons milk

3 tablespoons oil

3 tablespoons chocolate chips

1 splash of vanilla extract


You will need a large coffee mug.

1. Add dry ingredients to the mug and mix well.

2. Add in the egg and mix well.

3. Pour milk and oil and mix again.

4. Add Chocolate chips, if using, and vanilla and


well to get a smooth consistency.

5. Place in the microwave for 3 minutes on high for

a 1,000 watt oven, or vary time depending on your

particular microwave (mine only needs 2:20


(Written by Bertasini A., Carlini G., Ciresola R., Pesce E.,

Spinelli E.).


For Sagittarius the beginning of

2015 is not very positive. Financial

matters need to be handled

cautiously. Stay at bay from any

sort of problems. You may feel

change in the behavior of your

family members and this may even

hurt you. A feeling of insecurity

may rise in you, and may affect

your health. In the second half of

the year your wishes will start

coming true. Income will improve

and students will also get good



First half of 2015 will be amazing.

Your outstanding planning will

keep on giving you success.

Everything will be positive at work.

Financial situation will also be

satisfactory. Students will be full of

the joys of spring, as they will be

getting success in each endeavor.

The second half might be asking for

troubles. You need to be cautious

while doing everything. It will be

better if you think twice before

investing anywhere.


2015 will give you mixed results.

You may be stressed due to the

health of a family member, but

nothing to be worried about, time

will pass by swiftly. On the other

hand, your health looks fine. The

second half of the year will bring

betterment to your love life, looks

like you are going to be on the ball!


2015 is going to begin beautifully

for you. A ceremony may take

place at home. However, rude

behavior of some family members

may hurt you. You need

take good care of your health. Time

can be said nice for love matters.

Love and faith are the major

ingredients that will always be in

demand. Some troubles may arise

in the second half of 2015

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Crossword 1










Tongue-twister: Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch

watch which Swatch watch?

Riddle: What has four fingers and a thumb, but is not living?




1. Red and yellow combined

5. Father

6. Comes before eight

8. Something to read

9. Used for drawing lines

10. Someone who teaches


1. It isn't new

2. The color of grass

3. Used for writing and drawing

4. In American English it's called an eraser

7. Red and blue combined