Peperiksaan PertengahanTahun BI Form 2

Post on 28-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Peperiksaan PertengahanTahun BI Form 2

Section A[ 10 Marks ][ Time Suggested : 15 minutes ]Answer all questions in this paper

The text below is about a lady's favourite doll.Question 1Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining line there error in each line.Underline the error. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space provic been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence. There punctuation errors in this text.There was once a five-year-old girl who had a doll. The doll had brown curly Hair, long eyelashes and was dressed in the pale blue evening gown. The girl e.g. a loved the doll so much that she would treated it with great care, despite other(a) ______ children mocking him for being mother-like. As time passed, the girl grew (b) ______up but moved from one town to another. She got married later and started (c) ______her own family. One night, as she were putting her children to bed. she (d) ______remembered her old doll. She asked her husband to accompanied her to her (e) ______childhood home. When she reached the place, it was silence and deserted. (f) ______She walked below the house and was greeted by dusty furniture in the living (g) ______room, with thick cobwebs in every corner. Suddenly, she catches a glimpse (h) ______of a tiny pair of hands in a box. They went closer to have a look and there (i) ______was her favourite doll, all grimy so shabby after all these years! She hugged(j) ______ it tightly and cried as she was strongly reminded of her happy childhood.

[10 marks]

Section B[ 30 Marks ][ Time Suggested : 40 minutes ]

Question 2Read the following poster. Then, answer question (a) (j)

PERMAI RATU RESORT and JADE TVpresentMother's Day Poetry Writing ContestShow your utmost appreciation of your mother this upcoming Mother's Day.HOW?i) Compose a short poem about your mother in the most creative way ii) The top three most creative poems will win these attractive prizes: A two-day one-night stay at Permai Ratu Resort's deluxe room, with complimentary breakfast for two (worth RM750!) free subscription to Jade TV for a year (worth RM 1 500!)How to enter:a) Write the poem in not more than eight lines.b) Email the poem to Include your full name, identity card number and contact number in the email.The deadline for submitting the poem is 30 March.The poem will be judged on ORIGINALITY. CREATIVITY and LANGUAGE by a selected panel.Terms and conditions: Winners will be notified through emails. The top three most creative poems will be aired on Jade TV. The panel's decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained. Prizes are not exchangeable for cash

For further information: Write the poem now.Email it to us today.Let the whole world know how much you adore your mother! JCall 011-787 6565 for Miss Leong. Visit

Using the information from the poster, complete the following graphic organiser.

Criteria used to judge a poem:(f) ____________________(g) ____________________(h) ____________________Closing date:(e) ____________________Prizes:(c) _____________________ _____________________(d) _____________________ _____________________Organisers:(a) ____________________(b) ____________________Ways to get more details on the contest:(i) ____________________(j) ____________________Mothers Day Poetry Writing Contest

[10 marks]

Question 3Read the poster below. Then answer question (a) (j)

POETRY RECITATIONDo you have a flair for it?The Literary Club is organising a poetry recitation contest for all students.The objectives of the contest are:To enable students to improve their oral skillsTo help students gain confidence in speakingTo improve the level of English proficiency among studentsThe details are as follows:Date: 17 June Time: 8.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.Venue: Dewan Primadona All participants have to go through a selection round first. Only ten finalists will be selected to participate in the final round which will be announced later. Participants will be judged on the content of the poem, fluency, delivery and pronunciation.The theme of the poem should be based on either nature or family values. Those who are interested to participate need to fill in an entry form which can be obtained from the secretary of the Literary Club. The deadline for submission is I June. Late entries will not be entertained.Attractive prizes await the top two winners:Winner: RM150 in cash, a plaque and a certificate of meritRunner-up: RM 100 in cash, a plaque and a certificate of meritAll finalists will receive a hamper worth RM20.Take this opportunity to train yourself to be confident in using the language and perform in front of a crowd. Early birds who register will receive a mystery gift!Gina LewisSecretary

Questions (a) - (d): Based on the poster, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

(a)The aim of the poetry recitation contest is to give prizes to the students _______________ [1 mark](b)Participants need to go through a selection round before the final _______________ [1 mark](c) The contest is open to all students in the school. _______________ [1 mark](d)The winner is chosen based on the theme selected. _______________ [1 mark]

Questions (e) - (i): Read the poster carefully and answer the questions below.(e)What must you do if you want to participate in the poetry recitation contest?___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark](f)What will the winner of the poetry recitation contest receive?___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark](g)Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the poster.Meaning


i. to believe in your ability


ii. forms handed in after the deadline


[ 2 marks]

(h) Why do you think the secretary of the club will not entertain late entries for the contest? ___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark](i) Why do you think it is good for the students to register early for the contest?___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark][10 marks]

(j)You are interested to participate in the poetry recitation contest and would like your friend to join as well. In about 50 words, write a message to your friend. In your message: encourage him/her to join you give reasons to support your choice add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

Dear _____________,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________From,________________

[10 marks]Section C[ 20 Marks ][ Time Suggested : 20 minutes ]

Question 4Read the letter from Aida to Shaheera

Hi Shaheera,Thank you so much for sharing some tips on digital cameras and photography. I really appreciate your help. Now I have a photograph of my pride and joy, Della, on my home desktop as a screen saver. I even showed it to Della and guess what she did? She put her paw on the screen and tried to catch the mouse that she saw!I have just completed my Science project on our universe this morning so now I have some time to myself. You know how I always complain about how hot the afternoon are but now I have a better understanding of it. Well, I found out that the Sun began to shine 4 500 million years ago. Experts believe it will continue to produce heat for the next 6000 million years. It is true that it is a very long time but what will happen to life on Earth if the Sun finally stops shining? I am sure the green plants will die. What about your school Science project? What topic have you chosen?Anyway, do you remember Elfie, my neighbor? We certainly had a wonderful time when you came here during the last school holidays. Well, his father has been promoted and transferred to Kelantan. Elfie and his family will leave at the end of the month. I must admit that I feel unhappy about this.Will you be here again during the next school holidays? I hope you can stay here for a couple of days. I am looking forward to seeing you again. You always make me laugh with your jokes and interesting stories.I guess I have to stop here. Please convey my love to your parents and siblings.Your cousinAida

Read the letter carefully and answer questions (a) - (i).(a) What is the relationship between Shaheera and Aida?___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark](b) What kind of tips did Shaheera share with Aida?___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark](c) List two things that Aida found out about the universe.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [2 mark] (d) Who is Elfie?___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/phrase from the letter.MeaningWord/Phrase

i. to be grateful for

ii. moved from one place to another

iii. a person who lives in the house next door

iv. two days

(f)Why is Aida feeling unhappy?___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark](g)When will Shaheera most probably visit Aida? ___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark](h)Why do you think Aida enjoys Shaheera's company? Give two reasons.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [2 mark](i)Give 2 other suggestions to activities that you can do during the school holidays______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [2 mark][15 marks]Read the poem below carefully and answer questions (a) - (d).

I WonderI wonder why the grass is green,And why the wind is never seen?Who taught the birds to build a nest, And told the trees to take a rest?O, when the moon is not quite round,Where can the missing bit be found?Who lights the stars, when they blow out,And makes the lightning flash about?Who paints the rainbow in the sky, And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?Why is it now, do you suppose,That Dad won't tell me, if he knows? Jeannie Kirby

(a)Which of the natural elements in the poem that we can feel but cannot see? ___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark](b)Which phrase in the poem tells us that the stars are not shining?___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark](c)Name one characteristic that the cloud and the rainbow have in common.___________________________________________________________________________ [1 mark](d)What do you think is the theme of the poem? Give a reason. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [2 mark]

[5 marks]

Section D [ 30 Marks ][ Time Suggested : 30 minutes ]

Question 6

The picture below shows a new public library in the town that you went recently.

Based on the picture given, write about your visit to the place for your school magazine.

When writing about the visit, you should: describe the library give advantages of going to the library write between 120 to 150 words

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