Paul hunt disability

Post on 28-May-2015

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Transcript of Paul hunt disability

Disability and


Paul Hunt (1991)

• 10 stereotypes of disabled people in media:– Pitiable or pathetic– Object of curiosity or violence– Sinister or evil– The super cripple– As atmosphere– Laughable– His/her own worst enemy– Burden– Non-sexual– Unable to participate in daily life

Paul Hunt (1991)

• Pitiable or pathetic– Most common stereotype– Shown to be deserving of

pity when faced withdifficulty or prejudice

– Charity appeals have oftenused this representation

– TV dramas still use it asa shortcut

Paul Hunt (1991)

• Object of curiosity or violence– Presenting people as

unusual– Disability is something

to be viewed / observed– Difference is highlighted

and made a spectacle– Puts disabled and

non-disabled people in binary opposition when they are not

Paul Hunt (1991)

• Super cripple– Position of admiration despite disability– Patronising in some ways – e.g. admiring attitude

of people with disabilities

Paul Hunt (1991)

• Humour– Pleasure in the misfortune of others

(schadenfreunde)– Disability seen as source of

humour since the Ancient Greeks– Humour based on disability– Or humour despite of it

Paul Hunt (1991)

• Sinister or evil– Scarring and disability

as short cut for evil– Scarring and disability

often used to signifyviolence or anger

– Joker / Freddy Krueger