Patrizia Collesi - Istat/DCDE Q 2008 – Parallel session “ Cross-national Comparability” Some...

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Transcript of Patrizia Collesi - Istat/DCDE Q 2008 – Parallel session “ Cross-national Comparability” Some...

Patrizia Collesi - Istat/DCDEQ 2008 – Parallel session “Cross-national Comparability”

Some proposals for better translations having in mind users’ needs

Proposing editorial catalogue and presenting editorial products in English

Rome, July 11 2008

Content OverviewEuropean Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

Bilingual catalogue

Technical communication and the users

The methods/working flow in translations

Quality in translation/meeting users’ needs: Usability

Purpose of the text

Engineering better technical texts

Rome, July 11 2008

Peer Review from Eurostat, October 23-25 2006

Improvement action 15.2 for the Dissemination Directorate: Introduction of Catalogue in English on all publications

“The objective is to give the opportunity to users to have an overview in English of all publications”

Time constraint: 2008

Working Group to set out methods and translations

The catalogue as it is now

The catalogue in an ideal world

Bilingual catalogueEuropean Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

Catalogue content

Search by key words

For each publication the following information is given:

Descriptive metadata

Content presentation (usually the back cover)

Title, Series



How to order (Order form)

Bilingual catalogueEuropean Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

Addressing the user

Need to understand readers’ cognitive strenghts and weaknesses

Usability: true mark of technical texts

What do we mean by usability in technical texts:

Ability to help users achieve specific goals

Technical communication and the users/1European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

Who is the user?

General characteristics:

Educational attainment

Technical/statistical competence

Time to devote for reading

Culture-dependant characteristics:

Expert in the field

Internal/external user, member of a similar institution

Formal level of comunication

Technical communication and the users/2European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

A compromise of the previous characteristics with the intended user in mind, considering:

General characteristics:


Technical/statistical competence

Time to devote for reading

Expert in the field

Formal/informal level of comunication: matching with the addresse’s rules

Technical communication and the users/3European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

Multilingual working flow:

Text arrives, it is revised and checked

Request of terminological support to the experts:


Official documents and references in the foreign language

Link to relevant websites

Other relevant reference sources

Text is:


Checked Revised


Technical communication: translation processEuropean Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

Two different concepts of quality:

1. A good product

No mistakes giving rise to wrong functioning

Matching customers’ satisfaction

2. A better product

Developed as to fully match customers’ needs and their satisfaction

Quality in translation/meeting users’ needs: usability/1European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

The two concepts give rise to two different situations, translation in the first case (and in the second as well) …

Is an answer to the user who needs information

Economic (no time-consuming)

From the producer’s point of view

Prevent unsatisfaction

Which, in the real world means… a solution/translation fits all

No politics of revising translations

Translating in a protected market, as it happens for laws and official documents

Quality in translation/meeting users’ needs: usability/2European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

…the second is an evolution of the first upon time…dynamic …improving bilingual presentation is a means to

Increase customers’ satisfaction Needs research (in translation studies and technical

communication) and checks

Consider the users’ point of view

Satisfy unexpressed needs

Analysis to have users’ feedback on translation

Increase possibilities of finding data

New spurs for an enhanced translations’ quality

New possibilities of translations/new parts to be translated to meet…

Quality in translation/meeting users’ needs: usability/3European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

The situation as it actually is

But in the real world the final user can only judge:

The smoothness of the text

Readability (not knowing from which situation it comes from)

The layout quality of the text

Quality in translation/meeting users’ needs: usability/4European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

Therefore translation quality is the result of the following aspects…

Quality in translation/meeting users’ needs: usability/5European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Planning translation quality Controlling quality Improving quality

Define quality goals Evaluate fieldwork for translators Demonstrate the need

Identify readers Devise the framework

Set up readers’ needs Compare work as it is accomplished with quality goals

Identify improvement actions

Devise texts’ features matching users’ needs Build planning groups

Devise process to reply such features Take actions to bridge the gaps Give resources, training and reasons to the groups to spot the causes and device solutions

Fix process controls and checks Set up checks to maintain what has been reached

Quality in translation/purpose of the text/1European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

Dominant features in translation/a

Possible situations of the original texts

Sacred text

Classical text

Renowned author’s text

Well written informative text (keep the content, rewrite the text)

Badly written informative text (rewrite with attention both to the form and the content)

In our case…

Information is the main component of the text

Translation may result in editing and rewriting

Quality in translation/purpose of the text/2European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

Dominant features in translation/b

Some examples of dominant features:


Impossibility to define the text as a translation

Terminological adherence

Conformity to the source culture

Conformity to the target culture

Conformity to the socio-professional target group

Engineering better technical texts/1European Conference on Quality in Official

Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

Guidelines for producing or revising texts: a proposal

Write simple sentences and use short and familiar words

Do not overload sentences with information

Several short sentences do not require re-reading

A long, complicated and ambiguous sentence does

Use active instead of passive verbs

Use parallel construction

Using similar structures to present similar information helps to reduce the amount of new information in a text and expedites the transmission of information

Engineering better technical texts/2European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

Guidelines for producing or revising texts: a proposal Use the information flow readers are accustomed to, in this case the

specific frame is the text type to which the text to translate belongs: Publication back cover and general reference metadata

Title/subtitle Price Codes

Customers use frames to decode stream of information: Reading information in a catalogue they expect a customary flow:

The book presents/The book contains Something new to keep the reader’s attention:

What’s new in this edition Then, from the general to details:

Name of the survey under examination Universe examined Main results Contents of the tables

Engineering better technical texts/3European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

Guidelines for producing or revising texts: a proposal

Use routine formulas in economics and statistics: They sound familiar They help to maintain consistency throughout translation

Check with other English language (preferably mother-tongue) catalogues:

They help to have a common framework for the catalogue To compare your solutions of presenting materials and text with a

sound benchmark To device better solutions

Engineering better technical texts/3European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

Engineering better technical texts/4European Conference on

Quality in Official Statistics 2008

Rome, July 11 2008

What our texts are intended for

A good advertisement

Achieving “a pre-determined purpose” Make our products better known Our data more consulted Our production more consulted

…by means of useful communication with our target audience

Texts in English confront us with the possibility to internationalise the promotion of our products, that is

Produce a a promotional message that will appeal to the widest target audience possible, irrespective of their cultural setting


Presenting products as a way of continuous confrontation with others

Plan new products/bilingual products

Present selected tables in English

Enhance your institutions’ visibility

Rome, July 11 2008

Proposing editorial catalogue and presenting editorial products in English

Thanks for you attention

For questions and bibliographical references, please write:

Rome, July 11 2008