Patchwork Science Katherine Goates Olivia Sharp Emma Stokes This quilt was designed as a work of art...

Post on 20-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Patchwork Science Katherine Goates Olivia Sharp Emma Stokes This quilt was designed as a work of art...

Patchwork Science

Katherine Goates

Olivia Sharp

Emma Stokes

This quilt was designed as a work of art to represent themes from the history, sociology and

philosophy of science. Quilting is used as an analogy for science – there is a large community of quilters who share knowledge and techniques,

much like the scientific community.

The square panelled section marks the beginnings of science, where many disciplines such as astrology, astronomy and alchemy, came together to create something bigger. This evolves into the three large institutions of science – biology, chemistry and physics, which each have colour coded sections.

The three disciplines grow into the ‘future’ section – where science is becoming more interdisciplinary and less rule bound. The disorder and bright colours show how anything could happen with science in the future. Sharp edges made with chicken wire contrast with the comforting, padded quilt, implying that science is intended to aid humanity, but can also have painful consequences.

The move from order to disorder is also intended to show the different philosophies of Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn. Popper believed that following a strict scientific method would produce theories which came ever closer to an absolute truth. Kuhn, however, thought of science as something of a social construct, whose method is not set in stone

We created the quilt with little prior sewing experience, calling on knowledgeable friends, family and books for advice. All of us learnt new techniques from the process, such as quilt binding, soldering man-made fabrics, and weaving plastics. Lack of experience meant we were naïve to any limitations of quilt making – so our imaginations could run wild. The materials were recycled from old clothes, bought from local markets and craft shops, or scavenged from various other places.