Parent teacher interviews

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Parent teacher interviews

Make the Most of your Parent-Teacher Conference

Flickr image by cybrarian77: shared under CC BY-NC 2.0

Agenda1. Review objectives

2. Introductions

3. Reflection- discussion question

4. What, why and when about parent-teacher conferences

5. What to do before, during and after the conference

6. A parent-teacher conference part a: listening activity

7. A parent –teacher conference: a speaking activity

8. Helpful links9. homework

Workshop Objectives

1. You should have a clear understanding of the purpose of parent-teacher interviews.

2. You should be able to prepare for a job interview.


1. What is your name?

2. Where are you from?

Have you ever been to a parent –

teacher Interview?

How did it go?

What was easy or difficult about it?

A. Basic information:

Three things you should know about parent-teacher Interviews:

1. What is it all about?

A parent teacher conference is a meeting between you and your child’s teacher.

2. When may I have a conference with my child’s teacher?

• They usually happen:1. at the beginning of the school year.2. at report time.3. 1f ever you or your child’s teacher

believe it to be necessary.

3. Why should I attend a parent-teacher conference?

Parent teacher conferences will give you a good opportunity to speak to your child’s teacher.

B. Parent- Teacher Conference Tips

we are now going to consider some parent-teacher conference tips for before, during and after the conference:

Before the Conference

Talk to your child!

How do you feel about


Is there anything you

want to talk to your teacher


Make sure your child knows that you and the teacher want to help


Make a list of things you

want to discuss with the teacher.

Before the Conference

Questions to ask your child’s


Does my child

participate in class?

What can I do to help my child at home?

Does my child finish his/her on


Does my child seem happy at school?

What are my child’s strengths and weaknesses?

During the Conference1. Be on time!

2. End the meeting on time!

3. Relax and be yourself!

4. Be calm and relax!

5. Ask the most important questions first!

6. Ask about your child’s progress

7. Ask for explanations if there is something you don’t understand!

8. Remember to ask how you can help your child at home!

9. Thank the teacher!

After the Conference

Communicate with your child and your

child’s teacher!

Talk to your child about the


Talk about positive points, but be direct if

there are problems

Tell your child about the plans

you and the teacher have


Let the teacher know that you want to stay in

contact throughout the


More questions Does the school have a dress

code?How much time should my child

spend on homework?

Are there any books or

websites you could


How does my child get along

on the playground?

What is the best way to

contact you?

Do you need help in the

class? Are there any volunteer opportunities? Does my child

participate in class?


1. How many people are talking?2. How is Iliana doing?3. What is her greatest strength?4. What plan does Dorian and Allison


Parent –Teacher Conference

Mrs. Piedra

Mrs. Wiebe

Mrs. Piedra

Mrs. Wiebe

Mrs. Piedra

Mrs. Wiebe

Mrs. Piedra

Mrs. Wiebe

Good evening Mrs. Wiebe. It is nice to meet you!It is nice to meet you, too. You must be Iliana’s mother!

That’s right. I am Mrs. Piedra, but you can call me Dorian.

Very good. You can call me Allison. Before we get started I want you to know that it is a pleasure to have Iliana in my class. She is so well behaved. She is my best math student!That is wonderful! I am glad to hear that! Before I begin Dorian, do you have any questions for me ?

Yes. How is Iliana getting along with others? Does she have any friends?

I think you’ll be please to know that Iliana has many friends. She has only been here a short time, but she gets along well with everybody in class!

Parent –Teacher ConferenceMrs. Piedra

Mrs. Wiebe

Mrs. Piedra

Mrs. Wiebe

Mrs. Piedra

Mrs. Wiebe

Mrs. Piedra

Mrs. Wiebe

How is her English? We are a little concerned about that.Well, this has been a challenge for her, but she has really improved the last weeks.I’m sorry , can you repeat that please? A little slower?

Of course! Her English has really been improving over the last six weeks.

Is there anything I can do to help at home?

I am glad you asked! It would be great if you could read with her.

I just started doing that. I am learning English too!

Excellent! Reading together is a great way to get closer to your child, and both of you will improve your English skills.

Parent –Teacher ConferenceMrs. Piedra

Mrs. Wiebe

Mrs. Piedra

Mrs. Wiebe

Mrs. Piedra

Mrs. Wiebe

Mrs. Piedra

Mrs. Wiebe

I think you are right about that.Dorian, is there anything else you would like to discuss?

Yes, I would like to volunteer at the school. Is this possible?

It sure is. I will give your name to our volunteer coordinator and we will get that arranged. We can always use more volunteers. Thank you.

Thank you for your time. I really appreciate the work you have been doing with Iliana.

Well, like I said, she is a pleasure to have in my class.

Thanks again Allison Have a good night.

You’re welcome. We’ll be in contact again, soon.

Expressions for clarification• “I’m sorry I didn’t understand what

you said.”• “Can you repeat that, please?”• “Could you write that down for me?”• “Could you speak a little more


Expressing Gratitude

“ Thank you for teaching my child.” “Thank you for being patient with my

child.” “Thank you for recognizing my child’s

special needs.” “My child really enjoys coming to school.” “My child is happy when he comes home

from school.” “I can see by your classroom that you are

a very hard working teacher.”

Now let’s Practice!

We are going to practice a dialogue for parent- teacher interviews

Ask 3 questions Ask for clarification

Express gratitude

Thank you!