Parent · The Prom Loan Lady hires...

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Transcript of Parent · The Prom Loan Lady hires...

Parent Bulletin Week commencing Monday 3 February 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

It was good to see so many of you at our Year 11 Parents’ Evening this week. Your commitment to and support of

your children’s education is absolutely vital. Together, we can give them the very best chance of success.

Pupils in Year 9 are preparing to select their options for courses in years 10 and 11. We will be guiding them in

this process, and will look forward to having conversations with you and with them about their choices. Please

discuss this at home, and encourage your children to keep their options open where possible. Our Year 9 Options

Evening is on Tuesday 11 February, 5.00 – 7.00pm.

Ms Parkin, who is working with us as a senior leader, has been looking closely at attendance. Her research into

our own school’s attendance and achievement patterns have revealed the close link between strong attendance and

good progress. From last year’s Year 11 data:

On average, pupils who attended school more than 96% of the school year left with almost a full grade

more progress in every subject than pupils who had poor attendance.

Additionally, 75% of our pupils who achieved a standard pass in both English and Maths had

attendance above 96%, compared to only 28% of pupils who were regularly absent from school.

Finally, 93.75% of our pupils who achieved a high grade in Maths (grades 9-7) had attendance of

above 96%.

The evidence at Lord Lawson is clear: if your child attends school every day, they have a significantly

higher chance of making progress and gaining good grades! This gives them the best opportunities for the

future. Please continue to work with us to give your child the best chance of success.

Advance notice: a reminder that the academy is closed for the half term holiday at the end of school on Friday 14

February. We reopen for pupils on Tuesday 25 February.

Best wishes,

Mr A Fowler


Break and Lunchtime Arrangements

From Monday 13 January 2020, we will expect pupils to spend more of their break and lunch time outdoors.

This is a practice already adopted in many other local schools. At present, many pupils choose to be

outdoors during break and lunch times, when they enjoy social time and are able to get some exercise and

fresh air, supervised by members of staff. Many others, however, do not leave the building all day. Some

behave in a way that does not respect school property, staff or their fellow pupils, making the buildings

unpleasant for others.

We want to create a clear distinction between outside and inside space, promoting positive behaviour in

unstructured (i.e. not lesson) time, and assisting pupils in preparing for learning time.

These changes will affect pupils in years 7 to 11. Arrangements for sixth formers will not change.

Pupils and staff have been informed of the changes in assemblies and tutor periods this week. The main

points are as follows:

Before School:

All pupils can enter the school buildings before 08:50. Pupils are expected in school by 08:45

All pupils use the pupil entrance, where senior house staff greet them and make sure that they are in

correct uniform. If a pupil is on report, they may be asked to present their report to their head of house

Once pupils are in the school building, they do not go back outside. They go to their first lesson when

the bell goes at 08:45, ready for a prompt start at 08:50

The cafeteria is open until 08:45, and anyone who arrives by 08:30 is given free toast.

At Break Time:

Pupils may go to their lockers or to the cafeteria at the start of break

After this, all pupils are expected to go outside. Duty staff will be on hand to supervise

Key Stage 3 pupils (those in years 7, 8 and 9) will use the back yard

Key Stage 4 pupils (those in years 10 and 11) will use the front yard

Pupils will be able to access toilets, in an orderly fashion

At the end of break, entry to the building will be managed to ease congestion.

At Lunch Time:

Pupils may go to their lockers and/or to the cafeteria

Pupils who bring a packed lunch will be able to eat it in the house area that is open for this purpose

After they have had their lunch, all pupils will be expected to go outside. Duty staff will be on hand to


Key Stage 3 pupils (those in years 7, 8 and 9) will use the back yard

Key Stage 4 pupils (those in years 10 and 11) will use the front yard

Pupils will be able to access toilets, in an orderly fashion

Pupils who have a lunchtime activity, or who have special permission to be in Student Support Services,

will have their planner signed or a special pass. They will be allowed to go to the appropriate area in


At the end of lunch time, pupils will line up with their tutors, as directed by duty staff. They will then go

in for tutor time or assembly.

In the event of bad weather (i.e. very cold weather, rain, snow or ice), pupils will not be expected to go

outside. They will have access to designated parts of the school building. The decision about ‘bad weather’

will be made on the day by senior members of staff.

It will take us all a little time to get used to these new arrangements, but we believe they will benefit pupils

and staff. Please help us by making sure your child is equipped with suitable outdoor clothing.

Year 9 Options Evening – Tuesday 11 February

The evening will run from 5.00pm to 7.00pm. This will be an opportunity for parents and pupils to find

out more about the different pathways on offer for pupils. There will be a presentation in the main hall as

well as the opportunity to visit up to six different subject areas.

In order for all parents and pupils to be able to receive the information in the main hall there will be two

presentations. For pupils in the X band this will be at 5.00pm and for pupils in the Y band this will be at

5.30pm. For parents of pupils who are in the Y band, you will be able to visit subject areas from 5.00pm.

There will be a map of subject areas at reception when you arrive to help you find the information you


Below is an outline of the timings of the event. If you would like any further information please do not

hesitate to email Mrs K Hubbard (

Pupils in the X band Pupils in the Y band

5.00-5.10 Information about the options

process in main hall

Subject 1

5.15-5.25 Subject 2

5.30-5.40 Subject 1 Information about the options

process in main hall 5.45-5.55 Subject 2

6.00-6.10 Subject 3 Subject 3

6.15-6.25 Subject 4 Subject 4

6.30-6.40 Subject 5 Subject 5

6.45-6.55 Subject 6 Subject 6

Mrs K Kendall

Assistant Principal

Ski Trip February

Can parents/carers please ensure outstanding consent forms for the February ski trip are submitted to me by

Monday 3 February.

Many thanks

Mr C White

Subject Leader Business – Ski Trip leader

Year 11 – Food and Nutrition Practical Exams

Could parents please note that the above practical exams will begin after half term i.e. week commencing

Monday 24 February 2020.

Many thanks

Mrs Bassi and Miss Greenwell

Technology – Food and Nutrition

Laing Art Gallery Visit – Monday 27 January

On Monday, Ms Emmerson and Ms Beck took a wonderful group of our year 11 pupils to the Laing Gallery in

Newcastle, to participate in a Literature and Art workshop day.

It was an extremely interesting visit, challenging our pupils to think about creative writing and poetry, using art

as a stimulus. They were a credit to the academy, and we hope they have expanded their literary knowledge and


Ms Emmerson and Ms Beck

English Department

Lunchtime Supervisor

We are looking to recruit to our existing staff a lunchtime supervisor. The hours of work would be Monday –

Friday, 1 hour per day (1.10 to 2.10 pm) daily. Full training would be given to the successful applicant.

If you are interested in this post, please contact to request an application form.

Many thanks

Mrs L Alder

Assistant Principal

Year 11 Prom

In an attempt to make Prom more accessible for all, Lord Lawson are joining forces with ‘The Prom Loan


The Prom Loan Lady hires out Prom suits and dresses at an affordable charge of £20.00 (they must be dry

cleaned prior to return).

As well as supporting those pupils who may struggle with the financial side of Prom, we will be encouraging all

pupils to look at this option before spending huge amounts of money on dresses and suits. We want to be mindful

of the environmental impact and try to reduce the need of single use items and recycle where possible. We really

want to work towards a more sustainable approach to Prom

In addition, I'm often offered donations of dresses and suits but unfortunately storage is an issue, along with

some pupils being reluctant to use a loan service in school, as it cannot always offer complete discretion.

Hopefully by working with ‘The Prom Loan Lady’ we can offer discreet support to the pupils who need it and

offer an alternative to reduce the cost of Prom for all.

If anyone has any dress or suit donations please let me know or contact Andrea at ‘The Prom Loan Lady’ direct.

Any donations will go to support not only Lord Lawson pupils, but pupils across the North East.

Many thanks for your support as always.

Mrs J Walsh

Education Welfare Officer

Performing Arts Theatre trip – ‘Mamma Mia’

The Performing Arts Department are looking forward to the planned educational visit to Theatre Royal,

Newcastle on Monday 3 February to watch ‘Mamma Mia’.

A reminder for all pupils attending the visit that they should meet in the Dance Studio for registration at 6.15pm.

The coach will leave the academy at 6.30pm. We are expecting to arrive back at the academy for 10.30pm; all

pupils must be collected by an appropriate adult on our return.

In case of emergency contact for the duration of the visit, please contact Miss Brown on the academy mobile

number 07808306289.

Thank you for your support towards this educational visit and we hope that all pupils are looking forward to the


Any queries please do not hesitate to contact me via email:

Thank you

Miss S Brown

Subject leader – Performing Arts

Young Carers Drop-in Session – Tuesday 4 February

Young carers can meet with Andrea Overton from the Carers Trust at an informal drop-in session, on Tuesday

4 February, 1:20 -1:50pm, in the small conference room.

The focus of the session will be to discuss ways in which we can support these pupils further in school. If you

have a child who helps to look after someone in their family, and you would like them to receive additional

support, please inform their relevant house block Student Welfare and Family Liaison Officer (SWAFLO) or

Mrs Glass, who will refer them to the Carers Trust.

Many thanks

Mrs M Glass

Student Support

Notice for diary: Year 7 Parents Evening

The above evening is planned for Tuesday 25 February (first Tuesday back after half term), 3.30 – 6.00pm.

This evening will be appointment based, which we feel is a more organised approach for parents,

enabling you to prioritise the teachers you most need to see.

Next week, pupils will be supplied with appointment sheets from their tutors; it is the responsibility of

all pupils to obtain appointment slots from their respective subject teachers.

Thank you

Mrs K Kendall

Assistant Principal

Year 11 Applications to Sixth Form

The deadline for applications to our sixth form closed on Friday 31 January. If your child is still interested in

applying, please email:

Thank you

Mrs S Nellist

Assistant Principal – Director of Sixth Form

Work Experience: Year 10 and Year 12

Year 10 – Monday 29 June to Thursday 2 July; Year 12 – Monday 22 June to Friday 26 June.

It is great that some placements have already been sorted and signed off. However, if your son/daughter is

having problems sourcing their placements please advise them to see Mrs Jordan (Year 12 - sixth form) or Mrs

Leigh (Year 10 - based in Fleet). They may also speak with their tutor for support.

Placement forms can be obtained from Reception or downloaded via:


Deadlines for completion and return of forms are:

Year 10 – Tuesday 5 May (to be handed into Academy reception)

Year 12 – Thursday 2 April (to be handed into sixth form ILC)

Many thanks

Mrs Hubbard


National Apprenticeship Week – Monday 3 to Friday 7 February

To celebrate National Apprenticeship Week next week, we have various employers working with students in

lessons and assemblies. Students will also be completing tutorial tasks related to apprenticeships.

On the school website we have a link to a range of resources and information about apprenticeships. Please find

the link below.




If anyone has any questions relating to this, please see Mrs Leigh, Careers Adviser.

Thank you

Mrs Jordan

Head of Sixth Form

Deloitte Finance Insight Day

On Wednesday 22 January, a group of our Year 10 pupils had the opportunity to visit the offices of Deloitte in

Newcastle, a leading global business advisory firm providing audit, financial advisory, risk management, tax,

legal and related services.

During the event, pupils attended a series of workshops including C.V. developing, job site focus, social media

focus, interview advice, and employee presentations, hearing from staff about the varied job roles within the


Pupils were inspired to learn of the many varied roles they can aspire to at Deloitte such as cybersecurity, IT,

audit, tax consultancy, technology, solicitor, human resources or business advisor.

Pupils also got to experience working in small teams with other schools to share ideas and gain valuable

employability skills for their future careers. At Deloitte, teamwork is regarded as one of their key skills for


Mrs Leigh

Careers Adviser

‘Time to Talk’ Day

Thursday 6 of February 2020 is ‘Time to Talk’ day. Mental health problems affect one in four of us, yet too

many people are made to feel isolated, ashamed and worthless because of this. Time to Talk Day encourages

everyone to be more open about mental health – to talk, to listen, to change lives.

At Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy we will be using ‘Time to Talk’ day to relaunch Kooth.

Kooth is an online counselling and emotional wellbeing platform for children and young people and all of our

pupils have access to this. Your child will receive information about Kooth this week and more information can

be found at

We are also encouraging families to get involved. We know that talking about mental health is not easy but

talking and starting a conversation can really help. There is also clear evidence that building good relationships –

with family, friends and our wider community – is positive for our wellbeing.

Having strong relationships means that we can share our feelings and know we’re being understood. It means we

can support those around us as well if they are going through a difficult time.

When children and young people are struggling with their mental health, it can be particularly hard for them to

talk openly about what they are going through. We encourage parents and carers to have regular conversations

with their children about how they are feeling from a young age. Some really useful sites are and

Please use the 6 of February to talk to your child about the activities they have been introduced to in school. It

could be a great way of starting a conversation about mental health.

Many thanks for your support as always.

Mrs Walsh

Education Welfare Officer

ART LAB: February 2020

We’re back in Birtley, partnering with the Birtley Hub Resource Centre to

offer 4 days of free holiday fun for families.

Working with artist Bella Carreras, you will explore nature and the environment

through a range of art activities for all ages, including hat making, fabric collage,

painting and food making workshops.

The week includes a daily meal and a trip to BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art to

join our Family Days event.

Monday 17 February, 10.30-14.00

Methodist Church, Birtley, DH3 1DR

Tuesday 18 February, 10.30-14.00

Methodist Church, Birtley, DH3 1DR

Thursday 20 February, 10.00-15.30

10.00 Meet at Birtley Hub Resource Centre

10.30 BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Family Day

15.00 Travel back to Birtley Hub Resource Centre

15.30 Arrive at Birtley Hub Resource Centre

Friday 21 February, 10.30-14.00

Birtley SureStart Children's Centre, Birtley, DH3 2HG

To book your FREE places at any of these sessions please email

or call 0191440 4919.