Paramount Web Solutions Enterprise 2.0

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Paramount Web Solutions Enterprise 2.0


Paramount Web Solutions

What is Enterprise 2.0

Enterprise 2.0 is the “use of emergent social software platforms within companies or between companies and their partners or customers

Enterprise 2.0 means the use of an entire suite of emergent technologies—wikis, blogs, tagging, and social networking tools—both within and beyond the four walls of an enterprise.

Enterprise social software, also known as Enterprise 2.0, is a term describing social software used in "enterprise" (business) contexts. It includes social and networked modifications to company intranets and other classic software platforms used by large companies to organize their communication

How does Web 2.0 integrate to make it Enterprise 2.0 ?.

Enterprise 2.0 is a business focused extension of what is happening on the web.

Web 2.0 is much more than just pasting a new user interface onto an old application

E 2.0 gives a new perspective on the entire business of software—from concept through delivery, from marketing through support.

Web 2.0 thrives on network and interconnection effects

Pieces of web 2.0 that are in support of Enterprise 2.0.

Core enterprise applications will become more effective through the incorporation of Web 2.0 technologies.

Next-generation Web platforms can be highly efficient in overall procurement and sales strategies.

Lessons from Web 2.0 community and social networking success stories can be leveraged within the enterprise for more efficient knowledge worker collaboration and overall employee satisfaction.

Semantic tagging technologies can greatly increase the navigation of internal and external information overload and increase information-based product consumption and use.

Web 2.0 communities can be used for new product feedback, shortening the product development time and targeting valuable marketing resources.

Targeting bloggers and other influential Web users can help to control an organization’s image and influence publicity for the positive.

Making Web-based marketing the norm, rather than the exception, will help optimize overall marketing spend.

E 2.0-scenarios for a potential business return

Using E 2.0 Consumer packaged goods company could introduce products via podcasts

Using E 2.0 Retailer could correspond with their customers via a RSS

Using E 2.0 tagging could be done to all internal documents and create proprietary indexes for future document searches

Using E 2.0 Integrating a legacy application with a new one using can be done only a few key strokes

Difference between Enterprise 1.0 and 2.0Enterprise 1.0 Enterprise 2.0

Hierarchy Flat Organization

Friction Ease of Organization Flow

Bureaucracy Agility

Inflexibility Flexibility

Need to know Transparency

Top down Bottom up

Centralized Distributed

Overly complex Simple

Scheduled On Demand

Teams are in one building Fuzzy boundaries,

Long time-to-market cycles Short time-to-market cycles

Information systems are structured and dictated

Information systems are emergent

IT-driven technology / Lack of user

User-driven technology

Advantages of Enterprise 2.0.

Lightweight Requiring minimal system and maintenance resources. Easy to use Simple user interface meaning little or no training is

required Quick in adoption Company-wide rollouts can be provided via services

or downloads Easier to integrate Web services and open source will ease integration to old

legacy applications. Fast development New development models such as co-creation and global

development will improve go-to-market speed. Reduced capital investment Open source, components and shorter development time

translate to lower costs and cost of ownership


Although the Enterprise 2.0 requires more and different technology the focus can now be turned to applications for better operational performance within the organization and increased customer satisfaction

Enterprise 2.0 technology will flatten the organization's management structure, highlight good ideas, create an environment that is more of a meritocracy, make a company more nimble

More customer focused and most importantly increase the pace of innovation. In the face of these business benefits, the risks are minor.

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