Paragraph on computer ,republic day,Role Of Student In Removing Corruption,train...

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Transcript of Paragraph on computer ,republic day,Role Of Student In Removing Corruption,train...

8/2/2019 Paragraph on computer ,republic day,Role Of Student In Removing Corruption,train accident,Superstition,Good ma… 1/5


  Computers have been applied to industry, agriculture, political affairs, economy, military, science

and many other fields; it is becoming more and more important. Therefore, if people do not know

computers or do not know how to use them it means that they are not prepared for the future. They

will fall behind our advancing society.

  The government agencies are the one who use computers most because they need to record

confidential data, for instance, the military, and the U.S Census Bureau, etc.  The business also use computer password system in the companies that to avoid other companies'

stealing their business secrets.

  In order to gain a better knowledge of climate variations, such as those caused by global warming,

and be able to tackle them, we need to understand what happened in the recent past. Today, only

20% of the recorded climate information can be accessed and analysed. The remaining data are not

accessible in digital format. Thus, to save planet Earth from various upcoming disasters like climate

change, global warming, etc. the world needs to advance more in the field of computerisation and

technological advancement.

  Computerisation of data would help us preserve our past and present safely. It will provide a

platform for protecting the thousand years old scripts and figures, and help keep the precious

culture alive

Republic day

The Republic Day of India commemorates the date on which the Constitution of India came into force

replacing the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India on 26 January 1950.[1]


The 26th of January was chosen to honour the memory of the declaration of independence of 1930. It is

one of the three national holidays in India. While the main parade takes place in the national capital New

Delhi at the Rajpath before the president, the anniversary is also celebrated with varying degrees of

formality in state capitals and other centres.

Although India obtained its independence on 15 August 1947, it did not yet have a permanent

constitution; instead, its laws were based on the modified colonial Government of India Act 1935, and the

country was a Dominion, with George VI as head of state and Earl Mountbattenas Governor General. On

28 August 1947, the Drafting Committee was appointed to draft a permanent constitution, with Bhimrao

Ramji Ambedkar as chairman. While India's Independence Day celebrates its freedom from British Rule,

the Republic Day celebrates the coming into force of its constitution.

A draft constitution was prepared by the committee and submitted to the Assembly on 4 November 1947.

The Assembly met, in sessions open to public, for 166 days, spread over a period of 2 years, 11 months

and 18 days before adopting the Constitution. After many deliberations and some modifications, the 308

members of the Assembly signed two hand-written copies of the document (one each in Hindi and

English) on 24 January 1950. Two days later, the Constitution of India became the law of all the Indian

lands. The Constitution of Indiawas passed on 26 November 1949, 10.18 AM IST, but it came into effect

completely only on 26 January 1950. Following elections on 21 January 1950, Rajendra Prasad was

elected as the president of India. The Indian National Congress and other parties had been celebrating 26

January as a symbol of Independence, even before India actually became independent. Thus, applying

the constitution on 26 January, to mark and respect 26 January and the freedom struggle and the

freedom fighters.

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The amending mechanism was lauded even at the time of introduction by Ambedkar in the following

words: "We can therefore safely say that the Indian federation will not suffer from the faults of rigidity or

legalism. Its distinguished feature is that it is a flexible federation.

"The three mechanisms of the system derived by the Assembly, contrary to the predictions, have made

the constitution flexible at the same time protected the rights of the states. They have worked better than

the amending process in any other country where Federalism and the British Parliamentary system jointly

formed the basis of the constitution."

What Sir Anthony Eden, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (April 1955 to January 1957), said at

the time of the emergence of Indian Republic is relevant in this context. He said, "Of all the experiments in

government, which have been attempted since the beginning of time, I believe that the Indian venture into

parliamentary government is the most exciting. A vast subcontinent is attempting to apply to its tens and

thousands of millions a system of free democracy... It is a brave thing to try to do so. The Indian venture

is not a pale imitation of our practice at home, but a magnified and multiplied reproduction on a scale we

have never dreamt of. If it succeeds, its influence on Asia is incalculable for good. Whatever the outcome

we must honour those who attempt it."

Even more meaningful was the opinion expressed by an American Constitutional authority, Granville

Austin, who wrote that what the Indian Constituent Assembly began was "perhaps the greatest political

venture since that originated in Philadelphia in 1787."

Austin has also described the Indian Constitution as 'first and foremost a social document.' ... "The

majority of India's constitutional provisions are either directly arrived at furthering the aim of social

revolution or attempt to foster this revolution by establishing conditions necessary for its achievement."

Role Of Student In Removing Corruption

Students can bring down the corruption in our country and it is possible 

.In our country, almost all houses have one or two school going children.

They are aware of parents activities means they are bribing or not . If they found that their parents


deviating from the transparent path, they can use the tool of love and affection 

and correct the parents so that they come back to the right path. By doing this, 

our students will be very helpfulin removing corruption in our country. 

We should hate and treat the corrupt people in the very

same way in which our ancestors (high class people) were

treating the untouchables, at that frame of time. Every

corrupt person should be treated as an untouchable person

and every innocent person of the society should hate the 

corrupt person from within the deep cores of his heart may 

be he or she your father or mother. 

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students should not play or live with child whose family is

corrupt sothat he or she feel bad & tell there parents about 

this & try to convince to not do corruption. 

In simply terms, things should be done in such a way, so that 

the non-corrupt persons should hate the corrupt persons. And the good news is that more that 80 % of our population are in 

no way corrupted. So when the majority of the innocent population 

will abandon the minority of the corrupt population, the rules of  

science will win, the majority will crush the minority, but again

not at the stroke of midnight, but eventually. For this someone, at 

some point of time, but no one in isolation, must promote and cultivate 

hate in the minds of the common uncorrupt minds of India,

towards the corrupt minds.

Train accedent

  A train accident is a type of disaster which involves one or more trains crashing or damaging into


  Most of the train accidents take place due to miscommunication. The gap leads to two trains moving

on the same track and thus crashing into each other.

  The various types of accidents which might occur are derailment, boiler explosion, signal passed at

danger, bridge disaster, fire, etc.

  Train accidents usually result in loss of property and lives on a massive level. It is a very fact that

people feel very helpless when they are caught in the debris and unable to save their own lives as

well as those of their family members. The accidents that occur at night are usually more disastrous

and heart rendering.

  The various measures which can be taken to curb accidents are introduction of automatic brakes in

trains which would automatically detect two trains running on the same track, satellite forecast

which would help detect any damage in bridges and dams beforehand, etc.

  Trains run through the countryside. Thus, it becomes very difficult to save or provide relief to

affected people. Thus, relief and immediate medical support system needs to be improved.


A train is the most common mode of transport for man to go from any one place to

another. It is so exciting and interesting when we go in a train from one town to another

in the country.On the way we cross all kinds of terrain like plains, hilly areas, water

expanses, and bridges over gorges and rivers. It gives the travellers a beautiful view of 

the entire gamut of terrain existing in the areas crossed, which is always of a wide

variety. All this seen from the distance is really fascinating but, when any one of thesebeauties causes damage to the train or the passengers, the beauty turns into a nasty

appearance.However, when one sits in a train bound to go thousands of kilometers to

meet loved ones or to perform some duty, we can never be sure that, we will return

home or even reach the destination safely.

An accident of a train has become absolutely common place now a days. When we

board a train we can never be sure of what is in store for us in a train a few thousand

people travel together and, if an accident occurs it is just great luck for those who

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survive. The trains run at such fast speed that an accident means easily hundreds of 

people dead or maimed for life.

Railway accidents are very common these days. However, it can be guessed that when

thousands of trains run over the rail track every day and some mishap sometimes cannot

be ruled out. Accidents may occur due to some mechanical failure, but often they occur

due to human error.


  Superstition may be defined as a belief in the power of omens and the existence of supernatural


  There are numerous people who believe in a number of omens, and live in a constant fear of ghosts

and evil spirits.

  However, reasons for the same can be drawn from the fact that people in India are backward,

illiterate and thus, ignorant. Superstition and ignorance go together.

  Most of Indian superstitions spring with sound reasoning and common sense. Superstitions are also

embodiments of wisdom.

  Man is in a fear of constant fear of the unknown because he is weak and cannot tolerate something

which is baffling and unexpected.

  Man must always keep himself in good humour. With the advent of science and popular awakening,

many superstitions have been uprooted. However, they date back to such a long time that no

amount of knowledge can weaken their hold or fully shake them off.

Good manner

  Manners refers ways of behaving with reference to polite standards; socialcomportment. It is

a person's way of behaving towards others. It is the manners which separate the man from the

animals. A person without manners can never conform to social standards. Thus, good manners

imply polite social behaviour.

  Charity begins at home. The first lesson which a child gains is at home. Children should be trained

from grass root level. Some parents feel that they can prove their love to their children by meeting

all their demands. However, this harms the behavior of a child to a great extent. This leads to

impoliteness in the speech and attitude of the child for which parents repent at a stage which is

irrevocable.  Thus, it is necessary that parents guide their children at the right time. Good manners need to be

cultivated. Children with good manners are liked by all. Ill-mannered children bring disgrace to the


  Courtesy and politeness are the key to good manners. Words and phrases like 'I am sorry', 'Please',

'Kindly', 'Thank You', 'Sir', 'Madam', 'I beg' your pardon' etc. should be used often. They create a

healthy impact and a sense of respect on the minds of others.

  Few instances where one should maintain a certain conduct is being considerate to elders, ladies,

the sick and the handicapped. One should always offer them a seat while traveling in a bus or a

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train. An old lady or a blind man should always be helped to cross the road safely. While riding

vehicle, one should not blow the horn unnecessarily. One should not ridicule the blind and the lame

or other handicapped people.

  The rude inconsiderate behavior is also very common, when people use public gym, library, cyber

cafe, food outlets etc. People do not even bother about the inconvenience caused by themselves.

speech - God's greatest gift to Mankind: 

  How human beings mastered the ability of speech is quite a mystery.

  Evolutionists are unable to decipher the secret behind man and woman being able to communicate

with each other in intelligent, symbolic, often abstract speech and writing.

  There are no normal humans that cannot speak and no animals that ever can. This is the great

unbridgeable gap between all mankind and every component of the animal kingdom.

  Human beings require speech for developing or bridging the gap between themselves and the


  Man draws its connectivity with the nature through the medium of language.

  Every sphere of life is supported by language. Speech holds importance for every sector such as

sports, agriculture, family and society.

  Even in Bible, the Holy book of Christianity, words have been given divine stature. Also, when we

talk about Hinduism, Goddess Saraswati symbolises wisdom in view of the importance of speech.