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By: Muhammad Qamaruzzaman, S. Pd, M. SiMathematic Teacher of SMK Negeri 5 Banjarmasin

and Tutor UT of Pokjar BanjarbaruE-mail: phone: 0511-7255278


The aim of this action research is increasing the activity and learning through the application of sharing knowledge actively learning model with guided discovery method on statistics courses tutorial at open university (UT) study group in Banjarbaru. The subject of this study were Students of UT at, Pendas S-1 class A of PGSD, who took an educational statistics courses (PEMA - 4210) semesters VII, 2011.1 registered.

Action research activities divided students into small groups, and each time of the meeting, the tutor provides the Group Worksheet (LKK), which contains materials summary to be studied by each group. Tutor only facilitated groups who had barriers, with reminded to reread LKK, the tutor was not allowed to give a direct answer.

During the research activities carried out by using LKK, it could be concluded that students really learned in groups, and they also helped each other between a group with other groups to discuss the material that was less mastered by them.

The results showed the use of sharing knowledge actively learning model with guided discovery method, capable to provide assistance students in learning statistical material, and outcomes indicated that PGSD Pendas S-1 class A, who took education statistics (Pema 4210) semesters VII, period 2011.1 were graduated 100 percent. (*)


A. Background

An interesting discussion during Accreditation Program activities of Tutor Open University (PATUT) in 2011 at Batara Hotel in Banjarmasin was a discussion between the instructor / facilitator program with participants who deserves to be a tutor UT later, the content of these discussions weather the tutorial can run the Open University (UT) tutorial so ideal as expected by UT, which is a relief tutorial that give to UT students face to face, and not activities such as face to face lecture classes are generally held in a conventional university.

This discussion becomes interesting because one party i.e UT as organizers insist the program is worth, in order to serve as a tutorial aid for students to learn, while the tutor who became the leader in tutorial activities argues, it can not be implemented. There are two reasons that stuck out, first, the UT student who followed the tutorials are often not prepared when they attended the tutorial or do not learn at home first, as a result they expect to have material tutorial lectures when the activities carried out. The second reason, the subject matter is considered difficult by UT students, especially the subject matter of mathematics and statistics, this material is considered can not be learned by the students by their self, so it takes a conventional explanations.

From these discussions, I was interested in doing an experiment (action research), to bridge the problem, so the gap does not occur. One hand, the tutors are not stuck into the material renderer, but the tutor able to direct the activities of tutorial to aid students, and on the other hand, the UT students who take part in this tutorial is really stimulated their ability to learn independently in study group of UT student. I was interested to apply a model of sharing knowledge actively learning with guided discovery method, beside that I was one of UT Tutor ( see attachment 1, indicative decree of tutor in)

B. problem formulation

Some issues to be addressed in this study can be formulated as follows:1. How to create a Working sheet of the statistic subject that can make students

learn new material by themselves.2. Whether the sharing knowledge actively model will increase the motivation in

learning statistics.3. Is the sharing knowledge actively model can improve the student outcomes in

learning statistical.

C. Troubleshooting Plan

Plan for solving the problem as follows:

1. Applying sharing knowledge actively learning model in accordance with proper procedure.

2. Notify the student, that the statistical material will be provided through guided discovery method through Group Worksheet.

3. Observing the activities students discuss how they discuss the statistical material in their group.

4. Looking at the results of student learning with specific evaluation, whether it has been mastered or not.

5. See the ability of students whether able to graduate in statistic subject.

D. Research Objectives

The purpose of this study are as follows:1. Observing Students of UT at, Pendas S-1 class A of PGSD activities in

accomplishing sharing knowledge actively learning model with guided discovery method.

2. Improving Students of statistics at UT, Pendas S-1 class A of PGSD outcomes by sharing knowledge actively learning model with guided discovery method

E. Benefits of Research

The benefits of this research are as follows:1. For tutors, helping improve the quality of education through sharing

knowledge actively learning model with guided discovery method 2. As reference material to improve classroom teaching and learning activities.3. As consideration for the tutor to implement cooperative learning model of

knowledge sharing actively learning with guided discovery method.4. For students to overcome saturation and deadlock in learning statistics.5. Rising motivation and enthusiasm learning for student.


A. Learning and Affecting Factors

Understanding of learning has been widely noted by scholars with vary different viewpoints, but essentially the same. Slameto (2003) states that learning is a process of one's efforts to acquire a new behavior changes as a whole, as a result of his own experience in the interaction with the environment.

Jihad (2008) revealed learning is an activity to proceed and is a very fundamental element in the provision types and levels of education, this means the successful achievement of educational goals is highly dependent on the success of student learning in schools and neighborhoods. Supriyono (2009) reveals a concept of learning is getting a lot of shared knowledge in practice.

Learning events that accompanied the process of learning will be more focused and systematic than learning solely from experience in social life in the community. Learning with the learning process there is the role of teachers, learning materials, and an enabling environment that deliberately created (Tim MKPBM, 2001).

Based on these notions, we can conclude that learning is a process of interaction between humans and the environment that produces a number of behavioral changes as a result of experience from childhood to adulthood.Factors that influence learning by Slameto (2003) are as follows:a. Internal factors are factors that exist within the individual who is learning.b. External factors are factors that exist outside the individual.

B. Understanding Mathematics and Mathematics Teaching

Mathematics is the science of the knowledge acquired by reasoning. In mathematics greater emphasis on activity in the ratio (reasoning). Mathematics is formed as a result of human thought associated with the ideas, processes and reasoning.

James and James says that mathematics is the science of logic about the shape, composition, scale, and the concepts related to each other in large numbers which are divided into three areas of algebra, analysis and geometry.

Johnson and Rising said that mathematics is a pattern of thinking, organizing patterns, logical proof, that mathematics is a language that uses terms

defined carefully, clearly and accurately, its representation by symbols and solid, more of a symbolic language of ideas rather than sounds.

According Suprijono (2009) who says that teaching is a process, act, how to teach. Meaning construction so bear teacher-centered teaching and learning.

Teaching mathematics should optimize the existence and role of students as learners. Based on the principle that teaching mathematics is not just learning to know, but also learning to be, to learning to live together, then the teaching of mathematics should be based on the premise that students should learn and should be comprehensive and integrated (TIM MKPBM, 2001 ).

According Aburrahman in Jihad (2008) revealed the results obtained by studying the ability of children after learning activities. According Juliah in jihad (2008) the results of learning is something that belongs to the students as a result of learning is doing.

Learning outcomes are changes in behavior as a whole not just one aspect of human potential alone. That is, learning outcomes are categorized by education experts are not seen as fragmentation or separately, but rather a comprehensive (Suprijono, 2009).

Based on the descriptions that have been raised can be concluded that learning outcomes are the results achieved after following one of teaching and learning activities are divided into cognitive, affective and psychomotor. The results of the assessment of learning outcomes can be either qualitative or quantitative.

C. Model of Learning

According Isjoni (2009) model of learning is a strategy that teachers use to enhance motivation to learn, capable of critical thinking, social skills, and achieving a more optimal learning outcomes. Supriyono (2009) reveal a model of learning is the foundation of instructional practices decrease the psychological theory of education and learning theory that is designed based on analysis of the implementation of the curriculum and its implications at the operational level in the classroom. Learning model can be interpreted also as the pattern used for the preparation of curriculum, organize the material, and gives guidance to teachers in the classroom.

Learning model has a broader meaning than the strategies, methods or procedures. Learning model covers a broader approach to teach and thorough. In this case a learning model can use a number of skills, methodologies , and procedures.

Various kinds of learning models such as model-based learning problems (problem-based model of instruction), the learning model (direct instruction model), and models of cooperative learning (cooperative learning model).

D. Cooperative Learning Model

According Supriyono (2009) model of cooperative learning broader concept includes all types of group work including forms a more led by the teacher or directed by the teacher. Generally considered to be more geared towards cooperative learning by teachers, where teachers assign tasks and questions and provide materials and information designed to help students solve the problem in question. Teachers usually assign a particular exam at the end of the task. Cooperative learning model was developed to achieve the learning outcomes of academic achievement, tolerance, accepting diversity, and social skills development.

There are several things that need to be met in order to ensure cooperative learning work cooperatively. These include:• The students who are members of a group must feel that they are part of a team and have a common goal to be achieved• The students who are members of a group should realize that the problem they face is the problem the group and that group's success or failure will be the responsibility shared by all members of the group to achieve maximum results, students who are members of the group (team MKPBM, 2001).

The basic elements of cooperative learning are as follows (Ibrahim et al, 2000):• Students in the group must assume that they are "lively together".• Students should see that all members in the group, such as their own.• Students should see that all members in the group have the same goals.• Students should divide the duties and responsibilities in common between members of the group.• Students will be subject to evaluation or awarded prizes / awards that also will apply to all group members.• Students share the leadership and skills they need to learn together during the learning process.• Students will be asked individually accountable for the material is handled in a cooperative group.

According to Ibrahim in Isjoni (2009) basically cooperative learning model was developed to achieve at least three important learning objectives, namely:

• The results of academic learningIn cooperative learning although it covers a variety of social goals, as well as improving student achievement or academic tasks more important. Some experts argue that this model excels in helping students understand difficult concepts.

• Acceptance of individual differencesAnother goal of cooperative learning model is widespread acceptance of different people based on race, culture, social class, ability and inability.

• Development of social skills

The third important goal of cooperative learning is to teach students skills in cooperation and collaboration. This skill is very important to be owned by the students as citizens of the community, nation and state, because given the realities facing this nation in addressing social problems are increasingly complex, as well challenges students to be able to face global competition to win the competition.

One model of cooperative learning is to actively share their knowledge, this model allows members of the group for a variety of what-what he knows on a subject matter being studied, as well as other members also share their knowledge, as well as the questions on the material being discussed by them. So there is one event, one member to fill the other vacancy gap, in this way is expected vacancies are resolved.

E. Methods of learning

According to Team MKPBM (2001) there are several methods of learning are:

• Method of lecturesLecture is a way of delivering information to the oral from someone to a number of listeners in a room. Activities centered on the speaker and the communication that occurs in one direction of the conversation to the listener.

• Method of expositoryExpository method as well as a lecture in the concentration of activities to teachers as a conduit of information (learning materials). But in the expository method greatly reduced the dominance of the teacher, because it does not continuously talk.

• Method of demonstrationDemonstration method similar to the method of expository lectures. Teaching and learning activities of teachers or teacher-centered teaching and learning activities dominate. But on the method of demonstration activities students more involved. Thus the dominance of the teacher is more reduced again.

• Methods of Drill and practice methodsAfter students understand addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of positive integers up to 100, eventually they will need to be able to work quickly and carefully. Capability of calculating the basic facts of this depends on memory. Quick recall, recall and other activities that are spoken are things that need to "memorize". Such capabilities is the goal of the drill method.

• Method FAQAn instruction is presented through a question and answer if the learning material is presented through questions and answers. By using this method students become more active than the expository method of teaching and learning. Therefore, the questions teachers have asked them to answer. Or maybe they asked if there is something not clear to him. Despite the greater activity of

students, but activities and instructional materials are determined according to the wishes of teachers.

• Method of discoverySaid the discovery as a method of teaching is a discovery made by the students. In this study find yourself something new. This does not mean that he found it really new because it was known by others.

F. Guided discovery method

Teaching mathematics may be generally carried out, students receive learning materials through the information conveyed by the teacher. How to teach this informative may occur by using the lecture method, expository, demonstration, question and answer, or other teaching methods. In this way the material delivered to the final form, while student learning is learning by receiving (reception learning). For example, the commutative of multiplication are as follows:

2 x 3 = 63 x 2 = 6Then 2 x 3 = 3 x 2

Multiplying two numbers are equal, if the order is interchangeable. In general, said: "For every two numbers a and b apply ab = ba" is called the nature of exchange properties (commutative) for multiplication.

Students know the commutative of multiplication until the final shape, which is given by ab = ba, as told by the teacher. Another case when the teachers do it by using the method of the invention.

Said the discovery as a method of teaching is a discovery made by the students. In this study find yourself something new. This does not mean that he found it really new because it was known by others. Unlike the case with Descartes had originally pioneered analytical geometry. He was the first to discover something new, namely the link between algebra and geometry by the discovery of the coordinate system. If a child is now in elementary school learning activities managed to find their own form of linear equations and straight lines through certain points in the coordinate plane, he has discovered something new. But just here is new to him alone, because it is already known.

How to learn to find this is not a new way of learning, discovery learning has been used dozens of centuries ago, and Socrates is considered to be the beginner who use this method.

To plan teaching to the invention should be noted that:a. Activities students to learn on their own very influential.b. The results (form) end must be found by the students.c. The necessary preconditions have been owned student.d. The teacher only acts as a steering and guiding, not notifications.

Some of the strengths of the method of the invention are as follows:a. Students are active in teaching and learning activities, because he thinks and

uses the ability to find the final result.b. Students understand the true teaching materials, for having its own process of

finding it. Something that is obtained in this way much longer remembered.c. Finding itself creates a feeling of satisfaction. Inner satisfaction in encouraging

want to undergo a longer, until the discovery of increased study interest.d. Students acquire the knowledge by the method of the invention will be better

able to transfer knowledge to different contexts.e. This method trains students to learn on their own lot

Some disadvantages of the method of the invention are as follows:a. Time-consuming method. Nor does it ensure students stay motivated to seek

discoveries.b. Not every teacher has the appetite or the ability to teach by the invention.

Unless teachers are pretty heavy duty.c. Not all children are capable of performing the invention. If the teacher does not

match the intellectual readiness of students, this can damage the structure of knowledge. Guidance also can be deadly too much initiative.

d. The method can not be used to teach each topic.e. Classes that many students will be very troublesome teacher in providing and

directing learning by discovery methods.


A. Subject of Research

Subject of this study was Open University (UT) student at Pokjar Banjarbaru, Pendas S-1 class A PGSD, who take educational statistics courses (Pema 4210) semesters VII, regestred 2011.1. The number of participants as many as 17 students.

B. Object of Research

Object of this study is the statistical Course at UT (PEMA 4210) as many as 3 credits. This course learn about basic knowledge of statistics, data presentation in tabular form, presentation of data in chart form, the size of the concentration, size location and dispersion, Size of slope and kurtosis measures, the normal curve and its use, other curves and their use and distribution of sampling. While the general competence of learning is students can apply in a particular field of study, especially who choose the thesis program.

The material that must be mastered by the learner are:1. Basic knowledge of Statistics2. Presentation of data in tabular form3. Presentation of data in chart form4. Pooled size5. Location and Size Dispersion6. The size of the slope, size kurtosis of the Normal Curve7. Normal Curve and its Use8. Other curve-curve and its use9. Sampling distributionAnd textbooks that should be explored is the Education Statistics book written by Nar Herrhyanto and H. M. Akib Hamid, which published by Open University, 2008

A. Place and Time of Research

Place of research conducted at UT Pokjar Banjarbaru namely in SMP Negeri 2 Banjarbaru at Pendas S-1 class A PGSD, educational statistics courses (Pema 4210) semesters VII, regestred 2011.1.

The research takes place every week, since April 24, 2011 to June 12, 2011, so the number of meetings as much as eight times, with the duration of each meeting for 2 hours (120 minutes)

C. Setting

Classroom action research is planned to consist of a single cycle. Implementation of classroom action research (PTK) in the first cycle implemented by stages as follows:

1. stages of planningActivities conducted in the planning stages include:a. Activity Plan Tutorial (RAT) see sample of RAT in attachment 2b. Unit activity Tutorial (SAT)c. Compile Group Worksheet (LKK) every meeting, see sample of LKK in

attachment 3 d. prepare research instruments (test assessment for 1,2, and 3 tutorial task)

2. Implementation ActionsThis stage is the implementation of all plans that have been made. This stage takes place in the classroom, and it is the realization of all plans that have been prepared in advance, including Implementation Plan Tutorial.

Tutorial activities as many as 8 times meeting, by sharing knowledge actively learning model with guided discovery method through Worksheet Group (LKK). Action research activities in a waya. Divide students into small groups, maximum 4 people. Because the

number of students as many as 17 people, then there are 5 groups in the A class.

b. Each time of the meeting, the tutor provides the Group Worksheet (LKK), which contains materials to be studied by each group, then discussed with in their group, then given the problems associated with this material.

c. Tutor only provides facilities to groups who experience barriers, with again reminded to reread LKK, the tutor is not allowed to give a direct answer.

d. Each group, then presents their material in front of the class, and explain the material they have learned to another group.

e. If a module material can not be solved in one meeting, then the material is divided into several groups and each group who have mastered the material is requested to provide explanations of the topic to another group at different matter.

(sample LKK can be seen in Attachment )

3. Learning Outcomes Assessment TestsAt this stage of learning outcomes assessment is a step to find out, the ability of students to understand and master the subject that has been given previously. The following steps:a. During the tutorial activities, it held 3 times tutorial tasks Based on the

value of the evaluation test, adapted to the material has been mastered.b. Value of the tutorial, is a combination of the value of the tutorial tasks and

duties independently with the formula NT = (3P + 7TT)/ 10, with the provision P is the value of independent tasks, TT is tutorial tasks.

c. Tutorial Value (NT) is not a guarantee for students to be able to pass the final test in the statistics course, the NT will not be taken into account

when values FT is high or good. However, the NT will be considered as a student assistant when FT is low or bad.

4. Source of DataSource of data used in this research is of primary data that is retrieved from the observations when the learning takes place and the test results after following the tutorial learning some of the modules. There are two types of data, ie qualitative data based on observation, and data based on the assessment of learning outcomes tutor.

5. Data Analysis TechniquesThe data will be analyzed in this study were student learning outcomes by actively using knowledge sharing model with guided discovery learning methods, they can be seen from the students' test scores after participating in learning some of the modules. used the formula from Usman and Setiawati (2001).


Where: N = the value of the test tutorial

6. Indicators of SuccessThis activity is said to achieve the ideal of success, when all students (100%) pass in the Final Test held by the UT, at the end of the semester. And no student (0%) on this subject take remedial of final test.Rumors persisted over the years, many studenst of UT has take remedial of FT, because the statistic material is difficult to master it.


A. Implementation Actions.

Implementation of the Action Research was conducted in a cycle. A total of eight times meeting with the duration of one session 2 hours (120 minutes). Implementation of actions committed on April 24th, Mei 1st, May 08th, May 15th, May 22nd, May 29th, June 5th, and June 12th, 2011.

B. Activities Action

In every meeting tutors implement the following activities:1. Divide students into small groups, maximum 4 people. Because the

number of students as many as 17 people, then there are 5 groups in the A class.

2. Each time of the meeting, the tutor provides the Group Worksheet (LKK), which contains materials to be studied by each group, then discussed with in their group, then given the problems associated with this material.

3. Tutor only provides facilities to groups who experience barriers, with again reminded to reread LKK, the tutor is not allowed to give a direct answer.

4. Each group, then presents their material in front of the class, and explain the material they have learned to another group.

5. If a module material can not be solved in one meeting, then the material is divided into several groups and each group who have mastered the material is requested to provide explanations of the topic to another group at different matter.

C. Research Result

1. The course of studyDuring the research activities carried out by using LKK, it can be concluded students really learn in groups, and they also helped each other to discuss the material.

Figure 1. Two UT students, are being discussed LKK in groups.

Figure 2. LKK discussion, conducted partially, then put together

Figure 3. UT students looked earnest and concentration during the discussion

Figure 4. UT students back and forth papers to find and match the solution step

Time of tutorial is limited just 120 minutes, so the students continue their discussions via other media, such as SMS, and telephone, to discuss statistical material outside the of tutorials.

2. Tutorial TasksTutorial task given 3 times in 8 meeting, namely at third, fifth, and seventh meeting. While the final value of a tutorial or NT is formulated as follows

NT = (3P + 7TT) / 10

The complete summarize value of open tutorial enclosure at the back of this paper. While the mean resume is given as under below

No. Components Mean1. 1st Tutorial Task 82,472. 2nd Tutorial Task 73,753. 3rd Tutoria task 71,474. Tutorial Value 74,5

Source : Attachment 1

3. Final Test

Final test given to students UT is the direct responsibility of the UT, while the tutor does not have the authority to help or know about a given, and the values obtained student. To find out the students pass or not then directly asked to the students concerned.

Indicators of the success of this program is shown by the absence of students who take remedial of Final Test for these materials, and based on the results of an interview to the student, student outcomes can be seen in the following table:

No. Description Numbers Percentage1 Passed 17 1002. Failed 0 03. Get A 0 04. Get B 5 29,45. Get C 12 70,6

        Source: Interview person by person


A. Conclusion

Based on the foregoing discussion can be summarized as follows:1. Tutorial activities can be implemented which provide an ideal learning aid for

UT students, and not the conventional learning activities.2. The use of sharing knowledge actively learning model with guided discovery

method capable to assistance students in learning UT statistical educational course material

3. UT students of Pokjar Banjarbaru, Pendas S-1 class A PGSD, who took educational statistics courses (PEMA 4210) semesters VII, the registered 2011.1 graduated 100 percent, and there is no remedial exams for this course.

4. There are 5 (29,4%) students get value of B, and 12 (70,6) students get Value of C.

B. Suggestion

Based on the discussion in this study can be suggested as follows:1. Tutors should practice sharing knowledge actively learning model with guided

discovery method in other subjects of mathematics2. Tutors should continue to explore other learning methods, to help facilitate the

UT students in distance learning.3. UT management should involve tutors in the activities of the Final Test, and

provided a recap about the Final Test result, and the distribution of student answers and their ultimate value as a tutorial feedback for future activities.


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Attachment 1

Attachment 2







Nama Mata Kuliah : Statistika PendidikanKode Mata Kuliah/SKS : PEMA 4210 / 3 SKSNama Tutor : Muhammad QamaruzzamanDeksripsi singkat MK : Mata kuliah ini mempelajari tentang pengetahuan dasar statistika, penyajian data dalam bentuk tabel, penyajian data dalam bentuk

diagram, ukuran pemusatan, ukuran lokasi dan dispersi, ukuran kemiringan dan keruncingan, kurva normal dan penggunaannya, kurva-kurva

lainnya dan penggunaannya dan distribusi sampling.Kompetensi umum : Setelah mempelajari bahan ajar mata kuliah ini, mahasiswa dapat menerapkan dalam bidang penelitian khususnya bagi para

mahasiswa yang memilih jalur skripsi. .

No. Kompetensi KhususPokok

BahasanSub-pokok Bahasan

Model Tutorial Tugas TutorialEstimasi

WaktuDaftar Pustaka Tutorial ke-

1. Setelah mendapatkan tutorial mahasiswa diharapkan dapat :1. Menjelaskan pengertian statistik2. Menjelaskan pengertian statistika3. Menjelaskan pengertian data statistik4. Memberikan contoh macam-macam

data5. Menjelaskan cara-cara pengumpulan

data6. Menjelaskan pengertian populasi7. Menjelaskan pengertian sampel8. Menjelaskan aturan-aturan

pembulatan bilangan9. Menggunakan aturan-aturan

pembulatan bilangan10. Menggunakan notasi jumlah dalam


Pengetahuan Dasar Statistika

1. Data Statistika

2. Dasar-dasar analisis

Berbagi pengetahuan secara aktif


Resume modul 1 dan 2 (Partisipasi)

Mendiskusikan materi Pengetahuan Dasar Statistika

120 menit Nar Herrhyanto dan H. M. Akib Hamid, Statistika Dasar, Universitas terbuka, 2008


2. Setelah mendapatkan tutorial mahasiswa diharapkan dapat :1. Menyusun sekumpulan data dalam

bentuk tabel baris kolom dan tabel

Penyajian data dalam bentuk tabel

1. Macam-macam penyajian data

Berbagi pengetahuan

Resume modul 3 dan 4 (Partisipasi)

120 menit Nar Herrhyanto dan H. M. Akib Hamid, Statistika Dasar, Universitas terbuka, 2008


No. Kompetensi KhususPokok

BahasanSub-pokok Bahasan

Model Tutorial Tugas TutorialEstimasi

WaktuDaftar Pustaka Tutorial ke-

kontingensi2. Menyusun sekumpulan data dalam

bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi3. Menyusun sekumpulan data dalam

bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi relatif4. Menyusun sekumpulan data dalam

bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi kumulatif, baik frekuensinya dalam bentuk mutlak (absolut) maupun relatif

dalam bentuk tabel

2. Macam-macam tabel distribusi frekuensi

secara aktif

dan Mendiskusikan materi Penyajian Data dalam Bentuk Tabel


Tugas review pertemuan 1, 2

Setelah mendapatkan tutorial mahasiswa diharapkan dapat :1. Menggambarkan diagram batang,

diagram titik, diagram lingkaran dan diagram lambang berdasarkan data kuantitatif

2. Menggambarkan diagram garis berdasarkan data waktu

3. Menggambarkan grafik histogram berdasarkan data yang sudah disusun dalam tabel distribusi frekuensi baik frekuensinya berupa absolut maupun mutlak

4. Menggambarkan poligon frekuensi berdasarkan histogram

5. Menggambarkan kurva frekuensi yang merupakan pengahalusan poligon frekuensi

6. Menggambarkan ogive berdasarkan tabel distribusi frekuensi kumulatif, baik frekuensinya berupa absolut maupun mutlak

Penyajian data dalam bentuk diagram

1. Macam-macam bentuk diagram untuk data tidak terkelompok

2. Macam-macam bentuk diagram untuk data terkelompok

Soal pilihan ganda

Berbagi pengetahuan secara aktif


1. Mahasiswa mengerjakan tugas tentang tabel distribusi frekuensi

2. Mendiskusikan materi tentang Penyajian data dalam bentuk diagram

3. Resume modul 5 dan 6(partisipasi)

60 menit

60 menit

Nar Herrhyanto dan H. M. Akib Hamid, Statistika Dasar, Universitas terbuka, 2008


4. Setelah mendapatkan tutorial mahasiswa diharapkan dapat :1. Membedakan antara kegunaan nilai

rata-rata hitung dengan rata-rata ukur

Ukuran Pemusatan

1. Nilai rata-rata

2. Median dan Modus

Berbagi pengetahuan secara aktif

Mendiskusikan materi Ukuran Pemusatan

120 menit Nar Herrhyanto dan H. M. Akib Hamid, Statistika Dasar, Universitas terbuka, 2009


No. Kompetensi KhususPokok

BahasanSub-pokok Bahasan

Model Tutorial Tugas TutorialEstimasi

WaktuDaftar Pustaka Tutorial ke-

2. Merumuskan nilai rata-rata hitung untuk data tersebar

3. Menghitung nilai rata-rata untuk data terkelompok

4. Membedakan antara rumus nilai rata-rata hitung, median dan modus

5. Menentukan nilai rata median dari kelompok data yang ditentukan distribusi frekuensinya

6. Menentukan nilai modus dari kelompok data yang ditentukan distribusi frekuensinya

7. Menentukan hubungan antara nilai rata-rata hitung, median dan modus


Tugas resume modul 7 dan 8


Review pertemuan 3,4

Setelah mendapatkan tutorial mahasiswa diharapkan dapat :1. Menentukan nilai rentang sekelompok

data yang diketahui2. Menentukan nilai kuartil dari data

tersebar3. Menentukan nilai kuartil dari data

terkelompok4. Menentukan nilai desil dari data

tersebar5. Menentukan nilai desil dari data

terkelompok6. Menentukan nilai persentil dari data

tersebar7. Menentukan nilai persentil dari data

terkelompok8. Menentukan hubungan antara nilai

kuartil, desil dan persentil9. Menghitung nilai simpangan baku data

tersebar10. Menghitung nilai simpangan baku data

terkelompok 11. Menghitung nilai rata-rata simpangan

Ukuran Lokasi dan Dispersi

1. Kuartil, desil dan persentil

2. Ukuran dispersi

Pilihan ganda

Berbagi pengetahuan secara aktif


Tugas totrial 2

Mendiskusikan materi Ukuran lokasi dan dispersi

Resume modul 9

30 menit

90 menit Nar Herrhyanto dan H. M. Akib Hamid, Statistika Dasar, Universitas terbuka, 2008


No. Kompetensi KhususPokok

BahasanSub-pokok Bahasan

Model Tutorial Tugas TutorialEstimasi

WaktuDaftar Pustaka Tutorial ke-

6. Setelah mendapatkan tutorial mahasiswa diharapkan dapat :1. Menghitung koefisien kemiringan dari

sekumpulan data2. Menentukan model distribusi dari

sekumpulan data ditinjau dari kemiringannya

3. Menghitung koefisien keruncingan dari sekumpulan data

4. Menentukan model distribusi dari sekumpulan data ditinjau dari keruncingannya

5. Menyelesaikan perhitungan yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan kurva normal

Ukuran kemiringan, Ukuran Keruncingan dari Kurva Normal

1. Ukuran kemiringan

2. Ukuran keruncingan (Kurtosis)

Berbagi pengetahuan secara aktif


1. Mendiskusikan materi Keruncingan dari kurva normal

60 menitNar Herrhyanto dan H. M. Akib Hamid, Statistika Dasar, Universitas terbuka, 2008


7. Setelah mendapatkan tutorial mahasiswa diharapkan dapat :1. Menunjukkan fungsi distribusi normal

yang ditemukan oleh Gauss2. Menyebutkan interval pada fungsi

distribusi normal dari Gauss3. Menunjukkan rumus transformasi

distribusi normal yang dibakukan4. Mencari nilai baku z, jika ditentukan

unsur-unsurnya5. Dapat mencari luas daerah di bawah

kurva normal yang dibakukan yang diketahui nilai z-nya

6. Menggunakan nilai z dalam bentuk soal terapan

7. Membedakan antara rumus distribusi normal baku dengan rumus distribusi t

8. Mencari nilai t, jika ditentukan unsur-unsurnya

9. Mencari luas daerah t yang diketahui nilai t-nya

Kurva Normal dan Kegunaannya

1. Distribusi Gauss

2. Distribusi Student

Berbagi pengetahuan secara aktif


Mendiskusikan materi Kurva normal dan kegunaannya

60 menit Nar Herrhyanto dan H. M. Akib Hamid, Statistika Dasar, Universitas terbuka, 2007


No. Kompetensi KhususPokok

BahasanSub-pokok Bahasan

Model Tutorial Tugas TutorialEstimasi

WaktuDaftar Pustaka Tutorial ke-

10. Menggunakan nilai t dalam bentuk soal terapan

8.Review pertemuan 5,6

Setelah mendapatkan tutorial mahasiswa diharapkan dapat :1. . Menyebutkan perbedaan yang khas

antara kurva distribusi khi kuadrat dengan kurva distribusi t

2. Mencari nilai khi kuadrat dari daftar3. Menentukan luas daerah di bawah

kurva khi kuadrat yang ditentukan nilainya dari tingkat berartinya

4. Menunjukkan perbedaan yang khas antara mencari nilai F dengan nilai t

5. Mencari luas daerah distribusi F yang ditentukan nilai F-nya

Kurva-Kurva Lain dan penggunaannya

1. Distribusi Khi Kuadrat

2. Distribusi F

Pilihan ganda

Berbagi pengetahuan secara aktif


Mendiskusikan materi Kurva-kurva lain dan penggunaannya

45 menit

Nar Herrhyanto dan H. M. Akib Hamid, Statistika Dasar, Universitas terbuka, 2007


9. Setelah mendapatkan tutorial mahasiswa diharapkan dapat :1. Menyebutkan arti distribusi-distribusi

sampling nilai rata-rata2. Menunjukkan rumus nilai rata-rata dari

distribusi nilai rata-rata3. Menunjukkan rumus simpangan baku

dari distribusi nilai rata-rata4. Menggunakan rumus distribusi nilai

rata-rata dalam memecahkan soal5. Menyebutkan arti distribusi proporsi6. Menunjukkan rumus nilai rata-rata dari

distribusi proporsi7. Menunjukkan rumus simpangan baku

Distribusi Sampling

1. Distribusi nilai rata-rata dan distribusi proporsi

2. Distribusi simpangan baku dan distribusi selisih/jumlah nilai rata-rata

3. Distribusi selisih

Berbagi pengetahuan secara aktif


2. Mendiskusikan materi Distribusi sampling

90 menit Nar Herrhyanto dan H. M. Akib Hamid, Statistika Dasar, Universitas terbuka, 2008


No. Kompetensi KhususPokok

BahasanSub-pokok Bahasan

Model Tutorial Tugas TutorialEstimasi

WaktuDaftar Pustaka Tutorial ke-

dari distribusi proporsi8. Menggunakan rumus distribusi

proporsi dalam memecahkan soal9. Menyebutkan arti distribusi simpangan

baku 10. menunjukkan rumus simpangan baku

dari distribusi simpangan baku11. Menunjukkan rumus nilai rata-rata

simpangan baku dari distribusi simpangan baku

12. Menggunakan rumus distribusi simpangan baku dalam memecahkan soal

13. Menyebutkan arti distribusi selisih/jumlah nilai rata-rata

14. Menunjukkan rumus nilai rata-ratadari distribusi selisih/jumlah nilai rata-rata

15. Menunjukkan rumus simpangan baku dari distribusi selisih/jumlah nilai rata-rata

16. Menggunakan rumus distribusi selisih/jumlah nilai rata-rata dalam memecahkan soal

17. Mneyebutkan arti distribusi selisih/jumlah proporsi

18. Menunjukkan rumus nilai rata-rata dari distribusi selisih/jumlah proporsi

19. Menunjukkan rumus simpangan baku dari distribusi selisih/jumlah proporsi

20. Menggunakan rumus distribusi selisih/jumlah proporsi dalam memecahkan soal

proporsi dan distribusi samplin lainnya

11. Review, pertemuan 1-7 Modul 1 - 9 Berbagi pengetahuan secara aktif


Pilihan ganda 30 menit Nar Herrhyanto dan H. M. Akib Hamid, Statistika Dasar, Universitas terbuka, 2008


No. Kompetensi KhususPokok

BahasanSub-pokok Bahasan

Model Tutorial Tugas TutorialEstimasi

WaktuDaftar Pustaka Tutorial ke-

Mengetahui,PJW Pokjar

Drs. H. Mahutma Gandhi

Banjarbaru, 15 April l 2011Tutor,

Muhammad Qamaruzzaman, S.Pd, M.SiNIP 19690518199512 1005



Setelah mendapatkan tutorial mahasiswa diharapkan dapat :11. Menjelaskan pengertian statistik12. Menjelaskan pengertian statistika13. Menjelaskan pengertian data statistik14. Memberikan contoh macam-macam data15. Menjelaskan cara-cara pengumpulan data16. Menjelaskan pengertian populasi17. Menjelaskan pengertian sampel18. Menjelaskan aturan-aturan pembulatan bilangan19. Menggunakan aturan-aturan pembulatan bilangan20. Menggunakan notasi jumlah dalam perhitungan-perhitungan

Statistik untuk menyatakan kumpulan fakta, umumnya berbentuk angka yang disusun dalam tabel atau diagram yang melukiskan atau menggambarkan suatu persoalan. Statistika adalah ilmu pengetahuan dengan teknik pengumpulan data, teknik pengolahan data, teknik analisis data, penarikan kesimpulan, dan pembuatan kebijakan atau keputusan yang cukup kuat alasannya berdasarkan data dan fakta yang akurat.

Macam data : 1. Kualitatif berupa katagori atau atribut, misalnya mengalami kenaikan.2. Kuantitatif berbentuk bilangan, misalnya tinggi badan Sandy mencapai 170 cm3. Diskit data yang diperoleh dengan membilang, misalnya banyaknya anak ada

keluarga Ali adalah 3 orang4. Kontinu, data dengan cara mengukur, misalnya panjang benda itu 15 cm.

Latihan, tentukan pernyataan berikut ini berdasarkan macam data dengan memberik cek list pada kolom yang tepat

No. pernyataan Kualitatif Kuantitatif Diskrit Kontinu1. Tinggi bangunan hotel itu mencapai 50


2. Banyak kendaraan roda dua yang melewati persimpangan jalan itu

3. Penilaian seorang guru terhadap siswanya

4. Kecepatan kendaraan tiap jam5. Banyaknya halaman buku yang sudah

dibaca6. Mutu barang yang diproduksi7. Banyak mahasiswa yang mengikuti

perkuliahan hari iniV

8. Luas tanah pak ali 250 meter kubik

Data primer adalah data yang diperoleh sendiri dan diolah langsung dari obyeknya. Data sekunder diperoleh dalam bentuk jadi, sudah dikumpulkan dandilah oleh pihak lain, dicatat dalam publikasi.

Cara pengumpulan data, sensus adalah pengumpuland ata secara satu persatu, sementara sampling adalah hanya sebagian anggota populasi yang diambil datanya.

Untuk memilih sampel dari populasi bisa dilakukan secara acak, melalui undian atau tabel blangan acak. Cara tidak acak dengan pemilihan sejumlah angota dari populasi dengan setiap anggotanya.

Latihan tentukan pernyataan berikut ini benar atau salah

No. Pernyataan Benar atau salah1. Urutan Statistika adalah pengumpulan data, penarikan

kesimpulan, pengolahan dan penganalisaaan data, pembuatan keputusan

2. Urutan statistika adalah Pengumpulan data, pengolahan dan pengalisisan data, penarikan kesimpulan dan pembuatan keputusan

3. Urutan statistika adalah Pengolahan dan penganalisaan data, pengumpulan data, penarikan kesimpulan, pembuatan keputusan

4. Urtan statistika adalah pengumpuilan data, pengolahan dan penganalisasan data, pembuatan keputusan, penarikan kesimpulan.


PEMBULATAN BILANGAN”Jika angka terkiri dari angka yang harus dihilangkan kurang dari 5 maka angka terkanakan dari angka yang mendahuluinya tetap (tidak berubah)” misalnya 50,15 ton menjadi 50 ton

Latihan1. 50,75500 dibulatkan hingga perseratusan yang terdekat ===2. 18,45 dibulaktan hingga satu desimal 3. 0,75645 dibulatkan hingga perseirbuan yang terdekat 4. 10,5500 dibulatkan hingga persepuluhan menjadi 5. 951,065 dibulatkan hingga perseratusan menjadi


Secara umum

Sifat-sifat notasi sigma


b. , c konstanta.

c. , c konstanta.


e. dengan 1 < m < n



1. Jika X1 = -2, X2 = 1, Y1 = 2 dan Y2 = 4 maka


Setelah ini mahasiswa diharapkan dapat :5. Menyusun sekumpulan data dalam bentuk tabel baris kolom dan tabel kontingensi6. Menyusun sekumpulan data dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi7. Menyusun sekumpulan data dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi relatif8. Menyusun sekumpulan data dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi kumulatif, baik

frekuensinya dalam bentuk mutlak (absolut) maupun relatif

Tabel ada dua macam, yaitu Tabel Data Tunggal dan Tabel Data Bergolong atau Tabel Distribusi Frekuensi. Tabel data tunggal sudah banyak dikenal, sedangkan tabel distribusi frekuensi dibuat dengan cara sebagai berikut:

Contoh:Diketahui Distribusi Frekuensi Nilai Ujian Statistika Penelitian Universitas Pasundan Bandung yang diikuti 70 peserta, diperoleh data:

70, 70, 71, 60, 63, 80, 81, 81, 74, 74, 66, 66, 67, 67, 67, 68, 76, 76, 77, 77, 77, 80, 80, 80, 80, 73, 73, 74, 74, 74, 71, 72, 72, 72, 72, 83,84, 84, 84, 84, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 79,79, 81, 82, 82, 83, 89, 85, 85, 87, 90, 93, 94, 94, 87, 87, 89.Langkah-langkah menjawab:1) Urutkan data dari terkecil sampai terbesar.

60, 6366, 66, 67, 6, 67, 6870, 70, 71, 71, 72, 72, 72, 72, 73, 73, 74, 74, 74, 74, 7475, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 76, 76, 77, 77, 77, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 79, 7980, 80, 80, 80, 80, 81, 81, 81, 82, 82, 83, 83, 84, 84, 84, 8485, 85, 87, 87, 87, 89, 89

90, 93, 94, 94

2) Hitung jarak atau rentangan (R)R = data tertinggi – data terendahR = 94 – 60 = 34

3) Hitung jumlah kelas (K) dengan Sturges.K = 1 + 3,3 log 70K = 1 + 3,3. 1,845K = 1 + 6,0885 = 7,0887 7

4) Hitung panjang kelas interval (P)

5) Tentukan batas kelas interval dengan rumus:( 60 + 5 ) = 65 – 1 = 64( 65 + 5 ) = 70 – 1 = 69( 70 + 5 ) = 75 – 1 = 74( 75 + 5 ) = 80 – 1 = 79( 80 + 5 ) = 85 – 1 = 84( 85 + 5 ) = 90 – 1 = 89( 90 + 5 ) = 95 – 1 = 94

6) Buatlah Tabel sementara dengan cara dihitung satu demi satu yang sesuai dengan urutan interval kelas

Distribusi Frekuensi Nilai Ujian Statistika Penelitian Universitas Pasundan Bandung

Nilai Rincian Frekuensi (f)60 – 64 65 – 69 70 – 74 75 – 79 80 – 84 85 – 89 90 – 94







Jumlah f = 70

Latihan Misalkan kita punya data nilai ulangan matematika dari 40 siswa sebagai berikut:

Nilai ulangan80 75 80 85 65 60 80 6065 70 75 80 85 45 65 5570 75 65 75 85 55 65 6575 60 65 60 65 75 75 6575 65 75 65 75 70 65 65

untuk menyajikan data di atas dalam bentuk Tabel Distribusi Frekuensi maka perlu ditempuh langkah-langkah sebagai berikut:1). menentukan Jumlah Klas Intervaluntuk menentukan Klas Interval ditentukan dengan rumus Sturges

K= 1 + 3,3 log  nK = jumlah klas ntervallog= logaritman = jumlah datakarena datanya terdiri 40 siswa maka :K = 1 + 3,3 log(40)K = 1 + 3,3 ………..K = 1 + ………….K = …………. dapat dibulatkan menjadi ……………. atau …………

2). Menghitung rentang datacaranya yaitu data terbesar dikurangi data terkecil.berdasarkan tabel di atasdata terbesar = data terkecil = maka rentang = ……………………. - ………………. =

3). Menghitung panjang klaspanjang kelas = rentang di bagi jumlah kelas………………………………………………. atau dibulatkan menjadi ……………..

4). Menyusun Klas IntervalNo

Interval Kelas Interval Tally Frekuensi



5). Tabel Distribusi …….

No Interval Kelas Interval Frekuensi

1234 356


TABEL DISTRIBUSI FREKUENSI KUMULATIFTabel distribusi kumulatif adlah sebuah tabel yang diperoleh dari tabel distribusi

frekuensi, dengan frekuensinya dijumlah selangkah demi selangkah (kelas interval demi kelas interval. Dan distribusi ini terbagi dua menjadi distriubsi frekuensi kumulatif kurang dari, dan tabel distribusi kumulatif ”lebih dari”.

Contoh ubahlah tabel distribusi berikut menjadi, tabel distribusi kumulatif kurang dari, dan .... atau lebih ...

Kelas ke- Nilai Ujian Frekuensi(fi)

1 31 – 40 22 41 – 50 33 51 – 60 54 61 – 70 135 71 – 80 246 81 – 90 217 91 – 100 12

Jumlah 80

Nilai Ujian Frekuensi kumulatif kurang dari

kurang dari31 0Kurang dari 41 2kurang dari 51 5kurang dari 61 10kurang dari 71 23kurang dari 81 47kurang dari 91 68kurang dari 101 80

Nilai Ujian Frekuensi kumulatif lebih dari 31 atau lebih 8041 atau lebih 7851 atau lebih 7561atau lebih 7071 atau lebih 5781 atau lebih 3391 atau lebih 12101 atau lebih 0


Distribusi frekuensi relative adalah membagi frekuensi setiap kelas dengan total dari semua frekuensi (banyaknya data), dan dicari prosentasenya selangkah demi selangkah (kelas interval demi interval)

Frekuensi relatif kadang-kadang dinyatakan sebagai persen.

Frekuensi relatif =

Dari tabel nilai ujian pada halamam sebelumnya…

Contoh: frekuensi relatif kelas ke-1:

fi = 2; n = 80

Frekuensi relatif = 2/80 x 100% = 2.5%


Kelas ke- Nilai Ujian Frekuensi relatif (%)1 31 – 40 2.502 41 – 50 3.753 51 – 60 6.254 61 – 70 16.255 71 – 80 30.006 81 – 90 26.257 91 – 100 15.00

Jumlah 100.00


Hasil penelitian sampling terhadap kunjungan orang tua siswa ke sekolah setiap tahun, dari 40 orang tua didapatkan data sebagai berikut

Buatlah :

1. Tabel distribusinya2. Tabel distribusi kumulatif kurang dari3. Tabel distribus kumulaitf ... atau lebih dari4. Tabel distibusi kumulatif relatif5. Tabel distribusi kumulatif relatif kurang dari6. Tabel distibusi kumulatif relati atau lebih dari.

Attachment 4



UPBJMM-UT/FAK   : Banjarmasin/ FKIP Semester     :  VII (Tujuh)Prog. Studi              : PENDAS S-1 PGSD Masa Reg    : 2011.1Kode MK                 : PEMA 4210 Tutor            : M.QamaruzzamanMata Kuliah            : Statistika Pendidikan Kelas        : A



NTT P NT1 2 3

1 AMIN 815711506 73 0 0 24.4 85 42.62 AMRULLAH MARZUKI 816067197 60 80 80 73.3 85 76.83 JUMINI 616067165 93 80 70 81.1 85 82.34 LINA YULIANTI 814845824 100 80 65 81.6 85 82.65 MAHRITA 814845745 100 80 65 81.6 85 82.66 MARIYATI 814845738 67 80 70 72.2 85 76.07 MUHAMMAD FAUZANI 814845627 93 80 65 79.4 85 81.18 NORHALIMAH 815711473 93 30 72 65.1 85 71.19 NORHIDAH 816067172 93 80 70 81.1 85 82.3

10 NORMA KIKI RAMADANI 815863398 100 30 65 65.0 85 71.011 RITA HERMININGSIH 814845928 0 80 75 51.7 85 61.712 RUKINI 814845713 73 80 85 79.4 85 81.113 RUSLINA 815816761 80 80 83 81.0 85 82.214 SARNO 815862769 Berhenti / pindah ke jawa15 ST. AMINAH Z 816067205 93 80 60 77.7 85 79.916 SURISMIATUN 814842876 80 80 72 77.3 85 79.617 SUTARSI 815862776 67 80 75 73.9 85 77.218 WULANDARI 815711538 53 80 0 44.4 85 56.6

Mengetahui : Banjarmasin,  29  Juni 2011Kepala UPBJJ-UT Banjarmasin Tutor,

Dra. Sri Hamda, M.Sc.Ed Muhammad  Qamaruzzaman, S.Pd, M.SiNIP. 19560922 198301 2 001 NIP. 19690518 199512 1 005