Pacific Northwest Ski Association 2016 06 04-05 BOD Mi… · 2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA...

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Transcript of Pacific Northwest Ski Association 2016 06 04-05 BOD Mi… · 2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA...

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email:

Pacific Northwest Ski Association A Division of USSA

DRAFT 2105-2016 PNSA BOD Minutes and Motions

June 2016 Hood River (2015-16 season) Call to order 7:45 Roll Call – absent Jeff Kray, Sam Naney, John Schiemer and Dan Holman 2015-2016 BOD Motion #23: To approve the agenda. Maker: Roger Root, second by Kevin McCarthy. Motion PASSED. 2015-2016 BOD Motion #24: To approve the minutes from the October 2, 2015 meeting of the PNSA Board of Directors. Maker: Roger Root, second by Maureen Hammond. Motion PASSED Review of Telephone conference EC meetings

1. Ability Class 2. U16 and NWC age mix 3. At the request of the ACC

a. Western region selection b. To approve BWC as a scored event

4. Discussion job change Bill Gunesch, to western region development director

5. Approve PNSEF/PNSA service agreement Bill Brooks – PNSA president Welcomed the board and set out the goals for the weekend Summarized the positive changes in the division over the past 4 years, the board is well served having the chairs of the ACC and the NCC attend meetings and how well Paul Mahre is working for the division as a whole Improved communication and collaboration has made the division function better. USSA is moving along a similar path Today the focus is to reconnect the PNSA, the operations side of the corporation and the PNSEF, the foundations side of the collective. As 4 members of each group are members of the other group it was important to rework the weekend so that those members could attend both meetings and continue to build cooperation and collaboration.

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email:

The board job for June 4th is to review the BWC bids, to cover some of the governance issues at the board of delegates’ level, the bylaws and articles of incorporation are still a work in progress. The bylaws have evolved over time and need to be cleaned up with necessary addendums made, this will happen over the next year hopefully. Nominations for the 2016-17 PNSA board of directors Slate of nominations presented by Alden Garrett Coby Howell – Cooper Spur Dale Koetke - CMAC Vicki Longchini – Nordic Sandpoint Shelley Moore – CMAC Steve Smith – Schweitzer Jeff Aiden – SSRA It was presented that 5 positions be filled and that Jeff Aiden was willing to wait until next year to fill a vacant position. PNSA directors are elected to serve up to two 2 year terms PNSA officers can serve unlimited terms PNSEF board members are all trustees NCC Report – Alan Watson Written report attached as appendix B (report begins on page 11) 2015-16 was a regular season as expected, PNSA took 7th place in Junior Nationals The new qualifying system written and approved fall 2014 worked very well may need a little adjusting but overall a success, issue to build on is coaches education, the population of PNSA Nordic has remained steady Continued work with USSA regarding the affiliate agreement finding similar battles with USSA that alpine had to resolve, continued discussion and push back from both sides At USSA congress the sport committee bylaws were amended to state that sport committee would include one member from each division Meeting recessed at 8:30 Meeting resumed at 11:30

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ACC report – Dan Henry Summary from western region meetings – seeing evident that USSA and Patrick Riml are taking input from regions and divisions regarding development. For 2016-17 the U14 national event will still occur requiring the division to continue with a qualifying series for the U14 regional event. Effort made by the ACC to clean up and tighten the zonal qualifying events to hold fair equitable and similar events throughout the zone. In 2016-17 there will not be a stand-alone U19 Nationals. FIS will not change men’s GS ski length (down to 30m) until the 2017-18 season. Ability Class system has received overwhelmingly positive feedback, it has been approved by USSA for the 2016-17 season. USSA is very interested in the PNSA developing a model that other divisions and regions can adopt for the 2017-18 season. There is a perception within some racers and parents that start order effects the racers performance outcome. Ryan Shorter, Ted McNamara and Bill Gunesch looked at start position statistically (by dividing a category into three equal parts) and found that starting in the first or the third had a more favorable outcome than starting in the middle third. Discussion of ability class seeding, Dan presented a summary of the lengthy discussion at both the ACC working group level and at the committee meeting level. It is felt that to find sufficient data for comparison and success or failure of the system PNSA should stay the course for an additional competitive year. Presently PNSA is in a low point of overall performance with respect to regional events. There are the stand out performers but as a collective group PNSA is not performing where it has in the past. In May PNSA held a speed camp at White Pass for U14 and up athletes. It was a great experience, athlete and coach interaction and learning, opportunity for division athletes to work together both on and off the hill outside of the competitive environment allowing time to develop friendships without the stress of competition. Following this success the ACC proposes a SL camp at Mt Hood in Aug parallel to a Western Region project (for U16’s), holding the speed camp again in 2017 and developing a South American or European camp in Aug of 2017.

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email:

ACC review of 2015-16 – coach’s symposium was held in conjunction with fall meetings with a presentation from Jeff Pickering Review of venue preparation issues – SPAC volunteer base was not ready for speed event requirements so club hired Kevin McDevitt to assist the mountain and the club with required grooming preparation, netting and venue set up. SPAC ran very successful SG event and the hope is to continue the development, looking forward with hope to win a spring series bid or a NorAm in future. USSA has confirmed PNSA’s authority, as a USSA Affiliate, to control and approve the calendaring of all USSA sanctioned scored events in PNSA. The ACC presents the attached calendar for 2016-17 – Appendix C. 2015-2016 BOD Motion #25: To approve 2015-2016 ACC Motion #19. Maker: Jason Spadaro, second by Alden Garrett. Motion PASSED. (Secretary’s note – approved without site selections, ACC pm meeting to approve site selection for presentation to BOD June 5th, am meeting) Financial Report Membership was down slightly in 2015-16, as to be expected following a poor snow season. Younger athlete membership up, older athlete membership down. Head tax revenue was down slightly in 2015-16 FIS trip revenue is approximately 5-7% of office revenue. Elite pass revenue down 11%, less than 60% of invitees choose to purchase an elite pass (140 passes) usual number is approximately 160 to 170 passes. Treasurers questions – how to pick up office revenue with proposed changes to FIS trips and board needs to develop a Bnet purchase funding program. PNSEF grants and block grant to office – PNSEF income is down, how does this effect PNSA ability to assist in requests from ACC and NCC, and for coach’s education. Noon meeting recessed at 1:00pm Meeting resumed at 8:00am – June 5th, 2016 2015-2016 BOD Motion #26: To amend the PNSA By-Laws by adopting the attached addendum (appendix D) to the PNSA By-Laws. Maker: Roger Root, second by Jason Spadaro. Motion PASSED.

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email:

Discussion: By-laws must updated as per the USSA affiliate agreement, these presented changes will cover that issue with the plan to update the entire corporation By-laws within the next 4 to 6 months 2015-2016 BOD Motion #27: To amend the 2015-2016 PNSA Budget by increasing the line item for B-Net by $15,000. Maker: Bill Koefoed, second by Maureen Hammond. Motion PASSED. Discussion: need to allocate monies now, $15,000, to begin replacement of existing Bnet. Funding for replacement needs to begin now to create a linear replacement plan for longevity of Bnet 2015-2016 BOD Motion #28: To refund the 2016 Spring Convention registration fee for the members of the PNSA Board of Directors. Maker: Bill Koefoed, second by Bob Simpson. Motion PASSED. Discussion: PNSA is doing well financially, members give so much to board, PNSA should fund BOD members to convention. Executive Directors Report – Paul Maher $14,000 coming from PNSEF from block grant As noted above in treasurers report – elite pass sales down in 2015-16 (peak for sales was 177, normally about 160 was it the drought year or population decrease?) PNSA received $15,000 from “SNO” license plate program for Bnet In past 6 years Bnet cost has increased from $275 to $350/$375 delivered Will still be an issue in division if all zones are racing on the same weekend Executive directors perspective regarding ability class – new changes take time to integrate, there is a learning curve, recommend to stay the course FIS travel and selections – thank you to Claudia Yamamoto for her work on large trip planning, be aware of possible consequences with change to travel FIS trip to Schweitzer was expensive but decision was to house on the mountain to support the mountain who has been very willing to refund when races were cancelled and has been very supportive of ski racing Marketing proposal – the RFP is ready to be sent out to select businesses in June. Initial goal of program is to general value for membership, it is not intended to start as a fundraising program

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email:

Thank you to Bill Koefoed for his work and support as treasurer and to all members for working together – the discussions are healthy Officials report – Roger Root Need to pick a date for fall officials training in the three zones, report for year in Appendix B (report begins on page 4) PNSAA report – Kevin McCarthy Elite pass pricing is not set for 2016-17, expect it to be similar in price PNSA administers the program, 80% of revenue goes to PNSAA PSIA report – Chris Kastner No changes in relationship. PSIA has Skills Quest evaluators who are willing and able to be examiners for skills quest events Changes in the Oregon Winter recreation authority (OWRA) - the state troopers did not renew their contract with OWRA will no longer enforce the recreation passes and this could affect how ski areas plow and manage their parking lots 2015-2016 BOD Motion #29: To approve 2015-2016 NCC Motions #: 8,9,10,11 and 12. Maker: Roger Root, second by Alden Garrett. Motion PASSED. 2015-2016 NCC Motion #13 was not approved by the PNSA Board – refer item to fall convention for how to manage NCC #13 Motion Failed NCC chairperson can appoint sub committees and sub committee chairpersons (NCC motions Appendix E) 2015-2016 BOD Motion #30: To approve 2015-2016 ACC Motions (action items) # 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. Maker: Bill Koefoed, second by Jason Spadaro. Motion PASSED. (ACC motions and minutes Appendix A for reference to motions presented) 2015-2016 BOD Motion #31: To approve 2015-2016 ACC Motion #24. Maker: Bob Simpson, second by Alden Garrett. Motion PASSED. 2015-2016 BOD Motion #32: To approve 2015-2016 ACC Motion #25. Maker: Bob Simpson, second by Alden Garrett. Motion PASSED. 2015-2016 BOD Motion #33: To approve 2015-2016 ACC Motion #26. Maker: Bob Simpson, second by Alden Garrett. Motion PASSED.

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email:

2015-2016 BOD Motion #34: To approve 2015-2016 ACC Motion #30. Maker: Bob Simpson, second by Alden Garrett. Motion PASSED. 2015-2016 BOD Motion #35: To approve 2015-2016 ACC Motion #20 for a one year trial period. Maker: Gillian Esson, second by Jason Spadaro. Motion PASSED, one against. Discussion: Clubs, Teams and PNSA already handle FIS team travel (for non-championship races) using both the office and the individual clubs system. For 2016-17 the ACC moves that individual clubs plan housing and travel. These trips are smaller, more last minute with changing quotas making confirmation on hotels more volatile for risk to office. PNSA coaching coordinator will assign a head coach, individuals traveling without club support will connect with head coach. All teams have agreed to support small clubs and individual athletes. 2015-2016 BOD Motion #36: To approve 2015-2016 ACC Motion #22. Maker: Bob Simpson no second. Motion DIES. Discussion: using a single selection system, for office efficiency. Recommended by ACC to use the PNSA double board for both WR and U16 championship selection. Presented by the executive director (Paul) that the double board favours the single event skier and the modified double board favours the all-round skier, while he appreciates the concern and effort to improve office efficiency and reduce workload he feels that the two methods are appropriate for the two different development levels. 2015-2016 BOD Motion #37: To approve 2015-2016 ACC Motion #23. Maker: Bill Koefoed, second by Jason Spadaro. Motion PASSED. 2015-2016 BOD Motion #38: To approve 2015-2016 ACC Motion #27. Maker: Jason Spadaro, no second. Motion DIES Discussion: motion to change the point cut off (to national population percentages) for ability class died for lack of a second. ACC chair and board members discussed material presented at ACC level, the concerns for need to stay the course, gather another season of data to have reliable and statistically significant information before making additional changes to system

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2015-2016 BOD Motion #39: To approve 2015-2016 ACC Motion # 31 as updated with FAST as event host in eastern zone EC race one. Maker: Bill Brooks, second by Maureen Hammond. Motion PASSED. (Secretary’s note: Calendar identified as Version 4, appendix C). 2015-2016 BOD Motion #40: To adjourn at 10:10am. Maker: Maureen Hammond, second by Alden Garrett. Motion PASSED. Conclusion of PNSA 2015-16 season

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DRAFT 2015-2016 PNSA ACC Minutes and Motions

Spring Meeting – June 4th, 2016 Hood River

Motions passed by electronically May 2016 2015-2016 ACC Motion #11: To combine the PNSA U16 Series with the

Northwest Cup Series into a single U16 NW Cup qualification series with a U16-NW Cup Championship at the end of the season. Maker: Mike Graves, second by Nils Eriksson. Motion passed.

2015-2016 ACC Motion #12: To utilize PNSA’s authority, as a USSA Affiliate, to control and approve the calendaring of all USSA sanctioned scored events in PNSA. Maker: Dave Lyon, second by Mike Graves. Motion passed. 2015-2016 ACC Motion #13: To restrict entry into Zonal Evergreen Cups races to athletes whose clubs are in that zone. Athletes, not affiliated with a club, will have their zonal affiliation determined by their home residence. Maker: Jamie Landwehr, second by Dave Lyon. Motion passed. 2015-2016 ACC Motion #14: To continue ability Class racing for all scored USSA races within PNSA. Maker: Roger Root, second by Gillian Esson. Motion passed. 2015-2016 ACC Motion #15: To replace Cat 1 awards with Overall

awards. Maker: Roger Root, second by Shanna Sweitzer. Motion passed.

2015-2016 ACC Motion #16: To discontinue Cat 5 awards after February

of each season. Maker Roger Root, second by Shanna Sweitzer. Motion passed.

Voting results - appendix A Meeting called to order 8:50 am, June 4th, 2016

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email:

PNSA Welcome – Bill Brooks PNSA should be very proud of its work to develop Vision, Value and Mission statements 2 years ago. USSA undertook a similar process this year and presented those at congress. While one vision remains the same “to be the best in the world” there are additional visions now that encompass the entire USSA population and include the clubs, divisions and regions. USSA is looking to define core values of fun and grit. Congress this year was more collaborative and more welcoming. Western region presentation (WR) – Bill Gunesch – sharing of information from USSA congress and Western region spring meetings Chip Knight feels that western region athletes are well prepared for the rigors of ski racing and travel than some in other parts of the country Continue to be aware of the high performers, they deserve to feel special too Summary of congress – ski length matrix discussions GS ski for U16 will stay at 17m min U14 gates will continue to be required at 60” off snow as max length U14 nationals will occur but criteria to qualify will be more challenging – athlete must win at least one race and podium in another Western Region and USSA have given permission to continue with Ability Class racing and are looking at PNSA as a model for other divisions throughout the country There is a new course setting matrix that Paul Mahre will share with the division 120 USSA point requirement has been eliminated for out of country racing, 100 point rule still stands for entering Nor-Ams and Continental cups There will not be a U19 National championship in 2016-17, U19 will have a 2 race series at the end of Senior Nationals. USSA philosophy for change is less racing and less cost. In 2017-18 U21/U19 National Championships will be a USSA race only New graphs and pyramids that are a better example of the development pathways are coming out from USSA. Western region presentation (WR) - Gwynn Watkins– on line registration presentation how it can be very helpful for race administrators and division. That the system will generate the head tax and has an athlete registration component Presented the USSA and WR organizational chart. WR mission to promote elite level racing supporting the divisions and feeding national. Responsible for competition, criteria and compliance. Gwynn goals for WR are to improve communication, write a parent handbook, streamline the financials (how to spend funds and how to collect head tax), a conditioning program, promote skills quest. ACC general meeting Dan welcome ACC members and audience to the ACC general session, he defined the structure of the meetings, gave a brief summary of the coach’s forums that were held during the season and spoke to the importance of the working group meeting that was held on Friday June 3, 2016 and that all were welcome and encouraged to attend the working group.

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email:

ACC Roll call – absent Jeff Kray, vacant athlete representatives male and female 2015-2016 ACC Motion #17: To approve the agenda. Maker: Ryan Shorter second by Bill Brooks. Motion PASSED. 2015-2016 ACC Motion #18: To approve the minutes from the October 2, 2015 meeting of the ACC. Maker: Ryan Shorter, second by Dave Lyon. Motion PASSED. Subcommittee Reports ACC chair – Dan Henry

1. USSA Congress report (summary of observations) there is still evidence of early ID going on U14 Nationals – USSA will hold the event, no movement on discussion of discontinuing U14 regionals – split opinion in western region, event will occur in 2017 If the regional did not occur or if there was no nationals would allow races that are used for qualifying to move later in the calendar and would allow BWC to move up calendar

2. Thank you to all members of ACC for work and collaboration in the 2015-16 season

Coaches Report – Jim Stevens

1. Education component a presentation by Jeff Pickering did occur in conjunction with the fall meetings and was well attended

2. Dan Henry helped with setting of coaches for PNSA projects, thank you Dan for that assistance

3. Speed Camp, White Pass – PNSA project for athletes and coaches education, staff working well together

4. Thank you to Kevin McCarthy (white pass) for the commitment of resources

5. New to PNSA for 2016 summer – a divisional SL camp at Mt Hood, proposed for 4 days Aug 1 – 4, 2016

6. Proposal for 2017 summer Masters Report – Rob Cravens

1. Written report attached Appendix B 2. Snow in the division made for happy masters racers

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email:

College Report – Ron Bonneau 1. Written report attached in Appendix B – following the Masters report 2. USSA presented grid for “where to ski after high school” at congress

– grid was developed by three parents in our division U19 Committee – Jamie Landwehr

1. NWC (northwest cup) is a good series – it is not the elite level in the region but is the elite level in PNSA – nice to see athletes come home to race in series

2. Big trips (Western regions and FIS) thank you to Claudia and Paul f U16 Committee – Chuck Holcomb

1. Thank you to Paul and Claudia for trip coordination for U16 regionals 2. Field sizes were low in 2015-16 which is the reason that motion #11

was presented, motion passed June 2016 (NWC and U16 will be merged)

3. Thank you to host areas for U16 races 2015-16 Mt Spokane, Ski bowl and Mt Bachelor

4. Written report attached in Appendix B – following the U14 report

U14 committee – Mike Graves 1. Report attached in appendix B following the officials report – U14

regional event, BWC at Mt Bachelor 2. It is important to be consistent zone to zone with respect to the

qualifying races for U14 regional champs – it is still optional to hold a SG for qualifying

3. The scoring system for the U14 regional qualification has been cleaned up a bit

Officials subcommittee – Roger Root

1. Report attached in Appendix B following College report 2. Getting more skilled at Vola 3. Need to pick dates for three officials clinics in three zones for fall 4. Thank you to all volunteers

2015-2016 ACC Motion #19: To adopt the draft calendar as presented. Maker: Dave Lyon, second by Pat Robson. Motion PASSED/failed. (Secretary’s note: This motion approved the calendar with only dates and zones, locations was presented later in the meeting and approved – calendar dates and locations attached as Appendix C)

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email:

2015-2016 ACC Motion #20: FIS race travel will be conducted and managed by individual clubs at all FIS events except Championships. PNSA will continue to name a head coach for each project. For non-championship travel, it will be the responsibility of each club and/or individual athlete(s) to keep the head coach informed of their travel and lodging plans. Maker: Jamie Landwehr, second by Ryan Shorter. Motion PASSED/failed.13 for/2 against Discussion: championships will still be managed by office where numbers are easier to set for housing and food, concerns for unintended consequences – the impact on the office and loss of revenue, office and region would still be responsible for intents and green sheets 2015-2016 ACC Motion #21: PNSA Championship team jackets (or other championship memorabilia) shall not exceed $100.00 per athlete. Maker: Jamie Landwehr, second by Ryan Shorter. Motion passed/FAILED. 2 for / 13 against Discussion: should this be a policy or a governance discussion, items brought to table as more and more teams have coats the members are required to wear the team jacket is a challenge to wear once athlete is back home, jacket for recognition should it be more of a school casual wearing coat or rain coat, needs to be consistent, cost in 2016 was high 2015-2016 ACC Motion #22: To use the PNSA double board system for WR U16 Championship selections. Maker: Chuck Holcomb, second by Ryan Shorter. Motion PASSED. 2015-2016 ACC Motion #23: U16 Can-Am selections will be the alternate list for the WR U16 Championships. No athlete who declines an invitation to the WR U16 Championships may attend the U16 Can-Am. Maker: Chuck Holcomb, second by Dave Lyon. Motion PASSED. 2015-2016 ACC Motion #24: The PNSA U14 Buddy Werner Championships will be sanctioned as a USSA scored event. Maker: Mike Graves, second by Chuck Holcomb. Motion PASSED. 2015-2016 ACC Motion #25: The PNSA U14 Buddy Werner Championships will not award PNSA Ability Class place points. Maker: Mike Graves, second by Chuck Holcomb. Motion PASSED.

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email:

2015-2016 ACC Motion #26: PNSA’s WR U14 Championship quota will be filled using four zonal Evergreen Cup races over a two weekends as identified on the PNSA calendar. Maker: Mike Graves, second by Shanna Sweitzer. Motion amended.

Amendment #1 to 2015-2016 Motion #26: To replace the first sentence in the original motion with the follow: “PNSA’s WR U14 Championship quota will be filled using a minimum 4 (four) zonal Evergreen Cup races.” Maker: Maker Mike Graves, second by Ryan Shorter. Motion PASSED.

2015-2016 ACC Motion #26 (Amended): PNSA’s WR U14 Championship quota will be filled using a minimum 4 (four) zonal Evergreen Cup races. Maker: Mike Graves, second by Shanna Sweitzer. Motion PASSED. 2015-2016 ACC Motion #27: To base the point cut-offs, for the PNSA Ability Class system, on the U14-U21 USSA population, using the most current list number 14. Maker: Jamie Landwehr, second by Matt Morrell. Motion amended.

Amendment #1 to 2015-2016 ACC Motion #27: To revise the motion by adding “plus the adders for the next season” to the end of the first sentence. Maker: Ryan Shorter, second by Nils Eriksson. Motion PASSED.

2015-2016 ACC Motion #27 (Amended): To base the point cut-offs, for the PNSA Ability Class system, on the U14-U21 USSA population, using the most current list number 14 plus the adders for the next season. Maker: Jamie Landwehr, second by Matt Morrell. Motion PASSED.

2015-2016 ACC Motion #28: To revise the PNSA Ability Class system by eliminating PNSA place points. Maker: Jamie Landwehr, second by Chuck Holcomb. Motion TABLED. Discussion: Ability class is new, important to gather a significant amount of data before making adjustments, suggested to discuss and/or stay the course, head to head racing by ability class was idea behind move to ability class, athletes need to feel successful in appropriate class, move to refer to committee for further evaluation. 2015-2016 ACC Motion #29: To refer any changes to the PNSA Ability Class System (not previously passed by the ACC) to an ACC Committee to

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email:

be appointed by the Director of Alpine. Maker: Bill Brooks, second by Pat Robson Motion PASSED 2015-2016 ACC Motion #30: To change the PNSA U14 zonal quota rules for the WR U14 Champions as follows: each zone’s quota will be determined by their proportion of 1st year U14 athletes holding a current USSA Membership on List 13 of the season prior to the Championship season. Maker: Ryan Shorter, second by Nils Eriksson. Motion PASSED Discussion: encourage U12 athletes to join USSA at least at general membership level

2015-2016 ACC Motion #31: To approve the calendar site selections proposed by the ACC Calendar Committee. Maker: Ryan Shorter, second by Dave Lyon. Motion PASSED. (Secretary’s note: Calendar identified as Version 4, appendix C). 2015-2016 ACC Motion #32: To adjourn. Maker: Bill Brooks, second by Dave Lyon. Motion PASSED.

Motion Number Favor Against Abstain DNV ResultMotion 1 13 0 1 4 PassMotion 2 14 0 0 4 PassMotion 3 10 4 0 4 PassMotion 4 14 0 0 4 PassMotion 5 14 0 0 4 PassMotion 6 12 0 2 4 Pass

Motion 1 Motion 2 Motion 3 Motion 4 Motion 5 Motion 6Dan Henry Chair / Rules and Tech Sub-Committee N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ABill Brooks President Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesJeff Kray Vice President / Judicial Sub-Committee Yes Yes No Yes Yes YesGillian Esson Secretary Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesRyan Shorter Past ACC Chair Yes Yes No Yes Yes YesMike Graves U14/YSL Sub-Committee Yes Yes No Yes Yes AbstainChuck Holcomb U16 Sub-Committee DNV DNV DNV DNV DNV DNVJamie Landwehr U19-21 Sub-Committee Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AbstainRon Bonneau College Sub-Committee Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesRob Cravens Masters Sub-Committee Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesJim Stevens Coaches Sub-Committee DNV DNV DNV DNV DNV DNVRoger Root Officials Sub-Committee Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesNils Eriksson At Large DNV DNV DNV DNV DNV DNVMary Gunesch At Large Abstain Yes No Yes Yes YesAlan Lauba At Large Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDave Lyon At Large DNV DNV DNV DNV DNV DNVMatt Morrell At Large Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesPat Robson At Large Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesShana Sweitzer At Large Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Did Not Vote

Did Not Vote

Did Not Vote

Discontinue Cat 5 awards after February

VotesACC Member Position

Did Not Vote

ACC Email Motions Results

Motion SummaryCombine U16 and NWCGive ACC/PNSA calendar controlRestrict entry to Zonal EC races to athletes from within zoneContinue Ability Class racing within PNSAReplace Cat 1 awards with overall awards

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Pacific Northwest Ski Association A Division of USSA


May 2016 Membership is stable at 156. We picked up a couple of new members from other divisions and new racers from our division. We lost a few members who didn’t renew. Were still alive and kicking! There are no obituaries to report. With the snow in Washington this year, all races were on schedule. 27 individual races with several training days before/during race days. Great year for PNSA racing. PNSA Masters did an amazing job helping SARS put on the WR FIS Speed open and Western Region FIS Championships. Schweitzer masters set a high standard for supporting junior racing. Big thank you to all who volunteered for this event. New Website up and running on Increasing our presence on website National Masters committee meetings attended throughout the year via conference calls. Lisa Densmore Ballard is providing great leadership as the National Masters Chair. PNSA Master e-board established and job description/responsibilities being developed. USSA Masters comp. guide updated to current information. Currently working with to improve communication with members and RAs. Payment has been an issue, at times, and we intend to fix this. The majority of the problems are on our end (PNSA Masters). PNSA Masters financial accounts (checking and savings) moved under PNSA. We now have 501C3 tax compliance. Big thank you to PNSA, Bill Brooks, Rodger Root and Paul Mahre. Summer Fun Nationals at Timberline July 15, 16, 17. Coaches can upgrade USSA membership to include Masters at no charge. Go fun, lots of swag, free beer and a pool party at Timberline. Respectfully Submitted, Rob Cravens PNSA Masters Chairman

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email:

Pacific Northwest Ski Association A Division of USSA


The Northwest Collegiate Ski and Snowboard Conference had a successful year with 10 teams participating in alpine events; no snowboard events were scheduled. The NWCSC hosted 16 alpine qualifying races at four different venues. The conference continues to own or rent all of the equipment to support its alpine events. The athletes provide all of the on-hill maintenance and gate judging. NWCSC concluded its season with teams competing at the USCSA National Championships in four disciplines (alpine, freestyle, cross country and snowboard) realizing varied levels of success. ALPINE: Mt Hood Meadows, OR, Mt Bachelor, OR, 49° North, WA, and Mission Ridge, WA, provided race arenas for the NWCSC for the 2016 race season. Data for the 2016 season: Gender/ # Participants Penalty Event NWCSC WGS 40 NA (Average) MGS 44 NA WSL 51 NA MSL 50 NA Regional WGS 66 NA Red Lodge, MT MGS 77 NA WSL 66 NA MSL 77 NA Nationals WGS 106 NA Lake Placid, NY MGS 101 NA WSL 106 NA MSL 100 NA Anna Granhed, The College of Idaho, and Anton Waller, The College of Idaho, were the alpine overall point leaders for the 2016 NWCSC season and were named NWCSC conference champions. USCSA WESTERN REGION CHAMPIONSHIP The Grand Teton Conference hosted the 2016 USCSA Western Region Championship in Red Lodge, MT, February 18-20. Alpine events took place over three days (WGS, MGS, and M/W SL); there was not a dual event scheduled. Entry fees for the three day event were $215/athlete which included entry fee, lift passes, tee shirt, awards banquet, and awards. 18 colleges/universities participated in the alpine events: Rocky Mountain College University of British Columbia University of Washington University of Colorado Colorado Mesa University Montana State University The College of Idaho Whitman College Colorado School of Mines Air Force Academy Western State Colorado University Fort Lewis College University of Oregon Washington State University Colorado State University Oregon State University – Cascades Northwest Nazarene University University of Idaho The Nordic regional was held in Bend, OR at an earlier date (see Nordic notes below). The snowboard/freestyle events were not scheduled due to a lack of registered participants. USCSA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Two schools represented the NWCSC in alpine events at the 2016 USCSA National Championship in Lake Placid, NY: The College of Idaho, and University of British Columbia. USCSCA NATIONAL RESULTS UBC CI Overall finish W 11 5 M 18 3 All American M/W 0 9

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NORDIC: The NWCSC participated in one USSA event in the NW at Mt Bachelor, OR, (designated as the NW Regional event for USCSA National Championship qualification). The College of Idaho, Whitman College, and Oregon State University-Cascades represented the NWCSC at the 2016 USCSA National Championship in Lake Placid, NY. USCSA NATIONAL RESULTS WHIT OSU-C CI Overall finish W 8 5 IND M IND IND N/A All American M/W 0 0 0 SNOWBOARD/FREESTYLE: The NWCSC did not host or participate in snowboard/freestyle events in 2016. The College of Idaho, Oregon State University – Cascades, and University of British Columbia represented the NWCSC at the 2016 USCSA Nationals at Lake Placid, NY. USCSA NATIONAL RESULTS CI OSC UBC Skier Cross W 1 N/A 4 M 3 N/A 7 Freestyle W N/A N/A N/A M N/A N/A N/A

Snowboard W IND N/A N/A M IND 12 N/A All American M/W 4 0 1

ACADEMICS: The NWCSC was also well represented in the classroom Scholar All Americans The College of Idaho 5 Oregon State University – Cascades TBA Whitman College TBA University of British Columbia TBA Business for 2016-2017:

Maintenance o General information distribution network o Expanded Live timing broadcasting for conference events o NWCSC website

NWCSC team advisors program to assist new and existing programs with o Representation at college fairs and university events o USCSA/NWCSC paperwork o Advise teams on club development methods for new program and for continuity from year to year o Support inter-team relationships and communication (e.g. co-team training, transportation, shared equipment, etc)

Review the relationship with PNSA for services offered Expand XC and snowboard participation within PNSA/USASA structure Proposed alpine race calendar for 2017 – site confirmation TBA

o January 21-22 2GS Qualifier #1 McCall, ID o January 28-29 2SL Qualifier #2 Bend, OR o February 4-5 2GS Qualifier #3 Wenatchee, WA o February 11-12 2SL Qualifier #4 Boise, ID o February 23-25 GS/SL Regional McCall, ID o March 6-11 GS/SL National Bend, OR

Fall NWCSC meeting, October 7, 2016; location TBA. Respectively Submitted: Ron Bonneau 5/28/16

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 509-445-4455 Website: email:

Pacific Northwest Ski Association A Division of USSA

Officials Committee Report 2015-2016 Season

Committee Members: Roger Root, Bill Brooks, Gillian Esson, and Craig Panos.

Duties: The education and training of officials; Maintaining and updating the records of PNSA Officials; Assigning of Technical Delegates; Providing support assistance to race organizers; Helping coordinate the PNSA Concussion testing program.

Clinics this season: 3 zone clinics and several club or individual clinics to meet specific needs.


Season Alpine Officials (Including coaches)

Coaches Only

2015-2016 397 234

2014-2015 406 240

2013-2014 412 Not Available

2012-2013 397 Not Available

2011-2012 415 Not Available

2010-2011 399 Not Available

2009-2010 413 Not Available

2008-2009 400 Not Available

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2007-2008 411 Not Available

2006-2007 333 Not Available

Season Nordic (Including coaches)


2015-2016 22 18

2014-2015 18 15

2013-2014 8 Not Available

2012-2013 7 Not Available

2011-2012 9 Not Available

2010-2011 11 Not Available

2009-2010 13 Not Available

2008-2009 14 Not Available

2007-2008 13 Not Available

2006-2007 15 Not Available

2016 Fall Clinic Dates:

Tentative Dates for Divisional Clinics: October 2, 9,16, 30 and November 6, 2016.

FIS TD Update: October 21-23, 2016 in Calgary, Alberta CA.

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2015-2016 Project Status:

USSA Projects and News:

The on-line Competition Official project has been ready to go for two years but USSA has been unable to provide the necessary IT support to get it on the USSA website. However, USSA approved a proposal from the USSA Alpine Officials Working Group to make the offering a programed learning course that could be completed off-line. PNSA will be revising the materials with the goal of having it operational this fall.

USSA has changed the composition of its working groups. Previously, the Western Region divisions had a designated seat on at least two of the alpine working groups: Alpine Officials USSA Technical Delegates. The new rules reduce the overall membership of these groups a the seats now belong to the regions. Western Region now has fours seats on the AO Workin Group. PNSA will have to present recommendations to the Western Region ACC to stay involved. Also, the people serving on these groups will need to be cognizant that they represe the region not just their division. Ron Bonneau has been approved as an Alpine Course Inspector. Divisional Projects: Malcolm Ash, Steve Lowe and Karl Wardrop completed their TD training. B-Net Storage: The division needs to look for a solution to B-Net storage at Mt Hood and Wenatchee. Technical Delegate Seminar: Other divisions have been successful in bringing their TDs toge for an update and roundtable discussion. This is a project that PNSA should pursue. Respectively submitted: Roger Root

Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 866-542-8664 Website: email

Pacific Northwest Ski Association A Division of USSA

U14 Annual Report The U14 age class in PNSA started with 139 athletes in November, and grew to 227 from numbers available on the PNSA ability class lists. U14 age class comparisons and representation can be seen below. This age class is strong and represents the foundation of USSA eligible racers in PNSA.

This 2016 season we had races designated as U14 Qualifiers in each of the three PNSA zones. A procedure was put in place last season to use zonal qualifications to do this. The qualification events were not consistent across all three zones. Scheduling constraints and a lack of adhering to the rules set forth last year caused this. This upcoming season it’s planned that better calendaring will allow PNSA to run zonal U14 qualifiers that follow the existing PNSA rules and produce more consistent U14 Qualifiers across all three zones. It's still difficult to host U14 SG Qualifiers at a venue suitable for this age class. There are not many venues suitable that will work in all snow conditions. The SGs Qualifiers remain optional.

Modified World Cup points were used to score the results from these qualifiers. No USSA points are considered - no double board, and this resulted in PNSA selecting 12 women and 16 men to attend the U14 WR championships. There is no plan to change this scoring procedure.

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U14 WR Championships were held in Jackson Hole. PNSA athletes skied well with Ryan Kershaw winning the men's SG, two other athletes in the SG top ten, 3 top ten placings in men's GS, two top ten in women's GS and a top ten in women's SL. As a result of Ryan’s win in Men's SG he was selected to compete in the U16 Nationals.

USSA performed a SkillsQuest competition after the SG races. To be expected, it was tough to get squeezed into the afternoon with athletes trying to train GS and perform SQ tests concurrently. However SQ scores do point to a correlation between expertise in skills and race results. Those who scored Silvers (large majority scored Bronze) in SQ also did well in competition.

This was a PNSA team trip with 6 divisional coaches and coordination from the PNSA office. However PNSA did not procure or house as a group the athletes together as it was determined that parents should be with athletes at this age. Lodging was therefore the responsibility of the parents.

The Buddy Werner Championships were held at Mt Bachelor the last weekend of March, two training weekends after U14 WRC athletes were back home. This was later in the race schedule than previous seasons. Although the BWC came late this year the weather and racing venues were excellent at Mt Bachelor. Thanks to MBSEF for hosting these events.

In keeping with the original schedule the event was kept at three days, meaning the mandatory SG training run was performed Friday morning with SG racing in the afternoon. This made for a long day but we were fortunate to have snow conditions not deteriorate to an extent that would create unsafe conditions. This is one of a few reasons scheduling of BWC so late in the season can be troublesome. Due to time constraints there was no SkillsQuest competition.

From the results of the BWC ten U14 men and women qualified for the NW Cup Finals at Mt Spokane and many of these athletes scored the best point results of the year.

Many U14s finished the year by attending the PNSA Speed Camp at White Pass and the Golden Rose slaloms. The PNSA Speed Camp was especially appreciated by the U14 athletes and is an important development tool for this age group.

Respectfully Submitted, Mike Graves - PNSA U14 Chair

2671 Flowery Trail Road –Usk– WA 99180-9740 Phone: 509-445-4454 Fax: 509-445-4455 Website: email:

Pacific Northwest Ski Association A Division of USSA

2015-2016 PNSA U16 Working Group Report

PNSA Working Group Chuck Holcomb, chairman (Eastern zone), Nils Erickson (Oregon Zone), Alan Lauba (Western Washington zone)

I would like to thank Nils and Alan for their help on the committee this year. I would also like to thank Paul Mahre for his outstanding work with selections and season long U16 standing calculations.

2015-2016 U16 Calendar Location Jan 16-18 Qualifier #1 Mt. Spokane Feb 13-15 Qualifier #2 Mt. Hood Skibowl Feb 16-17 Qualifier #3 Mt. Bachelor Mar 16-20 U16 WR Champs Mammoth, CA Mar 17-20 CanAms Panorama, BC Mar 30-Apr 3 U16 Nationals Snowbird, UT Apr 7-10 NWC/U16 Finals Mt. Spokane

A few season highlights: U16 Nationals Qualified Ryan Kershaw (WPSC) 51st Super G, 45th Slalom Western Region U16 Championships: Womens SG Teegan Lowe (TAS) 14th, Katie Holm (CMAC) 19th Mens SG Luke Musgrave (MBSEF) 13th,Tyler Larson (SPAC) 15th,Tucker Scroggins (MAC) Womens GS Katie Holm (CMAC) 19th Mens GS Jack Smith (MBSEF) 12th, Tucker Scroggins (MAC) 16th Womens SL Savannah Jurgensen (SARS) 10th, Teegan Lowe (TAS) 18th Mens SL Tyler Larson (SPAC) 8th, Jack Smith (MBSEF) 14th U16 Can Ams-top PNSA results Women SL Anna Troje (TAS) 33rd Men SL Addison McNamara (SARS) 54th Women GS Louise Howe (CSRT) 54th Men GS Thomas Buckner (CMAC) 56th Women SG1 Louise Howe (CSRT) 67th Men SG1 Oliver Day (MRST) 39th Women SG2 Anna Troje (TAS) 36th Men SG2 Justin Sanders (CMAC) 63rd U16 Series: Overall Teams Women Men Overall 1. CMAC 1521 1. MBSEF 1063 1. CMAC 2295 2. SARS 1133 2. SPAC 895 2. SARS 1515 3. TAS 1019 3. CMAC 774 3. TAS 1229 4. MAC 430 4. SSRA 532 4. MBSEF 1173 5. MRST 402 5. SARS 382 5. SPAC 1157

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Individuals Women Men 1. Katie Holm (CMAC) 560 1. Jonathan Wimberley (MBSEF) 510 2 Savannah Jurgensen (SARS) 420 2. Jack Smith (MBSEF) 470 3. Teegan Lowe (TAS) 340 3. Tyler Larson (SPAC) 406 4. Hailey Jones (MRST) 296 4. Luke Musgrave (MBSEF) 320 5. Emma Ireton (TAS) 289 5. Sawyer Price (WPSC) 312 Discussion Items:

1. Athlete Performance This year, PNSA was rebuilding after several departures to U19’s and out-of-division teams. In spite of this, there were two top ten finishes at U16 Champs and 11 top 20’s. 2. Athlete Retention After losing several athletes to out-of-division teams this year and more departures on the horizon…. I share the following from my 2014-2015 report: What do we need to do to educate parents to better illuminate: • Perceived value versus reality of leaving home. What are the benefits…and the costs? • Past success of athletes staying in home programs versus moving out of division. • The value of maintaining relationships (coach and teammate) that supported athlete’s

development. Is the success that the home club fostered forgotten when athletes get to the 2nd year U16 or 1st year U18 crossroad. How do we maintain greener grass at home?

• What age may be developmentally appropriate to leave home (family, support structure, etc.) • In terms of education, what does the research show? How important is the social context of

learning? Do athletes get the education that they need to invest in their future once they leave home or the conventional school model?

In terms of retaining athletes in the sport: • How do we provide a continuum of competition that limits costs and school absences? -improving • How can we make sure that our athletes continue to have the competition to measure themselves,

as well as expose our athletes to the next level? -improving • USSA has seen a sharp decrease in U16 numbers over the last two years. PNSA has seen this

decrease as well. How much can be attributed to the age class changes and how much to other factors?

• What can we do to keep kids in the sport? 3. PNSA Competition Structure Due to the congestion of the schedule and the relatively low field sizes, the ACC has voted to merge the U16 and Northwest Cup Series for the 2016-2017 season. It is believed that holding only NWC races will allow for larger fields, better athlete management, and higher quality fields per start for U16 athletes. The division will strive to schedule 4. Ability Class Racing The ACC has voted to continue ability class racing. The Category 1 awards will become “Overall” awards, and the Category 5 awards will be discontinued after February. There will be discussion on how to seed the categories (randomly versus by points within each category) at the PNSA Convention. Respectfully Submitted, Chuck Holcomb PNSA U16 Working Group Chairman

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Pacific Northwest Ski Association A Division of USSA

PNSA Cross Country Season Report, 2015-16

Alan Watson, NCC Chair May 6, 2016

PNSA Cross Country had a generally successful 2015-16 season, with good snow and no major unexpected interruptions, and all main activities carried out as planned. As usual our major focus was on qualification for and attendance at the Junior National Championships, but with additional thought and effort given to growing the sport of cross country ski racing in the Northwest. Summer Camps As in the past several years we held three regional summer camps, at Mount Bachelor in June, Trout Lake in July, and the Methow Valley in August. Regional camps are valuable not only for the actual training that goes on at them, but also for additional stimulation and motivation that our skiers get from skiing with and comparing themselves to their peers from other teams and skiers from outside the region. The Mount Bachelor and Trout Lake camps recruit attendees from other regions, including a significant number of college skiers at Trout Lake, which is especially valuable for our juniors. Junior Nationals Qualifier Races As in the previous year we held three two-day meets within PNSA, at Mount Bachelor, the Methow Valley, and Mount Spokane, and also used the “Super Qualifier” meet at Soldier Hollow Utah, for a total of eight JNQ races. All eight races were held as planned and were generally safe, fair, and fun. Attendance at our qualifiers has been essentially unchanged over the past several years, with an average of 79 starters in the U16-U20 age groups. Our larger race programs have many more participants in the younger age groups, so the one key to growing the sport in the secondary years is to retain a higher percentage of the younger skiers as they mature. The time and effort to train and the time and expense of travel to distant races are factors, as is the quality of coaching. For the second consecutive season our three JNQ meets were all sanctioned by USSA, which had not been the case for a number of years previously. Advantages of USSA sanctioning are that our kids have the opportunity to improve their USSA points standings, and that having an official Technical Delegate to advise and evaluate the race committee can help educate and motivate more professionalism in our race organizers. Disadvantages are the costs of sanctioning and paying TD expenses, as well as some of the timing requirements that might be needlessly tight and expensive to comply with. We have had the same teams host our three PNSA JNQ meets each of the past three years. It is important that other teams enter the mix, but at the same time we want to ensure a reasonable quality to the races, including accurate times.

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Junior Nationals Qualification During the spring and summer of 2015 we discussed and debated ways to improve our qualification system. The system used in previous years was based on a racer’s time as a percent of the average of the top three finishers in each age and gender class, with five results under 7% back automatically qualifying a skier for the team. In order to accommodate injuries, illness, and other circumstances we also had a petition process for skiers who had fewer than five results under 7% back. Problems that we recognized with this system included a team size that was uncertain until after the final qualifier, poor incentives for racers to do their very best, as opposed to meeting the 7% cutoff, and a perception by many that the petition process was arbitrary and unfair. As a result of the above considerations we came up with a new qualification system which was approved by the PNSA board in October 2015. Under the new system the team size is determined before each season by the Nordic Competition Committee. In each JNQ race place points are awarded to PNSA skiers within each age and gender class, except that U18s and U20s are combined, using Continental Cup (SuperTour) scoring as published in the USSA Nordic Competition Manual. At the end of the season all PNSA skiers are ranked in one list by the total of their four best place points. The team is selected first from those who are automatic by USSA standards, and then from the PNSA ranking list until the full team has been named. Petitions were eliminated in exchange for reducing the number of races that count from five to four, on the theory that by using only four races a skier could miss two full meets and still qualify. There is still an option for the NCC to name discretionary skiers in addition to those who qualify, but the intent is that this option should be used seldom if at all. The general sentiment among the coaches, racers, and parents seems to be that the new system has been a significant improvement. We have identified several issues where we need to clarify the rules, including whether to give place points to PNSA skiers skiing in an older age group than their actual age, what to do about ties, and whether there should be a minimum number of racers selected for the younger age groups. Regarding the latter, this past season we had five U20 boys qualify and only five U18 boys, so that the number of U20s might have resulted in fewer U18s than otherwise. Junior Nationals Trip The 2016 cross country Junior National Championships was held at Telemark, Wisconsin. The area had thin but adequate snow cover at the time we arrived, but a day after our arrival unusually warm temperatures wreaked havoc on course conditions. The organizers postponed one race, held all but the first race on modified courses, changed the sprint from classic to freestyle, and substituted a “patrol relay” for the normal relay format. Training and course inspections were limited. In spite of the difficulties the racers responded positively and the races were generally fair and safe. Team members were responsible and well-behaved. We consciously continued our tradition of being the most cohesive division of all, with all PNSA skiers considering themselves as one team, rather than as a collection of club teams, and of supporting each other as much as possible. We had no discipline problems. Being associated with that group of young people was a reward in itself. We took nine coaches, one of whom came late: George Bryant (Spokane Nordic), Jordan Buetow (Bend Endurance), Leslie Hall (Methow Valley Nordic), Jeff Hashimoto (Ellensburg), Ben Husaby

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(Bend Endurance), Scott Johnston (Methow Olympic Development), Zoe Roy (Mount Bachelor), Dan Simoneau (Mount Bachelor), and Alan Watson (PNSA). Alan Watson was trip leader. Ben Husaby arrived Wednesday, after coaching PNSA senior skier Dakota Blackhorse-von Jess at the Canmore World Cup sprint on Tuesday. The coaches worked together well. Ben and Scott were in charge of waxing and did an excellent job. We had difficult waxing conditions in the classic race on Monday, partly due to limited wax testing opportunity, but in the remaining races we appeared to have skis as fast or faster than any other division. We rented four houses at the Garmisch Resort, about ten miles from the race venue. Space was adequate, although as planned some skiers had to share queen or king sized beds. We brought a pair of parents, Paul and Erin Biskup from Bend, as cooks, and had excellent food at very reasonable prices. One complaint, similar to last year, was that the houses were not closer to each other, even though they were in easy walking distance. Overall race results were comparable to those from the previous year. We finished the Alaska Cup in 6th place among the ten divisions, as well as we have done for a number of years, and we were actually in fifth place, ahead of Far West, until they nipped us in the very last race. In each race we calculated each skier’s place percentage back (where first place is 0% and last place is 100%), and our overall average improved to 60% this year from 66% last year. Eighteen of our 32 skiers had at least one finish in the top half of their field, and five of our skiers had 11 top-10 finishes between them. Last year we had two Junior Nationals Champions; this year our best places were a pair of 2nds. Some of our skiers had some of the best races of their lives at the Championships. Others, because of overtraining, illness, or nerves, had disappointing results. Close to a third of our team showed up at the Championships either sick, recovering from sickness, or otherwise exhausted. One of our challenges for the future is for our coaches as well as racers to figure out the optimum balance between hard and easy training, so that skiers arrive at the Championships rested and strong instead of tired and over-trained. Another is to convince our kids how fast they need to go to be competitive at the top level, so that they get plenty of practice at JN race speeds and efforts in local races. A third challenge is to manage our skiers’ nerves and confidence so that they perform their best under pressure. After the meet we invited all JN team members and their parents to fill out an anonymous online questionnaire. We had 43 responses, most of them positive but with some constructive criticisms which we will attempt to use in our plans next season. Growing the Sport In last year’s report we identified four ways that we would try to grow cross country ski racing in PNSA:

1) Make our qualification races as well organized and as friendly and welcoming to less experienced skiers as we can while keeping entry fees as low as possible.

2) Encourage the growth and participation of new clubs and teams. 3) Emphasize to coaches, parents, and racers the importance of each race, and not just of Junior Nationals

qualification. 4) Develop special recognition for skiers who do not go on the JN trip.

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We have tried to encourage all comers to enter our JNQ races, although there is undoubtedly more that we could do in the way of marketing. Our average field size in the U16 through U20 classes in the six JNQ races held within PNSA was 78 last season, unchanged from 78 the season before and 79 the season before that. We are holding steady, but not growing. In addition to those age classes we had younger as well as senior age groups. In the past few years we have had several new programs started or resurrected, including Momentum Northwest from Seattle, Plain Valley Nordic from Plain, Washington, and Sandpoint Nordic. There is a huge potential for growth of the sport among Seattle area residents if the logistics of traffic and distance to snow can be managed, which is yet to be seen. In general successful programs seem to need a combination of decent skiing nearby as well as some dedicated adults to nurture a junior racing program along.