Overview of HRD - Swanson(1995)

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Human Resource Development:Performance Is the Key

Richard A. Swanson

The purpose of this position paper is to stimulate discussion by presenting arange of options for viewing HRD. The major sections are (1) "Views of HumanResource Development," (2) "Definitions," (3) "Performance With or WithoutInstruction," (4) "Perfonnance—A Closer Look," and (5) "Conclusions."

Views of Human Resource Development

First, 1 propose that scholars and professionals have the opportunity to viewand position HRD at one of the following levels:

• As a major business process, something an organization must do to succeed.• As a value-added activity, something that is potentially worth doing.• As an optional activity something that is nice to do.• As a waste of business resources, something that has costs exceeding the


Furthermore, 1 believe that the specific view selected by tbe HRD leader is theone tbat will most likely become reality—a self-fulfilling prophecy And, in theabsence of a commitment from HRD leaders, management and/or governmentwill most likely impose a view tbat is based on misinformation or partial in-formation.

Second, 1 propose that the theoretical foundations of HRD are drawn frompsychological theory, systems theory, and economic theory (Swanson, 1982,1992). Tbe visual image 1 use is a three-legged stool having tbe ability to standsecure on botb smooth and irregular surfaces (Figure 1). Furthermore, 1 be-lieve tbat all three are required ingredients for HRD to be considered a majorbusiness process.

Note: This article is based on a conference keynote address to the International ResearchNetwork for Training and Development, June 23, 1994, Milan, Italy,

FORUM is a wnrefereed section inviting readers' reactions and opinions.

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT QUARTIBLY, vol, 6. no. 2. Summer 1993 ©Jossey-Bass Publishers 207

208 Swanson

Figure 1. Theoretical Foundations of HRD


Human resource development: Human resource development is a process of de-veloping and/or unleashing human expertise through organization develop-ment and personnel training and development for the purpose of improvingperformance.

Components oj human resource devehpmenl: The two major components ofHRD are (1) traimng and development and (2) organization development. Inaddition, HRD has three critical application areas: human resource manage-ment, career development, and quality improvement.

Organization development: Organization development is the process of sys-tematically implementing organizational change for the purpose of improvingperformance.

Training and development: Training and development is the process of sys-tematically developing expertise in individuals for the purpose of improvingperformance.

Performance: There are three levels of performance: organizational,process, and Individual.

HRD values: HRD practices should be theoretically and ethically sound.HRD calls upon theories from multiple disciplines. Thus, the problem of con-necting sound theory and sound practice within a theoretically sound and eth-ical framework is an important part of HRD theory and practice.

Perjormance h the Key 209

Performance—With or Without Instruction

The historic root of the HRD profession is the training and learning compo-nent (Swanson and Torraco, 1995). In order to understand the contemporaryrole of HRD, it is important to revisit the role of learning in the profession (seeDooley, 1945; Campbell, Campbell, and Associates, 1988; Gagne, 1962; Ja-cobs, 1992; Jacobs and Jones, 1995; Senge, 1990; Watkins and Marsick,1993). 1 love learning. 1 love the process of learning and the results of havingnew knowledge. More than learning, 1 love expertise. I love ihe personal senseof self that results from heing efficient and effective. Learning is only one com-ponent of expertise (Bereiter and Scardamalia, 1992; Stolovitch and Keeps,1992), More than expertise, 1 love perjormance. Expertise is only one compo-nent of performance (Figure 2). Worthy performance from the perspective ofbusiness and industry can be viewed at the organizational, process, and indi-vidual levels (Rummler and Brache, 1990; Swanson, 1994).

Performance—A Closer Look

For HRD to become a core husmess process, performance is the key. The per-formance perspectives of levels, variables, and measures help to clarify theconcept of perfonnance.

Perjormance Levels and Vanables. The three levels of performance—or-ganizational, process, and individual—remind us that organizations view andvalue performance in a hierarchy (Davenport, 1993; Rummler and Brache,1990; and Wimbiscus, 1994) and that multiple variables influence perfor-mance. The matrix of enabling questions in Figure 3 helps to diagnose per-formance issues. When it is taken seriously, the seemingly simple matrix ofquestions leads the analyst to the HRD disconnects from performance.

Measures oJ Perjonnance. If HRD is aimed al specific perfonnance re-quirements and is an appropriate intervention, units of worthy perfonnanceare identifiable. Critical measures of performance in business and industry

Figure 2. Relationship Between Learning, Expertise, and Performance

Learning Experiise Performance•Organizational•Process•Individual

210 Swanson

Figure 3. Performance Diagnosis Matrix of Enabling Questions









Orgamzational Level Process Level Individual level

Does the organizationalmission/goal fit the realityotthe economic, political,and cultural forces?

Does [he organizaiionalsystem provide structureand policies supponingthe desired performance?

Does the organization havethe leadership, capilal, andinfrastructure to achieve usmission/goals?

Do the policies, culture,and reward systemssupport the desiredperformance?

Does the organizationestablish and maintainselection and trainingpolicies and resources?

Do ihe process goalsenable the organization tomeet organizaiional andindividual missions/goals?

Are processes designed insuch a way as to work as asystem?

Does the process have thecapacity to perform(quantity, quality, andtimeliness)?

Does the process providethe information andhuman factors required tomaintain it?

Does the process ofdeveloping expenise meetthe changing demands ofchanging processes?

Are the professional andpersonal mission/goals ofindividual congruentwith the organization's?

Does the individual faceobstacles that impedejob performance?

Does the individual havethe mental, physical, andemoiional capacity loperfonn?

Does the individual want10 perfonn no matterwhat?

Does the individual havethe knowledge, skills,and experience toperform?

Source: Swanson, 1994. p. 52,

CD are tied to the core goods and services of the organization and (2) are gen-erally measured in terms of quantity, time, and/or quality features that can beeasily converted into monetary worth (Hronec, 1993; Swanson and Gradous,1988; Swanson, 1990). Core goods and services might include such things asmicrochips produced, computers assembled, windshields made, wiring har-nesses produced, subscriptions ordered, meals served, or clients added. HRDviewed as an optional activity (something nice to do) or even a value-addedactivity (something that is potentially worth doing) is almost never directlyconnected to core business outputs. Thus, attempts to evaluate workplace per-formance outcomes from HRD programs' positions from these views are gen-erally futile.

Taxonomy oJ Perjormance. Organizations expenence a concurrent needfor control and innovation, Thus, the performance requirements in todaysworkplace can often be separated into two categories. One category is con-cerned about maintaining the existing system. The second has to do with im-proving the system. The Taxonomy of Performance and its five tiers (Figure 4)

Perjormance h the Key 211

Figure 4. Taxonomy of Performance

Changingthe /Invent


produce a new method, process, device, orstudy or experimentation

Maintaining ^the




To advance an existing method, process, device,or system to a better state or quality

To locale and eliminate sources of trouble inan existing method, process, device, or system

To run or control the functioning of amethod, process, device, or system

UnderstandTo comprehend the language, sounds,

form, or symbols of an existing method,process, device, or system

Source: Swanson, 1994, p. 57

provides additional insight irito performance requirements for these two dis-parate categories and the role HRD can play in improving perfortnance.

HRD as a Major Business Process. The standard system model (input >process > output) helps to illustrate the business organization as a system andHRD as a subsystem. Most organization charts with their hierarchies show thechain of command of the organization, not a mission- and goal-driven system.

HRD as a Major Business Process. The standard system model (input >process > output) has external customer requirements on the input side andexternal customer satisfaction as the output. As a major business process,HRDs contribution is directly connected to the external customer and mostlikely serves internal customers and parallel processes to achieve core perfor-mance outputs of the organization.

HRD as a Value-Added or Optional Activity. HRD that connects to the inter-nal customer (not the external customer) is not systemically positioned to bea major business process. Under this condition—as a supporting subsystem—HRD has the potential of being aligned with the strategic goals and thus addingvalue to the organization. Without this alignment, however, HRD is viewed asan optional activity that is totally dependent on the integrity of the internalcustomer it serves,

HRD as a Waste oj Business Resources. Finally and tragically, HRD commis-sioned by an internal customer without systemic, psychological, and/or eco-nomic integrity can cause losses to an organization. While 1 know of no re-search as to the extent of losses caused by HRD, I believe that the negativeimpact of low-quality HRD efforts is large.

212 Swcmson

Figure 5. Systems Model of Performance Improvement:

Performance Improvement Phases


Economic Forces • Political Forces • Cultural Forces


Mission and Strategy • Organizational Structure• Technology " Human Resources



Source: Swanson, 1994. p. 20.


In conclusion, I offer the following general model of HRD as a performance

improvement and major business process, one that connects HRD to other

major business processes that are influenced by and influence the total orga-

nization and the environment in which it functions (Figure 5). Furthermore,

the model displays an orderly process in which HRD acknowledges perfor-

mance as the key in the struggle to retain the integrity of the individual,

process, and organization.


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Performance Is the Key 213

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Richard A. Swanson is professor and director, Human Resource Development ResearchCenter. Vniversity of Minnesota, St. Paul.