Output Klinthes Enhanced Programjhjh

Post on 17-Feb-2016

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Transcript of Output Klinthes Enhanced Programjhjh

Enhancement Program for Educational Management Practices

Identified Problem Area Objectives Program/ Activities Person/s Involved Output Outcome

Setting of goals and educational objectives

To enhance capacity of directors and teachers to determine goals and objectives

Seminars1. Inputs and

practicum on goal setting and defining educational objectives

Lead Person (designated by the school head)/DirectorsSchool Teachers

% of attendees required to participate in the seminars

1. Skills developed2. SMART Goals3. Realistic objectives4. Enhanced


Implementation of programs and action plans

To achieve targets and enhance school performance

1. Judiciously allocate resources

2. Train and support implementers

3. Maintain, monitor/enforce programs and plans

4. Establish feedback mechanism

5. Modify programs and plans whenever necessary

Lead Person (designated by the school head)/DirectorsSchool Teachers

1. % of targets achieved vs. not achieved

2. % of feedbacks addressed within x number of days

3. Overall rating of school performance by end of school year

1. Good quality education achieved

2. Efficiently-run school

Evaluation of school performance

To enhance school performance

1. Establish feedback mechanism

2. Multi-stakeholder annual review of school performance

Lead Person (designated by the school head)/DirectorsSchool teachersCommunity

1. Feedback mechanism established by x quarter of x year

2. Satisfactory rating in annual performance

1. Good quality education achieved

2. Efficiently-run school


Administrative Management

To ensure the accomplishment of school development programs

1. Conduct seminars2. Automation and

seamless integration of processes (Administrative, HRMD and Finance)

Lead Person (designated by the school head)/DirectorsSchool teachersOther concerned school personnel

1. % of attendees required to participate in the seminars

2. No. of processes automated and integrated by x quarter of x year

Overall efficiency improved

Human resources management and developmentFinancial Management