Our Mission & Values...for children’s health; 120 years of Baillie Henderson Hospital & Toowoomba...

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Transcript of Our Mission & Values...for children’s health; 120 years of Baillie Henderson Hospital & Toowoomba...


Mission ......................................................................1

Board of Directors & Staff ...................................2 - 3

Chairman’s Report ....................................................4

The Year at a Glance .................................................5

Grants ........................................................................7

Grants - Education, Training & Professional Development Ctd ......................................................9

Special Donations ...................................................12

Thank you, Bequests & Donors

4GR Give Me 5 For Kids .........................................13

THF Highlights .................................................14 - 15

Annual Report Compliance Checklist ......................................16 - 17

Financial Statements .......................................18 - 28

Our Mission & ValuesThe Toowoomba Hospital Foundation exists to:-

• Support andpromote the serviceof theToowoombaHospital,BaillieHendersonHospital andMtLoftyHeightsNursing Home; and promote the integration of the three facilities into the Toowoomba urban community;

• Supportthepursuitofexcellenceinserviceandpeople’shealthoutcomesbyimprovingfacilities,equipment,researchand development, education and training in regional & remote health services in Queensland & Australia

THSD (Toowoomba Health Service District)

THCA (Toowoomba Hospital Children’s Appeal)

THF (Toowoomba Hospital Foundation)

TBH (Toowoomba Base Hospital)

DDWMHSD (Darling Downs - West Moreton Health Service District)

USQ (University of Southern Queensland)

RDAF (Regional Development Australia Fund)

Table of Contents


Public AvailabilityAn online version of this report is available on our website www.toowoombahospitalfoundation.org.au. This and previous

reports can be found at the same website. For further information on this document or about Toowoomba Hospital Foundation contact:

Peter Rookas, Toowoomba Hospital Foundation, PO Box 7646, Toowoomba Mail Centre Qld 4352

Ph: 4616 6166 Fax: 4616 6177 Email:TBH-Foundation@health.qld.gov.au

The Queensland Government is committed to providing accessible services to Queenslanders from all culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. If you have difficulty in understanding the annual report, you can contact us on

(07) 4616 6166 and we will arrange an interpreter to effectively communicate the report to you.

The Toowoomba Hospital Foundation thanks all our supporters and donors of the hospitals and health services in our region. Your privacy is important to us and as such many individual donors have not been listed in our annual report.

© Toowoomba Hospital Foundation (State of Queensland) 2011


About the Toowoomba Hospital Foundation The Foundation is a statutory body incorporated under the Hospital Foundations Act 1982 (Qld). Originally formed as the Darling Downs Health Services Foundation, a name change under the provisions of the Act saw the emergence of the Toowoomba Hospital Foundation. The role of the Foundation is to provide support to the region’s health services,primarilyToowoombaHospital,BaillieHendersonHospital&MtLoftyNursingHome.

As a statutory body the Hospital Foundation is subject to the provisions of the Financial Accountability Act 2009 and the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009 and is audited annually by the Queensland Audit Office and the Auditor General. The Foundation is endorsed by ATO as a DGR and an Income Tax Exempt Charity under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. It is also endorsed for GST concessions under a New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 and it is exempted under the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986.

The Role of the BoardThe Toowoomba Hospital Foundation is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors, appointed by the Governor in Council and drawn from the General, Business, Medical and University communities. The Board Directors give of their time & expertise freely and without remuneration. They are responsible for the overall strategic direction of the Foundation, overseeing the operation and establishment of policies and procedures.

The Board and management have the responsibility of ensuring that monies provided by donors, sponsors and the general public are effectively and efficiently managed. The Role of the Board includes and is not limited to:

• Maintaininghighlevelsofaccountabilitytostakeholdersandexternalregulators • RaisingawarenessoftheFoundationtothecommunity • Providingassistancewithstrategicdirectionanddevelopingpolicies,plansandbudgets • Assessingandapprovingapplicationsforfundingforequipment,education,researchandsupporttothe hospitals and health services • Monitoringriskandensuringthereiseffectiveriskmanagementcontrolsandreportingprocedures • EnsuringtheFoundationactslegally,ethically,responsibilityandtransparently.

Board Directors attend monthly meetings and oversee the financial performance and corporate governance of the Foundation. A budget is prepared for acceptance at the commencement of each financial year. A comprehensive financial report is provided each month prior to meeting, for Directors to review the day to day business.

Directors assist staff in determining effective internal controls and oversee all contractual matters including the management and operation of the Toowoomba Hospital Car Park and Coffee Shop Cafeteria.

Applications for Funding are considered by the Directors at each monthly board meeting. A sub-committee of representatives from the community, health service, university and Foundation, oversee the selection process & distribution of funds for research initiatives for the year.

With the CEO, the Board develops and oversees fundraising projects with an emphasis on raising the awareness of the needs of the hospital and health services programs.

To the best of the knowledge of the Board, during the course of the last financial year there have been no breaches of the Hospital Foundations Act 1982 or other legislation.

ManagementThe day to day management of the Foundation is undertaken by the Chief Executive Officer & Staff who ensure the effective implementation of strategies as approved by the Board of Directors. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for providing a written report to the Board at each of the monthly meetings.

The Toowoomba Hospital Foundation held 9 Board Meetings during the 2010/2011 financial year.

Name No. Attended Name No. Attended

Raymond Taylor-Chair 5 Brenda Tait 6

Andrew Wielandt 9 Dr Peter Bristow 8

Dr Ros Reilly 8 Lewis Rowling 9

Horst Brosi 7 Shayne Stenhouse 6

Geoff Brabrook 8 Peter Sedl 8

Judy March 2 Peter Rookas – CEO 9


Board of Directors

Shayne StenhouseSecretary

2004 - Current

Andrew Wielandt Deputy Chairman

2006 - Current

Raymond TaylorChairman

1989 - Current

Roslyn Reilly1996 - Current

Judy March2001 - Current

Horst Brosi1999 - Current

Brenda Tait1999 - Current

Lewis Rowling2002 - Current

Peter Sedl2008 - Current

Peter Bristow2005 - Current

Geoff Brabrook, Ex Officio Member Chairman, Toowoomba Health District Council2009 - Current

Pamela Hammond, Peter Rookas and Ann-Louise Sauverain


In the 23rd year of the Foundation’s operation and having been a member of the Board for that time, it is with pride that I present the Chairman’s report for the 2010/2011 financial year.

The events of January 10, 2011 & the so-named ‘Inland Tsunami’ and its affects will remain in our memory for generations to come. Despite what many thought would be lean times for our organisation, we have recorded yet another outstanding financial year outcome and we continue to grow in stature in our region.

The energy for fund raising events for the Disaster Relief projects was outstanding and gave us cause for concern for hospital and health services fund raising however these concerns were ill-founded. The long held belief that the ‘hospital’ is the heart and soul of any community rang true & the support for our Foundations aims & mission never dwindled.

The community came forward to ensure the work of the Foundation continued to thrive and combined with our business base of Car Parking and the Coffee Shop/Cafeteria at the Toowoomba Hospital, the Foundation was then able to contribute substantially to the hospitals and health services of the region.

As always, the responsibility for the use of these funds rested solely with the Board of Directors and they once again made informed decisions and it is pleasing to report that more than $400,000 has been injected into the hospital and health service in our region in 2010/2011.

The Foundation is forever indebted for the support of a very generous and giving community, especially all of the donors, community groups, service clubs, corporate and business sponsors who make it happen. Added tothislistareourBuddhistfriendsfromthePureLandLearningCollege,whoannuallyprovideasignificantdonation towards research and education.

To hold the position of Chairman of this exceptional organisation is very humbling and I have nothing but praise for my fellow Board Directors. Together they provide so much with their skill, dedication and ongoing commitment.

The success of the Foundation is very reliant on our Staff. They are without doubt our most valuable assets and I acknowledge the efforts of CEO Peter, Anna , Pam and Rosemary. I’d also like to congratulate Anna & Merv on the safe arrival of Savana Paige, the Foundation’s first baby!!

Finally, I feel very privileged to be the Foundation Chairman, and I look forward to fulfilling this role in the years to come.

Raymond F. TaylorChairman

Chairman’s Report



I doubt that anyone from the community of Toowoomba & region will forget 10 January 2011 in a hurry. The turn of events that day will be etched in our memories for life and the subsequent recovery from that dreadful, devastating ‘Inland Tsunami’ flood that swept through our region on that fateful day. While it would be reasonable to expect that support for the hospital and the Foundation would be down, that was far from the case.

If anything, the support for our work grew in stature and reaffirms that we are doing a great job for our community. Whilst it was requested by many of our supporters & sponsors to share profits from events conducted for flood victims, the overall effect was minimal.

The first half of the year 2010/2011 saw exceptional support for our traditional events with highlights including Fitzy’s on Church ‘Colour of Change’ luncheon raising $15,000 for the Breast Screen Clinic; the 10th Anniversary of the Clive Berghofer Group ‘A Christmas Wish’ taking the contribution from this event to over $110,000; USQToowoombaBiggestLoser;PalazzoVersacedinneratEncores;MyerToowoombadonationof$17,000for children’s health; 120 years of Baillie Henderson Hospital & Toowoomba Christmas Wonderland fared very well despite the rain interruptions.

The second half of the year featured involvement in the Peak2Park event; another $120,000 from our Buddhist friendsatthePureLandLearningCollege;a$10,000awardforourHealthyLifestylesprogramconductedinthe district health services; a huge $47,000+ result from Heritage Building Society 4GR’s Give Me 5 for Kids & two very generous bequests from local families to further advance our hospital and health services.

The Road Ahead – Working Towards a Healthier QueenslandThe Toowoomba Hospital Foundation is very mindful of the Queensland Government’s five ambitions strategy ‘Toward Q2: Tomorrow’s Queensland’ and achieving long-term goals that relate to health by 2020. The Foundation actively supports the five Toward Q2 ambitions for Queensland in the following ways.

StrongInfrastructure supporting growth of health services

The annual profit from the Foundation’s business base of car parking and coffee shop/cafeteria at the Toowoomba Hospital is used to cover the operational costs of the Foundation & its staff.

Any excess funds are used to support local health services or are invested judiciously for future use for the hospital & health services.

The Foundation employs three full-time staff members and any operational costs spent for events/goods/services etc. are, in the main, done locally.

GreenEnhancing our lifestyle & environment

TheFoundationincollaborationwithToowoombaHospitalOH&SsupportedaHealthyLifestylesprogramfor all staff & won a prestigious Healthy Australia award of $10,000 for our efforts.

The Foundation‘s office is at 41 Joyce Street, Toowoomba, adjacent to the hospital and staff strive to adhere to environmentally-friendly workplace practices.

The Year at a Glance…


SmartEducating a Workforce

Close to $200,000 was spent by the Foundation on the education of local health staff from all streams within the hospital.

Workshops & conferences were funded and facilitated by the Foundation to further enhance the skills & education of our hospital & health staff.

Numerous scholarships were provided for staff with Post-graduate studies.

HealthyMaking Queenslanders Australia’s Healthiest People

The Foundation is committed to promoting the prevention & control of illness within our community.

Support has been provided by the Foundation for public health programs aimed at cutting smoking, drinking alcohol, sun exposure & obesity.

The Foundation has provided staff incentives to cut public hospital waiting times.

Keeping the Downs HealthyThe Foundation facilitates & actively encourages the community & our hospital staff to get involved in such promotionsasToowoomba’sBiggestLoserattheUSQWorks,theUSQWorksRide,Run,Walkevent,partnerswiththe Toowoomba Road Runners for the annual King & Queen of the Range, Half-Hilly Marathon, 10k & 5k runs & annualToowoombaMarathon,thePeaktoParkWalk,Run&theHealthyLifestylesprogram.

FairGrowing a Workforce

The Foundation contributed $20,000 to the USQ Clinical Nursing Placement project and is working with the USQ to secure a Federal grant in excess of $2 million to further enhance this project and give nursing students every opportunity to be placed in our health services.

The Foundation has also committed $50,000 to the TULIP program at Toowoomba Hospital, again enhancingnursing placements.

The Foundation actively encourages & funds all streams of staff development with a view to up skilling, educating & then retaining the majority of that staff in our hospitals & health services.

VolunteersThe Foundation actively supports & funds the 350+ volunteers of the Toowoomba Hospital in many ways. Complimentary parking, staff room amenities, thank-you functions, Christmas gifts and funding the Guiding Stars; a group dedicated to showing people around the hospital campus.



Toowoomba  Hospital  Children’s  Appeal  The  Toowoomba  Hospital  Children’s  Appeal  continues  to  receive  generous  support  from  our  community.    The  Foundation  acknowledges  and  thanks  our  major  sponsors,  Clifford  Gardens  Shopping  Centre,   Radio   4GR,  WIN  TV   and   The  Chronicle,  who  have  all   been   involved  over  many  years  since  the  launch  THCA  in  1998.    During  that  time  more  than  $1  Million  has  been  raised   for  Children’s  Health  at   the  Toowoomba  Hospital  &   in   the   region.  This  also   includes  the   many   donations   that   are   received   from   community   groups   and   business   houses   that  stage  events  for  the  benefit  of  the  THCA.    The  past  year’s  events  are  listed  below.    

Projects  held  to  raise  funds  for  Toowoomba  Hospital  Children’s  Appeal  Event   Funds  Raised  The  Clive  Berghofer  Group  A  Christmas  Wish  2010   $14,706.55  Top  of  the  Range    Charity  Golf  Day   $3,000.00  USQ  Student  Guild  Toowoomba’s  Biggest  Loser   $9,272.00    

Donations  to  Toowoomba  Hospital  Children’s  Appeal    

Donations  $0  -­‐  $500   Donations  $501  -­‐  $1,000   Donations  $1001  -­‐  $5,000  Alpine  Refrigeration    

Clifford  Gardens  Shopping  Centre   Clifford  Gardens  Shopping  Centre  –  Collection  Cans  

Boeing  Defence  Australia   Gary  Kowitz    Builder   Southern  Hotel  Sportsman  Lunch  City  Golf  Club  –  Beer  Festival   Meringandan  Primary  School   Target  Toowoomba  Commonwealth  Bank  of  Australia   Newtown  Lions  RLFC   USQ  Student  Guild  –  Ride  Run  Walk  Commonwealth  Bank  of  Australia  Collection  Cans  

Target  Toowoomba  Collection  Cans    

Wayne  Bradshaw    

Drayton,  Laurel  Bank,  Rangeville,  Middle  Ridge  Indoor  Bowls  

Thrifty  Care  Hire    

Weis  Restaurant  

Goombungee  State  School   Toowoomba  Clivia  Society   Howie  Brothers  Concert  City  Golf  Club  G  &  F    Smith   USQ  Student  Guild  –  Mauy  Thai  Event    Jonday  Holdings   W  Hubbard    Kingsthorpe  QCWA      Eagle  Boys      Taklok          

Fundraising  Events  Facilitated  by  the  Foundation    Event   Funds  raised  Qld  Hoteliers  Assoc  Cup     $6,702.10  

 PRD  Nationwide  Charity  Golf  Day   $1223.00    Renal  Unit  Charity  Race  Day   $10,925.50  

The  Heritage  Building  Society  -­‐  4GR  Give  Me  5  For  Kids   $47,349.00  Quota  &  Toowoomba  West  Lions  Club    Melbourne  Cup  Luncheon   $4,892.65  Fossil  Downs  Bush  Rodeo   $1,000.00  Leon  Treadwell  Charity  Golf  Day  2010   $5,789.45  Leon  Treadwell  Charity  Golf  Day  2011   $4,902.00  Mindfulness  Workshop   $5,623.17  O’Neill  Scott  &  Associates  Fundraising  Dinner   $4,060.52  Fitzy’s  on  Church  Change  of  Colour  Dinner     15,000.00  Palazzo  Versace  Charity  Dinner   $3,380.00  Rural  Critical  Care  Conference   $4,830.62  Toowoomba  Christmas  Wonderland     $3,636.36  Downs  Group  Training  Golf  Day  2010   $1,550.00  


2010  2011



Toowoomba  Hospital  Children’s  Appeal  The  Toowoomba  Hospital  Children’s  Appeal  continues  to  receive  generous  support  from  our  community.    The  Foundation  acknowledges  and  thanks  our  major  sponsors,  Clifford  Gardens  Shopping  Centre,   Radio   4GR,  WIN  TV   and   The  Chronicle,  who  have  all   been   involved  over  many  years  since  the  launch  THCA  in  1998.    During  that  time  more  than  $1  Million  has  been  raised   for  Children’s  Health  at   the  Toowoomba  Hospital  &   in   the   region.  This  also   includes  the   many   donations   that   are   received   from   community   groups   and   business   houses   that  stage  events  for  the  benefit  of  the  THCA.    The  past  year’s  events  are  listed  below.    

Projects  held  to  raise  funds  for  Toowoomba  Hospital  Children’s  Appeal  Event   Funds  Raised  The  Clive  Berghofer  Group  A  Christmas  Wish  2010   $14,706.55  Top  of  the  Range    Charity  Golf  Day   $3,000.00  USQ  Student  Guild  Toowoomba’s  Biggest  Loser   $9,272.00    

Donations  to  Toowoomba  Hospital  Children’s  Appeal    

Donations  $0  -­‐  $500   Donations  $501  -­‐  $1,000   Donations  $1001  -­‐  $5,000  Alpine  Refrigeration    

Clifford  Gardens  Shopping  Centre   Clifford  Gardens  Shopping  Centre  –  Collection  Cans  

Boeing  Defence  Australia   Gary  Kowitz    Builder   Southern  Hotel  Sportsman  Lunch  City  Golf  Club  –  Beer  Festival   Meringandan  Primary  School   Target  Toowoomba  Commonwealth  Bank  of  Australia   Newtown  Lions  RLFC   USQ  Student  Guild  –  Ride  Run  Walk  Commonwealth  Bank  of  Australia  Collection  Cans  

Target  Toowoomba  Collection  Cans    

Wayne  Bradshaw    

Drayton,  Laurel  Bank,  Rangeville,  Middle  Ridge  Indoor  Bowls  

Thrifty  Care  Hire    

Weis  Restaurant  

Goombungee  State  School   Toowoomba  Clivia  Society   Howie  Brothers  Concert  City  Golf  Club  G  &  F    Smith   USQ  Student  Guild  –  Mauy  Thai  Event    Jonday  Holdings   W  Hubbard    Kingsthorpe  QCWA      Eagle  Boys      Taklok          

Fundraising  Events  Facilitated  by  the  Foundation    Event   Funds  raised  Qld  Hoteliers  Assoc  Cup     $6,702.10  

 PRD  Nationwide  Charity  Golf  Day   $1223.00    Renal  Unit  Charity  Race  Day   $10,925.50  

The  Heritage  Building  Society  -­‐  4GR  Give  Me  5  For  Kids   $47,349.00  Quota  &  Toowoomba  West  Lions  Club    Melbourne  Cup  Luncheon   $4,892.65  Fossil  Downs  Bush  Rodeo   $1,000.00  Leon  Treadwell  Charity  Golf  Day  2010   $5,789.45  Leon  Treadwell  Charity  Golf  Day  2011   $4,902.00  Mindfulness  Workshop   $5,623.17  O’Neill  Scott  &  Associates  Fundraising  Dinner   $4,060.52  Fitzy’s  on  Church  Change  of  Colour  Dinner     15,000.00  Palazzo  Versace  Charity  Dinner   $3,380.00  Rural  Critical  Care  Conference   $4,830.62  Toowoomba  Christmas  Wonderland     $3,636.36  Downs  Group  Training  Golf  Day  2010   $1,550.00  


2010  2011



Toowoomba  Hospital  Children’s  Appeal  The  Toowoomba  Hospital  Children’s  Appeal  continues  to  receive  generous  support  from  our  community.    The  Foundation  acknowledges  and  thanks  our  major  sponsors,  Clifford  Gardens  Shopping  Centre,   Radio   4GR,  WIN  TV   and   The  Chronicle,  who  have  all   been   involved  over  many  years  since  the  launch  THCA  in  1998.    During  that  time  more  than  $1  Million  has  been  raised   for  Children’s  Health  at   the  Toowoomba  Hospital  &   in   the   region.  This  also   includes  the   many   donations   that   are   received   from   community   groups   and   business   houses   that  stage  events  for  the  benefit  of  the  THCA.    The  past  year’s  events  are  listed  below.    

Projects  held  to  raise  funds  for  Toowoomba  Hospital  Children’s  Appeal  Event   Funds  Raised  The  Clive  Berghofer  Group  A  Christmas  Wish  2010   $14,706.55  Top  of  the  Range    Charity  Golf  Day   $3,000.00  USQ  Student  Guild  Toowoomba’s  Biggest  Loser   $9,272.00    

Donations  to  Toowoomba  Hospital  Children’s  Appeal    

Donations  $0  -­‐  $500   Donations  $501  -­‐  $1,000   Donations  $1001  -­‐  $5,000  Alpine  Refrigeration    

Clifford  Gardens  Shopping  Centre   Clifford  Gardens  Shopping  Centre  –  Collection  Cans  

Boeing  Defence  Australia   Gary  Kowitz    Builder   Southern  Hotel  Sportsman  Lunch  City  Golf  Club  –  Beer  Festival   Meringandan  Primary  School   Target  Toowoomba  Commonwealth  Bank  of  Australia   Newtown  Lions  RLFC   USQ  Student  Guild  –  Ride  Run  Walk  Commonwealth  Bank  of  Australia  Collection  Cans  

Target  Toowoomba  Collection  Cans    

Wayne  Bradshaw    

Drayton,  Laurel  Bank,  Rangeville,  Middle  Ridge  Indoor  Bowls  

Thrifty  Care  Hire    

Weis  Restaurant  

Goombungee  State  School   Toowoomba  Clivia  Society   Howie  Brothers  Concert  City  Golf  Club  G  &  F    Smith   USQ  Student  Guild  –  Mauy  Thai  Event    Jonday  Holdings   W  Hubbard    Kingsthorpe  QCWA      Eagle  Boys      Taklok          

Fundraising  Events  Facilitated  by  the  Foundation    Event   Funds  raised  Qld  Hoteliers  Assoc  Cup     $6,702.10  

 PRD  Nationwide  Charity  Golf  Day   $1223.00    Renal  Unit  Charity  Race  Day   $10,925.50  

The  Heritage  Building  Society  -­‐  4GR  Give  Me  5  For  Kids   $47,349.00  Quota  &  Toowoomba  West  Lions  Club    Melbourne  Cup  Luncheon   $4,892.65  Fossil  Downs  Bush  Rodeo   $1,000.00  Leon  Treadwell  Charity  Golf  Day  2010   $5,789.45  Leon  Treadwell  Charity  Golf  Day  2011   $4,902.00  Mindfulness  Workshop   $5,623.17  O’Neill  Scott  &  Associates  Fundraising  Dinner   $4,060.52  Fitzy’s  on  Church  Change  of  Colour  Dinner     15,000.00  Palazzo  Versace  Charity  Dinner   $3,380.00  Rural  Critical  Care  Conference   $4,830.62  Toowoomba  Christmas  Wonderland     $3,636.36  Downs  Group  Training  Golf  Day  2010   $1,550.00  


2010  2011


The Toowoomba Hospital Children’s Appeal continues to receive generous support from our community. The Foundation acknowledges and thanks our major sponsors, Clifford Gardens Shopping Centre, Radio 4GR,WIN TV and The Chronicle, who have all beeninvolved over many years since the launch of the THCA in 1998. During that time more than $1 Million has been raised for Children’s Health at the Toowoomba Hospital & in the region. This also includes the many donation that are received from community groups and business houses that stage events for the benefit of the THCA. The past year’s events are listed below.

Toowoomba Hospital Children’s Appeal

Donations to Toowoomba Hospital Children’s Appeal

Fundraising Events Facilitated by the Foundation

Projects held to raise funds for Toowoomba Hospital Children’s Appeal


Donations $0 - $500


Donations $501 - $1,000 Donations $1001 - 5,000

Funds Raised

Funds Raised

8 8  

Toowoomba  Hospital  Foundation  Grants The  Toowoomba  Hospital  Foundation   is  committed  to  supporting  the  Toowoomba  Hospital,  Mt  Lofty  Heights  Nursing  Home   and   Baillie   Henderson   Hospital   with   funding   for   the   purchase   of   essential   equipment,   staff   development,  scholarships  and  research.    These   funds   are   mainly   provided   from   the   profits   of   the   business   base   of   the   Foundation   however   partnerships  developed  with   the   Foundation   for   fundraising   events   also   contribute   significantly   for   equipment,   staff   development  and   programs   conducted   by   the   Toowoomba   Hospital.     In   2010/2011,   the   total   amount   of   support   through   these  initiatives  amounted  to  just  over  $340,000.00.    The  following  listings  record  how  the  funds  were  distributed  and  for  what  purpose.   GRANTS  –  EDUCATION,  TRAINING  &  PROFESSIONAL  DEVELOPMENT  Recipient   Description   Amount  Joanne  Hiscock,  Palliative  Care  Outreach  Service,  TBH  

Palliative  Care  Nurses  Australia  Conference    


Kevin  Tan,  Building,  Engineering  and  Maintenance  Services,  TBH  

Institute  of  Hospital  Engineering  Australia  61st  Conference  


Carla  Browne,  Harbison  Unit,  TBH   International  Board  of  Lactation  Consultant  Exam  


Rebecca  Hargreaves,  Special  Care  Nursery,  TBH   Circle  of  Security  Parent  Training   $1,049  Kate  Jurd,  Medical  Education  Office,  TBH   National  Prevocational  Medical  Education  Forum   $1,500  Patrick  O’Connor,  Library,  TBH   Queensland  Universities  Libraries  Office  of  

Cooperation  Workshop  $975  

Clare  Linton,  Acute  Mental  Health  Unit,  TBH   20th  Annual  “The  Mental  Health  Service  Conference”  


Ms  Christine  Child,  Mental  Health  Education  Unit  ,  Baillie  Henderson  Hospital  

Rural  and  Remote  Allied  Health  Conference   $1,041  

Margaret  Shaw,  Medical  Imaging  Department,  TBH  

Radiographer  ISRRT  Congress   $500  

Ms  Sue  Geiszler,  Child  Protection  Unit,  TBH   Child  Protection  Liaison  Officer  Workshop   $149    Leonie  Trembath,  Child  Youth  &  Family  Health,  Unara,  TBH  

Circle  of  Security  Parenting  Training   $1,094  

Lee  Ann  Tyler,  Child  Youth  &  Family  Health,  Unara,  TBH  

Circle  of  Security  Parenting  Training   $1,094  

Michael  Burge,  Toowoomba  Mental  Health  Service,  TBH  

Policing  &  Mental  Health  Symposium   $300  

Elizabeth  Burton,  Orthopaedics  Unit,  TBH   Administration  Assistant  &  Reception  Staff  in  Health  Service  


Jenny  Lee-­‐Rollinson,  Medical  Unit  2,  TBH   3rd  Passionate  about  Practice  Conference   $650  Kelly  Zevenbergen,  Physiotherapy  Dept,  TBH   Explain  Pain  Seminar   $930    Brenda  Schwenke,  Orthopaedic  Outpatients,  TBH  

Orthopaedic  Nurses  Conference  2010   $317  

Robyn  Butler,  Orthopaedic  Outpatients,  TBH   Orthopaedic  Nurses  Conference  2010   $317  Heather  Bradford,  Orthopaedic  Outpatients,  TBH   Orthopaedic  Nurses  Conference  2010   $317  Lynette  Mullins,  Orthopaedic  Outpatients,  TBH   Orthopaedic  Nurses  Conference  2010   $317  Karen  Scott,  Orthopaedic  Outpatients,  TBH   Orthopaedic  Nurses  Conference  2010   $317  June  Parkinson,  Breastscreen  Toowoomba,  TBH   Breast  2011  Conference   $1,502  Meegan  Ferguson,  Breastscreen  Toowoomba,  TBH  

Breast  2011  Conference   $1,502  

Susan  Hazelwood,  Child  Youth  &  Family  Health,  Unara,  TBH  

Audiometry  Nursing  Course   $1,500  

Ms  Roxanne  Watling,  Breastscreen  Toowoomba,  TBH  

Regional  Leadership  Journey  2011    



TheToowoombaHospitalFoundationiscommittedtosupportingtheToowoombaHospital,MtLoftyHeightsNursingHome and Baillie Henderson Hospital with funding for the purchase of essential equipment, staff development, scholarships and research.

These funds are mainly provided from the profits of the business base of the Foundation however partnerships developed with the Foundation for fundraising events also contribute significantly for equipment, staff development and programs conducted by the Toowoomba Hospital. In 2010/2011, the total amount of support through these inititatives amounted to just over $340,000.00.

The following listings record how the funds were distributed and for what purpose.

Toowoomba Hospital Foundation Grants

Grants – Education, Training, & Profession Development


GRANTS  –  EDUCATION,  TRAINING  &  PROFESSIONAL  DEVELOPMENT  Ctd  Recipient   Description   Amount  Pauline  Denning,  Pastoral  Care  Service,TBH   Spiritual  Care  Australia  National  Conference  

2011  $740  

Clare  Smith,  Pastoral  Care  Service,TBH   Spiritual  Care  Australia  National  Conference  2011  


Annie  Pfeffer,  Pastoral  Care  Services,TBH   Spiritual  Care  Australia  National  Conference  2011  


Nicole  Rangiira,  Pastoral  Care  Services,TBH   Spiritual  Care  Australia  National  Conference  2011  


Dean  Doneley,  Toowoomba  Hospital  Flood  Recovery  Team  

Focusing  on  Mindfulness  &  Values  Work  in  Acceptance  &  Commitment  Therapy  


Natalie  Piersenne,  Toowoomba  Hospital  Flood  Recovery  Team  

Focusing  on  Mindfulness  &  Values  Work  in  Acceptance  &  Commitment  Therapy  


Ms  Paula  Watson,  Toowoomba  Hospital  Flood  Recovery  Team  

Focusing  on  Mindfulness  &  Values  Work  in  Acceptance  &  Commitment  Therapy  


Ms  Nicole  Gadsby,  Speech  Pathology,  TBH   National  Speech  Pathology  Conference   $792  Elizabeth  Hayden,  Acute  Mental  Health  Unit,TBH   Cognitive  Behaviour  Therapy  Essential  Skills  

Course  $940  

Chelsea  Thompson,  Mental  Health  Service,  BHH   Cognitive  Behaviour  Therapy  Essential  Skills  Course  


Ms  Melissa  Burton,  Acute  &  Community  Mental  Health,  TBH  

Cognitive  Behaviour  Therapy  Essential  Skills  Course  


Ms  Sari  Silvonen,  Acute  &  Community  Mental  Health,  TBH  

Cognitive  Behaviour  Therapy  Essential  Skills  Course  


Ms  Emily  Bogue,  Physiotherapy  Dept,  TBH   Explain  Pain  Seminar   $1,242  Ms  Brioh  Guffin,  Transition  Care  Team,TBH   National  Falls  Prevention  Summit   $1,363  Ms  Prue  Smeaton,  Cunningham  Centre,  TBH   Primary  Health  Research  Conference   $272  Ms  Robyn  Dealtry,  Anaesthetic  Department,TBH   Australian  Pain  Society  31st  Annual  Scientific  

Meeting  $1,500  

Ms  Jacky  Whyte,  Emergency  Department,TBH   College  of  Emergency  Nursing  Conference  2011   $1,500  Ms  Helen  Petersen,  Breastscreen  Toowoomba,TBH  

Functioning  as  a  WHS  Representative   $496  

Mr  Bastian  Buerger,  Physiotherapy  Dept,  TBH   Explain  Pain  Seminar   $1,242  Dr  Susanne  Pearce,Aust.  Centre  for  Rural  &  Remote  Evidence  Based  Practice,  BHH  

5th  Pan-­‐Pacific  Nursing  Conference  &  Nursing  Symposium  on  Cancer  Care  


Mr  Keith  Smith,  Orthopaedic  Unit,TBH   Certificate  IV  in  Cast  Technology  –  Integrated  Care  Management  


Mr  Clive  Smith,  Orthopaedic  Unit,TBH   Certificate  IV  in  Cast  Technology  –  Integrated  Care  Management  


Ms  Meredith  Thornton,  Critical  Care  Unit,TBH   International  Society  of  Advanced  Care  Planning  &  End  of  Life  Care  Conference  2011  


Rosmarie  Kirby,  Child  Youth  &  Family  Health,  Unara,  TBH  

Circle  of  Security  Parenting  Training   $1,096  

Julia  Ritson,  Medical  Imaging  Department,  TBH   Australasian  Conference  on  Error  in  Medical  Imaging  –  Making  Imaging  Safer  


Daniel  McDonald,  Toowoomba  Hospital  Library,  TBH  

ALIA  Information  Online  Conference   $246  

Ruth  McGuire,  Community  Health,  Unara,  TBH   Chronic  Disease  Self  Management  Program   $942  Wendy  White,  Community  Health,  Unara,  TBH   Chronic  Disease  Self  Management  Program   $1,038  Andrea  Thuijs,  Kobi  House,  TBH   Master  of  Advanced  Practice  Clinical  Infectious  

Diseases  $1,260  

Ms  Kathryn  Clifford,  Medical  Recruitment  &  Credentialing  ,  TBH  

Graduate  Certificate  in  Business  Management   $1,500  


Grants – Education, Training, & Profession Development continued



GRANTS  –  SUPPLIES,  EQUIPMENT  AND  FACILITIES  ENHANCEMENT    Area   Description   Amount  Cossart  House  Courtyard,  TBH   Granite  garden  seat  in  memory  of  Mary  Coman   $1,388  Surgical  Outpatients,  TBH   Framing  of  donated  painting  for  waiting  room   $96  Mental  Health  Service,  TBH   Consumers  to  attend  Toowoomba  Clubhouse   $311  Mental  Health  Service,  BHH   Funds  for  marquee  hire  and  prizes  –  Mental  

Health  week  $1,145  

Baillie  Henderson  Hospital   Health  Fast  Food  Programme   $355  Ridley  Unit  Baillie  Henderson  Hospital   Christmas  gifts  for  consumers   $710  Toowoomba  Hospital  Switchboard   Television   $450  Medical  Imaging  Department,  TBH   Microwave   $179  Medical  Education  Unit,  TBH   Code  Baby  Software  for  online  learning   $5,553  Critical  Care  Ward,  TBH   Portable  Vascular  Ultrasound  System   $12,108  ENT  Surgical  Outpatients  Department,  TBH   Four  flexible  ENT  scopes   $48,700  Volunteer  Room,  TBH   Air  conditioner   $720  Department  of  Medicine,  TBH       Equipment  for  cleaning  and  storing  of  trans-­‐

oesphageal  Echo  Probes  $3,550  

Child  &  Youth  Mental  Health  Service,  TBH   Koping  &  Kidz  Club  Groups  -­‐  COPMI   $1,640  Adult  Mental  Health  Service,  TBH   Out  &  About  Social  Inclusion  Group   $4,150  Birthing  Centre,  Harbison  Unit,  TBH   2  Pools  in  a  box  for  Birthing  Centre   $1,600  Medical  Unit  2  &  Medical  Unit  4,  TBH   Over  bed  tables  &  bedside  lockers   $22,000   GRANTS  –  SCHOLARSHIPS    Recipient   Description   Amount  Sharon  Sellen,  Community  Health,  TBH   Graduate  Certificate  in  Diabetes  Education   $1,304  Annette  Martin,  Emergency  Department,  TBH   Master  of  Nursing   $5,000  Benjamin  Kalinowski,  Pharmacy,  TBH   Graduate  Certificate  in  Clinical  Education   $2,704  Karen  Appleby,  Paediatric  Unit,  TBH   Graduate  Certificate  in  Paediatric  Nursing   $2,652  Linda  McCullough,  Renal  Unit,  TBH   Graduate  Certificate  in  Diabetes  Education  &  

Management  $5,000  

Balan  Shama  Nair,  Medical  Imaging,  TBH   Certificate  in  Medical  Imaging  Nursing   $5,000  Christine  Coleburn,  School  Based  Youth  Health  Nurse,  Community  Health,  TBH  

Post  Graduate  Studies,  Masters  in  Adolescent  Health  &  Welfare  


Lisa  Drake,  Surgical  Department,  TBH   Stoma  Therapy  Nursing   $4,500  Jeff  Reeves,  Emergency  Department,  TBH   Post  Graduate  Studies  Emergency  Department   $4,700  Lauren  Kruger,  Critical  Care  Unit,TBH   Master  of  Midwifery   $4,700  Julie  Westaway,  Community  Health   Masters  Nurse  Practitioner  Flinders  University   $1,062  Fiona  Koch,  Critical  Care  Ward,  TBH   Postgraduate  Masters  in  Advanced  Practice  –  

Critical  Care  Nursing  $5,000  

 3  PHOTOS                  


GRANTS  –  SUPPLIES,  EQUIPMENT  AND  FACILITIES  ENHANCEMENT    Area   Description   Amount  Cossart  House  Courtyard,  TBH   Granite  garden  seat  in  memory  of  Mary  Coman   $1,388  Surgical  Outpatients,  TBH   Framing  of  donated  painting  for  waiting  room   $96  Mental  Health  Service,  TBH   Consumers  to  attend  Toowoomba  Clubhouse   $311  Mental  Health  Service,  BHH   Funds  for  marquee  hire  and  prizes  –  Mental  

Health  week  $1,145  

Baillie  Henderson  Hospital   Health  Fast  Food  Programme   $355  Ridley  Unit  Baillie  Henderson  Hospital   Christmas  gifts  for  consumers   $710  Toowoomba  Hospital  Switchboard   Television   $450  Medical  Imaging  Department,  TBH   Microwave   $179  Medical  Education  Unit,  TBH   Code  Baby  Software  for  online  learning   $5,553  Critical  Care  Ward,  TBH   Portable  Vascular  Ultrasound  System   $12,108  ENT  Surgical  Outpatients  Department,  TBH   Four  flexible  ENT  scopes   $48,700  Volunteer  Room,  TBH   Air  conditioner   $720  Department  of  Medicine,  TBH       Equipment  for  cleaning  and  storing  of  trans-­‐

oesphageal  Echo  Probes  $3,550  

Child  &  Youth  Mental  Health  Service,  TBH   Koping  &  Kidz  Club  Groups  -­‐  COPMI   $1,640  Adult  Mental  Health  Service,  TBH   Out  &  About  Social  Inclusion  Group   $4,150  Birthing  Centre,  Harbison  Unit,  TBH   2  Pools  in  a  box  for  Birthing  Centre   $1,600  Medical  Unit  2  &  Medical  Unit  4,  TBH   Over  bed  tables  &  bedside  lockers   $22,000   GRANTS  –  SCHOLARSHIPS    Recipient   Description   Amount  Sharon  Sellen,  Community  Health,  TBH   Graduate  Certificate  in  Diabetes  Education   $1,304  Annette  Martin,  Emergency  Department,  TBH   Master  of  Nursing   $5,000  Benjamin  Kalinowski,  Pharmacy,  TBH   Graduate  Certificate  in  Clinical  Education   $2,704  Karen  Appleby,  Paediatric  Unit,  TBH   Graduate  Certificate  in  Paediatric  Nursing   $2,652  Linda  McCullough,  Renal  Unit,  TBH   Graduate  Certificate  in  Diabetes  Education  &  

Management  $5,000  

Balan  Shama  Nair,  Medical  Imaging,  TBH   Certificate  in  Medical  Imaging  Nursing   $5,000  Christine  Coleburn,  School  Based  Youth  Health  Nurse,  Community  Health,  TBH  

Post  Graduate  Studies,  Masters  in  Adolescent  Health  &  Welfare  


Lisa  Drake,  Surgical  Department,  TBH   Stoma  Therapy  Nursing   $4,500  Jeff  Reeves,  Emergency  Department,  TBH   Post  Graduate  Studies  Emergency  Department   $4,700  Lauren  Kruger,  Critical  Care  Unit,TBH   Master  of  Midwifery   $4,700  Julie  Westaway,  Community  Health   Masters  Nurse  Practitioner  Flinders  University   $1,062  Fiona  Koch,  Critical  Care  Ward,  TBH   Postgraduate  Masters  in  Advanced  Practice  –  

Critical  Care  Nursing  $5,000  

 3  PHOTOS                  

Grants – Supplies, Equipment and Facilities Enhancement

Grants – Scholarships



Grants & AwardsRural and Remote Health

LouiS ArioTTi MEMoriAL AWArD $5,000

TheLouisAriottiMemorialAwardisnamedinhonourofthelegendaryQueenslandbushpractitionerwhopassedawayinOctober2008.LouisAriotticontributedsignificantlytoimproved rural health both through his personal service and through great leadership. The $5,000 award is provided by the Toowoomba Hospital Foundation to recognise innovation and excellence in rural and remote health in areas such as research, policy, leadership, workforce issues and service development.

2011 recipient: Ms Brenda Masutti, royal Flying Doctor Service, Cairns Base

iNFroNT ouTBACk rESEArCH GrANTS For rurAL AND rEMoTE HEALTH 2 x $5,000 – Total $10,000 For each Biennial National Rural & Remote Health Conference held, applications are called for and are assessed for their suitability, and two grants of $5,000 are made available by the Toowoomba Hospital Foundation in conjunction with the Cunningham Centre at Toowoomba Hospital. This has been a partnership that has existed since the very first National Rural & Remote Health Conference which was started in Toowoomba in 1992.

2011 recipients:

Ms Priya Martin, rockhampton “Exploring Occupational Therapists’ Perspective of the Quality & Effectiveness of Clinical Supervision”.

Ms Sue Charlton, Mount Gambier “Developmental Dysplasia of the hip in the neonate – a different way of assessment”.

GrantsHealth & Medical ResearchFuNDED By PurELAND LEArNiNG CoLLEGE ANNuAL DoNATioN

MasterChinKungandtheVenerablesofthePureLandLearningCollegegenerously donate $120,000 each year to the Foundation for health education and medical research. Applications are called for from the Toowoomba District Health Service staff and once approved by the Hospital Research & Ethics Committee (HREC), a sub-committee of representatives from the Community, Health Service, University and Foundation oversee the selection process & make recommendations to the THF Board of Directors for distribution of funds for the research projects. The recipients of the past years funding and the titles of their research are listed below.

Dr Ben Cheung - $16,620.00 “Profile of Peri-operative B-Natriuretic Peptide in patients with or at risk for cardiac disease undergoing elective non-cardiac surgery”.

Dr robert Gray - $50,000 “Improving the reliability and accuracy of anaesthetic monitoring using time and frequency domain techniques based on simplified EEG signals – Phase II”.

Professor Cath rogers-Clarke - $15,620.00 “Factors influencing Sudanese Women’s choices about feeding their infants in Regional Queensland”.

Dr karen koitke - $13,058.00 “Controlled release oxycodone for post caesarean section pain relief”.

Ray Taylor, Toowoomba Hospital Foundation Chairman presenting awards at 11th National Rural Health Conference in Perth


Special Donations/Funding of Projects and Programs uNivErSiTy oF SouTHErN QuEENSLAND rurAL NurSES CLiNiCAL PLACEMENT BurSAry The Toowoomba Hospital Foundation initially committed $20,000 to this project (Two (2) donations of $10,000) and has since donated a further $50,000. The Rural Nurses Clinical Placement program conducted by the USQ places nurses in various rural & remote hospitals throughout Queensland and the Bursary allows eligible student nurses to apply for funds to offset costs with their clinical training. The Foundation has also partnered with the USQ Department of External Affairs in seeking an RDAF Grant from the Federal Government of over $2.2 M to sustain the program.

Toowoomba Medical Students Club - $3,101.32 Funds for Rural Medical Students to facilitate events to establish an effective link between the medical students and the local community.

Ms Julie Barby, Community Health - $5,000.00 “Love Drunk” & “Who Stole the Sole” Show/Program – Education Program for Adolescents.

Ms Helen Blanch, Community Health Nurse, Millmerran Health Service - $2,054.00 Bravehearts Education Program at the Pittsworth Health Expo – Education program for primary school children.

Birthing Centre, Toowoomba Hospital Birthing Suites - $80,000 The Toowoomba Hospital Foundation played a major role in the completion of Toowoomba’s state-of-the-art new Birthing Centre established in the Birthing Suites area of Toowoomba Hospital. The fit-out of the necessary amenities & specialist equipment required in the Birthing Centre were funded by the Foundation and in her remarks during the official opening, Premier Anna Bligh praised the Foundation for their unconditional support to make the Birthing Centre a reality and one of the best in provincial Queensland hospitals.

Supporting Pastoral Care Services at the Toowoomba Hospital

The Pastoral Care Team at the Toowoomba Hospital provides invaluable support to the many patients and families that utilise the hospital. The Toowoomba Hospital Foundation provides $5,000 annually to assist the team to carry out their work. As well as financial assistance for the skill & knowledge development of the many volunteers of Pastoral Care, the Foundation also helps with the annual Thanksgiving Service to recognise organ donors and recipients across the District and the Memorial Service for past health service staff.


Thank You..A heart felt THANK YOU to the generous community of Toowoomba & the Darling Downs, who make it possible for the Foundation to achieve our Aims & Mission. The Foundation continues to receive outstanding support, bequests and donations, which enable us to provide equipment, staff development and resources for the Toowoomba Hospital & health services of the region.

BEQuESTS 2010 – 2011

Bequest – L. Blain Estate $24,691.50

Bequest – W.H. Emmett Estate $156,198.30

DoNorS 2010 – 2011ACP Magazines

A Sauverain

A White

AH & BL Hausler

Alison Steger

B & J Deane – Deanes Roses

B. McFadden


Commercial Metal Recycling

City Golf Club

D & J Horswood

D & L Marshall

D L O’Brien Pty Ltd

D. Rudge

David Cameron

Downs Group Training

Eric Dale

G Simon

G Singh

G. Hannam

Gatton Jubilee Golf Club

Genesis Creations

Harvey Norman ATF Superstore

Harvey Norman Furniture

Harvey Norman Bedding

Harvey Norman AV/IT

H. Lund

J Wilson

J & H Obst

J & J Learmouth

J & M Jakins

J O’Dea

J. White

Jamie Spencer

Jenny Thornton

L & L Camm

L & M Cooper

Linda Edwards

M A Tait

M Burge

M Polley

Magar Pty Ltd

Marlene Studios

M & R Sheehan

Mr & Mrs Wayne O’Connor

Murrays Art and Framing

Myer Store Community Fund

National Stroke Foundation

Oakey Golf Club

P Allen

Pat Dwan

Provincial Distributors

Pureland Learning College

QHA Hotel Care Week

R & D Cooper

R Theodosis

Reg Laurie

Rick McKinnon

Robyn Jorgensen

Rotary Club of Toowoomba City

S Grevell


Stanthorpe Golf Club

Taylors Removal and Storage

Tony Birse Memorial

Tony Knox

Toowoomba Golf Club

Toowoomba Oil Patch Golf Carnival

Toowoomba Road Runners

VE & RM Carlyon

W F Sheehan



4GR Give Me 5 for KidsThe 4GR Give Me 5 for Kids campaign has been an enormous success since its inception five years ago. Driven by the Radio 4GR Big Breakfast team of Lee&Lizzie,thisyear’seventrealisedawhopping $47,349 when most thought the effects of the floods on 10 January would see a much lesser amount raised. Over $250,000 has been raised in that time for the benefit of children’s health

at Toowoomba Hospital and the funds have been committed each year to buying priority items on the paediatric ‘wish list’.


St Ursula’s Students present funds to SCN Nurse Unit Manager Freda Coorey after a

successful fund raising day.

Even the littlest patients at the SCN put on the ‘long socks’ to support the unique fund raising

cycling event for the Special Care Nursery

We celebrated 10 years of ‘A Christmas Wish’ during 2010; an annual event that has raised in excess of $120,000 for the Toowoomba

Hospital Children’s Appeal.

When Toowoomba West Lions Club had their Christmas Lights damaged in the floods, a young group headed by Jess Wagner (left) and Chris Blakeley (right)

combined with Tomba’s Night Club to help out. Tomba’s manager Trevor Watts (2nd left) presents Toowoomba West Lions President Trevor Fitzgerald with the donation.

Each & every year, we can count on the Bunnings Toowoomba team to help out at theChildren’s Ward around Christmas time.

Downs Group Training & The Apprenticeship Company annually conduct a fund raising golf day to aid Young People at Risk. Over $75,000 has been raised since the inaugural event to assist young people in our community.


Thanks Mr Hooker!!! A state-of –the-art Microscope is the latest addition donated to the

TH Oncology Unit by our ‘mates’ from L J Hooker Toowoomba. Dr. Natacha Sorour is delighted with the new equipment. Over the years, L J Hooker Toowoomba has donated tens of thousands of

dollars for Cancer Care.

Brothers with a passion for plaster. TBH’s Clive & Keith Smith anticipate attending Certificate IV in Plastering funded by the Toowoomba Hospital

Foundation. The brothers have each given over 35 years of service to Toowoomba Hospital.

(Left): Broncos ‘Legend’ Michael Hancock & star centre Justin Hodges take time out to visit the Children’s Ward.

Puppeteer David Strassman with his ‘mate’ Ted E. Bear drops into the Children’s Ward to put some smiles on faces.

(Above): Local Woolworth Supermarkets care for kids at the Toowoomba Hospital with the donation of a vital life signs monitor.

The Rotary Club of Toowoomba East & Clifford Gardens Shopping Centre have always been great

supporters of the THCA. The ‘Gimee Five’ money spinner promotion has worked wonders & Clifford

Gardens Centre Manager, Judy Ernst & Rotary East President Mark Paton agree.



C O M P L I A N C E C H E C K L I S T – A N N U A L R E P O R T FA ACT Financial Accountability Act 2009

FPMS Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009

ARRs Annual Report Requirements for Queensland Government Agencies

Summary of requirement Basis for requirement Annual report


• Table of contents

• Glossary

ARRs – section 8.1 1


• Public availability ARRs – section 8.2 1

• Interpreter service statement Queensland Government Language Services Policy



• Copyright notice Copyright Act 1968 1

Letter of compliance

• A letter of compliance from the accountable officer or statutory body to the relevant Minister(s)

ARRs – section 9

Introductory information

• Agency role and main functions

• Operating environment

• External scrutiny

• Machinery of government changes

• Review of proposed forward operations

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3




5 - 6

• Government objectives for the community ARRs – section 11.2 5 - 6

• Agency objectives and performance indicators

ARRs – section 11.5 2

Non-financial performance

• Agency outputs and output performance measures

ARRs – section 11.6 2

• Summary of financial performance ARRs – section 12.1

• Disclosure of budget v actual results ARRs – section 12.2 (strongly encouraged)

Financial performance

• Chief Finance Officer (CFO) statement ARRs – section 12.3

• Organisational structure ARRs – section 13.1 2

• Executive management ARRs – section 13.2 N/A

• Related entities ARRs – section 13.3 N/A

• Schedule of statutory authorities or instrumentalities

ARRs – section 13.4 2

• Boards and committees ARRs – section 13.5 2

• Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 - implementation statement giving details of the action taken during the reporting period

Public Sector Ethics Act 1994

(section 23 and Schedule)


Governance – management and structure

• Whistleblowers Protection Act 1994 - public interest disclosures received

Whistleblowers Protection Act 1994

(sections 30 – 31 and Schedule)


• Risk management ARRs – section 14.1 2 Governance – risk management and • Audit committee ARRs – section 14.2 2



C O M P L I A N C E C H E C K L I S T – A N N U A L R E P O R T FA ACT Financial Accountability Act 2009

FPMS Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009

ARRs Annual Report Requirements for Queensland Government Agencies

Summary of requirement Basis for requirement Annual report


• Table of contents

• Glossary

ARRs – section 8.1 1


• Public availability ARRs – section 8.2 1

• Interpreter service statement Queensland Government Language Services Policy



• Copyright notice Copyright Act 1968 1

Letter of compliance

• A letter of compliance from the accountable officer or statutory body to the relevant Minister(s)

ARRs – section 9

Introductory information

• Agency role and main functions

• Operating environment

• External scrutiny

• Machinery of government changes

• Review of proposed forward operations

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3




5 - 6

• Government objectives for the community ARRs – section 11.2 5 - 6

• Agency objectives and performance indicators

ARRs – section 11.5 2

Non-financial performance

• Agency outputs and output performance measures

ARRs – section 11.6 2

• Summary of financial performance ARRs – section 12.1

• Disclosure of budget v actual results ARRs – section 12.2 (strongly encouraged)

Financial performance

• Chief Finance Officer (CFO) statement ARRs – section 12.3

• Organisational structure ARRs – section 13.1 2

• Executive management ARRs – section 13.2 N/A

• Related entities ARRs – section 13.3 N/A

• Schedule of statutory authorities or instrumentalities

ARRs – section 13.4 2

• Boards and committees ARRs – section 13.5 2

• Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 - implementation statement giving details of the action taken during the reporting period

Public Sector Ethics Act 1994

(section 23 and Schedule)


Governance – management and structure

• Whistleblowers Protection Act 1994 - public interest disclosures received

Whistleblowers Protection Act 1994

(sections 30 – 31 and Schedule)


• Risk management ARRs – section 14.1 2 Governance – risk management and • Audit committee ARRs – section 14.2 2

Under Separate


4 – 5

19 – 34



C O M P L I A N C E C H E C K L I S T – A N N U A L R E P O R T FA ACT Financial Accountability Act 2009

FPMS Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009

ARRs Annual Report Requirements for Queensland Government Agencies

Summary of requirement Basis for requirement Annual report


• Table of contents

• Glossary

ARRs – section 8.1 1


• Public availability ARRs – section 8.2 1

• Interpreter service statement Queensland Government Language Services Policy



• Copyright notice Copyright Act 1968 1

Letter of compliance

• A letter of compliance from the accountable officer or statutory body to the relevant Minister(s)

ARRs – section 9

Introductory information

• Agency role and main functions

• Operating environment

• External scrutiny

• Machinery of government changes

• Review of proposed forward operations

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3




5 - 6

• Government objectives for the community ARRs – section 11.2 5 - 6

• Agency objectives and performance indicators

ARRs – section 11.5 2

Non-financial performance

• Agency outputs and output performance measures

ARRs – section 11.6 2

• Summary of financial performance ARRs – section 12.1

• Disclosure of budget v actual results ARRs – section 12.2 (strongly encouraged)

Financial performance

• Chief Finance Officer (CFO) statement ARRs – section 12.3

• Organisational structure ARRs – section 13.1 2

• Executive management ARRs – section 13.2 N/A

• Related entities ARRs – section 13.3 N/A

• Schedule of statutory authorities or instrumentalities

ARRs – section 13.4 2

• Boards and committees ARRs – section 13.5 2

• Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 - implementation statement giving details of the action taken during the reporting period

Public Sector Ethics Act 1994

(section 23 and Schedule)


Governance – management and structure

• Whistleblowers Protection Act 1994 - public interest disclosures received

Whistleblowers Protection Act 1994

(sections 30 – 31 and Schedule)


• Risk management ARRs – section 14.1 2 Governance – risk management and • Audit committee ARRs – section 14.2 2


Summary of requirement Basis for requirement Annual report

reference accountability

• Internal Audit ARRs – section 14.3 2

• Workforce planning, attraction and retention

ARRs – section 15.1 N/A

• Early retirement, redundancy and retrenchment

Directive No.17/09 Early Retirement, Redundancy and Retrenchment


Governance – human resources

• Initiatives for women ARRs – section 15.1 and 15.3 N/A

• Consultancies ARRs – section 16.1 N/A

• Overseas travel ARRs – section 16.2

• Information systems and recordkeeping Public Records Act 2002 N/A

Governance – operations

• Waste management Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Policy 2000, Environmental Protection Act 1994


• Indigenous matters (Queensland Government Reconciliation Action Plan 2009-2012)

Queensland Government Reconciliation Action Plan 2009-2012


• Shared services ARRs – section 17.1 N/A

Other prescribed requirements

• Carbon emissions Premier’s Statement N/A

• Corrections to previous annual reports ARRs – section 18.2

• Right to Information Right to Information Act 2009 Optional

• Information Privacy Information Privacy Act 2009 Optional

Optional information that may be reported

• Native title N/A Optional

• Annual general purpose financial statements

Financial Reporting Requirements for Queensland Government Agencies


• Certification of financial statements FA Act – section 62

FPMS – sections 42, 43 and 50

• Independent Auditors Report FA Act – section 62

FPMS – section 50

Financial statements

• Remuneration disclosures Financial Reporting Requirements for Queensland Government Agencies


Summary of requirement Basis for requirement Annual report

reference accountability

• Internal Audit ARRs – section 14.3 2

• Workforce planning, attraction and retention

ARRs – section 15.1 N/A

• Early retirement, redundancy and retrenchment

Directive No.17/09 Early Retirement, Redundancy and Retrenchment


Governance – human resources

• Initiatives for women ARRs – section 15.1 and 15.3 N/A

• Consultancies ARRs – section 16.1 N/A

• Overseas travel ARRs – section 16.2

• Information systems and recordkeeping Public Records Act 2002 N/A

Governance – operations

• Waste management Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Policy 2000, Environmental Protection Act 1994


• Indigenous matters (Queensland Government Reconciliation Action Plan 2009-2012)

Queensland Government Reconciliation Action Plan 2009-2012


• Shared services ARRs – section 17.1 N/A

Other prescribed requirements

• Carbon emissions Premier’s Statement N/A

• Corrections to previous annual reports ARRs – section 18.2

• Right to Information Right to Information Act 2009 Optional

• Information Privacy Information Privacy Act 2009 Optional

Optional information that may be reported

• Native title N/A Optional

• Annual general purpose financial statements

Financial Reporting Requirements for Queensland Government Agencies


• Certification of financial statements FA Act – section 62

FPMS – sections 42, 43 and 50

• Independent Auditors Report FA Act – section 62

FPMS – section 50

Financial statements

• Remuneration disclosures Financial Reporting Requirements for Queensland Government Agencies



C O M P L I A N C E C H E C K L I S T – A N N U A L R E P O R T FA ACT Financial Accountability Act 2009

FPMS Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009

ARRs Annual Report Requirements for Queensland Government Agencies

Summary of requirement Basis for requirement Annual report


• Table of contents

• Glossary

ARRs – section 8.1 1


• Public availability ARRs – section 8.2 1

• Interpreter service statement Queensland Government Language Services Policy



• Copyright notice Copyright Act 1968 1

Letter of compliance

• A letter of compliance from the accountable officer or statutory body to the relevant Minister(s)

ARRs – section 9

Introductory information

• Agency role and main functions

• Operating environment

• External scrutiny

• Machinery of government changes

• Review of proposed forward operations

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3

ARRs – section 10.3




5 - 6

• Government objectives for the community ARRs – section 11.2 5 - 6

• Agency objectives and performance indicators

ARRs – section 11.5 2

Non-financial performance

• Agency outputs and output performance measures

ARRs – section 11.6 2

• Summary of financial performance ARRs – section 12.1

• Disclosure of budget v actual results ARRs – section 12.2 (strongly encouraged)

Financial performance

• Chief Finance Officer (CFO) statement ARRs – section 12.3

• Organisational structure ARRs – section 13.1 2

• Executive management ARRs – section 13.2 N/A

• Related entities ARRs – section 13.3 N/A

• Schedule of statutory authorities or instrumentalities

ARRs – section 13.4 2

• Boards and committees ARRs – section 13.5 2

• Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 - implementation statement giving details of the action taken during the reporting period

Public Sector Ethics Act 1994

(section 23 and Schedule)


Governance – management and structure

• Whistleblowers Protection Act 1994 - public interest disclosures received

Whistleblowers Protection Act 1994

(sections 30 – 31 and Schedule)


• Risk management ARRs – section 14.1 2 Governance – risk management and • Audit committee ARRs – section 14.2 2


19 34


33 – 34



Toowoomba Hospital Foundation


Report30 June 2011


















With a little help from our Mates.....


Ph: (07) 4616 6166 Fax: (07) 4616 6177