Our business is people....reliable and skilled people available for permanent, temporary or contract...

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Our business is people.




our business is people

your company depends on its most valuable resource – its

people. So when you’re looking to recruit quality staff or manage

employment issues it is critical that you partner with experts.

Searson Buck is proud to be the leading provider of employment

services across tasmania. We focus on recruitment, retention and

transition services and cover most sectors and occupations for

permanent appointments and on-hired staff.

We provide a combination of professionalism and commitment

to clients, candidates and participants, with a results-orientated

team and high standards of service. our experienced consultants

in Hobart, launceston and Burnie provide timely, low-risk and

confidential employment services and expertise.


Hobart – Phone (03) 6223 3055

Launceston – Phone (03) 6333 3888

Burnie – Phone (03) 6431 5155

Zeehan – Phone (03) 6471 6477


Hr Consulting



doningtonCareer management

and transition

workforcEBlue collar recruitment

wHitE coLLarRecruitment

ExEcutivERecruitment and support




Executive recruitment and support


Hobart – Phone (03) 6223 3055

Launceston – Phone (03) 6333 3888

Burnie – Phone (03) 6431 5155

Zeehan – Phone (03) 6471 6477

over the past 20 years Searson Buck has

developed solid relationships and networks

with leading local, national and international

organisations. We have proven methods and

techniques in executive recruitment, a great

track record of senior appointments and we

understand the importance of selecting the

right people for senior management roles where

decisions are made and performance has a

major impact.

our unique partnership with the Donington Group

allows our team of talented executive recruiters

access to an extensive network of senior people.

they work with senior HR consultants who utilise

tools to support the leadership development and

coaching of senior managers and executives.

all this gives our candidates and clients

a competitive edge in an often difficult

and tight market.

taRGeteD SeleCtion

anD SeaRCH

leaDeRSHiP DeveloPment

CoaCHinG anD mentoRinG


Hr Consulting

sHL objective



workforcEBlue collar recruitment

doningtonCareer management

and transition

wHitE coLLarRecruitment

ExEcutivERecruitment and support



white collar recruitment

at Searson Buck we understand the importance

of selecting the right person for the job at all

levels. We have a large database of motivated,

reliable and skilled people available for

permanent, temporary or contract work.

our experienced consultants take time to

understand your business and use their wealth

of recruitment and industry knowledge to find

the right people you need, when you need them.

thorough assessment, using our tailored

competency-based selection process, ensures

we know the capabilities of our candidates.

all of our temporary candidates are tested,

reference checked and ready to work.

our local resources and interstate networks

ensure we can deliver local, face-to-face service

and respond quickly to both candidate and

client needs. We cover most occupations and all

levels of staff and management placing office

and professional people in sectors such as

office administration, engineering, accounting,

human resources, sales and marketing, energy,

business services and information technology.

Searson Buck also offers labour market

information, remuneration advice, induction

and probation assistance, and ‘on-board’

coaching as required.


Hobart – Phone (03) 6223 3055

Launceston – Phone (03) 6333 3888

Burnie – Phone (03) 6431 5155

Zeehan – Phone (03) 6471 6477

PeRmanent ReCRuitment

temPoRaRy Staff

ContRaCt Staff


Hr Consulting

sHL objective


doningtonCareer management

and transition


workforcEBlue collar recruitment

ExEcutivERecruitment and support

wHitE coLLarRecruitment



workforce recruitment

Searson Buck has expertise in all aspects of

on-hired staff and workforce management in a

wide range of industries. We provide workforce

solutions in:

• Heavyandlightindustrial

• Trades

• Transportanddistribution

• Oil,gasandenergy

• Warehousing

• Generalandfoodmanufacturing

• Forestry,aquacultureandagriculture

• Hospitality

• Securityguardsandservices

our contemporary human resource management

services mean you have access to a pool of

proven work-ready candidates. We provide strong

oH&S and risk management, compliant pay and

employment conditions and flexibility around on-

hired staff engagement terms.

When hiring workers from Searson Buck you can

rest assured that you will be dealing directly with

industry-experienced account managers who will

provide you with great people with the skills you

require. We take care of everything and workers

arrive at the site ready to work!

PeRmanent ReCRuitment

SeaSonal WoRk anD SHutDoWn


laBouR HiRe





Hobart – Phone (03) 6223 3055

Launceston – Phone (03) 6333 3888

Burnie – Phone (03) 6431 5155

Zeehan – Phone (03) 6471 6477

Hr Consulting

sHL objective




doningtonCareer management

and transition

ExEcutivERecruitment and support

wHitE coLLarRecruitment

workforcEBlue collar recruitment




Creating peace of mind

in a constantly changing labour market Donington

are specialists in the delivery of fully integrated

career management, career transition and

outplacement services. our experienced

consultants are our point of difference. our focus

is to partner with you to achieve your business

outcomes while supporting your people through

our programs.

at Donington we have extensive experience

in the coordination and management of large

and small-scale organisational restructures,

down-sizing, mergers and integrations. We can

support organisations at all levels across all

industry sectors.

We offer exceptional service delivery and our local

presence allows us to be responsive, both quickly

and professionally. our programs are tailored

to the individuals we are supporting. our senior

consultants are HR professionals armed with

local and national market knowledge. they have

extensive experience and the highest professional

standards and expertise.

our national and international presence ensures

coverage and consistency but with a personalised

and local feel. the Donington ‘difference’ is that

we work from the heart not just the head.


Hobart – Phone (03) 6224 9455

email admin.tas@donington.com.au

joB SeaRCH PRoGRam



PRofeSSional anD teCHniCal

manaGeR PRoGRam

SenioR manaGeR PRoGRam

CaReeR aliGnment PRoGRam

CaReeR DeCiSion PRoGRam




ExEcutivERecruitment and support

wHitE coLLarRecruitment

workforcEBlue collar recruitment

Hr Consulting

sHL objective


doningtonCareer management

and transition



sHL – objective assesment

Objective assessment through psychometrics

searson Buck/sHL solutions partnershipSHl was one of the first psychometrics organisations

in the world. its products are now used in more than

40 countries for over 5,500 organisations. they are

continually undertaking research into behaviours,

abilities, norms and comparison groups.

Searson Buck is the only Solutions Partner to SHl in

tasmania. Consultants in the south and north have

undergone intensive accreditation training.

recruitmentPeople are the most valuable asset of any

organisation, so it is important to make the right

decision when employing people to avoid turning an

asset into a liability. a powerful way of comparing

candidates and making the right choice is by using

a combination of application analysis, behavioural

interviewing and objective assessment of required

skills and personality.

staff developmentto bring out the best from an employee, it’s

important to understand what motivates them, where

their strengths are and in what areas they need

support. introducing objective assessment as part

of the development and management process takes

the subjectivity out of the process and deals with

measured, valid data.

CuStomeR SeRviCe



emotional intelliGenCe

DePenDaBility anD Safety

360° feeDBaCk

manaGement anD




Hobart – Phone (03) 6223 3055

wHitE coLLarRecruitment

workforcEBlue collar recruitment


doningtonCareer management

and transition

Hr Consulting

ExEcutivERecruitment and support

sHL objective





Hr consulting

our HR Consulting team includes an impressive

mix of HR expertise and experience across

a range of areas. We are passionate about

providing exceptional service utilising our

diverse resources.

Being a local business, we have an intricate

knowledge of the tasmanian market and our

networks include corporations, community sector

organisations and government.

managing your people, whether through growth

or change, has to be handled sensitively and

professionally. if resources are stretched or

there is an identified project that requires

specific HR expertise, then we would be

happy to partner with you.

DoninGton CaReeeR


HR PoliCieS anD PRoCeDuReS

exteRnal SeleCtion Panel


HR ConSultinG PRojeCtS


Hobart – Phone (03) 6223 3055

exit inteRvieWS

workforcEBlue collar recruitment

wHitE coLLarRecruitment

ExEcutivERecruitment and support


doningtonCareer management

and transition

sHL objective


Hr Consulting






Hobart – Phone (03) 6224 6333

Launceston – Phone (03) 6331 0800

Melbourne – Phone (03) 9604 2840HealtHCaRe PRofeSSionalS

HealtHCaRe PRoviDeRS

www.nurseline.com.auFREECALL 1800 688 180

Committed to care

nuRSeline has serviced the health sector in tasmania and victoria

with quality, responsive and cost-effective healthcare staff since 1997.

managed by local nurses and staff we source and place both temporary and

permanent nursing and healthcare staff for a range of clients. nuRSeline

is a unique partnership between Searson Buck in tasmania and Horner

Recruitment in victoria, combining the resources of both businesses to

deliver exceptional service in both states.

nuRSeline is 100% australian-owned, and operates from offices

in Hobart, launceston and melbourne.

at nuRSeline our operating philosophy is to provide a caring, efficient

and comprehensive service for our clients, nursing and healthcare staff.

We work closely with our clients to help them deliver continuity of care

for patients in a seamless manner and take great care to ensure all

legislative occupational health and safety measures are met.

our qualified and experienced registered nurses, enrolled nurses and PCa/

eCas can be placed in public and private hospitals, aged care/multipurpose

facilities, nursing homes and community care facilities. they can be used to

add to or supplement current personnel on a temporary or contract basis.


ExEcutivERecruitment and support

wHitE coLLarRecruitment

doningtonCareer management

and transition

workforcEBlue collar recruitment

sHL objective


Hr Consulting
