Origins of The Cold War - Mr. Johnson's...

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Transcript of Origins of The Cold War - Mr. Johnson's...

Origins ofOrigins ofOrigins ofOrigins of

The Cold WarThe Cold WarThe Cold WarThe Cold War

Chapter 18.1Chapter 18.1Chapter 18.1Chapter 18.1

The Cold WarThe Cold WarThe Cold WarThe Cold War

• The U.S. and Soviet Union emerged from WWII as two “Superpowers” with very different political systems

• This difference led to many tensions and created a bitter rivalry that lasted a span of approx. 40 years

The Ideological StruggleThe Ideological StruggleThe Ideological StruggleThe Ideological Struggle

Soviet & Eastern Bloc


US & the Western


GOAL ���� spread world-wide Communism

GOAL ���� “Containment”of Communism & the eventual collapse of the Communist world

It was fought by:

� Espionage [KGB vs. CIA]

� Arms Race

� “Proxy Wars”- for the minds and hearts of Third World peoples

� Polarization of Europe

Former Allies Clash Former Allies Clash Former Allies Clash Former Allies Clash

• United Nations– Establish April 1945– 50 nations– Peacekeeping organization– USA and Soviets used this to compete

• From Yalta to Potsdam– “Big Three”– Germany in 4 zones– Truman = keep Democratic– Stalin = no Democracy

Tensions MountTensions MountTensions MountTensions Mount

• Bargaining at Potsdam– Each nation decided to take reparations

for WWII from their own zone– USA wanted to sell goods in Eastern

Europe– Soviets did not agree

• Stalin creates Satellite Nations– Albania, Bulgaria, Czech, Hungary,

Romania, Poland– Establish Communism, show the

world their dominance

• U.S.A. establishes Containment– Europe divided– West= Democracy– East= Communism

The “Iron Curtain”The “Iron Curtain”The “Iron Curtain”The “Iron Curtain”

From Stettin in the Balkans, to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lies the ancient capitals of Central and Eastern Europe.

-- Sir Winston Churchill, 1946

Truman Doctrine [1947]Truman Doctrine [1947]Truman Doctrine [1947]Truman Doctrine [1947]

• Turkey and Greece under pressure from Soviet Union take over

• Great Britain gave aid, but eventually could not

• The U.S. took over and gave Greece & Turkey $400 million in aid= Truman Doctrine

“The “The “The “The U. S. should support free peoples throughout the world who are U. S. should support free peoples throughout the world who are U. S. should support free peoples throughout the world who are U. S. should support free peoples throughout the world who are

resisting takeovers by armed minorities or outside pressures…We must resisting takeovers by armed minorities or outside pressures…We must resisting takeovers by armed minorities or outside pressures…We must resisting takeovers by armed minorities or outside pressures…We must

assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own wayassist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own wayassist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own wayassist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way…”…”…”…”

Marshall Plan [1948]Marshall Plan [1948]Marshall Plan [1948]Marshall Plan [1948]

• Western Europe hurting– Deaths, Disease, Riots

• The U.S. should provide aid to all European nations that need it…– Secretary of State George Marshall

• $13 billion of U.S. aid to Western Europe extended to Eastern Europe & Soviet Union, [but this was rejected]

Berlin Airlift (1948Berlin Airlift (1948Berlin Airlift (1948Berlin Airlift (1948----1949)1949)1949)1949)

• 1948 clash over the unification of Germany– U.S., Great Britain, France combined to

form West Germany– Soviet Union kept control of East


• Stalin sees opportunity (Blockade)– Closed all roads and RR to West Berlin– Intention was to take over– 2.1 million people no food/supplies

Berlin AirliftBerlin AirliftBerlin AirliftBerlin Airlift

• Great Britain and U.S. react– Flew food and supplies in– Lasted 327 days– 277,000 flights = 2.3 tons of supplies

• West Berlin survived– U.S. prestige was boosted– May 1949 Soviets lifted blockade

N.A.T.O Alliance N.A.T.O Alliance N.A.T.O Alliance N.A.T.O Alliance


• Berlin Blockade increased fear of Soviet aggression

• N.A.T.O created– North Atlantic Treaty Organization– 12 Nations– Pledged military support

� United States

� Belgium

� Britain

� Canada

� Denmark

� France

� Iceland

� Italy

� Luxemburg

� Netherlands

� Norway

� Portugal

� 1952: Greece & Turkey

� 1955: West Germany

� 1983: Spain

N.A.T.ON.A.T.ON.A.T.ON.A.T.ONorth Atlantic Treaty OrganizationNorth Atlantic Treaty OrganizationNorth Atlantic Treaty OrganizationNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization