Organization of the Spaces

Post on 21-Mar-2016

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here you can see the first approach to the organization of the spaces on the site model fot the TLO

Transcript of Organization of the Spaces

Organization of the spaces.

Organization of the Spaces.

After doing the model I look into the Neufert book for the common sizes of the different elements of my program. With this step finished I decided to create these spaces in volumes at the same scale than the model. This will allow me to have a clearer vision of the space needed and the disposed space, and also to create a coherent organization of the program in the bridge and on its surroundings.

1. Theater. The theater is one of the main elements that will shape the area. Of course it cannot go ON the bridge but it will go on its surroundings. Is one of the main elements that will give the character to the project. Where to place such an important element. Three possible solutions arise. On the Portuguese side, on the Spanish side and on the island. Although on the island seemed like an interesting possibility several inconvenient appeared. The first one is the possibility of a flood. Even with the Alqueva, the level of the river varies considerably and the theater can get covered by the water. That is a concern, but can be fixed or the open theater can be thought to be submerged as it happens in Expo Zaragoza, but the other main problem is that the open air theater in the islands would suppose the construction of an artificial slope that would break completely the environment. Why build an artificial slope if we can use the existing slopes on the surrounding areas? That leads me to think in which side of the frontier would be better. Spain? Portugal? And if I place the amphitheater on one side, what should I do with the “broken balance”? Looking to the existing Slopes and the different dimensions I believe that the amphitheater should be on the Portuguese side of the frontier. Also by putting it in

this side we are also proving the possible needed infrastructure to the Hermida de Nossa senhora da ajuda.

2. The laboratories. The TLO is a research center that investigates on the issue of the landscape and its different variants. Therefore it will need a set of different laboratories. But what kind of laboratories? And what relation should they have with the landscape? In the laboratories the landscape will be investigated in its different scales. From a smaller scale to the largest “insitu” analysis. That is why its relation with the landscape will vary from being completely on the landscape, to looking to the landscape from a raised position. That is why I have created three types of laboratories, with three different placements. The first one will be on the Spanish side of the frontier, on top of the highiest hill in front of the entrance of the bridge. This observatory will be arise over the landscape in order to give a larger scope of vision and allow to investigate the landascape on its broader scale.

The second one will be for investigating the different elements of the landscape in a smaller scale. These ones will be on the bridge, close to the library and the archive due to the fact that the scientists and expertise may need to consult the sources. The third one will be for investigating the relation of the river with the landscape. In order to do so, the laboratories will be placed in the island. This laboratories will have to be very well thought in order to avoid later problems due to the rise of the level of the waters. I believe also that during the summer some of the researches done on the inside can be done also in this outside laboratories.

3. The Deck. The Deck will be placed on the curve of the island facing the Portuguese side of the frontier. This location is due to the fact that this curve give a natural protection to the boats of the TLO. Also because is on

the wider side and the boats can move easily. 4. Offices.

Several key ideas to have in mind. The first thing is how close they should be from each other. If they are related with the administrative issues then they should be as nucleus as together as possible. But, if they are related with the research, then they should be close to the different labs. Here you can see the first trial in Yellow. Is not the definitive due to the fact that there are some points that I still want to re-think, such as the relation with the library or the relation of the offices with the outside.

5. The Library. The initial idea is that the library appears close to the offices and specially to the different labs that are placed on the bridge. But at the same time, should be closer to the Portuguese side of the frontier due to the fact that the auditorium is closer to the Spanish side. This first location also rises some doubts and I believe that can be refined.

6. Auditorium. The auditorium is the second main public space after the amphitheater in terms of audience. In order to keep the balance and because the amphitheater is on the Portuguese side of the frontier I’m placing the auditorium on closer to the Spanish side of the frontier.

7. The Bar/ Public restaurant. This is one of the meeting/relation spaces of the building. Therefore should be both close to the meeting rooms and the auditorium. It should be centrally positioned and easily accessible. After placing it I’m thinking if how the bar can relate with the island on in the middle of the Guadiana River.

8. The meeting rooms. The meeting rooms of the TLO have a double function. They work as a meeting rooms for the people and researchers that work at the TLO and also as workshop rooms for the different activities and workshops held in the TLO with schools and universities. Therefore the meeting rooms should be close to the offices but not next to them due to the fact that these rooms may also be noise generators. This last point makes me think that maybe I should better think the displacement of these areas, and also think on the possibility of having some open air meeting/workshop rooms

9. The Residence. This is the last point of the program that I’m placing because is the one that rises my biggest concerns because of the privacy issues. It has to be on the bridge, and close to the workspace in order to avoid long walks. But at the same time it should have a higher level of privacy. In this same line, it should be close to the work area, but at the same time separate from the work area in order to have a clear separation between the working and relaxing areas. How to do this? This is a question that should be answered on the next approach.

Once I have done the first approach is now time to give a step backwards and ask to myself if what I’m doing makes sense or not. If the organization should and must be rearranged. How can I have different layers of intimacy for the residence…

These questions must be answered and shown on the second approach.