Orchard HarvesterOrchard Harvester

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Transcript of Orchard HarvesterOrchard Harvester

Orchard HarvesterOrchard Harvester Monthly Newsletter of Orchard United Methodist Church

A Tribute to Judy Garland ............ 6

Asking and Finding ...................... 1

Charge Conference Date ............. 8

Children’s Ministry News .............. 4

Current Sermon Series ................ 3

Funtastiks ................................... 6

Hands 4 Detroit ........................... 6

In the Life of Orchard .................. 7

LAF ............................................. 6

Ministry Fair Catalog .................... 1

Mission Trip Introduction ............. 4

Missions ...................................... 6

Nut-Restricted Information .......... 4

October Opportunities ................. 6

Pastor Amy’s Letter .....................3

Prayers .......................................7

Pumpkins & Mission .....................4

Road Rally ...................................6

Scheduling Calendar Events ........2

Shutterbug Opportunities ............8

SOS ............................................6

Spotlight Orchard ........................2

Tai Chi.........................................6

Touch-a-Truck .............................5

Trustees Corner ..........................8

Two Studies with Amy .................3

Wednesday Nights Together ........5

World Communion ......................6


October 2015

ASKING AND FINDING by Rev. Suzanne Goodwin

D o you ever wonder? I wonder about things all

the time. And sometimes my wondering

challenges my faith. Come to think about it – what

kind of faith doesn’t ever wonder?

There’s actually a section of

scripture in Matthew chapter 6

which is subtitled, “Do not

worry.” In this scripture, Jesus

advises his followers not to sweat

the small stuff, but to have more

faith in God’s providence.

Jesus goes on to say, “But seek first

the Kingdom of God and his

righteousness, and all these things

will be given to you as well.” And

later he says, “Ask and it will be

given to you; seek and you will find;

knock and the door will be opened.”

Faith is a journey. It’s a constant

quest for understanding things that are inherently

difficult to understand. At the destination point of

true faith is the realization that there are some

things that we simply cannot know, and so we put

our trust in the love and power and grace of

God. We say, “I don’t know the

answers, God, but I trust that you

do, and that’s good enough for


Together, we are entering a

season where we’ll be asking a lot

of Why? questions. Jesus

encouraged us to do so. He told us

to ask, and seek, and knock – in

order that we might find.

Over the upcoming days, we hope

that you’ll seek and find as we

explore questions through classes,

studies, and Pastor Amy’s

preaching series, Word to the

Why?s. And don’t forget to sign up

for Wednesday Nights Together – a chance to eat

and fellowship and ask those Why questions!


Hopefully you’ve explored our new ministry catalog and have found opportunities to grow deeper, brighter, stronger, and louder in your faith. Don’t forget to offer and share this book with friends. Extra copies are available at the Connection Point and in the office.

Page 2

Each month we highlight a group, a friend, or member of Orchard to see how they are finding ways to shine God’s light out in the world. Contact Deanna Kohl if you have a suggestion for a future Spotlight candidate!

W e often say that Orchard is like a family, and it is

with great pleasure that we watch our children

grow up, maturing in faith, and finding their own paths

of discipleship. Many of our long time members will

remember Sara Lifsey as a little tyke

destined to become the Orchard rock star

that she is today as she took the stage in

musicals and belted out songs with the

children’s choir. She was a devoted

member of the music ministry from the

moment she discovered her love of music,

and it is especially through music that

Sara has found her connection with God.

Raised and nurtured in the Orchard, Sara

grew through Sunday School and youth

group and mission trips to Mountain Top.

Throughout everything, Sara’s constant

joy has always been worship through

music. When she sings with the choir

or the band, or shares a solo, you see

the essence of who Sara is – a woman

of faith, and joy, and compassion. And

there always seems to be a song in Sara’s heart.

There comes a time when we leave childhood and enter

the world of adulthood, and many of us tread difficult

ground before recognizing the place God has prepared

for us. For Sara, early adulthood was a time of

searching, trying to find her vocation and her

avocation, as well as her path of discipleship. She

continued to sing and serve, and she began to work

with the youth ministry and became involved in the

young adult ministry with her peers. But each day she

prayed passionately that God would “order her steps.”

And God began to help Sara discover her love and

compassion for people and her voice as an advocate for

social justice.

In 2008 Sara decided that she was called to the

profession and ministry of Social Work. Just one

problem – she needed some extensive education and

at that time, Sara had not yet completed her bachelor’s

degree. So she enrolled in Spring Arbor’s Bachelor of

Social Work program, and took a job with the Salvation

Army helping to connect people in need with available

resources. She graduated from Spring Arbor in 2011

and immediately moved on through the

graduate program at Wayne State to

receive her Masters of Social Work.

Sara now works as a Clinical Medical

Social Worker at the University of

Michigan hospital. And in her spare time,

she is extremely dedicated to the

ministries here at Orchard. She still sings

with the band, and the choir. She still

teaches and leads and works with the

youth when called upon. She is the Dean

of Middle School Camp at Lake Louise UM

Camp each summer, donating a week of

her vacation time to serve. She and her

husband Justin are active members of

Soul Connection. She passionately

shares her faith as a worship leader at

the early service.

But these days, you will find Sara doing what she does

best – advocating for the well-being of those who need

help. This year, Sara has stepped into the daunting

leadership role of coordinating the hospitality and care

Orchard extends to our South Oakland Shelter guests

during the last week of October. This sizeable challenge

demands a compassionate heart, amazing

organizational skills, and the hands and feet of every

possible volunteer to be found!

As we have watched Sara grow into the amazing

disciple of Jesus Christ that she is today, we now must

be family to and with her and support her as she takes

one more huge step to live out her faith and ministry in

service to others. Please be sure to offer Sara your

support and a little bit of your time and talents as she

leads us in this mission of grace and hospitality. Check

out the article on page 6 to see how you can be a part

of serving SOS.


Orchard is a busy place, hosting programs and ministries from within the church and for outside groups as well. Scheduling the use of our building as well as all the programs and ministries which happen here is an important and often complicated task. Deanna Kohl, who possesses advanced skills in calendar maintenance (just ask to see her color coded calendar sometime!) has taken on this juggling act, and for that, we are all profoundly grateful!

To schedule an event at, or on behalf of, an Orchard ministry…

First! Email or call Deanna at the church office to find out if your dates are available. (Please keep in mind that Deanna is only in the office Tuesdays through Thursdays.)

Then, once you’ve finalized your date for your event, please confirm the date with Deanna for publication.

Finally, if you require a room for your event, please complete a room request form.

INTRODUCING DEANNA, CONSERVATOR OF THE CALENDAR! Please help Deanna, and all of us to support your programs and ministries, and to avoid scheduling conflicts!

Thank you to Linda Hall, Calendar Keeper Emeritus, who has faithfully served in this capacity for many years!



F or about a year, my nephew

went through “The Why

Phase.” He was three years old

and incredibly inquisitive. Driving

him up north, I remember three

hours worth of whys until I finally

said, “Nathan, I can’t do any more

‘whys.’” His eyes grew large and

his hand flew to his mouth, where

it remained for about five minutes

until he wanted to know why. He

couldn’t help himself. He was

taking everything in and wanted so desperately to


Many of us, as people of faith have all kinds of

questions. It’s part of our human nature. But,

sometimes we’re afraid to ask them. We never want

to appear to be ignorant, or unknowing, perhaps we

don’t want our uncertainty to be detected. We

wonder things anywhere from, “Why is the lobby

outside the sanctuary called the narthex?” to “Why

does God allow suffering?” And everything in


My hope is that Orchard UMC will always be full of

people who ask questions and seek answers. These

next few weeks in worship we will explore, “Word to

the Why?s.” (See below for the sermon titles). This

is a time for all of us to consider why we are who we

are, and why it is God has called us to be a part of

this church.

At Wednesday Nights Together this fall, I will also be

teaching a class based on the book Why? by Adam

Hamilton. This class will explore questions we all have

around God’s will and how we make sense of it.

In the meantime, don’t be afraid to ask WHY?

Questions are imperative to learning and growing

deeper in our faith.


Page 3

September 27—“Why God?”

October 4—“Why Church?” (World Communion)

October 11—“Why Me?”

October 18—“Why This Church?”

WORD TO THE WHY?S 4-week Sermon Series


TUESDAYS WITH AMY: Beginning Tuesday, October 6

at 9:30 am in the parlor, Pastor Amy will lead the

Pastor's Bible study on the book of Genesis. The book

of Genesis is rich with the stories of our patriarchs

and matriarchs and their journey

to discern what it meant to be in

relationship with God. We will

explore the concept of covenant

and how that theme flows

throughout the book, as well as

the whole Old Testament. The

Interpretation Bible Studies' book

on Genesis will be our study

guide. Stop by the office to pick

up a book for $10 and read the

introduction for the first class.


Wednesday, October 7 at 6:15, in Room 200,

Pastor Amy will be leading a study of the book

Why? by Adam Hamilton. In this class we will

explore themes like: "Why do prayers go

unanswered?" "Why do the innocent suffer?" and

"Why can't I see God's will for

my life?" Together we will strive

to make sense of God's will and

grow in our own faith and

discipleship. Books cost $10 and

are available in the church office,

at the Wednesday Nights

Together table in the narthex,

or on the first night of class.


Page 4

Mission Trip Introduction Meeting—Sunday, October 4 at 12:15 pm

Pumpkin Patch is open daily from October 9 through October 31

Sign up in the church office, click the QR Code, or on the church website, go to the Youth page, then Fusion (Sr. High)


O rchard has a unique reputation for linking pumpkins and mission. People in the community know us as the “Pumpkin Church.” But people in a variety of places

all over the eastern half of the country know our youth as a group of students who swoop in for a week and provide a concentrated dose of home rehab and repair, as well as a liberal sprinkling of Christian love and concern for neighbors unknown.

Even as our youth are making plans for their mission trip in June 2016, pumpkins are being harvested to arrive here at Orchard on Thursday, October 8. Every pumpkin we sell helps us to enable our students to learn about our neighbors in

need, to grow in their faith, and experience the intrinsic blessing of serving others.

We invite you to join us for the unloading at 4:00 on October 8. Bring gloves and a wheel barrow if you have one. We’ll supply the donuts and cider!

We also encourage you to sign up to tend a shift in the patch sometime during the month of October. You’ll find it’s nice to be out in the crisp autumn air and an opportunity to meet people in the community and share a little bit about Orchard’s passion for mission and ministry.

Finally, please help us to spread the word that the best pumpkins in town are available here at Orchard – special pumpkins that help our youth to be the hands and love of Jesus in a community that needs to receive them.

Sign-Up Genius

PARENT PACKET - If you haven’t received a Parent Packet of information for Orchard’s Children’s Ministry, please see Meghann Snyder. She’s got everything you need to

know to make this year a great experience for your child(ren)!

NURSERY HELP - Kessiah would love your help in the nursery helping teach our toddlers the love of Jesus! Let her know if you’d like to have a little toddler time and she’ll sign you up!

SIGNING IN AND OUT! For the safety of your kids, please remember

to sign your child in and out at the desk located in the center of the Children's Wing. No children will be released from Sunday school or WOW without a parent. If you plan

to have your child come to WOW (after the Children's Message in the sanctuary), please sign them in previous to the service starting (indicating if they plan to also attend Sunday school).

IMPORTANT NEWS! We are now peanut-restricted in the Children's Wing. We have a preschool child with a severe peanut and tree nut allergy. While this is not an airborne allergy, it is triggered both by his ingestion and by contact (his or someone

else who has touched or eaten a nut-filled goodie and comes in contact with him). As his faith community, we want to do everything we can to keep him safe.

What that means for all: We ask that

you please do not bring any treats containing nuts through the Children's

Wing. Once you've picked your child(ren) up from WOW or Sunday school, please keep them with you at all times to help keep any food or snacks from going back through there. Thanks so much for understanding that we are all children of God and we want to keep our little child of God



Sunday, October 4—Kids will be taking Communion on World Communion Sunday

Wednesday, October 7—Our first of many "Wednesday Nights Together"! Come share in “get to know you” fun! This is a wonderful way to introduce your friends to your Orchard church! Find more information on the next page.

Saturday, October 17—“Touch-a-Truck” is gonna be a great day of FREE family fun! More details, next page!



Page 5

from Sweet Fellowship by Acappella

TOUCH-A-TRUCK Saturday, October 17 at 1 pm

Touch-a-Truck is a FREE hands-on family event that will provide children with

the opportunity to explore large vehicles of all types, including those used by professionals in construction, public safety, transportation, landscaping and other industries.

Children will be allowed to get behind the wheel of these vehicles and meet the

people who help to build, protect, beautify and serve our community. Face painting and more will be part of the day’s entertainment!

Lots of vehicles on display, plus…

Kona Ice truck!

Face painting and more!

Free hot dogs!

Get up close to large vehicles!

Meet emergency and service personnel!


Our all-new, all-church

fellowship program starts Wednesday, October 7!

5:00 – 5:30 Cherub Choir (age 4 through 1st grade) 5:00 – 5:45 Kids Choir (grades 2-6) 5:30 – 6:30 Dinner and fellowship in the MAC 6:15 – 7:15 Program Hour

Enjoy a simple comfort-food meal

prepared by Chef Randy

$5/person*; $3 for children 3-8; $20 max per family

(*Thanksgiving dinner on 11/18 slightly higher)

Why? Making Sense of God’s Will –

Based on the book by Adam Hamilton, this class will focus on the theology of

God’s activity in our lives. Led by Pastor Amy, Rooms 200-202

Being Methodist What do Methodists believe? This class explores the history,

theology, and Social Principles of the

United Methodist Church. Led by Rev. Suzanne in Room 100.

Homework & Hangout for grades 7-12 Café and Youth Lounge

Cherub Choir for age 4-1st grade. Led by Kristen Tesauro, WOW Room

Kids Choir for kids grades 2-6. Led by Jamie Reed. Choir Room

WWJD – What Would Jesus Do? An interactive program for children

which places an emphasis on missional activities.

Children’s Wing

Page 6


HANDS 4 DETROIT Saturday, October 3

On Saturday, October 3 volunteers will gather to serve the Mt. Elliot neighborhood of Detroit. Be a part of making a difference during this

4th annual Hands 4 Detroit event! You can volunteer to help sort donated items, assist with local repair and beautification projects or community clean-up by going to the Hands 4 Detroit website and signing up. There's

something for everyone… including kids!


Christians all over the world will celebrate World Communion Sunday. Envelopes for this special offering will be in the pews on

Sunday, October 4. Your gifts will support World Communion Scholarships, Ethnic Scholarship and Ethnic In-Service Training programs, and will help equip racial and ethnic students in the United States, as well as international students, to help transform their churches and communities.



Orchard will again host guests from the South Oakland Shelter (SOS) program from Sunday

evening, October 25-Sunday morning, November 1. SOS is a non-profit, transitional agency focused on providing shelter, food, career building, counseling and housing assistance to men,

women, and children trying to improve by removing themselves from the cycle of homelessness. We host about 30 guests who stay in the church overnight, receive dinner, breakfast and a packed lunch for the next day, and are driven to and from jobs or to the SOS office every morning and evening. We need almost 200 volunteers to help with daily activities such as driving, preparing meals and hosting at the church, and also one time activities such as setup, laundry, Saturday breakfast and cleanup. Sign up at the SOS display in the narthex or

contact Sara Ganser (248-910-7656 or saralifsey@yahoo.com) to find out where you can help.

OCTOBER OPPORTUNITIES Check out these calendar-friendly periodic and special programming opportunities

FUNTASTIKS Thursday, October 15 at 11:30 am

The Funtastiks will have lunch at the Art Institute of Michigan in Novi on October 15. Carpool from the church at 11:30 am. Please bring cash for lunch payment; you can order off the

menu, but they do not provide separate checks. Sign-up in the church office. Upcoming events include "Kalamazoo" at the Tipping Point Theater in Northville on November 22, and lunch at Schoolcraft College on December 10. Details will follow, but get the dates on your calendar now!

ROAD RALLY Saturday, October 24

Gather a team of 4-6 people, or we will assign you a team if you prefer. Meet at Fellowship Hall at 6:00 pm. The cost is $20 person which includes a night of fun, laughter, dinner, and soft drinks. Contact Julie Wright at (248) 473-8433 or Kelly Sheckell at (248) 808-8855 for more information.

LAF Life After Fifty

Would you like to add a little magic to your night? Join LAF for a musical, magical evening of “Abba Cadabra” at the Farmington Players Barn on Friday, November 6, at 7:30.

Tickets are $28. Contact Donna Young at (248) 489-0881 as soon as possible so ticket orders can be placed!

TAI CHI Better Health – Better Mind

Learn the art of Wu Style Tai Chi, an energizing exercise for

your health and peace of mind. Careful practice will improve balance and coordination, increase relaxation, concentration,

and teach you to deal with stress more effectively. All levels are welcome! Classes are on Mondays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the MAC. $40 (prepaid) for 5 attended classes or $10 per class. Sam Purdy, Instructor, Wu Style Tai Chi disciple. Contact Marcia Harmon (248-553-4174) for more info!

A TRIBUTE TO JUDY GARLAND Sunday, October 25 at 4 pm

Fine Arts Ministry Concert Series The second concert in our 2015-2016 Concert Series presented by our Fine Arts Ministry Committee is “Mike Dempsey and Friends: A Tribute to Judy Garland.” Featuring Linda Freeze (Sandy Catherman’s sister), John Young, and

Mike Dempsey, we invite you to join us in the sanctuary for this must-see/hear concert!


Barb and Dave Adams’ neighbor, Don, and Barb’s brother-in-law, Ivan Patrick Ahern’s father, Brian Ahern Margaret Blankinship’s friend, Bonnie Walker Teresa Bowers Ruth Buckwalter’s son, Ryan Jan Cashman Frances Childress’ friend, Connie Diana Chilson’s friends, Sue and Bill Carter and family Mary Clark’s cousin’s son, JD

Ron Cole Jeannine Hales’ dad, Don Donigan Linda Hall’s aunt, Doris Schultz, cousins, Terri and Ray O’Donnell, and Halls’ great-niece, Avery Coury and her family Melissa Hall’s friend’s daughter, Meredith The family of Marcia Harmon’s cousin, Clifford Lee Dietz Vivian Henderhan

Vivian Henderhan’s friend, Carol Chris Huber’s mom, Mary Ann Huber Marti Kirby’s friend, Melanie and Baby Josie Lynne Lehmann’s friend, Len Kopowski Cheryl Love Barb Mark’s cousins, the family of John C. Mark Todd Morell’s Aunt Anne Barbara Orchard Wayne Paddock Jamie Reed

Louise Rudnick Diane Runyan Chris, Mya and Benjamin Scott Marion Seeber and her friend, Janelle Kelly Sheckell’s friend, Pam and her family Brad Snider

Susan Snider DyAnn St. Clair’s parents’ friend, Dick Lien George Thomas Mary Ann Trenkle’s friend, Mary Ann Paul Wagner’s niece, Erin Dillon

Former Orchard member, Betsy Watson Donald Wrench


Thanks to everyone for their love and prayers, cards, and hugs during Bob’s illness and after. So many people came to pay tribute to Bob’s life at Orchard Church and in choir. What a blessing it was to us. With gratitude and love, Barbara Mark

Barbara Orchard would like to extend her heartfelt gratitude to her church family for all the prayers during her recovery.

Thank you to my Orchard family for all the wonderful cards full of prayers and concerns that I received during my recent health issue. Words cannot express the comfort I felt knowing that so many of you were praying for me and Cal during this difficult time. I am on the way to recovery knowing that the Orchard prayers and family prayers were heard by God. I have been given a second chance on life so I cherish each day that HE gives me

and pray that I can be a blessing to others as they have been to me. Thank you Orchard for being there for me and my family. A special thank you to Diana & Jerry Chilson for being great Orchard friends during my stay at the Petoskey Hospital and on my return home. Their friendship and love of God is so special to Cal & me. God bless you all. Blessings & Love, Jan Cashman

Thank you all so much for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy following the recent passing of Gale’s mom, Marie. We rest assured in God’s promise that we will meet her again someday in paradise. You have all helped

to ease our grief and we continue to be blessed to be a part of such a caring, connected church family. God Bless. Gale and Joyce Frazee


Lincoln Michael Edmonds, born August 22, 2015 to Amy and Darold Edmonds. Lincoln’s grandparents are Lois and

Thomas Martin, and Debbie and Michael Edmonds. His great-grandmother is Lois Quinn.

Camden Joseph Stanis, born September 15, 2015 to Brynn and Andrew Stanis.

Camden’s grandparents are Debra and Bryan Allen, and Betsy and Gary Stanis.


Leslie Blair’s grandmother, Donna Beattie (8/28)

Vivian Henderhan’s cousin, John (8/31)

Bob Mark’s cousin, John C. Mark (9/5) Marcia Harmon’s cousin, Clifford Lee Dietz (9/10)

Fiona and Liam Head’s grandmother, Marlene Head (9/15) Mary Clark’s brother, Jon Franzen (9/18) Linda Paulson’s dear sweetheart,

Andy Pseres (9/20)

Page 7

In the life of Orchard, we believe in the power of prayer. Join us in intercession, thanksgiving,In the life of Orchard, we believe in the power of prayer. Join us in intercession, thanksgiving, celebration, and remembrance. Let us pray...celebration, and remembrance. Let us pray...

IINN THETHE LLIFEIFE OFOF OORCHARDRCHARD Connecting people to God… to each other… and to the best parts of themselves!

What a beautiful

day for worship

and a picnic at

Heritage Park on September 13!

The Flying Aces

were a big hit!

Check out the

new tree in the

Children’s Wing.

Thanks, Christina Snyder!

Our Color Me Faithful Ministry

Fair was a great way to find out

about Orchard ministries!

Carole Parker worked tirelessly adding splashes of color to the MAC for the Ministry Fair.

Dave Albery can’t wait for

you to come to Current Events in the Café on

Monday, October 12

at 7!

Orchard United Methodist Church

30450 Farmington Road

Farmington Hills MI 48334-1939


The Orchard Harvester is the newsletter of Orchard United Methodist Church. The November 2015 Harvester deadline is October 13, 2015.

E-mail articles may be directed to Deanna Kohl at deannakohl@orchardumc.org.

Pastors: Rev. Amy Mayo-Moyle and Rev. Suzanne K. Goodwin

Phone 248 626-3620 Fax 248 626-6836 Web Site: www.orchardumc.org Samaritan Counseling Center 248 474-4701

Non-Profit Org.

US Postage


Farmington, MI

PERMIT No. 216

Page 8

Find us, like us, share with us, and share us with others on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!



W elcome Fall! It is good to see everyone in my Orchard

family back in the groove. We held our first Trustee

meeting with Pastor Amy and it was a joy. I looked back over

what we have accomplished so far this year: refurbished our

kitchen, rebuilt the stage, turned our exit lights and MAC lights

to LED, poured a concrete slab and built a shed for storage,

refurbished the parsonage for Pastor Amy and installed a new

mailbox. Not bad for 8 months! The trustees are wonderful,

dedicated people who love the Lord and Orchard. I am so

blessed to work with them and Pastor Amy. Have a blessed fall


Barbara DeGrazia

Chairperson, Trustees


Annual Charge Conference

Thursday, November 5 @ 7 PM


W e’re always looking for photos of Orchard events to share with each other. If you’ve

captured some great moments in the life of Orchard, please send them to Linda Hall via email

at lindahall@orchardumc.org.