Operation Manual Partial flow filter GENO Software version V2 · Operation Manual Partial flow...

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Transcript of Operation Manual Partial flow filter GENO Software version V2 · Operation Manual Partial flow...

Operation ManualPartial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

Software version V2.7with touch panel

Edition: March 2015 Order no. 074 707 977-inter

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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Table of contents

A  General .................................................................................................................................................... 5 1 | Preface ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2 | How to use this operation manual ............................................................................................................................ 5 3 | General safety information ....................................................................................................................................... 6 

3.1  Symbols and notes ........................................................................................................................................ 6 3.2  Operating personnel ...................................................................................................................................... 6 3.3  Intended use .................................................................................................................................................. 6 3.4  Protection against water damage .................................................................................................................. 7 3.5  Indication of specific dangers ........................................................................................................................ 7 

4 | Shipping and storage ............................................................................................................................................... 8 5 | Disposal of used parts and materials ....................................................................................................................... 8 

B  Basic information ................................................................................................................................... 9 1 | Laws, regulations, standards ................................................................................................................................... 9 2 | Function ................................................................................................................................................................... 9 3 | Filtration ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 4 | Ion exchange .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 5 | Automatic/manual make-up water feed (optional) .................................................................................................. 12 

C  Product description ............................................................................................................................. 13 1 | Type designation plate ........................................................................................................................................... 13 2 | Functional description ............................................................................................................................................ 14 3 | Technical specifications ......................................................................................................................................... 16 4 | Intended use .......................................................................................................................................................... 18 5 | Scope of supply ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 

5.1  Standard equipment .................................................................................................................................... 19 5.2  Optional accessories ................................................................................................................................... 19 5.3  Consumables .............................................................................................................................................. 20 5.4  Spare parts .................................................................................................................................................. 20 5.5  Wearing parts .............................................................................................................................................. 21 

D  Installation ............................................................................................................................................ 22 1 | General installation instructions ............................................................................................................................. 22 

1.1  Electrical installation .................................................................................................................................... 22 2 | Preliminary work ..................................................................................................................................................... 22 3 | How to connect the partial flow filter system GENO®-VARIO 3000 ....................................................................... 23 4 | Connection of analogue pressure sensor to GENO®-VARIO 3000 with touch panel ............................................. 24 

E  Start-up ................................................................................................................................................. 25 1 | How to set the partial flow filter system GENO®-VARIO 3000 ............................................................................... 25 

1.1  How to set the hardness ............................................................................................................................. 25 1.2  How to set the control unit .......................................................................................................................... 25 

2 | How to start up the GENO®-VARIO 3000 .............................................................................................................. 26 F  Operation of the GENO®-VARIO 3000 with touch panel.................................................................... 27 

1 | How to operate the touch panel ............................................................................................................................. 27 2 | Help contents ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 3 | Common help ......................................................................................................................................................... 30 4 | Standard display .................................................................................................................................................... 31 

4.1 | Help regarding standard display .................................................................................................................... 32 5 | Parameter circulation pump ................................................................................................................................... 33 6 | Parameter ball valves ............................................................................................................................................. 34 7 | Parameter automatic 3-way valve .......................................................................................................................... 35 8 | Operation of sand filter module .............................................................................................................................. 36 9 | Step times of sand filter module ............................................................................................................................. 37 10 | Operation of softening module ............................................................................................................................. 38 11 | Step times of softening module ............................................................................................................................ 39 12 | Main settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 40 

12.1 | Help regarding main settings ....................................................................................................................... 41 13 | System time ......................................................................................................................................................... 42 

13.1 | Help regarding system time ......................................................................................................................... 42 14 | Operation of dosing .............................................................................................................................................. 43 

14.1 | Help regarding operation of dosing .............................................................................................................. 43 15 | Make-up water feed mode ................................................................................................................................... 44 16 | Hand-operated make-up water feed .................................................................................................................... 46 

16.1 | Help regarding hand-operated make-up water feed .................................................................................... 46 17 | Message window .................................................................................................................................................. 47 

17.1 | Help regarding message window ................................................................................................................. 47 18 | User log-in ............................................................................................................................................................ 48 19 | ECO mode ........................................................................................................................................................... 49 

G  Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................... 50 1 | Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 50 2 | Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................................................... 51 

H  Maintenance and care .......................................................................................................................... 52 1 | Basic information .................................................................................................................................................... 52 2 | Inspection (functional check) .................................................................................................................................. 53 

2.1  How to refill salt ........................................................................................................................................... 54 3 | Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................... 54 

3.1  Operation log ............................................................................................................................................... 55 4 | Operation log .......................................................................................................................................................... 56 

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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Publisher's information

All rights reserved.

© Copyright by Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH

Printed in Germany Effective with the date of edition indicated on the cover sheet. -We reserve the right to modifications, especially with regard to technical progress-

Reprints, translations into foreign languages, electronic storage or copying only with explicit written approval of Grünbeck Was-seraufbereitung GmbH.

Any type of duplication not authorised by Grünbeck Wasserauf-bereitung is a copyright violation and subject to legal action.

Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH Josef-Grünbeck-Str. 1 89420 Hoechstaedt/Germany Tel. +49 (0) 9074 41-0 Fax +49 (0) 9074 41-100 www.gruenbeck.de service@gruenbeck.de

Print: Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH Josef-Grünbeck-Str. 1, 89420 Hoechstaedt/Germany

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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EC Declaration of Conformity

This is to certify that the system designated below meets the safety and health requirements of the applicable European guidelines in terms of its design, construction and execution.

If the system is modified in a way not approved by us, this certificate is void.

Manufacturer: Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH Josef-Grünbeck-Str. 1 89420 Hoechstaedt/Germany

Responsible for documentation: Markus Pöpperl

System designation: Partial flow filter

System type: GENO®-VARIO 3000

System number: Refer to type designation plate

Applicable EC guidelines: EMC Directive 2004/108/EU) Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EG) RoHs (2011/65/EU)

Applied harmonised standards, in particular:

DIN EN 61000 -3-2, DIN EN 61000-3-3, DIN EN 60335-1 1st Ordinance on Equipment and Product Safety Law (Or-dinance concerning the Marketing of Electrical Equipment for Use within Specific Voltage Limits - 1. GPSGV).

Applied national standards and technical specifications, in particular:

Date / Manufacturer’s signature: 29/01/2015 p.p. Markus Pöpperl Dipl. Ing. (FH)

Function of signatory: Head of Department for Product Implementation and Prod-uct Launch

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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A General

1 | Preface

Thank you for opting for a Grünbeck product. Backed by dec-ades of experience in the area of water treatment, we provide solutions for all kind of processes.

Drinking water is classified as food and requires particular care. Therefore, always ensure the required hygiene in operating and maintaining systems involved in the drinking water supply. This also applies to the treatment of water for industrial use if reper-cussions for the drinking water cannot completely be excluded.

All Grünbeck systems and devices are made of high-quality ma-terials. This ensures reliable operation over many years, pro-vided you treat your water treatment system with the required care. This operation manual assists you with important infor-mation. Therefore, please read the entire operation manual be-fore installing, operating or maintaining the system.

Customer satisfaction is our prime objective and providing cus-tomers with qualified advice is crucial. If you have any questions concerning this system, possible extensions or general water and waste water treatment, our field staff, as well as the experts at our headquarters in Hoechstaedt, are available to help you.

Advice and assistance For advice and assistance please contact your local representa-tive (see www.gruenbeck.de). In case of emergency, please get in touch with our service hotline at +49 9074 41-333. We can connect you with the appropriate expert more quickly if you pro-vide the required system data. In order to have this information handy at all times, please copy the data indicated on the type designation plate to the table in chapter C-1, paragraph 1.

2 | How to use this operation manual

This operation manual is intended for the operators of our sys-tems. It is divided into several chapters, which are listed in the “Table of contents” on page 2 in alphabetical order.

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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3 | General safety information

3.1 Symbols and notes Important information in this operation manual is characterised by symbols. Please pay particular attention to this information to ensure the hazard-free, safe and efficient handling of the sys-tem.

Danger! Failure to adhere to this information will cause serious or life-threatening injuries, extreme damage to property or inad-missible contamination of the drinking water.

Warning! Failure to adhere to this information may cause inju-ries, damage to property or contamination of the drinking water.

Attention! Failure to adhere to this information may result in damage to the system or other objects.

Note: This symbol characterises information and tips to make your work easier.

Tasks with this symbol may only be performed by Grünbeck's technical service/authorised service company or by persons ex-pressly authorised by Grünbeck.

Tasks with this symbol may only be performed by trained and qualified electrical experts according to the VDE guidelines or according to the guidelines of a similar local institution.

Tasks with this symbol may only be performed by water supply companies or approved installation companies. In Germany, the installation company must be registered in an installation direc-tory of a water supply company as per §12(2) AVBWasserV (German Ordinance on General Conditions for the Supply of Wa-ter).

3.2 Operating personnel Only persons who have read and understood this operation

manual are permitted to work with the system. The safety guide-lines in particular are to be strictly adhered to.

3.3 Intended use The system may only be used for the purpose outlined in the

product description (chapter C). The guidelines in this operation manual as well as the applicable local guidelines concerning drinking water protection, accident prevention and occupational safety must be adhered to. In addition, intended use also implies that the system may only be operated when it is in proper work-ing order. Any malfunctions must be repaired at once.

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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3.4 Protection against water damage

Warning! In order to protect the installation site from water dam-age, a sufficiently dimensioned floor drain must be available.

Warning! Floor drains leading to a lifting system do not work in case of a power failure.

3.5 Indication of

specific dangers Danger due to electrical energy! Do not touch electrical parts with wet hands! Disconnect the system from mains before starting work on elec-trical parts of the system. Have qualified experts replace dam-aged cables immediately.

Danger due to mechanical energy! System parts may be subject to overpressure. Danger of injury and damage to property due to escaping water and unexpected movement of system parts. Check pressure pipes regularly. De-pressurise the system before starting repair or maintenance work on the system.

Hazardous to health due to contaminated drinking water! Arrange for the system to be installed and operated by a special-ist company. The operation manual must be strictly adhered to! Ensure that there is sufficient flow. The pertinent guidelines must be followed for starting-up after extended periods of standstill. Inspections and maintenance must be performed at the intervals specified!

Specific dangers!

Note: By concluding a maintenance contract, you ensure that all of the required tasks are performed on time. You may perform the interim inspections yourself.

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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4 | Shipping and storage

Attention! The system may be damaged by frost or high tem-peratures. In order to avoid damage of this kind:

Protect from frost during transportation and storage! Do not install or store system next to objects which radiate a lot of heat.

The system may only be transported and stored in its original packing. Ensure that it is handled with care and placed the right side up (as indicated on the packing).

5 | Disposal of used parts and materials

Used parts and materials are to be disposed of, or made availa-ble for recycling purposes, according to the applicable local guidelines.

If a material is subject to specific regulations, adhere to the in-structions indicated on the packing.

If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authority or the manufacturer for more information.

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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B Basic information

1 | Laws, regulations, standards

Treatment of the filling and make-up water for warm water heat-ing systems according to VDI guideline 2035 as well as for hot and warm water heating systems (industrial and remote heating networks) according to VdTÜV guideline Tch 1466 respectively AGFW work sheet FW 510. Proper application, interpretation and execution provided, these ensure corrosion safety and pre-vention of furring. Our recommendations in excess thereof are based on our long-time experience in water treatment, taking into consideration the VDI and VdTÜV guidelines.

2 | Function

The partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000 is designed for the continuous improvement of the heating circulation water of closed heating or cooling networks. The circulation water is treated in two steps:

First of all, the sand filter module removes all insoluble elements such as scale, rust or dirt particles. Then, the ion exchanger sys-tem installed downstream completely softens the water and gen-erates a water quality complying with the applicable guidelines VDI 2035 and AGFW 510 (VdTÜV 1466) without the need for a replacement of the system content. The built-in circulation pump ensures the simple hydraulic integration. At the same time, the make-up water may also be treated by means of the partial flow filter system.

The fully automatic control unit monitors all system functions: The differential pressure-controlled backwash of the filter stage with drinking water (no water loss in the heating circuit!), the re-generation of the softening module and the fully automatic make-up water feed (optional). Consequently, during the entire cleaning cycle, neither the filter material nor the ion exchanger resin needs to be replaced and the operating costs and the maintenance efforts are reduced.

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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3 | Filtration

The sand filter module is flown through from top to bottom - through the various filter layers. This way, the heating water is filtered and various solid substances such as corrosion particles and calcareous elements are removed. Afterwards, the hardness formers are removed from the treated heating water by means of the softening module and the treated water is then fed into the heating circuit again. During the backwash process, the filter lay-ers are thoroughly flushed from bottom to top and thereby loos-ened up in order to wash out particles retained during the depth filtration via the drain outlet at the control valve.

Program sequence:

Release via differential pressure switch or by hand or via time

Circulation pump switches off

Ball valve at system outlet closes

3-way valve switches to raw water

Control valve of sand filter module switches to backwash

Raw water ball valve opens

After completion of the backwash and subsequent first fil-trate, the system fittings inversely switch the partial flow filter to operation again

4 | Ion exchange

The exchange of calcium and magnesium ions for sodium ions causes the water to become soft.


The hard raw water flows through an exchanger. This tank is filled with an ion exchanger resin, to which sodium ions are bonded (see fig. B-1).

Since the bonding positions at the ion exchanger resin prefer calcium and magnesium ions to sodium ions, these ions are re-tained while the ion exchanger resin discharges sodium ions into the water (exchange reaction). This way, all substances causing hardness remain in the exchanger. Soft water loaded with so-dium ions leaves the exchanger (fig. B-2). This process contin-ues until the sodium ions are used up.

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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The exchange reaction can be reversed if a large amount of so-dium ions (salt solution = brine) is added (fig. B-3). By their sheer number, the sodium ions displace the calcium and magne-sium ions at the docking positions of the ion exchanger resin.

This process restores the initial state. The ion exchanger resin is regenerated and is ready for softening once again.

Program sequence:

Release via volume (contact water meter), by hand or via time

Circulation pump switches off

Ball valve at system outlet closes

3-way valve switches to raw water

Control valve of softening module switches to backwash

Raw water ball valve opens

After the regeneration steps backwash, salting, slow rinse, washing out and fill brine tank, the system fittings inversely switch the partial flow filter system to operation again

Fig. B-1: Initial position Fig. B-2: Operation Fig. B-3: Regeneration

Sodium ions Calcium ions Magnesium ions

Resin Resin Resin

Hard water

Soft water


Waste water

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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5 | Automatic/manual make-up water feed (optional)

Due to small leakages, steam diffusion at sealing points, bleed-ing processes or after repair and retrofitting work, water losses may occur in the heating circuit. This water loss must be made up for by adding water of appropriate quality to the heating cir-cuit again. A module for an automatic make-up water feed is available as an option.

The pressure transducer (switching points min./max.) which is installed in the return provided by others and which can be ad-justed at the control unit, signals if there is too little pressure available in the return.

During manual make-up water feed, the following program se-quence is started manually via the control unit.

Program sequence:

Circulation pump switches off

3-way valve switches to raw water

Raw water ball valve opens

The set water volume (adapt to system volume on site) is made up

After completion of the make-up water feed, the system fit-tings inversely switch the partial flow filter to operation again

After a set time, the pressure transducer will be called up again. If the pressure in the heating return once again is below the set pressure, another make-up water feed process will start.

Note: If the water volume in the heating return is not attained af-ter a set time, the make-up water feed mode will be aborted.

By setting a maximum make-up water feed volume (subject to the system volume), the unintentional make-up water feed in case of leakages can be prevented.

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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C Product description

1 | Type designation plate

In order to speed up the processing of your inquiries or orders, please specify the data shown on the type designation plate (fig. C-1) of your partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000 when con-tacting Grünbeck. Please add the serial number to the table be-low in order to have the required data handy at all times.

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

Serial number: Order number: 707 500

Fig. C-1: Type designation plate of partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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2 | Functional description

Differential pressure switch: Adjustable differential pressure switch to monitor the pressure gradient above the sand filter module. Setting range 0.4 - 4.0 bar - releases the automatic backwash of the sand filter module.

Euro system separator: Euro system separator, BA design - prevents back-flow, back-pressure and back-suction of modified water into the drinking water (protection up to danger class 4 according to DIN EN 1717).

Automatic 3-way valve: Switches from heating circulation operation to raw water during regeneration, backwash or make-up water feed.

Softening module: Softens the heating circulation water to < 0.1 °dH by way of the ion exchanger principle. Automatic regeneration via treated vol-ume or time (freely adjustable, recommendation: 30 days).

Sand filter module: For the filtration of particles in the heating circulation water by means of depth filtration - three gravel layers. Automatic back-wash after differential pressure measurement or via time (freely adjustable, recommendation: 14 days).

Brine tank: To store regeneration salt as per DIN EN 978 for the automatic regeneration of the softening module.

Drinking water filter BOXER® KD incl. pressure reducer: 80 µm prefiltration of the raw water to prevent malfunctions dur-ing backwash/regeneration.

Ball-type inlet valve for raw water – raw water connection – 1“ water meter screw connection: Opens after the 3-way valve (item 3) of the sand filter module or the softening module received a “raw water request”. Ball-type shut-off valve with motor drive and integrated manual override to shut off the partial flow filter.









Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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Type designation plate:

Filtrate connection – outlet to the heating circuit – 1“ water meter screw connection.

Control unit: To operate the partial flow filter system via touch panel. System wiring as well as electrical connections for external use com-pletely integrated in switch cabinet. Ball-type shut-off valve with motor drive and integrated manual override to shut off the partial flow filter.

Shock-proof socket: To supply the optional dosing pump (continuous voltage) with power.

Waste water connection: Central connection for occurring waste water.

Inlet connection from heating circuit - including ball-type shut-off valve - 1” flat seal

Circulation pump: For circulation via the partial flow filter system.

Pressure switch: Circulation pump de-energised in case of low pressure.

Contact water meter: To register the volume flown-through to regenerate the softening module volume-dependently or in case of make-up water feed mode.

Deaeration: On outlet side, on sand filter module and softening module.











Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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Fig. C-2: Exploded drawing of GENO®-VARIO 3000

3 | Technical specifications

All system data for the partial flow filter are summarised on the reverse in table C-1. Possible deviations in case of special ver-sions are communicated separately, if applicable.

Attention! Electrically operated valves. In case of a power fail-ure during the regeneration, water may flow into the drain or brine tank. In case of a power failure, check the partial flow filter system and shut-off the water supply, if necessary.

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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Table C-1: Technical specifications Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

Connection data

Inlet connection from heating circuit DN 25 (1" male thread) Filtrate connection to heating circuit DN 25 (1" male thread) Connection raw water inlet DN 25 (1" male thread) Power supply [V/Hz] 230 / 50 General performance data

Nominal pressure PN 10 Nominal flow [m³/h] 2.5 Min./max. operating pressure of heating circuit [bar] 2.0 / 6.0 Min./max. operating pressure of raw water [bar] 2.0 / 8.0 Pump capacity [kW] 0.5 Performance data of softening module Nominal capacity [mol] [°dH x m³] 26.8 [150] Duration of regeneration [min.] 94 Resin quantity [l] 44 Salt consumption per regeneration, approx. [kg] 6.2 Max. capacity of brine tank [kg] 50 Total waste water volume per regeneration, approx. [l] 150 Max. backwash capacity [m³/h] 0.55 Performance data of sand filter module Quartz gravel 3.0 – 5.6 I [kg] 6 Quartz gravel 1.0 – 2.2 II [kg] 22 Quartz gravel 0.4 – 0.8 III [kg] 22 Max. backwash capacity [m³/h] 2.3 Total waste water volume per backwash [m³] 0.61 Dimensions and weights A Total width [mm] 990 B Total height [mm] 1714 C Total depth [mm] 765 D Height of foundation [mm] 106 E Inlet connection from heating system [mm] 263 F Waste water connection [mm] 560 G Raw water connection [mm] 1012 H Filtrate connection to heating system [mm] 1237 I Distance waste water connection, raw water connection, filtrate connection to heating



J Distance inlet connection from heating [mm] 145 Weight upon delivery [kg] 132 Ambient data Max. water temperature [°C] 80 Max. ambient temperature [°C] 40 Order no. 707 500

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Fig. C-3: Dimensional drawing of GENO®-VARIO 3000

4 | Intended use

The partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000 is designed for the continuous improvement of the heating circulation water of closed heating or cooling networks.

The ambient temperature as well as the radiation temperature next to the system must not exceed 40 °C.

The partial flow filter system may only be operated if all compo-nents are installed properly. Safety devices must NEVER be re-moved, bridged or otherwise tampered with.

Appropriate use of the device also implies that the information contained in this operation manual and all safety guidelines ap-plying at the installation site be observed. Furthermore, the maintenance and inspection intervals have to be observed.

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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5 | Scope of supply

5.1 Standard equipment

High-quality system rack made of anodised aluminium to house all system components of the partial flow filter

Drinking water filter BOXER® KD 80 µm to filter the raw wa-ter

Pipes made of stainless steel press system with built-in con-trol valves, collective waste water pipe made of plastic

Euro system separator, BA design, to secure the raw water/ heating water according to EN 1717

Sand filter module, softening module consisting of stainless steel pressure tanks incl. control valves

Operation manual

5.2 Optional accessories

Note: It is possible to retrofit existing partial flow filter systems with optional components. Please contact your local Grünbeck representative or Grünbeck’s headquarters in Hoechstaedt for more information.

Order no.

Optional module for automatic make-up water feed of partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000.

707 572

Pressure transducer (0 - 10 bar - ¼“ male thread) made of stainless steel with 5 m of ca-ble for installation into the heating circuit by others on site - electrical connection to the switch box of the partial flow filter.

Dosing system for selective increase of the pH value to the optimum value of 9.3.

Please inquire

Analysis case (pH, conductivity, determination of raw water hardness, determination of hard-ness B).

707 192

Water sample cooler. 160 450

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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5.3 Consumables In order to ensure the reliable operation of the partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000, only use genuine consumables.

Order no.

Regeneration salt

25 kg bag 127 001

Water test kit Determination of hardness type B

(approx. 100 analyses) 170 149

Calibrating solution pH 4 203 627

Calibrating solution pH 7 203 628

Calibrating solution for conductivity 203 624

5.4 Spare parts You may order spare parts and consumables from your local

Grünbeck representative (see www.gruenbeck.com).

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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5.5 Wearing parts

In case of heavy duty, seals and control pistons are subject to a certain wear and tear. Wearing parts are listed below.

Note: Although these parts are wearing parts, we grant a limited warranty period of 6 months. The same applies for electrical components.

a) Seals, control piston, injector, actuator

b) Flat seals, non-return valve

Fig. C-4: Control valve

Nominal connection diameter DN 25 Fig. C-5: Brine valve

c) Floating ring seal

Fig. C-6: Circulation pump For wearing parts of the Euro system separator, BA design, and

drinking water filter BOXER® KD, please refer to attached opera-tion manuals.

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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D Installation

1 | General installation instructions

The installation site must provide adequate space. A foundation of a sufficient size and adequate load carrying capacity has to be provided. The required connections must be provided prior to the installation of the system. For dimensions and connection data, please refer to table C-1.

Note: For the installation of partial flow filter systems with op-tional accessories (refer to chapter C, item 4.2), also observe the operating manuals supplied with these components.

1.1 Electrical installation

A shock-proof plug is adequate for the electrical connection. However, it must comply with the specifications given in table C-1, may not be further away from the partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000 than 3 m and must carry continuous volt-age (do not couple with light switch)!

2 | Preliminary work

1. Transport the partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000 to the in-tended installation site.

2. Unpack all components of the partial flow filter system.

3. Check for completeness and soundness.

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3 | How to connect the partial flow filter system GENO®-VARIO 3000

A Return of heating circulation water

B Raw water

Dosing system for conditioning chemical (optional)

Fig. D-1: Installation example of GENO®-VARIO 3000




Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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1. Connect the water supply to the 3 different connections.

Inlet connection from heating circuit

Filtrate connection to heating circuit

Raw water connection

Note: For connection diameters, refer to chapter C, item 2 as well as table C-1.

2. Make the waste water connection.

Attention! Danger of damage and malfunctions due to waste water backing up. In case of backed-up water, level the partial flow filter system by appropriately adjusting the levelling feed.

3. Connect the mains plug to the socket (refer to chapter D, item 1.2).

4 | Connection of analogue pressure sensor to GENO®-VARIO 3000 with touch panel

Applying the analogue pressure sensor to the terminal strip (refer to the electric circuit diagram of GENO®-VARIO 3000, order no. 707 978, page 19).

Terminal connections: Terminal X2:30 – white

Terminal X2:33 – brown

Terminal X2:34 – green

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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E Start-up

The work described below may only be performed by trained ex-perts. We recommend having Grünbeck‘s technical service/ au-thorised service company start up the system.

1. Remove the lid from the brine tank.

2. Carefully fill in water until the water level is about 30 mm above the sieve bottom.

Attention! Impurities in the salt may cause malfunctions at the brine valve and at the injector of the control valve. For the relia-ble function of the partial flow filter system, a salt quality with de-fined properties is required.

Only use salt tablets as per DIN EN 973 A.

3. Put the salt tablets into the brine tank. You may completely fill the brine tank with tablets.

4. Fill in the operating water volume (22 litres).

5. Close the lid of the brine tank.

1 | How to set the partial flow filter system GENO®-VARIO 3000

1.1 How to set the hardness

The hardness needs to be set at the partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000. To do so, check the hardness of the water to be treated as well as the raw water hardness of the raw water for the make-up water feed.

1.2 How to set the control unit

1. Enter the hardness at the control unit (refer to chapter F, item 12).

2. Set the backwash interval (refer to chapter F, item 8).

3. Set the regeneration interval (refer to chapter F, item 10).

In case of optional automatic make-up water feed:

4. Set the maximum make-up water feed volume (refer to chap-ter F, item 15).

5. Set the hysteresis for the make-up water feed (refer to chapter F, item 15).

6. Set the start/stop pressure of the pressure transducer. Ob-serve the system pressure! (refer to chapter F, item 15).

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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2 | How to start up the GENO®-VARIO 3000 1. Open the raw water inlet at the connection “inlet of heating


2. Perform a visual check. Make sure that no water leaks from the partial flow filter system at any point.

3. Switch on the control unit at the main switch and start up the partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000 (refer to chapter F, item 1).

4. Take a water sample at the sampling valve downstream of the partial flow filter system.

5. Determine the hardness by means of the water test kit “Total hardness". The partial flow filter system is working properly if the analysis of the water taken directly downstream of the exchanger tank results in 0 °dH.

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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F Operation of the GENO®-VARIO 3000 with touch panel

1 | How to operate the touch panel

Note: In the following, keys, buttons and fields are described which always have the same function during the operation of the touch panel.

Fig. F-1: Key assignment of touch panel, operating elements and display

Calling up help function By pressing the F1 key, the help function for the respective oper-ating screen is called up, pressing the F1 key anew closes the help function again.

Note: The indication of the software corresponds to the factory-setting.

System ON By pressing the F2 key, the system may be switched on, no mat-ter on which screen of the touch panel you are.

System OFF By pressing the F3 key, the system may be switched off, no mat-ter on which screen of the touch panel you are.




Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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Calling up the message window By pressing the F4 key, the message window in which all system and error messages are stored, is called up. Pressing the F4 key anew closes the message window again.

In these fields, the set points are entered/emitted.

In these fields, values or texts such as current values, control values, ... are emitted.

Scroll back With this button, you may return to the previous screen.

Scroll forward With this button, you may call up additional settings, operator op-tions (if possible).

Set the time With this button, you can access the screen where the time is set.

Change the language With this button, you may go through the various system lan-guages.

Buttons substitute common hardware controls or keys. With these buttons, you can set or control release conditions. Buttons highlighted in grey indicate the state that is currently ac-tive.


Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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2 | Help contents

Fig. F-2: Screen displayed: Help contents

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3 | Common help

Fig. F-3: Screen displayed: Common help

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4 | Standard display

Indicates the current system state, the state of the sand filter module or softening module.

The make-up water feed volume will only be indicated if make-up water feed mode is activated in the main settings.

“Pressure heating circuit” will only be indicted if “yes” was se-lected for “pressure sensor present” in the settings of the make-up water feed mode.

Fig. F-4: Standard display of touch panel, overview

Calling up settings/operation of main settings.

Calling up settings/operation of make-up water feed mode Only visible if “make-up water feed mode” was selected in the main settings.

Calling up settings/operation of dosing pump Only visible if “yes” was selected for “dosing present” in the main settings.

Calling up time window Only visible if “yes” was selected for “ECO mode” in the main settings.

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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Calling up settings of circulation pump.

Calling up settings of automatic 3-way valve.

Calling up settings of ball valves.

Calling up settings/operation of sand filter module.

Calling up settings/operation of softening module.

4.1 | Help regarding standard display

Fig. F-5: Screen displayed: Help - overview

Calling up help contents

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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5 | Parameter circulation pump

Indicates the current settings of the circulation pump (refer to chapter C, item 2, position 14).

1) Note: Modifications can only be made by Grünbeck's technical service/authorised service company or by persons expressly au-thorised by Grünbeck.

2) Note: You may modify the following values via Code 113, refer to chapter F, item 18.

3) Note Regarding ECO mode, refer to chapter F, item 19.

Fig. F-6: Screen displayed: Circulation pump

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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6 | Parameter ball valves

Indicates the current settings of the ball valve (refer to chapter C, item 2, position 7.1) - raw water inlet.

1) Note: Modifications can only be made by Grünbeck's technical service/authorised service company or by persons expressly au-thorised by Grünbeck.

Fig. F-7: Screen displayed: Ball valve - raw water inlet

Indicates the current settings of the ball valve - outlet

(refer to chapter C, item 2, position 9).

Fig. F-8: Screen displayed: Ball valve - outlet

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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7 | Parameter automatic 3-way valve

Indicates the current settings of the automatic 3-way valve (refer to chapter C, item 2, position 3).

1) Note: Modifications can only be made by Grünbeck's technical service/authorised service company or by persons expressly au-thorised by Grünbeck.

Fig. F-9: Screen displayed: Automatic 3-way valve

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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8 | Operation of sand filter module

Indicates the current state of the differential pressure switch (refer to chapter C, item 2, position 1) of the sand filter module (refer to chapter C, item 2, position 5) and the number of back-washes that have already taken place.

1) Note: Modifications can only be made by Grünbeck's technical service/authorised service company or by persons expressly au-thorised by Grünbeck.

2) Note: You may modify the following values via Code 113, refer to chapter F, item 18.

Fig. F-10: Screen displayed: Sand filter module

Start button to manually release the backwash of the sand filter module (hold the button for 5 seconds).

Forward button to switch the next, individual steps of the back-wash process (hold the button for 5 seconds; only visible, if backwash program is active).

Calling up the settings of the various step times for the back-wash program of the sand filter module.

Partial flow filterGENO®-VARIO 3000

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9 | Step times of sand filter module

Indicates the current settings of the various step times of the backwash program of the sand filter module (refer to chapter C, item 2, position 5).

1) Note: Modifications can only be made by Grünbeck's technical service/authorised service company or by persons expressly au-thorised by Grünbeck.

Fig. F-11: Screen displayed: Step times of the sand filter module

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10 | Operation of softening module

Indicates the current state of the softening module (refer to chapter C, item 2, position 4) and the number of regenerations that have already taken place.

1) Note: Modifications can only be made by Grünbeck's technical service/authorised service company or by persons expressly au-thorised by Grünbeck.

Fig. F-12: Screen displayed: Operation of softening module

Start button to manually release the regeneration of the soften-ing module (hold the button for 5 seconds).

Forward button to switch to the next individual steps of the re-generation process (hold button for 5 seconds; only visible if re-generation program is active).

Calling up the settings of the various step times for the regener-ation program of the softening module.

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11 | Step times of softening module

Indicates the current settings for the various step times of the re-generation program of the softening module.

1) Note: Modifications can only be made by Grünbeck's technical service/authorised service company or by persons expressly au-thorised by Grünbeck.

Fig. F-13: Screen displayed: Step times of softening module

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12 | Main settings

Settings of fundamental functions/parameters of the partial flow filter

1) Note: Modifications can only be made by Grünbeck's technical service/authorised service company or by persons expressly au-thorised by Grünbeck.

2) Note: You may modify the following values via Code 113, refer to chapter F, item 18.

3) Note: Regarding ECO mode, refer to chapter F, item 19.

Fig. F-14: Screen displayed: Main settings

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12.1 | Help regarding main settings

Fig. F-15: Screen displayed: Help - Main settings

Calling up help contents.

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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13 | System time

Setting the time and the date.

Fig. F-16: Screen displayed: System time

Button to transfer the time to the system.

13.1 | Help regarding system time

Fig. F-17: Screen displayed: Help - System time

Call up help contents

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14 | Operation of dosing

Indicates the current state of the dosing pump. Setting of the dosing time for one start cycle.

Fig. F-18: Screen displayed: Dosing

Start button to start a dosing cycle (hold button for 5 seconds).

Stop button to terminate a current dosing cycle (hold button for 5 seconds; only visible if dosing is active).

14.1 | Help regarding operation of dosing

Fig. F-19: Screen displayed: Help - Dosing

Call up help contents.


Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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15 | Make-up water feed mode

This level will only be indicated if the make-up water feed mode is activated in the main settings.

The total hardness of the raw water has definitely to be set in or-der to enable the automatic release of a backwash or a regener-ation.

Automatic make-up water feed:

For automatic make-up water feed with integrated leakage moni-toring, the corresponding optional module has to be installed into the heating circuit by others on site and the parameter “pressure sensor 0 - 10 V present” has to be changed to “yes”. Afterwards, the following parameters need to be set as well:

„Delay start filling“

„Limit value start pressure“

„Limit value stop pressure“

„Limit value filling volume malfunction leakage“

Note: These values are subject to the respective system and have to be provided by the person in charge/operator of the sys-tem.

Note: The parameters „delay start filling“, „limit value start pres-sure“, „limit value stop pressure“, „limit value filling volume mal-function leakage” are only visible, if for “pressure sensor pre-sent” “yes” was selected.

2) Note: You may modify the following values via Code 113, refer to chapter F, item 18.

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Fig. F-20: Screen displayed: Make-up water feed

Calling up manual operation of make-up water feed

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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16 | Hand-operated make-up water feed

Indicates the current state of the system as well as the number of make-up water feed processes that have already taken place.

Fig. F-21: Screen displayed: Hand-operated make-up water feed

Start button to start hand-operated make-up water feed (hold button for 5 seconds).

Stop button to terminate hand-operated make-up water feed (hold button for 5 seconds; only visible if make-up water feed is active).

16.1 | Help regarding hand-operated make-up water feed

Fig. F-22: Screen displayed: Help – Hand-operated make-up water feed

Calling up help contents.

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17 | Message window

Fig. F-23: Screen displayed: Messages

Button to acknowledge malfunctions.

Calling up additional information on malfunctions (if available)

17.1 | Help regarding message window

Fig. F-24: Screen displayed: Help - Message window

Calling up help contents.

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18 | User log-in

Operator codes:

Code: 113 (installer)

Fig. F-25: Screen displayed: User log-in

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19 | ECO mode

By means of the ECO mode, the operation of the partial flow fil-ter GENO®-VARIO 3000 can be set individually for a certain time each weekday.

Fig. F-26: Screen displayed: Timer

Calling up the settings of the timer for the respective weekday.

Fig. F-27: Screen displayed: Timer weekdays

Release button to activate or deactivate the timer for the week-day.

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G Troubleshooting

1 | Introduction

Even carefully designed and manufactured partial flow filters GENO®-VARIO 3000 that are operated properly, may experi-ence malfunctions. Table G-1 provides an overview of possible problems that may occur during the operation of the partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000 and indicates the possible causes and their elimi-nation.

Note: Grünbeck's technical customer service/authorised service company definitely must be notified in case of malfunctions that cannot be remedied with the information given in table G-1! Please indicate designation, order no. and serial number of the partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000 when contacting Grünbeck.

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2 | Troubleshooting

Table G-1: Troubleshooting

This is what you observe This is the cause This is what to do

Increased hardness in blending or soft water

a) Partial flow filter system over-run

Partial flow filter system does not carry continuous current (coupled with light switch).

Check power supply and ad-just, if necessary.

Partial flow filter system does not suck in brine.

Clean injector; check inlet pressure and adjust if neces-sary.

No salt in brine tank.

Not enough water in brine tank.

Refill salt.

Check BVO valve and brine valve for impurities and clean, if necessary.

b) Other causes

Water supply interrupted. Open the shut-off valves.

Water withdrawal too high (higher than peak flow indicated on type designation plate).

Reduce water withdrawal.

Not enough salt in brine tank. Check salt level as per mark and refill, if necessary.

Ion exchanger resin in drain pipe

Defective jet system. Notify Grünbeck’s technical customer service/authorised service company.

Pressure loss too high Ion exchanger resin or sand filter module polluted by undissolved substances.

Notify Grünbeck’s technical customer service/authorised service company.

Partial flow filter system does not suck in brine

Water pressure is too low. Increase flow pressure to at least 2.0 bar.

Injector clogged. Clean injector.

Injector sieve clogged. Clean injector sieve.

Brine valve clogged. Remove brine valve and thoroughly clean it.

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H Maintenance and care

1 | Basic information

In order to guarantee the reliable function of the partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000 over a long period of time, some mainte-nance work has to be performed at regular intervals. All regula-tions and guidelines, which apply at the installation site must be strictly adhered to.

DIN 806, part 5, stipulates that

an inspection must be performed at least every two months.

According to DIN EN 806-5, filter and ion exchanger systems routinely require a functional check to be performed by the op-erator and maintenance to be performed by an authorised customer service company.

Maintenance must be performed by the Grünbeck’s technical service/authorised service company or by an approved spe-cialist company.

An operation log must be kept in order to document the maintenance work performed.

Notes: By concluding a maintenance contract you ensure that all maintenance work will be performed in due time.

The operation log is attached to this operation manual.

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2 | Inspection (functional check)

You may perform the regular inspections yourself. We recom-mend inspecting the partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000 at shorter intervals after installation, and later on as required. How-ever, an inspection is compulsory at least every two months.

Please refer to the following summary for the tasks to be per-formed within the framework of an inspection.

Summary: Inspection work Determine the raw water hardness.

(Water test kit "Total hardness“)

Check controller settings:

a) System time

b) Water hardness of the heating circulation water

c) Raw water hardness (when using optional modul for auto-matic make-up water feed)

Check salt level in brine tank. Refill salt, if required (refer to chapter H, item 2.1).

Attention! If the salt level falls below the minimum salt filling level, hardness may break through. Observe the minimum salt filling level (refer to chapter C, Technical specifications).

Check control valve to drain for tightness (in operating mode).

Replace the filter element of the drinking water filter BOXER® KD.

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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2.1 How to refill salt

Warning! Impurities in the salt tank may adversely affect the wa-ter quality.

For hygienic reason, be very careful when refilling salt.

Attention! Insoluble impurities in the salt may cause malfunc-tions at the brine valve and at the injector of the control valve. For the reliable function of the partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000, a salt quality with defined properties is required.

Only use salt tablets as per DIN EN 973 type A.

A few precautionary measures ensure hygienically and techni-cally perfect conditions:

Only store the salt in dry and clean rooms.

Do not use salt from bags that are already open.

Clean the outside of the bags before opening them.

Fill the regeneration salt directly from the bag into the brine tank

Close the brine tank immediately after refill.

3 | Maintenance

According to DIN EN 806, part 5, maintenance work on the par-tial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000 may only be performed by Grünbeck’s technical service/authorised service company or an approved specialist company.

For the partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000 as well as for filter

systems, an operation log must be kept. In this operation log, the customer service technician records all maintenance and repair work performed. In case of malfunctions, this log helps to identify possible sources of error. In addition, the log documents the proper system maintenance.

Note: Make sure that all maintenance work is recorded in the operation log.

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Summary: Maintenance work Read the water pressure, flow pressure and water meter


Determine the hardness: Raw water hardness, 0 °dH (°f, mmol/l) test

Align the measured hardness values with settings in the elec-tronics.

Check the programming of the control unit.

Check the brine regulation (salting, filling of brine tank) and program settings; readjust them, if necessary.

Check release of regeneration.

Check sand filter module and backwash, if necessary.

Check start of contact water meter.

Check control valve for tightness, replace wearing seals if necessary, check the proper function of the drive motor of the control valve, clean injector and sieve - typical hydraulic val-ues.

Clean brine tank and brine valve.

Check regeneration salt supply (quantity and quality).

Check hose connections and seals and replace, if neces-sary.

Attention: Danger of water damage! Damaged or worn hose connections may tear. Therefore, DIN EN 806, part 5 recom-mends checking and if necessary, replacing the flexible connec-tion hoses.

Replace the filter element of the drinking water filter BOXER® KD.

Check the function of the safety fitting (e.g. A Euro system separator, BA design) against back-flow.

Check the pressure switch for minimum pressure.

Record all data and activities, including repair work, in the op-eration log.

Hand over the partial flow filter and the filled out operation log to the operator.

3.1 Operation log An operating log must be kept to document care, inspection and maintenance work (for the operating log, please see appendix). In case of operational malfunctions, the operation log helps to identify possible sources of error and proves the proper monitor-ing of the partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000.

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4 | Operation log

Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000 Order no.: 707 500 Serial no.:

Work performed Execution confirmed

Care work Description: ___________________







Company: __________________



Name: _____________________ Date/ Signature: ___________________




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Name: _____________________ Date/ Signature: ___________________




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Work performed Execution confirmed

Care Description: __________________







Company: __________________



Name: _____________________ Date/ Signature: __________________




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Name: _____________________ Date/ Signature: __________________




Partial flow filter GENO®-VARIO 3000

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Work performed Execution confirmed

Care Description: ___________________







Company: __________________



Name: _____________________ Date/ Signature: ___________________




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Company: __________________



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Company: __________________



Name: _____________________ Date/ Signature: ___________________




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Work performed Execution confirmed

Care Description: ___________________







Company: __________________



Name: _____________________ Date/ Signature: __________________




Care Description: ___________________







Company: __________________



Name: _____________________ Date/ Signature: __________________




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Company: __________________



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