Open The Box - Fred Rivard, Francois Bodet

Post on 07-Dec-2014

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OSGi Community Event 2013 ( ABSTRACT A new world of applications emerges in the Home thanks to the growing variety of sensors and actuators available. Several application domains are considered, e.g., security, energy efficiency, comfort, ambient assisted living, multimedia communication. As the whole range of devices and applications is not foreseeable, one great challenge lies in the deployment and maintenance of a software environment embedded on a Home box open to third party applications. OSGi technology has been chosen as the software execution environment for both technical & business reasons (1)– embedded constraints, object sharing and isolation - and (2) ecosystem reasons – openness and standardization. However, challenges remained: Robustness & and data security, easy access to heterogeneous devices, resources management have to be provided above a low footprint execution environment. Bouygues Telecom has taken part to a joint national project - Open The Box (OTB) - in 2012 with IS2T as a JVM provider, and seven other partners such as Orange to achieve this vision. The set of specifications targets cost effective (low footprint) Java OSGi system: 1MB RAM, 0.5MB Flash for the whole OSGi execution environment including the JVM and libraries. Bouygues Telecom demonstrates the integration of a home energy management service as a “Fifth Play” on OTB OSGi environment embedded on Bouygues Telecom BBox Sensation gateway. The presentation will provide details about these specifications and their developments. Speakers will also give a vision of the public delivery of those developments and the commercial roadmap. SPEAKER BIOS Fred Rivard Fred is CEO of IS2T. MBA, PhD in computer science With its dual competency, business and technology, Fred turns technologies assets into business reality within embedded systems. Prior to founding IS2T, Fred has been part at OTI/IBM of the Java compiler team, the J9 Java virtual machine team, and the pervasive embedded team.

Transcript of Open The Box - Fred Rivard, Francois Bodet

Open The BoxAn Agile Marketing PlatformFor Smart Home services

François Bodet 30 Octobre 2013

To increase our chances to find a successful

way is to multiply the commercial experiments

Archer  1

Archer  2

Archer  3

Archer  4

Team  1

Archer  1

Archer  2Team  2

An Agile Marketing Platform For Smart Home servicesIncrease success numbers

Ease the experimentations establishments for marketing teams.

Experimental targets :- Cheaper for our companies- Cheaper for our beta customers- A faster time to market- Less constraints

To aim that, we want

An Agile Marketing Platform For Smart Home servicesCheaper & Shorter TTM for Commercial Experiments

lay on legitimates partners and that share the « Innovation Factory » approach

The  Home  Experience A  large  range  of  accessories

BBox Sensation

Other Technologies

Zigbee ObjectsHome  Interface(from Ijenko Interface)

An Agile Marketing Platform For Smart Home servicesA partner based ecosystem

optimized work method, adapted to the market target

Product  Industrialisation Commercial  Experiments

Smaller Incremental steps &  smaller marketing  needs

Short  range  goals

Incremental processesAn Agile Marketing Platform For Smart Home services

mutualised software foundations at differents levels(embeded & cloud) to minimise the developments

maintain a collaborative services catalogue (revenu sharing)

robust & secure embeded platform for home « disconnected » services

Also needed An Agile Marketing Platform For Smart Home services

A collaborative project in FranceOrange,  Bouygues  Telecom,  Delta  Dore,  Sagemcom,  Sogeti High  Tech,  IS2T,  ST  SA,  ST  Rousset SAS,  LIG

The project ambition

Create and Integrate a standardizable execution environmentCreate a dynamic market of applications with Home players Publish, standardize a model and a set of APIs to industrial alliances and standardization organizations

Why OpenTheBoxAn Agile Marketing Platform For Smart Home services

Java OSGi :- to optimize development costs

- software foundation deployed once to reduce service develoment to its minimum- important community

- ease of deployment- no need to burn a whole image

Our choice for MicroEJAn Agile Marketing Platform For Smart Home services

A three Partners set up

Our first Smart Home partner referenceAn Agile Marketing Platform For Smart Home services


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