Open stack in action openstack tech commitee-grizzly

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of Open stack in action openstack tech commitee-grizzly

All you ever wanted to know about the OpenStack Technical Committee and upcoming Grizzly features but were afraid to ask

@tcarrezRelease Manager, OpenStack

An open innovation project

Collaborative playground Contributors are the project heart A community of equals Leadership is still very much needed

A technical meritocracy

Contributors decide their leaders Grown vs. appointed leaders Respect Influence Leadership→ →

Making OpenStack possible

Exhibit B : An OpenStack director

Exhibit C : An OpenStack user

Exhibit A : An OpenStack developer


Technical Committee

8 PTLs + 5 directly-elected members Decides on cross-project issues Ultimate technical appeals board Orients use of common resources Accepts new projects in incubation


Ceilometer (metering, metrics) Heat (orchestration of resources)

GrizzlyETA: April, 2013

Nova plans – over the hood

Cells Bare-metal provisioning API v3 Hypervisor support improvements Config options cleanup

Nova plans – under the hood

No-DB compute (nova-conductor) Signed and versioned RPC Database cleanup

Glance plans

Image workers Incremental images Multiple image locations API 2.1 : Image sharing & copy-from

Cinder plans

Direct volume cloning Volume scheduler HP 3PAR, FibreChannel storage drivers « Island » local volume storage

Quantum plans

Closing the gap with nova-network : Support for Security Groups Multihost DHCP/NAT mode

Advanced services : Load Balancing New backend plugins

Keystone plans

v3 API ActiveDirectory LDAP backend Pre-authenticated tokens Pluggable authentication handlers Multi-factor authentication

Horizon plans

Admin-specific dashboard views File uploads (Glance, multi-file) Support for Keystone PKI & v3 RBAC Improved Quantum support Various UI improvements

Swift plans ?

Different release schedule Just released Swift 1.7.5

Support for CORS headers Custom log handlers Multi-range GETs

openstack-common Oslo→

Common code Managed code copy while in incubator Turn into library when API stabilizes

Oslo plans

oslo-config library oslo-rpc library ? Common service infrastructure Common rootwrap Common database code ?

Questions ?
