Open Data in the Digital Agenda of Puglia...

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Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

Giancarlo Di Capua– InnovaPuglia S.p.A.

Mobile: 348 7099413

Open Data in the Digital Agenda of Puglia Region

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

InnovaPuglia S.p.A.

in-house company of the Puglia Region

Partner for the strategic use of ICT innovation

InnovaPuglia support the Region in the definition and

implementation of the objectives and actions for the

development of a modern, digital Regional administration









Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

Regional Digital System

The presence of a technological infrastructure (digital connectivity, broadband network and base access

networks, etc.) from which they derived a set of tools and enabling systems (application cooperation,

certified mail, identity providers, electronic signature, etc) has enabled the implementation of those

platforms domain and those digital services that are now the basis of the path of innovation of the socio-

economic environment for the development of the smart Specialisation strategy 2014-2020





towards Smart Puglia 2020





Domain platforms and Digital Services

Tools and Enabling Systems

Technological infrastructure






Digital stack

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

Regional Digital System





Technological infrastructure

Infrastructure of ultra-wideband

Data center

Cloud computing

Network and Services Security

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

The local contest






The SmartPuglia is a proposal for a new model of responsible economic development,

based on the progressive and collective enhancement of socio economic environment,

based on regional interconnection capacity and dialogue and intelligent use of inclusive

and sustainable technologies.

Innovation policies, consistent with the guidelines established in Agenda

Digital and Smart Specialization Strategy regional.

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

Smart Puglia 2020 towards Puglia Digitale 2020






Sustain competitiveness and create jobs by addressing major societal issues

Promote a wider concept of innovation

Leverage regional strengths both current and emerging

SmartPuglia: Key Elements

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

Il contesto: Smart Puglia 2020 - verso Puglia Digitale 2020






SmartPuglia: General objectives

optimize the impact of interventions accompanying activities towards best opportunity to develop a competitive advantage

maximize synergies between the different sources of EU funding for innovation and stimulate private investment

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

Il contesto: Smart Puglia 2020 - verso Puglia Digitale 2020






SmartPuglia: i driver dell’innovazione

La sfida consiste nel garantire che le tecnologie siano realmente in grado di fornire una risposta efficace ai problemi di cittadini e imprese. Essenziale è dunque la comprensione dei loro problemi e la definizione degli obiettivi da perseguire; solo a valle sarà possibile l’identificazione dei ritrovati tecnologici più appropriati per raggiungerli.

Nuovi ruoli di imprese e settore pubblico sono necessari nella spinta della “demand, user and citizen driven open R&I”.

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Sono caratterizzate da : alta intensità di conoscenza, elevata intensità di R&S, cicli d'innovazione rapidi, consistenti spese di investimento posti di lavoro altamente qualificati


Rendono possibile l'innovazione nei processi, nei beni e nei servizi in tutti i settori economici e hanno quindi rilevanza sistemica.

Sono multidisciplinari, interessano tecnologie di diversi settori e tendono a convergere e ad integrarsi.

Il contesto: Smart Puglia 2020 - verso Puglia Digitale 2020

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia






Issues and challenges

Industrial Leadership (Tecnology driven research)




I-biotech Fotonica Materiali


Fabbricazione e







1 – Salute, cambiamento demografico e benessere x x x

2 - Sicurezza alimentare, Agricoltura sostenibile, Ricerca

marina x x x x

3 - Energia sicura, pulita ed efficiente

x x x x x x

4 - Transporti smart, green e integrati

x x x x x

5 - Clima, efficenza delle risorse e materie prime x

6 - Società inclusive e innovative x

7- Spazio

x x x x x

8- Società sicure x

9- Beni culturali e creatività x x x

10- Agenda digitale


The KET in Puglia

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia






SmartPuglia outlines "the integration of cross-cutting policies for research, innovation, competitiveness,

internationalization, training and labor" and is oriented to the "reinforcement of connections of policies with

vertical environment, transport, welfare and health "




Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia






Promote the use of ICT in enterprises:

Start up digitali

Living Labs

Digital SMEs

Voucher for innovation

Digital skills

Promote services, content and applications:

eGovernment and online public services


Digital aspects of active aging and health

Smart cities, Smart grids

Intelligent Transport Systems

Digitization of cultural heritage

Federation of Portals Linked Open Data

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

Open Data in the Apulia Digital Agenda

Open Data is one of the main challenges for the regional administration not only as a time of unavoidable Administration transparent but also as an opportunity for the Administration to become "a promoter of development at the local level" making available in open way the vast databases of property.

The AD Puglia2020 identifies this choice of regional development of the enormous wealth of information useful to the activation of business intelligence tools to support decisions and policies of the government and for the definition of a democratic model of production of "open data".

It reiterates that the data, if properly managed based on the principles of interoperability, quality, reuse and sharing contribute to:

support the creation of innovative services by companies, startups, communities, associations, organizations and individuals, for the improvement of the social and economic life of the entire country

support the legislators, regulators and other governing local politician in their decisions

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

In this perspective, the Region of Puglia - to complement the regulatory steps made on OD (LR 20/2012, art. 6, DGR 2183/2012) - has recently produced and made available on the Internet the Portal Open Data

The launch of the portal is related to the realization of a model of Open Government based on free access to public data as an accelerator for the economic territory, to the connection of open data with the cycle of public policies and incentives of firms to reuse - even for commercial purposes - public information and the creation of innovative applications.

Grazie al servizio realizzato:

citizens can consult and download public data provided by the Region of Puglia

businesses and professionals can develop services and value-added applications for citizens in their areas of relevance

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

Regional Law n. 20 of July 27, 2012 (article 2) "... .. it acts consistently and in continuity with the regional rules on transparency and starts a process of disseminating data freely accessible to all (open data) for a Public Administration open to citizens in terms of participation in the decision path (open government). “

Puglia Region intends to build a reference model to govern the process of opening public data in

local government regional - based on the paradigm of Linked Open Data - and the creation and

publication of Open Data based on the Agenda Digital Italian and how regulated by regional

legislation. Principles:

democratic model of production of "open data" where individual managers / information officers are also the makers of the publication, within a structured organization for the collection and dissemination of data

expansion of the publishing model of Open Dataset to all local authorities

concerned through a single regional portal of the Open Data (

Il percorso regionale verso gli OD

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

creating operational synergies (in terms of technical, instrumental and economic resources) with ICT projects of interest already funded by the PA system of Puglia, as well as on a European contest (HOMER: open data project of the Mediterranean), optimizing the investments and using contents (data, information, apps) already available on the territory

activation of a Regional Competence Center (Services) for the Open Data PA Local, which brings together the necessary technical expertise, methodological and organizational support for all needs and opportunities in the field

enhancing investments

manage the process of liberalization of public data in accordance with regional Guidelines

support offices and local administrations in terms of data publication

encourage the process of development and consolidation of Living Labs on the topic of the next-generation applications based on OD

be a point of coordination and service to the regional offices and to all the local governments involved in the creation of the "cloud" of data of Apulia

Use of the approach Linked Open Data in all public information assets generated and managed by local governments, also according to the development of next-generation applications by the local production system

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Living Lab experience

projects admitted by domain

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Living Lab experience

130 beneficiary companies of which 120 in pool

medium micro small groupings of SMEs individual business enterprises

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

Living Lab experience

Smart Cities & Communities Focus: addressing needs also enhancing accessibility,

interoperability and technological neutrality – Source: public

associations socioeconomic

Knowledge Communities Focus: addressing needs also enhancing Open Data –

Source:Technology Districts

Business Communities Focus: addressing needs also valuing the regional plan for the

development of broadband in Puglia - Source: Productive Districts

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Living Lab experience

Domini N. Projects Contributions admitted € Approved Costs €

Environment, Safety and Territorial protection

9 2.892.033,77 5.010.256,89

Cultural Heritage and Tourism 4 1.332.993,58 2.350.670,97

Creative Economy and Digital 10 2.443.659,54 4.538.001,48

Renewable Energy and Competitive 1 168.543,34 280.905,56

Electronic Government for PA 1 106.530,73 236.734,96

Education 5 1.368.564,45 2.467.931,37

Health, Wellness and Socio-Cultural Dynamics

14 4.811.229,43 8.322.057,77

Transport and Sustainable Mobility 2 808.661,86 1.372.719,76

TOTALE 46 13.932.216,70 24.579.278,76

% Distribution projects allowed for domain (Total = 46)

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

Key points of the regional route towards the enhancement of the information and data of PSI


1. build the concrete contents starting from demand of innovative services

2. stimulate the implementation of projects for external use of the OD through listening as a methodological

approach, step missing in almost all the experiences activated in the national [construction of Community


3. define an organization to guarantee the value of OD and to support internal managers and external users

[internal roles of data analyst, methods, procedures and supporting technologies - Competence Centre]

4. structure a strong model of interaction between local Apulian administration in order to not to disperse the

initiatives and not wasting efforts in a context of information redundant [Integration as the key to transparency

and simplification]

5. identify steps possible and achievable, taking into account the results reached without using this logic to

limit the commitment or fear of resistance to change [dare to get]

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

As we proceed (inward)

F.1 Data Identification

Detecting the availability of candidates Dataset publication Identify those sets of data that may be candidates for publication as Open Data

Each Regional Service identifies public data and its metadata of competence, to be published on the platform Open Data Region Apulia. Periodically, the individual Services shall, if necessary, update the data already available and object reuse.

Grid detection Dataset

Attributes of the Dataset

Evaluation criteria

Phase 1

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

As we proceed (inward)

F.1 Data Identification

Detecting the availability of candidates Dataset publication Identify those sets of data that may be candidates for publication as Open Data

Phase 1


Attribute Value

Nome Dataset Codice univoco per il campo “name” che sarà

indicato all’interno del catalogo (

Titolo Dataset Lo si usa per la descrizione breve, corrisponde

al titolo che tipicamente appare nell’elenco dei

dataset mostrati all’utente quando sfoglia il


Area Tematica Nome del dominio di riferimento [vedi Foglio


Argomenti Corrisponde alla categoria individuata di

livello inferiore e più puntuale rispetto alla

relativa area tematica di riferimento [vedi

Foglio “AreeTematiche_Argomenti]

Descrizione informale Indicazione della provenienza dei dati (es.

legata a programmi, bandi, avvisi, ecc.)

Tag liberi Parole chiave che descrivono ulteriormente il


Nazione Nazione a cui fanno riferimento i dati

Regione Regione a cui fanno riferimento i dati

Provincia Provincia a cui fanno riferimento i dati

Comune Comune a cui fanno riferimento i dati


Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

As we proceed (inward)

F.1 Data Identification

Detecting the availability of candidates Dataset publication Identify those sets of data that may be candidates for publication as Open Data

Phase 1


Attribute Value

Ente Gestore Livello amministrativo dell'Ente gestore (es.

Regione, Comune, Provincia, ecc)

Organizzazione Nome Servizio/Ufficio/Progetto

Autore Nominativo della persona, dell’organizzazione o

del servizio che produce i dati del dataset

Responsabile dei dati Nome del funzionario o della Unità organizzativa

che presidia il dataset (Fonte dei dati).(Inserire

anche l'indirizzo di posta elettronica del

funzionario o della Unità organizzativa che

presidia il dataset)

Analista dei dati Se già individuato (Inserire anche l'indirizzo di

posta elettronica)

Gestore dei dati aperti Se già individuato (Inserire anche l'indirizzo di

posta elettronica)

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

As we proceed (inward)

F.1 Data Identification

Detecting the availability of candidates Dataset publication Identify those sets of data that may be candidates for publication as Open Data

Phase 1

Technical Data

Attribute Value

Data Creazione dei dati Data in cui il dataset è stato creato (created) o rilasciato

(issued) in modalità aperta per la prima volta

Periodo di validità (data di inizio) La data di inizio del periodo a cui fanno riferimento i dati

rilasciati nel dataset

Periodo di validità (data di fine) La data di fine del periodo a cui fanno riferimento i dati

rilasciati nel dataset

Frequenza aggiornamento E' la frequenza con cui vengono aggiornati i dati dall'Ente

gestore (es. quotidiana, settimanale, mensile, ecc)

Granularità Indica se si tratta di un dataset composto da dati grezzi o da

dati rielaborati

Formato Formato con cui vengono rilasciati i dati (es. xls, CVS, JSON,

RDF, ecc)

Licenza Licenza con cui è stato rilasciato il dataset (es. IODL 2.0,

Creative Commons 1.0, ecc)

URL pagina dataset URL della pagina che descrive il dataset (piattaforma open

data puglia)

Data Caricamento Indica quando il dataset è stato caricato sul sito dell'Ente


Data Ultimo aggiornamento Indica quando il dataset è stato aggiornato l'ultima volta sul

sito dell'Ente gestore

Altri dati tecnici per Dataset Geografici

Campo Valore

Scala di lavoro

Sistema di coordinate

Tipologia del dato se vettoriale

Copertura geografica

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

As we proceed (inward)

F.1 Data Identification

Detecting the availability of candidates Dataset publication Identify those sets of data that may be candidates for publication as Open Data

Phase 1

Other technical data for Geographic


Attribute Value

Scala di lavoro

Sistema di coordinate

Tipologia del dato se vettoriale

Copertura geografica

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

F.2 Data analysis and choice of the data to be published

The data selected in the previous step should be analyzed in order to understand whether there are obstacles to their opening.

The most common obstacles are:

data ownership

Insufficient data quality

veracity with verifiable

obsolescence of data

presence of sensitive data

mining costs from the original source is not sustainable

potential negative consequences for public safety

other legal issues

Phase 2

identify priorities for opening data that are functional to the real interests of the Community Reference.





As we proceed (inward)

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F.2 Data analysis and choice of the data to be published

The data selected in the previous step should be analyzed in order to understand whether there are obstacles to their opening.

Phase 2

As we proceed (inward) Dataset evaluation

Criterion Description



Ostacoli giuridici Esistono obblighi di riservatezza sui dati o altre restrizioni

legali? 1

Dati personali Si tratta di dati personali o di dati da cui è possibile dedurre

informazioni personali? 5

Riferimenti ad aziende I dati contengono informazioni riservate riguardo aziende

o permettono di ricostruire informazioni di tal tipo? 2

Detenzione copyright L'amministrazione ha il controllo esclusivo sulla banca

dati? 5

Beneficio Qual è il beneficio stimato o percepito per la società? 3

Costi Qual è il costo della pubblicazione? 2

Qualità dei dati Come viene valutata la qualità dei dati? (Tempestività,

completezza, accuratezza, imprecisioni …) 4

Disponibilità tecnica Il formato dei dati è disponibile secondo standard aperti?

modello 5 stelle [1] e formati OGD [2] (vedi fogli) 2

Sinergie Sono già presenti collegamenti di carattere settoriale o

intersettoriale? 1

Rispetto dei principi


La banca dati rispetta i principi OGD?

5 Totale 30

Totale in percentuale 60%

Valore massimo 50

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

F.3 Extraction of data to be published

If the data retrieval is complex and especially if the data to be published need to be

updated later, you should use or implement an automated procedure for extracting and

processing the data.

You now need to decide which format to use for the data to be published, and we need to identify any necessary changes such as the removal of sensitive data

Phase 3


Welfare Dati


Imprese Dati




As we proceed (inward)

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F.4 Organization of the Dataset to be proposed as open data

Identification of classification group most suitable for publication (giving

priority to the data already available in digital format)

The data can be published as open data should be divided into coherent group.

In other words, we need to do an aggregation activity of the individual files

containing the data - which are called "resources" - in groupings called “dataset”

with the coexistence of data relating to the same subject and to be distributed

under the same license

Phase 4


Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument N …………………

The license reference identified by Regione Puglia for the reuse of data is IODL 2.0

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F.4 Organization of the Dataset to be proposed as open data

Phase 4


Rural development

Culture and Turism

Promotion of Health

Public investment

Government Spending

Welfare in Apulia

Research and


Economic Development, Vocational Education and Job

Regional development and protected areas

Transport policy

The cloud of Thematic Areas

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F.5 Transfer Dataset to regional portal and related

Publication at loca level - Publication of open data

The datasets identified during the previous phases along with additional metadata and resources that make them up are the subject of a proposal for publication. Any inclusion of new data or upgraded in the same published dataset must be the subject of a new proposal by the analyst data.

Preparation and

application Dataset /


Approval and

publication Dataset /


Phase 5

As we proceed (inward)

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Regional Open Data Ecosystem

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Regional Open Data Ecosystem

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Support a regional design that avoids improvisation of the

regional offices and related structures and that not only meets

the bureaucratic needs.

The primary tool for achieving this goal is the "Annual Plan of

regional Open Data" which establishes the priorities for the

opening of the data, the categories of data to be published, the

size of the dataset, the licenses of reuse, etc.

As we proceed (inward)

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Usage Scenarios of Open Data Regional platform

Scenario A

Administration / Organization


If the government and local authorities have a limited number of datasets to be published on regional portal

(approximately up to 10 per year), the simplest way to manage their OD publication process is that the

Administration / Organization provide datasets and accompanying metadata to the InnovaPuglia Service Centre of

OD (CESOD ) and the IP staff provide for the loading data and metadata into catalog The dataset will

be published giving evidence of the supplier of the data.

Staging Area





- AE signs agreement for storage service and publication dataset catalog

- CESOD provides upload service in staging area

- AE identifies data, prepares the data set in one of the formats provided,

shall organize the descriptive file (metadata) and performs the upload

- CESOD verify and charge on the regional portal the files "parked" by


CESOD returns the outcome to AE:

or negative - with motivation,

or positive - with a direct link to the page where they have been


- CESOD monitor the number and size of the dataset published

As we proceed (external context)

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

Scenario B

Administration /

Organization AE

The government and local authorities who intend to publish a larger number of datasets (approximately more than

10 per year), and are arranged to skill internal resources in order to independently use the system of the regional

portal, will independently manage the activities of publication on

- AE signs agreement for storage service and publication dataset on

regional catalog

CESOD provides login account of publication and the training session

for the referent of AE approved for publication (0.5 days)

AE operates directly and autonomously to upload datasets and metadata


CESOD verify the compliance of the dataset with the requirements of

publication standards, requiring as necessary to AE to make changes

- CESOD monitor the number and size of the dataset published

As we proceed (external context)

Usage Scenarios of Open Data Regional platform





Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

Scenario C

Strong Federation

The Puglia Region encourages and promotes the creation of a "federation" of open data portals on their territory,

in such a way that it is possible to create a search engine can search datasets regardless of which were published on

the portal. The ultimate goal is to get to share at national level information on datasets distributed in Apulia, thus

increasing the possibilities of use of open data system Puglia.

Increase the visibility of data across the "federation" between

portals that use similar technology platforms.

This way you can on the one hand to display the local

administration data on the regional portal, on the other hand

allow the user to extend the research done on the local

administration portal to all the datasets of regional catalog. In

this case to activate the "federation" is simply an agreement

between the Entities

Weak Federation

Realization of interoperability solutions between systems,

based on mutual sharing of the table of information on

individual datasets published (title, description, category,

keywords, ...), according to the standard currently in use by the

regional portal, based on national and international standards

for data description.

As we proceed (external context)

Usage Scenarios of Open Data Regional platform

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia

Open Data Regional Platform – Conceptual model of the system

Infrastructure Applications Services

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Open Data Regional Platform – Deployment diagram

APACHE1-SVIL: server dedicato al reverse proxy dei servizi http;

rappresenta la VM di frontiera che permette, mediante il componente

Apache 2 HTTPD Server (v. 2.2.15), di esporre tutti i servizi web

mediante porta 80 o 443. E’ anche la VM dedicata ad ospitare il demone

Shibboleth2 per garantire l’autenticazione al portale mediante il sistema

SSO federato messo a disposizione dalla Regione Puglia (qui denominato

“IDP InnovaPuglia”).

LIFERAY1-SVIL: macchina virtuale per la realizzazione dei servizi Web

relativi al portale dedicato agli enti/comuni; in questa VM prende

parte il servizio necessario al funzionamento dell’ambiente portal

Liferay 6.2.0 GA1 CE, basato sul servlet container Apache Tomcat


CKAN1-SVIL: VM utile all’erogazione della piattaforma OpenData;

rappresenta il server per l’erogazione dei servizi di gestione ed

accesso dei contenuti OpenData. Basato su piattaforma CKAN

VIRTUOSO: VM dedicata alla gestione dei linked open data. Virtuoso è

un server di dati multi-modello che permette la gestione di: Gestione dei

dati relazionale, RDF, XML, Testo libero, CM e indicizzazione full-text,

WDS, Linked Data Server, Web Application Server, Servizi di

distribuzione Web (SOAP o REST)

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Where you can find the regional open data

Visit the Open Data Portal of Puglia Region

Smart Semantic Cities 2014 – Open Data nell’Agenda Digitale della Regione Puglia Giancarlo Di Capua– InnovaPuglia S.p.A.

Mobile: 348 7099413

Open Data in the Digital Agenda of Puglia Region