Online Survey Tools: Out of the Box Creative Uses to Simplify Your Work!

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Transcript of Online Survey Tools: Out of the Box Creative Uses to Simplify Your Work!

Online Survey Tools: Out of the Box Creative Uses to Simplify Your Work!

Laura Schwarz, DNP, RN, CNE

Nancyruth Leibold, EdD, RN, PHN, CNE

PurposeThe purpose of this presentation is to explore creative uses of online survey tools and share how-to’s for employment.

We will share our 10 favorite “off-label” uses of the online survey tool

Objectives: After participation in this session, the learner will:1. Describe ten uses for online survey software2. Describe specifically how to manipulate the survey tool to employ these uses.

Online survey tools-don’t let the name fool you!

•Traditional use: Creating and sending surveys•Powerful tool can do much more!•Simplify work•We will explore 10 we have successfully used•Disclaimer: We use Qualtrics (MNSCU has a subscription), but do not endorse any particular tool

#1 Applications-program, scholarships, etc.•Advantages over paper–No “lost” applications–The deadline is the deadline (vs. postmark)–Can share with multiple people–See aps real-time as they come in–Legibility–Generate PDF of each ap –Automatically generate spreadsheet (no hand entry)

Applications-program, scholarships, etc.•Question types used:–“text/graphic” at top for instructions–Text entry –multiple choice (several answers or yes/no)

Example Instructions using “text/graphic” question type

Text Entry Question Type

Example Multiple choice question type multiple answers and yes/no with “allow text entry”

Different Survey Options•There are many different survey options you can choose to customize your “survey.” Three examples we like are:–Custom Message–Advanced Options e-mail trigger–Share survey

Survey Options: Custom Message

Custom End of Survey Message

Default End of Survey Message

Advanced Options e-mail Trigger

Sharing Survey (do from Qualtrics home (My Surveys) under “Tasks”, then “Collaborate”

Click icon to add picture

#2 Abstract Submission•Used for online students who were invited to present at virtual nursing symposium•Question types used:–“text/graphic” at top for instructions–Text entry –multiple choice (several answers or yes/no)

Example Instructions using text/graphic question type

Text Entry Question Type

Text Entry:Essay textbox for abstract, single line for objectives

#3 “Intent to Enroll” Form•Great for programs students take at own rate•Figure out number of students who want to take each course so can determine number of sections•Set a deadline to choose courses for next semester (before registration starts, then close survey)•Give students who complete it permission to register•Students who don’t complete it have to wait until permission needed “lifted”•Also used it for accepted applicants

Intent to enroll survey using text/graphic & text entry question type

Asked for e-mail & used for e-mail trigger (e-mail confirmation of courses requested)

Intent to enroll survey using Multiple Choice with multiple answer

#4 RSVP/Sign up for an event•Easy way to get a headcount•Ask for name and number of guests•Can also use for things like acknowledgements and title of thesis for example

RSVP using text/graphic & text entry question types

#5 Nominations/Elections•Awards•Membership•Office

Nomination Survey using text/graphic question type

Nomination Survey using multiple choice (single answer)

#6 Choosing Something•Best meeting time(s)•1st, 2nd & 3rd choice of clinical site•Sign up (course project, food for potluck, etc)•Entrée (for dinner: e.g. Chicken, Fish or Beef)

Choose Meeting Time using text/graphic, text entry & multiple choice (multiple answer) question types

#7 Quizzes/Tests•Newly admitted students who don’t have access to D2L courseroom with online quizzing (orientation quiz)•Complex questions (e.g. for unfolding test where need to get right answer before moving on)•Can embed in online tool such as a WebQuest, Wiki, Softchalk, etc.

Orientation Quiz using text/graphic & text entry question type

Quiz using Multiple Choice with “Skip Logic” & “Display logic” Function

Display logic is also useful for Remediation

Score and All Correct Answers may be displayed at end so learners can review

#8 Informed Consent•Use Qualtrics Template & Customize•Create Your Own•Set up e-mail trigger so survey e-mailed after completion if yes is chosen for agree to participate•Or, set up “display logic” if “yes” is chosen for agree to participate

Informed Consent Template (customizable)

Informed Consent Template (customizable)

Note the Print button & Skip Logic if “No” is selected”

#9 Check in for appointment/event•Check in prior–Helps determine if someone is actually attending –Ask for e-mail address when they check in–E-mail trigger automatically sends post-appointment survey

Advising Check-In

e-mail trigger sends

Post Advising survey sent automatically by check-in survey

#10 Decision Tree/Unfolding Case Study•Good for when you want students to choose the correct answer before moving on•Can “force” remediation if answered question answered incorrectly through using display logic•Can move on to the correct question if answered correctly though using skip logic

Unfolding Case StudySkip Logic Used if correct answer

Remediation through display logic if question answered incorrectly

Next Question displayed through skip logic if initial question answered correctly or display logic when remediation question answered correctly

Indicates Skip Logic

Bonus: Sports Bracket•This one is “just for fun”•March Madness•NHL•NBA•Football•Nascar•Etc

Sports Bracket, Use multiple choice with display logic for choices

Conclusion •Many uses other than just survey•When you struggle with how to get responses for something, think “online survey tool”•Start simple, then move to more complex when you master the basics•Remember online survey tutorials if you get “stuck”

Questions, Comments,

IdeasContact: Laura