Online Anorexia

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Online Anorexia

The Truth About Online Anorexia Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Part 3 -

Part 4 -

Part 5 -

First 1:00 of ‘The Truth About Online Anorexia

The next images are close ups of different images and sentences from ‘proana’ websites which are easily available online, these images work together to produce a fast paced montage. This style of editing is used to emphasise the idea that these images are everywhere, it shows the audience that in a generation of young people who have constant access to the internet we are constantly exposed to these types of images therefore making it easier for younger girls to visit these websites and develop anorexia. Sequencing these images like this also shows the audience how a simple diet can lead to an eating disorder, the first images is ‘diets’ however by following it with ‘proana’ websites stating words such as ‘thinspiration’ and ‘starve on’ it is giving us an insight into the development of the disorder within young girls. Sound is also used, we have a female voice over discussing the purpose of the documentary. By using a female voice it makes the documentary more relatable to women. Although dieting and eating disorders are not exclusive to woman it is very female dominated therefore the target audience of the documentary will be mainly women.. By having a more relatable voice over the documentary is more likely to have the desired effect, inform about online anorexia and discourage the disorder. A pop sound track is also used behind this voice over and images, this use of non diegetic music promotes the idea that the disorder is popular within teenagers therefore targeting their key audience.

This documentary begins with a montage of interview clips and faced paced images introducing anorexia to the audience. The first image we see is a close up of a Google search bar with the word ‘Diets’ in it, this immediately shows the audience that the documentary will looking into exactly what the title states – online anorexia. As well as this it shows us from the beginning how easy it is to access the type of websites which promote weight loss, this tells the audience that it is not an exclusive problem, anyone can find information therefore we can relate to it more easily widening the audience to more than a niche audience. It also tells us a lot about the target audience. The main users of the internet are young adults or teenagers therefore by having ‘diet’ at the top of the page it reinforces the idea that it is easy for people to access and lead onto the disorder.


Next the documentary goes on to discuss Ferne Cottons early career on television and her place in the public eye. This is firstly done to show that she is going to be the main presenter of the documentary therefore it is working to introduce her to the audience. As well as this it is used to give the audience a more emotional connection to her, we are introduced to her ideas on famous females and how she thinks they can influence the behaviour of young girls. This causes intrigue within the audience due to their trust. Ferne Cotton herself is looked up to by young girls therefore although she is not an expert on the disorder the audience trust her to give them a insight into the reality of the disorder therefore further developing their understanding.

We then move on to see an interview with school children aged within 9-11 years. These primary school student discuss their opinions on weight and dieting therefore causing the documentary to become more realistic as opposed to being based what the director choses to portray such as in a film. This realism aspect is what every decision has been based on in order to convince the audience that what is being shown is the reality of the situation therefore making them more likely to connect to the situation.

Media Language

This documentary uses many basic camera work techniques such as zooming in from a close up to a extreme close up during the jump cutting in the montage. The camera zooms in on images such as a computer screen of ‘dieting’ and ‘5 calories’ or ‘rapid weight loss’. By zooming in on these types of sentences it emphasises the idea that people dealing with anorexia or eating disorders fixate on them, they become larger than a simple word therefore causing the audience to recognise simple statements as important. As well as this is connotes to the title, by using specific examples of these comments it shows proof of ‘online anorexia’ therefore adding to the realism aspect the documentary is trying to portray. Instrumental music is also used with this montage, this is done to promote that the disorder is prominent within young people therefore the target audience make a connection and can relate to the documentary more.

As well as this we see long shots or establishing shots of a primary school, this is done alongside a voice over informing us of an increased rate of anorexia in young girls. By combing both of these images it shows that it is not only young women and teenagers who's suffer but also children due to exposure from the internet.

Cut away images are also used. This is a typical convention of a documentary to introduce the setting or emphasise specific ideas. In this documentary we see a cut away image of Ferne’s house. This is done in order to emphasise that anyone can go onto these websites simply from their home therefore causing the audience to understand that ‘online anorexia’ is a serious issue.


The dominant ideology we see through out in that anorexia is a female dominated issue. We rarely see any male influences in this documentary, in particular when Ferne Cotton visits a primary school. The only children chosen for this focus group are female therefore reinforcing the idea that even from a young age only females are targeted for prevention methods. This dominant ideology is led by the Hegemonic Marxist theory of representation. Marxist theory is the view made by middle aged white men of a high social class, this view is then driven within society to become a ‘normal ‘ view. Due to the high number of famous women developing anorexia this association was made. By reinforcing this within the documentary we are continuing this expose to the dominant ideology. On the other hand it is proven that the problem is more common within women therefore the target audience will be female, due to this it would make sense for the documentary to focus on young girls dealing with the issue. Janice Winships notion of complicity is also reinforced by this documentary. Mentioned before was the idea this anorexia is a female dominated disorder. This stems from the desire to create the ‘perfect’ image that has been promoted through the media. Only recently have women become more influential in film and print aspects of the media therefore the ‘perfect woman’ image that has been represented to us is strictly a males ideal.