One loaf of bread. creativity

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of One loaf of bread. creativity

How to make bread valuable?

not taking it very seriously ;)

Measure it precisely

If I could get someone to pay me for surface of bread, there is a lot of it if measured precisely

Gamble with it

Make a bet with someone with one loaf of bread. Maybie you can win a mercedes with it?

Make historical artefact of it

Triangular Loaf Bread

This bread is 4000 year old. If you can make your bread so old, you can sell it to museum

Bread vehicle ?

You can make a boat from bread. If you need a vehicle it may be valuable ;)

Go to war zone :(((

Bread is sometimes more valuable then gold, when there is hunger.

Write a secret message on it

Nobody will be looking (except us) in your sandwich when passing borders.

It will be valuable for spies

Grow medicine on it, like penicillin

Ugly but super valuable for someone in need.

Catch fish or birds with it

Or give it to bird to catch fish for you, like on this video ;)

Study it

There are people who study bread for their whole careers. It must be valuable to them.

Make a strange shape of it

and sell it? Give it to someone you love, hate? How do you value emotions?

You can make a drink from it, called Kvas

It has some alcohol, so beware

Bread has a lot of value for Christians

If you are one, you need it for ceremonies