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Office OrganizationLecture 3


Presented by, Mr. SANCHAWA, DH

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA


• Any collective activity by a person or groups of persons must be organized in order to achieve the desired end.

• Through organization individual efforts can be coordinated and given a commonness of purpose

• Therefore , the efforts of the individual workers must be organized in such a manner that the office functions may be performed with minimum cost.

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA


• The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines the word ‘‘to organize’’ as ‘‘to frame and put into working order’’

• Organization is the method of dividing up the work under two major conditions:-

i. a job is to be done ii. division of work become essential Thus it is the relation of efforts and capacities of

individuals and groups engaged up on a common task in order to achieve a common goals as well

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Meaning of organization

• Denyer defines organization as the framework within which people act; it involves the arrangement of staffing and the allocation of duties. To organize is to arrange the parts so that the whole works as one integrated body.

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Meaning of organization

• Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (6th Ed) defines organization as a group of people who form a business, club etc in order to achieve a particular aim; It is the way in which different parts are arranged .

• Organization is a social unit or human grouping deliberately constructed to pursue specific goals.

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Meaning of organization

• Koontz and O’Donnell view organization as the creation and maintenance of an internal structure of role. It denotes the structure of duties and activities necessary for the conduct of a business without which a business cannot achieve its common objectives

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Meaning of organization

Louis. A Allen(management and organization) defines organization as the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility and establishing relationship for the purpose of enabling people to work most effectively together in accomplishing objectives

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA


• Which definition is the best one as far as the concept of organization is concerned ?

(5 Minutes)


04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Functions of organization

• The functions of organization is to enlarge the resources and opportunities of those for whom it has been established (Maheshwari, 2007; Pg 97) . There fore, according to him, the following are the functions of an organization:-

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Functions of an organization

• Dividing work among the personnel• Formulating standard practices• Transmitting decisions downward, upward,

upward and crossways• Providing a communication systems• Training personnel

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Question for discussion

• 1. What factors do the Human Resource Managers or Officers take into account while planning an organization? (10 Minutes)


04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Office organization

• Thukaram (2009) defines office organization as the process by which a framework of positions is welded together in the office for the pursuit of the goals or objectives

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Definition of office organization

• Is the arrangement of work such that the activities of an enterprise are divided among it personnel and duties and responsibilities are allocated

• It comprises the formal interrelationship among the personnel by virtue of their duties and responsibilities

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Office organization

• It requires creation of department and sections

• The different departments provide information, planning and financial services

• To organize an office is to arrange its parts so that the whole works can be done efficiently as one integrated body in order for the enterprise to achieve its objectives

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Steps in office organization

• In order to organize the office activities, the following steps must be followed:-

a) division of the office into functional departments

b) Selection of suitable workers, supervisors and executives for each department and proper allocation of duties and delegation of authority to them according to their ability.

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Steps in office organization

• C) provision of necessary facilities such as forms, equipments, machines and suitable working condition to the workers to enable them to perform their duties efficiently and economically

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Question for Discussion

• What do you think are the reasons for the importance of office organization? (10Minutes


04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Principles of the office organization

• That the task of the office manger in planning office organization and evolving the type of organization most likely to attain optimum results would be easier if he takes into considerations the following basic principles of the organization for proper management o the office (Koontz and O'Donnell, 1969),Dr. V Balachandran(2009)

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

1. Principle of unit of objective

• The entire organization, at all levels of the organization structure must be so geared as to produce the optimum co-ordination of common objectives

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

2. Principle of efficiency

• The organizational structure should be such as to ensure the most efficient performance of the planned task. The test of efficiency is the most effective and is economical attainment of the objectives

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

3. Principle of division of work

• This requires specialization in organizational functions for that purpose , the total activities of the enterprise should be broken into units and sub-units so that these may be suitably grouped into departmental, sectional and individual activities

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

4. Principle of span of supervision

• There is a limit to the number of subordinates that can be effectively supervised by an executive. The fact should be taken into consideration while grouping and allocating activities to departments, sections and e.t.c

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

5.Principle of scalar/ chain of authority

• The chain or line of authority in the organizational structure must be clearly defined so that every subordinate knows who is his immediate supervisor to whom all problems may be referred to for decision

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

6. Principle of authority level of decision making

• There are different levels of authority for decision making in the organizational structure. It should be seen that the decision making process moves from bottom upwards. When decision can not be made at lower level of authority, only then it should be pushed upward.

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

7. Principle of unit of command

• In allocating responsibility and delegating authority it should be seen that each subordinate has only one superior from whom he receives his orders.

8. Principle of functional definition• The duties and responsibilities to every

position and its organizational relationship with other position should be clearly defined so that there may not be any conflict

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

9. Principle of equality of authority and responsibility

• While allocating responsibility and delegating authority it should be seen that there is equality between authority and responsibility

• 10. Principle of flexibility • The organizational structure should be such

that it can be easily and economically adopted to changes in the nature of business as well as technical innovations

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

11. Principle of leadership facilitation

• The organizational structure should be conducive to the growth of leadership position of management

• 12. Principle of Continuity• The organizational structure should be capable of

ensuring the continuity of existence of the organization through; re-appraisal of objectives, re-adjustment of plans and provision of opportunity or development of future management

04/15/2023 Mr. SANCHAWA

Exercise: Individual Assignment (10%)

• There is an argument that companies do not need an office. In fact it is believed that given the nature of their businesses, one is so busy that office organization is a waste of time as it does not impact on profitability directly. As an expert in office organization and management, you have been hired by the National Freight Forwarding Association to give advice on this subject. Outline your professional opinion on the subject and make recommendations to the association