October / November 2020 The MESSENGERbramhopemethodist.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/... ·...

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Transcript of October / November 2020 The MESSENGERbramhopemethodist.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/... ·...

October / November 2020


Bramhope Methodist Church www.bramhopemethodist.org.uk

WORSHIP SERVICES restarted at the beginning of September. There is currently no Prayer Breakfast on the first Sunday. All other weekly meetings and activities remain suspended until further notice. SUNDAY 8.30am 10.00am

First Sunday in the month - PRAYER BREAKFAST prayer requests to Joan Bosomworth MORNING WORSHIP (First Sunday in the month – HOLY COMMUNION) CIRCUIT EVENING SERVICES – dates in Church Diary

MONDAY 9.00-10.00am 10.00-11.00am 10.30am 2.00-4.00pm 5.00-5.30pm 5.30-6.30pm

PILATES – Tel 07745 801438 PILATES (1st Monday in the month) (as above) Fourth Monday in the month - MEN’S BRUNCH CLUB LADIES meet for Coffee SEQUENCE TEA DANCE in the Hall KARATE/KICKBOXING TIGERS (Ages 4 - 7) – Contact Chris on 07393 203939 KARATE FOR JUNIORS/SENIORS

TUESDAY 10.00-12noon 10.00am 7.15pm

COFFEE SHOP in the Hall Second Tuesday in the month – HOLY COMMUNION – in the Low Room First Tuesday in the month - October-April – FILM CLUB

WEDNESDAY 10.15-11.15am 6.30-7.30pm

TAI CHI – organised by OPAL – Tel 0113-2619103 PILATES – Tel 07745 801438

THURSDAY 2.00-4.00pm 7.30pm

BRAMHOPE FRIENDS – over 60’s meeting Second Thursday in the month from September-May THURSDAY LADIES’ GROUP

FRIDAY 7.30-8.30am 9.30-10.30

PILATES – Tel 07745 801438 ZUMBA – Tel 07887 561908

SATURDAY 9.30am 9.00-12noon

WALKING GROUP - monthly guided walks throughout the year - meet outside Church for car sharing to start DANCE INC – a range of different dance classes for children from 3 to 10yrs+, contact Emma on 0770705549


October/November 2020

Bramhope Methodist Church, Eastgate, Leeds LS16 9AA www.bramhopemethodist.org.uk

Minister: Rev Roger Smith email: roger.smith@methodist.org.uk Tel: 01943 874 735

Dear Friends

‘How can we sing the Lord’s song?’ (Psalm 137)

Someone told me they’re watching Songs of Praise every week and singing all

the hymns loudly because they want to be in good voice when we’re allowed to

sing in church once more!

Who would have thought we’d see the day when Methodists were forbidden

from singing by Government order?

We’re living in very uncertain times. Some things we’re not allowed to do but

we also have tricky decisions to make. Each of us must decide what it’s wise

for us to do and what it’s best not to do for the time being.

When the Yorkshire West Synod meets we usually have a lively music group

leading the singing of up to 200 people. The latest Synod met via Zoom and

felt very different. Leading the opening devotions, one minister read her

version of Psalm 137 ‘By the rivers of Babylon …’ revised for the year 2020.

It’s reproduced here and could prompt a smile and tears.

How can we sing the Lord’s song?

I’m constantly amazed by the generous, imaginative and courageous ways

people are finding to live out their faith. Keep on supporting one another!

And in the right setting, keep on singing!



By the rivers of Babylon: Psalm 137 for the year 2020

By Rev Becki Stennett, September 2020

By the closed front doors of our buildings, there we sat down and wept.

On the wood and glass we hung our ‘Building Closed’ signs

and with them we hung up so much of what we thought Church should be or do.

How could we sing the Lord’s song in a strangely changed land?

How could we keep the patterns of our faith

when the places we meet,

the homes of our worship,

the places we come to greet

one another in love

were out of bounds?

How could we sing the song of love when we couldn’t shake a hand?

How deepen our discipleship when we couldn’t meet as always planned?

How could we be church when we couldn’t be inside?

How welcome people in when our doors can’t open wide?

How keep to our schedule of meetings and committees,

How pastor to one another without the cakes and teas?

How could we sing the Lord’s song in the middle of so many things changing

How still do church with all we know in all our lives is shifting, rearranging?

We sat and we wept,

then slowly in crept

sharing of pain, of fear and confusion,

an honesty, an openness,

some new sense of union

as together, while the pews and chairs and halls stayed empty

we realised there were things we could do – indeed, plenty.

And even more we saw

what we kind of knew before

that church isn’t something we do - it’s something we are.

It doesn’t sit well, for most of us yet,

and the light at the end of the tunnel is too far off to get to

but perhaps what we’re learning

is that the song we sing

is no arbitrary thing,

but the heart’s deep yearning

to show and share and live God’s love,


a song which endures regardless

of restrictions from above,

to know that at home we’re not worshipping alone,

that our buildings are familiar to us but

sometimes they limit us

from acknowledging

the Lord’s song is woven through every moment of our living,

How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strangely changed land?

Perhaps we start by taking God’s hand,

who has been singing the song

over each of us, and in

the hard times still trying to teach us

it’s not what we do,

the song is all we’re called to be

by the God who put the song in you and me.

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Our Church Mission Statement: “Together as a Church family we are aspiring to love God, the

Community and each other through worship, prayer, learning, service and outreach.”

Copy Deadline for the December/January Messenger is 16th

November 2020. Please send by email to susanward29@icloud.com or

telephone 01943 467517.

Tearfund Toilet Twinning Project Thank you to everyone who supported our Virtual Coffee Morning in aid of the Toilet Twinning Project. Through your generous giving of £330 we have been able to twin our church toilets with a school toilet block in Malawi and another in Mozambique. People in these poor communities will now be able to build basic toilets, have access to clean water and learn about hygiene – a vital combination that makes a huge difference and saves lives.

Thank you!


Salvation Army news

Our Harvest food collection of tinned and dried food has again

been donated to the Salvation Army, who continue to provide

meals and food parcels to the homeless and many needy


They had as at week commencing 14th September served their

5000th meal since lockdown!

So Thank you again for your support of their vital work.

This November/December we will again run a toy collection for them. As last

year any donated toys/books must be new and can be brought to church on any

Sunday from the 22nd November, up to and including the 13th December.

Thank you again in advance for your generosity.

The Church has been collecting unwanted tools in Bramhope for TWAM for nearly two years. Our tools are sent to one of TWAM's UK depots where disadvantaged people are employed to refurbish them. Once refurbished, tools are collected together to form trade kits. A kit could be anything from plumbing, electrical, building to IT or dressmaking. Each kit of tools is taken to a deserving destination overseas by a skilled volunteer to train in the use of the tools, providing the recipient with the opportunity to make a living and contribute to the local economy. TWAM is a Christian charity that is making a difference in both the UK and the developing world, while at the same time recycling tools that may otherwise find themselves in landfill. If you have any unwanted tools or equipment, please give TWAM the opportunity to do some good with them. Call Stephen or Margaret on 0113 284 1010 or 07919390439 for more information. Thank you. www.twam.co.uk


October Services and prayers – face coverings must be worn in

church unless you are exempt

Sunday 4th 10.00am Morning Service with Holy Communion

led by Rev Roger Smith Last day for Harvest donations

Thursday 8th 10-11.00am Church open for private prayer

Sunday 11th 10.00am Morning Service led by Rev Keith Reed

Thursday 15th 10-11.00am Church open for private prayer Sunday 18th 10.00am Morning Service led by Rev Alistair


Thursday 22nd 10-11.00am Church open for private prayer

Sunday 25th 10-11.00am Zoom Service (Church open for prayer) Thursday 29th 10-11.00am Church open for private prayer

November Services and prayers – Plan not available at time of printing Sunday 1st 10.00am Morning Service with Holy Communion Thursday 5th 10-11.00am Church open for private prayer

Friday 10.30am Virtual Coffee Morning for MHA Remembrance Sunday 8th

11.00am Service at the War Memorial followed by Civic Service – details tbc

Thursday 12th 10-11.00am Church open for private prayer Sunday 15th 10.00am Morning Service

Thursday 19th 10-11.00am Church open for private prayer Sunday 22nd 10.00am Morning Service Thursday 26th 10-11.00am Church open for private prayer

Sunday 29th 10.00am Morning Service

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY – 8th November 2020

For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning.

We will remember them.

Support the Royal British Legion and visit their online shop:





Total collections to date stand at £27057 which is up 2.59% on last year. This

level of Giving has been maintained as the Congregation generally has made

their collections notwithstanding the problems created by Covid. In addition

some donations have been received on top of normal Giving to alleviate the

impact of the lockdown effect of the pandemic. Thank you all for this

generosity and effort.

The averaged weekly collections for the period to June are:

2019 2020

Envelopes, Cash and Standing Orders £ 507 £ 520

To date Income is down £8,158 compared to the previous year (in June the

prediction was £11-13,000) and this was mainly due to loss of Special Event

Income £10,000 which has been partially offset by donations from local


Expenses are down £12,500 on last year with repairs down £6,000 Special

Event expenses down £4,000 and Michael has been furloughed to reduce salary

costs by £2,300.Other costs are largely in line with last year.

Overall this gives a surplus for the year of £38 and this compares with a

prediction of a shortfall of £6-8,000. We have benefitted from an increase in

giving, donations from Church organisations and furlough receipts.

The overall effect is to maintain Reserves which at the beginning of the year

stood at £8,281.

Coming Year

We have surmounted the first period of lockdown significantly better than

expected. Next year will be more difficult with the uncertainties caused by

Covid. Film Club is on hold, Coffee Shop is yet to re-open and lettings will not

start until possibly October and Special Events are in limbo and so possibly is

the Plant Sale.

Continued Giving cannot be stressed too much. Please continue to Give in the

normal way and if possible transfer cash and funds to me or any of the Stewards

who will arrange to pass on to me.

Norman Sykes

Honorary Treasurer



James Clifton who will celebrate his 13th birthday on

the 13th November.

and to

Jack Foster who celebrates a special birthday in November.

Belated Birthday congratulations to Alex Mercer who also celebrated a special

birthday in August.

We hope you all have/had a very special day.

A Thank You from Joan Bosomworth

I hope I am not taking liberties when I say that I’m sure I speak on behalf of

everyone who has received Catherine's letters over the last few months.

Thank you so very much Catherine for them all. Ministry comes in many forms

and I really feel that you have given to us a real ministry of loving care and

concern. You have made us laugh and smile as we have shared your

experiences of lockdown. You have kept us informed, you have held us

together. You have been a blessing to us. I pray that the blessings you have

shared will return to you in abundance. I and many others will never forget the

pleasure of reading your emails every week. You really deserve the title

Steward, it is a job you have excelled in over the last few months. You could

not have served us any better, and remember what you have done for us you

have done for Jesus.

Jams and Marmalade Bernard and Norman continue their doorstep delivery of Bernard’s

delicious homemade jams and marmalade. Please ring to

arrange: Bernard 267 8169 or Norman 2678332

Church Family News


'My prayer is answered' - World Mission Fund Each year, as a church, we give grants to support a number of Methodist Church charities both at home and abroad. Our Harvest offering this year will support World Mission Fund, Here is just one example of the sort of work it does. During the COVID crisis thousands of the Myanmar migrants in Malaysia have lost their jobs due to lockdowns imposed in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and local crackdowns on migrant workers have become severe. In June the World Mission Fund was used to support the Methodist Church in Malaysia (£4,400) with support for migrants

from Myanmar. The church in Malaysia have reported on their work:

“Greetings from Malaysia! We are happy to report that the support of the Methodist Church in Britain tremendously helps Myanmar refugees/migrants who lost their jobs and incomes. There are many testimonies. Here is one.

Mr Malsawma told us with happy tears, “I had no job and could not work since my twin babies were born in January 2020. I cannot even provide food to my babies properly. Not only that, I have to pay rent for our room. And also I cannot afford a medical check for my wife. I always pray for God’s help. Today I am very happy that my prayer is

answered. Now I am able to buy some rice and medicine.”

You can learn more about the extensive work of WMF and how it makes a very real difference from the Methodist Church website



It is still not too late to make a donation to our Harvest Offering, either using the boxes in the church vestibule; or by cheque made out to Bramhope Methodist Church given to Norman Sykes or any of the stewards; or by bank transfer to Bramhope Methodist | sort code 40-27-15 | Acc no. 10183121 Please reference any payments with your surname and WM. Thank you.

Prayer, Worship, Study and Mission



MHA - Our next virtual coffee

morning will be held on Friday 6th November at 10.30am and

the connection link will be available on the weekly email nearer the

date. In the past we have also supported the MHA Christmas

Friendship Appeal by writing extra Christmas cards to send to care

home residents. This year to comply with Covid-19 restrictions MHA

are encouraging individuals and groups to upload their Christmas

cards or pictures of themselves or church groups on line, which also

cuts down on waste and helps the environment. This appeal opens in early November and digital cards will be

accepted up until 10th December. For more details follow this link:


Donations to MHA can be given to Norman or any of the Stewards,

or made direct to the Church bank account: Bramhope Methodist |

sort code 40-27-15 | Acc no. 10183121 (please reference payments

with your surname and MHA). We hope you will be able to join us on

the 6th November.

Charities have suffered financially over the last 6 months through

the lack of fund raising activities and events.

We have recently installed hand sanitisers in church and the company

we have acquired the hand sanitiser gel from have linked up with

Breast Cancer Now to raise up to £1m for their funds through the

sale of a pink sanitiser by donating £1 for each litre sold. We have at

church some 75ml sanitisers for sale at £2.50 and ALL proceeds from

these will be donated to BREAST CANCER NOW.

If you would like to purchase one and are not able to get to church

give me a call on 0113 267 8169. Bernard Neville


Prayer Calendar for October and November We give thanks and pray for:- ❖ The Salvation Army, asking that God will bless the gifts we will

be sending. ❖ The Asylum seekers in our city, may they find peace and

security. ❖ Those working with and for “The Hidden Homeless”. ❖ The work of the Royal British Legion. Remembrance Sunday

will probably be very different this year. ❖ The work of Methodist world mission, praying for all those

living and working in often difficult and dangerous situations. ❖ All those whose mental health has been severely affected by

this pandemic. We pray for those working to create a vaccine and that we can get back to a more sociable way of life.


Prayer in a time of hopelessness We entrust to you, eternal God, those times when we can see only shadows and lose sight of the hope to come; the times when suffering seems so senseless, life so fragile, war so unstoppable and death so permanent. Bless us with the assurance that you are in all things, the tragic and the beautiful, the nightmare and the dream, the light and the darkness. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ the peace of the world, today, tomorrow and forever.



When prayer is needed urgently and confidentially please contact Margaret

LeBeau (tel or text 07749 773193)

or email margaretlebeau@gmail.com

If you would like to join the Prayer Chain Team please contact Margaret who

will add you to the mailing list.


The Word of God Acts 23 v11 That night the Lord stood by Paul and said “Don’t be afraid, you have given your witness for me here in Jerusalem, and you must do the same in Rome.“

In my last piece I spoke of Paul being in Jerusalem trying to solve issues that had arisen between Jewish and Gentile Christians. Once again trouble followed him and in Acts 22 we read Paul’s attempts to defend himself, giving a wonderful testimony of his conversion and preaching, but it was not enough and as the situation began to get out of hand Paul was taken back into the fort and whipped. Paul turned on the officers declaring they had no right to whip a Roman Citizen without good cause. His chains were removed and he was taken to a meeting of the Chief Priests and the council. Despite everything Paul was fearless, even calling the Chief Priest a “whitewashed wall”. Not exactly the way to smooth troubled waters. He was also very astute, he knew the council was made up of Pharisees and Sadducees. The Pharisees believed in resurrection but the Sadducees didn’t. Boldly Paul declares, “I am on trial here because of the hope I have that the dead will rise to life”. That really threw a spanner in the works! A violent row erupted with the Pharisees saying Paul was doing no wrong. As the situation began to get out of hand Paul was taken back to the fort. During the night Paul heard the message from God that he would go to Rome. Once again God confirmed Paul’s ministry was to the Gentiles.

The growth of the Roman Empire brought many good things, one of which was safer travelling. Better roads with the constant movement of soldiers was a great deterrent to robbers. Sea routes were also safer and the opening up of many new trade routes meant news travelled faster. This was a great advantage for the spreading of the gospel. The timing of Jesus coming into the world could not have been better, and we all know from our own experience and hindsight that God’s timing always is. It’s just that in the difficult times it can be hard to see where we are headed. We must keep faith. Paul’s trust in God was unwavering, and we see that in his letters, but his was not an easy life. Paul did go to Rome, but certainly not in the way he would have expected, as we shall see as his story unfolds in the closing chapters of Acts. Joan Bosomworth


Hidden Homeless Appeal Ongoing Tonia is always grateful for any monetary donations or donations of any of the following items for the Hidden Homeless Outreach Team to distribute: Sleeping bags/warm blankets/mens’ jogging bottoms/socks/ underwear/fleece/jackets/coats....see the Amazon wish list link below. 'Hidden Homeless' was set up originally to help people who sleep rough outside the City Centre - some groups had made small camps. Most of these have luckily been housed now but, as we anticipated, there are people who have been made unemployed due to Lockdown, and also people with mental health problems who haven't coped during lockdown. Although the services are there, as well as other Outreach groups who are out most nights, helping to find safe places for them, there are only so many accommodation places available. We are now having to go into the City Centre to feed people and this will only worsen over time. If you would like to help but don't have any clothes to donate, 'Hidden Homeless' now has an Amazon "Wish list" of regularly needed items. So, if you/your family are familiar with purchasing from Amazon, perhaps you could help someone in great need using this link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/1LEOE4UGX1P3S/?ref_=lol_ov_le&filter=default&sort=default&viewType=list Anything you kindly purchase/donate from this Amazon wish list (eg jogging bottoms) will be delivered directly to Katie Hall@Hidden Homeless Outreach by Amazon for us to distribute. Thank you!


Beryl Weatherley Betty Foster Margaret Fielding Catherine Birkby

2611751 2672906 2673143 2673013

OTHER CONTACTS Action for Children & MHA Bible Reading Notes Caretaker Church Council Secretary Coffee Shop Communion Stewards Cradle Roll Facebook Flower Rota Gift Aid Secretary Hall Lettings Messenger Mission in Britain Organist Outreach Committee Sec Pastoral Committee Sec Prayer Chain Publicity Resources Committee Safeguarding Officer Senior Steward Think Tank Treasurer Website Weekly Notices World Mission/All We Can Worship Leader

Margaret Fielding Margaret Fielding Michael Beard Margaret Lebeau Margaret Fielding Avril Rollinson Sarah Fletcher Tonia Clifton Gillian Acomb Bernard Neville Jack Foster Susan Ward Val Sykes Jack Foster Susan Ward Susan Ward Margaret Lebeau Vacancy Jack Foster Margaret Fielding Catherine Birkby Beryl Weatherley Norman Sykes Susan Ward Susan Ward Margaret Lebeau Margaret Lebeau

2673143 2673143 2037170 2841010 2673143 2037590 2037090

07977 216461 2678773 2678169 2672906

01943 467517 2842812 2672906

01943 467517 01943 467517 07749 773193

- 2672906 2673143 2673013 2611751 2678332

01943 467517 01943 467517

2841010 2841010


available by arrangement


For a competitive price contact Bernard Neville – telephone 0113-267 8169


available to hire at reasonable charges For bookings please contact

Jack Foster – telephone 0113-267 2906 (terms and conditions apply)

The MESSENGER is produced and distributed free of charge to members and friends of Bramhope

Methodist Church. If you no longer wish to receive a copy please telephone 01943 467517 or email

susanward29@icloud.com and ask to be removed from the distribution list.

The Weekly Notices, Messenger, News & Events

and Daily Bible Verse can be found on the website.