October Journey Newsletter

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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This is the October edition of the Journey, a publication of the Guidance Office of Academia Los Pinares in Tegucigalpa.

Transcript of October Journey Newsletter

look what’s inside________ Student Spotlight: Bryan, Isabella 2Teacher Interview: Mr. McNiel 3Post-its, Comic, Revue 4

The guidance office at ALP exists to support you in your academic endeavors and to promote a healthy lifestyle. In our role as guidance counselors, we make decisions informed by Christian values and in the best interest of you, the student.

We encourage you to use the Guidance Office as a resource for college preparation, course planning, emotional stress, relational issues, organization skills and study habits.

ALP High SchoolGuidance OfficeNext to main office

This is a publication of the Guidance

Office: Mr. McNiel and Miss Nichols

























WHOM SHALL I FEAR?If you have ever been near me when a door slams or a bell rings or a balloon pops or a loud noise sounds, you might know of my irrational reaction. It is safe to say that surprises often end with me on the floor or clutching the nearest person’s sweater.

Even if you don’t have an extremely embarrassing, undiagnosed and somewhat questionable condition like mine, you still might find yourself, at times, afraid.

We shouldn’t be surprised. A life completely void of fear would be ... well, it would be heaven and we can all admit we’re not there yet.

So, what do we do with this thing called fear? There are so many things in this world that make us want to hide under the table or curl up under the covers or find a friend for comfort. We

look around this world and find things very impossibly broken.

Maybe you fear grades or parents or the weekend or strangers or your future plans. Or maybe you fear the things you hide deep down inside yourself - those things you’ve allowed no one to know.

In Psalm 27, David shows us that fear is not something to get over or pass through, but rather something that requires daily persistence to live confident of God’s protection. He writes, “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”

However easy this sounds, David does not stop with these questions. He vividly describes some of the worst enemies - the things in his life very worthy of fear. In light of these, he

writes, “One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple.”

David knows the only safe and secure place for his soul is where the Lord dwells. The Lord fears nothing, for He created everything.

What better place to find shelter from our fears? “For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock.” Find yourself safe in the Lord today.


random triviaIn Pine Island, Minnesota, it was a crime for a man to pass by a cow without tipping his hat.

who done it?You may THINK you know teachers here at Pinares, but see if you can guess who did this:

This staff person took classes at Pinares as an elementary student and is half-Honduran. Now he/she is back to teach here!


For the student who stands out...Students who show up in this section have made a choice to be

a positive part of the ALP community and we think what they are doing is marvelous! Read about your fellow classmates’ creativity and unique spirit and then see if you can land yourself in the spotlight!

THIS MONTH: Bryan Lobo is a leader in and outside of the classroom. This is what Mr. Yarbrough has to say about Bryan,

“Bryan conducts himself with gentleness and integrity, demonstrating a

respect for both teachers and peers that is obviously authentic. His dedication to

his studies is evident in the grades he has earned in my classes.”

Isabella Palma is another student who has already set herself apart. Here’s what Mr. Beck has to say,

“She loves to learn, simply put and it is a joy to share this commonality. She has interest in not only answering every question, but adding on to the answer as well. She is a

terrific student!”


Jose Mario Ponce is wasting no time is starting the year right. Here is what Miss Woodall has to say about Jose,

“He works very hard at his schoolwork. He is very engaged in class and pays attention. He tries his best and I am so thankful!”

If you don’t know Eduardo Reidel, you should introduce yourself. He always a friendly smile in the hallways. Here’s what Miss Hust says,

“He is always focused in class, does his best work and is respectful of others.”


photo not available

With every little bit of knowledge, I realize how much I still have to


1. Karoke means "empty orchestra" in Japanese.

2. Rhode Island is the smallest state with the longest name. The official name, used on all state documents, is "Rhode Island and Providence Plantations."

3. When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months.

4. Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every Dewey-decimal category.

5. The most money ever paid for a cow in an auction was $1.3 million.

6. It took Leo Tolstoy six years to write "War & Peace".

7. The names of the two stone lions in front of the New York Public Library are Patience and Fortitude. They were named by then-mayor Fiorello LaGuardia.

8. The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building.

9. The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in jelly.

source: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~bingbin/

We HEAR you!We aren’t just the guidance for you when things go wrong... we want to guide you in the positive decisions you make as well! So, tell us!

Write an email to guidance@pinares.org with questions, concerns, or suggestions.OR you can just stop by our office.

Did You Know?


Mr. McNielGet to know the newest

addition to the Guidance office! Mr. McNiel comes to us from the beautiful state of Washington and he’s excited

to be a part of ALP.

NICHOLS: How did you end up here at Pinares?

McNiel: My wife and I spent 2 years from 1998 - 2000 at a school similar to ALP in Asunción, Paraguay and loved it! We always wanted to do it again once our kids were all in school and now that our youngest is in kinder, we decided to come. The Lord placed the desire on our hearts.

NICHOLS: What is your absolute favorite childhood memory?McNiel: I have a terrible memory so I don’t really have one. I do remember really enjoying family camping trips around Washington state and also church youth group retreats/camps throughout junior high and high school. They were awesome and impacted my life in a positive way.

NICHOLS: What are you excited about in your new position here at Pinares?McNiel: I am most excited about working with ALP students in helping them be as successful academically as they can be. I’m also excited about partnering with Miss Nichols in structuring and streamlining the guidance office programs and services. It is also pretty cool working alongside my wife!

NICHOLS: What is your favorite traveling experience?McNiel: I have been to many beautiful places in the western United States but probably my favorite trips were in South America. One trip was to Lake Titicaca and Machu Picchu in Peru. My wife and I backpacked the Inca Trail to the ruins. The other was backpacking in various parts of the Patagonia region of Argentina and Chile with Kimberly.

NICHOLS: What is one piece of advice you would share with students right now?McNiel: Now is the time to step up and do your best. Your academic record is being recorded as we speak. Your future college opportunities depend on how you perform in high school right now. Keep doors open and don’t slack off. Be the best you can be!

(where we post important info for you)

ALL:Get yourself recognized in the Student Spotlight this year and we’ll treat YOU! Come ask us for more information (or read on page 2).

Progress Reports: good or bad?You just survived the first progress report period of the year! Congratulations! The question is... how many did you bring home? Remember, especially those in 9-12 grades, that your grades count. The grades you are receiving will make up your grade point average, which might determine what your options are after high school. Be diligent and aim for the very best!

HonorsWe hope that you understand the value of doing excellent work, as unto the Lord. If you are on the Honor Roll for two consecutive quarters, you will receive a special award. If you remain on the Honor Roll for four consecutive quarters, you will be invited to the Honors Reception at the end of the year. Set those goals now!

Dates to remember in OCTOBER

(where we post important info for you)

ALL:Get yourself recognized in the Student Spotlight this year and we’ll treat YOU! Come ask us for more information (or read on page 2).

Progress Reports: good or bad?You just survived the first progress report period of the year! Congratulations! The question is... how many did you bring home? Remember, especially those in 9-12 grades, that your grades count. The grades you are receiving will make up your grade point average, which might determine what your options are after high school. Be diligent and aim for the very best!

HonorsWe hope that you understand the value of doing excellent work, as unto the Lord. If you are on the Honor Roll for two consecutive quarters, you will receive a special award. If you remain on the Honor Roll for four consecutive quarters, you will be invited to the Honors Reception at the end of the year. Set those goals now!

8-9 Leadership Retreat

(where we post important info for you)

ALL:Get yourself recognized in the Student Spotlight this year and we’ll treat YOU! Come ask us for more information (or read on page 2).

Progress Reports: good or bad?You just survived the first progress report period of the year! Congratulations! The question is... how many did you bring home? Remember, especially those in 9-12 grades, that your grades count. The grades you are receiving will make up your grade point average, which might determine what your options are after high school. Be diligent and aim for the very best!

HonorsWe hope that you understand the value of doing excellent work, as unto the Lord. If you are on the Honor Roll for two consecutive quarters, you will receive a special award. If you remain on the Honor Roll for four consecutive quarters, you will be invited to the Honors Reception at the end of the year. Set those goals now!

13 PSAT for 11th grade

(where we post important info for you)

ALL:Get yourself recognized in the Student Spotlight this year and we’ll treat YOU! Come ask us for more information (or read on page 2).

Progress Reports: good or bad?You just survived the first progress report period of the year! Congratulations! The question is... how many did you bring home? Remember, especially those in 9-12 grades, that your grades count. The grades you are receiving will make up your grade point average, which might determine what your options are after high school. Be diligent and aim for the very best!

HonorsWe hope that you understand the value of doing excellent work, as unto the Lord. If you are on the Honor Roll for two consecutive quarters, you will receive a special award. If you remain on the Honor Roll for four consecutive quarters, you will be invited to the Honors Reception at the end of the year. Set those goals now!

15-16Track and Field Tourn.

(where we post important info for you)

ALL:Get yourself recognized in the Student Spotlight this year and we’ll treat YOU! Come ask us for more information (or read on page 2).

Progress Reports: good or bad?You just survived the first progress report period of the year! Congratulations! The question is... how many did you bring home? Remember, especially those in 9-12 grades, that your grades count. The grades you are receiving will make up your grade point average, which might determine what your options are after high school. Be diligent and aim for the very best!

HonorsWe hope that you understand the value of doing excellent work, as unto the Lord. If you are on the Honor Roll for two consecutive quarters, you will receive a special award. If you remain on the Honor Roll for four consecutive quarters, you will be invited to the Honors Reception at the end of the year. Set those goals now!

22Sleep Out

(where we post important info for you)

ALL:Get yourself recognized in the Student Spotlight this year and we’ll treat YOU! Come ask us for more information (or read on page 2).

Progress Reports: good or bad?You just survived the first progress report period of the year! Congratulations! The question is... how many did you bring home? Remember, especially those in 9-12 grades, that your grades count. The grades you are receiving will make up your grade point average, which might determine what your options are after high school. Be diligent and aim for the very best!

HonorsWe hope that you understand the value of doing excellent work, as unto the Lord. If you are on the Honor Roll for two consecutive quarters, you will receive a special award. If you remain on the Honor Roll for four consecutive quarters, you will be invited to the Honors Reception at the end of the year. Set those goals now!

29Worship Night

Stop by the Guidance Office to plan for the next steps of your education!


Some of you might be skeptical at the idea of 591 small-printed pages of history set in the ever controversial pre-World War II Germany. I hope my description can lay your skepticism to rest and motivate you to at least consider this most interesting life of a brilliant theologian, pastor, conspirator, and leader.

In some ways, I feel I have been walking around with my head in the 1900s since I picked up the book. I can, in part, blame this on Metaxas’s firm grasp on his subject and the era, but the intrigue mostly lies with the unparalleled intellect and distinguished dignity of a man convinced that mere piety was not enough.

In these pages, you will find the struggle of a man who commits to obey God at all costs, even when colleagues, fellow citizens, and others called him crazy. He was often misunderstood by the very people to whom he was trying to minister. He cried out warnings against the Third Reich regime with the boldness of John the Baptist long before the evils of concentration camps became a reality.

Metaxas writes on page , “It was not a cramped, compromised, circumspect life, but a life lived in a kind of wild, joyful, full-throated freedom -- that was what it was to obey God.” This is the kind of person you want to know more about. Trust me.


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: Bon



It is that time of year once again that colleges and universities start ramping up their recruiting efforts. Many different colleges have contacted Pinares for a chance to present their information to our students and a few of them will be here next week (see dates to the left). Laureate Hospitality and Tulane University will be meeting with me since they could only come during class time. If you have a strong interest in either of these two schools, see me so I can try to arrange for you to meet with them while they are here. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors can attend a presentation about Michigan State University during lunch on Tuesday, September 28th and/or University of New Orleans on Wednesday, September 29th. Both presentations will be in the auditorium. For those wanting to attend, we advise getting your lunch from the cafeteria very quickly and bringing it to the auditorium so the speaker can begin on time. These visits are a great way to hear directly from admissions officers and for you to ask specific questions regarding college admissions and financial aid options.

Seniors! Be aware that this is the time of year that you need to narrow your college options and begin the process of applying. Making decisions about where to apply are very difficult but these decisions cannot be delayed any longer. Some of you are probably preparing for the SAT, ACT, or TOEFL tests as well if you haven’t already taken them. If you need any assistance with making choices, filling out applications, or searching for financial aid, please make an appointment with me. I’ll be happy to assist you in any way I can.

What are you looking forward to?DATES for Seniors

Check for important dates and events

Date: September 27Laureate University2 pm in auditorium

Date: September 288:30 am Tulane Univ.11:45 am Michigan State

Date: September 2911:15 am University of New Orleans

REMINDERSPlease remember that you need to be checking test dates and deadlines regularly!

Also, please make a point to attend all the college visits. Even if you don’t plan to go there, these representatives can answer many questions that you have.

Keep pressing on!

Looking AheadBy Mr. McNiel