October 18, 2012

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Transcript of October 18, 2012

Melissa Houston Oct 19 (10 days ago) to undisclosed recipients

Happy Halloween,

Plan on coming to the Harvest Festival and Dinner on Sunday, October 28. Read more about this event on the cover of the Scroll, which is attached.

"The truly happy people are those who carefully study God's perfect law that makes people free, and they continue to study it. They do not forget what they heard, but they obey what God's teaching says. Those who do this will be made happy." James 1:25


October 18, 2012.pdf493K View Download


万圣节快乐10月 28日礼拜天计划中的收获节和晚餐即将到来。读更多有关这个活动在教堂书卷封面,书卷附上。“惟有详细查看那全备、使人自由之律法的,并且时常如此,这人既不是听了就忘,乃

“是实在行出来,就在他所行的事上必然得福。 雅各书 1:25


The Church Scroll

Volume 70 #20 “Reaching Up and Reaching Out” October 18, 2012

What’s Inside Pastor Message pg. 2 Stewardship Thought pg. 2 Celebrating our Church Family pg. 3 Check It Out pg. 3 Calendar pg. 4 Children’s Message pg. 5 Youth Message pg. 5 Israel Tour pg. 6 GriefShare pg. 6 Housekeeping pg. 7

The First Christian Church ~ Disciples of Christ ~ Salem, Oregon Church Services ~ 8:30 am, 9:30 am & 11:00 am ~ Sunday School ~ 9:45 & 11:00 am

Harvest Festival and Dinner Sunday, October 28

5:30 –7:30 pm, Fellowship Hall

Games! Food! Fun! For all ages!

Wear your costumes!

Donations of candy, bread, powdered donuts and soup are needed. Please sign up at the Information Center.

Knox Brothers Gospel Band Sunday, November 11 6:00 pm, Sanctuary

The Knox brothers are truly that- six brothers born and raised in Harrisburg, Oregon. They have performed continuously since the band formed in 1968.

Their motto is “It’s more than just music. It’s about being faithful to one’s calling.”

This is a great time to invite your family, friends, and neighbors to attend a wonderful musical evening.

20 期 第 2页

鲍勃灵修分享“ “ 这一页开篇写道: 我是谁? 这是我们牧 7:15&18)我们常常看我们自己的错误上是失

师班工作手册中一页的问题。这一页意味 败的。我们看到别人的错误,而好像从不注 着帮助我们了解彼此,但出于一些原因, 意我们自己的错误。一位妇女说了一句名言:

“ “这次看起来是问更深的问题。 我有许多错误,但这不是错误。 过了一段“ “ 我是谁? 一个回答问题的方法是靠近耶 时间,她提到就是存在的每一个罪,但声明:

“ “ “ “ “稣当时问: 你说人子是谁? 另一个是 别 我有许多错误,但这并不是错误。“ 人问我是谁? 显然当我们明白我们自己 忏悔能精确的明白我们自己。但甚至是我

时候别人不明白我们。甚至当我们照镜 子的时候,我知道我是用与别人不同 “忏悔能精确的明白 们忏悔的时候,我们

的方法来看自己。上大学的时候,一次 “ 我们自己。 在正确看到我们自己 春假我带一位朋友回家。他来自马绍尔 群岛,就一周的时间回家太贵了。我们 上是失败的。乔治· “怀特菲尔德曾说: 我 “去了连续三天的滑雪越野赛。第二天早 们的悔改需要去后悔。 有时我们的悔改不

“ “ 晨,他照着镜子说: 我黑了。 我注意 是真的悔改。有时我们的悔改不是真的悔 到他与以前没什么不同。 改是因为我们已经做了错事,但我们已经

别人也根据我们所做的判断我们。我们 被发现了。有时我们为代价难过,我们甚 判断我们自己是通过我们打算去做或我 至付出的比罪本身的代价大。另外的时间, 们能做。挑战之一是我们不能总是做我 我们的悔改混杂了感情。忏悔意味着进来 们最感兴趣的或我们想做的事。使徒保 与神一致,是有关我们是和我们所做的。

“ 罗写道: 因为我所作的,我自己不明 我告诉你们,回答这个牧师班的问题真的 白。我所愿意的,我并不作;我所恨恶 困难。你们是谁?

的,我倒去作... 因为立志行善由得我, 神祝福“ 只是行出来由不得我。 (罗马书 鲍勃牧师

礼拜天布道 管理思想和袜子 鲍勃· 汉那牧师 管理思想来自我们生活中衣柜的三个抽屉: 8:30,9:30和 11:00am 财宝--才能--时间。打开你的抽屉标记的财10月 21日-- 宝和数钞票。你把它们藏在落伍的旧袜子下“ “与神摔跤, 创世纪 32 。雅各的故事, 吗?才能是什么?我们经常把才能和技巧推骗子/ 欺诈者,与神摔跤应该让我们问 到衣柜后面,知道没有在那里能看到。那么

很多问题,是有关我们和那些摔跤。 时间呢?你如何管理你的时间? 太多的职责, 太多的会议,太多的电视是吗?没有足够的10月 28日-- 的时间给神和神的家吗?财宝,才能和时间“ ”绝望多次为绝望的估量, 创世纪 38 。 是神给的恩赐。神正等着他的分享。

在主日学最少教的故事:他玛。 管理思想委员会创世纪读经日程10月 15-21 日 创世纪 32-3810月 22-29 日 创世纪 39-4410月 30 —日 11月 4 日 创世纪 45-4911月 5-11 日 创世纪 50


Sunday Sermons Pastor Bob Hanna

8:30, 9:30 and 11:00 am

October 21– "Wrestling with God," Genesis 32. The story of Jacob, the trickster/deceiver, wrestling with God should make us question the things about which we wrestle.

October 28– "Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures," Genesis 38. One of the least taught stories in Sunday School: the Story of Tamar.

Bites of Bread from Bob The top of the page read, “Who Am I?” It was one of the questions on a page of our pastor’s class hand-book. It was a page meant to help us get to know each other, but for some reason, this time it seemed to ask a much deeper question.

“Who am I?” One way to answer that question is the approach Jesus took when he asked, “Who do you say the Son of Man is?” In other words, who do others say I am. It should be obvious others do not see us as we see ourselves. Even when I look in the mirror, I know I see myself in a way that is different from what others may see. In college, one time I brought home a friend for Spring break. He was from the Marshall Islands and it was too expensive to travel home for just a week. Three days in a row we went cross-country skiing. The next morning he looked in the mirror and said, “I am black.” I didn’t notice he was any different than before.

Others also judge us by what we have done. We judge ourselves by what we intend to do or feel we can do. One of the challenges is that we do not al-ways do what is in our best interest or what we want to do. The Apostle Paul writes, “I don’t understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do....I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.” (Romans 7:15 & 18)

We often fail to see our own faults. We see faults in others we never seem to notice in ourselves. One lady was famous for saying “I have many faults, but that isn’t one of them.” Over a period of time she mentioned just about every sin in existence but kept asserting, “I have many faults, but that isn’t one of them.”

Confession is coming to see ourselves accurately. But even in our confession we fail to see ourselves correctly. George Whitefield once said, “Our repen-

tance needs to be repented of.” Sometimes our repentance is not really

repentance. Sometimes our repentance is not because we have done something wrong, but because we have been found out. Sometimes we are sorrier for the price we might have to pay for the sin than for sin itself. Other times our repentance has mixed motives. Confession means to come into agreement with God about who we are and what we have done.

I tell you, answering these Pastor’s Class questions can be really difficult. Who are you?

God Bless, Pastor Bob

Genesis Bible Reading Schedule

October 15 – 21 Genesis 32 – 38 October 22 – 29 Genesis 39 – 44 October 30 – Nov. 4 Genesis 45 – 49 November 5 – 11 Genesis 50

“Confession is coming to see “Confession is coming to see “Confession is coming to see “Confession is coming to see ourselves accurately.”ourselves accurately.”ourselves accurately.”ourselves accurately.”

Stewardship and Socks Stewardship comes from three bureau drawers in our lives: Treasure--Talent--Time. Open your drawer marked Treasure and count the bills. Are you hiding them under the musty old socks? What about Talent? We often push talent and skill to the back of the bureau, knowing no one can see them there. And time? How do you manage your time? Too many obligations, too many meetings, too much T.V.? Not enough time for God and God's House? Treasure, Talent and Time are God-given gifts. God is waiting for his share.

The Stewardship Committee

20 期 第 2页

鲍勃灵修分享“ “ 这一页开篇写道: 我是谁? 这是我们牧 7:15&18)我们常常看我们自己的错误上是失

师班工作手册中一页的问题。这一页意味 败的。我们看到别人的错误,而好像从不注 着帮助我们了解彼此,但出于一些原因, 意我们自己的错误。一位妇女说了一句名言:

“ “这次看起来是问更深的问题。 我有许多错误,但这不是错误。 过了一段“ “ 我是谁? 一个回答问题的方法是靠近耶 时间,她提到就是存在的每一个罪,但声明:

“ “ “ “ “稣当时问: 你说人子是谁? 另一个是 别 我有许多错误,但这并不是错误。“ 人问我是谁? 显然当我们明白我们自己 忏悔能精确的明白我们自己。但甚至是我

时候别人不明白我们。甚至当我们照镜 子的时候,我知道我是用与别人不同 “忏悔能精确的明白 们忏悔的时候,我们

的方法来看自己。上大学的时候,一次 “ 我们自己。 在正确看到我们自己 春假我带一位朋友回家。他来自马绍尔 群岛,就一周的时间回家太贵了。我们 上是失败的。乔治· “怀特菲尔德曾说: 我 “去了连续三天的滑雪越野赛。第二天早 们的悔改需要去后悔。 有时我们的悔改不

“ “ 晨,他照着镜子说: 我黑了。 我注意 是真的悔改。有时我们的悔改不是真的悔 到他与以前没什么不同。 改是因为我们已经做了错事,但我们已经

别人也根据我们所做的判断我们。我们 被发现了。有时我们为代价难过,我们甚 判断我们自己是通过我们打算去做或我 至付出的比罪本身的代价大。另外的时间, 们能做。挑战之一是我们不能总是做我 我们的悔改混杂了感情。忏悔意味着进来 们最感兴趣的或我们想做的事。使徒保 与神一致,是有关我们是和我们所做的。

“ 罗写道: 因为我所作的,我自己不明 我告诉你们,回答这个牧师班的问题真的 白。我所愿意的,我并不作;我所恨恶 困难。你们是谁?

的,我倒去作... 因为立志行善由得我, 神祝福“ 只是行出来由不得我。 (罗马书 鲍勃牧师

礼拜天布道 管理思想和袜子 鲍勃· 汉那牧师 管理思想来自我们生活中衣柜的三个抽屉: 8:30,9:30和 11:00am 财宝--才能--时间。打开你的抽屉标记的财10月 21日-- 宝和数钞票。你把它们藏在落伍的旧袜子下“ “与神摔跤, 创世纪 32 。雅各的故事, 吗?才能是什么?我们经常把才能和技巧推骗子/ 欺诈者,与神摔跤应该让我们问 到衣柜后面,知道没有在那里能看到。那么

很多问题,是有关我们和那些摔跤。 时间呢?你如何管理你的时间? 太多的职责, 太多的会议,太多的电视是吗?没有足够的10月 28日-- 的时间给神和神的家吗?财宝,才能和时间“ ”绝望多次为绝望的估量, 创世纪 38 。 是神给的恩赐。神正等着他的分享。

在主日学最少教的故事:他玛。 管理思想委员会创世纪读经日程10月 15-21 日 创世纪 32-3810月 22-29 日 创世纪 39-4410月 30 —日 11月 4 日 创世纪 45-4911月 5-11 日 创世纪 50


Celebrating our Church FamilyCelebrating our Church FamilyCelebrating our Church FamilyCelebrating our Church Family Prayers For Ed Gish, interstitional pneumonia Peg Hill, health concerns Ellen Jull, back pain Ralph Jull, cancer Sharon Weir, neck surgery on October 25 Margi Wolski, shingles



Aston Kenady 21 Russ Colgan 22 Anny Krummel 22 Alex Rux 23 Karen Salter 23 Mary Weathers 25 Mike Stebbins 27 Erin Towery 27 Kathy Brown 28 Murray McNeil 28 Donna Rennick 28

You are Invited: Charles & Crystal Knox

Celebrate their 65th Anniversary

Saturday, October 20 1:30–3:30 pm

Activity and Living Rooms, 2nd floor Avamere Court at Keizer

Please, no gifts: cards are welcome.


Pete Larson 29 Dolores Blust 31 Deloris Briggs 31 Christine Sinibaldi 31 November

Emmett Johnson 1 Laura Rolen 1 Elton Brutscher 3 Brad Hirsch 3 Tony Resch 3

Condolences Ken Mace passed away on October 7. Our prayers and sympathies go out to his daughter, Julie Kephart; his grandchildren; and the rest of his family. Rose Daggett passed away on October 9. We send our sympathies and prayers to Judy Edmonds, her daughter; and the rest of her family.

Rose’s memorial service is on Thursday, October 25, at 1:00 pm in the Sanctuary.

Check It Out! Paul, in Ephesians 5:17-20, says, “Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is…be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit…always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Jim Cymbala, in his book, “Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire,” echoes Paul’s words by showing that as individuals and as a Church we must constantly renew the Lord’s Spirit within us through constant and passionate prayer and reading God’s word.

“Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire” is on the New Book Shelf now. Read it and be filled with a desire for a fresh wind and a fresh fire in your life. Another option - come to Tuesday evening prayer group, where Ephesians 5:17-20 is being practiced.

Betty Charnholm Librarian

Response to Amy Gopp and Week of Compassion On October 14 we were blessed with Amy Gopp sharing her pas-sion for reaching out to the needs of others. She reminded us that we all have something to give.

Amy mentioned in her sermon that a second offering was taken at a church in the Congo that benefited Week of Compassion (WOC). At the 9:30 am and 11:00 am services we also gave people the opportu-nity to give a second offering that would go to WOC. As always, you responded generously. So far, we collected $1607 to go directly to the work of WOC.

If you would like to know more about the ministry of WOC, go to their website at: http://www.weekofcompassion.org/ At this site you can even sign up to receive regular updates of how they are responding to human need around the world all year long. Thank you.

20 期 第 3页

庆祝我们的教堂大家庭 生日 祈祷10 月 10 月 艾德 · 基斯 ,间质性肺炎阿斯顿· 肯纳迪 21 皮特· 拉森 29 佩吉 · 黑尔 ,健康关怀如阿斯· 科跟 22 多罗斯·布拉斯特 31 艾伦 · 朱尔 ,背部疼痛安迪· 克如迈尔 22 德罗瑞斯·布瑞吉斯 31 如夫 · 朱尔 ,癌症 阿里克斯·如克斯 23 克瑞斯蒂· 辛巴迪 31 沙荣 · 威尔 ,10月 25日颈部手术卡润· 撒特 23 马吉 · 沃斯基 ,带状疱疹玛丽亚· 威热斯 25 11 月迈克· 斯坦宾斯 27 伊美特· 约翰森 1 哀悼厄瑞· 托瑞 27 劳拉· 若兰 1 肯·马斯 10月 7日去世。我们的祈祷和怜卡西· 布朗 28 艾顿·布鲁特斯驰 3 悯给他的女儿朱丽·科法特,他的孙子辈默瑞· 麦克奈尔 28 布瑞德· 赫斯驰 3 的孩子们和其余的家人。唐那· 瑞尼克 28 托尼· 瑞斯驰 3 罗斯·达吉特 10月 9日去世。我们的怜悯 邀请您: 和同情送给她女儿朱迪·艾德蒙兹和其余 查理斯&克瑞斯塔· 瑙克斯 家人。 庆祝他们结婚 65 年 罗斯的追思会在 10月 25日星期四 10月 25 日星期六 1:00pm 在礼拜堂。 1:30—3:30pm 活动和客厅,在科泽阿维默克特 对阿梅·古柏和怜悯周的回应

请不要带礼物,我们欢迎卡片。 10月 14日我们和阿梅·古柏蒙福分享了她 延伸给别人的需要。她提醒我们我们都有

看一看 什么给予。保罗在以弗所书 5:17-20 “ 说: 不要做糊涂 阿梅在她的布道中提醒怜悯周(WOC)人,要明白主的旨意如何... 当用诗章、颂 受益的二次募捐被刚果的一座教堂接受。词、灵歌彼此对说... 凡事要奉我们主耶稣 9:30am和 11:00am 的服侍我们也给

“基督的名常常感谢父。 吉姆· 西姆巴拉在 人机会给第二次奉献,这会到怜悯周(W 他的书《新鲜的风新鲜的火》回应保罗的 OC)。因为你们总是慷慨的回应。到目 话,表达了作为个人作为教堂我们一定要 前为止,我们收集到$1607直接给怜悯 通过不断的热情的祈祷和读神的话,在我 周(WOC)的工作。

们里面不断更新神的灵。 如果你想知道更多WOC 的牧养,访问 《新鲜的风新鲜的火》现在在新书架上。 他们的网页:

读这本书,会有一种渴望被新鲜的风和 http://www.weekofcompassion.org/新鲜的火在生命中充满。另一种选择--- 在这里你甚至能注册并收到日常的快报,

来星期二晚上的祈祷组,这里有以弗所书 是有关他们回应全世界长年的人类需要。5:17-20的实践。


Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday, November 4 Remember to turn your clocks back on Saturday night. See you Sunday morning. CWF Group Meetings Wednesday, November 7 • J. Wilson– 10:00 am, Parlor • Mary-Martha– 1:00 pm, Parlor

Hostess: Mildred Webb • Rosa Dots- 6:00 pm, Parlor Rummage Sale Friday-Saturday, November 9-10 9:00 am-3:00 pm, Fellowship Hall See page 6 for more details. Knox Brothers Gospel Band Sunday, November 11 6:00 pm, Sanctuary Looking Ahead

Advent Walk Sunday, December 2 5:00 pm at Salem Golf Course

Start your Advent experience at this wonderful ecumenical com-munity event. Remember to dress warmly and bring your candle or lantern.

Enjoy the one hour of quiet con-templation as you walk along the edge of the woods, bringing you to the manger scene depicted by our youth and a brief message about Christmas.

CWF Business Meeting Thursday, October 18 10:00 am, Parlor Book Club Thursday, October 18 1:00 pm, Library Charles & Crystal Knox Celebrate their 65th Wedding Anniversary Saturday, October 20 1:30–3:30 pm Activity and Living Rooms 2nd floor at Avamere Court Keizer Craft Day Saturday, October 20 10:00 am-5:00 pm Fellowship Hall Plenty of tables for all crafters… including quilters. The fellowship is awesome and there is always laughter. Come and create! Postponed- Board Meeting The October 21 meeting is postponed until October 28. Prayer Gathering Tuesdays, Oct. 23, 30, Nov. 6, 13 6:45 pm, Chapel Rebuilders’ Potluck Lunch Tuesday, October 23 12:00 pm, Chapel This is a support group for any and all who are rebuilding from any life experiences. GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays Tuesday, October 23 1:00 pm, Chapel See page 6 for more details.


Mark Your CalendarsMark Your CalendarsMark Your CalendarsMark Your Calendars Friendship Sewing Circle Wednesday, October 24 9:00 am, Sunshine Room Alzheimer's Spiritually Speaking Group Wednesday, October 24 1:00 pm, Chapel Memorial Service for Rose Daggett Thursday, October 25 1:00 pm, Sanctuary JYF to Bauman Farms Sunday, October 28 12:15 pm, Brown bag lunch in the JYF Room first. See page 5 for more details. New Date for the Board Meeting Sunday, October 28 12:30 pm, Fellowship Hall Israel Tour Informational Meeting Sunday, October 28 12:30 pm, Library See page 6 for more details. Harvest Festival and Dinner Sunday, October 28 5:30-7:30 pm, Fellowship Hall Fun for everyone of all ages! Scroll Submissions All items need to be 100 words or less and due no later than Monday at 10:00 am– October 29 Email to- melissah@salemfcc.org or drop off in Melissa’s box. Happy Halloween! Wednesday, October 31

20 期 第 4页


CWF 事务会议 友谊缝制圈 夏时制结束10月 18 日星期四 10月 24 日星期三 11月 4日礼拜天10:00am, 会客室 9:00am, 阳光班教室 记得在星期六晚

图书俱乐部 阿兹海默症的灵 上把时间拨回。10月 18 日星期四 的演讲 礼拜天早晨见。1:00pm, 图书馆 10月 24 日星期三 CWF 组会议查理斯&克瑞斯 1:00pm, 礼拜堂 11月 7日星期三塔· 瑙克斯 罗斯· 达吉特 ∞ J. —威尔森 10:00am 庆祝他们结婚 65周年 追思会 会客室10月 20 日星期六 10月 25 日星期四 ∞ 玛丽亚- —马大 1:00pm,1:30—3:30pm 1:00pm, 礼拜堂 会客室

在科泽的阿维莫克特 JYF 到鲍曼农场 女主人:米佐德·威伯 二楼的活动室和起居室 10月 28 日礼拜天 ∞ 罗莎· —多驰 6:00pm,

手工日 12:15pm,先在 JYF 房间 会客室10月 20 日星期六 吃便当。 收罗销售10:00am-5:00pm 详见第 5页。 11月 9-10日星期五--星

友谊大厅 委员会的新日期 期六 9:00am-3:00pm友 有充足的桌子给所有的 10月 28 日礼拜天 谊大厅

手工者... 包括拼布。友谊 12:30pm, 友谊大厅 详见第 6页 是令人敬畏的,总是有 以色列之旅信息 瑙克斯兄弟福音乐队

笑。来创造! 会议 11月 11日礼拜天—延期 委员会会议 10月 28 日礼拜天 6:00pm,礼拜天

10月 21 日会议延期到 12:30pm 图书馆 向前看10月 28 日。 详见第 6页。 降临节步行祈祷聚会 收获节和晚餐 12月 2日10月 23,30日 11月 6 , 10月 28 日礼拜天 5:00pm撒冷高尔夫球场13日 6:45pm 礼拜堂 5:30-7:30pm, 友谊大厅 在这个精彩的普遍的社区重建者家常饭 为所有年龄段每一个人 活动中,开始你的降临节10月 23 日星期二 的有趣活动! 体验。记得穿暖和点并带12:00pm, 礼拜堂 书卷投稿 上蜡烛和灯笼。

这是一个支持组为任何 所有的稿件需要 100 字 当你行走在森林边,会被 所有从任何生命经历中 或 100字以内,不晚于 带到马槽的场景是由我们

重建者提供支持。 10 月 29 日星期一 10:00am 的年轻人带来的有关圣诞悲伤分享:幸存的假日 发 Email 给 节的简要信息,来享受一10月 23 日星期二 melissah@salemfcc.org 小时的安静默想吧。1:00pm 礼拜堂 或投递到美丽莎信箱里。详见第 6 页 万圣节快乐! 10月 31日星期三


For Children and YouthFor Children and YouthFor Children and YouthFor Children and Youth Flickers of Light from Laurie Wasn’t it great to see our children dancing in the service on Sunday? I love the joy and energy they bring with them. Special thanks to Christine Sinibaldi and Kim Resch for leading the children’s music with such enthusiasm.

Third, fourth and fifth graders will be traveling to Bauman Farms for some a-MAZE-ing JYF fun on Sunday, October 28. The cost is $6 if your child is in 3rd, 4th or 5th grade, or $12.50 if not. Parents are needed to chaperone. Siblings are welcome, as long as they are accompanied by their own parents. Please bring a sack lunch. We will eat at the church on the 3rd floor at 12:15 pm, leave the church at 12:45 pm and return by 4:00 pm. Bauman’s has kettle corn, fresh apple cider and donuts, as well as other goodies for sale. Please bring extra $$ if you are interested in making other purchases. Activities include black maze and other mazes, giant bouncing pillow, petting zoo, rock climbing, swing line, tunnels, slides and other farming fun. It is IMPORTANT to RSVP by Wednesday, October 24, to secure a spot in the van.

Also, on Sunday, October 28, we are having our Harvest Festival and Dinner from 5:30-7:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Dinner choices include a variety of soups and chili, bread and dessert. If you would like to serve in some way or would like to donate items to the festival, let me know. A big “Thanks!” to Shannon Endler for planning the Harvest Festival.

Enjoy God’s good beauty. Laurie

Flurries from Chris After hearing Amy Gopp preach this past Sunday I am constantly replaying a quote that she passed along from a woman in Haiti: “It is far more dangerous to have too much than to have not enough.” I whole-heartedly agree with this as I can look around my apartment and spot items I no longer use and are still perfectly useable. If you are anything like me, I have good news for you. This Advent we will be celebrating the coming of the Christ child with trees. We will use the many trees set up in the church to support various organizations and projects in our community and in the world by collecting supplies for various kits listed below. You might just have some of these things laying around gathering dust. You can also start asking your friends and neighbors to be on the lookout for some of these items as well. HOME Youth and Resource Center Backpack Project: Backpacks, warm clothing (hoodies, fleece and coats), clothing for teens (especially in larger sizes), socks, deodorant, Chapstick, new make-up and nail polish, bike locks, bike lights, reflective vests, helmets, hair brushes, feminine hygiene products, guitar picks and accessories, youth bus passes, Hot Topic and Torrid items, gift certificates in $5 increments (Taco Bell, McDonald’s, movie theaters, Fred Meyer).

Church World Service- Hygiene Kit & Baby Care Kit: Hand towels (16”x28”- no fingertip or bath towels), wash cloths, wide-toothed combs, nail clippers, bar soap (bath size in wrapper), toothbrushes (in original packaging), band-aids.

Cloth diapers, t-shirts or undershirts (no onesies), wash cloths, gowns or sleepers, diaper pins, sweaters or sweatshirts, receiving blankets.

If you would like more information about these kits, please contact Chris Snow at chris@salemfcc.org.

Peace, Chris P.S. The youth room is in need of dishwasher safe silverware and plates as we strive to reduce our paper and plastic waste.

20 期 第 5页


来自劳瑞的闪光 来自克瑞斯的小雪 看我们的孩子们礼拜天在服侍中跳舞是 听到阿梅·古柏上礼拜天布道,我不断的 伟大的不是吗?我爱他们所带来的欢乐 重复她引自经过海地的一位妇女说的:

和活力。特别感谢克瑞斯蒂· ” “辛巴迪和 有太多的比不足的危险还大。 当我能金· 瑞斯驰这么热情领孩子们音乐。 环顾我的公寓斑驳的东西,有不再用的和● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 还是百分百使用的,这时我完全同

三、四和五年级将要去鲍曼农场旅行, 意这句话。如果你有点象我,我有好消10月 28日礼拜天奇异的 JYF 有有趣的 息告诉你。这次降临节,我们将会用树 活动。如果你的孩子是在 3,4或 5 年级 来庆祝基督的孩子的到来。我们将使用许成本是$6,如果不是成本是$12.5 。父母 多树布置在教堂里,来支持我们社区里不

们需要做监护人。只要是有父母的陪 同的组织和项目并且在世界上为如下不 伴,欢迎弟兄姊妹们。请带上午餐袋。 同锦囊收集不同的供应:你可能就有一

我们将在 12:15pm 在教堂 3 楼吃饭, 些这些东西放着周围是垃圾。还有你能12:45pm 离开教堂,4:00pm 返回。鲍 问你的朋友和邻居小心留意这些东西:

曼家有爆米花、新鲜的苹果酒和甜甜圈, 年轻人之家和资源中心背包项目: 以及其他好吃的东西销售。如果你有兴 背包,暖衣服(帽衫、绒头织物和衣服)、 趣买东西请多带钱。活动包括黑色迷宫 青少年的衣服(特别是大尺寸的)、袜子、

和别的迷宫、大蹦蹦床、 儿童爱畜动物 除臭剂、无色唇膏、新化妆品和指甲油、 园、攀岩、秋千滑索、隧道和滑梯和其 自行车锁、自行车灯、反光背心、头盔、

他农场有趣的活动。10月 24 日这很重 头刷、女保健用品、吉他拨片和附件、年要来 RSVP 确保在厢式客车上有你的座 轻人汽车通行证、热点话题和热情的东西。

位。 奉献的资格是$5递增(塔可钟、麦当劳的● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 东西、电影戏院、弗瑞德·梅耶超市)。10月 28 日也有我们的收获节和晚餐从 教堂世界服侍 -- 卫生保健工具 & 婴儿看护 5:30-7:30pm 在友谊大厅。晚餐选择包 工具:

括不同种类的汤和辣椒、面包和甜点。 擦手巾(16''x28''--不要指尖或洗澡巾)、 如果你喜欢通过一些方法服侍或想捐 浴布、宽齿木梳、指甲钳、条皂(放在套 点东西给收获节,让我知道。一个大 子里洗澡的尺寸)、牙刷(要原包装)、

“ “的 感谢 给香农· 恩都,为这个节做了 创可贴。 计划。 布尿布、体恤衫或者汗衫(不要连体衣)、

浴衣、长袍或睡衣、尿片、毛衣或运动衫、 享受神的好美 接待毯。

劳瑞 如果你想了解这些工具的更多信息,请联 系克瑞斯·斯诺 chris@salemfcc.org。 平安 克瑞斯 附:年轻人的房间需要洗银器和盘子的洗 碗机,因为我们正在致力于我们的纸和塑 料的浪费。


Here at FCC Here at FCC Here at FCC Here at FCC

All-Church Rummage Sale November 9 & 10 9:00 am-3:00 pm, Fellowship Hall

Time is running short, so be sure to check all your storage areas for items for the rummage sale. Invite friends, family, and neighbors to this event. Bring donations to the Fellowship Hall north-east corner.

The following items cannot be used:

• Computers and all components • Televisions - Out-of-date electronics • Clothes hangers - Any soiled or broken items • Exercise machines - Skis and golf clubs/bags • Books (save for the February sale) • Glass jars (only canning jars) • Large furniture (sofas/wall units…)

Plan to eat lunch or have a snack at the sale. Food is available for purchase both days of the sale. Hold larger items until the week of November 5 (must be lifted and fit in elevator.)

Help sort the rummage on Mondays from 9:30 am until noon. If you have questions please contact:

Lois Kinkaid: 503-3626594 lokin2@q.com Eileen Shinn: 503-581-4768 ecshinn@gmail.com Rosealee Clemens: 503-393-4366 rosealeeclem-ens@yahoo.com

Israel Tour Informational Meeting Sunday, October 28 12:30 pm, Library

If you would like information about the tour Pastor Bob is leading to Israel (June 21-27, 2013), you are invited to come to a brief meeting.

It will be a time to talk about what to expect, to get a little "flavor" of Israel and to ask questions. You may have the same questions as someone else. Hope you can join us.

Tupperware Show Ricky & Anny Krummel invite anyone interested to a Tupperware show at their apartment, 4321 Satter Place NE, on Saturday, October 27, at 6:00 pm.

Please RSVP to Anny at 503-562-9111 by Thursday the 25th.

Albany FCC Christian Women’s Fellowship Birthday Salad Luncheon Monday, October 22, at 12:30 pm All women are invited to the luncheon at Albany FCC. RSVP to 541-926-8606.

GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays Tuesday, October 23 12:00 pm, Potluck lunch, Chapel 1:00 pm, Video and meeting, Chapel

The holidays can be a difficult time following the loss of a loved one. The “Surviving the Holidays” video offers come great suggestions for helping one cope during the holiday season.

Christmas Tea and Treasures Donations Needed Plans are underway for the annual Christian Women’s Fellowship (CWF) Christmas Tea and Treasures fundraiser to be held on December 1, with the Treasures fundraiser continuing on December 2. Proceeds from the sale go toward mission projects.

We welcome donations such as handmade items, home or garden décor, Christmas items, jewelry, art-work, collectibles, jams/jellies, candy, baked goods, etc.

Please price your donations and bring them to the church anytime up until Friday, November 30. (Bring food items the day of the sale.) Thank you.

If you have questions, please contact: Linda Jordan: 503-743-3404 - lindamayjordan@msn.com Deanna Nelson: 503-393-4641 - 0520@comcast.net

20 期 第 6页


奥班尼第一基督教堂妇女友谊会生 以色列之旅信息会议日色拉 午宴 10月 28日礼拜天10月 22日星期一 12:30pm 12:30pm,图书馆

邀请所有妇女在奥班尼第一基督教堂午宴 如果你喜欢鲍勃牧师领导去以色列(2013RSVP 到 541-926-8606 。 年 6月 21-27日),就请来参加一个简短 的会议。悲伤分享:幸存的假日 这是一次谈论期望,得到一点以色列的10月 23 “ “日星期二 味道 和问问题的时间。你可以跟别人有12:00pm, 家常饭,礼拜堂 同样的问题。希望你能参加到我们中来。1:00pm,音像会议在礼拜堂

随着所爱的人离开,假日成为一段艰难 全教堂收罗销售 “ ” 的时光。 幸存的假日 音像供应带来极 11月 9&10日

大的建议在假日里帮助人们应对。 9:00am-3:00pm,友谊大厅 时间有限,所以确定检查你们所有储藏的特百惠展示 区域找收罗销售的东西。邀请朋友们、家瑞克&安尼· 克鲁梅尔邀请所有感兴趣的 庭和邻居参加这次活动。带捐献的东西到人去他们的公寓参加特百惠展示。4321 教堂友谊大厅东南角。 Satter Place NE,时间是 10月 27 日星期六, 以下东西不能用:6:00pm 。 ∞ 计算机和所有配件请在 25日星期四 RSVP 给安尼 ∞ 电视和过期电器503-562-9111 打电话。 ∞ 挂衣架--任何损坏或破了的东西 ∞ 练习机器--滑雪和高尔夫球棒/包圣诞节的茶和珍宝捐献需要 ∞ 玻璃罐(只是罐头罐)每年基督教妇女友谊会(CWF) 的圣诞节 ∞ 大家具(沙发/组合柜...)的茶和珠宝募捐计划在进行中,12月 1 计划在销售中吃午餐或者零食,食物可以日举行募捐,12月 2 日继续进行珍宝募 在销售中购买。把大件东西放到 11月 5日

捐。销售收入用于牧养项目。 这一周(一定能抬和放在电梯里)。 我们欢迎捐献比如手工制作的东西、家 帮助分类在星期一从 9:30am 到中午。如 庭或花园布置的东西、圣诞节的东西、 果您有问题请联系:

珠宝、艺术品、收藏品、酱/ 果冻、糖 罗斯·金凯德:503-3626594 lokin@q.com 果、烘烤的东西等。 艾丽恩·施恩:503-581-4768

请给你们捐献的东西标价并在任何时间带 ecshinn@gamil.com 到教堂直到 11月 30 日星期五。(销售那 罗莎丽·克莱门斯:503-393-4366

天带上食物)。谢谢。 rosealeeclemens@yahoo.com 如果你们有问题,请联系:琳达·乔丹 503-743-3404-lindamayjordan@msn.com迪那·奈尔森 503-393-4641-0520@comcast.net


HousekeepingHousekeepingHousekeepingHousekeeping Serving Sunday, October 21

ELDERS 8:30 & 9:30 am– Claire Widener 11:00 am– Irene Jones, Orin Bruton, Gene Clemens, Loyst Streeter, Dave Rehbehn

OCTOBER DEACONS 8:30 am Service– Faith Coleman 9:30 am Service– Randy & Ruth Schnelle 11:00 am Service– Craig W. Johnson, Justin Bolen, Dena Gish, Lela & Wilbur Jackson, Ethan & Monique Ownby, Gene & Shirley Pilcher Choir: Barbara Holler, Pat Salas

SATURDAY FILL Margaret Cleveland

COMMUNION CLEAN UP Shari Ridings, Marilyn Ross,

Duane & Audrey Setness

COFFEE HOUR Bob & Gloria Feiring


Rebecca Revello, Riane Towery


From Judy Brown in memory of her brother Danny.

Serving Sunday, October 28

ELDERS 8:30 & 9:30 am– Bud Pierce 11:00 am– Dave Rehbehn, Alan Brown, Orin Bruton, Sharron Streeter, Kent Hazelwood

OCTOBER DEACONS 8:30 am Service– Faith Coleman 9:30 am Service– Randy & Ruth Schnelle 11:00 am Service– Craig W. Johnson, Justin Bolen, Dena Gish, Lela & Wilbur Jackson, Ethan & Monique Ownby, Gene & Shirley Pilcher Choir: Barbara Holler, Pat Salas

SATURDAY FILL Becca Revello, Colleen Revello

COMMUNION CLEAN UP Gary & Cheryl Clendennen, Mary Gill, Judy Erickson


Orin & Karna Bruton, Brad & Audrey Hirsch


Riane Towery, Gavin Watson

FLOWERS From Lee & Sheila Mathieson in celebration

of their 1st wedding anniversary.

October 7, 2012

GIVING General– $14,376.35

Building– $110

Special Offering– $130

ATTENDANCE 8:30– 33/ 9:30– 73

11:00– 175 Sunday School– 107

N U M B 3 R S

20 期 第 7页

家务 10月 21 日服侍礼拜天 10月 28日服侍礼拜天 长老 长老8:30&9:30am—克来尔· 威德呢 8:30&9:30am --巴德·皮尔斯11:00am—艾瑞尼·琼斯,奥瑞· 布鲁顿, 11:00am --达夫·瑞宾汉,阿兰·布朗,奥简尼·克莱门斯,劳斯特· 斯垂特,达 瑞·布鲁顿,沙荣·斯垂特,肯特·哈兹伍德夫· 瑞宾汉 10月执事 10 月执事 8:30am 服侍--费斯·克劳曼8:30am –服侍 费斯· 克来曼 9:30am 服侍--让迪&路德·斯驰奈勒9:30am —服侍 让迪&路德· 斯驰奈勒 11:00am —服侍 克瑞格·W.约翰森,贾11:00am —服侍 克瑞格·W.约翰森 ,贾 斯汀·伯伦,迪那·基斯,来拉&威伯·杰克森,斯汀·伯伦,迪那·基斯,莱拉&威伯· 杰 伊山&莫尼克·奥白,简尼&舍丽·皮尔驰克森,伊山&莫尼克·奥白,简尼& 舍 诗歌:巴巴拉·豪勒,帕特·撒拉斯丽· 皮尔驰 星期六填写诗歌:巴巴拉·豪勒,帕特· 撒拉斯 贝卡·瑞沃勒,克林·瑞沃勒 星期六填充 圣餐清扫 玛格丽特· 克莱夫兰 嘎瑞&驰瑞尔·克莱德恁, 圣餐清扫 玛丽亚·吉尔,朱迪·伊瑞克森 沙瑞·瑞汀斯,马瑞丽恩· 罗斯 咖啡时间 端尼&奥椎· 赛特尼斯 奥瑞&卡那·布鲁顿 咖啡时间 布瑞德&奥椎·赫尔驰 鲍勃&格楼丽亚· 费瑞 圣地 圣地 瑞尼·托瑞,嘎文·瓦特森瑞贝卡·瑞沃勒,瑞恩· 托瑞 花 花 李&赛拉·马舍森庆祝结婚一周年朱迪·布朗纪念她的兄弟丹尼

数 2012年 10月 7日 字 给 总数--$14,376.35 追 建筑物--$110 特别奉献--$130 凶 参加 8:30—33/9:30—73 11:00—175 主日学--107

First Christian Church Phone: 503-363-9273

Fax: 503-378-0971 info@salemfcc.org www.salemfcc.org

First Christian Staff

Senior Pastor Bob Hanna

Youth Director Chris Snow

Children’s Ministries Director Laurie Dyer

Business Manager Allison Pfaff Secretary

Melissa Houston Keeper of the House

Mark Ridings Music Director

Judy Dyer Nursery Coordinator

Teri Garland Praise Service Music Coordinator

Lucas Anderson Handbell Choir Director

Christine Sinibaldi Organist

Marilyn Reischke Security

Terrance Jull, John Erickson Sound Engineer Loring Hermann

Published Semi-Monthly by the First Christian Church 685 Marion Street NE

Salem OR 97301-3729

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第一基督教堂 电话:503-363-9273 传真:503-378-0971 info@salemfcc.org www.salemfcc.org 主要工作人员 主任牧师 鲍勃·汉那 年轻人的指导 克瑞斯·斯诺 孩子们的牧养指导 劳瑞·迪耶 事务管理 艾里森·帕法夫 秘书 美丽莎·休斯顿 看门 马可·瑞汀斯 音乐指导 朱迪·迪耶 看护协调人 泰瑞· 嘎兰德 赞美服侍音乐协调人 卢卡斯·安德森 手铃诗歌指导 克瑞斯蒂·辛巴迪 风琴家 马瑞丽恩·瑞斯驰克 安全 特瑞斯·朱尔,约翰·伊瑞克森 音响工程师 劳润·赫曼 第一基督教堂出版 半月刊 685 Marion Street NE Salem OR 97301-3729

E-Giving使用 E-Gving 捐献 E-Giving 奉献:

许多日程选择尽管是在网上报告,可以检查你的给予尽管是在网上银行支票和借记卡付款E-Giving 计算安全方便
