Object Oriented Design Goals OOD meets input from the Web Design workshop u Form teams u...

Post on 21-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Object Oriented Design Goals OOD meets input from the Web Design workshop u Form teams u...

Object Oriented Design


OOD meets input from the Web Design workshop

Form teams Brainstorm projects

Connecting objects to

information in the real world,

in real timeAn agent-based approach

What is WRONG with the existing


WRONG Modality:

Blind users cannot read textual descriptions. Automatic text-to-speech interfaces may be

able to verbally convey the textual contents of a Web page to users, but if the Web page is formatted for visual access the sequential information access may become unintelligible or inefficient.

WRONG Language:

Crucial explanatory text may be provided in the wrong language. For instance less than 15% of U.S. Web sites contain Spanish translations

WRONG Nomenclature:

Information may be expressed in an unfamiliar measurement system. The translation of Celsius to Fahrenheit or kilometers to miles, while scientifically trivial, may represent a serious impediment for many users


The information may be correct, relevant and readable, but might be presented at the wrong time. Stock information, for instance, is most useful when presented in real-time.

WRONG Format:

Information can look great on a large computer monitor, but be completely unsuitable for small information devices such as PDAs and cell phones.

Use End-User Programmable Agents to Bridge the Gap between Existing and Relevant

Informationon the Web

What happens when we enable agents to access Web pages and merge

the notions of browsers and simulations?

The Syntactic


The Semantic


The Pragmatic


The Pragmatic Web

The Pragmatic Web

The vision of the Pragmatic Web is about the end-user controlled processing of all-purpose Web-based information into information of practical consequences to individuals.

Boulder Live

The browserless




Make information accessible to disabled, e.g., blind or motor skill challenged

Have agents access information user controlled, e.g. voice commands, or autonomously

Have agents synthesize new information Create information processing ecologies:

make agents sharable goods (email, Web). Access information on small wireless devices

including PDAs and cell phones


Modalities: e.g., text <=> speech Time: get information only WHEN it is

relevant Nomenclature: e.g., Fahrenheit <=> Celsius Languages: English, Spanish, German, …

Deliverywhat kind of

hardware to use and how to use



Simulated person Real-time tracked buses

Speech interface



Write a one paragraph proposal on what your project will do one member of your team will email proposal

to Andri and Alex AND ALL other team members

Play with AgentSheets WWWRead condition to get a sense of feasibility

Due: Sept 19


Form teams Brainstorm Web info application / Web
