NYS Pollution Prevention Green Offices, Green Purchasing A …€¦ · Richard Hodges, Founder and...

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Transcript of NYS Pollution Prevention Green Offices, Green Purchasing A …€¦ · Richard Hodges, Founder and...

NYS Pollution Prevention Institute

Anahita WilliamsonDirector


Green Offices, Green PurchasingA Workshop on Sustainable Practices

June 29, 2010

Sponsored by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

©Copyright 2010 - NYS Pollution Prevention Institute - All rights reserved

New York State Pollution Prevention Institute(NYS/P2I)

Vision & MissionVision:

The vision of the NYS P2I is to foster the transformation and development of sustainable businesses and organizations in New York State in a collaborative program committed to making the State a leader in environmental stewardship.

Mission:The mission of the Institute is to provide a high-impact, comprehensive and integrated program of technology research development and diffusion, outreach, training and education aimed at making New York State more sustainable for workers, the public, the environment and the economy through: • reductions in toxic chemical use• reductions in emissions to the environment and waste generation• the efficient use of raw materials, energy and water

Wet CleaningEco-friendly Custom Cleaners, Buffalo,

NYConverted from perc to 100% wet cleaning

Benefits realized from conversion:40% Cost Reduction30% Less Gas 40% Less Electricity 60% Less Water Less labor intenseHazardous Waste Eliminated

Green Hotel Pilot ProjectIn partnership with Audubon International, recognize and guide hoteliers environmental best practices by combining environmentally sound business practices with financially feasible solutions and increase competitiveness

Background:NYS Governor’s Hospitality & Tourism Partnership selected Audubon International’s Green Leaf Eco-rating Program as NY State’s certification program. Hotels complete a 52 page Green Leaf Eco-Rating Survey. The survey is reviewed by Audubon International and the hotel receives a Leaf rating.

Response:NYSP2I and Audubon International perform site visits to verify surveys before Green Leaf rating is issued

Agenda8:30 – 8:45am Introduction to workshop

Kathleen Kosciolek, Business Manager, NYSP2I8:45 – 9:15am Keynote Speaker

Anna Dengler, Director of Sustainability, Great Forest9:15 – 10:15am Assessment Tools and Case Studies – 1

Rajiv Ramchandra, Staff Engineer, NYSP2IAnna Dengler & Amelia Marpman, Director of Recycling and Maintenance Services, Great Forest

10:15 – 10:30am Break10:30 –11:15am Assessment Tools and Case Studies – 2 Green Initiatives by New York State

Anna Campas, Associate Building Structural Engineer, NYS Office of General Services11:15 – 12:00pm Environmentally Preferable Paper

Michael Peek, Vice President Sales Northeast, New Leaf Paper12:00 – 1:00 pm Networking Lunch1:00 – 2:00pm Sustainable IT

Richard Hodges, Founder and CEO, GreenIT ®2:00 – 2:15pm Break2:15 – 3:00pm Green Procurement

Jaime Roth, NYS Office of General Services3:00 – 4:00pm Greenwashing

Scot Case, Vice President, TerraChoice4:00 – 4:30pm Q&A and Closing

Anna Dengler, Great Forest Inc.

June 29, 2010 – NYS Pollution Prevention Institute

Green Offices, Green Purchasing

About Great Forest

Sustainability consulting firm, est. 1989

Headquartered in Manhattan

Offices in D.C., San Francisco, White Plains, West Palm Beach

Clients across U.S and Australia

Fortune 500 client base:

Real Estate




Definition - Sustainability

The ability to….

"meet present needs without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”

1987 UN Conference, World Commission on Environment

and Development (WCED)

Sustainable & Green

What is a green office?

How does sustainability help an


How do we know best practices?

Market Factors

Case Studies

High Performance Gingerbread

What is a Green Office?

Meeting our needs today

Taking into account externalities

Tracking performance

Metrics and data management

Review each aspect of you organization for

best practices

Aspects of Sustainability











Air Quality


Carbon Footprint

What are best practices?

US Green Building Council’s LEED Standards

Green Seal

Energy Star Products and Building


ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems


Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC)

Market Factors

Energy sources

Recycled materials


Carbon trading




Natural Gas






Other Renewables




New York State Electricity Generation by Source

Photo creditsHuffington PostRedgreenandblue.orgNew York Times





Natural Gas






Other Renewables




US Electricity Generation by Source

Market Factors

Energy sources

Recycled materials


Carbon trading










$ p



rt t


Transacted Mixed Paper Stock High Prices for New York,

New England, San Francisco and Buffalo

Source: Official Board Markets

MP New


MP New York

MP San


MP Buffalo

MP Southeast

Market Factors

Energy sources

Recycled materials


Carbon trading

Carbon Bathtub

Where does it go?

Managing Carbon Emissions

Tax = tax on a transaction; price instrument, setting a

price on emissions

Regulating Carbon = direct government regulation of

CO2 emissions; ie EPA to regulate CO2 as an air pollutant

Cap & Trade = Government or voluntarily organization

determines total emissions allowed: cap. Companies are

issued credits, based on how large they are, what

industries they work in. If a company comes in below its

cap, it has extra credits which it may trade with other companies.

Case Studies in Sustainability

Waste & recycling

Deutsche Bank at 60

Wall Street – increased

recycling rate

Recycling Education


Deutsche Bank Recycling

Composting program 2008








2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Diversion ratio

Anna Dengler, Great Forest Inc.

June 29, 2010 – NYS Pollution Prevention Institute

Green Offices, Green Purchasing

About Great Forest

Sustainability consulting firm, est. 1989

Headquartered in Manhattan

Offices in D.C., San Francisco, White Plains, West Palm Beach

Clients across U.S and Australia

Fortune 500 client base:

Real Estate




Definition - Sustainability

The ability to….

"meet present needs without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”

1987 UN Conference, World Commission on Environment

and Development (WCED)

Sustainable & Green

What is a green office?

How does sustainability help an


How do we know best practices?

Market Factors

Case Studies

High Performance Gingerbread

What is a Green Office?

Meeting our needs today

Taking into account externalities

Tracking performance

Metrics and data management

Review each aspect of you organization for

best practices

Aspects of Sustainability











Air Quality


Carbon Footprint

What are best practices?

US Green Building Council’s LEED Standards

Green Seal

Energy Star Products and Building


ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems


Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC)

Market Factors

Energy sources

Recycled materials


Carbon trading




Natural Gas






Other Renewables




New York State Electricity Generation by Source

Photo creditsHuffington PostRedgreenandblue.orgNew York Times





Natural Gas






Other Renewables




US Electricity Generation by Source

Market Factors

Energy sources

Recycled materials


Carbon trading










$ p



rt t


Transacted Mixed Paper Stock High Prices for New York,

New England, San Francisco and Buffalo

Source: Official Board Markets

MP New


MP New York

MP San


MP Buffalo

MP Southeast

Market Factors

Energy sources

Recycled materials


Carbon trading

Carbon Bathtub

Where does it go?

Managing Carbon Emissions

Tax = tax on a transaction; price instrument, setting a

price on emissions

Regulating Carbon = direct government regulation of

CO2 emissions; ie EPA to regulate CO2 as an air pollutant

Cap & Trade = Government or voluntarily organization

determines total emissions allowed: cap. Companies are

issued credits, based on how large they are, what

industries they work in. If a company comes in below its

cap, it has extra credits which it may trade with other companies.

Case Studies in Sustainability

Waste & recycling

Deutsche Bank at 60

Wall Street – increased

recycling rate

Recycling Education


Deutsche Bank Recycling

Composting program 2008








2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Diversion ratio

Deutsche Bank Recycling

Industry-leading waste-

recycling diversion ratio

60 Wall Street Recycling

outreach and education

initiative through branded


Public outreach

Deutsche Bank 2010 Program


2010 Composting Success: 39.22 tons recycled vs. 29.82 tons same period 2009.

Reduced Styrofoam Cup Purchases: 0 cups consumed vs. 565,000 same period 2009.

Increased Recycling Diversion Ratio: 91% average vs. 88% average same period 2009.

60 Wall St. Shredding: 103.63 tons recycled vs. 90.92 tons same period 2009.

Reduced Wet Waste: Average 12.15 tons per month vs. 15.32 tons per month in same period 2009

Case Studies in Sustainability

Water use: flow rates

650 Fifth Avenue water use

reduced by 10%

O.5 GPM faucet aerators

Waterless urinals

650 Fifth Avenue Water Reduction

Case Studies in Sustainability

Energy use & office layout

Profile of one company’s new floor design

versus old design in office across the street

Energy Efficient Office Layout

ORANGE LINE: Energy Use at New Office against comparable Old

Design Office (green line)










Electricity per Meter2 2009











Office Total Electricity 2009

Thank you.

Anna Dengler

Great Forest




Assessment Tools and Case Studies – 1:

Solid Waste AuditGreen Offices, Green Purchasing:

A Workshop on Sustainable Practices

June 29, 2010

© Copyright 2010 - NYS Pollution Prevention Institute - All rights reserved

Solid Waste Audit

A solid waste audit is a formal, structured process used to quantify the amount and types of waste being generated by an organization.

Source: The Solid Waste District of LaPorte County. How to Conduct A Waste Audit. [Online] Available at: http://www.solidwastedistrict.com/projects/waste_audit.htm [Accessed July 2009].

Solid Waste Audit


1. Determine composition and quantities of solid waste being generated

2. Measure effectiveness of existing waste management systems

3. Identify opportunities for improving waste management systems and strategies

4. Collect baseline data for measuring the effectiveness of waste minimization strategies

5. Identify opportunities for green purchasing

Source: http://www.solidwastedistrict.com/projects/waste_audit.htm

Why is this important?

The Business Case - Waste management/ disposal is an expense:– Tipping fee– Transportation cost– Labor– Purchases (bins, totes, bags)– Cost of excess/unused/expired purchases

Why is this important?

The Environmental Case:– Landfill (space, management)– Energy use (incineration, transportation)– Emissions– Recycling opportunities– Cradle to Grave (Linear system)

Solid Waste Audit


1. Plan the audit (get management support, define study area, inform personnel of audit process)

2. Collect the waste

3. Sort the waste (sort into different categories, count and weigh, record the data, dispose)

4. Analyze the data (calculations, results and recommendations)

5. Implement Recommendations

Source: http://www.solidwastedistrict.com/projects/waste_audit.htm

What you will need

Source: http://www.ssplprints.com/lowres/43/main/22/101151.jpg

Just kidding!!!

What you will need1. Secure well ventilated work and sheltered area to perform the audit

2. Two or more large tables for sorting (or equivalent floor space)

3. Plastic sheeting to cover tables (or floor)

4. Safety equipment (gloves, safety glasses) and first aid kit

5. Tongs and rakes to sort through garbage (if necessary)

6. Accurate scales (bathroom scales will do for general office audits)

7. Data sheets

8. Garbage bags

9. Brooms and disinfectant

10. Paper towels, soapSource: http://www.solid.gov.bb/resources/Brochures/Greening/greening02.asp

Case Study

• Solid Waste Audit at financial institution in Rochester, NY

• Total number of employees at facility: 150-200

• Audit area: Cafeteria/Kitchen area

• Audit period: ~5 days

• Time taken to perform audit: ~2 hours

Audit Area

Coffee Waste


Area of Solid Waste Audit

Seven Waste Collection


Waste Categories

1. Organic Food Waste Only (Banana peel, leftover food, etc. – No Packaging)

2. Other Food Related Wastes (Paper cups, paper bags, napkins, foam, straws, stirrers, juice/milk cartons, etc.)

3. Everything else (AA batteries, etc. )

4. Glass (All types – Clear, Colored)

5. Cans & Plastic Bottles (All metals, all plastic types)

6. All Other Plastics (Plastic binders/folders, packaging, etc.)

7. Paper Waste (Printing paper, office paper, colored paper, cardboard, newspapers, magazines, etc.)

Waste Composition Analysis

Paper Use Audit

• 10 participants• Paper Usage studied for 5 days• Employees surveyed for paper usage


Paper Use Audit

Internally Generated Waste paper

Externally generated Waste paper

Highlights of survey results

• 37.5% of participating staff members said that they never print double sided.

• 62.5% said that they occasionally or moderately ensure that the document is ready to be printed to avoid printing multiple rough drafts.

• 6 out of 8 members stated that they don’t reuse paper from recycling bin, if possible.

• According, to 5 participating staff members up to 50% of purged documents are externally generated paper.


Chemical/Material mfg






Environmental Impact Across the Value Chain

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

Recycling Case Study

Streamline your recycling program and increase your diversion ratio

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

1. Streamline recycling program

2. Increase diversion ratio

3. No added costs

Commercial Office Building: Case Study

Diversion Ratio = RecyclablesRecyclables + Trash

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

Commercial Office Building: Case Study

• Building A:– 700,000 sq ft– 19 floors– Approximately 1,800 people

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

Commercial Office Building: Case Study

• Building A:– 700,000 sq ft– 19 floors– Approximately 1,800 people

Material generation – 85% paper/dry

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

Paper vs. Trash

85% paper

15% trash

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

Three Recycling Programs

No Recycling Program

Dual Bin Recycling Program

Single Bin



Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

Building with No Recycling Program

• Deskside– Inconsistent deskside bin set-up– No one knows what goes where– Mostly collected as trash

• Central Bins – Central trash and recycling bins exhibit

appropriate use

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

No Recycling Program

•Diversion Ratio:40%

• 2,347 liners per day






Desk Trash Pantry Trash

Paper GMP

9658 62




Amount of Waste

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

Building with Dual Deskside Program

• Deskside– Two bins at each desk – Most bins used and collected appropriately

• Central Bins – Central trash and recycling bins exhibit

appropriate use

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

Dual Deskside Program

•Diversion Ratio:44%

•1,805 linersper day






Desk Trash Pantry Trash

Paper GMP






Amount of Waste

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

Single Deskside Program• Single bin by each desk for PAPER• Food waste to pantries or other central areas• ALL deskside bins are UNLINED

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

Single Deskside Program

Conveyor Belt •Diversion Ratio:•66%

• 0 liners per day








Desk Trash Pantry Trash

Paper GMP

0 94





Amount of Waste

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

CompareDiversion Ratios• None: 40%

• Dual: 44%

• Single: 66%

•None: 2,347 liners per day

•Dual: 1,805 liners per day•Single: 0 liners per day








None Dual Single

96 96

58 58


62 81157





Waste by Program



Pantry Trash

Desk Trash

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

Implementing in your space

1. Check with building management

2. Check with cleaning company

3. Educate employees

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com


1. Streamline recycling • Single Deskside Program

2. Increase diversion ratio• 40% 66% = 26% increase

3. No added costs

Great Forest – Sustainability Solutions www.greatforest.com

• Questions?

Amy Marpmanmarpman@greatforest.com212-779-4757

New York State Pollution Prevention Institute Workshop

Green Building Initiativesin New York State Office of General Services

June 2010

David A. Paterson, Governor John C. Egan, CommissionerNew York State Office of General Services


Green Buildings and Sustainability

New York State & OGS Sustainability Policies

LEED Projects & the Greening of the Governor’s Mansion

Green = Sustainability

“Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.”

Brundtland Commission 1987

In the U.S., Buildings Account for:

Source: U.S. Green Building Council

Energy Consumption by Sector

Data from the US Energy Information Administration

What is the USGBC and LEED?


A leading-edge system for certifyingDESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, & OPERATIONSof the greenest buildings in the world

Developed by the US GreenBuilding Council, coalition of Leaders across the building industry


LEED: What it is…

A US market-based standard to promote sustainability

A rating system that provides a definition for green buildings and helps prevent “greenwash”

A Whole-building approach such that no system works in a vacuum: requires a collaborative, integrated building design and construction process

• Level earned is determined by point system• Points awarded for measures undertaken in each

of 5 categories

State Sustainability Policies

Executive Orders 111 & 24 & 4

45 x 15 Plan

Green Building Construction Act

Executive Order 111: Energy

Reduce energy consumption by 35% by 2010 (based on 1990 loads)

Use Renewable Energy (electric):20% by 2010, 25% by 2013

Applies to All State Buildings

Executive Order 111: Buildings

Buildings > 20,000 sq. ft.: 20% improvement beyond Energy Code for new, 10%

for existing Meet criteria for a LEED rating

Buildings < 20,000 sq. ft.: Incorporate significant attributes of green design

All Buildings: use Energy Star products

Executive Order 24: GHG Emissions Reduction

Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 80% by the year 2050

Form Climate Action Council

Prepare Climate Action Plan

45 x 15 Plan January 2009

Stretches Executive Order No. 111

By 2015 New York will meet 45% of electricity needs through:

Improved energy efficiency Clean renewable energy

Green Building Construction Act

Act signed on August 26, 2009 with OGS designated as the lead agency

Applies to new buildings, additionsand substantial renovations

References LEED and Green Globes

Regulations take effect by end of 2010

Each agency will prepare annual building performance report

What does Green mean at OGS? Green Cleaning Program

Carpooling permits & Plug-in hybrid vehicles

Spigots for drinking water fountains – Executive Order 18

Food waste composting & Compostable cutlery and serving ware

What does Green mean at OGS?

Lighting improvements

Wind turbine on Corning Tower – 1.5 kW

Solar thermal project Wallkill Correctional facility

Green roof at OMRDD Holland Avenue office building

OGS Sustainability Projects

5 LEED certified buildings 20 LEED registered projects11 SPiRiT registered projects (USArmy) 3 EnergyStar buildings

Pine Bush Discovery CenterClient: Department of Environmental Conservation and

the Pine Bush CommissionA/E Designer: Envision Architects, Excel Eng.Project Description: Interpretative exhibits and office space renovationTotal Area: 26,000 sq. ft.

LEED Rating: Gold

Green Highlights: Salvaged site materials Pervious paving Clivus Multrum Photovoltaic site lighting Drought resistant plantings Dual flush toilets

OGS LEED Portfolio

Client: Department of Environmental ConservationDesigner: Hyman-HayesProject Description: Office Rehab plus addition Total Area: 18,000 sq. ft.

Rating: LEED Gold

Green features include: Water-efficient landscaping Waterless urinals Local/regional materials: stone FSC wood Low-emitting materials Daylighting and views Recycled materials: carpet,

fly ash in concrete Energy performance exceeds Energy Code by 30% Construction waste recycled: 78%

OGS LEED Portfolio

Warrensburg Sub-Headquarters

Client: Department of Correctional ServicesDesigners: OGS D&C / LaBella Architects / M/E EngineeringProject Description: Health facility within a correctional settingTotal Area: 58,000 s.f.

Rating: LEED Silver

Green features: Energy efficient lighting Reflective roof Daylighting Watersaving plumbing High efficiency HVAC equipment Regional materials Recycled content: steel, flyash in concrete

OGS LEED Portfolio

Marcy Residential Mental Health Unit

Client: NYS Department of Transportation / State PoliceDesigners: OGS D&C / DeWolff / CHA / M/E Engineering Project Description: New traffic control operations, Emergency response center, State Police barracks, offices and support spaces

Total Area: 93,000 s.f.

Rating: LEED Silver

Green features: Water-efficient landscaping Green cleaning products Energy Star equipment Green pest management policy Reduced mercury in light bulbs

OGS LEED Portfolio

Hudson Valley Traffic ManagementCenter

Client: Office of General Services (OGS)Designers: OGS, GenesysProject Description: Existing residence, State Police Command Center, Rockefeller Pool House andFDR Green HouseTotal Area: 37,000 sq. ft.

Rating: LEED GoldGreen Highlights: Lawn irrigation using river water Green cleaning materials and methods Recycled products Household recycling rate of 88% 3.5KW Photovoltaic Canopy Whole building retro-commissioning Expected energy savings of 25% over previous 3 years

OGS LEED Portfolio

New York State Governor’s Mansion

Sustainable Sites

Construction Activity Pollution Prevention –prevent erosion with:

Temporary or permanent seeding Mulching Earth dikes Silt fencing Sediment traps Sediment basins

Sustainable Sites

Stormwater Management - Reduce impervious cover, promote infiltration, capture and treat stormwater with:

Alternative surfaces: Vegetated roofs, pervious pavement, grid pavers

Treatment techniques: rain gardens, vegetated swales, rainwater recycling

Minimize Landscape Watering

Minimize Wastewater

Minimize Water Use

Water Efficiency

Introduction to Building Green & LEED: for Contractors

Minimize Energy Use

Use Renewable Energy

Minimize Ozone and Global Warming

Energy & Atmosphere

Materials and Resources

Construction Waste Management

Materials Reuse

Recycled Content

Regional Materials

Rapidly Renewable Materials

Certified Wood


What Makes a Product Green?

1. Products Made with Salvaged, Recycled, or Agricultural Waste Content

2. Products That Conserve Natural Resources

3. Products That Avoid Toxic or Other Emissions

4. Products That Save Energy or Water

5. Products That Contribute to a Safe, Healthy Built Environment


Indoor Environmental QualityReduce indoor air quality problems and promote comfort

and well-being of construction workers and building occupants:

Protect HVAC system during construction: cover ducts Use filters at return air grills Provide centralized cut stations for dust control Enclose finished drywall areas with plastic Protect materials from moisture damage by sequencing

installation of materials

Provide air flushout before occupancy and/or air testing

Indoor Environmental Quality

Low VOC emitting materialsAdhesives & sealantsPaints & coatings Flooring systems – both carpeting and hard

surfaceComposite wood & agrifber products with no urea

formaldehyde resinsControllability of systemsDaylight and Views

Governor’s Mansion

• Multi-building site – 6 acres• Executive Mansion• Rockefeller Pool House• State Police Command Center• FDR Greenhouse & Pool• Greenhouse

Executive Mansion Roles:

• Historic Structure • Public Asset• Educational Resource• Venue for Events:

• School groups• Public tours• Large civic groups

• Governor’s Residence


Performance Periods & Timeline

1Jan - Mar

2Apr - June

3July - Sept

2008 2008 2008

Sustainable Sites:

• Proximity to local transportation

• Bicycle rack• Hybrid/Carpool vehicle

parking• Perennial gardens

Water Efficiency:• Grounds irrigation filtered

Hudson River water• Low-flow nozzles, aerators

for kitchen & bathrooms

Energy & Atmosphere: Governor’s Mansion• Pool cover for FDR indoor pool• Controls Modifications to HVAC

heating/cooling systems• Lighting Modifications• Energy Star appliances & refrigerants• Gasketing• 3.5 kW PV array - Pool House canopy• Attic Insulation – recycled jeans

Materials & Resources:• Non-toxic cleaning products• Low VOC paints and sealants• Enhanced recycling program –

88% rate• Recycled content:

• Attic insulation - cellulose & recycled cotton• Bicycle rack• Office paper

• Regional sources:• Slate bathroom flooring from

local quarry• Cement and flagstone

• Rapidly renewable: Sisal & coco entry mats

Indoor Environmental Qualit• No Smoking Policy• Integrated Pest Management

Policy (IPM)• Green cleaning products &

equipment policy• https://greencleaning.ny.gov/

• Views, individual temperature & light controls

• Walk-off entry mats

Innovation Credit 1: Exemplary Performance Reduced Mercury Content in Light Bulbs

• Average mercury content of all light bulbs in the Mansion< 60 picograms/lumen hour

Innovation Credit 2: Exemplary Performance Occupant Recycling and Expanded

Recycling Program

• Recycling rate for 2008 was 88%

• Expanded Recycling Program:• Yard waste• Compostable Food• Fluorescent Light Bulbs• Batteries• Ballasts• Carpet & carpet pad

Innovation Credit 3: Public Education


New York State Governor’s MansionLEED – EB (v2.0) LEED-EB Rating: Gold

48 Points AchievedCertified: 32-39 Silver: 40-47 Gold: 48-63 Platinum: 64-85

8 Sustainable Sites (SS) Possible Points: 14Credits were earned for environmentally sound exterior site management and various alternative transportation options such as preferred parking for hybrid/carpool vehicles and proximity to public transportation.

2 Water Efficiency (WE) Possible Points: 5Water-efficient landscaping using non-potable source from nearby Hudson River reduced water use by 100%. Improvements to plumbing fixtures include low flow nozzles and aerators.

8 Energy & Atmosphere (EA) Possible Points: 23Upgrades to the fan coil unit system, increased insulation in the attic spaces, a solar pool cover for the indoor pool, photovoltaic panels and lighting replacements optimized the building’s energy performance.

Summary of LEED Credits Earned

David A. Paterson John C. EganGovernor


New York State Governor’s MansionLEED – EB (v2.0) LEED-EB Rating: Gold

48 Points AchievedCertified: 32-39 Silver: 40-47 Gold: 48-63 Platinum: 64-85

12 Materials & Resources (MR) Possible Points: 16Expanded recycling, use of sustainable cleaning products and low-VOC products, and abundant use of recycled, regional and rapidly renewable products aided in this category.

13 Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ) Possible Points: 22Daylighting, green cleaning systems, walk off mats, pest management and occupant controllability of light and temperature earned points in this category.

5 Innovation, etc. Possible Points: 5Extra points were awarded for exemplary performance in recycling and reduced mercury in light bulbs, a green education program consisting of student tours and public outreach, and a side-by-side comparison of the Governor’s sustainability Executive Orders with the LEED-EB rating system as well as a LEED AP on the project team.

Summary of LEED Credits Earned

David A. Paterson John C. EganGovernor


David A. Paterson John C. EganGovernor


Green Building Initiativesin New York State

Anna Campas, PE, AIA, LEED-APAssociate Building EngineerOffice of General Services


Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 20102

• a specialty consultancy

• the leading advisor in the emerging field of environmentally sustainable Information and Communications Technology systems (ICT) since 2004

• based in the San Francisco Bay Area, a leading-edge region for both technology and eco-responsibility

Who is GreenIT?

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Green Offices, Green Purchasing: A Workshop on Sustainable Practices, June 29, 2010


• What is Green IT and why is it important?

• Building Operations, Purchasing, and IT – Collaboration for Enterprise Sustainability

• IT Power Consumption in Commercial Buildings

• E-Waste Management for Commercial Buildings

• Reducing Power Consumption and Waste Through Integrated Building and Workplace Design - Two Case Studies on Integrated Design

• Q&A

Agenda for Today

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 20104

Why Green IT?

Two meta trends for the 21st century …

� The imperative for creating sustainable models of human life on earth.

� ICT innovation as the significant driver of increasing rates of social and economic change.

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 20105

Environmental challenges will be a major global issue of the 21st Century.

� Global climate change

� Air and water pollution

� Ocean degradation

� Depletion of natural resources

� Human health and safety issues

� Toxic wastes

� Disposal of solid wastes

� Species extinction

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 20106

“Green” vs. “Sustainable”

Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/70/Sustainable_development.svg/350px-Sustainable_development.svg.png

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Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Driver of Change in the 21st Century

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ICT systems are the tools of the modern worker … no work gets done without them.

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 20109

The rate of ICT-driven change will continue into the foreseeable future.

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201010

ICT is a system of interconnected components.

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ICT systems are a significant, and rapidly growing environmental issue …

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… consuming resources in manufacturing …

“Manufacturing computers is materials intensive; the total fossil fuels used to make one desktop computer weigh over 240 kilograms, some 10 times the weight of the computer itself. This is very high compared to many other goods: For an automobile or refrigerator, for example, the weight of fossil fuels used for production is roughly equal to their weights. Also, substantial quantities of chemicals (22 kg), and water (1,500 kg) are also used.” Computers and the Environment, Kuehr and Williams, 2003

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… creating human health issues during manufacturing and use …

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… consuming resources for global distribution of products …

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… consuming electricity while in use …

Electric Power Generation

by Fuel Type (2004)

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… producing waste …

� Paper – 60% of solid waste from offices.

� “Consumables”waste.

� Small hazardous waste (electronics, batteries)

� Packaging waste.

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201017

… during short product lives …

� “gadgets” - <6 months?

� Cell phones, PDA’s – 2 to 3 years

� Laptop Computers – 3 to 4 years

� Desktop PC’s – 3 to 5 years

� Servers and Network Gear – 3 to 5 years

� Telephone Systems and Public Network Gear – 5 to 7 years

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201018

and becoming hazardous e-waste at the end of useful life.

US GAO-08-1044 Electronic Waste Exports report, 2008 – Open Dump Site for Electronic Waste in Cambodia

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201019

Collaboration for Sustainability





Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201020

ICT Power Consumption in Buildings

How much of a building’s electricity consumption is due to ICT systems?


Tech Center

Offices 95%?

DoE 50%?

LBNL Survey

Study 26%?


Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201021

Source: US DOE CBECS Data, 1999 Survey

“Office equipment

accounts for 26% of electricity used in office buildings. This is more than the entire lighting system (22%)

and almost as much as the chilled water subsystem (28%).”Flexyourpower, State of CA

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201022

Another more current view …

“IT load in this mixed-use building is significant when considering both plug-loads and the machine room, accounting for more than 50% of the total electrical load during peak hours and reaching almost 80% during off-peak hours.”

Source: The Energy Dashboard: Improving the Visibility of Energy Consumption at a Campus-Wide Scale, Agarwal,et al, UC San Diego, 2009

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201023

Calpers Headquarters –

Sacramento, CA



1.1 million ft2

� COMPLETED: November 2005

Greensource Magazine,

April 2007


65% of the energy use is

for data center and office equipment.

An energy-efficient Green Building …

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201024

Basic practices for ICT power management …

� Benchmark/measure “miscellaneous” load

� Remove unused equipment

� Turn off equipment not in use

� Educate users on energy efficient behaviors

� Target data center and server room power and cooling

� Buy energy efficient products

� Design and build energy efficient ICT systems

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201025

E-waste Management

What are Waste Electrical and Electronic Products?

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201026

What is in a Personal Computer?

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201027


Cadmium (batteries, pigments)

Lead (circuit board solder, batteries, cathode-ray tube glass)

Mercury (switches, relays, fluorescent lamps for flat panel displays, also emitted from coal fired electricity generation plants)

Beryllium (circuit substrates, spring steel alloys)

Phthalates (additives to polymers)Brominated flame retardants (on circuit boards,such as FR4, and in plastics in electronic equipment)

Toxicity - Reason for attentionExposure to humans of fine cadmium powder affects renal and respiratory systems. Small amounts of dissolved cadmium are toxic to aquatic and terrestrial organisms.

Lead affects the central nervous system and kidneys of humans. Environmental toxicity has been reported in several organisms.

Elemental mercury is toxic by inhalation or ingestion. Mercury affects the human central nervous system and the kidneys. It is also toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term effects in the aquatic environment.

Very carcinogenic by inhalation.

Probable hormone disrupting chemicals (still under investigation) Some brominated flame retardants are carcinogens, some are suspected to cause reproductive effects and some may cause organ and especially liver toxicity in humans. Some degrade slowly in nature, all are bioaccumulative, and some produce dioxins when incinerated.

Source: Toxicity and Ecotoxicity, Danish EPA, Environmental project number 568, 2000, www.gnteknik.dk

Toxic substances in electronic products …

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201028

Data Cables in Buildings

� Virgin Copper – 1.5B pounds per year for building cable.

� PVC Plastics – 11 pounds per 1k feet of data cable.

� Lead – PVC sheaths are 2 to 8% lead by weight.

� Volume of IT cable in buildings- >1,300 feet per office worker in the U.S, and growing.

� Disposal at End of Life –Cables as “e-waste”

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201029

Image From SVTC Website http://svtc.etoxics.org

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201030

Basic practices for e-waste management …

� Inventory and track potential e-waste, in use, unused, and in storage

� Develop in-building e-waste collection systems� Educate users on collection systems� Create internal equipment re-use system� Donate usable equipment for re-use, but only with guarantees of

eventual proper disposal� Buy eco-certified equipment (EPEAT, TCO, Blue Angel)� Contract with certified e-waste handlers (e-Stewards)� Assure proper e-waste management when moving or remodeling� Source reduction -- Build waste reduction strategies into design

and procurement process.

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201031

Case Study – Buck Institute

The Buck Institute received LEED® for Commercial Interiors Silver certification for a build out of new laboratory space, including an Innovation in Design Credit for Information Technology Infrastructure.

The Buck

Institute is the



research facility

in the country

focused solely

on aging and



Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201032

• Reduction of copper data cable used by 55%. • Used recyclable FEP-jacketed cable.

Sustainability benefit for materials …

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201033

• Eliminated telco closets to recover usable floor space.

Sustainability benefit for reduced space …

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201034

Case Study – Cisco Connected Workspace

A 21st Century flexible workplace design …

Image Courtesy of Cisco Systems, Inc.

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201035

Sustainability benefit for energy efficiency …

Source: Cisco IT Case Study – Green Office Design.

44% reduction20 Tons36 TonsTotal Cooling

Tonnage *

44% reduction243733433646Total BTUs

44% reduction71476 W127169 WTotal Wattage

58% reduction178.7 W 423.9 WWattage per employee

33% increase400300Number of employees

Percent ChangeConnected


Building 14

Traditional Cisco

Office Building 18

* Note: the 44% reduction in cooling tonnage is a reduction potential, not an actual reduction as with wattage.

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201036

Sustainability benefit for waste reduction …

Cisco IT Case Study – Green Office Design.

2.83.5Devices per employee

400300Number of employees

10951050Total number of devices


7 (1200)



4 (350)


Networking equipment

• Cisco Catalyst 6509-E

with dual power


• Cisco Aironet Access


Total number of network


013Miscellaneous equipment

4722Audiovisual equipment

1032961Desktop equipment

828Printing and copying


Connected Workplace

Building 14

Standard Cisco Office

Building 18

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201037

Sustainability benefit for reduced space …

Source: Cisco IT Case Study – Green Office Design.

“The Connected Workplace proof-of-concept project reduces square footage per employee from 160 to 106 square feet, approximately 40 percent less space for a population of general administrative personnel.”

Source: The Complete Guide to Flexible Working

Source: Cambridgeshire Accommodation Strategy

Copyrighted Material - All Rights Reserved 201038

Richard Hodges

RHodges@GreenIT.netwww.GreenIT.net 707-933-0299


Buying Greener:

Lessons from NYS

Executive Order 4

Jaime Roth, Esq.

Assistant Counsel

NYS Office Of

General Services

Links and suggestions provided herein for greening purchases by non-NYS entities are intended as suggestions and do not reflect any official endorsements by or policies of the State of New York.


Interagency Committee on Sustainability and Green Procurement:

Office of General Services – co-chairDept of Environmental Conservation – co-chair

Division of the BudgetDepartment of Health

Department of Economic DevelopmentDepartment of Transportation

Environmental Facilities CorporationNYS Energy Research & Development Authority

Power AuthorityDormitory Authority

EO4’s main requirements cover:

• Procurement (spec development and specific requirements for paper)

• Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship Programs

• Assignment of an Agency Sustainability Coordinator

• Training for Coordinators

• Reporting by agencies, and by the Committee

• Creation of an Advisory Council to provide advice and assistance as Committee requires

Applies to: all state agencies and public authorities/public benefit corporation “created by or existing under any State law, a majority of whose members is appointed by the Governor. . . other than an interstate or international authority or public benefit corporation”

Green Procurement

• Interagency Committee on Green Procurement and Agency Sustainability created a Procurement Subcommittee

• Charged with annually selecting 3 “priority categories” of commodities, services, technology, at least 12 priority commodities, services, technology within each category

Factors to consider:• Public health/environment, including

health of children• Avoid toxic substances• Reduce/prevent pollution• Sustainable resource management• Reduce greenhouse gases• Use renewable resources,

manufactured components and recycled content

• Waste reduction/recyclability/compostability

• Quality, durability, utility• Product life cycle• Cost• Extended producer liability• Legal and regulatory requirements

applicable to the commodity, service, technology

Year I categories/specsI. Electronics/Appliances

1. Desktop Computers 2. Lap Top Computers 3. Copiers 4. Room Air Conditioning 5. Refrigerators 6. Washers - Domestic 7. Washers - Commercial 8. Vacuum Cleaners* 9. Dishwashers Domestic 10. Dishwashers Commercial 11. Multifunction Printers 12. Network Printers

II. Transportation

1. Traffic Safety Products 2. Traffic Paint *3. Glass Beads* 4. Treated Road Salt *5. Passenger Vehicles 6. Aggregate for Road

Construction* 7. Asphalt Mixes *8. Concrete* 9. Engine Block Heaters 10. Lubricating Oil – High

Detergent11. Hydraulic Oil – High

Detergent12. Traffic Message Boards

III. Office & Building Opers.

1. Toner Cartridges*2. Printing 3. Ink 4. Carpet* 5. Interior Paint*6. Compact Fluorescent Lamps* 7. non-CFL Fluorescents *8. Drinking Water Fountains 9. Pest Management 10. Cleaning Products* 11. Recyclables Collection and Disposal (service) 12. Turf Management

Year II categories/specsI. Office & Building Opers.

1. Acoustic Ceilings2. Carpet3. Gen. Purpose Cleaner 4. Carpet Cleaner5. Glass Cleaner6. Bathroom cleaner7. Hand Cleaner8. Composting Toilets9. CFLs10. Electric Hand Driers11. Interior Paint12. Lawn Mowers13. Low-Flow Showerheads14. Low-Flow Toilets15. Motion-Sensitive light switches16. Mulch17. Office Printing Devices18. Picnic Tables

19. Plumbed-In Water Coolers20. PV and Solar Thermal Panels21. Toner cartridges22. Traditional Fluorescent

Lamps23. Trash bags (biodegradable or

recycled)24 Vacuum cleaners25. Weed trimmers

II. Food Service1. Commercial Ice Machine2. Kitchen Composters3. Compostable containers4. Compostable service ware

III. Transportation

1. Aggregate Liquid Bituminous Material Rubberized Surface Treatment 2. Aggregate Liquid Bituminous Material Terminal Blended Rubberized Surface Treatment 3. Aggregate Liquid Bituminous Rubber Modified Material 4. Bituminous Concrete (Hot Mix Asphalt) 5. Cold Patch Paving6. Glass Spheres (used in traffic paint) 7. Liquid Bituminous Materials8. Traffic Paint 9. Ready Mix Concrete10. Tires and wheel weights11. Treated Road Salt

Sample EO4 Spec: Desktop/laptop/tablet computers

Environmental Performance:

All Desktop, Notebook, and Tablet PCs shall be registered Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) Silver or better in the EPEAT registration system and meet or exceed all of the following 6 optional EPEAT criteria for standard configuration and standard option form factors:

• Elimination of intentionally added cadmium

• Elimination of intentionally added hexavalent chromium

• Large plastic parts free of certain flame retardants classified under European Council Directive 67/548/EEC

• Batteries free of lead, cadmium and mercury (not applicable for Monitors)

• Large plastic parts free of PVC

• Packaging 90% recyclable and plastics labeled

Sample EO4 Spec: Desktop/laptop/tablet computers

Bulk Delivery and Alternate Packaging: New York State encourages the use of innovative packaging that reduces the weight of packaging and the generation of packaging waste. Bidders/contractors are encouraged to use reusable materials and containers and to utilize packaging configurations that take advantage of storage containers designed to be part of the product for the shipment of multi-unit purchases.

Take-Back / Recycling: When replacing equipment, affected entities should work with the contractor during the purchasing process to evaluate available trade-in options, regardless of manufacturer. Contractors are required to offer programs that include take-back or trade-in, and proper environmental disposal of equipment

Disclosure of Flame Retardants in Computers: Current NYS law restricts pentabrominated diphenyl ether (pentaPBDE) or octabrominated diphenyl ether (octaPBDE). Bidders are encouraged to disclose all flame retardants used in the products offered, including but not limited to penta, octa or decaPBDE and submit with their response a description of their efforts, if any, to utilize non-halogenated or other flame retardant compounds and/or design strategies that reduce the need to utilize flame retardant compounds.

Use our specs as a starting point: http://www.ogs.state.ny.us/EO/4/ApprovedSpecs.asp

Green Procurement Challenges

• 36 specs per year required

• Specifications prospective, not on same schedule as contracting process

• Compromise among agencies with varied perspectives

• Third party green standards can help, but which are best?

• Third party certification can be cost-prohibitive for small businesses

Green Procurement Opportunities for Private Businesses

• Can start small, no need to develop a set # per year

• Green as you go – free to buy the greenest option available on the market when you make your purchase.

• At the same time that you research greener products and services to procure, you may learn green practices that can be incorporated into products and services you offer. You can green those as well!

Strategies for Greener Purchasing

1. Draft a Green Purchasing Policy: Get management's blessing. While some environmentally preferred items cost slightly more, many items save money through increased efficiency.

Your policy can also focus on avoiding purchase of wasteful items, communicating with suppliers to reduce shipping waste (and cost), and taking advantage of takeback and recycling programs. By letting your suppliers know about your commitment, you may steer them to green their business to keep yours.

Green Purchasing Policy continued:Have a team or committee work on the policy.

Use resources available on the web. NRDC.org has a great page with a sample policy and links to corporate purchasing policies that you can use as reference. Responsible Purchasing Network (http://www.responsiblepurchasing.org/) offers purchasing guides by product category and a free webinar on drafting a policy and tracking progress

Focus on products your business purchases most. Notable example: Kaiser Permanente of California created a “Sustainability Scorecard for Medical Products.” See http://xnet.kp.org/newscenter/pressreleases/nat/2010/050410sustainability.html

2. Track your progress

See helpful tips at: http://www.greenbiz.com/business/research/tools

Share progress reports with clients and business partners.

NY state’s report is located at http://www.ogs.state.ny.us/EO/4/Docs/FirstAnnualProgressReport.pdf


Buying Greener Products Not Greenwash

scot casescase@terrachoice.com800 478-0399 x245

Avoiding the Seven Sins of Greenwashing


Link Between Purchasing and the Environment

It’s All Connected to Purchasing

scot casescase@terrachoice.comwww.terrachoice.com610 779-3770


©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2009

Growth of Green Advertising

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2009

•Number of ads increasing.

•Number of “green” products per store increasing.

Growth of Green

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2009

Environmental Concerns•Mass extinctions•Deforestation & soil erosion•Air & water pollution•“Super” bacteria, viruses, and insects•Dwindling natural resources•Cancer rates increasing•Reproductive disorders increasing•Fisheries collapsing •Water tables falling•Climate Change

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2009


©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2009

Consuming the Environment

“The major cause of the continued deterioration of the global environment is the unsustainable pattern of production and consumption, particularly in industrialized countries.”

– United Nations Agenda 21 Report

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2009

2002 World Summit

Emphasized the need for authorities to “[p]romote public procurement policies that encourage development and diffusion of environmentally sound goods and services.”

- 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2009

Two Cups of Coffee a Day

•34 gallons of coffee a year.•18 pounds of coffee beans•12 pounds of fertilizer•A few ounces of highly toxic pesticides•43 pounds of coffee pulp•Clear cutting of forests to grow even more coffee•Bird species disappearing•More erosion•More pesticides

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2009

Lifecycle Perspective

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2009

Remember One Thing

Purchasing Matters!


Responsible Purchasing PrimerThe Power of Government Purchasing

scot casescase@terrachoice.comwww.terrachoice.com610 779-3770

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Basic Premise #1

Every single purchase has hidden human health, environmental, and

social impacts throughout the entire supply chain.

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Basic Premise #2Government purchasing is the most important force in the entire global


• Government purchasing represents 20 percent of the annual Gross National Product.

• It is very structured.• It influences others.

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Government Purchasing History

•Clothing sizes during the U.S. Civil War

•Small Business Administration

•Automobile airbags

•Energy-efficient computers

•Recycled-content paper

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Responsible Purchasing

Price, Performance, & Availability

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Defining Responsible Purchasing

Responsible Purchasing Means:

Buying better products and services from better



Defining Green

scot casescase@terrachoice.comwww.terrachoice.com610 779-3770

Doesn’t it Seem Like Everyone is Claiming to Be Green These Days?

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2010

Environmental Claims are Growing


•Environmentally friendly

•Earth friendly

•Earth smart

•Environmentally safe

•Environmentally preferable

•Essentially non-toxic

•Practically non-toxic

•Made with non-toxic ingredients




•Environmentally safe


•Ozone friendly

•RecyclableOriginal Source: Kirsten Ritche, Gensler

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2010

FTC Green Marketing Guidelines

Available at:


©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2010

Canadian Competition Bureau

•Very consistent with FTC Guides, but goes further.

•Co-published with Canadian Standards Association.

•Look for increasing collaboration between the U.S. and Canada.

•Similar guides in UK, Australia, and others.

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2010

Seven “Sins” of Greenwashing

• Sin of Fibbing – Misleading customers about the actual environmental performance of their products.

• Sin of No Proof – Also known as the sin of “just trust us,” some manufacturers are unable to provide proof of their environmental claims.

• Sin of Irrelevance – Factually correct, but irrelevant, environmental assessments (e.g., “CFC-free”)

• Sin of the Hidden Trade-Off – Focusing on one or two environmental facts, but ignoring other significantly more important environmental concerns.

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2010

• Worshipping false labels – a product that through words or images gives the impression of third-party endorsement where no such endorsement actually exists; fake labels, in other words.

The Seven Sins of Greenwashing report, released 4/15/09, is available at <www.sinsofgreenwashing.org>

• Sin of Vagueness – Broad, poorly defined environmental claims (e.g., “100 percent natural”)

• Sin of Lesser of Two Evils – A product can be the most environmentally preferable product in its class, but still be an inappropriate choice (e.g., “organic cigarettes”)

Seven “Sins” of Greenwashing

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2010

To Avoid Greenwashing…

<www.ecologo.org> <www.energystar.gov> <www.greenseal.org>

The environmental standards most widely recognized by green purchasers:

•Founded 1988

•100 standards

•6,500 certified products

•Founded 1992

•50 standards

•“Thousands and thousands” of registered products

•Founded 1989

•30 standards

•3,650 certified products

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2010

EcoLogo Overview

• Founded in 1988 by Environment Canada

• Managed by TerraChoice since 1995

• Developed 100 EcoLogo standards

• Certified more than 7,500 products

• Respected as North America’s largest, most established environmental standard and certification program

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2010

Lots of Labels AroundA partial list of labels currently being used:

•Blue Angel•CFPA•CPG•DfE•Eco Mark•EcoLogo•Ecomark•Eco-OK•Energy Star•Environmental Choice

•EPEAT•EU Flower•Fair Trade•FSC•GBI•Good Green Buy•Green Label•Green Seal•GREENGUARD•Greenstar

•LEED•MSC•Nordic Swan•Process Chlorine Free•SCS•SFI•TCO•Totally Chlorine Free•USDA-Organic•WaterSense

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Comparing Eco-LabelsWARNING:

Not All Environmental Claims Are Created Equal

•Type of standard

•Validity of the standard

•Standard setting process

•Verification process

Learn to ask about:

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Lifecycle Perspective

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Comparing Eco-LabelsWARNING:

Not All Environmental Claims Are Created Equal

•Type of standard

•Validity of the standard

•Standard setting process

•Verification process

Learn to ask about:

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Standard Validity

•Clear and consistent meaning

•Very specific requirements

•Information should be meaningful and verifiable

•Must not conflict with Federal Trade Commission Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims.

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Standard Setting Process

•No conflict of interest

•Lifecycle considerations

•Broad stakeholder participation

•Transparent development process

•Comments publicly available

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Verification Process

•Self verification

•Self verification with random audits

•Independent third-party certification

•Independent third-party certification with on-site and random audits

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Beware of “Improved” Criteria

•15 attributes •31 attributes

•Rating system (3 stars is best)

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

•15 mandatory attributes • 9 mandatory; 22 additional

•Rating system (3 stars is best)

Beware of “Improved” Criteria

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

•15 mandatory attributes •9 mandatory; 22 additional

•Rating system (3 stars is best)

Beware of “Improved” Criteria

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

•15 mandatory attributes •9 mandatory; 22 additional

•Rating system (3 stars is best)

Beware of “Improved” Criteria

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Some of the highest ranking products (three stars) under the “improved” system would not meet the minimum requirements of the “weaker” criteria.

Beware of “Improved” Criteria

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Using Eco-Labels

Labels make life easier.Good News:

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Recommended Contract Language

• “Products purchased under this contract must provide demonstrable proof of meeting the ______ standard. The _______ standard is available at <________>.”

• “Products purchased under this contract must provide demonstrable proof of meeting the Energy Star standard. The Energy Star standard is available at <www.energystar.gov>.”

• “Products purchased under this contract must provide demonstrable proof of meeting the EPEAT standard. The EPEAT standard is available at <www.epeat.net>.”

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Recommended Contract Language

standard and certification requirements. The standard and certification requirements are available at < >.”

“Products purchased under this contract must be certified or provide demonstrable proof of meeting the





©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Recommended Contract Language

“Products purchased under this contract must be ________ certified or provide demonstrable proof of meeting the _________ standard and certification requirements. The ____________ standard and certification requirements are available at <_______________>.”

EcoLogo or Green Seal

EcoLogo or Green Seal

EcoLogo or Green Seal

www.ecologo.org and www.greenseal.org

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Popular Labels•Chlorine Free Products Association – <www.chlorinefreeproducts.org>•EcoLogo (Environmental Choice) – <www.ecologo.org>•Energy Star – <www.energystar.gov/purchasing>•EPEAT - <www.epeat.net>•Forest Stewardship Council – <www.fsc.org>•Green-e – <www.green-e.org>•Green Guard – <www.greenguard.org>•Green Seal – <www.greenseal.org>•Green Building Council (LEED) – <www.usgbc.org/leed>•Scientific Certification Systems – <www.scscertified.com>•TCO – <www.tcodevelopment.com>•Water Sense – <www.epa.gov/watersense>

©Scot Case, TerraChoice Environmental Marketing, 2010

Best Advice

If a supplier is making a public claim, ask for public proof.

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

©Scot Case, TerraChoice, 2010

Final Question

"Why should I care about future generations? What have they ever done for me?"

— Groucho Marx