Nursery ‘My Learning Newsletter’ · Nursery:...

Post on 10-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Nursery ‘My Learning Newsletter’ · Nursery:...

Nursery: ‘My Learning Newsletter’

English Maths

Share a story… Please read daily with your children encouraging them to recall the main parts of the story. See how many nursery rhymes you can learn together. Play rhyming games to encourage your child to develop fluency and vocabulary. Can you tell an adult any stories of your own?

Writing… Encourage your child to observe their environment and look for any letters they recognise. The children have been practising copying & writing their own names. Be experimental, can your child use different materials such as pasta/playdough to create their initial letter.

Keep those fingers busy, keep encouraging your child to put on their own coats, fasten buttons and zips, butter their toast, cut, stick and be creative!

We have been practising counting and ordering numbers to 10. We have been singing lots of counting songs and counting various objects.

Write the numbers 0 - 10 on paper cards mix them up, see how fast you are at putting them in order.

Look at the numerals 0 - 5. Use a range of materials to make the quantities. For example: Can you count out 5 socks from a pile of socks? Can you peg 3 pegs onto a coat hanger?

Use lego/fruit/coloured pegs to create repeating patterns

Look around your house/street, can you see any numbers?

Topic Keep Active...

We have started to look for signs of Spring. Make a weather chart or keep a weather diary by drawing a weather picture each day. During Spring lots of animals have their babies, talk about the names of the babies and the differences between them and the adult animals.

● Jumpstart Jonny at● Joe Wicks: The Body Coach ‘Five Minute Moves: Kids Workout’ ● Super Movers is an initiative from the BBC and Premier League and is

designed to help primary school teachers inspire children to become more active throughout their school day.

Draw your own picture to match the nursery rhyme: Hey Diddle Diddle

Draw your own picture to match the nursery rhyme: Incy Wincy Spider

Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey;Along came a spider and

sat down beside her, And frightened Miss Muffet


Draw your own picture to match the nursery rhyme: Little Miss Muffet