NUPCHE LIKHU HYDROPOWER PROJECT (57.5 MW) · Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower...

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Transcript of NUPCHE LIKHU HYDROPOWER PROJECT (57.5 MW) · Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower...

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


(57.5 MW)

Ramechhap, Nepal

Progress Report

March/April/May 2019

Vision Energy andPower Private Limited

New Baneshwor,Kathmandu,Nepal


Nupche Likhu

Executive Summary

1. This Bi-monthly Progress Report is prepared for providing information about the

progress of NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project, Ramechhap (57.5MW). It will contain the

information about the project activities and progress of the months of March and April,


2. Final EIA Report of the project incorporating comments from DOED has been submitted

to DOED. The report will be submitted to Ministry of Forestry and Environment (MOFE)

through Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation soon.

3. Shifting into new office building and its renovation and furnishing has been completed.

4. Detail Design for camp facilities has been completed and construction of various building

blocks has been going on.

5. 3.9 Km access road from Lahaksewar village to Surge shaft has been excavated

6. Bidding Documents including specifications for Construction (Civil, EM, HM and TL)

has been submitted by the consultant and are under review.

7. Scoping documents and ToR for EIA (TL) are under preparation

8. ISO certification - Review of documents is on process.

9. Equity participation from Institutional investors is in final stage.

10. Organogram and Human Resources (HR) plan has been completed. Development and

standardization of Manual, Policies, Guidelines are going on

11. Financial Closure will be completed soon.

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Salient Features of the Project

S.N. Particulars Remarks

1. General

Name of the Project NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project

Type of the Project Snow fed Run-off River Hydropower Project

2. Location

Zone/ Development Region Janakpur Zone/Central Development Region

District Ramechhap

Project Location Umakunda Rural Municipality, (Gumdel VDC)

River NucpheKhola and LikhuKhola

License Boundary

Longitude 86°26’30” E - 86°30’30” E

Latitude 27°40’37” N - 27°43’37” N

3. Hydrology

Catchment Area at Headworks 150 Km2 (Nupche 82km2&Likhu 68 km2)

Design Discharge (Q 45 %) 3.89 m3/s+ 3.22 m

3/s (Nupche&Likhu) = 7.11m


Catchment Area at powerhouse:

100 yrs. FloodatNupche


76 m3/s

100 yrs. Floodat Likhu



100 yrs. Flood at



4. Likhu- Headworks


Type Boulder line weir

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Spillway length 18.80 m

Weir crest level 3338.00 m amsl

Bed Load Sluicer

Size 4 m x 4.5 m

Overall Depth 4.0 m (with free board)


Type Orifice, Side Intake

No. 2

Size 3 m x 2 m (W x H)

Sill level 3336.00 m amsl

Gravel Trap

Type Single, Duffer

Size 4 m x 4.5 m

Settling Basin

Basin No. 2

Type Double Bay Duffer

Size 75 m x 7.9 m x 6.2 m each

5. Nupche - Headworks


Type Boulder line weir

Spillway length 27.0 m

Weir crest level 3338.00 m amsl

Bed Load Sluicer

Size 6 m x 5 m

Overall Depth 4.90 m (with free board)

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)



Type Orifice, Side Intake

No. 2

Size 2.2 m x 1.2 m (W x H)

Sill level 3335.80 m amsl

Gravel Trap

Type Single, Duffer

Size 4 m x 5 m

Settling Basin

Basin No. 2

Type Double Bay Duffer

Size 82 m x 8.7 m x 6.9 m each

6. Headrace Pipe

Headrace Pipe 839 m & 160 m (Likhu&Nupche River)

Headrace Pipe Dia 1.6 m & 1.6 m (Likhu&Nupche River)

Thickness 8 mm

7. Tunnel Length

Nupche Intel Portal to Junction 1677 m

Likhu Intel Portal to Junction 1436 m

Outlet/Surge Tank to Junction 3185 m

Adit Tunnel Length 363 m

Tunnel Size 3.2 m x 3.8m (Excavation Size )

8. Surge Tank

Type Underground, Circular

Diameter 6 m

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Height 37 m

Up surge level 3342.00 m amsl

Normal operating level 3334.92 m amsl

Down surge level 3326.70 m amsl

9. Penstock Pipe Length

Total Steel Penstock Pipe 2481 m

Internal Diameter 1.6 - 0.75m

Thickness 8 mm to 44 mm

No. of Anchor Blocks 19

Steel Lined Vertical shaft 291 m

Steel Lined Tunnel 580 m

10. Power House

Type Surface

Size (L x B x H) 52 m x 23.8 m x 17 m

Turbine center line 2334.50 m above masl

Number of Generating Units 3

Turbine Type Pelton

11. Tail-Race Canal

Type Box Culvert

Size 2.5 m x 2 m (each)

Length 55 m

12. Power and Energy as per PPA

Gross Head 1002 m

Net Head at Full Flow 975.09 m

Installed Capacity 57.5 MW

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Generated Energy per Annum 134.55 GWh, 35.91% (Dry) and 240.20 GWh,

64.09% (Wet) Total: 381.74 GWh

13. Transmission Line & Grid This project has to develop the 24 km 132 kV line up

to National grid at 132 kV switchyard of Proposed

NEA Hub at Garjan Substation, Ramechhap district.

14. ApproachRoad Connection At this level of study, it is anticipated that about

29.75 km of project access road (earthen and 3.5m

wide) has to be constructed to access powerhouse,

outlet portal, Nupche headworks, Likhu

headworks, adit portal and inlet portal. There are

existing foot trails (1.5 m) from project village to

Likhu headworks as well as Nupche Headworks

set by villagers for collection of herbs and other

medicinal plants.

15. Project Road to HW & PH 29.75 km

16. Generator

Number of units 3

Rating 23.26 MVA

Power factor 0.85 over-excited

Cooling TEWAC (Totally Enclosed Water Air Cooling)

Synchronous speed 750 rpm

Runaway speed 1350 rpm

Number of Poles 8

Rated Frequency 50 Hz

Rated voltage 11 V

17. Transformer

Rated Capacity 8 MVA (1-phase)

Quantity 10 nos. (Including spare)

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Cooling ONAN

Voltage ratio 132/Ѵ3 / 11 kV

Efficiency 0.99

15. Approximate Cost of


10,578 million NPR (As per DDS report by DDS

consultant for bank “Sanima Hydro & Engineering

Pvt .Ltd.”)

16. Approximate Construction


4 Years

17. RequiredCommercial

Operation Date (RCOD)

2080/05/06 AD

2023/08/19 BS

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Table of Contents Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………………..ii

Salient Features of the project…………………………………………………………………..iii

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………...11

1.1 Background……………………………………………………………………………11

1.2 About the Project……………………………………………………………………...11

1.3 Location & Access:…………………………………………………………………....11

1.4 Main Financial Features of the Project………………………………………………...11

1.5 Investment Module ......................................................................................................... 12

2. Human Resources and Good Governance…………………………………………………..13

2.1 Organization Chart ......................................................................................................... 13

2.2 Good Governance ........................................................................................................... 14

3. Project


3.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 16

Figure 3.1 Implementation Plan/Schedule ................................................................................. 17

Section B- Current Status of the Project .................................................................................... 21

4. Current Status of the Project………………………………………………………………...22

4.1 Completed Works ........................................................................................................... 22

4.2 Ongoing works of the Project ......................................................................................... 24

Annex-1: General Layout Map of the Project ............................................................................ 26

Annex – 2 Photographs of various project Activities ................................................................ 27

.................................................................................................................................................... 27

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Section A: About the Project

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


1. Introduction

1.1 Background

Vision Energy Power Pvt. Ltd (VEPL) aims to develop NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project (57.5

MW) in Ramechhap District using local technical, managerial and financial capability and is

dedicated to supply the power to the National Grid to fulfill domestic energy demand. Theproject

is a run-of-river (RoR) hydropower project.

1.2 About the Project

The proposed NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project is located in Gumdel VDC of Ramechap

district of Nepal. The source of water for the project is originated from Nupche and Likhurivers

which are snow fed Rivers starting from the High Mountain/Hilly areas. The proposed intake of

the NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project is located north of Lahaksewar village in left bank of

NupcheKhola with its weir crest level at an elevation of 3338 m above amsl and the right bank of

LikhuKhola with its weir crest level at an elevation of 3338 m above amsl. The powerhouse is

located on the right bank of the LikhuKhola with the turbine center line level at 2336 m amsl.

The gross head estimate is 1002 meter and design discharge is 7.11 m3/sec.

1.3 Location & Access:

The project can be access from Kathmandu through an existing all-weather road up toManthali

(131 km) or 94 km road from Bardibas. After Manthali, following about 125 kmpartly stone

paved earthen road reaches up to Kyama, Gumdel VDC. After Manthali, following about 125 km

partly stone paved earthen road reaches up to Kyama, Gumdel VDC. Furthermore, from Kyama

an access road has been reached near to Kongematar village, the proposed powerhouse site,Surge

Shaft and to Lahaksewar village which is the residential area for the project employees.

1.4 Main Financial Features of the Project

Total project cost of the project:10,578,458 thousand and total cost per MW = Nrs.183,973 thousands

Internal Rate of Return (IRR): 17.50%, Equity Internal Rate of Return (EIRR): 27.57%

Simple Payback Period: 4.75 Years; Discounted Payback Period: 7.68 years.

The Project has high head. It ensures cost efficiency and high energy.

High Energy per MW (6.63 GWh p.a.), Dry Energy 36.61% and Wet Energy 63.29%

Income Per MW: More than NPR 4 Crore

Professional, Transparent and Responsible Management.

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Aims to benefit Small Investors too.

Focused on high Return on Investment and high value in secondary market

1.5 Investment Module

The Investment in Promoters Share has been closed from Aswin End 2075. However any

interested person can apply for the Promoters Share with special approval from the Management.

In this case maximum & minimum limit of the investment will be same as before. Investment

schedule will be as per the Management decision.

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


2. Human Resources and Good Governance

2.1 Organization Chart

The organization structure (Figure 2.1) of NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project has been prepared

considering construction, Operation & Maintenance phases of the Project. The fulfilled key personnel

working in the Project are as shown in table (Table 2.1) below.

Figure 2.1: Organization Chart of the VEPL

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Table 2.1: TheExisting Human Resources in NLHP

S.N Department Position No. of Staff

1. Local Local Public Relation Manager 1

2. Local Sr. Local Public Relation

Assistant 1

3. HR & Admin HR & Admin Manager 1

4. HR & Admin HR & Admin Officer 1

5. HR & Admin Junior Assistant 1

6. HR & Admin Site Office Assistant 2

7. HR&Admin Driver 1

8. HR & Admin Office Assistant 1

9. Account & Finance Finance Manager 1

10. Account & Finance Assistant Finance Manager 1

11. Account & Finance Senior Assistant 2

12. Compliance & secretariat Compliance Officer 2

13. Engineering Project Director 1

14. Engineering Project Engineer 2

15. Engineering Resident Engineer 1

17. Engineering Overseer 1

2.2 Good Governance

Nupche-Likhu Hydropower Project has proposed Performance Based Incentive program for its employee.

The key performance area (KPA) and Key performance index (KPI) is developed for whole project

period.Based on the developed KPI the performance evaluation mechanism is developed. Further,

Various manuals such as Finance and Administration Manual, Human Recourse Manual,

Investment Manual, Compliance Guidelines, Employee’s Attendance Guidelines, etc. are

in practice.

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Formation of various committees such as High level coordination sub-committee,

Advisory committee, Technical Sub-Committee, Forest and Environment Coordination

Sub-Committee, Financial Management Sub-Committee, Local Area Co-ordination Sub-

Committee and International Co-ordination Sub-Committee.

Recruitment of highly professional consultants.

Work plan assigned to each executive level and working level personnel.

Performance evaluation of each personnel conducted on monthly basis.

Compliance officer appointed for legal and internal guidelines compliance.

Regular meeting of Board of Directors and Various Committees.

Unique investment module and mechanism to select quality investors.

Integrity, transparency, legal compliance, team work, higher return, responsibility, safe

investment, accountability are the core values of the Company.

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd Nupche Likhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


3. Project Implementation

3.1 General

The company has planned to start its construction work after obtaining Generation Liscence. It is

planned to generate electricity within the period of 4 years from the commencement of construction

work. Agreement has been signed for the construction of access road. Similarly, construction of

Camp Facicilities has already been started. Review of Contract Documents for Civil, Electro-

Mechanical and Hydro-Mechanical components has been started and will be completed within

August, 2019. It is planned to start tunneling work from November, 2019. Detailed implementation

plan of the project is presented in Figure 3.1 below.

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd. NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Figure 3.1 Implementation Plan/Schedule

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd. NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd. NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd. NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd. NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Section B- Current Status of the Project

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd. NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


4. Current Status of the Project

4.1 Completed Works

S.N Activities Status Remarks

1 Survey License of project License obtained of 57.5 MW on


2 Topography Survey of Project Topography Survey Report Obtained

3 Quality Measurement of Water Report of Water Measurement has

been obtained.

4 Electronic Resistivity

Tomography (ERT)

ERT Consultant has Completed ERT

Works and has submitted Final


5 Geological and Geotechnical

Interpretation Report By

MASW, MAM and SRT with


Consultant team has submitted the

Final Report

6 Feasibility Study report of


Final Feasibility Study Report has

been obtained from Consultant and

submitted to DOED for approval.

7 Review of Feasibility Study

Report of Project by

Independent Consultant Team

The Expert team has submitted Final

review report after field visit.

8 Approval from Ministry of


Approval for Survey Work Obtained.

9 Desk Study Report of

Transmission line

The consultant team has submitted

Final Desk Study Report.

10 Survey license of Transmission


License obtained for transmission

line on 2074/12/15 (29/3/2018)

11 Transmission Line Survey Transmission Line Survey license

obtained from DOED. Consultant

has submitted the final report of


12 Grid Agreement Connection Agreement has been

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd. NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


entered with NEA to evacuate the

power at Garjyang Sub-station.

(Estimated distance 30 KM).

13 PPA PPA has been done with Nepal

Electricity Authority (NEA) on

2074/11/28 (12/03/2018).

14 Road Survey The consultant has completed the

survey work

15 Feasibility Study report of

Transmission line

Consultant team has submitted the

Final Feasibility Study Report

16 Environment Impact

Assessment (EIA) study of

Transmission line.

Scoping notice has been published

on daily newspaper and process of

collection of muchulka is completed

17 Access road from Umathirtha

Mandir to Lahschewar Village

(6.344 km)

Location: Power house to Camp


Excavation for road construction has

been completed up to 6.341 km

18 Up-gradation of local road from

Gumdel to Kyama

Local road has been upgraded

(Approx. 5km)

19 Due Diligence Study The Consultant has submitted the

final DDS report.

20 HR &Finance Manual Approved by BOD.

21 Annual General Meeting 3rd

Annual General has been

completed successfully.

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd. NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


4.2 Ongoing works of the Project

S.N Activities Status Remarks

1 Environmental ImpactAssessment

(EIA) study of Project

EIA report is submitted to DOED after

incorporation of comments from

DOED Presentation

2 Environmental ImpactAssessment

(EIA) study ofTransmission line.

Scoping Document & Term of

Reference are being prepared and

submitted to DOED soon

3 Bidding Documents for Civil

Structures, HM, EM & TL.

Bidding Documents have been

submitted by the Consultant and is

under review by the experts.

4 Detail Design/DPR Detailed Design of the Project is going

on and DPR will be completed at the

end of July.

5 Detail Design of Transmission Line In progress

6 Generation License Will be applied after approval of EIA


7 Gauge Station Installation and

Discharge measurement

Automatic Gauge Station has been

Installed at Project Site. Collection of

data from the Gauge Station is going


8 Land Acquisition

90% of Land acquisition required for

the project except Transmission Line

has been completed.

9 Electromechanical Works Discussion with potential supplier is

going on.

10 Office Building & Camp Facilities Construction of camp facilities is in

progress. Erection of post and truss is

completed for three building blocks

11 Access road from Lahaksewar to

Surge Shaft (8.5 km)

Excavation has been completed up to

3.5 km out of 8.5 km. Gabion and

structure improvement work is


Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd. NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


13 Financial Closure Will be completed Soon.

14 Good Governance Guidelines Making of guidelines is in progress.

15 Bridge Preliminary preparation for bridge

competed and Bailey bridge has been


Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd. NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Annex-1: General Layout Map of the Project

Likhu River

Nupche River

Vision Energy & Power Pvt. Ltd. NupcheLikhu Hydropower Project (57.5 MW)


Annex – 2 Photographs of various project Activities

Access Road Construction

Access Road Construction

Camp Facilities Construction