Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Report of the Fusion Technology Committee D.L. Youchison, SNL-NM...

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Transcript of Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Report of the Fusion Technology Committee D.L. Youchison, SNL-NM...

Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

Report of the Fusion Technology Committee

D.L. Youchison, SNL-NMSanta Fe, NM03 March 2012

Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society


• FTSC teleconference November 2011

• Planning for SOFE 2013

• Planning for SOFE 2015

Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

FT Standing Committee Meeting

November 17, 2011 Teleconference

Participants AbsentHans-Stephan Bosch JP Allain Bill Carry Ray FonckTiana Dodson Satoshi KonishiWayne Meier Joe MinerviniHutch Neilson Chas NeumeyerBrad Nelson Scott WillmsMark TillackDennis Youchison

AgendaNovember AdCom Meeting (Youchison)

Update on meetingNegotiations with ANS TOFE

Fusion Elected Member (Neilson)Closeout of SOFE 2011 (Neumeyer or Dodson)

Closeout and remaining issuesTPS special issue

Status of SOFE 2013 (Meier)Publicity and preparations

Status of SOFE 2015 (Youchison for Allain)Collocated in Austin, MOU

FTSC planning (All)Member participationSearch for new chair

Newsletter items – fusion overview (FNSF?) (All)Other items (All)Next call (week of March 12, 2012)

Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

FT Standing Committee Meeting

1) ANS rejected any MOU for technical co-sponsorship of SOFE or TOFE. SOFE and TOFE can provide “member” registration at the discretion of the conference chairs. However, formal technical co-sponsorship must have executed MOUs in place for each conference. 2a) Tiana Dodson reported that SOFE2011 was a complete success. The organizers are awaiting a few outstanding invoices, but will soon be ready to close the conference. ICOPS/SOFE2011 will return about 20% of contingency to NPSS.b) The review cycle for the TPS special issue will be completed by December 31. 78 papers were submitted. Each of the four guest editors managed about 19 papers and were not overburdened. For comparison, the SOFE2009 special issue had 57 submissions resulting in 46 published papers. 3) Wayne Meier provided an update on publicity and preparations for SOFE2013. A contract was signed with the Stanford Court Renaissance in San Francisco with the help of IEEE MCM. The conference room rate will be ~$210/night in 2013.Hutch Neilson discussed the efforts to form a technical program committee. An invitation e-mail was distributed to potential committee members. Volunteers from the FTC are welcome. In addition to populating the committee, recommendations for plenary and invited talks should be forwarded to Hutch. 

Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

4) The chair discussed the status of SOFE2015 for J.P. Allain. SOFE2015 (26th SOFE) will be collocated with the Pulsed Power Conference (PPC) in Austin, TX. A contract was negotiated and signed using IEEE MCM services with the Hilton, Austin. The guaranteed room rate is $199/night. Mark Crawford, b) An MOU between PPST and FTC is being negotiated to clearly define the cost sharing between the conferences while each maintains separate budgets. 5) A policy will be instituted requiring active participation of FTSC members in at least 6 of 9 quarterly FTC teleconferences or meetings in a three year period. Failure to participate in at least 2/3 of the meetings signifies a lack of interest in the FTC and will entice the chair to seek a replacement.b) Please consider nominations for a new chair. NPSS needs to be informed of our selection by next autumn. Hutch Neilson gallantly volunteered to assemble an NPSS newsletter article on “MFE road-mapping in the ITER era.” Contributions for the March were due at the end of January. The next meeting will be via teleconference the week of March 12, 2012.

FT Standing Committee Meeting

47 years of SOFE (C. Neumeyer)1965-2012


Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

TPS special issue – 24th SOFE

(S. Gillespie)

Special issue closed on December 31, 2011June 30, 2011   authors submission deadline to the conference record (proceedings) July 29, 2011    author submission deadline for journal Oct. 3, 2011    review deadline Dec. 31, 2011   revised manuscripts due Mar. 2012    journal publication

Lesson learned:•Special issues on compressed schedule – revise manuscript-one messaging to reflect tight schedule .

4 guest editorsJP Allain - senior editorMohamed SawanAlice YingDennis Youchison

~19 papers per editor78 papers submittedProceedings had 161 papers

38 7 817 4 4

Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

25th SOFE (W. Meier)

General Chair: Wayne Meier, LLNLProgram Chair: Hutch Neilson, PPPLDate: June 10-14, 2013

•IEEE Meeting & Conference Management concluded negotiations for hotel site•Hotel contract signed 7/27/11•Venue: Stanford Court Renaissance •J.P. Allain offered to arrange for a fusion-related mini-course just before SOFE2013

Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

25th SOFE (H. Neilson)

Technical Program Committee

Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

26th SOFE (JP Allain)

•J.P. Allain (Purdue University) appointed general chair for SOFE2015

•Collocated with PPC in Austin, TX - Mark Crawford PPC2015 general chair

May 31- June 04, 2015

Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

26th SOFE (JP Allain)

Hilton - Austin

• Hotel contract signed 8/31/11• Allain did site visit in December• MOU in progress between FT and PPST• UT-Austin local arrangements• Identify program chair

Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society

SOFE/ TOFE relationship

• ANS rejected IEEE MOU“not in the best interest of ANS”In part caused by poor relationship

between PES and ANS NPIC HMIT

• No technical co-sponsorships anytime soon

• Continue to strengthen SOFE in neutronics, thermalhydraulics and materials

Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society


• Special TPS issue for SOFE2011 completed – March publication

• Venue finalized for SOFE2013.– Stand-alone– Stanford Court Hotel, 6/10-6/14/2013– Website up (– JP Allain agreed to setup mini-courses for SOFE2013– Technical program committee finalized– NIF tour

• Arrangements for SOFE2015 underway and well ahead of schedule.