NSW Department of Commerce PREQUALIFICATION SCHEME … · 2014. 11. 19. · Prequalification Scheme...

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Transcript of NSW Department of Commerce PREQUALIFICATION SCHEME … · 2014. 11. 19. · Prequalification Scheme...

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


NSW Department of Commerce




Date: 20 March 2009

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011



Revision Number

Date Update Description

0. 20 March 2009 Document Original - first publication 1. < next entry > < next entry >

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011



1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 5 2 CHANGES TO THE SCHEME..................................................................................... 6 3 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................. 7 4 CONFIDENTIALITY ..................................................................................................... 7 5 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR PROCUREMENT............................................................ 7 6 APPLICATIONS FOR PREQUALIFICATION .............................................................. 8 7 PREQUALIFICATION PROCESS................................................................................ 8 8 EVALUATION CRITERIA ............................................................................................ 8 9 INTERVIEW WITH ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE....................................................... 9 10 NOTIFICATION OF ASSESSMENT OUTCOME......................................................... 9 11 REQUEST FOR REVIEW OF THE DECISION FOR ADMISSION TO THE

PANEL ......................................................................................................................... 9 12 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................... 10 13 NOTIFICATION OF ENGAGEMENTS AND CHANGES TO PANEL MEMBER

STATUS..................................................................................................................... 10 14 UPGRADING OF PREQUALIFICATION ................................................................... 11 15 PERFORMANCE REPORTING BEHAVIOUR........................................................... 11 16 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................ 11 17 REMOVAL FROM THE SCHEME ............................................................................. 12 18 REQUEST FOR REVIEW OF THE DECISION TO TERMINATE

MEMBERSHIP OF THE SCHEME ............................................................................ 13 19 PUBLICITY ................................................................................................................ 13 20 APPLICANT’S ACKNOWLEDGMENT....................................................................... 13 21 DISCLAIMER ............................................................................................................. 13 22 PREQUALIFICATION NO GUARANTEE OF WORK ................................................ 14 23 REVIEW AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCHEME.................................................. 14 SCHEDULE 1 – APPLICATION FORM................................................................................. 15 A. ORGANISATION DETAILS ....................................................................................... 16 B. DIRECTORS, MANAGERS & KEY PERSONNEL..................................................... 17 C. PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE ............................................................ 18 D. PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE .............................................................................. 19 E. CAPABILITY OF TRAINERS / ASSESSORS............................................................ 20 F. EXPERIENCE – CORPORATE HISTORY ................................................................ 30 G. APPLICANT REFEREE REPORTS........................................................................... 31 H. PERFORMANCE OF TRAINERS AND ASSESSORS .............................................. 33 I. STATEMENT ............................................................................................................. 35

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


CONTACT DETAILS Scheme technical enquiries For matters related to the services to be performed and the skills levels and capacity required under the Scheme contact:

Fenella Fields Manager, Learning & Change Management NSW Department of Commerce e-mail: fenella.fields@commerce.nsw.gov.au Tel: 02-9372 8019

Prequalification enquiries For matters related to the prequalification process:

Sol Voron Best Practice Manager NSW Department of Commerce e-mail: sol.voron@commerce.nsw.gov.au Tel: 02 9372 8828

Application submission IMPORTANT: Refer to essential information in scheme document and application form. Application submission by email to:

consultantprequal@commerce.nsw.gov.au with subject line title noted as: “Trainers & Assessors”

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


1 INTRODUCTION The Procurement Certification Training Program has been managed by the NSW Department of Commerce since 2002. In 2009 the NSW Department of Commerce outsourced the administration and operation of the program to the Institute of Public Administration Australia NSW (IPAA). The program aims to develop procurement capability throughout government in New South Wales. The program incorporates current national competencies in procurement, contract management and negotiations with a focus on supply chain management issues, from analysing the need through to delivery of the purchased goods or services. The program includes the following levels

• Level 1 Program - Purchasing Awareness • Level 2 Program - Basic Purchasing Capabilities • Level 3A Program - Intermediate Procurement Training • Level 3B Program - Communication & Negotiation in Procurement • Level 3C Program - Intermediate Procurement Contract Management • Level 4A Program - Strategic Procurement Planning • Level 4B Program - Strategic Procurement Negotiations • Level 4C Program - Strategic Procurement Contract Management

Over 180 agencies have now used the Procurement Certification Training Program to train their procurement staff. Courses are tailored to NSW Government legislation and practice, and meet Australian Qualifications Framework standards, carrying Statements of Attainment from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma levels. The program has the formal endorsement of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Australia. The Program is supported by a team of procurement specialist assessors using practical assessment tasks and workplace related projects to consolidate learning, translating into tangible benefits for participating agencies. Trainers and Assessors supporting the program are required to be prequalified under the NSW Department of Commerce, Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011 Organisation seeking to become prequalified are to complete a self assessment of their capability by reviewing the scheme document. Firms with positive self assessments may submit an application for prequalification at any time during the life of the scheme. Prequalification was initially sought from December 2007 under the Consultant Prequalification Scheme 2004 – 2007. The scheme is replaced by this NSW Department of Commerce Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011 Additional information on the Procurement Certification Training Program may be found in the online brochure: http://www.nswbuy.com.au/App_Themes/NSWBuyStyles/pdf/Procurement_certification_training_program.pdf

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


2 CHANGES TO THE SCHEME The following changes to the Consultant Prequalification Scheme 2004 – 2007 have come into effect with the introduction of the NSW Department of Commerce, Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 – 2011. • Establishment of a new stand alone scheme document independent of other non-

training related prequalified providers • IPPA engagement as the administrator for the delivery of the Training Program

and the management of prequalified Trainers and Assessors • Evaluation Criteria extended to include knowledge, familiarity with or qualification

to a number of units of competency within the Procurement Certification Training Program

• The Training and Assessment qualifications of each Trainer / Assessor is now more directly identified and captured

• Adopt terminology “Trainers and Assessors” (rather than Training Facilitators and Assessors) to simplify and improve alignment with the common terminology of the Australian Qualifications Training Framework and PSP04 Public Sector Training Package

• Title for BSZ20198 (Refer evaluation criteria) corrected to “BSZ20198 Certificate 4 in Assessment and Workplace Training” ( replaces erroneous BSZ20198 Certificate 4 in Training & Assessment)

• New title Applicant Referee Report (replaces Client Referee Report ) • New criteria of Applicant Referee Report with focus on Training and Assessment

attributes • New Trainer and Assessor Performance Report template including criteria with

focus on Training and Assessment attributes

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


3 DEFINITIONS Appeals Committee means the committee to be convened by a senior executive of the NSW Department of Commerce to examine appeals by applicants to the Scheme and members of the Scheme who have adverse performance reports warranting termination. Applicant means a firm which has submitted an Application for admission to the Scheme. Application means a written application for admission to the Scheme in the form prescribed in Schedule 1 of the Scheme document. Assessment Committee means the committee responsible for determining the membership of the Panel to be formed under the Scheme. Department means the NSW Department of Commerce. IPAA means the Institute of Public Administration Australia NSW Panel means the list of Panel Members assessed as suitable for engagement as Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors for the Procurement Certification Training program. Panel Member means a person who has applied for, and been granted admission to, the Panel by the Department. Performance Report means a report on the performance of a service provider prequalified with the Scheme. Scheme means the Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011 administered by the NSW Department of Commerce. 4 CONFIDENTIALITY 4.1 Information submitted with an Application will be treated as confidential by NSW

Government agencies unless otherwise required by law. 4.2 Information submitted with an Application may be subject to investigation,

reference checking, searches, interview, enquiries, and confirmation. Applicants are deemed to have authorised any such action.

4.3 Once the Scheme commences, parties seeking to engage trainers and

assessors will be able to view Applications to assist in determining a Panel Member’s suitability.

5 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR PROCUREMENT 5.1 Panel Members must adhere to the NSW Government Code of Practice for

Procurement at all times. 5.2 Any breach of the NSW Government Code of Practice for Procurement may

result in the termination of an engagement and/or removal from the Scheme.

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


6 APPLICATIONS FOR PREQUALIFICATION 6.1 Applications must be complete and in the form prescribed in Schedule 1. 6.2 Applications must be delivered in accordance with the delivery instructions set

out in the form prescribed in Schedule 1. 6.3 Only those Applications which fully satisfy all requirements set out in these

Scheme Conditions and the form prescribed in Schedule 1 will be considered by the Assessment Committee.

7 PREQUALIFICATION PROCESS 7.1 The Assessment Committee will determine the membership of the Panel to be

formed under the Scheme. The Assessment Committee will be convened by a senior representative from the Department. The Committee may interview a short list of Applicants for inclusion in the Scheme.

7.2 The Panel to be formed under the Scheme will be composed of Applicants who

are deemed to be qualified following the assessment of an Application submitted in the form prescribed in Schedule 1 and in accordance with the Scheme Conditions.

7.3 New applications and upgrades to existing prequalifications may be made at any

time during the life of the Scheme. The Scheme will conclude on 31 December 2011, although this can be varied at any time by the Department.

7.4 Organisations prequalified under the prior Consultant Prequalification Scheme

2004 – 2007 have been automatically rolled over into this new Scheme. No actions is required by these prequalified organisations unless the firm becomes aware of a change in their status with the scheme, in which case they are to immediately advise the Department or, unless action is requested by the Department.

8 EVALUATION CRITERIA 8.1 Applications will be assessed according to the following evaluation criteria: Corporate Level

1) To consist of:

a) Individuals or sole traders of private, registered companies or b) Individuals employed as full time staff of specialist organisations that are private,

registered companies or c) Individuals employed as full time staff of specialist organisations that are public,

registered companies and; 2) To complete separate applications for each individual to be prequalified. Key Personnel Level Each individual seeking to be prequalified is to possess the following:

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


1. Demonstrated record of achievement in procurement management in either the public or private sectors.

2. Highly developed skills to provide quality, 2–3 day competency based training and assessment programs to procurement practitioners employed by NSW Government agencies, Local government agencies and Not for Profit organisations.

3. Thorough knowledge of the NSW Government Procurement Framework, its associated Policies, Acts and Memoranda including a comprehensive understanding of it’s implications on NSW Government Agencies.

4. Demonstrated capacity to maintain currency in procurement trends and best practice, locally and internationally.

5. Knowledge, familiarity with or qualification to a number of units of competency within the Procurement Certification Training Program

6. Training and Assessment qualifications, such as BSZ40198 Certificate 4 in Assessment and Workplace Training, TAA 40104 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, TAA 50104 Diploma of Training and Assessment, or equivalent.

7. Sound knowledge of contract law, contract administration and management.

9 INTERVIEW WITH ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE 9.1 Where further clarification is required, an Applicant may be provided with the

opportunity to attend an interview with members of the Assessment Committee. 10 NOTIFICATION OF ASSESSMENT OUTCOME 10.1 The Assessment Committee may accept an Application (with or without

limitation) or reject the Application. 10.2 The Department will notify all applicants of the outcome of their Application in

writing. Applicants will be advised of program levels for which their prequalification was granted such as:

• Level 1 Program - Purchasing Awareness • Level 2 Program - Basic Purchasing Capabilities • Level 3A Program - Intermediate Procurement Training • Level 3B Program - Communication & Negotiation in Procurement • Level 3C Program - Intermediate Procurement Contract Management • Level 4A Program - Strategic Procurement Planning • Level 4B Program - Strategic Procurement Negotiations • Level 4C Program - Strategic Procurement Contract Management


PANEL 11.1 Should an Applicant believe that there are substantive grounds for a review of

the Assessment Committee’s decision not to admit the Applicant to the Scheme, the Applicant may request a review of the decision in writing, providing full details of the reasons for the request, to:

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


NSW Department of Commerce Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011 Attention: General Manager, Accreditation, Certification & Business Information Unit Policy Support Services Level 11, McKell Building 2-24 Rawson Place SYDNEY NSW 2000

11.2 The Appeals Committee will be convened by senior executives of the Department. The Appeals Committee is not to include any of the original members of the Assessment Committee, although their advice may be sought. The Appeals Committee will assess the merits of the Applicant’s case. The Department will inform the Applicant in writing of the outcome of the review.

12 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Membership of the Panel to be formed under the Scheme is subject to the following conditions: 12.1 The Panel Member may be subject to criminal record and financial status

(bankruptcy) checking prior to engagement. 12.2 Any conflict of interest arising for the Panel Member in relation to an individual

engagement is to be declared prior to appointment to the Panel. 12.3 The Panel Member must comply with relevant professional and departmental


STATUS Panel members must immediately inform the Department of any significant change in their capability, contact details or address by writing with full details to:

NSW Department of Commerce Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011 Attention: General Manager, Accreditation, Certification & Business Information Unit Policy Support Services Level 11, McKell Building 2-24 Rawson Place SYDNEY NSW 2000

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


14 UPGRADING OF PREQUALIFICATION 14.1 The Department may upgrade a Panel Member’s status under the Scheme to

include additional trainers / assessors or additional levels or modules of training where:

(a) the Panel Member considers that they are eligible for such an upgrade; and

(b) the Panel Member has submitted a written application for such an upgrade, including a covering letter, documentation and other material in support of this request.

15 PERFORMANCE REPORTING BEHAVIOUR 15.1 Panel Member performance monitoring and reporting shall be conducted in

accordance with the following principles:

(a) the mutual objective of the parties is to achieve continuous performance improvement;

(b) open, proactive and objective performance monitoring and periodic formal reporting is required;

(c) performance issues being promptly addressed by the parties concerned; and

(d) performance issues being discussed openly with the Panel Member to ensure that concerns (such as dissatisfaction with performance) do not come as a surprise prior to formal notification.

16 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 16.1 The Department regularly monitors the performance of Panel Members.

16.2 Monitoring involves the use of Performance Reports and may be extended to include additional Client Referee Reports.

16.3 IPAA will produce performance reports on panel members on a 6 monthly basis or immediately should adverse performance be experienced in the delivery of a training program.

16.4 Performance reports are to be prepared by IPAA in consultation with the panel member and preferably face to face.

16.5 IPAA or the Panel members may arrange to initiate a meeting at the end of the reporting period to discuss the performance of the Panel Member and actively drive the completion of the performance reporting consultation process.

16.6 A copy of Performance Reports are to be provided by IPAA to the Department for entry into the Department’s Contractor and Consultant Management System (CCMS) and to the Panel Member.

16.7 If the Panel Member disagrees with an adverse report, then IPAA and the Panel Member should attempt to resolve the disagreement in the first instance.

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


16.8 Where a disagreement can not be resolved, a Panel Member may seek to have an adverse report elevated to the Senior Executive level of the IPAA to make a final decision.

16.9 Where an adverse report is amended, then IPAA will advise the Department and the performance information in the Department’s CCMS database will be amended and IPAA will provide the Panel Member a copy of the amended report.

16.10 Panel Members who have completed engagements without evidence of performance reports may be subject to a review of their prequalification status.

17 PERFORMANCE REPORTING PERIODS The Performance Reports are to be provided as follows: 17.1 One report for each Program Level delivered by each trainer / assessor is to

be provided covering the 6 month periods of January – June and July - December.

17.2 Performance Reports for the period January – June are to arrive at the

Department by no later than the end of July.

17.3 Reports for the period July - December are to arrive at the Department by no

later than the end of January.


18.1 Membership of the Panel may be terminated if the member has:

(a) breached the Scheme Conditions; or

(b) failed to meet applicable financial requirements; or

(c) been the subject of substantiated reports of unsatisfactory performance for other NSW Government agencies; or

(d) been determined by the Appeals Committee as not suitable for future work; or

(e) provided unsatisfactory performance under the Scheme; or

(f) experienced an adverse change in capacity or capability; or

(g) experienced an adverse change in business status; or

(h) been convicted of a breach of his or her obligations under NSW occupational health and safety legislation or environmental protection legislation; or

(i) otherwise failed to meet the standards required of the Scheme in terms of its project outcomes, client satisfaction and ethical business practices; or

(j) had his or her engagement terminated for one of the reasons above.

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


18.2 Before membership of the Scheme is formally revoked under clause 18.1, the

Department will advise the Panel Member of the matters prompting the proposed action and will give the Panel Member the opportunity to provide reasons as to why the revocation should not occur.



19.1 Where a Panel Member considers that there are substantive grounds for the Department to reconsider its decision to terminate membership of the Scheme under section 18, the Panel Member may request a review of the decision by writing, providing full details of the reasons for the request for review to:

NSW Department of Commerce Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011 Attention: General Manager, Accreditation, Certification & Business Information Unit Policy Support Services Level 11, McKell Building 2-24 Rawson Place SYDNEY NSW 2000

19.2 Any appeals will be considered by the Department which will determine whether the Panel Member should be removed from the Scheme.

19.3 The Department will inform the Panel Member of the outcome of the review.


20.1 Panel Members must not advertise, promote or publicise in any form their admission to the Scheme without written consent of the Department.


21.1 In applying for membership, the Applicant agrees that it accepts the Scheme Conditions.

22 DISCLAIMER 22.1 The Department and the Assessment Committee reserve the absolute discretion


(a) accept an Application with or without conditions;

(b) reject an Application;

(c) upgrade a Panel Member’s prequalification under the Scheme;

(d) downgrade a Panel Member’s prequalification under the Scheme;

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


(e) suspend a Panel Member’s admission to the Scheme; and

(f) revoke a Panel Member’s admission to the Scheme. 22.2 The Department will not be held liable for any costs or damages incurred by the

Panel Member in the exercise of such discretion. 23 PREQUALIFICATION NO GUARANTEE OF WORK 23.1 The receipt of prequalification by an Applicant does not guarantee:

(a) continuity of the prequalification during the duration of the scheme; or

(b) that engagements or work of any kind or quantity will be offered. 24 REVIEW AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCHEME 24.1 The Scheme will be monitored by the Department to assess whether the

objectives and intent of the Scheme are being met. Modifications may be made at the discretion of the Department during the life of the Scheme.

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011




All application material to be prepared electronically (e.g. as a WORD document).


Email is the preferred mode of delivery - your assistance is sought in submitting your application in electronic format by email as follows: • Complete the application form using MS WORD (or compatible software application). • Include requested copies of documents, such as Client Referee Reports, etc. These may

be scanned and electronically inserted or pasted into the WORD document in the Application Form as images.

• Attach the completed application to the email as a single electronic file being either a MS WORD or Acrobat PDF file.

• If necessary, a file may be split into parts, provided that: • a logical sequence of components is sent in sequential order. • each part is identified in the subject line of the email e.g. Part 1of 3, 2 of 3, etc.

Please send the completed application form to: consultantprequal@commerce.nsw.gov.au with subject line title noted as: “Trainers & Assessors” Applications may be submitted by post provided that: • Applications are supplied, printed on plain white paper without any additional artwork,

watermarks, colour, shading or logos; • Copies of all documentation requested in the application are attached to the printed

application, and • An electronic copy of the application is also provided. Please send applications by post to:

NSW Department of Commerce Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011 Attention: General Manager, Accreditation, Certification & Business Information Unit Policy Support Services Level 11, McKell Building 2-24 Rawson Place SYDNEY NSW 2000

Only applications which fully satisfy all of the requirements set out below will be considered:

Item Mandatory Criteria and Requirements A Organisation Details B Directors, Managers & Key Personnel C Professional Indemnity Insurance D Public Liability Insurance E Capability of Trainers / Assessors F Experience – Corporate History G Applicant Referee Reports H Performance of Trainers and Assessors I Statement

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


APPLICATION DETAILS A. ORGANISATION DETAILS The Applicant is to provide contact details and, where applicable, details of the organisation’s status, management and key personnel including professional qualifications, registrations and accreditations. CONTACT DETAILS


Organisation Name

Position Title

Registered Business Address (if applicable)

Postal Address

Phone Mobile

Fax Email


Type of Organisation Sole Trader Company Partnership

Other Type (describe)

Date Established

Australian Company Number (ACN)

Australian Business Number (ABN)

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011



Please add more rows below if required

Name Position Title Start Date of current employment

Qualifications, Registrations, Accreditations

Dates Issuing Institution or Organisation

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


C. PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE A copy of the insurance broker’s certificate of coverage is required. Provide insurance summary information below:

Insurance Provider

Policy Number

Coverage amount

Date of expiry

The insurance broker’s certificate of coverage is to be attached or inserted as a scanned image here

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


D. PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE A copy of the insurance broker’s certificate of coverage is required. Provide insurance summary information below:

Insurance Provider

Policy Number

Coverage amount

Date of expiry

The insurance broker’s certificate of coverage is to be attached or inserted as a scanned image here

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


E. CAPABILITY OF TRAINERS AND ASSESSORS The capability of Applicants for inclusion on the Panel will be assessed against the criteria listed below. Applicants are to provide the following information for each of the trainers and assessors for which prequalification is sought. For each criteria, each trainer/assessor must provide up to one (1) page of information as to how the trainer/assessor meets the requirement using the templates below. For criteria 5 and 6, templates are provided in tabular form in which a focused, sufficient and brief response is to be provided.

1. Demonstrated record of achievement in procurement management in either the public or private sectors.

2. Highly developed skills to provide quality, 2–3 day competency based training and assessment programs to procurement practitioners employed by NSW Government agencies, Local government agencies and Not for Profit organisations.

3. Thorough knowledge of the NSW Government Procurement Framework, its associated Policies, Acts and Memoranda including a comprehensive understanding of it’s implications on NSW Government Agencies.

4. Demonstrated capacity to maintain currency in procurement trends and best practice, locally and internationally.

5. Knowledge, familiarity with or qualification to a number of units of competency within the Procurement Certification Training Program

6. Training and Assessment qualifications, to include one or more of the following: BSZ40198 Certificate 4 in Assessment and Workplace Training, TAA 40104 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, TAA 50104 Diploma of Training and Assessment.

7. Sound knowledge of contract law, contract administration and management.

Capability criteria are to be provided for each trainer/assessor based on the templates below

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


1. Demonstrated record of achievement in procurement management in either the public or private sectors.

Name of Trainer / Assessor

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


2. Highly developed skills to provide quality, 2–3 day competency based training and assessment programs to procurement practitioners employed by NSW Government agencies, Local government agencies and Not for Profit organisations.

Name of Trainer / Assessor

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


3. Thorough knowledge of the NSW Government Procurement Framework, its associated Policies, Acts and Memoranda including a comprehensive understanding of it’s implications on NSW Government Agencies.

Name of Trainer / Assessor

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


4. Demonstrated capacity to maintain currency in procurement trends and best practice, locally and internationally.

Name of Trainer / Assessor

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


5. Knowledge, familiarity with or qualification to a number of units of competency within the Procurement Certification Training Program (this to be provided using the template below)

Name of Trainer / Assessor

Program Level

Units of competency Statement of attainment: Date & RTO (attach copy)

Experience in formal delivery of the unit as a trainer Course, date, RTO

Knowledge or working experience with unit

Units of similar content where a Qualification or experience exists (attach statement copy)

PSPGOV305B – Access and Use Resources and Financial Systems

PSPPROC302A – Undertake Basic Procurement

PSPLEGN301B – Comply with legislation in the public sector

Level 1 Purchasing Awareness

PSPETHC301B – Uphold the values and principles of public service

PSPPROC406A – Procure Goods and Services

PSPPROC407A – Establish Procurement Need

PSPPROC408A – Develop Requests for Offers

PSPPROC409A – Receive and Select Offers

PSPETHC401A – Uphold and support the values and principles of the Public Service

Level 2 Basic Purchasing Capabilities

PSPGOV418A – Develop Internal and External Networks

BSBPUR501A - Develop, implement and review purchasing strategies

PSPPROC417A – Identify and Treat Risks

Level 3A Intermediate Procurement Training

PSPGOV517A – Coordinate Risk

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


Program Level

Units of competency Statement of attainment: Date & RTO (attach copy)

Experience in formal delivery of the unit as a trainer Course, date, RTO

Knowledge or working experience with unit

Units of similar content where a Qualification or experience exists (attach statement copy)

Management PSPETHC501B – Promote the Values and Ethos of the Public Service

PSPGOV516A – Develop and Use Emotional Intelligence

BSBFLM501B – Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development

PSPGOV512A – Use Complex Workplace Communication Strategies

PSPGOV508A – Manage Conflict

Level 3B Communication & Negotiation in Procurement

PSPGOV507A – Undertake Negotiations

PSPPROC405B – Dispose of Assets PSPPROC501A – Manage Contract Risk

PSPPROC410A – Administer Contracts

PSPPROC502A – Establish Contract Management Arrangements

PSPPROC503A – Manage Contract Performance

Level 3C Intermediate Procurement Contract Management

PSPPROC504A – Finalise Contracts

PSPPROC604A – Plan for strategic procurement

PSPPROC605A – Coordinate strategic procurement

Level 4A Strategic Procurement Planning

PSPPROC701B – Establish strategic

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


Program Level

Units of competency Statement of attainment: Date & RTO (attach copy)

Experience in formal delivery of the unit as a trainer Course, date, RTO

Knowledge or working experience with unit

Units of similar content where a Qualification or experience exists (attach statement copy)

procurement directions PSPPROC702B – Establish the procurement context

PSPPROC703B – Evaluate and improve procurement performance

PSPMNGT608B – Manage risk

Level 4B Strategic Procurement Negotiations

PSPPROC606A – Negotiate strategic procurement

PSPPROC602B – Direct the management of contracts

Level 4C Strategic Procurement Contract Management

PSPPROC603B – Divest strategic asset

Statements of Attainment or similar are to be attached or inserted as a scanned image here

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


6. Training and Assessment qualifications, to include one or more of the following: BSZ40198 Certificate 4 in Assessment and Workplace Training, TAA 40104 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, TAA 50104 Diploma of Training and Assessment (this to be provided using the template below)

Name of Trainer / Assessor

Qualification held by Trainer / Assessor

Date RTO / Provider

BSZ40198 Certificate 4 Assessment and Workplace Training

TAA 40104 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

TAA 50104 Diploma of Training and Assessment

Certificates are to be attached or inserted as a scanned image here

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


7. Sound knowledge of contract law, contract administration and management. Name of Trainer / Assessor

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


F. EXPERIENCE – CORPORATE HISTORY List all relevant experience in progress in the previous 3 years for the Trainer and Assessor Role sought for pre-qualification. RELEVANT TRAINER & ASSESSOR ROLES IN THE LAST THREE (3) YEARS

Add further rows below to list additional engagements

Organisation Name of Training course and modules Role Engagement

Fee (p.a.) Start Date End Date

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011



All applicants are required to provide evidence of client satisfaction based on relevant roles undertaken in the last three years, as listed in section F EXPERIENCE – CORPORATE HISTORY. Evidence must be provided in the form of the Applicant Referee Report provided below. Three (3) Applicant Referee Reports are to be provided. Copies of signed Applicant Referee Reports must be attached to the Application form. Applicant Referee Reports will only be considered: • where the engagements were completed in the last three (3) years; • where the Applicant Referee Reports (showing key performance areas) have been

submitted; and • where reports are complete including the specific signatures requested. IMPORTANT: Applicants must provide Applicant Referee Reports and demonstrate recent history of consistent good performance in order to meet the mandatory requirements. The Department may choose to contact a Client to verify or clarify any aspect of Applicant Referee Reports submitted by an Applicant in support of their Application in assessing eligibility for membership of the Scheme. Where the Applicant was employed as a public servant in the last 24 months, relevant work related referees can be provided to satisfy this requirement.

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


CLIENT LETTERHEAD is to be Positioned or Aligned or Inserted or Attached HERE

(The Client Company Name, Address, ABN and Logo is to be clearly visible)

APPLICANT REFEREE REPORT This report may be used to assist in assessing the suitability of an Applicant for the Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors.

The referee may contacted to verify or clarify aspects of this Report Applicant Name Organisation Name Phone Name of Training Program Training Package Code AQF Level Date Commenced Date Completed Total Fee for service $ (including GST )

Please rate the Applicant against the following criteria
















1. Training skills demonstrated in providing quality, competency based training and assessment programs.

2. Knowledge of the NSW Government Procurement Framework, its associated Policies, Acts and Memoranda

3. Sound knowledge of contract law, contract administration and management

4. Time Management in meeting training and assessment milestones, resourcing, planning, reporting

5. Standard of Service in delivering training and assessment services on budget, value for money, no rework, without supervision

6. OHS – compliance with OHS requirements and legislation in the context of working with people in a training and assessment environment

7. Cooperative Relationships – cooperative approach, commitment, resolving issues with learners and course administrators

8. Evaluation and Feedback – average of the ratings provided from course participants based on feedback/evaluation sheets

Comments on Applicant’s Performance (may be extended over to another page)

Signed (by Client) Signature Name Date Position Title Tel Mob e-mail

Delivery Instructions: To be forwarded by the Client to the Applicant. (The Applicant is to include all Applicant Referee Reports in their application to form a single and complete submission.)

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


H. PERFORMANCE OF TRAINERS AND ASSESSORS The Department operates a system of Performance Management for which service providers engaged for government participate with as a condition of their prequalification. Trainers and Assessors prequalified under the NSW Department of Commerce Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 – 2011 are required to demonstrate evidence of effective performance on a routine, regular basis. This is to consist of 6 monthly performance reports from the administrator of the Procurement Certification Training Program, the Institute of Public Administration Australia NSW. The Performance Reports are to be provided: • One report for each Program Level delivered by each trainer / assessor is to be

provided covering the 6 month periods of January – June and July - December. • Performance Reports for the period January – June are to arrive at the Department

by no later than the end of July. • Reports for the period July - December are to arrive at the Department by no later

than the end of January. • Reports are also to be immediately completed and forwarded to the Department

should adverse performance by a Trainer / Assessor be evident at any time. IMPORTANT: Refer Scheme document for details IPAA or the Panel members may arrange to initiate a meeting at the end of the reporting period to discuss the performance of the Panel Member and actively drive the completion of the performance reporting consultation process. Trainers / Assessors who have completed engagements without evidence of performance reports may be subject to a review of their prequalification status

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011



This report is to be used to support monitoring and management of the performance of Trainers / Assessors prequalified under the NSW Department of Commerce Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors.

• The report is to be prepared by IPAA NSW who will consult with the Trainer / Assessor (preferably face-

to-face) on 6 mthly basis or where adverse performance is evident • Separate reports to be prepared on each Trainer/Assessor, one report for each Program Level • Where the Trainer / Assessor disagrees with the assessment they may consult directly with a more

senior representative of the IPAA NSW to review the assessment • Report for Jan – June to arrive at Commerce by end July; July – Dec report by end January

Send to: NSW Commerce, Prequalification Performance, PSS, L11W 2-24 Rawson Pl, Sydney 2000

Name of Trainer/Assessor Organisation Name Contact for organisation Mobile Tel (office) Program Level (1, 2, 3 or 4) Number of training days conducted 6 month period of report Jan-June July–Dec Year

Please rate the Trainer/Assessor against the following criteria
















1. Training skills demonstrated in providing quality, competency based training and assessment programs..

2. Knowledge of the NSW Government Procurement Framework, its associated Policies, Acts and Memoranda

3. Sound knowledge of contract law, contract administration and management

4. Time Management in meeting training and assessment milestones, resourcing, planning, reporting

5. Standard of Service in delivering training and assessment services on budget, value for money, no rework, without supervision

6. OHS – compliance with OHS requirements and legislation in the context of working with people in a training and assessment environment

7. Cooperative Relationships – cooperative approach, commitment, resolving issues with learners and course administrators

8. Evaluation and Feedback – average of the ratings for Program level provided from course participants based on feedback/evaluation sheets

Comments on Performance (may be extended over to another page)

Signed (by IPAA NSW Training Manager) Signature Name Date Position Title Tel Mob e-mail

Copy of this report to be forwarded by the IPAA NSW to NSW Commerce & the Trainer/Assessor

Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011




This Statement is to be signed and dated to verify the completeness and authenticity of the information provided in the Application. The Statement must be signed by a director of a company, partner of a partnership or sole trader, as applicable to the Applicant’s business arrangements. Applications which are incomplete or found to be misleading or inaccurate may not be further considered. Item Mandatory Criteria and Requirements A Organisation Details B Directors, Managers & Key Personnel C Professional Indemnity Insurance D Public Liability Insurance E Capability of Trainers / Assessors F Experience – Corporate History G Applicant Referee Reports H Performance of Trainers and Assessors I Statement

As the Director/Partner/Sole Trader of the firm submitting this application, I confirm the completeness and authenticity of the information provided in this application.

Signature of Applicant (a scanned signature is acceptable)

Name of above Applicant as per Signature

Position Title

Organisation Name


Prequalification Scheme for Procurement Certification Trainers and Assessors 2009 - 2011


End of Document