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PREQUALIFICATION SCHEME SCM8971 Scheme Conditions Emergency Cleaning Stimulus Prequalification Scheme April 2020 NSW Treasury |

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SCM8971 Scheme Conditions

Emergency Cleaning Stimulus Prequalification Scheme

April 2020

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Published by NSW Treasury

Title: SCM8971 Scheme Conditions

Subtitle: Emergency Cleaning Stimulus Prequalification Scheme

More information

Contact the NSW Procurement Service Centre

Telephone: 1800 NSW BUY (1800 679 289)

Email: [email protected]

© State of New South Wales through NSW Treasury 2020. You may copy, distribute, display, download and otherwise freely deal with this publication for any purpose, providing that you attribute NSW Treasury as the owner. However, you must obtain permission if you wish to charge others for access to the publication (other than at cost); include the publication in advertising or a product for sale; modify the publication; or republish the publication on a website. You may freely link to the publication on a departmental website.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing (April 2020) and may not be accurate, current or complete. The State of New South Wales (including the NSW Treasury), the author and the publisher take no responsibility, and will accept no liability, for the accuracy, currency, reliability or correctness of any information included in the document (including material provided by third parties). Readers should make their own enquiries and rely on their own advice when making decisions related to material contained in this publication.

Page 3:€¦  · Web viewprequalification scheme. SCM8971 Scheme Conditions . Emergency Cleaning Stimulus Prequalification Scheme. April 2020. Published by NSW Treasury .

Why is NSW Government creating the Emergency Cleaning Stimulus Prequalification Scheme?The NSW Government announced on 17 March 2020 a $2.3 billion health boost and stimulus package in response to COVID-19 that will support jobs, healthcare, small business and the community. 

As part of the stimulus package the Government has further committed $250 million to support employment of extra cleaners of public infrastructure.

In addition to the Whole of Government Cleaning Services Contract, the Government is scaling up cleaning services by seeking capable cleaning companies to supply the increased demand for cleaning services arising from the COVID-19 crisis.

Where to startBuy.NSW documentsSCM8971 Scheme Conditions and associated guidelines for applicants and agencies are available at Buy.NSW at

Terms and definitionsSee Appendix C Terms and definitions used in this document.

ApplicantsApplicants must be registered on eTendering before commencing the application process

Online application form is available at

Refer to SCM8971 Applicant Guidelines for details on how to register and apply.

AgenciesAgencies seeking prequalified Service Providers for a specific cleaning service should commence their search in eTendering.

Refer to SCM8971 Agency Guidelines for more information.

EnquiriesFor enquiries please contact: [email protected] or contact the NSW Procurement Service Centre (details on inside cover).


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Why is NSW Government creating the Emergency Cleaning Stimulus Prequalification Scheme?...........................................................................................................................................1

Buy.NSW documents.....................................................................................................................1Terms and definitions.....................................................................................................................1Applicants.......................................................................................................................................1Agencies.........................................................................................................................................1Enquiries.........................................................................................................................................1

1 Scheme overview......................................................................................................................41.1 Emergency Cleaning Stimulus Prequalification Scheme..........................................................4

2 NSW Procurement Policy Framework.....................................................................................52.1 Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) and Regional Procurement......................................52.2 Aboriginal Procurement Policy (APP).......................................................................................52.3 Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs)..................................................................................52.4 Conduct by suppliers................................................................................................................5

3 Scheme conditions...................................................................................................................63.1 Work categories...................................................................................................................6

3.1.1 General Cleaning (Registered and Certified Service Providers).......................................6

3.1.2 Environment Cleaning (Certified Service Providers only)..................................................6

3.1.3 Cleaning auditing services (Certified Service Providers only)...........................................6

3.2 Types of prequalified Service Providers..............................................................................6

3.2.1 Registered Service Providers (Services up to $100,000).............................................6

3.2.2 Certified Service Providers (Unlimited value)...............................................................6

3.2.3 Amending the level of prequalification..........................................................................73.3 Criteria for applicants...........................................................................................................7

3.3.1 Legal entity and business operations...........................................................................7

3.3.2 Financial capacity.........................................................................................................8

3.3.4 Insurances....................................................................................................................8

3.3.5 Working with Children Checks and Police Checks............................................................8

3.3.6 Subcontracting...................................................................................................................8

3.4 Bidding for work...................................................................................................................83.5 Standard Terms of Contract.....................................................................................................83.6 Performance management and reporting...........................................................................8

3.6.1 Service Provider performance......................................................................................8

3.6.2 Service Provider reporting requirements......................................................................9

3.6.3 Agency...............................................................................................................................93.7 Change management..........................................................................................................9

3.7.1 Transitioning Service Providers....................................................................................9

3.7.2 Changes to Service Provider’s circumstances...................................................................9

3.7.3 Changes to ACN or ABN..............................................................................................9

3.8 Maintaining prequalification.................................................................................................9

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3.8.1 Suspension from scheme.............................................................................................9

3.8.2 Removal from scheme................................................................................................10

3.8.3 Review of decision to suspend or remove..................................................................103.9 Legal.................................................................................................................................10

3.9.1 Applicant's acknowledgment......................................................................................10

3.9.2 Confidentiality.............................................................................................................10

3.9.3 Publicity and use of NSW Government logo by suppliers..........................................10

3.9.4 Disclosure...................................................................................................................11

3.9.5 Disclaimer...................................................................................................................11

3.9.6 No guarantee of work.................................................................................................11

3.9.7 Precedence of documents..........................................................................................11

4 Review and development of the scheme..............................................................................11Appendix A - Description of work categories.............................................................................12

General Cleaning..........................................................................................................................12Environment Cleaning..................................................................................................................13Cleaning Auditing Services...........................................................................................................15

Appendix B – Schedule of Rates..................................................................................................15Appendix C - Terms and definitions.............................................................................................17Appendix D – Certificate of Compliance......................................................................................19

Mandatory Requirement for Environmental Cleaning...............................................................19

Appendix E – Transition In/Out Checklist....................................................................................20

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1 Scheme overview

1.1 Emergency Cleaning Stimulus Prequalification Scheme

This scheme prequalifies Service Providers to bid for NSW Government cleaning services across government assets. It is open to any domestic or overseas business entity that is registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), providing all scheme conditions can be met.

Applicants with demonstrated capability and capacity in the nominated Work Categories and Regions may apply to be either a Registered Service Provider or a Certified Service Provider by the scheme which is non-mandatory for use by Government agencies. The operational and technical standards required for each level are aligned to the NSW Procurement Policy Framework.

This scheme supports the NSW Government Health and Economic Stimulus. Where possible, it reduces red tape, saves time and minimises costs for cleaning services providers and government. The application process and acceptance into the scheme do not bind government to offer the prequalified Service Provider tendering opportunities.

Agencies use this scheme to select Service Providers to bid for and supply specific cleaning services.

Applicants to the scheme are required to agree to the Scheme Conditions including the Schedule of Rates set out in Appendix B of this document, and the Standard Terms of Contract set out in the Head Agreement.

When a prequalified Service Provider is engaged to provide cleaning services, the agreement comprises the Scheme Conditions, Head Agreement and the Order (with terms agreed between the Service Provider and the Agency). See Section 3.5 Standard Form of Contract Terms and conditions of contract for more information.

Agencies may request further information and from a prequalified Service Provider at the time of procuring and consider this in their tender evaluation processes. An Agency may at any time issue an Order using the Schedule of Rates without issuing a Request for Quotation. The Service Provider must accept or reject an Order within 1 Business Days of an Order being issued to the Service Provider. If the Service Provider does not respond in this time, the Service Provider is deemed to have accepted the Order.

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2 NSW Procurement Policy Framework

The Framework sets out the policy and operating framework for the NSW public sector procurement system. It provides a single source of guidance on the rules for procurement. These requirements must be complied with where applicable. Key policies include:

2.1 Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) and Regional Procurement The NSW Government is seeking to strengthen its cleaning supply chain to accommodate its Small and Medium Enterprise and Regional Procurement Policy. This will provide greater opportunities for SMEs and local businesses in regional NSW.

The scheme application process will identify small and medium businesses with the appropriate capability and capacity to participate in the Scheme. Applicants are expected to select only those regions that their current capacity and capability can support.

Refer to the ‘Scheme region maps’ (available for download in the eTenders application).

2.2 Aboriginal Procurement Policy (APP)This scheme is aligned to the principles of NSW Government’s Growing NSW’s First Economy framework. The framework is a key element of Opportunity, Choice, Healing, Responsibility and Empowerment (OCHRE). It has been developed to create opportunities for Aboriginal owned businesses and encourage Aboriginal employment and training through the supply chain of NSW Government contracts. The scheme application process will ask applicants if they are an Aboriginal business, as defined by the Aboriginal Procurement Policy (APP) framework.

2.3 Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs)This scheme encourages ADEs with cleaning experience and capability to apply to the scheme. Along with Aboriginal-owned businesses, ADEs will be identified to agency buyers based on this social enterprise category.

2.4 Conduct by suppliersNSW Government agencies must ensure their procurement processes require suppliers to comply with relevant standards of behaviour and must report findings of dishonest, unfair, unconscionable, corrupt or illegal conduct to the NSW Procurement Board. Refer to Procurement Board Direction PBD 2017-07 Conduct by suppliers

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3 Scheme conditions

3.1 Work categories

3.1.1 General Cleaning (Registered and Certified Service Providers)

A1 - Routine Cleaning A2 - Periodical Carpet Cleaning A3 - Emergency cleaning (24Hr Call out) A4 - External window Cleaning (from the ground) A5 - Graffiti removal A6 - Enhanced cleaning

3.1.2 Environment Cleaning (Certified Service Providers only)

B1- Environmental cleaning

3.1.3 Cleaning auditing services (Certified Service Providers only)

C1 - Third-party auditing services

Refer to Appendix A - Description of work categories for more information.

3.2 Types of prequalified Service Providers

Applications can be submitted for inclusion in the scheme as a Registered and/or Certified Service Provider. All values are expressed exclude GST.

3.2.1 Registered Service Providers (Services up to $100,000)

Registered Service Providers must provide:

Evidence of legal entity and business operations being established at least 6 months prior to applying to the Scheme (by providing ABN).

Information about relevant experience and references for each relevant Work Category within the last 2 years (minimum of one reference provided per Work Category)

Details of any fines, prosecutions and convictions in the last two years Evidence of current public and products liability and workers compensation insurance cover

(or personal accident insurance if workers compensation cannot be legally obtained) which complies with the Scheme Conditions and the Head Agreement.

3.2.2 Certified Service Providers (Unlimited value)

Certified Service Providers must provide all the information required to become a registered Service Provider, plus, for each category of work being applied for, the following documents:

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Evidence of legal entity and business operations being established at least 2 years prior to applying to the Scheme (by providing ABN).

Evidence of a current Quality Management System certified to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015 or AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016 by a certifying body registered with the Joint Accreditation System - Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ)

Evidence of a current Occupational Health & Safety Management System certified to AS/NZS 4801:2001 or ISO 45001:2018 by a certifying body registered with the JAS-ANZ.

Evidence of a current Environmental Management System certified to ISO 14001:2015 or equivalent by a certifying body registered with the JAS-ANZ.

Information about relevant experience and references for each relevant Work Category within the last 2 years (minimum of one reference provided per Work Category)

Evidence of current public and products liability, workers compensation, and professional indemnity insurance (Cleaning Auditing Services only) cover which complies with the Scheme Conditions and the Head Agreement.

3.2.3 Amending the level of prequalification

At any time:

The applicant may apply to increase their level of prequalification to Certified Service Provider by submitting a separate application via the eTendering system.

The Department may, at its discretion, reduce the level of prequalification, based on the Service Provider’s demonstrated capacity and capability, and unsatisfactory performance.

3.3 Criteria for applicants3.3.1 Legal entity and business operationsApplicants must be acceptable legal entities with appropriate financial assets. The applicant must:

Have a current Australian Business Number (ABN) and/or an Australian Company Number (ACN) and be registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Be financially solvent Demonstrate a sound business structure, financial capacity, resources, management

systems, recent experience and good performance history Not be under any form of external administration Meet the requirements of the Procurement Policy Framework, including PBD-2017-07

Conduct by Suppliers.

Related entitiesRelated entities that cannot prequalify for the same category of work include:

Associated or subsidiary business entities that are owned or controlled by the applicant Joint ventures to which the applicant is a party.

The purpose of this restriction is to ensure related entities are not eligible to compete against each other in the tendering process.

Trust arrangements Trustees (e.g. Trustee for the Smith Family Trust) are eligible to apply if, under the terms of

the trust deed, they have power to enter into a contract on behalf of the trust. Trusts (e.g. Smith Family Trust) are not eligible for prequalification, as they cannot enter into a contract for services with an agency.

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3.3.2 Financial capacityThe applicant must be financially solvent when applying for prequalification. Insolvent entities will be suspended or removed from the scheme.

The Department and/or Agencies may choose to assess a Service Provider’s financial capacity before entering into a contract for work via an Order.

Ongoing financial viability and capacity of a Service Provider to deliver the Services may be monitored throughout the Scheme duration.

Applicants are deemed to have authorised all necessary financial checks conducted by or on behalf of agencies, before engagement and during the lifetime of a Scheme.

3.3.4 InsurancesThe applicant is required to provide evidence of and maintain for the Term the insurances set out in Schedule 2 of the Head Agreement.

Failure to hold the necessary insurances, when required, may result in the Service Provider being suspended or removed from the scheme.

3.3.5 Working with Children Checks and Police Checks The Service Provider may be required to provide that every employee on “site” has clearance certification “Working with Children Check”, “Police Check” and any other security or police clearance as required by the buying agency.

The Service Provider warrants that they will seek these clearances as required.

3.3.6 Subcontracting Services must be performed by the Service Provider itself, and not sub-contracted, unless written approval is given by the Principal, in accordance with Clause 26 of the Head Agreement.

3.4 Bidding for workTo be eligible to bid for work (receive an Order or request for Quote), a Service Provider must be prequalified under the scheme before the date of issue of the Request for Quote (RFQ), or other invitation to bid for work.

3.5 Standard Terms of ContractOffers of work under this scheme are subject to acceptance of standard terms and conditions as set out in the Scheme Conditions and the Head Agreement. Prequalified Registered Service Providers and Certified Service Providers agree to the Services being supplied in accordance with the Scheme Conditions, Head Agreement, and each Agency Order.

3.6 Performance management and reporting3.6.1 Service Provider performanceAll Service Providers should establish procedures that enable all contractual obligations to be met and address unsatisfactory performance in a timely manner.

In lodging an application, applicants consent to ongoing monitoring of performance.

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3.6.2 Service Provider reporting requirementsTo allow NSW Treasury to track and reporting of spend and job opportunities created by the cleaning stimulus, Service Providers are required complete the Service Reporting template on a weekly basis, should the Service Provider be providing Services during the reporting period.

3.6.3 AgencyAgencies are required to manage Service Provider performance and record keeping as per their internal Departmental policy, the Head Agreement, and Order. Where an agency deems the performance of a Service Provider to be unsatisfactory, they should write to the scheme manager, NSW Procurement, in writing, to [email protected].

3.7 Change management3.7.1 Transitioning Service Providers When requested by an Agency, the Transition In/Out Checklist (Appendix E) will be completed, in collaboration with the Agency, by the Service Provider before and after delivery of the Services at the site.

3.7.2 Changes to Service Provider’s circumstancesPrequalified Service Providers must advise NSW Treasury of any material change in circumstances. They must:

Update their online profile in e-Tendering to reflect any change in contact details or physical address.

Notify the Department, in writing, of any substantial change in, for instance; their financial capacity, technical capacity, capability or ownership status, or any convictions or breaches of legislation or statutory regulations.

Email full details of any substantial change, with full email signature, to [email protected].

3.7.3 Changes to ACN or ABNAny entity that changes its ACN or ABN after prequalification is deemed to be a new entity. As such:

the prequalified entity will be removed from the scheme (as it is no longer eligible to contract with government using the registered ABN or ACN)

the new entity must re-apply for prequalification.

3.8 Maintaining prequalification3.8.1 Suspension from schemeNSW Treasury will suspend a prequalified Service Provider’s prequalification, for any non-compliance with scheme conditions or the Head Agreement (e.g. non-compliance with Scheme Conditions or poor performance of work).

NSW Treasury is not obliged to advise the Service Provider before deciding to suspend As soon as practicable, NSW Treasury will provide information to the Service Provider

about the reasons for the suspension The suspension will remain in force until the Service Provider addresses the reasons for the


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New tendering opportunities will not be offered to the Service Provider during the period of suspension.

If the actions required to end the suspension have been implemented the Service Provider should provide full details, in writing, to [email protected]

NSW Treasury will:

reinstate the Service Provider’s rights and benefits if the issue is resolved, or recommend further action to resolve the issue, or remove the Service Provider from the scheme if the reason for the suspension cannot be

resolved to the satisfaction of NSW Treasury.

3.8.2 Removal from scheme NSW Treasury may revoke a Service Provider’s prequalification to the Scheme by terminating the Head Agreement and the ability to accept Orders. This is detailed in the Head Agreement

3.8.3 Review of decision to suspend or removeExcept for cases of illegal conduct if a Service Provider is not satisfied with a decision made by NSW Treasury regarding suspension or removal from the scheme, they may request a formal review. The request must be sought, in writing, within 20 business days of receipt of notification. The Service Provider must provide full details of the reasons for the request and, if applicable, include supporting documentation.

Email full details to [email protected]

Any person (or subordinate of that person) cannot participate in the review if they were involved in:

the making of the original decision, or the investigation of the breach or performance issue that gave rise to the original decision.

3.9 Legal3.9.1 Applicant's acknowledgmentIn applying for prequalification, the applicant agrees to accept all scheme conditions including the terms and conditions of the Head Agreement.

Lodging an application will evidence an eligible Service Provider’s agreement to comply with the framework, system, guidelines, and scheme conditions when prequalified.

Service Providers must also ensure their employees, subcontractors, consultants and contractors comply with all relevant legal obligations.

Any compliance breach may result in the termination of an engagement and/or suspension or removal from the scheme.

3.9.2 ConfidentialityConfidential information submitted by an applicant or prequalified Service Provider will be treated as confidential by agencies unless otherwise required by law. All information submitted may be subject to due diligence, including reference checking, searches, interview, enquiries and confirmation, and applicants, by applying for prequalification, are taken to have authorised any such action.

3.9.3 Publicity and use of NSW Government logo by suppliersThe NSW Waratah logo is a registered trademark and the property of the NSW Government. It cannot be used by suppliers without authorisation.

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The terms and conditions of a procurement contract are not sufficient to authorise the use of a trademarked logo.

If you have provided services to the NSW Government, you can reference this as part of your client portfolio with approval from your government agency client.

The Registered Supplier and Contracted Supplier logos are no longer permitted for use. They should be removed from corporate and marketing materials.

Please seek advice from the from the NSW Procurement Service Centre if if you have any questions.

Service Providers must not advertise, promote or publicise in any form their inclusion in this scheme without the written consent of NSW Treasury.

Email your request to [email protected]

3.9.4 DisclosureIn applying, the applicant agrees to permit the NSW Government to:

Publish information about the application and the applicant Publish information about contracts awarded to the applicant Disclose certain information in accordance with Division 5 of the Government Information

(Public Access) Act 2009.

3.9.5 DisclaimerThe Department reserves the right at its absolute discretion to:

accept an application, with or without additional conditions reject an application suspend or remove a Service Provider from the scheme.

In the exercise of such discretion, NSW Treasury will not be liable for any costs or damages incurred by the Service Provider.

3.9.6 No guarantee of workThe application process, acceptance into the scheme do not guarantee a Service Provider:

continuity of the prequalification over the duration of the scheme receipt of opportunities to tender that engagements or work of any kind or quantity will be offered.

3.9.7 Precedence of documentsWhen a prequalified Service Provider is engaged to provide cleaning services, the agreement comprises the Scheme Conditions, Head Agreement and the Order (with terms agreed between the Service Provider and the Agency).


4 Review and development of the schemeThe scheme will be monitored by NSW Treasury to assess whether the objectives and intent of the scheme are being met. Modifications to the scheme may be made at the discretion of NSW Treasury at any time during the life of the scheme.

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The Service Provider will be notified of any changes or transitional arrangements that have been made.

The scheme is subject to continuous review and any aspect of the scheme is subject to change based on the requirements of NSW Government and the Department.

The Service Provider accepts that scheme modifications may be implemented in the future. Should this occur affecting a Service Provider’s scheme compliance or ability to tender for future work this will be at the sole risk of the Service Provider.

Appendix A - Description of work categoriesThe Service Provider is to provide all materials, consumables, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and equipment, required to deliver Services.

General Cleaning Ref Work category Description

A1 Routine Cleaning Regular cleaning to provide a comprehensive cleaning service including all necessary tasks to ensure a sanitary, clean and tidy environment consistent with the function of the Facility, including:

a. sweepingb. moppingc. wiping (dust / dirt which is adhering to any surface must be removed

with a damp cloth)d. dustinge. vacuum cleaningf. floor polishingg. glass cleaning (excluding working at heights)h. low and high pressure cleaning of external hard surfaces i. toilet / ablution cleaningj. litter and waste disposal.

A2 Periodical Carpet Cleaning

Cleaning of carpets using water extraction or other suitable alternative methods in accordance with the relevant Australian/New Zealand (AS/NZS) standards as a minimum. (Commonly done during vacation periods, annually at a minimum).

A3 Emergency cleaning (24Hr Call out)

Emergency cleaning such as cleaning up broken glass or damage following vandalism attacks, storm damage clean-up, clean-up of vomit, faeces, or other bodily fluid or matter. (Response time < 1 Hr).

A4 External Window Cleaning (from the ground)

High level window cleaning from the ground using specialised equipment - e.g. water fed poles.

A5 Graffiti removal The removal of graffiti that requires specialist treatment.

A6 Enhanced cleaning

Regular cleaning of high frequency touch points (COVID-19 infection risk reduction Cleaning) below door head height (2.1m) such as, but not limited to:

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Ref Work category Description

a. internal and external doorknobs and handlesb. bathroom fixtures that aren’t otherwise cleanedc. handrails in stairways and movement areasd. desks and tabletops in all roomse. all outdoor furniture and handrails including play equipmentf. light switches in all roomsg. small and medium motor vehicle interior and exterior surfaces

other hard surfaces that are frequently touched.

Important Health guidance to be complied to:

a. Fogging is not recommended for prevention of COVID-19 infection. b. Australian Government Department of Health’s COVID-19 Interim

Guidance - Cleaning and Disinfection in Public settings and;c. NSW Health’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information about routine

environmental cleaning and disinfection in the community d. Service Providers are to ensure they have the latest advice, information

and resources, via

Environment Cleaning Ref Work category Description

B1 Environmental cleaning Environmental cleaning services following a diagnosis (or suspected diagnosis) of an occupant with COVID-19 in a Facility.

Mandatory Minimum Requirements:

1. Certificate of Compliance

At the completion of each clean, a Certificate of Compliance (Appendix C) must be signed by the on-site representative of the Cleaning Company. The Certificate of Compliance is to confirm that the cleaning has met the specifications set out in Appendix C only.

2. Specific requirements for cleaners in the response to the COVID-19 including PPE requirements

a. The risk when cleaning is not the same as the risk when face to face with a sick person who may be coughing or sneezing.

b. Cleaning staff should be informed to avoid touching their face, especially their mouth, nose, and eyes when cleaning.

c. Cleaning staff should wear impermeable disposable gloves and a surgical mask plus eye protection or a face shield while cleaning.

d. Cleaners should use alcohol-based hand rub before putting on and after removing gloves.

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Ref Work category Description

e. Alcohol-based hand rub should also be used before and after removing the surgical mask and eye protection.

f. The surgical mask and eye protection act as barriers to people inadvertently touching their face with contaminated hands and fingers, whether gloved or not.

g. NSW Health has advised that cleaning staff do not need to self-isolate for any period of time after conducting the cleaning.

3. Commercial Cleanser Requirements a. Appropriate commercial cleanser: 2-in-1

detergent/disinfectant, noting that detergent alone in this circumstance is not adequate.

4. Cleaning Requirements a. Manually clean all surfaces in the suspected

contaminated area with sufficient rigour b. Surfaces to be cleaned, may include seats, desks,

furniture, equipment, floors and walls c. Cleaning of carpets where applicable d. The site representative will specify the extent of clean. An

easy way to think of this is to consider areas frequently touched by a person as they move through the environment to ensure that, as well as regular cleaning, any emergency cleaning considers potential use.

e. Given we can’t see the fomites (the viral residue from sneezing or left behind by contaminated hands) the thinking through of places where this is most likely to occur is important.

5. Important Health guidance to be complied to:a. Fogging is not recommended for prevention of

COVID-19 infection. b. Australian Government Department of Health’s

COVID-19 Interim Guidance - Cleaning and Disinfection in Public settings and;

c. NSW Health’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information about routine environmental cleaning and disinfection in the community

d. Service Providers are to ensure they have the latest advice, information and resources, via

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Cleaning Auditing Services Ref Work


C1 Third-party auditing services

Compliance audits to report on the Service Provider’s by a third-party to ensure requirements such as below have been complied to:

current currency of insurance policies payment in accordance with the relevant award for employees all employees conducting the services on-site are processed for required security

clearance site QMS, WH&S and Environmental compliance requirements as set out in the

Agency Order have been adhered to services have been delivered in accordance with the scope of requirements as set

out in the Agency Order.

Appendix B – Schedule of Rates The Schedule of Rates have been calculated based on the current Cleaning Services Award’s Pay rates, with on-costs aligned to the Cleaning Accountability Framework (CAF). The “all-inclusive” Schedule of Rates are inclusive of: superannuation, payroll tax, annual leave, sick leave, allowances, insurances, worker’s compensation, materials, equipment (including PPE), uniforms, applicable security clearance fees, overheads and profit. GST is excluded.

There are three categories of Schedule of Rates tabled below for the specific Work Categories in Appendix A (No Schedule of Rates apply for Work Category C1- Third-party auditing services).

All Rates are valid until 30 June 2020 and will be adjusted on 1 July 2020 based on the Cleaning Services Award.

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StandardWork Categories: A1, A2, A4



Hourly Pay-Rate

Early morning, afternoon &

non-permanent night shift -Monday to


Night shift -

permanent -Monday to Friday



Public holida


Overtime -

Monday to

Saturday -first 2


Overtime -

Monday to

Saturday -after 2


Overtime -


Overtime -

public holiday

Full Time

Level 1 $34.73 $39.93 $45.15 $52.09 $69.46 $86.82 $52.09 $69.46 $69.46 $86.82Level 2 $35.93 $41.32 $46.71 $53.90 $71.86 $89.83 $53.90 $71.86 $71.86 $89.83Level 3 $37.87 $43.55 $49.23 $56.80 $75.73 $94.66 $56.80 $75.73 $75.73 $94.66


Level 1 $39.93 $45.15 $45.15 $57.30 $74.66 $92.03 $52.09 $69.46 $69.46 $86.82Level 2 $41.32 $46.71 $46.71 $59.28 $77.25 $95.21 $53.90 $71.86 $71.86 $89.83

Level 3 $43.55 $49.23 $49.23 $62.49 $81.42 $100.35 $56.80 $75.73 $75.73 $94.66


Level 1 $43.42 $48.62 $53.83 $60.78 $78.15 $95.51 $60.78 $78.15 $78.15 $95.51Level 2 $44.92 $50.31 $55.70 $62.89 $80.85 $98.82 $62.89 $80.85 $80.85 $98.82

Level 3 $47.34 $53.01 $58.70 $66.27 $85.21 $104.14 $66.27 $85.21 $85.21 $104.14

Graffiti removal & Enhanced Work Categories: A5, A6



Hourly Pay-Rate

Early morning, afternoon &

non-permanent night shift -Monday to


Night shift -

permanent -Monday to Friday



Public holida


Overtime -

Monday to

Saturday -first 2


Overtime -

Monday to

Saturday -after 2


Overtime -


Overtime -

public holiday

Full Time

Level 1 $38.38 $44.13 $49.90 $57.57 $76.75 $95.94 $57.57 $76.75 $76.75 $95.94Level 2 $39.70 $45.66 $51.61 $59.56 $79.41 $99.26 $59.56 $79.41 $79.41 $99.26

Level 3 $41.84 $48.13 $54.40 $62.76 $83.68 $104.61 $62.76 $83.68 $83.68 $104.61


Level 1 $44.13 $49.90 $49.90 $63.32 $82.51 $101.69 $57.57 $76.75 $76.75 $95.94

Level 2 $45.66 $51.61 $51.61 $65.51 $85.36 $105.21 $59.56 $79.41 $79.41 $99.26

Level 3 $48.13 $54.40 $54.40 $69.05 $89.97 $110.89 $62.76 $83.68 $83.68 $104.61


Level 1 $47.98 $53.73 $59.48 $67.17 $86.36 $105.55 $67.17 $86.36 $86.36 $105.55

Level 2 $49.64 $55.59 $61.55 $69.49 $89.34 $109.20 $69.49 $89.34 $89.34 $109.20

Level 3 $52.31 $58.58 $64.87 $73.23 $94.15 $115.08 $73.23 $94.15 $94.15 $115.08

Emergency callout & Environmental Work Categories: A3, B1

Type Cleaner Classification

Hourly Pay-Rate

Early morning, afternoon & non-permanent night shift -Monday to


Night shift -permanent -Monday to

FridaySaturday Sunday Public


Overtime -Monday

to Saturday

-first 2 hours

Overtime -Monday

to Saturday -after 2 hours

Overtime -Sunday

Overtime -public holiday

Full Time

Level 1 $56.62 $65.10 $73.61 $84.92 $113.23 $141.54 $84.92 $113.23 $113.23 $141.54Level 2 $58.57 $67.36 $76.14 $87.86 $117.15 $146.43 $87.86 $117.15 $117.15 $146.43Level 3 $61.73 $71.00 $80.25 $92.59 $123.46 $154.32 $92.59 $123.46 $123.46 $154.32


Level 1 $65.10 $73.61 $73.61 $93.41 $121.72 $150.02 $84.92 $113.23 $113.23 $141.54Level 2 $67.36 $76.14 $76.14 $96.64 $125.93 $155.22 $87.86 $117.15 $117.15 $146.43Level 3 $71.00 $80.25 $80.25 $101.86 $132.73 $163.59 $92.59 $123.46 $123.46 $154.32

Casual Level 1 $70.78 $79.27 $87.75 $99.09 $127.40 $155.71 $99.09 $127.40 $127.40 $155.71Level 2 $73.23 $82.01 $90.80 $102.52 $131.80 $161.09 $102.52 $131.80 $131.80 $161.09Level 3 $77.17 $86.42 $95.69 $108.04 $138.90 $169.76 $108.04 $138.90 $138.90 $169.76

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Appendix C - Terms and definitions Term Definition

ABN or ACN Australian Business Number of Australian Company Number (issued by Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)

Agency or


NSW Government agencies, and other clients using the scheme. This includes State owned corporations, universities, local councils etc. (Agencies or Customers).

Applicant An entity that has applied for prequalification under the Scheme

Cleaning services

Services relating to cleaning of assets, including:a) General Cleaningb) Environmental Cleaningc) Cleaning Audit Services

eTendering The NSW Government’s repository for past, current and future tenders. Service Providers can apply for prequalification schemes, manage their scheme application and change contact details. Agencies use the site to select prequalified Service Providers for tendering opportunities

Framework NSW Procurement Policy Framework - the suite of legislation, policies, Board Directions and other rules that apply to procurement in NSW (including construction procurement)

Government New South Wales Government

Registered Service Provider

Certified Service Provider

An entity that has been approved to perform specific work categories in specific regions and Orders up to a value of $100,000 (excluding GST) in accordance with the Scheme Conditions.

An entity that has been approved to perform specific work categories in specific regions and Orders, with no limitation on value, in accordance with the Scheme Conditions.

Buy.NSW The central repository for all NSW Government procurement

Regional NSW includes all areas within NSW outside the Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong metropolitan areas

Scheme / Prequalification Scheme

A prequalification scheme is list of prequalified Service Providers intended to be used more than once for procurements by one or more agency

SCM8971 Emergency Cleaning Stimulus Prequalification Scheme

Service Provider

Service Provider means the entity that has been approved as either a Certified Service Provider or Registered Service Provider to perform the work classifications of Services approved by Treasury NSW.

Service Reporting template

A report which will be required to be completed by Service Provider on a weekly basis, should the Service Provider be providing Services during the reporting period.

Services means the services required to be performed by the Service Provider as set out in the Scheme Conditions and any incidental services that can be reasonably inferred as

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Term Definition

necessary or appropriate to satisfy the Scheme Conditions, Head Agreement, and each Order.

Small or medium enterprise

An Australian or New Zealand based enterprise with fewer than 200 full time equivalent (FTE) employees

Work categories

A system to classify similar types of work, e.g. general cleaning, specialised cleaning, emergency cleaning

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Appendix D – Certificate of Compliance Mandatory Requirement for Environmental Cleaning

Cleaning Service Provider Certificate of Compliance

Please check off each box below. If not relevant put ‘N/A’. If not complete, add a comment in the comments section.


Everything below door head height (2.1m). ☐ Internal and external doorknobs and handles. ☐ Hand rails in stairways and movement areas. ☐ Lockers. ☐


Internal sealed floor surfaces are swept taking care that corners, edges and areas are clean and free of debris.

All rubbish is collected and disposed of. ☐ Internal hard or resilient floor surfaces are clean of dirt, grime, stains

and spillages. ☐

Corners, edges and areas under furniture are thoroughly clean. ☐

MOPPING Internal hard or resilient floor surfaces must be clean of dirt, grime,

stains and spillages. ☐

Corners, edges and areas under furniture are thoroughly clean. ☐


All surfaces below 2.1m such as partitions, sills, ledges, skirting boards, and furniture must be clean and free of dust.

All desks, chairs, and other furnishings in classrooms and other learning areas must be cleaned and free from debris, stains, and soiling.

VACUUM CLEANING All areas including under desks, furnishings and along skirting boards are to be free of litter/fluff and other foreign objects.


All furniture inclusions, fixed or otherwise, pans, cisterns, seats, urinals, taps, doors, piping, ductwork, dispensers and hand basins must be thoroughly cleaned, and disinfected using an appropriate germicidal cleanser.

Floors must be fully mopped and cleaned to maintain a clean and hygienic condition.


Clean workbenches, sinks and troughs in these areas. ☐

GLASS CLEANING Internal glass must be cleaned. Corners and edges are wiped clean. ☐

EXTERNAL External door handles and handrails ☐ OTHER (specify, site by site, and different asset types) ☐

On behalf of …………(Service Provider company name)… I acknowledge that the cleaning of ………..(asset name and reference numbers) …. has been cleaned in accordance with Work Category – “Environmental cleaning” decription, and the Scope of Services in the Agency Order.

Name and Signature (Service Provider’s On-Site Representitive)……………………………………………………………...

Name and Signature (Representative of the Facility)……………………………………………………………….

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Date ………………………………………………

Appendix E – Transition In/Out Checklist In accordance with clause 3.7.1 of the Scheme Conditions, when requested by the Agency, the checklist below will be completed, in collaboration with the Agency, by the Service Provider before and after delivery of the Services at the site.

Transition In/Out Checklist GuidePlease check off each box below. If not relevant put ‘N/A’. If not complete, add a comment in the comments section.

Item Transition In (Before commencing services) Checked

Induction Induction completed for new cleaner employees ☐Uniforms provided to all cleaner employees ☐

Security clearances

All cleaners have current Working with Children Checks ☐All cleaners have current Police Checks ☐All cleaners have site access passes and identification tags ☐Other security clearance checks (as required by the Agency on the Order) ☐

Occupational Health & Safety

Site Risk Assessment conducted prior to commencing the cleaning services ☐All cleaners provided with a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) ☐Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on-site for use of cleaning chemicals ☐Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available for cleaners ☐Other OH&S requirement checks (as required by the Agency on the Order) ☐

Site Management

Site log book establised for cleaners to log time on-site ☐Site supervision establised as appropriate to the number of cleaners on-site

Other site management requirements (as required by the Agency on the Order)

Item Transition Out (After contracted services are completed) Checked

Site exitmanagement

Certificate of Compliance signed-off (Mandatory for Environmental Cleans only)

Site access passes returned to the site representative ☐

Site log book removed from site ☐Site log book removed ☐Other site exit management requirements (as required by the Agency on the Order)

On behalf of …………(Service Provider company name)… I acknowledge that the above Transition In/Out checks for ………..(asset name and reference numbers) …. Have been completed in accordance with requirements set out in the Agency Order.

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Name and Signature (Service Provider’s On-Site Representitive)……………………………………………………………...

Name and Signature (Representative of the Facility)……………………………………………………………….

Date ………………………………………………

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