Northern Colonies In northern colonies, religion, not profit, drives colonization Puritan...

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Northern Colonies In northern colonies, religion, not profit, drives colonization Puritan...

Northern Colonies• In northern colonies, religion, not profit, drives

colonization• Puritan separatists leave Holland and land in

Plymouth, 1620, • Mayflower Compact- moderate self govt.• Myles Standish is their leader. • Merged with Mass. Bay Colony in 1691• Original co-existence w/ N.Am. > Tension• Expansion > conflict with Pequot Nation,

exterminated.• Metacom, aka King Philip’s War, 1675, last N.Am.

Resist. In Puritan colonies

Massachusetts Bay Colony

• 1630, as a “city on a hill” for Puritans

• 2/3 of males (churched only) enfranchised

• John Cotton and other ministers influ.

• Separation of Church and State

• Anne Hutchinson, exiled in 1638

Begins Am. trad. of Freedom of Conscience

• Roger Williams founds RI – religious tolerance

The Dutch

• Trade, esp. with Native Americans

• New Netherland Founded in 1613

• New Amsterdam founded 1623

• Patroonship system

• Captured by Duke of York 1664 (now NYC)

Middle Colonies

• PA founded by William Penn in 1681• Quakers- Society of Friends• Good PR• Good Relations with N. Americans• Tolerant and Democratic society• NJ sold to Quakers by Puritans, made a Royal

Colony in 1702• Farming, Industry, Multi-ethnic• Ben Franklin


• Founded in 1634 by Lord Baltimore• Haven for Catholics in Prot. England• Jesuits part of first colony in St. Mary’s City, said first

mass in English Colonies• Act of Toleration – 1649 – Religious Freedom•

maryland_toleration.htm• Mixed success for Catholics, becomes Protestant

majority and later Royal Colony• “Brown Gold”

West Indies

• Sugar is King – cash crop• Slaves needed to supply labor• Plantation system• Staging area for slaves for Southern US• Barbados Slave Code of 1661• Part of Triangular Trade

Sugar > Molasses > Rum > Slaves > Sugar >


• In Southern Colonies, development of Plantations leads to slavery

• “Brown Gold” – tobacco is king in VA• Independence of Virginia House of Burgesses ends

when James I makes it a royal colony• Indentured Servants used at first for labor• Headright system• 40% fatality rate• Problem: no property/rebel/disenfranchised

• Shift to slaves as labor source


• Founded by James Oglethorpe, 1733

• Philanthropist, pauper’s colony

• Buffer state with Spanish FL

• Melting pot of ethnicities


• Founded after Restoration of Charles II• 1670• Economy based on Indian Slave Trade• Rice Plantations• Slaves imported b/c of malaria resistance• Port of Charles Town founded• Later N. Carolina formed in reaction to

elites in VA and SC

Northern Colonies

Southern ColoniesMiddle Colonies




Religious Comm.

Farm & Industry

Small Farms

Slow, but Growing Conflict w/Indians

Good Climate


Rel. Freedom

Farm & Industry




Good Rel.w/Indian

Malaria in Chesap.



Cash Crops



Buffer State

Punitive Wars
