North Shore Trails - OCLC

Post on 28-Mar-2022

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Transcript of North Shore Trails - OCLC

North Shore Trails The North Shore Trails run along the north shore of the lake, from the Overlook Park through the Clinton State Park. The trails in this 23 mile system are single track, dirt biking and biking trails with mi le markers. Each trail is blazed with Blue, White or Red (Shoreline) and connector trails are blazed with two colors corresponding to the trai ls being connected. The North Shore Trails pass through an oak and hickory forest as it follows the lake shore. Bluebirds and beaver are abundant, and in the evenings gray fox, raccoon and coyotes can often be seen. Camping is only allowed in one area along the trail in the Clinton State Park. Restrooms and water can be found not too far off the trail in several locations.

George Latham Hiking Trail Two trailheads are located at the Woodridge Primitive Camping Area Blue blazes on trees mark the trail and '·George Latham Trair' si&rns are located southeast and northwest of the parking area marking the trailheads. The George Latham Trail meanders through forest, open fields and along the shoreline and retllrnS lo the trail head. Beaver, coyote and white-tailed deer are commonly observed in the area. Also, waterfowl can be seen in the arms of the lake during certain seasons. Chestnut oak, black walnut, eastern

redcedar, hackberry and sumac trees are the most common trees making up the forest. The trail is approximately 4.5 miles in length and can be hiked in a little more than 2 hours. The surface is composed mainly of packed earth and is fairly narrow due to low usage. During the summer months. poison ivy and insects may be a problem. Camping is allowed anywhere in the Woodridge Park area, although we ask that campsites be at least I00 feet away from the trail and fires are restricted to pennanent steel fire rings. Water and restrooms are provided at the trail head.

The South Shore/Rockhaven Trails This system of trails runs along the south shore of Cl inton lake. The official trailhead is located in the Rockhaven Park Area South Shore, Rockhaven Trails consist of many interesting trails "hich total approximately 35 miles. The trails are open to both hikers and horseback riders, but camping is allowed only in the campground near the main !railhead. Whi le exploring these trails, you will wander through forests, past open fields, along the lake shore and over the top of rocky hills. The surface is mostly packed eanh, except on the sides of hills where it may be rocky. Trees that are abundant along the trails include Osage orange, shagbark hickory, hackberry, eastern redcedar, and .some American sycamore. White-tailed deer and

.. rabbits are commonly seen in the area. Campsites ' arc located near the trailhead. These campsites

include picnic tables, gri lls and fire rings, and some are electric sites. Restroom s, showers and water are also available. Camping is restricted to the f urnishcd campsites.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Visitor Center Nature Trails

The trailheads for these trails are located behind the Corps of Engineers Visitor Center. The Backwoods Nature Trail is 5/8 mile looped trail. The Nature's Way Discovery Trai l is a 1/2 mile long looped trail. Both of these trails travel through Eastern Kansas woodlands. Both trai ls have several informational signs on posts along the trail. These trails are relatively short, but are fairly hilly. There are some woodchips, but trails are mostly compacted earth trails.

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©@®UUO}y ~Bfis© @]~ ~~:";;~-~·~.~ The City ofLawrence maintains approximately 4.5 miles of paved trail that travels from the north end of the dam (near Clinton Parkway and 900£), through the emergency spillway, and somewhat parallels the K-10 bypass road to 59 Highway (Iowa Street). Douglas County maintains a similar path that travels north approximately 4.5 miles, almost to I-70. This path is a wide paved trail that is perfect for bicycling, walking, running, and more.

City of Lawrence Off-Leash Dog Area

This is a large area with some mowed trails for off-leash dog exercise.

Trail Tips: • Watch for other types of users. Bikers should

yield to pedestrians and announce their approach.

• Use only established marked trails. Off-trail short cuts may contain hidden obstacles and their use will contribute to unwanted erosion.

•Let the trails dry out. When the trails are muddy, help preserve the tread condition by not using them until they are dry.

• Leave no trace. Pack out whatever you pack in so the trails are left exactly as you found them. Take only pictures ... Leave only footprints.

•Be courteous to wildlife. Avoid scaring wildlife by approaching slowly and quietly. They will reward you later by being there the next time.

• Prepare and plan your outing. Consider the expected effort level and weather conditions and pack water and food accordingly.

•Be aware of dangerous insects and animals which may be on the trails.

• Let someone know your expected route and planned return time.

US Anny Corps of Engineers ®

Kansas City District

Contact Information: Corps of Engineers

www.nwk. usace.anny. mi I/cl/ e-mail: l

Phone: 785-843-7665

Clinton State Park http://kdwpt. stale. ions/Clinton

- Blue Trail (Hike/Bike)

White Trail (Hike/Bike)

George Latham Trail - Precision Bike Trail

Hiking Trail • • • 1 Corps of Engineers Property Boundary

Campsite - X-Country Ski Trail

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Miles



North Shore Trails and Outlet Park

- Sanders Mound (Paved) Corps of Engineers Visitor Center Trail - Lawrence Hike and Bike Trail (Paved) Road

Connector Trail Corps of Engineers-1-1- Mutt Run Off-leash Dog Trail Property Boundary

0.5 1.5 2Miles

South Shore Equestrian and Hiking Trails Trail Flag Color

Blue Trail

Orange Trail

0 0.25 0.5

Yellow Trail



-·- Corps of Engineers Property Boundary


1 Miles